Translated passages

Translated Passages


This presentation represents two passages with their suggested translation. It is a lecture given by me to students of Level three this semester

Transcript of Translated passages

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Translated Passages

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الفرد حياة في مهم ركن األخالقأساسفي مكون وهي والمجتمع،البنية ضمن تدخل النها االنسانية، الحضارةالتأثر تتبادل الفرد وأخالق االجتماعية،تحقق فهي المجتمع، أخالق مع والتأثيروشتى والمحبة والتأخي والرحمة الصالحوالظلم الفساد وتلغي الفضائل، أنواع

الرذائل أنواع وشتى .والتباغضوالكراهية

Page 3: Translated passages

The Suggested Translation

• Ethics is an important corner in the life of the individual and society. It is a basic component in human civilization, because they fall within the social structure. The ethics of the individual share vulnerability and influence with the morals of society. They lead to goodness, compassion and brotherhood, love and all sorts of virtues, and abolish corruption, injustice, envy, hatred, and all sorts of vices.

Page 4: Translated passages

(2الدنيا) ُة� الذاتي المصالُح� فيه �ت َب تغَّل عُض�ود، زمٍن� في اننا

المنافُع�   وُق�د"م�ت الدينيُة، �م الِق'ي كثيٍر�عَّلى عنداألخالُقيُة المعاييٍر عَّلى ُة الشخصي

في   واالستغٍراَق� الدنيا، حُّب7 النفوس في م تحَّكمٍن   كثيٍر� عند الوالُء� أصَبُح زخاِر'فها، وِراُء� يٍر الَّس

�عادون،      وي �والون ي عَّليها الفانيُة، الدنيا لهذه الناسعون،   يتصاِر� بَّسَبَبها �ؤخ"ٍرون، وي �ِقد"مون ي أجَّلها ومٍن

عون يتناز� 'ها ولتحصيَّل 'ها أجَّل ومٍن

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The Suggested Translation

In these difficult times, many people have favored self-interest over religious values, and given priority to personal benefits over ethical standards.Many people are now driven by the love of this worldly life and are fully absorbed in pursuing its superficial ornaments. Their devotion is only to this transient life. For it, they make alliances and show hostility; they delay things or do them in advance; they fight, struggle, and compete.

Page 6: Translated passages

االمُة 3 (أمٍن )�حف�ظوا ي لٍن ِقاُء، الش مٍن الم�َّسَّلمون ينُج�و لٍن�هم فات وتصٍر7 �هم 'َّك مَّسال تنطَّلَق� حتى ٍروِر الش7 مٍنمٍن وال ُة�، عصَبي مٍن ال الديٍن، هذا م�نطَّلَق مٍن

وعاطفُة� حماس� مٍن وال ُة�، طائفي مٍن وال هوQى،وتَّسَّل�م مخاو'ف، مٍن ُة اإلسالمي األمُة� تأم�ٍن لٍنباإلسالم    �ها وُقادت �ها ت ساس� يعم�ل لم ما فتٍن� مٍنالديٍن بهذا �ها وم�ُجتمعات �ها شعوب ويَّلتِز'م� الَّكام'ل،

الَّكَبيٍر وفي الصغيٍر في .وبأحَّكامه

Page 7: Translated passages

The Suggested Translation

Muslims will not be saved from hardship or protected from evil unless their acts and practices are based on the principles of this religion, not on partisanship, whims and desires, sectarianism, or mere passionate zeal. The Muslim Nation (Ummah) will not be protected from dangers and tribulations unless its politicians and leaders act fully upon the teachings of Islam and unless its peoples and societies adhere to this religion and observe all its rulings, in minor and major matters.