UBND THANH PRO HA NOI TRUONG RH THU DO HA NOT 8610/TB-DHTDHN CONG BOA xA ROI CHU NGBIA VEr NAM Dan lap —Tv do —lignh phtic Ha Nei, ngayRthangl - nam 2018 iCtUun Or- n ' Gel " "Ty ch THONG BAO SO 1 viec ft chircHiN thao Khoa h9c quiic tt ii hot Ong khoa hcc cOng ngheti Sc truirng di h9c dap ting yeu au cim cu(ic each mpg cong nghiep 4.0" Kinh 9 20 : 114% Duce so tieing y, cho phep cüa cac cap van IY; Bloc hian ke hoach hot dOng khoa h9c Ong ngha am hoc 2018-2019 va ke hoach kY niam 60 nam ngay truyen thong NM truang, Twang Di hoc Thu dO Hh NOi to chirc HOi thao khoa hoc gate th "Ty chit hoot Ong khoa hcc cong nghe ti cac truang dci hcc dap Ungyeu ca'u cua cuec cachtngng ding nghiep 4.0. 1. Mgc tiêu WO thao - Xac dinh m6 hinh hieu qua tong quart I, to tic hog dOng khoa hoc cong ngha caa truemg dai hoc dap iing you can Oa tv chit dai hoc va cuOc each mang Ong nghiap 4.0; - COngb6 the ket qua nghien cüu mad trong the link vtrc khoa hoc va Ong ngha dap ling yen an dm tkr thñ dai hoc va each mang Ong nghiap 4.0. 2. DOi tuvng tham gia Cac nha khoa hoc, can 1:10 nghien cau, giang vien, giao vien, can be) quail ii, hpc viên, sinh vien va nhitng nguai quan tam den HOi that) a trong va ngoai nude. 3. NOi dung hi that) HOi thao tap trung thao luan (nhung khong gioi han) vao the nen dung chinh sau: 3.1. Ty chti haat d' Ong khoa hpc va cling ugh'? tyi cac Throng clpi hpc Op (mg yeu cau ethi cuec Melt along cong nghlep 4.0 - Tv chu dai hoc vet each mang cong nghiap 4.0 - nhang yen cau dat ra d6i voi quan 1, to cherc hot dOng khoa hoc Gong nghe cUa truomg dai hoc; - Quin 1, t chirc hog Ong khoa h9c Gong nghe cfla truang dai hpc ditp ñng yeu cau cna ny chit dai hoc va each mang cOng nghiap 4.0; - Sr ket noi giUa truemg dai hoc va doanh nghiap trong dao tao, nghien thu va chuyen giao khoa hoc Ong ngha; - MO hinh doanh nghiap khoa h9c Ong ngha trong truang dai hgc theo huemg nr cha: ccr hen va thach thirc; - Hem the qui:Se tE trong hot &Ong khoa hoc Ong ngha; - Nhu can va giái phap dao to nguen nhan lye có chat lugng cao, da dog nganh nghe Oa nen kinh te then dai cong nghiep 4.0. 3.2. Kat qua tighten ciitt khoa hpc vA chuyen giao cong nghe dtip tiwg yea du caa cuec crich ming cong nghlep 4.0 - Cac a qua nghien cau ye khoa hoc tr nhien, khoa hpc xã hOi vet khoa hoc giao dye trong boi canh cüa ty cha dai hoc va each mpg Ong nghiep 4.0;





CONG BOA xA ROI CHU NGBIA VEr NAM Dan lap —Tv do —lignh phtic

Ha Nei, ngayRthangl- nam 2018

iCtUun Or-n '

Gel " "Ty ch

THONG BAO SO 1 viec ft chircHiN thao Khoa h9c quiic tt •

ii hot Ong khoa hcc cOng ngheti Sc truirng di h9c dap ting yeu

au cim cu(ic each mpg cong nghiep 4.0"

Kinh 920: 114%

Duce so tieing y, cho phep cüa cac cap van IY; Bloc hian ke hoach hot dOng khoa h9c Ong ngha am hoc 2018-2019 va ke hoach kY niam 60 nam ngay truyen thong NM truang, Twang Di hoc Thu dO Hh NOi to chirc HOi thao khoa hoc gate th "Ty chit hoot Ong khoa hcc cong nghe ti cac truang dci hcc dap Ungyeu ca'u cua cuec cachtngng ding nghiep 4.0.

1. Mgc tiêu WO thao - Xac dinh m6 hinh hieu qua tong quart I, to tic hog dOng khoa hoc cong

ngha caa truemg dai hoc dap iing you can Oa tv chit dai hoc va cuOc each mang Ong nghiap 4.0;

- COngb6 the ket qua nghien cüu mad trong the link vtrc khoa hoc va Ong ngha dap ling yen an dm tkr thñ dai hoc va each mang Ong nghiap 4.0.

2. DOi tuvng tham gia Cac nha khoa hoc, can 1:10 nghien cau, giang vien, giao vien, can be) quail ii, hpc

viên, sinh vien va nhitng nguai quan tam den HOi that) a trong va ngoai nude. 3. NOi dung hi that) HOi thao tap trung thao luan (nhung khong gioi han) vao the nen dung chinh sau:

3.1. Ty chti haat d' Ong khoa hpc va cling ugh'? tyi cac Throng clpi hpc Op (mg yeu cau ethi cuec Melt along cong nghlep 4.0

- Tv chu dai hoc vet each mang cong nghiap 4.0 - nhang yen cau dat ra d6i voi quan 1, to cherc hot dOng khoa hoc Gong nghe cUa truomg dai hoc;

- Quin 1, t chirc hog Ong khoa h9c Gong nghe cfla truang dai hpc ditp ñng yeu cau cna ny chit dai hoc va each mang cOng nghiap 4.0;

- Sr ket noi giUa truemg dai hoc va doanh nghiap trong dao tao, nghien thu va chuyen giao khoa hoc Ong ngha;

- MO hinh doanh nghiap khoa h9c Ong ngha trong truang dai hgc theo huemg nr cha: ccr hen va thach thirc;

- Hem the qui:Se tE trong hot &Ong khoa hoc Ong ngha; - Nhu can va giái phap dao to nguen nhan lye có chat lugng cao, da dog nganh

nghe Oa nen kinh te then dai cong nghiep 4.0. 3.2. Kat qua tighten ciitt khoa hpc vA chuyen giao cong nghe dtip tiwg yea du

caa cuec crich ming cong nghlep 4.0 - Cac a qua nghien cau ye khoa hoc tr nhien, khoa hpc xã hOi vet khoa hoc giao

dye trong boi canh cüa ty cha dai hoc va each mpg Ong nghiep 4.0;

- Cac ket qua nghien cüu ve can nghe thong tin, °Ong nghe sinh hoc, &Ong nghe mei tnrang, che bien thge pham, vat lieu med, nang lugng tai tao, tri tue nhan to,

- Cac ket qua ling dung va chuyen giao cang nghe: CE1C Ung dung cong nghe so trong nen quan tri dai h9c thong minh, he sinh thai kh&i nghiep th6ng minh, do thi th6ng minh, nong nghiep then minh, du 'jell thong minh, vv...;

- Van de an ninh mpg va bao he quyen ser tau tri tue: phat then ket noi so dam bao an ninh an toan, quyen so him tri tue trong thed dal cuee each mang cong nghiep 4.0.

4. Thfri gian va ilia diem - Thai gian: Ngay 05 thang 01 nam 2019 (Thu. Bez:y) - Dia diem. Tnreing Dai hoc Thu do HA Nei, SO 98, Duceng Quang Ham, Quan

Hoa, Cau Giay, Ha NOi. 5. The. 10 tham gia hOi than - Bai viet tham chr hei thao la hal viet chua dirge cong b6 tren bat ki tap chi, An

pham khoa hgc hay hei thaakhoa hgc nao; - NOM ngir bai viet:Tieng Viet hoac tieng Anh. - Dung lugng bai viet : t3i da la 10 trang. - Bai viet dugc trinh bay theo phong cha Time New Roman, CO chit 13, ten khO

giay A4 (210mm x 297mm) ke ca hinh ve, bang bieu va tai lieu tham khao; le tr'en: 20mm, le dual: 20mm, la trai: 30mm, le phai: 20mm, gian dOng 1,3; de ten, thuat ngir tieng nude ngoli ghi bang 1c9 tg Latin;

- Bai via c6 tom tat, ter kh6a bang tieng Viet va tieng Anh. Brii Wit se Meng duve chAp nhi)n nett nOi dung ha! vilt khong lien guan dIn

no! dung Hi 'Mao (nMe 3), thMu tam tat, ter Wu va khong trinh bay theo Ming theo cac yeu cau ye the le tren.

6. KS/ yea HOi than , Cac bai viet se dirge tham dinh, bien tap de (tang than van K9 yen Hi thao cd ma

se ISBN. Cad bao cao 06 chat lugng se dirge chgn 19c de girl clang tren cac tap chi khoa hpc c6 uy tin.

7. Le phi tham dp 110i than

Diii tuvng 1Chu vpc Le phi Cach thfrc nOp phi

Bang bai Ky you I-10i thao Trong nude 500.000VND

Chuyen [di tai 'Moan Truemg Dai h9c, Thu d8 Ha N8i, so TK: 1011868686, Ngan hang SHB, Chi nhanh Tay Ha Nei trithe ngay 10/12/2018, ghi To hp ten ngueyi gin va n'Oi dung chuyen khoan (theo cOt clai Wong)

Queic tá 30USD Mua Kr y6u (phcif ti 1101 thao)

Trong nude 200.000VND Quiie te 20USD

Phi in poster (tnciu, khA AO. clang khung) trung bay tai heii thao

Trong nuac 100.000VND QUO° te 101JSD

Dal bleu tham du Trong nude 500.000VND Quick te 30USD

8. Cac mac th61 gian quan tryng + NOp torn tat truerc ugay 15/9/2018; + NOp toan van bai viet truerc ngay 1/11/2018; +. NOp bao cao Powerpoint vb. poster bao can truerc ngay 20/12/2018.

Di bieu clang Icy tham dv hei than gfri dang IcY ten chuyen trang 110i thao quoc

té http://www.ctlinmu.edu.vn hoac gut thu (theo mau giri kern) den email:

[email protected] treat ngay 15/9/2018. Ban To chile se girl

giay mei ten the dal bleu truer° ngay 20/12/2018. De biet them thong tin chi tiet v hi thao xin lien he trvc dap TS. Bid Th1 Thanh

Hucmg, Phang Quin 1 Khoa hen cong nghe va Hqp tac phat trien, Throng Dal hen

ma do Ha NOi (sr; men thoai: 0983505526, Email: [email protected]).

TnrOng Di he Thu do HA Noi kinh de nghi Quy cos quan th6ng bdo rOng rai va to dieu kin de cac can kgs viet bai, tham dv 1101 thao.

Tran tryng cam an! (Thong bcio nay May cho gay mai via't bao cdo yet tham dtx Hai thozo)frr

liltUTP.VOING : lit4

Sal V- an Quan - ,

Noi nhein: - Nhu kinh girl; - Ban Giam hidu; - Cac don v; trong trtrimg; - Lou VT, QLKFICN-HTPT (3 ban).


i;i7 TR Ile Eqk H

: I THU - ' \ HA Nt.

, fr

Kinh giri: Trtrling Doi hce ThU dO Ha Ni

H9 va ten. 119c ham, h9c Chi:re vo, ca quan cling tac.

Dia chi lien he DT DD

DT CQ. Email•

1. Hang kt, tham dir Hoi thio T6i dang Ict tham do 1101 thio khoa h9c quoc ft do Truerng Di h9c Thu do Ha Nei to

ethic: -Co - Kh6ng

2. Ding let tham dir vk viec t bki cho 1161 thew Ten dang let tham dkr va vitt bai cho HOi thao:

-CO CI - Kh6ng n

3. Bang ItSr ha() cao tham 1u4n ti HO that) Tti clang k/ bao cao toi 1101 thao:

-06 n - Khong Ghi chit: Dai bi6u dang ki5 Mc nào din thong tin litho muc do (trong 3 raw tren)

Dal bitu tang kt vitt hal cho 1141 thao, xin ghi t6m tit the yth thu sau:

I. Ten bai vitt:

2. T6m tat nOi dung bai vitt (200 —300 chit)

15 kiln khcic (du co)•


HANG Kt THAM DV VA WET BA! 1101 THAO KHOA HOC QUOC TE " Try cher hoot dOng khoa Inic thing ngh tai aiC trilling di h9c dap erng yeu cAu ciia eu9c

each mang clang nghiep 4.0" (Kern So Thong bao so'] 1,6 hi chuc H6i thcio khoa hoc quec re)

Kinh dt nghl Qu/ doi hitu girl phitu ve Truling Doi hoc Thu d6 Ha Ni qua buu dien theo dia chi: Tracing Doi hoc Thil de Ha Neil, St 98, throng Quang Ham, Quan Hoa, Chu Giay, Ha Nei; hoc email theo dia chi hnmuconference tdaihocthudo.edu.vn, died gian nhu

trong Thong bao se 1.

Kinh mong Qu/ di bitu quan tam va clang lc/ theo qui dinh.

Tran tr9ng caul an/.

SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence — Freedom — Happiness

Hanoi,1 71078



Universities' autonomy in scientific and technological activities suitable for the requirements of the 46 Industrial Revolution

Adhering to the plan for scientific and technological activities in the 2018 — 2019 academic year and celebrating the 60th anniversary of the University's tradition, Hanoi Metropolitan University organizes the international conference: "Universities' autonomy in scientific and technological activities suitable for the requirements of the

4th Industrial Revolution". 1. Objectives - To identify the effective model in managing, organizing scientific and

technological activities to meet the requirements of universities' autonomy and the e Industrial Revolution;

- To present new findings in scientific and technological fields to meet the requirements of universities' autonomy and the e Industrial Revolution.

2. Participants National and international researchers, scientists, educators, university officers,

undergraduate students, graduate students and others who are interested in the conference.

3. Conference theme The conference will focus on (but not limit to) the following topics: 3.1. Universities' autonomy in scientific and technological activities to meet the

requirements of the 0 Industrial Revolution - Universities' Autonomy and the e Industrial Revolution — Requirements and

Challenges in management and organization of the universities' scientific and technological activities;

- The connection between universities and enterprises in training, researching and technology transferring;

- The autonomy-oriented scientific entrepreneurial model in universities: opportunities and challenges;

- International corporation in scientific and technological activities; - Demands and solutions to high-quality human resources and career varieties in

the economy affected by the 4th Industrial Revolution. 3.2. Research results and technology transfer to meet the requirements of the

4th Industrial Revolution - Research results in natural sciences, social sciences, and educational science in

the context of university's autonomy and the e Industrial Revolution; - Research results in information technology, biotechnology, environmental

technology, food processing, neo-materials, renewable energies, artificial intelligence, and others;

- Results in technology transfer and applications: digital applications in smart university administration, smart startup ecosystem, smart metropolis, smart agriculture, smart tourism, and others;

- Network security and protection of intellectual property rights: Developing digital connections to ensure security and intellectual property rights in the 4th Industrial Revolution.

4. Time and venue - Time: January 5th 2019 (Saturday) - Venue: Hanoi Metropolitan University - Address: No 98, Duong Quang Ham Street, Quan Hoa Ward, Cau Giay

District, Hanoi, Vietnam. 5. Requirements

- The Author(s) warrants that the paper is original, has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere;

- The Author(s) hereby transfers to the Publisher the copyright of the paper; - The language of the paper is either English or Vietnamese; - The maximum length of the paper is 10 A4 pages; - Abstract style is in Times New Roman 13 point, italics, indented 1 cm to the

left and right of the margins; - Key words or phrases are in maximum of 5; - Body text style is in Times New Roman 13 point, including figures, charts and

references; custom margins: top 20 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 30 mm, right 20 mm; line spacing 1,3. Foreign Nomenclatures and etymology are in Latin;

- References should follow the MA Style, 6th Edition. The paper" will not be accepted if the content has no relevance to the

conference (see Section 3), lacks abstract, keywords or is not formatted as indicated in the above requirements.

6. Conference Proceedings All papers will be revised, edited to publish in the conference proceedings

which has ISBN. High-quality papers will be selected and submitted to prominent scientific journals.

_ Description Zone Fees Payment method

Conference Proceedings Publishing fees

Domestic 500.000VND Via bank ncrount: Hanoi Metropolitan University, bl°: 1011868686, Saigon — Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SHE) before December 10th, 2018, including the sender's name and transaction information.

Overseas 30USD Conference Proceedings Delivery fee

Domestic 200.000VND Overseas • 20USD

Poster printing fee (colored, AO sized, framed) for the conference's exhibition

Domestic 100.000VND Overseas IOUSD

Participation fees Domestic 500.000VND Paid at the conference Overseas 30USD

8. Deadlines + Abstract submission deadline: September 15' , 2018.

+ Full paper submission deadline: November 1" , 2018.

+ Article by PowerPoint and article by poster submission deadline: December

20", 2018. Registration deadline: September 15", 2018 via httn://www.cflmmu.edu.vn or to

email: [email protected]. The invitation will be sent on

December 20", 2018. Direct contact: Dr. Bui nil Thanh Huong, Department of Science-Technology

Management and Cooperation development, Hanoi Metropolitan University (Mobile: +84.983.505.526, Email: [email protected]).

Hanoi Metropolitan University would like to announce and look forward to the participation of educational agencies, institutions, professionals, teachers, education managers and all interested individuals.

Sincerely! (This announcement is used in place of the invitation) pr.


,/ TRtfo

Bui Van Quan

To: Hanoi Metropolitan University

Full name. Academic Title, Degree:

Work Title, Place of Work

Contact Address.

Mobile Number

Office Phone Number. Email.

1. Register to attend Conference I would like to register to attend International Conference 2019 organized by IINMU:

-Yes O -No

2. Register to attend and submit papers to Conference I would like to register to attend and submit a paper to International Conference 2019 organized

by I-INMU: -Yes El - No n

3. Register to make a presentation at Conference I would like to register to make a presentation at International Conference 2019 organized b

-Yes n - No n

Note: Please TICK the corresponding box for which you wish to register (in the 3 sections

above) For participants who wish to register and submit a paper to the Conference, please fill in the

following information: 1. Research Title:

2. Abstract: (200-300 words)

Other comments (if any)•



HANOI METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY Independence — Freedom - Happiness


"Universities' autonomy in scientific and technological activities

suitable for the requirements of the e Industrial Revolution (Enclosed with Announcement No.1 of the International Conference 2019)

Participants are requested to send registration forms to Hanoi Metropolitan University

directly via httplIwww.cchnmu.edu.vn or by post at Hanoi Metropolitan University, No 98,

Duong Quang Ham Street, Quan Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi or by email to

hnmuconference(adaihocthudo.edu.vn before the deadline presented in Announcement

Sincerely! Jo/