u'i Children Fund Lotteij Lru u Kcptely,...

" THE C. C. P. and 31. CO. J Who This Company Are u'i Where Thej Keslde. A U of Tho Affected 'sy tbe Advance of tlie ftok The llooiri, imaugTiraUed. The Sentinel JterdaT fcave the news of the probable (vnnce in the 6tockof the Colorado Go-o- p er&tive -- Prospecting and Mining Com pa-jy- . .The following is a copy of the order: PyroiA Atolis, Ind., October 20, I'M). To the IPtUna Lnvesttmnt Company (Financial Agent- - thi,, compact : I am Instructed to notify you to at on f advance the rs-io- e of the clock ol thin Com-P- n to $i75 per nhare ef $10 par value. You will ort"' jt f,,r immediate. sa'e 500 shares, subject to an iac wiUkout nUee. yours respectfully. O. U. PfARCP, General Manager CC 1. aud M. Co. It will be een that there is a strong up- ward movement in this stock, and it is prob-oMMcimr- iih corniiletion of their mill in the near future. It will not be surprising to see tliis stock held at $5 per share by the m i.l.il. rJ Vrtvember. I'loW is the list of the fortunate ones and their residence: Erastus Brook, President Express Printing Co., New York flty. T. J. Kilian, Menlo Park, New Jersey. Miller dt Thompson, Ada, Ohio. C. Akron. Ohio. Heaeon lub. Co., Akron, Ohio. K. Knight t Co., AUnm. Ohio. Warner d bucht I, Akron, tiio. Independent lub. Co.. Alliance, Ohio. J. w. GhlH it, AlUince, Ohio, V. M. jeu. Amherst. Ohio. R. M. MontRoxajry. Andover, Ohio. - - - K F. Kraut-r- . Arcanum, Ohio. Nelson & Gate. Ashland. Ohio. J. C. A J. IT. Stubbs, Ashland, Ohio. Sherman. Kote & Co.. Ashtabula. Ohio. Keed St don, Ashtabula, Ohio. - T. "" ' " C. E. N Jenniupn. Athens. Ohio. ( O. H. ltalsley, Attica, Ohio. . J. K. Woodhef, Batavia, Ohio, Cowsn & Co., Batavia, Ohio. J. K. Anderson, Bellaire, Ohio. - J. R. Oow, Bellaire, Ohio. W. Ü. Fori, Bellaire, Ohio. Evangelist Pub. ., Beilefontaine, Ohio. Stoner Js Thompson. Bellevue, Ohio. Baker & Son, liellevue, Ohio. ... Potta b Fau, Bellevue. Ohio. N. W. Cunningham, Bellevae, Ohio. Saxton .t Co., Canton, Ohio. " A. M. Preycr. Canton, Ohio. v , .' M. Halstead & Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. ,.., Star Publishing Company, CinciAnatWÜhio. . , i. W. Rice. Cincinnati. Ohio. ' J. F. Callaghan, Chicinnati.Ohio.- - - - . Spencer Al Craig. Cincinnati. Ohio. Montfort & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hale fc Co., Cincianati, Ohio. Search A Meek. Ohocton. tthio. Y. C. Cnlley. lefi slice .V Ufa ' -- v Thompson dt Holt, Defiance, Ohkx "Wheeling k Smith, Dresden, Ohio. Roberta a Co.. East Palestine, Ohio, Paul Knerr. Fremont. Ohio. . . J. Combs, Irontown, Ohio. . V, E. S. Wllmax, Irouiown. Ohio. J... ' Gould & Townnley, JarkVon, Ohio. I. Macklc, Jackson, Ohio. , .!'' . . Y. Wetxter. Lancaster, l)hio,v 1 t.reen & UoHher, Logan. OhlTx J Kieth ib Sons, Logan,-O- h U - F. K. Pnrsell. Ionian. Ohio."' Jacob Mendersou. Cincinnati, O. K P. Stedmau. Walnut Hill. Cincinnati, O. W. R. Jillu, Bowling üreeu, Ohio. J. W. Dowen, McArlhur. Ohio. A. Itarleon. McArlhur, Ohio. S. McMillian, Marietta, Ohio. ' Mueller k Sou, Marietta, Ohio. S. & J. Hoover, Masillo!i. Ohio. C. E. Taylor. Maa-illo- n. Ohio. Enteil b Newton. Milleixl.un?, Ohio. ' White & CunuUujhain, Millersburg, Ohio. Wm. V. Morsaa, Newark, Ohio. Green & Malloy, New Lexington. Ohio. W. A. Ca.ell, New Lexington. Ohio. Mathews, KlUottA Co, New Philadelphia, Ohio M. C. Mcllvaiue. New Philadelphia, Ohio. Telegraph Priming Company, Pomroy, Ohio. J. W. Newman, Portsmouth, Ohio. W. H. Bonsall, Porunnouth, Ohio. North Rupe, Salineville, Ohio. J. W. Laoock, SalinoHle, Ohio. Weixebaum & Schoenthall, Springfield, Ohio. Elifriu 5e Winters, Springtield, Ohio. McFadden A Hunter, Steubenvllle, Ohio. Toledo P. and P. Co., Toledo. Ohio. John C. Clark. Wadsworth, Ohio. Youngstown Nws Co., Youngstown, Ohio. YoungHlowu f. Co., Youngstown, Ohio. W. L. Brown. Youngstown, Ohio. Podd & Brown,- - Zaneoille, Ohio. Hayes St Kuhe, Allentown, Penn. Iredell & Co., Allentown, Penn. J. Irwin Steele, Ashland, Penn. P. A. Kauitfin. Harnhrad's Mills, Tcnn. Godshalk 6c Co. Bethlehem. Peuu. 11. T. duuder, Bethlehem, Penn. J. C. Brown, Bloomsburg, Penn. I. K. Poud, Blossburg, Penn. C. F. Persons. iradford. Penn. A. R. Carlisle. Brookville. Penn. Weaver Druih, fcrookvilU, Pin. . E. A. Hastings. Brownsville. 1'enn. Hower t Co., Br-- n Mown. Peun. S. 8. Benedict, arbondale, Penn. 1. N. Lathrop, CarbondaU, l'enn. E. Randall, Catasauqua, Penn. W. 1L Bartholomew, Catabauqua, Penn. M A. Falu. ChambersburKh, ienn. W illiam A. Tvxld, Chester, Penn. Y. K. Walker, Chostcr, Peun. T. F. Kuobb. Clarion, Peun. West A Ray, Clarion, Penn. joodl-uide- r A Son. Clarion, Pen. J. R. Bixter. Clearfield. Penn. Row A Son. Clearfield, Penn. Uoodutader A Lee. Clearfield, Penn. A. M. Rambo, Columbia, Peun. . W. H.Orier, Columbia, Penn. J. W. Yocum, Columbia, Penn. GeorgYouug, Columbia. Peun. T. L'haLfnint, utuivUle, l'enn. H. A. McPike, tieusburg, Penn. E. James. Ebensbarg, Penn. W. J. Huliugit. Kiuietou. Penn. J. K. WUUrd. Krie, l'wuuüylvanta. R. Jt Brown, trie. Pennsylvania. E. W. Sraiiey, Franklin. PemisjlvaniA. A. 1. Whitaker. Franklin, l"eunsylvania. S. A. Focht, Humour.;, fenmylvania. J. H. iLueliou, 1'enuHylvaiiia. G. C. Uelmbuldi, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. H. Nlcb0.soii, inekso.i. Pa. i. A. TroUBn, HoluUaykburgh, Pennsylvania. Iaid Over, Holadaysourgu, t'eunsylvauia. WUsou A Penman, Houwlale, Pennsylvania. T. J. Ham, Honadale, Peuusylvauia. H. F. Haiues, HouMlalu, Pennsylvania. Lindsay A Wllloughby, Huntington, Pa. S. K Fleming A Co., Huntington, i'eunsylvania. A. Henry, Kittauuiug, I'eunsylvania. J. W. iUOxrvr, Kltuuiuliig. 1'enuiiylvania. ttowman A Co., Lebanon, I'euusylvauuu W. M. Urealim. LebauoiL Pennsylvania. John Young, Lebanon, PenusylvAnia. H. H. Kuode, Lliuealoffu, I'eunsylvania. fi. M. intens, Pennsylvania. J. W. rritchaid, McKeeKrt, Pennsylvania. Carotheni At Broa., MeKeesport, Pennsylvania. , J. I. .fcijui:iKer, Maunelm, Pennsylvania. C. Kuepper, Vlanaiieid Valley, Pennsylvania. Schoeit A Hendrickson, Marietta, Pennsylvania. O. O. Camero , Maiietla, Pennsylvania. E II. Kouch. Jiauch hunk, Peuuhylvania. E. M. Bale, aiucuehuuk, Peuutylvauia. J. Lynvti, Mauchchauk, Peuusylvauia. K. iL Thomm, atei'haiucaburgb, Peunsylvania. W. H.4K.U Garvin, Mercer, Pennsylvania. J. B. ldiUenDuo;h. J'eunsylvania, C. U. Kiliou, Miuervule. Peuueylvania. Wm. Wanniugioit, ML Pleasant, Pennsylvania, w. T. Bair, Mu L'niou. i'eunsylvania. F. 8. Reader, New Brighton, I'enusylvanla. JC t Huinau, New alle, I'eunsylvania. McCrackeu A Co., New Cu.it le, Pennsylvania. Penn A Muue, New Calle, 1'euuMylvania. M. R. Wllut, Morrlatown, Pennsylvania. h. B. Ileiiieustelu. Mormtown. J'euiiMylvanla. Hrisbiu Brut., Oaceola Midi, 1'enuHylvania. Pres tympany, Philailelphia, I'eunsy lvania. Georx W. Chixls, Phil-wleiplii- J'enusylvauia. Frank McLuughliu, Philauelphia, l'enn. School k inakeiy. Phildelpnla. Pennsylvania. T. Hart, Jr., PUwlou. l'eunitylvuia. Dealer iTinüng Company, l iti.ston, Penn. Snyder A Caoper. Plyinouib, Pennsylvania. E. J. itanbe, Plymouth, i'euusylvaula. J. Kolaud, PolLsville, J'euusylvtuila. J. U. bchatler, Keno ra. Pennsylvania. W. O. SmiUi, Keyuoldrviile. Pennsylvania. Fraier & Co., su ft let-burg- Pennsylvania. L. 1. tawfora. andy Lake, i'eunsylvania. A. A. (Anaoe, bcraulou, Pennsylvania. O.W. Beueaict, Set an ton, I'eunsylvania. HeÜVlrii.ger & Coder, Shamokiu, Pennsylvania. Sbamokin 'I imes Company. Shamokiu, i'eun. J. K. McNabb, Sha:ou, Peuusylvauia. O. 1. Ii ci teil, Sharon, J'eiuisylvania. C, W. Rajr, Sharon , Pennsylvania. Hcrani prmt-ui-g Company, Sheueudoah. Penn. bierrloh AlwecK, Sheuendooh, Pennsylvania. K ii. TuNa, Sbickitulnney, Pennsylvania. H. F. Baibour, feuiiihport, Pennsylvania. T. F. Batderff. Tremont, I'euueylvauU, Jone A Co., Tyrone, Pennsylvania. W. H. Miller. Cuioutown. Pennsylvania. BeattyA Conner, Cuioutown, Pennsylvania. Rush A Ritneur, Unlontown. Pennsylvania. Litman, klciXiwell A Co., Cuioutown, Pa. WilkaBbarre Pub. Co.. Wiiaeabarre. I'a, Gaieu aud Bulletin Pub. Co., Williamsport, Pa Moore A Welixhoffer. Wrigauvllle, Pa. C. K. Bait. Abingdom, llliuots. Bal.-Hiun- A Kmeraon, Albion, llliaoU. C. M. Kiug. Aliamout, Illinois. Holden A Xorton, Alton, lliinoii. ' R. Boolu. Alton. JUinoU - W, JJ. U4Mkel Amboy. llUnote. THE INDIANA STATE SENTINEL. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17, leso. tl. L. Shoals, Atlanta, ißtnois. Soeitlesmund A H'.wkrns, Aurora, niinois. Knickerbocker 'j IIotMer. Aurora, Illinois. Burton A Co., Aurora, Illinois. P. Klein, A'imra, Illinois. C. A. Lewii, BaUvia, Illinois. W. O. Iavi, Bloomington, HHnoW. ' J. Koestner. BloominRton, lllinoLs. K. 1L MUler. Brimtield. Illinois. J. E. Cummings, Bushneil, Illinois. E. A. Burnett, Cairo, Illinoi. J. C, Smithe, Cambridge, Illinois. B. W. Seaton, Cambridge. Illinois. Leigh A Miller, Canton, Illinois. S. G. Thornton, Canton, Illinois. A. Ackermnn, Carbondale, Illinois. Macoupin Printing Companv, 'arlinsville, 111. Priw A Sons, Carrollton, Illinois. C. M. Shultx, Carthage, Illinois. J, W. Kveru, Centralia, Illinois. William Knopp, Chester, Illinois. V. C. P. Co.. C hester, Illinois. R. Butler, Clinton. Illinois. A. G. Smith, Danville, Illinois. Commercial Company, Danville, Illinois. . Kimball. Decatur, Illinois. Hamsher A Mosser, lecatur, Illinois. J. S. Cibird, Fairbury. Illinois. Stabeck A Hows, Freeport, Illinois. Wagner A Co., Freeport, Illinois. Richards A Co.. Freeport, lllinoit. Soott A Co., Galena, Illinois. m Voss A Witt, Galena, Illinois. McGowen A Uro., Golconda, Illinois. Thielecke Bros. A Co., Golconda, Illinois. J. I. Stockton. Grand Tower, Illinois. Conover A Pearce, Harrisbun?, Illinois. i B. Hayward, Jollet. Illinois. J. ioodie.Ml, Jollet, Illinois. Whitney'A Phelps, Kewanee, Illinois. C. Pa-t- . Kewanee, Illinois. Clark A Son. Monmouth, Illinois. Deahard A Witte. Ottawa. Illinois Cullen A Sapp, Ottawa, Illinois. Creiner Bros.. Poria, Illinois. W. T. Dowdall. Peoria, Illinois. 1'. T. Co.. I'eorU, Illinois. ,H. Ellsworth. I'eru, Illinois. Bailey A Buscnm. Princeton, Illinois. Germania Publl-hln- g Company, Quincy, - "arto(ran A Gardner, Qoincey. IllinaLO J. M. Hog?. Shawueetoa n. Illinois. P. M. l.esiuer, Sparland, IUinoiH. T. W. S. Kidd, SpriiiKficld, Illinois. W. T. Martin. Taylorville, Illinois. A. T. Iwls. Urbana. Illinois. W. L. tiay , Urbana, Illinois. ' II. C Game. Urbana, Illinois. J. W. Haws, Clayton, 111. W. F. Bates, Chicago, 111. T. J. Poage. Bolivar, Missouri". 'ad well A Co., Boonville. Missouri. E. T. Sailer, Boonville, Missouri. A. 8. Stanley, Buffalo. Mbourt. Wade A Scudder, Butler, Missouri. U. D. Ausrtn, llutlcT, Missouri. T. D. Bosrte, Huntsville, Missouri. Balthis A Collins. JIuntsviile, MLssouri. N. C. Bun h. Jefferson City, Mistsouri. KegLster Publishing Company, Lexington, M Carmon A Co., Moberly. Missouri. . H. S. Hesbert, Rolla, Missouri. W. J, Powell, Rolla, Missouri. C. Gatzweilar, St. Charles, Missouri. : W. Gaodwln. sedaita, Missouri. Democrat Comvauy, Missouri. Rnssell & Wheeling, Steeleville, MLs-sour- F. G. Fulkerson. Tuscumbia. Missouri. II. U. Webb, Cnionvillc, Missouri. , i J. R. Hannay. Versailes Missouri. S. W. smith, Warsaw, Missouri. V. Moon, Webb City, Missouri. A. J. Keltiis, Blotmlngton, Indiana. . J. J. Cnber. Brazil, Indiana. L. Wolfe, Brazil. Indiana. Gray A Travis, Brazil, Indiana. G. W. DeiRham, T$nuil. Indiana. S. B. Rilev, Brazil, Indiana. W. C Underwood. Cannelton. Indiana. J. H. Spencer, Covington. Indiana. J. H. Adaras. Edwardsport, Indiana. ;hae A Kent, Mkhart, Indiana. Courier J'rtntlng Company, Evansville. Indiana. Tribune Publishing company, Evansville, Indi- ana. '. Ioane. Jasper, Indiana. Wad-wor- th A Kessler, La Porte Indiana. J. M. Boord, Owcnsbnrg, Indiana. W. P. Knight, Petersburg, Indiana. E. H. How ell, Petersburg. Indiana. Terre Haute. E. P. A Co., Terre Haute, Iudiana J. O. Ilardestv, Terre Haute, Indiana. Terry A Co.. Terre Haute, Indiana. M. Krebs. Washington, Indiana. T. N. Jones, Danville, Ind. M. C. Keefe, Brightwood. Ind O. II. Smith. Danville, Ind. John W. Ragsdale, Franklin, Tnd. J. R Farmer, Brightwood, Ind. A. R. Simpson, State Line, Ind. John C. Shoemaker. Indianapolis, Indiana. Charles Willis. Indianapolis, Ind. II. W. Bonn, Indianapolis, lud. J. A. Hargreaves, Indianapolis, Ind. J. T. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. C. W. Buchanan. Indianapolis, Ind. J. II. Long. Indianapolis, Indiana. Pillsburg A .. Augusta, Maine. M. Emery, Bangor, Maine. C. A. Bou telle. Bangor. Maine. W". M. Rust, Belfast, Maine. W. II. Simpson, Belfast, Maine. G. A. A T. A. Hobbs. Bidrtcford, Maine. W. H. Waldron A Co., Lcwisbwn, Maine. J M. Adams A Co. Porland, Maine. Wm. Noyes, Saeo, Maine. Ringwalt, Hack A Miller, Washington, District of Columbia. Washington. Tost Co., Washington, District of Columbia. K. KurHnrhom. Wishlngton. D. C, Don Piatt, Washington, District of Columbia. L. Schade, Washington, District of Columbia. T. B. Kalbfost, Washington, D.C. R. Worthington A Co., Boston, Mass. Journal News Compauy, Boston. Mass. Almv. Milue A Co., Fall River. Mass. Herald Publishing Company, Fall River, Mass. Hase A Co.. Newberry port, Mass. Palfry A Walton, Salem, Mass. A. Wheeler, Bridgeport. Conn. Wm. M. Keeler, Greenwich, Conn. Hawlev, Goodrich A Co., Hartford, Conn. Bulletin Comiwuy, Norwich, Conn. J. T. Maynihan, Muscatine, Iowa. G. W. Weipert, Muscatine, Iowa. C. P. Reynolds. Muscatine. Iowa. John Dobbs, Muscatine, Iowa. James Mayes, Muscatine, Iowa. A. Maynihan. Mnwatine, Iowa. T. J. Grant, Mu.scatin, Iowa. Betts Bros, Muscatine, Iowa. 0. W. Pence, Wellnian, la. E. C. Pence, Wellman, la. J. W. Harbaugh, Muscatine, la. A. M. Pearce, Muscatine, la. William M. Pence, Wellman, la. W. L. Stevens, Sil ver ClifT, Colorado. L. Rosa, Silver Cliff, Col. J. W. Crittenden, oalena, Colorado. Wm. Booth, Silver Cliff, Colorado. A. H. Cormau, Cobntdo Sprlugs. Colorado. Milo Vergenn, Silver Cliff, Colorado. G. O. J'earce, Galena, Colorado. C. F. McKay, Leadville, Col. P. T. Pearce.JSteele Uty, Nebraska. V. W. Pearce, Steele City, Nebraka. K. J. Pearce, Steele City, Nebraska. J. O. Pearce. Steele City, Nebraska. J. P. Sanborn. Newport, R. 1. Nickerson, Sibley A Co., Pawtucket, R. I. Providence Pre Compauy, Providence, R. L W. P. ITeble. Portland, Me. W. J. Manley, Dalton.Ga. ' : r , SEYMOCK. Vrom the Address of Stjisonr at the ltrooklya Acdeniy ot Music. October 21, 1880. New York. World, Oct. 22, 1S30. FEtLow-CiTirES- 8 To use a homely phrase, we j find that our opponents have concluded to swap horses while crossing a Htream. Laughter and applause. They attempted first to inflame your mind?against your Icllow-citizen- s of the south, a nU now they are trying another issue. I am not astonished at this anxiety for labor only two weeks before the election, nut whydxl they not have this anxiety at the outset? They have been forced to change their position in this canvass. The public mind revolted against appeals to pus&ion, directed against the people ox tue soutli Hie business men in constant intercourse with that section learned the falsne of the charges brought against it. Driven irum their nrst position. they now . say that the labor of the country will i be harmed if General Hancock is elected. They claim that the tiresent prostieritv is due to bolitical action. aad not to the lubor of our people in field ana worksnops. . - , ' WHT Tilt COCSTWT IS PROPötOCS. TVhy are we now prosperous? 'It i 3 be cause the American people, without distine- - tiou ot party, by their toil In their work- shops and by their attention to business. have gained that wealth, aided bv the boundless harvests which God in His kind- ness has given us, and because the people of r.urope nave been less fortunate Uian we in this favored land. But the history of the Administration itice the war has been the most sad as regards the morals and interests of our country to be foand on the pages of history. What has made the change? Why re new factories built all over our land? Why are ail forms of industry now blessed with prosperity? Every man of intelligence knows that it is due to the abundance of our farm products; to a demand for them from Europe, and to the low cost of transporta- tion from , the West to the seaboard. .The - failure - of the crops in Kurope made the demand; the labor ofour people brought forth the supply. The ques- tion remains, what reduced the cost of trans- portation? Tli at is not only of interest as to the past, but it is vital to the future. If it can be kept down we thall be able to keep our foothold in European markets. Ilcpub-publica-ns claim that their administration is entitled to the credit of this. We charge that they have destroyed oar ocean tarrying trade aud that at the outset they opposed the measure that more than all others helps our exports at this time. The only thing which stands between the products of our land and the markets of the world is the cost of their transportation. If they could be placed there without cost there is no in- dustry that would not nourish. That can't be done, bnt the problem of statesmanship now is how far we can cut it down. 5KCESS.!kY BEV1SCE AMPLR PXOTrCTIOX FOR m AKrrAcrrRFRs. The Democratic party knows that the amount of revenue which our Government has to raise will ever afford ample protection for all. industrial pursuits. If any modifi- cation of the details our revenue laws have been demanded, they have been as fre- quently on behalf of manufacturers as by others. The whole public, without regard to party distinction, have rejoiced in their prosperity. A REAL DAXGF.R TO EMPLOYERS' A HD EMPLOYED. "There is but one thing manufacturers or' those in their employment have to fear. That is a check upon exports which . will turn the balance of trade against us and put an end to the prosperity of all, pursuits. 1 he efforts winch are now openly made by officials connected with the General Govern- ment to get control of the carrying trade of our country is full of danger. We know that private persons connected with privato corporations gain unbounded wealth from this power. We accept this as one of the laws of trade, and we seek to hold it in check by competition. Rival routes are mul- tiplied when profits become too great When Government officials lay their hands upon the rights and interests of the people, there are no laws of commerce, no competitions, that can hold them in check. Just what Mr. Garfield says he wishes to se, ' the grav itation of more power in the hands of the Government,' has led to the corruption and downfall of most of the Nations of the world. The Republican officials ask of you for more jurisdiction than wise men seek or honest men want, tan manufacturers, can business men. can the laboring; classes be jruilty of greater folly than that of placing the control of all their interests in the hands of those over whom thev can exercise an in fluence so remote and so weak? This creat State, with its rast commerce, with one- - tenth of the population ot the Union, Jias about one-fortie- th representation in the Senate. When rn.cn pay to you, under our Constitution, that they seek for more power, without defining; or limiting its measure, thev ask for the overthrow of all the maxims and all the principles which the American Ieople heretofore held Rarred. As at'anandagua, X. Y mother was about to strike her litMe daushter. who he thought merited a whipping, the Newfound- land dog of the family caught the menac- ing arm in his mouth, but did not bite. The father, coming in at the moment, made a pretense of punishing the child, when his arm was arrested tue way. Boston Police Memoranda. Weekly 3oston Globe.l Geonre E. Savory, Esq., Assistant Police Clerk, refers to a case of agonizing sciatic suherineoi frequent occurence, and which was cured by St, Jacob's Oil in less than half an hour. Death's Door Stauda Wide Open For those who suffer a Oougrh to "run on" until the lungs separate, or the wind-pip- e and the bronchial tubes become hopelessly diseased, but for all who resort to Hale s Honey of Horehound and Tar in the early stages there is immediate relief and the ab solute certainty of a permanent core. Sold by druggists. Pike's Toothache Drops eure in one min ute. The Grand Central Hotel, CG7 Broadway, New York, is one of the finest, if not the finest hotel in New York City; centrally lo cated, rooontly refurnished and excellently Kept; charges very moderate. SPECIAL NOTICES. Harnett's Flavoring Extracts. There 1 no subject which should more engross attention than the purity of the preparations which are used in flavoring the various com- pounds prepared for the human stomach. Bur- nett's Extracts are prepared from fruits of the best quality, and are highly concentrated. The "Fifth Avenue," "Continental," "Grand Pacific" and other leading hotels use and Indorse Burnett's Extracts. o The mam who heeds not the warning of pain o r suffering, which always precedes maladies often becomes, through indolence, the victim of incur- able disease. Lassitude, Weariness, Sadness, Aching of the Limbsdndieate nervous disairange-men- t, the forerunner of many organic and func- tional discaes. The early employment of Fellows' ' Hypophosphites will effectually ward off such maladies. An Example of Benefit Arising From a Club. In large mercantile establishments in New York and other large cities the many employes natur- ally indulge in all the amusements that are going. The passion for investing in lotteries is not an ex- ception; but the means is limited by the small-nes- s of their wages. Hence the club system where all the excitement is furnished of the ownership of many tickets held at an ex- penditure of but a single dollar. Of course the amount wou is not as great as when the sin gle bolder holds the entire winniDg ticket Mr. John F. Sass, a prominent business man in the employ of Messrs. Benton, Faulkner A Bird, No. 35 Dey s'reet, New York City, an eminently respecta- ble and large firm of iron fittings, acted as tieas arer for a club of six in the September drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, aud having nailed a dillar to M. A. Dauphin, No. 319 llroadway, New York City, or to same person at New Orleans, La., received 11,200 as a recompense. Next I o Thirty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP is the prescription of one of the beat female physicians and nurses In the United State, and has been used for thirty years with never falling success by millions of mothers for their children. It re- lieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child It reata the mother. Price twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. o , The Length of My Foot. A girl waa asked, "Do you think you will suit me?" "Yes, ma'am; let me get the length of my foot in your kitchen, and you'll never get rid of me," she answered. She waa smart. So with Take home a bottle and It can not be dislodged. I Spalding's Glue Is like this smart girl; bring It home it sticks forever. o Qoem'a Cod Liver Oil Jelly. Approved by the Academy of Modldne of New Tork for cougiu, colds, bronchial and tubercular eeasumpUon, scrofula and general debility. The meat mild, bland and nutrltiou form In which Cod Liver Oil can be used, and with more benefit secured to the patient y a single teaspoonful of this Jelly than by double the quantity of the liquid oil, and the most delicate stomach will not reject it For sale by all druggists, and E. II TRUEX, 3 Piatt afreet, New York. Children Lru u tor Mothers like, and Physicians recommend it. IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. CUXTAUIt LINI3IENTS ; the World's great Pnln-Relievi- njr remedies. They heal, soothe and cure BunisWonndsVeak Back and Rheumatism upon Man, and Sprains, Galls, and Lame- ness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick and reliable. E3 SPURTS of disgusting Maoni, Snuffles, Crackling Pains in the Head, Fetid Breath, Deafness, and any Catarrhal Complaint, can bo cx terminated ' by Wei Do Meyer's Catarrh Cure, a Constitutional An tidoto by Absorption. Tho aost Im- portant Discovery since Vaccination EE Nervous Debility. Cored Without Medicines I Oar Special Galvanic Appliances Teach at once the seat oi disease, ana meir .uectro-uai- - vanic action is upon the center of the NervouH, 3IuHeular unci Generativ Systems, SPEEDILY RESTORES THE VITAL FORCEIS, LOST MANHUUU, And curing the worst cases of pomlnal Weakness, Exhaustion. Imnotency, and all Diseases and Weakness of the Urino-genit- al organs. YOUNG MEN Suffering from early indiscretion lack nerve force and fail to attain strength. MIDDLE-AGE- D MEN ' . Often lack vigor, while OLD MEN Believe It to be the natural progress of age and decay. To one and all we can say that nature merely wants natural aid, which our special ap- pliances give without drugging the stomach. We guarantee a cure in every case of short structural degeneration. Special illustrated pamphlet sent in sealed envelope on receipt of 6 cents postage, Cou sulfation free. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. . WOMEN suffering from any weakness peculiar to their sex hhould send for our special circular explaining our improved electrical OVARIAN SUPPORTERS, Etc AMERICAN GALVANIC CO., 131 ' Mm Street. Chicago, (II., hm 1 rJ I PHYSICIANS say it is a PERFHCT tbe sulphate quinine. 8uperior in tonic properties, and produces no disagreeable fleet. Dose the Same as Sulphate Quinine.. SOLD BY ALL I)K.CG(JIST8. OR 8ENT BY MAIL. PRICE, 1.50 PER OZ. BILLINGS, CALPP & CO., Chemists, Boston. Mass. WILLARD HOTEL LOTTERY. A First-Cla- ss Furnished Hotel for $8 1,664 Cash Prizes and 1,416 Property Prizes Amounting to $369,850. This Drawing will take place at Louisville, K v., December 31, 18S0. under authority of a special act of the Kentucky Legislature, and will be un- der the absolute control of the following disinter- ested Commissioners appointed by the act: lion. Robert Mallory. late M. C, of Oldham County; L. M. Flournoy, President of the Lou- isville Car Roof Company; Hon. II. P, Whitta-ke- r. of Covington; Henry Clay, Jr., late Prose-culln- g Attorney of the Louisville City Court, and U. A. Winston, of the law firm of LA J. Caldwell & Winston, of Louisville LIST OF PRIZES. The WHIard Hotel, with all iU furniture and Fixtures.... . . $250 000 One Bnck Residence on Green Street.. ..$15.000 One Brick Residence on tireen Street... .. 15,000 Two Cath lYizes, each $5.000 - 10,000 Two Cash lYizes. each $2,000 - 4,000 Five Cash Prizes, each tt.000 .. 5,000 Five Cat-- Prizes, each $.V0 .. 2.500 Fifty Cash Prizes, ochS10U..M .. 5,000 One hundred Cash ITizes, each f 00 .. 5,000 Five hundred ('ash ITizes, each f20 .. 10,000 One Set of liar Furniture .. 1.000 One Fine llano- - .ri00 One handsome Silver Tea set..... .. 100 400 boxes old Bourbon Whisky, Sao - 11,-fi- 10 Baskets Champange, $35 . Five hundred Cah lrizes. each 10 5.000 400 Boxes Fine Wines. K!0 12,000 200 Boxes Robertson Countv hlaky, f30. 6,000 4O0 Boxes Havana Cigars. $10 4,000 live hundred Cash Prizes, each $10............. 5,000 "Whole Tickets, $3. Halves, $4. Quarters, $2. Responsible agents wanted at all Important points. For circulars, giving full information, and for tickets, address W. C. D. Will 18, Willard Hotel, Louisville, Kv. Or W. Scott Glore, Bookseller, No. 10 Fourth street, Louisville, Ky. The notel is now open and will be run by the uüdersigned until it is ready to be transferred to the lucky winner. The public are invited to stop with me and see the property for themselves. W. C. P. WHIPfl. AGENTS VAirTEDtlTCTUU!i . tinir iehtne (m Inrentrd. WiU ami a nur of lockings. wiTa If EKL, and TOli complete, in minutes. It will also knit a jtwU vanetj of fancy-wo- rk for which there la always a reaIv mntrt Send far ctrrnlar nl to th twombly Kntttlis aiacainc Ce.. Waalilwcua su. iMun, McDonald A Bvtlek. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SnBRIFF'd SALE. By virtne;of iCeertified copy to me directed, irurn the Clerk oi the Superior Court of Marion County. Indiana. In a cause wherein Hekry If. Cook Is plaintiff and Harmon Woodri-f- k et al. are defendants, requir- ing me to make the sum of three thousand two hundred and seventy-nin- e dollars and seventeen cents, as provided for in said decree, with interest on said decree and costs. 1 will expose at public sale, to the highest bidder, 01 SATURDAY, the 20th day of November, A. I). lbM), the hours of 10 o'clock a, m. and 4 o'clock i. m. of said dav. at the door of the iourt Jloue of Marion County, Indiana, the rents and profits lor a term not seven years oi tlie real estate, to-wi- t: Lot No. one hundred and forty-seve- n (147i in Woodruff Place-- , a suburb of the city of Indian apolis, in the County of Marion, and tate of In- diana. If such rents and profits will not sell for a suffi cient sum to satisfy Mdd decree, interest and costs, I will, at the same time and place, expose to pub- lic sale the tee simple of said real estate, or so much thereof as may tc sufficient to discharge said decree, interest and costs. Said sale will be made without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws. JOHN 1. I Sheriff of Marion Conntv. October 2.'. A. D. 1RS0. ocL25-3- McDonald & Bdtler, Attorneys. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtne of a certified copy to me directed, from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Marion County, Indiana, inarause wherein Henry II, Cook is plaintilTand Joseph A. Moore et al. are defendants, requiring me to mace we sum ot uree inousanu one Hun- dred and thirty-nin- e dnllurs and thirty-on- e cents, as provided for in said decree, with Interest on said decree and costs, 1 will expose at public sale, to me nignest bidder, on SATURDAY, tlie 20th day of November, A. JJ. 1680, between the bonrs of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the door of the Court House oi Marion tounty, Indiana, the rents ami profits for a term not exceeding seven years of tne ioiiowing real estate, to-w- it: Lot number hfty-si- x In woodruff ITace. a suburb of the Cfty of Indianapolis, Marion County, inaiana. If such rents and profits will not sell for a suffi cient sum to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, I wttl, at the same time and place, expose in puoiic saie me lee simple oi aaia real estate, or so rauch thereof as maybe sufficient to dis- charge said decree, interest and cost, 8aid sale will be made witbont any relief whatever from valuation, or appraisement law. JU11M T. rKKSL.Y. Sheriff of Marion County. October 25, A. D. 1880. McDonald & Butler, Attorneys. QIIERIFF'S SALE. By virtne of a eertified copy U of a aecree to me airectea, iroiu the Clerk of the Superior Court of Marion County. Indiana, hi a cause wherein Hknby H. Cook is plaintiff and John M.J up ah et al. are defendants, requiring me to mate tne sum ot in roe tnousanu two nuu dred and eighty-si- x dollars and ninety-on- e cents, as provided for in said decree, with interest on said decree and copta, I will expone at public sale, io me nigneci Diaaer, on SATURDAY, the 20t'i day of Nove nber, A D. 1S80, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. ra. and 4 o'clock p. m., of said day. at the door of the Court House of Marion Connty, Indiana, tbe rents and profits for a term not exceeding seven years, of tbe follow- ing real estate, to-wi- t: Lot number fourteen (14) in Woodruff Flace, a suburb of the City of Indianapolis, Marion Oouilty, inuiaua. If sucn rents and profits will not sell for a snftl cient sum to satisfy said decree, interest and costs, I will, at the same time and place, exixiee to pub lic sale the fee simple of said real estate, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge said decree, interest aud costs. Said sale will be made without any relief whatever from valuation or appraisement laws. JOHN T. PREPSLY, Sheriff of Marion County October 25, A. D. 1880. Itcb. 2n.it. tt EteeL for Cr.tr Sxlattt. 13 to Holland from f-- 00 to 500-0- 0 Every MarcUing l lob should nave one. Writ for Prieo Lut of Small Cannon. Address. T. n. JOH SSTÜN. Great Western Gun Works fittsTrarph, fa. Ü. B. Our New Gun and liorolrei .List lor 19)0, now readv. Sent Free nDasHWCi (JC tn COfl per day at home. Bam plea worth $0 0)J IU u6U free. Address STINSON' fc CO., Port- - land. Mair.e. pWB) cm brav W tno. on aiinttrk racier, and boand In elriran about either price. work belnc completed AprU, rsui, eooner. October anecial irKhioeinenta ej.eo. of that eiiaion cloth, ana doce what it be Ute aainay thej the electrotype Icr irut thoworuenn tbe for prfce nmr whole aitors the ry win lanratype; the price being per il oenta. V be ready ) UWl .nil M.flr Iric thm 00 aha The all fTJhrary Knowledge tOhambers's vola., fcncyclopavlla, Rome, Tota., 93.00. . Macaulay'a vole,, LSS. tote ana oenia. ' Macanlay's vols., literature, vols, i vola.. Life Words 60 Coneordanoe, refmM, (9. BiogTaphy, vols., took Illus., 40 St ähalteerwarVs ' oeata pf Adventaree-o- f 0 Ulua., 40 Pilgrim's Uhm, 40 lira,, Munchaueen IThn, eenta. by oenta. STANDS THE WORLD. rha Aon Chills FRANKFORT School Fund Lotteij Of Kcptely, at Loolviille Xy. Second Drawing en the 4th of Nov., 1880. CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1 CAFITAL 1 drnnd Prise l.tW lYie " Orand IYu .000 5 Prizes, $1. ouo each s.ooo 20 . lot) lYiües, h . 10.000 Mi .'s) cat h 10.000 Approximation lYi:es, iH) 10,000 1.3-J- 9 Total ..105,000 Whole Ticltet, 2; Ticket, $1. All prizes promptly paid after tbe drawing. A list of will t sent immediately the drawing, and publihed In the leading papers of the This drawing will certainly take place on tbe 4th of November. IksO, aud the same sehemi, presented monthly, take place tbe 4th of each succeeding month, provided it does not Sunday, and if It does, the f'at- - ;iruay preceding. There neither he a Postponement nor Scaling. Col. A. i. Hodtres Cant. Wm. Johnston, iouisville. will aierintend the drawing, than whom two more honorable gentlemen do not live in Kentucky, both of are well and regarded as gentlemen of spotless integrity. B. C. WINTEESMITH, Supervisor, No. 3 Mozart Building. Ky. Tickets now at the of A. W. Harris & Co., 210 Broad New York. Orders for tick- ets can be by mail express. always us.- - w ithont discount, and all necessary Liformaiion by A. W. Harris 240 Broadway, at Chicago, G. W . IX) RD, No. l- -t Washington Street, Koom 5C. Porlab3? iTEialny .Saw ITIill, W ilh imprrneU It ma t iTt-- tV9 f IM. 'IT H thrre m-- . ai4 ill b.irhuoj mill. It r "ut an luinl' r bo run by rilhrr ti'J in t. the watr wr. iMvrrr and nuni'H'r ut ru lurtwi Die enriuc9 us.-- i -- IUI a tn:IU fcl liit-- r rapacltv . a ' Sab f .)1 ? Jn. Il malf-- s nm.-.iil- mii rin Iuh.Ik'i. ! no ami mil cat aa t.wir irrt diinit u-r- . . It :nj l traDUirt'l fr.-u- i nur tu anclb.r and am ta frmn ta t lhn- dj. and ran uX' in ln-- r I a.it stif!iii"nt timLr tn ju.tifv th errlioa ut a ai!l. S.a.1 l.r r rlr. lll.r. iri-r- . rtr (:ihNI)I.KK4 rttl.l'U ln.liaiill.li Hannractorj 1HSL CäVrla or Fersen Bi rrs Portabl. H:i (or Fain, Paw c Prloa from p. Caaplat MUI at. i f?. bey eaa (rtnii ana Cera In rO)V. I a - 1 I 14 I - 1 la tiaa or tau. "3fiSKh 'r. c..'m,.rirn i: ?'i,Wf:i;.1 aat Cm Will rrr, etttp. led iaavs polls. Lai. ACKNTH lVA.Ti:i EÜClüLüPEDiä t&O to Alontb. fLIlB7 7,v anBai and forms fni Vir d -.:. UAlim ename ana I UUl i lO V i":n ? fJU p Ciai si;ctes. One LAWYER Iii in oiie tvn. an-bl- l."i3 in aa an. efbr In 13 days, fcivr t i:nrs iu mi', mul it. ftui for and. Kruis. Alio A:eitla P. W. ZtKil.KU i 1 "00 tri. ft.. Pb'"a. Ta. Xy ITIoat'at'd rTWt.Wdwa-rTbt- n m aa4 htlwrr aanttoa3cataiiip. It bow In all T n tritirrnrrr'Tirl brlura MTiiw nT . L'rwtonb'rd octavo orames of 03 pajrre It per Toruiw, m , ii; m mm nwNa, ru i"ft thne heon whoae ordira are aooi SIO. Library of iLPiiuVeirsa! tCnowIedse, n avA "Tuma Bdltion. A verbatim reprint of tba lart Ixmdoa odttien of äaei Igo J ptJ paMlia, with eopkms addltiorM by ArTw-aj- a adltnra : tba wbole iixu alphabet, with aaeh Ulastrationa aa are neceanary to rocldate tbo txi. - Priniml from nnr eWtrotrpa platte. 16 cotrplete, 10 per etat more than Appleton's and SO per cent mote thsn CyclopasdU. and Uaaijrh la mix reapecU Important to the general reader, It is fax superior to of them, ita ront la but a of their L and II. axe ready and other olumee wUl follow at it two aavrh month, the nruw by ana er la policy, with eaah, for the set of 15 toIuith complete for the prtoe of for in and 115. 0 tor the edition in half Russia, gilt top. The priue durintr NoTcmber will svtTanred to and and a fur- ther will be each month till tbe work ie eompletvid. It is not airppnwl that the mans of thoee who wUl In time become porchaaera of tbe Encyclopandia will make payment in arvane an fbey now have the opportunity to do, thonc-- most of them-a- " aa for their newspapers aod macaalDc Tear in the old, tned rriends of the Literary Revolution, who know thai the Amerioaa Book ExcKanm always aooompliAes hat it nndertaaee, promwes to do, will glad conaequratly bent prlnsea eopwa ot larwent and bei Encyclopaedia punuxneii in wis cuunu-y- . even at tea bnieeitaooM. Volumes wül be shipped be as are lesued, or hc- - set la conv Chambers's EncycBopaedia As a portion of the Library of TJnlrrad Knowledge, we brae ChamberVs rrvyclopnvlia separately, without American complete in U olumoa lmo. In this iwyle it to printed from new pUlm made from Terr clear nonpareil trpe. Price, Acme 1 aaja ff edition, ojoth, Ajda .bcar- - paper, wide manflns). half Russia, trilt top, f mJlj rnthie ntyk iHliimape IwuedOcto-- ber l.andTolume li wiU he ready about Octo-- eomplcf worlt. To month of October, the prion of 15 eompfct will bo;.00 the cloth, 114.0 for tlw baa biueia, KM top. Ihiriug the will be i.ü, and $1. for the American Additions: The Terr additions to Chamber' Rneyclopajdia abn:tt 15 000 font) which are made by Arimi 1 oe euea sitmuthkii in unuiiiw m w iwv un. in cloth, in nan Hums, top; pneiare, per tow, will follow a. raptilty aa pomibin. the laun or Libra of Lulremu luiow leage suso pages each, l.w olnroe oluine L will in tictober, and other MmnlMl nmUM cloth a. fnr h&ir Riuwia. vilt Inn. four lutrtotlnu, Hmiifr Hopkuw.il Hrpablican rrainsart'sChroniclea, peneahieby LtLrary Uuivrrsal koowled4T, hich coniptitd. Standard Books. of fnlTernal 15 ei-- , I15.00. Encvclopasdia, 16 tl.kO. American AddiUoos to Chambers a 4 ola., 4.00. Mllman's Clhbon's ( Hifdory of England. 1 lacaulays Lifters, ov Essays and Forms, t (1.80. Chambers's CyciopmdiA of Enz. IS. Knight's Hiiry of England, Plutarch's Uvea of IUoatrlotn 3 vola, tl and Out, eenta. Young'a Bible 311.40 Acme Dbrary of S eenta. of Fables, 'p, etc.. eenta. Hilton's Ootnpk 1'oetioaJ Works, eenta. Complete Work, 1.60. Works ot Vlnrtl, tranalated by Drydcn, SO Koran Mohammed, by oenta. gulxota, lima, eenta. NiphU, eenta. UuriTan-- Progrraa, eenta. KobuiaonCroeoa, 40 eenta. and Oulliver Travels, 40 tones and Baiiada, K. T. Aides, Ulna, TO-DA- Y A RIVAL auma it haa PRIZF. 30,000 (irand 10,000 ITizes, .VWeteh 10,000 l(X)ea. IThvs, 1,000 earn Prices.. Half prizes after United States. will oeiir on will whom known Louisville. ready office ay. sent or Postal Orders mich lYLzos cashed furnished & Co., New Tork. Agent BECK he rllhcr murh rr..ortioii hdi.ta Oirrthiri. u htnt-tK.t- . I.Kulitir TnlT br rakt:il I... alit'- - C!iti- - ir?e In.'.mna. Hill EMabllabwl XaUlla stosi. liil Owaars. ttv-M- t FEW NtltBa rorku;-m- a fcj ir. scnt dav ev' rjbodv tirraiarj Ocnerut antod. Ailurc.--s CO., Jfmr KOOold ValOuua aatrhaa rrt,trf Eymer about will contain. to will receive C3anbr. Kapyrdo. ahont 15.OJ0 ioplrxl JoansorVi fraction Volumee October prooacu pursuance ordcra, aorolnal be adTance full advance but ever directed, the ad'litiom, ediuon fer. during the Tolumen horember advanced to set. tanre the fi.-i- volnnius 1.HI $3. Geikie'a Uon Arabian iumI tcO fnr WatcLra the gi:i aa Ott-- SlnUy, we to nave W by lntina tlO.OO and gt tlie eartleat and fnr fJlO fiet 1.H1T TolUtnca UXabrr nm. nv. BZ U IOT Tolumr of American A'tdittonn wal be found weli-nia;- h lndia- - Karf la Qwr Land. BO oenta. Acme Library of Modern t'laeaios, 40 eenta, American cents. Taine's History of Kn(Uh laterarnr, 80 eeaaa, Cecil's Books of Natural H4ory, 91. rVtoriol Handy Lcmvvn; 11 oenta. Faying, auchor of Papers, 80 eettia. Mrs. Hvniana' fortical tVorsia, 0 oauts. K itto's Cyclopaxlia of Bio. Literatur, vola., 92. Kollins Aacient History, 91.76. Hmrth's ionjLry ol the Bible, 60 eenta. Works of Klaviu Josovriu. 91.60. History of U. S- -, ran., 60 eenta. Health by Ki err lee. Dr. Oeo. H. Taylor, 40 eenta. Health for Women, Dr. tieo. H. Taylor, 80 eenta. Library Magazine, bound volumee. SO to eO oenta. Um from the Diary ot aa Old Lawyer, 81. Manual, 6O Haner's Iliad, translated by Pope. SO eenta. Homert Odymey tiwhavd by Pope, eenta. Heott'a Ivanhoe, cents. Bulwer's La-- t Days of 1'ompeU, eenta. The Cure of Farafyeta, Dr. teo H. Taylor, SO eeth ilhw., 91.60. Licht of Asia, Arnold, SS eenta. tf ail owners of Chamber', Appleton'. Johnson's and vlbcr Ci except the large tP ditaaa vi tha ei from U Is Men, M. of 40 and 60 40 The Bale, SO 60 and It Ijiw W 75 ants aand Hhia., 60 Comic ISMO, eenta. Eaeh of tbe above bound tn doth. If by man, rjoatage extra. Mo9 of the book are alo publlbed ta fine editions and fine blnding at higher prlcea. Books with () in press ; (t) souw but not ail vols, tsmied. tvarrtpn Cataioawoa mmM wea rvsaitrRemit by bank draft, money order, registered tetter or by trpresa. Piactionj of oua dollar may be sent la postaare atampa. Address AMERICAN BOOIC EXCHANGE,0 JOHN B. AID EN, Manaoeb. Tribuno Building:, New York. rtTHTnTT'O . Boston, H. L, Hastings! Philadelphia, Leary St On.; Cincinnati. Roheit CiarVc 0.1 AvJAjIi L'lXlO IndiananoUa, Bowen, Stewart A Oo,t Cleveland, Ingham, Clarke A Co.: To e n, Kager A O0.1 Chicago, Aldea A Chadwick 1 la smaller towns, the lead in bookwller: for l'ac.ac - Caoalnghaa CurUas et Waich, 8aa rranoiatia. Liberal terms to ftlubt hr thars are no ag uu. WITHOUT IN rät at kinrla nf and 1 1 on of it J K la Ii u n w I P ref each. I 1. Che made a (flnor w all 5 ,T by S r t 9 SO SO 6O Tb a V I. I' , w 7 f no equal havinfj stood the test of universal use for tniny ycart ia the roost malarial distri X never fails to curt, not merely removing for a time the symptoms, but eradicating the cam the disease, thereby makicj a permanent cure, PRICE ONLY 75 CEN7 HmaafMtared by The Dr. Barter Hedleln Cc, Ho. S13 II. Mala Street, 89. Vo Rev. T. H a ck th Kf RR, Sil pt German Protestant Orphans' TTome.St ChATtes Rock Road. PC U Co7 writiugApril 3oth, 1877. savs: "Dr. Härtel' Fever and Ague j$cAc is a poaiUvs cure Chills and Fever; baa never failed with ua. . ' Mr. Jno. C Wklbori of Keytrport. Ill, says: "I eurei a Uttle girl of Arne of three "r-- artj standing, with Dr. UarUr't Fever and Agx Specific, after the best snyslci&ns failed to ben fit beti .Dr. Yotr!öBLOot of LHtle York. Mo., says t " I have used Dr. Ibtrtefl Fever and Afftu Spedfii way practice, and can beartlly recomtBend it to tbe pubUo."

Transcript of u'i Children Fund Lotteij Lru u Kcptely,...

Page 1: u'i Children Fund Lotteij Lru u Kcptely, atchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87056600/1880-10-27/… ·  · 2013-07-19m i.l.il. rJ Vrtvember. I'loW is the list of ... Spencer Al

" THE C. C. P. and 31. CO. J

Who This Company Are u'i WhereThej Keslde.

A U of Tho Affected 'sy tbe Advance oftlie ftok The llooiri, imaugTiraUed.

The Sentinel JterdaT fcave the news ofthe probable (vnnce in the 6tockof theColorado Go-o- p er&tive --Prospecting andMining Com pa-jy-

. .The following is a copyof the order:

PyroiA Atolis, Ind., October 20, I'M).To the IPtUna Lnvesttmnt Company (Financial

Agent- - thi,, compact :I am Instructed to notify you to

at on f advance the rs-io- e of the clock ol thin Com-P- n

to $i75 per nhare ef $10 par value. You willort"' jt f,,r immediate. sa'e 500 shares, subject to an

iac wiUkout nUee.yours respectfully.O. U. PfARCP,

General Manager C C 1. aud M. Co.

It will be een that there is a strong up-ward movement in this stock, and it is prob-oMMcimr- iih

corniiletion of their millin the near future. It will not be surprisingto see tliis stock held at $5 per share by them i.l.il. rJ Vrtvember. I'loW is the list ofthe fortunate ones and their residence:

Erastus Brook, President Express Printing Co.,New York flty.

T. J. Kilian, Menlo Park, New Jersey.Miller dt Thompson, Ada, Ohio.C. Akron. Ohio.Heaeon lub. Co., Akron, Ohio.

K. Knight t Co., AUnm. Ohio.Warner d bucht I, Akron, tiio.Independent lub. Co.. Alliance, Ohio.J. w. GhlH it, AlUince, Ohio,V. M. jeu. Amherst. Ohio.R. M. MontRoxajry. Andover, Ohio. - - -

K F. Kraut-r-. Arcanum, Ohio.Nelson & Gate. Ashland. Ohio.J. C. A J. IT. Stubbs, Ashland, Ohio.Sherman. Kote & Co.. Ashtabula. Ohio.Keed St don, Ashtabula, Ohio. - T. "" ' "

C. E. N Jenniupn. Athens. Ohio. (

O. H. ltalsley, Attica, Ohio. .J. K. Woodhef, Batavia, Ohio,Cowsn & Co., Batavia, Ohio.J. K. Anderson, Bellaire, Ohio. -

J. R. Oow, Bellaire, Ohio.W. Ü. Fori, Bellaire, Ohio.Evangelist Pub. ., Beilefontaine, Ohio.Stoner Js Thompson. Bellevue, Ohio.Baker & Son, liellevue, Ohio. ...Potta b Fau, Bellevue. Ohio.N. W. Cunningham, Bellevae, Ohio.Saxton .t Co., Canton, Ohio. "

A. M. Preycr. Canton, Ohio. v , .'

M. Halstead & Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. ,..,Star Publishing Company, CinciAnatWÜhio. . ,i. W. Rice. Cincinnati. Ohio. '

J. F. Callaghan, Chicinnati.Ohio.- - - - .

Spencer Al Craig. Cincinnati. Ohio.Montfort & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.Hale fc Co., Cincianati, Ohio.Search A Meek. Ohocton. tthio.Y. C. Cnlley. lefi slice .V Ufa ' --vThompson dt Holt, Defiance, Ohkx"Wheeling k Smith, Dresden, Ohio.Roberta a Co.. East Palestine, Ohio,Paul Knerr. Fremont. Ohio. . .

J. Combs, Irontown, Ohio. . V,

E. S. Wllmax, Irouiown. Ohio. J... 'Gould & Townnley, JarkVon, Ohio.I. Macklc, Jackson, Ohio. , .!'' . .

Y. Wetxter. Lancaster, l)hio,v 1t.reen & UoHher, Logan. OhlTx JKieth ib Sons, Logan,-O- h U -

F. K. Pnrsell. Ionian. Ohio."'Jacob Mendersou. Cincinnati, O.K P. Stedmau. Walnut Hill. Cincinnati, O.W. R. Jillu, Bowling üreeu, Ohio.J. W. Dowen, McArlhur. Ohio.A. Itarleon. McArlhur, Ohio.S. McMillian, Marietta, Ohio. '

Mueller k Sou, Marietta, Ohio.S. & J. Hoover, Masillo!i. Ohio.C. E. Taylor. Maa-illo- n. Ohio.Enteil b Newton. Milleixl.un?, Ohio.

' White & CunuUujhain, Millersburg, Ohio.Wm. V. Morsaa, Newark, Ohio.Green & Malloy, New Lexington. Ohio.W. A. Ca.ell, New Lexington. Ohio.Mathews, KlUottA Co, New Philadelphia, OhioM. C. Mcllvaiue. New Philadelphia, Ohio.Telegraph Priming Company, Pomroy, Ohio.J. W. Newman, Portsmouth, Ohio.W. H. Bonsall, Porunnouth, Ohio.North Rupe, Salineville, Ohio.J. W. Laoock, SalinoHle, Ohio.Weixebaum & Schoenthall, Springfield, Ohio.Elifriu 5e Winters, Springtield, Ohio.McFadden A Hunter, Steubenvllle, Ohio.Toledo P. and P. Co., Toledo. Ohio.John C. Clark. Wadsworth, Ohio.Youngstown Nws Co., Youngstown, Ohio.YoungHlowu f. Co., Youngstown, Ohio.W. L. Brown. Youngstown, Ohio.Podd & Brown,- - Zaneoille, Ohio.Hayes St Kuhe, Allentown, Penn.Iredell & Co., Allentown, Penn.J. Irwin Steele, Ashland, Penn.P. A. Kauitfin. Harnhrad's Mills, Tcnn.Godshalk 6c Co. Bethlehem. Peuu.11. T. duuder, Bethlehem, Penn.J. C. Brown, Bloomsburg, Penn.I. K. Poud, Blossburg, Penn.C. F. Persons. iradford. Penn.A. R. Carlisle. Brookville. Penn.Weaver Druih, fcrookvilU, Pin. .

E. A. Hastings. Brownsville. 1'enn.Hower t Co., Br-- n Mown. Peun.S. 8. Benedict, arbondale, Penn.1. N. Lathrop, CarbondaU, l'enn.E. Randall, Catasauqua, Penn.W. 1L Bartholomew, Catabauqua, Penn.M A. Falu. ChambersburKh, ienn.

W illiam A. Tvxld, Chester, Penn.Y. K. Walker, Chostcr, Peun.T. F. Kuobb. Clarion, Peun.West A Ray, Clarion, Penn.joodl-uide- r A Son. Clarion, Pen.

J. R. Bixter. Clearfield. Penn.Row A Son. Clearfield, Penn.Uoodutader A Lee. Clearfield, Penn.A. M. Rambo, Columbia, Peun. .

W. H.Orier, Columbia, Penn.J. W. Yocum, Columbia, Penn.GeorgYouug, Columbia. Peun.T. L'haLfnint, utuivUle, l'enn.H. A. McPike, tieusburg, Penn.E. James. Ebensbarg, Penn.W. J. Huliugit. Kiuietou. Penn.J. K. WUUrd. Krie, l'wuuüylvanta.R. Jt Brown, trie. Pennsylvania.E. W. Sraiiey, Franklin. PemisjlvaniA.A. 1. Whitaker. Franklin, l"eunsylvania.S. A. Focht, Humour.;, fenmylvania.J. H. iLueliou, 1'enuHylvaiiia.G. C. Uelmbuldi, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.H. Nlcb0.soii, inekso.i. Pa.i. A. TroUBn, HoluUaykburgh, Pennsylvania.

Iaid Over, Holadaysourgu, t'eunsylvauia.WUsou A Penman, Houwlale, Pennsylvania.T. J. Ham, Honadale, Peuusylvauia.H. F. Haiues, HouMlalu, Pennsylvania.Lindsay A Wllloughby, Huntington, Pa.S. K Fleming A Co., Huntington, i'eunsylvania.A. Henry, Kittauuiug, I'eunsylvania.J. W. iUOxrvr, Kltuuiuliig. 1'enuiiylvania.ttowman A Co., Lebanon, I'euusylvauuuW. M. Urealim. LebauoiL Pennsylvania.John Young, Lebanon, PenusylvAnia.H. H. Kuode, Lliuealoffu, I'eunsylvania.fi. M. intens, Pennsylvania.J. W. rritchaid, McKeeKrt, Pennsylvania.Carotheni At Broa., MeKeesport, Pennsylvania. ,

J. I. .fcijui:iKer, Maunelm, Pennsylvania.C. Kuepper, Vlanaiieid Valley, Pennsylvania.Schoeit A Hendrickson, Marietta, Pennsylvania.O. O. Camero , Maiietla, Pennsylvania.E II. Kouch. Jiauch hunk, Peuuhylvania.E. M. Bale, aiucuehuuk, Peuutylvauia.J. Lynvti, Mauchchauk, Peuusylvauia.K. iL Thomm, atei'haiucaburgb, Peunsylvania.W. H.4K.U Garvin, Mercer, Pennsylvania.J. B. ldiUenDuo;h. J'eunsylvania,C. U. Kiliou, Miuervule. Peuueylvania.Wm. Wanniugioit, ML Pleasant, Pennsylvania,w. T. Bair, Mu L'niou. i'eunsylvania.F. 8. Reader, New Brighton, I'enusylvanla.JC t Huinau, New alle, I'eunsylvania.McCrackeu A Co., New Cu.it le, Pennsylvania.Penn A Muue, New Calle, 1'euuMylvania.M. R. Wllut, Morrlatown, Pennsylvania.h. B. Ileiiieustelu. Mormtown. J'euiiMylvanla.Hrisbiu Brut., Oaceola Midi, 1'enuHylvania.Pres tympany, Philailelphia, I'eunsy lvania.Georx W. Chixls, Phil-wleiplii- J'enusylvauia.Frank McLuughliu, Philauelphia, l'enn.School k inakeiy. Phildelpnla. Pennsylvania.T. Hart, Jr., PUwlou. l'eunitylvuia.Dealer iTinüng Company, l iti.ston, Penn.Snyder A Caoper. Plyinouib, Pennsylvania.E. J. itanbe, Plymouth, i'euusylvaula.J. Kolaud, PolLsville, J'euusylvtuila.J. U. bchatler, Keno ra. Pennsylvania.W. O. SmiUi, Keyuoldrviile. Pennsylvania.Fraier & Co., su ft let-burg- Pennsylvania.L. 1. tawfora. andy Lake, i'eunsylvania.A. A. (Anaoe, bcraulou, Pennsylvania.O.W. Beueaict, Set an ton, I'eunsylvania.HeÜVlrii.ger & Coder, Shamokiu, Pennsylvania.Sbamokin 'I imes Company. Shamokiu, i'eun.J. K. McNabb, Sha:ou, Peuusylvauia.O. 1. Ii ci teil, Sharon, J'eiuisylvania.C, W. Rajr, Sharon , Pennsylvania.Hcrani prmt-ui-g Company, Sheueudoah. Penn.bierrloh AlwecK, Sheuendooh, Pennsylvania.K ii. TuNa, Sbickitulnney, Pennsylvania.H. F. Baibour, feuiiihport, Pennsylvania.T. F. Batderff. Tremont, I'euueylvauU,Jone A Co., Tyrone, Pennsylvania.W. H. Miller. Cuioutown. Pennsylvania.BeattyA Conner, Cuioutown, Pennsylvania.Rush A Ritneur, Unlontown. Pennsylvania.Litman, klciXiwell A Co., Cuioutown, Pa.WilkaBbarre Pub. Co.. Wiiaeabarre. I'a,Gaieu aud Bulletin Pub. Co., Williamsport, PaMoore A Welixhoffer. Wrigauvllle, Pa.C. K. Bait. Abingdom, llliuots.Bal.-Hiun- A Kmeraon, Albion, llliaoU.C. M. Kiug. Aliamout, Illinois.Holden A Xorton, Alton, lliinoii. 'R. Boolu. Alton. JUinoU -W, JJ. U4Mkel Amboy. llUnote.


tl. L. Shoals, Atlanta, ißtnois.Soeitlesmund A H'.wkrns, Aurora, niinois.Knickerbocker 'j IIotMer. Aurora, Illinois.Burton A Co., Aurora, Illinois.P. Klein, A'imra, Illinois.C. A. Lewii, BaUvia, Illinois.W. O. Iavi, Bloomington, HHnoW. 'J. Koestner. BloominRton, lllinoLs.K. 1L MUler. Brimtield. Illinois.J. E. Cummings, Bushneil, Illinois.E. A. Burnett, Cairo, Illinoi.

J. C, Smithe, Cambridge, Illinois.B. W. Seaton, Cambridge. Illinois.Leigh A Miller, Canton, Illinois.S. G. Thornton, Canton, Illinois.A. Ackermnn, Carbondale, Illinois.Macoupin Printing Companv, 'arlinsville, 111.

Priw A Sons, Carrollton, Illinois.C. M. Shultx, Carthage, Illinois.J, W. Kveru, Centralia, Illinois.William Knopp, Chester, Illinois.V. C. P. Co.. C hester, Illinois.R. Butler, Clinton. Illinois.A. G. Smith, Danville, Illinois.Commercial Company, Danville, Illinois.

. Kimball. Decatur, Illinois.Hamsher A Mosser, lecatur, Illinois.J. S. Cibird, Fairbury. Illinois.Stabeck A Hows, Freeport, Illinois.Wagner A Co., Freeport, Illinois.Richards A Co.. Freeport, lllinoit.Soott A Co., Galena, Illinois. m

Voss A Witt, Galena, Illinois.McGowen A Uro., Golconda, Illinois.Thielecke Bros. A Co., Golconda, Illinois.J. I. Stockton. Grand Tower, Illinois.Conover A Pearce, Harrisbun?, Illinois.i B. Hayward, Jollet. Illinois.J. ioodie.Ml, Jollet, Illinois.Whitney'A Phelps, Kewanee, Illinois.C. Pa-t- . Kewanee, Illinois.Clark A Son. Monmouth, Illinois.Deahard A Witte. Ottawa. IllinoisCullen A Sapp, Ottawa, Illinois.Creiner Bros.. Poria, Illinois.W. T. Dowdall. Peoria, Illinois.1'. T. Co.. I'eorU, Illinois.

,H. Ellsworth. I'eru, Illinois.Bailey A Buscnm. Princeton, Illinois.Germania Publl-hln- g Company, Quincy,

-"arto(ran A Gardner, Qoincey. IllinaLO

J. M. Hog?. Shawueetoa n. Illinois.P. M. l.esiuer, Sparland, IUinoiH.T. W. S. Kidd, SpriiiKficld, Illinois.W. T. Martin. Taylorville, Illinois.A. T. Iwls. Urbana. Illinois.W. L. tiay , Urbana, Illinois.

' II. C Game. Urbana, Illinois.J. W. Haws, Clayton, 111.

W. F. Bates, Chicago, 111.T. J. Poage. Bolivar, Missouri".'ad well A Co., Boonville. Missouri.

E. T. Sailer, Boonville, Missouri.A. 8. Stanley, Buffalo. Mbourt.Wade A Scudder, Butler, Missouri.U. D. Ausrtn, llutlcT, Missouri.T. D. Bosrte, Huntsville, Missouri.Balthis A Collins. JIuntsviile, MLssouri.N. C. Bun h. Jefferson City, Mistsouri.KegLster Publishing Company, Lexington, M

Carmon A Co., Moberly. Missouri. .

H. S. Hesbert, Rolla, Missouri.W. J, Powell, Rolla, Missouri.C. Gatzweilar, St. Charles, Missouri.

: W. Gaodwln. sedaita, Missouri.Democrat Comvauy, Missouri.Rnssell & Wheeling, Steeleville, MLs-sour-

F. G. Fulkerson. Tuscumbia. Missouri.II. U. Webb, Cnionvillc, Missouri. ,

i J. R. Hannay. Versailes Missouri.S. W. smith, Warsaw, Missouri.V. Moon, Webb City, Missouri.A. J. Keltiis, Blotmlngton, Indiana.

. J. J. Cnber. Brazil, Indiana.L. Wolfe, Brazil. Indiana.Gray A Travis, Brazil, Indiana.G. W. DeiRham, T$nuil. Indiana.S. B. Rilev, Brazil, Indiana.W. C Underwood. Cannelton. Indiana.J. H. Spencer, Covington. Indiana.J. H. Adaras. Edwardsport, Indiana.;hae A Kent, Mkhart, Indiana.

Courier J'rtntlng Company, Evansville. Indiana.Tribune Publishing company, Evansville, Indi-

ana.'. Ioane. Jasper, Indiana.

Wad-wor- th A Kessler, La Porte Indiana.J. M. Boord, Owcnsbnrg, Indiana.W. P. Knight, Petersburg, Indiana.E. H. How ell, Petersburg. Indiana.Terre Haute. E. P. A Co., Terre Haute, IudianaJ. O. Ilardestv, Terre Haute, Indiana.Terry A Co.. Terre Haute, Indiana.M. Krebs. Washington, Indiana.T. N. Jones, Danville, Ind.M. C. Keefe, Brightwood. IndO. II. Smith. Danville, Ind.John W. Ragsdale, Franklin, Tnd.J. R Farmer, Brightwood, Ind.A. R. Simpson, State Line, Ind.John C. Shoemaker. Indianapolis, Indiana.Charles Willis. Indianapolis, Ind.II. W. Bonn, Indianapolis, lud.J. A. Hargreaves, Indianapolis, Ind.J. T. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind.C. W. Buchanan. Indianapolis, Ind.J. II. Long. Indianapolis, Indiana.Pillsburg A .. Augusta, Maine.M. Emery, Bangor, Maine.C. A. Bou telle. Bangor. Maine.W". M. Rust, Belfast, Maine.W. II. Simpson, Belfast, Maine.G. A. A T. A. Hobbs. Bidrtcford, Maine.W. H. Waldron A Co., Lcwisbwn, Maine.J M. Adams A Co. Porland, Maine.Wm. Noyes, Saeo, Maine.Ringwalt, Hack A Miller, Washington, District

of Columbia.Washington. Tost Co., Washington, District of

Columbia.K. KurHnrhom. Wishlngton. D. C,Don Piatt, Washington, District of Columbia.L. Schade, Washington, District of Columbia.T. B. Kalbfost, Washington, D.C.R. Worthington A Co., Boston, Mass.Journal News Compauy, Boston. Mass.Almv. Milue A Co., Fall River. Mass.Herald Publishing Company, Fall River, Mass.Hase A Co.. Newberry port, Mass.Palfry A Walton, Salem, Mass.A. Wheeler, Bridgeport. Conn.Wm. M. Keeler, Greenwich, Conn.Hawlev, Goodrich A Co., Hartford, Conn.Bulletin Comiwuy, Norwich, Conn.J. T. Maynihan, Muscatine, Iowa.G. W. Weipert, Muscatine, Iowa.C. P. Reynolds. Muscatine. Iowa.John Dobbs, Muscatine, Iowa.James Mayes, Muscatine, Iowa.A. Maynihan. Mnwatine, Iowa.T. J. Grant, Mu.scatin, Iowa.Betts Bros, Muscatine, Iowa.0. W. Pence, Wellnian, la.E. C. Pence, Wellman, la.J. W. Harbaugh, Muscatine, la.A. M. Pearce, Muscatine, la.William M. Pence, Wellman, la.W. L. Stevens, Sil ver ClifT, Colorado.L. Rosa, Silver Cliff, Col.J. W. Crittenden, oalena, Colorado.Wm. Booth, Silver Cliff, Colorado.A. H. Cormau, Cobntdo Sprlugs. Colorado.Milo Vergenn, Silver Cliff, Colorado.G. O. J'earce, Galena, Colorado.C. F. McKay, Leadville, Col.P. T. Pearce.JSteele Uty, Nebraska.V. W. Pearce, Steele City, Nebraka.K. J. Pearce, Steele City, Nebraska.J. O. Pearce. Steele City, Nebraska.J. P. Sanborn. Newport, R. 1.Nickerson, Sibley A Co., Pawtucket, R. I.Providence Pre Compauy, Providence, R. LW. P. ITeble. Portland, Me.W. J. Manley, Dalton.Ga. ' : r


Vrom the Address of Stjisonrat the ltrooklya Acdeniy ot Music.October 21, 1880.

New York. World, Oct. 22, 1S30.FEtLow-CiTirES- 8 To use a homely

phrase, we j find that our opponents haveconcluded to swap horses while crossing aHtream. Laughter and applause. Theyattempted first to inflame your mind?againstyour Icllow-citizen- s of the south, a nU nowthey are trying another issue. I am notastonished at this anxiety for labor only twoweeks before the election, nut whydxl theynot have this anxiety at the outset? Theyhave been forced to change their position inthis canvass. The public mind revoltedagainst appeals to pus&ion, directed againstthe people ox tue soutli Hie business menin constant intercourse with that sectionlearned the falsne of the charges broughtagainst it. Driven irum their nrst position.they now . say that the labor of thecountry will i be harmed if GeneralHancock is elected. They claim that thetiresent prostieritv is due to bolitical action.aad not to the lubor of our people in fieldana worksnops. . - , '

WHT Tilt COCSTWT IS PROPötOCS.TVhy are we now prosperous? 'It i 3 be

cause the American people, without distine- -tiou ot party, by their toil In their work-shops and by their attention to business.have gained that wealth, aided bv theboundless harvests which God in His kind-ness has given us, and because the people ofr.urope nave been less fortunate Uian we inthis favored land. But the history of theAdministration itice the war has been themost sad as regards the morals and interestsof our country to be foand on the pages ofhistory. What has made the change? Why

re new factories built all over our land?Why are ail forms of industry now blessedwith prosperity? Every man of intelligenceknows that it is due to the abundance of ourfarm products; to a demand for them fromEurope, and to the low cost of transporta-tion from , the West to the seaboard..The - failure - of the crops in

Kurope made the demand; the labor ofourpeople brought forth the supply. The ques-tion remains, what reduced the cost of trans-portation? Tli at is not only of interest as tothe past, but it is vital to the future. If itcan be kept down we thall be able to keepour foothold in European markets. Ilcpub-publica-ns

claim that their administration isentitled to the credit of this. We chargethat they have destroyed oar ocean tarryingtrade aud that at the outset they opposedthe measure that more than all others helpsour exports at this time. The only thingwhich stands between the products of ourland and the markets of the world is thecost of their transportation. If they couldbe placed there without cost there is no in-dustry that would not nourish. That can'tbe done, bnt the problem of statesmanshipnow is how far we can cut it down.5KCESS.!kY BEV1SCE AMPLR PXOTrCTIOX FOR

m AKrrAcrrRFRs.The Democratic party knows that the

amount of revenue which our Governmenthas to raise will ever afford ample protectionfor all. industrial pursuits. If any modifi-cation of the details oü our revenue lawshave been demanded, they have been as fre-quently on behalf of manufacturers as byothers. The whole public, without regardto party distinction, have rejoiced in theirprosperity.A REAL DAXGF.R TO EMPLOYERS' A HD EMPLOYED.

"There is but one thing manufacturers or'those in their employment have to fear.That is a check upon exports which . willturn the balance of trade against us and putan end to the prosperity of all, pursuits.1 he efforts winch are now openly made byofficials connected with the General Govern-ment to get control of the carrying trade ofour country is full of danger. We knowthat private persons connected with privatocorporations gain unbounded wealth fromthis power. We accept this as one of thelaws of trade, and we seek to hold it incheck by competition. Rival routes are mul-tiplied when profits become too great WhenGovernment officials lay their hands uponthe rights and interests of the people, thereare no laws of commerce, no competitions,that can hold them in check. Just whatMr. Garfield says he wishes to se, ' the gravitation of more power in the hands of theGovernment,' has led to the corruption anddownfall of most of the Nations of theworld. The Republican officials ask of youfor more jurisdiction than wise men seek orhonest men want, tan manufacturers, canbusiness men. can the laboring; classes bejruilty of greater folly than that of placingthe control of all their interests in the handsof those over whom thev can exercise an influence so remote and so weak? This creatState, with its rast commerce, with one--

tenth of the population ot the Union, Jiasabout one-fortie- th representation in theSenate. When rn.cn pay to you, under ourConstitution, that they seek for more power,without defining; or limiting its measure,thev ask for the overthrow of all the maximsand all the principles which the AmericanIeople heretofore held Rarred.

As at'anandagua, X. Y mother was aboutto strike her litMe daushter. who hethought merited a whipping, the Newfound-land dog of the family caught the menac-ing arm in his mouth, but did not bite. Thefather, coming in at the moment, made apretense of punishing the child, when hisarm was arrested tue way.

Boston Police Memoranda.Weekly 3oston Globe.l

Geonre E. Savory, Esq., Assistant PoliceClerk, refers to a case of agonizing sciaticsuherineoi frequent occurence, and whichwas cured by St, Jacob's Oil in less than halfan hour.

Death's Door Stauda Wide OpenFor those who suffer a Oougrh to "run on"until the lungs separate, or the wind-pip- e

and the bronchial tubes become hopelesslydiseased, but for all who resort to Hale sHoney of Horehound and Tar in the earlystages there is immediate relief and the absolute certainty of a permanent core. Soldby druggists.

Pike's Toothache Drops eure in one minute.

The Grand Central Hotel, CG7 Broadway,New York, is one of the finest, if not thefinest hotel in New York City; centrally located, rooontly refurnished and excellentlyKept; charges very moderate.


Harnett's Flavoring Extracts.There 1 no subject which should more engross

attention than the purity of the preparationswhich are used in flavoring the various com-pounds prepared for the human stomach. Bur-

nett's Extracts are prepared from fruits of the bestquality, and are highly concentrated. The "FifthAvenue," "Continental," "Grand Pacific" andother leading hotels use and Indorse Burnett'sExtracts.

oThe mam who heeds not the warning of pain o r

suffering, which always precedes maladies oftenbecomes, through indolence, the victim of incur-able disease. Lassitude, Weariness, Sadness,Aching of the Limbsdndieate nervous disairange-men- t,

the forerunner of many organic and func-

tional discaes. The early employment of Fellows''Hypophosphites will effectually ward off such


An Example of Benefit Arising From aClub.

In large mercantile establishments in New Yorkand other large cities the many employes natur-ally indulge in all the amusements that are going.The passion for investing in lotteries is not an ex-

ception; but the means is limited by the small-nes- s

of their wages. Hence the club systemwhere all the excitement is furnished of theownership of many tickets held at an ex-

penditure of but a single dollar. Of coursethe amount wou is not as great as when the single bolder holds the entire winniDg ticket Mr.John F. Sass, a prominent business man in theemploy of Messrs. Benton, Faulkner A Bird, No. 35Dey s'reet, New York City, an eminently respecta-ble and large firm of iron fittings, acted as tieasarer for a club of six in the September drawing ofthe Louisiana State Lottery, aud having nailed adillar to M. A. Dauphin, No. 319 llroadway, NewYork City, or to same person at New Orleans, La.,received 11,200 as a recompense. Next I

oThirty Years' Experience of an Old Nurse

MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP is theprescription of one of the beat female physiciansand nurses In the United State, and has beenused for thirty years with never falling successby millions of mothers for their children. It re-

lieves the child from pain, cures dysentery anddiarrhea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic.By giving health to the child It reata the mother.Price twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle.


, The Length of My Foot.A girl waa asked, "Do you think you will suit

me?" "Yes, ma'am; let me get the length of myfoot in your kitchen, and you'll never get rid ofme," she answered. She waa smart. So with

Take home a bottle and It can not bedislodged.

I Spalding's Glue Is like this smart girl; bring Ithome it sticks forever.

oQoem'a Cod Liver Oil Jelly.

Approved by the Academy of Modldne of NewTork for cougiu, colds, bronchial and tuberculareeasumpUon, scrofula and general debility. Themeat mild, bland and nutrltiou form In whichCod Liver Oil can be used, and with more benefitsecured to the patient y a single teaspoonful ofthis Jelly than by double the quantity of theliquid oil, and the most delicate stomach will notreject it For sale by all druggists, and E. IITRUEX, 3 Piatt afreet, New York.


Lru utor

Mothers like, and Physiciansrecommend it.


CUXTAUIt LINI3IENTS ; theWorld's great Pnln-Relievi- njr

remedies. They heal, soothe andcure BunisWonndsVeak Backand Rheumatism upon Man,and Sprains, Galls, and Lame-ness upon Beasts. Cheap, quickand reliable.


SPURTS of disgusting Maoni,Snuffles, Crackling Pains in theHead, Fetid Breath, Deafness, andany Catarrhal Complaint, can bo cxterminated ' by Wei Do Meyer'sCatarrh Cure, a Constitutional Antidoto by Absorption. Tho aost Im-portant Discovery since Vaccination


Nervous Debility.

Cored Without Medicines I

Oar Special Galvanic Appliances Teach atonce the seat oi disease, ana meir .uectro-uai- -

vanic action is upon the center of theNervouH, 3IuHeular

unci GenerativSystems,SPEEDILY RESTORES THE


And curing the worst cases of pomlnal Weakness,Exhaustion. Imnotency, and all Diseases andWeakness of the Urino-genit- al organs.

YOUNG MENSuffering from early indiscretion lack nerve forceand fail to attain strength.


. Often lack vigor, while

OLD MENBelieve It to be the natural progress of age anddecay. To one and all we can say that naturemerely wants natural aid, which our special ap-pliances give without drugging the stomach. Weguarantee a cure in every case of short structuraldegeneration. Special illustrated pamphlet sent insealed envelope on receipt of 6 cents postage, Cousulfation free. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. .

WOMEN suffering from any weakness peculiarto their sex hhould send for our special circularexplaining our improved electrical OVARIANSUPPORTERS, Etc


' Mm Street. Chicago, (II., hm 1 rJ I

PHYSICIANS say it is a PERFHCTtbe sulphate quinine. 8uperior

in tonic properties, and produces no disagreeablefleet.

Dose the Same as Sulphate Quinine..SOLD BY ALL I)K.CG(JIST8. OR 8ENT BY MAIL.


BILLINGS, CALPP & CO.,Chemists, Boston. Mass.


A First-Cla- ss Furnished Hotel for $81,664 Cash Prizes and 1,416 Property

Prizes Amounting to $369,850.This Drawing will take place at Louisville, K v.,

December 31, 18S0. under authority of a specialact of the Kentucky Legislature, and will be un-der the absolute control of the following disinter-ested Commissioners appointed by the act:lion. Robert Mallory. late M. C, of Oldham

County; L. M. Flournoy, President of the Lou-isville Car Roof Company; Hon. II. P, Whitta-ke- r.

of Covington; Henry Clay, Jr., late Prose-culln- g

Attorney of the Louisville City Court,and U. A. Winston, of the law firm of LA J.Caldwell & Winston, of Louisville

LIST OF PRIZES.The WHIard Hotel, with all iU

furniture and Fixtures.... . .$250 000

One Bnck Residence on Green Street.. ..$15.000One Brick Residence on tireen Street... .. 15,000Two Cath lYizes, each $5.000 - 10,000Two Cash lYizes. each $2,000 - 4,000Five Cash Prizes, each tt.000 .. 5,000Five Cat-- Prizes, each $.V0 .. 2.500Fifty Cash Prizes, ochS10U..M .. 5,000One hundred Cash ITizes, each f00 .. 5,000Five hundred ('ash ITizes, each f20 .. 10,000One Set of liar Furniture .. 1.000One Fine llano- - .ri00

One handsome Silver Tea set..... .. 100400 boxes old Bourbon Whisky, Sao - 11,-fi-

10 Baskets Champange, $35 .

Five hundred Cah lrizes. each 10 5.000400 Boxes Fine Wines. K!0 12,000200 Boxes Robertson Countv hlaky, f30. 6,0004O0 Boxes Havana Cigars. $10 4,000live hundred Cash Prizes, each $10............. 5,000"Whole Tickets, $3. Halves, $4. Quarters, $2.

Responsible agents wanted at all Importantpoints. For circulars, giving full information,and for tickets, address W. C. D. Will 18,

Willard Hotel,Louisville, Kv.

Or W. Scott Glore, Bookseller, No. 10 Fourthstreet, Louisville, Ky.

The notel is now open and will be run by theuüdersigned until it is ready to be transferred tothe lucky winner. The public are invited to stopwith me and see the property for themselves.

W. C. P. WHIPfl.


tinir iehtne (m Inrentrd. WiU ami a nur oflockings. wiTa If EKL, and TOli complete, in

minutes. It will also knit a jtwU vanetj of fancy-wo- rk

for which there la always a reaIv mntrt Sendfar ctrrnlar nl to th twombly Kntttlisaiacainc Ce.. Waalilwcua su. iMun,

McDonald A Bvtlek. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

SnBRIFF'd SALE. By virtne;of iCeertified copyto me directed, irurn the Clerk oi

the Superior Court of Marion County. Indiana. Ina cause wherein Hekry If. Cook Is plaintiff andHarmon Woodri-f-k et al. are defendants, requir-ing me to make the sum of three thousand twohundred and seventy-nin- e dollars and seventeencents, as provided for in said decree, with intereston said decree and costs. 1 will expose at publicsale, to the highest bidder, 01

SATURDAY, the 20th day of November,A. I). lbM),

the hours of 10 o'clock a, m. and 4 o'clocki. m. of said dav. at the door of the iourt Jloueof Marion County, Indiana, the rents and profitslor a term not seven years oi tlie

real estate, to-wi- t:

Lot No. one hundred and forty-seve- n (147i inWoodruff Place-- , a suburb of the city of Indianapolis, in the County of Marion, and tate of In-diana.

If such rents and profits will not sell for a sufficient sum to satisfy Mdd decree, interest and costs,I will, at the same time and place, expose to pub-lic sale the tee simple of said real estate, or somuch thereof as may tc sufficient to dischargesaid decree, interest and costs. Said sale will bemade without any relief whatever from valuationor appraisement laws.

JOHN 1. ISheriff of Marion Conntv.

October 2.'. A. D. 1RS0. ocL25-3-

McDonald & Bdtler, Attorneys.

SHERIFFS SALE. By virtne of a certified copyto me directed, from the Clerk of

the Superior Court of Marion County, Indiana,inarause wherein Henry II, Cook is plaintilTandJoseph A. Moore et al. are defendants, requiringme to mace we sum ot uree inousanu one Hun-dred and thirty-nin- e dnllurs and thirty-on- e cents,as provided for in said decree, with Interest onsaid decree and costs, 1 will expose at public sale,to me nignest bidder, on

SATURDAY, tlie 20th day of November, A.JJ. 1680,

between the bonrs of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4o'clock p. m. of said day, at the door of the CourtHouse oi Marion tounty, Indiana, the rents amiprofits for a term not exceeding seven years oftne ioiiowing real estate, to-w- it:

Lot number hfty-si- x In woodruff ITace. asuburb of the Cfty of Indianapolis, Marion County,inaiana.

If such rents and profits will not sell for a sufficient sum to satisfy said decree, interest andcosts, I wttl, at the same time and place, exposein puoiic saie me lee simple oi aaia real estate,or so rauch thereof as maybe sufficient to dis-charge said decree, interest and cost, 8aid salewill be made witbont any relief whatever fromvaluation, or appraisement law.

JU11M T. rKKSL.Y.Sheriff of Marion County.

October 25, A. D. 1880.

McDonald & Butler, Attorneys.

QIIERIFF'S SALE. By virtne of a eertified copyU of a aecree to me airectea, iroiu the Clerk ofthe Superior Court of Marion County. Indiana, hia cause wherein Hknby H. Cook is plaintiff andJohn M.J upah et al. are defendants, requiringme to mate tne sum ot in roe tnousanu two nuudred and eighty-si- x dollars and ninety-on- e cents,as provided for in said decree, with interest onsaid decree and copta, I will expone at public sale,io me nigneci Diaaer, on

SATURDAY, the 20t'i day of Nove nber, AD. 1S80,

between the hours of 10 o'clock a. ra. and 4 o'clockp. m., of said day. at the door of the Court Houseof Marion Connty, Indiana, tbe rents and profitsfor a term not exceeding seven years, of tbe follow-ing real estate, to-wi- t:

Lot number fourteen (14) in Woodruff Flace, asuburb of the City of Indianapolis, Marion Oouilty,inuiaua.

If sucn rents and profits will not sell for a snftlcient sum to satisfy said decree, interest and costs,I will, at the same time and place, exixiee to public sale the fee simple of said real estate, or somuch thereof as may be sufficient to dischargesaid decree, interest aud costs. Said sale will bemade without any relief whatever from valuationor appraisement laws.

JOHN T. PREPSLY,Sheriff of Marion County

October 25, A. D. 1880.

Itcb. 2n.it. tt EteeL for Cr.tr Sxlattt.13 to Holland from f-- 00 to 500-0-

0 EveryMarcUing l lob should nave one. Writ for PrieoLut of Small Cannon. Address. T. n. JOH SSTÜN.Great Western Gun Works fittsTrarph, fa.Ü. B. Our New Gun and liorolrei .List lor 19)0,now readv. Sent FreenDasHWCi

(JC tn COfl per day at home. Bam plea worth $00)J IU u6U free. Address STINSON' fc CO., Port--

land. Mair.e.


cmbrav W tno. on aiinttrk racier, and boand In elriran


price.work belnc completed AprU, rsui, eooner.

October anecial irKhioeinentaej.eo. of that

eiiaion cloth,

ana doce what it beUte

aainay thej the


Icrirut thoworuenn

tbe forprfce


aitors the ry winlanratype; the price being per

il oenta. V be ready) UWl .nil M.flr Iric

thm 00 aha Theall

fTJhrary KnowledgetOhambers's vola.,


Rome, Tota., 93.00.. Macaulay'a vole,, LSS.

tote ana oenia.' Macanlay's vols.,

literature, vols,i vola..

Life Words 60Coneordanoe, refmM, (9.

BiogTaphy, vols.,took Illus.,

40 StähalteerwarVs '


Adventaree-o-f 0Ulua., 40

Pilgrim's Uhm, 40lira,,

Munchaueen IThn, eenta.by oenta.



School Fund LotteijOf Kcptely, at Loolviille Xy.

Second Drawing en the 4th of Nov., 1880.

CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000.1 CAFITAL1 drnnd Prise l.tWlYie "

Orand IYu .0005 Prizes, $1.ouo each s.ooo

20 .lot) lYiües, h . 10.000Mi .'s) cat h 10.000

Approximation lYi:es, iH) 10,000

1.3-J-9 Total ..105,000

Whole Ticltet, 2; Ticket, $1.All prizes promptly paid after tbe drawing. A

list of will t sent immediately thedrawing, and publihed In the leading papers ofthe This drawing will certainlytake place on tbe 4th of November. IksO, aud thesame sehemi, presented monthly, take place

tbe 4th of each succeeding month, provided itdoes not Sunday, and if It does, the f'at- -;iruay preceding.There neither he a Postponement nor

Scaling.Col. A. i. Hodtres Cant. Wm. Johnston,

iouisville. will aierintend the drawing, thanwhom two more honorable gentlemen do not livein Kentucky, both of are well andregarded as gentlemen of spotless integrity.

B. C. WINTEESMITH, Supervisor,No. 3 Mozart Building. Ky.

Tickets now at the of A. W. Harris& Co., 210 Broad New York. Orders for tick-ets can be by mail express.always us.- - w ithont discount,and all necessary Liformaiion byA. W. Harris 240 Broadway,

at Chicago, G. W . IX) RD, No. l- -t

Washington Street, Koom 5C.

Porlab3? iTEialny .Saw ITIill,W ilh imprrneU It ma t iTt--

tV9f IM. 'IT Hthrre m-- . ai4 ill

b.irhuoj mill. It r "ut an luinl' rbo run by rilhrr ti'J in t. the

watr wr. iMvrrr and nuni'H'rut ru lurtwi

Die enriuc9 us.-- i --IUI a tn:IU fcl liit--r

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Il malf-- s nm.-.iil- mii rin Iuh.Ik'i. ! noami mil cat aa t.wir irrt diinit u-r- .

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and ran uX' in ln-- r I

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(:ihNI)I.KK4 rttl.l'U ln.liaiill.li


CäVrla orFersen Bi rrs

Portabl. H:i (or Fain,Paw c Prloafrom p. Caaplat MUIat. i f?. bey eaa(rtnii ana Cera In rO)V.

I a - 1 I 14 I - 1 la tiaa or tau."3fiSKh 'r. c..'m,.rirni: ?'i,Wf:i;.1 aat Cm Will rrr, etttp.

led iaavs polls. Lai.

ACKNTH lVA.Ti:i EÜClüLüPEDiät&O to Alontb.fLIlB7 7,v anBai and forms fni

Vir d -.:.

UAlim ename anaI UUl i lO V i":n ? fJU p

Ciai si;ctes. OneLAWYER Iii in oiie tvn. an-bl-

l."i3 in aa an.efbr In 13 days, fcivr t i:nrs iu mi', mul

it. ftui for and. Kruis.Alio A:eitlaP. W. ZtKil.KU i 1 "00 tri. ft.. Pb'"a. Ta.

Xy ITIoat'at'd rTWt.Wdwa-rTbt-n

m aa4 htlwrraanttoa3cataiiip. It bow

In all T n tritirrnrrr'Tirlbrlura MTiiw nT . L'rwtonb'rd

octavo orames of 03 pajrre It

per Toruiw, m , ii; m mm nwNa, ru i"ftthneheon

whoae ordira are aooi SIO.

Library ofiLPiiuVeirsa! tCnowIedse,

n avA "Tuma Bdltion. A verbatim reprint of tba lart Ixmdoa odttien ofäaei Igo J ptJ paMlia, with eopkms addltiorM by ArTw-aj- a adltnra : tba wbole iixu

alphabet, with aaeh Ulastrationa aa are neceanary to rocldate tbo txi. - Priniml from nnr eWtrotrpa platte.16

cotrplete, 10 per etat more than Appleton's and SO per cent mote thsn CyclopasdU. and Uaaijrh lamix reapecU Important to the general reader, It is fax superior to of them, ita ront la but a of their

L and II. axe ready and other olumee wUl follow at it two aavrh month, the nruwby ana

erla policy,

with eaah, for the set of 15 toIuith complete for the prtoe of for in and 115. 0tor the edition in half Russia, gilt top. The priue durintr NoTcmber will svtTanred to and and a fur-ther will be each month till tbe work ie eompletvid. It is not airppnwl that the mans of thoee who wUlIn time become porchaaera of tbe Encyclopandia will make payment in arvane an fbey now have the opportunityto do, thonc-- most of them-a- " aa for their newspapers aod macaalDc Tear in the old, tnedrriends of the Literary Revolution, who know thai the Amerioaa Book ExcKanm always aooompliAes hat itnndertaaee, promwes to do, will gladconaequratly bent prlnsea eopwa ot larwent and bei Encyclopaedia punuxneii in wis cuunu-y-. even at teabnieeitaooM. Volumes wül be shipped be as are lesued, or hc-- set la conv

Chambers's EncycBopaediaAs a portion of the Library of TJnlrrad Knowledge, we brae ChamberVs rrvyclopnvlia separately, without

American complete in U olumoa lmo. In this iwyle it to printed from new pUlm madefrom Terr clear nonpareil trpe. Price, Acme 1 aaja ff edition, ojoth, Ajda .bcar- -

paper, wide manflns). half Russia, trilt top, f mJlj rnthie ntyk iHliimape IwuedOcto--ber l.andTolume li wiU he ready about Octo-- eomplcf worlt. To

month of October, the prion of 15 eompfct will bo;.00 the cloth, 114.0 for tlw baabiueia, KM top. Ihiriug the will be i.ü, and $1. for the

American Additions:The Terr additions to Chamber' Rneyclopajdia abn:tt 15 000 font) which are made by Arimi 1

oe euea sitmuthkii in unuiiiw m w iwv un.in cloth, in nan Hums, top; pneiare, per tow,

will follow a. raptilty aa pomibin. the laun

or Libra of Lulremu luiow leage susopages each, l.w olnroe

oluine L will in tictober, and otherMmnlMl nmUM

cloth a. fnr h&ir Riuwia. vilt Inn. four






peneahiebyLtLrary Uuivrrsal koowled4T, hich coniptitd.

Standard Books.of fnlTernal 15 ei-- , I15.00.

Encvclopasdia, 16 tl.kO.American AddiUoos to Chambers a 4

ola., 4.00.Mllman's Clhbon's (

Hifdory of England. 1lacaulays Lifters, ov

Essays and Forms, t (1.80.Chambers's CyciopmdiA of Enz. IS.Knight's Hiiry of England,Plutarch's Uvea of IUoatrlotn 3 vola, tland Out, eenta.

Young'a Bible 311.40Acme Dbrary of S eenta.

of Fables, 'p, etc.. eenta.Hilton's Ootnpk 1'oetioaJ Works, eenta.

Complete Work, 1.60.

Works ot Vlnrtl, tranalated by Drydcn, SOKoran Mohammed, by oenta.

gulxota, lima, eenta.NiphU, eenta.

UuriTan-- Progrraa, eenta.KobuiaonCroeoa, 40 eenta.

and Oulliver Travels, 40tones and Baiiada, K. T. Aides, Ulna,

TO-DA- Y A RIVALauma it haa

PRIZF. 30,000

(irand 10,000

ITizes, .VWeteh 10,000l(X)ea.

IThvs,1,000 earn



prizes after

United States.


oeiir on


whom known

Louisville.ready office

ay.sent or Postal Orders

mich lYLzos cashedfurnished

& Co., New Tork.Agent BECK



Oirrthiri. u

htnt-tK.t- .


br rakt:il I... alit'- - C!iti- -




stosi.liil Owaars.

ttv-M- t

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JfmrKOOold ValOuua

aatrhaa rrt,trfEymer

about will contain.

towill receive

C3anbr. Kapyrdo.ahont 15.OJ0 ioplrxl


Volumee Octoberprooacu

pursuanceordcra, aorolnal


full advance but


thead'litiom, ediuon

fer.during the Tolumen

horember advanced to set.

tanre the












aa Ott-- SlnUy, we

to nave W by lntina tlO.OO and gt tlie eartleat and

fnr fJlO fiet 1.H1T TolUtnca UXabrr nm. nv. BZ U IOTTolumr of American A'tdittonn wal be found weli-nia;- h lndia--

Karf la Qwr Land. BO oenta.Acme Library of Modern t'laeaios, 40 eenta,American cents.Taine's History of Kn(Uh laterarnr, 80 eeaaa,Cecil's Books of Natural H4ory, 91.rVtoriol Handy Lcmvvn; 11 oenta.Faying, auchor of Papers, 80 eettia.Mrs. Hvniana' fortical tVorsia, 0 oauts.K itto's Cyclopaxlia of Bio. Literatur, vola., 92.Kollins Aacient History, 91.76.Hmrth's ionjLry ol the Bible, 60 eenta.Works of Klaviu Josovriu. 91.60.

History of U. S- -, ran., 60 eenta.Health by Kierr lee. Dr. Oeo. H. Taylor, 40 eenta.Health for Women, Dr. tieo. H. Taylor, 80 eenta.Library Magazine, bound volumee. SO to eO oenta.Um from the Diary ot aa Old Lawyer, 81.

Manual, 6OHaner's Iliad, translated by Pope. SO eenta.Homert Odymey tiwhavd by Pope, eenta.Heott'a Ivanhoe, cents.Bulwer's La-- t Days of 1'ompeU, eenta.The Cure of Farafyeta, Dr. teo H. Taylor, SO eeth

ilhw., 91.60.Licht of Asia, Arnold, SS eenta. tf

ail owners of Chamber', Appleton'. Johnson's and vlbcr Ci except the large tP ditaaavi tha ei from U Is

Men, M.of

40 and 6040

The Bale, SO










ISMO, eenta.

Eaeh of tbe above bound tn doth. If by man, rjoatage extra. Mo9 of the book are alo publlbed ta fineeditions and fine blnding at higher prlcea. Books with () in press ; (t) souw but not ail vols, tsmied. tvarrtpnCataioawoa mmM wea rvsaitrRemit by bank draft, money order, registered tetter or by trpresa. Piactionj of ouadollar may be sent la postaare atampa. Address

AMERICAN BOOIC EXCHANGE,0JOHN B. AIDEN, Manaoeb. Tribuno Building:, New York.

rtTHTnTT'O . Boston, H. L, Hastings! Philadelphia, Leary St On.; Cincinnati. Roheit CiarVc 0.1AvJAjIi L'lXlO IndiananoUa, Bowen, Stewart A Oo,t Cleveland, Ingham, Clarke A Co.: To e n,Kager A O0.1 Chicago, Aldea A Chadwick 1 la smaller towns, the lead in bookwller: for l'ac.ac -

Caoalnghaa CurUas et Waich, 8aa rranoiatia. Liberal terms to ftlubt hr thars are no ag uu.

WITHOUT INrät at kinrla nf and



o f

it J

K la


















r t





a VI. I',


7 fno equal havinfj stood the test of universal use for tniny ycart ia the roost malarial distriX never fails to curt, not merely removing for a time the symptoms, but eradicating the camthe disease, thereby makicj a permanent cure, PRICE ONLY 75 CEN7HmaafMtared by The Dr. Barter Hedleln Cc, Ho. S13 II. Mala Street, 89. Vo

Rev. T. H a ck th Kf RR, Sil pt German Protestant Orphans' TTome.St ChATtes Rock Road. PC UCo7 writiugApril 3oth, 1877. savs: "Dr. Härtel' Fever and Ague j$cAc is a poaiUvs cureChills and Fever; baa never failed with ua. .

' Mr. Jno. C Wklbori of Keytrport. Ill, says: "I eurei a Uttle girl of Arne of three "r-- artj

standing, with Dr. UarUr't Fever and Agx Specific, after the best snyslci&ns failed to ben fit beti

.Dr. Yotr!öBLOot of LHtle York. Mo., says t " I have used Dr. Ibtrtefl Fever and Afftu Spedfiiway practice, and can beartlly recomtBend it to tbe pubUo."