Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions Subject: Genres


Twenty Questions. Subject: Genres. Twenty Questions. 1. An old story usually focused on an extraordinary person. Legend. A very old story that often contains Greek or Roman gods and goddesses. Myth. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Twenty Questions

Twenty Questions

Subject: Genres

Twenty Questions

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20

1. An old story usually focused on an extraordinary person.


2. A very old story that often contains Greek or Roman gods and goddesses.


3. A text written to give general or in- depth information about a particular



4. The life story of the author.


5. A story handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth; often involves magic or great heroes


6. A story that teaches about human nature by showing the results of different ways of acting and thinking; the characters are people.


7. The true story of someone’s life written by another person.


8. Short nonfiction works that describe, discuss, or analyze a single topic.


9. A story that teaches a moral and the characters are usually animals who behave like people.


10.An imaginative story that often deals with magic and sometimes portrays heroic battles between good and evil.


11.A collection of simple, unbiased reports of current events.


12. An official statement that records the social and political beliefs of groups of people and individuals in history and exposes readers to language and attitudes of the time.

Historical Document or Speech

13.A story with complex plots involving suspense, danger, and intrigue.


14.A story set in a future time or world in which scientific advances have changed society in important ways.

Science Fiction

15.A personal account of life experiences.

Journal or Letter

16.A series of questions asked by the author and answered by the subject.


17.Fictional stories based on real events from the past.

Historical Fiction

18.A story about situations that could happen in real life, with familiar types of characters and settings.

Realistic Fiction

19.The artful arrangement of language, often used to illustrate an idea.


20.Writing that is intended to be performed by actors for an audience.
