Tomorrow’s housewives 18 th October 2006. emotion powers behaviour capture the feelings behind...

tomorrow’s housewives 18 th October 2006

Transcript of Tomorrow’s housewives 18 th October 2006. emotion powers behaviour capture the feelings behind...

tomorrow’s housewives18th October 2006

emotion powers behaviour capture the feelings behind the facts it’s the small moment which speaks volumes what women really do, not what they say they do

the art of conversation not the science of research

‘Well, of course I still buy chicken nuggets-I just hide them under the vegetables

(you don’t want to bump into anyone with them in

your trolley!)’

‘I don’t know why, but I have a sudden urge to bake cakes for the first time in my life! Is

this the first sign of the menopause?’

and another thing

guilt, shame, self-delusion & confusion more information, yet say they are drowning in it! trying to make sense out of conflicting messages

‘Next they’ll be telling us that booze and fags

are good for us!’‘I try to make my homemade food appealing and don’t talk

down processed food or ready meals to the kids so that I don’t have a rebellion on my hands’

hearing what’s now: seeing what’s next

the way women feel now will influence how they will do things in future

food is emotive and complex women will always be custodians in the context

of family :planning shopping and cooking appreciate why they do what they do

‘Fish tastes too fishy for the kids so give them those brain

oils in supplement form’

‘How expensive does out of season food have to become

before we say no?’




responsible pressure to be perfect fear of failure understands ‘you are what you eat’ power of influence, to mould and shape the future is in her hands

‘When did things get so complicated? Even on a normal

day I have only 4 hours to fit in tea, homework, the reading they have to do, showering, playing and then me reading to them. Lights out at


‘I hate having other kids to tea because you have to do the nutritious, fun and

mum- in- control bit’


experts everywhere but who to trust? suffering from ‘infobesity’ food: the new political correctness what happened to mothers’ intuition?

‘I think organic is marketing speak for people with more money than

sense. Half the world is starving and the other half is dieting. We’ve gone


‘Why do they insist on lecturing us mothers about food-we all know and feel guilty about it, but when have children ever liked what’s good for them?’


regaining control resorting to word of mouth and shared

community nutritional credit and debit the ‘fatlash’ ‘what do you mean-just a housewife?’

‘So what’s wrong with chips and bread? The way they talk we’ll be charged with being in


‘I ate the packet of chocolate croissants for breakfast-finished them all! Case of do as I say not as I do. Besides it saves Katie from an unhealthy breakfast’

‘Yes, I know it is a bit of a poke in the eye for feminism but I like being a housewife-at least I’m a

bit less frazzled and I can actually cook a bit better!’

the influencers

the new conservatism a return to a better way of living looking for the voice of common sense a return to learning the old skills back to baking, mincing and hostess trolleys! thrift and authenticity are the new chic nostalgia for heritage recipes tried, tested, trusted minimise waste and more efficient recycling

‘Women are just obsessing about stodgy old fashioned puddings. A

revival is in full swing!’

good mother / bad mother

all the best intentions but reality bites time stressed for mummy it’s a drudge convenient/convenience conundrum fail to meet self imposed standards ‘acceptable’ short cuts

‘I make pizza dough but buy the toppings. As long as the sauce at least is organic, it’s not really


‘I love cooking, but not for the kids. I hate to admit it but it is pretty relentless and you don’t get a lot of


altruistic but pragmatic

a desire to shop with a conscience apply value seemingly indiscriminately ‘Kenya beans’ syndrome confusion and cynicism impacts on ideals practical obstructions

‘Of course I would prefer to buy local vegetables in season but if a child expresses any interest in a

green vegetable then I’m afraid its origin goes out the window (along

with my principles)’

‘I’d like to support the local shops but they do tell you off if you manhandle their

produce, whereas they don’t in the supermarket!’

future trends

nutritious v naughty packaging-the new organic? ‘home made’ but by somebody else supper clubs - reasons to meet teach and

educate multicultural Britain, what we’ll eat, how we’ll

shop and what we will buy

future trends

‘nutritious v naughty’

looking to balance ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods cynicism and rejection of ‘health claims’ concern about causing diet neurosis in children know the guidelines but make up their own set of


‘We are back to full fat everything: sugar, Coke, butter etc., but just

making sure we give up the snacking.’

I drink a lot of red wine but it is ok because I have discovered milk


cake is the new sex

forbidden pleasures making a comeback rejection of food ‘saints & czars’ bagged lettuce: the reason for cellulite? finding new purity in ‘old foods’

‘I bake because the children think I’m wonderful and

amazing, and people are so impressed by a cake!’

‘I now think of bagged salads as good and

bad in equal measure’

‘I do wonder if this celebrity-chef obsessed culture is actually

making us fat - not the food?’

waste matters

packaging has to make sense no joined up thinking want to avoid the ‘throw away’ culture concerns about packaging ‘leaching’ into foods

‘I really think about where I buy herbs from-I will not buy them

when they are more packaging than product’

‘Why do they insist on wrapping organic

vegetables in cling film?’

look behind the label

fooling people into authenticity detracts from freshness

over packaged implies over processed label watchers: policing opportunity for usage suggestion non-recyclable and often superfluous

‘Where did all the brown paper bags

go to?’

‘I learned to read by studying the back of a cereal packet and I like

to see recipe ideas and food information printed on packaging-sort of makes it worth the while!’

‘I am far more suspicious of food where it looks like there has been more spent on the photography and packaging than the bit you

actually eat!’

home made-just not by me

badge of altruism and status brings authenticity and expertise into the home lifestyle applications: post baby, celebration, diet,

eating in occasions, holidays ‘mother’s little helper’ burgeoning industry: farmers markets, WI, artisan

delis, etc.

‘A lot of women are thinking of setting up on their own-baby food and food for new mothers. People

like food by mums for mums!’

by locals for locals

speed of food from ground to table small holders and cottage industries convenience and provenance the next step in the delivery boxes premium fresh food-not going to shareholders no additives, no processing, no compromise!

‘One day I they will get around to you bringing containers back for

them to reuse!

‘I just like the idea of knowing that they sell produce made by local women during school hours. I

think it’s helping create a sense of community over the big boys!’

the supper club

reason to meet, eat and share information offline an offshoot of online! redefine community through food chance to learn

‘I know it’s a bit old-fashioned but I could really get into this as a

hobby. Well, it is about time we girls got into something - the men

have their golf!’

‘I love the idea of being able to steal ideas off one of the more

competent cooks-when you see it being done, you are more

likely to remember it!’

teach me, show me, help me!

recipe books gathering dust practical, achievable & accessible ideas understand how to use food and avoid wastage traditional food revival

‘I think that a lot of skills got lost and they used to be mother to daughter hand-downs. Lack of

education in food has enslaved us, not liberated us’

‘I would love to find out what goes with what-you

know-the chemistry of food and cooking!’

‘I wish I had never strayed from Delia - at least she never let you


multicultural food will help us to understand new and old

approaches to food/ethnic bring unfashionable foods and meat cuts back supermarkets will doubtless sell a version of for

a broader palate will help us to adopt healthier influences will reinforce preservation of traditional British

fayre ‘In ten years time we will have a quick cookbook of ‘Brit food’ with roots in Poland, Romania, Russia It will be a bit like spag bol today!’

‘We have taken all the less healthy elements from other nations. We

need adjust our taste to the healthier options’

the pundits

what’s in mincers Polish Latkes big pants eating less Bree van der Kamp talking community nurturing the Madonna cookbook

what’s out other gadgets Chicken Tikka Marsala muffin tops dieting Nigella texting individual selfishness Gordon Ramsay