GTOK TAR - · In Mxrvl oil will \w u:i

GTOK TAR ••'•mi VOLUME XVI. WASHING-TON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, .TUNE 28,1883. NUMBER 27. PJtOl'MSSIONAl. TCTM. A. STI1YKEIS, Civil and Criminal Law Praclit'one'r, WASII1NCT0H. H. J. TOItXM.VAN'DYKK, : . AVtif*lilii(rt(>ii. >•..!.. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Folkttor mil Muter In Clmiuiru, I'llACTlTlOXEIl lS.-TIlk liXlTKIl :• .:,..:••• STATUSUOUUTS, : Awl in (ill Hit Coitrl* of \\<t! ./ivvn/. TOSKl'II 11. wTilsON', ~ ~~ Al toi-m-y-nl-ljii-vv, : Solicitor in Clini'rrrv, Commissioner -•"• - ,,ri)mU - Office ov<T KiiiK'ti Xew Drug Store, cor- ner of l-'ront .t Miinstielil .Sis., Uclvl- ilurc.N.J. TrnilKHcta all brandies or IOEUI business. fminyly T C C. OSMUN', V PKSTIS WuHiiinjrioii. is. ,j "With nil the latest impmvuiiiuiit*, I ow prepared to dd lirat-uli^M work. 1'INC (iohlnml oxlm Silver Killings at reduced prices. A lnrRO nssortmoitt o[ the ticst Artificial Toetli that nro wnilc FllWIl GASKVtCllY lh\ Y. All brftiicliw of the profession carefully . 'performed; AH work wnrranti'il, ami I'lienp for cash. \\r K. 111.TKMAN. VY. DJWTIS'I'. HIT XHRTHAMITOS STIiKET, " KASTOX, I'A. AHilMnl Sit. |.n.|*tl.v »'»''»• "" , 1 ''' 11 " 1 " 1 ' 1 am clvliis Hi" I'MBitM«fllin> I" "»' ",™ Rr •"i«i.i«lir HI. niiiiis iwiii ««ii '-"'i' 1 ' 11| .V.v; 1 '."" itllli fc-rtal rare. " -"•'>• HU lie EON :i)HNTits'r, IMvidere, Wiuren (.\mniy, New .Terrcy T. CI.OUD HOTEL,' ill Tiucutioti, Accommodation nntl Munugfi- ineiit. Pcrmnuput nml Transient Guests well untcrtfiiuotl. A New BILUARD PARLOR'Attached, V, F. STAATKS, l','»}»-ut<>i; , I'DII. WASHIXllTON" AN» IlKI.VMHtP.K AVi:,, ' Wiislilngtoa. IS". .1. •.. .'.riliii lliin.1 liotcl. In Xnttlimi New JIT spy, rentrally loetiteil. HutisfaL-tion yunr- r.nteet! to-ul! •fM.'M« J jiornisinoiH or trail- •siol.t. Uillianl lticin amV liarber Simp in eouueution will! tlio hold. ./. i;.TIO.ti,:l.A.\li,l'riri-irt« BALLADE OP LIOHT HOUSEKCEPIHO, Tls a BuWly »wee( FiironMlve plirnsc, Hut tlic simple HOUI who Is lunM thcrt-uy, Will makeftsorrow lor many (IJJ'H. In Mxrvl oil will \w u:i<\ vty, AiKlvotothettilngntri'incinloiUlie, : for It incaos, mi* ( tti^L soitmli EU f-iir. A world of trouble ntul toll nml care; Ana a wilt) 'UMracllns wlali to KO, Away from It Boon nml nnytviictv; I l-jHMk or the llilng* whiTrtif 1 kno.r, [t menns nit lHllc traiMpirci.t wny-t To little away (rom ttm common vyo Tim Mel Unit your \m".u\ ubtl bnllur Mil) -i In joitritwlv'; iliaiyoti li.ikemid iwll anil (n JnnMriulciJia!!. IE incnnstoiry : ' To lians your cariiii'iits, the bf»t you wear, : In a (oMIng-bi'd, that last itrspalr ;"'" 0 ! Lunt^l honln; .inJ, bitterer blow, Et mcanrt a kltclicny-iiarlor ulr; t epoiik of lite things \v Hereof I l;nuw. It tm'ans to Bhrln!i neath the stern amx/v 01 the lordly butchers* and bakers' eye: Aiwlojlzlnf: in meek ilt.ipr.itso ynr ynnr imvlost wains. To rave or Mali, "' Over Uierir.KsotUioboiitjlucuiilo.' 'Tla to pray u strong, heaVii-rcMlilng jtraycr For the meal a man pronouncra "siiuan-, 1 And to bo once more In llfo twlow. Free Irom that peaeMMtrnyitig snaru; 13[ie.ik ol the thinsjs wliereot 1 t:now. tsvov. Ye who aro tpmiued tuKiitu lo sliaw, I'.iusc ero ye enter the Hjjofi* lair; conslrtftr tTie trutii I Iain would show, l l I n FLIRTATION. What \i nirt.iuonl Itcally, lluwcan IniriwertliutT Yft wiwn she sm'.lM I sn« in wltc*. And ^licn he Hit* Ills liat. 'TM meeilii!: In tho ball room, Tm'lilrtlriBtn Mo dance: Wiili sonicitiinff Itlil benratu ma lid. iii-siik' ii sliiiplu glance. 'TH waiklns l» Hie hallway, 'TNri'Mlois-outhfMiilr; : Tls iKMi'di'd lips on tinker HJH lllmainmftlanotuwre). TU Ifficil eji 1 * and tcinl.'i- nl^'lH, .Mulim M—no. not nil. An.1 oni' K-oi-ri liomr Id t>l*r|i: Tra la, inj- irlciul, 1J«I Joy* niust end- llul uli" t-'w= home to wi'i 1 !*. -r.\\:\ Wlicolor in Albany Time* MISS HOUR'S PARTY Mrs. l'eroiiiit millions in this yi Sho had n< cuUt, no vUblu menu the pension uf th< itiny to fssidl aion Hi, could be H O1I(! i.f til it city who Iii coiiullesi by thcii iin'niiip. no pros- if support,—unless downed Puronet, dollars n ich." AnJ enty " -•\ un.viiiKiiK, :-". .1. Tlic undersigned wishos to itifinin the traveling publjr. that he has removed into . new building just 'complrtoil, mi Market street, on the silo of tho olii " Wasliingtoi Jlotel, t! Jielvii]ei<\ where hois fully (ire- dared to furnish tiitf best 'acconmmdatiom his phst rrifinds ami the public iu tycu- ei'i'tl. - This hotel i? known .hereafter us iho 'I'o(|iic3t' House. 1 I'celin^. jzi*nt fill for pabl pnti-oiiiifjo, lie Uindly solicits coiilinuiimie (if the same. Large stall] in the uur. W.M. A. UllAMKH. Hackettstovvn IREV.GEO. H.WHITNEY,D.D, ^;;,;, : -;- J / ; •l.*Itl;:Sll_>J3'N i :r. '. - .. . Ladies', eolk'<;i>. Prepares youngmen •• for college, llesl facilities fW music, art ,'• atiO commercial liranclics. Thoroughness _. every depnrtment. Hcst building of its icings,-wHh steam-heater, lists, ~, hot nnd uSlJ water, ct«. . Close, attention._lo .manners, -morals uml'lioiiitli... ..Louation ploasaiil anil -"-•'lieaH'hrul;••"-: Cataloguojcnt-free on-appli- cation. - Year opens September 5. HACKETTSTOWN. T&..3* TSACH'S Prcpnratory to collego, busincso HIIJ i.ho 1 .,, :',/.,r-;.cj i :il i r->rcsMnnj>I.teaching. ] •\ •-..• /> boarJin^aiiiVtluy'scho FOR YOUNG MESLJLNDUDIES AfcAlAu.v-aiE-Oi'EN.-i TUESDAY, •.;. JANUHtYS, ISM. .. '. Eatnlognc.Hid fiirthj/r in.l'ormation Bo or atldrws 1 - JR. H. TRACH, Principal -..\1M Sunth Sltlli Rttuol, KASTO.V, 1>A. BliiiVof clioico coiifeotioiicry nlwavs ; • ; o nI m m l . -• -••- •."• - . v ' I'iiiAi, WiT'T' Sirov.- THAT; ;-• are tho. Best. p thorn a Trial. '•:, r . Apri 1 'S3-ly TKi>l o w book, Th \lij 1 *S i the greatest or livingtic- ly nnd eecrcL pcrvi'ee Our- mnrrollou?, Hirllllns mil] nliilnt* eocrolB of wnr never :. ilUiciraiod In csucllotir ,AIIOUN of C. 'if. N1MI1E- •rit L o n d o n iiroiiclii-r; ll'antor; Tim faithful I ormruvlnRe,' IJnro vhnncoH for ' elrculnrB ncil uncclnl Minna. A.NOOU'11,1'libliciier."~- .-.,"-I)IWOKLYN,>'.Y. 'or'lo'rei)V^! Agent* Wnntoil.' -^J- Mi«aT;s,Rnelii.W»!lilnRtoii?5.J.-4 yet, hho always! cotiiii«il to Hvu on the fill of tho lun.l. u*M« in cleipiiit boimlin;;- house*, nml clothe htr.-ell niul Imr unn-iuLi Eitella in purple nml line Hnrn, which boro tho -Ktai»{) of the ti>L»il - !°ii;iiitfiiiti>i<; d r u v mnlters nml milliners on Upper Uruinlwny! .. ."JLvill fill I'C.riijht. wlif M Aunt ..hocettK dies," fiiiiil Mrs. l'erouet, crossing the white •tiamls wluoli Hpftrliteil with many rings/unit liftitig her soft, toii»-liiih(:il nyess to the ceil- iiif;. ''She is worth n hundred Ihtiuiiiml dollars if Bhe is worth ii juiiiuy, nud she can't live fortveri "Ami if wic vuvn- iu>« oue'M social position in ti city like this, out never can regain it I" Ami JIiss Kstclle, who win to the full r.s inzy.iiK Icnij-.lnslu'd, mid ns aristpcrntically iucliuoil fw her mother, ijuito nijrytt* tw ibid iubtlo system of philosophy. U. Mrs. lVosettft Dorr'v.-iis ivhut tho w-orU called "very peculiar." Hl.e was rich, (ind sheJitisKt'il her »oM with. s«li.l'W»li-fnt)lioti. She enjoyed the hoiiingo pnul to lior, nad who relished giving her relations nn occasion. nl Bimb now mid tlien.. Him Iiintetl obscure- ly that if bhe likctl ono uf h«r VOUCH fuiwiuit, »l,i would adopt her,—and at onco there •was a voluntary swarm el vi«itnr-s. . -• Helen Howard was no " tonneMal," ae dho exiirofi^ed it, lhat at tho end of two weeks she eloped with tha milkman/nnd as- sumed chnrge of his comfortablo littlered farm-huUKC iu'l'm-hnlio*. .Martlui 1'IU'ou.' (turcd avcrj-tUiiiR, until one day Aunt Docet. ta broujjht ht-r n pootllo <lo», a bottlo of bay runi,'nnd a comb and Imisli, (itid Lado her inalto the ilinr little cmitnru's loilrt'.' "I'll com!, your hair, Aunt Docettn," said B1U», coloring up, "but .1 won't comb ..the puppy 1 * name!» ••.i!'rheii,"t:aiil Aunt Douwttsti "ytnnM.cavc niylioiiso"! •,•.' ... - ... ..,,.„ •; ' r Vcry \vtnriii^,''^id' ; : 1liris'Vi;Wr' 1 ] "will leavo it." ' T>l; 1 . l J,Ilo i .v.i 1 .a''j'0!rv:;j;utt you're'guing ta'aup. 1 : port yourself J'Jj'iiaid Mitij Dncottn Dorr, .with rather a curious expression iu h t r eye's. " I Ituow s. vory roRjjeetabli) wonip,u who keeps a candy and (stationery htcro,'! pakl Martha, "" and sho'U pay mo Jivo dolhrs a week nail iuy..kci>pr f or helpinjf her keep etoro." • "Ent'timt'll bo Boiiig into trndr," Bni» "MisiK Docettn-]Jon\ .i-;v"^-rv~_...:.;; •.- • ':-..".Twiilc is belter than sturvatioti," Raid Martha Pitts, who had been educated for a eoveniesM, but who, nlan! had found Iho market overstocked. ."And it's bettor tlmn combing pnpies, ton, Aimt DouettnT" Ko offense to you, though—nml if, n t a u y lime-, you. aro sick or want mo, you've only to let ino Ituow, and I'll drop everything elso auil come." ".,..•'': . . . • ' . "Humph!" was nil 4hu comment which 'Hiss Dorr vouchsafed-to this vohnmont jpoech. • • . As for jrisn Ksii-lio l'cronct, (iho was mild. V llian finubaaini! and. liweoter than nny New HrinauBByriip, Sho cnmbeiV nmV rib- "ooupil Bijou, Etho played ccnaolojiH: games .of hlacltgnmmciii with Aunt Docotta, nlwnyn tailing enro to ipse^BWemilcd at.Iho tartest. Gpeecirau9 ; fnuned BOpewistently tlial Auiil Docctta fiunlly.Beut her homo iu dospnir. •*'•'!It'GinipoE3ibls:io offend thatrEid.-'ircal!): ehe. " Aud I'vo concluded, ilualty, lo adopt' no ouo just al present 1" . • ' Sirs, l'crouot vrm looking rntlier; nuslous and perturbed on thin bright filoudny^^norri- ing when Estbllo Bat knitting btigiiUcoiore'a wools by Iho window, in a bhio Bilk wrnppei which Imdu't becu paid for, nnd dnlicntu lacos nboht which no Kcltloniont hail yd .becu como to.,,,... '. .'„., J;;..., '.••,„_ T ~' ( 'I t m"afrftuli"roy7dwr('~ r wc7"8hair'ha\ i p.\lo leavo Ihisplaco," Raid eho', rorrowfully. , "Why, mamma?!! Enid Estcllc, lifting the countoiiaiico 'which ,woro tho ctornnl tiinilp which lmd been so ngf-ravating lo i\nul Dorr. ,"O.ur roomiJa very' plcasdnf;'.' I'm" "—nud. they liavo' such n'.wny 6E sorving I^J-WwIs, - L And tlifi deserts 4 .. . «5ptlonriWo; : yoii"ninBt admit/': All that you B.'iyli').']Ui|n.( lovo," said • Mre,; l;crouct. : .. V' But'.-lira. - Trayiaton. hnsboqu ostroinoly niao^ibout^tlip tr'Jflo I OWO Iior.;." ;1 nni p( tooBCUBitiyoanntiirb Ib enduro tho harsh vulgarity of wotnem of Mw. Traviston'i type. : "Certnlnlj", mnnimn," nwwily n«inie»ccd nslolle. "By Iho way, SlndamoUackswlteh him lutl iho nihhclty toufiUil Is a bill ol lour hundred dollars for thin hut you'd drcmca." "Exorbitnutr'snldSIrs.l'croncL "Wh- wo only had two fiea-grccn moMi, ouo block iblvet, thrco eunimcr (ill;s, nnd tho wroppei you have oil!" "Theno .jieoplo liavo no conscknccH," tiglicd XUU-llo. "lint thnyoung vromnn refused to (JO until slid h:ul tUo money, GO I told her wo would cnll and ncltlo ax Boon as wo cotild get tho nmoutit from our wealthy rcbtivo, Jlies Docotla Dorr." > "Did that .viiellipr?" Raid.Mrj. l'oronet, "Oh, of course. I've quioted over M> many ppoplu (hat way," naid Ivstcllc, trl. oniphniitly. " I'm nfnid it wniMn't mireroil with Mw, Trnviston," Bniil ttie, widow. " Well, ninmma," RAIL! ungar-swcct Kttello, " there's nothing in tho wnrld so enty ns tt get auuthcr ptuco, with Aunt Doecttn's name p , rufureiiee. Kvcry ono knows that rich D h k i Miss Dorr. And what U tho use of relations if you cnu't make uso of them ?" . Scarcely a week lmd elapsed nfter thin confidential convc^atiini, when a little uoto arrived bearing Miss Docotla Dorr's Lugo lont of nrtUH inred iscnliug-wax. " Atliiincr-party! And at your Aunt Docuttii'n!" iTtwl Hr«. lVrom-t, with de. Ktihlfd viviully. " W.I1, ihU it kiml J I ton'i know wlivii yo-ir Aunt IWLIU )>;„ given n\ nrly liffun 1 . And il U KO lln'iigiit- fiiluf lurti.'ivai/ llijlyim ulwii>t nrrniliuffuvoritf, IMill.-. It will liOMtelu Epleuilid op|)ortutiiiy to wear tho ECa-grcco ttnitW with the bUeli Iwe triinmiugs. Aud 1 can wtar niy black velvet, and liirti n fen diamonds fur the occasion. Of courso yoiil aunt wit! waut us to look gcntc-l. anduot di* Crnco her lino li: n uds." Mrs. and MUs 1'oicitct unv^d ptnictiinllv nl Mi,s Dorr's sulututithi 1 'Old red-bricli house, iu a hired hnck. Aunt Docclla re coived them with a smilo which, to Bpcnk tie truth, KM mtht-r uritn than otherwise. " Oh I" wild hlw. " You're heiv, eh i" " I hope, dear Aunt Docotla," simpered Kstctlc, " that we'i'fl not Into?" "No," grid Mks Dorr. "Not bio," cou- suiting tho old watch, Bet with n liorseshoo of diamond-!, that she always wore. "But tho other guests arc perhaps a liiilo early. Have yon gnt your curls arranged lo your likintf, Kstelle"? Clnd to hear it, I'msure. Hut Mr*, l'eronct and Estello [.topped bliort upon tho liircshold of tho aiiti'piclj furuiihcd apnlmeiit. 'I'hcro was ' Mrs TravLston in" her best dyed fi'iik,—M.1110. ltaclEslitch.' bristling with ostriih plumes Hid old Ijite, Miss Jimt-s, iho pullid jutllirf 3cnni£tres-t-t'y.tliCfday, whom tho l'eroucts had employed KO often and never paid a cent. A. liotibot, ihu French lupidary, who lir.d..!:-.-.i^tho..i'!«--:v.rQ »f 'fumieljiti" th* j l'eronet family with a cousiderablo bill of [ 'cr.-ch7-dtir;i:s tlic 'year. . Mlsa-Triaiwe the milliner, aud KtiVombo, tho glova nn chant, ^l'o^covcr. there was Mine. I/v Itn nV wJitidu""'viliiwiiioiiAl tstabliriliiiiei.t"Mi .Xniui!-': Ii.u1 ^t.itlx.itvJ, M..Bi.wtil 1 v,"Hti." ritir, who had cnpplicd sealskin wtci[ticKand fui-.linrd cloiikh to tbe luilius, and Dr. Dup. py, the liuiaeDpiilhie duutor, who^ hilts had Uasu drnppH tiiinrter hy ipiarter.'iuto the wnsto-bniikct, as wtll its Mr. Forcep's," u smiling desittbt, whose own teeth wcro his best advertisement. " Mutual friends, yon will perceive'." sa\i Miss- Dorr, -wit a a" ilmtuaiic wave of "the hand. " Whal'd Iho matter, Ann l'eroncl; Estello, why don 1 '.you Ktip forward?" T!;n storaolyped Rintlo died nway oil V.*. te'ileV lip-;. . Mm-. Purouct burst into tcir.s of rage and mortification. "I—I don't know what all this means," eaid sho. ." Duu't you V" said Aunt Dorr. "WclL well! I've always Itonrd that Ihprearnnonf no blind as those who.will.not. Bee!. .These good people, it seems, liavo all been referred tome, nl ouo liuxj or another. All that I can dotetorc-for them bad: 'id ^ou. . In order to fiicilittita aifaiw, I've iuviteil you nil :hc-re." THE DUTCH 1H NEW VORK. JnUou'ri Dutch employer* wcro not slow to ntuil iheiuitelvri of lliu iiurivnllod com* merclal a Mf i.-tl by tho fiitmtloa I h ^ y of Maufmttcn ixhtiii In (O'K—(ho yenr in which Kutith win Kurveying tho coast of New EngLiiuI—tho company of tho Xow Kclhcrlauds received KMcharter, authorizing it tocontrol and colonizo nil tho territory bclwocu Virginia ami Canada. Whether from a «r n military point of i lU i view, tliU nnblo r y occupied tho most i j position In North America. It is thnt part uf tho continent which Hcnds Elmunn llowitij; in divergent courses into tha (iiilf of St. Lwraiiciv tho AtUutic Ocean, nud tho (lulf of Moiioo. Through deep chamni In tlm AII^hanies, whichrun irro^ularly acrout it, tlin-io superb rivers, tho Unison, Delaware, nnd Stisiincbnnnn, lion Into tha Atlantic; whilo tha Mohawk, com. hi]; from tlin.wcst, scrvus tojoin tha. valley jftho Hiidsnu with tho Rreatlnlces; nud in ill;9 iimuiKT Ihu luvdy .IiiniaU, rushiug Jnwti to join thn StHi|iiotmnnn, han its hniul- watuw not far from tliu spot where tho cur- rcnti of the Allcghany And Mouongaheln unite to form tho Ohio. With such path- ivnys iu every direction, whether for pcaco >r for war, tho iniiuoiii>:r foi UMUUU! tho continent; and could tho Duteb N'ew Kutherlnndi) (curious i uutjiiuoiiti)coiu« ld h D b ietlluiiicnt thcrt? licve been ndeijuately sup- ported, it would Imvo threntcuctl or prevent p ccndvucy of I'ngland intho. New It was no doubt largely owing to ntaga of position that tho Lenguo U bd b b l d d f pp i thodivergent river valleys uud hin of mighty lakcn theso fcro- d i til tho i World. Ibii; u d v g p g of tlio IroipioU bad been enabled to domf. ueiT over Iho K rci *tor part of tho country but WOOD tho Atlantic nud tho M U I and tlstnii icrow tliu gy lions Imt lang.licadwl barbarian* in their bar!; cauoc-t ci.l;ib!islied those lines of Irado A'liiuh medern civilizattou, with its stcan nnd railwny, ba^ simply adopted and improved. For a century after its conquest by tho Kurdish, New York, with Western Pennsylvania, served as a great military bul- wnrk to Now l-nghnd and to tlio GOtithcro coluiiies. The bardest %h(ing dono in tho Warof Indt'peudenco wai tho btrugRlo foi tho jtcKscssion nf this vantagCKrouud; ami d tlio glorious arits of I'erry nml M:wdo«otigli ed ou Lakes I-Ma nnd CUiiiptiiiu :tity of the citaiM of Ataerica. ho colon\ an inipcrml p the fouudi.'d by tho Dutch iu mined iu thcii hand for ju4 fitly years, aud at tho end ol this period the population had readied about iii;hl thousand. Tlio " city " on Manhatton Uhiu], lyini- entirely tu thu south of tha j dt" of Ciiiiid Street, yirl with an earth*;: [. kVid! some tonfeot in height, nud niimbcr- (Inl I , height, • tiftc. hundred habitants, had ahvady acquired tho cosino. politan charitetcr whiuh h:w ever siuco dis- tinguished it. In the New Netherlands tbe Dutch iit:uiilniiicd their national policy ot unlimited toleration, nnd consequently ii "I won't bu iu Mild JIw, Perouet, growing hyfiterical, while Tistcllc sunk help! lessty on tho nearest sofa. . tt-. " Won't you i" said Aunt Dorr, calmly. " Hut you'll do ns I nny, or I'll know the ^•cccpu why. . Just let 1110 know Iho amount ofwhat you owe those people, ns they ad. vr.uco ouo by ono. The.- bum total. i>[ lourrie,!", . Jiiss Dorr Kat Msointely'do'S'ii'at hcr'laUo,' with a bag of gold pieces beside her. •-';.' ! Ao\v)"-their,'Mri>.:".Travistoii't'" 'BaiJ'shp,™ ','coniooa! Somo ono inust bo first, you .Unowl" 'Aud^'wituhlowdfilitioratiou ft'nd business- liki accuracy,' Mins.Docelta Dorr solllcd off the claims of tho wliolo crowd. Kitello eat paralyzed ia her comer. Mis. Peronot foil in if she woro Ktrotchod upon Iho nek, but sho know that escape was impossible. One by ouo tho rejoicing creditors ilisapponrod, until Wisii Dorr WHS left alono with her nioRp and Eatello. " Twc thousand ;thrco hundrod' tlollnrs I'vo.paid for you to-day, Ann. anil EslQlle/lJ said s 1 i.e. "Mal;o much of it, 'for it's : tha last you'll over HUO of niysavingB. Diuuor is ready now. Will you walk in V" Martha"Pitt was in,Iho, lufiU' h'og ai-ouud in a cheery Rorl of;\yjiy.' "You hero!" cried Este'.ld/aa they ox- jhanged KhicliuRs., "Haven't .you., -mil? said -.Martha. "/•unt'Dorr !ws nilopUd (V Hut," with a ttischiavoiiK (winUlo of herfoyes.,'!.I''t. to comb thojioiidlDl Thn'scuiiiiry'nlriid'ir U>dothat!" . • • -.'\\ " YOB," salt) Aunl Mocottn, Biiovuy, v ^l, Bud I can't afford FUCII* cxtravngnnt relation! 1 w Ann i'ermiiuiiid lior'dnngliU'iV-SO" : Mcownts willi them lo day, oneu for all 1" t^And:they.iillt:al:_.dnwri-to.:<liv!iI!r,--Komo •"Vi'thora, nt least, with vory indifferent appo- ites.----—-----;^- • -• "'Alia tlicrG"cndoii;-'foruVi"ii", "tho groaUcx-. poctntions of " Aiifi Toronot and her (lauRli- ter^asiliBB por^kntl fio uucRremonioauly termed llipni."—ShtfUy Browne. . The'symptoms ffl'p moialurc, like per- Epirnlioiv-in.tfitiRn \ilcli»y?l-iricveasoi! by acr'atcliiiiE,"^'Cryi dislrcHHing.'parl iciilarly "tit R. Hceins aa if pin-wormsivore(crivwling in anil aliont HID rcAuaij the private ptivts nro HOinetlinca nfibclwl.-1 f allowed to coil; tinuo viiry serious pienlla may follow, "SWAYNFAS OINTMENT 1 ''is (ivpluis- nnl, Buro enroi Also W Teller, llcli. Suit Itheuin, Scakl Hoad/UrysipelnsrUnTlierB 1 Ttch~Ji)otclieBi n i.uirac!Uy; crusty Skin l)ia- coses'.~ SouTby-'innil foi'SO. CCIIIB; It box- s, S1.25,- (in"8tamps)f : : : Ailtta, Ml, \VAy«K?Jfc^SOKrrPhilniloItililu,-ra. cni.,'111 L'ttl'.'l e of religions turmoil they dre 1 alt \MVU of Knrope. There iti from ]to t, - CiitLolw l cllo,«Waldenses Walloons '" from* . S:otoli rresbyteriau3,.EuR- wtro Iliiyiiei fr«»i -riclm French Plain "lislt" ludependouts 'Slowviaus,"'Quakers, Annbaptists aud Jows. It 13 said that Kilo Hglitceii diffurctit languages were spoken in Xuw Ainstordam aud itfi environs. Though thi! settlirs ^-oro grievously oanoy- ed hy tho Aljjoti:piins 111 tho neighborhood, thoy'iuiiud it for ibis reason nil tho easier to coiieiliatii the Mohawks, nud KO thoy soon \}<",\'\n to compctii with the French of Canada for tlm fur tride.—John Flake, in < 1 Iurpci-'a .Vttguiitu, KEEPINO WARM IN THE FAIJ ttOKTH. I reached IKUSIO 011 iho l!!t[i, tin. L-ohltnl weather I oxpurietuiM mi lluit^n liciui- on tho l.'ilh, when, about two hmir* hcforoEun* me, thn th*rm<)m.'tpr indented lUty-ihrco clenriies be-low zero, d.iy I niada • n journey of twei»y-livt» iiiilw, riding iiiost oi the way'oii the sledjjp, ami at notime' dur- iiiR that day did 1 fnol uucomforlabte, the highest tho Ultimo degrees, and I might here •lioJ being lifly >• that I really 'iijoycd'the wholii triji. I uttributo this nl- rnoit wholly to . the J!--i[i:;.i:aux. remdeer clotliiiig and coustaul liv-n;; iu a Know igloo iiko tfio natives, wtierc tho tomporaturo is never above freezing end generally tea to fifteen degrees btiow thnt point. I do not believe—and my belief Ucontinued by the written accotmtfi of others—that any Arctic "royagen?, housed in _wnnn Ni:ips:.ns- their bnso nnd clad iu (ho usual Arctic units of ex- plorers', could stand sudi a juiirncy without more or km" maturia! dwwmiforl.. Ouly. oneb.did.l:liar:r.:tha7,ks3bivof^cautiou.,:,.I took,.off' my ri1>iit""iiiitti; nttemptlng to get nwhot at a passing rtiin-ber, tho wind blow- ing Htiflly in myfuci 1 , and llio. Ihenniiuietei thirty-seven'fluarecs liclow zero," when th( porsiiitunl ri.-fui:al of tliu fiozen guu-lock to work i)orfofitly,lto]il' 1 iiiy baud exposed much longer than 1 lmd intended.',- When I ut- tctnpod to u and looking nt it I lined paralyzed, I (hat tho skinwn an white ag innrblo. Toolooab, who was bo- ;ido ino, noticed it nt tho Kamo timo, nnd with nn I;ititiii oxclamatiou of Eiirpriso, has- tily dofllng both his mittens,- grasped it be. iwti'Jii his wnvtii hands, ami - hold it ngaiusl his warmer body, under his eoo-lo-lnh, oi Eafiuimntis coat. It soon rasumed its ftiuc- tioiiB, nud although I folt for BOIUO tio-j as though I wa-s holding on to a lioru'Ct'tJ acst, I uxperioncod nomore r.erioua results than a couple of ugly-looking blisters, whero the iron of Iho gun hnd cotno in coutncl with tho baro hand. Tho roindenr escaped. An Ilia reindeer clothing is tho warmest in the- two large skiiis mailo bnji'or micl;; (ho I it ti i into a loiig, colliii-lilcr ido in, being a EtifQ ld h h cieut pi'oteuliou in Iho coldest weather whn».:j .ian pruperly^onstiMtiled ial^i.-.^liS first severe,cold canto arNortii liiulaoi I was sleeping undur.n blanket iuiil hv, WITH THE WB^ICANS. Tho City of Mexico is wliat Pnria lit to Frnnce, being tho sent of QOTommont, tbi center of a rapidly growing railroad system, tho mart ol COWIUBICO and ibo aboSocJ nearly alt tlia wealthy land owners of thft republic. Lifoand property aro perfectly eafe, though I ono day SAW a largo knife taken from undor tho cloak of a country- man when bo \tw searched at tho city gates. Polico are stationed about 100 ynrda apart all over tbo city. They aro wclI-drcHsed, aud paid $1 per day. Thcra nro several thi bil trik bl i p things tt tb p y li Etriko n btrnuger fnvombly in f th i Th l g g y tboBtrccfiof tha city. Thopcoplo more about politely without cnnhlug or crowd, f Ldi d hild f fng. b y g and children can return from tho thcatom, cafes, or tho Zocalo, nt Into hours of Iho night without molestation or each offcuNcs a; might crow their path ia London j nnd what has been nccomplUhcd (n a city of SOO.WM inhabitant* id being oxtontlod to the ncighbnritif; cities nnd coun- try district!*, with every prospect of Boon rcnduriiiK nil parlu of tho country na mif* lo ttnvol in by day or ni^ht ns in the City of Mexico itself. .Tito Mexican world keeps early hours. Chocolate about 7 n. 10.;. » y hcavv " square meal," called nlni b bkfa rzo, it may bo brenkfast, luncheon or dinner, be* twees 11 and 1!; Ia the ovcuing, chocolnte, tecs, or Homo lujlit refrcshineut, followed by tho opera, iheaturs, or, what to mo was fn oioro prefcrnblo, n.i excoll^nt band of musi fa tho gardens of the 1'la/a. The hotel anil bonrdiu^ IIUIIMI iiuuuiniuudatiouii of iho cltj e barely fitiiitcfent for tho present influx ol Anicricnu visitors; nud, should n ueiitlaninc ilettiro to vixit tho city with his wifo nnd family it would bo well to securo rooms be- forehand by telegram or letter. Tho Most, can hututs nro fur Wl^itis only, nud your tucalri inttKt hi en 1011 nt tho restaurant at- tached, or cNowhere, ns fancy may diclnto. Tho street called Kan I-'muci^co street,' pro longed by Los rintero.i, nearly a luilj it length, and tuuuin^ from tho V\w?.\ Mayo to thobeautiful gimleiH of tho Alamcdti Is, from iu position nnd excellent idiops, the most nltmctit'e nud fashionable street in tho ly. Tlio new Mrrrt of the Cinco do Mnyo, from tho 'IVatre N'n-lonal to tbo cathedral, is partly under coiuiriietioti. It will hi ooblo r;troct when cuinplctcd nud the avenue of trees continued Its ivhnlo length; but, anlcss it is lined with shop, it will not com- pete, from a business noim of view, with San rmncisco Ktreet, which is tho great tboroii^hfnro of the city. The fhrjm have perky, Parisian appratimct 1 , not liisit of 1 palatial cstnbltslniiOuU on tho houlovnrd*, but Uther that of tlio third-clas* KtreclJ of I'.iriH. The city GWnmiB with Holdictx, and tLo sound of i!io trumpet call staitlcx Iho Mr nt nil hours .if theday and iu tli unexpected ]> dl The soldiers are. gcucr. t l l i t p ] g idly Been walking atout loosely in tnrgo d h h f g y , under tho charge of nn otllcc of tho fiergcaiit—this for fear of their abscond- ing. They nro toMiedy littln men nnd fuif ly well dressed. Hut the rural fjunrd uarrat ofT tbo palm. These men aro fine, smart fellows, nnd wear 11 isost iHciurcMpio uni- form of soft'buff lenlhcr, ncarlet silk uecktio tad ERsh/gray. felt sombrero, .richly, laced with silver, gauntlet gloves and high but boots,' witir spurs-llio rowels - as ~ liirgo •- aa cheese plates—enrbiuc, revolvers nod nwonl Their horses amhighly bred, and EO exquis- itely trained Ihnt they obey iho prefisure of the knee, tlio icin being Kctdom, if over, used. .,At R country or government may gaia credit for tho Dscclttiico of i u philanthropic inslitntums, I would Mexico,. iindfir its new regime, ns high as any country' I visit- ed; education is compulsory between the ages of 5 nnd M ; waifs, strays and neglect- ed children aro\Kvejit into tho reformatories!, md the estttUislWut for leaching the deaf »ud dumb cuablVs its inmates to talk n lan- guage of their owi » To.ilut/." THE CHINESE CEMETERVi-r 1 " 1 ' Tbo cemetery seemed to bo tho most curi ous.of all tlia sights connected with China- doni hi Sun FraucUco. I caaio-u'pon it tlu _*ho coursu of a long stroll, niid was, ns'/it happened, almost tho only outsido spectator to the peculj^T cnrRninnial ritos on tlio nninml 'propitiation b*f tho spirits of the U^iil. This burinl-placo is not grouped with tho others in tho general Golgotha nt Lono Mountain, but adjoins that dovotcd to tho city pmipci'H oiil among the. melancholy snud-duno.4 by tho ocean shore. -; It Uparcelled off by white fenced iuclosure.S:,f"r n lurgo number of p rial guilds, or ttiiig,i, RS Iliu Fook Vntn Tong, tho Tung Kan Tong. tho Y« On .Toi!g,.etc. Oiioha 1 ). difiiculty lo per-nadn liiniWf tbnt-bo c(iu'^iiv,-ako_wli'ein wit- Hsiiig''UiTr\loiuB» 1 ~aL ; lu«!l-' i '"'liw-o'"'i«liiii(''. pliiee in brtud Minlight nud : .i\ Ynukcetand. the practice of this \>uo[Aa to : convey tli'.i bones of thoir duiid to Chinii, hut proT limiunry. fiinornls.tnko plncuiu regular form. Ouo of tbo first clasa often oulists nil tlio in SaaFrftucisco. Tlio bones nro loft in'tho ground ft year or more b'oi'ore lioiugiu a fit''condition for removal, niul over tliOKo tho rites of propltintionftraper. Cormcil. AnI lingered in Iho vlcinitj thrco in tho nftornooi), first oue, thcu another " express wagon " of tho usual pat. drovo up;- -Tlioy boio freights :'ol Chinnmcu nud Obiuamou, nnd curiouuly assorted " provisions. Tlio "hoodlum" drivers, though condnctiug thomselv^a most pcaccAuly, seemed to wenr n certain Enrdaiiic nirtnt having todraw their profits from such ' ila'sH of patronage, ..Tho provisions wero unloaded, and tnkon up nnd laid oa.'mnfill p wooden nltnrs, of .which thoro i front of cacif™plot. Jlost tho oiiKpicuoua g7 pigs decorated with ribhbus and colored papers:" Tlicro wefo", befiides,' roast fowls, 1 .rice,.ealads, MViietmeatu, fruits, ci^arrf, nnd loinotorsanlt thirty lo forty degrees''below. 2Bro,-Fnhrenh«i(, inndciuate toaecuro comfort, uiitir-I'iieoaVed a i : oiudcor. sleeping- bng, weighing not half as nincb," attor which cold nights wero no longer dreaded. [ The robo of tho Amnvicau bisou ficoino uuilor thl. Icifit provocntion lo becotno damp, nud then freezes ns fitiff ns a' pioco of. Kolo-lcnthor. Onco npoilud in this niautior, itjfl dry it nud rentore itlo'il^foriiioFpliabilily" in tbo'low,- lenipernlure of an igloi). Tho •ftire'onir^ bo equally nuHUilaiilo iii otir "inodo of life, stulIMifivoJlmLatHhi^othhr./fiirfl of Ihn jonipornto zono would" hitye-tili'a'teJ-tljq samr iior, if leatod in i'lio wuio praclicnl :,way,' —Lieut. SchtatkayV ''~' ^•••.: i^'frjA;: •WcUs'ilEenlth Keiiowcr"... ami vigor, euros< .q health lia, Tmpbtoricq, •^•EXTRAORDINARY U1BLES, Among the npccial collcctionn which In made tho Lenox Library KO well knowu to bibliophiles In all countries is that whlcli it possesses of Uiblcs (it all lnn£iinjiei(, and moro especially in Kuglisb. Of tbo Bsvcrol thousand editions contained In tho ale iud cases of tho uorth and south balls, the most valnnbla as well at tho most interesting In, of course, tho fine copy of tho Gutenberg or " Mnzarino" Bible, printed at Mctz, by Gutenberg, in H.'O-lir.i", tbo first comploto book over printed with niovablo type, and which still rcmoius one of Iho noblest epeel* mons of typographic art. Of tbo Mazarine Diblo thcro nro but sis copies on vellum nud iweiily-ouG copies ou paper Icuowu lo bo ID existence. Two of tho lattor ftro in this country—tho Lsnox copy nnd tho Krinloy copy, which wai eold by auction in1831 to Mr. Hamilton Colo, of Now ...York, foi $3,000. Tho Urinley copy bos BOvontccn lissinj,' leaves Mipplicd in fnc-similo, or it ould bare brought' nix or KUVUU thonsniiii dollars more. Tlio last pnbljo M\Q before this wan at London, in 187;!, when the Pi kins copy was sold by auction to llornard Quaritch for X'J.OOO. Tho finmo copy was iftcrwnrds Gold by Qunritch to Henry Until for £t,000. This is nbout tho present market value of n perfect copy on paper. Tho copies on vellum nro still moro valuable, Tho Iwt public salo was nt X.I, ion, and perfect copy would easily bring fl.OOO in London or Now York to-day. Iu another room is a fine copy of Covei dnlo'n Uib'lr, thnfirst complete edition of tho scriptures in English, (t wo.; printed nt Antwerp in 1.".').*. No perfect copy of the Covcrdido Ilibla has cotno down to thta timo. Tho Karl of Lolcester-fl library iu England bns ouo in excellent condition, but with the map micsing. The Lenox copy comes nn to it. Tho Lea Wilson copy, which sold fow years ngo for .*l,i<a.*i, has aoverai miss- ing leaves; supplied in fncsimilc. Of tli two editions of John KliolV Indian lliblotho Library has llro copies, which c priao nil tho different varieties. Their rarity iy bo estimated hy tho wdo of tho Urinley copy of tho unit edition for £'M. Ilei too, ia (ho only copy known of tho Tint ditioti of King Jntues' version—a. Ii'mo olumo that him hail nlmoxt cotintlees roprn uclinim, Tho curiout visitor may also In npect tho various) Itiblcu whicli, oil accottnl of Komo freak of lypogutiphy, have been sought by collectorsi. In tho so-called Vinegar" lliblo, for instance, tho rnnniug title ot tlio pnrablo of tho vineyard nt llio 20th chapter of .St. Luko Is printed tho "Parable of tho vinegar." In '.ho Ur.vidien Hible," tho word "breeches" is il" ted for "aprons" in Genesis iii. 7. A. 1 "' 1 ',' j tho "Wicked Uiblo" the' word dtiitttP'l from Ibn snvpntli t'oni. tnntidincnt. Tho English copy of this Bible Iu tlm"library wan printed in London ir. Witt. .Tho impression of 0110 thousand topics was-, nd fur as possible, suppressed, iiid r. heavy fiac '.vart imposed on tlio print- ;r«. Hingutarly cnniighi just ono hundred rears later, the E3i»c error '.va-i made'in n jenuan version printed at Hallo in 17J1I, 11 copy of which id in the library.—Jfwfon Tfiin«crijpi. ~ "~"" ' ~" "• A MAD ELEPHANT. Vho elephant I'ilot lias uuver been thor. onglily subdued, nnd n. strict walchCbn hU movements is kept at nil times. Ho is massive beast, with long, ugly-loolsiug tusk: Iu tho spring senson the inalo elephants nlways bocomo restless, aud ti spirit of In [;t:bor;'.ii5stion has been developing in Pilot for several days, which recently broko out in all its force. At about 8 o'clock Pilot aud Albert nud Gypsy, nfemale elcr.haut, were tnkeii to tho trough on tho Twouty-sixtb strett nidu of tho fiai'UMii, .opposite thcii filnlls, to drink, Gypsy was between thn two male. 1 ; nnd slightly to tho rear,, so thnt tho heads of Pilot aiiv\ Albert wero nbout on a liiip. 'Suddenly aud , witl'.ont tho least warniug, Pilot mautTtii furious luugo ... "Alburt.'iiudgavO'liluYo,btow"which' toppled him over on his eide. "As Albert rose again ho ..was received by nuotbor blow, whict a^ain upset him, aud by this timo tho entire troop of elephants were bellowing with excitement" Gypsy, iu tho menntijio, had tried to forco her. way in between tho two brutes, but was pushed gently aside by Pilot, aud tho two mate elephants' uu together again with a crash. Iutho "but- tin» " slruggto which, followed throo of the posts supporting tho floor of tho nniphithcn- teraiiuvo woro knocked .down. . Tho benmt fcinuiiig' theso posts woro sixteen inchoc square and tboy woro firmly • brucod bott ibovo nud below., ... •.!..;.„'...;".', '• .• ;. AH soon ns tha fight began' Mr; Newuinu,' ,' : JUB, trainer iacharge/. Lurried - to the npo t, and by vigorously beating Pilot succeeded in driving him back to his stall, and chniu- igbotirJifsforo.feet to tlio floor. While thin was being douo tbo elephant stood with his trunk and tail uplifted, and hie huge onre 'spread"wide oricu, but ho mado uo. effort to ":t tlio.clminB.' AH Mr. Nowmnu nr'oso,' however, _after Bccuriug tho brute, Pilot ijmlo a lutigo nt biro with his head, nud ifTiiilc liitt^.iu tho mouth with his tusks, brcaliing ouo of tho upper teeth aud looaou- ing tho others, ard kiiooltiug' tbo tralnorbnll.! k'KS to tlio floor. Pilot nisulQ a socend at him with km trunk, just touchinfl his cheek, which still KIWVH tbo mark of the blow, and then 6eeing New mail's lint,, which had dropped from \mlnwl ns>ho full, 'tbo 'lophaut vented his ntgo on thin, <tentiug it to Khmlsin hia moutb-in nu instant,, nud then Ktampiugou, it viciously. Nowmnu iu a dnzed condition and fingered away. With tho exception ot tho ! i(jury to hiu toothjio. vasiortnuatelyinot :ba'dly.burt. aoci(foTnyrilr,-'Aralingstall that Pilot 111u.1l nut bo'tfikon into lha rlng^and that it would bo uusafo to romovo Gypsy and Fritz, nuug elcphnut to which bo bns shown a ' " il of nircetiorj^frcinrbia-side.^TIi": igo beast stood between thorn last', night, •' ;. his*toll .'Krioiji-ty^ba^irayinsvbss!: d forth, Imt"so""ii'tjcui'ftly..chained >uld not mnVp a cLiuion nf tbrcc feet in bis litioii. His uyw, which nro usually meek dull, glared eavagidy at o'verytjody who iproauhcd him, and tho koopor. took (jootl not to comewituiu reach of his "power. Illrunic. Fitetbu'sitMo boon killed.—JV". 'Timei.r •••••'''• •' :v " : •:^---"- ; -" • •- " V ' ' ^ ' ^ » ' • '"'*• <i) ..\ ni'onr.-rLftHt Olmnaa l l i o iiilmo of n new town o;i tho Korthorn irtiiljaioad/flSO iuiluB from'Vortlnud., The L- i^coinpoai'd or-utifi;-, three i wnsh-houaofl, iiix rohtaurants, eight r a n d - o n l y ' t h i r t y - t w o Hnloona,- ;RTort Jlhu'saloouH are kept open day , nnd night iyn-i>Apnilly'.riiir>un;.ng tho,lown,iii_ iitB^lory.^^ellarg^rpijrrof'Suppr^^ rrit:IIsil2ti:s:furi. i riafat.T"pr(ir.c«t":'coa- Jgaleufurarithn : i\»fn'.—Suit^V««JJHCIJ PKOUHESS INTHE SOUTH* It in wonderful bow tho south U pioldug &p. Iho boom was filow In comirjg, but it has spread over all tho Booth aud. la tisillu Ia OTory routo of travel. Farmers are dear. lug, rofencing and putting up new balldlngs, vlllngcs are eprcadiug out and towns and cities aro pushing culcrpifcei involving largo bums and rushing oil kinds of business, Every day—aud thoy cheerfully admit It— Iho eons of tho Bouth aro becoming moro and rooro Imbnod with Yankco push and rash, antl oyory day thnt Earao cuterpriso Is Bhowing beneficial rcsa'.U. Wo in Michigan beast of our "right >mnrt" small towns, but Kentucky and Ten- nessee may do tho wuno. Hero in this Town of Erin, numbering COO population, and having n big hotel, n lino court bouse and plenty of stores, ouo could uot linvc found &va houses savon yenra ago, lev years ago it wan a county mnda up of bills, thicket*, fnrefit* nnd BwMon, with only a fow farms worth working. Adecade has work- ed sucli changes ns would not be credited if told of a Bcclion iu tho NVtb. Tho border Sontkron has licnled tho wounds of war, forgotten thnt hoonco owned staves, ceated to rcphio over IOSSCH, and is pushing ahead with n Knap to his cyo that means biiaiiiess. I«ito. falb, Kbort winters nnd early springs aro m offset in TmincK'jen, wlinn whwit fniln to yield moro than fifteen bushels to tho acre. Tlif avcrAgo iu West Tennessee Unot ovct twenty, but it U n good tobacco country, and oats, corn, bnrlcy nnd otbci ccre.iNdo finely. In (ieorgia and Virginia' the fanners enmy about fertilizcrM, nnd the wisest nu them admit that they aro Rtimulnting their l.nid.4 to ovci'-cxcrtiou. InWcstcni Tcunes- ico ^iiano m Rpjircoly ktiowu, nnd farmers icciu lo bo dead set ngaiiiHt even tho use of ^ompir^t. What small farmcr.-t nrouud De- troit pay fifty cents a load for they were tumbling luto tho river at Nashville the other day to (jetridof. OUQmay rido foi Itoms nnd fitil losee a -iiiij:l>i lifM which has been enriched with material* closo nt hand nud without cost. It does uot seem to bo from la^iucss or HliifllessncRS, but fiirinom explain that they haven't been iu tho hnblt of EO doing. Tho lands which uow grc fifteen bitnbcls of wheat to lha aero only tvaut to fall Into llio h/inds of our Northern turuicr!! to yield thirty.—Cvrrfopoml Vttrvit Fret Press. A BIT OF PRECIOUS PAPER. Puiuiil In (i .UiHiluiui W'IIHII-T.II) JII.1 II C A story bordering u littlu «u the romantic, nnd uf which, mure wilt probably be heard in tho future, came to tho oars of n news, gatherer recently- tho facts in which, m nonr as can bo. teamed, being r.s ' follows: The pnrtiori who ai'u principally interested live in this city, n>. I tlw story was told by ane of tLem, an Eoglish lady named Mrs. Thomas Kay. It saeras thnt n number o( years ngo tho family of whom Sirs, Kay : nifiniber came over from London, Kug- d, to this country. Threo yoars ngfl H. 'Ktiy's. inulhvr died nl. the . udvnin!«0 ngo ofeiyhty-11'u yoais,. nnd tho roomthe oil Imly i oeeii|iieil" was - not. disturbed - n'ftei death for a long time. Having occasion last August to go to a bureau iu tho room, .mong a number of other articles stored ,way ilrs. Kny found an old-fushteued ac- count nud pocket-book combined, in winch i records kept hy'tluttady'itgriiut.gruud- fathor ns fur back nn tho year 17I.1, and it a inanaga-'certilieata "of^thu .s-inio' > ' riiinkiug pcrhnp-i the book veat of family vnluo sho put it in htr pookot itnd for n time forgot its existence. 'Washing diy com!tip aruiiiid/theilrssK was consigned, to tiio tub, podMUb.ioViui 1 all, ^'.ul.-whon-. disaoveretl' '.he latter hii.l become' tlioroitglily "Bo:ikecl, : iud being t-t»e» out Wl tnpieocs, dia-losing toviaw n i>ioca of papjr bc-twoeu tho. liiiings 3f tho back. Tlm piipii- proved to bo ti nut*.' forX'Jt;;., ma'd't in SawYork in 178::, just iVceutury ngojtnbc paid by a London'iinitv' clmnt uaiucd Willie! 111 Konlutto to Willimu Sodcrich, tho grent.graud-father of Mrs Kay, The noto was duly indorsed, and l.uing BUOWU 'to Bovornl wa-* ducliiroj ;ennitin. Diiva Xuiiniaii tho expross a^eut living it SaginnwCity, who ia a son-in-law of Mrs. Kay wr.6 given the noto for wife-kerping, aud Btill has posse-ssion of ir. Lottors wore int lo London 11M&113 iuijtiiry for tlio rol. ntivos of tho maker of thi note, but uotliing has boou rocoivedii. rjply nud o»o; or two tettcnf have been relur'neil. "The."6Hgiual 3utn,J:2lj.j) will with interest nud compound Interest, by. this timo, amount to tho enug little pile of about 'X3.'<00 .u'r'in. tbo'_ nwgu- bo'ttiood of $13,0011 or : $.".o,opu. . .;...;•.:- 1.SHOPPERS WITHOT MONEY. Said 11 woll-ltuown dry goods Galesman iirt inoruiug: "I wish to goodaoaa ; EOIHO. thing could bodouo to put n stop to the jboppcrs-wlio-uovor-bny unisauoo. These people nro vory well kuovvn ia tho Gtoron, nnd 'they don't givo na mucb trouble as formerly, but Btill tuoy take up' volunblo timo, and a good part of our energies is directed lo tho cITort to circuiuvcut' them. Tho juomcut an''"ohl timor 1 comos lip to tlie counter sho is instantly recognize;! by, sbma '0110 of tho HaluKinau, and Ibo warniug signal, tap on tlio counter ia passed nlong tho line. Ilieii wo have uomo fun. Tho 'old timor 1 .will call for uay n cordiiu shado of yellow. SUo in told it is uot in stock. ' Ob, what a pity 1'oxcliiims she, " that is just what I wantod, - If you hnd it I would buy- silicon yards of it. Thou it is tho nest man's turnl lift-comes up, acuordiugly,'aud tells tbo /Irsi Kr.lG5ln.iii ,tliat heisniisf-alicn^that there: (a stilt n bolt of twenty yards of that. idonti.. cal stuff iu tho 'store. Ho brings it forward md "lays it down. You'would think tJie;, topper.who^uojpr'buys^would-. bcdisevinr "o'orlod"attlii8 r turri"of nll'iiirn. yNot'a bit of ii,~ .3ho.Bny8, sniiliugly: 'Oh; -iliat is just wliat, I want."'Lay it asido for mo, and I will BOO niy dressmaker and find out just how-many ynrds BIIO noedfl^-aud to-morrow I'll come. back" ail buy it. Then tilie dopnrlg with 0 simper, but sho novor comes back. Wt kiiiudo nnrflolvos in this way, but it's a torii )lo : uuisauco" all- : tho;canto.:-:.Wo have no such trials ill Euglnud, aud tlio reason is :hat thcro about Govou-oightbs of tbo pop. llation aio housokoeperB_who liavo up t|rno to"loiter r aroumV"tho~Kliops, \vlicfeas in : this* country fully, twu-thirdti of llio pcoplo livo in bonrdiiif! uoiisos'^iml tinic.haHK8^.hcayy,.oii_ thoir • baiids, 1 ^ aud : tlioy" kill ~Stjiy woViyiug Thcio Is a halm fore\eryill If you" nro EGflcrinfr^vith.cltillifi", malaria or.norv- ruifi^liHordcrp, Mason .t Tollard a Anti- mrhilalills Tnll nmitmlizo the pown, (,^[l .t^I'tj"! tho Bjatem, inMgomtc and leitoie 3 on to IicnltlT l>i nggnts ~ COMIC COMMEHTS. ] ,..., —A reckless uso of numeral* 1 " How b It lhat you, a healthy, robust woman, coins to list for alms?" " I beg pardon, madam, but I am a poor widow with five or BIX cliil- iren/'—Fiiegaiife/i^Ker. —Sophistry: , Wheu Mrs. F. oaked for t new bonnet Fogg promptly refused.. " A nmu anil wife ore one," bo tnlil, "nnd it is a duty toprnctieo nclf-dcuiul upon all posaibla occasiona,"—Botton TntnterlpU ;•.•-.- —Eucbrcd: Jack (udmlrlDsly*)—" »ro a tramp, Miss Mnrinut" Mtu M.-- " Why do you call mo uuch a uauia at thnt V' lack (triumphantly)—" lieciufto of your biking tricks."—Ihirtnrd fjiMp:'vn, —Fortunate mother: A.—" Ouly fipeut two hours In Munich! Why, you couldn't liavo gone to a singla picture gallery." It. —"1 Lavs no need to RO to galleries; uiy Johnny paints himself,"—FHfgende Bltittei. " —Standing on ceremony: " That was 1 . fuuuy story Mr. Diiou told, Aunt Juwto—". tho ono that mado you hiugh so much, you - know." "Yes. Why didn't you Lingh, tii't" "Ob, I don't know Mr. Diiou weL 1 juough 1"—London Punch. —At the club: " I say, John, thin flsb ii cot froab I" " Ob, yes, sir, It ia very fresh." " Whatever you may say, you will not uinko mobdiovo that it boa been ou tho lue." , 11 Yea, sir, it bns boon; but foeaiLly tho Ic# was uot fresh t"—French Fun. Trniued powers of obucrvnlion: Art . professor—" Yon have sccu tho cathedral nt Florence- with your own oyen, I bare uot becu KO furlunnte. Whnl struck you ai mostnotoworthy in it?" Pupil—"A very pretty English girl."—FlUgende Blatter. —Not for BHIO: "Xo, sir," Indigunullj exclniniod a city ofllcinl who bad been np- proncbed in a way that did uot accord witt " his notious of his dignity, " I will not do" iL Do you suppose I will sell my birthright fornu ounco of potaab?"—llonton 2'r<tn- r.ript. The duilo'n disf-uiao: "Did you go to tbo grand ball lant ovenlnj; ?". iuqulred n morchnut of a dude. " Ynws, I wca tlieri?," m i tho languid reply. " Wlint costume did you wear?" " 0 , my wcgulnr dwess suit, yo kuaw." '• Ah! Iben you wcra di^gnUud ns a "gentleman."—Boi'on Pod. —Tho Jeromes: "I hear," said Mrs. .. Silvcrniinp, "that Mr. Cosh bat bought A picture by Geromo for which bu pntd SlO,COO." "Youdon't KayBO," EHM Mr. Silvcrtuiue, laying aside the moriiiug jjiipcr; "which of tho Jeromes printed it—Law. reuco or Leonard ?"—A'eic York Mitt'l nni llxprm. —In tho way bo should go: "Father," said Johnnie, "this paper says that 'many prominent citi/.eus aro now ill with pueu- monin nud kiiidred diseases.' What is a kindred disease, father?" "Why, my eon," NiiidSmithly, kindred disease i s - i H - wby—yes, yes! 11 kindred diBcnso is oneL runs throujjhnu eutiro family—V:$*m relatives, j^V-Jw R^r^vl-cci" you ' didi know tU —^—^J—Jtoston Tranmripc . member mo V" " Can't say ihni I ever saw you before." . " Wby. don't you remember littlo Samsiiy IJambry, who used to steul :y yenrs ngo, right hero iu Austin." " Why, certniuly, I remember you now. AndI tanned your littlo hide for you yrlien I cnught you." "You bet you did. Ah,- thosu ' happy days will never come again."— Texat Siftingt.::...'-.:..'..:• J.:...:.-.:. - •: .•„•--:.•; —"Spatted": (Mr. nnd Mrs., Swelling-' ton .Tones discussing tho success of their ball.) "My dear, who is tliat fellow over thoro looking at tho'pictures?" "Don't know, my dear." " Who brought [ bini -here?" " Dou't know, my dear." "Well, ; gul his uiiiue'corrticlly, ftud Ukd good csra' -: not to have biui hero again. He don't talk, ho dou't dance, bo is very common-looking, md bo eats like Bixty."—Ktto item: Sceno—'. iop, DumbartonItoad. :: Irish.LaKoror—A t'pori of tobneco, plaise. Shop Girl, snap- pishly—I-can't sell a half.ponny worth, [riah Laborer—Can't yo? Then hand us a penn'orth, mo darlint Gats a pennyworth 3f tobacco, halves it in two, retains one half Lud bands tbo other to Ibo girl along with a mlf-pcnny. That'll the way to sell a ln'potb. Good evouing, mavoorneen.— Glasgow Bailie. " •";.- —Problematic: Seouo—Mexican city 'in Northern Moxico; a switch ongino moving cars .backhand forth, on sldo :traok3.. A "gringo" yardmaator to g, group of; Meii. cau ranchmen .who aro wntchinff movomentf of tlio cngino nnd cars for the first time: " V»"ell, sonors, what do you think of a rail. read?" Meztcau •;eonor,-';rotlootlvely—'J can rendilv^deo how that ongino cars, but I cannot see how Uip ongino.—liaihsS^Age.' —Galling even: M. IiCfebaro do Fourcy" was examining a etudont in physics onco upon a timo, and tho young mnn, being nor- vnus, failed uttorly on tbo first question put to him—a vory simple ons. {'Bring this- gontloman a buudlo of bay Vor' bis break. fast," roinurkcd tho disgusted professor. Ic of tho attendants. " Bring- two—(lie professor aud I- will breakfast together,™, addod tho studout, :who thus suddenly re-. gained nncV asf>ortcd bis solf-possesBioa,—:, I'ar&Papcr. " ' ' -•• ;, '. ";:' -Taking it easy: Mr. O'ltnfferty has G boy named Miko that for laziness ennnot be beaten. This ft^Gortioii'-Is. not absolutely sorroct, however, for ho U beaten for laz't- noaa ovory dny by tho old man.. >After on6; of-tu'eso and.BCeneu.-belwwn-parent -H?I<V child iliko; remarked,, diBrflailyj^'VlTper. SveftKat tjiero is utFpiazin'^ or -year-It"'is ishin 1 I was dond, I nni." "It is lqiko yorself," retorted tbo father, "to bo'wlehin' yo ytM 'Btratolied in an cx^insivo and con- Vayi>;ouf coulu*-taklu' il iwy' 1 yof lifo.V—Texas Siftinyi ' .TUB nnop op AIRIPLB'•-'iiuLEsT.^Tho 'dropora^iUct'at'^lwyaiusViUbVheBrly ten inolioH, busiug tlio opinion outho Baah-' furth experiments, nnd nn nssnmcd veboity •( 1,000 foot per aceond, which is 'nbontJi£ much velocity ns.cnu bo gotibii- uiit"o"f*f thirty-inch, forty-calibor barrel, with ns light n ball (100 grains); the powder(belioTod to be uot nxcocding ninety grains) occupying [for nit (iTorftgn four fingers No. 8 hand) two itnd thrco*quartors inches of 7 tlio bora, end not boiug fully consumetl. MVilh vulooily^nf 2,100 feol per tWorid,"-'! VnitbClaVionst eight inoh'oa inthat di -American Field. •'' »tml CRHOOCSI, VituH Dftnc. •Minister ia ^he.sInBBlaria'afflsTpir. nUiatodin : Aiiplako^Co.,;Obio., ItHa. icsldcncoior/Mr.^Iirttn'aB^io^wliQ"' - • - ; - .-M !c--»«rt«at!yXsi: 5lSt.yitii3l)nncc. ) ! 3§£; ^ ^

Transcript of GTOK TAR - · In Mxrvl oil will \w u:i

GTOK TAR ••'•mi



Civil and Criminal Law Praclit'one'r,WASII1NCT0H. H. J.


: . AVtif*lilii(rt(>ii. >•..!..

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,Folkttor mil Muter In Clmiuiru,

I'llACTlTlOXEIl lS.-TIlk liXlTKIl:• . : , . . : • • • S T A T U S U O U U T S ,

: Awl in (ill Hit Coitrl* of \\<t! ./ivvn/.

TOSKl'II 11. wTilsON', ~ ~~

Al toi-m-y-nl-ljii-vv,: Solicitor in Clini'rrrv, Commissioner

-•"• - , , r i )mU- Office ov<T KiiiK'ti Xew Drug Store, cor-

ner of l-'ront .t Miinstielil .Sis., Uclvl-ilurc.N.J. TrnilKHcta all brandies orIOEUI business. fminyly


WuHiiinjrioii. is . ,j"With nil the latest impmvuiiiuiit*, I ow

prepared to dd lirat-uli M work. 1'INC(iohlnml oxlm Silver Killings at reducedprices. A lnrRO nssortmoitt o[ the ticstArtificial Toetli that nro wnilc

FllWIl GAS KVtCllY lh\ Y.All brftiicliw of the profession carefully

. 'performed; AH work wnrranti'il, amiI'lienp for cash.

\ \ r K. 111.TKMAN.VY. DJWTIS ' I ' .


AHilMnl Sit. |.n.|*tl.v »'»''»• " " ,1'''11"1"1'1am clvliis Hi" I'M BitM«fllin> I" "»' " ,™ R r

•"i«i.i«lir HI. niiiiis iwiii ««ii '-"'i'1' 11|.V.v;1'.""itllli fc-rtal rare. " -"•'>•

HU lie EON :i)HNTits'r,

IMvidere, Wiuren (.\mniy, New .Terrcy


ill Tiucutioti, Accommodation nntl Munugfi-ineiit. Pcrmnuput nml Transient

Guests well untcrtfiiuotl.

A New BILUARD PARLOR'Attached,V, F. STAATKS, l','»}»-ut<>i; ,

I'DII. WASHIXllTON" AN» IlKI.VMHtP.K AVi:,, 'Wiislilngtoa. IS". .1.

•.. .'.riliii lliin.1 liotcl. In Xnttlimi New J I Tspy, rentrally loetiteil. HutisfaL-tion yunr-r.nteet! to-ul! •fM.'M«J jiornisinoiH or trail-

•siol.t. Uillianl lticin amV liarber Simpin eouueution will! tlio hold.

./. i;.TIO.ti,:l.A.\li,l'riri-irt«


Tls a BuWly »wee( FiironMlve plirnsc,Hut tlic simple HOUI who Is lunM thcrt-uy,

Will make ft sorrow lor many (IJJ'H.In Mxrvl oil will \w u:i<\ vty,AiKlvotothettilngntri'incinloiUlie, :

for It incaos, mi* ( tti^L soitmli EU f-iir.A world of trouble ntul toll nml care;

Ana a wilt) 'UMracllns wlali to KO,A way from It Boon nml nnytviictv;

I l-jHMk or the llilng* whiTrtif 1 kno.r,

[t menns nit lHllc traiMpirci.t wny-tTo little away (rom ttm common vyo

Tim Mel Unit your \m".u\ ubtl bnllur Mil) -iIn joitritwlv'; iliaiyoti li.ikemid iwll anil (nJnnMriulciJia!!. IE incnnstoiry :'To lians your cariiii'iits, the bf»t you wear,

: In a (oMIng-bi'd, that last itrspalr ;" '"0! Lunt^l honln; .inJ, bitterer blow,

Et mcanrt a kltclicny-iiarlor ulr;t epoiik of lite things \v Hereof I l;nuw.

It tm'ans to Bhrln!i neath the stern amx/v01 the lordly butchers* and bakers' eye:

Aiwlojlzlnf: in meek ilt.ipr.itsoynr ynnr imvlost wains. To rave or Mali,

"' Over Uierir.KsotUioboiitjlucuiilo.''Tla to pray u strong, heaVii-rcMlilng jtraycr

For the meal a man pronouncra "siiuan-,1And to bo once more In llfo twlow.

Free Irom that peaeMMtrnyitig snaru;13[ie.ik ol the thinsjs wliereot 1 t:now.

tsvov.Ye who aro tpmiued tuKiitu lo sliaw,I'.iusc ero ye enter the Hjjofi* lair;

conslrtftr tTie trutii I Iain would show,l l I n


What \i nirt.iuonl Itcally,lluwcan IniriwertliutT

Yft wiwn she sm'.lM I sn« in wltc*.And ^licn he Hit* Ills liat.

'TM meeilii!: In tho ball room,Tm'lilrtlriBtn Mo dance:

Wiili sonicitiinff Itlil benratu ma lid .iii-siik' ii sliiiplu glance.

'TH waiklns l» Hie hallway,'TNri'Mlois-outhfMiilr; :

Tls iKMi'di'd lips on tinker HJHlllmainmftlanotuwre).

TU Ifficil eji1* and tcinl.'i- nl^'lH,. M u l i m M—no. not nil.

An.1 oni' K-oi-ri liomr Id t>l*r|i:Tra la, inj- irlciul, 1J«I Joy* niust e n d -

llul uli" t-'w= home to wi'i1!*.-r.\\:\ Wlicolor in Albany Time*

MISS HOUR'S PARTYMrs. l'eroiiiit

millions in this yiSho had n<

cuUt, no vUblu menuthe pension uf • th<

itiny to fssidla ion Hi, could be

H O1I(! i.f tilit city who Iii

coiiullesiby thcii

iin'niiip. no pros-if support,—unlessdowned Puronet,

dollars nich." AnJ


- • \ un.viiiKiiK, :-". .1.Tlic undersigned wishos to itifinin the

traveling publjr. that he has removed into. new building just 'complrtoil, mi Marketstreet, on the silo of tho olii " WasliingtoiJlotel,t!Jielvii]ei<\ where hois fully (ire-dared to furnish tiitf best 'acconmmdatiom

his phst rrifinds ami the public iu tycu-ei'i'tl. - This hotel i? known .hereafterus iho 'I'o(|iic3t' House.1 I'celin^. jzi*ntfill for pabl pnti-oiiiifjo, lie Uindly solicitscoiilinuiimie (if the same. Large stall]in the uur. W.M. A. UllAMKH.


IREV.GEO. H.WHITNEY,D.D,^ ; ; , ; , : - ; - J / ; •l.*Itl;:Sll_>J3'N i:r. '. -

.. . Ladies', eolk'<;i>. Prepares young men

•• for college, llesl facilities fW music, art

,'• atiO commercial liranclics. Thoroughness

• _. every depnrtment. Hcst building of its

icings,-wHh steam-heater, lists, ~, hot nnd uSlJ

• water, ct«. . Close, attention._lo .manners,

-morals uml'lioiiitli... ..Louation ploasaiil anil

-"-•'lieaH'hrul;••"-: Cataloguojcnt-free on-appli-

cation. - Year opens September 5.



Prcpnratory to collego, busincso HIIJ i.ho1.,, • :',/.,r-;.cji:ilir->rcsMnnj>I.teaching. ]•\ •-..• /> boarJin^aiiiVtluy'scho


AfcAlAu.v-aiE-Oi'EN.-i TUESDAY,•.;. JANUHtYS, ISM. .. '.

Eatnlognc.Hid fiirthj/r in.l'ormationBo or atldrws1 -J R . H. T R A C H , Principal

-..\1M Sunth Sltlli Rttuol, KASTO.V, 1>A.

BliiiVof clioico coiifeotioiicry nlwavs• ; • ; o n I m m l . -• -••- •."• • - . • v '

I'iiiAi, WiT'T' Sirov.- THAT; ;-•

are tho. Best.p thorn a Trial. '•:,r . Apri 1 'S3-ly

TKi>l o w book, Th\ l i j 1 * S

i the greatest or livingtic-ly nnd eecrcL pcrvi'ee Our-mnrrollou?, Hirllllns mil]

nliilnt* eocrolB of wnr never:. ilUiciraiod In csucllotir,AIIOUN of C. 'if. N1MI1E-•rit L o n d o n iiroiiclii-r;

l l ' a n t o r ; Tim faithful

I ormruvlnRe,' IJnro vhnncoH for' elrculnrB ncil uncclnl Minna.A.NOOU'11,1'libliciier."~-


'or'lo'rei)V^! Agent* Wnntoil.' -^J-Mi«aT;s,Rnelii.W»!lilnRtoii?5.J.-4

yet, hho always! cotiiii«il to Hvu on the fillof tho lun.l. u*M« in cleipiiit boimlin;;-house*, nml clothe htr.-ell niul Imr unn-iuLiEitella in purple nml line Hnrn, which borotho -Ktai»{) of the ti>L»il - !°ii;iiitfiiiti>i<; d r u vmnlters nml milliners on Upper Uruinlwny!.. ."JLvill fill I'C.riijht. wlif M Aunt ..hocettKdies," fiiiiil Mrs. l'erouet, crossing the white

•tiamls wluoli Hpftrliteil with many rings/unitliftitig her soft, toii»-liiih(:il nyess to the ceil-iiif;. ' 'She is worth n hundred Ihtiuiiimldollars if Bhe is worth ii juiiiuy, nud shecan't live fortveri "Ami if wic vuvn- iu>«oue'M social position in ti city like this, outnever can regain it I"

Ami JIiss Kstclle, who win to the full r.sinzy.iiK Icnij-.lnslu'd, mid ns aristpcrnticallyiucliuoil fw her mother, ijuito nijrytt* tw ibidiubtlo system of philosophy. U.

Mrs. lVosettft Dorr'v.-iis ivhut tho w-orUcalled "very peculiar." Hl.e was rich, (indsheJitisKt'il her »oM with. s«li.l'W»li-fnt)lioti.She enjoyed the hoiiingo pnul to lior, nadwho relished giving her relations nn Bimb now mid tlien.. Him Iiintetl obscure-ly that if bhe likctl ono uf h«r VOUCH fuiwiuit,»l,i would adopt her,—and at onco there•was a voluntary swarm el vi«itnr-s. . -•

Helen Howard was no " tonneMal," aedho exiirofi^ed it, lhat at tho end of twoweeks she eloped with tha milkman/nnd as-sumed chnrge of his comfortablo little redfarm-huUKC iu'l'm-hnlio*. .Martlui 1'IU'ou.'(turcd avcrj-tUiiiR, until one day Aunt Docet.ta broujjht ht-r n pootllo <lo», a bottlo of bayruni,'nnd a comb and Imisli, (itid Lado herinalto the ilinr little cmitnru's loilrt'.'

" I ' l l com!, your hair, Aunt Docettn," saidB1U», coloring up, "but .1 won't comb ..thepuppy1* name!»••.i!'rheii,"t:aiil Aunt Douwttsti "ytnnM.cavc

niylioiiso"! •,•.' ... - ... ..,,.„•; 'rVcry \v tnr i i i^ , ' ' ^ id ' ; : 1 l i r i s 'Vi ;Wr ' 1 ]"will leavo it." 'T>l;1.lJ,Iloi.v.i1.a''j'0!rv:;j;utt you're'guing ta'aup.1:port yourself J'Jj'iiaid Mitij Dncottn Dorr,.with rather a curious expression iu h t r eye's.

" I Ituow s. vory roRjjeetabli) wonip,u whokeeps a candy and (stationery htcro,'! paklMartha, "" and sho'U pay mo Jivo dolhrs aweek nail iuy..kci>prfor helpinjf her keepetoro."

• "Ent'timt'll bo Boiiig into trndr," Bni»"MisiK Docettn-]Jon\ .i-;v"^-rv~_...:.;; •.- •':-..".Twiilc is belter than sturvatioti," RaidMartha Pitts, who had been educated for aeoveniesM, but who, nlan! had found Ihomarket overstocked. . " A n d it's bettor tlmncombing pnpies, ton, Aimt DouettnT" Kooffense to you, though—nml if, ntauy lime-,you. aro sick or want mo, you've only to letino Ituow, and I'll drop everything elso auilcome." " . , . . • ' ' : . . . • ' .

"Humph!" was nil 4hu comment which'Hiss Dorr vouchsafed-to this • vohnmontjpoech. • • .

As for jrisn Ksii-lio l'cronct, (iho was mild.V llian finubaaini! and. liweoter than nnyNew HrinauBByriip, Sho cnmbeiV nmV rib-

"ooupil Bijou, Etho played ccnaolojiH: games .ofhlacltgnmmciii with Aunt Docotta, nlwnyntailing enro to ipse^BWemilcd at.Iho tartest.Gpeecirau9;fnuned BO pewistently tlial AuiilDocctta fiunlly.Beut her homo iu dospnir.•*'•'!It'GinipoE3ibls:io offend thatrEid.-'ircal!):ehe. " Aud I'vo concluded, ilualty, lo adopt'no ouo just al present 1" . • '

Sirs, l'crouot vrm looking rntlier; nuslousand perturbed on thin bright filoudny^^norri-ing when Estbllo Bat knitting btigiiUcoiore'awools by Iho window, in a bhio Bilk wrnppeiwhich Imdu't becu paid for, nnd dnlicntulacos nboht which no Kcltloniont hail y d

.becu como to.,,,... ' . .'„., J;;..., ' .••,„_T~'('Itm"afrftuli"roy7dwr('~

rwc7"8hair'ha\ip.\loleavo Ihisplaco," Raid eho', rorrowfully., "Why, mamma?!! Enid Estcllc, lifting thecountoiiaiico 'which ,woro tho ctornnl tiinilpwhich lmd been so ngf-ravating lo i\nulDorr. ,"O.ur roomiJa very' plcasdnf;'.' I'm"

"—nud. they liavo' such n'.wny 6E sorvingI^J-WwIs, - L And tlifi deserts

4 . . . «5ptlonriWo;:yoii"ninBt admit/':All that you B.'iyli').']Ui|n.( lovo,"

said • Mre,; l;crouct.:.. V' But'.-lira. - Trayiaton.hnsboqu ostroinoly niao^ibout^tlip tr'Jflo IOWO Iior.;." ;1 nni p( tooBCUBitiyoanntiirb Ib

enduro tho harsh vulgarity of wotnem ofMw. Traviston'i type. :

"Certnlnlj", mnnimn," nwwily n«inie»ccdnslolle. "By Iho way, SlndamoUackswltehhim lutl iho nihhclty to ufiUil Is a bill ol lourhundred dollars for thin hut you'd drcmca."

"Exorbitnutr'snldSIrs.l'croncL "Wh-wo only had two fiea-grccn moMi, ouo blockiblvet, thrco eunimcr (ill;s, nnd tho wroppeiyou have oil!"

"Theno .jieoplo liavo no conscknccH,"tiglicd XUU-llo. " l in t thn young vromnnrefused to (JO until slid h:ul tUo money, GO Itold her wo would cnll and ncltlo ax Boon aswo cotild get tho nmoutit from our wealthyrcbtivo, Jlies Docotla Dorr."> "Did that .viiellipr?" Raid.Mrj. l'oronet,

"Oh , of course. I've quioted over M>many ppoplu (hat way," naid Ivstcllc, trl.oniphniitly.

" I'm nfnid it wniMn't mireroil with Mw,Trnviston," Bniil ttie, widow.

" Well, ninmma," RAIL! ungar-swcct Kttello," there's nothing in tho wnrld so enty ns ttget auuthcr ptuco, with Aunt Doecttn's namep ,

rufureiiee. Kvcry ono knows that richD h k iMiss Dorr. And what U tho use of relations

if you cnu't make uso of them ?" .Scarcely a week lmd elapsed nfter thin

confidential convc^atiini, when a little uotoarrived bearing Miss Docotla Dorr's Lugolont of nrtUH in red iscnliug-wax.

" Atliiincr-party! And at your AuntDocuttii'n!" iTtwl Hr«. lVrom-t, with de.Ktihlfd viviully. " W.I1, ihU it kiml J Iton'i know wlivii yo-ir Aunt I W L I U )>;„given n \ nrly liffun1. And il U KO lln'iigiit-fiiluf lurti . ' ivai/ llijlyim ulwii>tnrrniliuffuvoritf, IMill.-. It will liOMteluEpleuilid op|)ortutiiiy to wear tho ECa-grccottnitW with the bUeli Iwe triinmiugs. Aud1 can wtar niy black velvet, and liirti n fendiamonds fur the occasion. Of courso yoiilaunt wit! waut us to look gcntc-l. anduot di*Crnco her lino li:nuds."

Mrs. and MUs 1'oicitct unv^d ptnictiinllvnl Mi,s Dorr's sulututithi1'Old red-briclihouse, iu a hired hnck. Aunt Docclla r ecoived them with a smilo which, to Bpcnkt ie truth, KM mtht-r uritn than otherwise.

" Oh I" wild hlw. " You're heiv, eh i"" I hope, dear Aunt Docotla," simpered

Kstctlc, " that we'i'fl not Into?""No," grid Mks Dorr. "Not bio," cou-

suiting tho old watch, Bet with n liorseshooof diamond-!, that she always wore. "Buttho other guests arc perhaps a liiilo early.Have yon gnt your curls arranged lo yourlikintf, Kstelle"? Clnd to hear it, I'm sure.

Hut Mr*, l'eronct and Estello [.toppedbliort upon tho liircshold of tho aiiti'picljfuruiihcd apnlmeiit. 'I'hcro was ' MrsTravLston in" her best dyed fi'iik,—M.1110.ltaclEslitch.' bristling with ostriih plumesHid old Ijite, Miss Jimt-s, iho pullid jutllirf3cnni£tres-t-t'y.tliCfday, whom tho l'erouctshad employed KO often and never paid acent. A. liotibot, ihu French lupidary, wholir.d..!:-.-.i^tho..i'!«--:v.rQ »f 'fumieljiti" th* jl'eronet family with a cousiderablo bill of ['cr.-ch7-dtir;i:s tlic 'year. . Mlsa-Triaiwethe milliner, aud KtiVombo, tho glova nnchant, ^l'o^covcr. there was Mine. I/v ItnnV wJitidu""'viliiwiiioiiAl tstabliriliiiiei.t"Mi

.Xniui!-': Ii.u1 t.itlx.itvJ, M..Bi.wtil1v,"Hti."ritir, who had cnpplicd sealskin wtci[ticK andfui-.linrd cloiikh to tbe luilius, and Dr., the liuiaeDpiilhie duutor, who^ hilts hadUasu drnppH tiiinrter hy ipiarter.'iuto thewnsto-bniikct, as wtll its Mr. Forcep's," usmiling desittbt, whose own teeth wcro hisbest advertisement.

" Mutual friends, yon will perceive'." sa\iMiss- Dorr, -wit a a" ilmtuaiic wave of "thehand. " Whal'd Iho matter, Ann l'eroncl;Estello, why don1'.you Ktip forward?"

T!;n storaolyped Rintlo died nway oil V.*.te'ileV lip-;. . Mm-. Purouct burst into tcir.s ofrage and mortification.

" I—I don't know what all this means,"eaid sho.

." Duu't you V" said Aunt Dorr. "WclLwell! I've always Itonrd that Ihprearnnonfno blind as those who.will.not. Bee!. .Thesegood people, it seems, liavo all been referredtome, nl ouo liuxj or another. All that Ican do te to rc-for them bad: 'id ^ou. . Inorder to fiicilittita aifaiw, I've iuviteil you nil



JnUou'ri Dutch employer* wcro not slowto ntuil iheiuitelvri of lliu iiurivnllod com*merclal a

Mfi.-tl by tho fiitmtloaI h

^ yof Maufmttcn ixhtiii In (O'K—(ho yenrin which Kutith win Kurveying tho coast ofNew EngLiiuI—tho company of tho XowKclhcrlauds received KM charter, authorizingit to control and colonizo nil tho territorybclwocu Virginia ami Canada. Whetherfrom a «r n military point ofi l U iview, tliU nnblo r

yoccupied tho most

ij position In North America. Itis thnt part uf tho continent which HcndsElmunn llowitij; in divergent courses intotha (iiilf of St. Lwraiiciv tho AtUuticOcean, nud tho (lulf of Moiioo. Throughdeep chamni In tlm AII^hanies, which runirro^ularly acrout it, tlin-io superb rivers, thoUnison, Delaware, nnd Stisiincbnnnn, lionInto tha Atlantic; whilo tha Mohawk, com.hi]; from tlin.wcst, scrvus to join tha. valleyjftho Hiidsnu with tho Rreatlnlces; nud inill;9 iimuiKT Ihu luvdy .IiiniaU, rushiugJnwti to join thn StHi|iiotmnnn, han its hniul-watuw not far from tliu spot where tho cur-rcnti of the Allcghany And Mouongahelnunite to form tho Ohio. With such path-ivnys iu every direction, whether for pcaco

>r for war, thoiniiuoiii>:r foiUMUUU! tho continent; and could tho Duteb

N'ew Kutherlnndi) (curiousi uutjiiuoiiti)coiu«

ld h D bietlluiiicnt thcrt? licve been ndeijuately sup-ported, it would Imvo threntcuctl or preventp

ccndvucy of I'ngland in tho. NewIt was no doubt largely owing tontaga of position that tho Lenguo

U b d b b l d d f

ppi tho divergent river valleys uudh i n of mighty lakcn theso fcro-

d i

til tho iWorld.Ibii; u d v g p gof tlio IroipioU bad been enabled to domf.ueiT o v e r Iho K rc i*tor p a r t of tho count rybut WOOD tho Atlantic nud tho M U Iand tlstniiicrow tliu gylions Imt lang.licadwl barbarian* in theirbar!; cauoc-t ci.l;ib!islied those lines of IradoA'liiuh medern civilizattou, with its nnd railwny, ba^ simply adopted andimproved. For a century after its conquestby tho Kurdish, New York, with WesternPennsylvania, served as a great military bul-wnrk to Now l-nghnd and to tlio GOtithcrocoluiiies. The bardest %h(ing dono in thoWarof Indt'peudenco wai tho btrugRlo foitho jtcKscssion nf this vantagCKrouud; ami

d tlio glorious

arits of I'erry nml M:wdo«otiglied ou Lakes I-Ma nnd CUiiiptiiiu:tity of the citaiM of Ataerica.ho colon\

an inipcrml p


fouudi.'d by tho Dutch iumined iu thcii

hand for ju4 fitly years, aud at tho end olthis period the population had readied aboutiii;hl thousand. Tlio " city " on ManhattonUhiu], lyini- entirely tu thu south of tha

j dt" of Ciiiiid Street, yirl with an earth*;:[. kVid! some ton feot in height, nud niimbcr-

(Inl I, height,

• tiftc. hundredhabitants, had ahvady acquired tho cosino.politan charitetcr whiuh h:w ever siuco dis-tinguished it. In the New Netherlands tbeDutch iit:uiilniiicd their national policy otunlimited toleration, nnd consequently ii

" I won't bu iu Mild JIw, Perouet,growing hyfiterical, while Tistcllc sunk help!lessty on tho nearest sofa. . tt-.

" Won't you i" said Aunt Dorr, calmly." Hut you'll do ns I nny, or I'll know the^•cccpu why. . Just let 1110 know Iho amountofwhat you owe those people, ns they ad.vr.uco ouo by ono. The.- bum total. i>[lourrie,!",. Jiiss Dorr Kat Msointely'do'S'ii'at hcr'laUo,'with a bag of gold pieces beside her.•-';.'! Ao\v)"-their,'Mri>.:".Travistoii't'" 'BaiJ'shp,™','coniooa! Somo ono inust bo first, you


'Aud^'wituhlowdfilitioratiou ft'nd business-liki accuracy,' Mins.Docelta Dorr solllcd offthe claims of tho wliolo crowd. Kitello eatparalyzed ia her comer. Mis. Peronot foilin if she woro Ktrotchod upon Iho nek, butsho know that escape was impossible. Oneby ouo tho rejoicing creditors ilisapponrod,until Wisii Dorr WHS left alono with her nioRpand Eatello.

" Twc thousand ;thrco hundrod' tlollnrsI'vo.paid for you to-day, Ann. anil EslQlle/lJsaid s1 i.e. "Mal;o much of it, 'for i t 's : thalast you'll over HUO of niy savingB. Diuuoris ready now. Will you walk in V" •

Martha"Pitt was in,Iho, lufiU'h'og ai-ouud in a cheery Rorl of;\yjiy.' •

"You hero!" cried Este'.ld/aa they ox-jhanged KhicliuRs.,

"Haven't .you., -mil? said -.Martha."/•unt'Dorr !ws nilopUd (V Hut," with attischiavoiiK (winUlo of herfoyes.,'!.I'' comb thojioiidlDl Thn'scuiiiiry'nlriid'irU> do that!" . • • -.'\\

" YOB," salt) Aunl Mocottn, Biiovuy,v^l,Bud I can't afford FUCII* cxtravngnnt relation!1

w Ann i'ermiiuiiid lior'dnngliU'iV-SO" :

Mcownts willi them lo day, oneu for all 1"t^And:they.iillt:al:_.dnwri-to.:<liv!iI!r,--Komo•"Vi'thora, nt least, with vory indifferent appo-

ites.----— - - - - - ; ^ - • -•"'Alia tlicrG"cndoii;-'foruVi"ii", "tho groaUcx-.

poctntions of " Aiifi Toronot and her (lauRli-ter^asiliBB por^kntl fio uucRremonioaulytermed llipni."— ShtfUy Browne. .

The'symptoms ffl'p moialurc, like per-Epirnlioiv-in.tfitiRn \ilcli»y?l-iricveasoi! byacr'atcliiiiE," 'Cry i dislrcHHing.'parl iciilarly "tit

R . Hceins aa if pin-wormsivore(crivwlingin anil aliont HID rcAuaij the private ptivtsnro HOinetlinca nfibclwl.-1 f allowed to coil;tinuo viiry serious pienlla may follow,"SWAYNFAS OINTMENT1''is (ivpluis-nnl, Buro enroi Also W Teller, llcli. SuitItheuin, Scakl Hoad/UrysipelnsrUnTlierB1

Ttch~Ji)otclieBini.uirac!Uy; crusty Skin l)ia-coses'.~ SouTby-'innil foi'SO. CCIIIB; It box-s, S1.25,- (in"8tamps)f::: A i l t t a , Ml,\VAy«K?Jfc^SOKrrPhilniloItililu,-ra. cni.,'111L'ttl'.'l

e of religions turmoil they dre1

alt \MVU of Knrope. Thereiti from ]tot, - CiitLolw


cllo,«WaldensesWalloons '" from*

. S:otoli rresbyteriau3,.EuR-

wtro Iliiyiieifr«»i -r iclmFrench Plain

"lislt" ludependouts 'Slowviaus,"'Quakers,Annbaptists aud Jows. It 13 said thatKilo Hglitceii diffurctit languages werespoken in Xuw Ainstordam aud itfi environs.Though thi! settlirs ^-oro grievously oanoy-ed hy tho Aljjoti:piins 111 tho neighborhood,thoy'iuiiud it for ibis reason nil tho easier tocoiieiliatii the Mohawks, nud KO thoy soon\}<",\'\n to • compctii with the French ofCanada for tlm fur tride.—John Flake, in

< 1Iurpci-'a .Vttguiitu,


I reached IKUSIO 011 iho l!!t[i, tin. L-ohltnlweather I oxpurietuiM mi lluit^n liciui- ontho l.'ilh, when, about two hmir* hcforoEun*me, thn th*rm<)m.'tpr indented lUty-ihrcoclenriies be-low zero, d.iy I niada • njourney of twei»y-livt» iiiilw, riding iiiost oithe way'oii the sledjjp, ami at no time' dur-iiiR that day did 1 fnol uucomforlabte, thehighest tho Ultimodegrees, and I might here

•lioJ being lifly>• that I really

'iijoycd'the wholii triji. I uttributo this nl-rnoit wholly to . the J!--i[i:;.i:aux. remdeerclotliiiig and coustaul liv-n;; iu a Know iglooiiko tfio natives, wtierc tho tomporaturo isnever above freezing end generally tea tofifteen degrees btiow thnt point. I do notbelieve—and my belief U continued by thewritten accotmtfi of others—that any Arctic"royagen?, housed in _wnnn Ni:ips:.ns- their

bnso nnd clad iu (ho usual Arctic units of ex-plorers', could stand sudi a juiirncy withoutmore or km" maturia! dwwmiforl.. Ouly.oneb.did.l:liar:r.:tha7,ks3bivof^cautiou.,:,.Itook,.off' my ri1>iit""iiiitti; nttemptlng toget nwhot at a passing rtiin-ber, tho wind blow-ing Htiflly in my fuci1, and llio. Ihenniiuieteithirty-seven'fluarecs liclow zero," when th(porsiiitunl ri.-fui:al of tliu fiozen guu-lock towork i)orfofitly,lto]il'1iiiy baud exposed muchlonger than 1 lmd intended.',- When I ut-

tctnpod to uand looking nt it I

lined paralyzed,I (hat tho skin wn

an white ag innrblo. Toolooab, who was bo-;ido ino, noticed it nt tho Kamo timo, nnd

with nn I;ititiii oxclamatiou of Eiirpriso, has-tily dofllng both his mittens,- grasped it be.iwti'Jii his wnvtii hands, ami - hold it ngaiuslhis warmer body, under his eoo-lo-lnh, oiEafiuimntis coat. It soon rasumed its ftiuc-tioiiB, nud although I folt for BOIUO tio-j asthough I wa-s holding on to a lioru'Ct'tJ acst,I uxperioncod no more r.erioua results than acouple of ugly-looking blisters, whero theiron of Iho gun hnd cotno in coutncl withtho baro hand. Tho roindenr escaped. AnIlia reindeer clothing is tho warmest in the-

two large skiiis mailobnji'or micl;; (ho Iit t i i

into a loiig, colliii-lilcrido in, being a EtifQ

ld h hcieut pi'oteuliou in Iho coldest weather whn».:j.ian pruperly^onstiMtiled ial^i .- .^liSfirst severe,cold canto arNortii liiulaoiI was sleeping undur.n blanket iuiil hv,


Tho City of Mexico is wliat Pnria lit toFrnnce, being tho sent of QOTommont, tbicenter of a rapidly growing railroad system,tho mart ol COWIUBICO and ibo aboSo cJnearly alt tlia wealthy land owners of thftrepublic. Lifoand property aro perfectlyeafe, though I ono day SAW a largo knifetaken from undor tho cloak of a country-man when bo \tw searched at tho city gates.Polico are stationed about 100 ynrda apartall over tbo city. They aro wclI-drcHsed,aud paid $1 per day. Thcra nro severalthi b i l trik bl ipthings tttb

p yli Etriko n btrnuger fnvombly inf th i Th l

g g ytboBtrccfiof tha city. Tho pcoplo moreabout politely without cnnhlug or crowd,f Ld i d hild ffng.b

y gand children can return fromtho thcatom, cafes, or tho Zocalo, nt Into

hours of Iho night without molestation oreach offcuNcs a; might crow their path iaLondon j nnd what has been nccomplUhcd(n a city of SOO.WM inhabitant* id beingoxtontlod to the ncighbnritif; cities nnd coun-try district!*, with every prospect of BoonrcnduriiiK nil parlu of tho country na mif*lo ttnvol in by day or ni^ht ns in the Cityof Mexico itself. .Tito Mexican world keepsearly hours. Chocolate about 7 n. 10.;. »yhcavv " square meal," called nlni

b b k f arzo, it

may bo brenkfast, luncheon or dinner, be*twees 11 and 1!; Ia the ovcuing, chocolnte,tecs, or Homo lujlit refrcshineut, followed bytho opera, iheaturs, or, what to mo was fnoioro prefcrnblo, n.i excoll^nt band of musifa tho gardens of the 1'la/a. The hotel anilbonrdiu^ IIUIIMI iiuuuiniuudatiouii of iho cltj

e barely fitiiitcfent for tho present influx olAnicricnu visitors; nud, should n ueiitlanincilettiro to vixit tho city with his wifo nndfamily it would bo well to securo rooms be-forehand by telegram or letter. Tho Most,can hututs nro fur Wl^itis only, nud yourtucalri inttKt hi en 1011 nt tho restaurant at-tached, or cNowhere, ns fancy may diclnto.Tho street called Kan I-'muci^co street,' prolonged by Los rintero.i, nearly a luilj itlength, and tuuuin^ from tho V\w?.\ Mayoto tho beautiful gimleiH of tho Alamcdti Is,from iu position nnd excellent idiops, themost nltmctit'e nud fashionable street in tho

ly. Tlio new Mrrrt of the Cinco do Mnyo,from tho 'IVatre N'n-lonal to tbo cathedral,is partly under coiuiriietioti. It will hiooblo r;troct when cuinplctcd nud the avenueof trees continued Its ivhnlo length; but,anlcss it is lined with shop, it will not com-pete, from a business noim of view, withSan rmncisco Ktreet, which is tho greattboroii^hfnro of the city. The fhrjm haveperky, Parisian appratimct1, not liisit of 1palatial cstnbltslniiOuU on tho houlovnrd*,but Uther that of tlio third-clas* KtreclJ ofI'.iriH. The city GWnmiB with Holdictx, andtLo sound of i!io trumpet call staitlcx IhoMr nt nil hours .if the day and iu tli

unexpected ]>dl

T h e soldiers are. gcucr.t l l i t

p ] gidly Been walking atout loosely in tnrgo

d h h fg y

, under tho charge of nn otllccof

tho fiergcaiit—this for fear of their abscond-ing. They nro toMiedy littln men nnd fuifly well dressed. Hut the rural fjunrd uarratofT tbo palm. These men aro fine, smartfellows, nnd wear 11 isost iHciurcMpio uni-form of soft'buff lenlhcr, ncarlet silk uecktiotad ERsh/gray. felt sombrero, .richly, lacedwith silver, gauntlet gloves and high butboots,' wit i r spurs-llio rowels - as ~ liirgo •- aacheese plates—enrbiuc, revolvers nod nwonlTheir horses am highly bred, and EO exquis-itely trained Ihnt they obey iho prefisure ofthe knee, tlio icin being Kctdom, if over,used.

.,At R country or government may gaiacredit for tho Dscclttiico of iu philanthropicinslitntums, I would Mexico,. iindfir itsnew regime, ns high as any country' I visit-ed; education is compulsory between theages of 5 nnd M ; waifs, strays and neglect-ed children aro\Kvejit into tho reformatories!,md the estttUislWut for leaching the • deaf»ud dumb cuablVs its inmates to talk n lan-guage of their owi» To.ilut/."

THE CHINESE CEMETERVi-r1"1'Tbo cemetery seemed to bo tho most curi

ous.of all tlia sights connected with China-doni hi Sun FraucUco. I caaio-u'pon it tlu_*ho coursu of a long stroll, niid was, ns'/ithappened, almost tho only outsido spectatorto the peculj^T cnrRninnial ritos on tlio nninml'propitiation b*f tho spirits of the U^iil. Thisburinl-placo is not grouped with tho othersin tho general Golgotha nt Lono Mountain,but adjoins that dovotcd to tho city pmipci'Hoiil among the. melancholy snud-duno.4 bytho ocean shore. -; It U parcelled off by whitefenced iuclosure.S:,f"r n lurgo number of

p rial guilds, or ttiiig,i, RS Iliu Fook

Vntn Tong, tho Tung Kan Tong. tho Y« On.Toi!g,.etc. Oiioha1). difiiculty lo per-nadnliiniWf tbnt-bo c(iu'^iiv,-ako_wli'ein wit-

Hsiiig''UiTr\loiuB»1~aL;lu«!l-'i'"'liw-o'"'i«liiii(''.pliiee in brtud Minlight nud :.i\ Ynukcetand.

the practice of this \>uo[Aa to : conveytli'.i bones of thoir duiid to Chinii, hut proTlimiunry. fiinornls.tnko plncuiu regular form.Ouo of tbo first clasa often oulists nil tlio

in SaaFrftucisco. Tlio bones nroloft in'tho ground ft year or more b'oi'orelioiugiu a fit''condition for removal, niulover tliOKo tho rites of propltintion ftra per.Cormcil. An I lingered in Iho vlcinitj

thrco in tho nftornooi), first oue, thcuanother " express wagon " of tho usual pat.

drovo up;- -Tlioy boio freights :'olChinnmcu nud Obiuamou, nnd curiouulyassorted " provisions. Tlio "hoodlum"drivers, though condnctiug thomselv^a mostpcaccAuly, seemed to wenr n certain Enrdaiiicnirtnt having to draw their profits from such

' ila'sH of patronage, ..Tho provisions werounloaded, and tnkon up nnd laid oa.'mnfill

pwooden nltnrs, of .which thoro ifront of cacif™plot. Jlost


g7pigs decorated with ribhbus and coloredpapers:" Tlicro wefo", befiides,' roast fowls,1

.rice,.ealads, MViietmeatu, fruits, ci arrf, nnd

loinotorsanlt thirty lo forty degrees''below.2Bro,-Fnhrenh«i(, inndciuate to aecurocomfort, uiitir-I'iieoaVed a i:oiudcor. sleeping-bng, weighing not half as nincb," attor whichcold nights wero no longer dreaded. [ Therobo of tho Amnvicau bisou ficoino uuilor thl.Icifit provocntion lo becotno damp, nud thenfreezes ns fitiff ns a' pioco of. Kolo-lcnthor.Onco npoilud in this niautior, itjfl diflicult.todry it nud rentore itlo'il^foriiioFpliabilily"in tbo'low,- lenipernlure of an igloi). Tho• f t i r e ' o n i r ^bo equally nuHUilaiilo iii otir "inodo of life,stulIMifivoJlmLatHhi^othhr./fiirfl of Ihnjonipornto zono would" hitye-tili'a'teJ-tljq samr

iior, if leatod in i'lio wuio praclicnl :,way,'—Lieut. SchtatkayV ''~' ^•••.: i^'frjA;:

•WcUs'ilEenlth Keiiowcr"...ami vigor, euros<

.q healthlia, Tmpbtoricq,


Among the npccial collcctionn which Inmade tho Lenox Library KO well knowu tobibliophiles In all countries is that whlcli itpossesses of Uiblcs (it all lnn£iinjiei(, andmoro especially in Kuglisb. Of tbo Bsvcrolthousand editions contained In tho aleiud cases of tho uorth and south balls, themost valnnbla as well at tho most interestingIn, of course, tho fine copy of tho Gutenbergor " Mnzarino" Bible, printed at Mctz, byGutenberg, in H.'O-lir.i", tbo first complotobook over printed with niovablo type, andwhich still rcmoius one of Iho noblest epeel*mons of typographic art. Of tbo MazarineDiblo thcro nro but sis copies on vellum nudiweiily-ouG copies ou paper Icuowu lo bo IDexistence. Two of tho lattor ftro in thiscountry—tho Lsnox copy nnd tho Krinloycopy, which wai eold by auction in 1831 toMr. Hamilton Colo, of Now ...York, foi$3,000. Tho Urinley copy bos BOvontccn

lissinj,' leaves Mipplicd in fnc-similo, or itould bare brought' nix or KUVUU thonsniiii

dollars more. Tlio last pnbljo M\Q beforethis wan at London, in 187;!, when the Pikins copy was sold by auction to llornardQuaritch for X'J.OOO. Tho finmo copy wasiftcrwnrds Gold by Qunritch to Henry Until

for £t,000. This is nbout tho presentmarket value of n perfect copy on paper.Tho copies on vellum nro still moro valuable,Tho Iwt public salo was nt X.I, ion, andperfect copy would easily bring fl.OOO inLondon or Now York to-day.

Iu another room is a fine copy of Coveidnlo'n Uib'lr, thn first complete edition of thoscriptures in English, (t wo.; printed ntAntwerp in 1.".').*. No perfect copy of theCovcrdido Ilibla has cotno down to thta timo.Tho Karl of Lolcester-fl library iu Englandbns ouo in excellent condition, but with themap micsing. The Lenox copy comes nnto it. Tho Lea Wilson copy, which soldfow years ngo for .*l,i<a.*i, has aoverai miss-ing leaves; supplied in fncsimilc. Of tlitwo editions of John KliolV Indian lliblo tho

Library has llro copies, which cpriao nil tho different varieties. Their rarity

iy bo estimated hy tho wdo of tho Urinleycopy of tho unit edition for £'M. Ileitoo, ia (ho only copy known of tho Tintditioti of King Jntues' version—a. Ii'moolumo that him hail nlmoxt cotintlees roprnuclinim, Tho curiout visitor may also In

npect tho various) Itiblcu whicli, oil accottnlof Komo freak of lypogutiphy, have beensought by collectorsi. In tho so-called

Vinegar" lliblo, for instance, tho rnnniugtitle ot tlio pnrablo of tho vineyard nt llio20th chapter of .St. Luko Is printed tho"Parable of tho vinegar." In '.ho

Ur.vidien Hible," tho word "breeches" isil" ted for "ap rons" in Genesis iii. 7.

A.1"'1',' j tho "Wicked Uiblo" the' worddtiitttP'l from Ibn snvpntli t'oni.

tnntidincnt. Tho English copy of this BibleIu tlm"library wan printed in London ir.Witt. .Tho impression of 0110 thousandtopics was-, nd fur as possible, suppressed,iiid r. heavy fiac '.vart imposed on tlio print-;r«. Hingutarly cnniighi just ono hundredrears later, the E3i»c error '.va-i made'in njenuan version printed at Hallo in 17J1I, 11

copy of which id in the library.—JfwfonTfiin«crijpi. ~ "~ "" ' ~" "•


Vho elephant I'ilot lias uuver been thor.onglily subdued, nnd n. strict walchCbn hUmovements is kept at nil times. Ho ismassive beast, with long, ugly-loolsiug tusk:Iu tho spring senson the inalo elephantsnlways bocomo restless, aud ti spirit of In[;t:bor;'.ii5stion has been developing in Pilotfor several days, which recently broko outin all its force. At about 8 o'clock Pilot audAlbert nud Gypsy, n female elcr.haut, weretnkeii to tho trough on tho Twouty-sixtbstrett nidu of tho fiai'UMii, .opposite thciifilnlls, to drink, Gypsy was between thntwo male.1; nnd slightly to tho rear,, so thnttho heads of Pilot aiiv\ Albert wero nbout ona liiip. 'Suddenly aud , witl'.ont tho leastwarniug, Pilot mautTtii furious luugo ...

"Alburt.'iiudgavO'liluYo,btow"which' toppledhim over on his eide. "As Albert rose againho ..was received by nuotbor blow, whicta^ain upset him, aud by this timo tho entiretroop of elephants were bellowing withexcitement" Gypsy, iu tho menntijio,had tried to forco her. way in betweentho two brutes, but was pushed gently asideby Pilot, aud tho two mate elephants' uutogether again with a crash. Iu tho "but-tin» " slruggto which, followed throo of theposts supporting tho floor of tho nniphithcn-teraiiuvo woro knocked .down. . Tho benmtfcinuiiig' theso posts woro sixteen inchocsquare and tboy woro firmly • brucod bottibovo nud below., ... •.!..;.„'...;".', '• . •;. AH soon ns tha fight began' Mr; Newuinu,'

,':JUB, trainer iacharge/. Lurried - to the npo t,and by vigorously beating Pilot succeededin driving him back to his stall, and chniu-

igbotirJifsforo.feet to tlio floor. Whilethin was being douo tbo elephant stood withhis trunk and tail uplifted, and hie huge onre

'spread"wide oricu, but ho mado uo. effort to":t tlio.clminB.' AH Mr. Nowmnu nr'oso,'

however, _after Bccuriug tho brute, Pilotijmlo a lutigo nt biro with his head, nudifTiiilc liitt^.iu tho mouth with his tusks,

brcaliing ouo of tho upper teeth aud looaou-ing tho others, ard kiiooltiug' tbo tralnorbnll.!

k'KS to tlio floor. Pilot nisulQ a socendat him with km trunk, just touchinfl

his cheek, which still KIWVH tbo mark of theblow, and then 6eeing New mail's lint,, whichhad dropped from \m lnwl ns>ho full, 'tbo'lophaut vented his ntgo on thin, < tentiug it

to Khmlsin hia moutb-in nu instant,, nudthen Ktampiugou, it viciously. Nowmnu

iu a dnzed condition and fingeredaway. With tho exception ot tho !i(jury tohiu toothjio. vasiortnuatelyinot :ba'dly.burt.

aoci(foTnyrilr,-'Aralingstall that Pilot111u.1l nut bo'tfikon into lha rlng^and that itwould bo uusafo to romovo Gypsy and Fritz,

nuug elcphnut to which bo bns shown a' " il of nircetiorj^frcinrbia-side.^TIi":

igo beast stood between thorn last', night,• ' ;. his*toll .'Krioiji-ty^ba^irayinsvbss!:d forth, Imt"so""ii'tjcui'ftly..chained

>uld not mnVp a cLiuion nf tbrcc feet in bislitioii. His uyw, which nro usually meek

dull, glared eavagidy at o'verytjody whoiproauhcd him, and tho koopor. took (jootl

not to comewituiu reach of his "power.Illrunic. Fitetbu'sitMo boon killed.—JV".

'Timei.r •••••'''• •' : v " : • : ^ - - - " - ;-" • •- "V ' ' • ^ ' ^ » ' • '" '*• • <i)

..\ ni'onr.-rLftHt Olmnaa •l l io iiilmo of n new town o;i tho Korthornirtiiljaioad/flSO iuiluB from'Vortlnud., The

L- i^coinpoai'd or-utifi;-, threei wnsh-houaofl, iiix rohtaurants, eightrand-only' thirty-two Hnloona,- ;RTort

Jlhu'saloouH are kept open day , nnd nightiyn-i>Apnilly'.riiir>un;.ng tho,lown,iii_iitB^lory.^^ellarg^rpijrrof'Suppr^^rrit:IIsil2ti:s:furi.iriafat.T"pr(ir.c«t":'coa-

Jgaleufurarithn :i\»fn'.—Suit^V««JJHCIJ •


It in wonderful bow tho south U pioldug&p. Iho boom was filow In comirjg, but ithas spread over all tho Booth aud. la tisilluIa OTory routo of travel. Farmers are dear.lug, rofencing and putting up new balldlngs,vlllngcs are eprcadiug out and towns andcities aro pushing culcrpifcei involving largobums and rushing oil kinds of business,Every day—aud thoy cheerfully admit It—Iho eons of tho Bouth aro becoming moroand rooro Imbnod with Yankco push andrash, antl oyory day thnt Earao cuterpriso IsBhowing beneficial rcsa'.U.

Wo in Michigan beast of our "right>mnrt" small towns, but Kentucky and Ten-nessee may do tho wuno. Hero in thisTown of Erin, numbering COO population,and having n big hotel, n lino court bouseand plenty of stores, ouo could uot linvcfound &va houses savon yenra ago, levyears ago it wan a county mnda up of bills,thicket*, fnrefit* nnd BwMon, with only a fowfarms worth working. A decade has work-ed sucli changes ns would not be credited iftold of a Bcclion iu tho NVtb.

Tho border Sontkron has licnled thowounds of war, forgotten thnt ho oncoowned staves, ceated to rcphio overIOSSCH, and is pushing ahead with n Knap tohis cyo that means biiaiiiess. I«ito. falb,Kbort winters nnd early springs aro m offsetin TmincK'jen, wlinn whwit fniln • to yieldmoro than fifteen bushels to tho acre. TlifavcrAgo iu West Tennessee U not ovcttwenty, but it U n good tobacco country,and oats, corn, bnrlcy nnd otbci ccre.iN dofinely.

In (ieorgia and Virginia' the fannersenmy about fertilizcrM, nnd the wisest nuthem admit that they aro Rtimulnting theirl.nid.4 to ovci'-cxcrtiou. In Wcstcni Tcunes-ico ^iiano m Rpjircoly ktiowu, nnd farmersicciu lo bo dead set ngaiiiHt even tho use of^ompir^t. What small farmcr.-t nrouud De-troit pay fifty cents a load for they weretumbling luto tho river at Nashville theother day to (jet rid of. OUQ may rido foiItoms nnd fitil lo see a -iiiij:l>i lifM which hasbeen enriched with material* closo nt handnud without cost. It does uot seem to bofrom la^iucss or HliifllessncRS, but fiirinomexplain that they haven't been iu tho hnbltof EO doing. Tho lands which uow grcfifteen bitnbcls of wheat to lha aero onlytvaut to fall Into llio h/inds of our Northernturuicr!! to yield thirty.—CvrrfopomlVttrvit Fret Press.


Puiuiil In (i .UiHiluiui W'IIHII-T.II) J I I . 1 II C

A story bordering u littlu «u the romantic,nnd uf which, mure wilt probably be heardin tho future, came to tho oars of n news,gatherer recently- tho facts in which, mnonr as can bo . teamed, being r.s ' follows:The pnrtiori who ai'u principally interestedlive in this city, n>. I tlw story was told byane of tLem, an Eoglish lady named Mrs.Thomas Kay. It saeras thnt n number o(years ngo tho family of whom Sirs, Kay

: nifiniber came over from London, Kug-d, to this country. Threo yoars ngflH. 'Ktiy's. inulhvr died nl. the . udvnin!«0

ngo ofeiyhty-11'u yoais,. nnd tho room theoil Imly ioeeii|iieil" was - not. disturbed - n'ftei

death for a long time. Having occasionlast August to go to a bureau iu tho room,.mong a number of other articles stored,way i l rs . Kny found an old-fushteued ac-

count nud pocket-book combined, in winchi records kept hy'tluttady'itgriiut.gruud-

fathor ns fur back nn tho year 17I.1, andit a inanaga-'certilieata "of^thu .s-inio' >'riiinkiug pcrhnp-i the book veat of familyvnluo sho put it in htr pookot itnd for n timeforgot its existence. 'Washing diy com!tiparuiiiid/theilrssK was consigned, to tiio tub,podMUb.ioViui 1 all, ^'.ul.-whon-. disaoveretl''.he latter hii.l become' tlioroitglily "Bo:ikecl,:

iud being t-t»e» out Wl tnpieocs, dia-losingtoviaw n i>ioca of papjr bc-twoeu tho. liiiings3f tho back. Tlm piipii- proved to bo ti nut*.'forX'Jt;;., ma'd't in Saw York in 178::, justiVceutury ngojtnbc paid by a London'iinitv'clmnt uaiucd Willie! 111 Konlutto to WillimuSodcrich, tho grent.graud-father of Mrs Kay,The noto was duly indorsed, and l.uingBUOWU 'to Bovornl wa-* ducliiroj;ennitin.

• Diiva Xuiiniaii tho expross a^eut living itSaginnwCity, who ia a son-in-law of Mrs.Kay wr.6 given the noto for wife-kerping,aud Btill has posse-ssion of ir. Lottors wore

int lo London 11M&113 iuijtiiry for tlio rol.ntivos of tho maker of thi note, but uotliinghas boou rocoivedii. rjply nud o»o ;or twotettcnf have been relur'neil. "The."6Hgiual3utn,J:2lj.j) will with interest nud compoundInterest, by. this timo, amount to tho enuglittle pile of about 'X3.'<00 .u'r 'in. tbo'_ nwgu-bo'ttiood of $13,0011 or:$.".o,opu. . .;...;•.:-


Said 11 woll-ltuown dry goods Galesmaniirt inoruiug: " I wish to goodaoaa;EOIHO.

thing could bo douo to put n stop to thejboppcrs-wlio-uovor-bny unisauoo. Thesepeople nro vory well kuovvn ia tho Gtoron,nnd 'they don't givo na mucb trouble asformerly, but Btill tuoy take up' volunblotimo, and a good part of our energies isdirected lo tho cITort to circuiuvcut' them.Tho juomcut an ''"ohl timor1 comos lip to tliecounter sho is instantly recognize;! by, sbma'0110 of tho HaluKinau, and Ibo warniug signal,

tap on tlio counter ia passed nlong tho line.Ilieii wo have uomo fun. Tho 'old timor1

.will call for uay n cordiiu shado of yellow.SUo in told it is uot in stock. ' Ob, what apity 1'oxcliiims she, " that is just what Iwantod, - If you hnd it I would buy- siliconyards of it. Thou it is tho nest man's turnllift-comes • up, acuordiugly,'aud tells tbo/Irsi Kr.lG5ln.iii ,tliat he isniisf-alicn^that there:(a stilt n bolt of twenty yards of that. stuff iu tho 'store. Ho brings it forwardmd "lays it down. You'would think tJie;,topper.who^uojpr'buys^would-. bcdisevinr

"o'orlod"attlii8rturri"of nll'iiirn. yNot'a bit of ii,~.3ho.Bny8, sniiliugly: 'Oh; -iliat is just wliat,I want."'Lay it asido for mo, and I will BOOniy dressmaker and find out just how-manyynrds BIIO noedfl^-aud to-morrow I'll come.back" a i l buy it. Then tilie dopnrlg with 0simper, but sho novor comes back. Wtkiiiudo nnrflolvos in this way, but it's a torii)lo: uuisauco" all-: tho;canto.:-:.Wo have no

such trials ill Euglnud, aud tlio reason is:hat thcro about Govou-oightbs of tbo pop.llation aio housokoeperB_who liavo up t|rnoto"loiter raroumV"tho~Kliops, \vlicfeas in:this*country fully, twu-thirdti of llio pcoplo livo inbonrdiiif! uoiisos'^iml tinic.haHK8^.hcayy,.oii_thoir • baiids,1^ aud : tlioy" kill ~Stjiy woViyiug

Thcio Is a halm fore \ery i l l If you"nro EGflcrinfr^vith.cltillifi", malaria or.norv-ruifi^liHordcrp, Mason . t Tollard a Ant i -m r h i l a l i l l s Tnll nmitmlizo the p o w n ,( , ^ [ l . t ^ I ' t j " ! tho Bjatem, inMgomtc andleitoie 3 on to IicnltlT l>i nggnts — ~

COMIC COMMEHTS. ] , . . . ,

—A reckless uso of numeral* 1 " How bIt lhat you, a healthy, robust woman, coinsto list for alms?" " I beg pardon, madam,but I am a poor widow with five or BIX cliil-iren/'—Fiiegaiife/i^Ker.

—Sophistry: , Wheu Mrs. F. oaked for tnew bonnet Fogg promptly refused.. " Anmu anil wife ore one," bo tnlil, "nnd it is aduty to prnctieo nclf-dcuiul upon all posaiblaoccasiona,"—Botton TntnterlpU ; • . • - . -

—Eucbrcd: Jack (udmlrlDsly*)—" V «»ro a tramp, Miss Mnrinut" Mtu M.--" Why do you call mo uuch a uauia at thnt V'lack (triumphantly)—" lieciufto of yourbiking tricks."— Ihirtnrd fjiMp:'vn,

—Fortunate mother: A.—" Ouly fipeuttwo hours In Munich! Why, you couldn'tliavo gone to a singla picture gallery." It.— " 1 Lavs no need to RO to galleries; uiyJohnny paints himself,"— FHfgende Bltittei. "

—Standing on ceremony: " That was 1 .fuuuy story Mr. Diiou told, Aunt Juwto—".tho ono that mado you hiugh so much, you -know." "Yes. Why didn't you Lingh,tii't" "Ob, I don't know Mr. Diiou weL1

juough 1"—London Punch.

—At the club: " I say, John, thin flsb iicot froab I" " Ob, yes, sir, It ia very fresh."" Whatever you may say, you will not uinkomobdiovo that it boa been ou tho lue." ,11 Yea, sir, it bns boon; but foeaiLly tho Ic#was uot fresh t"—French Fun.

—Trniued powers of obucrvnlion: Art .professor—" Yon have sccu tho cathedral ntFlorence- with your own oyen, I bare uotbecu KO furlunnte. Whnl struck you a imostnotoworthy in i t?" Pupil—"A verypretty English girl."—FlUgende Blatter.

—Not for BHIO: "Xo, sir," Indigunulljexclniniod a city ofllcinl who bad been np-proncbed in a way that did uot accord witt "his notious of his dignity, " I will not do" iLDo you suppose I will sell my birthrightfornu ounco of potaab?"— llonton 2'r<tn-r.ript.

—The duilo'n disf-uiao: "Did you go totbo grand ball lant ovenlnj; ?". iuqulred nmorchnut of a dude. " Ynws, I wca tlieri?,"m i tho languid reply. " Wlint costume didyou wear?" " 0 , my wcgulnr dwess suit,yo kuaw." '• Ah! Iben you wcra di^gnUudns a "gentleman."—Boi'on Pod.

—Tho Jeromes: " I hear," said Mrs. ..Silvcrniinp, " that Mr. Cosh bat bought Apicture by Geromo for which bu pntdSlO,COO." "Youdon't Kay BO," EHM Mr.Silvcrtuiue, laying aside the moriiiug jjiipcr;"which of tho Jeromes printed it—Law.reuco or Leonard ?"—A'eic York Mitt'l nnillxprm.

—In tho way bo should go: "Father,"said Johnnie, "this paper says that 'manyprominent citi/.eus aro now ill with pueu-monin nud kiiidred diseases.' What is akindred disease, father?" "Why, my eon,"NiiidSmithly, " « kindred disease i s - i H -wby—yes, yes! 11 kindred diBcnso is one Lruns throujjhnu eutiro family—V:$*mrelatives, j ^ V - J w R^r^vl-cci" you ' didiknow tU —^—^J—Jtoston Tranmripc .

member mo V" • " Can't say ihni I ever sawyou before." . " Wby. don't you rememberlittlo Samsiiy IJambry, who used to steul

:y yenrs ngo, right hero iu Austin." " Why,certniuly, I remember you now. And Itanned your littlo hide for you yrlien I cnughtyou." "You bet you did. Ah,- thosu 'happy days will never come again."— TexatSiftingt.::...'-.:..'..:• J.:...:.-.:. - •: .•„•--: .• ;

—"Spat ted": (Mr. nnd Mrs., Swelling-'ton .Tones • discussing tho success of theirball.) "My dear, who is tliat fellow overthoro looking at tho'pictures?" "Don' tknow, my dear." " Who brought [ bini-here?" " Dou't know, my dear." "Well, ;gul his uiiiue'corrticlly, ftud Ukd good • csra' -:not to have biui hero again. He don't talk,ho dou't dance, bo is very common-looking,md bo eats like Bixty."—Ktto

i tem: Sceno—'.iop, DumbartonItoad. ::Irish.LaKoror—At'pori of tobneco, plaise. Shop Girl, snap-

pishly—I-can't sell a half.ponny worth,[riah Laborer—Can't yo? Then hand us apenn'orth, mo darlint Gats a pennyworth3f tobacco, halves it in two, retains one halfLud bands tbo other to Ibo girl along with amlf-pcnny. That'll the way to sell aln'potb. Good evouing, mavoorneen.—Glasgow Bailie. " •";.-

—Problematic: Seouo—Mexican city 'inNorthern Moxico; a switch ongino movingcars .backhand forth, on sldo :traok3.. A"gringo" yardmaator to g, group of; Meii.cau ranchmen .who aro wntchinff movomentf •of tlio cngino nnd cars for the first time:" V»"ell, sonors, what do you think of a" Meztcau •;eonor,-';rotlootlvely—'Jcan rendilv^deo how that onginocars, but I cannot see howUip ongino.—liaihsS^Age.'

—Galling even: M. IiCfebaro do Fourcy"was examining a etudont in physics oncoupon a timo, and tho young mnn, being nor-vnus, failed uttorly on tbo first question putto him—a vory simple ons. {'Bring this-gontloman a buudlo of bay Vor' bis," roinurkcd tho disgusted professor. Ic

of tho attendants. " Bring- two—(lieprofessor aud I- will breakfast together,™,addod tho studout, :who thus suddenly re-.gained nncV asf>ortcd bis solf-possesBioa,—:,I'ar&Papcr. " ' ' -•• ;, • '. ";:'

-Taking it easy: Mr. O'ltnfferty has Gboy named Miko that for laziness ennnot bebeaten. This ft^Gortioii'-Is. not absolutelysorroct, however, for ho U beaten for laz't-noaa ovory dny by tho old man.. >After on6;of-tu'eso and .BCeneu.-belwwn-parent -H?I<Vchild iliko; remarked,, diBrflailyj^'VlTper.

SveftKat tjiero is utFpiazin'^ or -year-It" ' isishin1 I was dond, I nni." " I t is lqiko

yorself," retorted tbo father, " t o bo'wlehin'yo ytM 'Btratolied in an cx^insivo and con-Vayi>;ouf coulu*-taklu' il iwy'1

yof lifo.V— Texas Siftinyi '

.TUB nnop op AIRIPLB '•-'iiuLEsT.^Tho'dropora^iUct'at'^lwyaiusViUbVheBrlyten inolioH, busiug tlio opinion outho Baah-'furth experiments, nnd nn nssnmcd veboity•( 1,000 foot per aceond, which is 'nbontJi£much velocity ns.cnu bo gotibii- uiit"o"f*fthirty-inch, forty-calibor barrel, with nslight n ball (100 grains); the powder(belioTodto be uot nxcocding ninety grains) occupying[for nit (iTorftgn four fingers No. 8 hand) twoitnd thrco*quartors inches of7 tlio bora, endnot boiug fully consumetl. MVilhvulooily^nf 2,100 feol per tWorid,"-'!VnitbClaVionst eight inoh'oa in that di

-American Field. •''

»tml CRHOOCSI, VituH Dftnc.•Minister ia ^he.sInBBlaria'afflsTpir.

nUiatodin:Aiiplako^Co.,;Obio., I tHa.icsldcncoior/Mr.^Iirttn'aB^io^wliQ"'

- • - ; - .-M i»!c--»«rt«at!yXsi:5lSt.yitii3l)nncc.)!


^ ^

On l i eRtlllornnuil PubllolirrK.

$1.50 per Year, la Advanco.


ITOADI.V iwt Govntson.—The Denvocmtic State Convention of Ohio wan

held at Cincinnati last Tliumlay. Mr.Dnrliin AVnrtl, Jmlgo fJeorge Hoad-

: ley iw'l Jiulgo Clcililes wcro befoi'o

~ : :1117' ^V*tTi*nI nil k'H for tlio

uoiniiifttiou for (JoTcrnor. JudgeHoiully received Ihc iiomtitntiuii onthe second ballot. TIIIH wan a Hitr-prise (o n grout many, tm it was be-lieved tlicvo would ha a long wangleover tlio candidatOH. Jmlijo Hoadly

. H0CW^H>-INDIANS" .ut cou^k, nomiK.

[ntmlttction Vj/urntrat Slitrmau,Xo wbilo tnnu I« woro widely known

nmong tUo Indians than Col. Hwlgp, whois nlwnyi mioken of by them as tho "UlgCtiicf/ Hinnow worlt, "Our Wild In-diiinv," on tbo tltlo IMIRO or which (ion,Shcrmnn'tt name nlso appears, wns under-taken Uy him at tho urgent BolicUnlioii olmany distinguished > men. It WQH not,however, until OKNVSHKRMAN* olfcn.ilto mile I.-*TitouLi:iio.v to the work, aiitl togive tho volume IiiHonicinl unnction. HintCol. Ptnigo conscnti'd to undertake it.It U tlio lint authentic account of ourwild Indians (lint has linin writ ton Tor

sarly forty yeorn.Tlio author writes from the ttlaiid-iiojnt

ofnctiml personal experience, and it to iu-teri'stinf; to note In this connection theexceptional opi>ortu»it1es of observationlie Ims enjoyed, as will lie HCUII in tlio fo!-' • - ' • - ; sUtcuiutit of facts:—Col. " - ' —

WHS born ut Xow " Connecti-cut, nml w fifty-ttvo years of ugc.The noiniimtion is it good ono nml incommended by butb friend mid foe.Thu opiiiiun HOCIUS ' pretty' general

- t l m t 'Ohio's next Ooveruor will bo nJmigc ami tbnt his natiio will beHondly. ! The Xew York//m/W.liislSatuniny,ntntert 'thai .Tmlge Hoadlywas diHguHtcd with the organizationo( the Democratic party in Ohio amithnt ho vim 011 the eye of -.villulmw-ing, but the Judge has contradictedtins statement. He says it is " equal-ly, foolish and false." Ho has no pur-l>ose of withdrawing, but on the con-trary he desires it to bo universally

v^ . understood that he will nialco as act-ive and vigorous u campaign as Iris

^_-Jicalth and strength will permit. Hothinks tho prospects extremely favor-able for the election of.the wholeDemocratic ticket in .that State.

Tho correspondent—writing in afeminine hand—who wished TIM;THto indicate whore n picture of MayorBeatty, the great pianoforte manu-faetuiW, could bo procured'is re-foiTtid to lust • night's Graphic, inwhich that be.ittytlic gentleman ap-pears'at full length in an attitudesuch as he nmy strike when here-after elected 'CSovcrnor of Xcw Jer-soy—tho State ho has dono so nim-li

'..' for at his borough, city of "Wnshijig-ton.—Truth. ,.

There is no doubt that if MayorBealty'- was elected Governor ofNew Jersey he would take an atti-tude that would be a credit to him-self and ail honor to our iiiipottnutlittle State that owns hint us one ofher citizens, lint Daniel l-\ Eeatty'sambition tends not in that direction ;he is too much absorbed in the man-agement of his immense business toseek political honors. Besides wecould not spare Mayor Beatty from•Washington—no, not even to be Gov-ernor.

A Bible debate in the Baptist de-

lution,whichbeganipd itfty *8

syy andWit in

u close tho other ila}J>BWTo"Te of the

Baptist Bible Convention.; The ques-

tion originated in the supposed no-

•'•'- cessity oi a separate BaptistLBi"uU

Society which would translate ami

ilisseminate the word as the Baptists

understand and construe it. This

,. movement- not -/onLy.: - separated the

Baptist Christian workers from those

of otlieiT Protestant denominations,

but it created dissensions among the

Baptists themselves, and, at times,

threatened to disrupt that religious

.:.- society.. So the discubsiou went on

for half ti century until at the late

convention it was decided, .by n vote

of 400 to 3G, that the denomination

iy. That majority ••will'probably piii

tlie question at rest forever.

A traveller purchased u round-tripticket between Mobile and Xiugaru,and signed a contract'that tlie 'returnpart must be stamped, and the pas-senger's sigaatui'e witnessed for iclen-

, tification at Niagara before it should;; be honored for passage. In an ae-

H-.I'--' tion for damages foi1, being ejected• ; ' ; on his return trip on account of his

;H;;:.;refusal -torpay;;.his .fare.(the return'/• ticket not having been witnessed for

identification according to the con, the St.-Louis Court of Appeals

lould have-no recovery;roi-any evidence

of waiver, or that tho passenger hadno opportunity to know the terms of

f the contract when he signed it, suchan agreement'as that set forth was


>"""•.". Noi1 'A'W'UKCUTED.—"Freddie" lifts

wing EUtciiiuut ofo* itm$un\iA Stotn'l t

: C . sct J'uJnt in 38-18,

t li d twns at once assigned la nctivo diityon tlio Texas frontier lunonc Iho c rally nmlcunning Uotnunciics. rrom that tinmuntil hia last campaign against tlut Utea,in 1SS0, » period at thirty-three yenr*, hislifo liusi ttiH'n ttpL-nt in (limit porsounl con-taut with tho wildest Indians of the "FurWest." In tins third of a criitury he himhad intercourse with thirty-four ililTerer.ltribi>st, having foujjlit liw way foot bp.foottliiimgli Indian lamia over ground neverIn:fore trodden by the foot of it white man.IIis |i(i*:itioti ns a higii (•ommiiiidiiig ufilcerin tha I*. S. army, and n leaifrr of iminyimportant expeditions ngniust tho ludianrt.has given him opportunities for study andobservation, tmcii an have never beforefallen to tho lot of n while man, nnd itchas no one in civil lifo could posribly coni-inntul. ,

In tliis volume of fi50 pages Col. Dodge[HIM tu (jive a truthful mid ininulc nucniint

of "OUH WII.l) INDIANS" of the Dres-cntilny; to vividly describe their actions,labiti", ciistiimn, religion, inaiinLTM, aiiilimmemciitH us jinujtipctl by thorn nine inthe uncivilized regions of their 11 ninvailedcountry; lo give graphic ncconnts vtthrilling nutl exciting tulventures amoiinIliom j to nnrrnte t1arin[f exploits nnd linir-brcailth cscajifH, nul only from hi* ownexperience, but from Hint of other whitemen,nml of Indians nlso; ami to recorddesperate encounters, liauil-to-hanO oom-bats, Bitdilca aurprtscs, rctniu'litilito de-fences, nnd heroic nchiovoineiits incidentto frontier life, l u nil of this L'ol. Dodgo1ms tuiucccdeil most ndmirably, nnd lm hasproduced incomparably the most exhaus-tive and truthful neeonut of "Our WildIndians1' ever written, undeniably one ofthe most thrilling mid fascinating booksof personal daring and rouiniitic adven-ture ever published. His narrative isspiced will) ninny graphic wcounts of fa-mous Scontcs uiul Guitk's; of TrujiDers,Frontiersman, BcnuUtCH, S»iniiw-Men.•IVxnst'ow-Hoyp, Minrm, CoM-IIunlers.

Uulliatia nnd DesjK'radoL'.s, andand their adventures ami wonderfuliidiievcuieiifsiire rnscinutiny iwii-picturcsof life in our Indian country. "Truth instranger thnn fiction," and most cs«cntiaUlysu ' in this thrilling record of Tliirty-Tlirco Years' Experience.

lien, yiicrmnn tiutlifnlly ?nys in hisintroduction :—"Yours is lUejirrt ntteinjitof which f have knowlodgc to treat him[tlie Indinn) t.s he exists in fact. Youiinve hailtlio csporiencn of n th in lo f ncentury in absoluto ctintnct with tlio vari-ous tribes of our Indians from tlio llritisliline to TexaS, New Mexico, nml Arizona,li tin tiny with them in peace and iii war.I t is by far the best (Icjeriptioii extnnt ofthe hnbits, manners, customs, usasros, cere-monics, etc., ef lliu Aiueiietili Ilnliuli ushe now is. You tin: heuhy tintliorlzeil (•>tiKt'mv iitiinftifitiiitlwity fur it* i>nhh-'itionnml circulation . and I tnntr ,<U /^r*>«*lu rciul t/ih book citrej'itlli/."

The book is both protusol; and may*nilicently illustrated. Its li>t of stool-jilatcs includes port fat ts of liie author,and ol (ien Jtrook. (Jfn. Miles. Clcn. Clus-ter, Gen. McKcuxie, etc... and tlieru. aremany superb t'ull-pa^o cngravinj.wowl... But. the crowning failure of. theillustrations are the itia»nniceni-iuii-pa{Chromo-Litlmgrapli I'hi!t-.-i. TIICSQ itprinted in iiftctrii colors, from iiinoty en-gniveil stones, ami represent weapons, or-nanients, instruments, fac-similes uflndianiirAwings, n»il rotnirjrn.H'i. objects., of in-terest and curiosity too nunicrcus to meii-tim. The SmtUisoninti • I nstimte - atWashington is largely indebted to L'DI.I>odge for its extensive collection of In-dian objects, collected by him in the pastthirty-three years.

After n careful and critical examinationof Col. Dodge's great work, we can truth-fully say that it combines in itn uninnaldegree great value and the most thrillinginterest; uniting both with mngmliucntillustrations. Jt is a rare treat to look ;itthe latter. In exery respect it is ihor-onghly Erst-class work, nnd as such wecall the special attention of our readers toit.'an'l we advise them to got it at .tho veryfirst opportunity.. Once begun it.will notwillingly Vic laid aside till the last page isfinished. I t is sold at a low price, but iston sale only by subscr ip t ion t h r o u g h can-

' ie;ngentK. . , ' . . - '

O A f j•184 Ai)K!.fiii ST., BKOOOI.YK, X. Y., )

March-2!), 1881. • jXo family should be without AI.I.COCK'S

?OROUS PLASTKUM; their healing powersare wonderful and thoireflicncy Fur reach-i . - - a ml"~ lasting.* l*or -years p a s t i haveseen and known them to cure, and relievethe most obstinate and distressing casesof rheumatism, kidney complaint; bron-chitis,- nournifjiii,.. lumbago, inflammationor tho lungs ami throat, ptraiysis, asthma,spinal weakness, iu7ll coughs and C0I1I3.In my own. case they have aUurtlcd 1110 al-most instant an<J-permanqnt relief; Myfriends consider them an invaluable andspeedy remedy for all kinds of "aches' andpains. They arc u blessing in ili-sguiso;and no wife or mother should bo withoutthem if she values her peacb'anil--comfortand freedom from nervous exiiunstioa andother niliiients. -As a strengthening plas-ter, also for backaches and .-wira-kiies'sos,they have no etnial. I liavo iibv'er yetfound a -"luster so ^lllcacious and'j.stiint* •l t i t i " h l ti


"Ote, >Vboa hynr, come around here!oyBl" 'WLca tlio rejwsttcr Lcaril tloso worjj lifl

stopped and looked-at 'tie old tlArkcy whohad uttered tlietn f ho had heard that Eamoexprcwlou years ago OD tho plfl.nlo.tion, andhis car nt ouco canglit autl rccognizcil thoold tUrkoy'u postond ciclnmntton:

1' What are yonr oxes naraeO, Undo ?"" D't plilctl ono tiaincd Duck, dU yor red

an U Jluttou, aud tlvy U u bully (emu, boKtl"Tho old limn stopped hit wagon loaded

with wood, look lih flopped hat off anddrow therefrom iv red cotton handkerchief,which ho nibbed across bin fnco and con-tinued! : ,

•' Wnn( or load rr wood, bont ?"Tbo roitortcr E,I((1 lio burned cont, and

naked (bo driver wby ba did not drivo mulesto town. Twenty years ago oxen drnwingwngou'wero coinmou in Atlanta, now it Israthpxaa amwwl sight.

"Veil, I used to tend In 'cm, nnd 1 rannga 'cm mighty well, but in tho summer

time 11 nicer U tnlghty bard to gel alongwM."

"Why?""Cn-o Joy will break for Ilia hliado wlica

doy gets hot. I^ tSuuiuicr I WAS liaullugit load of bay, nnd when I cotno to a bridgowhat you reckon dom H'.CCK liono ? . Dayma ri({lit off do bridge, ami 1110 and do wng-on all went right down Iti do crock. Von-co dom Btccrc wanted water, and wlicu youBOO '0:11 break for the crcrk you do* woll tryto etoji a harricano or n hlycoou, orKiliutUn'.They h bad auimnlx wh-11 they Rtt* hoi."

Ami Undo I-Vlii ynvc cinplinsin to hiswords by a peculiar motion of lits head auho jerked hU linos r.gniii and xturicd on attho rnlo of ono and lmlC IDIICH r-Cr hour.—Atlniitu Kittling Stttr.


Oranges and Florida,1IETTEH TllAX 1IRRUM AM) Hi,O(»sOHi—UK'

ntit x NI:W r u a .Kvi-n tlicLalmv nlr ntirl orniij-c (jrnvm t;f

Kliirltln fall Ut twi t \u |Kf>i'U-lull ol 1m|'i'l*nctit ami ttmifort. Art Mutt iid|i iiaiuru tveryirlcnvlii Iliu troiita n* ainotiir tlio iitm* t«ItioNurlli. "Ami, iblefntiiuiiif Ili» liln-'lti;'*wti1dinruailai>t(>ilIi>nlUi>iui>, wrllut I»r. 3.(1. William, iii K»rt Dnrii', Flu., " U IMiKeit'itTosic. It Fcctm to have iliu world for a flvld,nml uitHtof ttiu current illn-a^ui* yield tn It*action. ] Imvc u»cil It hi ttio i-anu <•[ a diHeoU'mil tlyciitiilli1 yoniitf lmlv, witti llxi mnot|;rnt*

' lu . ]tr?Li.ui"llii a.wmi'lidh with

Case,American.Watch Co.

W a l t h a m . M n s s . *This casii.b formcilin one tolid piece

without joint or scam, opening la front only,thus avoiding tlio usual ()i/>. nnd securinggreater strength atul durability.These watches are till oj>eiif,tce. The bezel,into which an extra strong crystal is fittedwith nn enpecally prepared wuter-prool ce-ment, is attached to thu case hy screwingit thereon, nml tlinn forms an air-tight junc-tion tvilh tho body of the ease, which isproof itgsiinst dust and moisture.

To railroad men, travelers, inincru,lumliormen, and othen wlio arc alinont con-Ktnutly exi»o-eil and wlio have to make fre-inieut reference to the watch, these qual-ities :11c of thu utmost importance

'Ilii- foll ^ ln i . ' n toll l

YAU'OSTA, Oi:oiiuiA,Muly 'JO 1^*2."I sold ono of your I'litent Diwt Proof

('ases about ten months ago, and the otherday iU-aimi back tonic with the requestlo mail! it wind easier. On examination1 found that the stem wan rnsty, and 1111-ijtiired into the eansu of it, The gentlemanstated to 1110 tlmt, lie watt starting semesaw-logs tbat.hiuHiidged in the bend ofthe river, when his elmiii caught in a bushand threw his wnMi into about twelve fuutof .water, ami he was about two hours fitul-injr it. When he got it out il wu3 runningami lo tlnnight all right. In r,bout threemonths \v\ found that the stein wa.s hardlo turn and sent it. to me.

1 mn say that tin-witch is all tlmt ihocoinpimy claim* fur it and recommend it


1 wi.-h you woiilil semi a stiriiig fur the

tliii KlItTv is a wati'h I sold in your Screwliczel Cak to 11 fanner lust fall. The firstof January be lost the watuh in the woods,and found it this wcelc in nl>ont one footof ivntor. It had lain three months andover in snow and water, with but slightinjurv to the wtitch—only it hair-spring.

U. S .1UYMUND. '

The above were rery severe teats, anddemonstrate beyond n doubt, that for anyreasonable length of time during which awatch might be under water it would re>civc no injury whatever.

"We make these cases in belli gold andsilver and as a ri!»n:cpn.v DL-.ST-PHOOI1


THE; WoittjLi TO PnouucK ITS EQUAL.

You can see them C, U. French's,

•. ^OTATHWiCiATED.—x'.rquuio.^. yiw m *p B iVcio iduch gciicrnl sutis-been trymg to,soouro a cottage ut faction. Used in connection winh BKA.V-Newport, ostensibly for himself, but DIIKTII'S universal life-giving and life-wport, ostensibly

™rcally for tlio " Lily," but has not suc-

- coedocl in-finding one. to ;suit his irs-

' t-lietic ttiate. *.. In tho-meantime tlio—loearpKpei^inibHslietl nt lliat jilaw,

, wliich is Bupposcd to echo tho scnti-*uents of tlio "heavy swells," siiys if

k 7 I i I l h l d t h

heavy swells, siishould mate her up

tpearanco there not one of the cot-,(tages ivdulcl open its doors to her,

j.',/and that tlio hotel at which she stops

^"erybocly wlio is worth Itnowingf.

rAn obsorviiig cdifor'finys: -"It is:: queer how Home people^nre^mclined'.', to .take-hints nover intended for them

while those who arc really nimed atnovel*; feel hit in the least! Newspa-per publishers i find this true.' 'When

' a dun is priu{e'd'ifc is taken-by"'thoao"1 \ways pay promptly, while the

never": tliiiik it-r-'-'1--"

.0'_ • ."l

I O D S / I ^ ^ T I I K - A V E S T . ^

•m iu the western states

-latter-piui'-'of- last!>week

gglienling. 1'IU.H, no one need despair of aspeedy rcstoratioi'i to good souriiMiea'ith,

• ^ : i { y _ - • • > • V " i M i t s . E . T o M i ' K i N S .

ONE T1UAL.Tf you have boon neing other Plasters

one trial of At.LCOCKVPoiioiifi will "con-vince you of. their wonderful superiority.Take no other no called; porous plastersthat rlnim" to be better, they are all'l'mudBgottdriii-> to sell on the world wide repu-tation of the gcDuina article.

Home Items.— A l l y o u r o w n f a u l t

I f y o n r u n m i n s i t k W I I C I L y o u c i i n( J c i ! i » i i l i l t t e r f l l u t t n e v e r — F A I L .

T h e w u u k e s t , w o t n u t i , u m i l l u s t . c l i i U I , n t x l• ; k k « t I t i v i i l i d c i i n \ m l i o p b h t u r s w i t h i - u f u t y

— O l d n u i i i t o t t e i ' i t i j r a r o m u l f r o m K U u u m i i -[ \ i i n , k h l n c y I r o u l t l c . « " r a n y w t i u k t i w a w i l l b u\ h n o - l iww l > v u . - i t i L T l i o p l i t t l e r ^ .

— M y w i f e i i i u l d i i u i - h l c r - w e r e ' n i n t h s l i c u l t l i yl i r t l i i ; Ufa o f i m p h i t t e r s n n d I r o i ' o i i i m u i u lt l ' i u m t o m y i i u o p l e . — ' i t U i m l l s l C l c r g y m u n :

A s k a n y K I K H ! d o c t o r I f h o i .l i l t t c r r i a r e n o t t h u i j w t f a m i l y u i e t l i d n t •.

:'.:••.• O n e a r t h . \ .:..-.- : ' . . . v ™ . - - - 1 - •— M i i h i r i u l f e v e r , n g u « n n d b l l l o i i i i i c e s w i l l

l i v R c v « r y i i c i j - h l i o r l i i i m l i w s o < i n i t s - h o p h i t -t c r s ' n r r l v u . '*".""" "**•": """'

" — M y n i o t h u r d r o v e t h e n u n i l y - ' s ' m i d n e u -r a l f - l n n i l o u t o f h e r e y s t u m w i t h I 1 0 1 1 U t t e r s . "— E d . O s w t " ' o S i m .

• — K e e p t h e k i d n e y s l i o i i l l l i y - w i t h h o p b i t t e r sa n d - m i n e e d n o t f c i i r B i c k n c e s . • - - -

— I c e w a t e r I s r e n d e r e d l m r i L i l c s f l a n d m o r er c f r e t O i l i i f f a m i . r e v i v i n g w i t h h o p b i t t e r n I nE H C l M l r U U i - I l L

— T l i B v i g o r o f y o u t h f o r t l i e H i r e d a n d i n f i r mi n h o p W t t c r a . - = = 7 = ^ . - r - • "- - . ' . S W i n .

IS A SURE CUREfor nil dtBeaBes of the Kidneys and

; — LBVER—I t h u B B p o c I f l o a a U o i i D n t h i s m a t t I m p o r t a n t

o i v a n , e n a b l i n g I t t o t h r o w o f f t o i p t d i l j - n n dI n w U o n . r U r o u l i t i n i f t b o h t u l U i T l o o r o t l o o o ft h o U l l o , o u d b y k t c p l n e m e b o w o l a i n r r c «c a m U U o n , c f f e o t l a c I t s r « c u t s r d l i c b * r c o .

V M "~ 3 a » * i a " " U 7 ° u > v a i u i r o H n i c f r o mI W l C t l C l l l c ] * t u a l a r l a . h a v o t h o c h i l l s

' R W b l l l o u f l , d y t p o p U o , o r o o n i t i p a t c d , K l d n o y -W o r t w i l l B u r o i y r o l l o v o a n d c i u l o k l y c u m .

' I n U i t " R p r l n g W o l e a a a o U i o B y a W m , c t o r yo n o n h o u t y U l t o a U i o r o u c h o o i m o o f I t .

- Tho mlxod character of.llio, be^long to which innoeossary for Bomo peoplo'flhappiness was illustrated by a difiloguo••which took placotlio other day.betweea twoladies who aro cncli other's social equals;

First lady. I wiab yoa *ould call on Mrs.Snooks, "V.llSocond lady.- No, I'd mtliornot.^?Pirst lndy. Why not? ' ' ; ,. '

Sooond lody. I do not caro to givo myrcflsbn;,bttt I Bbnll not'.cnll'pn bar,-, ;, :. : r ;-••—.

Piratlady. Not ovoa to oblige mo ?Second lady. I am sorry to appear dis-

obliging, bat I cannot mako tho call.First lady.: vWby I neatly avory- ono: calla

on her, but, wiah 16 bs llio oiception,Ihriveno moro to sayvv ' •..-"'• ••;; ..~^ i r i d

ond^tidy oxplriihod hor>fUEi»r tbua'As'tuoVoiuaa was forracrlyfiajrVinbtlio^i

•raaid l.thoaglit..iLsptiM MUV?-P-.'??*™'lt—?..either bcr or uiyGelf to iuoot'011 suoli dlffor-


| 3 0 I I 9 U A N T T O T H B O H n E t t O F T U B 8 U 1 II . . " t u K u l t i u f t h e C o u i i i y . o L W f t r . ' O L i . i i i n . l i - > o n t t i <Jtili ilny ol'Muy. A.-U.-, i ' - 1 ' ••'-'•' ' • - -d r e d ' '

. . I , ' l l l n < l < > O U ii t U l l l l l l B A I l d u i u h t l l U: i o t l c « I t J l i b i i - V y t ' l v >

bliiu: iwulu. I t•ato wlml tlio m

t f tl l

liihnml trtnl

t h l li t f o r H i n t i n I « T a 1 » ! « t i i n l m b 1 ( n l U - i l w l m l i vt o l i i l i n ; a b o u t . I 1 1 1 1 1 u l u d t n M t t t o U n i t H 1 1T o n l r l m * ^ n - u l l y r d l v v n t i n u j K o r m u l l y i - f 1 .

( m i ; h l n i H l l i i ^ I t I B I l i u M f u l i m r l i k r u m l I n <i k ' n r a n t . "

M c n * r n . H i i t c o x A C o . r a i l c i > | K . - t : 1 u I n l t c u t i o f io M m [ m l H i n t m i c r A i i r i l I t t , i r > M . H m n u n i c

j t u l M v l u o f \i\U i . r f ] » u r u l l « i i i w i l l h m i i f t i r U i

u'lllkVr«"Kr"r'*liHiJ*ri*:Mf.ii thai ntnirlnclT'l^li l c i i t t T f i i i r i > r u i i r t i i i i t l v ( K ' v t ' l v i u K t h e i r I ' l i t r o i i i "I J V M i l i f l l t u l l i i i ; I n f e r i o r i i r t ' | i : i r a l l o i i x n t i d r r t h e


( r i i t n l * w i l l Uf hI l i u | i r n | < r l i - l y o f I l n - f l i L i n i ; f . T l i t r e w i l l I - I K

. i n i l i t l ' l ' l H > u V i ^ V u l i i n l ' i V l 1 1 1 ; * 1 1 1 1 h u ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 < ) ! • • u ( ) U - a I •i r * , u - r n [ > K < i l I I I I . I I T t i n ' i i a m u " f " I ' A I I K C I I ' H( ' I N K 1 : 1 1 T o s i e , " r n i i t n l i i l l i < > i r f i u i l n i ! i i i c i l i n n i !i f l h c i i r m n i i r ^ o f I I I H : O \ . V O > . I H U L I I I U I K I I -

Great Excilemenl Philadelphia One PriceClothing House,

230 Norttaiptoii Si, Easloii, Pa.i



MuCrnckovi at Washington, New

Jersey, hns tiia depository near* •;••Iy lillcd with lino cirringes

of thu latest style—


ncxler <luocii, Ivllipdc AISruwMlvr Siilcbnr. Sivctlo

.Slcel, Oil-<<'iii[>oie(lSl'KlSTUS, niul-


His Ciir-riiigcs arc ucallj'

l|)liol«lcrfcl and Piiintrd,Ready for the Spring Trade

r i i i y . ' i : ' l t i ' i i Uji i r i t l t H ' ' > t t w i " , i > r t ' l > ' " ' t i » i ii t m l h l ' j t i j i t i i J i t r i l l . v i i v m o i i ' i t I'll r u l l i t i ' ju t I m f i i f t o n i i t n t l i i u t H i t ' j , i t / t ' i n w ' j l i c r .t t u t i l t i t l i ' i i t I I T J W C l > t t r ' - l t i l < i t t i j d * r t r / u ' n :

I-'ilclory ui-ar WiiiLur'd l.uniburYnnl,


Washington, N.J

If you wish to keep cool,

go to the

B D a . One-Price Clothing; Houseand ask for one of their



They also keep a lull variety of

Straw Hats at 30c.Groat bargains .now going on

in summer wearAT rut:-—



J. E. LYNN. Prop.,IIKOAIJ STiiKirr,

Washington, N. J .


C3?~AI1 kir-ls" 11 work ilon'ii in ISZlar.Marlilo'or CSraiiito.^/^;

W . A . C u r l b - . M i i n n ^ r .

I M K . M t

Fashionable Millinery


A r t - i i n n | . n > i > i i r > - i l t . . . . l l - r : i ( n i l : t n > ! . • . i m i . l . t i- I . H ' I , _ o f I ' I I - I I I . - I I U I P ! , - . M l l l t n . ' i ' v 1 1 1 1 . I

kl'lj'l'Nli' A S O N .

« i r . ! . . < ! . U < ' i i l i r . ' l y t i v i v - J s i . t t o . , i i . , 1 f r , » nt 1 1 1 y - '

i i v , i i m l i l i ' - ' i r l a i i i ^ i t - - f v 1 -l > i - t i l l < ' n i . T h i ' V h i u v N - . i v o n I I I I I K I :t

l u l l H 1 1 1 . M . ! | . ! i t s > . W J I I I I ' T J , P l t m - t T ! ' . i - t c , e t c

HAMPTON &. ODERLY,. l i a r ^ i ^ ! : i : n WaslihiKl X . J .





FARM, GARDEN & Flower SeeflsA t w . i y d l i n u t u n a m e n o J o l l ! : u ^ A t i » M


SrECIALriilOES Ir1..ft n n r w CF-t'hc.(i™/itaii™j1i.f"iim»ii'f»i-liir..O1'v-"


a m i i l i ' l i v i T ^ o o t l . - i i r i T ( i f . i - l t : i r i r u t t . t i i ' a i

3—IN' AI.I. I'M iut.\N*r;iliM—

Artistically and PromptlyKxocuted.

i V i ) i f i i ! r j I ' l o n » n c l i > T r U l l t i M « T l . M o r ( i r i i n l t aT u t u n m l ( i x l v n n U c d I r o n H u l l I n s , o r

u t i l i M a t t . i u a u I U r a c . I t u C u r M u i t .KSTFAUM.ITlia it MAtllLIXKKY: c r e e l i n g v\U\j i l m l i r ^ c i i t . i i t i t h t a v l c ^ t m>

n i u a t * a i i < l I ' c a u ' t J l ^ .A | . r ' ! . r . m

JUST SEE HERE!The WasliiiiEtoii Meat Market!

Our M0U0 is " Good stockand square dealing," and wewill not be undersold by anyone. We keep constantly onhand a full supply of choicemeats of all kinds : also fruitsand vegetables, and for theaccommodation of our cus-tomers we are preparing torun a wagon about tlie firstof April, and will call at theirdoors with meat Tuesdays,Thursdays and Saturdays ofeacli week, saving them thetrouble of coining to the mar-ket.

.JjSf'Plcasc call aud see foryourselves.

POOL&HANCE,Eelvidoro Avenue,

One Modern Terror


The reason why we can offer special inducements to our pa-trons is our carrying nearly $200,000 worth of

merchandise in our four stores.

The Largest Stock of Silks, ' '

The Largest Stock of Dress Goods,

The Largest Stock of Domestics,

Tlie Largest Stock of Hosiery, :

The Largest Stock of Underwear,

; - The Largest Stock of Gloves.


Largest Dry Goods Store. •——IN—. / [ • ' ' \ ;

Eastern Pennsylvania.

BUSH &BULL,305, 307.1-309 NortlminplouSt., Kaslon, 1'n.




., 1?a.

mi«, . - ,<«ri ; ,7*, j>vir»i) ' ' 'M I- ' - ' a i° t" ' l :" .™' ' ' l l"-" '" c l ' ' " k" 1 1 "" " " • " » « • i » « • «

Custom Work a Specialty., _ A U o i i r i ! ( i o . l i W t t r r i i u U - i l . C 1 1 I I a n d s e e a s a t . ,

1 Street.) B 1 M T O .


•TJie. largest lino of Millineryjaucl Fan-

cy Goods, and sit the lowest'''prices in

t O W I l . :: • • • • • ' • ' : : . ' : - : " ' - ; • • • " : : " " - - : - : : . . . - : : : ; ; • . . .

CALL A:NT> SEE. ,T t» " V V

ELEGANT ASSORTMENTo f e v c r v k i n d a n d i r r m t i ! o f C u q n : t s V. .C l i n i c , f i v . . r v l w . t K i . 1 t < i T y . r v f v i i l t-tm^yn's t r u d uu ' l l h l l i u u l i i n i r - t c i i r i : . t i i u l 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 a m i L - O U U ± ; Uc a n a l i k e b e l i : i m l s u i u v ! y m i l l a n ' n ' 1 ' r i u t t . ' l i

s l i i i ' c c n r p c i s w e r e u s e d . C n m c . e a r l y w l i l l i

REUBEN SMITH,4 Fourth Ave;

NL'iir OIIIIH-T Iii-».jtiitu. ;iil siiiil -1th .iivcmit

dvviiu-illwu OIUL-I .• mvuy. ••-• ••" • "'"'

Custom Dress ShirtsTo uitniurc^'niaile from selected "tt'ain-pulta muslin, with 'extm lino t|ircu-plylinen bosoms reinforcetl. HuvcLlio'ji'roiicnIMacketSleQvc nml initial 011 the tub. Pit,qualilyniul workiiiansliin fjimninlcoil. •'•

MY STOCK SHIRTSl i r a o r s u p e r i o r q u a l i t y , i t u i l e n f W i i n i ! > n t i f l t m i * -I I 1 1 , n t l l l r . u n I I I U M I I H * , r c i t i l n r c c i ! . c u t - l e n g t h w i s e( > i d m L ' n o i l n n n d • c L e i s i u i l y U u l p l i u d . - l l n v u t l i u

• J . T- Robey.29 South 3d St.. EASTON, Pa-

Live County "Paper

Anil colliding weekly 11 compendium ofnews which is of interest to all

njjes and eludes.

To Lawyers!

I c o p y o f U K V I 3 K 1 ) 8 T A T U T B S Ii

T l i t s o b o n k ss o l d t i l . 1 1 v o r y . rS T A I U I I I I C U .

s K O O I I u s i mi u i l j l c p r i c e .

W , , ..Ripping arid Flailing

dune tn order ut Iliu Orgun I'uotnry of .C« P . B o w l b y .

(nctir Ilic t-iiniil). All work ilouu ul low \w\vvsl t l l rtl ' '&

Auvoiiis In wniil (if ini Orirtut will'tlo well liycnllhicatll. W. AI.LlCfiKH'S FiiHory.-wlnm.-you will llnd 'sulwtaulliil iiistniiiioiilM uoiitnln-

' B o g u s S t o p s a t 5 Cont^t EochT*H3",Cntul»gue free to till. . , , , ; -

20-ly.-----~ --•--'-•'—-"W'utililiiKUiiijS. J.

("t 'TlLi'HL- 'wile I buy outright :md Ilioy elioiilKit W CuufumiJi-'il with tliO u tall uncommiflsi,oivlilrli ncnisliiii ^n much (!l?.i|ipalnl:ncut. . Vtl , . lMHti ; l l l l 'SSi : i : i>S "nco unil you iviI!

Cabbage, Peppar, Egg, Tomato, Col

ery, Sweat Potato, and Straw-

. bony Plants ia Season.



'Wi]i liif .s&il to ftiiy'aiidrWin" Iliu L'liUStntes for


T U B HT'VII in piihUslict] every T]iur»lnmoi'tiinjf at Wnshiiiytoti, X. J., by

PETER GOOPERrI . M V - ^ I I I I I r i i K i - m ' l c r . J l y O . K i l w n r i l i

irt?d^t1|T1ie'KnpnicoiiD7nnely;'l':itc!:~VliSsir«t«iI ' r t j i o r . 1 0 c t e ; c U n l i S i w ; H u l l i h i ^ i a , a j c i s .l ' o f t n i - o S M i m i i s t n k e n . N o t s u i i l b y d n i l G T H i i i t l c c

O I O W . A l e u t l i u f o l l o w i n g , l a r g e i j - p o , u n » -

A r i f l i n n * > \ ' a r d . " . . . V . " , . . . 9 c

N o l l c o t o T r C K u n H H o r H ,N n l l c o l B h e r e b y r 1 "

i h o t l m l l l r o m t h l a d i t t o l i t, . a * b l i i K o n t h c l n n d a o l t l i e

I D u n e f l r d V l l h i w : T h o T r . m l l e r , Q o M > ' m l l l i . . . 2 c .C o U . i r V K . i t i m l L i v - N i i r l i t . e [ c . , H n l ) p r r l l i m i H . . . . ' J r .S e l l l l n r ' n h o n g o l U m ' l i f ! ] l , ' a n d u t l i i ! r r o e n » . . ; . a c l

i l - S m n t l i l i i g , b y W . M c t t l t u W l t l U n e . .i l J r A L D H N F l - w b l i g h e r , 1 3 V c s e y S t . , N . " Y .

l p c r x . n i MlBHa'»ig|jl!S!1.1.-."-l!HS.!f-'W:

H i m t l \ n h 1 ' l r k F r a i l , B u r l O B o r ^ ^ t s o ' o ra t i y o i l o r p i i r p o F O l o r w h l c l i t l i c y h i i V o n o I n w f i lv i i r r n t o r t h e c o r n o p t o f l h o l a n d o w n e r i v l l l b ap r o B i c n t u a 1 0 t h o f u l l e x t e n t o [ t h 0 a L \ c r 8 l a wp r o v i d e d l o r t w c l i o f f u i B O - D n t c d O c t a b r G , 1 8 8 J

• A H f l f i v i P M P kJ A C O B \ 0 L F UJ A C O U M O 0 D E H

J A C O B S N \ D K I .otitlv _ _

A V * JA M U t l . K I N E I U I I T

1 1 O U C H T M P E T T \WJI Mounrn

- i t J J M J 1 r A S T V U l_JL'

r e c e i p t o t 6 0 c w l l l t n f l l l a• h l n c t c n N D r n M l ' ! » rM£& c o , OWCJIO,% r—

I l i c d l i o r J e r - tc l u s i s t u u . r r c

Illiulilcr 4'orniilii

[iiiu"i)uttot:»t v

I - l a S t o i » l l u

i : k l i l n c y * m i d b l s i ' J e r . I ' l i yf - i l l t w h i t t

_ i f l c a . M V i i J i M l i D i i v l . i c k l t ^ « l f l l l kI r p t u p L T i r c s i U i i u T i C . S o i t m t l l i t ' y a r t . * l i a b l e t o

i b l u , n n d i l i t l r v U t l i n s a r c m n i l « t o c u d n r u I. . t t U i i A i l - i l t o r t u r e o f 1 1 f i i r i ; l < i l o p u m l l cT h e o n l y m u i i i c l u u [ I m t d e u r t a f f o r d t y e v t l y i d

c o d p c r t n n n e a * . c u r i t o r e u < h n i r t . - c t l o n ? , H l i t . K tn o i l y ' * V A V O K I T E H E M E D V . I t t n n o t a m ei - n n t L u r . l e i n p a r a r i l j , o f p a i n : b u t l i y i t * n l i c r i i t im t S o n p u r i f i e s t h u b l o o d , r u s t o r o j » i i t i i l t l i t u l c ot l l t l o u t o t h e U [ - u . i = c « l o r ^ i i ! i * , m i d Q W i t l i N ' o l vt i t i i l f j u e e a t h a c s i m l i l u H o f ^ m v t l a m i s t o n u r mt h u k i i l n t y s u.nd b l a d d e r . T h e t e s t i m o n y o l h ad r c d * w l i o h a v e b e e n c u r e d b y I t v o u c h e n f o r t h i s .K y u u h t t v o \ v e ; l k t ] i ' 3 t f , o r p a i n I n t h u k i c k o v e ri h e k i d n o y j , o r I f y o u r u t i a o . t i d u r b c o l o r e d , d on o L i l u l n y i r c a t m e u L l u r n s s i ^ l c d a y , b u t h a s t e na t o n c e l o n r r o a t t h u p r o i ; r a s 9 o f i h c d l « » 8 o b yI h u u s u o f D r . K e n n e d y ' s K A V O I H T E I t B M E D V .D r . K e n n e d y a e e u c u a l h c j n i W I e , b y a r c p i i l a t l o uw h i c h h i ) c n o a o t a f f o r d t o f o r f e i t o r i m p e r i l , t h a it h o F A V O i t l T E I t K M E D Y O o c f l I m l c o r n t c I h eb l o o d . c i i r * r * l i v o r . k l i l n u y a n d b l n i l d ^ r t u m p l n i n l ? ,

s a n d w & i k n u E H i i j p e c u l i a rt o f c m f t l e f l , ' •


e have in our market on Helvulcre Ave-nue n lurgu mitl choicu uclccliou of

which wo nrc'selliiip; nt prices that cnutiotbo beaten, "We can iilensc- Iho^-inoat fiw-tidioiis. ..Oiye iia n. call. Wo also wialito Qiinouiicb" tlmt 011 ".•'.Tuo'stlay, tin27tli nit., ivu begun ! running a ivngonnhnut to\yu, nnd homiftoi1 i};ill visit ourcustomers- th'rco times " cacti vtcclt; onTuesday, Tluinulny r,nd Hatnnlny,1 nndsupply them with merit a t theif doora.


N'o, IS lfolvidcLo Avenue,

Wash-hiqion, JV". •"•/*-M i i r . S J . ' S i t f * - - ; , • ' "•.- : -

E i i i u i i U ' f i r ^ n u u u i


o r y M I » i l c a ._,..:

S2 FOR LARGE LOAD""••"•••• •'": De l ive red to a a y P a r t of t h o Ci ty .

Drowned in Beer.icr i -ninir thin I ' o p i i t u r ! UCVCI»L-I '«i » « .llwn KxitrcNN t l i p l r M i n d s .

...,«Tim U\cl if, Mr. anil you.may.*lick mil 11,1 hero,tiintltio pcoplu'nl liUacmmtry nto likely to bedrownuil I muloort of lnscr beer," Bhniilcdnn on-your enrnvre'd eorrofprHKlotiC. "Tlmt autumnflrink lir.s KiriicU \\A UIUU. l i b tliu eccond del.

c? nmllluuot*l(,rUilaLtrdnnkU:i; Inolis th it II i,< Id up hi tnojjuonl II* 11 s 11 ca\y

,,,i.J raUcetlionura* ndu-jd • e l ' j 1 hyflclm\\]w l u l » Mitnvli duo of iho In nnd n ttndui-cylonictniinnr Tic mid! 1 lit schnoiar Mvci>

tnriii'il \l\ct? mwicn iTml/nil tf i t muUnjHtliufoiiiiilitlluu f f Uiliihl s t>l»ca c

] | 1»mdancholj inci ncrdintu In uirl for ttiuiren ftdnp «tt.i of HFV ON S O\l "



^Ve soil a belter yr:ule of Clolhiiu; for los.s money tliau any rrnr* (JjiejjtJiuaton.. • _ . " 1


Mat 'il S:i-1y Coma- -ilk ,md Xorlluimilm fits., SASTOlt,:PA: ~

Bciug Attract the Attention of ' •-

BUYERS 0 F GLOTHSSMGI am offeni;2 ono o{ llie Iargest::.iiu!' I'osL "Holeleetcd'Stock of MEN'S


13 SOUTH THIRD STREET,rriio *.>nly e*l«>tnui(?Storo In 3?ortoi"«illo^lc.

N. H.—The building faces tlio Square. "Only six doors from tlio'pornor

'This is no Sham Advertisement;

Vov the past twelve years wit

ALL KINDS OF PUMPS 01V HASD ANDP I R S T - C L A B S I ' L L l M i l l X a b O N f t '

Repairs anH Grates'and Bricks"for all Kinds of Stoves and

TIN ROOFING;."«fc.SPO15THot Air FurnaceslT Specialty.


Wnlnkanreiitlileniitiro Inlnlroiliiuliiit lo iho irado our vuriniifl uriilea of MnchIH.mvv UlU Tti^so t-duds mi: mmiulnctiiTud i>y ns at our;vurk«, cntisciiticntly wo civa jfllorouriiErfliiniilBiiiicrvlslou. and ennrantuo them to give pcrlucL nulls ruction, bothllirlco, or no>iii«.

SiiormMactiicciyOll,No. 1 Mnelilnory Oil." k Lnbrlcrtlnp Oil, ,

il I'.ifrt.i'.c Cyl-I W. Piirii Snlad Oil,

W.ll.WlinUUll," -uicN«nt«footOU,

1 NmlHfooi OilU bird 1 ilmoLtril OilSo 1 Ui lOl t

l)nrk Our Oil,[yportu I'nckliiL'Oi],I Kxtra l'ncklni; Oil,11'iilntcrn'oir 1 • •

(row 11 Lt Compound,'IHL*!)!* l)k Comnont AI flollincMl Ulruaai

All Our Oils are Guaranteed SIFRSOTtrY-PUSttcklRGAN &. CO.,


• I W. Pure Snlad Oil, - ' \ s l o OW.WliHoCotUinSocdOll Spurm

• •: V.Voltow UoitonSacd.. -lClisa.

, O I L T A.3STICbUGnr Ort

Th.eS_ta,r" Knterfl at thr l\ul-~OJK'e~itt \\',i>!,i>,,j-

t»n, A*. •/., it* ttttind-ehm mutter.

«O*1. Al>ItHIAII. .\l Ihn II. I.. & Vr. It. II. Ct»>. rlcvftlrd ttlintn

(lute (lUpvrdin

rh-mni. __.iv» i tu t i l my (under

M. 8HI1XDS. . ' ' , . Accnt.

STAB—Fourth of July, iioxl "*il.iy.—Two weddings within 11 wt v}:.^' Next—•Council meeting next' ~


—Vot a RCOII, oli-aii jlr.vo go tf> Ki>«cii-.Iwrgor HroV, just Mow tlio |xut cilice.. •

—The Jtli of .Inly will tw'ccHnilwlut Junction; Tor |KUliVultu.s lead tlio \vllvrfrom that place. :

—ChiUtrcn'H Day exercised In tlio fcjab-lialhwjbool at l V t CVMMI next SnnO..ymormiii* und cvciiiuj-.

—Just recciyeil.A.ncricfliiMlvcrwiiUiIics3, 4 r.tiil f« iw CIIKUH, tlii.-t und water proof,very cheap ut French's.

—Mr. \\'n\, (lunsauli'H, teller in tlieFimt National Hunk or this jiljee.ii build-

^ ing a resilience on New street,—All kind* of I in work and |>1uml>in£

^doiiw promptly by Johnston »V Son. I'ill—Tho Keystone Kire Company will

mrct ne.xt '1'twsilay evening. Kwry" ilium-lier is icniicHttd to \K prcecnt.

—All kinds of tiuwnrk and phimiiiiigdmic |irotii|itly by Ilulai/.ur A* Mershoii.

- M r . F. V. Jackson will deliver an ml-dress nt (lie temperance meeting in theKcutling HOUIII tiiiniluy ufttTiiuuii.

"." —Hosenberyerllros,, tonsoml nrti-ls,i i farP.O. tihaving.halrouttin^ctc. . L--

—Tlio Ilaml of IIOJUJ will moot in the- Heading Kotim, Saturday nfU'im'on at II

o'clock. All nre invited to iut?ii>l.t —Two 'gentlemen " hoarder* Vunlnl.

One of the liuest rnoins and is located in!'• centre of town, linjuirc nt SsT.w: oilkv.

—In smother column will be found n ye*port of tliii Port Ci'liK'ti jniWic m-houl,wliicli was kindly funikhi'it us \*y the

. lonelier.—We introduce to our readers this week

Mr, ''Del.,1' u correspondent from Clinton,; who will have soiiietiiiii"? H> interest them

•'-•' each week. .—The tlnssis uf VJ and ';•;> of tlie

Wu'shinsjton public school went tu tliDelaware U liter Uap on Saturday last nuenjoyed tlio d;iy tlien.1.

—.'.—A. rfitouti!* giulery tins been openedIn- Clms. It. ri'iiiith iu tho building <

'•". jfelvidete hveime ivceiilly 'Dfienpicd ILawrence C. Huxer as a barber shop.

..,- .....—Miss •Tune Drake lias had a now foiieebuilt in front ot" her place of resilience unUroad street. 3t is u raunrkaMe im-provement to her ulreath- valuable prop-

" • ' . • " c r t y . " ' • " • ; • • • • • " - . • : " • • - ' : - ' • • • • .

•....' j[r. John S.liaston, of Ciaston'.-1 bil-liard parlor, lias hnd i\ iiyatt.v-lottcred -siiru

. . painted on ono uf his front windows. Tlioloitering was done by Mi1.' Kualinti of Now

• Y o r k . ,' Ks-CotiiK'ihtiiui Kurd 'is weclinj* n

large house on the short street IwuuiifjBOuth from Stewart street. It will eou-

;.tain'21 rnnms and will be occupied by£_," "tlueft families. ' • - ' " ;-"":-;• - •-••

person; were arnuiginjj' the Howi-Vs," tin tlie Presbyterian church lor Children':*

mused Hit Hums tsliintly. " l a a jill'ment had llie hosebut u Mi earn hud bit-


byterian chone in the giurct mado

d f th lDay, HoniG one in the giurct m dstop ami loosened some of the plti=leriuy

l i h fll t iWtlooivfiKt pieec striltf"-itiuci! .strikiiiand injnr-

—Meant, J , I'itlH ft Son* nro laying walk In front of tlioir furniture ilon*,on Watliington nvtnui*, j

-Tim Iluildin;- and \mn Ansociutlon i*'nt* u drain pip*1 {.»'•• llio Windsor

A H i l l * WI1HT.

cicck.down inward lho

_ „..„.,!, ol New Uiiintttoii.lirouBlit. . . En a sample of liis MrowhmW tailThnr*day. They nre Ihi- Hunt wo liavo

eti lliUjoar.—Tho Sundoy school ot Knrrivillu will

holil n (jmnil plc-nlc on llw -»il' ot .July.All kind* of seasonable refresliiu«'iitti milIM on hand and a ao>x\ time !x nulielpalcd.They invito nil lavUiL them.

—At HIP publm m-hnctl i-xtTeUes lastFriday iil»!il n number tpf pretentit were(liven to ibis graduates, nroiiiiurnt nniotif-which wero a gold wateh to MUi Itowl'ritt*. a iulr orbrocelets t t Miw Anmo.Itnwlby and a riiiy lo Miss.fenuie Howl by.. — AlimU a quarter of three yesterday

nfienioon un ularm of fira was given from','orniiilt .t StrnV organ factory und proved!IP bu in tlm basi'inent of that building,near the cnsiim, iu u lf>x cla-tct t'uuttthilui;hlmvinga and witsto uiateriat u cd for fuel.Tlio fiirnnro iloor hid ll<iwnoiK<uand POIIIL'lire wont direct 1/ Into tho triit.v'tij$! and•nuceil lho Humes tn chnnt up idmnsi in-iluutly. " Inn jill'y" thu now lire dt-part-

1 "iiwe carriage.<m the npot,

jail bitii |nevii»ui-ly put onfrom the cngiim loom nf tlie fuelpry, whichlircventct! a serious-fontUjjrutimi. Mr.TohiiHlon Corn till, junior meinl»i'r of thefirm, informs "« that witli the fai-ilitii-f

117 poshes.-* for cstitipiHliIng fire there1 hardly ii possibility of iv lUo't'iitiiinj^ anywdway Iu the factory. • '

i>i:itso\,\i.-- M w . ••'BIIIM J-. mid Mw.

anuw M. Fitts atarlcil on Tik>?diiy innrn-lU t(» *iwiiil a week itt Xuw Yuri: nnd

Couoy Island.—Mrs. Cathariu.' Muttisou left last

:oi'k for a four woi'lif** visit with friend*ml rehitivu in llhaca, Walkiim nnd

Mcctilonbunj, X. Y.-Ml** Jennie Woston i.f Oxford, N..T.,sttoiiiling 11 few days at tlie hoiuu ofre. (.ico. Westoii.—Miss Annie l-'ai/.inger. of Newark, isit.'.iiliiiH a few wirlis with lier cousins11: Mi^cs riwi'cuy, in this phico.—.Mr. 1>. ,r. *JIi)II, phiHopr-iphcr athiiiBtinvn, fitniu-ily of. tliU pluiv, y.ivo

this town a call 011 Tutsdiiy.

—Mr. Ilidianl l.'Ilnminc«lieti, vt NewYork eity. eittno latt wwii to fpeml themniinicr with his p-ireuta in thn place.

—Mayor Itoatty rclurucd, on Monday,from a vi.-it to M:inhathui i'l'iieh. It inrumored that the Mayor will tsikt! anolhprtrip to Kuiope iu ttiu m-ar future.

Sat un lay ufti-'fiioon Mr- Liicu'iiM. Hliropi1, t he fitri'iiiaii in the S u i t of-lior.took un to hinijclf (i-'.vifo in the personof Miss Kiite II. Li-iilv-'of r b i l l i p - b u a ' .This i-tTetnony whii-li t w k p h n v a b o u t Io 'doek i'. M. , was perfoniRHl b y Ituv. \\*m.TtumbcwtT »t the rcsidutitu •'( tlm bridu'sparen ts , in tbo prest'iu'e u( a number offrionds. Tho happy irouplo tuol; the oven-iiif,' inu'ii for .Suini-rvillo whurt- tin1}' spentSundiiy. They arrived iu this place Mon-day tuornhiif ami hi t h o eventny held a ro*

ptioii at tlie ii-.siilt'iici' '1.4 tlio "i-noni'srenlrt, to which abemt a ilpzesi friemls}Va iuvitcil. A bountiful collation wasI'tftlcuH of, ttiidtlw even ing -was cnitv-.

cr.eil by music ami sp i r i ted conversation.Wo extend to our newly "married friendsour hear tv congra tu la t ions tu their h-Jc

' ' " ' -'-•-•- tlif 11mtrin10ni.1l

It In now Friday morn ins nnd weuwukctollml onrHclvoiin tho ''<iiiol;y city"' ofI'itlHbur^. It in nmo o'clock iitnl jut welook out toward* tlm M'mougalii'U riverWQ nw unable to 10a unjthinj; for It inRiuoke tifrp, Mtiiplui tlitro, »(m»liP "Vory-wherc. WiHlinout the hoU-l mid tlu-utiilio. a short walk down tho Mononguhcluliver. I'verylhlny U active and In inutlou.On this beautiful rivor tho barges andMcanicr* nre ruiminK hither and thither,.AcroHa thit river In Mount WnshiiiL'Umwith its many inclined planes, tip whichall must travel who llvo. on tho nutnmit ofHim luoiintain. Tlio mountain could notbo Ki-wi until ubiiuL hlix'o'ctocl: oirian tothe uVnE? smoke of tlio various funiuroHsiliiate u!r"'K Its bane. The lower portionof the city I* one vast mnniifacturing dis-trict nml it does seem as though them arejit leant our hundred iraol;c stackn in viuw.I van now fully rcalizn what terrible snf-fcntij- there mnn be whon these variousindtislrii'.H shutihiwu, when tliousaiulH ciliictb.inic.-t ure throuu out uf employment.\Vu lire now'on the larye bridge erodingIli« AULfjliiitiy riyir, 'I'he view IH charm*iii),'. On our left U tho Monongnhclaiver lluuing the \>m>. of iMmmt•Vii-liiij^luiiiuidtiti>urri.i;litls tho fiwift\Ik'cliiiny, tho Iwoi'oiningto^cthor 1>clo'.vis nnd funning the Ohio river. In thelistanee in the Ohio river, formed fromllie Mntumg.ilsclu nnd Alleglmtiy riyern.the Mntumg.ilsfur it, i< ut theh l

_ . _ coniliieneu of these ri>orithat riiU!)nrg i situated. Across theAllof-luiiiy rivt-r i ihe thriving city ofAlk'Klianj-, another or IVuii»j-lvanb'«thrivinj,' towns. Kroiii piwcut np)icar<nisivH it d<v.i iiotscciii m though ono WMUMd.'liaht in buiutf &'nuiiltiuL uf thu ciiy, fortill id Miioke and the humiiimj- of uiuchin-ITV on fcvury fidu eaii'iM onn to aliuo3tshul ryes and M M . We walk buck to tho" ' uud on inalilitf- Int|H.r/ tlnd that tbe

:il>:il i-uiiJi'iii'L.f are on the hill ami soiiyagc n CUIP and ure driven lo nhat '.H»\ Biuoiig lho natives 11* "SOIIIP." Iil tho driver the nu-:minj,' of that name.

_ he had never heard oliln't. K'Heyu it bail any meaniss through thuL 1 tuition uf the eity known

"tinst Liberty" nw\ ".ihndy Hide."Haw iliil'i'i-ciit U lho swne presenled fromthat t>f » few iniiiuU'tt iig«. The furnace*arc now far below ut and a3 wi> look downitjiiin l!:e liUfino.«s juirtiipn of rittdburf; it(scoiiH as thouj;h it wore all on lire. NoMiiip'ii; (-urroHtuli iw now, the ulmo-phtri;U iiti-i^aut. On ewry >hk- arc palatialre iiU'iic*-' , beautiful in ihe extreme.Shudv uud broad avenues lurin delightful

1. Wi' .-ee iltiKt'iis of haniUomu.,.-„.. . . . . . ' , niine of which have co.*t Iea.s

tlMii twenty dollars. Allot them• jiituaud from forty to seventy feettn the sired awl HTI* miiToinideil bymtiftil lawni ami i:rnvi'S. Amid ...thei>!« and ton fusion t-f l'ittshnrg thenv'.v is uimiwl, attiiil the Ireei and shrill 1-• oi'-S^idvHide" it is eujojcil. My

...w.s uf I'itlsUirt,* ttru than^.1. Il'i* notiu jjciifrally iimlorstoi'd, *-a city otfinokt*,"but wiiilu hinoliC i* thick ami blacl: !i> thebiisinos-! povtioiupf thoi'tty, a short walkor ilriv nut- in a portion of tht

how Vautv ivi^ns iiiproinc anillife is enjoyed tu its lull e.xtunl. I'ias*bury U tU'Miitan city. Itvolitaiu.-t in;arl,vtwo hundred otunvhi's mid luw over tweuty-five uows|<apLirs iiitd with n iiopuhiliou of

r'one humlrud, ami liftv thousand per*i it ranks unwiig the first oities ofUnion. \\\-have now. visited I'ilta*

bur;; and me rondy to laku our departure.W'u'hiivo been nicely entertained at the••M..!mn''!tb<>!ii lh<ii*\" tn Ibe jiroprlfltoruf which wu1 M B iblwdurtd-h'y letterfrom Capt. l.awy, of .Washington, towin mi wo exh'iid uiir thanks for favoraVlmivn. We take the I v. M. exprciJt for

,iDl>lllMSDoliwrcil nt tho lemperanco mcollng In

tlio ItoailiDR Room, <m Suiidny, 2lthiait,,by 11. C. Miller: • -L 1 ' .

I.RT l'« llfll.O AIIKAVIIN*.1'irnt wo will tako onoof tho beautiful

i t u i that thins mi brightly for IM licro atnight. Agi'J Imvo been lireparliig It forhnbllalion, but it h rough and uik-outhupon its uurface. Wo taunt Rgniato It«moutiinins; WQ must cover its UcliU withver'luro, its mouutaius with trees anilthroiiali HH valley's run stream*. AVomti-itlnvo blriln ami (iniuials, lloven,fruiU and Ipcrrioit and thomiintli of otherthings ll-at aivc m unalloyed linpp'ncMhere. We will clioow tlm things o( cnrtlithat wo know givo a beauty to earth, butwill r e iW everythiiiu llmt dultger&t wiuis uii|i]oax;int t» \u here, for rmember wonrc to make n lleavcu. Wo will selectIhe miwt licauliful of earth's tnounuilns OHn model for our inoiinlainH there.^ Ourrivers lucre uliall bo vxntit e.

ot'onrrivers ihcM stall us exact txntkn otonrmost Iiojntifnl rivcr3 of earth, lnsteail ofone Hhlnc or one llmlsoii ; we will haveIliousaniU of them, all as bsautlful andfur more, m vfc will improve upon them.Wo sli:ill wlcct tlio Briindest of earth'strcra, its most beautiful nnd fniRMtttIIOWCM ami till *»nr Heaven with them.The HiiimaU who lie friend nnd nrc belovedh h ih ihere on fiirili WQ inu^t have with VIH inour new nboilc. It would bo lonely with-out them; BO wo will select t l t^* w« IOVMIhi-n> and give them a habitation iu ournow koine. Kvcrythinj; that will conduceto mon'n Iiapi>ino9ri, that wu nro famlltr.rwlih here, shall not bo forsaken, theirL'xaet counterpart wo will havo nlway«with IM. Itttt we miiHt be cari'ful nut to

Intro atiylhinir tlutl euiised nii-sL'ryWe w.mta Heaven wheio there is

no Hieknes.H, no death, no sorrow, no tram.Well tve know what causes tniHury andsorrow here. Well wo know that aH e w n such us we would have, into it wemust r.ot introduce any fleninits ol ilis*cnril Kiiuh an we well know bring .n traiuof evil* with them, liabw nml ohildreiiwe miHt have. Heaven would look wearywithout them. We must have them undmust <ro to p'urlli tu et them. AVo u.tistlu'ukiluwu fiuiii our Heaven .upon earthanil watch thi) little one".H droop nnd 1I1V,and then swoop ilown lo ciulh, jjrtlh(-rthem in utir anu^ ami carry the precious(HUM up to our dbfvle. We can., nhvuy.-thnv« bulji'tjiml children with IM. .. Kyeryday will bo eomin^ UJI to u.i.If mortals could vU'W the impels of Ifcav-en as tlioy lake their lli«ht upwards willithe children of earth, thuir oyes would hedazzled by tlm vast number of wingedmeisenyera taldnj* the aouU nwtty tliat aruloo inirt! for earth. Poor tUutikard thereis no room for you in tlita Heaven. Wumay pUv you nml norrow for yon, but vmnsl: n-jit would you IK; til for .such a place ?Your beulou, Htarvid mid murdered fun-ilyhuiluo rest with you on eailh, wenutst provide a rest for them in Heaven,Thi.i could n»l be if wo should tuku youall burdened down with drunken crimesnnd phiuo yon ajrnin with your fumily iu•jur kinKiloin. 'I'here is no single arirn-IU'.'PII iir.'dod to show why thu riunsellershould be i'X.'!i:;l,il. Tlio vrry shroud

tllL'V Wl!

COUNTY HEAT LETTF.H.—Tho editorial fraternity of Now Jersey

ii dipping itself Into Iho cold. Halt tea*wavcj of Newport and Boston, U10 presentweek, nnd rolling ifwlf dry in tlio burningHands; Tlio members 01 tho honorablecrnft, anil othen who could ratM tlio ncc*cimry u cliinki," tot sail from Now Yorkfor their dciUimtton 011 Monday n'ternoon.ThcRO annuat reunion^ aro groning moreand mom popular each year, and oatsldoImrbaiiaim nro bvutnning to rofiurd themwith great favor, i'hoy uro ofTorded a veryGun excursion nt n mere nominal flgttro,timl It Is DO wonder that flppllcatlonB comoia by tho ecora from those who have noconnection wilhorByupatbyfortho press,ltvlridcro la well rcurcsciitcd ttili year.Wo tout out a largo and respectable dole*gallon, and if they iloii'l Imbavd Uioiu-SCIVCH wo won't let them go sgaln. Thofollowing nnrucifpcraona from this locali-ty are in tho party: Mw. \ \ \ II. Morrowami daughter;. A. Blair Kclscy, wife andtditiglifcr; MM. If. V. Harris and (laugh-ter; .ICtiii W. U'yckofT aud daugh-ter; T. It. Keener ami daughter; Congress*luao It. P. Ilotvey, wild daughter andniece; Oeo. M. Shiprnan,.foi>inh Kctcbam,editor of Awlln, Win. It. Lairo,SurrogateSnrarUwcller and U DaWitt Tnylor.Tlicro ia but one newspaper man In thoparty, \W,.; Jlr. ICeloham. - :

—A Had acrideut occurred at the niincinf the IJelviderc Iron Co., mtuato nearButtzville, on Saturday lust. While en*gaged in removing dirt Mr. George Wolf,one uf the miners, was crushed and man*gled by the caving in ol a largo embank-ment. Tho men succeeded in rescuincthe unfortunate man from his living graveund at once directed tlick attention to thematter of alleviating life sufferings. Hewas borno to \i\n homo utal a ]iby«lciansumnioncd. Hut Im wax so HCnounly in*jitreil that ho died in a fow hours. Illsngo wua about 22 ycairf. He was general-ly respected by those who knew him, nndliis untimely death ix deeply lamented.

—A iniblie hdiool uiectiuf* is announcedto bo Iield thin (Thundny) uvuning, fortbo purpose nf vnttiif- un np|iro[)riatioiiMiflicieiu to mnintuin the frwi wtirails of

wu tin- current year. §1,000 is ask-ill lie allowed.


tln*ed for, anil-we lirt-auine will lie nlloOur schooN L-losotl for the summer ond:iy last, and the urchin* me now talcingtiling ea-sv. Hull playing and swim mini;are the pnticijial pastime;).

—Win. Smith, who wan killed belowPhi I tijisbu i-(f, on the It. D. road, Dim dnylust week, wns brought to Bolviilrre forburiul, unit llm l.0i!;;c of Knights ofl ' r th-ins iaiirehi:d to thu'tjrave and paid s\ lasttribute of res|K'et to l!ie ilocoaapil brotherby purtieipjtini' in such rero.monies uswtro muet to tho oaaHion. Tiio di'ee;isudwas tho, (ioii-iit-laiv of ^otonton P.iily, ofO/cford townsbip.

—Sl?lo Agent Italian! " d i d " the townlint Habbutb, in tho cnusii uf tempi'i'miec,lircni-liitif,' moi'iuti^ und ctvenin^ iu thu M.K- L'buroli ami mMrw^n^ tlr: lleforiii Olubiu tho afu>riioon. l ie made a favorablempi'i.'.-hion mi n't who heard him. Ito Umo oftlif most lljwery and onH'rtiiiiiin;,'poiiker. on thu subject of tcmi'onince wu

ver Lcard.

buildcd. Wu \vunld have;, everylliiiimrf nnd lovulv us we uioi'UiIi uiulcr^tuniitlK-in. abuil aif,Hli;d in moilals arc theywell know Mult intcinpcram'u and all thatiteiiiii (.'jii have no *h:ue in u doli^hlfulionic or in any world where there iu un-ilfoyed liapiiiness. "I'is not we that hnveliade it so, it is* in tlie naluro of llie very

thing ibeti'. Huinpine»i can only. cxi:it' 'e there is uo..iliieotd. i'ur eternal there must be' eternal purity,und may we not expect that iu Uoil'riHeaven there is 110 room for impurity?

of hito, and i«

-tliH Wurrun House,h a.'spii'it of enterprise«gigwliifimiiigiii»

tlm liolfl with hath rooniH. water closets,ete.

U iJlon are eiigayi;d

uud - laying dowb d I k

ditches^ dwmste pipun, itavia ii

with bid neighbors In

Ueulem in rum, d n n k e il l m i l i

of n u n you knoYou- know

bound tn krcjithe matter of modern appoint me nw.

; —The Agvieultural Association, throughits otlicurs, is nwkiiit; an clFiirt to Bull itsland* to u syndicate, hoping thereby to re*Binicitato, under ucw inanagtiUiL'nt, llw in*

itiitimi.nnd hold annual ln:r.-i and i.-n"

ut!iLr w^lli i i j , '" in • t h i i ^ l u w . A t thattime M r . Augus tus i*. lliinu and Missl,!inra W. ( 'ook weru united iu lanr r iuse

l X U id f..fell to

MIHS Annie Woll'.'r in tliing lier considerably.

—Xoxt Wednesday ii the 'glorii4th" and the printer as well an evtry t

. else wauls to "ce lei irate,*' In order tothis we shall print our paper on 'I'uesi'evening instead of. on Wednesday next

..-week. Our 'i-orii-spondeiils ' uiVd adybr-r Users will plenKc send r inMhsir-" favors'-«s•early as:Monday'in order lo insure in-sertion.

—Do not forget the. iiic-nic to-bo heldJoseph's cluireh in Parks* Ci rove on

r * e f aaly. This i; tlio only ^•h-bm-ot the ''glorious fourth", ihsil w. have

heard of iiiMlus'iimuudiitlu-viutuii'y.-iirii1.tliis,'togetherwith lho fact that in thewoods is the plensanlest place to spend thedny ought lo secure the pic-nic n good

'patronage.—We hear that fjuilo a row occurred tit

- Loreniz I'arli,-hiit-Saturday, night, -.lintUpon inquiry we learn that it was not tbe

'".' fault of tlio owner, Pmf.-Luw ruiicit, but. arose from circumstances over'which lie

'^had nu control. He is now''however nc-„,-, quaintcd with the cniise ofthedistiirbaoce

aud promises thai it shall not be repented•-: in the future. ,'r'"~"Zl A" fines'Hue of "gold limiting find open

face watches, ucw styles.. Call and see~;them,Low'>r thnn the lowest ivl- . . .—Hon. niui'iiilF. Bcatty.haa presented:viT6"hirii'ri>y"a"frieho"iirXiiW'"'"Yorb;-'*ii~i'uU••' length crayon portrait of himself, but it" ^.bcinp,dcfe3tiyp.iu_pniiif! parts be'*

. gaged our actist, 1'rol1. Tsuac Sharp, b\New Hampton, to touch it up and , iniikc

. the needed corrections. Under the- maulerhand o£ Prof. Sharp we expect lo sec the

. picture liiadc pcifoclion itself. ; 'i; '..—Tlie now storeroom of Messrs. A. If.

;, GroflW'Co. is rapidly.npproacluiif*''ciirn-•--. plction; when finisUctl it will be one of the•^ most extensive nnd convenient in town.

They have fitted it up with gos fixtures'n'ud will light it entirely by gnu furnished

" A"'"---ieiViu-'an"nOjaucntnly store in town;nta u brilliant np-

•r)i«g.,.;,ttio Stateispkee nnd bailed(is they-'enmc iotomil tobeiill right

iaracd by:. Mr.icouo aflor-


l,!a Wby lli'V. L-. l». Xott, a tiL u i i I - i f f t t l r J n | l^Itr-ii ffttlw

eddius wa


i ti. C«ok, M.'l).s y i(uii:t -Me, ihcra

bi'iiii: nu one jireseiit but immediate.fritinU.. On Tiwiday c'vcniujj a . sulectparty in honor of the newly marriedcouple was held at the home of the bride'spiiivnlj. Wit ui>"«to> the young coupleour best wishes lor tn-.'ir happiiics.-.

" Las t F r iday eveuinif the oldsing exer-i f th W h t public school

L a t F r y ifcises of the Washington p

d i ] l t 1 H l l

sing exeblic- school

1««^^ •^'v«. ,nr . dr^lriillvimmir,. YouUn.M.Utn.imi. and hold annua .n i t h . . -mm lfldi- Iliin Iml wv • •«• iiiforill.-d t ! l l l t -V(111 B««>W "*'«P" I l l ) lV '" f o r ''J'^U "TUlI I shOWH." Wu llOIK) tllfl p ro jec t 'w i l l BUCCCCiI

v m n' »- 1 a ^ , ? v J X r n w l i l ! ! t l w t i m e l c t l y°n t 0 c l ( : a l I i L ' -v o u r* llI1<I t ! l l l t t l l l ! ""'"ine -a" «'» .wltnew the!!• ' h . "< l a . " . J \>..VLt^ . " . " ! ; ! ««lfor t-uili and to beseeeh. God's inerey. firit of u series of Bucctwful exhibitionstlie (?rain in belter. Uiiatliuysueli a rapid rati! wualward

• • ti t h u 1

aluny 1thiu k

— or «i.Why will yon not An

—A. Wtlfllo oxplosioa &t about 5 o'clockon Friday morning lu t , it&rtlcd llio pco-plo ol Wcit End nnd plncea ucljacont toS ' raino. I t caused houses lo ibako,

tl d k t dSwayzoi raino. I t caused house lo ,windowH to rtttle, and crockery to danceoa tho tabio a mile nway, A quantity ofpowder temporarily placed in tho chang*I off house exploded from .sorno uokuowncause, completely dcMroylog the buildiDK,and damaging noreral other btiiWiOKS Incloso proximity to It. Two boya Bitting inthadoororthocimngtns 1ion«o h»nl ahissing noise liko burning fuse, and, takingolnnu, hastened away and gnvo wamlnRflothat fortuoatolv DO ono was injured.

— E . J . West, who has taught our pub-lic flcliool for tho lost two yeara, has ro-tiigncd hla position hero, much to tho re-gret of UIQ people, and has engaged toteach the ichool ut 'johnnon. Wo cou-Bratutnto llioIng

Lchanon onweur-a teacher w, Mr. West.Ing nnmiRceiMftil a teacher as. Mr.

Qco. Albright, tho popular teacher of tlioSocib AsbDiy sciiool, lias re-cncngcl foranother year, at tlio earnest i^sire of thopeople, H. M. lleudcraon continues topreside over tho Valley school tho comingyear. Asbury lixs not as yet decided upon

teacher.—Mr. Wilson If. llcvencr, a former

resident of this place, but for a number ofyoarx pait a resident of Newark, ia visitingrrieuds In tlu3 vicinity. We regret tolearn that an incurable abscess on ono ofhis r»Mjt, lina necessitated the [imputationof that member. Mr. Havener formerlyluught school in this region, nnd was after-ward, engaged in mercantile pursnju. Ilisformer friends and nei^hbora extcml tohim their enrnt'stpympaihy. :

—Children's Day was otiscrvd nt theM. K. Church at Aabury, on the IlthiiiHt.,and at Itctldchcm M. K. churth on thelath. Tlm usual lloral dccorationn, witf.

rcHHcs, .inninp, and miHccltancoua rx-crciHea by the chilita'ii were features of tliooccasion sir. hoth churches. On Hutidayevening hut, similar services were held utthe L'reMiyteriuii church in thn presence nf

d d dithe L r ya crowded audience.

—Mrs. W1.1. Shipid t h

au died list weekbiand won buried at the Presbyterian

tiiry. Shu and htr huabiiiid Imvo nhvayslived nciir thi* plneo, enjoyinf* this respectof alt who Hnew them. In her dcntli thecommunity in well HH her aged husbandhave met with an irrupiuii1>Ic lost.

—Thu people of tho Prcsltyteriuu i-hnrdiheld u strawberry uud Ecu cream tVstivnlnn tlio 11th, with good. HUtceij. and tlix•Mulhodisti neople held another on the '.'1.4nnd 'i'.id, wliicli was well nttunik'd on lmtbevi!iiin»s.

—Tlm Imird walk t>.\ lend ing up theutrt'iit from lttglow nml Wfttaon's store,wliicli bus buoii iu u dan^erutiH comliti-jufor Komu time1, bus licen rL-jihu'cd by a now

iu of tno'inch plaulc.—Isaac llennett \u\n lieoii cuvering lii.-f with a slate roof, anil the Comptnnbrothers liavu improved their br^o I'aru

the jittiuu way. MAIIS.

i i iui.vnw.vv.—Thu " JJroadway lteatliiii* Chela'

held its regular 1'riduy iilyht im-elinfr. utthe MiiHta WoolvertonV. Hixtetm werepref-eut, ll'juilin^a were rendered by Mis-5Hunriftta Woiplvurton and .Mis.i Anuii)Snyilur, whioh wero highly uppruriad'd andiipplmuled. The next regular meeting willmeet at the hoarding nlacn of the prcsi-o'cut, Mr. tico. V. Kcecli. •••Ueudtni's willbo rendered by Mr, Kcech au:',.Mis« IdaWoolvertoii. Kverybodj* IS invited to at-tend thfa circle nnd Lclp rai«o sufl'cifint.nioni'y lo buy an organ for tho KubUitir1


"—Uhihtren'K haypai-sed oil* (HO called)unturidly. Tbe uiiiniint* exercises com-nieiii'ed bj prencbiny by the Iluv. Mr.Cur[Wuter, ol Wiishiiiyt«n, X. J.; after-110011 by the m " ' - '• •

TUKt'AliKKU OK A HEW JKH8KV 0 * 1 A *s c i u w , Dxsm. v, WBAirr.

Succcst in bmiocsa Is imdoubteJly Ibcresult or intelligcnco, pluck, and enter-prise. niHiuUdthattliallou. Pdiilcl 1.IJeatty, of Wubtngton N. J-, began bjui-new in 1870 without one ttoUnr, Sincethat lime ho ban built up 1111 cnonnons1'lnuo ami Orcaii tnulo nil over tLo civili-zed world by bis remarkable pluck anilenterprise. His attention was car'y turn-ed to music, and in this way ho becameinterested In tho Bale, am] anally In thotnanufacturo of musical instruments atWashington, Now Jcrsoy, which boar Msnn:.e. JIls ..rut operations were on aemail Kale, but In his active and ptogrcx-Bivo mind uw wido flolda opco. to energynnd enterprise. Ho tins nover wuveiedor faltered in this project. Uyliisulircnd,skillful, and perautcut. newspaper nuvcr-tiHliiff lie tios attracted wido attentioncrnpvhcn, so that at tlio present his in-strumenlH nre iu nse in all parts of thocivilized world. Ho believes iu tlio freeUM of printer's ink, ami it has paid liima thousand-fold.

AT. Heally was tlie man who fiwt cou-i d h id f d i tho prices of

rianw nnd Organs. knew thoageutnwero making entirely too much prolit onthem, the earne was bt-iug done on eewinginnclilne9. He at ones began to exposetlio deception practiced by leading man-ufccttircM, who wked 8430 ior an Organthat could bo FOM for S'J'J, ami still leavea fair prolit, or 81.000 for a Piano thatSMI is sufficient for. Then the war began.Ho v u ridiculed and misrepresented in aflhnincrui inanlicr by the monopollHtu,whoso largo prntlts wore in dnnftcr. Noatone wftH lull unturned to ihfeat and rainhim. {JircntatH were printed nmlKtitout,and circuited by their iiRcntH, articleswere published in mimic trade journals,and many other dirty tricks were resortedto. Hut, by tho course of right and jus-tice, Mayor Ueatty has succeeded in re-duciuK tlio prices of Pianos nnd Organ?,so that he ia said to bu by fur tho mostsuccessful innn that has ever cnyn^d : "tlm miiHic

On tlinlHU. ofttcpt., losl, n lire de-royed hi* immiiiiHO factory employing

AT. Heally was tlie man whceived the idea of reducing tho pririanw nnd Organs. He knew tho

i l t h

stroyed hi*t ll ti

factory, employingur hudred Imnds

nou-(|imllv>l by anyworks on thu Globu


..I thai lime ithoiit four hundred Imntls.The indoinilubli* will of the man immedi-ately nssurled "itself,and . n • new factory,covering A at-ros, combiiiing all flic im-provtiiieiits in manufacturiinr, which bailsuggested lliomselvL1.*, was ereek'd and ...I'JU IIUJM was iu running order, anil turn-iii{joUt.r»()L'Oi:iplcti1 OrgunH daily. Theii'w factory in ouu-thiru larger in size,wttli faciliticH Tor nuiiiifacturing tlmt arc

other Heed Orgtin_ _ I t is equipped for

iiiiwiiii'' nil night, tiaviu<* a completeKdison Klcctriit I.ij,'htin(; system, with:J0O lighU. X special railroad urn beenbuilt ia tim factory ilw>r. for savhiy nil thefxpenst'S of cartage of lumber, coal tint]orKiius, tliiL-t ii:Lviii» ti largo percent , incost of manufacture. Ho oilers a* an in-ducement to coaio and visit his works amiselect an organ, u reduction «f from §."» to$l"», ai:conlint- to liistanco traveled. ThisincluuVs a frt-b riih* on llunlty's SwitchKuck, L'uniii!ctiii|{ hi islablisbmcntwith Hie Delaware LackiiWiinun anil Wes-tern lt:iilroid.

Hut nmid Ihe rush and hurry ol a vastim-iiK's* Mr. Huutty never forgot.-! tbduties iit'a man uud si citizen.: HiilioHlta) time-* buen eleotcd Mayorof Washington without his own sinking,which olllvc In. now Holds. Hi-'fellow-citizens chose him. lie coiuliiclotl noCiUiitct!,'!! wlmtover, ami was not uven utlnmieL'l.'i'!i»" d.iy. IIi.s genenn'- ' 1 " " ( -

AXIMIL EDITOR.—ViclUngiu thia.placo I

ittcndetl Bcrvicci IQ the M. K. church onIhililrcn's Day. Itwastajtcfullyadornod

,JI11I cverffrceni, flowera aod pioti res. ThonlUir duvurations wcro cfpcrially clioateand beautiful. Tho senricca were prcnld-•d over by tbo worthy pallor, ltev* Mr.irorrii.naslntctlbyMIMAtcWoy, who isIcscmng ot great credit for tho iitcceas 'if licr cITorta in training tho children *~

_ho occaaion. Tbo singing by tho ('mioglcd willi tho enroling of birdi,passed in sweetaesa tho songs of « « «more protentioas places of worship* In • v.n exercise called "The I.ittlo Umbu," Ilotlccd Stella and Harry Yansicklo among; *mny puro "lambs," lookipg rcmiirkably -juro and sweot. Also Mumio Shafer en*

.crtalued us several times, a wee, frail :c l i l J . b u t . pcricctl; nalurApBnd Rclf*nos.scs.scil. Miss Minnie Anderson sangmd»pokoaj)IeosontitledtlRockofAgrB."t brought UIQ tears to many eyes ami

.rill help us to cliug closer to the Hock inlie future. U is Children's Day (u

rncnt here, IJCCIUBO tho children do thullting. E.terciflen closed with an cnler-lningatldrcfwby tlio pastor, who has

ihe raru f-ift of amnaing and instructingtb young and old.. YIHITOII.

j t : w i n i [ A N T I Q U I T I K I * .Col. U. (Jiirlmrt has commenced to read

,hc works of Flavius Johjphua, through,L learned Jew ofsaccrdotalcxtracUon.and•oyal dcecent, who waa born A. V. 37* and•as alive ^V. l).9fi. Hia works aro rather.paraphrasoonthcOhl Testament, « - 'ilainhig theoliicore poBsages more minuUi-

,y and explicitly, which makes tho workrery iutcieatiag to tho reader ana hearer.Ho (Crtthart) tays he read portion*: of itinnt SO years ago. and fcelfl a great desire

read it through if possible, if health:id life is vouchsafed to him. Tho book

:oatains 097 pages. AIJKARK». :

A »AN(iEK(»CN COtSTKBFKIT.There arc dangerous counterfeit!* in

itrculation purporting lobCWnluutLeaflair Ilestorcr." Tlie strongest evidenceif ita great value is the fact that partiesmowing its great ellicacy try to imitate

f, Knoli hottlo of llio jftfiiiii'itf hoa a-fat.,tm Ha of 1. walnut leaf—blown hi tho glaas; ',nd n Urccu Uaf on the outside wrapper.Hie "Hcstorcr" is as harmless, ns water,virile it poascsaert ull tlie properties neces-ary to reatoro life, vigor, growth and;olor to the hair. Purchase only from•e*}<oiMhle jmrtiea. Ask your druggist forit. Knch bottle ia warranted. Johnston,Holloway k Co., Philadotphia, and Hullk Itucke"l, New York, wholesale ngents.

T U B «I t i : . lT M l l t f l l W H S T .Thctfrvnlliicriti-ulii travel to tint Nurtli-

,-«.». bus ftirwl tlm -'FunMHW Ailwrt Leu:»titu" tu imtuimii tu lino mniniWccnt Diniiii'raw. In wMfli i.n#Mii!p.'w will Im rveiljucuB'ciitiil in iiimllty t<> u<> ilri't-.'lai'd hotel, fur themill mm of suviiiiv-ilve i-vnU cai-lt.Tiro Milra'-tt, U<»i:k Mund A IhirflU' Itoll-

•av, wliMi i.iiiilnil'' ItiU rotilc. lias alH-uy*lulntnliii'il a. ri'putatlon ':>r 5,'lvin^ tra\ulernr-t-L'lu .s HILMI' mi IH LUtiltiir Cu». unit in :

ilttiu^ utt tltU liltuIliu siunu L-IUT-IS of iar.->. itilln u wtutt time Hi« Uuvclllnif iiiibllv will UJI-reHate.

irs,'o "'liiirc*" nf 'tilo 'Sorl'lnviiMcni Iruvel.Itlm'iuli enrlv In tlio -'I'UHHI. Inirt fOiiiinuI'A'U tourt^trt'tlekvti) In tliu vnrliui^ |tlwi•,-i)rl< In ii volume *iinldentty lar^i; U>\p\nrnti'_j•v i:» linmciir'u ><uuiiiii:r tralllc.

t l^-iil «tor<«=di htion ol ovilera ii]'o« me iurg's. ''"•"» - I ' - T -

to-supply Hour l.'p i!m needy duritif: thepast winter, and hij libers! contributions

I Aid Society ciillsji specialliuiriiilg im -WtdiiCBtlii*' tj*uniuHT'i »IP^ -">iL-tho iiiirrioiiage.- O u r noxt le t ter to thuTAll 1—Mr. 0. U. Shalei-, partner uf the Kn

i ea r wiiuloivI T , reminiltti

fur Iruiti!= of llw facl that

„ . . . held in llcfttly1 Hall. Those whotook part, were the members of the grad-uating class—all youiig laihes—thirteen innumber. The Hull *as illled to overilow-'""•'-•OKJC ti:ne>jfQW.U)«;^wV{>.i*:.rS"b(lsati.

ifter Ihe standing room, as well as theseats had all Iiecn taken many who wishedto gain admission were obliged to returnhome, not being able to eutor the door.All tho speaker iliO well.- Wo (jive belowa programme of the . exorcises and wouldlike to give each 01:0 the special menlii'iishe dosevvos, but far want of space cannot.Bach of the' speakers received"]!timorousbornuets upon tlie completion of her in-dividual part, ltflv. .Ur. NTutt was presi-dent of tho e'veuing and congratulalcil theyoung Indies at the close, nmt gave tlitin

'liiad'tt'ortis-of-ndvip.'*. ••- •- , . , - . . „ .1 ' i tOfiKAMMK:,." ""

>call<:tly Orchestra.

•'•"•:" Vlcv:WiiiVT*unlV(!».*'•Hiini

Seliool Uluu Club.

limit •[•.. "•'.Mulhu


Ikiilly Ory.

Jcimlu.M. U


•'I'trtWi Vmir ll«i!lF i t

CilCi! Cltllj. =

. .,',:: " v" l-n.llj- It. Uurl]ieii(!c.'

. . ."I 'ust , l'r-sciiluiul Ki.; . . Kiln ,T. Byrife. . .. ' , . . . . "iriiKurkiulu Con

JK'iilty Oreliuntrii."Our I'orjile.

.. -. Vlttdrlu Al'JiGrrluK.", , ; . . . " \ y i i u n Our Ship CVfin

Aiiuiu -Bowlby. '••.. •;:.-...-...«*ij

T imimtc C. l ' ltilts.-

" "AuiiVd"lli™iV)y,"'BC; JBIIUIO llovvlby.

are now 111 the "iludceyi;" fitate, the homeol'silliisi.irant.-i U)f tlu* l'ie=idency (weexpect to roturiij. Oinviird uirrcsi itsriuli frrain iwhU, and. through its ... fci-tilevidl'.'l^jvi.1., nviuji H,. iimmini'iit. railroadcent iv mill astop nt twenty - iuiiiutW ismade for n;(it'sbinent^.- This is Alliance.liutving «t live o'cludc we proceeded stillwestward until in the distance we beholdthe spires of Canton churches as theyglittur in the lighfoj'-thabeautifal westcriisunset. Thu blowing of llie whistle nu-noiiiiiwrt-lo uur riiuiPiiV»ltu'iU'D und011 lilad-

.-uitiiig uur urrivnl, Unit lho train— the east ia iipprouchiiif- {and [ guess,ve aro, for the l'jitsburg and Korl Wuyneruiid to Ghieago is no slow road 011 whichto travel). Canton is nnuounccil nnd 0111ilcEthiutioii, r«rtlic.]>iyspnt i« reached ul

I) i'. ii. At tho station we are met by-Miiyur Shields,'ttifw and duughl^r, whoetui to us Unit cordial welcome' whichslum i>cople know just llow to 4o. \S'e

_ . XT lho carriage provided for us and aredriven to the handsome residence of Mr

;, whore a bountiful^minner he

..piijud bi'oiii1 fiu-iida."7 'Frorn'O-'glaiuit sepuia as though we can; easily ])iis3 afew weeks at Canton, 'which is one ofOhiu's thriving'mnnuCacuU'ing'towns1 of1

iveiily.Ihuusitud inhnbitiuits.1;1,:,:, •,;,.:::.'..;;....

j ' l n n 1 c«i,nr. .v S<;H<POI.. _'Tho tbllowiiij; is tho. report of tlm;/cl(w-

ins; examination of l'ort Colden iiiibliescliool held'on Wednesday, Tliursiluv 'andFriday, Junc'20, 21 and 2'1;

(llj Carrlu llutimicr, SO.(C) Nettlu Ojiilyki*; S?.;:.l.»iiTiii> Allmrt, 70.(D) I.i.lii Mowilnr. 08: AiiiiiuMurjiUy,•&):

OHvoOi'ilvke.Hlj 'John Xlnmliy. TTu WillieOiMlykc, 70( Will Auilersim, TU; AlfnidSinllli,

OEoniiAi'in*,(11) Fran!; Burlier, St. ' ''• n • . -(U) Nulllo Opilylio, 78. ^ ' •

. . . nii\i)iso. . . • - -(•ItUl Carrie Hummer, K); Jolin 'IViiswm-ll

0 . .- . : , . . . ' , . •--?••:•. . y,

(:!(!)-ilolii Mowil.ii-,-'.Ki; Arvllhi Hiirlor. STiAnilii Mur]i!iy,S[; .lutiiilu Tliumson.'SOi-Mtnervn (.iinlykc, 7U. .. ,,.'"

n i S T o i i v . ••• -. '"" • - -. ••

Curriel lui i imw.Ki. • ' ) •HlT,l,],!N(i.

\ l t ) 'CiirrlinrHiiiiiiur,'%;' Arvllhi JSi-lur. 81Ousniu Cyjilii;^,'^..-"' i .... .,-•••. .'

(C) Aniiii Muviiliv.-SS: Klhi Aiulor^ni.-7:KsitlVJllller, TO \ Jonniu 'I'limus'on, 70; I lullKIIIMJ'70. -'• •

jljiiervuif iu-iiiii-n1

Presbyterian ehtirch.propruuely observedchuruir-bl this I'hice last Sunday*•


t tL.VU.STOIV.V.—The Melliodist congregation"wns slim

611 Sunday morning, tho result, 110 doubt,Uii-FiiHiivnUoii Saturday.even ing, .which1

•us held in tlie grove near the church aiiil

(II) t ' a r r l u l l i u m i i e r , S t . " ' •" •"•'"•^'-'" -;;,;—•All .wliVnvirm.')- iii-l.-nv-W'nr.vnscliiilc;I fromIliu r o i w r t . ; \V . I t ; WuAVitit, Tc i ic l io r . ' -

It is sometimes quostioncd why childrenho^stnud wolUn-tcnri-rcports should hiU

cxmniiKiliou. Tlm reasons for thisundo .!obvionsin inoRt ( ajglitlnl iiivcstigation. 'AVhile*in

iio^rcasQji. cannot bo, easily^ liiy "CKSOB it is due to'lhc

^ -- t l ioi child rather-pnin, somo chil-L1 ' .-oil l'est too

lie pulpit, a large horseshoe of tmisies KIIS*.,.ciidcd at tho top of the chandelier whiehImntts over. Ihe pulpit, two crosses oftluiaics, one on cacli side of the pulpit,aud a large chandelier of evergreens,bearing wax caudles, suspended from llieceiliuj* in'-ihu'coitU'i1 of lUe"iihuwlir:~0vflr.lie pulpit in letters ol'evorgrecn • was -thenotto "Outlier th« children iu," and onLh'd'gallery'.'Tiiuiii'K • tlm:-puti>it;™.ivcro: thewords'^-'Children's1 Day" in..; large ti^tterrt.Aruitiid tlio liase of tbu gnllery^vero hungeleven cages containing canary birds, und'about'the gallery in thu front pun •. of - Urnchurch among fusto'ons of evergreen uigu containing a nioclungbird. Those munciom birds blqudud theirsweet notes with the excrctaes of tho nay.Those -liavimj thu decorating in chargeilcservo great credit for the betmtiful andnppropriate'.manner in which it -was per-"ji'inud.

The exercises were iluvoted. lo. thochildi-entiiroiiglibut lho entiro" diiy. Inihe morning ltev. (J. ,D. Notl preachedu scinion'expressly to tbe chihircu from atext round in l.Kins3l


verse, "so that"thy"childron~'lnl«rhi)i!d toihcii way.'1 He spokq'iu simple languageHO tliu children could uiidoratiind him, andgave them some cxcelleutr'pra'cUi.'iil tho afternoon tho exercises were prhi-

tpally by tho youugijr'uhilui'cii and were•ory'iiiilerlainiiiK.- Among-,oilier, good

-liingg, "I'rccioiiH Jewels," a recitation bya number of little girls, anil a solo entitled"Wail and murmur not;" sung by-MiasJlnry,. Jlomlerson, of' Asbury, olicitedinanyLcxni'CS!tions of appreciation frora'tlic'jaudience.' llov. 0. II. Kolt niudo a .briof i

iiddrona .Tbo. proRram, .for .evening "cou-1VialedlirBiiighTgTrecitftiimisrctcrrtjy-thc1

I older Heholars ol'tbo Sunday school nnd"oUi"uis."-SoiikeTor~lboifyoutigcr"Bch"olani'also look part in the exercises. /1'ho reci-tation of'•I'rccioita Jcwela" wtia repeated,iviUi the aaniG'pleasing"'ciTcct-"- as ^lu—ihuaftci'nooii, and achiflS-of- young 'scholars

iv gliutiHl •. u n t i l " twulvo ooiockLami-I'nir ladic.4 m a d e t h e s p o t loot;

l i H i b t h


, o.irly in the eyening^but whan inid-jigliic'ai«"e'6uV'ettrrwer'e-jji'fttivd~lpy7fhulr'1'OUH sliouls and screains of young men whwere in utleii'danco nnd couhl not go homowithout engaging in lights mid iiiiduightbniwls. Would that our fthuichL's coulddevise .soiiio'other meiitiH of support thanfestivals.

—It will he of interest to your readers... this section to know that Mr. AUIUHIV\V. Keith, of Amsterdam, N. Y., won llie

gold medal awarded by one„ U. aacford, for declamation, ut

the. recent commencement exercises of theAmsterdam academy," The young 'mini is

prize, aWilliam

mstedamsou of-?tr.(<oor

t i

g.. took ,.iin


—The caterpillar*'nrc fast making theirLppennuicc upon our trees.


«K\V IIAHI*TON. "•-.Children's ]3ay was observed in the

/iflley i'reabyterian elmrcli on Sunday,J4th inst. The licral deoorution of thochurch wan beautiful, and the pastor, Rev.,1. iJ. Kugler, preached a beautiful sermonto the little ones, notwithstanding his illlu.-iiltli;"-lHs-rtoxt-'was,-:".3JHy."theJrQthnml sell it not." Four canary .-.birds, were,-brought iiuby four young ladies; the la-dies as well uu the birds served to beautifyfind euliveu.the,occahioii,,wit!r.their-sweet:

11- old friends has passednelodics.

-Another of t

a sou of?tr.(<oorgc Kcitb..vlo. to ,important- part -in building the N. Y., S.. t 'W. ll'Al;, at-Uiisplnco.last^ycar. -,HQspent part of his vacation in""]Jluirstown, jtogether with hia mother, and mude many •frieudri while hero. We cxtond our 'con-'gratnlaliona.

—Rev. Dr. Jones filled tlie pulpiL ofthe Presbyterian church, on Siniday.iiithe absence of tho pastor, Rev. T. A. Sun-son, who filled iv pulpit in NewJlTori*Stiito,-and will this \yqclt attcufVtlio cu'rii-moneomenl nt Uiiion college, Seliencetndv.


Elijah G. lliddlc, aRed GuHo died on Tuesday, 19th inst.,

after n lingering illness. He was one oftho ciders in tho Yal'cy I'reabyterianchurch, Tho funcrai'Hervices took placeut his late residence; his remains wero in-toned in the Valley church cemetery..

-—MeBsrs. John B. I'rall & Son havotorn dowii'thc_old building adjoining theirfnrnitiiro' manufactory' preparatory toerecting a now building which will be aslong na tho wain factory ;and will join tbew n r e r o o r n s . — • . ' . ; . • „ • - . • . „ , . .-..'• :•-•.,.- •-'

—The festival held bv tlio friiaula of thoValley church, in Wells' Hull, 'Junction,proved a atinwias i£ somo of the girls tjid—• "ilc eating " strawberries uud ico

—Uountj Stiperinter.dent 0 . it. lloff-man naid our pntiliis school 11 visit oh elos-_ingday. I lespckein lUttering terms nfour teacher.-", saying out1 sehoi'tl'was con-ducted as well as any in tho eounty.

—Mr. Samuel Parry, ooe of Clinton'seldest ciiiMus.-is, at present writing, verysiek at liis residence, ori. Centre atree*with ayintonis of sun stroke,

—it'soctiis' tliut oncoftlu! priifiissioiiumen of our town and the Police tin/ett

n't ngreo. The question h, who's right ?elin unswers, "Doc.1'—llev AV, II. Williamson, of llie An-

..aiidulo Eeforaied church has-resigned,It is reported that lie has a call some-where in Pennsylvania. '•''• ;

'—George (itilick is spending" a ftdays at home. They say that ticorgo isa '-1)OHS sticker." He has bemi employedon th<- Jersey Jfemlt!.

—Harry Uonnell is the new clerk . iiAJRr'nltnui.W.Mnre.^.»ji.jviah juir^ youngfriend great "siiceess iirtliis new depart-ure.1

. '—Vau Tlect ,t Miles, nt ,have been-(lr-biff noiue beautiful iirtisliework""iiubiit our town.":."• —Ii is reported that:our younjr friendJohn, i9 going to try the "boiida'-of;paillock" for a whit

—Rev. F. Voccupied the pulpitchurch, on Siinilny last.

fun Sycjilo, iif'l'iincotoupulpit of the Presbytoriai

JUXOTN—Tliero is fciir and'trembling still tlm

the new management'may remove thef ti t At I'liillipsbur

presided over by:Mrs".'- Prouty,,an exercise entitled '"Wait on tho Lord,"in conclusion to which' Miss Mnry Iluiider-son reneatiid the. solo "Wait nnd murmurnot," which coiup. in very appropriatelyjust lit tlmt tinie.'-'.. Amoug otluJrexcrciscBof! ,tho evoniiig 'ilesc\;vihg"tinciiiii1 iiuli6e"wu"s

n.llv.. "It might havo bceu," n iccitation by Mr.kfor. Jackson, of Junction. ^'Bablioni," a__re-

J citation by ,Mi«3 JcniiicTTJWnsitifir utid"Thd- sunset', prophecy,1!.'.^a dcacriptivo

iir^ -' —'-"^ 'mid jccilatiou : iutcrspciecd,iljoseyaiid Miss Victoria^^Tfciidrf-i*irpughout the

The red" ribbouboys made 1.d

gc,urea 11gmml raid. >\ >•; .—3Vti\ Peter •. Chandler,; of Imlaydale,who bag been sick souia time, is regainini;-.bis health; his wife anil dauKlitcr are both.sick"with tho malaria^^'^^'^SiHiUH.

—Mr. and Mrs. (Jinnies l'iekol uud two _Thc quarterly review of the, Sunday!iuiKlitciti,,Mra.i; JVangildor, anil Hditor sC.],pol lesaons ami Obildreu's Day, by the^ a . o e , ^ ' W u s h i n ^ o u r ^ - ' I ^it.'Mr..'.<Tamp3.''Pf gallop's7from BiUiirdi\iirftil Monday lasU—~—-~-^-~—•

—Mr.^J. Milton Bruglur, fornitily ofihwUowimbip, (UiHt"»t^Naw Ilriiimwlckift'st'?weplcr''Tli67rdmai»s:w(?ro brought-lo.Vhisl place; Fuubral ut Nlounl llemionchiirch, Moiiday. • - :: •

'. — Wnaliiugton is boiiuil lo t:il;u ourydnn«- ineu—iit leasi our printers'.™ulsi^iter Uor&tn TABOO, or thin place, \s H!linff'' 'lhVp'erlant position in the..STAII .olfiuor,

ifi\lis'a: Aramiulii.. Vlnlt; Siinspn.-js.utT,tenilfng:commencement a t . Ljifnycttc thisweek," beins the guest tiE Mrs, UL-O. Stout,'KiiaUnir^"^.:".--.^-—"-•-•••••;• '•'.- • yr-er-"-'

]i", ]», Hun null has. a no\v;. ico ,1signr Friink's cream is ua ; "now sign Is beautiful.'"

ihurch, on Sunday, the 2-itli inslaut," itHttVei-y: purliculai1:—The

congregation had 'on theSaturday previous tastefully arranged the[ioviii^olliii'injid-oE-which^ there :'W»9;-nnluck. Tho order, of ;• exorcises wng strictlyohserved,- aiulv.tlic',: recitations1 both")iyelapKea and as a whole . school wore veryliigisly-ssifisruotory.' Tlicro was\ attendance, of Kcliolnrs, and parentsund friends, anil tbo day will doubtless boremembered with plcasitro Tor many yci:; '—A sndttccidontoccurrc^the liftlvidere Iron l>

the new m a n a g e yalions from tins town. At I'liillipsbur^tUe people fear thcii'shops will be brought

,',b Junction. KHiey nro WO.BIIHII ol'course sympathize with Phillipsburg poo-'pie.

—O'n -Tuly 4lU tiio Methodist .elmrclare to have a grand celebration. Uinncinnd supper wili_be 'provided and lliere uito' ho Hpoakois'l'rom a distaneu andgrand parade of lodges, Suuday :BCIIOO1Jetc.-. .-.-,L , : . - ; . : - —--r.--:;.^-.-..:.-.-. —Borne of pur. beer saloon men are re-uurtc-a— «3~str.rving to Awtli T.(ftln-Mt]Why don't thoy go 'to"work liko lionenmen would and not Buffer hunger and n!the lerriblo eftects ol laminc. •;.""• i-^.:

—On Saturday, July21at, llie OentrnUaptiBt cliuroh aro to have a grand "liarTest Homo Festival,"n oiir"tl»e- greeii""iit-rfj

—Tlio Tempifurnituro fprjjoccupy tljg



nit(u-K-l,i:iin'.—IinieiiSil. 1iS!. tit tliu n'si-i|t>tu:ii of tlm ljriilu's tnireiitii In riillll|^l)iiri'.X. ,t.. In- liuv. Win. I'riimhimi'r: I.uclitn M.Sliroiu',' i.f \V»!<liln^liiii, N . J . . UP Kate II.Uu ly . . . • •iSN-CooK. - J iuu j aM.i 18SJ. ut the m i - 'iliiiicu m' thu lirlile'if |>urt!iiti>. hy I lev. Clul*.11. Nutt: AiiL'iittiiH 1'. Hmin und Liium v,.Cwii.. ul! i>l Washington, N, J .

"How SI Descrlbeit?

A phiiniiiU'.v almiulantly stockeil•itli tlrugrf, ehfiinieuls, cxtrucU, elix-s. tinctuves, of tiic'• utmost reliubil--

l i t llc'Lfist.Hip.t liaikl

„ . sA family ilrujf store where'one can

>a always sure to rind pure spices,iotln, cream tartar, flavoring extracts,lye-stutts, potnsli, herbs, pills, patentmedicines, toilet articles, perfumes,

hcs, combs, sponges, chamois,:.s o a p s . • '• • ." -. . ., •-...„•

A. paint storo where to pui'cliase_-...itoi'ial by the pound c^tU&''Coii' nt *reasonable, prices and genuine goods.LencI, zinc, colors, linaced oil,' turpeu-iner varniaU'eur l> rushes," reridy-inixeil""mint, glass, putty, bronzes, gold loaf,vihUi' supplies.

X^OCJilTIIA book store with low prices aud

jurefuUy selected stock-. :-GoodRfpromptly ordered if not at hand. A"complete stationery stock in all lines.

A picture storo whovfl frmnos andpictures, separately ~or. together, nre""in great variety at absurdly lowprices for gome of theavticlea'oirereil.

. :," .•jglX'Ti-l:. ' ' .'.'';'"• J^-/..JfaiVcy stff/o yhero ?ftiijo:lica''wai'e,.:;

Dresden and. Vienna .china, cut andengraved glass, comb cases, albums,;writing desks, pocket knives, stereo*.'scopes and viows nnd several things,beside are on sale. i

• : ,. • ' - • • H & . 1

This is the Warren County Drug Stb?e.


Music. Lessons.nun Ribficrlbcr wouhl rcfl|)cctiully inninuncci-:L I" tlio people nt Wnflhiiifjtoii ami vb'iuliy'tat liu \f HDtt- renUy lo givo . . . ;

Instructions in MusicInstrum n h m o o r o n n m ; lcssoiifl given u>r ut tlio rmfdouco of tlio nunll. :

Musicgiven utIlls lu.uuv

nll :Tori' JAMES Iu lKtSKKBKKKY, .road Streiit, y,yiit.»gton;'^.-J:L '-Broad

BOOKS;^i25 TOKS^of Slund'ta llooki-, niinv ol tlienrthe,.Scat tii;1-™lion* (luWlthcd. Y o u r c h o i c e >ent for esnmKriiiitliin lictoro tmytQBnt, on runBon&^tc cviiic&co OI1ID -"irnod fiilliP,-tiii) uuukn-iu-iio-lulurkiii Kteiyov*pen-e it uol iatl»focinry. Spcclnl ijarcaSns Utinm o t t l l i . Nuw tiutiUcmlonq cverj week. I ' t lc»lowoir ihnn over bctQto known, raaclpu from T w oC'ClltH " ~ " " "



TheCub nfA Mnii-enilng tStnibrr Thai htnft I.OTdy tlllPOalrloti.

AnftgonUIft drew while in ClnlvcstoLTOWB, botlcod a wclI-Rrown iianthor, or,M tho Toxnna call it, a Mextcnu Hon, ehnfii.cdtolho v iU ' la front'of a naloon. Hicolor MM a Icftaafol drab, and Its gracefulmOTOmonta nutl glUtculng Mu mado thecircna man's licatt lenp for joy. l

Ii t h l J lill


A now brick building Is bcitift eroded ooaln tlroet, and reccully n double-eyed,necd-balrcd womnn with n tiankct of rggt

in ono Arm nn<l A can of butter la her hand,itoppod beforo tho boss of comtmctlon andMidi

Waut to buy nny cggi r . :You will hnvo to RITO her nbout Ibrct

lenpcnulei more," mid tbo Low, direct bi! tk

a hundsomc, curty.hciided litllo boy, about^ l» yours old, Bteppwl np to (ho auluinl nud

put bla arras tiround ill neck. Tho panthermado no motion to Inrm tbo boy, Uponinquiry ha found that tho tvnliaal w&i docilous ft uoroo cat. Tbo MIOOU hooper who

,_own«1 It told Mm ihn / lory of Id rnp... turoi . ' " , ' ,

* "Iwiw vfaHingntriend of nitno on ihoMexican border about two yoara ngo. We

. frequently wont out hunting, bat had nevermet n»y dangerous game, oxcopt nu occn.Btonal benr, until ono dny. Wo mado aparty of flvo that thy. Wo had begged ftlot ot small giuno, aud when night camo wocamped beside- ft littlo rivulet deep Iu thewoodn. Aftcrtuppcrfourtiredmcowrappcdthcinselvcn in thoir blankets, whllo Hriggnwas to act as iscuUncl until inidutgtil, wheu Iwas to relievo him. A guard was absolutelynecessary, not only to keop up tho ilros tcprevent tho larger. luiituaLi from cominguear, but also to prevcut n surpriso by

'_; MojJeon bandits, who would kill a dozen, mou for ti ]K*o, Shortly boforo" midnight

wo were nrouscd by tho report of a rltle.To KL>riug up nud throw brushwood and dry

,. leareaou.tho firo was iho work of a ire-luout. A horriblo growling iwid crunchingsound camo from souio busboH a few yardsaway. Eriggs was nowhere lo bo Keen.Wo cautiously approached tlio bushes. Aswo drew near wo could ECO n lurid pair ofeyca glaring nt us from tho gloom. Takingcareful aim, I fired. With an awful i;rowlthe-animal bounded in thu nir mid Ml dead&t our foct. Hrigg'a body, terribly lacerated

- by tho claws and hath of tho piuthilayiu tho bushes. Near by wo foundpair of cubs, which wo tool: with us. tttartcdto tho r.inch next day, with tho re-umlr.B of Hriggs. Ador tho poor folio1

wnn buried I started for homo, Liking or.ot the cubs with me. It 1MB hecomo extraordinarily tauie and lms tiover HIIOWH thislightest fierceness."

• , Tho agent was not long in innkir.g n bar-gain for tho pojses&m ot tho fetia p<tnl\

. nnd In tho fuluro it will jump through rinnnd will do other tricks to amuse nJiairicrowds.—l'fiihuhiphiit Prea.


Ptfnlliiillti'-.,. nf ilio Itoiiui'tri-'i'lii' I1'1lion net, . . .

The term bonnet has been applied to eveaort ot feminine-hcmigear from a few iUkcsof white lace across tlio top of tho head 01nu arch of nrtitkiul Jlowerj circling tho badof the neck to a formidable structure tike- iconl scuttle, in tho depth of whoaa shadowa jiretty face ylows like a strawberry pecpinj

t. out from a nook iu the meadow gr.biaf i lch ing the genus bonnet wo have uoth.

B to Ray: btit we hare n few uuscieutifiiinggestioua to offer in regard to one ot tinspecies of which it U composed—the po*bonnet. The bonuot in named, wo presuni

: from tho fact that itfl architecture couveyetho idea of loftiness and projection. Tb<

•'. terms is considered nn Americanism ; .butr.Uin*combination of words J3 a natural on;

aud Mooro makes Miss Biddy Fudge, attime whon this form of head-dress wns TCr

"- much exaggerated by fashion, speak of bon.>0<ji"»:— •. • •" .

**~•' .." .y-h |sti "P and poki.. Lite j.Wis'.-iJTtest irs HW 'A" "

Brooking.Without doubt it was tho osnggeration t

tho typo a couple "of Keneiatioas ago thi- drove - tho poko. bonnets, out of... fasbioi

There- is always a tendency to push c Ar:-vailiug mode to nn cxtrcmo aud BO IHBUO itridiculous as a preliminary preparation for a

" change of stylo. Poke booueta were exiig-r.'.gerftted into Tiositivo ucliness-and • passed

rtway, and woman learned to speak irrev.orently of anything unbecoming ns " poky."Iu our day, when fetuiuino tasto hns devol-

; oped in a wonderful way and woman aregoing back through all tho age6 and scarch-ing in the costumes of nil clinics for hints asto tho most becoming attire, thcro has beena revival of tbo poko bonnet, but in n mod-

• ernto- shapo. All tbo"uhamig. of. tho;oldfaahion aro preserved aud uono o.' its gro-

' lesqnenesB has been copied. \\'To tho masculine critic wo think no other

. Bpecie9;.of bonnet recommends itself BO. _ -.Qnfj ^jtfj greatest, inerir- !l


11 Oiro who COHIO tcnpctmlcH 't" a^kod thevonrnn, setting down her butter.

"Say, Jim, como around her; v.ith youi: aud hit her In tho head."" Ob, you'ro agoin' to hnvo mo hit in tl>«ibd," Kald (ho woman, pnttDig down her

gRK. " Well, when you wnut tnn hit in thelicftd, ju*t you comincmcft ahiltiiiV I'm—'1

Hoist her t ip; hoiit her up. Hurrj up.Bho'll burst in two," jcllotl thu b o ^ iw a

irgo timber commenced spHttuig. ..7, ,x

Tho.<' 's«. now that tha affair in over audliis nerves in a bcnllhfnl tttato, pjiyj Lokuows it wat the old woman who bit bim,but at tho tttno ha thought tho building had... cd In, nud for tho salary of a Senator hewouldn't undertake ((> ngnlit convince thai

bo wa.i tnlkiug to Iho workmen Iifctead of her.—Afort hike 1'ribune.


Less than a milo above the city of Sacramen-to tha American UircreinpticsIntothcSacriv

ioutof and tmtiiedlntftlr beyond that jwlnttho scone becomes Intcratting. Ono picturtwo had ou tho point mado by tlio jnnctiouif tho rivers was chwaeHrfatw of tho conn*ry. On t!t4 bank near tlio extreme cud of

;ho point, la leather-colcrnl clmhiug, a rag-•cd filonch hat, gniy-liaircd and j»wy.beanl.

i lf b t i k, g y

d supporting binwelf on a b.avy Ktick,listinctly ontlinml ng.iiiist u Kmy «!sy., Bllckcus.niiiicil (urnicr. I[o *\w\iauk of «licl;ciH, part of many ncn»*<n^-topped Iniiil, now • growing dulyrorefits of youiii* pollmiwooJ, nil Kmywhere oaceripcntng (jwin im«l fruit"its toll. ' Unliko most of lilx kind, ha Imvtnot deserted his ntrM wlwn they beenma

•orthless. Ton old to attempt a rrvi>Ii rtarli life, too bankrupt to niTor.l In even di'scr*

the bare fiiibsistcncii ho couM forw fnnti on(>rlwo feebly.livmt;'tcrcs on thj «)1,1 pliwo,too discouraged to Imp*1, to" cru-hoil rn ev.'tcomplain, ho romaiii'd, growing williTi-ilnd useless nud gny with the hn 1 hanmtlitim., Art wo roivi'O p:i-t ho tli-jroiotiohle-K*, perfivtly in awnr! with i'vcry

other cl.'incn! c.f xhe pUtin- i t l l wjibre, ala.—S-in l'r,ttifi*Ct> Call.



A TORPID LIVER.-AttteNftUM2BqweU£p.Uvp

c Kii».


.Tin* KiiRlitli spcith an tuiditlriiiAl :

of nn I'iniueilt st.itiabovo irf right, a-,1,-iivcd frotn Hi

1 tlm 'name of Vil KlveritttT, M if after tbo namemen. Hut I think thotho tirtmo H certainly

anil ilni^fthat ouco mndo n vnxt rosiim known .nt Pit

>r Vulh'j' vary danycroni pmnud foriigcrs-". TUu-to pits, tin.:: in trails and,es by sqimws, who curried lh> dirt away

in baskets, were from to'i to twenty fueldeep, jtig.shiiped m l covoreil with twigtsud re«ls nml Lonvos. At tlio bottom lij]hur|)cuod tlitiw and spcaM jiointcd up larucuivu tho victim. Even if otic wore notdisemboweled on tiftit foiling into tho pit,tho ugly shape of it mado it not only iui.possible Tor man, but even the tno^t savngoand Biipplo wild beast, to climb agniu to tholight aud dirkncBS aud a lingering iwas tho inevitablo lind. TUesu ,'j\'in, ulcourse, inadq the land a terror, nud it vnot until f\5 Into as 18i»'S llint thin most lo'\v valley in all California was fairly possessedbysottlera. Onco in possession, tbo whitemau of course soon found out and markedtho location of tho necrot-pits,-•suul-iheygradually tiltod up M the f-;!l iuto dis^uso.' • . . .

" - . - . - - NnT- A s;rwpiD. Y O U T H , . - . , . . . .

A Snu Francisco millionaire hop! tig to eu>. juntgo his promising sou iu \v;iys of thrif!promised to give him two percent, a mouth jInterest upou any money thai ho mi(ihl save | --1

out of his spending allowance'and 'dupenit iu 'the paUrunl treasury. Tho young maa wasgetting $i!0 a week for pocket money, nndpromised to show hia appreciation of bisfather's nffcctionnlo offt'r. He began to

(lopoBits witliom delay, nnd kept thepractice up with remarkable regularity.Tho old guullemnn noticed presently touttho_ deposits cxeucik'd tho wbolo of thoboy's allowance, but accountant for tins by

tbat ho had wived KOIIIO money

• T!ir only known «r«rmc for KplirpdAW lur Spaim* mJ VaXOag blcfcni-M. Vi-rtomtWcnKiic** It lrnl«ni!f rillrvet >ml turn. (IcumnblooJ nml qukken* »1UKKWI rlffolmMn. Ncutra-UK* pcrm» ol il!»cs*o and »»v« »trkneM. Cure.*

(h SKEPTIC SAID]UKlr Woirlica anil rtuU-orn Wot>il lore*. Kllmlimlriltuti».Liiniuin:le*BinlSciilJ». iirr.nnwicinijf uu.l|.r..iiu>i!)' tun'* i>iititl>«l*- Yoj.UUiciurmltit; an,!lii-iililifitlApcTlcnt. Kllti Scrofula ami Ktmt* Kvil,

Inc ihn cause.' HauM t>l!lou« ti-oJcucl-- and nult*i-h-iir roiiiiileilon. , tMunlletl IT n»n» In tin- tlrilrlum

jlvcnt «n-I » nmtrtilrM

iof liteMoodown!tnconqueror. Ku( !>)' OviTflity llioU'aud UaJlritf rn sn.l [ilirilriun" In U. S. and I-HM



wo Mcn.AVlio nij*trrloii»lr Kill TheirIturunkm HUN* With (iuld.

A corrcc^oodcnt or tho Miner writing'rora Lout Chance, iu MISKOHUcounty, ray^i'wo l-'rouchmcn catun into r*ast Gliniici

who IUTO bceu rccognizoti <uA l h.ngUBtino Ilafcllo nod " Antolne, tho Trap-

cr," both ot whom havfl been known forrears in tho mining camp« of Oregon nnd[<hhn. They havo creatcil a HCiinnUon byho diiplay of liftlt a dozcu long buclulilobagn flltod with gold duU and glitteringluggota, from tho «l*o of bird shot to thatif n walnut. Tlio story ruua that for ycatf

past thcKO iwC men havo been in tho habit>f spending most of their tinio iu thu front ii

tnr«, bnt no* nnd thru they would disap-pear for A month or m weeks find middculyuako their rcniipcaramo, always with theirponclic* well filled with dust. Of coursoJiry nre UHJUKMMI lo rhU somo placercoiiutryof fabulous richuc*", whoro by a

dfiyn* work they nro nblo to extract th(or thrco tliouwud dolltiM which Hioj

tpcud with IILVIHII liniid di.ring their sojourntho camp. :•.

Attempts liiuo been mado to fnilow themnn their oicimmini, wliicli UHimily resultedIn tbeir biding in tho mountain* aud uludiugpursuit, bnt onu limit clilnw tn have follow-ed tlicm Into tho Kuiitcuai country to n ]M)ininenrtlio UritWi line, whrra a narrow pft»KM reached, ami lint whilrt«no wnnl on,lint other moiintt'd gii:in! with n Winduwt.'it(lo. Hu atleiiipliil In np|iro:ich tlio nouii.

ael, but \ ordcri-d to ball, nccompanirby a diHchnrgo of (lie ritle. Tlio coiujianiciiiiiiicdiately n|>pcftri'd, n* if tho hhot wasRiuttially iitid<-rst<>n.l sign«1, nnd the iuinul

4 wnnicd to KMV'J ihiJ vicinity on pain <ith. Tlio vi)iir:.T.;io ficUlng of tho storykci it ettri'ini'ly iuto resting, aud many ul

tho old frouticaKiiiuti place implicit fnith Iiitiro tmth, citing ni a talU of llieit

confidonco tlin fivot ttat tlio n » j)-i disftpjicar nnd invnrinbly return wi \ j i icn ly ojjold; but I havo heard no <iisfuclor;reason given for "io failure tu lltiil tbat liar

d p *-tittrato tha myHturiex Jtuyoud during so in u of tbo long iiitervnls thaitbo licrocs of tho yarn ripcnd iu Ibo enmps.

•Monlttnti Minn:A s n l i r n M

» 1 liavo u«hl I'arkor'a Hair Ilnlxnm ni»llike it butter than nny similar iircpavutumI know of." w i l d Mrn. Kllun Terry, wi)f Ituv, r . I'errv, of CoMbroolc Hpring .Muss. " M y hnlr wns ulmoat wuirclyBroy, but n ilulliir tmttlc of the Itnisim hasrcntoriHl tliu aoftnuu, uiul ihu 'TOWII coloiit had when I was yoiiru,'—not u HIIIRII

ray hair loft. Since I hcgim applvuifm Jinl-titm my Imir lias stopped fnllnifnt, mill 1 llmi that it m i purfwtl.v harmsi aiul iigrt'i'tiblo ilrcssinjj."


Sonic time last full D. C. Kvaus bought fmiruf 'VtiMi nnHtatitJt which wero offeredurKiilunto^oof tlieauetioiiKtables iu tbis

city. They were fihugay littlo animal:undented mid apparently of NO littlo vnitntlmt it «'LW only tlio low priuo ul which they(veto offered tbnt induued Mr. Eimnko tho purcbusc. Enrly {.n tlto wintoiMr. Kvaiw neiil both tlio homos out to iform iiear MuUrough's Hill, to remain itutiRpring. They were but littlo used ami werpermitted to run at Urge in tho pasttireHTbo evident affection which existed betweentbo two iMiiiiiuN wns noticed and com moatedupon by everybody ami they became rcipots with iho dinner's honwliold,- tho chilircn upocintly. 'i'licy wero itHi'pantble, iHint whoro ouo could bi) found tbe ottnw-is not far off and if eithrr was ridden idriven nwfty from home its niato h:U tc bititkeu nluug, Uio.

About two wcvlis n^') the Ntuallcr huititken ill from sonic ncilaily peculim

Washinarbon Business Dii-eotorvDnnifl I'. H'tntty,

UA»UFACTUItKK o r l'lASOH A«l) OIKMSS.JlUcci-WnftiliiKlon Avo.Cur. Uroail SI,r'aclnry-lUllroad Avc. Cur. Jkatty St.

wVt tno u mLKAIW Till', M'UIIUD. WV OSII AND 11J

HAI'l'Y. I'nr circular* ntid price*AddrCf • II. VV, Al.I.KOKH.

l c l K l l U U l UAM" SBtt' V«AIW.

tlirtliiar nnd WcJdEnc (ilflc.WAKIIKN' COUNTY PltUd hTOHB.


til* uia v«n»iIc Lumber, MJIic, lltlev. Ut

i r y Wltiliti'Hren Umber Yaril. rinoAlkra-ict**, Moulillnu*. h»th, Uovtt,v,. tMnant, S>n<l aurl I1<Pt«r•aMl«s«. ll0WE3T HtlCKS.


ltB AVi: *!

Wtmli'^lu and ttcUIl lUUi-rJ ntui CtmleclluMflimficlurero! French'nnd Autfrlcm

I I'limrrr »f MMUTIIIO I'Him U/nl loi'f. I'otUIt'll

Wurruii County I>iMiicMt«rc*Fl'LLITOCK OT


tniiuLctuur Df »ll »tjtr« »t C;frUcc«. IlrewFkr ilulu ], HeiUrt(Uccn, h!«iirlu,'.

r'adory<n>IklvlilL-ro An-. ()<ncml H.-mldtiir1'diDtln nn>l Trltnniinir »t tihntt Nutlce.

' I ' l i o A V n M h l i i u t o n H l n rOnuof Iliumi*I wi'U'.awatepatten Ii. tuu(.'ciiiitt

Only fl.10 a Urmrln-smtlin[irovlnj every week.

Till: VISWT KOTKL IS' KORTIICIIK SfiWJE1ISKV. J .K. HoflKUiiU, l'roprlctflr.

A,. 1 *AccntlorlhciJt)ry»». lion


. <• iti.lin


I t .





n^M4cl)lnis D M I L T I H

Ihk i iH I } . VoiiDtrr


Tlnwrne, Tlnt. Ml«v«j,' lleatrn, ]'tini(»*,all.f "nil Clnvtr Sc«J.lumtilrt^ dime tu "Ti!cr,,JKJ

])fv 'iiiihl^, itmti^A tiji>'ir-. Him &c*i>' M^lu ClolliliiL*. Mltllncrv .t IHwt Mn

r»l!.i', OIN. r.i\*t, LVnicm, litick, Ac, &c.

31Anr.l.RA (MiANITK, MOSCMBSTJt. TOSIIl.jsTOSE^tTAllt.KT8,SeninnrliialiiBl j

' hHiKthr/. (VwiMj-riiilsctirtii'i'l

Win. A. .-tl'i'yltor. [ATTO1INEY-AT-:..\W, SOMCITOK ASH j

MAHTIIItlNtKANCEllV. jl'Mctlttr* In nil Ciiiirt* »nil In nny mctlini. j

Dliillcl VIIift. • • iATrOllXni'--AT-l..\W. itHOAD KTltliKT.

rali-riunitc' Oioe«rl«i. UmMiUo I'.wt Unite.Al*o Aj;oiit lor II. L & W, Ktytcti.

"iriiiiirii'a'«Mi»t Afli.lii: fuller In Toivn. 1'rliu* thai

IKCy Couijiaitlr,n. CM.11 ticfuru orilcriii^,

Ui<i>o<itc I'ort OBicc.

I'noUt JluiKH*.t.iHi:« i\vA I'rnll'. lldvlilcrc Avtimi',

.[T>, l!-m!cHhi:«, nil t:Ul, Tntiilnz of trcrx


.lOill S ,*' OUI Stunt!. I'ncilcal TlP-mitli »nil MiWutker.TtM lEoofilnjr. !<fnttlliu;. I'lurnktitf.are, I'uinti-. UMltM.t IliUk«I»r tt'ivt* nuitcii). 11 Ji-ir- tvlllt JulitiMou M Son.


11. l ' . ^ I < t < ' u i n ij ntnl Stio-< tu OrJir. Klt't eh*nnd Wiitkm uidilp, •Vaoblnctuo

L'or. Sthuul Kirttt.

I hi- ]utt i.nrehA-cd Iround', [urt-urutit.d.*, rocb», lenll, mdlc u-alk, biiutirailc, lit

( l'liot«>«Tll|

Coi'iiitH A: C o m p a n y .Sew llikk Ormn ind I'Unn ra'-toryuowln

Opcritlcn. C*ll »ttd tto u*>


Itf].Ktc wllh Uti\, flolo mTwiui>Uu«Uulli(AVu

Cui'Ici Vnv.

iCooUMnn. l . ^ tu l lon . iy j i-iu-y C u m m i n * .AT TUB W.vl(i:i-:S trOUSlY UltUCl STOHB. j O l ' J ' ( i ' J u J f ' C i r w * ' l c i " ' i n ( { Uener*! Jk.clmi


lUnuractiircr ot I'low*. 8o» One. Try Oatliny One. • Ac>'»t Tor llacke)-o Belt Twino

Ilimlrr, C(inn)«DJ tee It work.


ffi.t-CUti Accoramo^lloc.

IMllllIC lMltllHlV.411*

A. > r . . t I J t , J . l toMdioi -o i*Cnnrlnully «ti lisml lliti, I^anit*. .Fi-ittliCM

t'luwjUtt-jiUfiiillliKj nt Fancy (!ooJ-i..Stomtilugaml Kmbrolil ry materials

.^lUdim-l ^ruiiKliui*. '

ll^t.l u-JijdU farni'hcdoti Short No 11 COtliiyoriiljM. ItcArU'lniliorllouid.

l J ju i io l IMtttHi«:«u', ^Vm-iii.

[;ct.iralljn«af«iit»tiittl4l Furniture. OuukluwHl. Cloud l\a'..:\




J ' l o t u r o K t i t t t L X'riMnoNATTlIi: WAltllES COUNTY DHL'O STORK

men iloos not represent nil, tint is n list of tliono wtio are not afraid to tulvortise.

. . . , ^ - AND -AI . I . B I L I O U S . D I S E A S E S . I , " , "J , . " . . ' " " ' / . . , " . . , . " . ,1 .,'..._,'




* • • ' 'T S. Y.

B u p p gpreviously. Uesides this, he received moneyfrequently from his mother. So that fomiparent rejoiced in

Is tbat it cou'voy/tbo-'ideu^r eouifori.- tlint M« «"".w»« <li<pL»ying. 'niiscontinucd- • - - . . • - • - until tho boy's deposits assumed such d".

" • IIs head, comes all round

hi i iI ,her faco and ia tied under the chin, giving '

"•'; lier a Bniig, coinfortablo look such as she1 lias in no 'other bead gear. Tho projecting

eavo of tho bODnot—wo aro obliged to fallback on the Architectural term, ns our rn'iUlinory vocnhulary is very limited—BhadowBtho faco and gives on air of modesty that ischarmii;^ to a tnau in tnverHo proportion tobis own i.npudeucc. At tho saino time, HKnow constructed, tho poko bonnet dnea not

—~-Jiide."F. woman's faco in tho affected way ofour grandmdthor'H tiuio,- bul: allows. a mouto got a fair look at a passing beauty wtth-oul duckinR his head nuder a portico ofBtr&w and ribbon moro tautnlixing than an

" umbrella on a wot day. - W>i trust tho'^pokobonnet will go on Vonqueriug • and to soa-quer.—liugulo Courier.

' A '

mensionsas to tU'uiaud nncxplunntnrued out tbat most of tho money ihiit hibud been depositing had been borrowed.Inasmuch as he was drawing intuiCHt onliiiJeiJbsiis'ht two per cent, n month,' an win

paying ouly ton pur cc-nl. u for them,no bad found that bftbiuvw ducidctive and pn«lltablc. .

"Did you over hear tho story that 'Ansou;.:. Stager, fonri'oly General Siipoviiitoudeut-. of

tho TiVeBlorn Union Telegraph Company, tells• '.' onhimeeU!"

1 "No} what is it?""-' '•"" •'•"'"'"-•••. ''• "AVell, Stager BOJ'H ho was ouo day tak-

ing a company oE his friends around aud.; tbat a local office was . visited. Stager's

Jfilende were all good operators, and' Stager"•'" boasted to them that ho could send a mos-

Eago as wellos any operator. r i; • "Letmogotholdottuatkoy. ' i iaidho to. Ihe operfttor. The1, young mau complied

ftud Stager bogan. Bending. Long, out of'•' aclivo praetico, Stager's Bending was heavy

_ >nd unsteady. By and byjho roeoiving" ' operator, noticing thatnch'nngobfoperiitoru"hadocei

"lilBg iu that Bonding?" "Stagerro-lid tho langh of hia frioinU-Jrailig man known whom ho was catling

ho wonld ovidently>ave bflcu alittlc

V i l . ' * .1 • • ' • ; " . '

:. : - ™ r " " " " ' " ~"

Y "


The great superiority of DR.


allothercotigli remedies is attested

by tlw immense popular demand

that" old established remedy.

Avoid by nil luwrna ilic use of calomelfor liillioiu complaintu. Ajcr's CathnrticWill cotupoundctl entirely of v.cgtublo

ent3,-"lm™ .been Iwlnl Tor fori"veors, and are (iclniowlcdgcd lo bo"best remedy ever devised for lorpjuuy oft.lie liver, cotliveness nnd nil doniiijjcineiits.of the digwlivc apparnlua.

TUB GnEAT EASTERN* A CHEAT F.ur.oue.—Tho Croat Eastern:\». ft" great elephant nntho bauds of shareholders. At a generalmeeting of tbo directors aud proprietors,recently,'it was slated that the efforts tosell or charter the ship had boon unceasing,and tho director* regretted that, althoughthoy wero frequently receiving application*In respect to tho steamer, nothing had result-od. Tho income for tho year was mado upns follows-;' Transfer foes, XI; interest,•Xl40-Tiritora'fo«ito:'Briiii;^Xia.- Tho « -'poudiliirij for the^ year in ' connection withtho Bhip had been Xl.-IOli 1B. Id.'1 Tho 6-naucial oxhibit of tho leviathan wovlld boludicrous if thorn wore not to Bomo of the

confident speculatted Ltt i t

ruin nt tVo base.—co ptendon Letter in the iVcu York SUt*~

Ayer'fl Snrsapnrilla' operates rcilicnllyupon tind-tbroiifEH-tliu-blooil, fttul is asafc,.reliable, nnd absolute euro for the1H0H3 iliscnscsj •- complaints, nil" <'!!_dcrs, duotodnbility.or to uny. constitu-tional taint or infection.


iu Httuid ur to wit. Mi-i unite never desertedaim, but tost hUspirits, mil, with dioupingI-.I'ILII, roiiwitim^ witli his coiiipiinion. never•strjiviu^ off iiioW!lmtiifcf.'ivi-iir.U liisside. Tho Kick Imntti liiu.lly .Hod, and Sim-diiy theciirai-is wi'-i'ciut-d off nnd throwuinto a gully.

From tho tima of his <kntli his mate_ loomed possessed with a lEocuio. He was lit5rst fastened tin ina.sttbli', but ha kicliotlthedoordowti ami rnti out in tlia ti-'iils,nci{;hiif« aud acting in suuh ii frenzied•nittiuer for some hours that no one daredapproach him,-••'iiid-liiwlly '"'iir-'uno -:"0Ibis itisuno traiku \m .'ull anil broke his neck.A [itranger instance of Hllcdion nmong

ilt solilont cr never oeenrA —.(,'vurter-JtiuiT.ul,

- ' . ••Hii'.-li»:"^.l.t!1:':r^vr.nicK, ciiirnHfte euro, nil nniioj-ing Kill*, IthultliT ttml Urinary DUeusi.-s,

•or the C ire of Coughs, Colds,Hoarscnf-s, Croup, Asthma; Bron-^liitts, Whooping Cough, lncijuciUConsumption and for the roliof ofconsumptive .advancedstages of the .Disease.- For Snieby all Druggists.—Price, 2i>

Eilsmliulli fur

~ TiSlY A.'Si .—Conn rcti IIL' atlllub IlrWw!BrltlL'o Hniiicli. ul Bound. 11 rook (or


s:tt.S'Ws,S>r Tiuiiton nml 1'lillftilcli;27i'.>i.—Contii'ciiiie iv

ii;toti; alltound Uiook f

"^.'•li-l'.M.CoimccllTiKfitlllfili UrltlRO for IlluhI!rlil"o Ilrnnch, nt SOIIUTVIIIO for Fteml»|itoii,'ni

<. mi II OK for Tnnilou nml PlilladelphU; m.

7.-Iit A.M.-Sli>iii>lnKiii.nllnUtloi(J.BS I', Al.-Bto]i|.liii; mall muliw

-"" ••-•••- Lcatc i

I.i'liluliami Susi|«onanna D i v i s i .TISA.M.-rorAionclifiliuiib, &e.11.40 A. M.—For HcrnntOH, Sc.11 .'KIA.M.—I'orScriuiton, Ac, .:i H I1. M.—For Mnuch Ulitnik, Ac.5,r.r. I'. M.—For Scnmlon, Ac.811 I'.M.-l'urMiiuc Chunk, &c

" Leave Nuw Yor«;: lool of iHiurly • Strut-I-^-O.tHI A. M.i 1 00, •! mt d :i01'. M. Stnidnyp, f. ilil p.m" Howiirk.llroiKlStriiiilSliillcu. tl-JO, !i 03, u, m.

has to be trained by long espcUIQ Rood from tlioso tlutt

a Divisio


m.S.0-1. 6.04, o.:u-y.

0 p. in •. 1.1B. 4.0S..7.M p. m.

n xoo Time1' TuLIca ut


With a good wind the fisheries are reachedIn eight or ten liourB from iho port. Thithe.real (oil-lipgiiiK. Lying on bis.cheatalong tlio hunt's dock, tho fisher "with" hiiwater-ghiBB—a nane set isa box titled withbundles—looks down forty feet into tliclear ilnpihs. With ono hand ho grasps»ml Kinks a stonier polo, sometime" liftyfeetin length, lilted at tha end with u iloubtoIjook. Tlio fipongo once discovered, theliouk id deftly inserted at tlio rocky bnnud by. ft sudden jerk the sponge it; detached

"briiuglit'iip oii' 'deck.' TUin" ctirtdo-icription of wlint seems the simple work

•CH uo Meii'iiE tl'u rw.1'~imil exertiou.Kceiled. Tho eye ot thojlshoi

ienco to dcteiiru worthless

Ho must have a deft biiuil lo iiianngo tliswaying hook forty feel down so ii* fo do-taeh tho sponge- without a loar. ' Abovo

doing this with one hand, ho. inmanipulate with Iho other tho wntci-gas tho waves sideways uml up .pidown. 'L'liOfiliWon p.yo or body ishlense, to say iiotliing of Iha crampedposition aud nxposnvo to wiud andwhich first and lust iimku almost overipongC'UShcr a victim of aeuto rlienmntisiiiYet with nil his arduous toil, a fiuthfiBponye-fiyhsr cams not inoro thnn SI'imonth besides, hiit "keep" on tho boa1

which l.inrely-doijcrynH^.tliii^n.iiiiii',>touce. - . . - • •


,.:.i.."A. visit to tho average-1 farm. oi* plantiCion is hot calculated'to'inspire faith in ll»

,. fuluro _ol JAIubamn,.unless. hclp.;epnic8,JierefroiiiTan"outm(lii"K";»rc(ii".1.writo3; O_AO

j *: pnnil wi 'nr (lie - Mm w«oln'-'I WA« n$~lin very riiro im-UiwosiMO improvoni

havo hcou mado ninco tho war. Tho. builtlugs deserted by.tho whiten, who .hav_ou,geratly lenscd their plantations iu.Bmall,'onQ-nmlo' lotu, to iho bhuks, aro in-ft couditiou"«tTBorieml dilajiidnlion, whilo fonc'If any. over exiKtoil, have disappeared.,eourso there lira exceptions,'but that, thistho rule will not bo disputed. And spotiug of tho mole, permit mo!,.to say,. ftt thipoint, my Admiration for this lively nnimuch-Maligned "imimnl has very "inucli 'creased during the days of my rambling


A Hiiro Cnro for (lit FK.1IALK WKAK-MiSSICs, InclmiliiR I.cucorrlio-n» Ir-

rvKUlnr nml VnUCal Alcnttruniion,Inllamnmttnn nn.l riccrntlon of

;UL- Womb, Floo.llriK, 1'ICO-I.Al'SL'H lTTI'«If «'«".

lUftnllutbotiuti'ii'LlWci^ii nnd Inirac-Hat*. .U. StUacrcattttpia yrrsosa^r. a"'J "^jftlinlurinBlnboramliitrrsulsr i»rinJ».YsiiiASStsuiT jMirBrsutincir 1-nBJ.v.

ra It W Hie Grt.ltt«t Kt»ir>lv tn tht Jl'eirf.f.niiNin-COjIPWINTSnflUiUwSea

Fiiul (Jrriit Uclifflti ItM Vac

111 ILTLll lilOOll I*Urlf l tT

form ut I'ill.*, or of luzi'ner.1rI..ifW .llli.T. llr.^ IinMilt.-w of liMjulry. Endowaphfc^ Xtntlon M> ruptr. •

8!&*VSolil by ull llrupglHin.-C*

JOSEPH LOSEYmade :i ner-il rc-luclion o:i :ill kinds ol


CROCKERY WARE.Full Set of Orucknry, 11 i»tticcH $3.50Toilet i.r Chamber Srt ."»0(.Mass 'IVJI Sifts I'ruin till LVJ»|S to li.00(ioblutf, tVttm "."» niiiiU to §2.S0 per lTumbl-rs, from OU cunts tu ;03 "


•• I

LAMP GOODSAlways on li.iml. Alio ull kindt of


Neatsfoot andMachine OUs


I'arlic. wi^iint: to lit!/ Crockery w:!! ilu wellto S'-''".':" *.""!'-~~"~: !,.-.'^,'l^ J:l, "...':...'".'_.'

Great Americank n p , J h s s u l Crockery Store,

,J0S:i:i.'J[ XiOSHY, Pro'p.

ciUul for

r ~yegeta.bler-Sicilian _...

HAIR EENEWERvns t1i<i tlrst preparation perfectly ailiipteil loeuro dUcnsL'9 of U10 sculp, nmt [hu HrfitBUc-cesatul rv'storer of fwlcd,orgray linir.Ki iisnniural tolur, growth, nml youthful beauty.I t lias hail nuniy [uiltnturH, but l ifully met all tlio icjiiliuiiuuUtlio proper treatment of tho lialr ami Ecnlp.

lii fnvur, iiiui spreail iu fiinio uiul nsofulntsato evt'ry qu'artor of Iho gkibo. ltd uiipiirnl-Ifllcil siieccsa can Lo iittribiito<l H> t'Ut 011*cnuso: the entire j'ttljltment of iu jnviitiiii. "-

Q'ho iirojiriciurs liavo often been surprisedni tuo recoljit1 of orders from roniote coim-..tries, wlieriulioyliad uevar niaUuiin cllwtfar

"iVii'iiitroJthltiuu.!™;--^ ""•• '•'••','.'. ''•".' :.:.TUo uso for'.a short timo o[ HALL'S ll.iin

KGNEWCE •;.wonderfully4'«>pf VPS tlio jiyr- .eonal appearance. It cleanses the sciiiptrmii'

. till Impurities, cures all humors, fovcr, umltfryi'icss, ami llius proventa bniilncas.'"':lt:~'eiimubtcs Iho weakened gluiida, nml utinblca

. tliiiin to push forward it new ami vigoroiugrowth. Tho cilecia of lliis artiwlo are- nottransient, like those ot .ilcoliollc preprtra-tlou.<!,biit remain ii long tiiiK-.Mhkit iimkusIts uao rv matter of economy. c

' ejiiiiilouisaromolslute.stlnglncltcljinc. _. ...nlfilit; Bccms as If i-ln-worroa woto cravrllni! almiitIhurcclutnithoiirlTatopatWareoitennffcctoJ. Asa.

" Kj»iIW« (tirn.SwiirNL'iir ntticlo in tho markaU'

In 3-ct. Stamps. 3iiitSuN,rbllu.,F<k.

a any atnd:.uc

W.E&R. .BURNETT.I T A oiiilcni y *-it

- ... WHISKERS•Will change' llio heard to a natural lirnirn,or btnok, as dcslrotl. • .11 liroiluecs a permanuntcolor that will not wash away. Cdiislslhifjorn sliiBlo-prcpiiration, it ia anillea wlUwuttrouble,

plt£FA»P.D BY

E. P . HALL & CO, laskna , II HSold by nil Doalura in MoJiclucB.



Fur-Lined Circulars .


mTobl %t,iniito fo lih P) t DTAtt Int l t i i n ~ i n u

ri ~ ~ * 1 i i f i t - t o l i t P i t u j —


Notions, Fancy Goods ISootsand Shoes, Wall Paper, Hatsand Daps, Window Shades,lied liollasid, FashionableDi-ijss Making, JSnttorick's Pal-torns, Groceries and Provis-ions. Shields' Building.

JUST OPENED!,imit mitnul'iuttureil'ltv tlie'celeli

ire ]iroiiounet'<l l»y gfmd jnil^os to li'011't jilav. Xo p:iy I k f l

teil -I. M. Hu'nswick^t B:ill;o' Co., N . 'Y',', iiudthe best in iho wortii. Come ami see evcn'if .yon

for ult. ISest brumla oftiyurs always OH hand.

JOHN S. GASTOK .Pronrietor.


W. G. Creveling &; Brd.,WllOLIWA^KANI) It IOTA. I 1-. I>I"-JVJ-.MUrl IN

GrX'ooeriesAMI 3?rovis ioi is ,Family pnd Patent New Process Flour, Feed, Meal and Grain.


.TOBACCO AND:SEGARSJjrTHE FINEST | |ANOS,v;u'i: H A V I : .iL'dT Ki:ui:i\*i:i) A I'INT: I.OI1 OI-1 XO.; l .\;ivKiti:i,TIIA'IMVK AiTi-:

ul'l-'i:iUN'(; AT KXTllliMHi.V NOW I'ltKMiS IN' I'ACKAnKS OR llV T1IHI'Ol'N'll. A1.3O A l' LOT 01'X. 0. .\IO!.AS31!S OF . \^..

\*A!MOLrS UKADI'S. . - ' ',

SALT MACKEREL and N. O, MOLASSES ii Specialty.Country Produce (alien in cx<:7i.mi{/c. at. Pap Value,

\V.\i!0. CREVEUXt!.' CUAS. UIIBVEI.INO. . : , Slnp.'lv

.•WVA'lLEG^.^i'-ilaiinuxtnriir of ' |-,Si[]



Cnu not sn([or wnvj). C.