Transcript 2

BURT GOLDMAN PRESENTS My Inner Magic I M A G I N E. B E L I E V E. A C H I E V E. DISC 2. Path to Visualization TRANSCRIPT w w w . M y I n n e r M a g i c . c o m 1



Transcript of Transcript 2


    My Inner MagicI M A G I N E. B E L I E V E. A C H I E V E.

    DISC 2. Path to Visualization TRANSCRIPT

    w w w . M y I n n e r M a g i c . c o m 1


    TRACK 1. Visualizing - strengthening your mind


    TRACK 3. Creative Visualizations and introduction to Shawn

    TRACK 4. Shawn on visualization

    TRACK 5. Energy & Creativity Sunflower

    TRACK 6. Volcano - burning away anger & worries

    TRACK 7. The Daisy Pond Intro

    TRACK 8. The Daisy Pond - solving problems


  • TRACK 1. Visualizing - strengthening your mind

    This is CD 2 and you are going to learn something that most adults dont know. Thats how to get what you want, by seeing it in your mind first. You know what that means, its called visualizing. But you already know that Im sure. But Ill bet some of your friends dont.

    Lots of people use visualizing when they want to do something, or in-vent something. Or when they want to create something. Or when they want to improve in sports. They just see themselves successful in what they want to do. They visualize. Golfers do it, basketball players do it, baseball players do it, tennis champs do it, inventors do it, just about everyone does it. Everyone who is successful that is.

    One young man I knew, Teddy Wilson was his name, wanted to be on the basketball team but he just couldnt get the ball through the hoop, he missed every time. Once his aim was so bad that missed the hoop and the backboard. The ball flew into the second row. Thats when the coach took him off the team. But Teddy was determined. He learned about visualization and here is how he used it.

    He sat on a chair and practiced for one hour every day for weeks. With his eyes closed, he visualized a basketball court and saw himself walking to the free throw line and throwing the ball through the hoop. Again and again he did it. He visualized himself changing his position. He stood under the basket, to the side of the basket, away from the basket, at the free throw line, at the 3 point line, always visualizing his hands thrusting the ball up as he saw the ball go through the hoop. He practiced, mentally. Thats using high level visualiza-tion. That wasnt a daydream; he had a goal in mind. After the third week he went to the coach and showed his stuff. He turned out to be one of the best players on the team.

    Mental exercise, or creative visualization, when coupled with actual ac-tion works. But you can use visualizing for other things too. In this CD Im go-ing to walk you through the visualizing process and show how versatile visual-izing can be. Im going to show you how visualizing can help you to get rid of worry and fear. In addition Shawn has a great song for you about visualizing. Visualizing is something like daydreaming, but different. Daydreaming is just kind of fooling around. You know like when your teacher is telling you some-thing, or youre tired of what youre doing and youre bored, and suddenly, al-most without realizing it youre thinking about something else. Thats day-


  • dreaming. And sometimes you get so much into it that you forget where you are. Daydreaming is cool, and its kind of fun, but even though its cool, day-dreaming doesnt get you anyplace. Its just a thing of the moment. There are no goals to a daydream.

    When you visualize you make a mental picture; or a mental movie. Daydreaming is usually thinking about actions, things that you want to do, or things you make a fantasy about, like being the worlds greatest golfer, or ten-nis star or basketball star. You know the kind of daydream Im talking about. When you are always the greatest in whatever you are doing. But there are different ways to visualize. There is high level visualizing and there is low level visualizing. Low level visualizing is just for fun; high level visualizing is when you really want something to happen and you know that its possible. The rea-son you know that its possible is because you have thought about it.

    Thinking about something productive something that has a goal, puts the thought on a high level. The more you think, the higher the level of your mind. Visualizing can get you better grades, make you a better speller, make you better at sports, and better at just about anything.

    You are going to use visualization to get something in a few minutes. But before you do, what do you want? Think about that. What is it you want? Something that will make people proud of you or better yet, something that will make you proud of yourself. Is it better grades, fitting in, more respect, a new bicycle, clothes, what? Think about what you want while Shawn Walker sings his latest composition, that he created by visualizing the words and also he visualized people listening and liking it. Its title is, ONE MORE SONG.



    One more song. One more note.I can hear it loud, although I havent figured it out.One more show. I can visualize in my mind.

    Even its gonna break me, Im best to write it downMy memory is photograph free. I forget ideas somehow.But fortunately, what I see someway some howFinds a way out of my head out of a jumbled mess

    Its so amazing how a thought turns into sound.Like creation somebody thought out loud.Like a city-built from the ground someone had to sayThis is the way we saw it to be.

    One more song. One more note.I can hear it loud, although I havent figured it out.One more show. I can visualize in my mind.

    If anybody tries to slow me down, Ive got some words for them.Remember when I was younger I said Defeat Will Never Win.And evidently, it paid off in the end.My thoughts, my dreams became a reality

    Just like a vision, that starts without appeal,Then goes on a mission, taking all it will.Changing people who dont believe and people who dont agreeInto believers who are listening to one more song

    Tell me if theres anybody please respond.Tell me if theres anybody who needs to hear.

    One more song. One more note.I can hear it loud, although I havent figured it out.One more show. I can visualize in my mind. 5

  • TRACK 3. Creative Visualizations and introduction to Shawn

    Well, one more song, one more day, one more hour, one more thing you want to do. Theres going to be one more of everything. One more test, one more achievement, one more sunny day, one more chance to get things right; theres always one more. Theres going to be one more year when you will be saying, gee if I would have started that a year ago, I would have done it by now. Remember this, theres almost always going to be one more chance. You cant fail; you just get experience so that when you do it one more time you get it right. If anyone tries to slow you down remember that defeat will never win, not if you learn to use your mind in the right way; by being in control of visualizing.

    Shawn is going to talk to you in a few minutes and after that Ill show you how to get a High Level Mind with the right kind of visualization, a creative visualization. This creative visualization is titled, THE SUNFLOWER. Its de-signed to make you feel more confident, and have a stronger sense of self es-teem. Its going to seem almost like a daydream but its not. Because when you direct the Sunflower Visualization to something that you want to happen, then it becomes a high level visualization, and daydreams are low level thoughts.

    To help make a stronger visualization we are going to use Creative Visualizations. What that means is you are going to find a comfortable place where you wont be bothered. You are going to be closing your eyes and con-centrating on my words. I am going to help you to use high level visualization. What you want with the Sunflower Visualization is to feel confidence, and also to feel peaceful so that nothing will bother you while you are doing the medita-tion, and also to feel worthy. Worthy means that you are worth something, you are valuable. Right now you are valuable to your parents, and to many of your friends and some of your teachers. You also want to feel valuable to yourself because you are going to be useful.

    But before we begin, lets hear a few words about the visualization process from Shawn. How about it Shawn, is the song you just sang supposed to entertain, or teach? Tell us a little more about ONE MORE SONG.


  • TRACK 4. Shawn on visualization

    (Shawn) OK, Id like to. ONE MORE SONG is a metaphor. It actually represents something else. Its like a symbol to create a chance to do some-thing amazing. Like an idea. A new idea. Ideas exist, there all over the place; almost like matter that cant be created or destroyed, ideas just are.

    Ideas are always in your mind but you need to bring them out with a visualization. A CREATIVE visualization like the three that are on the last tracks of each of these CDs. But we also use creative visualization to stimulate the inner sense of not only seeing, but hearing, smelling, feeling and tasting as well. You are going to be using this inner sense to imagine success, before you become successful at anything. You will learn to let your mind loose to latch on to an idea that when its realized you will benefit from that idea.

    The song I created was from the visualization of a goal. I visualized a great song in my mind and let my imagination do the work. Suddenly I heard a phrase that struck me The phrase was ONE MORE SONG. So I went with that idea. All my songwriting abilities have come from myself visualizing that I could do it. The only hard part was acting on my ideas. But acting is what separates great people from lazy ones.

    The best advice I can give you is to go for a high level visualization. A creative visualization. Dont let an accident determine a great idea. For exam-ple: An artist may slip on a piece of paper on the floor and cause a stroke of the brush on the canvas that was an accident but turned out to be an astonish-ing idea. This is great, but the chances of that happening where an amazing creation comes about is very low. It may happen, but you cant count on it.

    Use Creative visualization to focus on a goal, something that you want, and then imagine the goal in your mind. If its losing weight then visualize yourself losing weight. What do you see, what do you visualize? A skinnier person? Now visualize what it takes to get there. Then you can come up with an idea to make this goal is achievable.

    All things are possible with visualization. Your mind is an ocean of thought and can produce anything. Like ONE MORE SONG. If you dont achieve something amazing at first, try again. If we could all find great things in a single visualization then all great ideas would have been formed already. The secret is creative visualization like you will find in the last three tracks of


  • each of these CDs. Now that you know the secret you have an advantage in the world. Do something great, but make sure to visualize what it is first. Your mind is a powerful endless tool - use it.

    TRACK 5. Energy & Creative Sunflower

    Thanks Shawn, now to the Sunflower visualization. Find a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Just relax and let all the problems and worries of the world go. Just relax and listen to my words.

    With your eyes still closed take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

    Now touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. Do this with your mouth closed. Now imagine that in front of you is a big flower pot, and in the flower pot is a beautiful sunflower. Visualize this. Inside, at the cen-ter of the sunflower are the sunflower seeds. Thousands of sunflower seeds. And around the outside are beautiful, yellow leaves. Almost the size of your finger, but very thin. The sunflower always faces the sun because that is where the sunflower gets its energy from. Imagine that the same sun that gives the sunflower energy, gives it to you also. Lift up your chin a little and still with your eyes closed imagine that the sun is warming you. Filling you with energy.

    We are all like rechargeable batteries and the sun is what recharges us. But even more than that we can get energy from the sunflower. Thats why its called a sunflower, because it gets all its energy from the sun. You can take some of that energy if you know how. All you have to do is to put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and say to the sunflower. Energize. Then imagine three of the seeds popping out and spraying you with the energy of the sun. The spray looks like a golden beam of light spraying all over you with energy.

    Lets do that know, first use the Bagha, put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your moth and mentally say the word Energize. Good. Now visualize one of the seeds popping out of the center of the sunflower, imagine that seed is growing until it is as big as you are, and then another one and that one grows until it is as big as you are, and then one more and that one grows to be as big as you are. Imagine that the three seeds are spraying a stream of golden energy at you. Visualize yourself as recharged, energized. Now see yourself running along on a field or on the sidewalk. Visualize yourself running. Visualize yourself playing in your favorite sport. 8

  • Thats energy at work. To use the energy just do something.


    Each one of those sunflower seeds represents a success thought, and that gives you a quick shot of energy and creativity. Each seed represents confidence. When youre confident then youre sure that youre right and that you have the ability to succeed. When youre confident then you do things that other people are afraid to do because they are afraid that they will fail. But when you use the sunflower visualization you know that you cannot fail, you learn from every experience. Whenever you have a thought of failure visualize the sunflower and override that thought. Change the failure thought to a suc-cess thought.


    Think now about learning. Imagine that you are reading something, or doing something that will help you if you had to take a test on the thing that you are reading or doing. And do remember, there are always two ways to look at a thing, the positive way, or the negative way. When you choose the positive way things are always brighter, with the negative way, things are darker. Look at failure as a learning experience. There is no failure. When you do something and it doesnt work out the way you want it to you have learned something. Do it again, but do it differently. When it didnt work the first time you learned what not to do. You didnt fail, you succeeded because you learned what not to do.

    Seeing things that way you will feel more confident, that will make your mind peaceful and your worth will grow. You will be more and more valuable to yourself, and to other people.

    Repeat mentally after me. Every day, in every respect, I get better and better. Every day in every way, I get better and better. For me there is no fail-ure, only learning what not to do, and what to do.

    Now then, picture a flower in your mind, a sunflower, a talking sun-flower. A flower with many leaves circling a group of seeds. It looks almost like a plate of seeds surrounded by yellow leaves. To help you visualize imagine this flower. Now make it brighter, make it more colorful, imagine the sunflower right in front of you. This part is a fantasy so the flower can talk, every seed has something to say and there are thousands of seeds. Visualize a sunflower seed. Make it bigger, make the sunflower seed as big as you. Visualize a sun- 9

  • flower seed as big as you. The seed is filled with energy. The seed is also filled with solutions Every seed can tell you how to get out of a hole or solve the so-lution to a problem. When you have a problem, go to your creative visualiza-tion state, where you are now, and mentally say the problem. If the problem is bad grades then when you are in your creative visualization state say; I want to get better grades. How do I get them? Then imagine one of the seeds com-ing off the flower growing as big as you are and speaking, telling you how to get better grades. If the problem is something else use the same technique. As soon as you are meditating, mentally say the problem. Hear yourself say every word. Then just clear your mind for a moment and sense the sunflower seed speaking the answer.

    Do that now. Mentally say the problem. Take your time

    (Pause 20 seconds)

    Think now about the solution. Imagine that one of the Sunflower seeds knows how you can get better grades and will tell you. There are different ways you can solve the problem. Visualize each the sunflower seed tells you about.

    Use this same technique every time you think you have a problem.


    Repeat after me, Every day I get better and better, I see the good in myself, I am a unique human being, my opinion of myself gets better every day. I am a doer not a dreamer. My day dreams are for recreation; my visuali-zations are for attracting the things that I want.

    Relax. I am going to count from one to three, when I reach the count of three your eyes will open and you will be wide awake and energized.

    1, 2, 3, eyes open, wide awake.

    TRACK 6. Volcano - burning away anger & worries

    This Creative Visualization is for burning away anger, worry, and fear.Find a comfortable position, and close your eyes. Just relax and let all

    the problems and worries of the world go. Just relax and listen to my words.

    With your eyes still closed take a deep breath and let it out slowly.


  • Now touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. Do this with your mouth closed. Now imagine the sky, and put a few clouds in the sky. Imagine a blue sky, with white fluffy clouds floating by.

    Imagine an island in the distance. Its almost as though you were on a boat heading for that island. As you get closer you note there is a mountain with a pointy top right in the middle of the island. That mountain with a pointy top is really a volcano. A volcano that can erupt at any time. You are the deci-der of whether or not the volcano will erupt. You control the volcano. When you wish the top of the mountain will blow up and a geyser of fire and flame shoots out of the top of the mountain. This is your personal volcano. It is yours be-cause every visualization is unique to that person. Only you will get the benefit of your volcano.


    This is your personal volcano. Heres how to use it. Say that you have a worry or a fear. Say that you are worried about a test you are going to take. You know that the worry may cause you to get tense and forgetful; well you are going to put that worry on top of the mountain. You just imagine a worry, now before you can do this you must create a worry/paper. A worry/paper is something that represents the worry. Some people would call it a worry icon.

    Heres how you do it. You think about your test and the fact that you are worried about it. See a worried look, or a frown on your face. Now think about a piece of paper. And now visualize yourself writing the worry on the piece of paper, if youre worried about a test write on the piece of paper; I am worried about the test. Put the piece of paper on top of the mountain and then say volcano erupt and visualize the top of the mountain exploding in a shower of flames and fire, burning the paper and your worry to ashes that blow away in the flames of the volcano.

    Lets do that again right now.

    Make a mental picture of yourself worried about something else, a visu-alization. Now say the worry mentally, do not say the worry out loud but do say it to yourself. Say what you are worried about to yourself.

    Imagine writing the worry on a piece of paper.

    Now put that piece of paper on top of the volcano mountain.


  • And now see the volcano exploding and erupting. See the fire and flames shooting out of the volcano burning the worries that you had.

    Do this same thing with fear, anger, and any negative feelings you may have.

    Use this same technique every time you think you have a problem.


    Repeat after me, Every day I get better and better, I see the good in myself, I am a unique human being, my opinion of myself gets better every day. I am a doer not a dreamer. My day dreams are for recreation; my visuali-zations are for attracting the things that I want.

    Relax. I am going to count from one to three, when I reach the count of three your eyes will open and you will be wide awake and energized.

    1, 2, 3, eyes open, wide awake.

    TRACK 7. The Daisy Pond Intro

    And now for the ultimate creative visualization the Daisy Pond. Shawn Walker composed and plays the background music to the Daisy Pond. Many people play the Daisy Pond whenever they feel stress, or just want to relax and enjoy a visualization that has helped thousands of people to feel better about themselves. If ever there is a person in your life that you want to give a present to but cant think of what to get heres a great idea. Burn a copy of the Daisy Pond and give that as a gift. Tell the person how much it helped you. It will be appreciated. But enough talk. Make yourself comfortable and just let my voice and Shawns music into your space.

    TRACK 8. The Daisy Pond - solving problems

    THE DAISY POND must be listened to.


  • w w w . M y I n n e r M a g i c . c o m

    B l o g . M y I n n e r M a g i c . C o m
