
I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the workshop this organization held at Marshall University. I think every woman should follow this twitter because it is really empowering. I think most people do not like to talk about sex because they feel like it is awkward. This twitter gives you so much information about sex education that a lot of women may find awkward to talk about with people. If anyone gets the opportunity to be able to go to a workshop held by this organization, they won’t regret it. As a future educator I think it is very important to be able to explain to the students how to protect themselves with sex. Even though I am teaching elementary school it is never to early to inform students. Not only should the students respect each other but they need to know how to respect themselves. As a future educator it is important for my students to realize everyone is equal and no man is more powerful than any woman. I want to see a change in how our society is, it is ridiculous how the media has destroyed the public’s self-esteem. The problem is the public is not informed about all of the dangers of having unprotected

Transcript of Twitter

I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the workshop this organization held at Marshall University. I think every woman should follow this twitter because it is really empowering. I think most people do not like to talk about sex because they feel like it is awkward. This twitter gives you so much information about sex education that a lot of women may find awkward to talk about with people. If anyone gets the opportunity to be able to go to a workshop held by this organization, they won’t regret it. As a future educator I think it is very important to be able to explain to the students how to protect themselves with sex. Even though I am teaching elementary school it is never to early to inform students. Not only should the students respect each other but they need to know how to respect themselves. As a future educator it is important for my students to realize everyone is equal and no man is more powerful than any woman. I want to see a change in how our society is, it is ridiculous how the media has destroyed the public’s self-esteem. The problem is the public is not informed about all of the dangers of having unprotected sex. I defiantly do not want to preach absence to my students because I know children will do what they want to do. I really appreciate having a source I can go to that will better inform myself and help me better inform students.

Michael Zimmer tweets a lot of new and different technologies to use in your classroom. He defiantly is a person you wants to make life easier for students and teachers. He tweets things from when google has new updates, free loan calculators, and about sports. One thing I really like that he tweets is ideas for certain lessons. One lesson I saw he tweeted was about all these different ways to use technology to teach students about dinosaurs. He is also a coach so he tweets a lot about different sports teams and his opinions on them. The one program I am not very used to it but am getting better of learning is google accounts. He posts a lot of information about how to better and become more advanced. As a future educator I really appreciate people giving me such good advice, especially for free! There is so many technologies out there to implement into the classroom. He talks about sources I have never even heard of before, which just shows how much different technologies there are. I will defiantly keep following this account to get more great ideas how to better myself as a teacher.

I think having a class twitter for this particular class was very useful since it was a technology class. Since this is my least favorite type of social media I doubt I would use twitter that much in my classroom. Since I am planning on teaching elementary school, I feel like twitter would be harder for them to operate than Facebook. On this twitter you posted world news that was interesting for us to look at. I liked how you tweeted different things we can use to better ourselves as teachers and better our classroom. I understand twitter is very similar to Facebook, it just confuses me more. I also think that it would be harder to control the privacy settings on twitter. I know hashtags are very useful in linking certain topics together, which I think is very cool. Is there a way though if a student clicks on a hashtag you can make sure it does not take them to anything inappropriate? I do understand that twitter is replacing Facebook, I am not opposed to ever using twitter in the classroom. I would need to explore how to use the program more and the privacy and setting options to help protect my students. I think you did a very well job in having a class twitter because you made sure what you tweeted would interest your students. I think I have come to the realization I need to use twitter more to stay up to date with the world!

Shannon Smith is a principal of middle school in Canada. She posts so much information on her twitter to help teachers and parents of the students. She will post school related information that is in the area she teaches in. This will help parents stay connected which changes or problems happening in their child's school system. She also posts so many excellent sources for teaches to better them and helpful lesson plan ideas. There was one in particular source she tweeted about teaching divergence in the classroom. I think this was a great post because I think the school systems do not stress the importance of diversity enough. She also posts a lot of information about encouraging students to ask questions and how you can teach to where they are required to participate. As well as information about how teachers need to do their job to the fullest and gives them great organizational tools to stay on top of their game. I can really tell by the different stuff she tweets that she is really passionate about she does and wants to help her teachers as much as she can. I do not know if I ever will have any desire to become a principal, but if I do I think having a twitter would be great to have! She kept teachers and parents both informed in important and helpful information to better the students in her school. I really enjoyed her twitter and if I ever become a principal I will use her twitter as a resource.

The person of my choice I followed is my best friend/roommate/teammate Emily Troutman. She tweets about all different types of things, one in particular is about her love life. I can look at her tweets and be able to tell if she is happy with whoever she is talking to at the time or if they made her upset. She usually gets her point across when talking about her love life by using song lyrics. I really don't exactly understand what sub tweeting means but I know she has told me she has done that to people. What I got from it is that she tweets something to where it is about someone on her twitter, and they know it is about them. She often tweets about studying and being in the library as well. Most of those tweets relate to her procrastination and her needing energy drinks to get through the night. Which I think tweeting could be a reason why she is such a bad procrastinator. The last main thing she tweets about is bible verses. She will tweet a bible verse to tell everyone how grateful she is for God in her life. Since her and I are so close I can look at a tweet and tell exactly how she is feeling by whatever she posted. I believe she has a typical college student’s twitter in what she tweets about.