Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves … · incident transverse wave with frequency...

RADIO SCIENCE Journa l of R esearch NBS / USNC- URS I Vol. 69D, No.5, May 1965 Transmission and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Hot Plasma Edward C. Taylor Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif. (Received October 16, 1964; revised November 25, 1964) The relativis ti c form of the Vlasov equation is used to solve the problem of transmi ssion and re fl ection of normally incident electromagne ti c waves . Transmission and reflection coefficients are derived for a plas ma half- s pace and for a plas ma slab, using the assumption that electrons are specularly reflec ted at the boundari es. Th ese coe ffi cients are functions of the ratio of the electron th ermal speed to the vac uum speed of li ght, indicating that temp erat ure dep ende nc e in th ese cases is a relativistic e ffec t. Neve rthel ess, it is see n that the nonrelativis ti c limits of th ese coefficients di ff er from those obtain ed by using the cold-plasma e qu a ti ons sin ce the tran sition to the zero-temper- ature limit has a nonuniform character. 1. Introduction Inv es tigations of transv er se electromagnet ic wave propaga tion in isotropic pla smas are usually b ase d on th e cold-plas ma eq uation s. Sin ce such an approa ch reveals that th e phase velocity of the wav es is lar ger than th e va c uum spee d of li ght c, and ther efore mu ch lar ger than physically admissible th e rmal velocities of the plasma pa rticl es, it is co nclud ed a p os teriori thai the rmal effects are n egligible. Th e validity of the cold-plas rna approximation for th e case of a tran s- verse wave propagating in an unb o und ed collisionl ess pl as ma h as bee n demons trat ed by Bun eman, [1961a], who d er iv ed a relativis ti cally invariant disp ers ion re lation by solving the e quati ons of motion and co n- se rvation of th e different elec tron streams that are s up e rimpos ed on eac h oth er in th e ir combined fi e ld s. In co ntrast to th e case of longitudinal waves, in which th e inclusion of te mp e ratur e e ffec ts is necessary to obtain a di spersio n relation, Bun e man 's dispersion relation for tran sverse wav es contains a thermal co r- rection to the co ld plasma result that is n egligible for laboratory te mp era tur es. Th e large phase-velocity argument which motivat es the u se of cold·plasma formulas applies only to regions of the plasma which are far away from b oun dari es. In inv es tig at ions of longitud inal wave problems, a kinetic approach has revealed the exis ten ce of a s hort range disturban ce which is a s uperposition of modes which have phas e velocities ranging from zero to the vacuum 6peed of light [Taylor, 1963]. It is expedient, th en, to use a relativisti c kineti c analysis to investigate the effect of boundari es on th e transmission of trans- verse waves, since th e slow co mpon ents of the fi eld provide a mechanism for th e exc hange of energy be- tw ee n the field and th e plasma eve n in th e absence of collisions. In this paper, th e approach previously develop ed for longitudinal waves is extended to th e transv e rs e wav e problem. We will obtai n a di spers ion relation for the propaga ting co mp one nt of th e fi eld which is identi cal to that of Bun e man , and also a trac tabl e exp r ess ion for the shor t ran ge disturbanc e produced by the e ffec t of th e boundar y on th e elec- tr ons. We will th en define tran s mission a nd re flec- tion coe ffi cie nt s for the plas ma h alf-space, a nd co ntra st th ese with th e r es ults obtained with the cold pla s ma approximat ion. Finally, we will tr e at th e problem of electromagne ti c wave propa ga tion in a plasma s lab . In both of th ese cases te mp erat ur e dependence of th e coe ffi cie nt s vanishes when th e el ec tron th e rmal veloc- ity may be negl ec ted when co mpar ed to th e sp ee d of li g ht , but the limiting res ult s differ from tho se o btained by using the cold-pla s ma e qu ations. It should be noted that as in most tr ea tme nt s of problems of this typ e, we will assume sp ec ul ar re fle c- tion of electrons at th e boundary . This assumption is b ase d on the ex istence of a pot e ntial shea th [Bohm and Gr oss, 1950]. 2. Formulation of the Problem \V e er ec t a r ec t ang ular coor di nat e sys tem so that th e plasma is contain ed in th e half-s pa ce z> O. An incide nt tran sverse wave with frequen cy w propagates in the vacuum in the po sitive z-dir ec tion so that its elec tric field is alined with the positive x-d ir ec tion. We will determine the fi e ld s in th e plasma and th e amplitude of a wave reflected into the vacuum. Be- ca use we wish to so lve pr obl em by m eans of a Fourier tran s formation, we u se a mat hemati cal arti- fice which was introdu ce d by Shafra nov [1958]. We consider an infinite pla s ma with a sh ee t c urr e nt so urc e at th e origin z = O. Setting E(z) = e.rE(z)e- iw l , we hav e a 2 w 2 -2 E + 2' E + iW/-L<J = - A8(z) az c (1) where j is th e plasma c urr e nt and A is an arbi trary cons tant. Th e soluti on of (1) for all z is certainly a permissible so lution for th e half·sp ace z> 0 of o ur original problem. We nee d only require that at z = 0, it co nn ec ts a physically pr oper way to th e vacuum field 735

Transcript of Transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves … · incident transverse wave with frequency...

RADIO SCIENCE Journa l of Research NBS/USNC- URSI Vol. 69D, No.5, May 1965

Transmission and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves by a Hot Plasma

Edward C. Taylor

Aerospace Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif.

(Received October 16, 1964; revised November 25, 1964)

The relativis tic form of the Vlasov equation is used to solve the problem of transmi ss ion and re flection of normally incident electromagneti c waves . Transmission and reflection coefficients a re de rived for a plasma half-space and for a plasma slab , using the assumption that electrons are s pecularly reflected at the boundaries. These coeffi cie nts are functions of the ratio of the electron thermal s peed to the vacuum speed of light, indicatin g that te mperature dependence in these cases is a re la tivis tic effec t. Nevertheless, it is seen that the nonrelativis tic limits of these coefficients di ffer from those obtained b y using the cold-plas ma equations since the transition to the zero-tempe r­a ture limit has a nonuniform character.

1. Introduction Investigations of transverse electromagnetic wave

propagation in isotropic plas mas are usually based on the cold-plas ma equations . S ince such an approac h reveals that the phase velocity of the waves is larger than the vacuum s peed of light c, and therefore muc h larger than physically admissible thermal velocities of the plasma particles, it is co ncluded a posteriori thai thermal effects are negligible. Th e validity of the cold-plas rna approximation for the case of a trans­verse wave propagating in an unbounded colli s ionless plasma has been de mons trated by Bunema n, [1961a], who derived a relativi s tically invariant dispersion relation by solving the equations of motion and con­servation of the differe nt electron streams that are superimposed on each other in their co mbined fie ld s. In contrast to the case of longitudinal waves, in which the inclusion of te mperature effec ts is necessary to ob tain a di spersion relation, Bune man 's dispersion relation for transverse waves contains a thermal cor­rection to the cold plasma result that is negligible for laboratory tempera tures.

The large phase-velocity argument which motivates the use of cold·plasma formulas applies only to regions of the plasma which are far away from boundaries. In inves tigations of longitudinal wave problems, a kine tic approach has revealed the exis tence of a short range disturbance whic h is a superposition of modes which have phase velocities ranging from zero to the vacuum 6peed of light [Taylor, 1963]. It is expedient, then, to use a relativistic kinetic analysis to investigate the effect of boundaries on the transmission of trans­verse waves, since the slow compone nts of the fi eld provide a mechanism for the exchange of energy be­tween the field and the plasma even in the absence of collisions. In this paper, the approach previously developed for longitudinal waves is extended to the transverse wave problem. We will obtain a di spersion relation for the propagating compone nt of the fi eld which is identic al to that of Buneman, and also a

trac table expression fo r the short range disturbance produced by the e ffec t of the boundary on the elec­trons. We will then define transmission a nd re flec­tion coeffi c ie nts for th e plasma half-space, and contras t th ese with the results obtained with the cold plasma approximation. Finally, we will treat the problem of electromagne ti c wave propagation in a plasma slab . In both of these cases temperature dependence of the coeffi cients vanis hes when the elec tron thermal veloc­ity may be neglected whe n co mpared to the speed of light, but the limiting r esults differ from those obtained by using the cold-plas ma equa tions.

It s hould be noted that as in most treatm ents of problems of thi s type, we will assume specular re flec­tion of electrons at the boundary. This assumption is based on the existe nce of a potential sheath [Bohm and Gross, 1950].

2. Formulation of the Problem \V e erec t a rectangular coordi nate sys te m so tha t

the plasma is co ntained in the half-space z > O. An incide nt transverse wave with frequ ency w propagates in the vacuum in the pos itive z-direction so that its elec tri c field is alined with the positive x-d irec tion . We will determine the fi elds in the plasma and the amplitude of a wave reflected into the vacuum. Be­cause we wish to solve thi ~ problem by means of a Fourier transformation, we use a mathe matical arti­fice which was introduced by Shafranov [1958]. We consider an infinite plas ma with a shee t curre nt so urce at the origin z = O. Setting E(z) = e.rE(z)e - iw l , we have

a2 w2 -2 E + 2' E + iW/-L<J = - A8(z) az c (1)

where j is the plasma current and A is an arbi trary co ns tant. The solution of (1) for all z is certainly a permissible solution for the half·s pace z > 0 of our original problem. We need only require that at z = 0, it connects a physically proper way to the vacuum field


in the left half-space, which means that the constant A must be chosen so that the electric and magnetic fields are continuous across the boundary.

The plasma current is given by

j = e J d3u{3cuJJ, (2)

where / is the solution of the relativistic collisionless kinetic equation [Clemmow and Willson, 1956],

- iw/+ {3cuz af =-...!:...- E a/o ,f32 = 1 + u2. (3) az Mc aux

The notation here is the same as that used previously in the longitudinal wave problem [Taylor, 1963]. Proceeding in a straightforward manner analogous to that of the longitudinal wave treatment, and assuming specular reflection of electrons at the boundary, we obtain

(::2+~:)E-f' K~lz-z'I)E(z')dz' + lax KT(z+z')E(z')dz'=-Ao(z), (4)


Kr(x) = iw~~ J+oo dux J+OO duy rx duz Ux a/o c -00 -00 Jo Uz aux

( iwlxl) exp -- . {3cuz


Now we can consistently set E(z) = E(- z) to obtain

( a2 W2) J +00 az2 + ~ E - _ >0 Kr(lz - z' i)E(z')dz' = - Ao(z).

A Fourier transformation of (6) yields


E(z)=--A J +00 eikzdk

27T - x w2 _ k2 - Kr(k) , c2




We have set w = Iwl ei6 so that the integrand is defined everywhere in the k-plane except at those points on the branch line k = Ikle i6 for which Ikl > IWI .

c We may simplify the integral in (7) by deforming the

contour of integration in the k-plane. The result of such a procedure is that the electric field may be

written as a sum of two components El and E 2 , where



Each k j in the summation of (9) is an isolated pole of the integrand of (7), and the path C proceeds clock­wise around the branch line in the upper half of the k-plane.

3. Dispersion Relation

To calculate El we must find the roots of the dis­persion relation

We set n = kc/w to obtain


w2 I-n2-~ /(n)=O,




It is shown in the appendix that this relation may be written to first order in the ratio of electron thermal energy to electron rest energy as


which is the same as that obtained for the unbounded plasma by Buneman [1961a], who used a different approach. If we give Wp the same small phase angle o that we have given w, then (13) is a linear equation in n 2 with real coefficients, and it has one real root. It can be shown that no roots have been lost in the approximation by examining the exact dispersion relation given by (12). This means that in the evalua­tion of El we need consider only one pole in the k· plane, and that this pole lies on the positive real or the positive imaginary axis in the collisionless limit. A simple computation yields


kp =w/c

iAeikpz Et(z) =-----u-,


1-(w'i/w2) (1-~KT/mc2) 1 + (wi)w 2) (KT/mc2)




It follows from (15) that whe never w2 < w~ (1-~ KT/mc2 ) we obtain a nonpropagating exponentially

damped disturbance for EJ, while for w > w~ (1-~ KT/mc2 ) we obtain a propagating un attenuated wave. This conclusion represents a relativis tic correction to the well·known cold plasma ·result. Maxwell's equations lead to a magne ti c field 8 1 associated with the electric field that we have computed, and it may be written

from those obtained by the cold plasma approximation even for very s mall temperatures. This is due to the behavior of the short-range compone nt of the electric field - its amplitude and its range are both proportional to (KT/mc2)1 /2 , so that the magnetic field which is induced by it has a finite limit as T~ O.

5. Transmission and Reflection Coefficients for a Half-Space

Combining the results of sections 3 and 4, we find (16) that to zero order in Vth/C the fields at the wall are

given by

4. Short Range Component of the Plasma Field

We may ev aluate the field E2 by the extension of , Landau 's method [Landau, 1946] which was pre viously I developed for the relativistic treatment of longitudinal ! waves [Taylor, 1963]. We allow 0 to go to zero so

that the branc h c ut s wings onto the real axis. The integral around the cut on the real axis may be reo duced to

fX> [K _(k) - K+(k)]eikzdk wlc [ (w/c)2 - k2 - K_(k) 1 [ (w/c)2 - k2 - K+(k) ] '


W~WJ +X> J +x> J K-:; (k) = -- du~. duy duz c2 - 00 - 00 c±

{3ux (ajo/aux) kc (3uz - w



Th e path C+ is a se mic ircle in the upper half of the uz·plane, while the path C is a se micircle in the lowe r half of the uz·plane . It may be shown, using the me thod of steepest descents th at E2(z) and 8 2(z) have negligible amplitudes several De bye lengths away from the boundary, whic h means that the range of these components is proportional to the square root of the te mperature of the plasma. The amplitudes of these fi elds at the interface may be computed by setting z = 0 in the integrands of their representations and expanding in powers of (KT/mc 2 ). We obtain

E2(0) = O[ (KT/mc 2) 1/2] (19)



iA iA E (0) = 2kp , B (0) = 2w (l + a) , (21)


where a=~ The parameter a represents the v2w2 '

correc tion to the results obtained by using the cold­plasma equations - the latter res ults are given by (21) whe n a is set equal to zero. If we define the trans­mission and refl ection coe ffi cients T and R by the equations

~ (22) En(z) = RE, e- ikpz ez,

where E, is the amplitude of the incident elec tri c fi eld, ET(z) is the electric fi eld in the plasma far from the boundary, and En(z) is the fi eld refl ected into the vac uum, we obtain


2 T = l + y'

l - y R = I+y'


If we define PI, PT , and Pn as the incident, trans­mitted and reflected power in the electromagnetic field, we obtain

(24) W> WPj

w < Wp

B2(0) = , ~ p + 0 [(KT/mc2 )] • 2v2w3

(20) and

These results, combined with (14), (15), and (16) indicate that there is a nonuniform tran sition to the zero-temperature case, so that the trans mission and reflection coefficients of t.h e plasma inte rface differ


Pn {I p;= (1 - y)2

l + y

, W < W"j. w > wp

The cold plasma results are obtained by setting

y = ~ 1- (c:) 2 in (22), (23), and (24). It is interesting

to note that the sum of the transmitted power and the reflected power is not equal to the incident power when W > Wp, indicating that some energy is delivered to the electrons in the plasma. The fraction of inci­dent power delivered to the plasma may easily be shown to be (4ya) (l+y)-2 (l+a) - l. (The concept of kinetic power has been discussed by Buneman [1961b] and by authors listed therein.)

6. Transmission and Reflection Coefficients for a Plasma Slab

In sections 3 and 4 we found a solution to the one­boundary problem in which there is no wave incident on the boundary from within the plasma. We san generalize this solution by adding the solution E of the equations

. - aj e - afo -~wf+f3cuz-=--E-, (25) az mc aux



which is consistent with the requirement of specular reflection. It is easily shown that such a solution is given by an electric field which is proportional to cos kpz, where kp is defined by (15). Several Debye lengths from the wall, where the short range component of the fields can be neglected, the general fields are given by

where A and B are arbitrary constants. At the boundary, where the short range component must be included, the fields are given by


B(O) = kp/w A(1 + a). (28)

If we write the vacuum field as

and the field inside the plasma as

the boundary conditions become

If we use these boundary conditions to solve the prob­lem of transmission by a plasma bounded by two specularly reflecting walls of separation d, and then define E(z) = E/eikoz + RE/e-iko', z < 0 and E(z) = TE /eikoZ, z > d, we find

The ordinary cold-plasma results are again obtained by setting a = 0, which leads to y = Vl- W~/W2. It can easily be verified that ITI 2+ IRI2= 1, indicating that there is no net exchange of energy between the field and the electrons in the zero temperature limit, but that the zero-temperature limit of transmission and reflection coefficients for the slab obtained from kinetic theory differ from those obtained from the cold plasma formalism due to the presence of IX in the definition of y.

7. Discussion

We have explored the consequences of the relativ­istic form of the Vlasov equation when specular reflection of electrons at boundaries is assumed. This problem has been formulated for a half-space by Felderhof [1963], who used a nonrelativistic normal mode analysis of the type introduced by Van Kampen for the study of longitudinal waves. Although Felderhof did not obtain results in closed form, he was able to conclude that the electromagnetic field can exchange energy with the plasma electrons, and that there is an unattenuated propagating wave in the plasma at sufficiently high frequencies, as we have seen in section 5. When the problem is solved for the plasma slab, however, we have seen that the net energy exchange between the field and the electrons is zero as long as the plasma is rigorously collisionless.

It is interesting to note that the actual temperature dependence of our coefficients is of order (KT/mc2)1/2, so that temperature effects are usually negligible, but that the transition to the zero temperature limit is nonuniform.

It can easily be shown that the coefficients of trans­mission and reflection for a plasma in a uniform magnetic field are the same as those we have derived if the electric field vector of the incident wave has the same orientation as the fixed magnetic field.


Part of this work was performed while the author was a graduate s tude nt at th e University of Californi a, Los Angeles. It is a pleasure to acknowledge stimu· lating di scussions with Professor Burton D. Fried.

8. Appendix

To obtain the approximate eq (13) from the exact eq (12), we must evaluate the expression /(n). The technique given here is a generalization of the work of Clemmow and Willson [1956] for the case of longi· tudinal waves. Transforming to spherical coordinates, we have

1= J '" du J71" de J271" d4> u3 sin3 e cos2 4> {3 dlo . (AI) o 0 0 n f3u cos e - 1 du

Now we make the transformation t = cos e to obtain

Jx dloJI I-e I =1T 0 duu2 du - I dt nt-I/{3u ' (A2)

We define the functions

JI dt 2h(u)= _lnt - I /{3u


and obtain

d - f3 du h(u) = 1 + u2(1- n2)


Now we define

~ H(u) = u2 dlo(u) du du


..!i. C(u) = (1 + u2) dfo(u) . du du

so that

Integration by parts le ads to

Jx (1 + u2) H(u) - u2G(u) 1 = 21T 0 du (1 + u2 )3/2 [1 + (1 - n 2)u2] . (A7)

Now we take the elec tron di s tributio n funct ion to be


Expanding the denominator of the integrand and reo taining the first two terms we have

1= 21T 10''' du [H(u) [l + (n 2 - 3/2) u2]

- u2C(u) [1 + (n2 - 5/2) u2] ] . (A9)

Partial integration and use of (AS) lead to

1 = 41T r dulo(u) [u2 + (~2 - 5/6) u4] • (AlO)

Evaluating the integrals we have

3KT 1 = 1 + (n2 - 5/2) - .

mc2 (All)

and insertion of this expression into (12) yield s eq (13).

9. References

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Bun eman , O. (1961a), Transverse waves and plasma vort ices in plasma physics, ed. J. Drummond, pp. 143-166 (McGraw· Hill Book Co., Inc ., New York , N. Y .) .

Buneman. O. (l961b), E lec tron strea m model of a plasma, a nd the prob le m of e nergy conversation in lanJ au dampi ng, in Radiati on and Waves in Plas mas, ed. M. Mit chne r, pp. 54-65 (S tan ford Univers it y Press, S tanfo rd , Calif. ).

Clem mow, P. c., and A. J. Will so n (1956), Th e dis persion equ ation in pl asma oscillations, Proc. Roy. Soc. (Londo n), A237, 117- 13l.

Felderhof, B. U. (1963), Theory of transve rse waves in Vlasov. pl as mas, Physica 29,662--674.

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Shafranov, V. D. (1958), Propagation of an electromagnetic fi e ld in a medium with spatial dispersion, ]ETP (USSR) 6, 1019- 1031.

Taylor, E. C. (1963), Excitation of longitudinal waves in a bound ed collisionless plasma, Phys . Fluids 6, 1305- 1312 .

(Paper 69DS- S09)