UFM Worldwide Prayer...

May 2015 Prayer Calendar But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. The surpassing power belongs to God and not to us 2 Cor 4:7-10

Transcript of UFM Worldwide Prayer...

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May 2015Prayer Calendar

But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken;

struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may

also be manifested in our bodies.

The surpassing power belongs to God and not to us

2 Cor 4:7-10

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May 2015


1 FridayIRELAND Shaun & Tania Abrahams "OnMay 16th KBC will host a Creation MinistriesInternational event which will have a specialfocus for the schools in the area. Please praythat many will attend. Please pray for Amyand Eden as they write their finalexams. Praise God for the salvation of PaulCoffey and the growth in our people. PraiseGod for our 6 month visa extension."

ITALY Jonathan & Annette Gilmore “Weare thankful for the Percorsi/Impattoconference. It is moving to see peopleincreasingly embracing gospel-centrality!Praise God for an Easter youth camp inSicily. We are encouraged by baptisms inBudrio (Easter Sunday) and by morecontacts. Pray for a visit to the US(theitalycollective.org) and ministry inFrance.”

PAPUA NEW GUINEA Rosie Crowter“Please pray for Preaching Workshop from 4– 9, for good attendance from all the districtsof those who teach God’s word. Pray theywill grasp the PPP method and be excitedand challenged by God’s Word. Pray for theYouth Leaders' Training Day on May 2nd –and for David Sprouse as he leads thesetrainings and also preaches. He will needstamina and energy from God in this hotplace.”

2 SaturdayBRAZIL Rogerio & Shirley Teixeira"Adriane was accepted to study with NewTribes Mission. We are thrilled with this.Continue to pray for her adoption and God'sguidance and leading in her life. Alinegraduates from her course on 8th May. Prayfor direction for her future too. I was thrilledto hear there are 7 of all ages participating inbaptism classes at our little church in Vila do


UK Robert & Sue Lightowler "Two mainprayer requests please. Sue has been ill inbed for 8 days now with a flu like virus. (TwoAzalea team members had something similarover Christmas) Don’t you find that one ofthe most challenging things is when teamrelationships are strained or go wrong?Robert is the HR trustee and is working withthe chair of trustees to bring improvementsand build safeguards."

S.E. ASIA Tuangpi & Michaela "Pleasepray for Tuangpi as he continues to build anevangelism centre ready for a new area ofministry. Pray also for Michaela as she isstruggling with being in the early stages ofpregnancy in the heat of hot season. PraiseGod that we have been able to have a twoday break at the beach."

IVORY COAST Fidel & Yvette Tchoumou"Pray as Fidel tries to fix dates withcolleagues for film ministry for May and June,that they will come to fruition. Yvette ispreparing messages for camps. Sara andEsther continue with school; pray that we willcomplete this year’s school year by the endof June."

3 SundayUK Rob & Anne Ball "Please pray for theLord’s guidance re.possible church ministry.We thank God for Rob’s good response totreatment for his kidney stone. However arecent X-ray revealed he needs morelithotripsy. Pray the treatment will soon besuccessfully concluded."

PERU Edward & Esmé Zárate We do prayfor Edward & Esmé currently on HomeAssignment, that it will prove to be anencouraging and refreshing time for them,both spiritually and physically.

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May 2015


S.AFRICA Susanna Clarke "Please pray forme as I settle back in UK and prepare to startdoing deputation. Also please pray for thecontinuing work in Nseleni and with theSunday schools, and for those who havetaken on new responsibilities there."

4 MondayFAR EAST/UK Eric & Anne "We had 3 greatweeks of classes, all very successful, and aGraduation ceremony for the 2nd class aftertheir 2nd week. They have been studying theOld Testament for nearly 8 yrs.15 receivedtheir Certificates. Most of them from bothclasses were expecting trouble when theygot home, but no news from them, so wepray 'No News is Good News'. One guyattended both class groups with a broken legin plaster!! Keen!!"

BRAZIL Bron Hewett We pray for Broncurrently in Canada, that this time will be aspiritually refreshing time for her as well as asuccessful time in sorting out the paperworkfor her visa.

BRAZIL Marcelo & Holly Vieira "Praise theLord for the team from southern Brazil thatserved alongside us from April 10-21. We askfor prayer that we can minister well to thosein the community that are struggling withsuch great poverty. Pray the Lord gives uswisdom in order to always love and help inthe best way possible; pray we always pointto the Lord."

5 TuesdayGREECE Tim & Nicky Sandell We pray forTim & Nicky as they settle into their newhome in Greece. We pray that they willquickly adapt to a new culture and climateand make friends within the neighbourhood.

SPAIN Laura Sanlon "I want to say thankyou for all your prayers and support

throughout the whole process of planning,organising and running Mission Possible,Please pray for the team as we enter a timeof reflection and evaluation and consider thefuture and how to take MP forward and evenhow MP can serve Spain in the period beforeMP2017."

BRAZIL Maureen Sharratt "On May 5th,Aline and Geanne will be graduating from aprofessionalisation course they have beenattending. We have seen such a change inthem during this year - as they have gainedin confidence. Please pray for their futuresnow. Aline is settled in her own place andGeanne may be going to live with familymembers."

6 WednesdayPAPUA Sue Trenier We do pray for Suethat the Lord will bless her and strengthenher as she seeks to work in her localcommunity.

FRANCE Debs Prisk "Debs is back in the UKfor two months on home assignment. In herabsence from Lagny, please pray for thewomen's group and the youth group. Theyare left behind in very capable hands, butchange of leadership is always unsettling fora group, even if on a temporary basis. Prayfor the groups to grow in love and maturityat this time."

IRELAND David & Suzanne Neald "TheSunday School is really thriving at themoment - to the point where it is, at times,bordering on unmanageable! We also havesome young teens who would benefit fromsome separate instruction/meetings. Pleasepray for this to be worked through."

7 ThursdayUK Lynne McLeavy "Continue to pray thatwe will have a clear idea of how to proceed

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as we work out what ministry to womenworking on the streets in London looks like."

ISRAEL William & Marie Kirk "We bothwant to thank God for church contacts andthe recent opportunities to exploreprospective ministries. We also want to givethanks for the progress made with regards tothe settlement of Marie’s father’s estate.Please pray that this will be concluded soon."

8 FridayBRAZIL Jo McMillen We pray for theongoing ministry of ARCA. We pray for Jo asshe seeks to help those that are needy, thatthe young people will open themselves up tobe helped, and that the Lord will bless therelationships she has built up.

BRAZIL Esther Barczaitis (DMG) We prayfor Esther currently on home assignment inGermany that she will know the refreshmentof the Lord.

BRAZIL Inge Bublitz (DMG) "I have somehealth problems and will need to make a visitto Germany sometime in July after the termends. Please pray that I would have strengthto continue with the work here until then."

9 SaturdayHUNGARY Tamás & Berta Burján "Tamásis recovering from pneumonia – anexplanation for his recently not so goodhealth. The last issue of the church magazineis out, 250 copies are shared. Biborka isteething and that sets a limit as to how muchsleep we have. Abigél and Berta are well.Pray for the Summer Team preparing tocome to Hungary. Thank you for yourprayers.”

KENYA Martin & Claudia Bussey "The firstweek of the month should be taken up withmarking exam papers and many, many

assignments. After that I’ll try to rewritevarious sets of lecture notes so they can bepublished in a book and hence be availableto students and pastors throughout Kenya.Pray for Andy, our son, who is due to leaveschool in May and has to decide whether todo a year's internship with AmbassadorsFootball in London, or begin a 4 year degreeat Houghton College in the States."

S.AMERICA Daniel Caballero “Please, prayfor wisdom. There are some issues amongthe pastors in the churches I am workingwith: divisions, bad teaching and a moralissue with one of them. Also, I am preachinga series on the sermon of the mount, prayfor power from the Holy Spirit. Thank you!”

HORN OF AFRICA Our couple We do prayfor our couple for protection and safety, andfor opportunities to share the Gospel.

10 SundaySPAIN Catherine "My Mum's beendiagnosed with cancer and I've come back toScotland for the next several months.Circumstances can change overnight, butour sovereign God is never taken bysurprise. Please pray that the cancer willrespond well to treatment, and for my Mum,Rosemary, to find strength in God at thistime. Pray we can trust in His grace for eachday. Pray for healthy family dynamics as myMum, sister and I adapt to this new situationand for the ongoing ministry back in Spain."

ASIA Diane "Please continue to pray for mymany groups coming and for decisionsregarding whether to renovate or rebuild theBCC premises. It is quite a busy time for meand I need God's help to manage my time.We also had two people from our Englishclub come to faith. Please pray for them."

CENTRAL EUROPE Our missionary "In thenatural course of ministry one becomes more

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and more involved with believers. I wouldtherefore appreciate your prayers for wiseand continual initiatives with new people andfor my ability to keep up contact with oldfriends who may be more open than Irealize! Pray too for my travelling and OTteaching in May."

SIERRA LEONE Jayne Smyth "Now thatschools have re-commenced, so have ourgroup programmes for children. Praise Godfor the opportunities to teach children aboutthe Saviour, and pray for spiritual fruit."

11 MondayLEAVE OF ABSENCE Fiona Steward(FRANCE).

APPOINTEES Malcolm & Louise (MiddleEast) Ruth McGarvey (France) Ben &Hannah (UK), Lee & Fai Furney (Malawi)Chris & Laura de la Hoyde (UK/France)One couple (UK) Luke & Heidi (UK/Asia)Jon & Lisa Short (Spain) We pray for allour Appointees, that they will know theLord's guidance and presence in the nextstep that they are taking. We pray for thosewho are unwell, that the Lord will heal. Wepray for those who are seeking to move thisyear and we remember those who arepatiently waiting upon the Lord for histiming.

UK Peter & Carolyn Praise God for themany friendships that Peter and Carolynhave in the neighbourhood. We do pray thatthere will be opportunities as they meet toshare more of the Lord and that there will bea real interest shown in desiring to knowmore.

12 TuesdaySLOVAKIA Heledd Job (IFES) "May 11-18.Please pray for the members of the IFESYoung Staff Network as they attend the

Dutch national student conference. They willbe running some training aiming to helpDutch students in their evangelism."

FRANCE Our couple "Please pray for aFrenchman, a Tunisian lady and an Americanlad, who come regularly to our church andhave shown a genuine interest in the Gospelover the past few months. Pray that the HolySpirit will work in their minds and hearts, tolead them to true repentance and faith inChrist."

UK Kevin & Susan "An Asian lady came toour market stall and asked for the Gospel.She requested someone to visit her to talkabout the books. She says that someoneused to have a visit in the past. Pray that thismay be a prepared heart. The number ofIranians coming to our home Bible study isincreasing, there are nearly 20. There isgreat openness. Pray for genuineconversions."

13 WednesdayONE HUNDRED FOLD Ed & Kate Pray forEd as he leads the 100Fold team andestablishes contacts with potential partners.Give thanks that Kate is keeping well as shecarries their fifth child and home schools theboys. Praise God that Joseph is coping wellwith his on-going treatment for leukaemiaand for the love and support he is receivingfrom the family and his medical team. Forregular updates go to www.prayforjoseph.orgGeorge and Claire George and Claire arestill rejoicing over the birth of John. Georgereturned safely from a trip to a restrictedaccess country to equip national leaders withgrapevines for seminary education.Lars andKathy Huttar Lars and Kathy are thankfulfor their support team who pray for them andsend financial support. Pray for Lars as heworks on 100Fold projects and for Kathy asshe home schools Anna, Joanna, Keziah,

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Elizabeth and Irene. John and JaniceJenkins John and Janice are thankful for theprayers of the Lord's people for John's on-going health problems. Pray for John'smedical team as they seek to alleviate theproblems John is experiencing. Pray that Johnand Janice will know the Lord's dailypresence and grace. Jerry and Lynn JonesPray for Jerry's health and the regularappointments he has with his medical team.He is thankful for some progress in recentweeks. Pray for wisdom each day in his roleas the Operations Manager for 100Fold. Pray,too, for Lynne in her care of andencouragement to Jerry.Erik and DawnMugele Pray for Erik's work on 100Foldprojects. Pray that Erik and Dawn's supportteam will come together so that Erik will beable to give more time to 100Fold projects.Pray for Dawn as she cares for the familyand for Gavin and Anika in their schoolstudies.Dan and Sharon Pinkham Pray forDan and Sharon as Dan continues with histreatment for leukaemia. Pray that thetreatment will be a success so that Dan willsoon be able to have a bone marrowtransplant. Pray, too, that Dan will be able togo to church soon after not being able to gofor so long because of the risk of infection.Pray that Sharon will know the Lord’s dailygrace and strength as she cares for Dan. Youwill find regular updates onwww.prayfordan.com where you can alsosend a message to Dan and Sharon.Ken andKaty Wienecke Pray for Ken in his ministrywith 100Fold as he works with Jerry on100Fold projects. Pray, too, for Ken and forKaty and Christopher and Charissa in theirlife together as a family.

14 ThursdaySHORT TERM MISSIONARIES AndrewArthur-Worsop (ROMANIA) We pray forAndy and Ance as they seek the Lord'sguidance concerning full time service. Our

missionary (Middle East) We praise Godfor a good time visiting the UK and pray forsmooth preparations in order to return. Becca Jones (Uganda)"It has been almosta year since we were able to do prisonministry. We have now been granted alicence to continue this ministry so we will berecommencing that in April. There weremany exciting things happening amongstprisoners when we were last there so wepray that God would be obviously at workagain." Ruth Duffin (Thailand) We pray forRuth as she coordinates the Summer teamand as she too looks forward to a short breakhome in the summer. Emily Young (SouthAfrica) "We started an Educationalprogramme for the High School children atthe home. Two of the girls in their final yearof school will legally have to leave the homeat the end of the year. There are 3 childrenrepeating a year and if they fail again theywould have to leave school and home. Prayfor their future." Michael & Rachel Lewis(Papua New Guinea) We pray for Michaeland Rachel that they will know the Lord'sblessing on them as they work both in theHospital and the communities around. BethParmenter (South Africa)"Please pray formy visa situation. My visa was rejected and Ihave appealed. Please pray that I knowGod's will will be done no matter what theoutcome is." Vaughn & Teresa (MiddleEast) We pray for the family as theyminister in the International Church that theywill know the Lord's blessing andencouragement. Keith Charlton (100 Fold)We pray for Keith that the gifts that he haswill be used to their full in the ministry of 100Fold, that he will be a real asset to theteam. Katherine Savage (Brazil) "Pleasepray for Katherine Savage as she adjusts tothe different routine and responsibilities ofworking in Belém. Pray she will be able tocommunicate the gospel effectively to theBrazilians she encounters. Pray too for

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Carine, whom she did a bible study with lastmonth, to come to true repentance and faithin the Lord Jesus." Caitlin Davies(FRANCE) We pray for Caitlin as she worksalongside Emmanuel and Maria in Brittany, that she will be an encouragement as sheworks at the language school and as shehelps within the various ministries in thechurch.

15 FridayBURKINA FASO Ben & Liz Griffin "Pray forthe May- June English course, that we willagain have enough teachers and that thestudents will be changed by the Bible studieson grace. Pray for us as a family as all of ushave close friends who are leaving Burkinathis month."

ASIA Beth We do pray for goodconversations with friends and students, foropportunities to share more of the love ofthe Lord with those Beth meets.

BELGIUM Lucy Haslam (IFES) We pray forLucy as she looks ahead to the next step forher back in the UK in the Autumn for furtherstudy. We do pray that she will be veryconscious of the Lord's presence as shebegins to prepare to leave Belgium, that shewill know His enabling in the difficult times.

16 SaturdayUK Alan & Pauline Ashmore "We givethanks for a good turnout for the start of our'Back to Basics' course in the chapel. Pleasepray as we prepare for each week and thatothers who have shown an interest willcome. We would appreciate prayer for theclients of Caerau Foodbank, which has showna sharp increase in demand over the last fewweeks."

FRANCE Alan & Pat Davey "Thank God foran encouraging AGM (Eglise Réformée

Evangélique de la Gironde - Cenon and BlayeChurches) and for God's protection on JamesHammond and Alan's visits to UK churches.Please pray for these last weeks with thestudents, for Jesus and his word to beexalted and embraced. Pray for universityapplications and for summer plans (housesale, conferences, holidays)."

FRANCE Richard & Terece Dilworth Wedo pray for Richard and Terece as theyminister alongside the local church, forencouragement as they seek to make friendsin the community.

17 SundayE. EUROPE Andy & Tatyana "We praiseGod for opportunities to connect with newsupporting churches in UK, while continuingto support our partners remotely week byweek on the field. Pray for all those familiesthat have taken in refugees, for the manydemands this has placed on their financesand family lives."

PERU David & Bertha Barnes "We thankGod for a good conference at the end ofMarch on biblical counseling. Please praythat what was learned may be put intopractice by the many church leaders whoattended from around the country. Pleasepray too for our newest centre which opensthis month in Comas (north Lima). Pleasepray that there will be a good number ofstudents attending the first module on NTGreek (taught by David)."

FRANCE Emmanuel & Esther Durand"Pray for us as we settle down and becomeinvolved in the local community. Please dopray for opportunities to share the Gospelwith people we are getting to know."

18 MondayFRANCE Emmanuel & Maria Hartiel "The

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main barrier for outreach is spiritual but, withSpring now upon us, pray that folk will bemore disposed to chat at the market stand.Please pray for God's leading and for wisdomas Emmanuel looks into alterations that needto be done on the church in order to complywith new rules on access for disabledpeople."

ASIA Jerry & Joy "The doorbell sometimesnever stops ringing. Praise God for all thevisitors, but pray for Joy to be sustainedthrough the hard work of homeschooling,serving expat Christians and all the localchildren who come round to play. Jerry longsto move from regular preaching in English topreparing Bible talks in the local language".

CENTRAL EUROPE Gisli & Nora We praiseGod for a good time back in the UK, for theopportunities to share of the ministry thatGisli and Nora are involved in. We pray forthem as they come alongside very needypeople that they would continue to receivestrength and guidance from the Lord.

19 TuesdayBRAZIL Paula Harris "Praise the Lord fortraining for the street team this past monthfrom the campaign 'Crianca nao e de Rua'.This is the first proper training any of ushave had. Pray that it will help us help ourchildren better. Please pray for Daniel Santosand Daniel Silva who regularly come to theday centre, that they will open their hearts tofollow Christ. Daniel Santos knows the gospeland can tell us how and why we needforgiveness and many things about God butpray that this will become a heart and lifereality for them."

BRAZIL Jason & Andrea Murfitt We dopray for encouragement in the small churchand children's ministry that the family areinvolved in alongside the river.

EURASIA Ed & Katie We pray for Ed andKatie, that friendships would continue togrow as they seek to share their lives withthose around them.

20 WednesdayASIA Mark & Gill “We thank God for thebusy month of April as we spent timeworking alongside some young leaders fromanother country. Pray with us as they returnto their home situations and we seek tosupport them. Pray too as we continue towork alongside Mongolian missionaries andtheir mission agencies - some of our friendsare serving the Lord in challengingsituations.”

THAILAND Johnny & Ann McClean "May isthe end of the school year for Thaiuniversities so students are working hard asthey head towards their final exams. Pleasepray for Christian students to have godlypriorities in a very pressured world. Pray thatthose who are graduating and starting out inthe workplace would continue to live as saltand light wherever the Lord places them.Some are returning to very difficult contextsfor believers. Pray that they will find localchurches and older believers to help andencourage them."

21 ThursdayUK/BRAZIL Andrew & Jenny Love "Dopray for three Brazilian pastors:Jorge, Eliasand Alcir who are missionaries in Portugal.Pray for the new toddler group started inLlangeinor - that the Lord may use it to buildfurther relationships local parents. Pray toofor our eldest daughter Hannah doing herfinals this month at UCL"

BRAZIL Evelyn McCartney "Thank you forpraying for me and my return to Brazil. TheLord has been very precious and I have beenvery conscious of His help. Please pray for

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Fabio. Many years ago he made a decisionbut has never made Christ the Lord of hislife. Consequently his drug addiction is a bigproblem. Last night he came to the serviceand asked Volmir [a leader] to study God’sWord with him. Pray for a real breakthroughand that Christ may be glorified."

SLOVENIA Lydia Adams "This semester

God has blessed us with many internationalChristian students. There are about 8 ofthem and 2 Slovene Students that regularlycome to our events. We meet every Mondayto talk about Prayer and to prayer. There aremany opportunities to share their faith and afew of them have started a small group toread Luke's Gospel with their flatmates andfriends. Please pray for them!"

Family Conference 201527 - 31 July, Hothorpe Hall, Market HarboroughThe UFM Family Conference is an amazing opportunity to meet with some of themissionaries and hear about their work. A great time to join with supporters, familyand friends to learn first hand about God’s work around the world. The Bibleministry will be given by Rupert Bentley-Taylor, a pastor for 30 years, originally inBournemouth and then in Bath. He has been engaged in preaching training inNorth India over many years.The conference is open to families of our Missionaries, Church Leaders and allthose who would welcome the opportunity to hear reports from our missionariesfrom around the world, to enjoy the fellowship of the UFM family, and to benefitfrom good Bible teaching.To book your place please contact the Swindon office as soon as possible.

22 FridayITALY Paul Chatfield "Ivan is due an op toremove the cancerous lump. It should havehappened by the time you read this. Pray forhis speedy recovery - it's meant to take him3-4 months before he resume normal levelsof physical activity."

ITALY Huw & Alison Williams "Pleaseremember Huw as he takes part in thePreachers and Bible Teachers Network at theEuropean Leadership Forum. He will be inPoland for the Forum from the 22-29 May. Inprevious years this has been a greatopportunity to serve other people inEuropean ministry, so please pray that Huwwould be a blessing and help to the otherson this Network."

FRANCE Tim & Suzanne Mitchell We prayfor continued help and encouragement forTim and Suzanne as they work with thechurch in Bordeaux.

23 SaturdayGREECE Jonathan & Dawn Clark (IFES)"This is our last month of student contact asthey start exams at the end of May or earlyJune. So please pray for the last few weeks ofmeaningful contact that they will have withtheir unbelieving course mates, and thatduring the strain of exams they'lldemonstrate peace and a different set ofpriorities."

IRELAND Stephen & Nikki Childs "Thebetter weather brings opportunities to talk

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with neighbours - I also have a lot of busjourneys coming up with friends fromorchestra. Please pray that we arecourageous in sharing the hope we have aswe chat."

ASIA Merv & Kim We pray for Merv as hetravels for his protection and safety, and forgood opportunities as he teaches. We prayfor Kim as she remains in the UK,that it willbe a constructive time for her as she waits toreapply for a visa.

24 SundayXTRA TIMERS "XtraTimers often have moretime to pray and are freer to be involved in awider ministry of prayer covering many ofthe areas where UFM now have workers. Maywe (XtraTimers) have diligence and joy inseeing prayer answered for our colleagueson the front line. "

IRELAND James & Julia McMaster “Wewould ask prayer for our son David - he hasjust turned 18 - that he would come to a realliving faith in Jesus. Many thanks!”

SIERRA LEONE Joel Willmer We pray forJoel that he would know the Lord's timingconcerning a return trip to Sierra Leone.

ASIA Lawrence We pray for Lawrence, forencouragement in his work and in hisbuilding up of friendships with local students.

25 MondayPAPUA/CANADA John & Gloria Wilson"The Yali people desperately need a reprintof the Bible. Funds collected in UK andCanada were to be matched by localcontributions. The late Otto Kobak depositedthose funds, but no one knows where. TheIndonesian Bible Society and GIDI are tryingto resolve this. Please pray about this so theYali Bible will soon be republished."

ITALY Andrea & Emanuela Artioli We dopray for the ongoing witness of the church inthe community that many will be keen toknow more about the Lord Jesus.

26 TuesdayCAMEROON Anatole & Claudie LordonWe continue to pray for Gospel opportunitiesin the area and protection over the family asthey minister together.

MOLDOVA Maureen Wise "Please pray forgood progress on the building of the 4thhouse at Capriana. Pray too for studentsfrom the Bible College graduating at the endof this month and very many returning toCentral Asia - that they will be kept by thepower of God and will be given boldness andwisdom as they serve Him in their homecountries."

S.E.ASIA Michael & Rachel As the familyreturn to the UK for a break this month, wedo pray for them. We pray that the childrenwill settle quickly and for the whole family,that they will be refreshed both physicallyand spiritually.

27 WednesdayUK/INDIA Steve & Rhonda Morris "Steveis applying for an Irish passport and visa.Pray he gets it soon as his visa has run outand hence his trip at the end of April will notgo ahead. The visa is too expensive to getfrom Britain as the price has trebled. It ischeaper to get one from Dublin."

OPERATION CENTURION Pete & Sue Nye"Pray for the first team starting work on thehouse in Moldova, for safety on site andtravelling and for the other teams as theyprepare. There are still workers needed forthe teams, please pray that more people willcome forward. For more information contact:[email protected]

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EURASIA Simon & Victoria "Please prayfor the new Christianity Explored coursestarting up mid-April and for continuedfollow-up of those from the first group. Weare particularly looking to train up newleaders to give this ministry long-termpotential. Our pastor's wife is seriously ill -pray for safe travel to a better hospital andfor good treatment."

28 ThursdayUK Our couple working amongst ethnicminorities “Praise for several opportunitiesto teach and engage in conversations. Pleasepray for the successful completion of aliterary project, which will greatly aidChristian apologetics. This month a churchgroup from abroad will come to our area.Pray that they will not only see the need forworkers, but also will be open to hear thecall.”

FRANCE Our couple and their threechildren "Praise God that we have seenseveral new families at church. An Englishcouple have asked for membership and weplan to baptise an Irish man at the churchanniversary in June. Pray for the conversionof his French wife. 'La Voix des Prophetes'has published a new apologetics book, 'LaFoi sur le Grill,' (Faith under Fire)."

BRAZIL Jakobine Diemer (DMG) "I'mworking on the last things to get moved toGermany. Please pray that I and mymissionary colleague get the right paperworkdone before sending every thing to SaoPaulo, There is a lot of paperwork for only afew things we are taking. We are leaving inSao Paulo on the first Sunday in July. Thanksfor your prayers."

29 Friday

USA OFFICE Laura Danner Pray forcontinued growth and wisdom for Laura inher administrative role and the processesshe is responsible for. Pray she will be wiseand open to the Lord's calling as she movesinto the new year. Pray, too, for thedevelopment of a local prayer team and forthe UFM USA Board meeting on 8May. Melissa Walker Pray for Melissa asshe prepares the first annual accounts forUFM USA. Pray for her, too, as she handlesthe increasing number of donations beingreceived for the missionaries serving withUFM USA.

30 SaturdayUK HOME STAFF NORTHERN IRELANDAND SCOTLAND Iain Cameron,JaniceBrown and David Morrow Jonny Sanlonand Gillian Carson We thank God for twogood Conferences in Northern Ireland andScotland. We praise God that Jonny and thefamily are now in a new home and pray forthem as they settle into a newneighbourhood.

UK HOME STAFF SWINDON John MarkTeeuwen, William Brown, ElinorMagowan, Jonathan Redhead, RobKingsland, Polly Elliott, Denise Hook,Rosalind Brown and Debbie Fitch We arepleased that Rosalind Brown has joined theHome Staff part time and praise God for hisprovision. We pray that all the staff willknow the joy of the Lord as they serve Him.

31 SundayUK COUNCIL & COMMITTEES We thankGod for the many who support the Missionon Council and on Committees. We do praythat the Lord will bless each one of them intheir personal ministries.

Page 12: UFM Worldwide Prayer Calendarufmworldwide.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/UFM_Prayer_Calendar_May_2015.pdfhealth. The last issue of the church magazine is out, 250 copies are shared.


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Scotland Office: UFM Worldwide, 11 Newton Place, Charing Cross, Glasgow, G3 7PR Tel: 0141 353 0666, email: [email protected]

Northern Ireland Office: UFM Worldwide, Room 105, City East Business Centre,68-72 Newtownards Road, Belfast BT4 1GW Tel: 028 9094 1621, email: [email protected]

USA Office: UFM Worldwide (USA) Inc., Suite 305, 400 Office Park Drive,Mountain Brook, AL, 35223, email: [email protected]

Registered Charity in England and Wales (No. 219946) and in Scotland (No. SC039343)

145 Faringdon Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 5DLTel: 01793 610515 Email: [email protected] Web: ufm.org.uk