Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid


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Transcript of Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Page 1: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Top 10 Mistakes Bloggers

Should Avoid [email protected]

Page 2: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Table of Contents

I. Blogging – Don’ts.................................................................................................. 2

Using Long Paragraphs

Impressing the readers with your vocabulary

No images in your Blog Posts

Copying contents from popular websites

Posting irregularly

Having lots of Advertisements

Buying Links

Not replying to Comments

Posting about almost everything

Trying to create backlinks anywhere possible

II. Bonus point ........................................................................................................... 5

III. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 6

IV. DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................... 7

Page 3: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Blogging – Don’ts

Here in this eBook I am going to list some of the most common mistakes bloggers

should avoid.

Using Long Paragraphs

Try to be specific on what you are writing and often use bulleted list. This is because

most of the people who read stuffs online, will simply scan the overall blogpost

before actually reading it. So you have to make the reader get an overall idea about the

blog post and peak their interest. There is nothing wrong with long paragraphs, but

it’s a little bit difficult to make the reader stay interested.

Impressing the readers with your vocabulary

Your readers are reading your blog because they find it interesting. So make it simple

and concentrate on the content. Make it interesting, not complicated! You can show

off your vocabulary when you create video series. Now for the time being use simpler

words in your blog posts.

No images in your Blog Posts

As I said earlier, people will first scan your entire post before actually reading it. So

including an image which describes the blog post will make it more attractive. These

images give the key message of the blog post to the reader. It is good in terms of SEO

as well.

Copying contents from popular websites

This is one thing you shouldn't ever do. First of all, people who have seen the original

content are never going to come back to your blog. Also search engines, often punish

the websites which have duplicate content. Also if start copy pasting the articles and

stuff, you will get bored and soon enough lose all your inspiration. Creating new

content is like an art, the more you do, the better you become in it. And that can only

be an advantage to you in the future.

Page 4: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Posting irregularly

If you have a blog, you should keep posting on a regular basis. This will get you

frequent returning visitors and more pageviews. If a visitor return to your blog, and

find no new content, most probably you will never see that visitor again.

Having lots of Advertisements

I know you want to make money. But a blog with lots of ads are definitely a turn off

for the visitors. If you want to make money, try to find a place in your blog with good

visibility. In my opinion one blog shouldn't have more than 2 advertisements. Also be

sure not to change the ad position frequently. That will piss of the frequent visitors.

Do a proper research and find out a good place which has higher Click Through

Rate(CTR) and never change the ad position. Also say no to all the pop ups and pop


Now one thing to note down is, how people use adblocks. So if you’re site is having a

lot of ads, you’re basically asking the visitor to start using adblock to see the content

in your blog. So please don’t fill your blog with ads.

Buying Links

Buying links often end up bad for your blog. If you're careful enough to do a research

on the links you're buying, it will not be a problem. But still there are risks of getting

blacklisted by search engines. If the link you're selling/buying is known for spamming,

or known for selling/buying links, then that's not good. It’s always better not to buy

links! Also beware of the automatic link submission services. If you're buying links

from a provider which uses automatic tools for building links, you're blog WILL be

penalized by popular search engines.

Not replying to Comments

Try to be friendly with all your readers. That will get you more & more comments

because you’re engaging the user with your views. They will have something to return

to. Google loves blogs with lots of comments. If you never reply to the readers, your

readers will stop commenting on your blog as they see no one to reply to their

comments. By replying to the comments, you are sure to gain returning visitors.

Page 5: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Posting about almost everything

If you're a beginner in blogging, I would recommend you to stick on one particular

topic or niche. If you are blogging about almost all the topics available, you would

never score higher in search engines. You should concentrate on one particular topic

and post about that almost every day, if you can, make it twice or thrice every day.

Now this could get you a higher SERP.

Trying to create backlinks anywhere possible

Backlinks are good for your blog. But it is good only when the links come from a

website with similar niche. If the website on which you're creating backlinks, has

nothing to do with your website's topic, then those backlinks does you no good. If

your website has lots of backlinks coming from websites with different niche, then the

possibility of search engines penalizing you is higher.

Page 6: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid

Bonus point

Try to have an email subscription form on your side bar. Also create one in

another page and give a link to it on the header menu. You have to come

up with various reasons for the visitors to sign up to that emailing list.

Having an email list means you can actually convert these visitors to

returning visitors and you have someone to tell about your new product, ie

when you’re ready to launch a product. Email lists are the big thing now, if

you have an email list with considerable number of subscribers,, you can

easily launch something and send out a newsletter to them. This will in

return give you more money than you can imagine. But don’t ever spam

them. If you can just stick to one email per week with excerpts of all the

posts you made in that time period.

Page 7: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid


If you read this and avoid all the stuffs I pointed out above, you're going to have a

very successful blog soon. But you should give it some time. Success never comes

easy. So be patient and keep working hard.

So I hope you have a better understanding of what to avoid while maintaining a blog.

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Page 8: Top 10 mistakes bloggers should avoid


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