June 5, 1920—Page 2 THE JEFFERSONIAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE JACKSONVILLE. Will the public be with us? We'll say they will, to attend the straw- berry festival to be held at the Re- formed £hurch this! evening. Ice cream, strawberries, cake and candy will be on sale. Bring your friends, and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daub, of Go- vans, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs* Louis Hannibal. Mrs. Philip Lins, who was on the sick list, is much improved. Mr. George Warfield, of Baltimore, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Adlesberger. Mrs. George C. Zinkhan is spending Some time with her brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Schriver, of Corbett. Miss Elizabeth. Amerine, of Balti- moer, visited some friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry; W. Zinkhan and children were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Troyer. of White Hall, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loula Burk spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burk. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Grenagle, of Baltimore, spent Sunday in this vicin- ity. Mrs. Marie E. Lins spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lins. Mr. Louis Zinkhan has purchased, himslelf a new Ford truck. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hitchcock, of Stewartstown, Pa., spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carroll. Friends of Mrs. Clark Rieder are greatly surprised to hear that she passed through the prescribed course of musjic at the Peabody and gradu- ated with honors. Miss Rena Reider, of Baltimore, pent the week end with her sislter, Mrs. Charles Cook. Mrs. Louis Zinkhan and children, Herbert and Evelyn, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Pibbler, of Towson. BAYVILLE. MT. ETiXA. Air. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson and family motored to Druid Hill Park on Sunday. Among those who visited Mr. and Mrss. Philip Lawson on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Johhn Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Bull and family, and Mrs. Sarah Johnson, all of Baltimore. Miss Eva Thompson spent the week end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Cole spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McAlister and daughter spent the week-end with the latter's/ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bosley and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullison. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hill on Sunday were: Mr. John M. Peregoy, Miss Nora Peregoy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childs and s(on, Irvin, all of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Alban and family spent the week-end with some friends in Glen Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daughton, of Jarrettsville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Richard Kelbaugh. Mrs. Charlotte Hale, Miss Sallv Ho- shall, Mrs. William Wells and Mr. H. Hale motored to Baltimore on Sunday. Mrs-. Elva Wells Houseman under- went an operation for appendicitis at Franklin Square Hospital last Wed- nesday. Mrs. Flora Baker spent Sunday even- ing with Mrs. G. H. Zouck. The Pine Grove U. B. Sunday School will hold its annual Children's Day sevice tomorrow morning, and will un- doubtedly draw a large crowd of people. It is sad to relate that many people never attend the church ser- vices only on special occasions of this; kind, and would rather remain at home in spite of the good sermons and services we have from time to time. Mr. Harry Peregoy is a patient at the State Tuberculosis Sanitorium, We hope that he may be able to regain good health at this institution. As usual many people came to the cemetery at this place on Decoration Day. Mr. Harry Shauck and family, and Mr. Roland S. Hoshall motored from Batimore last Sunday and visited rel- atives in this village. H. Courtenay Jenifer, Attorney, Towson, Mil. ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOP- TION AND CHANGE OF NAME OF HELEN SCOTT COOPER AND STANLEY SCOTT COOPER, Infant». IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. The object of the petition filed in the above proceedings by Patrick W. Scott and Elizabeth Scott, his wife, is the adoption of said infants by the petitioners and for a change of name of said infants from Helen Sc-ott Cooper and Stanley Scott Cooper to Helen Scott and Stanley Scott, respec- tively. The petition states that the petition- ers re^ie in Baltimore County and have the guardianship and custody of said infants since the 29th day of February, 1916; that the mother of said infants is dead and the whereabouts of the father unknown; that it would be to the interest and advantage of said in- fants that their names be changed as prayed and that their general welfare would be promoted by the adoption. It is thereupon this 25th day of May, 1920, bv the Circuit Court for Balti- more County in Equity, ORDERED that the petitioners cause a copy of this order with the object and substance of the petition to be in serted in some weekly newspaper pub- lishd in Baltimore County, once a week for three successive weeks, before the 21st day of June. 1920, giv- ing notice to Stanley E. Cooper, the father of said infant children, to ap- pear in this Court, in person or by solicitor, On or before the 21st day of Jane, 1920, ' and show cause, if any he has, why a decree shall not pass as prayed. ALLA.N McLANE. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE. Clerk. 5-29-3t. GLEN ARM. I just want Jo remind you again of the strawberry festival and bazar to be held on Friday evening, June 11, by the teachers, children and patrons of Fork school. Shirley Hall will be open to one and all and a good time is planned for everybody. So come and enjoy the evening with us. If Friday should be stormy, come Saturday. Miss May Burton was the guest of Mrs. Theodore Schneider on Saturday and Sunday ast. Misjs Dora Burton is visiting rela- tives and friends at Upper Falls. Tomorrow (Sunday) Mr. Armstrong will preach at Waugh M. E. Church. Sunday School at the usual hour. Everybody is "welcome. Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at-Law, 412 Equitable Bldgv, Balto., Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Florence E. Canfield, from the defendant, Charles E. Canfield. The Bill recites that the parties were married in the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on April 3rd, 1915, by the Reverend Dr. Clemens, a Minister of the Gospel, and lived to- gether up to the first day of Septem- ber, 1915, when he deserted her in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that the plaintiff has* been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years prior to the filing of this bill of complaint, while the defendant, ChasfcE. Canfield, is a nonresident of the State of Maryand, his last known place of res^ idence being the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that there was no issue as the result of the said marriage; that though the conduct of your oratrix to- ward her said husband has been af- fectionate and above reproach, the de- fondant Charles E. Canfield, her hus- band, has without any just cause or reason abandoned and deserted her, and declared his intentions to live with her no longer; that said aband- onment has continued uninterruptedly for more than three years, is deliber- ate and final, and the separation oi the parties; is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconciliation. It is therefore ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 26th day of May, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff by causing a copy of thjs Order to be in- serted in some, weekly newspaper, pub- lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks be- fore the 28th day of June, 1920, givb notice to the said non-resident defend- ant, Charles. E. Canfield, of the object and substance of this suit, and warn him to be and appear in this Honor- able Court either in person or by so- licitor On or before the 15th day of July, 1&20, to show cause if any he may have why a decree should not be passed as pray- ed. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-5L PLEASANT GROVE. WARREN. Mrs. Jamesi Gill, of Batimore, visited her brother, Mr. J. E. Myers and fam- ily from Friday last until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm motored to Hoffmanville on Sunday with Mr. George Banner. Mr. Arthur Osborne, of Baltimore, visited his mother, Mrs. Annie Os- borne, over Sunday. Mr. Carroll Myers, of the Railway mail service, who was centered at Romeo, W. Va., is home for a week's stay. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie Os- borne on Sunday. Mr. E. C. Myers attended the Mary- land Institute exercises in Baltimore on Tuesday evening. The Warren baseball team easily defeated Mount Washington at Hamp. der. last Saturday IS to 3. At no tim, were the Warren lads in danger. A party was given at the home oi Mr. and Mrst Melvin Roberts last Sat- urday night for Miss Lola Combs. A large crowd attended. Miss Beatrice Heys, of Baltimore, who has been staying with her aunt, Miss Mary Bull, has returned to her home. Mrs. Penelope Ann F, Baker, 75 years old, of this place died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Eugene A. Cooper. Charles W. Held, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. HETTIE CLAY ALLEN, Plaintiff, Vs. GLENN PHILLIP ALLEN, Defendant. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT F0R BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a Vinculo Matrimonii and the care and custody of the minor child, William Walter Allen, by the plaintiff from the defendant. The bill states that the parties were married on the 28th day of February, 1917, and that they resided together until the 3rd day of April, 1917. That the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years next preceeding the filing of her bill of complaint, while the defendant, Glenn Phillip Allen, is a non-resident of the State of Maryland and was last heard from in Reno, Vanango County, Pennsylvania. That there is one child as issue of said marriage, William Walter* Allen, aged three years. That though the conduct of your or- atrix toward her husband, the saia Glenn Phillip Allen, has always been kind, chaste and above reproach, he, | the said Glenn Phillip Allen has, with- ! out cause or reason abandoned and de- I serted her and has declared his inten- j tion to live with her no longer; that | said abandonment has continued un- :interruptedly for at least three years; ' is deliberate and final, and the s.epar- j ation of the parties beyond any reason- able hope of reconciliation. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED By the Circuit Court of Baltimore County, in Equity, this 21st day of May, 1920. that the plaintiff, by causing a copy of this Order to bo inserted in some weekly newspaper published in Balti- more County once in each of four suc- cessive weeks before the 28th day of June, 1920, give notice to the said ab- sent defendant, Glenn Phillip Allen, of the object and substance of the bill and warn him to appear in this Court in person or by solicitor On or before the 12th day of July, 1»20, to show cause, if any he may have, why a decree ought not be passed as prayed. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE. Clerk. John D. C. Duncan, Attorney-at-Law, Title Building, Baltimore Md. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. WILLIAM A. SCHOTT, vs. LILA M. SCHOTT. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BALTI- MORE COHNTY, IN EQUITY. The object of this s^uit is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the Plaintiff, William A. Schott, from the Defendant, Lila M. Schott. The bill states that the parties v 3re married on the 29th day of June, 1905, in the City of Elkton, State of Maryland. That, though the conduct of your Orator towards his said wife has air- ways been kind, affectionate and above reproach, the said Lila M. Schott has without any just cause or reason, abandoned and deserted him, and has declared her intention of living with him no longer, and- that such abandon- ment has continued uninterruptedly for at least three years, and is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconcilliation That no children were born as a re- sult of said marriage. That your Orator has been a resident of the State of Maryland during his entire life. That the Defendant, Lila M. Schott, was at the time of said abandonment and desertion a resident of the State of Maryland, but since said abandon- ment has been a non-resident, and when last heard of was a resident of the State of Pennsylvania. It is thereupon ordered by the Cir- cuit Court of Baltimore County this 13th day of May, 1920, that the Plain- tiff by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some weekly newspaper publishr^ in Baltimore County once In each of four successive weeks before fee 14th day of June. 3 920, give notice to the said absent Defendant. Lila M. Seho**.. of the object and substance of Mi bill and warn her to appear in this Court n person or by solicitor, On or before the 30th day of June, 1920, to show cause, if any she may have. why a decree ought not to be passed as craved. WTLLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copv—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-15-4t. BECKLEY SVILLE. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Henry last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Peregoy and son, Mrs. Flor- ence Zeucher and children, all of Mt. Carmel; Mrs. Calvin Baublitz and two ohi'dren, of Freeland; Mrs. George Baublitz and Mr. Charles Baublitz. Mr. Roy Kidd, of Mount Washington, visited his home here on Monday. Mrs. George Peregoy entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Winemiller, of Hereford; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ros- ier and daughter, of Parkton, and Mrs. Harvey Measley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Houseman and ..children visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gardner. Preaching here on Sunday at 2 P. M. Sunday School at 1 P. M. Mr. and Mrs'. Richard Tracey and children visited Mr. and Mrss. Samuel Patterson on last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and daughter, Ruth, spent the ween's end visiting in Baltimore. Messrs. Clarence Alban, Preston Gardner, George Peregoy and E. W. Alban spent Sunday in Baltimore vis- iting Mr. Henry Shearer, who has been very ill at the Franklin Square Hos^ pital. Mr. and Mrs. William Wisner had as guests on Sunday, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Grason Wisner and daughter, Helen, of Baltimore; Mr. W. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Martin and daughter, Nellie; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and daughter, Mary. TIMONIUM. The Ladies' Aid Society of Timon- ium M. Hf Church met last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Simpson. Mr. Bruce Ogle, who has resided on the McCormick farm for 9 years, re- cently purchas-ed by Dr. D. Gorsuch, removed with his family to Arlington. Miss Esta Simpson spent the week- end with the Misses Bennett, near Pot Spring. Mrs. Mary M. Jones, who has been spending some time with her son-in- law in Baltimore, hasi returned to her home here. I\lrs. Ida Cross and daughter, Bertha, spent last Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.. Thomas Barrett. Miss Mary Ogle, of Baltimore, spent tre- 1 week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ogle. Miss Virginia Parks, of Baltimore, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Stanley Galloway at their home on Padonia road. Miss Eckhart, of Baltimore; Mr. An- ne- Miller, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Seitz and son, Raymond, of Towson, were call- ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pritchett last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson and, daughters Misjses Esta and Bertha, spent last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dougls Wigner," of Towson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Long and daugh- ter, Doris, of Baltimore, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruppert on last Sunday. K1NGSVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kemp and Miss Virginia Kemp have returned from a visit to New York. Miss Grace Perdue, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gorsuch. Mr. and -Mrs. Edw&rd Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fitzell, of Balti- more, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzell. Misjses Riza E. Sohl and Mollie Ahr- ling. of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. G. Quinlin. The strawberry festival held at the home of Mr. Robert Dilworth on Tues- day evening was well attended Miss Ethel Temple, of Baltimore, spent the week's end with the Misses Green. Mrs. Herman Spinner and Misls Rou- maine Spinner spent the week's end with relatives in Washington. Mrs. John Byer is suffering- with a carbuncle on her arm. Misses Grace Mann and Rose Gilbert visited in Washington lastt Saturday. LEGAL NOTICES Paul B. Ballard, Attorney-at-Law^. Baltimore, Md. ORDER NISI. JOHN J. KELLEY Vs. NELLIE KKLLEY, KT AL. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAL- TIMORE COUNTY, IN EQUITY. ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 26th day of May, 1920, that the sale made and re- ported by Harvey H. Wilson, Trustee, for the sale of the property described in the proceedings; in the above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 21»t day of June, 1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in- serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be- fore the *aid 21st day of June, 1920. The report states the amount of sale to be $4500.00. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-4L LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Towson, Md., May 27. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the County Commissioners of Balti- more County, and endorsed and num- bered for which piece of "work it is intended, will be received at their of- fice in the Court House. Until 12 o'clock noon, Ju:u- 10th, 13)20, when they will be publicly opened and read. For constructing 39 reinforced con- crete culverts from six to twelve foot span, located in ' Baltimore County. FOR SALE. Ford Touring Oar, Al condition, 2 ex- tires with tubes, also lot of tools. $250.00 to quick buyer. Alsjo one 1-ton Jeffres State Body Truck, first-class condition, with Red Seal motor and Bosch magneto. Must be sold at once for $400.00. Apply M. J. FITZPATRICK, 5-29-3t. Texas, Md. Each or all bids must be accompani- ed by a certified check for Two Hun- dred ($200.00) Dollars as> a guarantee that the successful bidder will sign the contract. A surety bond equal to the amount of the contract will be required of the successful bidder. Plans and specifications can be seen in the Roads Engineer's Office after May 31s<t, 1920. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board, JOHN R. HAUT, Chief Clerk, W. G. SUCRO, Roads Engineer. 5-29-2t. FOR RENT. On—Old Court Road, East of Green Spring Avenue, Twenty-five acres of Arable Land. Has good Bank Barn. Liberal terms. For particulars apply to RALPH ROBINSON, 1307 Continental Building. 5^g9-2t. Baltimore, Md. LORELEY. Mr. Frank N. Hoen and family have moved to their home here after spend- ing the "winter in Baltimore. Mr. Hoen enjoyed several weeks in the Bermudas durng the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoen, of Cor- bett, were week-end guests of Mr. Hoen's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chisjholm, of Fianklinville, and Mrs. Burton, of Baltimore, are at the home of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Chisholm, who has been very ill. "DELCO-LIGHT is the Best Time and Labor Saver on My Farm" That's what many users say. Over a hundred thousand families located in all parts of the world, are enthusiastic about Delco-Light. This is proof of the satisfaction Delco-Light gives. It is an in- dication of the high place Delco-Light holds in the hearts of those who use it. Clean, safe electric lights make the house, barns and premises as bright as day. Electric power does the pumping, separating, churning, washing, ironing, sweeping and a score of other tasks. Greater convenience and comfort come to those who have Delco-Light Write or coil for catalog, price* and further interesting detail* CHAS. W. WINTERS, Dealer, 2013-15 N. Charles Street BALTIMORE, MD. Homevvood 1390 A complete electric light and power plant for farms and country homes, self-crankingair cooledball bearingsno beltsonly one place to oilthick plateslong-lived battery— runs on kerosene. Valve-in-Head Motor. Over 100,000 Satisfied Users Manufactured by DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio Entertaining and Educational Radcliffe Chautauqua PARKTON, MD. Two Sessions Daily—Afternoon and Evening, Saturday, June 12 Monday, June 14 Tuesday, June 15 Single Admission—Adult's Tickets, 50 Cents Children's Tickets, 25 Cents Season Tickets—Adult's, $2.00 Child's, $1.00 For Sale at National Bank of Parkton, Postoffice and Stores Special Services Sunday Under Auspices of Chautauqua Director All Proceeds for Benefit of the Town. 6-5-2t <~:~X..:":~H..X~>.:":~:^ There's a Satisfied User Near You HAULING Local or Long Distance Light or Heavy Sand and Gravel Furnished and Hauled. Hay, Straw or Grain Hauled From Any Section. Rates Reasonable. HARRY A, HARRIS, Telephone, Towson 159-M Riderwood, Maryland ^K-;-:-:-:-;-:-:-:-X-X-:-X« SOLD EVER\ WHERE FOUND TO BE BEST 51 %M\ IN BOTTLES Goodness and purity are sealed in. Phone Mt. Vernon 70 Buy bv the Case BOTTLED BY The Baltimore Coca-Cola Bottling^Co. 408-10-12 N. CALVERT STREET i^^wm^^ww^ww^mm^www^>




Will the public be with us? We'll say they will, to at tend the s t raw­berry festival to be held at the Re­formed £hurch this! evening. Ice cream, strawberries, cake and candy will be on sale. Bring your friends, and have a good time.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daub, of Go-vans, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs* Louis Hannibal.

Mrs. Philip Lins, who was on the sick list, is much improved.

Mr. George Warfield, of Baltimore, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Edward Adlesberger.

Mrs. George C. Zinkhan is spending Some time with her brother and sis­ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Schriver, of Corbett.

Miss Elizabeth. Amerine, of Balti-moer, visited some friends in th is vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry; W. Zinkhan and children were the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. How­ard Troyer. of White Hall, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Loula Burk spent Sun­day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burk.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Grenagle, of Baltimore, spent Sunday in this vicin­ity.

Mrs. Marie E. Lins spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lins.

Mr. Louis Zinkhan has purchased, himslelf a new Ford truck.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hitchcock, of Stewartstown, Pa., spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . P. Carroll.

Friends of Mrs. Clark Rieder are greatly surprised to hear that she passed through the prescribed course of musjic at the Peabody and gradu­ated with honors.

Miss Rena Reider, of Baltimore, pent the week end with her sislter, Mrs. Charles Cook.

Mrs. Louis Zinkhan and children, Herbert and Evelyn, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Pibbler, of Towson.


MT. ETiXA. Air. and Mrs. Clarence Thompson

and family motored to Druid Hill Park on Sunday.

Among those who visited Mr. and Mrss. Philip Lawson on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Johhn Naylor, Mr. and Mrs. John Bull and family, and Mrs. Sarah Johnson, all of Baltimore.

Miss Eva Thompson spent the week end with her parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cole spent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kelbaugh.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McAlister and daughter spent the week-end with the latter's/ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bosley and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullison.

Those visi t ing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hill on Sunday were: Mr. John M. Peregoy, Miss Nora Peregoy, Mr. and Mrs. F rank Childs and s(on, Irvin, all of Baltimore.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Alban and family spent the week-end with some friends in Glen Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daughton, of Jarrettsvil le, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Richard Kelbaugh.

Mrs. Charlotte Hale, Miss Sallv Ho-shall, Mrs. William Wells and Mr. H. Hale motored to Baltimore on Sunday.

Mrs-. E lva Wells Houseman under­went an operation for appendicitis at Frankl in Square Hospital last Wed­nesday.

Mrs. Flora Baker spent Sunday even­ing with Mrs. G. H. Zouck.

The Pine Grove U. B. Sunday School will hold i ts annual Children's Day sevice tomorrow morning, and will un­doubtedly draw a large crowd of people. It is sad to relate that many people never at tend the church ser­vices only on special occasions of this; kind, and would ra ther remain at home in spite of the good sermons and services we have from time to time.

Mr. Harry Peregoy is a patient a t the State Tuberculosis Sanitorium, We hope tha t he may be able to regain good health at this insti tution.

As usual many people came to the cemetery at this place on Decoration Day.

Mr. Harry Shauck and family, and Mr. Roland S. Hoshall motored from Batimore last Sunday and visited rel­atives in this village.

H. Courtenay Jenifer, Attorney, Towson, Mil.






The object of the petition filed in the above proceedings by Patr ick W. Scott and Elizabeth Scott, his wife, is the adoption of said infants by the petitioners and for a change of name of said infants from Helen Sc-ott Cooper and Stanley Scott Cooper to Helen Scott and Stanley Scott, respec­tively.

The petition states that the petition­ers re^ie in Baltimore County and have the guardianship and custody of said infants since the 29th day of February, 1916; that the mother of said infants is dead and the whereabouts of the father unknown; tha t it would be to the interest and advantage of said in­fants that their names be changed as prayed and that their general welfare would be promoted by the adoption.

It is thereupon this 25th day of May, 1920, bv the Circuit Court for Balti­more County in Equity,

ORDERED that the petitioners cause a copy of this order with the object and substance of the petition to be in serted in some weekly newspaper pub-lishd in Baltimore County, once a week for three successive weeks, before the 21st day of June. 1920, giv­ing notice to Stanley E. Cooper, the father of said infant children, to ap­pear in this Court, in person or by solicitor,

On or before the 21st day of Jane , 1920, '

and show cause, if any he has, why a decree shall not pass as prayed.

ALLA.N McLANE. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE. Clerk. 5-29-3t.


I just want Jo remind you again of the s t rawberry festival and bazar to be held on Friday evening, June 11, by the teachers, children and patrons of Fork school. Shirley Hall will be open to one and all and a good time is planned for everybody. So come and enjoy the evening with us. If Friday should be stormy, come Saturday.

Miss May Burton was the guest of Mrs. Theodore Schneider on Saturday and Sunday ast.

Misjs Dora Burton is visiting rela­tives and friends at Upper Falls.

Tomorrow (Sunday) Mr. Armstrong will preach at Waugh M. E. Church. Sunday School at the usual hour. Everybody is "welcome.

Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at-Law, 412 Equitable Bldgv, Balto., Md.


The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Florence E. Canfield, from the defendant, Charles E. Canfield.

The Bill recites tha t the parties were married in the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on April 3rd, 1915, by the Reverend Dr. Clemens, a Minister of the Gospel, and lived to­gether up to the first day of Septem­ber, 1915, when he deserted her in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that the plaintiff has* been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years prior to the filing of this bill of complaint, while the defendant, ChasfcE. Canfield, is a nonresident of the State of Maryand, his last known place of res^ idence being the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that there was no issue as the result of the said marr iage; tha t though the conduct of your oratrix to­ward her said husband has been af­fectionate and above reproach, the de-fondant Charles E. Canfield, her hus­band, has without any just cause or reason abandoned and deserted her, and declared his intentions to live with her no longer; that said aband­onment has continued uninterruptedly for more than three years, is deliber­ate and final, and the separation oi the parties; is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconciliation.

It is therefore ORDERED by the Circuit Court for

Baltimore County, this 26th day of May, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff by causing a copy of thjs Order to be in­serted in some, weekly newspaper, pub­lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four successive weeks be­fore the 28th day of June, 1920, givb notice to the said non-resident defend­ant, Charles. E. Canfield, of the object and substance of this suit, and warn him to be and appear in this Honor­able Court either in person or by so­licitor On or before the 15th day of July,

1&20, to show cause if any he may have why a decree should not be passed as pray­ed.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-5L

PLEASANT GROVE. WARREN. Mrs. Jamesi Gill, of Batimore, visited

her brother, Mr. J. E. Myers and fam­ily from Friday last until Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhelm motored to Hoffmanville on Sunday with Mr. George Banner.

Mr. Arthur Osborne, of Baltimore, visited his mother, Mrs. Annie Os­borne, over Sunday.

Mr. Carroll Myers, of the Railway mail service, who was centered at Romeo, W. Va., is home for a week's stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark visited the la t ter ' s mother, Mrs. Annie Os­borne on Sunday.

Mr. E. C. Myers attended the Mary­land Ins t i tu te exercises in Baltimore on Tuesday evening.

The Warren baseball team easily defeated Mount Washington at Hamp. der. last Saturday IS to 3. At no t i m , were the Warren lads in danger.

A party was given at the home oi Mr. and Mrst Melvin Roberts last Sat­urday night for Miss Lola Combs. A large crowd attended.

Miss Beatrice Heys, of Baltimore, who has been s taying with her aunt, Miss Mary Bull, has returned to her home.

Mrs. Penelope Ann F, Baker, 75 years old, of this place died at the home of her granddaughter , Mrs. Eugene A. Cooper.

Charles W. Held, Attorney-at-Law, Towson, Md.





The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a Vinculo Matrimonii and the care and custody of the minor child, William Walter Allen, by the plaintiff from the defendant.

The bill s ta tes that the par t ies were married on the 28th day of February, 1917, and that they resided together until the 3rd day of April, 1917. That the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two years next preceeding the filing of her bill of complaint, while the defendant, Glenn Phillip Allen, is a non-resident of the State of Maryland and was last heard from in Reno, Vanango County, Pennsylvania. That there is one child as issue of said marriage, William Walter* Allen, aged three years.

That though the conduct of your or­atrix toward her husband, the saia Glenn Phillip Allen, has always been kind, chaste and above reproach, he,

| the said Glenn Phillip Allen has, with-! out cause or reason abandoned and de-I serted her and has declared his inten-j tion to live with her no longer; that | said abandonment has continued un-: interruptedly for at least three years; ' is deliberate and final, and the s.epar-j ation of the parties beyond any reason­able hope of reconciliation.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED By the Circuit Court of Baltimore County, in Equity, this 21st day of May, 1920. that the plaintiff, by causing a copy of this Order to bo inserted in some weekly newspaper published in Balti­more County once in each of four suc­cessive weeks before the 28th day of June, 1920, give notice to the said ab­sent defendant, Glenn Phillip Allen, of the object and substance of the bill and warn him to appear in this Court in person or by solicitor On or before the 12th day of July,

1»20, to show cause, if any he may have, why a decree ought not be passed as prayed.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:


John D. C. Duncan, Attorney-at-Law, Title Building, Baltimore Md.





The object of this s^uit is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the Plaintiff, William A. Schott, from the Defendant, Lila M. Schott.

The bill s t a tes that the parties v 3re married on the 29th day of June, 1905, in the City of Elkton, State of Maryland.

That, though the conduct of your Orator towards his said wife has air­ways been kind, affectionate and above reproach, the said Lila M. Schott has without any just cause or reason, abandoned and deserted him, and has declared her intention of living with him no longer, and- that such abandon­ment has continued uninterruptedly for at least three years, and is deliberate and final, and the separation of the parties is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconcilliation

That no children were born as a re­sult of said marriage.

That your Orator has been a resident of the State of Maryland during his entire life.

That the Defendant, Lila M. Schott, was at the time of said abandonment and desertion a resident of the State of Maryland, but since said abandon­ment has been a non-resident, and when last heard of was a resident of the State of Pennsylvania.

It is thereupon ordered by the Cir­cuit Court of Baltimore County this 13th day of May, 1920, that the Plain­tiff by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some weekly newspaper publishr^ in Baltimore County once In each of four successive weeks before fee 14th day of June. 3 920, give notice to the said absent Defendant. Lila M. Seho**.. of the object and substance of Mi bill and warn her to appear in this Court n person or by solicitor,

On or before the 30th day of June, 1920,

to show cause, if any she may have. why a decree ought not to be passed as craved.

WTLLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copv—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-15-4t.


Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Henry last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Peregoy and son, Mrs. Flor­ence Zeucher and children, all of Mt. Carmel; Mrs. Calvin Baublitz and two ohi'dren, of Freeland; Mrs. George Baublitz and Mr. Charles Baublitz.

Mr. Roy Kidd, of Mount Washington, visited his home here on Monday.

Mrs. George Peregoy entertained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Winemiller, of Hereford; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ros­ier and daughter, of Parkton, and Mrs. Harvey Measley.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Houseman and ..children visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel urday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gardner.

Preaching here on Sunday at 2 P. M. Sunday School at 1 P. M.

Mr. and Mrs'. Richard Tracey and children visited Mr. and Mrss. Samuel Pat terson on last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker and daughter, Ruth, spent the ween's end visiting in Baltimore.

Messrs. Clarence Alban, Preston Gardner, George Peregoy and E. W. Alban spent Sunday in Baltimore vis­i t ing Mr. Henry Shearer, who has been very ill a t the Frankl in Square Hos^ pital.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wisner had as guests on Sunday, Mrs. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Grason Wisner and daughter, Helen, of Baltimore; Mr. W. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Martin and daughter, Nellie; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and daughter, Mary.

TIMONIUM. The Ladies' Aid Society of Timon-

ium M. Hf Church met last Wednesday night a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Simpson.

Mr. Bruce Ogle, who has resided on the McCormick farm for 9 years, re­cently purchas-ed by Dr. D. Gorsuch, removed with his family to Arlington.

Miss Es ta Simpson spent the week­end with the Misses Bennett, near Pot Spring.

Mrs. Mary M. Jones, who has been spending some time with her son-in-law in Baltimore, hasi returned to her home here.

I\lrs. Ida Cross and daughter, Bertha, spent last Wednesday with her sister, Mrs.. Thomas Barrett .

Miss Mary Ogle, of Baltimore, spent tre-1 week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ogle.

Miss Virginia Parks, of Baltimore, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Stanley Galloway at their home on Padonia road.

Miss Eckhart , of Baltimore; Mr. An­ne- Miller, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Seitz and son, Raymond, of Towson, were call­ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pri tchet t last Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Simpson and, daughters Misjses Esta and Bertha, spent last Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dougls Wigner," of Towson.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Long and daugh­ter, Doris, of Baltimore, were • guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruppert on last Sunday.

K1NGSVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kemp and Miss

Virginia Kemp have returned from a visit to New York.

Miss Grace Perdue, of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gorsuch.

Mr. and -Mrs. Edw&rd Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fitzell, of Balti­more, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fitzell.

Misjses Riza E. Sohl and Mollie Ahr-ling. of Baltimore, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. G. Quinlin.

The s t rawberry festival held at the home of Mr. Robert Dilworth on Tues­day evening was well attended

Miss Ethel Temple, of Baltimore, spent the week's end with the Misses Green.

Mrs. Herman Spinner and Misls Rou-maine Spinner spent the week's end with relatives in Washington.

Mrs. John Byer is suffering- with a carbuncle on her arm.

Misses Grace Mann and Rose Gilbert visited in Washington lastt Saturday.


Paul B. Ballard, Attorney-at-Law^. Baltimore, Md.





ORDERED, By the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, th is 26th day of May, 1920, tha t the sale made and re­ported by Harvey H. Wilson, Trustee, for the sale of the property described in the proceedings; in the above entitled cause be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown On or before the 21»t day of June,

1920. Provided a copy of this Order be in­

serted in some newspaper printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three successive weeks be­fore the *aid 21st day of June, 1920.

The report s ta tes the amount of sale to be $4500.00.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-4L




Towson, Md., May 27. SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to

the County Commissioners of Balti­more County, and endorsed and num­bered for which piece of "work it is intended, will be received at their of­fice in the Court House.

Until 12 o'clock noon, Ju:u- 10th, 13)20,

when they will be publicly opened and read.

For constructing 39 reinforced con­crete culverts from six to twelve foot span, located in ' Baltimore County.


Ford Touring Oar, Al condition, 2 ex-tires with tubes, also lot of tools. $250.00 to quick buyer. Alsjo one 1-ton Jeffres State Body Truck, first-class condition, with Red Seal motor and Bosch magneto. Must be sold at once for $400.00.

Apply M. J. FITZPATRICK, 5-29-3t. Texas, Md.

Each or all bids must be accompani­ed by a certified check for Two Hun­dred ($200.00) Dollars as> a guarantee that the successful bidder will sign the contract.

A surety bond equal to the amount of the contract will be required of the successful bidder.

Plans and specifications can be seen in the Roads Engineer 's Office after May 31s<t, 1920.

The County Commissioners reserve the r ight to reject any or all bids.

By order of the Board, JOHN R. HAUT, Chief Clerk,

W. G. SUCRO, Roads Engineer. 5-29-2t.

FOR RENT. On—Old Court Road, East of Green

Spring Avenue, Twenty-five acres of Arable Land. Has good Bank Barn. Liberal terms. For part iculars apply to

RALPH ROBINSON, 1307 Continental Building.

5^g9-2t. Baltimore, Md.

LORELEY. Mr. Frank N. Hoen and family have

moved to their home here after spend­ing the "winter in Baltimore. Mr. Hoen enjoyed several weeks in the Bermudas durng the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoen, of Cor­bett, were week-end guests of Mr. Hoen's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chisjholm, of Fianklinville, and Mrs. Burton, of Baltimore, are at the home of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Chisholm, who has been very ill.

"DELCO-LIGHT is the Best Time and Labor Saver

on My Farm"

That's what many users say. Over a hundred thousand families located in all parts of the world, are enthusiastic about Delco-Light. This is proof of the satisfaction Delco-Light gives. It is an in­dication of the high place Delco-Light holds in the hearts of those who use it.

Clean, safe electric lights make the house, barns and premises as bright as day. Electric power does the pumping, separating, churning, washing, ironing, sweeping and a score of other tasks. Greater convenience and comfort come to those who have Delco-Light

Write or coil for catalog, price* and further interesting detail*

CHAS. W. WINTERS, Dealer, 2013-15 N. Charles Street

BALTIMORE, MD. Homevvood 1390

A complete electric light and power plant for farms and country homes, self-cranking— air cooled—ball bearings—no belts—only one place to oil—thick plates—long-lived battery— runs on kerosene.

Valve-in-Head Motor.


100,000 Sat i s f ied U s e r s

Manufactured by DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio

Entertaining and Educational

Radcliffe Chautauqua PARKTON, MD.

Two Sessions Daily—Afternoon and Evening,

Saturday, June 12 Monday, June 14 Tuesday, June 15

Single Admission—Adult's Tickets, 50 Cents Children's Tickets, 25 Cents

Season Tickets—Adult's, $2.00 Child's, $1.00

For Sale at National Bank of Parkton, Postoffice and Stores

Special Services Sunday Under Auspices of Chautauqua Director

All Proceeds for Benefit of the Town.

6-5-2t <~:~X..:":~H..X~>.:":~:^

There's a Satisfied User Near You

HAULING Local or Long Distance

Light or Heavy Sand and Gravel Furnished

and Hauled. Hay, Straw or Grain Hauled

From Any Section. Rates Reasonable.

HARRY A, HARRIS, Telephone, Towson 159-M Riderwood, Maryland






Goodness and purity are sealed in.

Phone Mt. Vernon 70

Buy bv the Case


The Baltimore Coca-Cola Bottling^Co.


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