Twenty Questions Ancient Civilizations Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

Twenty Questions Ancient Civilizations

Transcript of Twenty Questions Ancient Civilizations Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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Twenty Questions

Ancient Civilizations

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Twenty Questions

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What is subsistence farming?

Producing almost all the goods needed, usually with a little extra for sale

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2. Who are nomads?

People who move from place to place in search of food.

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3. What are artifacts?

Artifacts are objects made by human beings.

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4. What is the main feature of civilization?

The rise of cities was the main feature of civilization.

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5. What Babylon king published a code of laws?


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6. The Nile River is located in what country?


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7. What event played an important role in the development of permanent settlements?

The Agriculture Revolution

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8. What is another name for the Yellow River in China?

Huang He River

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9. Name the earliest form of writing invented by people of Mesopotamia.


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10. The largest area of any ancient civilization was located near what river?

The Indus River

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11. What are two discoveries of the ancient China civilizations?

How to make silk and how to make books

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12. What was one of advancement of civilization in ancient Egypt?

Written language

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13. How did the river valleys favor farming?

It was a regular water supply for their everyday needs.

It was a source of food for their animals. The flood water spread silt, which provided

fertile soil for farming.

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14. What was an effect of the Agriculture Revolution?

The people remained in one place. The people were now able to produce their

own food (learned to farm). The people were able to develop new skills

and tools.

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15. What was one challenge of the river in early civilizations?

The floods had to be controlled or their villages would be destroyed.

The water had to be channeled to the fields where crops were planted.

Irrigation ditches and canals had to be dug to channel the water.

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16. What is the Silk Road?

The name given to the trade route between China and the Middle East.

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17. Which ancient civilization created a 12-month calendar?

The Egyptians.

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18. What is a subcontinent?

A large landmass that juts out from a continent.

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19. Where did the Huang He River get its name?

The Huang He River got its name from the loess or fine windblown yellow soil

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20. What is feudalism?

A system of government in which local lords governed their own land but owed military service and other forms of support to the ruler.