TSS Difficult Conversations

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  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations


    Difficult conversations

    Geir Kalstad

    Psychologist & Partner Conforte ans Telenor Satellite ServicesInternational Leadership Program2003 - 2004

  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations


    Definition: A conversation where the leaderseeks to communicate a message,

    or to focus on a theme that feelsuncomfortable for the leader and / or the co-worker

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    Examples Feedback

    Not good enough work, bad behaviour,

    alcohol Conversations focusing the relation

    Bad relation concerning leader and co-worker? Conversations concerning change

    adjustment, relocation, dismissal

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    Why focus on this inleadership?

    Many leaders underline this as a difficult part ofbeeing a leader A lot of energy will get lost if there is an unsolved

    conflict going on in the organisation People may question the leaders efficiency if the

    leader is not capable to execute a difficultconversation

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    Postponing the difficult


    Difficult conversationshave a use-by day Some difficult

    conversations havebroken the use-byday The leader didnot execute theconversation in time

    Best before11. 11. 03

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    The leadership-role and the person

    To analyse yourown role as aleader can beuseful to getsome distance tothe situation

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    Look into new areas! The problem is not our actions it

    is our thinking!

    The conversation will reflect yourattitude towards human co-


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    Each difficult conversation

    is really 3 conversations

    1. The what happendconversation

    2. The feelings conversation

    3. The identity conversation

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    1. The what happendconversation

    Focus towards; Truth Intention


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    The first mistake: The truth -assumption

    We seldom question our assumption I am rightand you are wrong!

    Difficult conversations is almost never aboutgetting the facts right! It is about differentperspectives, interpretations and values. It is not

    about the truth, it is about what is important.

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    Different stories We all have different stories about the

    situation because we interpret information inour own special way.

    In difficult conversations, we usuallyexchange conclusions, without sharing what

    our information is and how we interpret thisinformation

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    The ladder of inferenceOur conclusions

    Our observations

    Our culture and values

    Our way of thinking

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    The 3-step rocket

    a way to climb down theladder of inference

    1. Your opinion

    2. Your observations / data

    3. Invitation to dialog

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  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations


  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations



  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations


    The second mistake:

    The intention invention We think we know the other persons intention,

    without dooing so and even worse; when we arenot quite sure we often deside that the intentions arebad

    Intentions are invisible We usually invent other peoples intentions without

    asking them

    Sometimes people act from complex intentions sometimes without intentions or no intentionsconcerning us and sometimes the intentions aregood, but we still feel hurt

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    What is the focus in theconversation?

    Intention Action Consequence

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    The third mistake:The Blaming

    Many difficult conversations have a lot of focus towardswho is to blame for what happend Blaming other people contribute to reactions of defence

    When competent and smart people do stupid things, thesmartest thing to do is to clearify what tributed to this andhow we can prevent this to happen again

    It is important to understand the difference between guiltand contribution

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    Contribution is about

    understanding and looks forward

    Good questions to find the contributions; How did we both contribute to this situation?

    what did we do or didn`t do, to make thishappend? When we have identified the contributions

    how can we change this?

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    2 tools to find contribution

    Reversed roles Ask yourself; What would the other person

    say about my contribution?

    The insight of the observer Take one step back and look at the problem

    from distance think of yourself as anconsultant how can you describe what ishappening ?

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    We have to handle differentperspectives at the same time

    - Express own experiences and opinions- Search for the other persons experience

    and opinion- Acknowledge own and others experiences

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    A r g u e


    John Wayne






    h l dd f b

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    The ladder of ambition

    The message is delivered

    The message isunderstood

    The message isaccepted

    The message isaccepted and themotivation established

    The message leads toreal change

    Gratitude and fullrecovery


    Manage thebarricade to say it

    Be clear, directand concrete

    Get the recipient toacknowledge the problem, andto take responsibility for it

    Stand firm on the subject

    and soft on the person.Building relations

    Focus on solutionsFollow-up


    Bang & Lindholm

    Diffi l i

  • 8/6/2019 TSS Difficult Conversations


    Difficult conversations

    model of dialog Before the conversation

    Thorough preperations

    Consider thoroughly Entry

    Establish contact Announcement be clear and concrete

    Get to the point Establish rules for the conversation Describe what you know Describe possible consequenses if the problem continues


    Describe your feelings and reactions concerning the things you know Get the other person to describe their interpretation of the situation Ask as many questions as you need to understand the situation from

    the other persons perspective Discuss possible solutions

    Exit Summing up