TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17 ... Jan … · TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce,...

TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17, 1037. DINE OUT At Least Once a Week and When You Do—By All Means Try the ... Cherry Blossom Chop Suey Parlor Open Week Nights. Till 1 'Angeleno Has Camera Impounded Here i 1 for Attempting to "Shoot" P. E. Stock A. M. Saturday Nights Till 4 A. M. 1314 SARTORI Even tiro Raymond C. Fill- Irrton, 27-year-old Los Angeles bank clerk, is a 'member of the "Uailroad Boosters' club" and pursues the hobby of pho- tographing railroad rolling stock, lie found out Sunday that he could not "shoot" the Pacific Electric's property here. Discovered by a watchman as he loitered about the P. E. _j_shQrjs_ulth_his_camcra,_Eul-_ ' lerton was detained until Cap- tain John Stroh of the local police department investi- gated. - The Pacific Electric, according to Stroh,. is averse to having its property pho- tographed without permission. Fuller-ton's camera was Im- -I- pounded by -the watchman. who said lie would send it to the main office of the com- pany In Los Angeles and the photographer could claim it there. Fullerton said he had not taken any pictures here, asserting that the three ex- posures recorded on his lens- box were taken in San Diego. State Picnics TEKKK HAUTE, IND. ... All former residents of this city are invited to attend the picnic Sunday, June 20, at Sycamore Grove, Los Angeles. A pro- gram, starting at 2 o'clock, will 'be presented and refreshments arc to be served to all;- J3uihLaJIome-Now! VACATION NEEDS VACATION NEEDS PICNIC-PAK Luncheon Sets Pint—Norwegian O1 LlC 6 Cups, 6 Spoons, 6 Forks, 24 Asst. Plates, 6 Napkins, 1 Table cloth— ONLY . . . Bot. 100 Tablets TQ BAYER ASPIRIN . DUG rial Size ENO SALTS SUN VISORS Lge. Size, All No.'s PETROLAGAR New Style, Adjustable Transparent Green Visor Jars 12—Glycerine II,, SUPPOSITORIES., lit Flashlights Solid Metal Case Pint—Universal CASTOR OIL OTHER NEW STYLES Focusing— Complete with Batter- ies and Bulb 5 or 7'/2 Grain Tablets UROTROPlhfc, Pocket Watch BATHING CAPS 4-oz. Pure GLYCERINE Avon - Guaranteed 90 Days, Thin Model. Unbreakable Crystal......... IF IT'S A PARTY... THE RB HAS IT! Cocktail Napkins - Cochtail Onions - Cochtail Cherries - AH Kinds of Wine, Liquor and Beer Mixers - Mixing Advice Shakers - Jiggers and Squeezers In Short the RB COVERS THE FIELD BUY BEER AT THE RB AND ALWAYS GET IT ICE COLD! ICE-COLD Coronado BEER Plus Bottle Deposit BROWN DERBY Cans 3 «or 25c; Bottles 4 for 25c MAIER'S BEER Cans ............... . 3 f or 2£c EASTSIDE LUCKY LAGER ACME RANIER GOLDEN GLOW ALE ................. 10 c 3 for 29c Lucky Lager BEER 38cplus Bottle Deposit USP. RUBBING ALCOHOL MOTH BALLS 1OC EPSOM SALTS BATHING 4 « C 5 Lbs. Jl M, WITCH HAZEL Full f I C Pt. A JL 35c Size—Ass't. POND'S CREAMS 55c Srze POGO ROUGE.. 37c Reg.—Lipstick O4j TANGEE .... ............ JLC 55c Size—Cream Q7 L AD^ ESTHER.... J/C Mei Size »i ITALIAN BALM 44C l»ENTIFItlCE Lge. Tooth Pwdr. or DR. LYON'S JJC Lge.— TootfTPaste LISTERINE. Lge.— Tooth "Paste PEPSODE&IT Reg.— Toothpaste COLGATE'S_ Lge.— Tooth Paste" IPANA ._ _ . L~3c.— Tooth Pwci PYROZIDE OO JjC Fnrlc ig\l 5V2 BOOK MATCHES Book of so SANITARY NAPKINS 12V... "PROTECTO' Toilet Bowl Deodorizer, f%| Reg. 25c 3f CIGARETTES All Popular Brands Luckys, Chesterfields, Old Golds, Raleighs, Camels 2 FOH 25° Artist J. C. Carroll's relief map of the "necklace of britlRcs" that no Bay, brings into the spotlight the key position held by the little-public Bay, brings into tlic spotlight the key position held by the little-publicized c in Gold Rush Days by the famous Admiral Farragut (top portrait) as bcini water commerce. Top left Admiral Farragut's original Navy Yard. Top r' battleship being refitted for Pacific service. Bottom photo Harry Soanes, V; Point Cut-off Road, ready to start his time test in a 1937 Chevrolet Master San Francisco City Hall via each route are shown in the box. (Se<- -icrompar nmls the waters of San Francisco. ty of Vallcjo. Vallcjo was chosen g a strategic location for land and igllt the modern Yard, showing a illejo Chevrolet dealer, at the Sears DC Luxe sport sedan. Times from lying story for further trip details.) Traffic Men Promoted VACATION IN MOUNTAINS Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Beckcr, Miss Helen Haworth and John JRogcus..-proprietor..of _the.-Fam- ous Chill Shop, spent several days this week vacationing in the vicinity of Crystal lake, San Gabriel canyon. CONGRATULATIONS RECEIVED following' announcement ol-'Uuir promotion to new freight traffic poiitioni brought imilei froni th«a Santa Fe Railway official.. A. M. Rcinhardt, left, wat named aimtant freight traffic manager, Coast Linei; G. L. Coin, center, wal eleratnl to general freight agent, northern California, and Fred H. Rockwell became aimtant general freight agent in the lame territory. They look over their new dutiet June 1. READ OUR WANT ADS . . . AND SAVE MONEY ! Kword Claimed for Cow LONDON. «U,-Prf Ar;w«_r±d; iwtth=thi record .milk yield for a Short- horn is claimed for a cow owned by Capt. E. S. Fielding John- son, of Manor Farm, Compton Bassett, Wiltshire. In 24 hours she gave 72 pounds of milk, bringing her yield up to 32,715 pounds In 357 days. Mother Valiant Hitch Hiker ',' CLEVELAND. (U. P.) Fol- lowing the call In her heart Mrs. Elizabeth Colarco, 23, hitch hiked 1,800 miles from Sir City, N. M., bringing her t children, Marie Antoinette, ti and John William, seven months to l*o near her husband. CHEVROLET TRUCKS July 4th Fete Plans Advanced Those who by choice or nccea slty will remain, at home over the three-day holiday for July 4 will find much to Interest them here in Torrancc. Plans for a full day's celebration on Monday, July 5, were completed last evening by a group of or- ganization representatives who met at the city hall. The day's festivities- will be- gin at 10 a. m. when all sorts of children's games and races will be held at the municipal park. A long list of prizes Is being secured for these chil- dren's events which will con- tinue until 12 noon. From 12 until 1:30 p. m. a picnic lunch is planned. Various organiza- tions will be asked to Install unch and refreshment booths for those who do not care to ig-trTBtr- own picnic baslretsr Concert ami Tulk Starting at 1:30 p. m. an hour's concert by the Municipal band will be given In the band shell at the park. A short but highly Interesting patriotic talk will be given by Bert Mann, state^ chairman* oC the American Legion's Americanism " commit- tee. Mann- Is reported to be a forceful orator with a vital mes- sage. At 2:30 a double-header baJl game Is planned. The first game will be between the Amer- ican Legion and the Moose lodge, and the. second game will be waged between two factory teams, as yet not chosen. Free Dance In the evening beginning at 9 o'clock there will be a free dance at the Civic Auditorium. It is planned to engage a good orchestra for this function which climaxes a full day's colebra- tlon. all- of -which--is- b'ehifr offered without charge to resi- dents of Torrance and surround- ing communities. intlre program is being sponsored by the city Rccrea-,. tlon commission in cooperation =the_-various organisations.: Among those who arc taking an active Interest in the celebration are: Mayor William H. Tolson, City Clerk A. H. Bartlett, W. H. Stanger, Dale Riley, Recreation commissioner; Thomas Wllkcs and Thomas Humer, Moose- lodge; Pat Boyle, American Le- gion; Mrs. Thomas. Wilkos, Ladies of the Moose; L. J. Gil- nielster, Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Vclora Murphy. Legion Auxiliary; Roy Winters, Eastern Star; Mrs. Addle Parks, N. B. | P. W. club; Vernon Coll, 20-301 club; Al Robinson, Kiwanls; Grover C. Whytc, Rotary; Dr. C. L. Ingold, Masonic lodge, and Mrs. Lilian Barrington, Woman's club. DETOUR By BETSY BYRNES "Her lirmv IN like the smm-drift, Her throiil IN like the HHIUI, Her fneo In the fairest That e'er the sun nhonc on." What a tribute to a beautiful woman! QUESTIONS Who was the author of the lines appearing above? Many of you vacationists would like to take a trip to Ycllowfltone National Park. Can you tell us, without first getting out one of your beloved maps, In which state the greater part of Yellowstone National Park I.H situated? And another thing! Why are flies able to walk on ceilings? TODAY'S PROVKKB "He who IN born unlucky NtumblCH an he goes, And I ho lip fall upon Ills . buck Is sure to break lil« nose." Gcrnuin. ANSWERS The author of the lines at the top was Douglass of Flngland. They arc the second vcrac pj "Annie Laurle." Douglnss wrote them as a tribute to Annie, who was 'tHo~oIiniBTrtcT~orarr~RiSbcfr" Laurle. The music of "Annie Laurlo" was written by Lady John Scott ' The greater part of Yellow- stone National Park is in Wyoming. The rest is partly in Montana and partly in Idaho. It is Interesting to note that this wonder spot covers 3,575 square miles. Flies are able to walk on ceil- ings because they hang on by capillary adhesion. They have ten thousand or more foot hairs! Don't you believe it? It's a fact! ADIOS Do you know thisjikj snng?___ "'"Oh7~Tii'iVricy ~ls°~ihe meat in the cocoumit, Oh, money Is the milk In the jug! When you've got lots of You feel very funny, - You're happy u» a hug In- rug." Chevrolet users say: 'They're the most economical trucks for all-round duty' Perfected Hydraulic Brakes . . . Greatest Pulling Power in Their Price Range ... New Steelstream Styling Thousands of Chevrolet users will tell you that the best answer to your transportation needs is Chevrolet trucks! Chevrolet trucks have the greatest pulling power in their price range . . . because they have a NEW High- ComprcBtiion Valve-in-Head Engine which wrings the last ounce of power out of every gallon of fuel. Chevrolet trucks are the most economical for all- round duty . . . because they give maximum gas and oil mileage, and will keep on serving over a long period with minimum care and attention. And Chevrolet trucks ire safer, more modem, more durable . . . because they're the only low-priced trucks with Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, NewSterlstream Styling, and extra-strong Chevrolet construction throughout. A»k your nearest Chevrolet dealer for a thorough demonstration today! UmtnJ A/Man Inilqflmral /'«.« nmuWy pomnill U lull >vur ptnH. 'mORE POWER p*i qa£U LOWER COSTfi^ W' Ed. Thompson Additions to Homes Started Additions and improvements to homes wcro the only new con- struction launched hero during the past week, according to rec- ords in City Enginoor Frank-JR.. Leonard's office. Permits were issued for the followlns works: George Martin Is building an addition and porch to hl.s home at.703 Madrid, to cost $150; J. A. Young Is erecting a double garage on his property at 1691 Gramercy for $250,. and Mis.s Ada U. P. Chase is adding a glassed-in porch to her residence at 2118 Carson street at a cost of (175. Bloodstains Show Burglar Hurt In Entering School Some place some would-be school burglar is nursing a rai- lectiOh Af wounds-ap r-o«ult of his lootless entry into the ele- mentary school here Sunday night or early Monday morning. He broke a window on tjjc Plaza del Amo street sidp of the central building and," from the bloodstains found Monday morning, evidently cut himself badly entering and leaving the building. Nothing was taken, school authorities torn local police. . Torrance Herald And The lx>mitu Nmvs Published Every Thursday Grover C'. Whyln iMlitur-I'ubllsher .... 1336 El Prada. Phone -Ml Torrancc, Calif. Entered as second class mnt- tcr January 30, 19M, at post office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 181)7. Official Newspaper of City of Torrancu \djudicatcd a .Legal Newspaper By Superior Court, Los Angeles County. 1600 Cabrillo Avenue Torrance Phone 593 ED SCHWARTZ STORE FOR MEN, WISHES TO REMIND ALL SONS AND DAUGHTERS THAT SUNDAY IS FATHER'S DAY! GOOD OLD FATHER DESERVES A GIFT AND NOTHING SUITS HIS FANCY LIKE GIFTS OF WEARING APPAREL Shirts . Ties . Socks . Pajamas Sweaters . Underwear Polo Shirts 1505 CABRILLO Around Corner From Torrance Theatre I f f

Transcript of TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17 ... Jan … · TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce,...

Page 1: TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17 ... Jan … · TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17, 1037. DINE OUT At Least Once a Week and When You

TORRANCE HERALD, Torrnnce, California. THURSDAY, JUNK 17, 1037.

DINE OUTAt Least Once a Week and When You Do—By All Means Try the ...

Cherry BlossomChop Suey

ParlorOpen Week Nights. Till 1

'Angeleno Has Camera Impounded Here i 1 for Attempting to "Shoot" P. E. Stock

A. M. Saturday Nights Till 4 A. M.


Even tiro Raymond C. Fill- Irrton, 27-year-old Los Angeles bank clerk, is a 'member of the "Uailroad Boosters' club" and pursues the hobby of pho­ tographing railroad rolling stock, lie found out Sunday that he could not "shoot" the Pacific Electric's property here.

Discovered by a watchman as he loitered about the P. E.

_j_shQrjs_ulth_his_camcra,_Eul-_ ' lerton was detained until Cap­

tain John Stroh of the local police department investi­ gated. - The Pacific Electric, according to Stroh,. is averse to having its property pho­ tographed without permission.

Fuller-ton's camera was Im- -I- pounded by -the watchman.

who said lie would send it to the main office of the com­ pany In Los Angeles and the photographer could claim it there. Fullerton said he had not taken any pictures here,

asserting that the three ex­ posures recorded on his lens- box were taken in San Diego.

State PicnicsTEKKK HAUTE, IND. ... All

former residents of this city are invited to attend the picnic Sunday, June 20, at Sycamore Grove, Los Angeles. A pro­ gram, starting at 2 o'clock, will 'be presented and refreshments arc to be served to all;-J3uihLaJIome-Now!


Luncheon SetsPint—Norwegian O1 „

LlC6 Cups, 6 Spoons, 6 Forks, 24 Asst. Plates, 6 Napkins, 1 Table­ cloth— ONLY . . .

Bot. 100 Tablets TQ BAYER ASPIRIN . DUG

rial Size ENO SALTSSUN VISORSLge. Size, All No.'s PETROLAGARNew Style, Adjustable

TransparentGreen Visor Jars 12—Glycerine II,,

SUPPOSITORIES., litFlashlightsSolid Metal Case

Pint—Universal CASTOR OIL


Focusing— Complete with Batter- ies and Bulb5 or 7'/2 Grain

TabletsUROTROPlhfc, Pocket WatchBATHING


Avon - Guaranteed 90 Days, Thin Model. Unbreakable Crystal.........


Cocktail Napkins - Cochtail Onions - CochtailCherries - AH Kinds of Wine, Liquor and Beer

Mixers - Mixing Advice Shakers - Jiggers andSqueezers In Short the RB COVERS THE FIELD



Coronado BEER Plus Bottle Deposit

BROWN DERBY Cans 3 «or 25c; Bottles 4 for 25c

MAIER'S BEER Cans ............... . 3 f or 2£cEASTSIDE LUCKY LAGER ACME RANIER GOLDEN GLOW ALE ................. 10c 3 for

29cLucky Lager BEER 38cplus Bottle






BATHING 4 « C5 Lbs. Jl M,


Full f I CPt. A JL

35c Size—Ass't. POND'S CREAMS 55c Srze POGO ROUGE.. 37cReg.—Lipstick O4j TANGEE .... ............ JLC55c Size—Cream Q7 LAD^ ESTHER.... J/CMei Size »i ITALIAN BALM 44C

l»ENTIFItlCELge. — Tooth Pwdr. or DR. LYON'S JJC Lge.— TootfTPaste LISTERINE. Lge.— Tooth "Paste PEPSODE&IT Reg.— Toothpaste COLGATE'S_ Lge.— Tooth Paste" IPANA ._ _ . L~3c.— Tooth Pwci PYROZIDE





Bookof so



"PROTECTO'Toilet Bowl Deodorizer, f%| Reg. 25c 3f

CIGARETTESAll Popular Brands

Luckys, Chesterfields,Old Golds, Raleighs,


2 FOH 25°

Artist J. C. Carroll's relief map of the "necklace of britlRcs" that no Bay, brings into the spotlight the key position held by the little-publicBay, brings into tlic spotlight the key position held by the little-publicized c in Gold Rush Days by the famous Admiral Farragut (top portrait) as bcini water commerce. Top left Admiral Farragut's original Navy Yard. Top r' battleship being refitted for Pacific service. Bottom photo Harry Soanes, V; Point Cut-off Road, ready to start his time test in a 1937 Chevrolet Master San Francisco City Hall via each route are shown in the box. (Se<- -icrompar

nmls the waters of San Francisco.ty of Vallcjo. Vallcjo was chosen

g a strategic location for land and igllt the modern Yard, showing a illejo Chevrolet dealer, at the Sears DC Luxe sport sedan. Times from lying story for further trip details.)

Traffic Men Promoted VACATION IN MOUNTAINSMr. and Mrs. Jerry Beckcr,

Miss Helen Haworth and John JRogcus..-proprietor..of _the.-Fam- ous Chill Shop, spent several days this week vacationing in the vicinity of Crystal lake, San Gabriel canyon.

CONGRATULATIONS RECEIVED following' announcement ol-'Uuir promotion to new freight traffic poiitioni brought imilei froni th«a Santa Fe Railway official.. A. M. Rcinhardt, left, wat named aimtant freight traffic manager, Coast Linei; G. L. Coin, center, wal eleratnl to general freight agent, northern California, and Fred H. Rockwell became aimtant general freight agent in the lame territory. They look over their new dutiet June 1.


Kword Claimed for CowLONDON. «U,-Prf Ar;w«_r±d; iwtth=thi

record .milk yield for a Short­ horn is claimed for a cow owned by Capt. E. S. Fielding John­ son, of Manor Farm, Compton Bassett, Wiltshire. In 24 hours she gave 72 pounds of milk, bringing her yield up to 32,715 pounds In 357 days.

Mother Valiant Hitch Hiker',' CLEVELAND. (U. P.) Fol­ lowing the call In her heart Mrs. Elizabeth Colarco, 23, hitch hiked 1,800 miles from Sir City, N. M., bringing her t children, Marie Antoinette, ti and John William, seven months to l*o near her husband.


July 4th Fete Plans Advanced

Those who by choice or nccea slty will remain, at home over the three-day holiday for July 4 will find much to Interest them here in Torrancc. Plans for a full day's celebration on Monday, July 5, were completed last evening by a group of or­ ganization representatives who met at the city hall.

The day's festivities- will be­ gin at 10 a. m. when all sorts of children's games and races will be held at the municipal park. A long list of prizes Is being secured for these chil­ dren's events which will con­ tinue until 12 noon. From 12 until 1:30 p. m. a picnic lunch is planned. Various organiza­ tions will be asked to Install unch and refreshment booths for those who do not care to

ig-trTBtr- own picnic baslretsrConcert ami Tulk

Starting at 1:30 p. m. an hour's concert by the Municipal band will be given In the band shell at the park. A short but highly Interesting patriotic talk will be given by Bert Mann, state^ chairman* oC the American Legion's Americanism " commit­ tee. Mann- Is reported to be a forceful orator with a vital mes­ sage.

At 2:30 a double-header baJl game Is planned. The first game will be between the Amer­ ican Legion and the Moose lodge, and the. second game will be waged between two factory teams, as yet not chosen.

Free DanceIn the evening beginning at

9 o'clock there will be a free dance at the Civic Auditorium. It is planned to engage a good orchestra for this function which climaxes a full day's colebra- tlon. all- of -which--is- b'ehifr offered without charge to resi­ dents of Torrance and surround­ ing communities.

intlre program is being sponsored by the city Rccrea-,. tlon commission in cooperation

=the_-various organisations.: Among those who arc taking an active Interest in the celebration are: Mayor William H. Tolson, City Clerk A. H. Bartlett, W. H. Stanger, Dale Riley, Recreation commissioner; Thomas Wllkcs and Thomas Humer, Moose- lodge; Pat Boyle, American Le­ gion; Mrs. Thomas. Wilkos, Ladies of the Moose; L. J. Gil- nielster, Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. Vclora Murphy. Legion Auxiliary; Roy Winters, Eastern Star; Mrs. Addle Parks, N. B. | P. W. club; Vernon Coll, 20-301 club; Al Robinson, Kiwanls; Grover C. Whytc, Rotary; Dr. C. L. Ingold, Masonic lodge, and Mrs. Lilian Barrington, Woman's club.


"Her lirmv IN like the smm-drift, Her throiil IN like the HHIUI, Her fneo In the fairest That e'er the sun nhonc on."

What a tribute to a beautiful woman! QUESTIONS

Who was the author of the lines appearing above?

Many of you vacationists would like to take a trip to Ycllowfltone National Park. Can you tell us, without first getting out one of your beloved maps, In which state the greater part of Yellowstone National Park I.H situated?

And another thing! Why are flies able to walk on ceilings? TODAY'S PROVKKB

"He who IN born unlucky NtumblCH an he goes,

And I ho lip fall upon Ills. buck Is sure to break

lil« nose." Gcrnuin.

ANSWERSThe author of the lines at the

top was Douglass of Flngland. They arc the second vcrac pj "Annie Laurle." Douglnss wrote them as a tribute to Annie, who was 'tHo~oIiniBTrtcT~orarr~RiSbcfr" Laurle. The music of "Annie Laurlo" was written by Lady John Scott '

The greater part of Yellow- stone National Park is in Wyoming. The rest is partly in Montana and partly in Idaho. It is Interesting to note that this wonder spot covers 3,575 square miles.

Flies are able to walk on ceil­ ings because they hang on by capillary adhesion. They have ten thousand or more foot hairs! Don't you believe it? It's a fact! ADIOS

Do you know thisjikj snng?___ "'"Oh7~Tii'iVricy ~ls°~ihe meat in

the cocoumit, Oh, money Is the milk In the

jug! When you've got lots of

You feel very funny, - You're happy u» a hug In-


Chevrolet users say: 'They're the most economical trucks for all-round duty'

Perfected Hydraulic Brakes . . . Greatest Pulling Power in Their Price Range ... New Steelstream Styling

Thousands of Chevrolet users will tell you that the best answer to your transportation needs is Chevrolet trucks!

Chevrolet trucks have the greatest pulling power in their price range . . . because they have a NEW High- ComprcBtiion Valve-in-Head Engine which wrings the last ounce of power out of every gallon of fuel.

Chevrolet trucks are the most economical for all- round duty . . . because they give maximum gas and oil mileage, and will keep on serving over a long period with minimum care and attention.

And Chevrolet trucks ire safer, more modem, more durable . . . because they're the only low-priced trucks with Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, NewSterlstream Styling, and extra-strong Chevrolet construction throughout.

A»k your nearest Chevrolet dealer for a thorough demonstration today!

UmtnJ A/Man Inilqflmral /'«.« nmuWy pomnill U lull >vur ptnH.


Ed. Thompson

Additions to Homes Started

Additions and improvements to homes wcro the only new con­ struction launched hero during the past week, according to rec­ ords in City Enginoor Frank-JR.. Leonard's office. Permits were issued for the followlns works:

George Martin Is building an addition and porch to hl.s home at.703 Madrid, to cost $150; J. A. Young Is erecting a double garage on his property at 1691 Gramercy for $250,. and Mis.s Ada U. P. Chase is adding a glassed-in porch to her residence at 2118 Carson street at a cost of (175.

Bloodstains Show Burglar Hurt In Entering School

Some place some would-be school burglar is nursing a rai- lectiOh Af wounds-ap r-o«ult of his lootless entry into the ele­ mentary school here Sunday night or early Monday morning.

He broke a window on tjjc Plaza del Amo street sidp of the central building and," from the bloodstains found Monday morning, evidently cut himself badly entering and leaving the building. Nothing was taken, school authorities torn local police. .

Torrance HeraldAnd The lx>mitu Nmvs

Published Every Thursday Grover C'. Whyln iMlitur-I'ubllsher

.... 1336 El Prada. Phone -Ml Torrancc, Calif.

Entered as second class mnt- tcr January 30, 19M, at post office, Torrance, Calif., under Act of March 3, 181)7.

Official Newspaper of City of Torrancu

\djudicatcd a .Legal NewspaperBy Superior Court, Los

Angeles County.

1600 Cabrillo Avenue Torrance Phone 593



Shirts . Ties . Socks . PajamasSweaters . Underwear

Polo Shirts1505 CABRILLO

Around Corner From Torrance Theatre
