November 13, 1920—Page 2 THE JEFFERSON1AN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. jrfOHJV J. KELIiY President THOS. P. KELLY, Sec'y PHILIP LINK, Treas. JOHN J. KELLY, JR. Vice-President THE NATIONAL BUILDING SUPPLY CO. BUILDING MATERIALS , DF ALL, KINDS Cement, Front Brick, Creosote Stained Shingles, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Lime, Plaster, Etc. North Avenue and Oak St. BALI 1MORF, ML CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK OF BALTIMORE CITY SouthwestCor. Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. BALTIMORE, Ml INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. 1-14-ly Telephone. Towson 456 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort gages on Building Association Terms. Al matters strictly confidential and money advanced within 24 hours notice. GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building, Phone, St. Paid 5995 Baltimore, Md. Telephone, Mt. Vernon 1293 We Recharge and Repair Any Make Or Size Battery u o D o D o D o o D o D o D o n o II u o o n Ol MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN "The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes." COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block South of Belair Market "Your Good Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back" DON'T BE "BAMBOOZLED" INTO PAYING TWO PRICES FOR YOUR CLOTHING OOME TO "MOSE" AND GET YOUR GOOD MONEY'S WORTH U NTIL prices become normal— down to where they belong— there will be a lot of fluctuating. Dealers who bought heavily during the high market will, of course, charge high prices, or lose heavily. Thank goodness, "Mose" wasn't caught in this trap. The cloth of some of the cloth- ing that "Mose" is selling this Pall was contracted for long be- fore the war. He bought it when prices were normal, and it's been delivered to him as he needed it, and that's the reason he's been selling his good clothes at lower prices than others—giving you a good bar- gain. MOSES KAHN OF ODD TOWN BEST CLOTHES IN BAI/TIMORE AT THE LOWEST PRICES A ND now that "Mose" has started the lead in cutting prices, others are following. But you may trot around this good "Old Town" until you're footsore and you'll not get the values the "good money's worth"—that "Mose" gives you. "Kahn's Good Klothes" are as good as their name, and there are none better at any price. "Mose" is giving you in his big sale of Suits and Overcoats the biggest bargains in Baltimore. You positively cannot match them anywhere for less than twice the money. And the good "boy" says to every honest and deserving man that he shall get these bargains. ^e REUS Ejgfi, BATTERY [O. 150 West Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md. three trees. Six head of live stock and 200 chic- kens perished in a fire which destroy- ed the barn and hen house o n t h e farm of Samuel Hammond, near Wine- miller's Mill causing- a logs of $5000, partly covered by insurance. The fire was discovered at 1.30 A- M. by Mr. Miller, of Cross Roads, who was re- turning' to his home. Little could be done to save the structures, the barn and chicken house being in ruins in a sihort time. Pour head of horses and two steers were burned. The cows were in the field at the time. Twenty tons of hay i n t h e a m were burned. The origin of the fire is unknown. BACK RIVER. The explosion of a gasioline tank in front of the store of George Phiel, on Sandy Beach road, near here, Sunday, resulted in the destruction of the store and dwelling, a two-story frame struc- ture. Some of the stock of the store was saved. The St. Helena and Essex Fire Companies arrived too late to be of much service. The house was a new one, Phiel having only recently opened the store, which carried a general merchandise stock. FULLERTON. o II o D o n THIS IS "MOSE'S" GOOD BILL OF FAIR FALL SUITS Nice Liot Men's Dark Gray Pin Stripe Suits; coats and vests lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottomstf*"I f\ f\f\ Special price for this sale *P-LU.v/U Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Gray Cassi- mere Suits; with green stripe; heavily lined; pants with cuff bottoms. Spe-d*"l cy £f/\ cial price for this sale «pl^tOU Fine Lot Men's Dark Brown Oassimere Suits; coats and vests lined with good Vene- tian cloth; pants with cuff bot-^"l O r A toms. Special price for, this s a l e ^ J L ^ . O v / Big Lot Men's Pin Stripe Suits; black and white and blue and brown; heavyweight goods; lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. Special price (T*1 r* f\f\ for this sale 4)J-«J.\Jv/ Nice Lot Men's Dark Green and Brown Worsted Suits; silk lined; skirt model; pants with cuff bottoms. Special priced*"! rr £*/\ for this sale «J)A / •%J\J Fine Lot Men's Brown Pin Head Double- Breasted Heavyweight Suits; lined through- out with good serge; all sewed with silk; pants with cuff bottoms. Special (J*OZ\ AA price for this sale. *p£\J»\J\J Fine Lot Men's Dark Gray Plaid 3-Button Double-Breasted Coat Suits; heavyweight goods; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms; Special price for this sale. Fine Lot Men's Dark Blue Unfinished Wor- sted Suits; round and square cut styles; lined throughout with heavy serge; pants with cuff bottoms. Special price 1 for this sale Fine Lot Men's Dark Green and Blue Heavyweight Suits; double-breasted coats; lined with silk; pants with c u ff <j*OCt AA bottoms. Special price this sale«pZrf%J.\J\/ And a Fine Lot of Men's Dark Brown and Blue Single-Breasted Heavyweight Suits (24 ozs. to the yard goods); lined "throughout with good serge; pants with plain bot- toms. Special price for this sale $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 FALL OVERCOATS Big Lot Men's Dark Striped Heavyweight Double-Breasted Overcoats; with storm collar. Special price for this sale On Monday evening a large truck, loaded with cinders, going east from White Marsh Bridge, dropped its driv- ing shaft. Being on a steep grade, the machine commenced backing, per- forming a stunt by backing into a gateway until it got in marshy ground and had to stop. The chauffeur jump- ed. It was a very difficult job to get it out. All the slong birds have disappeared and flocks of black birds have been going South. The boulevard between Putty Hill and Perry Hall is undergoing repairs, both sides being stoned and covered with pitch. At 7 o'clock Sunday night two more machines collided near Silver Spring- avenue. One h a s a wheel off, wind- shield smashed and is laying on its side, with other parts* broken. Mr. and Mrs .Silas Yingling visited relatives here last Sunday. RASPEBURG. $9.50 Men's Dark Gray Maltese Color Overcoats; with velvet collar; newest up-to-date style and pattern; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth. Special price for this sale $15.00 $15.00 Men's Heavyweight Close-Fitting Dark Gray Kersey Overcoats; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth. Spe- cial price for this sale. . . . Men's Dark Brown Melton Overcoats; good heavyweight stock; full lined; the new Vic- tory model—half belt in back, and broad collar; a coat that will sell it-d*1 /2 CA self. Special price for this sale » J ) l U t J U Men's Good Weight Dark and Green Vic- tory Model Overcoats; full lined and well made; latest style broad collar.ri»-|O AA Special price for this sale *pA0»UU Fine Lot Men's Double-Breasted Over- coats; very- heavy weight; good old Raritan Mills goods; pretty, new snowflake patterns; nice large ivory buttons and large collar to hug your ears. Special price for this sale Mrs. William H. Williams, of Hazel- wood avenue, entertained her brother from Wilkesbarre, Pa., the past week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Umlauff, of Bet- ,terton, spent the week-end with Mrs. D. Clayton, at Overlea. The large cottage which is being built for Mr, Talbott Gatch at Benton Heights, on the property of Mr. T. B. Gatch, is) f a s t ne«iring completion. The (ladies of Wpiphany Lutheran Church will hold an oyster supper on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. The gunners were out in large num- bers and the game is very scarce in this section! A number of men did not wait until the law opened, and a number of shots have been heard daily for weeks in nearby woods. REISTERSTOV.'X. $20.00 Fine Lot Men's Medium weight Double- breasted Dark Gray Wool Overcoats; good serge lining. Special price for 1 this sale $22.50 Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight AU-Wool Plain Black Overcoats; full lined; some with velvet collars and some with- out. Special price for this sale Miss Mabel Hobbs has' returned D home from a recent visit to Annapolis. Mr. Frederick Eckhardt, of Sicily, is visiting his parents, ''Mr. and Mrs. C. IF. Eckhardt: Mrs. Charles R. Dawson, of Balti- ^J more, spent Tuesday with her parents. B ! Mrs. Edmond Moross, of New York, I , is spending some time with her moth- I er. Mrs. Frederick Donneburg. U Dr. T. J. Bland, of Baltimore, has 22 been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Fm Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. John H. McAlister had H as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. I Williams . and daughters, Helen and 3 Evelyn, of Baltimore, and Miss Bertie pg^ E. McAlister, Miss Gladys E. Williams O and Sergt. Mitchell Parault, of Camp Holabird. : Mr. N. Z. Popplein has returned to West Virginia after visiting relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. William Heyser and family have closed their summer horns in Glyndon and are spending the win- ter in Baltimore. Sergt. Mitchell J. Parault has re- Icently been discharged from the TJ. S. 1 Army and will, with his wife, make .their future home in Baltimore. I Mr. Zeph Murray had a very fine butchering last week of 5 fine porkers. $25.00 |] o ROCK CHAPEL,,. And a Fine Lot of Men's Heavyweight All- Wool Worsted Close-Fitting Overcoats; the celebrated Wauskuck Mills Worsted goods; as good a product as there is in the market; made up in "Mose's" own good d»Q A AA way. Special price for this sale *pOV/»\/V/ o Men's Heavyweight English Corduroy Pants-Lined With Very Heavy Muslin and Sewed With Thread-Special, $5.00 MOSES KAHN GAY AND EAST STREETS, BALTIMORE, MD. TffiETl u ^ m * **^ S O E 3[@] Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Krout, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunnick spent Sunday at Seven Valleys, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley McDonald and Mrs. W. T. Hauptman sipent Sunday at West Liberty as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Matthews and Mrs. Z. V. Ruhl. Mrs. Laura Grove has sold her farm to Mr. J. Nelson McDonald for $10,000. Mr. W. T. Hauptman picked 70 bushels of York Imperial apples from In the Lighting Studio Second Floor LEXINGTON BUILDING Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades. CONVENIENT TERMS] The Gas & Electric Co BRANCH STORES Tovvton Catonsville Hamilton Highlandtown 27-62W For Paving Streets, Roads, Private Estates. AZTEC LIQUID ASPHALT A Preservative for Macadam and Earth Roads Applied Like OH. Both of the above products extensively used in Baltimore City and County. THE UNITED STATES ASPHALT REFINING COMPANY BALTIMORE NEW YORK BORING. Mr. C. B. Melking visited his daugh- ter last Saturday. Mr. Clyde Green spent Sunday in Alexandria, Va. Miss Adelaide Wooden spent the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Myers and son of Hagerstown, visited relatives here over Sunday. Miss Ruth Gill spent Sunday with her mother. We hope the party who broke into Mr. Rawling's shoe shop one night last week will be kind enough to return the shoes, as they will be of use to he owners. Mr. and Mrs-. Leon Upperco spent Sunday in Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cullison and family visited relatives at this place last Sunday. Mrs. Fred Konig is very ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armacost and daughter spent Sunday with their par- ents. Mr. D. P. Ensor has! moved to his new home in Fowblesburg. Mrs. Laura Cullison has been spend- ing a few days here. Miss Mamie Myers entertained Miss Ruth Pitts and Miss Mildred Rhoten on last Friday. Mrs. Donald Tracey has returned home after spending several months here. IP^^My«iy;iiLLM IHC TRACTORS EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR BALTIMORE AND ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTIES. 8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 K l T^LS. 19-20 Mogul. McGORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers. Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc. WISEMAN-DOWNS COMPANY, Inc. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, GASOLINE ENGINES! 34 E. PRATT STREET Near Light Street Baltimore/.Md. iSiiwrifttfr^r^.Y^r/w^^^^ MANOR GLEN. Mr. Walter Seaman visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rehberger during the past week. Miss Caroline Henderson spent the week-end at her home in Hereford. Old Town National Bank Gay and Exeter Streets BALTIMORE, MD United States, State and City Depository Capital, .$ 250,000 Surplus and Profits, - 140,000 Deposits, - - - 2,000,000 JACOB W: HOOK. President AARON BENESCH, Vice-Prct H E N R Y O. REDUE. Vice-Pres. and Ca-shtpi FV M. M I L L E R , A s s t . Cashier Board ot XHrc^itntn. Jacob W. Hook. Henry ' i Hariry Snyder of C, James King. Viron Renesoh. . Lewis O. Rice R-obt. Fusselbaugta.. A. C. Dietrich Louis E. Bartell. Money back without question If HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk, HERGENRATHER DRUG CO., Towson, Md. Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting WADE'S Gasoline DRAG SAW Cuts 25 Cords A Day Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides. When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it one log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycIe engines of only 3 horse power with valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it. Cuts a 40-inch log in five minutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way. It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw. The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood. For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street Maryland Baltimore 6-26-52w n The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Worth More. Farm values increase immediately when Selden Farm Trucks are inl s called. A speeding-up of every operation begins—more work is done daily and at a lower cost than before. More land can be planted, bigger crops can be raised and transported to the market or shipping point quicker and cheaper. Profits are multi- plied. More is accomplished with fewer men about the place. Labor short- age ceases to be a handicap when Selden Farm Trucks go to work. Selden Farm Truccks are equipped with pneumatic tires, which assure positive traction on any road or farm surface, and provide greater comfort for the driver and maximum protection to perishable crops and live stock. The "In-Built Quality" construction of Selden Farm Trucks is per- fectly adapted to farm requirements. Considering the long service ren- dered by these sturdy farm models and their comparatively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced trucks manufactured today. WRITE for further information on the Selden FARM Truck and the Selden ALL-PURPOSE FARM BODT (five different types of bodies in one). Learn how to increase the value of your farm. Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD. Phone, Mt Vernon 1140 Selden Motor Trucks All Worm Drive ryland State Archives mdsa_sc3410_1_63-0350.jpg

Transcript of u MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN -...

November 13, 1920—Page 2 THE JEFFERSON1AN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. jrfOHJV J . K E L I i Y

P r e s i d e n t T H O S . P . K E L L Y , Sec 'y P H I L I P L I N K , T r e a s .

J O H N J . K E L L Y , J R . V i c e - P r e s i d e n t


, DF ALL, KINDS Cement, F r o n t Brick, Creosote S ta ined Shingles, Roofing, Sewer

Pipe, Lime, Plas ter , E tc .

North Avenue and Oak St. BALI 1MORF, ML


B A L T I M O R E C I T Y SouthwestCor. Baltimore and Eutaw Sts. BALTIMORE, Ml


WILLIAM WHITNEY County Surveyor For Baltimore County

COURT HOUSE TOWSON, MD. 1-14-ly Telephone. Towson 456

LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Money Loaned on First and Second Mort gages on Building Association Terms. Al matters strictly confidential and money advanced within 24 hours notice.

GILBERT H. PANITZ, Attorney, 700 Equitable Building,

Phone, St. Paid 5995 Baltimore, Md.

Telephone, Mt. Vernon 1293

We Recharge and Repair Any Make Or Size Battery

u o

D o

D o

D o o

D o

D o

D o

n o

II u o


n Ol

MOSES KAHN OF OLD TOWN "The Good Maker of Kahn's Good Klothes."

COR. GAY and EAST STREETS Just One Short Block South of Belair Market

"Your Good Money's Worth Or Your Good Money Back"




UNTIL prices become normal— down to where they belong—

there will be a lot of fluctuating. Dealers who bought heavily

during the high market will, of course, charge high prices, or lose heavily.

Thank goodness, "Mose" wasn't caught in this trap.

The cloth of some of the cloth­ing that "Mose" is selling this Pall was contracted for long be­fore the war.

He bought it when prices were normal, and it 's been delivered to him as he needed it, and that 's the reason he's been selling his good clothes a t lower prices than others—giving you a good bar­gain.




A ND now that "Mose" has started the lead in cutting

prices, others are following. But you may trot around this

good "Old Town" until you're footsore and you'll not get the values — the "good money's worth"—that "Mose" gives you.

"Kahn's Good Klothes" are as good as their name, and there are none better at any price.

"Mose" is giving you in his big sale of Suits and Overcoats the biggest bargains in Baltimore.

You positively cannot match them anywhere for less than twice the money.

And the good "boy" says to every honest and deserving man that he shall get these bargains.

^e REUS E j g f i , BATTERY [ O . 150 West Royal Avenue, Baltimore, Md.

t h r e e t r e e s . S ix h e a d of l ive s t o c k a n d 200 c h i c ­

k e n s p e r i s h e d in a fire w h i c h d e s t r o y ­ed t h e b a r n a n d h e n h o u s e on t h e f a r m of S a m u e l H a m m o n d , n e a r W i n e -m i l l e r ' s Mill caus ing- a logs of $5000, p a r t l y cove red b y i n s u r a n c e . T h e fire w a s d i s c o v e r e d a t 1.30 A- M. b y Mr. Mil ler , of C r o s s R o a d s , w h o w a s r e ­t u r n i n g ' t o h i s h o m e . L i t t l e cou ld be d o n e to s a v e t h e s t r u c t u r e s , t h e b a r n a n d c h i c k e n h o u s e b e i n g in r u i n s in a sihort t i m e . P o u r h e a d of h o r s e s a n d t w o s t e e r s w e r e b u r n e d . T h e c o w s w e r e in t h e field a t t h e t i m e . T w e n t y t o n s of h a y in t h e a m w e r e b u r n e d . T h e o r i g i n of t h e fire is u n k n o w n .

B A C K R I V E R .

T h e e x p l o s i o n of a gasiol ine t a n k in f r o n t of t h e s t o r e of G e o r g e Ph ie l , on S a n d y B e a c h road , n e a r h e r e , S u n d a y , r e s u l t e d in t h e d e s t r u c t i o n of t h e s t o r e a n d d w e l l i n g , a t w o - s t o r y f r a m e s t r u c ­t u r e . S o m e of t h e s t o c k of t h e s t o r e w a s s a v e d . T h e St. H e l e n a a n d E s s e x F i r e C o m p a n i e s a r r i v e d t oo l a t e t o be of m u c h s e r v i c e . T h e h o u s e w a s a n e w one, P h i e l h a v i n g on ly r e c e n t l y o p e n e d t h e s t o r e , w h i c h c a r r i e d a g e n e r a l m e r c h a n d i s e s t o c k .

F U L L E R T O N .


II o


FALL SUITS Nice Liot Men's Dark Gray Pin Stripe Suits;

coats and vests lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms tf* "I f\ f\f\ Special price for this sale * P - L U . v / U

Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight Gray Cassi-mere Suits; with green stripe; heavily lined; pants with cuff bottoms. Spe-d*"l cy £f/\ cial price for this sale « p l ^ t O U

Fine Lot Men's Dark Brown Oassimere Suits; coats and vests lined with good Vene­tian cloth; pants with cuff b o t - ^ " l O r A toms. Special price for, this s a l e ^ J L ^ . O v /

Big Lot Men's Pin Stripe Suits; black and white and blue and brown; heavyweight goods; lined with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms. Special price (T*1 r* f\f\ for this sale 4 ) J - « J . \ J v /

Nice Lot Men's Dark Green and Brown Worsted Suits; silk lined; skirt model; pants with cuff bottoms. Special priced*"! rr £* / \ for this sale «J)A / •%J\J

Fine Lot Men's Brown Pin Head Double-Breasted Heavyweight Suits; lined through­out with good serge; all sewed with silk; pants with cuff bottoms. Special (J*OZ\ A A price for this sale. *p£\J»\J\J

Fine Lot Men's Dark Gray Plaid 3-Button Double-Breasted Coat Suits; heavyweight goods; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth; pants with cuff bottoms; Special price for this sale.

Fine Lot Men's Dark Blue Unfinished Wor­sted Suits; round and square cut styles; lined throughout with heavy serge; pants with cuff bottoms. Special price 1 for this sale

Fine Lot Men's Dark Green and Blue Heavyweight Suits; double-breasted coats; lined with silk; pants with cu f f<j*OCt A A bottoms. Special price this sale«pZrf%J.\J\/

And a Fine Lot of Men's Dark Brown and Blue Single-Breasted Heavyweight Suits (24 ozs. to the yard goods); lined "throughout with good serge; pants with plain bot­toms. Special price for this sale




FALL OVERCOATS Big Lot Men's Dark Striped Heavyweight

Double-Breasted Overcoats; with storm collar. Special price for this sale

On M o n d a y e v e n i n g a l a r g e t r u c k , l o a d e d w i t h c i n d e r s , g o i n g e a s t f rom W h i t e M a r s h B r i d g e , d r o p p e d i t s d r i v ­i n g s h a f t . B e i n g on a s t e e p g r a d e , t h e m a c h i n e c o m m e n c e d b a c k i n g , p e r ­f o r m i n g a s t u n t b y b a c k i n g i n t o a g a t e w a y u n t i l i t g o t in m a r s h y g r o u n d a n d h a d t o s t o p . T h e chau f f eu r j u m p ­ed. I t w a s a v e r y difficult j o b to g e t i t ou t .

All t h e slong b i r d s h a v e d i s a p p e a r e d a n d flocks of b l a c k b i r d s h a v e b e e n g o i n g S o u t h .

T h e b o u l e v a r d b e t w e e n P u t t y H i l l a n d P e r r y H a l l is u n d e r g o i n g r e p a i r s , b o t h s ides b e i n g s t o n e d a n d c o v e r e d w i t h p i t c h .

At 7 o 'c lock S u n d a y n i g h t t w o m o r e m a c h i n e s co l l ided n e a r S i l ve r Spring-a v e n u e . One h a s a w h e e l off, w i n d ­sh ie ld s m a s h e d a n d is l a y i n g on i t s side, w i t h o t h e r parts* b r o k e n .

Mr. a n d M r s .Si las Y i n g l i n g v i s i t e d r e l a t i v e s h e r e l a s t S u n d a y .

R A S P E B U R G .

$9.50 Men's Dark Gray Maltese Color Overcoats;

with velvet collar; newest • up-to-date style and pattern; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth. Special price for this sale $15.00

$15.00 Men's Heavyweight Close-Fitting Dark

Gray Kersey Overcoats; lined throughout with good Venetian cloth. Spe­cial price for this sale. . . .

Men's Dark Brown Melton Overcoats; good heavyweight stock; full lined; the new Vic­tory model—half belt in back, and broad collar; a coat that will sell i t -d*1 /2 C A self. Special price for this sale » J ) l U t J U

Men's Good Weight Dark and Green Vic­tory Model Overcoats; full lined and well made; latest style broad collar. ri»-| O A A Special price for this sale * p A 0 » U U

Fine Lot Men's Double-Breasted Over­coats; very- heavy weight; good old Raritan Mills goods; pretty, new snowflake patterns; nice large ivory buttons and large collar to hug your ears. Special price for this sale

Mrs . W i l l i a m H. W i l l i a m s , of H a z e l -w o o d a v e n u e , e n t e r t a i n e d h e r b r o t h e r f r o m W i l k e s b a r r e , Pa. , t h e p a s t w e e k .

1 Mr. a n d Mrs . J o h n Umlauff, of B e t -, t e r ton , s p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d w i t h Mrs . D. C l a y t o n , a t Over l ea .

T h e l a r g e c o t t a g e w h i c h is b e i n g b u i l t for Mr, T a l b o t t G a t c h a t B e n t o n H e i g h t s , on t h e p r o p e r t y of Mr. T. B. G a t c h , is) f a s t ne«iring c o m p l e t i o n .

T h e ( ladies of W p i p h a n y L u t h e r a n C h u r c h wi l l hold a n o y s t e r s u p p e r on W e d n e s d a y a n d T h u r s d a y of n e x t w e e k .

T h e g u n n e r s w e r e o u t in l a r g e n u m ­b e r s a n d t h e g a m e is v e r y s c a r c e in t h i s s ec t i on ! A n u m b e r of m e n did n o t w a i t u n t i l t h e l a w opened , a n d a n u m b e r of s h o t s h a v e b e e n h e a r d d a i l y for w e e k s in n e a r b y w o o d s .

R E I S T E R S T O V . ' X .

$20.00 Fine Lot Men's Medium weight Double-

breasted Dark Gray Wool Overcoats; good serge lining. Special price for 1 this sale $22.50

Fine Lot Men's Heavyweight AU-Wool Plain Black Overcoats; full lined; some with velvet collars and some with­out. Special price for this sale

Miss M a b e l H o b b s has ' r e t u r n e d

D h o m e f rom a r e c e n t v i s i t t o A n n a p o l i s . Mr. F r e d e r i c k E c k h a r d t , of Sici ly, is

v i s i t i n g h i s p a r e n t s , ''Mr. a n d Mrs . C. IF . E c k h a r d t :

Mrs . C h a r l e s R. D a w s o n , of B a l t i -^J m o r e , s p e n t T u e s d a y w i t h h e r p a r e n t s . B • ! Mrs . E d m o n d Moross , of N e w York ,

I , is s p e n d i n g s o m e t i m e w i t h h e r m o t h -I er . Mrs . F r e d e r i c k D o n n e b u r g .

U • Dr . T. J . B land , of B a l t i m o r e , h a s 2 2 been v i s i t i n g Dr . a n d M r s . C l i n t o n Fm Goodwin .

Mr. a n d Mrs . J o h n H . M c A l i s t e r h a d H a s g u e s t s on S u n d a y Mr. a n d Mrs . C.

I W i l l i a m s . a n d d a u g h t e r s , H e l e n a n d 3 E v e l y n , of B a l t i m o r e , a n d Miss B e r t i e

pg^ E . McAl i s t e r , Miss G l a d y s E . W i l l i a m s

O a n d S e r g t . M i t c h e l l P a r a u l t , of C a m p H o l a b i r d .

: Mr. N. Z. P o p p l e i n h a s r e t u r n e d t o W e s t V i r g i n i a a f t e r v i s i t i n g r e l a t i v e s h e r e ,

Mr. a n d Mrs . W i l l i a m H e y s e r a n d f a m i l y h a v e c losed t h e i r s u m m e r horns in G l y n d o n a n d a r e s p e n d i n g t h e w i n ­t e r in B a l t i m o r e .

S e r g t . M i t c h e l l J . P a r a u l t h a s r e -I c e n t l y b e e n d i s c h a r g e d f rom t h e TJ. S. 1 A r m y a n d wi l l , w i t h h i s wife , m a k e . t h e i r f u t u r e h o m e in B a l t i m o r e . I Mr. Z e p h M u r r a y h a d a v e r y fine b u t c h e r i n g l a s t w e e k of 5 fine p o r k e r s .

$25.00 |] o


And a Fine Lot of Men's Heavyweight All-Wool Worsted Close-Fitting Overcoats; the celebrated Wauskuck Mills Worsted goods; as good a product as there is in the market; made up in "Mose's" own good d»Q A A A way. Special price for this sale *pOV/»\ /V/

o Men's Heavyweight English Corduroy Pants-Lined With Very Heavy Muslin and

Sewed With Thread-Special, $5.00


TffiETl u ̂ m * **^ SOE 3[@]

Mr. a n d Mrs . H. C. K r o u t , Mr. a n d Mrs . B e n s o n D u n n i c k s p e n t S u n d a y a t Seven V a l l e y s , Pa .

Mr. a n d Mrs . W i l e y M c D o n a l d a n d Mrs . W. T. H a u p t m a n sipent S u n d a y a t W e s t L i b e r t y a s t h e g u e s t s of Mr. a n d Mrs . J a r r e t t M a t t h e w s a n d Mrs . Z. V. R u h l .

Mrs . L a u r a G r o v e h a s sold h e r f a r m t o Mr. J . Ne l son M c D o n a l d for $10,000.

Mr. W . T. H a u p t m a n p i c k e d 70 b u s h e l s of Y o r k I m p e r i a l a p p l e s f rom

In the Lighting Studio Second Floor


Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades.


The Gas & Electric Co

BRANCH STORES Tovvton Catonsville Hamilton

Highlandtown 27-62W

For Paving Streets, Roads,

Private Estates.

AZTEC LIQUID ASPHALT A Preservative for Macadam

and Earth Roads Applied Like OH.

Both of the above products extensively used in Baltimore City and





B O R I N G .

Mr. C. B. M e l k i n g v i s i t e d h i s d a u g h ­t e r l a s t S a t u r d a y .

Mr. C lyde G r e e n s p e n t S u n d a y in A l e x a n d r i a , Va .

Mis s A d e l a i d e W o o d e n s p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d w i t h r e l a t i v e s .

Mr. a n d Mrs . E d g a r M y e r s a n d son of H a g e r s t o w n , v i s i t e d r e l a t i v e s h e r e o v e r S u n d a y .

Miss R u t h Gill s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h h e r m o t h e r .

W e hope t h e p a r t y w h o b r o k e i n t o Mr. R a w l i n g ' s s h o e s h o p one n i g h t l a s t w e e k wi l l b e k i n d e n o u g h t o r e t u r n t h e shoes , a s t h e y w i l l be of u s e t o h e o w n e r s .

Mr. a n d Mrs-. L e o n U p p e r c o s p e n t S u n d a y in B a l t i m o r e .

Mr. a n d Mrs . E d g a r Cu l l i son a n d f a m i l y v i s i t e d r e l a t i v e s a t t h i s p l a c e l a s t S u n d a y .

Mrs . F r e d K o n i g is v e r y i l l a t t h i s w r i t i n g .

Mr. a n d Mrs . C h a r l e s A r m a c o s t a n d d a u g h t e r s p e n t S u n d a y w i t h t h e i r p a r ­e n t s .

Mr. D. P . E n s o r has! m o v e d t o h i s n e w h o m e in F o w b l e s b u r g .

Mrs . L a u r a C u l l i s o n h a s b e e n s p e n d ­i n g a f ew d a y s h e r e .

Miss M a m i e M y e r s e n t e r t a i n e d Miss R u t h P i t t s a n d Miss Mi ld red R h o t e n on l a s t F r i d a y .

Mrs . D o n a l d T r a c e y h a s r e t u r n e d h o m e a f t e r s p e n d i n g s e v e r a l m o n t h s h e r e .



8-16 H. P. and 15.30 H. P. 4-Cylinder. 10-20 K l T ^ L S . 19-20 Mogul.

McGORMICK Mowers, Rakes, Binders. IRON AGE Potato Planter and Sprayers.

Full Lines Garden and Field Seeds. Growers of "WISDOM" TOMATO Recognized by the leading truckers as being the best ever grown. For quality and quantity it is unexcelled. We are growers in a large way of all the leading varieties of Tomato Seed as follows: Kelly's Red, "another one of our origination," Bonny Best, Chalk's Jewel, New Stone, Red Rock, Matchless, Greater Baltimore, etc.



Near Light Street Baltimore/.Md.



Mr. W a l t e r S e a m a n v i s i t e d Mr. a n d Mrs . L e w i s R e h b e r g e r d u r i n g t h e p a s t w e e k .

Miss C a r o l i n e H e n d e r s o n s p e n t t h e w e e k - e n d a t h e r h o m e in H e r e f o r d .

Old Town National Bank Gay and Exeter Streets BALTIMORE, MD

United States, State and City Depository

Capital, .$ 250,000 Surplus and Profits, - 140,000 Deposits, - - - 2,000,000

J A C O B W: HOOK. P r e s i d e n t AARON B E N E S C H , V i c e - P r c t H E N R Y O. R E D U E .

V i c e - P r e s . a n d Ca-shtpi FV M. M I L L E R , Ass t . C a s h i e r

B o a r d ot XHrc^itntn. Jacob W. Hook . H e n r y ' i Hariry S n y d e r of C, J a m e s K i n g . Vi ron Renesoh. . L e w i s O. Rice R-obt. Fusselbaugta . . A. C. D i e t r i c h L o u i s E . B a r t e l l .

Money back without question If HUNT'S Salve fails in the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, R I N G W O R M , T E T T E R or o t h e r itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk,

H E R G E N R A T H E R D R U G CO., T o w s o n , Md.

Here's the Little Machine That Is Revolutionizing Wood Cutting

WADE'S Gasoline DRAG SAW Cuts 25 Cords A Day

Has a capacity of 25 cords a day and will pay for itself in a season's work and leave you a handsome profit besides.

When loaded with gasoline and water it weighs only 285 pounds. One man can move it one log and it only takes two to shift it from one log to another. Don't be fooled with rigs mounted on wheels. They could not be hauled otherwise on account of their weight. They have 4-cycIe engines of only 3 horse power with valves and springs. Our 2-cycle engine is compact light weight (being % or only 285 pounds complete) 4 horse power and eliminates valve and spring trouble. We furnish 6 foot blade regular; 5 or 7 foot if desired. There is only ONE WADE and it has half a century reputation behind it.

Cuts a 40-inch log in five minutes, about ten times as fast as two men with a cross-cut saw can do it in the oldfashioned way.

It's just as far ahead of hand power as the automobile is ahead of walking—in fact, it's the application of the auto principle to the saw.

The WADE SAW is equipped with a 4 horse power, 2-cycle gasoline engine, driving the saw with abundant power, while a safety clutch prevents the saw pinching in the cut. Saw has 20-inch stroke and one gallon of gasoline will cut about ten cords of wood.

For prices, information, etc., see your nearest dealer

Rawlings Implement Company 11 West Pratt Street

Maryland Baltimore 6-26-52w

n The Addition of a Selden Farm Truck Will Make Your Farm Worth More.

F a r m values increase immediately when Selden F a r m Trucks are inl s called. A speeding-up of every operat ion begins—more work is done daily and a t a lower cost t han before.

More land can be p lanted , bigger crops can be raised and t ranspor ted to the marke t or shipping point quicker and cheaper. Profits a re multi­plied. More is accomplished wi th fewer men about the place. Labor short­age ceases to be a handicap when Selden F a r m Trucks go to work.

Selden F a r m Truccks are equipped wi th pneumat ic t ires, which assure positive t rac t ion on any road or farm surface, and provide g rea te r comfort for the dr iver and max imum protect ion to perishable crops and live stock.

The " In -Bu i l t Q u a l i t y " construction of Selden F a r m Trucks is per­fectly adap ted to farm requirements . Considering the long service ren­dered by these s tu rdy farm models and thei r comparat ively low first cost, they are the lowest-priced t rucks manufac tured today.

W R I T E for fur ther information on the Selden F A R M Truck and the Selden ALL-PURPOSE F A R M BODT (five different types of bodies in one) . Learn how to increase the value of your farm.

Auto Outing Company 21 EAST NORTH AVENUE


Phone, Mt Vernon 1140

Selden Motor Trucks All Worm Drive

ry land State Archives mdsa_sc3410_1_63-0350. jpg