Top Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter


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Playhouse Communication Ltd's Top Ten Nigerian brands on Facebook & Twitter.

Transcript of Top Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter

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“Thoughts from the Playhouse”? “Thoughts from the Playhouse” is a series of reports, essays and case studies on all things digital from us at Playhouse Communication Ltd. We plan on producing at least one „Thought‟ a month but if we find a lot of interesting stuff happening, we‟re not going to limit ourselves. If you would like to subscribe to receive these thought pieces, please email us at [email protected]

Top Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter By Tolu Onile-Ere, 27th Dec, 2011

Introduction It‟s the end of the year and with it comes all the lists – the Top Films of the Year, Top Songs of the Year, Top Celebs of the Year, etc etc etc. So we at The Playhouse decided to jump on the bandwagon and come up with our own list. We decided to look at the two main social media platforms, Facebook & Twitter, and see which Nigerian brands are using these platforms most „successfully‟ – „success‟ in this case being measured by the number of „Likes‟ and „Followers‟ a brand has. We decided to compile a list of the Top Ten Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter. Now, to make it more interesting, or depending on which way you want to look at it, create even more work for ourselves, we also decided to look at the brands by certain industry sectors – banks, publications, consumer brands, radio stations – and also review the performance of celebrities as well. This Thought Piece however focuses only on the overall Top Ten Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter. The rest of the lists will be shared in a subsequent Thought Piece. First, a few things to note:

In compiling the list, we have looked solely at the official Nigerian page of the brand. Some brands are global and may have a strong presence on the platforms, however, since we believe in the adage „Think Global, Act Local‟ we have only considered those brands that have a specific Nigerian page.

Facebook & Twitter do not supply data on or monitor „brand‟ performance on their platforms. This has meant that to compile the lists, we had to come up with the names of the brands and then physically trawl through each platform to see if the brand has a presence on the platform and if so, how many „Likes‟ or „Followers‟ they have. This has meant that there might be some brands you, the reader, are aware of whose numbers mean that they should have made it into our Top Ten but which we have missed. If so, please excuse us and simply

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email us the Brand name and we will include it when we look at updating the list – yes, we are going to make this review a regular thing.

When you check the brand pages, you will find that the numbers we have down are wrong. They were the numbers as of the date & time when we checked the page but the very nature of the platforms means that the numbers change regularly, so, the number I note if I was to check a page now, might be different from the number if I was to check it again by the time I have finished writing this piece.

That‟s it. So, without further ado, and all protocols observed, Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, the Playhouse proudly presents, the Top Ten Nigerian Brands on Facebook & Twitter.






1 MTN NIGERIA 369,159 1 MTN 101,051

2 BEAT FM 364,382 2 BEAT FM 45,571

3 COOL FM 206,899 3


4 GT BANK 196,713 4 PUNCH 25,941


6 DAILY TRUST 126,936 6 CHANNELS TV 20,603

7 ALWAYS 126,467 7 COOL FM 19,113

8 MTV BASE NIGERIA 93,512 8 RHYTHM 93.7 15,976





Our thoughts

We have to applaud MTN for their first position on both platforms. What makes this feat even more impressive is that as of early August 2011, MTN had just under 30,000 „Likes‟ on Facebook and just under 15,000 „Followers‟ on Twitter. So in four months, MTN has grown its „reach‟ on Facebook by 1130.5% and by 596.9% on Twitter! Impressive – especially when you consider that their service is still rubbish (sorry couldn‟t resist). So, how did they do it? Well, long story

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short, they ran a series of promos & games1 giving away free credit and as the graphic below shows, that is the top reason why people follow a brand on both platforms.

Reasons People Follow Brands on Facebook & Twitter

We also think the Nigerian Banking industry as a whole should be commended for having taken on-board social media (esp Facebook) as part of their marketing activities. Over three quarters of the 20 Nigerian banks have a Facebook page and two of them – Guaranty Trust at no. 4 and First Bank at no. 9 – make it into the Top Ten.

Interesting to see that only one „consumer goods‟, namely Always, makes it into the Top Ten. In fact while doing our research, it was surprising to see how few Nigerian consumer goods brands have a presence on the social media platforms. Everybody seems to be aware/agree that the old advertising model of „interruption‟ is out-dated and that successful brands need to engage their audience and that social media provides the opportunity for engagement yet…Having said that, P&G seem to be taking social media seriously, having set up Nigerian Facebook pages for Always, Oral B, Pampers, Gillette & Ariel.

Finally a mention on Twitter. Our research indicates that most brands across all industry sectors are not currently active on the platform. This might be because the platform is not yet as popular as Facebook (Facebook is the most visited

1 To find out more about one of the promos MTN ran, have a read of our Thought Piece titled “MTN Social

Media campaign”.

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website from Nigeria whilst Twitter is number 8 – three places behind YouTube which is number 5). Or might be because they aren‟t yet sure how to use the platform (give us a call and we‟ll give you some ideas – yes, blatant plug).

So, we hope you found the list useful, interesting or fun? Anyway, we will be sharing the rest of the lists shortly. All that‟s left is to wish you all the best for the year ahead – May the best of your past be the worst of your future. About Playhouse Communication Ltd Playhouse is a full service digital advertising agency. If you would like to find out more, visit our website at, „like‟ us on Facebook at, email us at [email protected] or call us on +234 (0)13205232.