Tulip International 2014

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Case Study Tulip International

Transcript of Tulip International 2014

Assignment Brief MGT31462014/15CROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENTComparison exercise exploring theory andThis assignment is worth 30%empirical evidence and relating this to a practicalcritical incidents in cross-cltral settings! Thiso" the overall nit mar#version is also "or resit and de"erred stdents!THE BRIEFScenri! Tulip International$o wor# "or an international company% which provides management advice to a nm&er o" mltinational organisations% sch as 'l (a)eera% *oogle% +hell,nternational and a new ,CT company called Tulip International.$or company has &een invited to write a report and deliver cross-cltral training to this ma-or new client Tulip International.The client is expanding its international activities and needs to send a manager "rom .orocco to 'msterdam% The /etherlands "or a 2-year assignment!The manager to &e trans"erred is "emale% .slim and in her mid- thirties! +he -oined the company "or years ago and has per"ormed exceptionally well% earning two promotions inthat period! Company evalations 0which yo have &een permitted to read1 indicate that she has the right s#ills-set and that she wold &e an ideal candidate "or this assignment! 2owever% no "ormal training has &een carried ot% and this wold &e her "irst international wor# assignment! $or company has &een invited&y the client to deliver a cross-cltral &rie"ing report to this new manager "rom Tulip International! $o .3+T ma#e re"erence to the indstry o" Tulip International in each section!T"e re#e$nce !f t"e re%ing m&st 'e m%e c#er f!r n E(ec&ti$e )g&i%e t"e re%er* ns+er t"e ,S! -"t. /&esti!n01The report shold inclde the "ollowing sections &t ma#e sre yo gide the reader &y lin#ing 0s&1sections and present the report in a strctred way4Secti!n A )2340a &rie" introdction o" a1 the crrent state o" glo&ali)ation and &1 the aim o" the report on &ehal" o" Tulip International! a &rie" overview o" macro-level "acts o" The /etherlands 0e!g!% socio-political environment% economic "acts% etc!1 that are relevant "or an exective to #now! 3se"l in"ormation can &e o&tained "rom The 5inancial Times% C,' 2and&oo# and government we&sites! a &rie" vale comparison o" the contry o" The /etherlands &ased on 2o"stede6s wor#in comparison to .orocco! $o shold also inclde a graph as shown in class and ensre that yo ma#e the analysis relevant to the reader! Secti!n B )4340a criti7e o" 2o"stede6s wor# and an analysis o" the &siness and management challenges that an international manager "aces% sing the readings "rom the .odle% integrating appropriate cross cltral theory and evalating the challenges the manager isli#ely to "ace! 5or example4 8's a manager a&ot to move to The /etherlands% it is se"l to &e aware that decision ma#ing is &ased on 9999 theory% nli#e the decision ma#ing process in .orocco% with which yo are more "amiliar 0'thor% 20131!:o not carry on with the 2o"stede style comparison% &t give cltrally intelligent advice!$o mst se practical examples to illminate yor point and se articles discssed in the seminars to ma#e any point a&ot &siness and management! $o cannot se ;i#ipedia and/or any other non -academic sorces% nless they are anecdotal or crrent a""airs! $o may also se practical experience &t #eep it pro"essional!$or s&headings mst relate to seminar topics*lo&ali)ation :ecision .a#ing /egotiation < Commnication =eadership < Cltral ,ntelligence Secti!n C )1340a conclsion 0smmary1 ta#ing into consideration section ' and > a&ove and three #ey points o" advice% presented as &llet points "or impact! 5r!fessi!n# %e#i$er6 .ax word cont 2000! ?ver or nder 10% allowed! .ore than that% yo are s&-ect to the criti7e that yo cannot "ocs 0over1 or read to little 0nder1 and this will a""ect yor grade! @nsre yo do a grammar < spell chec#% se a pro"essional lay ot with s&headings% inclde an accrate re"erence list and at least 5 articles "rom the relevant +eminar Aeading =ists! )1340Mr7ing Criteri@vidence that yo have systematically researched the assignment and covered re7ired areas to the expected standard! Comprehensiveness 0&readth and depth1 o" in"ormation! @vidence that yo have nderstood #ey isses and &een a&le to e""ectively integrate theory and practice! Aelevance and &alance o" contents! ,ntegration and coherence o" component parts! @vidence o" e""ective se o" a range o" relevant resorces! Coherence% synthesis and integration o" contents! Creativity and innovation! F&rt"er inf!rmti!n !n t"e ssignment n% mr7ing criteri re8r!$i%e% in t"e M!%e Hn%'!!7* +"ic" +s gi$en in c#ss n% $i M6UniH&'1SUBMISSION 9ETAILS?nline via Trn ,t ,n! :e date "or +&mission is T"&rs%6 13t" A&g&st '6 4:3;8mUAE time1Rec!mmen%e% Re%ing Mteri#s:Te(t'!!7T"!ms* 91 n% 5etersen* F1 )2;140* Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts,3r% E%iti!n* T"!&sn% O7s* CA: SgeSeminr Mteri#s:Gr%e% Seminr 1: G#!'#isti!nThe Economist Intelligence Unit (2011)Competing across borders. How cultural and communication barriers aect business.http!""www.#$u.at"%sp"content"e&'('&"e1)&)12"Competing*across*borders.pd+ordan I. ,iegel- .mir /. 0icht- ,halom H. ,chwart%- Egalitarianism and international in1estment- Journal of Financial Economics- 2olume 102- Issue 3- 4ecember 2011- 5ages )216)&2- I,,/ 030&6&078- http!""d9.doi.org"10.101)"#.#ineco.2011.07.010.Thomas- 4.C. and 5eterson- :. (201&) Cross Cultural :anagement. 3rd edition. ,age. Chapters 1- 2- 3- &Hostede- ;. (1ee attraction and retention! Towards a testable e9planator> model. Journal of Business Ethics- (' (&)- )116)22Thomas- 4.C. and 5eterson- :. (201&) Cross Cultural :anagement. 3rd edition. ,age. Chapter 7,elmer- +. ? 0am- H. (200&) Third Culture @ids! Auture =usiness E9patriatesB Personnel Review, 33- &- 5 &306&&7.guinis- H.- +oo- H- ? ;ottredson- C. @. (2012). 5erormance management uni1ersals! Thin$ globall> and act locall>.=usiness Hori%ons- 77- 3'763- Helen (2010) Multidiscilinary ersectives on intercultural conflict! the "Bermuda #riangle" of conflict, culture, and communication. In! :atsumoto- 4a1id- (ed.) .5. Handboo$ o Intercultural Communication. .merican 5s>chological .ssociation. I,=/