Trees, Plants, - · ,n*»^,pt3«2l

a is w » ? « ', ^9f|55-;,-;vrtv-;;Ot r'B.. S tiA B progressing, b^>i^.al6|^jaobn;Kc V.r" 'AmWMiMUnn « « nK K ^«‘ ih i^-^«JAii-;5 r^w^*:^:r;fc Tr. l6sf^« 8 Jtew .#$&¥ - - * ' '"; " - iis-H 6 d m e,^ u rrE % ii *\ .:A V a .. m;* clabKi *.:>'fi jlX.*: ~ '■;,' "Dealer in ' ' . - s'flSE. CDNmsraos! rOBEiaN ANDrDOSEBTrOPKOTla, ' .-•' u. ; T0T8 JtWBEOOiUffi- •. PHlLADELPHIVifJONPECTIONERT;", , , ^yAW-AygtfiPfe? jr, ^ S B U K Y -JfA&K SAW MILL.. ; • S A S H E S ,m m H :» p 6 r i S , V ^ ^ - ' - Etc.; Etc. ' AHoriet»'fo».Sawffi^'«tt8at1e4^'wfftp»feB<iiiBt'ii4 ; - ffliDsfob*” r'•' ' ' *■'-'■■''■ tr j i p it?fcefi i .i ii'-; • v »;* ?-'•'/'* i ffigftfagrtrt* ggfe**wriftfrtet ^Mf¥«WU«*v:& |J. ^ "2 '■ '■? ;' -|> ;"'11. 1. j-'v JlIJjJflV -i.,1 <i.J ’r</,\i:i ( ■ ' \ ' ., ^troifiq^jG r ^ ^ Kiwnw q v :\ ; . •:: 4 r B 3 r T i ' a t , . !;-7.-. :-■:,-.; . / l i g M i , ; ui'jin >V< •^CiBue BEWAIL AVBNUB. -; Ncsrthe l^ILIflAML.'ATk'mSON,' , _ PBACTiCAii hobse ; ’ mgr ,' boat and sooir . . '-.- .... ...... PAINTEB. . •'. '• . .; ; Funis, Oil#, OSass and Potty for 865s . . Aatnt for : | N.Y. 8tiAT£'Sfc:RQOETNG 'COj.'.Llmitfed. . HU13BEH ROOFING. ENAMEt PAINTf^itidyjlbf — n»e and-warranted aoperior-to^lahnUiwarticles- — , ' in quality;abd*co#t.,r Tested S3*«arf/ coojcMAg ^v> * MQyp yr.yABBQBT P4to^y> x . J^SBURY PARK AND OCEAN QKOVE . ' LIVERY STABLE. / Horses, Hacks and Light Carriages alwajri xsady . - > . . i at call. 1. -,Peweri^ers arriving at the Depot will be conveyedtoaiqr part of the grounds. ,.T . .... SIjt JU umoj meet ali tndna..»Freigbt.sndJbaggag* delivered at the shortest possible notice. All 'freight or baggsge. sent to myvcare wlllbo. di-’ liyered or properly ^ared for^ ............ * G. W. ROGERS, Prop. R obert tat I lor , Importer *nd Dealer in 'GLAS3 &QttJEENSWAilE, jWo. 521 OOHHiSBCEIS^tXT. ’ - 'Betwesis 5th atad 0& e jiK « S « i and btA$it\ ... ; ' ~7---> hh .aj} e£ phxa. . "l§Bl[RfPiRB^MBSTMRK«Tf aAMBBB&Xi-ti ATJMOCK, Ztopzsetoiz; ill klmltcf iiii-ih Metticonrtaotlyfiffibuld. P ars Kow near P ark ' e . b oamS iol .^ , . * c.A.itiuoci.' WmHSFIHS^ '" RUki 8t7 A»V»ry Park, Ofietti-OtoW tn i-n lln llj, placed in ' *’**_!. „.* .'■ "„•• ' •-•: ...... FIRST-CL AScTCOMPAKlES, , m'm low nit** ijf ft’-o too«i«taist with umt, Hew KikSttst* wid City; N w J iw V i’WMjlpSM*" and other- ; "* —r~rr ~ .*- ■ RELIABLE COMPANIES reraeaentad. ' C D. WARNER, :j l «■" ' ' : ' ;'Bit>tai£if:jr. . FRANklB^M/ARlNEB, , A»Bn»Ti Pi»iC'AitPi Oo«M(tG«(W j- •QOm' j. 8 Ma6^«SyiUii#Jlik^m^aNd£klb E. H. & T B. NEWMAII. Brioliap, Plaii il9 |a|^lMeferJ, MANTEtS AMD BAKOE9 BET.: "' , ;i_Q.OB*«;B®iOT, Ni . , , ThUJitOLeMtlfyi tb it SewnatejiSiSKfcKtetts 4%*f*w4a nointxtof iewini lo sblacy^wii^ipaisWi-, VO%> ■; OM IT MAV CONCEHH. Imfcsj1 ibafyz*'1 ^V>:ye'u^'ftn(3? ',i;ivdrgi?e&tf a c t __ latWactlon. I bellovo them tc .bs goS4 iuuLMium mett, y> ' iD^aBtrJone.'antJ^vin'tf $gas, .aim; I take pleMnre io wsoaia®!!!” — 1 -------------- m tiMilittsir'Hvdttt- 'j IU. J! JfeFJtLDEB. ’ ;; n rT ’ j C^rpeiiteir'^nd '■■ Biiildeh JOBB fflG vm ’ TEOIifksiDm' V7ZL MtHdence, ?-h»r*‘M ;• . r, ;a .v? i e x x o n , Carpenter m>?'&u d©r/ rT»^<?"!W#• t*?.i .-:: Clf'f i <•”< t) 0 V O r^r^r\l th» xx^ning M^»ran[- I . -7t7> \pTTff7w •“ ' j r• , : > A 8BliiRY^I»4ei(V N* J* Ov«rSBg,OOP,Q<?0 Cit^itjtt Hepy*ifaBtita: J '' ..... : J . !A r B O B D E N ; :2 r ' . “' Sha^Bg. .aad^-itidif f i B a l c o n ; • tt4 lH»w»\'0*r«r..;r-;--v ------ 1 Dally? W«kl* ^diOTtbWPspwajprwasv^y-deUy*1^^. at <£• SbortMS; Hotiw. jSUl^ 'Avsma.r^aW * » f <?; PMk.^ ill, *|iii^»v.ip>W KVjy.; i. APBTm-nr-gA^i'Eitao^.?, and 1 C^tr^JiEor<3yt»E»»;*eA-»>.T«uiini!)'» Prtcw.: . :XiSlULJStCBHsatTv :' erroprat'wf s aa Minister to Eagl&ad, Jadgo'TaCt as Attopie;- %«Siifel,:'Saa£K ftt&cpia&r6&:;id Se«s&iy of w * .J. ! ' • ^ . :=-■‘- v ' . ; - •;. j * ; fiarriiit |B ^‘.8e«‘afe- % ' -jiigTintion io U;o txrami^we rofi^Naval A^airanad r^porte ^ . , efS^Wl}i ^ iJo f tfts^Sodtbi tnutwortl^ >8* hose iitjiy ttlpfll:'keep thi »'i s^ee -lafora!e4 in-r«- ®^b4,to .j^j^gninews.,. ..Itrlfi/ ; th ■: OoiQU]itibf- ^U. I?0Tfl!gn Af- Udn, l a 'A f # i«pot%' wsSS:ssatK»iEpt!Ssi.i«.,«®raialy a». - lisr-allowing.ths use ofiija ,n*»^,pt3«2l<sla!^p*wiiJ<fc Jwf. tba/pntpose of ,pxo- stockapecolafioB ^ A ^ p g ^ f o ’^ ^ n t i p i i r r ^ a ^ r t o 't t v ’Hansw JMto'li-, xns oho by Mi._ Hawionbet^b, of Now ^aigsy, fe» abandon Elliv- Tslano off Oci^Gmor.: ill Tolk iatbof, as ths site of s po^- deraiigaSitra:-jjt haj-^en oalShlatad that if Hip as*ga»ifl8 kbiittldTja i t r a o t by IfghtDing, th e shock ^oai^dcs^rop' Jaj',:-r City and-Hbbofcr:!!, while all ,tt'4*|tf8p<8ty’iA Ne??' Tork, £r6a! tb<i TBgtteiy :to Oan^latwat, aotddba mote, os |« t injorad. Tha reaololioniraii Mfmrad to {he Committee bn Pnb- iio Bonding?^an^ Oroimds, wbioh has b'jyn i rgeii & ripirii wiihonttdetay qb iU ) subjeot. ' m mMi B EE^LE’fl .lJnC*T. EXPRHSR. '-yr>ight inJBi g* 4i 6f "*ll klad«,'FaniiUir*;Kic.; ittlivcrad to * __ . ... W DOlttte '• i * .• ’ jr ■*."'■■-t ' 1 ' A^stSnrt'J****': *2pe,«'«»f. wa.6al.)»*» ;1b,Halite • Afttrjtb^.T^^ejp^fn^wa.a^^aro-m tayiiw imas t o thttt a majority of tl W, i.. • , v - brdtn Uft'altb« ^po,t;Mdi«t_J^a*™, tw ^M^ '?rS;‘BEEQWf C5NTBAGT0R AND BUILDER, '■ - I jr # r K ^ i'^ t» > 'iiee*:if4 o Eab»iM, - qoeani - m , j . tkvm ZmikZF&i 1 •n.t uxj ii. B. L*. il. .. Oeiiti C»ror«i O»iii |t» g r«n»-?E»»4 PMlayiu awxskijutsii - w n r n £ * a m x a !& -**Bti3n!is& '6ti':,! ... jUtjifActlon^raKLoaiiodiaioMnkt.- = , ,.,,,^ , . -,.. aABimT:ii&KER, vpnowwmmi .. .•■•v.-i I.-.A i 'til ■-'^i I'M, 4 .■■• W ,M -v I I v C!4j5»«e, «6^.|;USsw4i;;iCSasttri%-j®stis»jSift®.s aa du^tea-wp^i^.yr - awjanoijL ^ ^ y _ .. ., bt^ldln^ aedyrel ICs^n^'fSd- ii.. . , onrtty eu r ;.v - *■'r; "■ '■ * 'A ^ oapitei ail 1 B£?WofiiSBi i i n .-crl-! ' --T ' ,}’v ....... ., lr . . .. k w i .t e 1, . . . »? £ '^ ’TT t I> Recein«Tpiaift .Dairies i^t* ‘ - HACTf-wir^twitbt«fflpyatt«otlon. ..** *■ •• ' •■ : ■ ; ^ r ..jr.i ? *>v,s I . " . . ------- »-V,- FCm.7;g l ; BlUwbTil.^telSLMfMg^ <w.irn»- jpliif 6n’ S^ji'alSiiK'acB.' ■)j:iiy£-}, $e,:. i::x t T ■ i PCa^.*! ri . - '^11 . .' i . ’ .-'." .".--- -^- ' •. J : . 1 >ftNM tavalii __ ) ;0i cftfbi1 K*lS A(T‘ |i i Ji ,s a ‘‘'■s ' *’ :*®i tfcfsali Br'SdbfciSa^ iiibhfc, abifctmiiderably MiCileaiJe^of Ha#’ydr&‘("qn bshalf of ’tiia nit ttoiity.of tB9 ,0gnunittee. on Tanitoriss, haa aulj- ja»lt«4 isKssn iii. opposition id tha Sod- ite.bln-wfaioh proTidsI for the admission-of Has' , St» )j>^oiid:dTObtp{ixat tba:'T«rrii- toiqr.^<S>»jio^i.p<>SM« ^hp resoj^ti: riamber of itf to esiltta it to :admiraio)i*; that during T-jT=T r^T:rig£: i ' I S r g D ' p b b p l a ara igno rant serfa, flntirely controlTfi'd by a., few designing man. Itia a Qorpris© to every sensible and bonest man here tbat a majority of the Oommittee on ---- 1, ^{g The. ze|>eUion in Mexioo Is asaaa ing alarming prp^oytions. « _ ;; Cardfoial Anloaelli is^acrioualy ill at Borne. He l».p?«rWTenty. • , '. 18 III -I I tl- OfM ile 18 ^ 8 » : r ~ —R-£r^ttmo«ed-that^pain negotiating for a largo r»-•« * tz L"JirA ^ a j a —“ --■» io«n some English honae*.; ” - A angar warehouse atGreenobt, Scotland, witl) 2,000»tona at ang^i wi*deslroyed by flre Monday*, .pspaixig^loMofp^dpO. t .^ d ’j^ental .oondillon of tho -Soltan of Turkey &jiti8f» grave apprehanaitftxa. Ho ia bubjeot to dela- jSion^ j^ftMfalg! that -he will be bnrnfed alive ot i iaiBipn^sss iftiEdatoI, England^ h > P -: ^av&b*oii 'k'eftf.X)yed.' Tb^i ktest re- po^a'^Thnradij) ir v 'hat tl.u 3api~ sus spreading, fc^^l^.ipM^Bgadio jwwMSisa; .'_ __ ^^Ujtmidftritbod^that tbe GbTenimeiit will ask ^^^& ^ f ^ ^ r t h e i ^ l ^ ^ n d e d | and aa Baron .. A fraitie bouse atjbe.cdiTrai^of^^oTi 'avenue arid LiviDgaton) 0 t; - Newark, w&s'j Woently*: carried ini Bgfiom.'iaireei;. v*ewarx, w.aai 1reoenuy- carnea ^.ptec^meal, 'it ia aapposed,.by boys reaidmg ihborhood. ■:Specif. watchmdri have been placed by the Penn syWanlaj Railroad Company xm the trestle w6rk from'MdnnfvPJeasant to .liaiiiiinua Cove, to pre- vent-peions ddznmltting deprddatlbns. Thjtailne of .Mr.,;Johnson,> vioUm o! -the rd* cenfpowffer mill explosion ^near Drakesyilley.Jiaa been farad in' tbe .woods a conslderiabfe‘distance from ^tho\ mill, with part of his coat clinging to it . . ... *"■ The IJ iion. Oopnty Board-of ^.Er^eholdera at- iElizabeth fixed the tax1 for the present year at $160,000 or $20,006 -loss than last year.. They ved to reissue $45,000 of bonds falling While Predariok' Luiainger, Sged sixteen years, waa feeding a machine in the IJnion Hill sUkmills. Monday Jvening, tho box 6n which be Was stand-* ing aodqentaJly upset, and threw him Idto ttie. machinery. The flesh, was stripped from bothle^v and one of his arms was brofeoh many times. He canno^live. * ^^e-WyilVfl1 me~6titi^ h6ld ;by the; Bev. El P. Haxtmond, at Vineland, are increasing in int^grest Last Sunday a large meetmj^ wfla heladnlthe 6pen air f8r^**imconvdrtod peopled .and in the evening the Be p. Mr. Banddrs ebdreh was packed'with ‘‘professed ”- onea The ifev; Mr; Hamrfiond is as«Btedby Prof. WJ-W. 3eutley and the .pastors of VinelancL^? .. On3Iondayr Jersey. Oity .was Kiven. over to tho children, who celebrated their May Sunday-school ^ann^rttear^. All tbe scholars,of the various Suri- .rfay-schoola rendczvoosed-on. Jersey avenue, near O^apjil^on fe^rk, from whence they proceeded the; .length of tJbe avenue., Most of tbe children were vdry frMj^ whUe^aq^OTery^one^of them^^ r i e ^ p ■ dj^Bsed in a Continental. stiifc.aaC^ lUUe_girl in Qhak'er costump. Thb line Of thy parade was gaily decorated -with bunting, soms'of whioh extended from one side of (be street-to the other. Mottoes w<Jje; displayed in w i^ o wb.and.flowe^~were. freely 'distributed*- ............ ‘ ^ T_ ^.'.A3itmportanl^nieetuig-of>>the-Stato-priaQn.^oiS- dais was held at -Trenton -on Monday.- The last ' ^clslatnr« appomfied;or pe w o f ^u%p^t<i|s~ ufider'a new law.... Doubts were entertained' as to their powers. An opinion*was given bvthe Attor- ‘ney-Genefal'to th^effect that the now Board could ‘.prOcsed and gov6rii'the prison udder the new law. The Inspectors then organized byjffig gppqlpfipBnfc of the foliowing officers: Comptroller, A. L. ^Btinyon j’President, HeUry 1^ Qntler/of ^assaio: ^Secretary, Theodore Horn, of .Essex, and Samuel JC Lippencofcs, ot bolem, were chosen Anting In* Bpectors; Robert B. Bqnnpr 4wai unanimously elected Clerk" of the Prison, abd Dr. W. W. L. PHillips was unanimously elected Physician. 0 B ^ E 1 U L N E W ’S- . . Cindhnaii.tdll be ffie'place of the neri.Gnnftral Ccngtferetioe of the M. H Chur oh. , rTJp to the Ud inst., only seven pickpockets had been arreated and 'oonvioted at the Uxhlbitfon. v jring visitors to the ISchfT admissions on Saturday imuie^iate dlicharp^.; 1 ,Ki4 g^^lm yrtsrioui pbisoniflg has oc^urrtii in sBn^and^whicK1 pW sejj^videnoQ thaip^inter—" , ?*A. Bteady increase 0 bltion is claimed. Ci last, 18,182.: ^oi^jve hundred liqtlhr dealer? Wdre arrested in rjfew York last Bxtaday for violating the law in :&eUiugUq^oronSunday. ,. / FMiyrdlfflbulty~ JT e»»ia • gettin^qiitf ,'dangerous- bn flocpunt: of highwajmen. j^Noariy ;;^very mail brings an account of aomo fresh out^ tsyjjiufaaitt.: rendered jt, ^fomeperabn pptomi}'’! Jfediitls.only ate* a delal that!tt#:ilftir;fe notioed in any tjf the Londcaj&sen;/ j t f qnMhi’aa rictim is sajd to M^fM^iinMiidiiigfto the ,tt 1«-?aJp!s* p r a a t ! ^ ;:» ^ rts |B ta ii-« 9.:o f i l l . jtijSij* , ■«.;» . I $ iii. » 4<S». •4Hs*,(38a«r»:'--!rh8 Qoif#nnsai js s S ^ .M ^ ^ t e j j W a » > > f e t ^ ^ n V U d “bton6<t A terribfe e^li^on^oooaraad.lgst ^nnfl»y in thi co» , OlleaterQeld ooatity,' Yir- i^Bia, taasdtifi^toffiS'yiiiBgiof'^fe tftlwa,;. s'ld fliikS9 Tai»iHjnrys»f tjro wore.' \ - » rifisay ef tho^large ^miiloyliig estabtishinsnts is f;li31^Sp¥»rlwyS'iniMe »<-?ajg«s> giVe iheifc .j; 0 i ;i tha Exhil)lfKm—some of ilmm' tm ynmfit[disfMdg^iagi>& [" .jl^e^oim B^i^^andajr night was.Tary jwreare in ttio tToigbborbooil bf Slorriijtuwn, K. J ., snd iafeo - Haiistooto en bwgiKM Thai' BoTrdam ;^ilaus0.. > * jii, ifori ^foF-.^iHrt£nado, by i v '^ r .L-, Bnnaoas "tS Jshmss waa-bpaBd on ^noidM nigbt, with SinlthWSE-BEi! sssfgoed by biiri to D i / M k t i . J< *■—“ »- ■*» *a» .... *.• ...... «• « ^pKj&diSn 0iwrt.: 'b V 4 ^ .’|Cpfin:^ih! HA>'- ttatoTOy*ito***a iw ssijt/- 4sftpi iSJtS^SiSii: ' sf$ ^qW rs^e?i^fdi.and weJeam hertteiidA oop^tuUtic acd wlsh I ^ d .s u n w C u ^ T r ^ d m h g etand> a n d ___ *W».itayii-no' daobt rf'tti&Yw/j’B - *!>■ '•’ iff - ixvsuM.TfiU-ii iSmutSJ'i' * v • i-S’ *' ' M O N ^ ^ T ^ '^ S fy «0URTS. ^, ' ....................... :*s*eli#a ftofdimiaJ M S M W ^ te w a j•>«! oiuHmisi01.-nyR" tfh - ^ffi^e«aaEabSe,^nd^8ifetmM'Wstrilttnehiiis'i.; T: ^ladjf 'W, fiS:’' urftted; aiiijya. htire npt heard .whethdr- V°|^di^2t got bL*('tbiifj cent' or not.". ■ S4ffl«® -f ’ ^o-say that'the jsix4Mnltled;.bii!B' bf aa- lily ii . ' llb«ilT£lS ,1 .an indsbt wlirbd'ic&dlly « . accountd, and'Bottto ohey 6 Ti in the wraai ^neh4^dcthj *— * - ■ 4®^ .. 'cur^tkl regard to nilsdemekn'orfl, Judge BanadSr Hin^Wd the evidence atid, therefore, the aocountfl_baojC of .this time could not' be examined^ The State' Qlafxn^d misappropria- tion, chargihg that tbp dgfelidant ooDeor&a money on the duplicate of taxes for 1874, and applied the ; same ih pavw antr of ^ebtt jitidj iUf 1870^ rwhen thJa money coliectedion JiierdfUplicate o f ve^dh^year should be applied to payment of tih^ debtaoi tbait year. > j ;‘ ■ : ? ; *.v " . | The-def^ncq fiet up ,that?thev„ had .proper disbursements of mohey. a n il indeed, ; bad ., dirf- bUrs^d 'all the’money they*Wgr^ch'Eigecf wRti eni- betolin^ aid more, and l^ done it pro^erly.and The. j n ^ Jetired:Thurtday< afternoon ’and re- turned a verdict of notrgnlity. Prosecutor; and-Jolra B; Applog^td for the St$te ; Haight, Allen and Trafford fof the -defemdant; . f r^VoTvo3 li.v" Clrcnit Court, ,_. .. „ BxaSjr > - was the heit csromovedr’’ ‘ This wa^ an-, aotion for:trespaas.brought to de- termine title:to a small .piece oT’Uin^ in Atlantic township. * The; pl^t{f^^’,aH'gratletiianv;of color, testified that ths defcndaiii u&d' pib w'^d7 ' up his Und to whioh-Mr^B^ b U im '4 'd ;' • , The jury rendered-a7ve^Jlcfi for the plalfatfffi1 ear sessihg the damsgea al j^lOO? St^ii-fBr plaintiff ; Allen'for defendant. ;*■•/', *{' * ' * DAVID r. MOBTOK «J.‘UtTttfOBn^t1KtilfBlir. “ Tbe above case w&a moved on Friday and aooh, oonolndsd. It wfl^Js^^tJonjTUndajtocfhl^ Lien, brought to 'reoovdr fbr mason's wotk, Jto defence appeasing, tha jnrynretumml a verdict of $48 for thp plain HAT, Steen for the plaintiff. - wm. > . wiijSON^ci. aOT^*OBn jt,>nAm>nf. . This waj,' junjjr' Mephanics’Xi6n, .^" rtoover carpenter’s wages, /The j uryrrendpr^d. a verdict oft$ I12 for the plamtiff. SjeOU %'the;plaintiff. aefcot. cod|xanr toc.ino “Bale of Ja\j& It'appe^d;Uisi.t^eV^*Sas‘«graed to iradA>!«!^ji"jtaws;' OiViSna.e otihada- feodsnt tblr[o'.npfb'hia odntraot, fbo plaintiff m& taiced ootiiin -i^msge 'from th«‘fct-oflte patting »rt®is wosk-ott- th^ property fbMrbioJx he had traced. — .&-. fc ba adiv<sr^;iillbotb ^rt?perti^'WQro ,r : - ; ■ ' r a3®mg-.^«>a«m»'8®‘at #}M ;„.. JudgeJleWbira-fer tha flainiiif. Koliart'AHea, Jr4 fe?th'e'dyai!id»at ' J - - - - - roinry;-TiygTO»i-g. " ■ »• waa morcd on Batadsy,-' If%tt8‘'8aiiati’6J!. 'iA t, promissory ppto;for Sijjfl, dated April, io, 1883,' pr.yablo onti ;tJaTa8«ti'd4tb.' ' Defendant &iied to appesar BndthsjsUy.raiiSereftfcwiididS'ibsiiSS 60, interest fcwis«g'4»ii{jpaid to--ApiB;ie,<187S;_E. W. Arro-vanitb fsr.plaioU^f.:; - ' i L i i >in ,i:-’I’M sM Si u Miiniirn - - . •am st*t* m. jaw a^iuTEnBws .Ajri)- rosirat,^ -«•” ; l.-l: :Cl: ,;S wfl$n^xttoqv6dJ.j T l t ^ 4 e £ ^ ^ t 9 j w ^ ( g x v g ^ e d ; .-*•;• on ;two iodiefments- for,:IaTceny^ th0 ‘,8116gin( 'being, that they1'stole 6otheb6d’pfl.tolmstma9^(l ^l'U.iri ♦Vrt aWbvwo; !nfk iiMtinla rif ifltMai?/ Ivt'iVTAnt n'4ri-iS;th8 ittape of'® odiiple dffe;fcs®''itf'HWre!l tosranbip. The «Yiiiet<J'4':waa oertremely?otaram- ttautJa) and.tbejlsfiodanta yrafe aaqnlttad. ‘ Pros?- . W t^ rfo r S}ttl5s..^^.elijio|;.dei^ii4k!iti /■. ~ r r/. vTTTr j i . r . s i : '* , Mr. G«osg« Hopy . .. Sh^nn'a ;Hil|rSreohbldj i>etar .hsW. (t.niore w- BnjBi'andi»io», than qa;.:^b‘o'i nu ifiridsy aJgbtof ■lari? week, to ba entertained'bf‘a&L QedrgeJHdey .of .JN^eve *oik, pea of-.the widely kaown,;lir/lJohn Koejfr ot lioag Btanisb,. ap'd Biitb.’ Av.oboe^lTew Tfcs earning-,was anncttinoidI-to bs day6ted vto “ dramatio and fcamoroaa. redtatlone,"' ,'bst . it teeioed'.tb as iMt inost'of'lfr,' lltwy 'i pwU&a& acit4 rai’seTtiJnD.aiijreiy^wii^iand ^“ b.oBapjH- 'ipt&agtW own cbaraoterlBtibs,; was jjm m iM in «uoh; tJfMibbte^'an^ striking 'csaniaart tiiit fce t\ztztr.ed ttfbotriiniifcmKl 'into i r _ey^.-w«s«u»^f aaob'ficdy imragiitftiajie, wbere'we coSW-noFfant bs highly' ikfesmisS1 i - Wu 5aho!4 every, digbt^st tarn . to;ior{tq!9,j ino^an*; "Wtcbing ■ tbv si^noIest^WiteJMBfiS1 !- wishing we oould ronso him from hia torooVthat •am igtit 're r' tbe-imp«cding. wuaok 'of. ctto .vid ' Umh | KCr’ aksla at : ery a 11max rojoioing,' that in ste ^ ’of iastaal daaibasddeatmotion,'i!«(BWitob- iend. waa Jaflalgissg in but a dream. ; < del&eatioss, 6bamoieris»J m waa each'tpy'Tntens:® .eames&ess, we followed with bm uilarr aGiiaty and' bigtogt kiton!nt,rmtil,;vie oonld.^va.yont In onr b'fOTFfobsed Jb^Sags bf a " ‘Beiriy ‘fraist ■ bf ■ ' applanaa, i-SttsSs as1 ' made thb "JQbQ pit; to dome;, and gboh« w*l- oome reception janjt havo indeed enoonraged onr " worthy' entertalnbr,' sSUoted ‘as • he1 was’with'tfoold. 'ar.i.1 aBVere bfiidachc, , . - Wci-Hoef;is npt-obly a yonngmaster deUn*atorr til lSe'dreina>icpj6,fctp»i!a»?3s^taia'M'IlKwS3 ability; • H e has ff blgh.ocAtosptiOn.of feonr-io-Write*' whii.. viil 1‘ tjf e ,” 4.5i B<i0njs to % 3 t e kcw~its - pieasWihe pepiiw ingfe."'' A s poitTayals. are titld , '-»ifldng,-W8l>5y «*iiting.:«P.d ,«jnbwwe;«toy.&*• mants ot roe.s sanfis. Ha ii, besides, a jtesingiy writer. ~*i t swoviiiv m aflaioon— ink. I" oioe -laxme 1 of hrimiiress pie go and jnjl ibbnfr. hbirto pres.stit them,' so aa to ' . Ioonya!s0..hi3 andienoa witt. irreaistible; Isaghter. If ihe JoCBWaff issdara eonitt hear hiss fitldar i" Mark:-Twain's “ Jim Wolf ibij thisGkss/’^-m-ex- ' , rama * Mr.l iy'B.prograosojs was a hard one, nd yet sesstublf iimrspened iHth the' sciiiiib bod senb- eosiio.* We/donbt if there stasSs anbthei man who ,oool^ 4aka ....... — tlfivSi®. Thtpff aribi overypiootj. Tbs loi^owing^embr&oes tbe satire programme, some!«f whioh w» will orifioise ; Thi • wm MJotbeRaoUon; onr* drteS May lO, 1875,. for,.$96S.. imissdrynote,' payabia tbri'-j months; after data j ^Appearing,'’* jn^ rendete4 Jcr .t. for. ®l,086;B9i‘ -^m.- H; &or- man for plaintslK Tbo nbo fj essis s^aiOTert.bnJMondisf.- 'It'ms he' aofioabrsnght on aboak- acoor/ot to: recorer }289 olaimod to be dne for merohandiae sold and delivered. Tbb'd^nee'^fsb'ibaS ct goodjs ^ e rs nid, npon the .credit ,of, Cbarta 8. Bond <md not iabon tb^'of-tlie ^sfstm&as,’ ... ....... ft.o.jitey/Wg^^.j^Tan^t^i'tiiei^afendant. . ifland n SHJiTlOHio for'tba.pUIi:- . .' and . . ,i ■K.&tsoitniix ej.’OHiftbra c. s<nti) was tbe next.css£.!*j*Ml It.wa& an actio- on a promissoij; noto'fbr’Jil6lj;'', dited June 510, 1874, payabtfttMmikflWHtetfttltfr ‘ ■'■•••■ .ron with iifie; lUiroad F&uer 13. SahnelderqBide.i ....... ..... : . Phillip* Bane I P« .............. ’Switdi,"_anrt “ Saved trpsi t^e Wraol at tbo ... .. ... iwft- hy.^r.. Haay, .weita the mbst dtenatia SKa’ltobsfr' highly SSSbresiEted- and adiriir.-c Sbmetimea it. BW ii’o B M f iim te tfc .S; fflta to s i f t ' § ’6 !(KKS,.pa»tSJr in*a^i-® hoile# wsi'ihe -irbtfc -if m ihoeadi#ryv •HlBi5':iiii|i•Ginmra, H, i i , ‘b'n'TdsHay a ig h t 'def si#fl^s€i'^®*'-&js*".9iOr«>'VrfW.-'Iii'GjIwtt,.th«;1 tiB itop _•* ;'/« I ,%. 8 belWy, tho. :fbi&itare..«ioj(t of E ile ti’Miller. aafi daipsaedIt!»5,stos of. 8 k8 to«r * (^J^hiieaarobtodlo^ia#50,000, ' r^1ffiS‘^iiB^;&iiiool -.'ohiidrenToE ool«.. and bfat&ii,, wlo4ina.up;with % feabl'df oiks and , . ... ...... ‘ : '«! an kjfsmers blojSHiasiijy'tisbt Dointb Mtoassei#.. ..7%eiblodwJe> was « jl niji^pSOTj^hiqtesnwneaoed-.^tt theilSth jsati ined tbtoo flays, driving the ioe. whlch inpned UMs days, driving the ioe. wflioh 11 J,„.,^iWtlAlal5S..}blj>.the,fftt^!sr.ttWwjrboy( egsb^alfeolosinRjitftopi ttet titbo tbtbo pr<:.asbl j^SwR-BWi.iplaeKofiee. s 'Vil'iL-'1«L'7 j.itu «■•!• i — a‘u_-»■ mail streeS- Sunday; , iftfofaot 4M!*«e4« KiCb#«n«iJ MWfxHsrr T».fk, Inskip that.. Bft'tos' or'boUatOTaf' iMmirii., ____ ________ bond^ j ^ o h ’.WBrS’giVefan vat lbs 'foagseat nqtss,.^. §ol« 8 Daii6 l4 .8 g^ssif Bbnd.. . •: -. The jury rendered a verdict iur the iuthihi’ Bobbins and Hartahorne Sif plaLiUffj mjoBs. kiwUoi^'iii. jAiasfldorixHoto* -.-' m'rfrt®b n 'l W ^ t y !!n6 (Sfe^i 'iSfefi f u sa. « l tion biongbt to reebyer the amoiintdtis on Kbond janmonto,-i^ whic^fas «sxbodiefl »' gnas»at« of jayttssat ftpia the. sssignorrJ Tha enii waihronght n()pa' tto ptafaalse witbont « o im ^ ‘tb''piooeea< iijgs- st litw on thop bbfidF:br' fOMdbstftp^tj/' f/m mratgsft®.-;.^, : . . ■• ' :,.. rt;^ ' : --.. Tbe isfanco tot op in,Ui8 phadinmm* that the terM t_,„ ___ JudgeMcLg^y|g»widi^g^, ..... .Several criminal cases were tried,(in.tha:Qourt il XX—— Ol. . « ir-ati-M-Si—t J. ror't:-. :Vv~ tl __... ....--i Buawea.tha biim&wieatt io^-Xm Conn 'tbb^ feril’*BS jsmilfkv&yrmskii. th«3^^d»n^-«f9eglwinf^ olcioteBjM wtafniAl ed'r* th*J .llbb«»'_«f),#i {mwlCc.waiwilittnoe,! Mm. Dawli^,to^U^;tM(%) 6®i*iQfci rasa then, end upost ftntmniM within tit Hi-f M raOOEAMMB. 1. Bown fa tbe Miss© .......... Oeotve Hoey 2. A Novel Care fi^r A nger.; .^.%_.JJ)aubiflry Newsmad .3^ yitKi^us-. i»— ....... .......... JiacaViley 4, Under tbe K eel ..... * ................... ♦..Qeorge Hoey 5; Tho Spelling B ie.'.; .................. NewegAper Skotcn 6. Parody on Excelaior...^ ...... ' * _ 7. Asleep at the Switch... .............J .... George Hoey $, Two Sketcbea ••«— .Nawsoaper 9. ,,8aved frocj.the W reck ..... ............. .George,Hoey a -*— ..o o__j-t °*-»l5e»r - 10. Mark Antony*« Senate Speech............. Sbaketp 11. Jim Wolf and the C ata ....... . \fc...;MarlLXwala 12. Ramon.• r .................. ' . . . . . . -BretllHrte 15. CaldWlUof Springfield Bret 15. Sbarattt O’Brien.-.: Of the pbove,enumerated pieces, *\ ________ and pL__ ___________ ___ _____ ndble. fibip tosking to and fro upon the higt^sea; the ories.and groans and deepest jnguish of those . who dreaded tne'/ota of human*life. Thd laubch. ing out of the: God given, life boat, 4 ts^ buffeting- , -with the.waves, the succ^ssfui rotdrfa with its.hU- man froightag^. The saving, hfafobg othefsj'df 'a darlfng ohild^ ahd at last, tha: rokara of noble'.ef- . forts—a .fortune beque^thefL • Ay^J^flllithS^vfp** sketched with the hand, of a youn£ in&ster, and ' rendered. With a p e rfe c t glowing efiftJOt, which charmed everTbody as by very magio.v - ,, , - ^Asleap at the 8 witcb^^ras likew^se^a splondfd effort^ anoji^nnot hnt^eadmired-whefcver ihtelll- RenVTcopft^y^feavean opp<^Ditvqf Jieamg Mr.’Hoeya ifendition of It w Jim Wolf and.the oats,” add^NqyeiGuxofor Angerv?.odnyulsed tho hOifiei" 5t was just as irr^sbble as to boo Some confident Individual t* step up ”, 'mid fall doyra on" the lay pavemonfc in winterand^et reatrSin^ laugh- ter thereat. Wo could q t help it, aad ao we .didn’t Mr.” Hi>ey _has' a dear,' Btrong,. ringing ''voice, whibhihe uses with capital effect, ad apHhg it nice* .ly to his.pieces. JIls ennnoption is very distinct, ' and modulation^dMono^ indleato^ t.fiftt i$£h£d and a t^ y have done:their share.' r;"> '■ ■♦ i r • And now we, havor abo-qt. donQ, e^ep T tq pi\jn" -tfon that the Hntcrtainfnent' W ^voryr pfaaMntly- — i interspersed with.4niivoiilpftipian<>mnsie^'Tendet#d—~ : sMniffiKin^I’rinoetoa'aoUegB.i ( i;-uu &:• . y^fym^euL’mOitt o f'th e >fooBHii<,ooaId a l l 1 Tia^ Sw]^^*'^a'efiteitynml!nt ais did we.1Per- .snjrtjain\blosiw'te:«K«d:4® hm rtieft;<ringm ta- . UtidrftaJJi?. BMj^Ksd'SfiaS^ him Saobeta ^esbljbneiUy'Afid'jniU y dSsewes. '■ ""■ • V . - ! & £ & m m s & w - t o i *&»* ' 11 t"■ . - ; J * t i », Calico . S*. , .yhef^i^.'.^iiilgneiJ to aha.t.aat;thejg^ha 9er^^ef^^the;yiew,,«{ttl>ejrf^»n^ J S ® S S ^ P f e r ..^ ,,.„ ill femalor MMB

Transcript of Trees, Plants, - · ,n*»^,pt3«2l

a i s w » ? «

', ^9f|55-;,-;vrtv-;;O t r 'B .. S t i A B

progressing, b ^ > i^ .a l6 |^ ja o b n ;K c V .r"

'AmWMiMUnn« « nK K^«‘ihi^- «JAii-;5r^w *: :r;fcTr. l6s f ^ « 8J tew .# $ & ¥

- - * ' ' " ; " - i is -H 6 d m e , ^ u r r E % ii

*\ .:A V a ..m ;*cla bKi *.:> 'fijlX.*: ~ ' ■ ; , ' "Dealer in ' '

. - s'flSE. C D N m sraos! rO BEiaN ANDrDOSEBTrOPKOTla,' .- • ' u . ; T0T8 JtWBEOOiUffi-

•. PHlLADELPHIVifJONPECTIONERT;", , ,^yAW-AygtfiPfe? jr,^ S B U K Y -JfA&K SAW MILL.. ;

• S A S H E S ,m m H :» p 6 r iS ,V ^ ^■-' - Etc.; Etc. '

AHoriet»'fo».Sawffi^'«tt8at1e4^'wfftp»feB<iiiBt'ii4 ; - ffliDsfob*” r '•'' ' ' *■'-'■■''■

tr j i p i t? fcefi i

.iii'-; • v »;* ?-'•'/'* i ffigftfagrtr t* ggfe**wriftfrtet M f¥«W U«*v:& |J.

^ "2 '■'■? ;' -|>;"'11. 1. j-'vJlIJjJflV -i.,1 <i.J ’r</,\i:i ( ■' \ ' .,

^ t r o i f i q ^ j G r ^ ^ Kiwnw q v

: \ ; . •:: 4 r B 3 r T i 'a t , .!;-7.-. :-■:,-.; . / l ig M i,; ui'jin >V<

•^ C iB u e BEWAIL AVBNUB. -; Ncsrthe

l^ILIflAML.'ATk'mSON,' , _PBACTiCAii hobse ; ’m g r ,' boat and so o ir

. . '-.- .......... PAINTEB. . •'. '• . .; ;Funis, Oil#, OSass and Potty for 865s . . Aatnt for :

| N.Y. 8tiAT£'Sfc:RQOETNG 'COj.'.Llmitfed. . HU13BEH ROOFING. ENAMEt PAINTf^itidyjlbf

— — n»e and-warranted aoperior-to^lahnUiwarticles- — , ' in quality;abd*co#t.,r Tested S3*«arf/

coojcM Ag v> * MQyp yr.yABBQBT P4to^y> x .


Horses, Hacks and Light Carriages alwajri xsady. - > . . i at call. 1 .

-, Peweri^ers arriving at the Depot will be conveyedtoaiqr part of the grounds. ,.T. . . . .

SIjtJ U umoj meet ali tndna..»Freigbt.sndJbaggag*delivered at the shortest possible notice.

All 'freight or baggsge. sent to myv care wlllbo. di-’ liyered or properly ^ared for^

............ * G. W. ROGERS, Prop.

R o b e r t t a t Ilo r ,Importer *nd Dealer in

' GLAS3 & QttJEENSWAilE,jW o . 521 O O H H iS B C E I S ^ tX T . ’ -

'Betwesis 5th atad 0& e jiK « S « i and b t A $ i t \ ...; ' ~ 7 - - - > h h .aj}e£ phxa. .

" l § B l [ R f P i R B ^ M B S T M R K « T faA M B B B & X i-ti ATJMOCK, Z to p zse to iz;

i l l klmltcf iiii-ih Metticonrtaotlyfiffibuld.Pars Kow near Park '

e . b ’oamS io l . , . * c .A .itiu o c i. '

W m H S F I H S ^'" RUki 8t7 A»V»ry Park, Ofietti-OtoW tn i-n lln llj, placed in ' *’**_ !. „.*.'■ "„•• ' • -•: ......

FIRST-CL AScTCOMPAKlES, , m'm low nit** ijf ft’-o too«i«taist with u m t ,

Hew KikSttst* wid City; N w Jiw V i’WMjlpSM*"and other- ; "* —r~rr ~ .*- ■

• RELIABLE COMPANIES reraeaentad. '

C D . W A R N E R ,:j l «■" ' ■ ■ ' : ■ ' ;'B it> tai£if:jr.. F R A N k lB ^ M /A R lN E B ,, A»Bn»Ti Pi»iC'AitPi Oo«M(tG«(W j-•QOm ' j. 8 M a 6 ^ « S y iU ii# J l ik ^ m ^ a N d £ k lb


B rio liap , Plaii i l 9 | a | ^ l M e f e r J ,

MANTEtS AMD BAKOE9 BET.: "'■ , ;i_Q.OB*«;B®iOT, Ni . ,, ThUJitOLeMtlfyi tb it SewnatejiSiSKfcKtetts4%*f*w4a nointxtof ’iewini lo sblacy^wii^ipaisWi-,


■ Imfcsj1 ibafyz* '1 V>:ye'u^'ftn(3?',i;ivdrgi?e&tfa c t__latWactlon. I bellovo them tc .bs goS4 iuuLMium mett, y> ' iD ^ aB trJo n e .'an tJ^ v in 'tf$gas, .aim;I take pleMnre io wsoaia®!!!”— 1--------------mtiMilittsir'Hvdttt-

'jIU.J! JfeF JtL D E B . ’

■ ;; nrT ’ j

C^rpeiiteir'^nd '■■ BiiildehJOBBfflG vm ’ TEOIifksiDm'


? - h » r * ‘M ;•.■ r , ; a . v ? i e x x o n ,

Carpenter m> ?'&u d©r/

rT»^<?"!W#• t*?.i .-::Clf'f i<•”<t ) 0 V O r ^ r ^ r \ l

th» xx^ning M»ran[- I .-7t7>\pTTff7w •“ ' j r•

, : > A8BliiRY^I»4ei(V N* J*Ov«rSBg,OOP,Q<?0 Cit^itjtt Hepy*ifaBtita: J

' ' . . . . . : J . !A r B O B D E N ; :2 r ' . “'

Sha^Bg. .aad -itidif f i B a l c o n ;• t t 4 lH»w»\'0*r«r..;r-;--v------1

Dally? W«kl* diOTtbWPspwajprwasv^y-deUy*1 ^. at <£• SbortMS; Hotiw. jSUl^ 'Avsma.r^aW * » f <?;PMk.^ ill, * |iii^» v .ip > W K V jy .; i .

APBTm -nr-gA ^i'E itao^.?,

a n d1 C^tr^JiEor<3yt»E»»;*eA-»>.T«uiini!)'» Prtcw.:

. :XiSlULJStCBHsatTv :'

erroprat'wf s aa Minister to Eagl&ad, Jadgo'TaCt as Attopie;-

%«Siifel,:'S aa£K ftt&c pia&r6&:;id Se«s& iy ofw * .J. ! ' • ^ . :=-■‘- v ' . ; - •;. j * ■ ;

fiarriiit |B ^ ‘.8e«‘afe-% „ ' ‘ -jiigTintion io U;o

txrami^we rofi^Naval A^airanad r^porte . ,

efS^Wl}i ^ i J o f tfts^Sodtbi tn u tw o rtl^> 8 * hose iitjiy ttlpfll:'keep th i

»'i s^ee -lafora!e4 in-r«-® b4, to .j^ j^gninew s.,...Itrlfi/ ; th ■: OoiQU]itibf- U. I?0Tfl!gn Af-Udn, la 'A f# i«pot%' wsSS:ssatK»iEpt!Ssi.i«.,«® raialy a». - lisr-allowing.ths use ofiija

,n*»^,pt3«2l<sla!^p*wiiJ<fc Jwf. tba/pntpose of ,pxo- stockapecolafioB

^ A ^ p g ^ f o ’ ^ n t i p i i r r ^ a ^ r t o ' t t v ’Hansw JMto'li-, xns oho by Mi._ Hawionbet^b, of Now ^aigsy, fe» abandon Elliv- Tslano off Oci^Gmor.:

ill Tolk iatbof, as ths site of s po^- deraiigaSitra:- j jt h a j-^ e n oalShlatad that if Hip as*ga»ifl8 kbiittldTja i t ra o t by IfghtDing, the shock ^oai^dcs^rop' Jaj',:-r City and-Hbbofcr:!!, while all ,tt'4*|tf8p<8ty’iA Ne??' Tork, £r6a! tb<i TBgtteiy :to Oan^latwat, aotddba m ote, o s | « t injorad. Tha reaololioniraii Mfmrad to {he Committee bn Pnb- iio Bonding?^an^ Oroimds, wbioh has b'jyn i rgeii & ripirii wiihonttdetay qb iU ) subjeot. '

m m M iB EE^LE’fl .lJnC*T. EXPRHSR.'-yr>ight inJBi

g*4i 6f "*ll klad«,'FaniiUir*;Kic.; ittlivcrad to * __ . ... WDOlttte ■ '• i * .• ’j r ■*. " ' ■■- t • ' 1' A^stSnrt'J****': *2pe,«'«»f. wa.6al.)»*» ;1b,Halite• A fttrjtb^ .T ^^ejp^ fn^w a.a^^aro-m tayiiw imas t o thttt a majority of tl

W, ■ i.. • , v -b rd tn Uft'altb« po,t;Mdi«t_J^a*™ , t w ^ M ^'?rS ;‘BEEQW f

C 5 N T B A G T 0 R A N D B U IL D E R ,'■- I j r # r K ^ i '^ t» >'iiee*:if4 o Eab»iM, -

q o e a n i -m , j .

tk v mZm ikZF& i 1•n. t uxj i i . B. L*. il. ..

Oeiiti C»ror«i O»iii |t» g r«n»-?E»»4 PMlayiu ■

aw xskiju tsii-- w n r n £ * a m x a !& -**B ti3n!is& '6 ti':,!

. . . jUtjifActlon^raKLoaiiodiaioMnkt.-

=, , . , , , ^ , . - , . .a A B im T : i i& K E R , v p n o w w m m i

.. .•■•v.-i I.-.A i ' t i l ■-' i I'M, 4 .■■• W ,M -v I ■I v C!4j5»«e, «6^.|;USsw4i;;iCSasttri%-j®stis»jSift®.s aa

du^tea-wp^i^.yr - awjanoijL ^ ■ y _.. .,

bt^ldln^ aedyrelICs^n 'fSd- ii.. . ,

onrtty e u r;.v - *■'r; "■'■ * ■

'A ^ oapitei ail 1

B £?W ofiiSB i

i i n .-crl-!' - - T ' ,}’ v ....... ., lr. . . .k w i .te 1, . . .» ? £ '^ ’TTtI>Recein«Tpiaift .Dairies i^t* ‘

- HACTf-wir^twitbt«fflpyatt«otlon.

..** *■ •• ' •■: ■; ^ r ..jr. i ? *>v,s I . " . . -------»-V,-

FCm.7;gl ; BlUwbTil. telSLMfMg^ <w.irn»-

j p l i i f 6n’S^ji'alSiiK'acB.' ■) j:iiy£ -} ,$e,:. i::x t T ■ iPCa .*! ri . - '^11 . .' i . ’ .-'." .".--- -^- ' •. J : . 1

> ftN M tavalii__) ; 0 i cftfbi1

K*lS A(T‘ |i i Ji ,s a ‘‘'■s ■ ' *’

:*®i tfcfsali Br'SdbfciSa^ iiibhfc, abifctmiiderably

MiCileaiJe^of Ha#’ydr&‘("qn bshalf of ’tiia n it ttoiity.of tB9,0gnunittee. on Tanitoriss, haa aulj- ja»lt«4 isKssn iii. opposition id tha Sod-ite.bln-wfaioh proTidsI for the admission-of Has' ,

St» )j>^oiid:dTObtp{ixat tba:'T«rrii- toiqr. <S>»jio i.p<>SM« ^hp resoj^ti: riamber of itf

to esiltta it to :admiraio)i*; that duringT- jT=T r^T:rig£:

i ' I S r g D ' p b b p l a ara igno rant serfa, flntirely controlTfi'd by a., few designing man. Itia a Qorpris© to every sensible and bonest man here tbat a majority of the Oommittee on“ - - - - 1 , ^{g

The. ze|>eUion in Mexioo Is asaaa ing alarming prp^oytions. « _;; Cardfoial Anloaelli is^acrioualy ill at Borne. He l».p?«rWTenty. • , '.

18 III -I I t l - Of M i l e 18 8 » : r ~—R-£r^ttmo«ed-that^pain negotiating for a largor» -•« *tz L" JirA a j a —“ --■» io«n some English honae*.; ” -

A an gar warehouse atGreenobt, Scotland, witl) 2,000»tona a t ang^i wi*deslroyed by flre Monday*,

.pspaixig^loM ofp^dpO . t

. ^ d ’ j^ental . oondillon of tho -Soltan o f Turkey&jiti8f» grave apprehanaitftxa. Ho ia bubjeot to dela-

jSion^ j^ftMfalg! that -he will be bnrnfed alive ot

■i ia iB ip n ^ sss iftiEdatoI, England^h> P -: ^av&b*oii 'k'eftf.X)yed.' Tb i ktest re-

po^a'^Thnradij) ir v 'ha t tl.u 3api~ sus spreading,fc^^l^.ipM^Bgadio jwwMSisa; . '___^^Ujtmidftritbod^that tbe GbTenimeiit will ask

^ ^ ^ & ^ f ^ ^ r t h e i ^ l ^ ^ n d e d | and aa Baron

.. A fraitie bouse atjbe.cdiTrai^of^^oTi 'avenue arid LiviDgaton) 0t; - Newark, w&s'j Woently*: carried

in i

Bgfiom.'iaireei;. v* ewarx, w.aai1 reoenuy- carnea ^.ptec^meal, 'it ia aapposed,.by boys reaidmg


■: Specif. watchmdri have been placed by the Penn syWanlaj Railroad Company xm the trestle w6rk from'MdnnfvPJeasant to .liaiiiiinua Cove, to pre­vent-peions ddznmltting deprddatlbns.

Thjtailne o f .Mr.,;Johnson,> vioUm o! -the rd* cenfpowffer mill explosion ^near Drakesyilley.Jiaa been farad in' tbe .woods a conslderiabfe‘distance from tho\ mill, with part of his coat clinging toit. . ...*"■ •

The IJ iion. Oopnty Board-of .Er^eholdera at- iElizabeth fixed the tax1 for the present year at $160,000 or $20,006 -loss than las t year.. They

ved to reissue $45,000 of bonds falling

While Predariok' Luiainger, Sged sixteen years, waa feeding a machine in the IJnion Hill sUkmills. Monday Jvening, tho box 6n which be Was stand-* ing aodqentaJly upset, and threw him Id to ttie. machinery. The flesh, was stripped from bothle^v and one of his arms was brofeoh many times. He canno^live. *

^^e-W yilVfl1 me~6titi^ h6ld ;by the; Bev. El P. Haxtmond, at Vineland, are increasing in int^grest Last Sunday a large meetmj^ wfla heladnlthe 6pen air f8r^**imconvdrtod peopled .and in the evening the Be p. Mr. Banddrs ebdreh was packed'with ‘‘professed ”- onea The ifev; Mr; Hamrfiond is as«Btedby Prof. WJ-W. 3eutley and the . pastors of V inelancL^?

.. On3Iondayr Jersey. Oity .was Kiven. over to tho children, who celebrated their May Sunday-school

^ann^rttear^. All tbe scholars,of the various Suri- .rfay-schoola rendczvoosed-on. Jersey avenue, near O^apjil^on fe^rk, from whence they proceeded the; .length of tJbe avenue., Most of tbe children were

vdry frMj^ whUe^aq^OTery^one of them^^ r ie ^ p ■

dj^Bsed in a Continental. stiifc.aaC^ lUUe_girl in Qhak'er costump. Thb line Of thy parade was gaily decorated -with bunting, soms'of whioh extended from one side of (be street-to the other. Mottoes w<Jje; displayed in w i^ o wb .and.flowe^~were. freely 'distributed*- ............ ‘ ‘

T_ .'.A3itmportanl^nieetuig-of>>the-Stato-priaQn.^oiS- dais was held a t -Trenton - on Monday.- The last

' ^ c ls la tn r« appomfied; or pe w o f u%p^t<i|s~ ufider'a new law.... Doubts were entertained' as totheir powers. An opinion*was given bvthe Attor- ‘ney-Genefal'to th^effect that the now Board could ‘.prOcsed and gov6rii'the prison udder the new law. The Inspectors then organized byjffig gppqlpfipBnfc of the folio wing officers: Comptroller, A. L.

^Btinyon j’President, HeUry 1^ Qntler/of assaio: ^Secretary, Theodore Horn, of . Essex, and Samuel JC Lippencofcs, ot bolem, were chosen Anting In* Bpectors; Robert B. Bqnnpr 4wai unanimously elected Clerk" of the Prison, abd Dr. W. W. L. PHillips was unanimously elected Physician.

0 B ^ E 1 U L N E W ’S- . .Cindhnaii.tdll be ffie'place of the neri.Gnnftral

Ccngtferetioe of the M. H Chur oh. ,rTJp to the U d inst., only seven pickpockets had

been arreated and 'oonvioted at the Uxhlbitfon. vjring visitors to the ISchfT admissions on Saturday

imuie^iatedlicharp^.; 1

,Ki4 g ^ ^ lm y r ts r io u i pbisoniflg has oc^urrtii in sBn^and^whicK1 p W s e j j^ videnoQ thaip ^ in te r—"

, ?*A. Bteady increase 0 bltion is claimed. Ci last, 18,182.:

^oi^jve hundred liqtlhr dealer? Wdre arrested in rjfew York last Bxtaday for violating the law in :&eUiugUq^oronSunday. ,. /

FMiyrdlfflbulty ~ JT e» » ia • ge ttin^q iitf,'dangerous- bn flocpunt: of highwajmen. j^Noariy ;;^very mail brings an account of aomo f resh out^

tsyjjiufaaitt.: rendered jt,

^fomeperabn pptom i}'’! Jfediitls.only ate* a delal tha t!tt# :ilftir;fe notioed in any tjf

the Londcaj& sen;/ j t f qnMhi’aa rictim is sajd to

M ^ fM ^ iin M iid iiig f to the ,tt 1 «-?aJp!s* p ra a t!^ ;:»^rts|B taii-« 9.:o f i l l.

jtijS ij* ’ • , ■«.;». I $ i i i . »

4<S». •4Hs*,(38a«r»:'--!rh8 Q oif#nnsai js s S ^ . M ^ ^ t e j j W a » > > f e t ^ ^ n V U d “bton6<t

A terribfe e^li^on^oooaraad.lgst ^nnfl»y in thi co» , OlleaterQeld ooatity,' Yir-

i^Bia, taasdtifi^toffiS'yiiiBgiof'^fe tftlwa,;. s'ld fliikS9Tai»iHjnrys»f tjro wore.' \ - »rifisay ef tho^large ^miiloyliig estabtishinsnts is f;li31^Sp¥»rlwyS'iniMe »<-?ajg«s> giVe iheifc

.j; 0 i ;i tha Exhil)lfKm—some of ilmm'tm ynmfit[disfMdg^iagi>& •

[" .jl^e^oim B ^i^^andajr night was.Tary jwreare in ttio tToigbborbooil bf Slorriijtuwn, K. J ., snd iafeo

- Haiistooto enbwgiKM Thai' BoTrdam ;^ilaus0.. > * jii, ifori ^foF-.^iHrt£nado, by iv '^ r .L-, Bnnaoas "tS Jshmss

waa-bpaBd on ^noidM nigbt, with SinlthWSE-BEi! sssfgoed by biiri to D i / M k t i .J< — *■—“ »- ■*» *a» .... *.• . . . . . . «• «

^pKj&diSn 0iwrt.: 'b V 4 ^ . ’|Cpfin:^ih!

■ HA>'-

ttatoTOy*ito***a i w s s i j t / -

4sftpi iSJtS^SiSii: '

s f $ ^ q W r s ^ e ? i ^ f d i.and weJeam

hertteiidA o o p ^ tu U ticacd wlsh I

^d .su n w C u ^T r^d m h g etand> and ___

*W».itayii-no' daobtrf'tti&Yw/j’B

- *!>■'•’ iff -ix v s u M .T f iU - i i iSm utSJ'i'

■ * v • i - S ’ ’ *'

' M O N ^ ^ T ^ ' ^ S f y « 0 U R T S . ^, '

.......................:*s*eli#a ftofdimiaJ

M S M W ^tew aj•>«! oiuHmisi01 .-n yR " tfh -

^ffi^e«aaEabSe,^nd^8ifetmM'Wstrilttnehiiis'i.;T: ladjf 'W, f iS : ’'

urftted; aiiijya. htire n p t heard .whethdr- V°|^di^2t got bL*('tbiifj cent' or not.". ■ S4ffl«® -f ’ o-say that'the jsix4Mnltled;.bii!B' bf aa-

lily ii .' llb«ilT£l S, indsbtwlirbd'ic&dlly « .accountd, and'Bottto ohey 6T i in the wraai

^neh4^dcthj *— *

- ■ 4®^.. „ 'cur tklregard to nilsdemekn'orfl, Judge BanadSr Hin Wd the evidence atid,therefore, the aocountfl_baojC of .this time could not' be examined^ The State' Qlafxn d misappropria­tion, chargihg that tbp dgfelidant ooDeor&a money on the duplicate of taxes for 1874, and applied the ; same ih pa vw an tr of ^ebtt jitidj iUf 1870 rwhen thJa money coliectedion JiierdfUplicate o f ve^dh^year should be applied to payment of tih debtaoi tbait year. ‘ > j ; ‘ ■ : ? ; *.v " . |

The-def^ncq fiet up ,that?thev„ had .proper disbursements of mohey. a n i l indeed, ; bad ., dirf- bUrs^d 'all the’money they* Wgr^ch'Eigecf wRti eni- betolin^ a id more, and l ^ done it pro^erly.and

The. jn ^ Jetired:Thurtday< afternoon ’and re­turned a verdict of notrgnlity. •

Prosecutor; and-Jolra B; Applog td for the St$te ; Haight, Allen and Trafford fof the -defemdant;

. f r^VoTvo3 li.v"C lrcnit Court,

, _. .. „ BxaSjr > - •was the h e it csromovedr’’ ‘

This wa^ an-, aotion for:trespaas.brought to de­termine title: to a small .piece oT’Uin in Atlantic township. * The; pl^t{f^^’,aH'gratletiianv; of color, testified that ths defcndaiii u&d' pib w' d7' up his Und to w hioh-M r^B ^ b U i m '4 'd ; ' • ,

The jury rendered-a7ve^Jlcfi for the plalfatfffi1 ear sessihg the damsgea al j lOO? St^ii-fBr plaintiff ; Allen'for defendant. ;*■•/', * {' * ' *

DAVID r. MOBTOK «J.‘UtTttfOBn^t1 KtilfBlir. “Tbe above case w&a moved on Friday and aooh,

oonolndsd. I t w fl^Js^^tJonjTU ndajtocfhl^ Lien, brought to 'reoovdr fbr mason's wotk, Jto defence appeasing, th a jnrynretumml a verdict of $48 for thp plain HAT, Steen for the plaintiff. - wm.> . wiijSON^ci. aOT^*OBn jt,>nAm>nf. .

This waj,' ju n jjr 'Mephanics’ Xi6n, .^" rtoover carpenter’s wages, /The j uryr rendpr^d. a verdict oft $ I12 for the plamtiff. SjeOU %'the;plaintiff. •

aefcot. cod|xanr toc.ino “Bale of Ja\j& I t 'a p p e ^ d ;U is i . t^ e V ^ * S a s ‘«graed ■ to iradA>!«!^ji"jtaws;' OiViSna.e o tih a d a -

feodsnt tb lr[o '.npfb 'h ia odntraot, fbo plaintiff m & taiced ootiiin -i^msge 'from th«‘f c t - o f l t e patting »rt® is wosk-ott- th ^ property fbMrbioJx h e had traced. — .&-.

fc ba adiv<sr^;iillbotb rt?perti^'WQro ,r : - ; ■' r

a3®mg-.^«>a«m»'8®‘at #}M ;„..JudgeJleWbira-fer tha flainiiif. Koliart'AHea,

Jr4 fe?th'e'dyai!id»at ' J- - - - - roinry;-TiygTO»i-g. " ■ »•waa morcd on Batadsy,-' If%tt8‘'8aiiati’6J!. 'iA t, promissory ppto;for Sijjfl, dated April, io, 1883,' pr.yablo onti ;tJaTa8«ti'd4tb.' ' Defendant &iied to appesar BndthsjsUy.raiiSereftfcwiididS'ibsiiSS 60, interest fcwis«g'4»ii{jpaid to--ApiB;ie,<187S;_ E. W. Arro-vanitb fsr.plaioU^f.:;

- ' i L i i > in ,i:-’I’M sM Si u M iiniirn - - .•am st* t* m. j a w a^iuTEnBws . Ajri)- ro sira t,^ -«•”

; l . - l : :C l: , ; Swfl$n^xttoqv6dJ.j T lt^ 4 e £ ^ ^ t9 jw ^ (g x v g ^ e d ; .-*•;•on ;two iodiefments- for,:IaTceny^ th0 ‘,8116g in('being, that they1'stole 6otheb6d’pfl.tolmstma9^(l^l'U.iri ♦Vrt aWbvwo; !nf k iiMtinla rif ifltMai?/ Ivt'iVTAntn'4ri-iS;th8 ittape of'® odiiple dffe;fcs®''itf'HWre!l tosranbip. The «Yiiiet<J'4':waa oertremely?otaram- ttautJa) and.tbejlsfiodanta yrafe aaqnlttad. ‘ Pros?- . W t^ rfo r S}ttl5s..^^.elijio|;.dei^ii4k!iti

/■. ~ r r / . vTTTr j i . r . s i : '*, M r. G «osg« H o p y ■.... Sh^nn'a ;Hil|rSreohbldj i>etar .hsW. (t.niore w-

BnjBi'andi»io», than qa;.:^b‘o'i nu ifiridsy aJgbtof ■lari? week, to ba entertained'b f ‘ a&L QedrgeJHdey .of .JN eve *oik, pea of-.the widely kaown,; l i r / l John Koejfr ot lioag Btanisb,. ap'd Biitb.’ Av.oboe^lTew

Tfcs earning-,was anncttinoidI-to bs day6ted vto “ dramatio and fcamoroaa. redtatlone,"' ,'bst . it teeioed'.tb as iM t inost'of'lfr,' lltwy 'i pwU&a& acit4 rai’seTtiJnD.aiijreiy^wii^iand ^“ b.oBapjH- 'ipt&agtW own cbaraoterlBtibs,; was jjm m iM in «uoh; tJfMi b b te^ 'an^ striking 'csaniaart tiiit fce t\ztztr.e d ttfbotriiniifcmKl 'into i r _ e y ^ .-w « s « u » ^ faaob'ficdy imragiitftiajie, wbere'we coSW-noFfant bs highly' ikfesmisS1 i - Wu5aho!4 every, digbt^st tarn. to;ior{tq!9,j ino^an*;

"Wtcbing ■ tbv si^noIest^WiteJMBfiS1!-wishing we oould ronso him from hia torooVthat •am igtit 'r e r ' tbe-imp«cding. wuaok 'of. ctto .vid 'Umh | KCr’ aksla at : ery a 11 max rojoioing,' thatin s te ^ ’of iastaal daaibasddeatmotion,'i!«(BWitob- iend. waa Jaflalgissg in but a dream. ; <

del&eatioss, 6bamoieris»J m waa each'tpy'Tntens:® .eames&ess, we followed ■ with b m u ila rr aGiiaty and' bigtogt kiton!nt,rmtil,;vie oonld.^va.yont In onr b'fOTFfobsed Jb^Sags b f a "

‘Beiriy ‘fraist ■ bf ■' applanaa, i-SttsSs as1' made thb "JQbQ pit; to dome;, and gboh« w*l-oome reception janjt havo indeed enoonraged onr " worthy' entertalnbr,' sSUoted ‘as • he1 was’with'tfoold.'ar.i.1 aBVere bfiidachc, , .

- Wci-Hoef;is npt-obly a yonngmaster deUn*atorr til lSe'dreina>icpj6,fctp»i!a»?3s^taia'M'IlKwS3 ability; • He has ff blgh.ocAtosptiOn.of feonr-io-Write*' whii.. viil 1‘ tjfe ,” 4.5i B<i0njs to % 3 te kcw~its - pieasW ihe pepiiw ingfe."' ' A s poitTayals. are ti t ld ,

'-»ifldng,-W8l>5y «*iiting.:«P.d ,«jnbwwe;«toy.&*• mants ot roe.s sanfis. Ha ii, besides, a jtesin g iy writer. ~*i t swoviiiv m aflaioon—

ink. I"oioe -laxme 1 of hrimiiress pie go and jn jl ibbnfr. hb irto pres.stit them,' so aa to ' . Ioonya!s0..hi3 andienoa witt. irreaistible; Isaghter.I f ihe JoCBWaff issdara eonitt hear hiss fitldar i"Mark:-Twain's “ Jim Wolf ibij thisGkss/’ -m-ex- ' ,

rama *M r.l iy'B.prograosojs was a hard one, nd yet

sesstublf iimrspened iHth the' sciiiiib bod senb- eosiio.* We/donbt if there stasSs anbthei man

who ,oool^ 4aka .......— tlfivSi® . Th tp ffaribi overypiootj.

Tbs loi^owing^embr&oes tbe satire programme, some!«f whioh w» will orifioise ;

Thi • wm MJotbeRaoUon; onr* drteS May lO, 1875,. for,.$96S..

imissdrynote,' payabia tbri'-j

months; after data j ^Appearing,'’* j n ^rendete4 Jcr .t . for. ®l,086;B9i‘ -^m.- H; &or- man for plaintslK

Tbo nbo f j essis s^aiOTert.bnJMondisf.- 'I t 'm s he' aofioabrsnght on aboak- acoor/ot to: recorer }289 olaimod to be dne for merohandiae sold and delivered. Tbb'd^nee'^fsb'ibaS ct goodjs ^ers n id , npon the .credit ,of, C barta 8 . Bond <md not iabon tb^'of-tlie sfstm&as,’ ... .......

f t.o .jitey /W g^^ .j^T a n ^ t^ i 't i ie i^ a fendant.. ifland n SHJiTlOHio for'tba.pUIi:- . .'and . . ,i

■K.&tsoitniix ej.’OHiftbra c . s<nti)was tbe next.css£.!*j*Ml It.wa& an actio- on a promissoij; noto'fbr’Jil6lj;'', dited June 510, 1874, p ay ab tf ttM m ik flW H te tfttltfr ‘ ■'■•••■

.ron with iifie; lUiroad


13. SahnelderqBide. i ......... . . . : .Phillip*B a n e

I P« ..............’Switdi,"_anrt “ Saved trpsi t^e Wraol

at tbo... .. ... iw f t-hy.^r.. Haay, .weita the mbst dtenatia SKa’ltobsfr ' highly SSSbresiEted- and adiriir.-c Sbmetimea it.

BWii’oB M fiim te tfc .S; fflta tosi f t '§ ’6!(KKS,.pa»tSJr i n * a ^ i -® h o i le # w si'ihe -irbtfc -if m ihoeadi#ryv

•HlBi5':iiii|i •Ginmra, H, i i , ‘ b'n'TdsHay a ig h t 'def si#fl^s€i'^®*'-&js*".9iOr«>'VrfW.-'Iii'GjIwtt,.th«;1tiB itop _•* ; ' / « I ,%.8belWy, tho. :fbi&itare..«ioj(t of

E i l e t i ’Miller. aafi daipsaedIt!»5,stos of. 8k8to«r * (^ J ^ h iie a a ro b to d lo ^ ia #50,000, ' ■

r^1ffiS‘^iiB^;&iiiool -.'ohiidrenToEool«..

and bfat&ii,, wlo4ina.up;with % feabl'df oiks and ,. ... ......‘ :'«! an kjfsmers blojSH iasiijy 'tisbt

Dointb Mtoassei#.. ..7%eiblodwJe> was « jl niji^pSOTj^hiqtesnwneaoed-.^tt theilSth jsati

ined tbtoo flays, driving the ioe. whlchinpned UMs days, driving the ioe. wflioh 11 J,„.,^iWtlAlal5S..}blj>.the,fftt^!sr.ttWwjrboy( egsb^alfeolosinRjitftopi t te t titbo tbtbo pr<:.asbl

j^SwR-BWi.iplaeKofiee.s 'Vil'iL-'1«L'7 j.itu «■•!• i —a‘u_-»■ mail

streeS- Sunday;

, iftfo fao t

4 M !* « e 4 «KiCb#«n«iJ M W fxH srr T».fk, Inskip

th a t..Bft'tos' or'boUatOTaf' iMmirii., ____________bond^ j ^ o h ’.WBrS’giVefan vat lbs 'foagseat n q tss ,.^ . §ol«8Daii6l4.8g^ssif Bbnd.. . •: -.

The jury rendered a verdict iu r theiu th ih i’ Bobbins and Hartahorne Sif plaLiUffj

mjoBs. kiwUoi^'iii. jAiasfldorixHoto* -.-'m'rfrt® b n 'lW ^ ty !!n6(Sfe^i 'iSfefi f u sa. « l

tion biongbt to reebyer the amoiintdtis on Kbond

janmonto,-i^ whic^fas «sxbodiefl »' gnas»at« of jayttssat ftpia the. sssignorrJ Tha enii waihronght n()pa' tto ptafaalse witbont « o im ^ ‘tb''piooeea< iijgs- st litw on thop bbfidF:br' fOMdbstftp^tj/' f/m mratgsft®.-;.^, : . . ■ •' : , . . r t ; ^ ' : --..

Tbe isfanco tot op in,Ui8 phadinmm* that the

te rM t_ ,„ ___

JudgeMcLg^ y |g » w id i^ g ^ , ......Several criminal cases were tried,(in.tha:Qourtil XX—— Ol. . « ■ ir-ati-M-Si—t J.

ror't:-. :Vv~ tl__... ....--i — —Buawea.tha b iim & w iea tt io^-Xm Conn 'tbb^

feril’*BSjsmilfkv&«3^^d»n^-«f9eglwinf^ olcioteBjM wtafniAl ed'r* th*J .llbb«»'_«f),#i {mwlCc.waiwilittnoe,! Mm. D aw li^,to^U ^;tM (% )6®i*iQfci ’ rasa then, end upost ftntmniM within t i t

■ Hi-fM

raOOEAMMB.1. Bown fa tbe Miss© .......... Oeotve Hoey2. A Novel Care fi r Anger.; . .%_.JJ)aubiflry Newsmad.3 yitKi^us-. i»— ....... .— . . . . . . . . . JiacaViley4, Under tbe K eel.....* ...................♦..Qeorge Hoey5; Tho Spelling B ie .'.;.................. NewegAper Skotcn6. Parody on E x c e la io r...^ ...... ' * _7. Asleep at the Sw itch................J . . . . George Hoey$, Two Sketcbea • •«— .Nawsoaper9. ,,8aved frocj.the W re ck ... .. ............. .George,Hoey„ a-*— . .o—o__j-t °*-»l5e»r -10. Mark Antony*« Senate Speech............. Sbaketp

11. Jim Wolf and the C a ta . . . . . . . . \ fc...;M arlLXwala12. Ramon.• r.................. ' . . . . . .-BretllHrte

15. CaldWlUof Springfield Bret15. Sbarattt O’Brien.-.:

Of the pbove,enumerated pieces, *\

________ and pL__ ___________ ___ _____ndble. fibip tosking to a n d fro upon th e higt^sea; the ories.and groans and deepest jn g u ish o f those . who dreaded tne'/ota of human*life. Thd laubch. ing o u t of the: God given, life boat, 4 ts^ buffeting- , -with the.waves, the succ^ssfui rotdrfa w ith its.hU- m an froightag^. The saving, hfafobg o thefsj'd f 'a darlfng ohild^ ahd a t last, tha: rokara o f noble'.ef- . forts—a .fortune beque^thefL • Ay^J^flllithS^vfp** sketched with the hand , of a youn£ in&ster, and ' rendered . With a p e r f e c t glowing efiftJOt, which charmed everTbody as by very magio.v - , , ,- ^Asleap a t the 8 w itcb^^ras likew^se^a splondfd

effort^ anoji^nnot hnt^eadm ired-w hefcver ihtelll- R enV T copft^y^feavean o p p < ^ D itv q f J ie a m g Mr.’ H oeya ifendition of I t w Jim W olf and .the oats,” a d d ^ N q y e iG u x o fo r Angerv?.odnyulsed tho hOifiei" 5t was ju s t as i r r ^ s b b le as to boo Some confident Individual t* s tep up ”, 'mid fall doyra on" the lay pavemonfc in w in te ra n d ^ e t reatrSin^ laugh­te r thereat. Wo could q t h e lp i t , aad a o we .didn’t

Mr.” Hi>ey _ has' a d e a r , ' Btrong,. ringing ''voice, whibhihe uses with capital effect, ad apHhg i t nice*.ly to his.pieces. JIls ennnoption is very distinct, ' and modulation^dMono^ indleato^ t.fiftt i$£h£dand a t^ y have done:their share .' r;"> '■ ■ ♦ • i r • And now we, havor abo-qt. donQ, e^epTtq pi\jn" -tfon that the Hntcrtainfnent' W^voryr pfaaMntly - — i interspersed with.4niivoiilpftipian<>mnsie 'Tendet#d—~

:sMniffiKin^I’rinoetoa'aoUegB.i ( i;-uu &:• .

y ^ fy m ^ e u L ’m O itt of'the >fooBHii<,ooaId a ll1 Tia^ Sw]^^*'^a'efiteitynml!nt ais did we.1 Per- . s n j r t j a i n \ b l o s i w ' t e : « K « d : 4 ® h m r t i e f t ; < r i n g m t a -. UtidrftaJJi?. BMj^Ksd'SfiaS^ him Saobeta

^ e s b l j b n e i U y ' A f i d ' j n i U y d S s e w e s . '■ " " ■ • V . -

! & £ & m m s & w - t o i *& »* '

11t " ■ . - ;

J * t i », C a lic o . S*. ,

.yhef^i^.'.^iiilgneiJ to aha.t.aat;thejg^ha 9 e r^ ^ e f^ ^ th e ;y ie w ,,« { ttl> e jr f^ » n ^

J S ® S S ^ P f e r . . ^ , , . „

ill femalor


s p s i f p s WMtBiWBiSfSw&SS

A S B U R Y P ^ ^ K J t O T J i l A L i -

SMGCKjfr SUtHAWONL l i . - ^ W r ^ K :- VfeT SABAH 6. jBW&nV

;v O € E |f t * I ^ p I C A M P ^ I E E T I _7 ."• a;•;'' ••". • / ^/Lra ^ o - ^ l ^ i a i i i a : : i i i o ■ t ^ ^ p i ' a o e a * ^

T i ' t - ,jir?r-H.0 Htf C3- S lS S i.liT t =3: isTHJfW* J JL IB SS&T ’ '

• i‘ : **‘- '.'. ", "*' . ;-• ,' i-. > • ■ " *TJ)," — ,.. ^NOTBTf HOM-BJ8HOPSIMFSON;r’- i r ------

It gives, m e g i^ .p le a s n re tQ 'S ^ grounds of ibe Ocean - Grove Capp^me'eUng,;‘them adimi^bly,ftdadMdtfqr,I^lBhlngV0flnfeUan"fftnilUe8;a'.8ea:Bide,,WMHw the nudat

'jXJOar-esl&^M^redd^^^ Jat•rap 'f(>m•. miiea‘from AibtnrMd6i^fliihewpHcaHpn'for>poit^ce, aa f o | l o ^ < ^ ^ ; ' ^ - > i ' t l ?fy€!li 8M»lfiQ dRc9fe wkA>$iin«»iar^74xU0t tlkuix&6rpresort, ' ohly. two dr 'ihreelxoare old;- some si*. ©rpwvep, mllw (fromXoiig.BrMchA^af?e^7It haano risOme*125hQUBOB, andtb^numbet-iB-raplclly increasing,j-Tap^^fceewnjr/. tho 'T B quest.J?6pt,Offlce siomdJ>e £6niedr;M*;-v . 'r>r AiiguBt 4t^l874f-(i.;'r. { V V . UvS»iGRA^r«trl,.. ; ■v * * T l i o • •• • • ^ ^ .,*..•.;.& \\y \V > V $ » ^ v , •: ‘’.Or^^oiirhrad^Wttfi^fa'aiW-b^n^iiiitfitiAabniy JParklan’dfdcejm' Qrore!.withlhi/otir^ea«/oo8tiDig.over Five HuiidrcdFhouiaHdwottdfc^ 5 " ;\ ;' - , ";■ • \- ;•' '*..}:* • -.'; ’'• >• .•'• ••<',' . ii*>-1,..' Aiftnrjr: Parltfronts1 directly: OP 'the ' O^ah^ / lt ' dotsnot front - on a? bay»or6onnd,v or/ritcr, bht on the;broad - - Atlantic, fltretcnfoff aw*yffof thousandsoif;igiM^;.f^v.:- ± - < .TK/frV?:.' /• • -C>- ? ^ 1^VAabaiy'f^rk-waa•,daaetoed' ln lBBy,at $l&’000j^b& aaae&stoerit for' t&75 waA;$a50,000.?^,; • n . , •*-.

T R y P l R K ,

D ealer? In triL‘)rin&.1■ - • i ^ ; . a j ^ , l i a A B i f a r r •

p o r S E S P O B R E N T , ■_ ^ f - ' 0 ; : i: 1 _ J ; F O R - ^ M T ; * : ^ ; ; ;

,“ ProspectCottage,” » d _ a o o n s i

At Ocean B'ea^h, N. JA p ily ^ " — -s^r*“-- -B* C A R ^ A B ^

dtntJJT Beach, N, J.y April, 1876. < v Snp’t.


BVILIimS UATEBUL,tt> , Lbt, Utt, M ^ 'C a it, Ew,t>

■' ••: “; . . i '.r ri » * j j ’ ' V’-f1 ‘p ,A: V;-’:* ■ -. ,-«■ ,

- ‘■• 11 kbida of Lnm bo^on^ntly^ jn'tbe yard. / j . ' :-‘

’Hemlock, SjEifee ^ , White Pine Tlmber.

Wholeflale and BetaU^^p ftlerinQj-jj

‘ Of^be WBtvquality, of .contrdctB takU for rtfbft-.',:/ .- * complete/ • . .y ‘ * •■'■ -

Every article in onr ‘‘linajclfellvered >dtb 'dispatch, at tbe lowest jKw lble prioea^ , ^ r :.-: rV> V 'v •..

^Pie^Tea^eaiting til -erect Cottages will not do them-' aelyea joatice nnfitt thay' a call.. •. 'J.V- % V ,

f t i f i r i E t ^ S l & C K V ^ N E I i S b S 'E ^ B U b H A S p M . : Jahoj^bt 24, I87U. ■ ... ‘ ...L'c,; . • • ,• .

. IMsottctaren a a Deslers In ..-••?

Oa i o & Heiidoc!k;Tmi'ber,. B ^ S r d S i ■■’ . '.;,.„:i- '• ■

p f a n f y . .•••S i m n g t .

• . ■ L a t h , '_m ..’ , S h i n n i e s ,

B . A t L E N & ' 8 (' ■ t N e w B t b r e .o ^ r o p p n i )

- i i - . ' ~ d 5 a £ b S r i K f ' r r rW OBtCRE SEA U BROW

• • . Dc^Ieri'-; .til of • NDVA1


J C H E W lIia AWjD SKOK1KG ' \

T O B A O G O , ' ■ • -f — •'. - P I -P B S ,

- ■ . ANI> ■!,■ ' . A-m w [A. ■a? x o isroo Bt a t .

. M A I N S T B E E i ,:ABBCKT-PikBK,' ' : :NEW .mfiSKT.,

1)7M. MWONi CO., Wholesale Grocers,

DOLTOJsr'S B L O C K , '■’ T i f c E S i j o i r i j i r . X :

P. E KENNED¥&SpN C i v i l I J n g i s e B r s . & S t r m y o r s ,


. _ i . c J k e n n e d t ,

Master in Chancery,AND

NOTARY PUBLIC,OfflM In P u t Hall. A SBU R Y P A R K , N. J .

(LeMgh, Eazeltouj Baolc M duntain.)

Briok. liime. Lath and-Halr, Bone • lisie-t. Phosphate, Poudrette, Gas

LiMe; Ir$n Clad Faint, Bto. -. M ill « i d . F jM rto r ^ Frin(jWto»» N . *l^. ...,

Tour Patronage^Beapectfnlly Solicited.

E D W A lii) 1L F IE L D E R , Man’gc.

" ~ H. 7 ’ ' "WiU t^en their New Bakery

Comer Grand & Monroe Avenues,On o r A bout th e F i r s t o f j i in e 91 Where a fresh assortment of - .

B R E A D , R O L L S , P I E S ,And a choice variety of Cakea ivilb-be-keptr conBtantljr on hand. ; . v *

An ICE CREAM SALOON Will also be connected with tbe bakery, where customers will receive evenr' attention. . - ...*N- B.-rA-few boarders can be accomodated here

witlj. pleasant roomB. . .. •■ <' «,... .iTllJ^'ICPN 'JIlfoi^IliEES, M an a ^ ^ r .



mwocaS i m a * B M M S t ® W e # «

Nurseries an4 GrgeiHbowe8bt^BamBon,2J^ miles from both 8eaf Bright; station, on the K. J.. Sontbern.R-R ,*nd Bnrewnbnry Station,

j^ o n 'th e N. Y . •& LongBrancn B. R.; . W . S . C R O S B L E ,

Slate& Metal Boofer.Qpean Grove and Asbniy Park, N. J,

Trees, Plants,jpnunrr

- i E I i A & P O L E S . . - -

B a i s e th<3 ^ a f s a n d S t r i p e s !Jnst received a fine lot of Cedar’ Flag Poles, from

forty to sixty feet lonif. Some of tbem are capable of ■ns'GInEg'a top'mast ninety'feet high. * .

PRICES LOW AND STOCK WM1TED.- - C iMr- SPOIL— — :— ----------i

A fter tb lA y-tw o years’ experience in tb e bnsineBs, I rid prepared to m eet the w a n ts o f the pnblic in good S l a t b R o o f s costing no m ore than shingles. f

81ate selected for light fram es, p u t on and warranted to .be a s lig h t a s shingles. -—•— .

* V ^ n j r « ^ \ . / J O j a w a V . L J > K n •yt- O CP03T mOCJ! i V j * OV : T_ J ■ I \. ■ A J • !£in*axi£ \ J. 'J V / B t m t r f t ' >

j rmnrom. W w & n tU M rJ • ^ P p M tw t te n - /

r J u n m y r r / • _• *< /l\ t* Centennial .visitors can b6 to or return from Philndelpbla, along the ocean front, fry taking routes indicated ••rt qaboveraB careinxnriPbi&n«lphia,™raireet tn^AibtiryTavVr' ' ^ '™ 1'"1. j , #

t l ^ J L U W p fh W a rra n ted . ^ j , ^

Refers to J . P. Cooper,*Beq,, jas, A. Bradley, Esq.,' and Allen R. CookTwkpse bouses will sbow my'styi« of work. ... . .?..Asbuiy P w k , A tr il i7 th , 18T#.

Floral Depot &t li6s BranoJs dnri*«? Bnmmei.

BOUjO IIE IS .-B A SK E T S.• *v - ------------

The following Catalogues a re published fo r gratu itous distribution, v l* : ' “

N o . 1.D e sc rip tiv e € a ta lo g n e o f 'f r e e s . S h ro b s i

V in es, E tc . <N o J 2 .

D e sc rip tiv e C a ta lo g u e o f P la n t s .

" V / N o . 3* 7 W h o lesa le Trade Llat.

y a y P la n s g iven for suburban and i l la grounds and grounds generid ly , w ith lis ts o f ornam ental leaved and flow ering p lants, o rnam ental and shads trees , shrubs, e tc .f best adapted to the soil and sea air.

■ i m iiy w m, 1NMC mTH & 00.D. A. WALLING’S STOKE, 6 R 0 W N ,'ANI» FOK S A tg BY

OCEAN BE3C0H, N. J .W h e re w ill be.found* a n ia tfcn s iv e asso rtm en t

o f a ll kim ls o f r

D ealers in D ea lers inBed. Bank,' N . J ." EVERYTHING" A SPECIALTY! •





Baskets Jtouqaetfl amS-Cut JTov i '-a for Wed* uit- Pariliis. Crosses, {Wreaths,. Crowns,

Anchors, and other desiras to t Puneral8„ Cab- bag®, tomatoes, Bgg HbdU, Peppers, Lettuce and Celery Plants in their proper e< «m

< C r o c k e r y , p t e . , w •,.

‘ Gor. Bond St. and Coc-kma]; Avenue.

V ASBURY PARK, N. J.Godds Delivered In Grove anti Pari,

, C o a s t in g o f -


G r o c e r i e s , i E t c *Also Boolors in-Lohigh ft, WUieslsim Seal*.

N o b e tte r assortm ent can be found in an y o th er 's im ila r store, and the goods w ill be sold a t

LOW P R IC E S.-,E g ^ A n Invita tion is ex ten d ed to all, f a r and n e a r , to

exam ine th is stock. “ -^ gT G oods delivered to a n y p a rt o f Oca an Beach

and v icin ity . . . o « . '.Jr.

(Nkab Steinbacii’s,)

A. J. BROWN,Architect and Builder.0 , l S r M i l l e r & S o n

Prodncers of^and Dealers in all kinds of ESTABLISHED FOUR •SEARS.

W. W. MCCHESNEYP la n s and specifications d raw n at th e sh o rte s t notice. Also c o tf ttg sx ta .re tit . - '

R e 8 i d e n ^ i v4 2 6 ^ A sb u P y A vo.tA S B U R Y PA RK , N. J.

' - - C E I . E B B A T O D ip X f c f c l ia lE S ^ A T r . '

8S8 BSOAWATv MSWtOBK; ; ____ .■ w w m ,m m , srav jbbseW , - -

■p and OOEAIf 3B0VE.P S Q T O G fiA iP H S ; " p l U R O T y P E S

Zt&%' '■ >4, ‘;i : *•■ ■*' - I > A N D S G A p E :;- y i E W - & 7 ;

. . . j,: noum m d f? .

L a k e , O c e a n , 4 3 o t o g e ^ a n d ^ T e n t

s o m j ^ S s s S f ^ - ' - (r- .; f AKD; : .

Wonderfal Groups on the Beaclt' '™". Copies of any pictnre taken-may be obtaine’d.

Artists always ‘In reMness to-Jlll ordprs." i* Address daring wlnter.inonths,

Manufacturer ofA lt Orders left at 'the Offlce of^ths Journal w ill be Prom ptly A ttended to. Tenis! Tents I Tenter!P A IN T E D , ENAM ELED and BLACK



F U S N 1T U R E , CLOCKS, J ^ O O K ^ G

! CLASSES, E tc.

L O W E t L S P L Y E X T B A B O P E R ^ a U P E E . A i T D

■ ■ “ 6 t H E E M A K E R S . V "


V E N E T IA N , " •< , j ■


IC E C R E A Ml la lr St., Opposite Railroad Park.


General Fu rn ish in g Store,A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

I.AWH8 1AI0 OtJT TA8TEFTTLLY.g o d < 3 .m g I> .o ii.e b y , t h e F o o t .

PoaL-OiEca Addrcisp. ABBUE^PARK, H. J.

I r e f t r t o m y p a tro n s ^ fo r w h o m I h a v e b u i l t l n th e p a s t A re y e a r s a t , O cean G rove a n d A sb n ry s r k , a l jo u t F if ty h o u s e s .

— -----------

t i n . B « b m b. •<. : ■' O O B 4 K 8 S O V & , & i :

In addition to iny ususTstock of Groceries, Hard­ware, etc., I have bud in a complste stock of

HOTEL AMD COTTAGE FURNITURE,snob^as Cottsge Suitk of the latest styles, bouRht di­rect from Eastern manufacturers. Rustic Bedste&fls,g*h» Bfntr A- H n«W Hprinj ( l o ^ T^ p g f^Chairs of all kinds, Camjp tJhairs andBtoolf "Msttings, &c. Also, Towels, PiUow Cases, Quilts, Counter- paueai. Sheets, Marseilles Spreads, Table Linens, -plain and Fanoy Hat^pgs, Checked Matting, fto. "* ; M


Stpne & fineonswaic i s Original Packages,_ Tit*} Wooden and WiUow Wunpe^/

B eit B i i i d i c f y ^ n l ly I lo u r .

« . ^ m y friends and the puDlio genei-ally are fav iU d tb caU and'eS;-; ainine to r themselves Goods will be delivered tree of ( obsrgc, and all articles warranted as represented.

i Persons forwarding their orders for Groceries, etq., ‘^before coming, will be promptly-attended ta. *

I take this opportunity to retnrn^^my thanks io r tbO liberal patronsge aocqpded to mo in tbo past, andhope ■to merit axonannanceDf tb e ir favors.—— - / ---- ■*-.

J 6 H K F : A ’, e i T l f B B H , '

■' — : tnitr3f’heelwrightfi,C b K N E B o f . S r ^ A t L . m b M a i n A n a

, f£*“Jobbing Promptly Attended !*■

w M a e ^ u m m e r ,

v /x P L A IN A N D

^rriamejatai Plastererj

I r~— tI p e s t r y c a h p e t s

t e M S G f i i s , : '


SJT T 5- 4 : — I — - ’ , ' M A T S,

■’ ■

^ f iS H IN A A N D lHLASS W A R E , '. t. „ ^

^B A ^ IT E STONE, 4 EABTHEN WARE.’■*“** v * . J

^ , v ^ 6 ’ AND. ;W1LLGW 7WAEE.

a h f t ^ y i n ^ W a r e .

^ J 2 j , 3 L / J .x j L .3 D J S [ m m 9 : ,>\> V ” ~ I ■ _ u -' ■ ■ • ■

m . - 5 And. .o th arH i& rf

figures. Also. AwnlngB, Boat Balls, and Canvdrf C overt.o t i u kinds, a t the shortest no tice .^ AU orders promptly a t ­tended to. . Bend for C ircular and JPrice' List. Address

S . H E M M E N W A Y / FSrn Will« . t o n ? ■ ! M A Ut., « t e Tori,

.653 BEOISWAY, IT, 7.

Masons and BiSderBiT -^ASBURY PA^RK. NL J.' ■

S T O U T & H A T H A W A Y ,d e ^ .tp inform their friends, fanTtb^ public■ftonerajiyr

the^ wiU^nsiantly have ofi hand all kinds of f r* nisbing good« suitable for^ottt^^patnhe^ye^r’ T '

- -« lowest prices. Also, • ^ S

4 Carpets, MaUing, Hogs, on Cloths, p ^ o w b , v » n ^ M :

■ •.. . . snd SPBEAIIS.. ...cko cucbi*, Qiatst & E iB iii^ rirjU iE . |. ^ . v o o i t . u ^ < v n i i o x r ] t a b e . - 1

. & ^ e a m t J i s i m h » v u e . .- A o m o v v r p n A n ,

■ m i - a * » V B 8 ' '!> , |

r - V A u r t i , - o i l s , y A 5 ^ i» n n B 8, _«t«, , ^

'•• Faitiea viaUiisto fepfch'ijottli Cottegei piAisv for Citeular. / ' ■. r , v

Ai Carriage Work in all its branohe*

M AIN STR EET & A S B U R Y a €Befers as to-workmanship to ’-* ?< ■

William Hathaways Esql, James A. Bradley,. • — » i Miller, 'E?q. ~ . i. £

* —DEAliEB IN— J -

Diyijabocis, ^.'Ci^ceirlBsJ... > ' ‘' Fine Tea8, ; -*1'

Coffeafe Spiffs, Sugars, Boots and Shoes, %

FLOUi^ A FEiROp C rp o k ery , o ils.

AA % BEHBV S ^ I S ; H a n g e r , *PARK H A tl,

A P P X E B Y , .’' r; - Wbolei^a ^ 4 ^ ^ I jP e a le rId ‘Tr: 1'* ■

S A i r , f s b b ' - a b o . e m ® ' / (iEOOEBE'J -J P ■ )KSr ^ _

• i f j B B O * : ’ i > i B S * v A ^ ! i i l r E 8 . ;■: Good*id ■ iuid to a»> ,

without “extrotsbaige.* ilprses’

O i d ^ rp « ^ n iaU 'W ill rece iv e p rom pt a tten tion .

M GOODS DEUVEBfit).1 . t, • ‘j F B E B O F C H A B G E

^ “ i>'-.,T , -. if•STOVES,-TIN ANp.8HE.ET-JtI$0N r,WABjE.£ •■!

. - : KiNOES; H E ^ ^ 8 ;* N p ,» 0 H N A C ^ ;• : ■' ' '■-. TiN-EOOPINO.iQiri^EttB, Et?.';'.

rA s is o k y pa kK n ^j . -.1 ;

\ Dealer lntv -•’4 *FOBEIdNAND

A. M. C


'/ f lH iJ t tB S a ; PJiCKBIJJ- ••••. :' • ' •••

>o m i W ^flhw O BM g■'•> >rvn !WV^twiin>t«i i

v- *- ■' ■':-i ' -t?.■ i“'*■■• -i ‘ ' ,- ■,‘-'--- T ,'H -lr.« • .hr,Amnur ■ ; 'S' . t 1 . • > \ "


j^ S B B E Y f A ^k: BAW. MILL. . . ' ^ - v -

SASBtES, BLIKDS) D 0O E8I W iN pO W rfiAM £8,:;. . -A itch ier, for Sawing attended to wiUiprctnptnMai'luid

V /■ '•'>"'*> • •1 'r‘‘■ > I n r t u n n n n n .. .• ^ S ^ V W x v n u u " . -- ,BEWALL AVENUB. . ^ Keu-thsBifUriwa.

1LUA& Ii. ATKIN80N, •'

j ’a»ii^:'co«i'a» '.lU tTO osr A rJ ix«i Emoht St., -,,

.'U . '1 ..., j j :

Y ^ iL U A fc ■' p L a c t io a i , :HOUSED 8IGN. BOAT AND ROOF

PAINTER ■— Painfaj, Oils,Glass andPutty foraalewMgeaifnr--

N. Y. 8LATE & BOOFING VOX UmitM. ] fiUBBEH HOOFING. ENAMEL PAINJ*;readydor uMaud ---------- -- -*--*•— =-*.-• --



UVEftY STABLE. " ' -

^Horsfes,'Hacks and Light Carriage! a lw aji rsady I " ' - • . ^atcalL ' • - ‘ ‘

Pawengeriarriving at the Dop^t Will be conveyed toany part of the grounds.

My 'Bowes meet all trains. Freight aodjbaggttge deliver* d at the aborteaV possible notice. .

. AU freight or baggage sent w iny, care viill h« de­livered or properly cared for.

< ' . .„ . ' Q."W. HO GEES, Prop.

R OBEBT TAYLOR,Importer and Dealer In

G LASS & Q U EEN SW A R E,l^o. 521 CO M M ERCE S T B E E T .


A§BUJR¥ PARKMEAT MIRKET,JX O A M P B H IJj & A U M O C K , P ro p r ie to rs ,

— /^ k ii id s o f F r ^ jfe sk wnstantlj on

P abk, B ow near ’P ark Haix.a . B. CAMPBELL, •O.A.ATJHOC$.<

I N S 0 K A N O E A G E N C Y ,« ■ '■(.■' —— " —

Eieks at Albury Par];, Ooean Qrov*and -niisixj, ■ plirtdin *1 ■ ■ ■

FIRST-CLA89 COMPANIES,. at u low rate* u are eosutUiat with l i i p r . /

New York State aud City, New Jersey, P i lladelptU, and other / **r?~zT • * '■

— - - -r e u a Bl e COJIPANXES

C. D. W A R N E R ,, . BittyBijntJN: J.FRANK B .IW A R N E R .

jest* 0<J«wtr G«ot»,N. J-OSm s. Stelnbach'i BuU4ra(t, M«Ja 8t™«»(Cori;l*Ve

Avenue,’ front room in eecond door, Aabnry Park, N. J ’ P. p. Addreu, Atliorjr Pagk, N. J, •— ---------

E. H r & T. B.. NEWMAN,

^ Akhnry; P th # - '

MANTELS AND .RAHGSS BET; 'OoSAirB*Acfl,ifi J.iNp+eniberlBtb^l^i. j

ThU ia to certify tliat Ej H. Newtoaii5*^BAj;jbaw {altered anomoet ofV. htdldifigft VjOoefiii iS^achj _,J ujUV. ca»e»^av*j #ven; auttfa - tatWtiaciioa;' ;.lr Jeaaurc in rtoommending. thenxT to^aby '^anUng-J

•' " - *■*'-■ ' •"’~:t o WHQM IT MAY CONCEBN.

V. PitlKcisTp^r^.i. Jpp^ESji' 1#la to cenHy thit'E f t ''8amj)u|d>■ Thl.

tw o !^ S ;to daatlalactlon. . I . believe them to be i— ' 1 -----

| |

0 ^ . ' ; - S E - X ;T d l | r . y

i ^ r '- ■ ’ 1lETEnEynKli.--'nGV.iiM. ■..

m ; • eu“ ^ - ^ '

i f f the ( r a o a j^ u j ifc ty tr ’

A8IBU9Y PARK, M. J . . ” ’ ;•• OVi>Sb6,Q(iQ,Opa C«plt»l H a * )^ ^ t l* d . ®

X M b q r d e n , ■

H a v in g , a n d C a W n g S a lo o n ,:

■ >aad-^»tr»>.0«>o».. 'Di^lvrWfelilyandManthlTPapOTipniiilpttydcUveiJd^at the Bhorte«<rNotke. ^IWii^ATeiUwitOait-disrxteiP«rk.HaU,,.


A r c M t e c t a n d .’ Ooutrtcu Io rC ^ u *«v reawnabta Prto»«.


Otfice, cornet p t Main and Aveaue,

^ Pi?Ao&B^-M«iiH& ft8OTpbnt!wia. ,ITT_,rT aa Miniater to England, Jadgo Toft aa Attofilej- ^Ef$M3ili{r iiifr’SC '3f&& t iS A M i ‘;aa. Secrstaty of% * • . ' _ y c iim k t W T ta iw jiy lliat IJeoiate-

to tUot^rosiilcnt, wbo iad - refajjod tb acoopt it until tha0 6 is .^ ^ e S A ^ T !^ rS ( 'i^ i i ' 'had..i^p(ite4 f" j '

"jBjalwlU S ? ? d -^ ^^TBSath trnatwnrthy:-jigg^^agen^ .w ho^ ttlflty it.wtU; b o to k eep th n National IU^^UiafcCom'mittoo infonned in re- g ^ ^ q ^ p ^ g t t M w a ; ' ; • , ' .'■.^r'fci W ivtUati theiOominittaoi.oii Fdnlgn "AS- b in (help rqportp-rwiU-aak;the.House to Mreiely ofilMire -foravllowing tho. ino of his

. d .p^ tio iij(k^67porpo»au)fi'pro-- tnot^jj qoM^paljIe Btock'eppirnlafioni ’^ Among: tho m olniions offered in the Honss MOndayf WM one by JtfK.;Hotdanbergh, of No^. Jersey, to abandon Ellla Island, 'off Governor’u Inland, in Now York l:arbqr,Hili tho aito o f^p o w -1 der migaistne; I t hiU B^airealonlatod that if ttjp

woold destroy JdjjBey City and Hobokon, Whilq oil the prdpetty in N«w Yojl;, from the Battery- to CMaistoist; would bo more or leaa lnjured. Thu reaolntlon.waajefarredlothe Committee onPnb- llo BnHciing8_and Qroonds, whioh haa boon urged to roport wiOjoat dielay on this aabjeot. '

^ onUre1? controlled by a, few <£«ig^ng ■ — . .mep. I t la, surprise to jverjr senaiMe and bdqest

man here that~a majority oi the Committee on ^ rr ito ri^ t ooali^Ji* Jndrieed.. to favor.,ihla Sonnta »

»U klnd«,:FaWithriVEt«.J de!lv«red toajjllt,■ . 'tiiVv vV ' ».| \ >i >'« » :•• I ’. ■ :that we’can.gfv«;«Ul»faciipni both. in proinptew aUd

« "J t~nyt-,.hnth to y n n n jlv w illd jj

“ *) “ j * * twoW m:li» ^ ^ .^ A :» E E P M .-


Cifc IjiW m ^ A ^ n ^ T iia iiJfi^ 'E n tra n M ,

O O E A N 'Q R O V E j 'N .'J .

Plain asd Ornuiental CotlageN.' fidUdlogii rilw d to d m^T^d.with i» ra and _

*V tl>f mi?*t/*f «>r *‘V •’>/ 2v**Cfr;«V *’V *’*<* W.Vj* 1


V -I' 4 ; . yyHK. 7-. -

T O MfERiaiiJGAS "J , iA SB T3jfc?itR K ^ ’

,Ir#» aimks,.l»raim Wk < W*#4e» rtSpsi• —r ^ v ^ - V.-^jPC^ y •.-?»•■>■•;••-■..•,■■■-. .. xS


C A B l 'm T . X ^ E B r U P B O i S T B S B l ^ i

i. .r- ■ I'-'U. I C adt^.O iO ni,


- , - - \t-ie 1. vi or:0 1 *.:'vj -y•> ’y’jji'. - , ..Delighttdjty «ita»Ud on tt* north »bor» o i ___IUtit, onarkad^K kaltanflaiilionth-tif 'Ooean Gror< Ni ' » . • 'afcln loti,a n d th » ^ « ^ w s o w M n rp ^ a a d . '’-A large Hotd bolldiscI * t l u > a „ r ' |

^ if t;b e ^ 9 (d M '« .tti^ ;K ii tt« ra ^ ;b n wry eu|r.Y--S. \* *’ •; , . > • I.'.

t h p 'j&i' *■ ' I

■-■ j - j -- '! ••.yMb»ii^»fcip^N*w4eraey,.l

T T ^ S T 'iwiM 'MP 'ii't/ijSjli'j'fr?'■•" f ifar ffit?

w a r S f t !i.-'m r - i , ;

— t ^ ;t ) ; ifiit£' *I IffsHrjrqj ‘ F*iEeceiref/nUri

iro f to e m lA ^ a l i^ ^iknmln#* in 'fnrt rtiaAoa 'Ai

' a*bL_ 1— icrtljLv’- A L ____- —1 j,„ - J.SnndayfohpoIfaEJi«»heth,.orgwfat9di11869, wptoh ha» maintained tw^missionaries U

i oelebratea its anniversary on' Satur-

. j . , . • '. Afraihehouse at the conrarofayon av^nne and I/iving«tonj street;= Newark, .ww.= feo»ntly:carried *w)iy .pli'oimoal, it is snppneed, by,- boys reading in.tnp neighborhood. . ’ 1

. Specliy watohmon hsvo bean placed bytbwPenn- . sylvaniar lleilroad Company - on. the trestle work from Mdunt Pheasant to Horaimua Cove, to pre- vont^oiona oommittlng dejfreiiitibna. — * ,

Tha aiine o f Mr John8ojj, a viotim of the re- (jont powpdr mill explosloS near Drakesville,' haa been foind in tbe woods a considerable tUslanoe. from tholmill, with part of his coat clinging tqi it.

The ttpion County Boprd. of ,. Ereeholden atElizabeth f 180,000

fixed1 the tax for tbe' breaefrt year at or^MjOTO tSaa 'than last year., 'T te y

Mr. Meade,.of New York, ori behalf of the mi- norlty of tbu CaKimitteo on TaTiiories, has srubi- iniited S TBry able report in-opposition to the Ben-" tte biiiwhioh provides for tt)C! admission of New Mexiddi He' »Bdw ' beyond :cjotibt, that the Teriv tory.does.not possoas tho requisite nnmber of in-' habitant to" entitle it to admission; toat duringAV .-1 A , ' J * J ^ ^ _ < 2 I J '-

also reeb] red. to robsa'6 $45,000 of bonds falling duo, this ear. V

'Whilb ?red erio'k^uxBVp gex; pged alxteen year^ was feed ng a machine'in the .Union HiUeilfcmilla Monday gening, the box oil which he waa stands ing ncddjnitajly upset,, and threw him ibto" the .maq^baery. The flesh was stripped from botbleija, and pnjQof hia axyna was broken many times. He cannofc liV#/;, . J ; • *•- •

' The 'revival- meetinga held by ,the' B.ev. E. P. Hainmogd, at Vineland, are iiroreaaing tn lnterest Last Sunday a larga'meetimg-waa held in thrbpen air /or .*• nnoonTerted peopje* an(| in the evening the Bev. Hr. Randaira ebnreh f?4a ptioked with f‘profeasod " onea The jtfev; Mr.-Hatndiond ib assisted by Prof. W» V?. Bentley and the . pastors oLVineland. r ,1— ^ ^ ? ....

i r • • ’ r* ■ 'On Monday, Jersey City was jgivon over* to the

,chlldren,, who celebrated their May Bmfday-sohool anniversary. All the soholars of the v&rioos Snn- day-echoola rend62TooEed oa Jersey arenue, :near ;Hamilton Park, from Whence they , proceeded the 'length o f the dvenne. Most of the children were Idrpssedin White,and every one"6f them^cMrried a L flag>! fxe tett; -lay irU tttf ^ y

‘ ~ ‘ ‘ iif ............... ..

T O R E tG R T IT E S F s T

cUjeased in a Continental salt and a little .girl in Qnakor coetnme. JChe line df the parade was gaily decorated with bniyliig, soina' of which extended fcbm one side of streetto ihe other. Motfoeflwere displayed in windows ;and.flowera werojfroely; ;3islrihn^dp!^'y:: - •'

■asis was- heTd^r'K^on'W’ffin iJv * ^^® t'P B6 4®*?®*

The. rebellion in Meiioo is asanii'ing : alarming prDportiona. ■

Candinsl Antonelli ia Beriouiily Ul-atBome. Be ia prar seventy.

I t is rnmored that Spain ia negotiating for a largo loan with rcino Engllah honse*.*>A.ragar warehottse at Qireenobk, Scotland, with 2,0294ffll»-of angarJ 'waffdeBtroyed by flre Monday1, owming » lo«»ot $250,000. - ' '"‘i.'•,TW‘,)imW _.(^diilra'<rf^e’:Snltan of- Tnitlkoy causes grave apprehensions. Be la tnbj^ot to delo-

.-•ions,- :{saring th lt h . will be bnrned alive or

I; A/ltfg^iie is in progtMi iniBristol, .England;re-

-'^ '(Thursday) siy.thattho datnos ftrospromiing,

. ilt is nnaontcKxl' tlmt the QoT-enimon t will aat^-’i^ h ^ 'ra in a n a o d i apd sa Barcnj . ,,

^j-'-to^niilwiai^dUBotiUy/.tBerb" ^pTrarelt JUjUttteijaobablUty of tha priaonei's inuhedlutb discharge.T'* ? ‘ ' ’' -~ !.:•««-■-<.... -■•■-. T ~ « ■ . - . *■

.4 gg»qfmq>terion« poisQnlqghflaoccapedin

nnkncrwnj"tmd:itii only after a .df-three'.weelp thAt the af&lr ia -notioed in any til the I ^ d o n pe^~Edtlitmgh' tbs victim ia said to haVi ^ovetfiawfefSrt^mscJ^^^"Hg^li^e.”

A 8p^dydii^cB 'to*tliVlx)c'donJTelegraph,

e , O oean. O ro v ii ; ■ O n rsi tbtPliem J«ilt aottp^

: s iw trW te 3t9:(JO„»np

-tiutllri'Bgaininianied/ and, ♦*«!&■ Inf

If: ^ W-<n^^dS5£^M§S0B9E TB0AX, PAB ! _lB A ^w ® iM Fithtn^M <«atl«n . , ~

ChopU Court* .JOJlKSOBf VAN CtlUfW , TLT2k BErIbT

was ihe next <xromOTe&v . ;• , >P-_ *This was an aetion for ti^spaaa broaght to de­

termine t^tle to a small .piece of. land in Atlantic township. •_ The} p la in t^ ,h 'gentleinarf' color, testified fchat : the Tdetfindtoii^ plow4d 'ufe tia land to whloh^Mr.' Hoxf^' felafm^d1 '- / • r

The jdry rendeW Javerilc t fgrth'olplaihtftf; as­sessing tbe damageS ai ^100.' '^ t^ i i .f b r dtalntiff : AUen' for defendant. ' . ' x

DAVIP X. MOHTON ® f _Tbe atove ease vyas ihove^ on ^rfdav afi!d. iboii,

oonolnde^L. I t was an action. no dor MechaxdOT Lien, brought to recover for iimson'a w'orfc. No defence appearing, tha j nryTfeturnad - a verdiot of. $48 fottheLpIaiatiff. §toen for t;he plaintiff. -

WM. ». Wi S q ^/. OUttiTOni> l£.;tiJLNi)nrl 'This was a similar to,, the alidTe,’ .nnder

Meohanics’ Lien, Mirought "to. -recover’ carpenterls wages. The j m y ren d jired a' verdic t of $ il3 for the plaintiff. Sfcton fb^tbe.plaintlft

This'«<rtionT was x o ra ^ fe a ^ f i t pontract fortfie sale of latads. I t appearrid that UipaeVparties'agroed to trade certmp 'Iahds, ainU by the faUara o t the de- i endant tQ.livojijplolua bontract, ^ha plaintiflf sns- -tained certain' damage from tho fhct 'of his pnttinj •certnm-'-workon - thppropertjr • fbf^hfoh;t ra d e d . . . , .» ....', . .......

Xdglslatnre appointed a new Board of In&peotors tmaor a new law. Doubts were Entertained as to their powers; An opinion was givenbythe Attor­ney-Gene ra lto tho effect that-the now' B>oard oould iprooeed and govern the prison under the new law. Xh( * - •e Inspectors the^t)rgwnzed'bythe ai . of the following officers-: ' Gomptrollery 1 A. Xi.

r3iinyon ,* President; Henry L. Batjer/of Passaio: .’Secretary, Theodore Horn, <SfrfiBsex,-’ahd .Samtiel ;M.' Lippencott, *of Salem, were chosgn Aating In- speotors; Robert B. Bonder ~w6^-QaanimouUy ^looted Olerfc' of the Prison, and Dr. W. W. L. Phillips was nnanimonsly elected Physician,__

O B ^ i ^ A I i .N E W a L __

, Cincinnati will be place of the next General Conference of the M. £ Ohorcii.

rtTp to the 22d in s t, only seven picTcpooketa had boon arrested and oonyicted at tbelBxhibitfoit*.

_ [ng visitors to the Exhi* admissions on Saturday

A B teady in c re a se o f ;bltioh is e la im e d . Cj l a s t , 18,162.'!H^ive handled' liquor dealers were arrested in

■New York }ast Btinday for violating tho law in ^s^Upg h q a o r o n S n iv d a y .:,;^ ? .

r ip -s o n » | » r t y Qf ^ e x t t a ^ g e t t l n y q t i i t f t pH account rof. .highwaymen. ; Nearly

QYefy moil brings an {uwJqnt of soma, fresh-out-,w : „ J

terribl. ,.ap» oooarre d ,last Snnd/iy in the ‘aa, ‘Chesfcertta- oonnty,1 Vir.. ....... ... fcoin ra, and

-■■■:»Many of. the largfl -employing eatabliahmentfl in

'w^fkmon a , day,at tha ^ d ? S io -im p too-withodt docking wages.’* ,^e-gorm .of,ia5LSai)day night waa.veiy severe 'in t^oNeighborhood of Morristown, N. J., and also miotn._pqftionaor'Ponn!jyl vania. Ha: Is ton ea as lurg^M hen’o eggs-feU-in-atmndanoe.

The .'Bowdoin tidnae: tit Long . Sands, York Beach, Maine, was bnrnGd on fneMay ni«ht, with mo«f dPlbi:Odiitenta. - Tho loss is $8,00p, partly issued. i-Khe flre nas-th? *oib of an faioendiSiy.

• L flw'-ta-Qflneva, N. Y.\ On Tpesday-nlght, dei strd^ed, tlie--'flonr atore of W. -It Gilbert.' th i tin atoiej9f.;Eoltpn ASbelWyi .tlie Wrpitnre stare of

?*jSfca oi?.C^rWadpesday tha .Stmday.sphool ohlidran of

BfOOilyil,' to ’ th 0' riumli ei-' ot fllty thouaan'dy-nole- braW l'thefr Lt? 7olar 'AndrtersaryrJ)y marohlng tbrdtioli-sdlrio ,;f' tho principal streets witli flagso n d b an g ^ .^ ln d m a.n f 'w itn li'fiisatrtif 4aifi-tma‘loolojeath ih ProSpeot Farlt - j . _"

\ .»-. a«i ioe atDnlntb, Minneaota. ^Tbe bloolcade waa oanaed by a no^*(^teri.which, oo ttunenced.oa-theiiatli'inat. and oontidned three days, driving tlxe loe. wbich waa left iB th»lal(0, into tfae ^nooth of.the harlior, eff<K>tnally, from that timato the prosedt. PreTfjraf'.to.the.aUum, the Imrborwa* dearoMoo.

ow tifd^dM of w ltiSuprinted,:“ Bli»in6oi on'the Sfiirdf-^ jBewaro:bf theDerQ andhis’ ppm.and ^Tofrao^o,” and <n“t» ;fd tv £ h ;'“ Sbittoe on yoti,Cmein,'td' einxSruiage podr womeni to. sweep

’ipaltftd ^ .fe ra ^ W ib g t> w r:a rt rtoTihg.,>'' , ^

of,toe-^illotntr«et M.vX-Charih," |M # Tork, waS'heid last.Snpdayi- lhaJ.j«*reTn^Uarlj.,lnt^resUia,).fitOTstli^c,faot jth»t,djiB;B8rv JalimijKald, wliPiProaohed the dedi:

t e e d ^ e ^ m ^ e y a f e d S m B a, k . i j v h w » i i ® A * - K Viod w it& a i^ e n t prayer.'; Th«.% r, t.& . InaM .. and tha Bev. John E. Sssrltt-preached.'

, . i)^.him«tf .^m ^liiyO ^/iaore jtjwill bd fehdily seen' was: a serious .disorepancy, In^ fiboounts, and'BOttCo ma^^bafo bean'tofhe wrong. ,-Aooordin^to the^lawf,hotYGverf7 iti. tegard tb niMeineanors,' Jnago 'SOTdd^ uin^teid' the evidence add' in veatigit}6nt to i^a-jeardi ahtj, * ther#-forpf thei awoimts baqi: of this time oqt^d hot' be exaroihe'd.:~'Tfe0 :S t ^ ; ol^oied misappropria­tion, charging tfcatjttie:4<rf#.itotant. coUeofeo money .on the duplicate of taxea-for IdWfjyid applied tlm aam(j In pajmenfrof debts dhe- 1n! lS7^, iwhon thlb money colleoted on the{duplicate ,p f “eabbt\yaar should bo applied to paymenrof die dabta-ol.tbat year. ' . x -~' '** *' • >

The deffsnco^et up that. thev^Jhad made .'propar diabUrseraehia of -mon’eyV’fth il indeed, „ had dii- l?hrs6d all th^uiojiejr^Hby^werj^^oJiiirgqd jjftll eiri- bezizling and tfiore, and,had .done', i t > properly, and '

' £ -» ft^d ire-

b '8 ^ 'n ^ o £ ': 'X iu i i;ft^4ult’iffidbaftexyi and is f t j V / i i i a i . s k u i Z t ■ i i i : tb e a x ix a u . rooH: n .

-r-^J ' MXfOlttkD. -.The. jnry roUredtThnraday - afternoon

tnrned a-vardibti of-not'miiltyi ■. .. Proseinltor add John H. Applogato for tha State ;

Haight,-Allen.and Trafford for the-defendant.

{nd iotSfeiS ' >aihdtint4! nothidgljri .:;-t^tnf ttUflu .<> .'.lAfiii-li'-w: -V

wai^oxttnpved.; j Th li<w defo^dants]wore, w « fe e d pii i two iodio^mentS ' for larceny^ t^e { alTegwioiis tK:Li: it .j . i*-i—* ohhstmAs tim-tfeing, ibat |hby.‘ Stole 'ner. ln th’s shape of e oogple ofiart:eys;7in !

Tho, evidanoa: waa .ex^ m M y^ drtram - ! *township, stantud e Were ap^uitted, Pros-;

' iQdan(eeutor, fop Bj^io; .HoyifiU foy ;defeqdant. v ‘- _'

M r. G e o rg e H o e y a t F re e f io ld , > ' ', Shlnn’a.Stall, Freehold, never,held a'inorfl -jre-

flned andienbel thdn asaenibied On Friday nigtit of, :Iast WeeE“to be ■. SnfertairiedTS- MS?, Qatnrge floa^ o t .-Nev? Ycrrk, Aon of the widely ‘H r " ' ’ -•-•«=-•- ■

ly known,; i_______', of Long Branch, and Eiitli Av;enne, NBW


Th» evening wa» announoed to bo devoted to “ dramatic and httmororia rocitationa,” but - It seemed to na that moetafMr. lloey’s piooei wero

' rather ttvan.mqrely rwtef, and saohtrae,pos.’— -"-iLV‘-in—eeaal: ita awtt-yhnraatcriatioa,- waa -ptaaeotcd i:

auoh'irtTid/ dolofsf and, striking - manner1 t ia t wc seemed, to, be. utanaforrodinto, thevo?y preeencaof eaoh Anely wr.ongbt aoenii, wherd’wa oerald hot tint - be hidhly Intejeatea' epeetatora.:. 'Wfc Be«iSd''to beho’d, every BliBhtest tom in-tortnne[ ,dow 12x-~~lonsly walohlng tho po^nnolent awitiih-tender. and wishing we oonld roago lum from his tbftpr, that . we might avert tbe impending'wrepk of. Me and ,- -

" rejoliing; thatlimb r .now again at the Very climax rejoicing; that inn toad'of,actual death and dontrnctlon, theawitch-tendor Waa io but a dream.' / '

Every .grand delineation,' oharaolenaed aa waa each '.bj -intense earnestness;- we ”followed -with'

'breathless; <tnxiety and' highest interest,' nntii .'Wo

come qweptlon mnst havo indeed enoonrafjed-onr' :wdrthyfefitertainbr/aftlcted'as he' was with a'coldm,,7.T.-;;..,.,......and HBvete-haadather-; — - ......------u. ■ - -^

■Mr..H6ey iB.nofqDly a ypting master delineator of tbsdramatlo'artjbntptiAjsaaaalsomarksdpoetio ability.; He h^»ra idgh oonoEpdon of hoWitowrite . _ Lawhat will ‘'take,” and saema to'realize bow to please tbe popala^taste.- Jftis portrajralsart'rivid, , v'. - . r j strildug,.Wgh^ e^oiUng. and .embrace- many;alo- Kjiienu of real oenina. . He is, besides.-a plaasinHlr .-'•“KSiootli-ana:^ay' w n t^ llufoo^or, 'lu 'aatnuuu to !th e ie to n ta , Mr. Hoey posaeasi?[remarkably- I -”nice sense of discernment in the.'bappy rendition of bdmdrods pieces. Ho knows jt&^how&r to gs.and Jnst Ab6 -3£

inoumbranc(J, r*nd this bad not been dodo yet. -' The jn^yrendered ik vaMiot'for the plaintiff, as-

sesaing the dameftos at (111 .87^Jndge-BObblna-fortha nhintiff ’ Ituliert AlitD,

J r„ foriho defendant' ----- ~JOHW a. viw gomcm.- WK: B u m u m n -

was moved on Batnrday. I t wna; fa aoaon cm e' * 1.1866;

died io 188 60.

promissory note for $1QD, dated April. 10, 1866; payable one year after dite. Dofondant failed to

interest havingboapjpaid taApfll-10,' 1872: E. W. Arrpwamith for plaintiff.,-___

STxwi iiT uiovn 'ib^in ii. yiii'DanKX.

IB,- for, MtfS.flOj, payable tlireo s. No deifiade.appearing,'Inry t . foe vWm.- & F to-

l id s was another,action: Otr*. proiniasory note, dated May 10,187B,-for — " "months after date, rendered a verdictm nT > f o r p tflin e ff

■ * rer*K-Oot '*<i«. 'joj^.-aTOoLba.The above, caae WKsrmoved on Monday. -It waa

an actian brought an n book aoooant to recover f 289 olaimed to be dne for merchandise sold and' delivered. The defence ' was that tbe gooda^were sold upon the,credit.ot, Quarles G. Bond a id not upon that Qf tho defendant

ibnt. how to proaant ihem^ sa aa to adlonno.-iidthJrrM UtililejatiglUer^

I f the Jdniitfir/ roodora c^d^hear-'.hJin-^nder .,^,--^^^™ ,;. Mdrl^rwMd'fl'‘, ;7 fin ''W otrnnd ;tliflD a^^*n^- ^ . .. -

Uo to t^o fullest e iten t' tho trtith^fnooa of cmr . remark. -* » 1 ■ i '[ ' -- h,.

Mr. Hoey's progmmni o wan. a hsrd one, and yet' sensibly interspersed -With the ooimo and eorio- aomicj We donbt if thoro fstandfl unothor mau ;within thoconfinoa of onr State, who- could tako hia Bplondld programme aJd oqdal Mri (Jeo. Hoey's .presentatlon of ito every piooe. -■—-- - - .

The following^embraces the ootiro programme, some of whioh wo witf orlHolse : - 1 ,

PnOOJIAMMG. 5 -1. U o W n ln th o M in t - . . . . ...: . - . . . f t o i w ;H m J ‘ u -2. A Novel Ouro for Auger............DanburyNeweman 1 ■3l ViriHoius.: ................. Tt. : ........ llaM'-iluy .4, Under tbe K eel-...................... : . . . , Oeorgq,Ho9y . ~—& The Spelling-Bie.'.....................New,]japer Sketcn6, Parody on Exoeleior.'.irwi..^.. ; ‘‘- - ... .>

>7. Aileepat tbe S w itch ..................G eo rg e HoeyITwo Blwtchei..------------- --------- NewBUaper

9. .Saved froui.tho W reftk..................George H°®7. 10. Hark Antony1, Senate Speech............Shakespeareil/'Jlm Wolf and the Cats..................... -Mark Twain ' i,12. R a m d n . ..............................T. . . . . . . .BretHarte j'.J3L fehiielder'sHido.... , ................ 'Vbll I ip,15. Caldwell of Springfield - .................B retH arto '15. 8hamta O’Brien.-................. . . . .s te jF a u e r

Of the above ennmerated pieces, "Asleep'at u e

Tlio. jury rtiitirnodavordiofc .for,thd;dafondant. ^Ebhbina an^ Haruiom o for tpa pUintiiT; Haight "and Arrowsmivh tor dofo^dant. ■;— - f ,

p avt soLoitis tt t’«Hihr,Biio. noxt>waa ttjo next casamoved. I t was un action ou e promissory- nf>tefor $160,. datod Jnne JO, 1874, payablo throo inontilrt aflor djito... -

Tho. defenoe was that thia note was given with ’ -oibora- m : boliiUi/ral- soourity' for iii)hio Railroad

■bonda, i wjilbh'.w^rbsgiyebra^ ttoourity far jndgmedtncjt< , to. Splwamjhtl 'Opalnat Biiiid^ . -. r----

Jrhe-jnry rendered a verdiot Jtpr $170 for theplaintiff Bobbins and Hartahorne for plaintiff j. Beekman and Allen ibr defendant.

mjan s. KnmoHTS M. »W(x» i^ m tjW 'm -iti^ aJ ''i)S S & ^ is :l!Mi waa an as} tion brought to <eooyer‘tlie anjodntdrie on Abond for f i l l , made: by TylariL. Emmons, to James Saalthorp, and asilgoed by him to Dr. Hugh B. ginm onm. in which.waa embodied a goalanUe ot p^ment.'fron). the ;asdgnnr,-;:Tlia spit-Wfts^rqiight npon th'o gnatahtbe without reoboj^o 'to; ptooeed. inga: at law on tho Twiidf ‘br^^ftrtclbadrei’tif.' tha tnortgago;:' ; -lr..':iV ^S '!.i-v:T ' -■ .

.Tne defenoe set np ji!«j(Ka#»j6Alhatthaooarantosjdefenoe Vr&s that tbe. guarantee 'w ^ ' A^fraud^in’ ^fia^^MnVavK^AJe,

S'.titoh," and “ Saved from the Wrook," both, writ- by Mr. Hqt'y, woro tho most dromutio and most

adpraelated and admired. SometCnea J t __’aa FhAnfiti «di worn * m fhn miflat. rtf omnrl


■i* >>«.v 'eci-iucs rl-' ;■. , Judge WwfMtwtrjy/ior .,,,-W- ^. •. * • X.,L,;

BoVeral criminal cahes were tried.invttia-QtMrrt Of Quarter Beferfoha^ th e -flrAt bein g -^ la t rdf ,th*

iegv v: C£ vffccO/H

Kmvrm iw * .«tttt»qosit.tims to(«odwo-WoolA^k^^iWi9i«it Vpfoonuwhat: detailf ,bnt,wan.t;dl apac«rotbld^,3t,«Dpttnd.lli ;)the; (ifiTO(Jaat,-A.gonUtjnaa of-jinton* mgorpOaU; eddst.-.fte! lnnw.Ati!k feioal^iaoqnainUatte^jonf Mrs. Dowling, t o w l l ^ -thii^yj()ent« o f:* -------

. man-thaMi.and npw^entrano^jwithln hsr domicUt-

C '. 1 / -! f. 2 .. ;w. : ••&'• j ;v«>: ^

seenisd as tbdngh we were '* in tho mida^i of grand J0a!a, w ith tho heavens aa d ear as the bnive eve !a storms and peril.’" Then we donld behotd the ndbla.ahip toaslug to.and fro upon tho high sea', he cries and groans nnd doopost igniah o i those fllo droodrd th e loss o f hdm an'llfe. Tbo lannoh-

ing Opt of the Ood given life boat, .itd .bntfdting with the wavhs, the Buoopsijfui re tu rn witty i ts bu- 10an baighiagtt. The ebving, ntdottg, of a darling obild, and -a t Isat, th o , roWaw ot, noble' ef-

J s m —Ji- fortnno beqyioiithcd, j Ayol. jiU :th» was sketched with tho hand ? l » young mtist&r, and rendnrad tn } k a Pgrfpqtly'gVo^iJdg ■ 6ffo'ct, which 0haTm ed.evSjl)oA .aat5 verymagio^ ,. ;;. -,'

“Asloen a t the Switch,” was likewise A splendid'effort, • ’ •genvMr. I , . , _____ _____0«t»,’r anaj-‘.‘A' NovelOuroforAnger',".oonvuiiMtho honse. I t was just as irrdiistible as to see! some oonSdent indii^dnal " step up ” ogd fell down on the icy pavement in irtnUr a.od yet reBtrkln^aogh- ter thareat. Wo oonldo t heip itj andjao we didn't.- Mr. Hbay has' a dear, 'Strong, ringing voicp,

which;he uses with capital 'elfeqt, adapting it nioe- ly to bis pieces. Hia odnnoatHpi la vaiy- diatinct, - and’ hia modnlatlon of tone tndidateb H ut natore and atody h&vodone th iir share, i t v . 1 -’ -«- And now we bqy.Q: abQiit^dona^nroept to -men, '{lon jh a t tha ontortalninont WaS Very pleasantly rl-i— ' mnsioj 'rond " '', . datedin^np atjla by, Mr. Win, j . Honderaob, of LongBr^(ft^to,inu.rttato-ff]!wid^f.ifeli9(>y’-s,.iw(iw>jr.., _•aeniorJn'Prinoofoii Callage.! i:V.' u%

Wc .wjflhthe j^adera o r 'th e JotmaAi opnld alii iye «n]bybd th^'flritortJdnmonWMdld we. Per. ' —.

:rmtus in clodbatoex'teiid our HlaarUSstioongrate" . lattooa to Mr, Hjoay. and wish v% h all tho saocats h p la o i^ e 4 a ^ ^ d jn 4 tly d i^ ^ e |- •■"" 1 '1 tfMVA j u i f w j u v a u t \ i a a t — . « ^ — --• >- ■ . .1

[From n<aiit:a f opawf tho abJWo.waSnni(vpl4iblyL_ ' ,omlttealaatweok.—En.]:, , v | ' ; j , |

b an k 'o f 'ihe^Hytli Pirfrk&ondan, whiih b a ri blo disotuflo^ among tbe -gW rnm ift /They aM d&dgsed to-Bhq^ o'nt ,the/ ‘Serpentino!- ftsffctho ,yiaw\t?f itStopi

in& tt^r^ia^1!!!!* doolared1 “ ^ar to theiSaS wEinro'm; tta^haiSiL

,j r'", - *1 ■ ■'- ^ ”" ,■ _• f t ’ * - - 1 * ' . .

- •' 'if.• •. \»

: ** '

A SB U R Y - - J -

K l i l l i$ § £ 1


jnwr, to advance..... ; ♦ aoutUa, to advinoe.,

advance., X i month, In adxunce... ; ttngloj?opies ...... .

, $1 60 80 45.

i IBe

•i& fe


'■*xdyimmtomUng < Otcesaewnt^.> aart, ahtid vph . w e a im to m a k e tta circulation. W» "

: - a X S iteuii.& orio Ihe Jersey cowit,

i t * §«Uctio7tM a r t m ade u> uh p rin cip a lly d fo r ig in a ljn a tW ’ .

~ fa m ily p a p er , and detire to ex ten d U t 'ore a ik o u r fr ieiU lt a n d p reten t tub-u TA. nW/«

W M KSu cwrreni n«to« <*/■ ecenr* ,aton(7 Wtf JeTtsrata . ■

j$3p$P f ®S i

• o t & t * i o r * x m m e n d i t to tfietr n e iq h b o r t T h t v r i & U ^ o h t ■doUar a n d f i f t y o e n tt p e r t/ear* p o s ta g e i n c lu d e d t n a \ f y e a r , tig h t# c e n tt . ' \


s s

TO COBBESPONDBNTS; / .....«V D«alad to receive iu tm ijtfile w s a n d eom ntunication*

M M u etia F T n m in d that a jh c e t w riU en upon both aide* hxu to -v • M e q p M W f r * Q o tn o *o p rt9 * -a labor u>em nnot undertake.

■- lu o im m u n io a iid n t th ottid be accom panied by ihe f u l l n p m e ' an d add rett o f t h e voriler, not ntccM tarilyfor publication, but

. u a -p ua ran ttoqfioood f a i th . . Antm j/tnouj letter* w ill n o t be

' ^ J fr ta n n 6t r<AV» commnnfcaWon*, &W hold■ J **«fr< to rA$

. tfdttor q/’<A« JovmaJ,w -f •. ' A tb u r v P q r k ,lh n c

t ) BY'G O V . P A R lC K F t ' B N 0 O F T ' V •: • N E W 'J E R S E Y .

T h e D e m o c ra ts o f N e w J e r a e j r r n e t . in C o n v e n t io n .;a t T re n to n , o n T^ubstlay, a n d a p p o in te d delegates,,-to -H S t. L o u is . T h e fo llo w in g a r e th e d iU c g a tes -ilt- la rg e ;•. Ex-_ S e n a to r J o h n P . S to c k to n , S ta te SenatoV ', t e o n A b b o t t , O o n ^ re a sa a aa M ile s R o s s ,

•an d J o h n M c G r e g o r . r/4 --p !a tfo ritt d e c la r ­in g fo r l i a r d in o a a j , com m bndln jif t h e D e m ­o c ra tic H o u s e in C o n g re ss , a n d n o m in a t in g ex -Q ov . P a r k e r fo r t h e P r e s id e n c y , w a s a d o p te d , " ' ' ' / y

W e th in k th i s m ean s v ic to ry . W o re- penfc-ifhat w e h a v e b e fo re s a id , w ^ x p e o t to e n te r th e W h i te H b u se n e x t s p r in g a n d 'slMJke:hi>n&g w i th P w r id e n t B t r W . t

Mr, P e ter ticed

W i

w h i ih i'S A T U R D A Y ,

V > . .


. '.E * iO » v e rn o t .? o e l P a r k e r , w h o h a s t j s ic a L” M e d th e <?flce o f G o v e rn o r o f N e w J e r s e y

w i th o u t a p ta in u p o n M s n am e , is th e n ja n f o r t h e P r e s id e n t ia l c h a ir . (

T l ie A m e ric a n p eo p le ' c a n n o t a ffo rd to e x p e r im e n t w ith m e n in tim ea likfi th e se .

’ G overno r P a rk e r h a s b e en tr ie d a n d n o t , found w a i t in g . T h e A m ferican p eo p le w ill s u p p o r t s u c h a m an . • **

M o K E N N A B R d ’i 'H E R S W A I V E - E X A M I N A T I O N .

M o K e im a B ro th e rs , o f L b n g B ra n c h , fe a r in g , n o d o u b t , t h e . te s t im o n y of] th e w itnesses^ w h 6 n>ere b ro u g h t fo rw a rd to p ro v e th ie ir v io la tio n o f th e S ta te la w , in t h e n e ig h b o rh o o d o f O cean d r o v e , w a iv ­e d E x am in a tio n la s t S a tu rd a y , b e fo re ’S q u ir e L a n e , o f K o n g B ra n c h , a n d g a v e

--—b o n d s t o ia p p e a r a t t h e C o u n ty C o u r t n e x t ’ O c to b e r . W e u n d e r s ta n d - th e y a re

'a g a in a p p l ic a n ts fo r licen se :to Bell -wMfckey, In C o n n eo tio lC w ith th e i r b eer , in th e i r new b u i ld in g , n e a r t h e b e a u t ifu l s ta t io n g ro u n d s

' < o f t i b C e n tra l "R ailroad, L o n g B ra n c h , a n d -we m o re th a n s u sp e c t t h e p u b lic a tio n o f th e s u p p re ss e d te s t im o h y w o u ld h a v e d e fe a te d th e m . T h ese h o n o ra b le g e n tle m en th in k th e J o u b x a x w a s u n fa ir in n am in g ^ th e i r b e e r “M c H y e n a b e e r .” - W e th in k n o t. W e

w e re t r u th f u l , a n d i f w e c a n n o t p r o s e 'th e b e e r w ill d o a ll w e sa id i t w o u ld d o , w e w ill

— ** -g tv e 'tlraa one:.h:undred-dallarg-toward8b u y in g a f la g fo r th e ir n ew b u ild in g . S p e a k ­in g o f f la j f s , h a v e n o t th e s e h o n o r a b le 'yen -

M f * ' ' t te m s n h u n g o u t th e b la c k f la g in s ly ly C elling th e i r b e e r in th is n e ig h b o rh o o d ? D o - th e y n 6 t k n o w th a t th e c itiz en s o f th isplsui^i—ho.v» -b rougU t t i n -a c sp ilaV o f^ o n e

i , _ ff in iio rT d o lla rs (e x c lu s iv e o f Sand v a lu a ;i t io n ) , 'u n d e r th e p o s itiv e a s su ra n c e o f O cean

“ th lB t^ t t t i ^ q t io r t ^ d 'u td -b e 'a llO 'W e d 'b y - 'la w - ~<o b e s o ld -h e re ?. 0 r- '3 o - tb e y * 3 iiin k i . .that.. M c H y e n a b e e r a n d ru m se lle rs in g e n e ra l a ro t h e o n ly o n e s w h o h a v e r ig h t s t h a t p e o p le a re bound , to re s p e c t ? W e a p p e a l t o th e in te li ig e n c e -o f th e -p e o p le o f M o n ­m o u th c o u n ty in a id in g u s to s u p p re s s th e se h o n o ra b le g e n tle m e n w h o m a n u fa c tu re M c­H y e n a b e e r , a n d al! o th e rs \vho s e c re tly fo il l iq u o r_ in v io la tio n o f o u r S ta te law s.

W A N T E D , A . % IL * C -F A C T O R Y .Tbs fallowing item oppoarsd in Moadny'a New

York Tribune:Sr?2B8CDa.~“"James Bell, of Pdteraon, offers to

sn7 person -s-hc.wiii eroot a silk maBtifaefcory on it, an-aore of gr-'KM1:; ia tho vicinity of tbs Erie and Kew ir.-rRfjje Midland depots, in. this village, as a free g i f t .

The above ib a pretty good offer, bnt we' will do better in Booatoc.

I. 'yje Will,' iflan d.

neccesaary, give two aorea of

2. We will not only give two acres of land, but a fa • ’ Bt erected, wortJi at least $a,fi00.

Wo jXuiig, the above Qifer t:ronr th» :faot tiict tba frm m xt «,mipanJ of the bnilding has bu t lit Mo

with which to conduot the business.— JSomUm, Wuhij). .

W e will d o 'b e tte r than “Boontori, W e wiil give a block of ground, containing an acre and a quarter, and five thousand dol­lars for a silk factory. .We will give land, o r ra th e r sell- i t a t a nominal price, -and subsidize i t beside, in a desirable location w est o f the. turnpike, for alm ost any kind of staple manufactory. We, HTean Asbury. Park shall not only t e n popular sea^sidb resort, b u t a m anufacturing town—-Wesi, Asbury P a rk being th e desirable location.

Communications have been sent to our omce with the proviso th a t they m ust not be abbreviated o r altered. The ru le 'o f our office is to make such corrections ih

—<—- «peHing, or-ebange-of-words or o in i^ iona . *. o f Sentences as we th ink necessary— al- - . . -W»ys doing this for the benefit o f the wri-

to r , as well as our readers. W hen i t is ! possible, we will show the chajjge to out

local correspondents. W e shall feject ali ■ ' communications that come to us with* a

: peremptory demand th a t the fale o f Ouroffioe m ust he held secondary to the wish o f the writer. 1

W e a r e g la d to - l e a m 't f i a t o n r c ^ tta g - O w ners h a v e ta k e n o u r a d v ic e -a n d o p e n e d

" '~ acco u n ts r w ith th e L o n g B ra n c h B a n k . " W a r i ia l l .b e p le a se d a t a ll t im e s t o a ffo rd

in f o r m a t io n in r e g a rd to th is w e ll m a n a g e d ' i n s t i t u t i o n .r t-; ,

a a r i« d re , “ OQgftn Grove and As- ’ ’b u ry 'p a r k itt 1973,’* has been-“received

- ^ 'fn th so ffittih favor th a t we shall publishj t ' iri r.’ ^ h l p t .'form in i f fe w w eeksr-^.

w hose a r r e s t w e no- (J, fo r s e ll in g s t ro n g

liorhbod, in v io la tio n o f r in d b a il , a n d is a m o n g

&fpu' e x p re ss e s c o n tr i t io n th # p u b lio b e lie v e in

a t i s f ie d .w i th . ' W e c an n o t., a sk f ro m a n y . o ffen d e r a g a in s t t h e la w

o rih is-fe llo ty a t h a n p e n ite n c e fo r tr j ra sg re s ^ s io n ; a n d a d e te rm in a tio n t o d o r i g h t in t h e - f t t u r e v. W e ^ j f j l l -g l s d ly .a id M r. D e c o u t tro u g lj_ th e J o t o s a l in a n y h o n o ra b le c a l l in g in. w h io h h e m i y e n g a g e . T o e rr is h u m a n ^ tO fo rg iv e d iv in e .

F r a t6 m a LFrom th* .Ocean O ra te A n n u a l for 1876, ja s t r»-

«eiv»d, ire clip the follpwiag ariidc*^


' O dr largo gates for the admission of oarriagea and teams are always d'oeed on the Sabbath day. Horses, carriages or teams, find, no ingress, or egresa onA that day, the year rotiod. Tile' sid^* gates, for foot pastenger^.are open all -the year, exoepilng the camp-meeting Sabbath, when tem­porary or.permantrat residents, between Great Pond, 8harrfiiTer, and •> mile back from the Bea, are admitted by cards of invitation. This rule is adopted, to prevent the demoriltoation pf the Sab> bath dayJ)y wuaeQeeairy toyel, j ^ d drawing the people away from the local churches. We entreat oar friecdS vrho desire to spend the Oarcp-meoiing Sabbath' with n ^ wtp come on Saturday night The gates remain open until 10$ p. il **.

' * - * , - LASX OK tHZ SIBBATH.One of the delightfQl featuresvof this place to a

Christian and order-loving people, is that while we have several hundred boaiB upon our lakes, of every^variety and style, whioh crysa and recross each other from Monday morning nntli Saturday night, all, exoeptmg* the .ferry boats, carrying people to and from worship, are moored ahd qaiet every ttabbath. A j oint arrangement is entered into by Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, by which no boating Ib allowed bn the Sabbath day. Thia order ia cheerfully observed by alL

j BiTStSQ OK f u l BiSBAIB. iBfltKteg npon o'ur'pifiin&^a lfl llbt ollowo3"'Dii'

any Sabbath of the year. I t is a most gratifying faot, that while so toanyjthonsanda viait onr grounds each year, and persons; too, of all agea and views, thepe has been lit^e or no deaire to violate this rule, the rigid observance of which Js so important to the Banctity of the place. Aa many persons,, not familiar with ouf regulation,.will,doubtle^* rrlfiH hh iinpoftint',to repeat some pfthese things, as we are persuaded, from the char­acter of the people who usually favor us with their presence, that all that is necessary in order^for them to keep our rules is to know tnemJ *- •

- -P eihapa-there-are Xaw. ju lea , ha-temptatioii& to break which are stronger than tk a t which forbids fishing on the Sabbath. I t has bo happened, on Beverai occasions, that there have been wonderfully large rnnB of fish on .that holy day, fend the temp- tation to engage in 4he sport has been very g rea t Nevertheless, those who resist have a higher re­spect for themselves, while those who" fail, have had the mortification,of being compelled to do bo by our officers of the law.

GAItnB(07 ABHZBBIOH. ■On the Gamp-meeting Sabbath, Aug. 20th, cards

of invitadozi will be issued, tb all .the people froin ' Great Pond, on the 'north, to Shark Biver, on the Boutb, a mile4»ckrjSorn the aea. Th&oe cards are B ^ m ^ J ^ e ^ g p i te the holders thereof as residing In ibe linea referred to, who arc cordially invited, to worship .with us, on the, Oamp*meeting Sab­bath. Those living beyond these lines will, as a t othor times, worship a t the local churohea, and so prevent the violation of the SabbatH'day. Persons OK.QU1; grounds, whose fnends propose to come on the Sabbath, will please not apply for cards for them , as- none will be issued. We mu the quiet of the Sabbath.

must preserve

PBOOEEDS 07 B1UU.All the proceeds from the sale of lots at Ocjean

<^^ove are appropriated to the payment of lands purchased and ^he improvement of the same. The members of the association are notipersonally ben­efited by the rapid development ol the* interests thoy have taken in hitod. All is for the publio good. < .,/,/ __

Isa a c Ml Singer’s Fifteen Million P o U a rs .

. We reprint the following from,..ont* issue of Maroh 18, as we have had a number of applications for papers of that date, but the issue was long Bince exhausted: . .*. Mr. E. W. Van Pelt served upon Surrogate Coffin, in White Plains, last week, all the papers o f tbe appeal from h'ia decision of the claima by Mra. Miry Ann Foster,,td iiuirvene ih tbe probation of the will of tbo lateJuaac M. Singer. Ha- aald that Commodore Corno-latftjuaac M. Singer. ______ _________ _lias K. Garrison had become interested in the caae. and. would aid Mrs. Foster in her conteit against the will.— Exchange.

An old'friend of ours, who is now. a man of sixty years^ was, in his youtb, “ stage struck,'* and, leaving his situation as an apprentice to the varn­ishing and polishing business in Hew York, be­came aBtreliing play actor. ~: His company experienced the usual vicissitudes ol Buoh cbncerhf^ and aitw tmveTi&gWmO'iffOiilhi united their fo’rtuue^ with another company which was managed by a.m an named Unrritt, whose

‘ wife waa the “ leduin'g lady ” of the company. After an absence of# 'jf» r or jnqr?, from ilsst.X SjSt^aj friend became tired of theatricaL Ufa, and bo m- fotmed. M emtt, and alao„of his desire to Re­turn hom e..

Mr. Merritt urged. fcioCto.remain, stating, aa an inducement, that he was entitled to a share in the theatrical property which had been acoofpfllating, and waa oi some value.. Our friend Promised to remain^ but the next-^ay quietly stole away and abandoned l i i r lntexest in the oOnoerfi:-After a varied exporienoe in Ills he finally settled down to

Tjiifold trade of poHaher, in Wttlkuisbargh, L. I., and being out of employment cb -orio occasion he made application fo* » J l tttation as p^ishdr at. Singer’s Sewing Machine Factory, whore he ieamedHtor the first, that his old friend Merritt and Singer the sewing machine^ man w e re th e same person.,

Mrs. Foster, whp now sues far dower from this immenso estate, was the Mrflj Morritt of the trav- elipg company. Our blend is now, and has been for many'years, a locfd pMacher in th? Methodist .church, and if bis testimony is likely to be of any use to tbe eonteatint* of the will* they may send word to th s^ fioe of the Anbury Park Jobs- bal, and the name and address of the strolHng play fcctor rhftU beufurnished to them.- *


H , ■'............ * T - . ■' ‘ , 1 %*- ^ ^ 4 ^ * ' V v ' : - ■ £ £ £ &

\ 2 7 ^ : 1 8 7 ) 8 / i 11 :

... • 7 ;.£ b ! i ra .;T O A $ c tt- |^ ti AV TO ^pi»lntcdPoU iy) Jiijrtloe,

for t o mm^ng^jear.. ! ; : ' ' 'KEy-. John Hggy .Is HjgSiiig jome to

i^^^»nicrqt> tft.boautifj’ hia . .. , Mia

S’m eIni, ter:thoswiitibaofgciiste,

iloiing thaoreasiaj.-V

A»”W(WkEotmfc-HpMfi.. -os':-M<n>day- saornlftg .'j^s'iTjiorateJ one of -horJoe#j,-Ttifd ttw_sseaping‘ si@SisiighUy soalded the laptisei' sjia flremi».-..

looldng at, her ‘b.roihuidHTO a^sliStd^tfi&a;'gi<mnd with an ax, gat ^ G ^ ' otlt^in ' the'foir^eM; 0)9 wound bled very fredy bnt It .•

■ilr. B. Grgjin haa.nrriTcd here ■rffejtWla^-foarbeautiful- muslang^froin Toxaa ; t l i§ iCto the gen­

u in e Cherokee and Choctaw lndia^^bnjros/1. The ■most of (hem are yej^r fleet, and they leate tiio'dast for all our oraok trotters. *)? y ■

' . ■. . ?. , ' l,*«v ■ • ■The steam flrei engine is repaired .a'od will bo

here during “ tlie weel^* and; b y . the1 tim? it gets iiere ifr. McWilliams, of . Now York, wfli tave a oouple of wells driven /tonrtpply it w M Water. If - the weHs-are aJsuOooM, vfe^iill be|guardsd" against any Berioafl conJO^gratton in t te fbm a;1 ■ ‘i "

We havoin; thla towii Sfrnto vary bad hoys, i|but -justice has overtaken -lkroe"pf theivorst. Jotoi Applegate, twelve yean^ Aj&er^iriaij'ifyher, t in t /1 teqn yoiSsT*ind Lewis Davis, about , thft'eamo age, are now in jail- for Stealing. ' Bomeldays l |o Mr. B. Wilstin got out a Statp warrant far their arrost * fbrstealiiigp^ge an s’ from. him. The trial bamo off oh Saturday the 20th, and they w^re committed by Judge Jmne for a few days. ', Mr. Hackerman, a cigar manufabtirer, living in

the, upper village, while out Riding, and near Mechaniosville, met with a serioOs aOQdOnt I t ap­pears a team of horsey attached to a-plo w, were left standing without b^ing hitched and they took fright, and runhihg down^the street, overtaking MxJ Hackepman, and mncihg into his frightened him, and Mr. Hackerman, in tryffig to‘Ret out of the wagon, fell between the body-and the fore- wheel; In this position he remained for some time, while the Wheel was tearing the fleab off his leg and arm. 4 j ‘ '

O C E A N G B O ^aE t9nB M S._The boating ia delfgBHai.Tents are being ereptejJ^aUy.The Howland House had fifty guests on*Tuesday.

Considerable curbing has been laid during the past week. V , v

Rev. S. H. Platt, of Brooklyn, has offered his property for sale.

Bev. B. M. Adams, of Brooklyn, hqs been spend- ing the week here.

'The timo for the cross-the-lako-up-or-down-hiro- a^boat boy is near at hand.

The painters are busy r enovating old cottagca, as well as finishing nqw ones.1 Quite au^xtenflive addition has been made to the Jackson Houbb, on Pilgrim's Pathway.

(The large flag waa “ flung to the breeze ” from the flag staff on the main aiand on Tuesday.

Captain Street will commence fixing up the Hmtfiing-houses and erecting the poles and life­lines, next week. ■

Tramps occasionally visit the Grpve, but they meet with a warm reception, and allowed to take an oiltaide view of*the grounds. ,^ 3 B ^ H ato illp iE B ^ ^er s^hop on :blm~8treet. Wo trust that as he has mucK'at'»^a^, h ^ ^ ^ I"inWt MtBTstiS^SSs.' r

An immenso register has just been received at the Asssociation office, where it will remain daring the season. Ocean Grove wants the names of all its Centennial visitors. Let the register receive your first visit. .......

Mr. James Stevenson and Mrs. Hibbs, both of Brooklyn, are having their cottages raised and otherwise improved. When will cottage builders

Jeam-torieep-nprinstead-oX^aising^theix-Cot^ges- a year after.building?

We saw on the head of our esteemed friend, Mr. J. K. Hayward, a brOwn felt hat, which he in- fonned os was worn t}y Dj^Placo, of New York, seventy years ag'O. I t haB been .worn by successive generations, and although it is a little u worse for wear," Mr. Hayward would not take a hundred dollars for it: ‘ ►- . . . . *■r Last summer Mias Each el Watson, of Wilming­ton, D el, while visiting the Grove, lost a valuable 'gold watch, and although search w&s made, and a reward offered, ahe failed to find it. One day last week* while Mrr Thompson,-of th e —Thompson House, was leveling some dirt which had -been hauled to^fill up a lot on Main avenue, he came across the watch. The crystal^ w as; broken* but otiierwiBe the timepiece sms apparently uninjuted.

The.roof over the main stand is ne^-iy complet­ed: A handsome belfry, surmounted by a flag­staff, has been built in the oentre, and the bell removed thereto. Still another important im­provement has been added in the Bhapo of a toilet room, about twelve felt square, attached to the east end, yhere ministerpj may retire foi,rest and refreshing ablutions after severe labor.- Tfhe rooni will also be used.for committee meetings, etc.

J^etiio fflst^C ongress* *.The Methodist * General Gonferenep'is'at$(< in

seiaicm at Baltimore. -F o r a tew days past a^OtL- tion haa been given to the election of General Officers, the most .of "wfcom-wore re-elected h&ao; clamation. •„ Among this happy list waa Revi Dr* Vincent, the popular editor of Sunday-adEo9 _books,. trabUj.bto. Tho P o ^ ^ j ^ l c c t i o n , .^ith-, oat opposition, Was greeted jrith great applause.

Bev. Dr. Cuny, aftcf'T 'term of twelve yftftriT service, a term longer, by four vears than thaf^of any previous editor, \ retires trdm the ChriiUan^avoca ier& dr'ti rofeecf^aS^r'Fowler, D D., LL.D.i who brings to the office rare gifts and Buoceasfol experience in the educational departments of tho'church work. . . .

Bev. Dr. Curry was elepted editor pfthe iktdfc** Repository. j * ■/

Bev. Dr. Dashiel, after a vigorously contested ballot, was re-elected Corresponding Secreta^ Of the Misionary Society,' with Bev. Dr. J . M. Beid, of Michigan, as ffisociate. - fZ

Eev. J. W? Adams, Qt N. H., presented a‘re«o- lution to provide for the expulsion of members of the E. Oburch.whp rent buildings for the gala of intoxicating drinto. “ * 'J

Bev. Bishop Oumniinga of the Ilcforined Epis­copal Church addressed the Conference ir ra happy ana spirited speech,. in which be assert^ that:ho. owed all hejwas, and all he bad been permitted-io do throtigh tho grace of .God, to the Metho<U*t Church. . Y •*

On Saturday last, a telegram: was received {on* nounmng tjje death of Bey. George Feck, a broth­er of, Piabbp ^eck, who died that day at Scraatb&» in the 79th year of his age. He had-been a triOm- bar of,all the General Councils of the Clibzbh from 1824 to 1872.. , T**;cv .

^Gobpiiroutik i r i t t r . iW A I u k t

lenott^h^; Of Green fipedrto hlf (house for we are happy to Jearn.

Grove,? Wh^h^ai'-been'i i o m ^ ^ f t W t h b tu Ia ^ w ^ tt th g .v re l l ; ,

-Our o l^ ^ e n d ; \ jo !m l&Moxtok&iM: to n g Branoh/ is very c ^ p l im e n ta ^ , to . t ^ J o ^

We:appreolate< ^{ponipUmeiit; ao u rp^ :M r* JTorford a ^ y a p r e ^ o to d goodthlngfl

.. - ' , _ - , '■

tho w&knplwn-Ifiks fs*-#. fionM. . ,V?eb«lieT« |i

fieatlga^ n'5o,|tp*ac •• flr, or . - 4V'. J ■IKath,' the atte'nSva prop^i^«nda to,do uli ln- bis power to it' jpopWa# for jincihffw. W®11» forpis^&t-.'bo^eia.''' -:l6 OnUopk' inpon-'Was loyLakeiinnanijwijsed: ;...^rjBaa MoSi^ow kadher ainghtsr'h&Te*s--'- : - ^---3

My ' lit-v A V :i& l^anning! :6wpnv the y e a r^ v flnd U dlfl ctilf thjere.> iA > anythingso p le a s^ t for ua to talk about/ aa thq great Ana g lo rio u sq h ^ ^ tH a t htsklpKlplafcoin.the^Yorld ylthirfjit.'f^Wfiat^^acpq^tvthljr.igftdth Of Mwph,=:whenitha^j&&efto .Tfirble’ihla^flrst^rln^i' n b tea ifro ^ ^ ^ - leaflesa -tijee-tbp31 tibagaS'Wew'gladdene^ hyhhifl cheery a^bur^anclea ;'w ^B tln^Jto p a in tb rig h tp ic tu rQ flo E th o tim Q now^WfthTW'; but, surely; our ^ e a t anticlpa*' .tiopflJ^tB b^.daya^am B ^ia^fcd-bythoglbiyof the. MOypua; preseht.“-T Then- nipping frosts and chilling ;wlco8 Were etUl prevailing;, buf now,

ivaken in^ the^beautlful- m e m n j^ ^ o ljf ifi

Cookman avenues. jp , Pa._ Froip conversations we have . w i t h Mrs. MoCalmont wo aSfe led. to b e U o t f t ^ ^ ^ o i s deeply intereated in the temperaiioe CauBO^ May Buch women b e multiplied veiyw trere^ Tho hope of i our Country’s prosperity recta v^th these tru e mothers o f the. land. . , ; . v’

Lakmno, ~ J ohn '< Immdng,:'^ (& nIiOngy Branoh lawyer,7has ono of, tho noatostf reaidonceafcfc iha: Branoh,' .]t always makes- ua * gladiipi; dee) V^oh p le f a ^ ,h ^ ^ y . homeaf’rwhen i wa; pasa; them.we. mentally say, ** Go^ b lu a the ;wife and ''children • that live there.’1 So when, wo - pasfj^the, home of the drunkard, who abends in , M c^yena-beer or whiskey what should be used to/make ids home comfortable, we invo luntarily ,^ , God pity that family.” < ...u__ *-r* 3 .

Dby.—We love to oommen d, good taate wherever we, but specially in cottage adorning*. Mr. G. S. D6y, of Brooklyn, has one of the most taste­ful cottages in the P a rt, situated bn Bangs avenue, comer of Emory. The interior inust h^ve been designed by eotno one who knew just what would please a first-class housekeeper. Wo havejjo i seen anything so complete in indoor arrangements for a- longtime. A man’s taste, and culture is readily diaOern'ed in his surroundings aodLthe exterior of Mr. Dey’s house evinces his love of the beautiful. His grounds are finely laid out, and^iri addition tb the garden, he has adjoining a very .fine grove of forest trees, which ijj a luxury one cannot' find al­ways rOady g ro i^ to Suoh amplO size and shade' as hiflposaeB s.-W eunderetand^designs^tohavea. fine croquet lawn under them. He has also planted a number .of cherry trees this Beason, i Which nov doubt will ibe 'thoroughly appreciated in “ cheny tirpe.” ’ - ________• k ,

K esO tatlons o f T lia n k s . ,Wh?»|ab, Through\the kindness of Mr. Jamos.

A.,Bradleyj it has been our privilege to occupry Park Hall for several years past free of charge, as a place of worship;1 and ( * ;

Whebsas, Mr. Bradley has, been untiring in his efforts to make all comers thereto welcome and happy;'and

WazBKAS, Tbe time has c<pne when we must change our place of worship in order to accommo­date the people; therefore/ \

vffwoZocd, That we do hereby tender him our sincere thanks for the' same, and will e vet cherub fin our heart of hearts th e ' warmest affection for him, and pray that God may reward him in this life an hundred fold, and give' him in the life to oome a Crown of Life .that-fadath not away. ’ -

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolu­tions bo-presented to him.

Resolved, That these published ito ASbury 'Fkrtc JooaNAi and the Ocean Grovfc

Record.* {Signed.) S. JAQUETT.

. In bebalf<*f-tbe Pastor and Trustees«fSt^Paul!a M. E. Ohuroh. - • , • ----

TVit nnmpllmffnt nnnhiinAfl in JthftjhOTO

—A committeeufiheSunday^Mhool teaahera-oalled, on Jtr. B., to ascertain at what price he would sell the books and bodk-casea now in vPark Hall. I t seoms to huh as though a good son who .had mar­ried an J'waa about to leave thp old homestead, waa asking for some momento of past. As the fa­ther would say in such a case, so says he,v “ G o ,, take what you want, my son, and may God bless you, and always remember, if adversity overtakeir you, you have a place in your old father’s heart.

in s , ..... . . y ,v ,Bpnng-ifl h ^ e , Hhe B'ongB'cqjne in^c6oiiwe^t anil let'

^lifl fh&nk'God that;we are awake to' ltstep.DId you: ever try to imagine th a t . tho cunning

llttleBeeds, ih e tree^,ahd piadts? and flbwera, haa~v‘““

and ould.U lk.and uhderetfend^ each' other,'and Hhe songs o t the, Tjirda^as-Well J I ivilf iibwr |t^e. you-a^toiyvjlu whlclrtli^trlB' wdCtwrije'The,<jase,* and’lih ln k yo^ will-like-it. ■

Il^waa tim e-to ' flow- the. Seed In the flowcr- ..— — out the --..‘ed.

■plot," wljlj^he; put- ___... mfuut'ea. T. .”. ;

SlEilirf seed lived,In a Kitlopapa houoe' by itaelf, with ' itt aanri^-.plainly priatai 0a the front door: fe? ihe stedsiof one famtiy onsht hot to be aUowft&iis ssweiate wlth those of other fssnlBsa as lon^aa they are 56tBiSg"bEt ,seed0.' i i t e r they gro®, to be plantq,^an3; now^rslltTis ifjuite another thing. Then they are. old "and tig ssoagh to-choose- theh Own coanpaniojss; and if the popples see fit to. nod. to. the r nndthe mornlfig.^'fiSricS'To'lErow klis^s io-ti|eger- aninnis, It' Is nobody’s bnstafess-hrit theirown.J

•WeU, of iiieso p^per houses (by*the by, some pcoplo .(Ml them ent-elopes, biit then somen a n n ln dnn^f If nAnr * n l i i t tli& v . 4allrItirY a h n n t

K n i g h t s o f F y tb la s .Ai, a r«gnlar.ssaeiing of Msninsffiih Lodgi, K. of

P ., No. 107, pf Aabojry Park, halii May i?th , 1870, the following preamblajgtci resolutions wereadopt^

W hsbsis, ."Kik Hand ot Proridence having re­moved i!ts loved wife of oor esteemed Brother,, Bainear, 'trvm the scenes of this, life, anti wa being desir: s ,of testifying onr ;espeot to her memory, ssd to sspreas. o ix earnest and afeation-, ate ayispathy with oar Brother, b«j it therefore

Bitolved, That we tenderly condole, with oor Brother in this, his hour of-irki acd s&ic&oh. a<2 do dnontly fltmigjfjd him to the keeping of Him

hc look;'; with a pitying eye upon the afflicted. lirsoltftlf That siille we deeply" Bympathlsa with

Mm,' we shaM 'ith hijri:, ^ hojsa of a ro-nnion in tbat better land, wh.ere tbsre will beno more part-.ingandblisem&llibleforbit!s nil teara__

j8@i(>lved, Tbat a copy of thialpiesaBble and reso- IntioaS now adopted, be iunsnsitted by K> to Er->thar Bamear, asa to leno f onrre'speot, Aad that tb-, same be the Ocean Urovo J2<?. cord, Asbnty Parb-JdrBBii, Long Branch ifim i- Also tfngiosssd upor, the pages .of ear 3ootdaL' *

... J . Q. PATrsasos,}B. 0. Roamf, v Committee." - V ) - IG. HisraroM,

. fT he Aabury P a rk House.

Last month .m mentioned that 'Hirnihire far iseventeto oat o fth e t*en^B6TOb na# oM-roonai 'at AsbTiiyParki.--had.bebn'. pledged by'chnrsbae and indmdnalii-, m well as the aritsaata ne»3sd for siMfeg-ieom and pallor. - ; z , •

WsijHe glsd to a4iftaii_m ne . . bedrooms-have beeii. taken, &b well as o npper hall. Orff at 'onr managers t.tky name is whe hsS *S-ready given a.sheck for 5360,00 added tEO.Cft to thisamonnt thatssfcs m ig h tb s 'ib l* to Ec-:.ttiiS entire tost of the iHnh>g-rooiafqrpitur»rTr$,890.t)!).

Tho follawag ohnrshen have iafan rsiaas'iofasr- Jiish, „ta:«.4diU<m jto^thwy»;vs«il!S#>n’e4. ta , 9Hr to t

West Arch street Presbyterian ctmroh, Ohestnut- Hill Presbyterian •chnr8ib;'"'-i?l®teheF Mf,t(iodiri Episcopal chorch, Arch street Methodist B p^opal

flii. ...,. —.1,,- ^ - i , - , -Several ibom> havealso fsken Sy JaaiTiJr,-

•fc, and a any generous,ccsptribuUoM are reeeited.Onr frisnds are responding nobly to tfce n i l for

help, and we hopo.the Ilttle,'thatlii.needed (ooam- plets the fttrDishinB, will »ooo be pledged.^

Tbe Asbnry Park House is now aafefiwJv' dsiitha bcilding is pr&uranced very epnvenient in interna! atTangemene and atnsstive in eztemai jspj»*fnnc;s. I t will be opened for boarders Jime 29? - Faith and yfork* for May. • -v ‘ *

K - O u r S e w t e o f c jFrom present appearano^s*4he new choir will

prove,* (jower in thispiase: ^e'happen, to. know that some.of tbe lady members havs’haJ eitBcsi ve osperienoe in city ohtte.. Ws like oongregational 'Mngingr There u«othiog grander than a' volume

mosical found, t -iere a tJioaaand roises Utrmo* nize l' W , in ordsr to have good eoagrsgatipns.5 . ogingj^lt is jijpaioary Uo baye a oh<Si«i iSSd'thim. fWe Jshsill look for ftritelie* eVaejp from our Aew choir. ' : ,

i m , -

J :Knoirtng;.5fi>9^j^;«i(ad!!ltp, or asbaiyEurlc aOdt

at 2 o!clock. ,' Onr .boys got thg last innings, aud.• opponeais1 m : 0 fi» t-to the b at, ’phlaji they;hand-, ■ lea w e lt ' ■/' y - r r r ^ y r ‘■ - '

.‘tho Lilacs. On- pja Grtj<--ff(iro Paul^IUiii^rds, " ra^U B lim -'iiat^ierti 'BsM'jD«yj 'Pito6«l'r ;^Hensf ■Bresnaban, flrat-'bossj' Howard :MillQf,',,j3.ooiiS,. !b*s<j; 'Iiems■Hathaway,. tbira ,bs?0 } W. BroVroi**; -abort.stop. ■ ’.W^Xie’ms, .left-flold; I; -Eiobards,’ centre fi«ld irJan i^ A .lK lp P h rlg tt^ ld , 1 ' j _.

’Fouls fiW^UfirrBiobarqs, 4 j ‘flies- oaQgbt:— Hathim-ay, & v / ' ' i

' Obsrlea vMlddlKiworthy t aptali of Oeqsn_"B«oh ^jboys, M Dharles^Is-Beegle,-«oorerr"'''* , . .

‘ . -yonrs trulyv , "•. . . /S a m

peopi-ii don’t 'know -wlist tliSy aro.. {aSkiilg ..-nov bali the4ime),‘hsd M the ladytdlpper BeedB all the .long^oheerless winter. :: “.oh,.deac,jsn,tthi^S n e ! ” ths y all saisl to each 'cthet- as the gardener, 'dropping hlfl.thinking cap. lif ted them out of the., .w w r " lm 't tlils flne l-w e are ' ’.'1- : ■' . . .

^OiKO TO ssa WOHLD as last " iffd they rolled over each o iher in per­fec t delight, Tfte r f r t o c r c ab led them to the ■ nics-sinoott, flower-bedi" to w :dK-, the . roof, -of tflcir 'lioose -nd- l4ld -is upon .the 'ire? !yb riw .a eartl .while he began loose-sing the ground a little w ith h is rfike. T he U t^ a U p p tr seeds crowded to th e pi aee.where th e ro o f o f the ir house used to b ft an d peep&fi out: T hen ‘they ail* commence^

to fe th e r* * fa s t ss they could t -“ -O:., how lovely f H ere la e jeiythiog-tl-s canary sung about th is morning—the great trees nearly touch­ing the sky, the ta il green grass, the birds singing,

ia - ^ d o i r t eroian [ crowd audpui and oh 1 o b ! ob isae wpgnfng to Jiyehere always, ftud d aothiag but lle in the wann (isinsbfne and hear ihe birds flSsg S —(don’t crowd and; pusls rso)-ansi—15

•Before they could, say another word, the gar­dens’ Hook up the paper house, and pouring-anne of the »e^3 into the palm of his Isssd. scattered isfesron the groandv snd' commencfla-istelnBnhe dirt over .them- . Those left bebinfl. commenced talking again, this time not so fast, but in a low, frightened whispers “•() dearlt’! (such a differ­ent “ O dcar I ” from the flr>t .One) “ Whsst’biw bb done-with Oiir brothe*e;ai4d:Sisterai ahall we never see them again? and will he cover ub up in the ground, too T I t la dreadful to think ofr~ better s thouasnd iimesbe back in the seed-box, Ustenlog'td'the song raftbe canary.”- ' ' -----

do, dear ones,” said a ten V,'w® f ■■UaWJNii* all

“ Bo lie* a uosieu' wee,J}fows5 seod,“ ond S forgotten the last •

. EOKfi, iTj; ra tipn’ inE oanakt i>rso? ^ , tiay, mddeD from tho *igbt;

lO fJb eJ

t i e othert;, hopefully. “ We are no longnr afraid, though the ;garde»«f Is coming. He w l f '■] put us in tl-,' dark groand, but We shall odnie up again, no longer seedB,.but green leaves, budsaud'flowers” . . 1 f f f f f

But one llt^ seed that hsd-said notlilitgliul this :iinc.jjow hid itself away in a.corner. say­ing: “ l am aot going into '.he grouisB,S and whei the qijherfi rolled merrily out j t e . the gardener*4-biin8,'the gsper house-flattwSTawsy

heUtUkiwd.fejl; fm,tluigmimL£stort__tanpe from the betw eenJt^ cold,

^ S L irly two.weekawentby, at-3 tlfefdnriv seed, looking towards the spot i thectoily-eiippcra had been sown, one warm Bummer mpruing, be­held rows odtows of bright -greeirbsayes peeping ont of the ground, and.heard then ftw n ff gaily to faidi ,.)ther, “ Well me? brother,^‘r :QoQ3-'i5> .siis- ter,” “ How pleasant It is to bij-iif the tdr and sbine once more j " but no oBe-sawor spoke j g her. poor, little’thing J&T

Time went on, ssna the; plants grtw larger and stronger, and at Inst came .pretty, tendijr-biuls, which soon unfolded into* - w -, ,

..-i'ajfli*. •*.-<rf-ey«i7 -tieantfM. im £ tm lbs sun, wWd, rain and dew loved thegi-<teB&,.wd theffi^es, bird8J ad # tbQHghl theia. the gjs&est things

As fa t the lOnely^ittle 'seed, }i ltvo&S 'dreary,1 frimdhw-lifs betweerLthe-tworpbld,.gray sionts, .and every day It r \Id fo . itfcelf, ovi'r : >;Vi.;r,g&in,' " Oh t oul^ Hist I,'iao, aiul had faltii in

the song of the raRHy; tbai should i bay^been beautiful anc!. beloved Tvfth my brothers and Bittfrs. . _ , . ,1.'W “ kliBf.'1'by goWfflr ■utubine,wa«hcd by aliver shower,

. Now, is aot tbat a nice stw y i and does I t n o t ■ contain for-us‘aflweet»lesso!t faith,‘hop®, .asd traigMtions., Oh 1,60 inany pleasant stojrles. we may bear ! ’ wSbuj listen ^»,,thsi thobsiuia Sweet voices of spring time,—voices whlcb'lnspire only psm; and innocent tbgughtt.vtbat wesv« them­selves into.the ms'st 3harming.rancies,- Here is fiction^^about tbs froggies

iw - « w a 5J tj iS a a i8jP t tw = « to ^ ^ - T te * i7- Boik j one sent lt for out columsj s»me ikno since, bat we have not bad room,for. It before., It is about the ...— - ' . nog* at Sjpaooi.

--T*«nbr.f<oagi»s weut to sohool Dowaietide a rtuhy. pool,;

• -. TsessiyHttiif.saaa.afgrwiJi ■ - ‘Twraw»rtB',».Uwate:K!Sisle«:,

. , ■ “ Woma»t bein tlms,” ».idthey; ,, “ First wettuSy.-then W 'plnjr;

. That is how w® keep tbs xnU Whsn wo iehobl.”

Msstar Bollfrog,gr»T» » d item,.Oslled tb* olsues ia their tarn -r ■Tscght.thsmbaw to nobly.iijlra,Llkp t~ nt how to leap «ui diw; i' .jm h ., .eat'upon the lvg,

. 1 ,xi them how to ' ■ iS«r<hog I”Alsabow to dodge a blow .

. ifrojn thf s,ticks -filcb b*d b*yi throw,TwentyfRjgghsgriWnp$&•'■* • ' ■

! “Bullfrogsthey i^uuflost'Kut; ',--. . i- '"" ' ■ Kpt one duaco ainong the lot, ■

Not on. lauhpr tbey forgot 7.. Polished in s high oseroe,

•. • As'Mush feowi? tif be;Nbw.tlwy «) u* bther og*

, . Te«bhi(t otherJJt tie frogi. ' # “-If -you -p-jnld-vbrtt-tte-cirjst {KrffM asBwil of

tho khid Whew th e . pronunclatiojr of the favqritb Ker-chog ’ •Ie tsagtst ta'tbe.-gp^Keof.rr-rlet.y of

tonesalfdTiractlcea by the largest number, you should nav.aiinB^I^i^e.t,5B8!. ^ai the ovtclssg shades beds, ta gather, rum ‘*fe? nit,‘. aeat.on tfect .satul.Si'iiobK’i'iBlana. -rr •••;-'

. . Xxrvinj^ryonn,'. ‘;—**

p D M M ^ I C A T I O N S . .

ro fb

T o V tp jM ita r q f t h s jo u z w t ; . , , - J L '•’.We qoiloelb thOftolumniof.tho ^TounHAti thst a’ lady bud inquired what constituted, a “ BOt” of Bblbrs, Bn.c( jjdU je.R ^ndri <*jaessed.whether I t

baiiosity that'prifeBtsd ibe quer;;, . ’Wobope . .“ 'Wo will anawer-me questibn-the- best-wo 1

cab:; ■ A prbper set;Of; colors for a ooniparjy is the Americauflag,about;tour.'feet,by six feet,,v!tth .ihb naiais oOhe" »mpsny,-;i^ai0g'tU H »4^"'iho- 1 bbntrei with tea foot staffi'|araali; Sind bo fl.!. :rThe' ,, McKmgijtrBiflea' would be-proud tSjBew'sioch a .otito., , 1 : .' ...., , . t - gotpgB.T tfl/B E d ito r^ /ibe Journal: *

Xobr wiokly yisiia are appieDla®’; as you will Jw asiiaMa, trisen X say it requflSrtt lesst two copies tomset the demande siaallfamily. I (un gla8*t o ‘f o r m v-‘— — * - - a -----------

on yourJ5prous-expresdon; * eating;matt-Giy are, by all yo*ur subscribers, eagerly pemsOd.' T .. *• \-v y. * ’ *’ * ■

Yqtw record boing. plain, yauj* pages clean, and 1u--------- you have won a

* 5 on a terror « ... _ go°^ condi­

tion the morals,of tho dominunity.Your B ta te l^ - g o i n g h ias,H d i s t u r b e d t h e

r a n k s of c r e a t i o n , f in d a a ^ y o u m p v e a l o n g , a d v i s i n g - o ld a n d y o u n g , c o n c e r n i n g t h e t r i c k s of u n r e a s o n - a b l o .m e n , t h e r e o o m a s u p a h o w l f r o m t h e d e n s of./, i n j q u i t y i t f f id : jb e h y W f f r o a r s . ” * ‘ - - j

Y o u r c o u r s e i s s t r a i g h t , a n d y o u r o b j e c t mer- c i f t i l ; p u r s u e i t - v i g o r o u d y , a n d h u f l i a n i t y wiU *

‘ b l e s s y o u r e f l o r t , . . # -

' t j- . E KB ID EN T.

— Ck)lem an H o u s e , A s b u ry p a t k .— The Oolerpan House a t Asbury Park, N. J . , will be opened for guests oU the IBth day of June. '

Asbury Park is situated on thp line of the Long Branok-division;of the New Jersey Central Bail* / road,■'’immediately adjoining Ocean Grove Camp * Ground^ on the north, andjiye miles south of Long Branch.;

The bnilding hjas been iji aiurse O f oif6otidn du­ring the'win tor and spring, and is in every respect infinitely the superior q f j iy house for the recep­tion of guests in or atoqt Ocean Grove.or Asbury P&rfc ]

The Coleman H ^ e , three stories In height, •With bqiemont, has a frontage of 160 feet on the ocean, and 76 feet in depth on the wings, and contains ninety bed^roomB. The house is about 4<K) feet^Iatant from the beaoh. and flrom its widp piazsas, whj^h extend around tbe house on two atories, th ^ ’o is an unohatructed view along the shore, for miles in either direction. 1 * liistanc^ S3m the house to Wesley Lake about 800 feet, With an almost uninterrupted view of its ' whole length from the southerly piazzas, as well as therWhblO. campground at Oceau Grova, oxvthe oppoqite Miorec . ' - ■ '•«

The house is further liberally supplied wfth ladiqpti and gentlemen’s toilet on separate floors,

' by a l a r g e tan^c o n t h o u p p e r f l o o r , f u r -supp . „ . . .nishing Buffloieht water to make the sewerage com*

^ r 5 w 4 ^ iv ^ « « ^ jw ^ ^ ^TMflJcTUihfm. TSuhOS-fflflt JTutnishedwith all•fetstfa'ciderp appliances of a first«class hotel**The fewiw y)f ihe birds are always trufe^* said_i , . ,

the* wee w ed: irf o F ih ^ o re M g h tlp ttGm b y ^ ^ ^ P ^ te j^ a p p o ih te d - la u n d ry -h a s b c e n -p ro -^ the angels.” ‘r We do believe—we wUl believe,’" JW«edin the bouse with experienced laundreises

from New York, thus affording guests the oppdr- fttmity of having everything requiring a tten tioo 'in * -this line, done atlregutar laundry priees.

Tlie draing-rootic, 7 ^ feet long, 36 feet wide, will - seat comfortably 176 gpests.

The parlor aod gen demon’s will be fcMiiBhed io the best manner. . ...

The bed-rooms throughout are large and well ventilated, each room being provided virith (t» spacious cloflet; the furniture is entirely new, of blaok walnut with spring'beds and carted hair mat-

' ;The house .will be lighted oxOlurively with gM» manufactured on the preMtees^by tne well-known * Springfield Gas Machine.

The outerifiriU -be under the. snperintendenoe of an, accomplished caterer from Pleading hotel at Saratoga and will be unexceptionable in every respoot.

. c.’The waiters and servants have been'selected with the greatest care, with a view to thorough

; efflmenoy in the linef of their, various duties. i- T^.osyner pf^the house will constantly keep in

mind the pbmfort and convenience of tho guests, and no effort spared in-making for the.Cole- mau House a reputation second to none along the

'line o f the coafet. ^To those who have visited the Park and Grove;

juay description of the attraotions of the beach and its unsuroassed advantages for surf bathing, would be Bupemupua; but’to others, who have not et seen the beaoh at thia place, the statemenj^oan'' eafely be xzmde that no other location on the Jersey coast affords such facilities for bathing, both m .the gradual slope of the beach ,and the steady roll of the Burf, and as endorsements of . facts, this -further, . * — **

,.!* ALMgBT |H0BXmBLs/ "v »fact is o^ered, that in I _

not J jn n g le ^ ^ d S ^ T y drowning haa ooourred.Within ,a block ofthe house ia a large pine grove

and, park, thua affording a spppiflo for m,alarial diHQWGB, and a splendid resort in thd'tt^afc of the 1 dAy. * i .' . , . .

For particulars ad to terrna—which are reas­onable—address 8. L. Coleman, AsburyJPark, N. J .•» The growth and rapid development of the park, •

Hnwhfch thia house la located, have beeiTttlBaoet marvelous, and ita beauties sire becoming every day more and more enhanced. *

be P^t.five y e a ^ d m ^ -

T lie G ra n d AveiHjie H o asp . ' i_ TUis. pap ier S 8 9 i-3 B iH i^ a i f ^ - < 6 to ie S ^ jp i j l6 g Q rg n d ^ d Summerfleld avehnasj-is i)na;di'T;thtt - — cosiest and m :: bnrao-lii'.t sppbaf tng bomc ri in th» :.i. ' Park.' A terge addition on the.GrtacJ avenue:side " is now nearly_q.9nipleted,'moroafflag the aspaoiiy s4.tbaiiansajieai!y.CBBjiM_Ifl.tbsRom9plea«9.0f . its infernal aRaBgemen'.%;it can hardly bo stir- pi and. MessrC. Hurley and Nowiaad deserv^Mosb praise f ir th s neat anil substantial mantnar Sa whicb they hav, douo tisSf worlr. Vfhm ihe -painters have put the finishing touches on,~H wUl be an ornansentto the Park.' •*

In the -culinary department the proprietors " " sd wli> forethoughtJnjrathog in oos-

Dnm & Go.’e largo, Erebob rabgbs, leylexpeot to bo able to meet the de- 1

of. the toost .epiocfsSitn guest, Messru. Sill ft Bipley' deserve (he enterprise ttfey ' have showndjn msajtogjh1os«.itopjovemeat6 ; itbst "I*- ?Eey^fBl winTt, w bavb no doobt.

As v&hgvB -previously remarked Itr-these ooi- nrotis, too hotel is- properly and auetuily'manaffed, 'TuileMsladle*havesshsra Sa ija,control, Ia.tbls hole! Mesiasuos SlU and fiipley^wivea.of tbe pro- ptieioib, dsvoKs itjHr entire tbxa to the personal snpervisibh of ite variona departments. '. ’ . ■ " ■■‘T<

We have'rectivlti from our dpqeent bi«damith, <■;>t£ .BjiWikii • ^ a g ^ g a a t .l<we&a, . a .ta M .iy t. fbaoa^ead’ ispon his pmaaiiet.. . ' — •"

• . • _ '• ' »’•. •• • V.’i

‘V> ^ S B & R Y - ^ A R j R V ^ J < ^ U 'H ^ A L , H S T G ' ' ’ ' / ' ' ■ " -, -*j

i S A T U R D A Y ,. 3 ^ T g f , - 1 ^ 6 . .

R A T fe M ^ R V E f t i S ^m0s


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(1«00 y*M»40.0007.00

u #

•. T h # > y « a w& _ _ _ ^ ___?__ ^ _rn _ o;_____OOPrjoBt^iy A«Wy P a r i cook, less than six yairs. ^ j & 6 < nfcw iitan»go*r , .. . ’"V'v ( 'f ‘ \. \ ;jbn|t* wo are glad:lt is ptv^pertty* and n

j j & L m . ;a a « 05* to b . anad«a at th . 4oor of a®: .tb^* ir.oo" Uum-ilxe-ttxi e?- - Tho m an wh o ;

poddles MoHyona bear^ _^tv* ;< V |* ’.*' ', j ‘


hq,op. 100.00

, ( g jj - » «.— ».

» ' • /- ' ' A»bnrf'.1p«irfc P o r t & m c f , ■".t k ^ r n ^ ^ m ^ v t s r A m i

Central Rallroiulot Neir Jersey,st8.44 p.m.:...Offlce open from 7 eij%to 9 p.m., txofpt oringjdUtrlbaUon ol.■ - r , - ;••'••*•. • -M MBS.D.inFP. . ,

* Diyuly P. U .

Fare from A sbnry P a rk S ta tion to P o int# o n N ew Y ork a n d L ong B ra n ch D lr ii lo n

. V * * O. R . B . o r N , JT» ' •' V ••...'■ • '■ ;. -.T. ■.-.;

» • «

l i f e . ;Bli**beUt A vf..... IX

■ r€H gfelf ‘f i s e f e r '

Uatawsn....,, Holmdei..;,.,....,*Middletown.........KedBAnk..........Hhmntbury .;;.., Branch port .> ,.i.t Looa B reach ......Occan Beacb.........seaK a ln ..w J.,... B eaQ irt.... . . . . . . .Bquan.............

Rbo. E ic «0 7S-|1 2569- 1-46’*05-- «• • V.

v\— -v :F are from F h V id d p h la to Aebtury P » r k ,

v ia P en n a y lv a n la B . B , ft.Blngltffcip ticket.. . . . . . . . LServant*

Beaaon (individual), good from Jane lit to OctoborUt... 00 00

F are fro m P h ila d e lp h ia to Anhnry Parte, T la N ew JTersey Sou thern B . B ..

Bl&gteTicket............... : . . . i ....... * 8 «Rxcflrtlcm Ticket, (apod for the Mio&j.i. .......... 4 00*3 Trip Ticket, (good for funUr);................................ 40 00Baaeon Ticket, (lor one perww). ...... ^....;............flO 00

1 1de T a b le f o r A ib n ry P a r k .•.iLowffnter, »Hlah-Wator. *

B ellffto n a Serrloeo . .P a r t BsroBjaoi OHunOH.—Serrioee oondaettd by jler t . — ................ " ' ------— *-— *-'--------1 Grand and Sew-'P. Wtlaon, will be held at t&e church, oomer of Grand an.1 Bew­ail arennea, dortoa next week, aa louowa: Pneohlnr dn Bon- rtwvftt IDM A- and 7 ML id ah bath School at S*K r. M.. . . . , - l t ,__(TonPndiyat730.

10»a. m. x on Wed*^ ______ lioff^P. G.Kat Perk UaiL 0 .0. Ormerod,

x b in , O. BTBowland iw d n ,1 tow tfetoomi, on Bnadajr at 8:40.":,o. a.

Society BKeetlnsa.BEA-Sid* Lodge, I. O. or O, T , No. Wl, meet enrtThnw*

107, K; or P., meet erery Wednetda^Aeimrr Park. Offlcen: T. S. Woolley, .. . --------------- E<lward Wal-D.iA.p. JlcOebe.ttO.:LO. Bannortk V. U,; Bdwarrt Wal­ker, K.of ELand aHJbJuWHamptoo.fl.of P.; LewftiUln- car, M. of B.; W. N. PaitYi M.of .£Tpftvid. BMton, preUct; - -Stephen Roftere, 1. G.;, O. SLnaj, O. QvAaBtJirr Lodob, NfW l«a. P . m A .M . onmmtima-

s ^ g UtnniK, O. Try, J . A.W.L. Atkinaon. Bee.; , to. J..D.; JVjfl.Der,QUauldof'£ H. Oook tncl UrUh White, Qteward*: P. G. ShedJ- ker and b. H. Broun, M. ol 0.5 Ljmart.TikT; Lewie fi»intir,P. Q Bnedlker, D. W. Saxtco, plnanoe Oommlttee.

A U sctllaneotu.TB* A8BOBT Pabk miUtabt COWAWTjnieet laRoom. Ofllcer4:Le^ltahieg^OiuB|.;,‘---- “ Or C.'Orm MrtJOT2<n2*nt; V BWnt <Jn»

Bennett, U Brrgt.-fegW " * * —■C. A. An mock , Bth

. ttuweik v<u"oi,l(t 'WSt. ; Jc.—...J . h . B w g i^M B cy t.; f c m pjv t th

j 5 S W . _, ; O. H. Brown. M L Pmtl 0 Ice Pre*.:inVlco-Pree.; O.H. Brown, *d vicePrea.: Bi^Walker. ScO ;

Horbert TwafcrrfMecntiw Committee: O. B. Howland,Jaa. A. B r t ^ Wull-fw^Bey, Uriah White, WiX»ose», J.


Ljmani Johnson Taylor.B?1U)I*0 AMD LOAV ASSOCIATION, meet at dlna Koom.on the Or*t Friday m each month.

_________^CToitPte*.; Capt.W .T .Street, Vtoe-Pre*.;D. Beegle. Boa; A tt. CoSt.Trea*. ijlrectom : W. O. «ihaf- , A*XnrTpark: Lr> H . a Kmmccth, a rtmnr P»rk; Darld

..jiUinK, Ooean Beech; T. 8- WooJkr» Anbury P a rk : iaaacUo- ParUn, A n b u ry l^ r- ; W, Hath*way. Deal; LewU Beinear,- Ooean Grora; John l)ey. Ooean Orore.

Aimnnr Pauk Anhpry P»rt Offliera: D.

C e n te n n ia l S o m m er b y th e le a .MEKTINOS at OCBAW Gboy£ —Meni* yUltore from.the North

“ ““ ‘ “

PhllaitefpU-. _ — .. . . . ~ ------ ---- - —- - - - - —Ooean Grore and ArtniTy Pttk, wlUeo arrange their Tl*it a«.to •pend a few day* In the rlctnltr. Hvne will prefat to go while theBeoUst Uonferenoe et the Groro lain nrogfesa, end *foM day'or twoiothen will prefer ^,w»lt until the MethoUJjtCamp Meeting, Temperance pgppiewll1 time their rlrit to *tt«pd tfce Tetflperanoe OonTentlotu «fc. F[or tha oonrenlence at all inch, .WW wUl keep the foUowina order of meeting in thu oplumn frfarongh the■caaairTUgaltf e«5Se«,4ln ad4Wottto W ehoyo ape^ZTeSriowrwinW&W durlhg the wiminer, awWll be onto Btokee, Preeident of 0 ^ b Grorer»OOBLUfMK.

I.—One Hnndredth Annltereery ol Amerioen In fpendenoe- Seaside Meeting for Spiritual Qommnnlon, fec-

HI.—Centennial Bunday-eohool Ccnrentiofv-JulyIV.-Bgrectti AnnlVereary of the Pint B lgtons U«rrloe h*ld

t p n g B ta y c h B a n k i n g C o., i LOMA BRA3CM, New j^ey .

-Tjepceiti •oUdtedwom the easier reaid enU of Aibwy Perk, Ocean Grore, Ooean.Beach, Sprth* Lake Beach. e^LBea-Glrt.Belcrenoee: Darld H. B ywn; Tig^nfe^rOoeejl qrove fey- datlon; Jamee A Bredley, Aabury Panc; A. Bltner, Oo«uj•Beach 5 Iter. U. B. Beegle, Ooean Oprra. ; h . * j

W ee k ly SC arket B e v le w ,- iirm ra—Btate, fair to good.. .. $ .»Bute, selected..'.......... ?■•£'

Ploob—Balunwe*,... ... .............

_ d n u d T v ^ i ! ! ! . ! ‘“ ‘ oo, BDCKWUKAT^^UB^^^ kV.V^V.V.V^V lIiPen^iTMia. ......OATS-No. 8,HTy. Vty7v * ........... ^

Conitr-W tetem ntljwd,oId ........ **•••£ §Soothem yellow ...................................... ,

WnmiX—Milwaukee No. 1....................l. . . . . . . . ^ . . . )NoD .y. ..................... .

* Winter, m ixed.. .. BXURHMartov............................ ....................

.White k id n e y ... . . . . ; . . . . . . . .......... ................... ......—. Cm kbbbb i.b ~*J w i * •*« ■- A rK i» --W ln t« r............................................ ■■

-.-Mixed, - - ........ ............. Grapes-**;

sj 160

_r--Mixed, good........... ............................. • - t u^7:POTATOKSr-Karly roee, in'bulk t ...................... j

... Peaohblow, dpnWe hoed........„4****»****^**#*Ohiohb—..u . . , . . \ . . . T . , ........ ..............T0RKS»tDtiMM.M,,;,.(..-..k....4 ...............?

HaTeretraw..... .' CkMSKTVPortiand....... . .w... /jvrrmrr. ‘

Homan. ....... . ' i . U .•^ «■»*) m f«)«*■ ».**!*• jo

, a h ***o>£:

^ t o f v^^tvB iibdT E i» l ptorionted. the Mnsonm Vifltti tli# Iw opjaw o* porpoiso. ^ ^ v '

:: jWfiohath.Woe P Who hath Borrow? -'The family of th e ipap wHoaHnks MoHyenaKeer. -•. ;■

Tho platform of tho Central Railroad station at Xx3iig Sran^h is fire hundred feet, long, ahd . mado* rof tho boat fee or^iajilnC ; - ■ V-...... ' ‘ '

reoelvod from paeaengoiB an^ height a t iu r station, *.thany &trtp n g Do you doubt i|? iqqniro at tWofflco and have U c6nflrmod' to ydnr inorodolons oars.

three'yems, not adrerttt}

VUftU UM, WVU^Ub HVWUII UD VUp<((U. Th^aaasilBillia U1K35B&,:

ing. Bov. Hr. Abbott* preached with his tuaal ^fdrvop, . ___ ( • . . . . . ..

- Mr. Anthony Trnaz, of Green Grovo, fotmd in his meadow rocenUy, a lwid turtle; on whoso WaoKhe" marked A. t , 1084, forty-two V«ars kgo,» Con any of our*turtle m arking Bufcsoribors beat tha t? -

':... _ • ^ T t '• .J <r

The trees in the Baili'oad Park are pu tting on. thearaam m orsuitfl ofgreen.lItJa.alreadyreHOrtGd to -by ou r young ^ o p le > ^ h a ,ra it ; in ,the patonV ■win^s and W k fi lo re (Wo eappo^e) in^tho earn- mAThouse. • ......... ; -

* • h i another column we Copy the circular o f the Goleman HoUso^ of this p lace ; We endorse this house," and as a proof of it, seventeen r^latiyes, be­sides frieqds of tho Editor, have engaged rooms there already.

—Qnejof .the moet iboaatifu^ t r e e s i n Monmouth oonnty stands on the Deal turnpike, about a mile this side of Long Branch village, between the school house and toll g&te. I t . is a splendid bouquet on a la i^e scale.

-The beach on a Sabbath afternoon is already mpch enjoyed by 'our come-early cottage owners. H ie Invigorating breezes from ” well on to Old .England,” make eyes Sparkle find cheeksfrfisy, as only sweet, pare air can do;

A gentleman, in slighting from the cars at_o<ar station the other day, remarked, ** Well, i f t%is donrt boat tbe story of tho Arabian- Nights !” Bl­inding to the “immense" changes tha t Had’ 'been made during, tbe winter and spring.

—■—=—*—+’----;----MatawanJSlaoe in'the Paric is being very mttflh

improved. The M e B d a m e s Sne53icor, Kipp, Ormerod andJrtkfctson reign supreme on the sqaare bOtin- ded by Bond street, Cookman, Emory and Matti son avenues. The taste of t h e s e ladies will be seen in a few days, 'Wtien all the gardens a r e complete 6ud flourishing. ,

The new depot will be ready for the masons, Messrs. Hurley A Bennett, in a few days. The junior member of this well-known firm* of masons can not only do justice in any case brought to iris notice in his official capacity as 'Squire, but he al­ways does jnstioe in his lino of work to those wlio favor the firm with contracts.

Trampe'tire evidently betaking themselves tlrns the season t a summer watering placd s. Almost every nigh ton© or more is famished wf tl? free lqd^ings in the conrt r o o ^ as the authorities will not pennit -them to sleep in bams or os t* bouses, preferring to keep an eye on them dutti,rg* thgjr abor t so jo u rn .In th% moniipg.^hoy^aro.po-.

TUely but firmly invited to “ move on.”

ZJ&etsrs. Cha».-^o wlan d,~Pa I tison v fined ioor-fll id George OimeraT, have been appointed ushers by the trustees of- the new St. Paul’s M. E. Charah. We think this a judioious appointment. Got>d ushers are a strength .and power to any oburcli; while on the other hand slip-shod pofitouess to ktraugers and even to members will belittle m at­ters wonderfully. We-ahall expect a smile arid hand shake from these gentlemen next Sabbath at the opening of the churoh.

The subscription taken last Sabbath for the preacher, we learn,' was satisfactory. Amon^ the subscribers were. John O. Patterson, the new l?o- lioe Justice of Oooan Grove, and the Justico of .Aabury Park, Mr. Jeremiah Bennnett, who wtjre present on the occasion. When Justices are church- going men it had a salutary influence on the com­munity. When a Justice takes a “ sniffer” with one of the counsel for either plaintiff or defend­ant before the case ia called, jastice is administered “ in •horn.'* .

They sometimes sing at Ocean GroVe, ** Not in my way but in &is own Way tke Lord ^rill puo- vide*h We have sometimefr fblt anxious as to h-fcw people hereabouts would get along during the hrtrd times, but in God's way they l^ave alt been called for. Painters, carpenters, .gardeners, and others are busy. There seems to bo. ju st about w«rk enough to employ most of our neighborhood, but none to spare fo r newcomers. So do-not faiicy We have room .for more mechanics, or. expect to find an El DoVado of .work here.

I ' ^ ^ ' ' .A n o th e r S te a m E n g in e in A s tn iry P a r te .

' Mr. W. MoGhOshey, thtf ice cream m^uufecturpi', haa abandoned the old h o r n powor-waohuie^an^ haa purchased a good steam engine, whioh will be used in summer in the manufacture of ioe cream. In the rear o f his ice cream factory, which ta lo- cated corner of Sanimerfleld and Main arenues, a belt wiU rorf from tho enginMo operate a kindling" woo4 apparatua. The wood 'business'Will be Wown aa tha MoOheshey Kindling Wood Oo.

: J o ltn H oeyfs P la ce .While looldng^out of the oar windo^r laqt week as

we passed^John Hooy^s, at Long Branchj we saw Ihat gehtleman directing several wor&men in im- privoments on his beautiful place; We oommend hla liberality and' kindness of .heart, in oporiing W grounds to Uie publlo Beveral days ijvtha-wook. I t al^a^s pajpi > to-W^eHerous, but it doesn’t pay to b f rheah aiidj»e3fiab._ We onoe hoard a minister preach <m^jUaxi}^f!or€^B t^leased notl^imeqlf,

6^9 iUosfcratipU Was of man Who pV—u~La-m * MM9 ^U«jirew9». waa.w a mau wuu pi^uu«»oa . .*•O a *r •*»'a 'j^ tk , enclosed l y ^’&ghribol5^r'ft o W tT O if ir r i* r ~ - ^ . ^. -- - J t 1 n x !(«, vIiIaa n rtMnn A I S Q i 1 * U Mm A R R I Ui® % ia '» i^ .* ia« te4 ,in 'tt8 ,'5 !ace , aneat open iH e t; ‘ He tSsD planted ohotoai 'flowere ssd'oSharj. ?fiw Tiui people of fci3 JV-i^hhorS;co

,hwJ hkdlnp onltoM in tbe Jo ^ax i, tbe b w u tln # ' b i t M *i*y pMsad.Me p)4oe asd^topped tajflok at the im pror, ment*, hepresanWd.them.withfloweref then with Baeda »na:«Hp», antTin’a fow vcaia that

. unsightly Yillago bocojcft a garden of lovolinoija.TVhat la money goo3 fot bnt to apond^ And what

' b e tte r i n y to sp en d ’som eofliw benonohaag lon iy - tKaa to'jnst^^ jra y jM r? H 4 « y dolrigrrts^ .

Il TerylargsittidnB^leotedatookotmiliiasrj’gcsoai jo ii t io i tu A m M ib M eh % tim g.

• .P a jK B ^ a k , E : 'c i i a N l k 'ib e jijllg fes sfjiriocs'heldlnthfcHill Sast Sun­

day w/t£jrin altIf not aliogstharT pong*egatloiii>*{ieet to.teki' poaaoaBlon.of tholjfno.w and.od^ainodloaB ebtmfcs, B t Paal's, next S&bsapt We^odisfass' ta a feellug


^ Ladioa'who wish to save two aaa ijhrce jollfUB,, dan, do,[so b^^.bBysiigfjtbait spuuig, fad tenm «t bom. s . . LopgBrabob.^


" * BE42.SB* I»- ' 1 • . ■ ’m y g o o d s ; ■ • . * ........* ■ - ;

Q BC C1IU E3, P - 0 E 0 C K E B T ,, H & B D W A H E,

T IN W 4 E B ,W O O D ^gf-W A BE,

; te n 1i i ; i . ,# •. v t - I * , i,. > .O lA W fW A B S ..

F V B H I T t ^ ! / » - “ c 'A E iPE T Si, 0 H , CIiOXKB, W IN B 0W 8 H 4 D ? B ,'E te , H oehanias’ Tools, W iudo iir Qla«a & P u t ty .

—— i » A x r v K c m .. F a rm in g Im plem ents , F ie ld a n d G arden



ffime. D em orsst's B e liab le P a tte rn s .3. A. MORPORD. ' ‘ i, i . At Tt VAN DKBVBBR.

' Ipo tioe of EUssblutiori,.U;he C O P A B T N E R S H IP h ere to fo re ex isting u n d e r

th e firm nam e e f L A M B E R T ft K A R I jE Y , in th ia d a y diesolved mufcoal consen t. A. P . L a m b e r t retirih fr. T h e -bufiiness w ill b e c o n tin u e d , and a ll o n te ta n d in g claimB settledT>y W m. E a rley . .ABbury P a rk , N . J . , \ A.- P . L A M B E R T ,

M ay .23, 1876. | , W IL L IA M E A R L E Y -

FOR SALE OR RENT, ' ” A PSrtiished Cottage,m m m m a v en u e ; a sb u r y park.

Seven Rooma; a JPlefleant Location. One of the finest Cottagee in the place. Will be dieposed of on Reasonable Terms. r Apply to\ HERBERT HURLEY, o*

D. H. WVCKOFF'8R eal E s ta te E xchange , A sbnry Park .

HOWLAND HOUSE,Q c e a n G r o v q .

This Horide; the first established at Ocean Grove, bfts been greatly enlurffed, improved, and handsomely ^painted. Each room has a door and window opening to verandas, which extend all around tbe building at each story. The rtioms are all newly plastered and neatly furnished. ** conveniently located In the Orove, ou Mt. Carmel Way, within afew yards of the

* Congreuation Grounds. Poat Office. Tele«raph Office, ttc.* It is well kept^and noW Open for visitors. Every effort madti tcf give satiifaction in all respects.

O. Jj . HOWLAND, Proprietor. ‘

GRANDA S B T . X B Y P A R K . N . J .

This Honse is deliglitfnlty situated on Grand avenue, near Wesley Lake,<convement to tiiq Depot, having a jjood viow of the Ocean, nnd within hearing dista’ilce of the'Minister’s stand, Ocean Grove. In order to meet the demands of onr guests, we have enlarged the Honse to nearly twice its former Capacity, mubinK the rooms large jiud v«ry pleasant' The Diuing-room and Culin (ary Department will be nrider the supervision of ex­perienced persons. No efforts will be spared to make everything pleasant and home like to the Kuests. Terms reasonable, t or further information, aodress __

SIL L & R IPL E Y , Proprietors,


prepared to furnish the residents of Asbury Park with Ice on and after June 3, 1876.

All ortUhPIeftftfit the Offlce, Park Hall,“will receive, prompt attention.

H E N R Y - S A L L I S , M a n a g e r .

Shrewsbury Oysters & Clams.,' W E S T ,

- «*■ Of LONO BRANOn, N._ J.,

bury/tHotels and Families Supplied. '

' Orders left at Park Hall, Asbury Park, will be prompt­ly filled. f .

- A - . W . L E W I S ,Subccssorio GhowexX BrOS.

L a ip Bread, F w Gaie, Pis,AND CRACKER BAKERY,

Cor, Cootman Avenue in d Bond Street, ’ASBURY PARK, N. J. V

Refreshments for Weddings. Parties, Pic-nics, sndf itertainqieutO' furniilved a t the shortest notice and

the most reasonable rates. Icing, and Ornamenting. Cottage refcideuisijir thke: Grove' or PdJfk ierveS at

t^eir dopre. . . -v jj, ,

COTTAGE FOR SAIE OR BENT,:A new finely built cottage neaf S^a'Girt or 6qoan

stations. Plenty of shade, fmit tre^s,.small fruits, gar­den planted fine sea -Clew. .Would sell orrent partially- furnished or unfurnished, or.twould take one. or two /amillea to boardr , . * s r . ■. Inquire on premises, or address,/ '• ’ * MRS. a.ROSEB^aOK. S^uaii Village.


is She nadtnlgnitdTw s«teSes ■ of ’ U fe U m » H it Sea Birthing, hewlif ttU D X i^ lta X all ^

A g a i n s t'sahglV? , the rigbt to

JtiJeht* to j j i t t h . S a tU o ;

A‘iV-T Mc:;-,10ilth Co., N; J.



O F i l E D B A N K ,

, O ffer I h t l t t n m i io o k i i

■ ■ Opea f u

APRIL t9.iB7Q. ~ .

" " ; W M . C . S H A r T O , F y o p .BW aw feit t 2 & ^ » a S ^ . f e , i ,V l C j 3v

laqn ire o f J amea JopBTAt o f e g '

W i t

M lfflM T IO S I.f J 3 0 7 P e a r l S t r e e t ,

N E W Y O R K .We warrant the following advantage* ±ff ihaj?se of

our P a i n t s ■;'*They will phove morb durable, and will present

a good appearance after pure white lekd, mixed in the ordinary way,-has become washsd ynOM th* WO• Two’ coats of our paint are sufficient where th

coats of other Paints would be required.Tho body or covering cspaeity is superior, POUND

fo r pound or n r MEASURE. Our Paints will <M?ver more stirfaoe than pure white lead. The consumer takes NO rise io using them, as we guarantee satis­faction, and will' repaint any building with English B B white lead, or any other, nr ouB paints do not prove satisfactory. , \

Sample Cards, etc., sent upon application,FOB SALE BT


' . 3 s r . j - .



Steinbach Bros.,E a s t L o n g B r a n c h

A s b n r y P a r k .a n < L

Great Bargains i^ .

EEADY MADE CLOTHING.A very large and handsome Spring Stock of all de*

scriptions jnst received. Nice Dress Suits for $10, $12, $15, $18, and upwards. A full line of

B O Y S ’ S U I T S


G reat Bargains. In-

m t . i r G O O D S .“ ^In tfii department, by buying our goods by the case,

we are enabled to sell Prints. Muslins and Dress Goods cheaper than any otber store in the county.

B eautiful P rin ts lronrGc. to 9c. per yard .Special Attention is called to our fine Assortment -

A L P A C A S .

Striped and Plaid Alpack 12Jc. and l$o. per yard _Fine Black Alpaca only a6c. per yard j reeently sold at 37|c. and~40ei

Great Bargains In

W hite Goods and Linens._

A fall slock of White Linen Table Cloths, Towels, .Toyvchng, Napkins, etc. We invite hotel keepers to examine our goods in this department before purchasing elsewhere ? our prices compai^Ssyorably with New York or Philadelphia. . -

DednofJ<m Always m ade ia B ay in g Q nantitiea .v •

Lfrge variety of Colored and White Flahaels, Ho- tferv and. LsdW and Children’s Underwear New stock of Ribbons, Lace9, Hamburg Edgings and Inser­tions, Veilings, Corsets, Gents'Fnrpishlng Goods,* Bta* tioneiy*and worsted..

B1.UK FLANNEL GOODSConsisting o f Suits and Shits o f, all Styles. .

A LARGE BOARDING HOUSE,1 •' I» A a stm x .P is i,;^ j ___ .

iUtt^tea ia .tb a Cor. of firs t & Bergb &va, iThis bo’a«8,W fS|pnlan»ltK tKe'iia'aoisf v is iiA of

Asbnry *»tk,.'batj6 cqmmandiMgjvi.w of the ocean and 'iam!ijadiB(B,ldna b contaniem to tHollathhig Groimfe ;i»'W®U- bailti and nicely fam iatw .throughout.' VViir liccoirikodatej abont- iraeats. Alio, a GamaM 11 and 8 c», and Bathing Hoem ott Ihe b e ao b /

Will «(< Btmltnrp and Croskervwltb tbe bottM If dealrwlv '.pos^egalpn gi?ea im-^nediatelv-. • - ■ j* . 1 ■ '

As : ■' i - . . .' ■■,■ • ... ALLEN E. COOK,” '

Or, I. C. KENNEDY, *' j , "■ 1 . , •'Aabnrj’Pfsrk^N.^.

B O O T S & e

ThUdsrartoient Is now replete with alargeassorted stock of Ladies', MlssesVand CKildreM’s BOoto. Low Shoes and SUppera, ofvthe oelebrated BURPS MAKtT*' FACTURE. Men’s and Boys’ Gaiters, only $1.50 to $4.W - ’ " n ’ T

We have, constantly on hand TRUNKS, SATCH­ELS ‘ SHAWL STRAPS,, UMBRELLAS, PARA­SOLS, Etc. .

Patrons will fihd On examining onr 8PRING STOC^ that "We are selling n£, .'

V M t J S V A X i l i i r I . O W P B I c m

EsUliUsbtd a t H i ItallmrfT rt,, | r »W»rKi N. J;', 1878

•. 'v',H c h a s . w . ax.i ^ xt, '■'MEDICAL BOTANIST t t H^RB DOCTOR;Also. Gfowerof & Dealer in rierbs. Roots, Barks) Seeds,

Flowers, etc., Compounder of Bqtanlo Medicines.... Q Q T T A 2 S T , i s r i c r . , .

Blve miles£below Ocean Grove, i j . J .

G reat E eductionsIu the prices of all kinds of Famittoe and Home

Furnishing Goods, consisting of



C H A M B ER SUITS,In WALli’UT, B i l l and ENAMSL,

S t .

P R A C T IO M ,

P l a i n M O r n a m e i a t a l .






i n a a i r , m o s s a n i > « x j s k :.*• .


P A P E R I T A N C I N G S ,



PLATED-W ARE,With otber articles too aomerous to mention.

5,000. fdKrJB^rfiln^Carget,

1 0 0 Y 6S . '^apesfaf,'-1 ^

‘ 3 0 0 I ds. Body, B russels,

l ,5 0 0 .Y d s , J iM U p g j.'.

P ra g g e fts , M ats and R ags.

This immense stock is offered- to buyers at greatly re­duced prices. ' k

t r . Please call and examine beforo purchasing else­where.

G L E N W O O D .

C H A R L E S J A C O B U S ,A iM .P r in o ip a l .- • M A T A tF A J f , k J . ,

Summer Term opens Wednesday April 19,1876. 1Superior-advantsgifs afforded-to-both sexesj h»' the

attainment of souna and practical scholarship. Out motto, not BOW MCCh, but h o w Well. **

Extensive Philosophical and Chemical apparatus Personal attention to every department. Competent teachere. Music a specialty.

To our boarders, we tnr to make the Institute a home. The grounds Ite beautiful and varied.

For circulars, eto., addresa the Principal; or, Chas. W. Fountain, Esq., Secretary of Board ’olTrustees.

f R A N K H A R I R I S .

blouse and Sign Painter,^ a ln ln g i GkiMag *n4iStalftlBg’.

Be«1^4! u»*VdoatA® Qltban’a Stow i AaatmT P*.as.



S A L i E .

Situated near the Ocean, at, the' head of Wesley I Ake t haa eleven roopiS > lot 90x100 feet. -

--A WEfct B tJILT — 4~^r - ................................ -

S V l S S , O O T T A G B .No situation better, as It baa the advantage-cfXake and Oceairfrohtagc. ‘-W,ill sell with 6r without Furni­ture. Only small amount of the purchase mo the btfhhiceqn long for rent . wy

L Cr-KENNEDY, Asburyi*arlft N, J, Or, GEO. A. RUMSEY, S^em, N. J . :

February, 1876. .J •

«».«««« money waihted, i f not sold by May l>wlfl

I wxyildiwectfuilr Inform my« Witter \ 11 that wilUfpve me their patronage^ in Aall that wilUgive me their patronaKe, in Aeburylpark,

“th«tH have commenoed oaxrying .milk for the season,and ^ -

V e g e t a b l e s * P ru f t I n ^ h o l r S a f t io n .I deal only in Asbury Park. .

“7o h k h a v e n s .

- . ’ i n O R _ R , E 2 S TTb. pnttbst. and .-eWt fmi'Jgtxit Wm1«j tsk*.

■ ■ know?*a

*» J«ljr aai'AogBkt; yaOK' CtotaptiO if totdrfrtd.- . A d ^ , ;W Saj£EEOlS.pE% ,

A l i ’ v r o r j *

i ' - i ' . "»■ ■A ll l . s s k f 0 i t m a x r t , R e p a ir e d u i i « « .

' h > m w a te r Eiefct.

East Hong pranclf ana A sbcry Park,

R O'. Box' l i e , C u t '(rftngf B t u t i .

Order* by Mafl Promptly Attended to.

mm %

R A I L R O A D S .


NEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH DIVI8iON“.ComtnenclDg Jloaday, Isy 15, 1870.

laalns leave foot of Liber y street, North River, for, Long Branch, 8. J5,1J .00 a . m., 4.15,5 30 p. m

For Ocean Grove, or Asbury Park; Ocean Beach and Sea Girt, 8.15,11 00 a. M.,.4 lop. M. Arriving at Ocean Grove, IQ. 19 a. m., 1.08 and 6.t»3 p. u .

Leave Long Branch" for Ocean Grove, or Asbury Park, Ocean Beftch, and Sea Girt, 6.45,10.05 a. m., , 12.55, 6.10 p. K. The-6.45 a. it connects,at .Squan with .train for Philadelphia. Returning, leave Squan 7 30, ’10.55 a. m., 4.10, 6^5 p; it., arriving at OceanGrove7.47^11 ;13 x : , 4;28, 7.13 X. VC-----

Trains leave Ocean Grove, or Asbury Park Station, for New Yorkand all intermediate pointa at 7.47, 11.13 a . H., 4.28 p. m . Aniving in New York 9.45 a . m . , 1.20,6.35 p . m .. • . . •

Leave Long Branch for New York, 8.05, 11.30 A. U.t 4.45 p. m. Close connections for Elizabeth and Newark.

N EW' JEK81CX SOUTHERN E. E.Time Table commencing May 1,1876.

NEW YORK.Leave New York {Pier $, foot o f Rector et.), for Lon*

Branch and Ocean Grove i t 6.45, 9 45 a . m ., and 4.00 p . m. Arriving at, Long Branch a t 8 55,11.40 a . sr., and 5.50 p .m .

Leave Long Branch for New York at. 7.45, 11.40 A. M., and 6.30 p. m. Arriving in New York ^ 9.35 a. x . . and 1.20, 8.15 P. M.

PHILADELPHIA. *Leave Philadelphia (foot of Market St.), for Long

Branch, a t8.00 A. m ., and 3J5 p. m. Arriving In Long Branch at 11.38 a. m ., and-6.27 Pv m.

Leave Long Branoh fbr Philadelphia at 7.10 A. M», 5.53, 11,44 p. u . Arriving in Philadelphia a t lOiW a . M.', and 3.20/9.20 p, u.



Trains leave depot. 32d and Market streets:Express for New York, 2.40. 3.1*0; 7. 20, 8,3*, and 11

A.M. (Limited New York Express, 1.30 p. m.) 1.35,3J0^&45f\5J30Jfi.35*.7.p.,M, aniUU midnight.,.. Ori:8utt^~day, 2 40. 3.30.7, and H.30 a. m7 3.45, 6.35, 7. 7.10 p. M-, and 12 mldnivht. Mail train 7 a. M. Em kraut train for New York. 11.40 p . m,

-i—Acoommnda tion-for-Trontoni-030 -•■^Express for Long Branqh and Squan, 7.20 a. it ., andS.15t <m.

a m b o y d iv is io n .

Prom Bfarket 8treet Ferry :Accommodation for New York via Perth Amboy

and JameeburK and Monmouth Junction. 6.30 Xl M. and 3 P. K . connecting for Lonp Brftnch and Squan.

Accommodation for Trenton, connecting with ex»Sresa trains for New York,X.30,8, and: 10a. * 1 2 noon.

, 3.30, 4130, and 5.30 p. M. —• *'Way train for Burlington, 6.30 p. m. ' Sunday traina,

7.30 a. m. and Ijp m. -—-2—Wav train for Bordentown, 8 and 11,30 p. m.For Kinkora branch, fi.30 a . m., 2. and 4r30 p. jr.For Highfstown, 6, 6.30 a . M., 2,3.45. aud 5.30 p. M. Por Long Branch and New York, 8 V m. ■For Tuckerton, 8 a - m. and 5 p m.For Medford, 6 and 11.15 a . m., 3.45 and 6.30 p. M. ForMount Hollv and Pemberton, 6, 8,' and 11,15

A. m.,3.45, 6, and 6.30 p. M. For Mount Holly, 1 and ,11.30 p. m.

For Mercbantville, 10 p M., ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays drily. ’

5338 Chestnut 8treet.8. E. Cor. Broad and Chestnut.

116 Market 8treet.FRANK THOMSON, D. M.. BOYD, J s .,

General'Sfanager. Gen'I Paitenger Agent.

S A L 1 3 F O R T A X E S . .Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of an alias tax

warrant, issued hy A. G. Lane, Esq., Justice of the Peace, the Subscriber, Collector of Taxes for the Town­ship Of Ocean, in the County of Monmouth, N. J.. will, on Saturday, May the 27th. 1876. at Park Hall, Asbury Park, in said township, sellr-between the hours of 12 M. and 5 o’clock P. M , tho wood timber, herbage, and other vendible property foubd on the" premises taxed to the undersigned persons to make the tax and ooet an. ne^ed to their respective names.

Bennett. Jacob W r:.........Blowers, Henry..........................Brand, W. A .. . .......... ..............Dotten^A. F .............................Farry, Edward...................

Fleming West,estate.. . . . „4.Griffin, Wm^ I . . . . . .__Hall, M o rris .........; ....................Jackson, Lambert W .Martin, P. J o h n . .................Morris, Janies —....................Morris, Eliza Jane...........Megill, Joseph. . ...........................Morrell, Samuel • i'*m . . . . . .V. . ,Morton, David I . . . . . .......... .Newman, Clark..i......................OlmsteadL Andrew.................Price, Hmda W . . . . . . * . . . ^ . , , . .Remson, Wllliatn....................SbARo, Geo: w : : . . . . . ; ; . . . . . .Shulberoopj'BoWt-. . . . . . . . . . . . .Vanortwick, A. G .t .........Vannote, Cornelius-....................White, James . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . .White, HenryD,:.'i .......White, Jedlah, 'estsie. . . . . . ;Wolleyy Joel.. * . . . . : .............. .Youmani,' C urtis....» ...T ;r..___Youmans, Jane. ....................

April 21st, 1876.

Tax. Cost.. . 3'& 1 76■ff 5 88 I 76J: . 7 07 1 76

• , 3 84 1 76. . . 8 68 1 76. . 30 18 3 11.. 2 31 1 76.. 2 88 1 76: r ' -20 90 3 11.. 4 80 1 77. . 2 6? 1 76 '- 12 87 1 76:■ i S -.1 7 68

1 76 1 761 76

. . 28 16 3 1114 40 1 76

. . ' 6 15 1 76

. . 3 52 3 11

. . 9 60 3 11:: : 1 % -

J3H . 1 76

. . U -32

. . 15 75 ’1 73 1 76

96 1 76. . 6 58 3 11 ' ”*?.. 5 80 3 11 i-.-. . 44 15 8 16. . 8 03 1 76.. . 6 15 K76 _„r..... 19 20 . 176

:s I e w is ,r Collector.

T R Y M Y D O iW E S T I jp B R K I O ,

W I L L I A M E A ^ L E X. "fito n b tiy 'of Ocean Grove has noW Opi

tin Oookm wWhefe X intend to contlmej. winter, and W$p a faU.varfttyo CskCs^also CboteoQorf0«t,nn**


-T“;:. mm m

tna only fcvsgole, swept dream, £oxr to ihp far away. ' •

...■»:>:‘vk' r^-yfkisa-tA qve they ahower the-pearly dew.

; .i; - :i- DriftlngrdrifUngr downThe stream, ...V - ,^Wfaioo thd |lght broe*arippl9» «ti ferery breath j

vftfW ythltXfiltt^rdepthtf'thopebblM gleam, ----•jwy< > y..:-. * And thashifUn* saads.thatfiow beneath. 1

* DrUtIngndw~tEro1 the forest dim, r Abd tn$‘*illOw>rqcp* o’ertho mossy brink {

&>£* v A hdthbleathery; *; JAjji.brrijhedby

hery feme by the gray rook* grim, >d br tho favvu'tlmt come* to dnnk.

^Drifting onfttfll tbesun has .told,.. His bright ** good night ’’ to the weitern sky i . ... l gold.



' ' Hlabrfght “ good night ’’ to the weit tAwI tln« tt,wit!» roab, and purple, and

V’ - " * nVer'flpwing’so silently.- f .l.y.- ^kn ilvAi 1 n..ijriftlug^diifting, down the atream,

•_-.. "^TMJdtnosoft, soft shades of the twilight gray ;. JKtema only a quiet dream.

- That will sometime end in the far away. ’. ••»: BSSSIK PKOfl.

I ^ n d s in t l ie R a g -b a g .V" Th» ** flinda” in the rag bag and tha rubbish-heap

aro'^omotimes no t* little.carious. A miatcesa r*' fdjows Betty,•thojnaid, £ kjeep a rag-bag; and oc­

casionally rfeltiy yields to the tempt&tion of puttfpg _•/. iriln j'hy ftflfl nrf.i nl pa which -^ertainl vajro n o t, rags.

B n v a ja rt frota tb&y suspicion of diflhanfesty, val- -> uableaflndtheinselvea iritovery odd places, through

i n a d v a r t c a o y - W o need not toy muoh about such things oil Inooota, epidera, or Iik-

-ajds^ they ,aro fotindby the paj>er-makerain.btln- dW .of esparto; Jtljey ^re unwelcome mtraaipns rather than finds. A patent look was once found amongst the contents of a iamily rag bag» aA^aa it iwqktyrvrtix five shillings, the buyer waa.weli content. An cjdXatin prayer-book, bought ,ad wasto-pap er bud> Ubundle of nails, curiously linked together,

‘ ;'|Ni6k(dd'inBido It. Half-sovereigns andotber ooiris are found in oast off poc^eta, in-the beols^of old «to<jkittg9, and inside tbe lining of dresses. An old

' obat,' purchased by a London dealer, revealed the fact—a joyful fact to the buyer—i that the buttons consisted.of Boverigns covered with cloth. Three paundsi sterling, in German paper, money, found their wayinto ©bundle of German rags thatjceaobed a.papfct-m&ker. ^ho-London Bag Brigade "bpys on,oe found 'a bank check-book, and on another occasion biz pairs of now silk stockings, in waste papttr arid rags, which they had bought; tbese un •

. expected a^ticlofl were, to the honor of tjie brigade, a t otic e returned- A rare find once'occurred in tha Hohnflsditoh region. A dealer—of the gentler aeX) wre.are told—gave sevenpenco and a pint of

i bear for a pair ot old breeches } while the-bax^ain was being ratified at a publib-house, tho buyer j>e-_ gan'to rip ujTUTe gMtnen^ when ouT rollfed el^yeri g^ldto guineas, wrapped up in a thirty-pound bank- no^ . , We rather-tiunk, that in strictness of lawK

‘ thoVguineas of this treSsure-trove belonged to the OrowU. ;,butm bst likely the elated buyer and mor- tifled seller made merry over this windfall. - Many fcedplS, in the days when banking was little ander- Btood,. had a habit of concealing their spare money about their persons; thus an old waistcoat,'bought for a trifle: was found lined with bank-notest^ But of all the finds what shall wo think of a baby * A paper manufacturer assures us that in a bag-of raga brought from Leghorn, and opened at an- Edin­burgh paper-mill, a tiny baby; was found, pressed alniSgt flaV Poor bantlingt: Was it accidentally'' squ^sed to death in a turn-up bedstead,,.or was Some darker tragedy associated with its brief fcis- toty?— Chamber * JoumaL

3L EJ>!A 3« von-room CoUage, 'situated on Se wall Avenue/ / „»ear Bond ^Iteet. LotjfiQjlOO feet. '

? *"i-7 i=?^.po.o.: tf |D«tVJd|b«fU{|ibi7 til b t. . ,

- •. Apply to ,WM. FLETCHER, Asbury Pa!rk

. ■■•■■■ / 'i f '■& S i '»■■■■.--=4-

F O K R E N T .

“ P r b a p e c t C o tta g e ,” a i » o o n s „ •

At Ocean Beach, N. J.Apply to A C A B H A ST. !

OratiK.nic^cn, N. J., At>rtl> 18T0. - ; ■ Sop't.

B R A N C H Y A E D ,J

OF T in t

' E B U Z i T C f E Z & W .

ii1iHDMlnutactaten uiei DeUen ln

Oaki.FiniBoards, . - ,

P lante,S i d i n g ,

r h a th ,S h in d ies ,

Posts,R a ils ,

E tc *

'(Lehigh, Hazalton, Buok Mountain.). 4, - -

Brick. Lime, JL ath and H air, Bone . D ust, Phosphate, P oudrette , Q-as

t Lime, Iron Clad Paint, Eto. r(v- ■; ;v ’. , \

M ill ^Factory, P rin c e to n , N . J*Vfour Patronage Respecifally Sdilcfted:




Nurseries and Green-bouses at Ramson. 2 ^ mile* from^ both Sea Bright Station, on the N. J. ,

Southeru-R'&Atuid Sbrewabury Station, on tbe N; . Y.-. iiL o^B rahch B. B.

FLAG POLES.R af6e th e S ta re a nd. S tr ip e s J

Jnat received a fine lot of Ce3ar Flag Poles, from forty to sixty feet Ion#. 4Sos«e of them are capable of

-sus&iniuga topmast ninety feet high- ,PRICEg LOW AND STOCK LIMITED..

*. Cam. Soon. , ySMOCK & BUCHAN ON.

Aalrary P a r t , April Sltti, 1810,

EmtaM bked In 18**,

R e d B a n k , N . J .


O H B P R IC E O H L Y .All GMs Warrantel as Eejresentefl.PRICEmUNIFORIHLT LOTOIR THIN








ERU S8& 3,


CHINA & dbCO'JL MATTINGS, / ...... ; Y - MATS,



G liA N pE STONE (f E S ^pH E N WAKE.


. I

,fJ .}V‘r -, "

'r ' \ -’T " ', -op j t r r i i i D b o r

.A^d all other kinds of

itantiia and Tft Ware;


m .:jp t wail will receive prom{it attentlop.V

' ivare Loand ..; -A ..1

anygoodi .deilnid-.. \

f ‘ U ^ ^

Floral Bojwt at: Lnig'Sraafti'aariDg Snaimei.

BQU^Epr&i: BASKETS,Wreath*, Crosses, Crowns.

The following Catalogues are published for grainltoa« aWzfbuUou Tit:

' N o . 1.l*««crlptlv. Cttialoffnc o f T rees. Shrub*.

V in es, E tc.A .iv ji.;# .

D o tr tp t lv * O ett^loea. a t P lan t# .

WkoUMOa; grrad* X U t.

O . 1ST. M iH or «&. S o n ,Sm U enaot txuJ Benlendo all kinds ol

A U OrOer* (eff^at tJhe Office o f the Jou7-na\ u i^ lftJ ^ n )ftU y Atten<led to.

'”1JOHN A. (rC A S H

General FamisMng Store,A 8 B U R V P A R K . N . J .

in addition to my usual stock of Groceries, Hsxd- ware,:etct^I hareJ^ld^in a^opplfte s^pjt.of .<


Ohaij»<^alVki»^f43«j»p<Gi»airtand^toolij Mattings/ flto.., Als^, Jojrels, JJiflbwL CaSM,-Quilta,, Counter1-' pauee. Bhaetai Marseiucai Btiras^di^Tafcle Linenaj Plain and Faney Mattings^ C’heciced-Matting, &c, ^


Tin, ■Irtotya flritt-tfWfHe'iFave, Beit. Brands, of, iW^y^JJror,

j m u i A u C i ! r t i £ H & .

■ - . .'v tT .: S -J frP S iiJs a .lN - j " • , 'Dry CoocliB, ' Croceries,

F l ? ° T e a a » i> /8 p lo e s f SUga

P L 0 U I » A “r E a 0 ; 0 r b 6 k e r y , “ w e .

W lL E l« F b R D ^ I)£ fe : .

..; Ocflatt grdyb Wd ;L>v3i«lAakiiv-. v«.,a.wi • ■ ;

J. P . S A K I’d R t i ,,. • > * Wju)liW».BJia Bdtall Dealer ltt 'S-—


FLOUR, FEED and SRAIN.B u t t e r a n d T e a s a S p e c i a l t y .

. All ^.‘TT* retail P^P»V;;.;' /

■, 'AWBOBTf J P J « K ,’v N ^ ,^ iq B S ]E fii;

- l^^(J<KKtf'deUTer^’ to «y-:j)art;;O f^ ^ orGrovu'wiUiBrp.mptnnfifu.. ....'. V 1 — >-!«. ' ’ ■ ' ’ ■' '■■

JBa AUI.EN & 8QN ^(NewBtpre faoyr. <?P«n,)„.vJv_-

ltitiT.ypd 1 {■• '■V ,

Flour, Feed, Bar, straw,. l a O w s s o d & K ip p ’s n e w b u ild in g , ’

At tho bevtDl WeilCjT'lake, ’

MAMSTEEET, ASBUSYPAEEUN,3. - Alio, * Branch 8lore at SQ1MN, N. J,

. Goods promptly .delivered in Asbury Park and Ocean Grove, free. 0* charge. -;V . V

IN. \B ab2J^%a i A llen . Coahles E. A uto .

T h e N e w York Baking Go.,. Will O en their New Bakery

Corner Grand & Monroe Avenues,On or Abont the F irst of Jane, • •

- WhjQMftite flaaortment.of ,-----------B ^E A I>; R O L L S , P IE S ,

And a choice variety of Jakes will be kept constantly on hand. . * - - ,An ICETqjJEAM 8ALOON will also be connected with the bakery, where customers will receive every attention. .N. B.—A few boarders can be accompdated liere with pleaaantrToom/).MILTON nOiLMESf m a n a g e r ,r

W . S, C R O SB IE ,

Ocean Grdvo a n d A sb u ry P a rk , IT. J .

After thirty-^wo yean’ experience In the business, I am prepared to meet the wanta of tbe public Jn goodSlate Boofb costing no more than shingles.

Slate selected for light frames, put on and warranted to be as light as shingles.

..jv&fe.? \}jv bij *Corjj(jf oMala<4uidq isf

A S B T J I t y ’G F A 'H K j i f & f f i i ' i ........... ■ i. fV- '

1 3 3 1 x 1 1 ^

Bflcj; Coinrat.iair i!.' i f A I M & ^;. , ■. ' *8(M W iyj

AU Idnda ofjI^u^bw^njtjjaU^lB.thayard.’

l-S t'-W A to ., P lae ^Timber.

R O O r iN G h S I i A T E ;ji»‘‘ia lu a for roofV

! ' V. i

delivered 'With dispatch^ nt,

Of the. best qa^ity?‘ )W>J[


the lo west

: e ^ rGiitagi»;wiif not dtf th&hi, aelveaju^ia? unless they giyeiU(^p41L • *" '

t iAffitettr .v::buo'Cfei’5 i^ 8 (^ E fc B tt ;H U # o |( jJAjiuiBT a*, i87u. - .-.-.'rf


A th^ t^^etrttd l^ 2 '^ fo rY h ^ ^ i»n*.'Q rnU' notfrcul on ii bajyo^iwuntlj Cr.riTer^^ut ob Uifl broad ■■ . ^ b B y ^ r tV y a a ^ S » « ^ J n jr a w : |l5 ,0 Q 0 f th s 'a te 'a S ^ W r-iw s^ ^ liiM iM O ,-.7 ' : ' , . ' »

btaufrom J ewlfork toAjbaryPurki twohaur*. Par {irtwof toU.'fiiidroM, •.. •.JAifp& A.BaApLEy, or JBAA.0 ; ALLBiN B. COOK ' TIIEO, OVEB. . -_ ISr* * J43N;Third8t.vo<',‘I ■ • ; . 1 ;■■' ■•■■■■■' ' ‘ / 112iGreonfitJ(PhU. V.,- .''i ■ . ' •: irafc^AfA1— / f j - . r 1 l / » S i i m s r ' \ *»*

R B S E A ^ B R O W c N .Dclirtrtt'au klnda or

n -


..............’ .....- P I K E S ,ANDJ j S T A VC ± O N T X t £ t V ' .

■ . M A I N S T H B EX .', , ;;ASBURY PARK, ■ NBW JTBBBBhf.

WM. DOLTON & CO., W h o l e s a l e G rro c e rs ,

DOLTON’S BlOCEi;... ^iteW»6irj=3f. or.

CiviKEngineers&Snpfc^ors.-BEAL kS^ATE AOEHTS * « > ' :

I . C ^ W E P Y ,

MaslecHnSB^ancery,AND;- 3 ^

TARY PUBL.w,OQWe’ln Park Hall, A 8 B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

te, Cor. Mur A?e. and BeM St. Part .Vtr Jill Work. Warranted. *r% - 3

Refers to J. P. Cooper, Esq., Jas< A.- Bradley, Esq., and Allen R. Cook, whose houses will show my style of-work. r .

C H E A P ! C H E A P !BDY YQUK GOODS AT ~ r _ '


Where will be Joqnd an extensive assortment of all kinds of -

MERCHANDISE,Consisting of


G r o c e r i e s ^ * ^ —Also Sealors In LoUgfc & WllSosbarrs Ooalfl,

No better assortment can be foond in any other similar "store, and the goods will be sold at

. t f W P R T C E S ;K^A4 invitation is extended to all. fiar and near, to

* *’ ’ ‘ k.ivered to any part of Ocean Beachexaroipa tbiMtfiP^

loods delivand vicinity.

T ents! Tents I Tents I

S . H E M M E N W A t ,Orel Wall Bt tmijtam,, ■ touth «(., y „ e -forte

'■ •. k> •.* " ‘ ‘. K\ r? .- T*r++ If —*—J . W . S t T T P H E N .

Carriage Work in all Its 'branohji,.

M A IN S T R E E T & A S B U R Y A V .

' Refers aa to workmanship to

^yiUianj HatbflW iy, Esq., James AcBradJey, Es^^1. ; . 0 ?;N. MUler/Esq.' ^ z1

TifBt&BailToaa.AY.vABliin i^T ^k^ l ^on t

rfonc^a ji CATon myown adcotlni, lmtbiucd wjrviuw —r. . . . . .

^.iiomXhave *& ' I t ' t o l i - & ■ & - X T t l A B G E o . . .


E sta b lis lied 1858 ,




'ilaeketB, Bonquets and Got Flowers -for Wed- dliigs and Partlea. .Oroasea, Wfcalha, Crowna,Aneuore, and other cleslfjpa tor i^ln?rala. Clb- 'laee, Tomatoes, Egg Wants, Peppers, Lettuce ud Celery' Plants In uielr proper aeaaon.

A. J. BROWN,Architect and Builder.

Plans ami specifications, drawu a t th«.al^rt^%i90tifc«. Also cottages to reut.Residence, 420 Asbury Ave.f

L. A N B U R Y P A R K r N . J .

THE PHILADELPHIA HOUSECor. Fourth Av. and iGiigiley Bt,

■ Is now open for th^ reception of;gua*ta. -W a JHd is situated, immediately on the .ocean fcorit, and- ia < of the best located houses in tne Park.’

- ASBURY PARK,Is now o|>en for the^

lr oo t - .tne Pari

Mr*. L. N. ^fcKE^)WN, ProprietiirK.

s ^ I aT a i o . i V ' f i x :- I refer to m y p .t r o n . , for f ih o m l hmfrm

I)n ils ln tb ti p u l DVo J c« n i ’« r Oo«ua OroVk


^ A r i« jF * f * T ; : • ^

^Cenlennial^ifltortOTngoWar-i^urafroTri'Pbilndelpli^alwg'tBoo^ah-froh^^^ibore, arcan-from PhUadelpbiarun direct toAftbtti-y Patfk. - —---------------- ' i: "

K IN M O N T H . & O O ., 1— .... . Dealers in

DRUGS, MEDICINES,1 ■ E t a . , E to ,

MA.HST S T R E E T(Nil* s t to i id a ’s.)

■- A S B U R Y PA B K T n . J .

J . M iAROH1 TJEOT ond BU ItD EK ,

Oor. Benson and U&ln An. .' ^ ' OtfflAK Ctfi'OVfi; N.H.

‘ A S B U R Y P A B ^ . NL J-— .» .. . , .

. STOUT & HATHAWAYde«ir« tiiDlS^Jkclr'frien^ajriitliepBUiograieraDyf

they wiUHj^fratantly have dnli&iid *!f kinds'of ftlr^1 nlihlng gooda jdltAlofcr Cottiigiii,1'ttttiSrtit '■

: loweat prlcea.' AIM,Carpets Mkttlnff, Ba s, Oil Cloths,; ■,


C 90t}K liR V , O lA s a A m i . .. TlKy ivoQ io «U^IW *M0W ,.W AIW B. B C I U > im r « . t i ) I B U f i E IU K D W 1 I . . , , ,. i O B i c c i t n i A L la t iT iu s n K i’W ; •««>.• ,-to

t-A W K :«nd O A ltO T V iB ..ifc.:. '

Partl»».w!*h!ng torfiunUh'B&t«!>'or Cottaget plu^e.imd T <'iQittdi (WiVtted free of charg.. • v -

rC tlE B B A T E D O iL L E B lE < A V


' ' and OOEAK OEOVE.P H 0 T 0 G jU P 5 3 , FE K R O tY P E S

L A N D SC A PE ' .VIEW S, raitftrtjteo' , i

i' Ocean, Cottage and Tents p s j i s r i B s . ....' • ' 'Alto ' * . ■ ■ •

WonderM/Chronps on the Beaoh.any picture .takon may be obtained.

AnTitsfciWfcyA iiireadinesi tb fill wfters: - *: cAiddtaaa donng vrUtar mbatha,.

<s;W. pa ch ,* SB8 BEOADWAT, B. Tv


M a s o n s a n d B u i l d e r s ,

’*■ ASBtUY p a e k ; n . j .

& ‘ KIPP, .OARPENTEftS, • •...._ ‘ - .. ■. . CONTKAOTOliS, '* ~

‘ - ■......'■***>'• ..... *' ' ' -------------- .r-BOAT BUILDERS,

S'H.oK- 0?;;..«*>’i'N AV.,- •

^dugT in, aU kinds- of .atyle^I f f la >jn i il^^tendeid- to=~with

luad ' drkibanih'Sp’ we’.‘-A:..*' 1 — Atd^st.yPhiladelphia,

JOS. T. B1LAY & CO.,•Dealers lb

GROCERIES AND1R0?ISI0NS,C r o c k e r y , e tc ., -----

Cor. Bond St and Cookman Avenue,

ASBURY PARK; N. J.Goods Delivered In Grove and P o rk .


W. W. MCCHESNEYManufacturer of

C R E A M ,Hain^t-,^>ppositoHailn>ad Park.

Mamiti mi. Eojriinj.Boiao 8opplied._ E5

LOKERSON BROTHERS, C a r r i a g e . . M a k e r s

- 'And-Wheelwrights,C o r n e r of S bWa li. a n d Ma in A vks.

1 I’rOmpUy Attended to. *


Ornam ental Plasterer,• 19 and 21 LamUsrlOtt at;, TRENTOft'Hv J. —

. A SB U R Y AV. GOB. Off W E B B 8 T .

1 A s b w r y j P a r l e , N . J . ...•

'Capitals, TrnuKS,. Brackets, Centres, Cornice, itoW r^ete^ -o t-T arionsr s tv les and new -d esig n s .

Abo pablitj W'priYa(«;bQild.itiflij tl niHbed; Itomarch Ite c- 4uralurawmgs, ia a.wdtkmaalika .manner, on reasona- - bl^ tenns.- Modeling from, designs:- etc;.' • Jobbing ^rpmptly ai«mjed ^),*— - ' ......

J . R O B I N S O N & ,c o . ,■ ... ■ .

•*' 4 8 B V R * v A iiK . N. j r : - 1

■— s g B w a rT Q ...

t . . m a . e p i ^ s y , - ; Wholesalea^H^a^-B^er'in



s ■. V -,.; -._a .