Traveller Journey That Never Ends

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  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    The J(An Ex

    Journey for me always more th

    knowledge to me, expand my boun

    by words. This three days journey

    for Ooty between 24 to 26th May

    moment of proud. I knew CTCs wstarted in same way for more than

    make it for this trip due to his un

    teamis, there are always helping

    days to go but there is no comm

    with CTC outside of Chennai mo

    experience in such terrains) also

    contact more than once with even

    gave me more confidence. Surpris

    travelling plan [from Chennai to O

    after that email communications sto Aravind R. [my only partner for

    more than cycle trip mate, because

    planting more sapling in and aroun

    board the bus just finalize T-shirt

    CTC) for GLD Movement participan

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    ourney: Thrills and Surpriseserience Note from Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran)

    an journey because its always makes my life

    daries of relationship also its gives something whic

    with CTC nothing lesser than that. Being selected

    2013 with Emperors CTC not only happiest m

    ay of organizing events; its always more than permany reasons, the key reason for that, our organi

    avoidable official reasons. But what is special in

    hands and minds more than that helping hearts.

    unication from the trip / event manager and its

    re than that first cycling trip in hill ranges (of

    with unknown partner (rented bike). These fac

    t manager Premkumar, his words and one day w

    ingly couple of day before the event day we got a

    oty but for some of them, need to break at Coim

    arts flow like beautiful waterfalls. I cannot believeonward journey named as team 4]. Its great to

    he expand his wings to keep our world more gree

    d Chennai and beyond that, and part of green tea

    aterial for 16th June event (Chennai Coastal Cleanu

    t with Saravanan and Thangeswaran [ utilize my tim


    meaningful, gives

    h never expressed

    for the cycling trip

    oment for me but

    fect. This trip notzer (Prem) cannot

    CTC Emperors

    Only less than 10

    y first cycling trip

    course with zero

    ors forced me to

    rkshop on cycling

    email on onward

    batore]. Thats it

    Im standing nextknow Aravind for

    er and cleaner by

    in CTC. Before

    p-04 organized by

    e effectively].

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    Downhill Ride in Full Moo

    Every day is new for us, as every jattending the call from someone [

    start our cycling trip and we are ju

    this time of juncture but I underst

    driver beaten up by people in othe

    spot [near Selam] to solve the iss

    know this will be explained in det

    you ask me personally I learnt, ho

    should volunteer for such situatio

    events? Why it should be explaine

    that many time.

    Within few hours, all four team

    course everyone of us have our

    further; its quickly planned to spe

    team member who reached Ooty e

    for breakfast and planned to join l

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445


    ourney brings to us great surprises and thrills. Uour bike (cycle) transporter], it was clean and gr

    st few kilometer away from Ooty. I cannot detail

    od from Aravind that our bike transporting vehicl

    r vehicle and he was hospitalized, few of our mem

    e and get the bikes to Ooty as soon as possible.

    il by our event manager Venkat sir today night d

    w an unexpected events should be managed? W

    ? How other participants / team members should

    to team? The responsibility of the event manager

    embers reached Ooty by various omni buses fro

    wn version of accident event. But it never st

    d our time in Ooty Botanical Garden to start with.

    arly and got fresh up was first to enter the garden

    ter. We started again with one more accident


    to when Aravinden perfect day to

    ed the moment at

    got accident and

    ers rushing to the

    That time I dont

    ring fire camp. If

    y more than one

    react during such

    always more than

    m Chennai and of

    ps us to proceed

    More than 50% of

    while others gone

    this time Punitha

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    [could be considered as a small inc

    afternoon], but she was first aided

    us in the Garden. In couple of h

    attached with Rented Cycle Ride

    unknowingly little practice session

    you, why the downhill ride was so

    had a 30minute walk to find a good

    but everyone was happy when we

    towards bus stand to catch bus to

    have our bikes with us, as you kne

    met by our transporting vehicle.

    Most of us reached Thodapetta

    like a minute, the happiest messa

    Junction, so nothing more to stop

    bikes but some has left with only o

    starting the ride. It is my first rid

    moon is my first companion apart f

    many of them completed their fir

    from the accident, thanks to CTC

    person who met the accident on d

    event. Luckily rescue team reach

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    ident if she was not forced to drop out due to this

    by Dr.Arun that helped Punitha at least to spend h

    ours every team member joined together to visit

    , that was really thrill and surprise. Hope many

    for more than 100% thrill and surprises packed do

    thrill and surprises many of us in few minutes.

    hotel for our lunch, I dont know the reason it was

    heard lunch is unlimited meals. Post lunch sessi

    hodapetta unction. This is to manage / utilize th

    its just on the way to Ooty from Selem after earl

    iew Point by walk, which is really great experien

    e reached us, yes you guess correctly our cycle re

    us. Once we reached the junction some of us c

    ne option. It was about 6pm, everyone signed the

    ever in the hill and also in downhill where great

    rom 20+ riders. Until we reach Kotagiri bus station

    t downhill ride. During this downhill ride I was

    TCC one day workshop on cycling. But everyon

    y one, he was just changed his break setting few m

    d on time, we spend 20+ minutes to bring him to


    event in same day

    er time with all of

    Ooty Lake which

    of us enjoyed and

    nhill ride. Ill tell

    fter cycle ride we

    selected for lunch

    n all of us headed

    time available to

    morning accident

    ce. An hour gone

    ached Thodapetta

    oose our cycles /

    documents before

    darkness and full

    I didnt know that

    o lucky to escape

    of you knew the

    inutes before that

    normal condition

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    and vehicle took him to the hospi

    truck which accompany. So now

    restart and complete the ride. Yes

    why we had such a mixed feeling [

    handle the situation and do the ne

    My thrill and surprises never stops

    varieties we got but because of e

    meter away, yes its huge Bison w

    was created by us except ambient.

    any words between us. We took a

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    tal. I request two more people (without lights) t

    myself and half marathon specialist [guess who?

    we did with lot of thrill, surprises and proud. Ho

    fter just escaped from the accident]. Thanks to Dr


    , just after had our awesome dinner, it was not aw

    peror way of eating. This moment just took me

    days lunch hours, OMG!!!! one plate

    very difficult to serve that plate.

    Kaushik willing to reach the place wh

    arranged, Dont ask me what was th

    in that? Except starting our journe

    the route (in the full moon night) no

    thrill. But when we reach possibly on

    distance to cover, I just noticed somclose to us just in the opposite side w

    the hand moving in his left and right.

    seeing is not exactly what I seen whe

    lking in that road. Up to that moment the only

    Now we three gone to deep silent mediation mo

    nother few minutes to recover from that. But it is


    take the help of

    ] only left here to

    e you understand

    .Arun and team to

    esome because of

    ack to my college

    10+ hands, it was

    Arvind, me and

    ere our night stay

    e surprise or thrill

    without knowing

    other surprise and

    e third of our total

    eone walking veryith big umbrella in

    I realized, What I

    we just couple of

    ound in that area

    e without sharing

    ever ending story

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    because on the way another vehi

    When we share this no one re


    Finally we reached dormitory that

    and living within sleeping bags.explained about morning accident

    next day plan. Yes, we went to

    exciting and filled with thrill and su

    Bison Valley & Catherine F

    Started my day at 5:30am and rea

    of us checking every bike conditio

    Bison Valley Park at 8 am but t

    dormitory and we started at 9:56

    point suppose to be Vandi cholai,

    ups / downs I rode yesterday [few

    its mostly up and up and most o

    between we met young boy Pavin

    after few years hell ride up to Ch

    our words. After Vandi cholai, onl

    speedy and break shoes start bur

    truck. Then with Bharani reached

    specialist [now you might know w

    up and up so I back to the truck.

    truck within a kilometer and expre

    and gear was at 2-3. Its uphill, and

    and bag some banana, lunch for th

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    le stopped and warned us there are three or mo

    dy to believe us, we know tomorrow never

    was great surprise especially for me as I was exp

    fter refresh ourselves we had Night Fire Campnd thank the people who helped during that mom

    ed to start at least by 8 a.m tomorrow morning



    dy before 6:15am, Every riders getting ready them

    ns for safe ride (time is about 7:30 am). We sup

    ok more time for breakfast other than delay in

    m with roaring sounds [hope its not disturbed bis

    during this ride I got surprised because I cannot b

    kilometers we ride in the same route we done yes

    us encouraged each other to continue to reach

    nd his friend they accompany us for couple of kilo

    nnai. I learned how your action makes changes i

    few ups after that only down and deep down my

    ing. After few kilometers I make up my mind t

    downhill, from there again start my ride with sa

    o he is? Anandvel rajan] But after few kilometers

    irst time rider in the event(guess who is?) took m

    ssed himself I was trying so hard but the bike is

    for him its first time with gear bike. Then we ha

    people already on the way to Catherine falls.


    re bison roaming.

    ies they will get

    cting night camps

    where Venkat jient and unveil the

    . First day was so

    selves while some

    pose to leave the

    bring the same to

    n]. Next meeting

    elieve is this same

    erday night]. Now

    meeting point. In

    eters. He told us

    n the minds than

    hybrid bike was so

    leave my bike in

    me half marathon

    its no down only

    bike and back to

    not at all moving

    lunch at Aravenu

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    Again down and downhill we reach

    we start again. In return its only

    reach top (Aravenu) by walk, we d

    help of truck. During this walk we

    visit (guiding college students by k

    The next stop again at Kotagiri, wh

    since he rides even after the accid

    many of us able to see more bison

    After dinner about two plus hour

    happened yesterday itself. Those

    intros were enjoyable to many of u

    decided to start exactly 8am tom

    possible? To avoid the delay du

    arrangement. But let us see, wha

    dont think Ill miss any thrill and su

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    ed Catherine falls around 3:30pm(??). After an h

    up and uphill. Mr.Click, me and half marathon sp

    one it successfully, in between many join us and a

    had great time discussing more about society, en

    owledge sharing) with Mohankumar and whoeve

    ere we came to know that Jacob also met acciden

    ent. Again Dr.Arun played key role. While appr

    roaming here and there close to our dormitory itsel

    s we spare to share / introduce about ourselves

    oments can be a separate writeup, but for now I

    s or I can say they introduce themselves in such a

    rrow morning. We went to bed about 12:30am.

    to breakfast, Venkat sir and team [food comm

    t happened tomorrow. Even Bharani unveiled th

    rprises during our ride. Im waiting like you for th


    ur spending there

    ecialist decided to

    gain they took the

    ironment, college

    joins in between.

    t, the pain is more

    aching dormitory,


    it suppose to be

    an say, few of our

    ay. So, its again

    Do you think its

    ittee] make great

    tomorrow plan I


  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    Kodanadu View Point / Do

    Its cooler today due to yesterday

    moment!! Special breakfast came

    Yesterday menu was Idly, Dosa an

    is, while Im looking for the help

    himself his needs even after yeste

    more comfortable to do his need

    sustainability makes the differen

    we started at 10:03am, next meeti

    Only few kilometers we seen some

    final 2-3 kilometers. Its again gre

    F= Frequency & T = Time] in my ter

    achieve something respectively.

    plastic / steel waste shop, they we

    buying such cycles in future. Whe

    bikes. The hut model of (g) old

    another two kilometers to reach th

    1856???, the think come into my

    part of the world enjoying the first

    trees, by using countless resources

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    wnhill Ride-2 & Food Festival: [26-Ma

    rain. Again few of us start checking cycle for toda

    arly. While many of us enjoying the food the tim

    meduvada but today Poori replace dosa. The gre

    even its possible for me with my own efforts,

    rday accident. He looks uncomfortable when he

    s by self. It may be because of various reasons

    ce not only to the individuals but country as wh

    g point will be Kodanad view point, I guess its th

    ups and downs but after that its continuous ups

    t ride, myself and Bala got chance to discuss abou

    ms its your thought waves / thinking frequency an

    n the way we met few more children in front of

    re asking us how much the cycle cost to us? They

    we say ta-ta to them, they start play again with

    en era was awesome. Im excited to see dista

    e view point. Im reading the board about a Tea e

    mind is while people of this nation enjoying sup

    grade tea from India. The key point here is by rep

    from this part of the world we are selling / expor



    ride, vow!! great

    e crossed 9:30am.

    at learning for me

    r.Jacob managed

    ets help [or] he is

    but for me self

    le. Wow! Finally

    rough Nerkombai.

    o Kodanad except

    t F = 1/T [where

    time you need to

    mall workshop or

    ave the dream of

    their toy cars and

    ce board, It just

    state saying since

    er dust tea other

    lacing thousand of

    ing first grade tea

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends

    to the other part of the world, just

    for tea not for any other resources

    Everyone of us enjoyed the view

    prohibited area and played some h

    leads to you. But when we requNeenga Inga Irrukka Vendiyavan

    learning of the day happened in fr

    yes, even its special we have man

    now taken as brench [Breakfast + L

    It was decided to take bus to rea

    Mettupalayam downhill ride which

    our journey and reached Kotagiri

    few phone calls with team coming

    big mesh in the hotel). Luckily rem

    suppliers of the hotel had their tou

    Its about 3:30pm everyone ready

    be like our day 1 full moon ride. A

    He insists we dont want any mor

    another word that is about our ne

    road. Leading riders break at M

    . Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-9445

    to remember or never forget is we are selling o

    we contribute for that.

    from kodanad. Some of our enthusiastic trekk

    eroism. Doing prohibited things may thrill but we

    ested they respond positively. I just recalled onalay Illa [You are suppose to not to be here]. A

    nt of me, as I told you early, we had special manu

    y poori and some idly with us after everyone had

    unch]. Thanks to everyone, credit should go key p

    ch kotagiri so that we can avoid traffic problems

    we could start on or before 4pm. Myself and fift

    bout 1:30pm [in Emperors terms its crossed Lu

    from Kodanadu view point we started our lunch (

    aining team members reached while just we compl

    gh time.

    o start another exciting downhill ride and Im sure

    short and sweet speech from Venkat ji is encoura

    e accident today. We did it exactly. But we nev

    xt meeting point; its supposed to be at Mettupal

    ttupalayam view point, knew not only for view


    getting paid only

    er go beyond the

    knew it where its

    e of my old storygain an important

    for the breakfast,

    ufficient. That is


    during Kotagiri to

    en others started

    nch time]. After

    specially to avoid

    eted ours but still

    its never going to

    ging and alarming.

    r listen to him in

    ayam T-junction

    oint but to finish

  • 7/28/2019 Traveller Journey That Never Ends


    The Journey: Thrills and Surprises

    The Travelers Journey Never Ends. Karuveli RaSa. Mahendran +91-94455 28556

    Mango to Ice cream. Yes after finishing Ice creams, we started. About 4:15pm to 4:30pm everyone of

    us reached meeting point. Please note, distance covered just above 30+ kms, surely effective ride time

    25min to 35min. Most of us first time downhill riders (not today but up to couple of days ago), thats

    why its thrills me lot. Many team members started to Coimbatore while some of us finalizing accounts.

    The only worry of Venkat Ji is many of this team never had enough food like any other Emperor teamduring trekking. Even I dont know in another few hours he is going to be a happiest man that is after

    our food festival, yes Im telling about our dinner at Coimbatore. I knew, except people who served

    our tables and came for the dinner at that time everyone of us enjoyed. Its rewind me my college day

    lunch at hostel. I noticed some of us very much hesitate to start, but after some time they joined [Ayyo,

    otherwise they are not getting anything]. I suppose to write more about these moments but not now.

    Hope everyone of us can share their feeling during this time. With happiest stomach everyone say bye

    to Venkat sir and Naresh. We all grouped in to two, to catch our buses, local boy Pc. Mohan Kumar

    helped us to find the places. When Kaushik, Madhan and me boarded, its just crossed 10:15pm.

    Because of some superman making unnecessary comments delay to start the bus. Finally its over and

    we started, in between one of CTC member join us at Salem, this is informed to driver but I seen himonly next day morning. We reached about 7am at Tambaram in another 45 to 50min I catch my office

    bus to reach my workplace.. the same thrill.. Not all specific experiences shared here but shared

    most of things which cover all three days experience of mine with many of you.

    Over all it is great learning for me from everyone. Even I shared some of my learning list in between, is

    not complete and will add them separately. Let me thank each and everyone of you making this trip

    most important one in my life journey. The travelers journey never ends. See you again