Umair ppt

In the name of Allah Kareem, Most Beneficent, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful !

Transcript of Umair ppt

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In the name of Allah Kareem,Most Beneficent, Most Gracious, the Most Merciful !

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Factors Affecting Profitability in Banking sector of Pakistan

• Presented by:• Umair Maqbool• MBPE-F14-044• The Superior University , Lahore

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• Many studies focusing on organizational behavior have given extensive consideration motivation, employee job satisfaction and organizational performance.

• Motivation can be elaborated as what individuals strive to achieve better• Still the motivation will not have effect on individuals if they are unable to perform a task

or if they are not willing for certain tasks. • Motivation is going to work if the right person with suitable skills is made responsible for

the job or otherwise it will be wastage of resources and time, and may lead to an opposite side that creates an incapable and non-willing job performer

• This paper is aimed to study all those employees who are involved in administrative duties in the public sector university set up.

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Purpose of Study

• The Job Satisfaction has major and important objective of Public Universities sector in Pakistan. All the Public Sector Universities work not only for Profit but for Job satisfaction to fulfill the claims.

• In this context, the purpose of this survey based quantitative study will be to

identify the factors affecting in Job Satisfaction in public sector universities of Pakistan. In this Job satisfaction is dependent variable whereas Intrinsic Factors and Hygiene (Extrinsic) Factors are independent variables i.e. Pay(P), Companies Policies (CP) and Job Security (JS) are the intrinsic factors while Promotion (P), Opportunities (O) and Achievements (A) are Hygiene factors

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Significance of Study

• This study will provide guidance for design and deliver the right offering and strategies.

• This will helpful for knowledge and understanding research gap.• This study will check the moderating effect of culture sensitivity and also it will

determine the mediating role of profitability and its impact on brand or customer loyalty in further.

• This study will be of unique in terms of local Govt. Bodies and will guide them for modifications of rules and regulations.

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Literature Review

• The debate on job satisfaction started when Herzberg published his book “THE


• Herzberg’s theory was severely criticized and pointed out by various researchers, as this

theory was making people uncovering themselves. (Vroom,1964).

• Job satisfaction is an attitude towards work-related conditions, facets, or aspects of the job.


• Dissatisfied individuals leave the organization and inflate the motivation of those staying

there. (Feinstein, 2000) .• Salary, social status, advancement, ability utilization, administrative-employee relationship,

creativity, security are the main factors that determine job satisfaction amongst education

sector employees.(Sonmezer and Eryaman,2008)

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Research Objective

• Main Objective:• To determine the factors affecting Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector Universities of

Pakistan•  • Sub Objective:• To determine the relationship between Pay and Job Satisfaction.• To determine the relationship between Company Policies and Job Satisfaction.• To determine the relationship between Job Security and Job Satisfaction.• To determine the relationship between Promotion and Job Satisfaction.• To determine the relationship between Opportunities and Job Satisfaction.• To determine the relationship between Achievements and Job Satisfaction.•  

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Theoretical Framework:

Research Question?What are the factors affecting Job Satisfaction in Public Sector Universities of Pakistan?

Job Satisfaction

Company Policies


Job Security




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Research Hypothesis

• Main Hypothesis:• Ho: There is no direct relationship between internal & external factors and Job satisfaction.• H1: There is a direct relationship between internal& external factors and Job satisfaction.

• .

This hypothesis will categorized into sub hypothesis as per the independent and dependent

variables relations.

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• This study will use the positivism approach because this study will verify the theory that

exists before by following the deductive approach.

• This study has the admin. staff as population under public sector universities.

• The listed staff that will give the data will be treated as sample unit under non-probability.

• The secondary source of longitudinal data will be collected by the survey techniques i.e.

structured interviews and observations and also Questioners.

• Questioners include the closed ended Questions and have the interval and ratio scales.

• For the data analysis the study will use the regression analysis technique.

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Limitations & De-limitation

• Financial Resources:

• The research will limited to Pakistan only due to non-availability of funds.

• Human Resources:

• Due to the lack of qualitative expertise, the study conduct on quantitative research.

• Physical Resources: 

• The study has the limited research team therefore it will conduct the research in Lahore

city only.

• Due to the lack of funds, team and qualitative expertise, the study covers the quantitative

research. The study narrows down the scope of its study on banking sector restricted to the

Pakistan and to the Lahore city.

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 • This study will counter all the ethical issues faced by the people gives us the valuable data.

This study will follow the following rules during my research:

• People must be respected.

• Follow the rules regarding physical risks.

• No harm to the respondents in term of financial and psychological as well.

Ethical Consideration

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• Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The Motivation to Work (2nd edition), John Wiley & Sons, NewYork.

• Vroom V. H. (1964). Work and motivation, Wiley Inc, New York.

• Wiener, Y. (1982). Commitment in organizations: A normative view. Academy of Management Review, 7(3):418-428.

• Feinstein, A. H. (2000). A study of relationships between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among restaurant employees.

• Sonmezer, M. G., & Eryaman, M. Y. (2008). A comparative analysis of job satisfaction level of public and privateschool. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 4(2), 189-212


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