TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e-pos: [email protected] WINNER BEST FREE NEWSPAPER IN SA PAROW BELLVILLE - 021 944 3330 E & OE Full range of Recliners & Lounge Suites now available @ all branches ALBERTINIA BRAAIWORS 2KG 50 .00 SCOTCH FILLETS FFP111653 #FindTheOne. BMW 1 Series www.bmw.co.za Sheer Driving Pleasure Forsdicks Tygervalley Chadley Dollie Manager Tel. 021 918 8700 Cel. 078 801 1234 E-mail. [email protected] THE NEW BMW 1 SERIES. SPORTKOMPLEKS: ROMMEL LÊ WÊRELD VOL; TIK- EN DAGGAPYPE WORD DAAGLIKS OPGETEL Haweloses saai chaos BRENDEN RUITER @ruitervaniewind ’n Man van Parow is moedeloos oor al die haweloses wat by die De Grendel- sportkompleks bly. Die haweloses loop glo heeldag en rommel vergader en keer dan saans terug met hul goedere. Van die goedere wat nie van waarde is nie, word sommer net weggesmyt. Dirk Thomson, wat naby die sportterrein woon, sê die plek is ’n totale gemors. “Ou kle- re, stukkende gebruiksartikels en sanitêre doeke lê die wêreld vol. Dit is ’n onhigiëniese toedrag van sake,” sê Thomson, wat saam met sy ma na die duiweklub omsien. Volgens Thomson vind ook baie onwettige dinge hier plaas. “Daar word gedrink, getik en baie dagga gerook. Ons tel soggens die tik- en dagga-pype langs die muur op. Die trollies wat die mense gebruik, is ook gesteel en ek het dit al hoeveel keer onder die aandag van die polisie en die wetstoepassers gebring. Hulle gee egter nie om nie en ry net verby sonder om enigiets te doen,” sê Thomson. Lt. Kevin Williams, polisiewoordvoerder, sê dit is nie die polisie se plig om gesteelde trollies aan hul wettige eienaars terug te be- sorg nie. “Ons sal haweloses met trollies stop en kyk of daar nie gesteelde goedere of dwelms in die trollies is nie. Die polisie kan regtig nie nog van beperkte bronne aan ha- weloses afstaan nie. Waar daar misdaad ge- pleeg word onder haweloses, sal die polisie ondersoek instel, maar dit is nie ons taak om mense weg te jaag nie,” sê Williams. Hy sê die polisie is bewus daarvan dat sommige haweloses onwettige middele ge- bruik. “Ons kan egter nie almal onder die- selfde kam skeer nie. As die gemeenskap vermoed sommige haweloses gebruik of ver- koop dwelms, moet hulle die polisie in ken- nis stel,” sê Williams. Chris Jordaan, raadslid, sê hy het al baie klagtes oor die haweloses by die sportterrein ontvang. “Die probleem is reeds onder my aandag gebring en dit makeer daadwerklike ingryping. Ek beplan om volgende week ’n ter plaatse ondersoek te gaan doen om my van al die feite te vergewis. Alle rolspelers moet ook genader word om hierdie probleem vir eens en altyd aan te spreek,” sê Jordaan. Die hoërskole se tradisie om elke jaar om ’n sangbeker op die pawiljoene van hul gesamentlike sportby- eenkoms, die MTBS, mee te ding, het net dalkies ’n splinternuwe tradisie ingelui. Leerders van die hoërskole D.F. Malan, Tygerberg, Bellville en Stellenberg het verlede Donderdag hul harte uitgesing in die arena van die Tygervallei-in- kopiesentrum. Die leerders wou wys hul het hul sangspiere aan die oefen gehou al kon hulle vir die afgelope twee jaar nie meer om die sangbe- ker-trofee meeding nie. Hier doen die Hoërskool Tygerberg se Tiere hul ding. Nog foto’s van die MTBS- byeenkoms op bladsy 23. FOTO: CARINA ROUX Sing hul harte uit voor stryd



Transcript of TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Page 1: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 | Tel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected]


BELLVILLE - 021 944 3330 E&OE

Full range of Recliners &Lounge Suites now available @

all branches








BMW 1 Series


Driving Pleasure

Forsdicks TygervalleyChadley DollieManagerTel. 021 918 8700Cel. 078 801 1234E-mail. [email protected]



Haweloses saai chaosBRENDEN RUITER


’n Man van Parow is moedeloos oor aldie haweloses wat by die De Grendel-sportkompleks bly.

Die haweloses loop glo heeldag en rommelvergader en keer dan saans terug met hulgoedere. Van die goedere wat nie van waardeis nie, word sommer net weggesmyt.

Dirk Thomson, wat naby die sportterreinwoon, sê die plek is ’n totale gemors. “Ou kle-re, stukkende gebruiksartikels en sanitêre

doeke lê die wêreld vol. Dit is ’n onhigiëniesetoedrag van sake,” sê Thomson, wat saammet sy ma na die duiweklub omsien.

Volgens Thomson vind ook baie onwettigedinge hier plaas. “Daar word gedrink, getiken baie dagga gerook. Ons tel soggens die tik-en dagga-pype langs die muur op. Die trollieswat die mense gebruik, is ook gesteel en ekhet dit al hoeveel keer onder die aandag vandie polisie en die wetstoepassers gebring.Hulle gee egter nie om nie en ry net verbysonder om enigiets te doen,” sê Thomson.

Lt. Kevin Williams, polisiewoordvoerder,

sê dit is nie die polisie se plig om gesteeldetrollies aan hul wettige eienaars terug te be-sorg nie. “Ons sal haweloses met trolliesstop en kyk of daar nie gesteelde goedere ofdwelms in die trollies is nie. Die polisie kanregtig nie nog van beperkte bronne aan ha-weloses afstaan nie. Waar daar misdaad ge-pleeg word onder haweloses, sal die polisieondersoek instel, maar dit is nie ons taak ommense weg te jaag nie,” sê Williams.

Hy sê die polisie is bewus daarvan datsommige haweloses onwettige middele ge-bruik. “Ons kan egter nie almal onder die-

selfde kam skeer nie. As die gemeenskapvermoed sommige haweloses gebruik of ver-koop dwelms, moet hulle die polisie in ken-nis stel,” sê Williams.

Chris Jordaan, raadslid, sê hy het al baieklagtes oor die haweloses by die sportterreinontvang. “Die probleem is reeds onder myaandag gebring en dit makeer daadwerklikeingryping. Ek beplan om volgende week ’nter plaatse ondersoek te gaan doen om myvan al die feite te vergewis. Alle rolspelersmoet ook genader word om hierdie probleemvir eens en altyd aan te spreek,” sê Jordaan.

Die hoërskole setradisie om elke jaarom ’n sangbeker opdie pawiljoene van hulgesamentlike sportby­eenkoms, die MTBS,mee te ding, het netdalkies ’n splinternuwetradisie ingelui.Leerders van diehoërskole D.F. Malan,Tygerberg, Bellville enStellenberg het verledeDonderdag hul harteuitgesing in die arenavan die Tygervallei­in­kopiesentrum. Dieleerders wou wys hulhet hul sangspiere aandie oefen gehou alkon hulle vir dieafgelope twee jaar niemeer om die sangbe­ker­trofee meedingnie. Hier doen dieHoërskool Tygerberg seTiere hul ding. Nogfoto’s van die MTBS­byeenkoms op bladsy23. FOTO: CARINA ROUX

Sing hulharte uitvoor stryd

Page 2: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

2 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016NUUS

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Slaapplek: Vullisdrom­me lê omgekeer teen dieheining van die DeGrendel­sportkompleks.Haweloses gebruik diedromme as slaapplek.FOTO: ASTRID FEBRUARIE

BRENDEN RUITER@ruitervaniewind

Maande ná beloftes dat daar beterbeligting by die Oostersee- enAvondale-stasies aangebring

gaan word, is van die ligte nou gedeelte-lik vervang.Pendelaars moes sedert verlede jaar

soggens die donker én misdadigers bydié twee treinstasies trotseer om by diewerk te kom.TygerBurger het verlede jaar berig

(“Dead quiet at Avondale”, 30 Septem-ber) oor hoe Danny Brink van Parow indie vroeë oggendure by die Avondale-stasie vermoor is.Wagte was glo vas aan die slaap en die

ligte was buite werking. Brink en nog ie-mand het vir ’n trein na Bellville gewagtoe hulle aangeval is. Die ander pende-laar het dit reggekry om te ontsnap.By die Oostersee-stasie werk net ’n

paar ligte. Ook daar is al mense aange-val.Kosie Theron probeer reeds sedert

verlede jaar om die probleem op te los,en is bly dat sommige ligte nou regge-maak is. Hy hou egter vol meer kan ge-doen word en het al e-posse gestuur na

almal wat wil luister.“Die ouensmoes seker oor die naweek

gewerk het, want Maandag het die ligteop perron een gewerk. Op perron tweewas dit maar dieselfde storie, met diewagte wat geslaap het.“My vraag is: waarom moet pende-

laars met hul lewens boet vir die laks-heid en arrogante houding van beamp-tes watweier omdie basiese veiligheids-aspekte, soos die vervanging vangloeilampe, na te kom?“Hulle stel geensins belang om terug-

voering te gee nie, wantmy e-possewordoopgemaak, maar verder word dit bla-tant geïgnoreer. Hoeveel moorde enrooftogte moet daar nog plaasvind voor-dat hulle wakker word. Dalk word hullewakker as een van hul familielede ver-moor word,” sê Theron.Hy het al e-posse na ten minste ses

mense in gesagsposisies gestuur, maardaar het dadels van gekom.Riana Scott, Metrorail-woordvoerder,

sê sy het TygerBurger se navraag oorhoekom daar nog niks aan die beligtinggedoen is nie, na die afdelings gestuurwat vir die ligte verantwoordelik is.“Sodra ek iets van hulle hoor sal ek

laat weet,” sê sy.

Stikdonkerte heerssteeds by stasie MICHELLE LINNERT


Laat in Januarie is die taxi-bestuurder watbeskryf word as die “grootste reeksverkrag-ter in die geskiedenis van die Wes-Kaap”,vasgetrek.Die saak teen diéman, wat 13 verkragting-

en roofaanklagte teen homhet, is vir die eer-ste keer op 20 Januarie in die Bellville-land-droshof aangehoor. Die saak is intussendeur die Bellvillese eenheid van gesinsge-weld, kindermishandeling en seks-misdrywe (FCS) aan die provinsiale FCS-taakspan oorhandig, en sal op 7 April in dieWes-Kaapse hooggeregshof aangehoorword. TygerBurger het oor die modus ope-randi van dié man en sy taxi-wag berig op20 Janurie, onder die opskrif “Boewe vas návroue in taxi beroof word”. In dié berig isdie twee vasgetrek nadat polisiebeamptesvan die Bellville-FCS, ao. Jacques Barnarden sers. Conrad van Zyl, die twee se aksiesuit hul ongemerkte polisiemotor dopgehouhet. In albei gevalle daardie dag is vroue ver-krag, beroof en by verkeersligte uit diemini-bus-taxi gestoot. Die beamptes het die uit-stoot van die eerste vrou gesien en die taxibegin agtervolg.Maj. Fienie Nimb het gesê die beskuldigde

het nog nie gepleit nie, en sy identiteit magdus nie in die media bekend gemaak wordnie.“Hierdie is sekerlik die grootste reeksver-

kragter in die geskiedenis van die Wes-Kaap,” sê sy.

‘Dit is grootste saaknog oor verkragting’

Page 3: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Parow 3

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Twomen have been arrested after a bizarrehijacking in which they stole a delivery ve-hicle but only drove a short distance beforeabandoning the truck.According to police spokesperson Lieu-tenant KevinWilliams, twomen parked thevehicle in the parking area of the ParowCentre in Parow. “According to the com-plainant they parked their delivery vehicle,a Kia truck, to off-load packages.“The driver left his passenger in the vehi-cle to get a trolley from the trailer at theback of the truck. When he came back fromthe trailer he noticed two unknown mentalking to the passenger at the delivery ve-hicle. One of them took out a knife andthreatened him (the driver).“They forced him into the back of thetruck while the passenger was already

placed there. They also removed both theircellphones and the vehicle’s key,” saysWilliams.The suspects drove away from the ParowCentre with the driver of the delivery vehi-cle and his passenger in the back.“The vehicle came to a stop and the twoin the back managed to open the door andgot out. They found themselves at Builder’sWarehouse in Parow. The police, with thehelp of an eyewitness, arrested one of thesuspects. The other onewasarrested a shortwhile later. The suspects were identified inthe presence of the police,” says Williams.According to Williams it is unclear whythe suspects did not drive further.Both suspects were arrested for carjack-ing and appeared in the Bellville Magis-trate’s Court on Thursday.

Hijackers didn’t go very far

DESIRÉE RORKE@dezzierorke

Traffic fines to the value of nearly R200 000were issued in theBrackenfell service area byprovincial traffic services last week.This service area starts from the N1/R300intersection and reaches all the way to Joost-enbergvlakte on theN1 andKuilsRiver on theR300.BetweenMonday andWednesday traffic of-ficers stopped a total of 16 588 vehicles in road-blocks in this and other service areas acrossthe Western Cape.Alcohol breath testing was performed on1 342motorists and fivemotoristswerearrest-ed for allegedly driving under the influenceof alcohol.“During special operations many vehicleswere impounded for being unlicensed or un-roadworthy and their licences suspended un-til such time the vehicles have been certifiedas roadworthy and owners have renewedtheir vehicle licences,” says Byron La Hoe,spokesperson from the Department of Trans-port and Public Works.“Motorists canmake themselves andotherssafer by not drinking and driving,” he adds.La Hoe says these roadblocks form part ofongoing operations on provincial highways.

Fines issued intraffic blitz

BRENDEN RUITER@ruitervaniewind

Die man midde-in die storm oor ’nkleuterskool in Goodwood sê hylaat nou die besluit oor die skool se

sluiting in die hof se hande.Randall Caswell woon langs ’n huis inMilton-straatwaaruit ’n kleuterskool be-dryf word. Ria Theron, die eienaar vandie kleuterskool, het die Stad Kaapstadvoor die hof gedaag, omdat die Stad haarbedryfslisensie afgekeur het.Caswell word as ’n sentrale figuur indie hele debakel beskou, omdat hy eenvan die mense is wat beswaar gemaakhet teen die totstandkoming van dieskool met 95 leerders. “Ek is nou moegdaarvan om as die sondaar uitgekryt teword, sonder dat iemand namy kant vandie saak luister. In diemedia word ek be-swadder sonder dat iemand die ware toe-drag van sake ken. Daar is al soveel leu-ens versprei dat ek al moeg is om dit teverdedig,” sê Caswell, wat ’n eiendoms-agentskap langs die Wonderland-kleu-terskool bedryf. Volgens Caswell het hyreeds sewe jaar in sy huis gewoon toeTheronenhaarkleuterskool daar intrek.“Voor dit was die huis ’n pastorie. Toe

ek besluit om die huis te koop, het ek se-kere kriteria gehad waaraan dit moesvoldoen, sodat ek my belegging kon be-skerm. Een van die kriteria was dat diehuis nie naby ’n skool of winkelsentrummoeswees nie.Myhuis sewaardehet on-middellik geval toe die kleuterskool oop-maak. Kan dit regwees? Ek is ook nie dieenigste een wat kla nie, soos wat alge-meen aanvaar word. Daar is baie mensein die gemeenskap wat kla, maar ek kryalleen die skuld. Daar is ’n heksejag teenmy, dis vir seker. Daar is sekere prosessewat gevolg moet word en ek laat dit noumaar aan die hof oor om ’n beslissing temaak,” sê Caswell.Theron was Maandag in die hof en sêsy is versigtig optimisties dat die hof inhaar guns gaan beslis.“Almal wat my ken, weet ek wil netkinders help. Die welstand van die ge-meenskap is vir my uiters belangrik.“Daar is ’n vendetta teen my uit ver-skeie oorde, maar ek is seker geregtig-heid gaan seëvier,” sê Theron, en maakverskeie beweringe oor ongerymdhedeteen haar. Theron se saak is onder meerdaarop gegrond dat haar aansoek om ’nlisensie weens politieke druk en profes-sionele afguns afgekeur is.

Besluit oor skoolnou in hof se hande

Search for man’s relativesKarl Bremer Hospital is looking for thefamily of an unknown male patient whowas admitted in December 2015 in ward4B.On 22 December ambulance servicesfound the man lying in the road, accord-ing to a hospital statement.He was found around 10:45 at Kruispadin Brackenfell, opposite the KFC restau-rant.“We have no indication of his identity,address or any family members. His agemight be between 35 and 40 years old,”according to the statement.V Anyone with information about this patientcan contact the hospital on 021 918 1388 or021 918 1394 or the social worker, Rionell Gabrielson 021 918 1965.

Karl Bremer Hospital is looking for this man’sfamily.

Page 4: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

4 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016NUUS


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‘Vet pret’ by vanjaar se ekspo

Daar was vanjaar iets vir almal by kykNET se Buite-ekspo, watdie afgelope naweek net buite Malmesbury op die plaas Môre-son aangebied is. Die terugvoer was baie positief en terugvoerhet ingesluit dat dit “goed georganiseerd” en “vet pret” was.Meer as 15 500 mense het die ekspo besoek. Neels Kleyn-hans het Saterdag se aksie afgeneem.

Die swaaie by die ekspo was ’n hoogtepunt vir die jongspan.

André de Villiers, bekend as die 4x4­guru van SA, wat ook die kykNET­program Safari 4x4­roetesaanbied, het lede van die publiek laat saamry op die spesiale hindernisbaan en aan hulleverduidelik wat die Amarok se vermoë is.

Trio Events, die organiseerders van die ekspo, het vanjaar besluit om die nuutgestigte BreytonPaulse Foundation te ondersteun. As deel van hul bewusmakingsveldtog is ’n kliniek en mini­toer­nooi vir vier plaaslike skole se o.9­spelers by die ekspo aangebied deur Tag Rugby SA. BreytonPaulse was self teenwoordig.

Page 5: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Parow 5

Generaal ‘blaf’, buurtwag ‘spring’MICHELLE LINNERT


Wat is erger: dat die straatslapers voordie Bellville-polisiekantoor deur ’nbesoekende polisie-generaal ver-

jaag is, of dat die betrokke buurtwag toemoes mobiliseer om dié mense uit húl buurtte hou?

Dít was die drama wat homself Saterdagafgespeel het tussen die straatslapers wathulself voor die polisiekantoor in Voortrek-kerweg gevestig het, die Boston-buurtwagen lede van dié polisiekantoor.

StephanFourie, voorsitter vandieBoston-buurtwag, vertel hoe sake rondom diestraatslaper-kwessie daar ’n wending in hulrigting geneem het nadat die generaal “son-der enige konsultasie of koördinasie met hulnetwerkvennote, opdrag gegee het dat diémense onmiddellik uiteengedryf moetword”.

Die sowat 72 mense het glo aan die bakleigeraak terwyl die generaal besig was met ’ninspeksie van die polisiekantoor en hy kontoe eerstehands sien hoe dit soms daar gaan.

Fourie vertel: “Teen 21:30 het ek ’n groepvan sowat 20 baie opgewerkte straatslapersgehad wat aan my deur klop en vra wat hullenou moet doen.”

Mobiliseer“Ons het besef wat dié uitval met die poli-

sie sou beteken en het die besluit geneem omte mobiliseer en hulle te verhoed om terugin Boston te infiltreer.”

Hy sê nege patrollies is tot 02:00 ontplooiteen die “invloei” van die mense in Bostonse rigting, terwyl die polisie,Metropolisie endie plaaslike stadsverbeteringsdistrik, dieVRCID, die groter groep in Voortrekkerwegprobeer hanteer het. Dié patrollies het tot03:30 aangehou, sê Fourie.

“Ons oplettendheid het vrugte afgewerpen ons het daarin geslaag om baie van hullewat terug in die woonbuurt probeer beweeghet, teen Voortrekkerweg af te laat beweeg.”

Hy sê sy groep het die vrede bewaar deur“ferm beheer” oor die situasie te behou.

Die groep het toe maar naby die spoorweg-stasie ’n lêplekkie vir die aand gaan soek,maar Fourie het sy bedenkinge oor die vol-

houbaarheid van dié stap. “Hierdie mensevoel nie veilig by die stasie nie en sal beslisprobeer terugbeweeg in Boston.

“Dis jammer, maar ongelukkig is die mis-daadelemente ook onder hulle en sal ons die-selfde misdaadtendense beleef soos voor onsgroot poging van 2015,” sê hy.

Fourie meen misdaad in hul woonbuurt isnádié groot pogingmet tot soveel as 75%ver-minder, en dat die gebeure van Saterdag-aand al hul pogings in die wiele ry om diémense te hervestig in ’n veiliger hawe waarhul saans kan slaap. Hy voeg by dat vrywilli-ge patrolleerders nou die gebied sal monitortotdat “relatiewe normaliteit” hervestig is.

Volgens hom is daar reeds sedert verledeDinsdag ’n “neiging waar groot groepe vanhulle teen dagbreek in ons parke inbeweegen vir die dag met hul besittings daar nes-skop en die inwoners wat die parke wil be-nut, lastig val”. Volgens hom het ’n groepiekinders van die woonstelblok in Rhosstraatverlede Vrydag deurgeloop onder die skel-taal en klippestokery van die straatslaperstoe hulle die park wou besoek.

“Toe ons dié nuus ontvang, het ons gerea-

geer, maar ons het die straatslapers opge-werk en aggressief gevind van die oombliktoe ons daar aangekom het.”

Hy sê die patrolleerders is aangeval en diepolisie se hulp moes ingeroep word om diestraatslapers daar weg te help.

Aggressief“Hulle het verbaal aggressief gebly met

geen gesag vir die gereg nie en die park ashul tuiste opgeëis.”

Fourie sê dié mense teiken veral die skool-kinders en beroof hulle, soos wat onlangs opsosiale media gespog is deur een só ’n straat-slaper en dwelmmisbruiker, toe dié die kin-ders as “sagte en maklike teikens” beskryfhet.

“Ons vra dat alle bestaande buurtwagvry-willigers hul bure uitdaag wat nie deel vandie oplossing is nie. Slegs as ons as ’n ge-meenskap saamwerk, sal ons veiligheid ver-seker.”

Dit is alombekend dat die brig. André vanDyk, die stasiebevelvoerder, ’n sagte plekkievir hierdie mense het, na wie hy verwys asdie “weerloosste van die weerloses.”

Parow police have urged residents to hidetheir cellphones when they are walking thestreets after a man was robbed of his phoneearly in the morning while on his way towork.

According to police spokesperson Lieuten-ant Kevin Williams the complainant was onhis way to work when he was confronted bytwo unknown men.

“Both suspects took out knives and threat-ened him. They took his Samsung Galaxy S5to the value of R9 000. The complainant sawa law enforcement vehicle and alerted them

about the robbery. The law enforcement offi-cers managed to arrest one of the suspects.They brought the suspect back to the com-plainant for identification and arrestedhim,” says Williams.

The 21-year-old man was handed over tothe Parowpolice. Hewas charged for robberywith a weapon other than a firearm.

Williams says it “has become fashion” forpeople to walk with their phones in theirhands. “It makes you an obvious target whenthe robber can see what kind of phone youhave,” says Williams.

Conceal phones, police warn

Instead of focusing on adult couples onValentine’s Day, local radio stationSmile 90.4fm decided to focus on the chil-dren by hosting their Love-a-Child FunDay at Bugz Family Play Park in Joost-enbergvlakte.

Parents were given the opportunity tobuy tickets for their children and spendvaluable, quality time with them at theplay park.

Loyal listeners supported their “Pay itforward” option and sponsored childrenin need of love and a treat from St Jo-seph’s Children’s Home and the Durban-ville Children’s Home.

The radio station’s target of 280 ticketssold was reached a week before theevent.

The young guests were welcomed onSaturday by the Smile 90.4fm team andreceived a goodie bag which consisted ofa branded drawstring bag, a yo-yo, a Sas-ko lunch box, MySmart Kid discountvoucher and a copy of the National Geo-graphic Kids magazine.

The children had loads of fun on therides and there were Spidermen, Super-men and Princess Elsas running aroundthe play park after they had their facespainted as part of the VIP package intheir favourite Disney characters.

To round off the experience, everyonehad their picture taken with the Smile

Drive presenters Maurice Carpede andBailey Schneider with the Bugz charac-ters joining in the fun.

Smiles galore atspecial fun day

For a while they could forget about all thehardship and play to their hearts’ content.Shadley and Ashica (surnames withheld)were two of the youngsters from StJoseph’s Children’s Home who were treatedby Smile 90.4fm this past weekend.PHOTOS: CARINA ROUX

Check out my cool walking aid: Ryan andLee are both residents of St Joseph’s. Peekaboo! Ashley playing hide and seek.

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6 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016NUUS


Beskerm jong meisies, die toekomstigevroue van Suid-Afrika

Beskerm jong meisies, die toekomstigevroue van Suid-Afrika

Onthou om jou ouers/versorger/voog te vra om die toestemmingsvorm vir inenting te onderteken en terug te stuur.

16 February - 11 March 2016

The Goodwood Library is holding a marketday on 12 March from 9:00 to 12:00. You arewelcome to sell their goods on the day freeof charge – just bring your own umbrella, ga-

zebo, chair and table.No car boot sales will be allowed.

V For more information call 021 444 7328 or021 444 7325.

Market day at Goodwood library

Die Musieksentrum Hugo Lam-brechts is vanjaar 30 jaar in bedryf.Om dit behoorlik te vier, word ’n

feesprogramvanVrydag 29April tot Son-dag 1 Mei in die vooruitsig gestel waaruitblinkers van toeka tot nou hul slag saltoon.’n Hoogtepunt in die eerste kwartaal is

die personeelkonsert op Vrydag 26 Fe-bruarie vanaf 19:00. Die saxofoonvirtu-oos Liam Burden tree onder meer op,asook die Marchio-egpaar (sopraan Ma-risa begelei deurUlianoopkitaar), die vi-oliste Annien Shaw, die trio ShaneGood-

all (klavier), Valentina Vorster (viool) enRina Schutte (tjello), ’n stryker- ensem-ble wat bestaan uit die voltydse en deel-tydse personeel van die sentrum, CarinBam (hobo) en Charlene Saayman (klari-net) en Zelda Hofstander (viool) begeleideur Linda Claassen.Werke van onder meer Mozart, Bruch,

Dvorak en Klatzow is op die program.Kaartjies kos R60 en kan bespreek by 021939 9105.Bel ook dié nommer met enige verdere

navrae van Maandae tot Vrydae tussen10:00 en 18:00.

Sentrum vier 30 jaar

Van die deelnemers by Hugo Lambrechts se personeelkonsert is (voor van links) RinaSchutte, Valentina Vorster en Carin Bam. Agter is Charlene Bogenhagen, Charlene Saay­man, Liam Burden, Zelda Hofstander en Kathleen Clay.

Huis Uitsig en Huis Martina, beide Badisa-ouetehuise, bied ’n oggendtee aan op Sater-dag 20 Februarie vanaf 10:00 by Huis Uitsigin ME Rothmanstraat, Parow-Noord.Lizette Janse van Rensburg sal met mu-

siek en motivering daar wees, tesame met’n heerlike koppie tee en ietsie te ete. Kaar-tjies kos slegs R25.V Enige navrae kan aan Martie Nel gerig word by021 939 0116 of per e­pos na [email protected].

Musiek en motivering vir Badisa se bejaardes

Page 7: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Parow 7

Oud maar nog nie koud! Seniors van die aftree­oord Huis André van der Walt inBellville het onlangs by die Tygerberg Meals on Wheels kom optree en hul besondersemusiektalent kom wys. Dié talentvolle bejaardes, sommige van hulle 80 jaar en ouer, hetdie gehoor verras met hul stemme en klavieruitvoerings. Agter (van links) is Maria Thomp­son, Anne­Marie van Schalkwyk, Annatjie Badenhorst, Maggie Kruger en Kobie Botes. Vooris Hettie Visser en Verna Visser.

Heavy delays before easier flow

An aerial view of the proposed roadworks along a 9km stretch of the N1. GRAPHIC: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AND PUBLIC WORKS

Although the provincial government’splan to upgrade the N1 in the Tyger-berg area might eventually ease con-

gestion, motorists can expect heavy delaysafter phase one was just set into motion.Provincial minister of transport and pub-

lic works, Donald Grant, last week an-nounced the advent of the three-year,R487 million upgrade to the N1 on the sec-tion between Plattekloof in the south, to theOld Oak interchange in the north.Work on phase one – which includes add-

ing a third lanewhere previously therewereonly two–beganon4Februaryand is expect-ed to be completed by February 2019.“Work will be carried out over the 9km

stretch of the N1, from Plattekloof Road tojust beyond theOldOak interchange,”Grantsaid. This stretch of the N1 is known to expe-rience severe levels of congestion at bothmorning and afternoon peak periods, withapproximately 120 000 vehicles carried ev-ery day.“Once the project is completed, traffic is

expected to flow much more easily, on boththe inbound and the outbound lanes.”The scope of the work spans four phases

and includes the additional lanes on the car-riageways of the freeway, new auxiliarylanes, extension of the existing concrete me-dian barrier, intersection improvements atvarious parts and demolition and recon-struction of the Old OakWest bridge and re-pairs to other bridges along the freeway. Theproject will also include works to the exist-ing water pipeline in the middle of the free-way.“All efforts will be made to ensure mini-

mal disruption to traffic during the con-struction phase. However, motorists mustexpect reduced lane widths and generalspeed limits in areaswhereworks are takingplace,” Grant said.Active construction work will take place

outside peak traffic times, those being be-

tween 06:00 and 09:00 towards Cape Town,and between 15:00 and 19:00 outbound.He added the contractor will erect mova-

ble concrete barriers on the edge of all work-ing areas, as well as temporary gantries todepict height restrictions ahead of the

bridge construction. Also, no long durationwork will be done simultaneously on bothsides of the carriageways, roadway, ramp, orat both terminals of the same interchange.Grant said any lane closures will be limit-

ed to one lane, and only for work of short du-

ration. “Traffic will be diverted accordinglywhen necessary, and information communi-cated timeously to ensure only marginallyimpeded traffic flow.”V Readers can share their thoughts about the com­ing roadworks with us at [email protected].

Page 8: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

8 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016NUUS

Die Stad Kaapstad het ingegryp deur kennisgewings vir die hernuwing van motorlisensie-skyfies uit te reik.

Voertuigeienaars sal voortaan hernuwingskennisgewings van die Stad ontvang, en nie soosin die verlede van nasionale agentskappe nie.

Dit sal verligting bring vir die ongerief van die afgelope paar maande wat veroorsaak is deurdie versuim van nasionale regeringsagentskappe om hul verantwoordelikhede na te kom,en wat daartoe gelei het dat die uitreiking van hernuwingskennisgewings opgeskort is.

Die nasionale departement van vervoer kon nie daarin slaag om die oorskakelingvan die elektroniese nasionale verkeersinligtingstelsel (eNaTIS) na diepadverkeersbestuursagentskap (RTMC) af te handel nie. Gevolglik stuur hulle niehernuwingskennisgewings uit nie en is hulle ook nie in staat om meer eNaTIS-dienspunteaan die Stad te voorsien om ons in staat te stel om die diens by ons munisipale kantore uit tebrei nie.

Ander ingrypings deur die Stad sluit die volgende in:• kliënte word, waar moontlik, voor die amptelike oopmaaktyd van ons kantore om08:00 gehelp

• kantore bly oop tot die laaste persoon in die ry gehelp is• personeel word oortyd aangewend om meer kliënte te kan help• personeel word by besige kantore in die metro herontplooi

Kliënte word aangemoedig om aanlyn aansoek om hul voertuiglisensies te doen deurwww.capetown.gov.za/eservices te besoek.

Regulasies van die nasionale regering bepaal tans dat bewys van verblyf getoon moetword wanneer om ’n lisensiehernuwing aansoek gedoen word. Bring dus asseblief jouidentiteitsdokument en bewys van verblyf en, indien moontlik, afskrifte daarvan saamaangesien dit die tyd wat jy by munisipale sentrums hoef te wag, sal verkort.

Vir ’n volledige lys van dokumente wat as bewys aanvaar word, kan inwoners die webwerfvan die Wes-Kaapse regering besoek: www.westerncape.gov.za/tpw.

Meer inligting is by [email protected] beskikbaar.

Inwoners se geduld en ondersteuning word waardeer.



The Greater Tygerberg Partnership(GTP) hosted its fourth movie night atthe Jack Muller Park in Bellville lastweek, with the Carel du Toit Trust asits beneficiary.

More than R23 000 was raised andover 700 people attended, according toa GTP statement.

The centre is a member of the GTPand also part of the GTP’s health fo-rum, which gives health carers an op-portunity to get involved in innovativesolutions to health care.

The Carel du Toit Trust is an NGOthat sustains the centre – a school re-nowned for teaching hearing impairedchildren to speak naturally.

It is a founding philosophy of the 43-year-old Parow-based centre that hear-ing impaired children can learn tospeak if a hearing loss is detected earlyand there are no other complications.The services offered at the centre areunique in the province, so childrencome from all over the country to seekits expert intervention in a structuredpre-primary environment with CAPScurriculum foundation phase. Theseare all amenities made possible by fi-nancial contributions donated via theCarel du Toit Trust.

“It is for this reason that the role ofthe trust is critical to create awarenessand reach out for donations and spon-sorships to continue its effectivework,” according to the statement.V Contact Ronnis Daniels of the Carel Du ToitTrust on 021 933 4578 or Jonita Pasjar on021 823 6713 of the GTP.

GTP raisesfunds fortrust

Droom waar met ‘aksie’BRENDEN RUITER


Tien, nege, agt, sewe, ses ... aksie!Almal ken die universele aftel voor

kameras begin rol, maar hoeveel men-se kry regtig die geleentheid om voor die ka-mera in te skuif? Om wanneer “aksie” ge-skree word alle werklikheid opsy te skuif en“in karakter” te kom?

Verlede week het hierdie closet actor diegeleentheid gekry om ’n kinderdroom te be-waarheid. Daar moet bygesê word dat diekinderdroom met meer aksie gepaard ge-gaan het, maar dit was vergete toe die regis-seur “aksie” skree.

Toe die splinternuwe kykNET-sepie,Suid-ooster, ’n gaping vir ’n joernalis in hul rol-verdeling sien, het TygerBurger se redak-teur na ’n gewillige kandidaat uit die redak-sie gesoek. Op daardie oomblik het ’nsterwende Hollywooddroom gewys daar isnog ’n vae hartklop.

Vir die meeste televisiekykers is karak-ters nie akteurs nie, maar ware mense. Hulleleef hulle so in die karakter se doen en lateen wel en weë in dat daar min gedink wordaan hoe ’n halfuurlange program praktiesgestalte kry.

By die studio in Milnerton waar Suidoos-ter verfilm word, gee ’n stem oor ’n interkomopdragte in militêre styl. “Oom Fasie andAB to studio one for scene two in the apteek.”Dan kom twee akteurs draffend verby, dieeen mompel nog vir oulaas die woorde wathy nou voor die kamera gaan opsê.

In en rondom die gebou is altyd ’n akteurwat besig is om woorde te leer. Denise New-man, veteraan-aktrise, sê sy leer die meestevan die teks oor naweke wanneer hulle af is.“Ons kry darem ’n rukkie voor die tyd onstekste, maar konsentreer meer op dié vir dievolgende dag,” sê sy.

Op van die geel deure in die gang is diename van die akteurs aangebring. ’n Vinni-

ge loer bevestig dat daar selfs beddens in dievertrekke agter die deure is.

’n Akteur moet rus ook. In die eetsaal siteen met ’n japon aan, gereed vir wanneer diemeisies van die kostuum-afdeling haar aan-trek. Agter geslote deure is ouens besig metvan die nuutste tegnologie om elektroniesebeelde aanmekaar te sit. Drie mans skryf opskootrekenaars agter die deur waarop“skrywers” staan. As jy van die een stel nadie ander stap, beweeg jy soomloos uit dieapteek, tot die eetplek Oos-Wes en dan in die

kombuis van die Samsodiens.Drie kameras maak opnames uit verskil-

lende rigtings, terwyl verskillende mense,elk met eie verpligtinge, gereed staan.

Iemand met ’n grimeerkwas kom pleistervir oulaas die akteurs (professioneel en ama-teur) se gesigte. Die regisseur begin te tel.Aksie! En ’n kinderdroom word vir ’n paarsekondes bewaarheid.

.Suidooster word Maandae, Dinsdae enWoensdae op kanaal 145 (kykNET) uitge-saai.

Brenden Ruiter (middel), TygerBurger­joernalis, is hier met Suidooster­akteurs Denise Newman(links) en Portia Joel in ’n komende toneel uit Suidooster.

Page 9: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Parow 9

Page 10: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

10 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016HOOFARTIKELBLAD

Korreksies:Volgens die redaksionele beleid van TygerBurger verwelkom ons voorstelle en kommentaar oor die koerant se inhoud en stel onsbeduidende foute so gou as moontlik reg. Stuur asb. inligting oor die regstelling van foute in die koerant aan die ombudsman vanMedia24 se Gemeenskapspers, George Claassen, by [email protected] of skakel 021 851 3232 of 083 543 2471. Leserskan ook klagtes oor die inhoud by die Persombudsman van Suid­Afrika, mnr. Joe Tholoe, aanhangig maak. Skakel in daardie geval0011 484 3612/8, stuur ’n faks na 0011 484 3619 of ’n e­pos na [email protected] of [email protected]

Touch and feel: The Botanical Society launched a sensory garden at the Athlone School for the Blind. Thegarden was made possible through contributions from MySchool, Rotary Club of Kirstenbosch and the RedhattersBridge Club. It is the first step in what the society hopes will become a multi­functional garden – where thechildren can play freely, enjoy nature and have picnics with their friends and family. Zoe Mjoli (closest to thecamera), Likuwe Mgwebu and Yamkela Malgas (standing) enjoy exploring their new garden. PHOTO: ASTRID FEBRUARIE

[email protected]|Faks: 021 910 6501|Posbus 747, Bellville 7535|Briewe wat nie langer is as 250 woordenie, sal voorkeur geniet. Verskaf asb. u naam, adres en telefoonnommer by (nie vir publikasie). Spertyd is Vrydag om 12:00

Ek antwoord graag op die briefvan D.C. Esterhuyse, waarinhy sekere bewerings maak enin verdediging van BrendenRuiter, wat glo “kant” kies metsy berig van 3 Februarie,“Hondehare waai by salon”.Ek vind dit baie eienaardig

dat Esterhuyse ons hondjie vanso naby kon inspekteer – “diehondjie se hare was so gekoek,dat daar nie eens ’n vlooi souinkom nie”.Met die aflewering van die

hondjie by die salon was slegsmy vrou en Barbara teenwoor-dig. Ná die bespreking is diehondjie na sy hokkie gevat.Tydens die bespreking tussen

Barbara en my vrou het sy diehondjie se pragtige pels ’n paarkeer geprys.Die DBV het reeds met ’n

ondersoek begin en LovingCare-Doggy Parlour reedsbesoek. Hulle is erg ongelukkigmet die behandeling van diehond en hoe hy beseer is.“As daar koeke in die hond

se hare was, is daar verskeiemaniere hoe om die koeke uitte kry”. Die een manier is omdit kort te knip met ’n skêr endie hond dan nat te spuit endie hare uit te rafel. Ek hetself met Pekinese hondjiesgrootgeword en het my twee alnege jaar – hulle slaap op diehuis se banke en eet netHills-hondepille gemeng methoender of tuna. Nog nooit hetek ’n koek hare gesien wat sogroot was dat dit op so ’ndrastiese wyse binne in die velafgesny moet word nie – ooknadat Barbara direkte instruk-sies gehad het om weg te blyvan die hond se sensitiewe vel.Sy het dit bevestig en ook so

op Boeta se werkskaart inge-vul. Die eienaar het daardie

Wag nog vir‘ek is jammer’

Goodwood Traffic Departmentis a nightmare for parking! Notonly has another building beenerected close-by, therebyoccupying space, but the queuesare so slow that drivers’ carsstand in the few bays for hours.Surely something needs to bedone now.


Parking shortageresult of long queues

With reference to the article“Hondehare waai by salon”, TB,3 February as well as the letter

written by DC Esterhuyse.My Yorkshire terrier has also

visited the Loving Care DoggyParlour and I found Barbara tobe a lovely woman and a greatanimal lover.However, one cannot divulge

from the facts as they stand.My dog has visited the salon

and returned unharmed threeor four times, but about a weekafter his last visit he startedscratching and biting himselfterribly. I did not take immedi-ate action as I thought hisbiting could be due to the shorthaircut.Unfortunately the scratching

and biting continued and hestarted developing terriblescabs accompanied with hairloss and many small, puss-filledyellow pimples mainly on hisstomach area.It cost three visits to Pano-

rama Vet, two cycles of anti-bi-otics and R1400 later to eventu-ally discover that he hadcontracted a bacterial infectioncalled Impetigo.We lastly resorted to an

anti-fungal shampoo which hastreated the problem and theinfection has not returned.Needless to say, we have not

returned to Loving care Doggyparlour since the incident.


Another bone topick with parlour

Slice of life

Hoesit bru –how about akoesister?From koesisters to the Kaapse Klopse –the Mother City is home to its ownunique culture.To us, it’s simply home or our way of

life, but I’m very quickly learning that tooutsiders, it’s a foreign world, full ofexotic flavours.I was fortunate enough to see David

Kramer’s new musical, District Six –Kanala, exactly 50 years since “thedistrict” was declared a white group area.The buildings may have been demol-

ished, but thanks to many artists likeKramer and his long time writingpartner, the late Taliep Petersen – andthe many artists they brought to thespotlight – the memory of the area’s richcultural heritage is kept alive.While I was too young to see District

Six: The Musical, this new celebration ofDistrict Six’s smorgasbord of performanceofferings once again reminded me of howculturally significant the area was, and

still is.From the stories

I hear, what madeDistrict Six – andCape Town ingeneral – sospecial, was itsdiversity. TheDistrict was oneof the last placeswhere people ofmany different

cultures, nationalities and races livedtogether.The result was everyone’s cultures

blending into one – like the UnitedStates’ New Orleans – creating a veryspecial melting pot here at the foot ofTable Mountain.To understand just how unique our

world is, one merely has to talk to peoplefrom outside the Western Cape.From the difference between koeksister

and a koesister to gatsbys from GoldenDish, pickled fish at Easter and boeber,our food often leaves folks from up Northscratching their heads.It may be an acquired taste, but those

who didn’t grow up with proper Malaycurries will never know the joy oftingling gums and a mouthful of flavour.Then, of course, there’s our language

with all its weird and wonderful slangthat has developed over the years.Whether you’re saying “Hoesit bru?” or“Awe” – we all understand each other.And therein lies the beauty of this

beautiful City – we may be a town ofvery different extremes, we may comefrom different backgrounds, differentsocio-economic environments and differ-ent cultures, but at the end of the day,we all call ourselves Capetonian.

Thinking out loud ...

SMSV Ek was saam met my man by Tygerberg-hospitaal. Ons het verdwaal en mnr. R.Booysen, senior portier, het aan ons ver-duidelik waarheen ons moet gaan. Omdatmy man swaar geloop het, het mnr. Booy-sen hom in ’n rolstoel laat ry en ons na onsbestemming geneem, ondanks ’n anderverpligting wat hy gehad het. Hy het ookvir ons ’n ander rolstoel gebring wat onskon gebruik. Baie dankie, mnr. Booysen,vir jou goedhartigheid en diens. ’n Menskan duidelik sien dat jy omgee. – Mev. enmnr. Levendal

V Ek ondervind dieselfde gemors met diekragtariewe as Gerhard van Niekerk. Hullebeveel aan dat raadslede genader word.Dieselfde storie word ondervind met wa-tertariewe. Dis soos om ’n kar te koop,maar verskillende pryse geld op verskil-lende tye. Dis nou waarvoor ons eers-daags moet stem: die groen lig gee om jousak leeg te maak. – Peet Marais

) SMS’e kos R1,50 elk en kan gestuur wordna 45527

In a loving rela-tionship, every dayis Valentine’s Day.– Ben Burger

The lack of policeresources is oneof the biggestchallenges ourcommunities face.– Desirée Rorke

Another preciouslife taken in asenseless attack –may the family ofConstable BenKoopman, a Metropolice officer, findpeace in theirhearts and maythe perpetratorsbe brought tobook. – RichardRoberts

Upgrades to theN1 sound good,but I still feel sorryfor the motorists.Three years is along time.– Michelle Linnert

Ons kan nie oralwees nie, so belons met nuus.– Brenden Ruiter

The stationcommander ofElsies River may beseen as a womanof steel … but sheis a mom too, andhas the bestinterest of theyouth at heart.–Astrid Februarie

I am remindedeach day howincredibly lucky Iam to be exposedto so much artistictalent, right here,in our own city.– Louisa Steyl

Brooklyn can dobetter; do your bit.– Monique Duval

Daar is baie soorteganse langs baieverskillendedamme; mensemoet dit aanvaaren respekteer. -Esmé Erasmus

dag 50 honde gehad om te skeer– baie vir so ’n klein salon.Om koeke uit te sny, is ’n

tydsame proses – iets waarvoorjy nie tyd het as jy 50 hondemoet skeer nie.Ook het die eienaar aan my

bevestig “dat dit wat met jullehond gebeur het, darem net eenkeer uit elke 100 honde voor-kom”. Beteken dit dat as hulle50 honde op ’n dag skeer, ditdarem net so elke twee of driedae sal voorkom? Dit betekenook dat, sou iemand ’n hondmet enige koeke na die salonvat, die hondjie hierdie soortbehandeling kan verwag.Barbara ontken steeds dat sy

enige verantwoordelik kanneem vir die beserings entrauma aan die hond.Ek voel dis bitter duidelik

gemaak in die verslag van dr.Marthiens: “In my opinion thelesions are the result of the dogbeing shaved and even morespecifically the fact that thehair was cropped very short tothe skin.”Ek het ’n video gemaak van

Boeta ’n week ná hy geskeer is.Die wonde en trauma is baieduidelik, sou daar enige twyfelwees wat aan die hond gedoenis.Barbara weier om enige van

ons mediese koste te dek en onshet nie soveel as ’n “ek isjammer” van haar gekry nie.Die idee van die berig was

om mense bewus te maak vanhierdie soort behandeling endat dit nie ongesiens moetverbygaan nie.


Kan jy dítoorvertel?

V Die bostaande menings is dié vandie betrokke joernalis, en reflekteernie noodwendig die opinie(s) vandie TygerBurger­handelsnaam nie.

“...at the end ofthe day, we allcall ourselvesCapetonian.”

Page 11: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Parow 11

V The Cape Model and Toy club will hostits annual summer toy show at theEdgemead Town Hall on Saturday 20 Febru-ary from 09:00 to 14:00 with approximately85 tables of diecast toys, trains, slot carsand plastic kits. Entry is R5 for adults andchildren under 16 enter free. Alain Nairn 021558 9533 (after hours) or 073 231 4488 oremail [email protected] for more.

V Grande Provence in the Franschhoek val-ley will be celebrating the 2016 grape har-vest with their harvest festival from 09:00on Saturday 20 February. Visitors can enjoycoffee and freshly baked, farm-style muf-fins, a tractor ride, grape picking, stomping,wine tasting and a cellar tour. Live musicand a harvest feast prepared by ExecutiveChef Darren Badenhorst will end off a day.Tickets cost R650 for adults and R350 forchildren under 12. Call 021 876 8600 or [email protected] forbookings or more.

V Paws on the Promenade: A dog walkfundraiser in aid of the Mdzananda AnimalClinic in Khayelitsha will start at MouillePoint Lighthouse from 09:00 on Sunday 21February. Dogs and their owners will bewalking a 5km route to the Sea Point Swim-ming Pool and back with a 2.5km half wayturnaround option and 1km turnaround op-tion for old or injured pets. Entry is R25 perperson and R25 for dogs. Pet owners canpre-register at Vondi’s Holistic Pet Food inSea Point where they’ll get free biscuits orvia [email protected]. Registra-tion will also take place on the day between08:00 and 08:45. Visit the Facebook eventpage for more.

V Die Oude Libertas-galery sal ’n uitstallingvan werk deur die landskapkunstenaar AliceElahi, getiteld A Capetonian at Heart, totDinsdag 23 Februarie aanbied. Besoek ou-de-libertas.co.za vir meer inligting.

V CBMC en Mighty Men Wes Kaap sal opVrydag 26 Februarie ’n gholfdag by die Dur-banville-gholfbaan hou. Ondersteuners kanvir ’n vierbal teen R200 inskryf of ’n putjieteen R1000 borg. Daar is ook die opsie om’n bof teen R2000 te borg. Inskrywings-vorms is by www.cbmc.co.za beskikbaar.Kontak [email protected] vir navrae.

V Rust-en-Vrede Gallery in Durbanville willbe exhibiting the work of Greg Kerr, JoshuaMiles and Lawrance Brennon until Friday 26February. Visit www.rust-en-vrede.com.

V Die NG Kerk Sonstraal hou sy jaarliksekerkbasaar ten bate van talle liefdadigheid-sprojekte met heerlike eetgoed, handge-maakte goed, oudhede, allerhande snuis-terye op Saterdag 27 Februarie vanaf 09:00by Curro in Sonstraalhoogte. Bel Gretha by083 231 7488 of Elda by 021 976 1236 vir noginligting.

V Rotary International will host the Inter-national Economic Development Confer-ence at Kelvin Grove on Saturday 27 Februa-ry where they plan to bring Rotarians, busi-ness leaders and representatives from thepublic and private sectors to explore solu-tions to Southern Africa’s unemploymentcrisis and create opportunities throughstrategic partnership and project planning.Visit www.rotarycapetown2016.com formore information.

V The Price of Gold photographic exhibi-tion will be on display at the Iziko SlaveLodge until Monday 29 February. The exhi-bition raises awareness of a group of ill min-ers who have applied for a class-action law-suit after their exposure to toxic silica dustin the mines. It also gives visitors a first per-son experience through the use of multi-media and darkened halls. Visit www.iziko.org.za for more.

V Days of the Iguana, Photographs fromGrenada, West Indies by Tessa FrootkoGordon will be exhibited at the UCT IrmaStern Museum in Cecil Road, Rosebank untilSaturday 5 March. The museum is openTuesday to Friday from 10:00 to 17:00 andon Saturdays from 10:00 to 14:00.

V Hermanus se Passiespele sal op Vrydag25 Maart vir die 21ste keer teen die rotse indie dorp se Ou Hawe aangebied word. Voor-dat die spel om 20:00 begin, word al die lig-te in en om die hawe afgeskakel. Kaartjiesis by Computicket beskikbaar.

What’s up | Wat’s Waar

Page 12: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

12 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016NUUS

Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(i) van die Wet op Munisipale Eiendomsbelasting,Wet 6 van 2004, hierna die “Wet”genoem, dat die waardasielys vir die tydperk wat op 1 Julie 2016 begin – tot die volgende algemene waardasielys saamgestel word – vanaf19 Februarie 2016 tot 29 April 2016 ter openbare insae beskikbaar is.

Die GV2015 waardasielys is op www.capetown.gov.za/propertyvaluations beskikbaar. Jy kan jou eiendomswaardasie besigtig en ’n goedgemotiveerde beswaar teen nie later nie as 29 April 2016 teen enige saak wat op die waardasielys verskyn of weggelaat is, indien.

Die vorms vir die indiening van besware is by die onderstaande lokale en op die Stad se webwerf verkrygbaar. GEEN LAAT BESWARE SALAANVAARWORD NIE.

Ingevolge artikel 49(1)(a)(ii) van die Wet kan enige eiendomsbesitter, of ander persoon wat wil, binne die voorgeskrewe tydperk ’n beswaar by diemunisipale bestuurder indien oor enige saak wat op die algemene waardasielys verskyn of weggelaat is.

Eienaars sal skriftelik van hul waardasies in kennis gestel word by die posadres wat op die Stad se databasis is.

Aandag word spesifiek gevestig op artikel 50(2) van die Wet waarvolgens ’n beswaar teen ’n spesifieke individuele eiendom ingedien moet worden nie teen die waardasielys as ’n geheel nie.

Ingevulde beswaarvorms kan ingedien word per:• E-pos: [email protected]• Faks: 0865 886 042• Pos: Die Stad Kaapstad, vir aandag: Die Beswaarkoördineerder, Posbus 4522, Kaapstad 8000• Die Stad se e-dienste-poort: Registreer op die Stad se e-dienste-poort voor ’n beswaarvorm ingedien kan word. Om te registreer, gaan nawww.capetown.gov.za/en/eservices.

• Hand: By een van ons 17 lokale vir openbare insae soos hieronder aangetoon.

Let asseblief daarop: Die persentasieverhoging (of -verlaging) in die waarde van jou eiendom of eiendomme is nie gelykstaande aan diepersentasieverhoging (of -verlaging) in toekomstige eiendomsbelasting nie.

Lys van lokale vir openbare insae:


1. 2De Verdieping, Kaapstad-Burgersentrum Hertzog-Boulevard 12, Kaapstad,WandelvlakOop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Oop op Saterdae van 08:00 tot 12:00, behalwe 26/03/2016Toe op Sondae en openbare vakansiedae

2. Royal Ascot-Raadsaal Munisipale Kantore, Royal Ascot, Bridleweg,Milnerton (UitRacecourseweg)

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45, behalwe 16/03/2016;17/03/2016; 29/03/2016; 30/03/2016; 04/04/2016; 20/04/2016; 21/04/2016Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

3. Alphensentrum Constantia-Hoofweg, Constantia(Oorkant Pick N Pay)

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

4. Vishoek-Raadsaal Vishoek-Adminkantoor, Sentrale Sirkel, Recreationweg (LangsVishoek-Burgersentrum)

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45,behalwe 14/03/2016; 18/04/2016Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

5. Somerset-Wes Se Munisipale Kantoor Hoek Van Andries Pretorius- En Victoriastraat, Somerset-Wes Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

6. Konferensiekamer, Bellville- MunisipaleGebou

Voortrekkerweg 2, Bellville (Langs Northlink College, OorkantSanlam)

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

7. Brackenfell-Raadsaal Brackenfell- Munisipale Kantore, Hoek Van Paradysstraat En OuPaarlweg, Brackenfell

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

8. Avondale-Biblioteeksaal Avondale-Burgersentrum, Grosvenorlaan, Avondale, AtlantisOop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

9. Ledger House – Konsultasiekamer 2 Hoek Van Adenlaan En Georgestraat, AthloneOop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

10. Plumstead- Munisipale Gebou Victoriaweg 3, Plumstead (Hoek Van Victoriaweg & Hoofweg) Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

11. Fezeka: Gugulethu Hoek Van Ny1 En Lansdowneweg, Gugulethu Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

12. Lentegeur-Burgersentrum –Grondverdieping

Merrydaleweg, Lentegeur, Mitchells Plain Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

13. Stocks & Stocks-Kontantkantoor Hoek Van Ntlakohlaza- & Ntlazanastraat, KhayelitshaOop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

14. Parow-Burgersentrum – Klein Saal Hoek Van Voortrekkerweg En Tallentstraat, ParowOop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

15. Kuilsrivier-Burgersentrum Van Riebeeckweg, Kuilsrivier (Hoek Van Carinus- En VanRiebeeckstraat), Kuilsrivier

Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

16. Macassar-Behuisingskantoor Bindlaan, Macassar Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

17. Strand- Munisipale Kantoor Hoek Van Faganweg En Hoofweg, Strand Oop van 19/02/2016 tot 29/04/2016 van 08:15 – 15:45Toe tydens naweke en op openbare vakansiedae

Vir nadere inligting:Hulpsentrum: 0860 103 089Web: www.capetown.gov.za



Teenagers from 33 different Cape Townschools were given the inspiration tofollow their dreams during a series of

workshops recently.The series, an initiative between Grand-

West and Inspired Stages’ Karen Burt, wasattended by 141 teenagers with ambitions topursue careers in the performing arts.

The learners were given opportunities tocollaborate, create, discover, develop andperform in a series of workshops coveringmusic, dance, singing, events, technical,production and other skills.

For the participating teens, every day waslike a backstage pass, which included guestsessions with industry professionals, rolemodels, celebrities and performers.Mentorsand special guests at the Inspired Stagesworkshops included Blackbyrd, Conrad

Coch and Chester Missing, Kurt Darren,Four (South African X Factor winners), KimKallie, Thalia Burt, Rudi Smit, DevonMarshbank, Lynn Poulsen, Neil Benjamin,LeaniEkermans, JaniceRoos, ShaunJohan-nes, Liam Burden, Odile Lesch, DJ Ready Dand Ayanda Tini, Acoustic Element andRaquel Munn.

“Catering for teens with an interest in anyaspect of the performing arts industry, In-spired Stages aims to ignite the passion andempowerattitudes of thenext generation, onand off the stage,” Burt says.

The next series of workshops will takeplace in the third week of March.V The workshops are open to all schools and the pub­lic. For more information, or to get involved, call Ka­ren Burt on 021 5545884 or email karen@planetpro­ductions.co.za.

Teens follow dreams A total of 141teens got alook into theperformingarts industryat the firstround ofInspiredStagesworkshopsrecently.

Die voorvervaardiging van ’n rolprent ge-grond op Anoeschka von Meck se bekroon-de jeugboek, Vaselinetjie, is tans in vollegang. Die rolprent volg die grootwordjarevan Vaselinetjie (Helena) Bosman wat in ’nweeshuis belandomdat sywit is,maardeurbruin grootouers grootgemaak is.

Daarmoet syhaarnaïewe self verloor omhaar eie oorlewing te verseker. Dis wan-neerVaselinetjie verlief raak op ’n aantrek-like en vurige kinderhuisseun, dat een vanhaar grootste uitdagings aangespreekword: die waarheid oor haar herkoms.

Die filmspan spring eersdaags weg met’n nasionale soektog na die hoofakteurs.Meisies tussen sewe en 22 asook seuns tus-sen 10 en 13 en 16 tot 22, wat lig van gelaatis en donker hare het, kan vir ’n oudisiekom. Die Kaapse oudisies sal op Vrydag 26en Saterdag 27 Februarie plaasvind.V E­pos [email protected] vir meer.

‘Vaselinetjie’ beginhaar vere regskud

Mensewat ’n helpendehandnadie droogte-geteisterde dele van Suid-Afrika wil uit-steek, hoef nou net tot by hul naaste pos-kantoor te gaan.

Die hulpverleningsorganisasie Gift oftheGivers en die SAPoskantoor het besluitom saam te span om water by rampgebiedeaf te lewer. Verskeie poskantore in dienoordelike voorstede is geïdentifiseer as af-laaipunte vir verseëlde vyfliterhouers wa-ter waar lede van die publiek tot einde Fe-bruarie soveel houers kan laat soos hullewil. Dit sluit in Bellville, Durbanville,Kraaifontein,N1 Stad, CapeGate, Tygerval-lei, Kuilsrivier, Bothasig, CenturyCity, Ed-gemead, Goodwood, Panorama, Parow,Soneike en Welgemoed.

Gift of the Givers versprei die water asdeel van hul program om drinkwater aandie gebiede van die land te skenk waar diedroogte die ergste is.

Poskantore ook nouaflaaipunt vir water

Is jy enkellopend? Soek jy al ’n rukkie naiemand wat jou hart laat warm klop?

Het jy ’n borrelende persoonlikheid en isnie sku vir ’n kamera nie? Dalk weet jy ookvan ’n goeie vriend, vriendin of familielidwat ’n opsitkers wil aansteek?

Dan is Vlerksleep die oplossing!Vlerksleep is kykNET se nuwe werklik-

heidsreeks en beoog om ’n paar mense, watna liefde soek, se lewens onherroeplik teverander! Met dié programwil kykNETen-kellopende deelnemers en vier potensiëlehartediewe die kans gun om ’n pasmaat teontmoet …

Maar daar is ook ’n vangplek. Die enkel-lopende deelnemer moet hul keuse maakdeur eers by die vier hartediewe se vriendeen familie vlerk te sleep. Só moet hullemeer oor die hartediewe uitvind sonder omhulle te ontmoet.

Vir meer inligting en die inskrywings-vorm besoek www.kyknet.tv of stuur ’ne-pos na [email protected].

Enkellopendes gaanop kassie vlerksleep

Page 13: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 ADVERTISEMENT TYGERBURGER Parow 13


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Page 14: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

14 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016VERMAAK

V Doctor Godenstein’s Man with WesselPretorius and Ameera Conrad will be onstage at the Galloway Theatre until Sat-urday 20 February. Visit www.water-fronttheatreschool.co.za/booknow.

V Othello will be on stage at MaynardvilleOpen-Air Theatre until Tuesday 23 Feb-ruary. Tickets available at Computicket.

V Beautiful Wreckage with Grant Jacobsand Liam Mcdermott will be at the Alex-ander Upstairs Theatre until Friday 26February. Visit shows.alexanderbar.co.za

V 50 Carat Gold will be on stage at Barn-yard Willowbridge until Sunday 6 March.Visit www.barnyard-theatre.co.za for tick-ets and more infor-mation.

V District Six – Kana-la, a new David Kra-mer musical, will beon stage at The Fu-gard Theatre untilSaturday 19 March.Tickets are availableat Computicket.

V Purple Cry will beat Blah Blah Bar in Or-anjezicht tonight(Wednesday). R30.Call 082 349 8849 tobook.

V Carmen Exclusivewill be performingwith the PigalleHouse Band at Pigalletonight (Wednesday)from 19:30. Entranceis free. Call021 421 4848 formore.

V Drie van Die Bes-tes met Danie Nie-haus, Mathys Roetsen Kevin Leo is va-naand (Woensdag) en Donderdag by DieBoer te sien. R220. Bespreek by 021 9791911 of www.dieboer.com.

V Carl Weber, Stuart Taylor, Loyiso Ma-dinga (JHB) and Kenwyn Davids will beat the Cape Town Comedy Club from to-night (Wednesday) until Sunday. Ticketsare available at Computicket.

V Jack Liebeck (violin) will be performingwith the Cape Town Philharmonic Or-chestra under the baton of Victor Yam-polsky at Cape Town City Hall on Thurs-day. Tickets are available at Computicket.

V Urban Blues will be at The Hollow Tree(12 Old Oak Road, Ridgeworth) on Fridayfrom 18:30 with Derek Harper Jr. Entran-ce is free. Call 021 914 0186 for bookingsor more information.

V Pietman die Skot kuier Vrydag met Dieding van ’n storie by Die Boer. R120. Be-spreek by 021 979 1911 of www.die-boer.com.

V DeFINitioN will be playing blues/rockcovers at The Bay Sports Bar and Restau-rant in Constantia on Friday from 19:00to 22:00. Entrance is free. Call021 794 0652 for bookings or more.

V The Manny Walters Band will be atBlah Blah Bar in Oranjezicht with The Li-minals on Friday. R50. Call 082 349 8849

to book.

V The Gavin Minter Quartet will be atthe Alphen Boutique Hotel in Constantiaon Friday from 20:00. Entrance is free.Call 021 795 6300 for more informationor directions.

V Pebbleman will be at Café Roux in No-ordhoek on Friday with special guestDean Coche. Call 021 789 2538 for book-ings or more information.

V Mathys Roets tree Vrydag in die OuMeulteater op. R120. Bespreek by 082464 2883 of [email protected].

V Heinz Winckler kuier Saterdag by DieBoer. R120. Bespreek by 021 979 1911 of


V Jack Liebeck (vio-lin) and AmandineSavary (piano) willopen the Cape TownConcert Series onSaturday with sona-tas by Debussy, Beet-hoven and Brahmsalong with two piecesby Lalo. Tickets areavailable at Comput-icket.

V The Joe KunnujiExperiment will be atthe V&A WaterfrontAmphitheatre onSaturday from 19:00.Entrance is free.

V Amanda Tiffin willbe at the Alphen Bou-tique Hotel in Con-stantia on Saturdayfrom 20:00. Entranceis free. Call 021 7956300 for more.

V Rocking Horse, TheBanned, DennisEast, The Breeze,Tuxedo, Strange Be-haviour and Bad Ap-

ple will be at the Portuguese Club in Rug-by on Sunday from 13:00 to raise fundsfor fellow musician Joe Recrosio’s medi-cal bills. R50. Call Joan on 061 490 1694for bookings or more information.

V Ingo Dannhorn, an Austrian-Germanpianist, will be performing the RichardWagner Society’s first summer recital at37 Kingsgate, 301, Beach Road, Sea Pointon Sunday from 18:00. Tickets cost R220from [email protected] or082 459 6225 or R240 at the door. Wineand a buffet supper will be served.

V The Tale of the Willow Pattern Plate,by puppeteer Jill Joubert will run at theRosebank Theatre from Monday 22 Feb-ruary until Friday 4 March at 10:30 with17:00 performances on Saturday 27 Feb-ruary and 5 March. Tickets cost R80 orR60 for school bookings fromwww.webtickets.co.za or 072 3166 133.

V Crimson House and Sven Blumer willbe at Die Boer on Tuesday for Blues Tues-day. R70. Call 021 979 1911 or visit www.di-eboer.com to book.

V François du Toit (piano) will be per-forming with the Cape Town Philhar-monic Orchestra under the baton ofVictor Yampolsky at Cape Town CityHall on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25February. Tickets are available at Com-puticket.

What’s On | Wat’s Waar


She hasn’t even started yet, and her mu-sic has already made its way to NewYork.

MelkbosmusicianLesleyDicxonwill be of-ficially launching her career with a mediapresentation tomorrow (Thursday), but she’salready promoting her debut single interna-tionally.“Dream”, which was released in Decem-

ber, was mixed andmastered by The CuttingRoom Studios in New York, America, alongwith four other tracks – for her an indicationthat she’s on the right track.Lesley was just six when she made up her

mind that shewanted to become a performer.She had seen a video of Michael Jackson per-forming “Billy Jean” and was sold.What followed was a school career filled

with cultural activities – from poetry anddancing to drama and singing – but shecouldn’t get enough and soon joined a musicacademy as well.After matriculating she was off to study

sound engineering at Cape Audio College to

learnmore about studios and what she want-ed from the music industry.While studying she used her time to net-

work and learn the ins and outs of the localscene, but soon after graduating she gotcracking on the production of her future EP.Her biggest focus in the beginning was

song writing until she went into studio withfamily friendBenedict deMaar. “I could onlyget into studios at night,” she says, addingthat it was often just the two of themworkingon the tracks.The driving force behind Lesley’s decision

to take onmusic full timewas her father, andher face lights up as she recalls: “My sisterresigned from work and all he said to herwas: ‘Don’t work for someone else; makeyour own business,’ because that’s what hebelieves in.”Lesley describes “Dream” as a combina-

tion of rap, pop and reggaewith inspirationallyrics. Her second single, due to be releasedtomorrow, is a full-on reggae song.The song is for familymemberswhoget left

at homewhen someone in the family goes outdrinking.Lesley takes her song writing inspirationfrom everyday life: things she’s experi-enced or seen.“’My [first] single is just about my

dreams and insecurities.” It also turnedout to act as an assertive introduction.“This year is the year for me.”Taking her songs to Cutting Room Stu-

dios was a way for Lesley to test herselfand see if her music was good enough tobe accepted. “The moment I heard thatthey didn’t put auto tune on my voice, Iknew I could probably sing.”Now,with the added approval, her next

step is getting her name “out there”.Her music is available on iTunes and

Amazon and she plans to perform asmuch as possible after tomorrow’slaunch.In the meantime, listeners can keep an

eye on Lesley’s Facebook, Twitter and In-stagram accounts or listen to her inter-view at 14:20 on Hashtag Radio (hashta-gradio.co.za) on Thursday to stay up todate with what she’s been busy with.V For more information about Lesley, and to heara snippet of “Dream”, visit her website at lesley­dicxon.com.

Lesley Dicxon is one step closer to fulfilling herdreams.

Melkbos singergon the right track

The SouthAfrican film industry gets anoth-er turn in the spotlight this weekend whenHappiness is a four letter word releases atSter-Kinekor’s CapeGate, N1 City and Par-ow cinemas.This local film, based on the novel of the

same name by Cynthia Nozizwe Jele, tellsthe story of three friends trying to find theirhappinesswhilemaintaining images of suc-cess and acceptability. The story revolvesaround perfectionist lawyerNandi, glamor-ous housewife Zaza and trendy art gallery

owner Princess, who seem to be living thenew South African dream: money, success,and loving partners. The three friends jug-gle life’s surprising changes as they cometo learn that ‘happiness doesn’t come witha manual’. The three will have to find outwhat truly makes each of them happy andthen fight to get it in their unique way.The film stars Khanyi Mbau, Mmabatho

Montsho and Renate Stuurman.V Visit www.sterkinekor.com or call Ticketline on0861 668 437 for more information.

‘Happiness’ this weekend at Ster-Kinekor

Voices in the dark: PianistCoila­Leah Enderstein andsoprano Magdalene Minnaar(pictured) will be presentingJohn Cage: In the Dark atYoungblood Gallery in CBDtonight (Wednesday). Theproduction gives music lovers achance to experience classicalmusic in darkness, in aid ofMercy Vision, who work tocombat unnecessary blindness.Tickets cost R120 and include adonation to Mercy Vision. Emailinfo@youngblood­africa.com orcall 021 424 0074 to book. Visitwww.biblioteek.co.za for more.

With everything from 17th century tradi-tional plays to hip-hop productions on themenu, Artscape’s 2016 Audience Develop-ment and Education programme is set tobring together audiences fromallwalks oflife.Although the programme kicked off in

January, there is still plenty to look for-ward to in the year ahead.Artscape is currently paying tribute to

one of the world’s greatest playwrights incelebration of the 400th anniversary of hisdeath with Shakespeare’s Othello – onstage at the Maynardville Open-Air Thea-tre until Tuesday 23 February.The 2016 Audience Development and

Education will take audiences on a jour-ney of discovery, highlightinghumanity’ssimilarities anddifferenceswhile cement-ing a love of theatre and fostering a newgeneration of theatre-goers.Western Cape Schools Festival of Arts

and Creativity in March is just one of theevents aimed at scholars and seeks to ex-pose young learners to professional thea-tre. In partnershipwith the Cape Town in-ternational Jazz Festival, young musi-cians as well as those interested in“behind-the-scenes” work will get achance to showcase their talents later inthe month. Young actors will be given anopportunity to do the same during the fi-

nals of the National Acting CompetitioninMay. School learners will also pay trib-ute to Shakespeare during the Shake-speare Schools Festival where childrenare encouraged to present an abridgedversion of their favourite work.The Annual Nasheed High School com-

petition in April turns the spotlight on Is-lam, particularly theNasheed style of a ca-pella singing. Western Cape learners willget a chance to see their setwork booksbrought to life with productions likeFielase Kind, Krismis van Map Jacobs and Am-aza on stage in April and May.The 2016 productions also celebrate lo-

cal playwrights like John Kani whoseNothing but the Truth andMissingwill bestaged from 5 to 15 May.Hip-hop will get its day in June when

the popular dance production CapeTown’s Most Wanted returns to the Art-scape Theatre, just before HemelBesemandDutchartistAkwasi exploreSouthAf-rica and the Netherland’s shared historyand language through the medium of hip-hop. In September the Artscape HeritageFestival explores South Africa’s vibranthistory further, while a series of work-shops, programmes and forums runningthroughout the year will help young crea-tives write the next chapter.V Visit www.artscape.co.za for more info.

Artscape to bringaudiences together

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Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 NEWS TYGERBURGER Parow 15

On Wednesday the combined ef-forts of a group of artists and theWillowbridge shopping centre cul-minated in a big donation to a veryactive children’s organisation.On 16December two very special

shows were hosted to raise moneyfor the Matla a Bana organisation– a voice against child abuse.The Jingle Bells Rock concert

was a special and unusual Christ-mas carol concert producedbyNueLight Productions, who not onlydonated their time, but motivateda group of extremely talented art-ists to also donate their talent.In order to share the goodwill,

various other NGOs, including theSalvation Army,Malachai Place of

Safety and Jabez Home, all re-ceived free tickets for the show.“Working together and helping

each other is the way to bringchange,” said Monique Strydomfrom Matla a Bana at the chequehandover on Wednesday. A whop-ping R50 000 was handed over.“We cannot do the work we do

without the help of the public, ourpartners and businesses like Wil-lowbridge Shopping Centre, whosupport us.”Themoney will be used to create

a child friendly room at one of theregional courts, as well as comfortpacks for child rape victims.These packs are given to the po-

lice who in turn give them to chil-

dren who report the abuse. Thepacks include items like snacks, aface cloth and soap, tissues andpanties – all much needed in a timeof serious trauma.Heinrich Annandale from Wil-

lowbridge said they were touchedwhen they assisted Matla a Banamaking up packs for Mandela Dayon 18 July last year.It was then that they decided to

use their annual Christmas carolsevent to add support to the Matlaa Bana cause. He added they havealready committed to supportingthe organisation further this year.V For more information about Matla a Ba­na please visit http://matlaabana.co.za/and show your support.

Donation to help children

From left are Julanie J (artist), Heinrich Annandale (marketing manager ofWillowbridge Centre), Monique Strydom (CEO of Matla a Bana) and Monyavan Staden (artist).

Love finds its way ... everywhere

Glenville Metcalf and Wilma Pieters havebeen dating for three years.



Imagine a romantic Valentine’s mealwith a few couples looking intently intoeach other’s eyes.Then imagine that the couples sharing

this meal live on the cold concrete of Bell-ville’s streets and rarely, if ever, get to sitdown to ameal especially prepared so theycan celebrate their mutual love.Knowing all of this, staffers at the Metro

Evangelical Services (MES) hoped to treatsome of the less fortunate duos from Bell-ville’s streets and shelters to a special Val-entine’s Day treat.

Together for yearsThe organisation invited the couples,

most of whom are part ofMES’s rehabilita-tion programmes, as well as youngsterswho claimed to be “just friends”, to jointhem for a lovely meal in a perfect red andwhite Valentine’s setting at the BellvillePresbyterian Church hall on Friday.The couples came decked in their finest

attire, and although the best for some of

themmight have been a bit threadbare, thesmiles and dignity they all worewith pridemore than made up for their lack of grandclothing.Some of the couples who attended have

been together for years living as partners,but a few were married couples.Megan Adams (30) and Elroy Cox (35)

have been together sinceOctober last year.“I left my home to live with him on the

streets,” said the lovely Megan. Elroy usedtowork at theAnimal Anti-Cruelty Leaguein Epping, where the couple met and start-ed chatting on social media.“We hope to getmarried soon, very soon;

just as soon as we are back on our feet andstable and sorted out,” Elroy said.Glenville Metcalf (33) andWilma Pieters

(28) have been together for three years.“Wemet in Bellville, on the streets. Then

we were both helped by MES. It’s beenthree years. We have no kids, and we arestill verymuch in love,” laughsWilma. Sheworks for MES under their God RestoresOurWorld (Grow)work rehabilitation pro-gramme. Sandra Bailey (56) and Gavin

Fitzgibbon (45) have been together onthe streets for 14 years. They’ve seena lot of suffering andhardship togeth-er, but asked what has kept them go-ing for so long, Gavin answers with-out blinking: “Love.”

Palpable camaraderieMES public relations intern, Ar-

thur Makhuri, and his colleague Ve-ronica Geduld together with volun-teer Jacqui Bauer fromFranschhoek, joined forces to makethe day a joyous one for their guests.“There ismore than enough; come,

dish for yourself,” Veronica invitedTygerBurger, before digging herdishing spoon deep into the lovely la-sagne, roast and other delectables in

the spread in front of the guests standing ina neat row, waiting to be served.She and Arthur, among the other dedicat-

ed staffers atMES, care very deeply for thesecouples and work very closely with them ona daily basis.The camaraderie of the group is palpable

as they share easy jokes and banter withtheir guests. Like Arthur says: “I learn fromthese people every day. Most of our guestsare our regular clients from the streets andin our rehabilitation programme. Watchingthem, learning from them, helps me feel em-powered and inspired,” he said.“Like Sandra (one of the guests) once told

me: ‘Sometimes life on the streets hurts. Butevery hurt alsomeans something to look for-ward to, as you get to show the one you love,through the hurt, with your actions, howmuch you actually love them,’” he said.

Megan Adams and Elroy Cox have been seeing eachother since October last year.

From left are guests Gavin Fitzgibbon (45) and Devenico Farber (25), Jacqui Bauer (a volun­teer from Franschhoek who helped sponsor the event MES), Arthur Makhuri, a public relationsintern at MES, Berenice Gordon (32, and Devenico’s partner), Ilse Els (Manager of MES) andSandra Bailey (Gavin’s partner of 14 years).


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Page 16: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

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Page 17: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Parow 17

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18 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016GEKLASSIFISEERD



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GI ELECTRICALMaintenance, repairs,

Installations and C.O.C'sGordon 079 464 0362

.HERSTEL BY DIE HUISYs- en vrieskaste, stowe,wasmasjiene, tuimeldr.en mikrogolfoonde.071 755 3390.

.J.M. Murray

Electrical Services.Tel. John 076 073 7150




Nodig ‘n Webwerf?Ons spesialiseer in

webwerf ontwerp en ITondersteuning.Besoek ons by :www.miso.co.za

Skakel/sms 0845965325

.ON-SITE PC REPAIRSUpgrades, ADSL set-up

Virus removal. Free QuotesWERNER at 083 788 0876

or 021 982 4951www.imonet.co.za




All handyman jobs,electrical and buildingCornel Botha076 633 5151


Handyman 24/7Plumbing repairs 24/7

083 504 5186


THE HANDY MANWe refurbish houses,faciboards, gutters,

painting, sealing of roofs,repairing and replacing of

ceilings, etc.For FREE quote please

contact:Adrian 071 483 0390

[email protected].





Tel. 082 709 7129




% Deneys Steyn:0837699286

Charl Steyn 071 347 0717.


Stump RemovalGarden & Rubble removal

Garage Clean UpsR450 per load

Selwyn 0832676181



TREEFELLERSAfsaag en snoei

van bome en palmsHannes 082 082 3116


AFSAAG VAN BOMEWegry van tuinvullisDavid 072 676 9651021 975 5084


Trellises, plants, pots, pavers, waterfeatures, stone, bark & roll-on lawn.

New & up-grading of irrigationsystems. I beat any written quote.

Anton 082 729 3811.

BENNO - TUINETuinuitleg, algeheleskoonmaak, afsaag vanbome, snoeiwerk.

*PERSOONLIKE TOESIG*Tel: 021 903 1272Tel: 082 775 0977


BLUESCAPEWellpoints & irrigation.

Call: 072 293 8270

.Boomsloop,snoei verwyder021 930 1258 / 074 789 2176

.Cycads for Cash. Contact Chris.082 868 4956, [email protected]


DIE ROMMELMANTuinvullis verwydering.Tel 083 458 3416/



%082 856 4578.

KOMPOS TE KOOPR20 per streepsak. Min. 30 sakkevir aflewering. Ook bakkievragte(1,75m2) beskikbaar vir R600.Skakel 083 650 [email protected]


MD ROLL-ON LAWNSTop gehalte kwaliteit Kikuyu enBuffalo teen die beste prys.

Kontak Marchell by 082 498 2432


TREE FELLING/PRUNINGClean-ups, irrigation, wellpoints.

Phone Kevin:0219825111 or 0814817653




ALUMINIUM windows, doors,b.bars, gates & glass repairs.Call: 073 429 7856

.ALUMINIUM windows, doors,b.bars, gates & glass repairs.Call: 073 429 7856





TV units + Office furniture(Private/Builders/Developers)

35YRS EXP WITH REF'SJohn 083 7347050 / 021 9192085

E-2:[email protected]



% GLENTON 072 409 5224.


& automation. 0765230306


S A TILING•Voortreflike Teelwerk•Muur en vloer• Oordoen van badkamers•Klein TeelwerkKONTAK MARCEL OFSMS : 083 7622 411




BUDGET PAVEAffordable PavingCall 021 559 6148


G E ROOFINGRoof repairs,

Waterproofing, Gutters,Facias, Carports, Sky-

lights. 2 Year GuaranteeGavin 076 845 2182


MANAGER'S SPECIALGOEDKOEP, MAARKWALITEIT PAVING& VIBRACRETE MUREEN VERHOGINGSOns doen enige soortpaving. Vir gratiskwotasie skakel:083 715 5209


UNIVERSAL PAVINGGratis kwotasie vir alle

areasSkakel 021 94544550732631191

(Mnr Boonzaaier)




A BEST TILERAll tiling wall and floor,

from R30/m2

Call Desmond021 988 3295/072 566 1281


AANDAG: ALLE STAALWERKEStaalheinings, Vibracrete Mure,Rolhekke, Veiligheidshekke,

Diefwering, Trappe,Motorafdakke en Onderhoud.Skakel: Essential SteelPierre 079 858 1063 /

021 917 1900


ALL TILINGDo work myself, Mike

076 9364153 / 0219307015


Burglar Bars Gates,Fencing&Balustrade.Call Alex @ ABBG for a

free quote.T:082 496 8760www.abbg.co.za



%08330255590219489479 k.u.


.AHA Burglar Bars,Gates&Vibr

Tel: 021 933 1647083 542 1097 of 021 909 1807


vir diefwering, Spaanse diefwering,hekke, rolhekke,

omheinings, balustrades, afdakke,outomatisering van hekke.Skakel KOBUS DE JONGH021 988 6547/ 083 962 8437


L&HMaintenanceVir alle verfwerk, hout

werk, dakskoonspuit, daklekke, lê van houtvloere,teëls, opsit van droëmuurkonstruksies & knottypi-neplafonne.Gratis kwota-sie % Louis 0721251288

.NEED A LOCKSMITHTel. Alex 078 6121 639


MIKES HANDISERVEYour all round''make nice''Handiman

Call Mike 083 4599 748021 949 1285




A HANDYMAN & PAINTERS.High pressure deep cleaning.Odd jobs. Call 073 094 0944

.ABRIE VERF/PAINT021 981 6805 / 083 328 3628




PRO-PAVING / TAR - all types ofpaving, driveways, parking areas,curbing, man holes. Repair of pavedareas, tar and brick. 25 years exp.Call: Johan 076 037 4535




911 PLUMBING EXPERTPhone George 021 5346278 /

083 659 3326



(Registered Licensedplumbers)

(24Hours Reliable)• Geyser specialist•Pressure valves• Blocked Drains• Burst Pipes• New installations e.t.c

Contact: Gilbert078 283 4370 or email:[email protected]




SERVICE & MAINTENANCE% Quinton 084 564 2451


PLUMBING24/7 SERVICETel: 021 948 3070Tel: 083 326 5009

Page 19: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Parow 19


Vanaf R530 pm BTW ing021 982 7426




Plumbing & MaintenanceTel. 072 1033 946






1.3-ton bakkie A2ZTransport anything. % 083 783 9458

.BOU-/TUIN-/MOTORHUIS-rommel. Tel: 0790259221


.Call Martin 084 907 5513RUBBLE REMOVAL

Garden Refuse, RenovationRubble, Garage junk,treefelling


RUBBLE8-ton truck

CALL 0828459998


Rubble Trouble076 302 2468


The JunktruckersRubble, garden waste,

junk.Tel. 079 256 7667


VERWYDERINGvan alle vullis en bourommelasook skoonmaak van erwe.

Ons lewer bou enpleistersand ook af

David % 083 2911 941Eienaartoesig.




BAKGAT POOLSNew Pools, RenovationsRepairs, Pool Nets &Covers, Pool HeatingCall: 082 826 5455

[email protected]



*Pompe *Filters *LekkeTel: DJ 072 589 2802


POOLBLUBeste Pryse en Diens% 083 610 1211


For all your pool equipment andservicing needs.

Jaco Visser 082 336 9984




.1.3 Ton Bakkie met Drywer inBellville area - 0799954815


A2B Afford-A-MoveKlop enige kwotasieT&C 083 255 6148



[email protected]: 083 231 2964


AMAZING MOVES( 0219310328/0837230263



.MEUBELVERVOERmet persoonlike toesig.021 945 1376 / 083 303 8684





No move too small.Storage & packaging

available.Tel./fax: 021 591 0375

083 227 4245083 233 1784


MINI VERVOEREnige tyd beskikbaar Gratis kwotasie

Eienaar bestuur selfAnthonie 082 611 5631/021 930 4565


Nolen's TransportHome&Office Removals

Enclosed TruckTel: 021 903 3013


TRUCKS FOR HIRE4, 5 & 7 Tons enclosedvolume body trucks

available for short & longdistance.

Contact Anisa078 665 9259 or email:[email protected]






HUIS SKOONMAAK DIENSTETE KOOP - R45 000 ohb.Skakel: 074 082 4848





EARN EXTRA INCOME sellingAvon products. SMS/Whatsappname & area to 084 470 9888


EARN EXTRA MONEYBy Selling AvonSMS Name/AreaTel: 074 602 7373


EKSTRA GELD!Benodig 50 Avon AgenteOntvang gratis geskenk.Tel. 082 933 3986


GELEENTHEID VIR LEEFTYD!Ekstra inkomste - Geen VerkopeMaak verskil in gemeenskap

SMS Naam/Area 084 887 0772

.Genuine Self EmploymentOpportunities. For moreinformation call or sms078 202 3829 office hours

.Like to earn extra with JUSTINECall: M Blom 0833914754 [email protected]




ALL ACCOUNTING, tax,payroll & all Reg.0219305310






GORDONS Bay S/catering holidayaccom. 6-10 sleeperfrom R1000p/n 0795224309

.Kleinmond self-catering units

available from R350.www.wavecrestholidays.co.za or

Tel. Erika 082 550 5585




DAGURE OF OORSLAAP. S/S.24h/365 - Parow 081 536 7430




GETAWAY TO MAURITIUSLeaving 1 October 2016 until10 October 2016 For info callVelma 021-392 0148 or 073 202 5776

.REPULIC Tour leaving 27 December2016. 2 Nights P.E., 4 nights Durban,2 Nights East London & 2 nightsMosselbaai. For info, call Velme021-392 0148 or 073 202 5776






ALL CANOPIES: Sell or Pawn.Instant Cash. Phone 082 058 9735

.GESOEK: Canopies, trailers, cars& bakkies. Pawn as well.021 987 2277/082 558 [email protected]




ALL your motor vehicle repairs ifyou cant come to me, I will come toyou. Call: 082 301 6618

.ALLE DIESEL-ENJINS:Herstelwerk. Billike tariewe.Skakel 073 092 7128

.ALLE HERSTELWERK, diensteaan alle voertuie in alle areas.Billike tariewe. Tel. 083 529 9972




1001 Cars & BakkiesTop pryse - onder R100,000Tel. 083 255 6148

."ALL Bakkies, Cars, Micro Busses

and Bikes Wanted."PHONE 082 058 9735


Ons koop nie-lopende ofbeskadigde voertuie virkontant. Beste pryse.Ons verwyder gratis.Skakel 083 294 8428of 021 949 9083



Whatsapp 083 600 0243


AANBODEk soek nie-lopende,stukkende of ongeluk-beskadigde voertuie.

Ek betaal kontant en verwyder uvoertuig gratis uit enige gebied

Tel 021 949 6066 / 076 211 1620


AANDAGKits kontant vir u

voertuig082 767 1953/079 6770 221




.Alle bakkies / motors gesoek.082 558 4836 /021 987 [email protected]

.Alle bakkies / motors gesoek.021 975 6166 / 084 247 4726



Koop alle karre,bakkiesen mikrobussevir kontant

Beste pryse word betaalAlle areas

%Marius: 0834789121Nettie 0812702322






Indoor Play CentreCoffee Shop & Events

VenueR800,000.00 neg

Contact 084 207 9241




GOODWOOD1 slpk., sitk., badk., 1 persoon.Elek. ingesluit. R3 500 p.m.

1½ maande dep., geen diere, Onmid.Tel. 083 229 8342




DURBANVILLE - Kenridge Upper3 bedr., m.e.s. + sep. lounge / familyroom / diningr., lounge, o/p gas kit-chen, pool & d/g. Walk to FairmontHigh. Avail. 1 April. R2.75 million.Tel. Chris 083 628 4373




Brackenfell/Proteahoogte3 slpk., dmh. R10,500 p.m.Tel. 082 538 6320


OUDEWESTHOFR23 000 p.m. Beautiful home.Available 1 March or earlier.Contact: BRIAN MOORE

083 6517 790




BELLVILLE - Naby SanlamBesigheids of Kantore

Ideaal vir elektriese, loodgieters enverspreidings verwante verkope.

Parkering op perseel.Tel. 084 4411 457 / 072 229 8887


Large office and floor space to let onfirst floor. Top security.

Entirely personally self handled.R3,500.00 per month.

Toupret Building, Ferguson Street,Stikland

To view phone 021 948 2578





TE KOOPCindy 076957 7605




Aftree-Oord OosterseeNuwe fase in bestaandeaftree-oordmet verskeie fasiliteite -1 & 2 Slpk w/stelle metonderdak parkering &stoorkamer & huise.Vanaf R936,000Panorama Palms* EenmanswoonstelleR582,000Linette 082 852 7632

AGS Aftree-oordKuilsrivier* Netjiese klein huisie.R440,000Sunette 082 656 2852


PAROW-NOORDVolle losies vir bejaarde dames

in privaat woonhuis,3 maaltye, wasgoed,medikasiebeheer enversorging ingesluit.Vanaf R5,500 p.m.

Skakel Sonya 021 939 5995




KENRIDGE / DE BRONBuitek. met stort, wasbak & toilet te

huur vir 1 persoon. Mooi uitsig.Onmid. beskikbaar. R1 500 p.m. W &L ing. Skakel Nicky 082 728 1017


Oostersee, ParowChristen dame, R2 600pm

081 408 7421




Bellville - VredenbergMAISONETTES FOR SALETop class 2 and 3 bedroom

maisonettes for sale.2 bathrooms, lounge/dining room,

kitchen, double garagefrom R 1,395,000.00.

To view phone 021 948 2578between 09:00 and 11:00.








Afrikaans. Manlik.20 tot 35 jaar oud.Bestuurderslisensie.Geen kriminele rekord.

Salaris ohb.Skakel 082 730 769209h00 – 20h00





Teach in Thailandwith Linda [email protected]




.APPLY NOW to become an

Independent Avon Representative orSales Leader. Earn money on yourown terms. Join my team today

061 234 1954.

Earn extra money byselling Avon Products.SMS name & area to084 516 3353.


Verdien +-R16500.00 p.mDeeltyds / Voltyds

Skakel Tracey0724163875/0219100992


Experienced Teacherrequired for 2-4yr old classin Edgemead. Send 2 page

cv to [email protected]


KASSIER BENODIGin Durbanville, Parow en

Kraaifontein by ‘nwassery. Moet ook

algemene waswerk kandoen en kontakbareverwysings hê.

Skakel 021 913 1880





•Goeie interpersoonlikeverhoudings•Bestuur van personeel•Handhawing van dissi-pline•Indiensopleiding•Monitering van stan-daarde•Goeie administratiewevaardighede•Daarstel van kontrole-maatreels•Bestuur van Departe-ment

VOORDELE:•Mediese fonds•Pensioenfonds

Sluitingsdatum:23 Februarie 2016

Rig aansoeke aan:Die Hoof

Zonnebloem ACVVDienstak

Caledon str 61Kaapstad, 8001Tel: 021 4621037Faks: 021 4619884E-pos: zonnebloe-

[email protected]

Stuur volledige CVmet verwysings via

e-pos of faks.

Indien u nie binne 5 dae nadie sluitingsdatum van onsgehoor het nie, ag u aan-soek as onsuksesvol.


2016– Jou Jaar!!!Klaar met skool! Reg om

te begin werk!Begin NOU werk aan jou

toekoms!!!Begin met ‘n inkomste vanR5000 p.m. plus vervoer,sel en behuisingstoelae!Jy moet vol energie weesen ‘n liefde hê om met

mense te werk.Skakel onmiddellik

vir CasandraBy 021 949 2929



Sewing MachinistRequired to do alterations andupdates on Mens and Ladies

Clothing.Must have experience in replacing

Jacket and Jean zyps andpockets essential.Phone 021-9875726for interview


Vol Energie!!Jonk, lus vir die lewe, volenergie, maar “BROKE”.Nuwe divisie in groot

suksesvolle maatskappyhet die deur oopgemaakvir die regte twee jong

mense. Verdien R5000 joueerste maand en trekvoordele uit ons pakketvan R5000 + bonusse +

cell, vervoer en behuisingsvoordele.

Bel Samantha081 435 5249


Well Spoken SalesPerson -R6000ParowContact :

0218382116 /0218382170




Platinum Hairand Beauty

has an opening for aHair Stylist and Beauty

Therapist to jointheir team.

Please phone Nicky at(021) 9143180 or Jill at

072 124 3142.



Benodig gekwalifiseerdebames haarkapper wat dieambagtoets geslaag het.

Goeie pakket.Skakel: 082 775 8905





An established business requires theservices of a full timeTelemarketer.

The successful candidate must haveverifiable experience, be

self-motivated, eager to learn andhave a good telephone manner.

Please submit your C.V. togetherwith supporting documents

to:[email protected]





QualifiedSecurity Officersneeded urgently

Grade A, B, C & D welcomeAt least 1 year workexperience and should

have clean criminal recordWell-spoken andpresentable.

Contact: 021 824 1002fax CV and Certificateswith ID to 086 241 6673





Service Technicianneeded in Pest ControlIndustry. (Pref qualified)

Please email CV’s [email protected] Area




.Char avail. - 4 days a week.Call: 073 505 8593

.Valencia available for char work5 days a week. 071 995 2114







Ons wag op aansoeke van hardwerkende en stiptelikepersone, met 2 jaar toepaslike ondervinding.‘n Geldige Vurkhyserlisensien en Kode C

Bestuurderslisensie vereis.Gelyke Indiensneming beginsels soos omskryf in dieWet op Gelyke Indiensneming, Wet nr 55 van 1998 sal

oorweeg word.Rig volledige CV per

Epos: Jean-Marié Laufs([email protected])Sluitingsdatum: 19 Februarie 2016

Indien u nie binne een (1) week na sluitingsdatumgekontak word nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek

onsuksesvol was.



Ons wag op aansoeke van hardwerkende en stiptelikepersone, met 3 jaar toepaslike ondervinding.Kode EC Bestuurderslisensie met ‘n geldige

PDP vereis.Gelyke Indiensneming beginsels soos omskryf in dieWet op Gelyke Indiensneming, Wet nr 55 van 1998 sal

oorweeg word.Rig volledige CV perEpos: Jean-Marié Laufs

( [email protected])Sluitingsdatum: 19 Februarie 2016

Indien u nie binne een (1) week na sluitingsdatumgekontak word nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek

onsuksesvol was.




COVENANTKIDS - "Life Skills Centre"2, Begonia Street - Milnerton

is looking for a young and mature female Teacher,with a Level 5 - diploma,to join our motivated team,

with immediate effect, on a permanent basis.To arrange for an interview, please contactStefan on 021 551 1886, cell 082 920 9351 orsend CV to: [email protected]

Page 20: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

20 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016GEKLASSIFISEERD

WPMedia, publisher of TygerBurger, People'sPost and City Vision and part of Media24

requires the services of aclassified sales representative.

The person will be based in Bellville.



http://media24.eng.internal.erecruit.co.za/and clickon"sales&marketing".

Closingdate forapplication: 22February2016

• Daily canvassing of new business by sellingadvertisements for the classified sales department

• Make sure monthly targets are reached and evenexceeded

• Stimulate the market by means of innovative ideasand by creating advertising platforms which willsuit the client's advertising needs

• Identify and capitalise on opportunities to generateadditional income

• Matric or similar qualification• Degree or diploma in marketing would be an

advantage• At least two years sales experience would serve as

an advantage• Computer literacy, especially MS Office

(Excel, Word, Powerpoint & Outlook)• Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills.• Good communication skills in both English and

Afrikaans• Experience of SAP will be to your advantage• A positive attitude and the ability to work in an

extremely pressurised environment• Initiative and ability to clinch a deal

In exchange for the successful candidate's services thecompany offers a competitive salary, a lucrativecommission structure and fringe benefits includingmedical aid andpension.

If you meet the requirements and would like to join thisd y n a m i c s a l e s t e a m , g o t o

If you haven't heard from us by 25 February 2016, yourapplication shouldbe regardedasunsuccessful.

In keeping with Media24 policy, preference will be given tocandidates who will help us achieve our employment equitytargets.








BEMARKINGS KONSULTANTEAs gevolg van Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging, Arbeid,Verbruikersbeskerming en Vaardigheidsontwikkelings,wetgewing se hoë eise, verhoog die aanvraag na onsdienste geweldig. Seesa (Edms) Bpk as konsultasiemaatskappy het gevolglik posisies beskikbaar virbemarkings konsultante om deel te word van dina-

miese span. Bepaal jou eie vaste salaris watmaandeliks geakkumuleer kan word. Ons bied

mededingende kommissie, brandstof en prestasiebonusse en voorsorgfonds indien die suksesvollekandidaat aan die nodige kriteria voldoen. Volledigeopleiding sal verskaf word. Suksesvolle kandidatemoet dadelik diens kan aanvaar en in besit wees vangeldige bestuurderslisensie en oor eie vervoer beskik.Epos CV na Erika by [email protected].


AVAILABLE TODAY10 kitchen staff, 6 Receptionists, 14 General workers,14 Pickers/Packers,9 House keepers/ Cleaners ,10 Call

centres ,7 porters , 5 flight attendants 7 drivers( code 8,10,14) 7, cashiers, cruise ship, Bartenders,bank tellers, Hopitality staff. No matric needed

Accredited machinery training fork lift and others.17 Heerengracht Street, Pier House, 6th Floor,

Next to Park InnHotel Cape TownCall: 021 418 4287 / 021 421 9170 / 021 828 2416/

081 827 70461 Kort St. RegkamBldg

021 945 2223 / 079 485 5896




Tasks•Reconciling receipts against customer accounts andmedical aid statements on a daily basis;•Preparing ageing reports for management;•Collecting long outstanding amounts from medicalaids and customers;•Preparing and sending monthly statements tocustomers;•Opening new accounts for customers; and•Dealing with general customer queries.

Requirements•Grade 12 with Mathematics;•Microsoft Outlook, Excel and Word;•Fully bilingual (Afrikaans & English);•Effective telephonic communication/interactionskills;•Organised with strong attention to detail; and•Methodological approach to working.

Work experience in a debtors department and exposureto Unisolv dispensing software will be and addedadvantage.Send CVs to [email protected] use the reference “ESS099” in the subjectline.Correspondence will be limited to shortlistedcandidates.






Kingsway CollegeDHETNO:0199992102

Umalusi Reg:14FET0200011PAwww.kingswaway college.co.za

No Skills No work , add value to your lifeRegistration is still on for the following courses at 50%

discount.Office administration, Tourism, Human resource

Management, Business courses N4 -N6,Project Management , Marketing Management,

Public Relations Accounting / pastel,Information technology, selected Nursing programscommunity Health Care, Ancillary and Home BasedCare, flight attendants and Engineering courses



CAPETOWNCAMPUS17Heerengrach Str ,Pier House ,6th Floor,

Next to Park InnHotelTel: 021 418 4287 / 021 421 970 /021 828 2416

BELLVILLE CAMPUS1 Kort Str, RegkamBuilding, 2nd Floor, Bellville

Tel: 021 945 2223



Sales PersonQualified hair stylist required for a telesales/customerservice position. Must be professional and have strong

sales, communication and pc literacy skills. Salesexperience and strong product knowledge


Fax CV’s to 086 599 2738 or [email protected]





Tiaan's Aircon&AppliancesRequires an Appliance Technician.Must have experience.

Contact Tiaan 021 917 162

www.crisispregnancy.org.za 0800 864 658CH


“I was raped by the father of mychild.My mother told me I was

not welcome in our house if I hadanother baby. I gave birth in the

veld and left my baby there.I can’t even care for myself,how

would I care for a child?”

18-year-old girl from Tembisa

Now you know,becomepart of the solution:Child abandonment shouldn’t be happeningin a caring world. Help someone dealing withan unplanned pregnancy make informedand responsible decisions for their child andthemselves, by calling 0800 864 658 or visitingwww.crisispregnancy.org.za for information,options and support.

Join the conversation at#choosetocareSA and signour petition for change atwww.crisispregnancy.org.za.

Still reluctant to get involved?Imagine that tiny little babycrying in the veld, all alone…

Have you everthought of thestory behindan abandonedbaby?





021 910 6500

to advertise

in the next


Page 21: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 CLASSIFIEDS TYGERBURGER Parow 21







KEVIN 083 375 1321

Tel: 021 591 4469


Email:[email protected]


We love what we do

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the blind repairs specialist

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WATERPROOFING CONTRACTORWATERPROOFING CONTRACTORspecialising in the following:specialising specialising in the following:in the following:

Rising dampspecialising in the following:

Rising dampRising dampPenetrating damp

Rising dampPenetrating dampPenetrating damp

BasementsPenetrating damp

BasementsBasementsRepairs to leaking plumbing-Repairs to leaking plumbingRepairs to leaking plumbing-

pipingRepairs to leaking plumbing

pipingpipingWater damage repair to:

pipingWater damage repair to:Water damage repair to:

Box guttersWater damage repair to:

Box guttersBox guttersRoofs

Box guttersRoofsRoofs

Ceilings and wallsCeilings and wallsCeilings and wallsContact: Paul 084 575 5467

Ceilings and wallsContact: Paul 08Contact: Paul 0844 575 5467575 5467






Tel: 021 945 4402, 021 683 3336,021 557 6633, 021 872 8879

Faks: 021 945 [email protected] • www.proport.co.za






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Page 22: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

22 TYGERBURGER Parow Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016SPORT

Champ returns for Power Series

Former V8 Masters champion Marcel Angel (1) is going to be in action in an even more powerful V8 racer on Saturday. PHOTO: DAVE COLINS


With the first round of the Power Se-ries this coming Saturday, set tolaunch another season of red hot

racing at Killarney, interest in the changesto the driver, rider and mechanical combi-nationshasalreadybecome the subject of ex-cited braai-fire conjecture.An interesting feature of the Bold Marine

GTi Challenge is that Table View’s reigningdouble champion Paul Simon is away onbusiness and will miss his opening pointscoring opportunity. This should allow driv-ers like Marco Busi, a promising class Ayoungster from Melkbosstrand, as well asZaki Hendricks who finished second overalland first in class B last year, to notch up ahead start in the title chase.Changes in the popularMastersV8 catego-

ry will see the drivers racing under newrules that restrict thenumberof racing tyresthey are now allowed to fit during the sea-son.However, they are going to be permittedthe use of more engine power than they en-joyed in thepast.This shouldmake their rac-ing faster and even more exciting.And although reigning champion Richard

Schreuder will be everyone’s target here, itshould be borne in mind that multipleformer titleholderMarcel Angel beat him inthe penultimate, as well as the last events inthe recently completed 2015 season.Then there’s that brilliant British driver

Steven Young who has to fly out from Lon-don to compete in Masters V8 events at Kil-larney. And although he only began almosthalfway through the previous champion-ship, he was still able to come from behindand finish an excellent sixth. Young’s inter-national experience on some of the best cir-cuits in Britain and Europe is going to be adecided advantage on Saturday.The three new drivers in this category are

certain to find that the huge amount of pow-er available at the backwheelswill take timeto get used to. This could result in a separatebattle at the rear of the field where specta-tors will be able to spot any emerging talent.There was an intriguing situation in the

2015 Midas Clubman title chase. Althoughthe overall honours were eventuallyclaimed by Francois van Tonder in his class

E VW Polo near the back of the field, it wasstars like the spectacularDanie vanNiekerk(BMW) and Mike Venlet in an extremelyquick VW Golf, in classes A and B, who al-ways commanded the attention of theKillar-ney crowd. It is going to be interesting to seehow they shape up this year.Finally, 15-year-old Giordano Lupini, who

is competing in the single seater FormulaLi-

bre events, is easily the youngest main cir-cuit driver in the Cape.The full program of events includes races

for the Bold Marine GTi Challenge, MidasClubmans, Formula Libre, Makita Super-cars, V8 Masters, Crossley and Webb Sports& GT Cars, Cars Unlimited Fine Cars, MikeHopkins Superbikes A, B &C andMike Hop-kins Classic, SB/PS/Clubman motorcycles.

Page 23: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016 SPORT TYGERBURGER Parow 23

MTBS: Stellies doen dit wéér

Anneke Germishuys van HS Tygerberg het ’n rekord opgestel in die spiesgooi vir meisies o.19 met ’nafstand van 44,51 m. FOTO’S: STEHAN SCHOEMAN

Jean Burke van Tygerberg het deelgeneem aan die driesprongvir seuns o.19.


Brian Meyer van Tygerberg is hier in aksie tydens die diskus vir seuns o.19.


Stellenberg doen dit toe weer!Met dié hoërskool se derde ag-tereenvolgende MTBS-oor-

winning lyk dit of hy nou dié atle-tiekkompetisie vir die volgendepaar jaar gaan oorheers.

Die jaarlikse kompetisie is Vry-dag vir die tweede keer by die JanBurger-sportkompleks in Parowaangebied.

Die gewilde sangbekerkompetisiewas weer nie deel van die dag nie.

Alle oë was dus op die atlete enhulle het nie teleurgestel nie. Uit-eindelik het vyf MTBS-rekords indie slag gebly.

Met die eerste baanitem, die1 500 m vir meisies o.14, het Stelliesal hul stem dik gemaak en is diéitem deur hul Tenica Mearns ge-wen, wat dié skool sommer gou metpunte laat voorloop het.

Skuins ná 18:00, met die laaste af-loswedloop afgehandel, was daarnet een wenner: Stellenberg met1 300 punte, gevolg deur Bellville se1 039, DFM se 974 en Tygerberg se794.

Stellenberg het altesaam 55 goue,41 silwer- en 31 bronsmedaljes inge-palm.

Die volgende rekords is verbeter:Francois Joubert (Stel) in die ge-

wigstoot vir seuns o.14 met ’n af-stand van 14,13 m; Angelo Da-vids (Stel) in die verspring virseuns o.17 met ’n afstand van6,75 m; Crissio Roberts (Bell) indie driesprong vir seuns o.19 met’n afstand van 14,18 m; KaylaSmit (Bell) in die gewigstoot virmeisies o.15 met ’n afstand van12,32 m; en Anneke Germishuys(Tyg) in die spiesgooi vir meisieso.19 met ’n afstand van 44,51 m.

Die volgende atlete het driegoue medaljes (aflosse uitge-sluit) verwerf: Grant Dampies(Tyg) – seuns o.15: 100 m, 200 men 400 m; Angelo Davids (Stel) –seuns o.17: verspring, 100 m en200 m; Franco Visagie (Stel) –seuns o.19: 800 m, 1 500 m en3 000 m; Eugene Kleinhans (Stel)– seuns o.19: 100 m, 200 m en110 m-hekkies; Tenica Mearns(Stel) – meisies o.14: 400 m, 800 men 1 500 m; Marga van der Linde(DFM) – meisies o.14: 200 m,90 m-hekkies en 300 m-hekkies;Bianca van der Vyver (Stel) –meisies o.15: verspring, 100 m en300 m-hekkies; Anja van Heer-den (DFM) – meisies o.17: 100 m,200 m en 400 m; Ebonie Gaskin(Stel) – meisies o.17: verspring,diskus en hoogspring; Kayla deWaal (Stel)– meisies o.17: 800 m,1 500 m en 3 000 m; en JanettaJoubert (Stel) – meisies o.19:100 m, 400 m en 400 m-hekkies.

Marisa Fourie van Tygerberg slinger hierdie spies in die meisies se o.19­item.

Page 24: TygerBurger Parow 20160217

SportPage 24 | Woensdag, 17 Februarie 2016Onder redaksie van Stehan SchoemanTel: 021 910 6500 | e­pos: [email protected]

Taurusstraat 10, Brackenfell • Tel (021) 981 4501www.gho.co.za • [email protected]

(Geskik vir die meestemotors soos Opel,VW, Toyota ens).




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The victorious Western Province team enjoying their moment with South African Disabled GolfAssociation’s Hollard Provincial Challenge trophy. From left: Riaan Spreeth, Trevor Reich, PieterVerwey (captain), Ryan Lotz and Morne Cronje. Front: Ignation Douries. PHOTO: ERNEST BLIGNAULT

Western Province proved yet againthat golf is played on grass, not pa-per, as the four bankers and 17-

year-old rookie Ignation Douries sealed ahat-trick of victories in the South AfricanDisabled Golf Association’s Hollard Provin-cial Challenge, hosted by ReichmansCapi-tal, at Zwartkop Country Club on Sunday.

Over 36 holes of rousing shot-making andspirited competition, Western Province ral-lied to triumph on 11.5 points, defeating de-fending champions Rest of Country (ROC)by two points, while Gauteng finished aclose third on nine points.

There were lots of doubting Thomaseswho didn’t believe that Douries would keeppace with deaf player Ryan Lotz and the ex-perienced leg-amputees Morne Cronje, Ri-aan Spreeth and Trevor Reich.

Douries collected two points for WesternProvince in the first round and surprisedwith unexpected determination and grit atthe closing hole in the final round.

Standing on the 18th tee, Douries was onedown to Virgil Foster from Gauteng and allsquare with Nico Wentzel from ROC afterthe former Nedbank SA Disabled Openchampion won the 17th hole.

“It was very, very tight at the end, butDouries handled the pressure like a realpro,” said proud Province skipper PieterVerwey. “We had 10 points in hand, butROC was on 9.5 points and Gauteng had 8.5points. Douries had to halve against Fosterand beat Wentzel to win the ProvincialChallenge for us. It was touch and go, butIgnation was like a little terrier that justwouldn’t let go.

“Experience is always great, but there isa huge case to be made for youthful exuber-ance, because Douries really did himself aswell as Western Province and the SADGAdevelopment initiative – the First SwingProgramme – very proud.”

Douries and Lotz both collected threepoints for Province, Spreeth amassed twopoints and Cronje won the Most ValuablePlayer honour for the champions with 3.5points.

“Reich didn’t contribute any points thisyear, but the team awarded him a gold starfor inspiring everyone else to greatness,”said Verwey.

“Of course that means he pays for all thecelebratory drinks and all the Fanta Dou-ries wants.”

Locals beat rest of SA


D.F. Malan, Brackenfell en Durbanvillewas al drie aan die wenkant in die jongstereeks o.19A-skolekrieketwedstryde in diePeter Buttner Sport-liga.

Kian Bradley (70) was die pronkkolwervan die dag, maar hy kon nie verhoed datFairmont (181) met 20 lopies deur Bracken-fell (201/7 gesl.) geklop word nie. PhilipKleynhans (64) en Niel Oosthuizen (5/18)was die Brakke se uitblinkers. ’n Goeiespanpoging het D.F. Malan (127/6) die pyplaat rook teen Stellenberg (126) terwylTheunis du Toit (4/23) en Karl-Heinz Hell-mann (49*) die pas aangegee het in Durban-ville (108/2) se sege oor Fairbairn (107). In’n vriendskaplike wedstryd het Milnerton(212) afgereken met Pinelands (200), danksyveral Grant Simon (118). Brackenfell (tFairmont) en Stellenberg (t D.F. Malan) hetseges beklink in die Francor Bakkery-ligavir o.19B-spanne, terwyl Durbanville (t

HTS Bellville) en Stellenberg (t D.F. Malan)gewen het in die Tertius Engelbrecht Bou-ers-liga vir o.15-spanne. Stefan Maree (6/6)was die Stellies se uitblinker teen D.F. Ma-lan. Maar DFM het in die L & L Buttner-ligavir o.14’s die bordjies verhang teen Stellen-berg terwyl Fairmont (t Brackenfell) en Dur-banville (t Fairbairn) ook seges behaal het.

Bradley (70) kan span nie red