to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas...

- . i ..... i ' . ' - ' tli rr.--r::-;- ti ;r ,,' r r ' t H ' ' ' ... II '" ' - .. .. .ill,. . . - ii in TfatngEai:' Li L " n r . I i i M ti i .a- 4 .. 4. v t t . 1 1 I f - j t . 'f i f '4 v ' V ' '' 5 C i i U - v ; y- - : ' . t - f.v J L L v. ; v.- ri .r f r 1 - ... r - . . ...... , ( R M Ct C 0 1 01 Z 1 ? 02 3 6 1 . . I , .. t.v--- J - c . r v: " 1 : r. . Ut i v - l t' cf t J 1 ; j. t : ' ' t ....:r . : ta IM . f.:t;r:d St.. t : iar -- 3 that ,::r.t j:.'-;n- t. i .: J. i in ....... w . f i e.3 r.j .csx verci t ; r ;! V::"z:'i s ' ' ', 4- - c.j ficrth . i thty hU Chore and .vs .c"!-r.-- . f rc- -J t,t ft:ii. in v - : . t : .zl :x,trc;i tr.i r c- -t r V In- tW,nnlr.2'the r- -;t "'f 7 ,'. t.t-- . J2y ' w (r.;f8. -- V-'tr v:s i : t it. vT.'J a msa cr ..4 v." tn t.i : . :1 fcr er.a ef A!:x-- r - 'rr'i f; :i t i cri irsve It far cut j c:r,ur f ' . M Iccfcti I'M tiortv r-f- .e.a t.Iri:wcker, and r-r- r.t a I;:- -' t rt t: .tan.ieam, our itrt. r;i f- - cut to tog eds f .,crrwi i"iT ty fcxtl.wat fatting ths jrrcur.i i cn Ifcnj ly and ,t,1.:j tl ; v i " ef : th ctUtt it h:i 't . '.rirjrfsrir.ed Infa r!J ; C liit f tht Mh' Ir.r'- -' C , r.;Un.; defenaa cr.-.t- !;i ar.i i?c :r tccrea two ru-r.- t wMih t: i t" tht vctoryk at .itten ecsU ti r;'.3 Viltfi; Xlexan- -i ) r r tfit flnrt I ! 3.' - 5 f xAtticta!r,-:f:- ' ;J.;ilx a tt, wit t j etrtt t-- Cuakera jtcu C.jvt - vU'tht trike-o- ut x -- t. :xir. , - j . sstd tw? mtn and r tvtz : M' f . 'WXt.r-x'iUv- f ttinii-e- a was arw . M-- 't'j , tntUt ark.'Tlia f : , :!; -- a wtrr . ItCi'u V-:- . .Cariy. ... - - - - - AbcV Grover ATkinder, PhJIidciphla ,Ti l- -Y VZr.C-.MCR- -- tr ' . : -- .r:'; ' -- V f The niea whovrcre la i:::':lt today. -- f:r PtiiaddrM 4- - hiT3 ttia plsjci till la Hclos.' f T AV irJ-- r vlll ta rcraev?iv' f f' c i .1 w3 .1:., .;ir tcra I: t Ls- - cd L: f a 'lia ssveril cf tae local f teir:s a few years aso. T'lica f fILIIlifer.Ts knocked out the pub-- f 'lie tria'to'fcar'tor;the PhUUes,- - tut SL ' Mary's ataf -- f f - ; 3 frcat to4ay, and with f - : - tl-rc- 3 tte-.frultalo- f i - t3 vi;! -- y. rThe citcber tUrew'4-- . re!!'-tises- ' and proved.-'to- Vte c- -3 cf Ha tlx factors la tae 4 dfcz$lve wcrk of the teaa. s" - f : f 2f V 4 r-- 7 ro rCT.-rvr'- i liyor tanft6dar fV . thords tian'ai'r life har named a "fifee.'i oscV wotaan oa-th- e city fanning ocaiJ mission;. ? M. Dowsett, to serve with kJlri.V.F j who :taa al- ready Icea aiyaei-VvT-- i r: Mrsv: Dowsettris well and popularly knowaf ftnd:' her, rappomtment cannot Dui meet wiini ue . approval or. .au who naTe 'followed her work with vari- ous 'organizations' which have to with the beautifying of the cltyi Ehe Js. a .wcraan of marked artistic tastes. tud -- her. presence on the commission sKpborta the belief that the mayor is taadlls g--i the gamins; of; the tica-wt- t cttlottw-S-A- ? &i-- J There,ar;?three men to aerire'ca' tfe commlss'tsasweH but "who: thy are riobodY-?ihotW8- ;' That la one of tf Sjecr'ets of state'which the mayor is ketarng: '.ira&eir Ala 'tat 'to sprliig ,Tipoa guervlsor-- . ? .p .. ... 4RosarloCafiatoIla.';of 'Brooklyn, wis 'thbfc fld' killed y; a friend .When be'Teiertea- - to' his friend as ?a second fhnrl 'nTTi i 'iTrnB f." fUfriCeicv-Erne- tt 6Wr, Etttoiv . " - i n n K'l f - .j I I t,(i t,nJ . . .4 UM wo v turret c a" IIotel; $treetv.ia;ty ch3 reachta jthe - ::y pouricsiia. ttrca jc : tf .the'eeccad story, ssv Lc. , 1 cf; A: McDuCa'a taea 'Ust i3 ca of the fcigesttaul3 cf V rant! : : s Uh at has teen ; cade' ia' the Usury tt Iloa6laitt'-f- 5 A Ko , fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.-- - Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the : detectlrca; who - care theajial to, McDuf3e when the trap was fready ; to cprina. The teyldeace was takea .tt,"l aad- - the mert -- o"ttd trtai..t6morrdw;;.j4iA r F?.. ;.v- - ,'ipcse rcajiyreaiare .an roa5r An At C2xoy, At-Puca- v At'Chee.aad Alt gives WjyoxmEjTommp . - h o o lulu tq ei:. d ah isx ;?njo:i rjAinmariiAt-isE- A Deciding at e last tnameat, t&, am bark upon "ine--te- a f matrimonyj In- -' stead of taklnsr voyage across the flc ocean; - Miss ' . Mand tmptoaof SaiiU Itosa xhe'tedHonoluln xmtof anoer' tourist; and :ite MatsoaJNart. Sit!on icipacy-ut- ' pt'apassenier, accfrdlag ; to' a $tor 4fo? which Vtha tJaaFrandsco Orontole,oijSeptter t vouch e . vo e irouu j'. fi, ? lSAtc6rdlat -- to, ,the papVtP-- : tsaad.her. trxmk ; ia .tiiafateamef; ahd'eaused ter to ' cancel herbb6kirig and orderthe trunks' pfotght fcack- -, ; TAfter. the steamer tad aailedTaays Clironlcier3nss- - .'3ompton. called upca Drr Sterling' Bunnell ind:itccept-edXtistroposal- ;, of ?m'arrtage,7v.Tte two." tad;' beea"ra(ittainted for some years,; aid tt'-wa- s 4 wtea-- ' .the doctor Ifamed 2that Miss Comtoa was;atout to salt for Iionolulrf, that t a ufi;edter aanncnBnaaan uu at: r $ ? VtsucsTiaM'Or'.iWaRTsrtt tTvJi "iisa meetmK:le4- - byithe J3 trcit Federatloffv to fdiscuss .? taa'tt ttt itjityccharter'wiii ,tfe;beld;to ,'t: - tamber of ftnmeJrpe:Tooni "till : tre;et4tompnwV$vena tt ii "c ibave beea' torlted. to speakJ tJ CIS B.iDJe: Goternor Prear.CLlWr n - Xi WMtneyy J. 1.-3- 3 wita ana tpady tor,tae TP tertkvthaM-Honolaliliea;:-th.- &?all cotBrttfcrtd : herr ttttoortf .Keart r-- vp Kir jr a? 'At;taVVit?vfft$?t.; IjQrrla Thurstra;-- cfctireissf of,the.o5Ut3S.:a r:r . :zt ; 5 ty. iyor Lae .v wvesu tito Il:-::"'- u'3 rotable tfater iipF.'". and by elnctl-- i nsde by.Charii'a U. tta centers tci;y ..J t-- s ' Cell-rart- tt "srorSrua::. ,r af:".:y. c peU- -t t--- prctll z:znz for rnrrosacf frr'.srtiS ati laff-.- : - varies il act water fr.rceat.-- a turt cl-hl- ax tia:rcsu'.t3- - oUtae JarestJa t!ca to tta cr:r:i3z:52, who thca ; Cttlla'ca t;.:zlta ;cxplc-rtica,;?.- s'i - lltUTtur;-- ! "- -i Wa'oplalca ca tbe jnrst:ca follow j a aorjewhat Izzz&y pm wad con, Ja re rard to'dirsrtat sourca of water t aU taat he hai tried to diyeat himself of say feella which favcredxae special plax Y.Te ianat'cczs'.itr every arall-- ' abl3-p!aa,v;';- oa aaldi-rta- d not conSae ourselres .'tor C5'Merc3ly;;? My I?a,Mcont:auedIr.5Thr3ton, Via toiccntlier-our- . ssrface water Just r If we -ied to nz & caly. Yls-c- ri c"t t.'vcr.the; er.riywllibe frbot ttt3 e : : r:e,; ecr r- - t sum rela tl- - to th-iai- . keep them. fpr ysfefj. ' . " e - "i.-- f : V J - 1 'i, ."Aft?r'we l";veV.sar-!vi- et 3 3 tie re v :.a-eth- er strict: with X;z:i : j'cr' ri. -- ' J::" It "ta. ani et tlhs c'l C -- re. a v a;, c " i'frcrj II;trI:U' u.. j'it c;;::'.: . ily: to .cc? tofc'iia-'ccacVairc- (tft :.alta .lyctfc-- " f.:;y JtVa Thr::'.''.'.'.'.' :. 'h ? i:r.vTLt!:a-.r- t; (' tt the t eM J: he' felt-thi- KOwU te t!ta r c 1 rcat!4itT1' ."7.p.vcant ct? loose tfrcca any.. soi rlr te ntlauedJydaican'ttake LzytXzcfiJtosL a-m- ot tkaa-jyo- u 'put i ito'iCaai If thla lalaad 13 coning it all ; hear sistag .up tad fecra water .ach year than one to it by rih: f ilL- - wa must ccasider wvery meac3 to? :tle;iprierKiaCaa.pplies.orw I ir Tnurstc' SrSU-Uweiiwa- jaaue fi;: 3wiag-a- n ciala; glvea by Thomaa pr" Ggdgwlciito::ttav?cti: that -- all frc?a waiter, supply cathexislands Ji from ralaf all, and aot likely, fr6m seep asa from, the oceaa or by, underground tuanels iron"- - some" mainland source; -- Mr..? BedwlckV was. ; asked by Vthe commission If. ia hi.opinloa tapping the , nounta'as : as I is .been' dona 4a the casi of the .Waiahdle tuauel would have a detrimental effect upon the ar. tesiaa tysteia of the Island. r, "Ctrioiia," Caye Si;vrlck.: T, j T have not made: up' my ' mind In nirt.'ttatvVaaldjmVMBic 'ana f :Eaoii5d.aot.f.ttf'aJ.rieis ord npV;aiiayingvwh'thr4trw ' I " hm . ill 4i 'I llil a Vi k wui vy4 yw w 7 iTT'iw tteEaitersUr :alitd. hits 3 t plana fprits: board- - roflaerp$oiiateaJfliead bniEf aaV-eleda- ti iti"oaikce!wltt. ba-.fttf-"i iH . 1 ce Doaru '0tiOcjcirsvH'vyj? sues' or. Major-i- , Daltoh: i board !la ;fdfjlh2 purpose ot-Taik- tt conmeailatlonsior the :jKite: lorHht;brj.Ti iocatldo7oi;iae.nev intsmet'in4ih;;c heiailiI!lt VsjlSOslU' tirei b'vfldtaivv ItiBl S te used for ainnsemeata- - generally; aad, as a, mov- ing pictart theater. ;) Taa presea aato-dom- e la too anialUand'll ; ta torn down and tta;aew amusement rooal used In Ita stead. Dance wllL be held la It- - and: sacn otter amusemeau aa mlgtt tdealred.TD. toHnAs'.Jteif A." 3v i'- -t rif I 'hc r j : p.5i:i rj : r r - : - a vri-prcv- ri viarlrj'. tha - C2i.,-.'i- n PcI.rJ ! t::k a trx4 lr--?- .;:t 1.: c :.:) cftfes. f- -. r'r.V'r ;rc- - ! It tat:. ':'.i '', K' j'tnd' Vzr' ti'.).: I:. .t.:w c ...rril.-jth- i; Ti-t-j'vi;- ;..) v f Cariia. V - 'I ' ! c;:,i? ir-- " 7.' j !."i':C".:;!2nt .frr-.i:-- c: c.lfV. ....,! ,yr:;s'w-'r- : : '. ;::.: :,:;r.'.;.'. t - r tr. .r,l r sv ;;. '.'. t; '""r:" :'i .. f 'v2: ' . :ry.' pr: .. i t rr:...:. ' r't::.: rr, er.;.. ..Twac:,.: irs ; -- 1.3 rr--- ;. ;-- 'v .ra't:' : i'- p:' ;r :". '.1yi: -- Iv'tJ.; . . t ' "-. rrcii .,... ' jr;iyCi'uaiVl"i'. t'.s i..irhi'Cerrnan'c:" ti'r" itti ti: tht m.'tack. -- .12. v. tit3:kr.2': : t T;:i.-.ts"-;nd''i.S- 3 fc?!r4vV '" ;r.;h:r-i-.vT.V.- i; : ' j C -."- .j-'.'v. ix. . .: -- ri.":,'fCaat' of fj ;.;. theTri.-- c .-- iii a sir.iJt p' j cf tr?:t,V i X t .... t:." 7 h : ra '.'contir. r.tir Tahure thi r?:r:h Van;t-t..i-i--attif2;- of vfef-'- f t -- t vara . h 4 ty.Ctrman.ccur.t :t t4ck2'.':-vh- t r. s art-advanc- e. J ;n efTcrti .IJi-irci:. the: German r: .' :n hcK'i:;,:rths2JMcfa-::,;i-- r 1 M.: f Wthraai- of Scars,-- , : : 3 5li;ira is:- - ,'.t.'renand Vthrta- - r.a. phAtht::t IrastvGiivoitt HI casaQ'e irec ; i t. stared Kiiaaiaa p?: tlort. btf ifsr- Hat n-ra- ft. a ; tr. x i : cfVrt Ui-ata- ra, 7e.Gen?tar.i a$ va V.aii "tc-- h afCryavyafy ssai? Th :Ji,ffefeeent;hvJry;.st :ki-- ; t v twten Cfi'l.- - xoYa.rsa an; 1 ..;. , y2 yaJina were xaxea r era. ; w. iai Unslr : t n't Arc : ?s .ha v; threu .1 tha.anamy f ixje; j f of t wtat r f Cirtua and! A8atra-Hun-ar!?- n tfc r In Vey-r- si placet have pax: i.tht trk lia, Civet and :DantibetrIyeri and ft tat!: hd f rm ( footing on th s i t baftk-- f Ahi f Drlna.'iTid hi : t..4 . canxaji . tna save, a no canusa nvera.- - Tlie-- f flswlr l.lcislearan f rorn Cir m:a!f ' .re I .has ,': :n .received 1 1 ' 'VfjjSet.Airnv : aquitttra r,l;:rt,' dct;ftr ; Ur hch hand nrer.:!! attuV-ans- . s,i cl.NauvlHt rep'- - Vrj;; cp. .the1, aaffi. Caawpajne If crt !;yrr?2y'tyxyery'. tntenaa trtli- - lrri ft cvt .in? mcii-ouca- a we csr rtii-trj;:!:- ? rt' : ffitUtlllmposalt Jt f U rj'a-;r;r'r;h- t lap' sdvapceibx torm, tmy iiaar -- tr. rci j, rrom .onme?y ta t Jtain. - rth' aaJrnarlheaat. the at tacka ' ' -- !"; r'tedr; . . -- yand:-;"xi? h .. "J adv: - '?eea "" r.stf i t Mil ?ct , ::: hht v. ; s I :,..:.cki :;txtJJ:M4 .L"fea drmv 1i;.:r- ict of; CUr thin'fiO.c: CKa'cf the fnt M w to -- i '' W fa. " J M . w . ;j.i:::.dc?cmc " i:;to cou;iinY to c:lj ' :f z::EvcLE:iT,:EUinAL!iV 1... ...s liU UrrUwiitw.. (..eclated Press Berries by Federal V.lrt!-:j- 1 ' LONDON, Essland, Oct, 8. An ur.cfucir.i r;;crt r authorityr packed up. by; recent (Icvcloj Grcccoil;ta'citIy stand -- by, the Entente V-i-- ::,:" clair a'lbeneyolent neutrality tOTrr.rd;tV 7 sib ?ill.fcotrcsist thb sending cf r.rrr.r l fore 1 ! . to the other borderio'-EcetHhb'Tcatoa- i or.Bvi!.,.;.;... . :i7 ) -- -r E7.?.LIN, Germany, Oct. 8. Th 2 German r;cv lcdccl a fcrmr.l protest, 'through it.i nmlr.rr.dr 1 tha Gr. fcic:n o(Tic'67tho pretest b. 1 c cf4rc:.'3-c- Greek'. soil," at Salcniii; by tho I'.ni Gen ::.. cirhs such landing 13 a vi elation cf r i:nJri:Jly to the, Teutonip nations. No reply ta his been re: ivcd.----i--;.:;- ' .:' '. '.. 4 ,13 ' V.'-..- ' "LONDON En -- !r rcrbin h in full swi:: ; Oct. 3.-.7- it!i ! CA4wAi.i k.t 4vll I4 v. . V4 w 1 . ft, 1 i1.. "- - 1 'i rr.n.i i;; 1 C" id:-.- : ''''"-- r J.v ::irii Ccrbiri, 0et,:.8.l i Bulgaria r: 1 Serbia is ceni The Tnl r "ra "3 1 ;cn Lr.ndcd his pa?part3.y'v Jn t.5 aviators-T7h- dropped bombs on .".nd Ni' ' , ' person?,- is' regarded as tantamount to the c:: hostilities behreea;thb Bulgarians end Serbs, then , declarations have been mad?. ,,f:Y0Rir,X; Princeton, ; who : disappeared last January ' an :I I located in spite of a- - jwide search, ha3 been d: relatives and friends a prisoner in London, ur ! : of fcbinsr; a. spy; "His father)is a naturalized r lamer nas preseniea oecreiary Tcut to prove-tha- t the boy-i- s mentally unbalanced. ' a - .A".. ' V 4 ..if ' r - rt l3EpLIN,-.- i errnany,5 Oct. S.Bulgaria V intent! : n the aon th? side of .Germany has been proclaia:': fcltoVho manifesto sttes that it 13 suicidal f or K to augn'herselt witji "Germany, and that her duty i Tctitcnio Allies tb realize her national c?piraticn,.. FvP?" " I.Ui;i-iiiijyi- ii CAxricfaUd Pxtca by Federal VTlrt!:ti SSATTLCv vVish Oct.: 8 Tha bound here from Alat'an :rtwi:M a ear;a of 7t paa-ttnri- rs and cc.itisrable freisht, haa run abrcir.i. il Cilia Calta en the Critish ;Cr i c::;L Relief ha-bce- hi. 1 : .tt..y F? iAiK'C 3 viLLAAT'V' ;ju:; h Ti ro;;FnviT!i iU.iU cc ,r l carotheh: Vk ft " (A.5C'itei Pi: ilj Tediral VTlrslo: PASO, T: c, C:t. V flava h c:m J frtm :r j t.1 s tirdarthat C . Frar:!i: VJ-a-- r.ij arrived "at Juar.x ta c:.-.rrr;w- ::T th Ur.:td Ctatsa c:t-au- ! thi.i,' C::r;s.C. Crothersv fsrn-erf- y ct Terr;; .cn t:,s sltuatbn. vctA:,-T.x- .v:.:j 1 w ; 1 : : ) : 1 v.. i 1 . y : '. : 4 ' . : t " : - .. . Bul-aria- 'r. - -- j 01 Jbtaio . s j .v jl -- - fAi3!w!ate4 Fre: br r.- - VYH.ZCLI?13, V. V- , tr f:y t.vs rr.:.:' : '. ' thi "" rt r f.':"y Ycr:: f - C:. ' V.'V.; 7 r i- :,.t j u i : r v. : cf t.- - : . fre-- 1 V.'r:: .. - t; c : i.i :J ii :z .its r k - : ' t.t :r.t t ) c .:t r .. . CP

Transcript of to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas...

Page 1: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;

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. f.:t;r:dSt..t : iar -- 3 that

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i .: J. i in.......w .f i e.3 r.j .csx

verci t ; r ;! V::"z:'is ' ' ',

4- - c.j ficrth . i thty hU Chore and.vs .c"!-r.-- . f rc- -J t,t ft:ii. inv - : . t : .zl :x,trc;i tr.i

r c- -t r V In- tW,nnlr.2'ther- -;t "'f 7 ,'. t.t-- . J2y ' w (r.;f8.

-- V-'tr v:s i : t it. vT.'J a msa cr..4 v." tn t.i : . :1 fcr er.a ef A!:x-- r

- 'rr'i f; :i t i cri irsve It far cutj c:r,ur f ' . M Iccfcti I'M tiortv

r-f- .e.a t.Iri:wcker, andr-r- r.t a I;:- -' t rt t: .tan.ieam, ouritrt. r;i f- - cut to tog eds f.,crrwi i"iT ty fcxtl.wat fatting

ths jrrcur.i i cn Ifcnj ly and

,t,1.:j tl ; v i " ef : th ctUttit h:i 't . '.rirjrfsrir.ed Infar!J ; C liit f thtMh' Ir.r'- -' C , r.;Un.; defenaa

cr.-.t- !;i ar.i i?c :r tccrea tworu-r.-t wMih t: i t" tht vctoryk at

.itten ecsU ti r;'.3 Viltfi; Xlexan- -i

) r r tfit flnrt I ! 3.' - 5fxAtticta!r,-:f:- ' ;J.;ilx a

tt, wit t j etrtt t-- Cuakerajtcu C.jvt - vU'tht trike-o- ut

x --t. :xir. , - j . sstd tw? mtn andr tvtz : M' f .

'WXt.r-x'iUv- f ttinii-e- a was arw

. M--'t'j , tntUt ark.'Tliaf : , :!; -- a wtrr . ItCi'u V-:- .


... - - - - -

AbcV Grover ATkinder, PhJIidciphla

,Ti l--Y VZr.C-.MCR- --tr'


-- .r:'; ' -- Vf The niea whovrcre la

i:::':lt today. -- f:r PtiiaddrM4- - hiT3 ttia plsjci till la Hclos.'f T AV irJ-- r vlll ta rcraev?iv' ff'c i .1 w3 .1:., .;ir tcra I: t Ls--

cd L: f a 'lia ssveril cf tae localf teir:s a few years aso. T'lica ffILIIlifer.Ts knocked out the pub-- f

'lie tria'to'fcar'tor;the PhUUes,- -tut SL ' Mary's ataf --ff - ; 3 frcat to4ay, and with f- : - tl-rc- 3 tte-.frultalo- f


- t3 vi;! -- y. rThe citcber tUrew'4-- .

re!!'-tises- ' and proved.-'to-

Vte c- -3 cf Ha tlx factors la tae4 dfcz$lve wcrk of the teaa. s" - f

: f 2f V 4r-- 7 ro

rCT.-rvr'- iliyor tanft6dar fV .

thords tian'ai'r life har named a "fifee.'i

oscV wotaan oa-th- e city fanning ocaiJmission;. ? M.Dowsett, to servewith kJlri.V.F j who :taa al-ready Icea aiyaei-VvT-- i

r: Mrsv: Dowsettris well and popularlyknowaf ftnd:' her, rappomtment cannotDui meet wiini ue . approval or. .auwho naTe 'followed her work with vari-ous 'organizations' which have towith the beautifying of the cltyi EheJs. a .wcraan of marked artistic tastes.tud --her. presence on the commissionsKpborta the belief that the mayor istaadlls g--i the gamins; of; the odmmis.iltica-wt- t cttlottw-S-A- ? &i--J There,ar;?three men to aerire'ca'tfe commlss'tsasweH but "who: thyare riobodY-?ihotW8- ;' That la one oftf Sjecr'ets of state'which the mayor isketarng: '.ira&eir Ala 'tat 'to sprliig ,Tipoa

guervlsor-- .

? .p .. ...4RosarloCafiatoIla.';of 'Brooklyn,wis 'thbfc fld' killed y; a friend .Whenbe'Teiertea- - to' his friend as ?a secondfhnrl 'nTTi i 'iTrnB f."

fUfriCeicv-Erne- tt 6Wr, Etttoiv .

" -i n n K'l f -.j I I t,(i t,nJ .

. .4 UM wo v

turretc a" IIotel; $treetv.ia;ty

ch3 reachta jthe- ::y pouricsiia. ttrca

jc : tf .the'eeccad story, ssvLc. , 1 cf; A: McDuCa'a taea 'Ust

i3 ca of the fcigesttaul3cfV rant! : : s Uh at has teen ; cade' ia'the Usury tt Iloa6laitt'-f- 5

A Ko , fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbondplaylrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi Thetr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfullyset.-- - Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aasbtat cf the : detectlrca; who - caretheajial to, McDuf3e when the trapwas fready ; to cprina. The teyldeacewas takea .tt,"l aad- - the mert -- o"ttdtrtai..t6morrdw;;.j4iA r F?.. ;.v- -

,'ipcse rcajiyreaiare .an roa5r An

At C2xoy, At-Puca- v At'Chee.aad Alt

gives WjyoxmEjTommp.

- ho o lu lu tq ei:. dahisx;?njo:i rjAinmariiAt-isE-


Deciding at e last tnameat, t&, ambark upon "ine--te- a f matrimonyj In- -'

stead of taklnsr voyage across theflc ocean; - Miss '

. Mand tmptoaofSaiiU Itosa xhe'tedHonoluln xmtofanoer' tourist; and :ite MatsoaJNart.Sit!on icipacy-ut- ' pt'apassenier,accfrdlag ; to' a $tor 4fo? which VthatJaaFrandsco Orontole,oijSeptter

t vouch e . vo e irouu j'. fi, ?

lSAtc6rdlat -- to, ,the papVtP--:

tsaad.her. trxmk ; ia .tiiafateamef;

ahd'eaused ter to ' cancel herbb6kirigand orderthe trunks' pfotght fcack- -,

; TAfter. the steamer tad aailedTaaysClironlcier3nss- -.'3ompton. called

upca Drr Sterling' Bunnell ind:itccept-edXtistroposal- ;,

of ?m'arrtage,7v.Ttetwo." tad;' beea"ra(ittainted for someyears,; aid tt'-wa- s 4 wtea-- ' .the doctorIfamed 2that Miss Comtoa was;atoutto salt for Iionolulrf, thatta ufi;edter

aanncnBnaaan uu at:

r $ ? VtsucsTiaM'Or'.iWaRTsrtttTvJi "iisa meetmK:le4- - byithe J3trcit Federatloffv to fdiscuss .? taa'ttttt itjityccharter'wiii ,tfe;beld;to,'t: - tamber offtnmeJrpe:Tooni"till : tre;et4tompnwV$vena ttii "c ibave beea' torlted. to speakJ tJCIS B.iDJe: Goternor Prear.CLlWr - Xi WMtneyy J. 1.-3- 3

wita ana tpady tor,tae TPtertkvthaM-Honolaliliea;:-th.-

&?all cotBrttfcrtd : herr ttttoortf .Keart

r-- vp Kir jr a?'At;taVVit?vfft$?t.; IjQrrla

Thurstra;-- cfctireissf of,the.o5Ut3S.:ar:r . :zt ; 5 ty. iyor Lae .v wvesutito Il:-::"'- u'3 rotable tfater iipF.'".

and by elnctl-- i nsde by.Charii'a U.

tta centers tci;y ..J t-- s 'Cell-rart- tt "srorSrua::. ,r af:".:y. cpeU- -t t- -- prctll z:znz forrnrrosacf frr'.srtiS ati laff-.- : -

varies il act water fr.rceat.-- a turtcl-hl-

ax tia:rcsu'.t3- - oUtae JarestJat!ca to tta cr:r:i3z:52, who thca ;

Cttlla'ca t;.:zlta ;cxplc-rtica,;?.- s'i

- lltUTtur;-- ! "- -i Wa'oplalcaca tbe jnrst:ca follow j a aorjewhatIzzz&y pm wad con, Ja rerard to'dirsrtat sourca of water taUtaat he hai tried to diyeat himself ofsay feella which favcredxae specialplax Y.Te ianat'cczs'.itr every arall-- 'abl3-p!aa,v;';-

oa aaldi-rta- d not conSaeourselres .'tor C5'Merc3ly;;?

My I?a,Mcont:auedIr.5Thr3ton,Via toiccntlier-our- . ssrface water Justr If we -ied to nz & caly. Yls-c- ri

c"t t.'vcr.the; er.riywllibefrbot ttt3 e : : r:e,; ecr r-- tsum relatl- - to th-iai- . keep them. fpr ysfefj.

' ."

e - "i.-- f : V J - 1 'i,."Aft?r'we l";veV.sar-!vi- et 3 3

tie re v :.a-eth- er strict: withX;z:i : j'cr' ri. -- ' J::" It "ta. ani ettlhs c'l C -- re. a v a;, c " i'frcrjII;trI:U' u.. j'it c;;::'.: . ily: to .cc?

tofc'iia-'ccacVairc- (tft :.alta .lyctfc-- "f.:;y JtVa Thr::'.''.'.'.'.' :. 'h? i:r.vTLt!:a-.r- t; (' tt the t eM

J: he' felt-thi- KOwU te t!tar c 1 rcat!4itT1'."7.p.vcant ct? loose tfrcca any.. soirlr te ntlauedJydaican'ttakeLzytXzcfiJtosL a-m- ot tkaa-jyo- u 'puti ito'iCaai If thla lalaad 13 coning itall ; hear sistag .up tad fecrawater .ach year than one to it byrih: f ilL- - wa must ccasider wvery meac3to? :tle;iprierKiaCaa.pplies.orw

I ir Tnurstc' SrSU-Uweiiwa- jaauefi;: 3wiag-a- n ciala; glvea by Thomaapr" Ggdgwlciito::ttav?cti: that --allfrc?a waiter, supply cathexislands Jifrom ralafall, and aot likely, fr6m seepasa from, the oceaa or by, undergroundtuanels iron"- - some" mainland source;

-- Mr..? BedwlckV was. ; asked by Vthecommission If. ia hi.opinloa tappingthe , nounta'as : as I is .been' dona 4athe casi of the .Waiahdle tuauel wouldhave a detrimental effect upon the ar.tesiaa tysteia of the Island. r,"Ctrioiia," Caye Si;vrlck.: T, j

T have not made: up' my ' mind Innirt.'ttatvVaaldjmVMBic'ana f :Eaoii5d.aot.f.ttf'aJ.rieisord npV;aiiayingvwh'thr4trw

' I " hm .

ill4i 'I llil

a Vi k wuivy4 yw w 7 iTT'iw

tteEaitersUr:alitd. hits 3 tplana fprits:

board- - roflaerp$oiiateaJflieadbniEf aaV-eleda-


iti"oaikce!wltt. ba-.fttf-"i iH. 1 ce Doaru '0tiOcjcirsvH'vyj?

sues' or. Major-i- , iienmsvapia.inDaltoh: iboard !la ;fdfjlh2 purpose ot-Taik-

ttconmeailatlonsior the :jKite: lorHht;brj.Tiiocatldo7oi;iae.nev intsmet'in4ih;;c

heiailiI!lt VsjlSOslU'

tirei b'vfldtaivv ItiBl S te used forainnsemeata-- generally; aad, as a, mov-ing pictart theater.;) Taa presea aato-dom- e

la too anialUand'll ;ta torndown and tta;aew amusement rooalused In Ita stead. Dance wllL be heldla It- - and: sacn otter amusemeau aamlgtt tdealred.TD. toHnAs'.Jteif

A." 3v

i'- -t rif I 'hc r j : p.5i:i rj : r r - : - avri-prcv- ri viarlrj'. tha - C2i.,-.'i-n

PcI.rJ ! t::k a trx4lr--?- .;:t 1.: c :.:) cftfes. f- -.r'r.V'r ;rc- - ! It tat:.':'.i '', K' j'tnd' Vzr'ti'.).: I:. .t.:w c ...rril.-jth- i;

Ti-t-j'vi;-;..) v f Cariia.

V -'I

' !

c;:,i? ir-- "

7.' j !."i':C".:;!2nt .frr-.i:--c:

c.lfV. ....,! ,yr:;s'w-'r- : :

'. ;::.: :,:;r.'.;.'.t - r tr. .r,l

r sv ;;. '.'. t; '""r:" :'i ..

f 'v2: '

. :ry.' pr: .. i trr:...:.

' r't::.: rr,er.;.. ..Twac:,.: irs ; -- 1.3rr--- ;. ;-- 'v .ra't:' : i'- p:' ;r :".

'.1yi: -- Iv'tJ.; . . t

' "-. rrcii .,...' jr;iyCi'uaiVl"i'. t'.s

i..irhi'Cerrnan'c:"ti'r" itti ti: tht m.'tack. -- .12. v.tit3:kr.2': : t T;:i.-.ts"-;nd''i.S- 3

fc?!r4vV '" ;r.;h:r-i-.vT.V.- i;: ' j

C -."-.j-'.'v. ix. . .: -- ri.":,'fCaat' of fj ;.;.


iii a sir.iJt p' j cftr?:t,V i X t .... t:." 7 h : ra '.'contir.

r.tir Tahure thi r?:r:hVan;t-t..i-i--attif2;-

of vfef-'- f t --tvara . h 4 ty.Ctrman.ccur.t :t

t4ck2'.':-vh- t r. s art-advanc- e. J ;nefTcrti .IJi-irci:. the: German r: .' :nhcK'i:;,:rths2JMcfa-::,;i-- r

1 M.: f Wthraai- of Scars,-- , : : 3

5li;ira is:- - ,'.t.'renand Vthrta- - r.a.

phAtht::t IrastvGiivoitt HIcasaQ'e irec ; i t.stared Kiiaaiaa p?:tlort. btf ifsr- Hat n-ra- ft. a ; tr. x i :

cfVrt Ui-ata- ra, 7e.Gen?tar.i a$vaV.aii "tc-- h afCryavyafy ssai? Th:Ji,ffefeeent;hvJry;.st :ki-- ; t vtwten Cfi'l.-- xoYa.rsa an; 1 ..;. ,

y2 yaJina were xaxea r era. ; w.iai Unslr : tn't Arc : ?s.hav; threu .1

tha.anamy fixje;j fof t wtat r f

Cirtua and! A8atra-Hun-ar!?- n tfc rIn Vey-r-

si placet have pax: i.tht trklia, Civet and :DantibetrIyeri and fttat!: hd frm ( footing on th s i tbaftk-- f Ahi f Drlna.'iTid hi : t..4 .

canxaji . tna save, a no canusa nvera.- -

Tlie-- f flswlr l.lcislearan frorn Cirm:a!f ' .re I .has ,': :n .received 1 1 ''VfjjSet.Airnv : aquitttra r,l;:rt,'dct;ftr ; Ur hch hand nrer.:!!attuV-ans- . s,i cl.NauvlHt rep'- -

Vrj;; cp. .the1, aaffi. Caawpajne Ifcrt!;yrr?2y'tyxyery'. tntenaa trtli--

lrri ft cvt .in? mcii-ouca-a we csr

rtii-trj;:!:-? rt' : ffitUtlllmposalt Jt

fU rj'a-;r;r'r;h- t lap' sdvapceibx torm,tmy iiaar -- tr. rci j, rrom .onme?y tat Jtain. - rth' aaJrnarlheaat. the attacka ' ' --!"; r'tedr;

. . --yand:-;"xi? h

.. "J adv: - '?eea "" r.stfi t Mil ?ct , ::: hhtv. ; s I:,..:.cki :;txtJJ:M4

.L"fea drmv;.:r-

ict of; CUr

thin'fiO.c: CKa'cf the fnt

M w to --i '' W fa.


J M . w .

;j.i:::.dc?cmc "

i:;to cou;iinY to c:lj' :fz::EvcLE:iT,:EUinAL!iV

1... ...s liU UrrUwiitw..

(..eclated Press Berries by Federal V.lrt!-:j- 1 '

LONDON, Essland, Oct, 8. An ur.cfucir.i r;;crt rauthorityr packed up. by; recent (IcvclojGrcccoil;ta'citIy stand -- by, the Entente V-i-- ::,:"

clair a'lbeneyolent neutrality tOTrr.rd;tV 7sib ?ill.fcotrcsist thb sending cf r.rrr.r l fore 1 ! .

to the other borderio'-EcetHhb'Tcatoa- i or.Bvi!.,.;.;... .

:i7 )

---r E7.?.LIN, Germany, Oct. 8. Th 2 German r;cvlcdccl a fcrmr.l protest, 'through it.i nmlr.rr.dr 1

tha Gr. fcic:n o(Tic'67tho pretest b. 1 c

cf4rc:.'3-c- Greek'. soil," at Salcniii; by tho I'.niGen ::.. cirhs such landing 13 a vi elation cf ri:nJri:Jly to the,Teutonip nations. No reply tahis been re: ivcd.----i--;.:;- ' .:' '. '..


,13 '

V.'-..- '

"LONDON En -- !rrcrbin h in full swi:: ;

Oct. 3.-.7- it!i


CA4wAi.i k.t 4vllI4 v. . V4 w

1 .




-1 'i rr.n.i i;;

1 C" id:-.-

: ''''"--r J.v

::irii Ccrbiri, 0et,:.8.l i

Bulgaria r: 1 Serbia is ceni The Tnlr "ra "3 1 ;cn Lr.ndcd his pa?part3.y'v



aviators-T7h- dropped bombs on .".nd Ni' ',


person?,- is' regarded as tantamount to the c::hostilities behreea;thb Bulgarians end Serbs, then ,

declarations have been mad?.

,,f:Y0Rir,X;Princeton, ; who : disappeared last January ' an :I I

located in spite of a-- jwide search, ha3 been d:relatives and friends a prisoner in London, ur ! :of fcbinsr; a. spy; "His father)is a naturalized rlamer nas preseniea oecreiary


to prove-tha- t the boy-i- s mentally unbalanced. 'a -

.A".. ' V 4 ..if ' r -

rt l3EpLIN,-.- i errnany,5 Oct. S.Bulgaria V intent! : nthe aon th? side of .Germany has been proclaia:':fcltoVho manifesto sttes that it 13 suicidal for K

to augn'herselt witji "Germany, and that her duty i

Tctitcnio Allies tb realize her national c?piraticn,..

FvP?" "


CAxricfaUd Pxtca by Federal VTlrt!:tiSSATTLCv vVish Oct.: 8 Tha

bound here fromAlat'an :rtwi:M a ear;a of 7t paa-ttnri- rs

and cc.itisrable freisht, haarun abrcir.i. il Cilia Calta en theCritish ;Cr i c::;L Relief ha-bce-


1 : .tt..yF?iAiK'C 3 viLLAAT'V';ju:; h Ti ro;;FnviT!iiU.iU cc ,r l carotheh:Vk ft "

(A.5C'itei Pi: ilj Tediral VTlrslo:PASO, T: c, C:t. V flava h

c:m J frtm :r j t.1 s tirdarthat C .

Frar:!i: VJ-a-- r.ij arrived "at Juar.xta c:.-.rrr;w-

::T th Ur.:td Ctatsa c:t-au- !thi.i,' C::r;s.C. Crothersv fsrn-erf- y

ct Terr;; .cn t:,s sltuatbn.

vctA:,-T.x- .v:.:j

1 w








v.. i 1 . y : '.








- .. .Bul-aria- 'r.

--- j

01 Jbtaio


s j .v jl -- -

fAi3!w!ate4 Fre: br r.--

VYH.ZCLI?13, V. V- ,

tr f:y t.vs rr.:.:' : '. '

thi "" rt rf.':"y Ycr:: f - C:. '

V.'V.; 7 r

i- :,.t j u i : rv. : cf t.--

: . fre-- 1 V.'r:: ..- t;

c : i.i :J ii:z .its r

k -

: ' t.t :r.t t ) c

.:t r.. .


Page 2: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;

j;i&lin r nriv-- T fin K-- --: J J

4e. .W w. 3

.'J T .j

Cl: !ssu2sT.:s::!:r"Fr;:c

v : j r f ;Afu r' ycstcrday'r phccorafnal art :

i ' 'advance or nel'ric . rs

r ..f;rirk profit'Uklng by the lucly own- -

tended to ctrresjr t cUve share Lt frtct:c.-s- , lut

" ' (irn n it e face of sales tcisi:.---; ere; .., '5". iv'v njych as one full point-- , ' v. ; -

f r i:fUh.'i TcirdV dur!rs ,thb 'last 21

u'i-'id- the' market leaders, tad-a- t tnla.. IV 5TT! r ortinj? Mlon-tTse-ealf- s cr- - toV iI f hares,- with .McTryde tnd lorleei

rV-C'sa- , vh!c!rr!a ycMc r -- y" ct V.1Z.

f ... . . Jl4 It - a . 1 . '

;r - Icf'A fr-i- rt fSi'.h tr: r " In'-- t f 12-- J thirty aiXtlr ; viili

; lid of U and.ofrerlngi at-Cs-

'";rrV-'t- a above-- . fhat Cre.-- '

jiV.';; 7aiilua '"decided 'C.r.e w-ricT- S,"

.f 't : f f rru tt II.T; tl Pic-e- ery

r--1 C.or;ea rT!'tfrpd-.thetan- e


i t1



r i

- I u

:t ' . J t3.t; t-- r; cf in cp-- :.

t .:h t:-- 5 twj In' T. - " vy .rz'n c ' ; : i.' "

c 1

it i x i;

- - " r .

1.-- .. lr;,-v- - - X. T

. .y ,'h'wv.V

: v.

y& , : - H-


;tA'i.wJ'Tri-c:s- " C.-'- -'J 't JabluVi re-cently was elected' cae ct the'ortf." -- I

founders ; cf th?. Katlcr.ol Hlstdrl .1Society by tSe exr'curivfl- c?,ramltt'c 8'cfthat orpanlzatlca at a 'rue tin? In'Ke ..

celved tl; SUr-- r :i"et: .fr;:the secretary! of th'ej acclcty.'- ';'

Atr t'..?' tiine'-t-e''Iat!5ca-

rr?tcrlcaV- Soeiety hi n T rejcUtlv.ii 15 F.tates. U wa'3 .orated

itt-sti- a t.- - ci: A; 1. 1 .1, ilftj.,-"fo-

the purpose of promoting bib! il-

eal krowler'so and .tudy, patriot;. niT-- V. rcc--- e cf r!rv-- " til$

ujt f ; - . ; !

f;.:4er,'T"rposea of tko.; organization: - 't f .i In the articles,. of ,.tncQr

follows:;v-- ' f j' t,v--

"To dl.ioxiver,' rroenre, rrcseryd end

rerrrl":?' ,Vliale i;r; f : !cs to' hi:try, t.e history of, tha i f sm hrntfrhti. "t- -s l.:.U4--y cf i

c. A r i .ir-pjssF- s

ficrs, cr i th i-r: ; r ' f: ;i:!si

il.r-rtri't:-- ! ci- - J.': - .?r.JhI.vV . hyjsultvfri-n- l c?:c

k,;l iwnH 1. r 11

i ;il

titration ar ' r T.ct-ca.a:!

historical. cf?ar.izatl;r.3., patriotic frrders f- -1 kJairc J f cti-'I'- Icc-- i, f tat. ,

-- -r ,f.. ; .1 ar ;

l .f ; ler. '.extr-uP- .l to. rd.t-dttoa-,ur.'- l

1 .riot Ism." ".'.'j:,'.- - r

I LATEL la t . i L

, nv:::zD';

: tj ".t6 ot'Na-t-,V : ; Icnolula po--:

:: ;.t tea : d,few

- ? . i.i

t c .1 I ty t. iTrcit Trust' ' - ,4t.. - -- . Inventory shows that the fi-- ?

i at at:". 'THT ; t 1

.r. a-- '

.uj i.i lu"aAmcni tha stct'-- rre 2) sh:

mlucd at $T."; Ii3 sh:rc3 In iherf.c.i rvr' i r. - ar r.,i -" .. :. v. '. valc i' at

i'... rfi-i-- . t O.a.-r.- -

" ''tl. CI shcr,3-- ".r.v, v; V"iin the Oahu 1 car - O- - -- t ; any,' val.irdat tnd C.-thai- . .hi .f the. L;varicrtat;:4.' Ccr: v.y .r .. ?:d.-a- t $23.

. Th fctate : ' J ' t' ? older of. 23- -

i.:,rts in th3. ..aj,iC.;:-ny-.h:;X- ,i . .," t .lhv.entory,iere of no value. .The Inventory ccn.

ta!-- s ether'

r at S f i: jewelry. .. t 1 1 . . . 1 ' : ,' '

. V '

i Circuit Juire cVThltEey: today ap-'--- " jc" . ',':: :." 2, TT.

r. it rr ar i J:-- - .1 0. ;Pjatts; np-- .

i ..;.as'T.f tl.: ( . V

lYaVVwilV c: :icf t.e'.lSi;;cl- - crtearsai--. wla,are. fit..for -- rv;C2. are derr;

I r lc";serve two yearla rA.rnfrr tiramy. He has two ivr? ntLg."V- -

- . . '1 -

. 3 . v - r -

.'.., v rT- -'' -- J

' - i... -

-- ;.

t. j i'iti'

.. - ,j'V.-vt

L t.(

- ... - ...

. .

- "4 h '

i..-.- ' .' - S

. ' 'v t v

, ,. ;v-;.'.-

t ,4

ifaajnrzU front f itfrtafctttafrtlaeeCoiCiUaalaUtsiV:In waiting for" tne' new UiU waS tin--Wardi" of 'ir pcrtance tb; th loves cflaiei;:i. K

I : .zs; ' a .ct; :r.: c'rov J.

DaaeUirbr;,.. , but.the ' n.ofalL'X-E.:aic:.- J - - by .;t-- dstopped to tl.-ico-

. f t -- a i , jfi c.ithe ibuUetLi ' tar i--. "1 i.eV, iaw - CjX

UeltlieiHeam had eccred forthiee lnnIsf; and thy waited for mom pnai- -

Ir-i- ns had afcrrr.! and'.AIexatthad defeated the

Adellrery ' wrt-- n would "tasi Thc'lcf. tr.-- 't!.-- - t', driver

t rl.r : t'.-- '..3 j:'' : ifr i.i - r. . !". t -

i.-.-r. . . i.tzs

r.r 1 4 i- - :r, a .:'J l:'-.-r H i trc..' out.the

f..n a t:I to th- .;: c:-t- '. lie witcr.edtt

; : r, 1 kser;;tt9'neiLTL v: : ' i r. lery thU rr.3rnlng.

; I XltoTz:zsHte 1 : . . ;nd k3. y ;4De

cau.r 1

A' J t 3 t! tcriflL thtSthe c:c" i Wetfcrjr.-..,---

' f - V

bfr conoid t'twi gravfiy ty. t--3 '.'ccrila

sraa'Ufcr'd t--y ;.:lie t;:.s arl-tal-

ca tbvari. lrir. a'riCr' tiiarxli'lnthe'.'to'uLt- - -3:-


41' XeJjR' ':! : farther ; rtitedJ thatha AlA not.L?:!avft tLit tv-i- .and C3- -

h n !f ye 1 r:':. c h t: -n- r the e :. ft? ;

cf Us V-'- ih-- t

. ci the

TVY,"hfi f "hed tflia': ; t f ".thaln-.- 1

i v . : j -- r.teredl.. V.'.

t- - th 'IIaw ia

rr.tnarsr , . .. n u

' . 1 ' r

V. Mr Jcr rrnca- - end ethers who: re re- ' "-

-r iser r

fv;, t : , .nut. ; . a

i.. I . 1 U .utherlcTbe- -

f.:-- i ' 5 f. ct l.ud.L" ht.4 i. J ia the pockets be-

ten th? trerv't:" d!he3 had , a

ii t i. ' ::hh:l toIci".td i.iO 4.0 C. - "'1--,

f?, a- -.' tv:t it wcr 1 in tf' , Ccvelop1 0 r. e t : .. 1

it... .

C- - I: ihla-t- : 2 ?v;a3',-fivealt- a-4cf.p- --

. jtu-n- s .rzI J'- rc.:'-l'c-

-, V.'r'i--

at eui!"C3'. a .t3, alJ- --:- ;-;-

. t t h8..t,!r.-'- 3

fcvn i , t r ndvl -hs-.v;-- : ,;'.C: xr,Jwhat

thrv.tr3.4tt ,V:.;;v,;!j.0,!: "At Vaih:, ii Mr.. Jcr-snse- n.'

"th? v. ateT: srrinzi front; the-:tl;ff- in-

exactly the tt-- -" rr inner as at.Waia--:

hcl2 - , The tl.vat' 1. at Walhcle' is:733 feet,-an- tt y.Vlhei-.t";- : .The' far-rtatia- a-

ct rock.l? exactly the-- taiae.,Itot bellave, . however, that th two

aref cennacted in. .any,ctanncrM.owii;to the. fact, that the .Vlihcl3fbore.hasi txadaj to char je' 'ia. 'Vahee',,,;iea ixplcratl03:tcnn-l- .

was-ra.there- . Iwould-slan-t It prt-- y rtecrly. upward."

j;r.'JcrEn-cn;Ea- t 2. that ho.woUldhe r''l' to h.c the cf th3tcr. - a r:hi a.l:lt tx.ths. ylz'iity,.cfiV;'aial.a:a ani'.:hea .(the.tvro

'e'enseniar it.-i- n : r 3 rvcirs-- .cr.; ether-1

hwia.mahin - use c. iu. tlr wasrdecwe-v,- '

that mtrauenrttethcdi 'rouli he.feas- -

'..L.a: .:,a- aecurc j --rcj.a . x.. --j.Ma;eac'U.-alb- with the' spplyr

i Ju- - e' tnd. any jDther'.dili thafmishtW t.'.h.:ned..,,.f''.1':-v.- ..; ' ...tAU of the. tcfouUi.-zirf- - were- - pre

eeniali'iy lareer-.m:-.:?-

? cltIaeni.i;TheLifiabers of t. e :u .r.aa;3.aA five inmht.te'f. arer" .C.Mrna' tk A: Thrs;l(fan. 'CharT:3"lL."r;.h:-,1-3il.i-Wp:;4- ;

Tn..-(- .

x-- r '


-; 1 ,

.Vt 'V'"',- -

T h

: .VV

txthccfora-bbys?- - t:rep(

Surface. vaUr and 'Uj-t- o

f givta - sc tLottShtnian! t - thft' ineetirrr.' with; at v liv? t .J

few lar'cawaurxs' :&ziefrtor,tat i:sren Ithbf tirrie.-':;?'- ?

Forbes sur?este'd th- -t in case of .

trf:-- aa districts t-o-uia- oei

v'c-.;;- :. d.crrtnd turl rtj;- - Cldv,la rV

tioaed. ,a old-tine- -- friends.ftv wm rsr r a Aliedt cfcrfd: - WhenlT:::sse'fniarcorea-r- r peTownnair?, half the. crown . cieVrKll "0 Then

..--: the score n.. . 'i fa t' 9 half of the V.?l lb Ith na c er'v.a, the other tzlt !. At t 3

t . r.! jof the r ' Ir , a'

tr. l! : by tend--' x . :- -.i :

say rXiexaatfer..- - ;-,- Lo u Al -irrv-asked"th- rr:rn:;vIr ' !;afe.d crowd; jii. - d'l.trj crt t , v . .

add,aFka af c- -f t: t r. :tlni n'eVl ? ...t va' r en...":

At the Stor-Lalleti- n L?i-- cu c.racairchdiirsrr;?;? tax.rtt rstctHv-- d

f:clrl Izzl.'z'zz"' :C . : "d bn a

wire too fir! Iron ".Ca't wo" tJices towatch tire beards of. thefnerby J

te! ri' - v t-. j . I; ".ITi. e"''Aj soVlu Xz-'rf- Vkerrlce !.;Fidcxa Virelvi agalp: proved perfcmalntalnias' the recbrd set lastye r,la giot.'the returns a lit . J i

'qeter-th;:3.yea- tzn 'la vInn' w :

ft sV lnn iramft hv wlrplp? ?.tlC(e a' rilnutes' apart' h ' '"M v


All, ,fin3 rr lnvUedV to gatherfront of theHonolulu Star-Bnllet- ln

norrow taorntn? tt cc!"tir5 T. .f

full repcrfcr. ,wlll . IX'flvti, and T

scorWvvUl.fce, tUc JJ c-- U'e bls-b- :

tla board. Pring ronr .friencs tor.r .



".- - ' W 'via-- ,- i : , -

1.V j en 4

.!.. JL

Ceo Chen -- .."'N-if-- vf-

,- r --.'!" -

First fruits cf the six arrests' whiChief 'ct Detectives .';:cDni:3 : t::vrr t'grdav la the emctatlrnAhnt tlwctild lead to- - deve! ? rzzzts thaw

itr.- - FYt.-- -t cf tne.rwL-t-a Eiava.trn.ia'IIohclnlu. fell ti ths 'rehen cc

thi3 mornlr-- j when- - Coo. Chnn, char,with scUcilla'- for' ccnzrltrc'.ar viedfcur co't-.t-

s; :was t

f.rt' c"o-t- "a yeax'i i. tpilscnm'and the lisa. of lU'-llizizi'M--

driver fcr'.thfeo yeirs.V;'Tart of tLa fu..eAE-i- d alartua

rar.l: fA3 c f "the- - fctrf I vrc :

.when 'sh3 wax .ths t:t: '.3 r.crr.l-- t .testify ; 1:... tC j driver, "Fart cT the' th ? Istaying' 'at theKajla 'roc. v ; henn rcrt'ftrkt with 'two rf thc-c- t

kir.i:.T-.- 1 '.i:rt;.r..Chaa .v.;.:d ti cc...far :t ny tir.? duri's tl-- - --' t -- J my that "a nan was; wait

T .f .. ; r "r"whrre. "JXhea.-we--

z:'. l. a.i :ht,-ar- i c'e cr ni'"1cf. Svc'.;!l rot ct.t. wkH:i:.i,.:to tl..-- ;

place: ;T antetimcs , we , were; tnh: : f

r vY ''Lhr--t!rn'p.- to- - cheas. 1.LtV hau-a- s; c.anh Idvcnchicase. i

paid tl.e(driver ahcU C3 cents", v--

.4ijr uia vo stwi-iA-

ariurdr: asked''. Jtid; Mossarfatgerv;

Lne' hid iihtniti,ajrsrj'..l;,yc;-Svita.cccaii- c

: havftp. My hu-ha-nd


f lAve'twe'- child'rta .arid' ha wilr r atsurport; thpin.;; CAnd,' this Ms thej cnay.way I can cake enough ntcaey ;;,to'keepUhem allvV-i-'-'V- :- fba pirk 'testir.w nthov irave

mony which corroborated1 thaf.blj Mar-- l

itha Lakana la altrespecti;',. .

- ;,r ask for. a .heavy- - sentence, - saiaAttorney Chillin-ort- h ti e: thin; t?the" case-tecausa-

. .these ;.girii. are; aEriot:3.:iner.ace-io.v..e.tuir- . ..iL,,a.wherever ran f "d..cut1i:"avout thi3:workr jtO11 aVc-the- .

whclvifrirtpie';AvWv-'i''-r- '

r Cut a Tfar. worse : trade ftaultu.-.- tof th-es- i girls' is thg;irade of ,'tlib-- law;rcrrt!a wha liver; upon--thei- r ;prbat- ' f t .r-ir ri-n- .v 1 nti u.w wa t, irof,a-''ilas?i-V,V6t- ,a . '..t liehe r ' the-- , lifcii entnc j:possi- -

P.O. , . ...,-'-- ;' -

.VO'-"-.- ' 5 r 1

rony'of the . fonrr girls ' and thecab?C river ueu Buwui .;".th.tnV,'irla Jl. rahwas" the; arrest; of.

yhcaai liisUi.wh.o,.wa accnifdt ofhiving kept ?a of vaaslgnatloaand. pleaded gnllty . this mornii Inl

the cot!;Totn.-- I : rvsyxa ? ?VMOiher erxef la" w.Ut fol!o'idaV'aa"d:

A-T-- .-;.: - 4 c::.i: i liae.? randCi? re.'. U 3 r.wter' Uietraiw

; firivnf-Wiis- ; :c'n jdrW..-'f6-


f . :

t.,.- - j -.---t

?-- ' - V

?:s:Vli:..-- V : c ."mitt--

rt r.o

tatct- -

' " -i-z '.-.t- c' l it :


tr' '

. .

v :


Si1"- .

t '....f. . 1

' " i "

,.:y... - "3 :.. ,

f ff.vv. .

. .';'-i:.A-';

v- : - !'kvv,p.h- - ';,yv.- - . V -

V ,. . - '"V.'-:- -

'... . . ' n. .(.."-- . ; :

,.',.-.,. ''

- v c v't . . i -



C ;.'m 'M .vVr.t-:-- : 4 r-- r--


r.-- - j' 1: H--tf- i

:;r myyf -- l''n ii;,


- " t' . n v- -


- ' '. a - t1 v : 1 -

a.v-- 1 ioj' ' ; "t'


vi ,.T. k



"t.J ,'-- .



h ..tsH4.;t ::': --iS'r- o,tB;?

t.,.i .:...--- ..i-p':.

4;"' -

v f


;."'- -



7 v ,v-A ;

;u-;- ,

- '



v .

; t- ';

V -i .N-- v i ... :


: r -

- ; . v . --.; - --; .:.:?;Civ,v--;-?- v: :x v .?t.vt-- i 'r:-;':- i 4,-1 y.- Yv--. , :v,:-'-,- - ::

.- " ' .v : : v " vv" a:,v - . ' v-- ja'f. ' r-v--. ; i . - - ;. . ........... - , .. - -

, , - - ,

, ,.,;-v.v.-:,.-,,

- -

t. :'

' '- . it t;v: ;

j- - ..'.f .'.: ?-


1 . - vl'l'. '.:

Page 3: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;


1 ..

' If




.4 ' i

r- -r


1 : V


4 Vran ....3

jrsterdyi,was tisaed, by rII jot J. C

irOcnlc'iNtt-8tl.- : r.'ftX ii, V ,l .... .1

iwIli-"lHT- e wort to;-thir-

d degrc ,.j '4c-y. . V4

V fj'ir1 i,J V vfni' k ........ 7 .vCa-Cb- c troMdiol.fVattbport. --Mr.Mary v4biCu!9M has filed; ? suit Cor r

t33 :wi,t-Hi.-v.-- .

; i i r 2i; rracticai, purses i

; . i ,?IndividuaMnstructioat'I Experienced.' Tcaclcrs

6TrD!VArkfU5 OF - .



t 1'' Aff3 ? v - 7,' ", 'v M ",--- ' ' -

Far tzzrzitzzX' a n d rrc:. ; !i;c t. ! t

Khtaamrto. air tctlon.-- f -- cicar3 al

Circuit Jndc Etuirt'a court I tarthe j'!-iTi- tl? ia 4i,-- "i rf,ftC3Jlcl,

f .,;f.-i- f . . ' ".:,-''- " ,

J . - . - , t' k.


.'. r;.' tL,f'jbatt- cr from ?J' " jt - ' the fcpnn chouse. ' v .

t 1










I r t- f T i o f" i X I y r 1 i

' i v c u ; rc ff W and sa 1 1 s i c c t u ;-

,.-- V-- -v

. r-

J." ' '.i ..

. .. i ' i.'f . ... ' 5 -


--- 1

- 4



tsession if the conTtntiq.-wa- s cometv-4ito- ,pia-- r " :c

about CO ;dlesaUJ, 11--

diurclie pa ' t ! r 3laad-rnli- ie

Ilavaiiatw-on- ' Ctiaeis,:'c' Japanese,onr Filipino tod Ccatral i Unionchurch Ttbi ttc--i fold

vssoclst'iV'vtrB tL2?r,Oaiu .FUiV

flaa cturcb, of ,i ticb aR- - Tttolocated t

Et.-x;- : t cctt; J;'cn!ns eonitrc 1. Irch,: tsr be1 located ,nctrti r:"tr.!j 'teltienent btt BcreUfilatire it, oof wbiclt KetT ' K Tun

mau,CcastcrTot FcirliCUj Hawaii.iui horch, and 4K?is .D.. Iv:Mahl-"- i. I

lorcierly; ot,, lltnaici,- - Kacai,; ana;wr ?will be located cn tils? Island,' vtr&the. nxlnistcfs receive J iitp . the . asrinelation .WonSiTeo'.Tc; j- - and :VL

To fut.h'oiartriho--r"stcr- .cfFort street "CvIntso-ctrc!i.',ah- rv'Ausixstfc " oft .Walpshu';.ir.ere-j'ncc-


T ias :preacher8.T-V-..- '


transfersed'bytbVti t 13 tVHawau' couatjfiC'vitl-ticaiTr.iLn- -.

dcrsca" rov;i 3 ; t- - t - - r. t :; t!:Tcrto Kksrs. .. J n::;!...Jla the Iincr.dl-'r::- t, v to ta t : "::.lly'fccllt-'- 'ct'apel'fcr r 2 I . :;L.d cr

where--th-: bcrd

r-- ;-i:y 3'tte xhlcs'--fcljio'af(lfflock:;- i

: Yc ' ; r :r . tr Jc'- - n !':V, i V: za,.

fcrz: ef c:f.. ..r:-t- !: t"boar-'-.c- : K;-- c- i'..tourer.,-?'!";-

;- -




'Ir- - cf f

:;'v 1 r

V ia. T" " , f,'dcavcri;:.d:ti:' .T,- ( r ii

1 tci J - w i '

' I; ; -

...- Atll3 aft:

1. . A? cf.Jr.

; .r; .

l :a y: tb5. .ortae :coaivetu 1. ,Tae buacay.tcGOOis wia partic:; al y la a; hbiicrIMiloiCtoitfi

'Ir Froa .,t;ayr ,p?rt3:,cf;tt3: are:

moon s, oaoy territory,eoherwlsev Hpneycooa

Isles'Hran ,tteymessare.V---?v-- f t

.v- - , r - r t --v. il,J'Ji

- , - r ':

'1- - .

v . - , J-A--y . 'i. -- AUUUWH';- '4' xj4.Vt- - I

'' ' t f f - 1A;lv-''- .--

' -: "..- - '. ciBBf StejSWHefc.etipKMjapKBjpaej"k .... .. .

' . ... . . I , . ,, ...y,lj;MMMMMMMWaJW1Mat..

-. .






bora jtsterfiaTvib 'Mr2'. and: MrsC Rich-- :ard Suunxcri ICejly M Up&titoxvAl

grantei toe IdKreef dlyofci frpci

f. rath er r!-"- ? a--to. H k4 j la

tte."tfialW1 S i3, teria A 6V the eder;-6uf-t

beetf notified to b la cotjxt at wocloci next' tnornlrig. ? ? .a

d'eciara tfon"of e

an4 Anerlcaii 'citizen ' hat beei illedIn federal 'court brtHenry Johansen,a ; of --Norway a . seaman - byjOccupationi" ;f fs.;;;spec(aV mecUaS; ci'WN6 is:ad-rJLVMy-wUl- ' bef ,

kilht ri tt)rk la, third HfeJrce.The

ttUe I'ta Celtic?.: -- ics" waSjL! ?i.i-clr- - vr-rttf-!- :

" .'VticcutorTL&'.la-- v

' '

tcry 3w? t:.3'csUt3 ta Vilued:is,l; .ic'ii'c- - Ai ixitea n

;. )

;r ' iralxoutt by li.C. i .. !' -r- ..-

r :st Justus S.v Tt'&r'Ssli; &3 actica

ta'dl-trict'cot- rt tac tor tia circuiti,.t j.''cr:-La.;- aa 'court," c'eplatelwaarls

i p!:.'::rr, C; ':;nl,.wh6 'by.;Ju2strr:'- - zl 'a. :zi,v


restaur: epscf,



naMre and

lyy'tk .'-.-

i:,:.iLY,r-:- :. :Lr.3,-- : ::l

vji VtUTlli,f:-t:Vs- i viyi I'uctJaC; a

- r-


V'.- ' . ' - "

4. --Iyc U

ir: arpc'i2d.cs the, .pc uts- la;

rrtreat $1() EaIa"at'Tte JIuEveryka

aanfUge-- f ct this Caajewhere splendid, 20:acd '315;sults'eaelilas; for 'W'Vi:

Alter, puumg iU', us andatJafictorVtwo eehsilWtali Col;

amueb,,t Johnonmo adjatant-ge- n

eral, 4auonai.uara .orMawai i e- -.

pected ; to return to ; Honohilu again'ciJthe tnt.eIsland : steamer ?t Klatina11 tZi c ' he re? ri7 tomorrow morn--


tida; to. President. V .sea a ccu:ertcr uHojqlulu.coasxa,tuIaUagyoii,i:?ca offliSTmhyoir. engagemcat pur lflfif Ptk Wheirty' Invitation to apeadjrpur hcatyK .rif.!1- - 'tf i.;'Hawaii. the

t.'- - --'9'jf f".,x'ir-- v

'Frc:':;;Eu:" ;n&V;






T.'.-i;'- C


uji.i.-- ,



i' ;k . iv- - ...;' l :..i....f-.;ii:u:.-K4ULUVYELA EHOOL v


V ;



f plia la i'tae--l- aeiaist sthobl tappllyv i ted ?TLa ? Old J Swfcaala'llola.''v I 'aieca.Wliiki;3Qsiet;oet,T5

tbAtcLisrTed" Rif3!AlvP.WtJljiey'a blrthdar annivers'aiTaa :&h

i;rtcd mlhe-fourtfr- x Mtjttfgr&dea'at: thelCatiluwe3a achooL, . Theteachers -- read 'a i brief f stch, pa ;U.elife, ofmVpeCadeaea few



4.. - .. .' '

Fc:;!3 ;;l.TrTfcif4 ci4C tr; -

'tstf. v - a"-- i I m!Z.,

was etjapellPi tr U. illxt VaY-fcacV- : to

trc 5 r


cour' .w, .''c'tloe;-;- ?1 Ji cr:l' : :t; ix! r 0 Docrc . i

iiooolulj'sv.-rcttr- T r9v.rwbt?r..R ,c

wiu await the.' fil decision j

eitral cort i' Tbarlibcilahts ; lathe suit are' Fir?t XlateChaaC JCariscaSeccna rl.Iab9.lJ0ha:CarjalchaeV Stew--.

rft-1- R.'Da.Tla- and-Seatae- n Neil Alorrlson, Frank Calre Henry Williamsand WUiiamv siorns t ;i ney ci12303 as . beins; 4oe. them from theschooner for wares, expenses. 3 maintenance; passive inoney "and Varlonsfother" incidentals, : alleging mat mecraft" is . not aeaworthT and matnot their desire .to-- "venture to sea Inhe .again.? ri- -

r)e libel, which Is brought against,tne'owners'of the WatherwaxwasClCd late Jast ttlght; tn'4 Judge SanforB. Dol kcDOIated' Attorney. Grn-ES,- ' A;Davisltof epresen't. the llbirlMts. v,US. Marshal- - J.'j.r-xi- : list. nisUrpsiefir- of itr.3 ?

v ".rr'upoa anort :r I 3ei by tv? t.f ;The nattertyH c:r.a u. f.-r;-

i. :I r tJQ-'cloc-k

ca . t h e mom iar cf.OctCvCr-lX-.- '

'T. y'tec:;-!-.- allies'. lhat;'c''ilayit' j:..yc-r,:vt-

h'f-- chooser vJiv.-- - rwsx ;i:ft tort of ' Victor

tl .'."ii. fC; V::h 'T;..Ua J.A Eyres iAcbniuiand,' bou il'da a Voyage ' to .Sy.d-ne- y,

"New., South .'WaTrswIth. a xarsoqpasjsuag bf ;S0,CGO feet iftf;'assonca

; proeeeaed on.Tcyas until Jura .22, .when, the ."com:rl-i- au alleges.- - ca cccount or het coaditi53. and tscausa ;cf' certain .defectsla her rljlr z f.r..I .ealli," aaa becausethe .Ihull cf i- - z u-- cl wasv ol 4 aadpattlally fottcnts, yess?;! began Atoleak ieavily "an J wa3. t" Honoluluvj il e.H tusier .Qf v .1 aWeatherwax d:rilnrlt wholly unsaroto. proceedT. furtv -- r 'cV tli Yoyass, .vlt 13 further a:...;:: laiat

that, aftet c?rt-'- i rr - -'9 Weatherwt i .sea'caA:asTt'.ii,:td"cc. ;:aL.V bcrvcVs'' W

c!:rcs,:'th. . .''.' J a:b-ivi- !T rzi:."

gxtat.."trrt'- -

:j;ci;:r:i,ta'V'frr-- i tb'i'.e'!i roy- -



3 ' .

- c! :

. : t cv'iai iv

':.! r - '1. tbo. I

cX.' BaU; veci:cl iara .rtvac-6b"- s Ja, rtotproperly, risga anoT-m- iiirciiar.tSfTcr-il- y

believe aad illesa'ajid charge .thatthe-- ; bottom ioustldv vcssiiraaiVtbrplanks and - timbers thereof are par--

tlalljr .'rotten J, .ndsaidre'3sei:cannot ever again sarcjy proceed tosea w tth said cargo. Of .1 umber on boardor: any other, .cargobecause f she Iswholly unseaworthyJ f3; Ztli'i;

Libellants allege; that wages are duethem, as ' follows i ' .Charles .: Carlson,firstsecond- - mate. $1(57.28; IL; B-- ,Davli.BTwara, io jrfa a eu , worrjson.Frank Calve, Henty. k4wiuuma andft'iiiismibiTia

'Mmnliist.' rbes'-bn-- " to4-t- v "thatthe, llSer-i-ats- : aprllcd ia,te iaa t tcKof,

be dua thcsr.,tr. 1 t? t;t!:a master,-Ia- n

forme J 'the libc'.'-a.- U trt the ownersctVtb3'',Ves3Ct zql uttly faced ",tocakej jaay ; vaacev ..fa . tla..for Xae.purpose, cr t 'i 'c ? &J.esea a2s.It Is "Also - c: ' - d.-t- at the.tcsstcr-o- f

the" vessel &uc te 1 ta . Talse. moaayby ieateriaT la to a .1 cttosarr: bond". bPtwas unatls to obtain any Joan or jid- -

vance :byrreasoa ; the condition., ofthe" Ves se-I-. tev s I44UlrnaatJ-c.lalaiJ;I2303.- J9 IprVitllwages,; expenses , mauienance, pas-- .

Saga money and extra wages, togethertKlth the costs of the soIL-f.- -


3'r :i.




t ? . I - .A ---- ' ?r i'.'V'i ''; Vc


. . ..--. ... . ;..

t..-riL- a' c

i',l- -



.. . t

. 1 "-- .- '-

"'.,.v v

'.'A . S



irrlture:lacil:at ia t;',- :

Class data act lie:... -

Tyrex .wtra'h . "

bt3 tt ta "t"1 :r. J c- - ' f.TUTZ.r-::-- . "j n. ;

' "r-- 2 Fiar C . .

- v" . ' ... ..V" : ' i t ' '


..v When in tlodun:;' ; o v

Fi ';A

4'3.-- '.-


V .




- 45. J'M f

'.".Tibicta-via.C-- '

v.we'a4tithea;,tiake .; . -- v

.f ibefore aid after ea meaif i't)qmij ., v ' :

;ggtgV; ; rc&.ltiv: .U , v- - . - - il"" - - j

- t r '.,.. ", ',,.L ' "".i J,...y

A" J 1 J J - . .c r v -1 1 1 m& 1

- - 4

; ir-tr- ? fy jt'v''::l'.,.' vc.:- - x "

i.. .... W'

1 ' 4. J" 4.

S 4 -

'; .'




Page 4: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;



M, - ' v? x r . ftats; r ,


: r ia'. RILEY, H. ALiiEN tV - - 4- 'W-irlfi'&Et- mOR

, FIlD4Y:v;:;..ri:.. .OCTOBER 8, 1915.lSantk nlexeeeij.'the'nmnber "allowj by die" .... rr-- regulations. We deiena upon. you, yovaxg-me- n


- "v ?v T S "

EESTOiiUD."- -

of the Treasury McAdoo, strongly: favr the retentibii of the existihff suirar dn

, tics "untrliiormal conditions arc restored."

. ci a tic majority in. Congress will without doubt: MJjpun, iuu j LuuHinjciifiaiiuns, in vwjiicii. it isrc?pable to upposcf the president mreadycolricidesj and oiigressionaUIeaders.

k ; I fow long, will it be until normal conditionsai e restorer I v" ; i; . v.ti

. 1 . bger W.r'Babsdn; tlie noledeconirtiisliiritlx traJe exwr; VritiHg 33 tfieatiirclaf Evening

1 i for October 2; heads; a r notable. article- ;:.J'TlicWarViiltNotBc'Qvcl?Bfty

Ycnrs." ( ' t,,: iOf cpurise .Mr, Balboa doe.inotJmean thatiheI ' c cut - ticraeiidbus": afined confiicii Will ' con- -

'ti:re forty-iiin- c years longer. ;Vlihi,fce tiieans.....I explicitly savs is this:

14 If we reckon '.results, lie war will)nbt beover forfifty or a'hundrcd ycrs !

The pirtic- -

, v. ! r date when hostilities will, ccasolis a mat-- 1

t r 'of pure guesswork, r If it f is fouglit: to aill:;- - h" j t ,ma v.-- take ; from' five ;ta ten years, i If

1" may' cease before Christmas'; b'u't'llie.'con--...c.uycs oi .iiie war-- m citner, event win

I 1 longer than anyone who reatli'this afr

- i r." Baboon's article contains much'more t6t! came point that normal trade conditions

not'.!'.' re tcred for half a cenfu'rv .orlncre;. I; aH'O ir.dicalcs his personal' opinion tl;at

, tufus arcijuite likely to be high priced for4 tunc alter tne war cnas. :L;:.f,

II of which is certainly; net had ncws.whenussing the administration's attitude on the;r tariiT! f


r: - : " ::lh:tin vcry'ftladly. ccplUrwitlithe k q;;: t cf members .of tlie newly-appointe- d

n..v..l i..iliti14 board for Hawaii, to give pub-licity to the I - progrrss toward buildingup the citizens hranelrof r-va- l driciise.-- ' ";Tbe

: last legislature created tliflianch or rather'empowered its creation lut without approp-riating any funds to take care of routine ex--

' ' . T; e beard is giving.its cfTorts from atiae inse of patriotism and as the naval mili-tia offers something definitely : helpful to youngmen, the organization ought to, be developedin Hawaii with the backing of the.whole' tefri-,tory- .'

:;; v. '''i:-r;ktV-- The following noticevis ; cheerfully irepro- -duecd:'. .' ':',.'

I : "The Naval Militia Board of Hawair is ''readyto receive names of applicants desiringo joinsaid naval militia. Young men over 18 years

"'1' ' of ."' who wish to'sign the muster ' roll tcanAtlo.o by. callinT.on Alonzo" Gartlev, at C. Brewer: ;"iv Co.; II. I). Lambert,, Auto Service and Sup-;I- y

Co., ?.Iercliant and Alakea streets;-J- . E."X dy; Intcr-Isla- mi ; Steam, NaTigatibff.Cd.j

David KalauokaJani, CJr. Cierk ;of; Cityj aiiuCounty of Honolulu,;. Mclhtyre Building; J.

, ,- Moi tc :i BigtrTs; . The Pacific Guano and ".fertil- -

izcr. Co., JCalihi. As number '- ; a; of; applicants.' have already . signed :their names and ;t; . visk a will be ; lirnited, jhgsV desiring join

; . are urged to; be prompt i'. ' ; ytentibn tq'do po;:

'11 '. --It?l TVS; H J.hle; and patriotic, gDiVortuni v:ity. that is now put before the voung'meVof

'J);fa,r'"! .".iHlroi.irc-cn- t .indications .tlieappli- -

,2 HP1. r , ;

p'- -

v. v - Considerable publicity: J .given. Ha-ewa- ll

In news storlea 'pffate4 San


; national rifle atyacksontllle.xeam maoe ian rancisco

-. , headquarters at : 4 Stewart, r

" - U cording San Francisco papers." onev

- "cf which ays:t 'Ifvery member of thei. a nni8lclaa.,ie.!;'?

i k"X: 'eaioM8.' the dlstlnctton of covering more --mile-route' to and returning.

tbe'soot.'tha'n any. other organization. Hie United States uniforms It

ps'that the confident win

to helj) us make a success of tlie Naval 'Militiaof Hawaii:

Cliicf Justice KqbeVisoniri LittleIptlryiew'J?lo(lay1j delivers a jasbln blov straightfrom tne. ehciuldefaf the i toa tp faSis tljgcity over to wdrd-beele- rs through the adoption

njf the iward plan otMhsiissilQI aptly 'sayL The Question' at ' present seems tobe'.'liol ; as'.ta howJ fo taltef&p.bow . to prevent a-ste- p' blcalW-bnfy-way io prevent, f sarip4 iie. bcucuuu pou--t

icians-t- o r-r- e venue-onl- y ' tare 1 oiVtheir preteri- -

Kol)eltsoiiV:t5Httsuccinctl --vi'Svri- ?i.vrt.-;f- r 'if 1

IvjOne of America Vkino!lic rranb! greatestpoets; is Jameber of Jii's sin'cere' aclmirefi-- ' iraiHicaf ebt.'V

terday the ;nnainiity witlil which ibe schoolsot ua i m ,c oservea .rmiey :vay. h . i

f lnougn oniy.inree aas. eiapse;pei.we;inetime wlicii teeaptic"

birthclay ; of .the Hoosier poetj vth"spliools .6fmis island wnuout excepiiou comuivin- -

orated Ue tober reading ot pne or morepoems antl sbort talks on the ifetpf this illustrious ly Immble poet'of the rbple;Iiiis,tp beiegretted that, owing; tdUack "bf;ime taetnews to ine impossiuie ivrthe schools of: ajl tlie territory to joiriJni the

No t c 1 v is i t ". a : fi 1 1 inIt mark eeni . or. ; agreat, merican,j pui.11. wm iieip.,10 mcuieaiein the r growjrig'genrafor theeanyholesqmendlywhich permeates : line t:lieC lias; writtenand'fer the tender, .sweet'sentimehi'wnici;runsHue a tiireaa oi goia inrougn uib verses wuiuuhave tuadb:thousanc(s all over ihe world smileor grow thoughtful. 1 w .

X: For the success of lBiley Day !i credit w dueSuperintendpnt ofInstractiom

pupils who! ; r parUcipatloxtbesim

If li.i' vnnihnfinn Annt' nffiAi nod!

haved brie-ha- lf the mbneVtnaW't as declareunvA sjivpn.iT.iiR.nTiice nv an means siiuuiuiukcontinued, w'allofeisliinonis effecting savings liiiftik-

Desnatches tell of Turks bemir awaritetlorations for exceptional exploits - Among theexcepdonaf exploits lioulolliiellisfed the butchco 01 more inanuwjj Arniemans. .,,

Xow thev sharpshooters lalbng. tlie localWall Vtieet '.are tellihghdwthpredicteortheadininistratiou-- s action on &ugar. rVx j..

; ScrbiaT il ' e!vldentiy about Co clLasiSra&eS

again, the AustrianprQcesX --having beeri speminently successful, " rliy

T' L Ki' XU--A 'li,k tliUAAll lUUOk UC 'UilWiWiiM'ilWUilU VHC . UltvHouse,' i , j " " 1

Alexander Jhe Great conquoreu uculturc4Boston today? 5Jr"' rrrfl-:- J


; .JC'i..Otb.rtrepr.f8etttlnffefSw 11 11 1 a wr iKMLKBt ,Ut41ntlU.UU Ul.UUUlit.r -- of director vof the'; Wld-Paclf- lr Iff




. caxiutau o"cr?d;niameix.reslgnation yesterday the ground -- JC

,of 111 bealtlt.:Tbe dlrectxirsiifBfuaffA .d .tor .acceyf '.'ft uatlVtll.ey. should;

f tare conferred, the Japaneset Merchin.ti' t Assoclilons; : it--I1 -- Dr. was elected notaL S

Francisco ,.concernlngr the,v,arrivl nation WneTagsatlDft-,Mia.rli-


he:ladce4 to'rpmAlniDii:




1 jf






lUliLflW IliLilLH

have ifgned contracts Marc KlawSTorTc !

oejJieuDer s qi iiawu b:i&-- v ieii.tnaixne jassociauon wew AniBteraajn?tneaier'mew1 ... 1 a . .1 f .Ii.iiM Yva Asivtc. lilt :.! til a Min 1 " W ! York, JwUlieave on'the nexti: uoubu- - iuei wviu.wi vumcmih "vius isa---.


lotel ac' to


team Is

i ace, cn rrom

V wearini;team Is of

is a


aiuiosi.J by tne

ii of est f








Morf on


S:he might:JUs

H or If 8 f Ur

Jfi i j.; tha 1I? of any the trk direcQr-generalwas- '"

MW, and . ti, the

" " "x ; ' - -


: withrwf New riL" wdf

lutie, v8 !tf tnf.tlnkl r.. . aj! and Wlbviunai


belmlna ott November. S for themaln''ictctfBlisn'jtUf"Sthe boat-d-. health, np.prt'i-- g i from, Hi;BJawt ietaify ;of.the xlb.

ed. hd' insisted ononis resig- - mcntbsV jerioa"r coverednation. thh board wishedbenefit suggesUonssofclifioa tohisfretiry tattAInstructed confervociatlon. report hackbo&rd, v



the;byA the contracti though t there Is agood chance- - that this time will be' ex--

Hehdedt If .miri-tf- t eatlsftctortrjr'rnesLAaau aireccor ox.xne cjsup;wno

fcf .at iriBsefllt In Sane Diego, wfll meetth bdyV' to' Sah Francisco, knd maygo on ritb them New'Yofkr though'this Is ndr definitetyisettled as;Vef,l3'

EK. Miller, well known loyally for

r.iany i.iercnanis

i': i PiVthf inr? --r" J Arivrrfktn n .

Jh MM-Pacif- lc Ctfnltil wtt&$moatp . I loir it pul-- J TeValsead

dw apRiIed U( be Clscusie 1 r great-er; detail it ;thielnext meeting tt ibSboard of directors,'.whlcli prrbsbhririUbe lield' bext.WeincsiCfi aitcricio.t Atthe' meetfas tsterday iacraajf itii-gen- t

consideration, deTercped.tliat, ad-journment va talten wrtnout reachtisany; scisfon. fej'Vtt pirectoiv .aer4 f Cocr er vt'fotj, . t ?board-tha- t he lai;aed t Ciacce'tha1916 Ca'rUTaXwfthdv t '2 y i '3c; : eat

nomntnat qrraarcrt"srT,rn3 rplicit jr. expenses bn.'lie rpifj-O- t Clion cf. llis; nad fceta .L rot- -

ered ty; advertlalc contracted' for zlpledged ta t&eCarnlvaf yathfiadex"

4 ptblfcatloa' Chichi has beri;"guaraa--

nrintlns and. JlsDlay of tne Car&Ix&lposters. window pards and pbst cars?.Tbe Carnival City ta director general

tne: coneB?onS4 v'H v w,?'fSiiDPortct tbe rataderamcfr t tte:

23 1: t --

markablylarge ;iulnes.!itf fpsts; .

generous and rrcuptJ :

the same tlme.Jtli. assistant secrctir."tejjfcrted-ifea- t tre-i- i 4' feeling anc- - ; ' r.tac3eA-- nor.too x : aoven:raentfj and moreot tnose csa

tt' ft would" e a tuoreJi,as' .i , jtreceeding. tXte;' CariJ'ai;:r;;limcrreyto ralsofit; b, asissiue- -t adgread inch portion qf It ai lthoIrect-- t

Ura thoneht1 wise on! advertiaements

CstNAfsessmentustl-tV-y- 'jtThose. whqr.tatXhU. osltlpji fcriy?tat" assessments: fall wAb7.eyet riusrtice' gfi'atl. shkreh'oJldeijacctirais t;?ins !p6unt6f'thelrhldi7whereaaTtjfuatary advefOseiaent? 'ca'aiicti ,thftatockini, t6ei Carniva Vaa sold orx; theexpress 'understancuns tnaijine tuyerhmiM h trtA hv.virtne iof. fcli curK J to 1

chase-- - from ny, Xurthet fo

donations - of ; aid in any.-- ' form, and.that nfn'y, 'rma wMcn;;!).!? in'.

tuiLTesa'iientvfeelingthathaadvertisement was a ' Jure donatwa,which ought .pbt'.tQ be Bolicitedm

' ' - ' ;

iJSs- - TICIILNOIUrhe army andnavy ' secretary; of .the ,Y," M. C. ;A.,spoke, in chapel, this, morning at tuanu

l.Ti. Ctlni-I- ?

?mSj tt3TOLNVrandCMaf.yr .raBarnes, fwho aferj tearing; the Island ofHawaiLl wilL retorn to v. on

ttfr ATTAINT A --ftf the; Ha--

wallanv Boar' of 'Mlsslori1 has .gonef toHawaii. .Xhere he. will spend '1,0 daysIn work amohg'lhd Chrtstlanr Endeavorsocieties ofTvhe; KohaU district fiei6un;W;.aaJ;irlf-fepintjta-boatd t.6ie Jpbilee eeryice at Jthelpla


holde a lUon'.fcr'lnt rfacultfschOoUa AcJ;

compahyinj hmn, hisjfayjo .tnavallev h3s bera afOteese' boy; WafChons Shjprwho;a tlk protege andjDersbnal servant? bfTMrr BlueifSEND AUSARPBAi PEAN?ivlR


1- South" Africa Is tb trje'the tnlttije.of

Hawaiian i afsarobavreeS.?i Whear-Hh- o

Sonoma fef S hero last Monday,! herled r In her ' hold; itac.'.of . the

toarfaleas" varletyV? cn:' 'roote to Johi ainesburrf1 by"? wafs!a-istralbuiTh,- i

Den 3, 1 wniqn weign ea u. sodjpoim'ds, were. selectedV by M Wegt-gat- e

"To the? local federal expef iment

Ti -- tii f i iiffi i"ril-'ii. i"i i ':chWgl of ;thli grou'at t:New.1Corkplayhcois Thej-tth"tPac,r:'w- beinabout IheVmlddlcbf ovembef'lt adbeen bopn&at$wn!d( be foiindfni vftl' VMrlvr cb&cert?hererle- -fore th ibiiiBd.ivl;6'tammeiit .? have vbeeai e cTaled' here:


ti. nhUqr . their s assessments "relniaicJ . haasias ovec their heazjlikely, to be. called at j any moment.Hero Is typical statement from onei 'Vv - - t

n ., read;? yetcri ly t to

lo far as are-coacerae- tiiaiiTCrpssiicat, la a ecsAUoU'tar atidsimple'; it - will i bring ; us no retutaswhatsoever; rA?" fct arsuraacf that

taiVyearVe are :iCziZ caf tLat tbe'di-rcctcf- a

wilf Had iixlA tyituzz tlIrmhrdst' befarat-LelrIect-

a' ta. oCIce Isoutr:Co-'ihat-'ceft- t th&'score. pfgiviag' ncr, cf "y H 3 2 o we feel paNucu.;ariirei. ".!i'.,.'- - iv.Anothef.'welMiaowxi. tra'jBXtrfciS ?o.Its entire v.Hn:a-e3,- to pay K$ 15an Its. sirck cd .evca to tutfcrlbe foras x:-:-r- h more as.te Caralv?! ctrectera " vA-'- zi ttlak rlht, j asV. hat. teCere j jt: :ur.3nk: to,- - pay a ceat to-ward", tcT'aa jef It:PCte::r4 ttrai:' tr;fwardv;f;J ;Vpaf-rnd- sr Wcrk" M;'i c?.. :. V :,'t K'iI.i vfew.of tv"8trata "e J Tfadthc? t! pent; -- at? evea ;thria"'it.dl inct 'i:-r:- li t!;8 ralli'.one ia tv"bv 1 1 es s c cai r f " '. "f e direct r-f- c ercii: 1. yeatrr-'iyl- li 'te'TUr.-- I ,&adcarVruICvaslJerE.' ' 'a.4,VAc:or."arl7they held uii r. ,r-r- k ' ca 'J.t;ePtt2r-:- r ftr kth.ti. 3 :. 'atlput ; oy . r j at!! 1 - 'r - e tt: Letiag f afurt?f '

.' cfw.'

-v.- -s-5 :f:''4'r..aki::'E: t' ...r--c- f ue.

cc; ; r:. r .... . . .' '4.1 --t t . ra'it:ar."i-.-- .':.;: 1 cf t t :e...;rftint"i5vr.i:f..;x::it-ry,:;-.:,:r:'7i- c

waa-'oivc-r aut. -.- ItytJ-ca:; t'c'l--

Isc tcf ai J" 't ' a 'iraa: - "at tr. iUre;::aisa-t:.- s Mrcic-rj.r.-Thtra'r-


diu-.'z: a'tr- whar.E-r-i!J.-- 'l.

done In the casa cf thcrs 1.; r" c'.ii rsfroiqaf -; 1 ' -- v ' fora-i'- . 1 -- ; jssilr ! 3

to,cc;"!ect.; 'ytj'-r- e -- rertaay$u'ch.";-''Ko- "

'.'-'"i- ui .f ' X" '.., pjrectc" . .il Corr. ' ' " t

o?r9 tasi. 5.cqv im . : a

the g f .:?rif i:tut:-2-. :cia-.a".it'-.w-

stilt!a,w,!: : Zzt c"y "RDV'i

frit i:.a C2.rai;...i:itvr'J.'.far.i;,;:r.:j. t.t. v 'wl: : " r '.ee.'c'ar.w-c:- ' i


xevf'J.ia cciincn v.: ?

r , ; Irey wwer9r appointed ;a ' t" . ' --

three' to-cc-- :?r wlta tie. . . ,rvi2. jaad'''tii'i city attrasy.



tt" f..."3,cl

yv . ,2 Ln r t T- i-VMIi. ftnd J?IlA'HlC.t5. ATHtm-Tfec0,.- r f ;: .v 1 .3' e. ? f?: i

tl rl '3trSi.ti.'?.E:-.'.-r- . r.:oc. i3 a ,;-- -.

mf-t-v's- rCC-t".7it-y-

ChjC. 5em.; whp. fcs? a.tarou0a Ufloods and U tow wUnes-i?- tae ftrUc- -

to" rebuild '.the" devastated cq.aa- -gle

j Sr-Le- f-- ll'a fj " : - -- 1 Iderably lasstha;atr w&j Lc-.:,U.' at flrft,"eays Cha Seramhougb.:"at best It will

cnurca.., w i?"V J? a4 o'Jabry total ; 3,Cw"7. - There . were at

frc.irron a uoia; ct iue lyui-- . i c.h 4 rv A- -',i

manof ectarlan oholubi

caf il

in jj,









waterLrchicTi' s. :t eo r.:tio.:Iy; u,o.t thet:tyV.;t "'l ,yeir,Vt-5.12- it cost;. cfjaucnap'feT.Uva-cc- ' ruf-ciui- cs ;tla jjov-ernme- at

tar. I a" slaw.,ta" takja actlxEandiaoi ' Are,' bclaaias Id: !.goucc$

In .they paths of the . old floods. Thepeople 'have food enough now,; andclothes-t- o 'sapp'Ty tfleni for a time at

miCho.'oT.IocAl iherchi&ta'association; and this sum wrill be or-ward-

carter 4dddr;its paH tar relief .ort.Ttdrjajjaeyhas-be- en given-- ' by -- the- olJawJag.pjao.pie: Wong Sam! Kwee,- - Kula, MauliJI4.50i Chong Ke Kekahav-Kaua- i;

S6.50;v John MptfeandnlSiOO;1 JJong

from San Franrffcv ararT2 jr,.menvwho rebate beett? trial rre '

reglmentafst?' l,la,'.Chiaaalready by;othr?i:rrl2AlI3ns tils I Itfllpplne '


rrLunaltto-8tVW- A h ,vi.'T".


'.-- .

3 c


eardiev'- -

tcdrooius7.j....?C3.'PArk-Ava- r KaImuih....Ar.i.'-..V...v.:- 2 . ......vC


j i


1 1

r" e d


1 3":

TanUluaT;.t-.tVt- : .....-.'.'fci- i 31 43.CJ 'jr:r;.;. s ; JlttibHxi ,1713

tf ,juuaiiJtr aw. ...... ..... . . . . ..-- . , .-- . .ov.pv 1 . 1 1 . vlqTilnii1 fll-- ' ?-

- . "5f i ' 17 Krt " I ( I " 770


' 12S4 'Ave..: ..........'.Y. 2 H, ....... 32.50 'T 1605 "Anipuni St. u:, i ....... 3 S"i y5JDS

KunawaliLana' ...liJ.ii.w. .......... ',;A.-C- . -

. 1 8tiaAge&aldBiifi4!fiBaa.cllerchanI8C,v s

T J.: V.CLrr Tno:.TCONf Thelaw business is thrjviag. thank yoa.I filed .my first case la circuit courta' few days ago,.- -

, : : Xr . ' :

hnu'l have the Uhcry Hell tas;t:ajr;indsiUarii ,t " 'crsrX theamake it ring c;t t, sreat Alexander's

ti ill. ?;worliy.: !;v-- WILUA!;LADD llOSAi Mclila.

ley high school has got a pretty Ute--ly-- footaaU-tfsr- a ' thia --.year.;, ; Gdodccichli ahAi l. iJte 1L da best teamMcKInlertas seen la yearar ; , .

It ;V. AYL'rrr:-- ' i;havc jt re-

ceived any word yct'frcai the 'fccr'thC5mtaJUcs.!a ' t' ". '.rd 1. t!tc.- - str v :trefuse cans, and ia the meaaiir.a' Iam. sUU wondriag ;what ,to da withtheaio.. f. .:.; i '.

eertalr-V-.U- ' C" - towa-intere-st ii lc.- - taken Ia"t-- fworld series U i.ticr.:: ' Howcvsr;rcoat a:-- k t:.e tiid :

Ii as latere;.:.. i ai Ui.3 U t a de-

tective buoiacis. - 1

?-- .a..,.--..- ; ' " " t: 1 a ' t - ja' wLj has

sf-c- r:. !t..:V j. rar-i.- i i...;v

sc. .ounce r.7 ft.? .t t. 5' i- - . tii'.most importiat si3 fjr Ii ; ' 'Wail that I ive -- tpi ret- - --

(t" - -- - 'r" k

' C f. ' ;; a- -:

e': '. - .1 : ; '

tions for dataThis.daU wh .1here aad he'.i r- -



basls fromwl r1) 'o j j.ialag them frcu tia tj t...


ERTSON: ' 1 Th9 d-- rv !n apr- - -

the city ch if- - !? catnovel .VI .

- .:ncan t.: .. . ..t L--

ii-t cceatly favor ea iacrc:-- ? in taa a- -

cf supervisors aai t' c --.

city caaajcr?- - I t' t tteatica 13 trir.i; dmaaasrr.raattrr. . ,

caaaser woa! I ret . " . ;

l- of



t r

i On .'ft 'k


i :. S- - . ilUlg3SgiiS a-i-s skfir at inusiCwm fiave 1 ' ... f

' " '.' i ' '' ' " M "

.. .


Lec"tn'l :':ithj


tilltXz? Vie extent i?47.2S

board. l:;"- -






v.: f -




at &.1 v

cf th? t

I .

r : r t









C 1

a :

r cm L:

-- jn cur 11; .

'. ' '" )

' i ilvJ , -" ' '

h&3 ... .


" '

. -


O3 t: '

:z'.z c:::

(Imvm ' ... iw. 2

.1 ..... . . 1 1

9 Rd (partli:urai3ij3)?i, V Ill-- ' i

I 'I'St PuuhuIi.;.;,'.;ii.".'...;.A 4 n )

y, I 'Aleiander.V.... Ji.'ir-f- . '.. )

II ! Ti . . . & . A . . .r ........ ..... 4 .Ccr. C;cj'itaix'Victori$. sUr.'..Y.i. i. Sf;, . ;.-..- 73.C

C3i3 Oaau Ave-!-- . . ;,..:..v.-.- S J

1133 Gulick''A?i,v(ptly:f ..w. K3' 1'.''. - - v

r ; , y."x,x-- -

(11 XV

j; 2 7V3

" --1. 7 -

r ... iHj;?th,ArnKaIaukI.,-:7.".:.".;.r.i.V;,4V'- ' ";- - ..S... 15 r


rl333 Wilder Ave,-- . ..V.... V. 4 ,1 -- - JC: "

ISM Knnanrf'Avi" i. .Vr. ..."iT.. S ' ' r E3.C)"e 2130 Kamehameha Av, ;.4...i. 3 ; . ,( 4)l., '

-- USlMAllockTe,,UsSj; (Far 8choJljU.f.)f.tvJ..r.t.v, - ...... .J.

Ave... ....... . .r- - . - - ..- - ) -

.1413 Center SU Kalniukt







;1813 Beretaiila St. "....'.... ;v. i " r. . ... 23.C )

- 1 , - . . . ' X -

c '.- "c

-- -

' -



Page 5: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;


'.j v: i."". Vl IF i T( . , :,JMCI .c r- - & Coi-':v- .. U

4 i: - a--- 1.- -ai icajoitt "record n4i,pit.t

i'. :1J x rev; rj (fdr.Tr

-l- or., tro-t-sicj.viefi- jet Gactlc Cz Coolce, Ltd.i : i

,;t- ", i r

'v .1' ... ' ' 'iv- - t .y ,

-- ' .

' - L : ' t '.

f 't ...



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,crrlarue: cf

forVfJT1C ' J

Jr . YCU A, .

;'rA: V"-- 'v"r -

r.c, c&n r a "or

..TL'IIXC.'AptNCY: Sia 'Vacdsco


.?.ir.-t..- .i city.ui ivr-- .-- II:.:



1 NS-,

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'-T- Vnutter.V

1 - v

'r,f r.tff that tlie TJite Kufiitef- - vi

.1 '.r--s :C the 'rtr.i! t ran any other mean.j jit-- '

c jjMicatM, -- repeau or . onmsrt

j ilV Isa't th" :'iastrntlhs'rf

For tal d ? i.v'V;

TT TTt V'TT,i,TiT'i'

..f w: J

'Mi n i

a" jri fry-- -- -a ct-- .ll II f lll i I II

j, 4V. i v.;;J Ty? iwrUsra 1 1

"'"'j Yev-- 3 r";V-.- ' ; ';'"

- - ' - f . ' ...

... Jt "t::i!it "gvcct chc.v

i . : : -. 1 '.'

7!'- - ci""::'i



I, it - . - .rti..., , ,


: : FO OJO G R AP H CD' . Y ST t. -

';?J-'rVr?h--- i

Fcrt. tr.dtHflttl-ttrMt- s '

fjHONOLULU :t5t!C CO'U"1 ; t'Vv;.!wiii"aiiMiv,::.-i- i


, . Ay;

a.'"'" v' .'.y j L'K't' ' '"""" Vt "."

.ii ' TTiPvZ '- . 'Jt

. ;t: .V 1 j." r . : llcr.; - 1.-J-X BrMl-?-i

- i . .li-- Ti .v-.- t '7--'

t-r--r PhM Ml '!

: iFf! Af I K ' VI. I ? U RTAC tf: f ; Mi a irfit:U I nU ' Motorcycles.

j Qiwen rrari Jwdlclary;!:tXT ' i'v : taJi-- a. v v?-- 'q


i: .. ; .Best wrk-H4otfcra- tt Prte'' ' .! 11. f..ft.. Hi..; .t ;" :. l"T; nonoiuiu ricxure

' x.f J

Fl'U '.:4.:Vi,::':-- 1 j

HAWAII A SOUTHspan ruBirrirci . 4.11 'J-""'T-


ThAtile Question ;tfc.3d ecMIfli CBringine. a numBer of tiotifcles: la- - v-''o- 3 5j?VH6


steamer Great North era U-H-I b ipvtoa

kaown. If : tbe erTlc6' betweea ' SaaFrancisca Los .'Angelas, .ad Honoluluir estlLbliBhed Jr co fop1 to' tV direc-tors : of cpinpany was stated byCal E. Stone when he arrived lnf SaaFfaniJIprf acCfdlnr to- - the Chroniclecf,receniate.i-.;M;V;;- r

Ston) has; niade: his report' to thhead. oJTlce.4, He: told ' tSe iSah ;Tranfdscd papers lie had not been able toget any freight guarantee here. " ' . ' "

t i; The plan 4s to. put one of the twotuTblcera on a run from San Franciscotorf-- a Pedro, t A, Honolulu larlf backtdl iiz!t lrd'H;;l?c'st ;iiaerwculd extend (he pVe'seAt Etniceibe-twee- n;

Flavel' and .San .Frartlsctt'Bnd" io San Pedro, ca a Ecl.eJuIe" whlcH

lu ..avey-tt- e

ECV t. ,...-- r .oeagfersto'

:i; la n6wi ... J run.- - asEtOV y n f :ra brfasiagla c :rtent:r 25.

.If- - - v "1 r- -t tezzcticz

... ...ralaces... . t . ?

of.t l acISc a payi.Is t d out by shir:

T li'taken to r that it 'thecc cannot, ma! ey on tho

;... . i , it will loseno tir.Cin putting the thi?3 in ser-vice where they c-- .a r:'-- 3 taoncy. The

- lYanc! o-- L ; J Tss-II- c :o!uluT' i , lor'- - on it'. -- st tnc -- 3'pfattaiaiss' ttii Ac. .raV.j cad.' .: V;T

Ixt ' "Jes : :.1f . .

x t. - f . eat . ;-- rc'as to

3 c: t . c ':ic"4;saya.

Lt r J lool.,.. tw ..a:,tae 'estab-lishment of direct freight and t :::ea--

gcr' srvijcr 'frcra flrs Anseles to lla--wa; . : z: :",..-..- ai a meet.. as ofprcn:!n:at r -- rchant3.-.and. .m: lufac-- i

turv r a (' j'CI. the? of Cor terce,l..,.y . plw-- od Weaves' to ' 'a alt

possible to offer ..f'jfriclent"' t :arigfrcin'd. prt to- - t;ik3 it pre .tallefcr the Great, Northern FaciSc : team-shi- p

Company's liner. Great: Nc. Lhern,to step here before startiaj h 'itsregularly scheduled trips fro:. thi3- to 'nsna!!. n f ' t v.".l! to

V' at i' ; ln:c?era- -

i ."January. 1, 1 5 1 u.

Fur'-HAu- r": ft IWM"- - -

Hivaiixn Lt:e Uo'. F."and A. M,

: .r. r ; u:-- ,"

A -- special' meeting -- of- Hawaiian"Lodge. No. 21, F. and AS M.. Vill Laheld at the Masoalc Temple,-c!c..':- r

Hotel and Alakea streets, Sunday, Oc-

tober- 10, at. 3. p.- - HL, for the purpose"exacting the. funeral aerricea of

c. r lite brother, Arthur Harrises. The fa. ;: !ance of brethren of sister' lodges-

f a- -d . c 'turning brethren Is -- fraternally'requ, ; -- J. ;;- - ? ''---


- rersonai irienus are - iht iieu . 10 .at-tend. .; Floral contributions are to ; besent , to the. temple. ': k.r i K. It. G. WALLACES

-- ' ""

.' 'Acting Secretary.?'.tVx 289-2t-.-;.- -; 3

:'.?'v;,rjV.'-:'-- otice. ; v.j ;"'.''' " .'r.i: .' v

"A tpeciat meeting of Oceanic Lodge!

Ka STl, F.;'& A. M, will . be heIJ,atthe-tlaip- le this ? (Friday) ; evening.ht7i30;,dock"torvtie'purpose-':f'.pa- .

fefring- - the, degree of Master I.lasoh:' The degree work will, be-co- r ducted

Jby the; Officers of. Schofield Lode' No.44lf Members of sister lodges,! and allsojourning 'brethren are cordially .'in-

vited to be present. ; : vx:.; h.V.f.sV :JfJNO.:A. PALME)l, P. UjSetffi


in aHtputvrrs t'UtKT'Ui tkfK "Territory-o- f rawa 1

Via the matter of the restateot- - Eirtard Lelbman, deceased.

ars a . tfiii.L. ' a 'J: vn reauins ana luiug iue peuuonof M" Phillip ic CoVLtd f IfofiolavI u;&l'. olhg that Barnard i IItraaa- - ofH- - .i! !u dled latestate at . UphCiUlttf




, ; 1 . vr?redj that Wednesday 'the. f November, A. D, 1915 at

-- C ."rahe ' andJiereb: Is j atvr. r hearing: isald petUIdn-- ; la

C a t room of. thi-cou- rt in; , thav ' uiIdiJlg In ; the,-- ; CIfy;.-an-

... c J. I lonoltflti, at which time antt" i - j,? I '

u ; persons .concernea mar ap--

fr.n ..a :v)W cause; jr any they navevhy f Jdrpe-titlo- should not be --grant,ed f t rn,--;5.- f


4 Clerklr Circuit .Court, ilrst .Circuit!Dated Honolulu, October 1,,11S.V'Lorrla;? Andre wa,, attorney; for' petl-- l

It wHl ' act' &s a : laxativo'

Lt: th$;

.pnr.'hafUieSth'dayof SepfeiiWlfJLlb. ; m5 leaving property with.Irf tjjer ;"

'rlsdibtiok' of this court Suece;

ar t 14 tdmtoteteredXnpori,!.aai--- 'f(? "A LeUers pfaaminlflfratlisi

efudl' eiicoRe p.;na.;. one ofjapan a most prominent AJonsresauonvtX ministers, .

' and . ViCe-a- d cilril M.'

Kl K. liner;' Chlyq Mara , docked at10:30 o'clock, this morning' from. SailFrancisco- - and will- - sail at; 5 o'clock

.this-afternoo- n: for. the-- Orient Jt- j

kWU2l erer cabin filled taiu utmost"capacity, the ship; is : 1057..passengers of: Vhom 205 are firstCabfiLv' Passenfffcft r6riAy& khla leferyK-'K- . liner'to the Orient fromuiq .resem um& uniu January-1- , caabeen booked'to its- - full caracitr when

r the Chlyo left 'be7' bay city.-- . - - :.

- uxu- - iacis"v na onjy tooe Bieerage'passenger was lfft There.VMrsV G.:Colby,: wife missionary, en: teste

, died about, 7 o'clock this-- 'mcralns: on the boat after ESYeral'daj--s

of J'Jness.- - K IJer bodr. was J trot': '.tashcre, iud .wilL'- iaken bac'l: to 'il. ymainland-- ' fot- - tatc rment, accohipaxlieulby the .widower. hr i-


"'. ' 'J m 'i

: The" T. K. K. - liner Chlyo I..rJ"rrcTdShT Sireatra crmall to'thls citytoday 4froni the. caIilaad.'V'M;;c.

"'Arniy trahipdff3 Vilt n6C be allowed'to. carry any ccramercial shipments tiC uim , ; acgordlaj--

to' .'ad Vices frcr.1 'Z-- z.Fra'Scisco;-":- ' - r 'w

True" here October 25 for San; Fran-cisco to take bti&ker oil from the Asso.elated-- Oil Company,' la tho steanier

. ....usw It U V ' ;:.:f..':"v.4: Od hfi first 'visit to thek coast; IL F.

Efirteln:ann cf C.: Erewer & Cor.rany,Is en tha Ventufa'today; bouad for SanFranclsco 'ca1 a vacation' --7-'.v;.' f t - ,'.Aothr-fphor.hifa'carsd"-frcni'Ma-

katei! 13 dua torrlro In 'N'ovsmbc.-i'cn' the'itearafT I iciaa.-accv-.dln- tTh"o: -- 1 IV" T . v : ; .i " V I Cc p an y.' - ,'

.'La r; to 11 , cal X- V. " Car - r:f

cX ii La c 4

Vcatitra !ate r:'t rd:y far Can.

'.,.t :'.-.- . ...-.- ;

- VTi.h!uel oil fi-cr- New;- - Orleans;the British steamer. .Stronbus arrive ";

early. thiXtioruins for bunkers." TI.jlocal agxat for" thU ship ia Dl L.

custatas ttcer--im-'.- i ;;;' :

ThV Iatef-Islind."steane- " Keauhouand NoeaU arc-'l- n' dry dock tcday atthe 'cori,.any's plar.!:, en Allen ' stratiThere are rumors that the shirs Lavabeeii sold, Co , a- - pLneapple' men's; asao--elation"; V .

v T enjoy a Vacation on;' th mainlaad-Captw- . Jw Freeman of the Intrr-Island-1

steamer Mau'aa' Kea sailed .latayesterday ca tha Ventura." Capt.5 Frar.1MEerg w'iir command iliB "ship' ia tla

CapL' wjlllam Matson of tho MatsonNaYIgatlott Company" last niSht deniedat'San Francl3C0."that the Lurlihe' isto'ha taken; off 'ths Honclulu nin' andplaced, in-- service ' Carrying'grala 'toAustralia. S

Those,? 6f i the' customs- - inspectingforce, leaving, at'hcca. today on - the

'Acyo M aru . for Hilo tor supervise herckrr"-dli3tharrl- a there, ' Included . In- -

e pec tor" AV. J".; McCoy, Inspector 1

JTCIa, jsjcam m?r. jjerrm ser. aauGau;ger J. Kaiam'a;:-r.;;N";K,- ; t:r-:-;:K-

The teubmarih'e. F--2 - went out": on asurfacie practise run thir morning andattraicted itv great deal 'of. 'attentidfronr'pisserisers--; on tiei''CBiygt M"aru;Cf fes of Jj ccla; be h :arq20t yards from' the" shipr by hewspf permen oa the'ttstpms' laujrchv tsr the indeVa. trafWeriC'by the btf linerr Xtt :V;zZi

rant: A: n assistant harDorthasfer, Is refcfeivftig a numcer .01compliments on his -- work as piles dur--

Irigf the absence of,Pnot J. C. uorenii'enr tiinL'' Madsfen'g- - docklnjs-o- f theHreny Matu. 5r few 'da'ys' ago wk saidfrf h a va hpprf k'hh icio6gst TaHd mostWpeft of 'an seen Eere Itf i long time,Capti --Madsen" was'' tlrtrt leaf. .. . .i J k j Af. A 11- !-captain' or Dom steamers- ana wuwsvesselW:?teAU.'a

wast ? Busy. 12Bour:3 for; theeusloms Tcfceis AVTth fout boat3 at an-fch- or

"on" "JtlaYarillne by 'Svtf clock thismcrnragv'tb" laspettdra ' 1 keptteadiu tbJa.:streauoua lifellThtj-Strom-Bus?w- aw

the flrst'.tof arrive.i wlta theAitytf AfaTU m clos aefcond. :The ChlyoMarit1 layf t' about, 8;; 3 9f .4-- C;e ' oltanker Sant -- M arianrriTed .a fey mm-ute- a

later; bo ; that eyerjbne from "the4oetor!f"' to . the" inspectors '"hitJ, 'their

?iSoecIat WireMs-'t- o lf(haAU' fL

Schr Benlabi,hence, SepL, 1&; ; t

tt i'Hf?l Jtlll V-- --Frida- dctir:--- .'

i Co.,UdV..... ;tC ., ; :nf V S u'sar Co. ; V-- '3 M

11 :.a .Suar riaa..Ca. 3

r.v.Pu .a i Plan.- Co .Peret!:eo"Su;:ar. Co;-;r- . v.".-..- ;'

nrr.cor Mm ca.V;U,." tsu'l Carlos !J11I Co Ltd. . 8V3

TVa rilui AgrL Co.; . j , ;;:;22 H224..Tt j'lUiCU Sujar Co. :. r ,

)ii;.:::i:o t:urar co: ;, '

"1 CO. .

nui-F.-c- r; cou rf3...I :irr. ictric Co. , , t . . . .1 'aw.: Pineapple- - Co.vv;;-23i;v25?-


i.i3 it. n. Co njiotit I").!.' - . i.

Hilo tIiy. Co., Cora.. ...,r. .40 ; SO

Hca.B. M.- - Co.i' LtdV.V 'Wt 18?ilira.. Cad Cov!pfVVlC(';I ,a. Ccj Co Cosa.- '1C3 '-- . T t u Co.. ;'..'-''- . . - . .'. .l.-- Stcm Nav, Co..,V,-- . i. . . 203

v d 1 lv Co, vvCatu Hjv & Land Co..... 1 ll3

Tv.:": .: T Olck- - "Tub. Co 22

. CO.v3V ''c-

T rr" f i ' - 4t ! i. ' f M ''

I : i .7. Te r. 3 1 '". .;.. . : li:i. ' j ::.:iCa. C3 ira ot v.


:;.-::ryd-y Sj.--ar Co..j"af..v icov:

m; Ti.-ss.T;.v...- icaijC.:..u r.y. i'Land Co. 5s.. ;lCl'iCi..j Suar Co; C3.. ;P 'aC:.:a'Su;:r :C3; 3. ;'. . .t . 5 SO

Pac'.fla G. iL P. Co; C3, .. -r:':::yc. --- !:::i Ca-C- a

' n " -- - i

r-'-- 3t r-twt- -n r-r- d.? lea, i::, i ?; 23, 4 , 2s),

, . ,1 i. - J.IC- - ry3

S; lCCJ, 10;,' S iJ,' Cs) v.'. "ilua1", 70, 1 ll.457i ;!aa

.; C , a I .ae-- r 2D; CO Jno--:. ; : :a, .P, lVOnomt CS;

& S. Co. 23; 20 Honokaa 5V2'. 1CD,

S3r 50, 13, 20. 13 5 Oahu Sus. Cc: 27;10; 43 r. A-- 23 13 Iia ,v. Fiaeapri i Co.C3U; Zt V.aial::a, 2i.:'", -- ; ;


C ?r.'n" C - ""V 1 A ' 11 Irt1CV100,1j :.fc"Jryd3''8;,"lO a : Sus.Co. 3; C0;3.2J,'6, CJ, 15 5" I '. aeerr;i'' f.- 'Yt ' ' - "' - J 1 T-- t a

?;. 3 s a C. :nc i C7,"C;. U i

L2 tf ICO, 1C) "Cha EuiCo. 13, il c. & s--, Co. -

; LathtSu:src,-:tat;on- ; tZ-'ts- :

tesV 3.75 cts cr 75 par t"1

jf v'-- t


ffenry TVat;:.c-- c Tru:t Co.,viM ' 4 1 !" i' : s'

Kfembert Honda! j--. t:ckr and

iFcrt :arj : Mr- -

v Takia? hi3&iaeyc. Cv vi C for'3 "she. waa enteric, ,

he a a ' la C! : v i '. n 'Ely; Rice a 's : setcaf'ccnd'utlcr. thct and fatally "wc ad- -

eU'ter with a f.::?.- ' ': ',!':


..... WANTED

Good, live ad aollcltdrwrlte sfatlnj' experience, ts.; "Ad "K!an .Star- -

Buljetiff VsT'g-Si-

- , )

Saxott roaIsterv : Phone 1087 after S- o'clock;' ,r' C283-C- tj '' ' " ''

White bulldog,:ears and tall clipped :

X black 'muisle,; bldck harness? on,.::- -

Tl ' J 1 -i F O ft R ENT L' .FURf'lSH"D ,

- - -.

- .iii.L.iiTwoperson a cottase, f Kaimukl ; i gas,. electricity i mosauito-proo- f, r t lean,'

beW, '"modern; per month.: Ad-;- s

jdfess'4B. Installs, 3720 Pahca avo.t::V': C283-t- f .'..",'' f . ''

a: rEMPtOYMNrnwAr5Tno

Books ':"0f tradesraen- - and' smdli; bus rnestfhouses'opened anJ closed; bil'i

fand 'stateraenU 'fliad cut ateurate- -

f ly jjuickly and- - cheaply; '6y Ia Any,a week or month. M.; M4" O.,"box 93," city. ;- . V

A ' C2S3-C- t


Painting Shop, 7C2.Eere- -

. .:- -' 'V - v .v , ii ..jiuiiM'arrrr ,;;&" Srai Mam sail for-Yot- tania; teia:4u ';;-aT- j rntry,

--.- ;.'-' vi':v'";";-:-- T

-- :' H v

'. --'rf"'Nv."--- '


,'! T . .

A w . ...

- It's not necessary to con-vlrcea- sy

man that he shouldta've "a f bank acocunt. Iathis day end crs everytcTknows it tt3 tr.. l :i li .isometSmes harJ to f t a ; :r'sa ta havc.thi "cc ... c'M3 ccnvlct!c"3." f.'.v: z

ft:, c.::2 yc.J r' . ' . - .

Think it over nr. J t'.rrt


Carnr Pert t.J .' '-



FOHT ST-- 1 Ofr:-?- ri vl I, E r. r at

.' -v - - ' -

r. ivcns r

E. A." E. nOS3...'...Tr'-

Cv II, CCO.(((i ' . t

J it--. O - t -

R. A. COOIvE. . ....... I ..

A.' G AETLEY . E . r ' t

:d. g;-,!ma-y a


.Pay 4 ipesits, c:

lt- - v ' -

!,.V THZ YCKC.IAM . -. :C!Z;.'-,- V ' a i -

y - wr- -fft W t i '

:" ;". :- - --.;.- Yen.i c"p:tat s r-ac-

rr: ci... 4 ?'.o,c.: C. ; 'al r "'d i ; 1 .....C 1 ),r ,

. -- Ecoci've f .nsf .'. 2 "v; C. AV. C;I Lr-"- ! "'

GOOD AGli TTui&.rrAr'i'j;::.H O f." Z I 0 U ."i A . . . C - . C r i . . A i

i' v " L .'

i; 1 1 a sj vT ....... T, ( - . .' i w i I.

' 'V H A", x 1 1 A . " -

;.;'":' CO, LTD. ' ;

V -- Carrka ca a 'Tru-- i. Cusineu In ail '.its... branch:., r . ;..' '

' - - - :ssm

j:::,o Let 2 :x: ) c- -

Ith ave. Jlaln: .:!.!, f

c'. :.-c- ftne-- T

; sfene wall, watpr j ';; rine view; I lal pia

residence. Tenr.3 if


1 I

.: c



Page 6: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;

i 4ft

a ::H v a a, 'iiO? ui-a.-w.iilUvi:- .

- 4 I .

7 4 ..

4 - 4 .... 1

: A A; w TAT) "T 'rJ. ja -

4 .0 7" "..5 .4.'. . t : :. r -- ? j'- - 'A.: '--

'; .ft 4 1'--- i

"".'(n,TV-'r'T'i"-n(.r""- '"

Hv'-.:;- l nAvAA v?Af w v

k.. H vA';TccSd'ciJ Pip ir Cir ar, I r v vV H Pr "m rn C One of ScliV-Tc-nu- l TTiui :Ar,tr

'. il i - rr - --"v

. A jj" : .'. ' v1- - hvv ' 7 qT-''.'- !-" 4.'t!w k Third Annua Utzl KL w x. w Jl y1

1 " w - w w ' i" --.A-A:rA o .iviembsiA-- : H ' --4 .

' v! ' -, . : 'i 5 2 k v . r

wpchi:; rita7viIirct,JLl.''-- 4 uu!r- - 'T' AT. -

A 4 -

ivtl ftt't 'ar.-,--1 :n. (Qf tfii itsXcrt


. 1



r-w;- " r1: 1r." 'w:- - V-'-'- '

Boom: 'V 1; .1- r ; ,tn'.c'3 7J.Jij i, :r(3 8;C& i .

1 ' . t

''V-'- 1 - .'...j-m- J

: : : : - (Cllfcnita's Idol J - in ;

.;;V 4 ?;' ''"A ;Vi??--V'-'- f

' t ?o - T'---jr .'A;Aj


: j A ! il l :






V3 :'

, 4 .

P . 1 4

v'l,;.-.-- "

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,'ii-.'a,,i- r'

: ..' v.--4- - t ... JV ?6 .1 44 . .v. . ? a t -

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cost ci-ti- U iljt1 fcsirlaiQl ecsiawrj

IJtHrrtit4mw:t7ro!3:()ctol)r:.Sy to

v TH taeetlr r At ia libW wm ue--

tfUrceoBi jvm fjp pteo .oyer w HTrcua tons oti, tuterwacienLc , ui?,ECixirs otQctcier two paperf willhi. rari: fcua .entitled rTlW .Jtackla- -

try.'? tf P.'JJecterjt, and tlx': otter 4arjUl2s-pjf:.Cecrf- i nacan. A v'vf 4 n... 44 M v. itrntiam

Tri,5ott, t6 tijstatiect of papert-t- o

tLTfV4tr in will ar.fcwststedij

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:i your ILjccr.c-:i-


... ,T4. Sifp flJ4k3:A"VtA


4 (

Page 7: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;


t ' ; 71' '- ',1' " V : - '.'' ':.' " " '''"""-- - - J.- :.: ':l :- - AVit 'K

1 arvw- -V--- ,

I fnfriflni nprainst war. Ls found in edneiP 1 CilDiri CLASSIFIED ,Di tfopnhViil Stan-- Jordan.-- '; : ' ' .CKCI

1L 3 1 nb::oEuixi;r jfi

PiW . . f ml L J U mJ - .

Iii'v?'-tmuti''-f -- rpirr)I ?!

Weeing:' Ccrcmcniv v:r cM MWK VoWitmU.- a iv-i- ' ! v r v the , Kltnatlop': existing..; In jl!pk

r v as j 1 1 autca, u. .c October'iM.Thr ftsnouacecienfV'cf r--e preUdcat' llri. Nornlia IC

Calt, a charmins: wiiow of thlrty-clt- ,

veil khown .U.rouhout j th- -. capital.

, Villi --the further finnduncemetit yea--,terday thai the Wedllng has beea eet

; for carl In Decer..Irr, was the-- pria--.clr-a-l tof Ic of 'porivfrEatloa tbroi!heut

: the. e'xccut'i?e ; dDartraedt- - yesterddr?ncf busineea was rrscticany suspend-ed for the tine' bein& v '

; : Af . the' Whit ircu-e- ", fate vis "a. ruth of visitors of all classes, rcaUnsr "lC necf ?sary , to add extra-clerk- to

' , th e "c Z c e e ta JT , tLc re ; wMIe & ! (1 : al: tle?rc;h cr erasers. tai toit? r:i.' ; fl, to, handle ,th' volur ? bf , ccr.; ry

.rnessajre-- that rourcd froav every, state in Athe vnion and fromor.ciala .nd iplornat8. '' t thefrfct such mef?rj-r- i rrcc!rr;l 2s cnefrca Ccur.t vca L.ixstcrr,' the Ger-- .c- -n c"L..; --.;:r. :" VNo White Hcuzs.W'i':: Z' '.'.t


C i.trct d:ta cf the' wed.'Cirrrcs r.'t jtf t ' ;i c "Cli; 1 trcn.Itf v.

l ce. v IihlA t- - rr : :l , tt thet( : df'th-- 1 , 71 : ; cf;c

r: I

in -



Arrr Wire!; 'J. x.S. .8. 1...

. strihe ) .t c: this state,'hss l 3 t: .:t last nkht( f ;ii...L ( r, rt ! - the entireEt ' ' - 1. to en f r.i 'i1.;

la ( 1L j a. '.f- - rowed .the'

. t r . r.:.-- ;

t .- i - Htlkei


n ' c f r.;i. ' ,r.i u . .. i. .a u . .i j

ti 3 ::' 1 j r ...terday the

s' !:- - 1 trr; . p.y. "!

14.: t:tM r r.enr

.1 : '"rt or. the1 i of Miners," to

v.'hl-i- . c: - strikers - he-';on- :,

r.t c:: . The fher-- ;

.if:;; trot a' wai' n reive)ft rtlv l. v '

- i

.." nlwailan Lc'r5.No; 2t;.Stat.'x '; 7:" p. : .. . .. ..

T''-- W - t ', r:- :'.lulu Lodge-No- 409; Spe--

c : -- 1, Third Degree; ;T;SO. p. .

; . t V ?', ' . ' ' ; ; J '. .'

TULT.-- i AYllcnt lulu. Co:mclL ' Ts'a Vi: nights ,ct Uadosh; : Special;T:r- - p. n.() -- :.ic Lodrs No.;2;i;'Spe-- 'c;l, Third. Degree; 7:20 ,

SATU H DAY--U ;i V:- ;;-'-

Lei Aloha Chapter, No. 3, 0. .

E. S.; St.ate J;7:Sor p; ja.,;. :?,:


Work In Second Degree; 7:20p. m. . 7


, ,Vtrssmnilun5tti l K.-- . ef; P, HalkVi , Moatas. October 4 ' and 18: V

XlonUg,;November I and IS.;1:;;" ilontag, December C and 20. r

5 - W. WOLTKHS, PreHawCL - P)LTfL BekreUlr .

: Honolulu 02: NanuoootH. ORDER rOF PHOENIX.' - '

i .WW neeV ;att tc!V;iobeT;arnW: teretanla' and Fort trU. ettttThursday evening at 7:20. o'clock. .


: HONOLULU LODGE; tit, B, P, O. EmeeU In.lhelr haUco :Ktnf. St.nferort, ttr? iFrldajPS Tentng,! -

. VUltlniVoth era ; ara earOI& UTIU4 Co at

4 It Ja pof sILle.that.the wediiag .wlllbe celebrateit In one of we vy ashing--

toa churched liie presltlenlt j; is aPreshyteria aiicf , ipe' ' brlde-Iec- t anrrlecorailan.5 tVhichjofJhe twonery- -

ices wui te oseu is among me iningsyet to be decided, - vvBnci. nnuo .veil Jtn.. t .ft; Colonel House, an: Inmate friend" of

ihe. president and a staunch politicalsupporter of jnanr yeanr standing, Isto , be the best man; while the bridewill he . given away" by one . of he1brothers.- - Si'-:': i , --i i'

It was anntunceT- - at the v White1House' that the- - president has' beenforced "to decide: thif any" extendedhorieymon' for himself; and nls' bridecannot be considered , fcecanse .6( thepressure xf oSdal tuslnes's and; thatthe hundreds of Invitations that harepoured In upon him i and '..Mrs".; Gait' iospend ; their honeymoon'' at variousplaces. lit the country will have tq; bedeclined.''" - 7 - ..Walift'lriirteiaClVIVSU:

Friends are orlng:the president lpvisit the expositions, at San: Francisco'and aa ,D5so oa, his . wedding. trip;ar.d'.ir la. possILle 'thai this jnay:, beccr.e

Yesterday,- - the president! and hisj Cir.ce e sp:.-;-t the' day IflL paying Jointj vl.-;i-3 tq the members.of:their respec;i tire fair.Hilies'ar.d.. in' receiving, somefr; . at .the hone" of. Mrs, Gait.,,. ;



( "fr. r p

In 'ordr to r!1 th e'.''forces will

Convention to force It to listen to realshort ballot plans, Judge. S. R. Dolehas ser.t a letter to Lorrln Andrewsv f hj cf the city, managerpl.-.- i :.;,lf 'e- the fur y."; - :

The jT? '?e Is rvlfe in favor of theI ' .n t --.c: ! by. th r.escrch Cirib. hiitlV.izA: th-- t: t:i .ted.c.ty cVanagerv rr.hl l,e rr. re v hr.l !e for IIcolulut: i ,

' i ih: . '. .lcc'. l. Hef th t the i .

1 hire Cv :Jbetao cosily, lined up behind some poll-t- !

.l graft which might bring . ther,uf::r th-- c'ty nange'r!t, .berth.

He" suggests for Oahu 9 elected sup-

ervisors In three classes, each class'to serve for four 'years, an electedimaLage-i- for a four year term and allthese oCcers to , be open to the recallof the people. The powers of thesupervlsors Judge Dclcfwouu; maVelegislative only.,; They will puss ordln-- .

ances and Epplcrfiato jlhe money Jorthe use c the departments.; Theironly appointments .shall be the" audi-tor .and In, case of the loss of the'elected 'manager a teraporary arr tint-ed one to nil ot;t .his term of; : Judge .Dole Would ;f :.h"i.rgatho"pow-- ,c rs of the manager, and give, him fullccr.trcl of all appoiatnenls and thef r.r.1 voice on dismissals.. He": finishes).U . U tter witS the .cawh 1 . phrase:.:i;;r.g cnlto the rhcr't tallot .

"'- -


ill If 1 mT

J'Pape's Diapepsin'? is the OnlySfcmachifftgrtatw,Knownv..i;V:r- -

ft..: XleaH'ydoesT iuitbad 'stomachs in

order "really does": overcome Indiges-tion, dyspepsia, gas, ; heartburn andsourness ia CVc TOlntttes--thatjo- st

tbat-make- s ? PaVij's Dia pepsin : thelargest selling stomach 'regulator - Inthe- - worlds . If what yon : eat ferments ;

Into;:' stnnbQrn ; lum pr you (belen : gas"and eructate aOurt.nndigestfed foodandacid; head .Is 'dizzy and a.ches; breath"fpul ; tongue coated ; 5our In sides Oiledwtth bHeand1in digestible; waste, je--member the moment-- . 'Tape's Djapep,sin comes JnT cohtact with" the stoniactf alp such' dlstressv fanlshes3 It'struly i astonishing almost i' tnervelqus,andUie.Joy Is its harmlessness.

A large fifty-cen- t case of Pane's Dla-pepsi- n

will rive you A hundred dollars'wfcrth; 0f sat section, orybttfnglthands you your money back. : s'Itfl wcrtn; Its weight; in rold to) men jajid men whiS can't get thIr 8tomJaens .regulated,- - J t ; belongs In. .yourhomeshould always toe ipt handy1 lacase of ' a sick, sour,' upset; stomachduring the day or. at night ilt's.thequickest, surest and most . harmlessstoinacH,regulatofjthe world.-- Ad v.


PAN FRANCISCp; CaU pct .T--Two , sharp' earthquake" shocks, were

felt here, restcrdayCThe shocks weredistinct In,. all: parts, of the city, but!no" damage' was' dbne, V ?

:. " "

t dent at Aefna Works; Com-'- -& pdripffteiapeticii(Assoclad IsTfF3rIWireless. EMPORIUmT l.:CL8. Foot ner- -

sonfc ?eiektm& aMVoveseHduslyInjured In' the plant of the' Aetna? Explosive , Companr ; liere when. ,585,000pounds-o- f imokeless "jpowef destinedf6r the armies 'of the 'Allies-explode- d.

.T.Ife-.'lneV.'Tictlinl'wert- '

hurled many fe'e' or ithls force of ttieexplosion.-- ' Those who --,were ; filledwere torn' to bits. They received anefull force of the'- - blast," hating' ' been'near where the" powtfer was" stored.-- 1


The exiilosfon oCcnrr'ed'- - Wednesdaynfr lit m'avd' U n--n Tint At

until yesterday. when1 D3 3 taen' refusedt6 return; to work in the. plant ? An' Investigation' 5f their reasons, revealedthe , fact, of the "explosion; '.'ICews ptthe explosion naa ceen wiiane;a.r uArson' Plct Fiiti?. V.- :

Two' burning :bal2?;;of ebttcri werefound" undei the. power and.. eng!zer- -

ln's plana Icier, in; the" -- day,, tut;cu"l- -

clala - refused , to makeh aqy percentwhen they were asked to supply d e1

The ofXlclals were asked If they htareason to. Deneve tne , explosion . wascaused, toy ..asenta pfjforeJga govern--

ments, nut tney reruea an answer piany klad... v !..,--:


'..-.i-- s

1 he local pouofi are,.working-- oa. themystory.and if Is .reported. , federalagents have .been sent here tofiaveatt- -

''. '. r , ' ' '




-- 1 ..'.i Ccrrc.pondence)SCiiOi iJLD DARnACKS, Oct 8;

y a.; T.'.N. Horn,; 1st Fielt. Artillery,tha, T h.plnes ' oil

the Thomas,' has been assigned to thecommand of the 2nd Battalion formefrly commanded by MaJ. W. .S. Crul!;-shank- f

- Maj. Horn conies from' the 2pdField Arth.ery 'witli- - which regimenthe has been Camp Stotsen-ber"- .

V.: Ir-TT- T.aa tateflthe quartersformerly .oeout--h i by MaJ. Crulkshank.

".. ':

.A fro a frr.olier will be given tombr-rd- w

ni-h- t at the. Cavalry-Artiller- y hallttf --whivh all the Officers' and men; atSchofie'd 'and at the other-post- s, areInvited. . Char-bi- Ignatius Fealy 1st"rield'Arlilltry, ia'in charge-o- f the'entertalnraent and hay called upon, thebest local; talent at the big garrisonThere will bea: number of vaudevillestunts including, character v sketches,-but- k

'.and wing dancing' arid' m'nslcatnumbers" along - with some; .wrestling'and exhibition 1 boxing.5 ,.Among, thosewho" have offered thelV-service- s areProfe f f j ' - r p n , Recruit Company 1

23th l:. ..ui ' Rerger and An-

drew Ciriik of.Tr. jp .b 4th CavalryiRaJrh Johnson' sr. J .IlphvKbrtonVorBatttryVfi;' MohtgomeryOfBattery C;. WiliL i Flnkelstein of BaUtery, A ; Jos eph 't ' ppold of .Troop piHarry Hamilton, 2nd Infantry; JosephIcdsimiki , Compahy E," Signal-.Corps-


and Rufus Williams;: v The last - twotiamed are going to4 put on an exhlbi- -

ticn bcutwhich -- will toe the, main feajtnre": OF tne. I r-- raaw anq iitaOneiuBarrat;ksl' ' being able,at last to'eee the famous Rufus Williawliathe rinrC r .v..

.' .- , .JJ- - V'i-M?'.- '

Capt" Roger ..irason and Lieut, J.O. Daly with a detachment of 63 menfrom- - Batterjr C. 1 st Field - Artillery,left this mortflng for Fort Kamehame-- ,ha with the necessary teams to bringback to Schceld a baftry ot four 4.J- -

inch, siege feuns of. the neWi rapid-fir-e

type. --Eigr, t .norses wui, oe requireaforeach; caisson andgnn,- j- CApt Masen has jhad considerable experlefcewith, siege artillery and has been as.signed- - the dyty ;of conducting targetpractise: .with" the. new type of gun.

'These guns are xnountea :on a carrrlage 'similar in iappeanrace ; to thaof thal2-incU.IleI4gu- only muchr larg-er and with' two' recoil cylinders in,stead of one.k::ht:r-,'v';- '

-- ThW- officers iai Schofield are wait--,ingwith interest to see these guns1 Inuse ..'v'-f'".- : r. "'v : t- -

- The detachment will camp at FortKamehameha tonight , ana maae- - tnemarch to Schofield tomorrow, v r ,y..

'"4'33':;'-r;- ' ith'ttpast lew days Ueut:

Charles recruit "baseballteam has been very , much In the llmelight The team has been playing the

and Duttlne up. an excellent brandi ofbaseball. Yesterday F Company wasdefeated 11 to -- 4 with Trltle pitchingfor the recruits.

,On';Tnesdayjthe recruit teamdefeated1 by J Company 4 t6 .3,'. and!

last Saturday they played K CompanythW chsinbionN oomD&xtT team of theregiment,; but were defeated In'a closegame by a score ox to 4. . .

the 3rd baseman, and Brad-- ;

ley,:.the:8ht6jCha9i been given atry-ou- t orf the regimental team.

v'SBr 3T h , '' .',., Lieut Charles N. Haverkamp; 4thCavalry, who underwent a serious op-

eration for appendicitis last Saturdayat the post hospital, Is now well on theroad to recovery.

r'rfjitJLi6:Tr pvriiirai

v'i '.

ItOMIVItaly October ;M-4- oni of(Ze' aeverje ngageiaents on' the Isoniofront .jesterday. . the.4Aistriansi maneuvered into position to bom bar theItallar llnes akmff Jh'e; Utii wlni; ptthe jwonte San- - Mlcbes'j tone7. Tne firebecanje .sogallinrs jhat ' the-- Italianseould not hold: the' trenches. Jbut , inttead of retiring they .charged ttpotfthe gnnnersV tTne attion .was- - sd Cun'xpecfftf.ttoa( tKe Xusfrian..were al-e- n

completely fcy .surprise &nTrotited,lea flng;thijfty-si- x sunt and , a mimberor prisoners in Jtaiian hands.;

tinBfiTrK oyN E:

ft LONDON,. Enki Octoberfrom Sir Jaa Hamilton the L.Br.tlsncqnimander .In. he GalliR)lIannoimcethaj; after, furious CshUngUhe Britishhav.e pushed their trenchesis forwardfor , three, toundred yards long. a fQixr?mile front In the Suyla Bay ector :

-' ;v- - ? iii O i itrt .l!:t- : i j S';T.


LONDON,.Eng' October jheGerman, ftrlve aga,lnst-,Dviosl- t, Is-- jnalt-ing- .

headway.'accordlnjg jo the ;Petro.grad :.reports,;which?C admit i thatj (.theGermans are.peretratingvthe-defenses- '

along 4 three r. cs tronC 4 1 .

rM a i t. f i 4 i - ' -- i&gCOfrpCFL'SU P'p.uVift EPOBf EOjRUNNING. LOW N GERMANY ? f J

LONDON, Eng.,- - Octohfir; 8.'--r An Ex:cjaang'e --Telegrapli; desjatch TJrom." Am-sterda- o:

annotraceii that the Germanauthorltles-Jiayecon- f 3C3ted alL;han-deller-s,

llghtingt apparatus: pnd; worksor art ontaining copper.v.the. sapply;of. jthe metal having bf eom so , low.MANY CRITlKrorrCZR3 j& ;

killcd. .rm WOUNCZD -- slVi: LONDON, Eng. Crtobe r

.amjp'cgst- nritiRa.;fiJe'ersnps to September 27, according t he"cjacial llsts,:arj; 17,074, of .whomSlTSam listed as killed ia action or -- diedof wounds ',1


J 1 . v.v. 1: ,

OvJ- -

.I I

I I .; I i

Tiy do or nbr Co-dbth- at seems' tobe the' question with City and' CountEngineer WhitehoUse in;regard to actlon-- on tlte-cas- d A Chftr CiaTlc;, atpresent enVplojve4 iyi thi'jty- - af loadIurii at 'HakfiuM. v Mr.: ViiltcjouW ishanging . fire ou Vthe ttes?Ion',;: fld t'?sneak. and doe notrcocimit .hltnselfas toTrwhether .or not h; Will;": dismissClark from the, service.

Clark laf to be shifted:, from , his itre.-?- '

ttt2 location. ihoweYRr..'; That 1' iefi- -

nlte.Ther. engineer ".nasi stated! thathe considered that. darktwaJf not tnemam for a! jrb JIke; the one: to ; be ;car-rle- d

;oni atUIakfwiu. jmd other:men .better.. fitted jor. thework : do not- - know - whereiieiwit be pntnowever-say- s vypiie--hboae'b"- Jt;

I. knqv,tuat- - jh .wlllnostay, where lie now-lsJS- '

WhitehoUst was; jgienh the. decisionIn' the matter of --permanently dlamlsa-las- f

Clark" to ihMsaWvtSors- - fitf Tnes- -

day ;ev enfhg; ; wjjep,: LaVserimaVed ' to-- Hisinssv Clarke anf;.Snpef vi-

gor ghingle. amended.'to refr the c&seto vliiteh6ujaii7rKe Jaibt'bn as aniendcd wis carriedv:'VVv:r:ii..V;En3Inei .Wh:rtehotts has toevit fefl ' the authority ty" ArdinanYe- - to dis-mi- ss

dark br y.other'emproyelfrpmthe''depafUlVent At) Relsee: fit" saysMai-o- r Xahe, and that is-iup-

'; hfnvIt is not ntt to? thft' siipdrvisonr or- - ta... - 1. . . ...... j.. '

tomorrow ChIldrefl"sItttJiy:wlfhnotlrecords

various company teams of the ..twasVUYtake tha'time frbai'tilay tO'emott theicbowelst which become (Clogged up with

sour.Look at rtongue, moun

Uoaedpr your chUd-- it.Ustl cross,feverish: breath.badrestls" doesn't

1 eat: urt'ot. cbl.iprhas-jior- e

VI. U1J UWCI ,UIV1CU I AlttUCJifc rgtye" t teaspobnf uH rox, . pCaldrnJa r

Syrupy of;Figs then dont; .worry bVcause tt ia perrectiynanniesvnd ina iew'jb'otors.all thls'VkmstfpatfoaT poi9-on-.bur',bil- e;

andferenfdngViwastewUL gently, mbvf :out;ot: the?bowels,s'nf "vftii -- hivi ' a ' Wftlll.: nliVfiil 'rtol W

agaIiu;.'A:thoQush;feotttnes al thatjshourd'be the.nfsf ,treatnent glTen In

.Beware -- Ot jcounterelf 'gh syrups.Ask" your druggist tor a 5keiit bottleof rcrbrtlar syrttf of Figs;-,vhj- cii

haa directions for toabiesilifWrpfitipfiairraanorr'oftgjWnplf

carejuuy 1


Jit- - .: , iu

Indians-Rai- ScncrTovn and


CAssoelated Press toy FMeral Wireless)r DOUGLAS, Arlx ; Oct , ; 8. Slxty-thre-e

Inhahttaata" ofLLa) . Coloradcsl afoVn in Sonora; Mexico werer masa-cre-d.

recently . by . Yaquf . Indiana, ac-cordi-

to mall advices received herelast night by courier. , j ,; v :, ; The bandit swoope'd down upon' thetown without'- Earning,' it is reported,but most of pie men escaped by flightWomen attempted .to flee but the ma:jorlty of them were cu down as theyranV '' K h vs-rr'j.:- ..

r.;Chndren mutely watched the rush oftie' Yaqiilr Into the town and 'didattempt to flee. They were beaten todeath with clubs, it Is'esid. ' ;

'; i

Fifty persons?, were killed; and. GO

were .injured ia ; a wreck Tuesday, onthe, railroad, between Vera Cruz andIfexlcd City, according' to" a frtchreceived here list night The sce:2was near iilaltratev r Car'ranilitas de-claV- tf

the wreck was . caused by bandits. '

.- .." - , - .,-.- ' .

' : :: .,

mr r "

i.i L i U

- i ,

t f

Air doubts a3 touhat'hav'al c.Ti-ce- r

Is commanding tlierK suhnrcrLr.:, thithird dlviaici, ca their. Jour-?- y hcrfrom San Francisco, ha'j teen rr: ove 1

by .'the" Star-Uullstia- which .wirelessedthe Associated. Pres3 la Saa Frici- -

co for the name of the officer ia com- -

miad;V'--:ir,'H::i';.-.i.r.- U '? l ;:v ,Thereplyt' staled" tleutA'bJSJr:- F. N.Freeman to be in'couiir-n- d of tha' Kboats now" eh 'route here arJ'i: rWlc,--; oaf .Wednesday cr later. : Th V

conidr."; Fii-rraa.. as. HeuecL-ut-c- o --

dander f the U. S;-- 8.',Colcri 1 3. .. :; .

i f.-.''- ft I!- - ..1 thit

tieut' Joseph" V. Ogan," ctitt-z- Z: r cfcne cf tlie K boats; the K-- 7. 'V. c--

'.i bala command. The navy1. directory ;: 1 vcahini'as com'mandii the third f...' ar- -

Ine'" "division,' LieutrComdr. Frcei-.-.n- 's

appointment' is believed to ; fere runthis oEcer's-station here .for- - liad..duty, possibly to supervise, the .con-

struction of- - the projected submarinebase at Pearl IIartcr. .? ;

:.'' ..... . . "o- '.


Jul....... . .

(r;Ial; -E Jltla Cc'rr'csFC?,T SIIAFTER, jOctC Pvt John

Bv Starkey,, JlospifaV Corps; ta-- 4 beenrelieved from" further duty! at theschool' for: cooks and bakers at' thisppp on: account of iack of Interest inthe work assigned hinr,; .will re-po- rf

to- - his ; coniniantfingV officer fordnty-.-- - .i.. j u.rf.-- . . v ; :yr- - -- ; : : 1 .:

. ..i' ,i ;- - .' ,j; m '.''-- .'.

,? Ji ts. ; ; .m ? W t:- - i ;pursuant :to author Ity 't from ,Jjad-quarter- si

IfawaJlaa; pepattoen t Pv t'Bilton, nnas8lgned 2lst Infantry, .'willproceed to San: Francisco on the trlus-port- J

Dixi scheduled td'jsair on .cr'abmitpctM01915y:in charge ofJhe .privatemoint!'o-Co- L Fi H Ftencbv 21stl ry

reortinr . tipon arrival t tlieconlma&dlng fofflfeer.r, recra i t--d e notFort McDbwelCaJlfornlaXori.furthei'dlspbsitforf.f The? quartermaster tqrpiwfir furnish the necessary, transporta-tion and. suitable subsistence cn route;

t' i;r, iSTiu ZT-:-' .:

Thevtransnbrfc DIx, miwjn:tbeharbor'.antf. achednred.ito. salt 1 for . SinFrancisco about, October,.! J,-- Fill, ac--

cardihV to? ordera.reCently: Issttd.-fro- m

department .headquartersi carry a jiuni- -ber-ot.enlis- tea .men. tov the.. mainland!and upon arrival, there vthey 5 wil- - besent Jto i tbrf recrnit .depot: Fort, mciDowelffe'i vV.U;ki.'iv.,?.".'a :;v: k JS7". ' mjt"z :'v 1st fJerit 'P.iVl: Black.- - Slirnal Corns:has been, detailed; tc.commanf: FieldCompany C Slgnat-Corp- s In additionto his. other; dntiesV'.relJeying JIaJorJ, Jl: Douglas C,,-A,,g- . JMaj. Douglas!will turn ever to Lieut Black all funds.

' n;'jf 4 ; EK-''r- '

sUpotf the recommendation .of thecommanding-- . ':ojf ilcer Com pany 1

Infantty, ;CorporaJa jlerbert C-- ,Poppand. Julius D.; yjbnvder all. CompanyL4tre,:at their own returned

. . . .. , . . m . 'request

ru: iae graae-o- r rnvus.. .r? ;tjv.J, s -

rJThe .foHowing transfers, of enlistedjnea :Jn; the reglmen-hav- e bfeen; trnounced r;;.i..Pvt.';'an?es'..VcGo ireifrom Company i C ,to.'.Comr any( E; PvtLawrence-C.:MUaiaffo- i Company Clo,Company. ;;:

FJrai.Class, Pvt-Waiie- r; t: Colematot

has been.'relieved frbm'seciiT d;iry inthe Quartermaster, Corps' '.and '.will re-port ; to ihls company commaider fordnty.tVc?-'y-- - it'.i'ri-- 4 , . ..IBk'X n VnArala-i- f rtf rK citi" V,r th

014 tuei, aramausfiircflson . lioive.. .,

and property pertaining to this





nw Henrietta' WttineS at 2ltMutfi99Uj Ewrla U $ I fornla Fig Syrac..fema;n2a. redd aud Shenaudoaav atl.OOO.; , .

n M 1 jiirjfc .J.r 1 , - -- '. ; V: .' ' ' ' . - vf. r v. - - - -

!;f vliv: ; :--. r ; v -

;'!: I i" ' - ' '

Ultimatum to" China Declares

.nost ij HefuccJ ; ; '.::

(Associate! Press bv Pedersi WirIessy. PEHrXQ, Chins, October S. Anoth-

er Japanrse ', ultimatum':' "has ; beenserved upoa China, according to ofli-cl- al

, lafcrmztion given to the Asso-ciated Press here yesterday Japanhas made a preparatory demand upt;athe government to permit the exe'rr ! acf Japanese Jurisdiction over the Ko-rean resident of the district of Chien-tao,;i- n

Southern Manchuria, accom-panying the demand, with the an-

nouncement, that If . China refuses tragree Japan'will be forced to take mili-tary action to. secure compliance.. la the district of Chientao, whichChhna claims and bytradition net inclai?! In South rrnManchuria and which, as a ccr.rijuence, shculi not l a Included" la thdistricts'., where ia-'-- J?. pa a may exr re': ?

extra-territor- ll r!;ht3 under . th 2 re



' '

t - ',

As'-clitri- rr . ' Ly .J.r-I V,i.!..:.: :

- WASIIINGTO?;,' D. ' C, O. t. 8. Arr . ir'.h ... 1 e; erlr ul lel' r..::ryf c 11. ; t','-- ),(.!)' wjj-.rcco:;.- n !fdly. tho ICa.v-- 1 .; Advisory' lh..::l, cfw :.Icb'rTlwr.:-- .- A; Ihil.-e- u IV : :.!:;:..;;,at the.boe.r.1'3 first r. :'.'. l..;ro yr -

trrirry. ..11.3. rocc ::....:;:.: ll.::i waj i

nauc" la' th ? fen. 1 of n. k.. 1 i. .

. It . vci 1. rr.-- : I cft.r tho rr r . ilr ': Cf 'tho hlavy, D.. i:.;Mehahly v- 1 1 Inch;,: 1 a r:.; f rtl.3 crri''.- '- tiu.i ia h!.i rc(.or.-.m- ;;Jticaa to Ccr..;re . . ,'.'..;,

An - exrprt fr-rl- t racli?r' e -' 1 !

t! -- t tv" 1 fr-.- :t jl-- ' ' " r"' " ' . . ,r " '


',0. i. iir f .:ti:urr a I. ...I t:..v ill rro ! J 7 1 ' " ; ' -

', :r (. 4-- ',( ;

't f r r.; '

i::c t,o.:) rn:-.e- s r..( r.: . ( 1

' '

ih?v T O i .'


.liable n;

" J '. J V


: .' ifj:? i,--

lr 1 :

v.-- ?;--'

I7:n ZmV:rJi

!" V ' - . f. -- ': . : " .. , . - r

lu cur cc .;n . i- f

',' i 's i. e ' ' ; t 4

v has made"

arranicmcnts t.tU''Dcantiful gpoonis of lr.; lin;: :spoon dororatpl!i ti n 11!

" These spoons are beautie.i. T1 ? ;

' the new lJta cf a-- rmocth, lar.The-design is modern aul'el ....offering .rlenJld val .3 f :r ththe'lcou;:ca- t!ov a::.l rr :!1 1 tRead far irr.rr.; j: . '.; '

d-- .: , . .'

rYounj, Ceverly Z: j f .

;Warrcn Kerri;--- . :i' :! C t .

,;'l5c EACH C: i- . : r : . t

iloaoluhi r.. ih:f:.; Plezse rr ? i .s.r:V; '.--

I S3 jrr efrer.'f, ?' h fj-.- 1 t

.age. (: ;ar..:i ;.cc- . .1.)s.

' N2r.1V. ;';.';.'. ..'

ctr.' t ..'


I.; - " ' f

cently; sh;n? f ; ....treaty, 'are r-3- :; l r.t tho 1

( .; ri 1 .'-.

er. 1 ne Kerr ;a rr . :' - 1 1 i r. . :th.m two h .r rr i the .

These Kcreanj have -- It)r; . I -king nof to allow J:.::.: rJurladictlcn ovrr t' , : i ..,-t- '

they repudiate gil th5' ' '- ' J , 1

that since the c:::.c:...::. .1910 r.r.s sr? tievery way as Ja; ;

China haj anr..'.rcv 1 ;

tao sltuatfrn rh: ..' : r '

coriliag to the leie ci 1 iing'to the riht3 arn,-.:- r: !

drnts cf the district th. rar. ! history. .'Jar.-i- lrfull rights clalr.vrd I v htreaty s!.;n"il early th 1 jvlvus to the', g. r.crul e

treat.Jet;r.n clair.? tl. t V '

r.y in 'Chi: ! t' - 1

ccr. ;:... fri r : T

ft i r.; rr. ury i.f 1 : .

i I::::::) thcr - f - t ;

t:. i 1 .ice cf j: .'

riiN'vr.ii, cv j., (.Li (hrtrirt 1 r '

c i Mlr.e Wcrhf th 1 r :mitt 0,1 to 1 11 1 y t:here yestird'i: Tlat x:;:t,r;:v.f -- r..i 1 rvi 1 I in ti.r.e f..r Llay. : -

Ltwsr n was r - '

cr. 1 t r.t- .. it)!but tha s.i r- - f


new trrl. '1. ;

Srovrlli of t'. ! 1.' tV1 1 th J. -

n. r:l iv-

1 . :;

t, i.

Page 8: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;



in- , , iy ....

.4- -


nn. (- -

'Im t.

( - ? 4.

Win ? 4

'ih .

- -,

ffiFfevidence Won First Sfirifis

S American Associat ion--Am- erican League Has Won Out ohiA,vrtiiMu nn waiionai nas ueieaiea Newer League

rnve imes-ru- ny or. BostonpraweDaii vworid

3.i- yer tave cJajJswl lncethe first l)at-

'jj'j hp- - usHeotu cnampionsmp ori the orid va cn by the ProTlderice,

. J . IT 1 - XM. .'.. ,.'-- : --. ,

.'rrfa In which the 8trnlewaa nottreated so" that- - the coming contwttn-twe- ihe.' nostcti Hed Sor Mid the

2 .AIIadt-Jphl- Nationala wilT be the UthV to be played Tor the premier tl--

"ll -lha 'diamond. The inaugural

; .ftonteat In lUi'waa won by; the Rhode1 1sland JeanCtlieB cbampkn8;of Uu

League, in thrt-- e straight'y fames"1 ffora "the . Metropolltan.s the- ; standard bearera of the old American

Association of that year. Unavoidable-- 'lapses occurred in eight of the aubse- -

; : JUf tit aeasona. There' was no compelf ,U!Jon forthe world's honors in 1891

or" 1S03. CThere was 'also a five-ye-ar

. V .iap from, to J?r3 inclusive, butin 1903 the. Ifcwton Americans beat the

--Pitttburg .Nationals ; five games .i totnree. 'The following year's champion

V v ' 5hip- - waa claimed by the Boston RedHox by ' default as the New York a

- t local League club would not permit'lis 1904 pennant winners to play the"American League champions.-- 4 '

(:1n 1S0S, however, the two majorleagues arrived, at an understanding' " tTter the matter bad been thoroughly

1 (iruTEed ' during the, winter months,, ir.1's chat:pionship corape-l- it

len, was placed on a solid, baBls. TheNational Commission assumed control

series and made it com-it- -

j uLscry for the pennant winning clubsv ir .f.ich league. to have their teams

v-i)f- "ft tt the close of the playing sea-$- ci

every year, the world's title to goto (' ,e cltib Aianlng four out of seven

V--.j-f3. Hales were adopted by- - the

'' Commission: which governedSr '.vt; :'r."g connected with 'the post

k..Do.i . LatUes. --. Arrangements were

c -- ;l:ie-i' ; rrra rdlng ; the-- , dlsburse- -- ri " cf te f itc. receipts between the

v ir.s.'and' losing players,' the club. c, rcr:--' r-- .d the National Commission

r r


tt : to iIa iaerrst' detail everything ) the National Leaguetrace:5i1We World's Series To Date; 'i V'f K

fi-r- . Winners. . ;. , - Gamea AVon Losers. ''''l'f QirAm1' 1 Providence (N. L,) '.Vs 3 .

.li .3.;; Chicago (N. L.)... 3 f;

1 V. I -- IX. Louis K. A.j.,':?'', , 4--

1U7 i. Detroit (N. L.).4.....,.10 :

lS.. New.-York- , (N.L.).,,V:.10'lH .Npw York ( N. 1,) , . tri 6 .

1 1 ) Lou l.s 1lle ( N. L. ) . . . j , f ,3- - ;

t 2: r.ofeton is. d . . ; , ; , . . sl ; t New, York (N. U);;.iU.; 4- -

.CIcveland- - (N. L.),,..;--4:-is: : lUllinore. (N. L.) .; .4.;1.:7 (N. L.)..l'..V-- i

l'..'.ca (A L) . "V- ':. v- -. 6'New. York (N. L.K i "4

Chicago (N. L.). .',' ...i .... 4 j'iPlttsburs-(N- . U i i'.vi!.-- 4. iv:


i LmdelphlaVf A. L.) ?Vr.-.-- 4

I'll rtlbdelphla; (A. L. fc 4;V. 12 Lofton (A.. L).. Vv 4 : .;

..IT - Philadelphia '(A. 7,',itH,.PoFton; (K.U);.'';'.'.a


; :,i ifl.,:r,ri;!

i ;:o GEES?- - i t'y;

. '- . ' -

' Four local football teams will clash! oa, the gridiron tomorrow afternoon In?the opening games cf the-loc- al Interscholastic.;. league season; ; Punahou.

; will neet'McKinley high school; alAlexander Deld,; and Kamehameha

. wJU clasji,wlth;the College. of,, Hawaiik on, the Kamehameha gridiron. This

,yearnoone is .picawsm wmmrfifat'eanfs. and; the games should be,,

5exciUng throughout.The football fans obtained some Idea

of Lwhat the 'iPiinahotriandr'; College'. steams could do-o- n- Wednesday, .put

. - i AlcKlnley and Kamehameha will havev their first- hard workouts In the pom

v Infi ames;' Tl lar" ; certain r,that th' 'rcoocbea .will rely tqore on speed iiays

i ' than Xormations where K,welght. is, 7 s neiessaryt thls-yea- r; All; toufc telms

' ha?' strong. toadTtflelds,-- !and'-ih- e

'" .'iaJjincof 4tfength "WiU rest' with thei iidk.; i All of the vfront; rankers; this

: ? a envfe' new- - tothegainewlth: fewa i :

-- xrepUons, and. the public ;willwatch' thfejf work 'with Interest on-- . Saturday.

J rsw;pid Men Back. j '." v:- -' '.. . ,-v f Amcag be atars who will . be seen

- wit h-- the Conege of fiawall this yeari


- nre :v Stafford . : Austin, Ballentyne.and Brash. Coach Mldklff will

.btohevold;;.iiiaa in the game

v; utojLthe game for some time.

tUptNapfhrUf;bethe only man'who will b'e hark from last year's team

4 : the' ia'ame tomorrow." ' Alidklff willV3' probably useJorri; Correai Hlpa and1; " .onfi or two other players in the back

- the'McKlnley squad against Punahou,"

l ; JWt as Utr$ ae Uire. or four of them j


lit of Ga



in 1 fifU: Frnm MAtrnnnlitflnc nf

Has; Had pour Series During1 r fseries

Ppmanert Oraanizatlon.Under tbeae new condition! the

post-seaso- n games were resumed andthey c have ' been played erery yearregularly alnce 1905. .

- In the fall ;ofIbai year the New Yor Giants defeat-ed the Athletics of Philadelphia fourgames to one and scored the firstwinning of the world's title under thenew regime. The rival Chicago clubsbad the issue between them la, 1906;Comisky'a Vhite Sox winning the hon-ors by four games to' two,; .The De-

troit Tigers won the American Leaguepennant , for the next three -- years inauccession, but ! failed -- to add .theworld's title to their string of victoriesas tbey were beaten in the post-se- a

son battles of 1907 and 1908 by theChicago 'Cubs and the following yearthey lost to Pittsburg, when the Pi-rates nailed both the world's t hamplon-rhi- p

and National. League pennantsto their mast. Connie Mack and hisAthletics were dominant factors , nthe two following years. Ther scoreda four to one victory oyer the Chica-go Nationals' in 1910 and tn the 1S11series they squared their defeat by theGiants in 1905, by. taking McGrair'splayers into camp four, games to twoin the battle for the world's tltle.;it; .Then.followedthe great eight-gam- e

series, between the Boston Americansand, the .Giants; Probably for & longtime to come 1912 will be rememberedas . the "banner; year," as, In additionto; a tie game, the Red Soi players,several of whom, are still In the Bostonlineup, went the. limit and forced Manager McCraw- - to a four to three defeat. - Philadelphia, Connie' Mack andthe .Athletics scored a third world'svictory in 1913 with the Giants' aralnlosers, the New- - York team winningonly one game out of five." Last yearthe Boston Braves made a clean sweepin the post-seaso- n games; taking fourstraight from the Athletics,- - aftersensational" spurt and final victory In

J:etropolitan ' I A. A.) . ,. 0;.St, Louis- - A; A.)....i....,:; 3 --

XhMCo :,(N. L.).V;r4-,vi'i..:2.- vti St: Lou la (A A.)-- : lHif 4Et." Louis j A.. A.).;,,kv.; " v.f .Jirockiyn-(A- y a. ;;;?:

, Brooklyn (A.- - A) ..',7. 8 ;LCleveland (N;L:):V..;Vv...V , r

;;.4UaUimore.( ti,$ L.);,


,lln Iff mnoa I T .1 - 4 1 '

.'Cleveland N.:l:) ...ViU 0 ABoston ,(N:iL.)v;. iCPittsburg ;(N. L:...;.i!.,. 3;

hlladelpaia ( A. L. ) . ,3 ; ; 1i tuftti tin. ,ua

' Detroit "A.-- r L.) . V. rVi .0 ('l

; Detroit (A;L.) ; ; I .vs f. v 'i;':- S N'-Chlcago'(N. :L.) v.ViVilNew York N, L.).:.,.C,..,;: 2.; "New York (N. L.)...i.r3 -



Special Star-BulletiBCp- rr

v X)RT - : SH AFTER, October 8The .baseball ; game between tbeofn- -

rceni from Honolulu and Schofleld. Barj racks which-ha- s been postponed be--cause of Inclement weather for thapastmree weexs will,; according to an

made yesterday by. LieutCharley . Lyman, be played rain orshine on i Saturday afternoon at 3o'clock: at Fort Kamehameha as orlgInally planned. However, if it shouldbe, falnlng there1 arrangements a rr be-ing. made to, take thr two teams toSchofield Barracks and the amt wiUbe played there. ;

.'The new baseball field at the end ofSrort Shaf ter ar. lln la hin r.t-- v.-r -ntA snane. as -nuleklv aa nncaihiAtaily a large force,' of men Js at workqni this field, and the work Is beinrpushed forward with . all iJoasiblespeed, as the need for a good baseballdiamond la keenly felt The use ofthenarade':ground In the main posthas been prohibited so the only avail-able gronnda at present are those ofthat (department hospital, but these artanything but hard aniTsmooth How-eve- ,

Company P. nd; Infantry, de-feated Company B oh that regimenton l diamond yesterdays by a sroreoft,4-'',"t5';- " '..'..V-'-

liocalfana.are backing PhiladelphiaTor, the first game. Many are pinningthe!?; hopes , on Alexander' to win out.Boston has raaany admirers for thefirst gamer.

ii 'i

there. should be something heard ofthe family In ' the oomlng game. Ka-mehameha will have a number of newmen out this year and Bertelmannand Hussey may have a chance toshow what they can do in the cominggame. CapL Booth has been shiftingthe men around In practise to form aline that will cope with the College,and. at the present time has a fast butlight squad going through the formatlona.



The Y, M. C. A. bowling committeemet last evening and organized aleague of six teamB. Interest appear-ed to be at fver heat and everythingpoints'-- the best - sport ever In thebowling came.

The teams for this year's leaguewill be the Honolulus, Colts, Cosmosand P. B. C. jrom last season. Cap-- ,

tain Stayton will lead a Service Clubwhich will include men from severalarmy oosta while II. 8. .Canarlo wasappointed to organize a new team, fromthe bowlers of the city. I

Henolulua Enter. ;

Geo. K. Mills represented the Hono- 1

lulus and reserved the following menbeside himself: Leslie Scott, C. C.Clark, Jai P. Winne, Harold V. Gear,(1 A. Frana and-- Walter Haney. Thecommittee decided to limit each team j

to seven men. A man can he releas- - jed by a captain al any-tim- e and becomes a free aeent eligible for anoth--

.r . team. The ranks of a team camonly be filled by : men not signed byanother : team. The bowling commit- - f

tee will be reorganized to include jonerDrpftentative from each club and will 1

have control-o- f transfers of playefs.Jschedules, etc :r-:::?- : 1

J.'C Chamberlain will have three jof the chamDlon Colts with him this I

vear,W.AJ RasemanMIenry Yap and J

Floyd Emmans. Three places are left J

to be filled fronv recruits. i l iA ; I

' f. Ii: Atherton has reserved for the 1

Cosmos Frank A, Benson. Edgar Methten," Pete Bernal "and Henry Whitefrom last year's team; Francia Frankshaving joined the P. B, a ; ; .

Stavton ; Switches;.: v-- "

The Service club w ill Include i. beside 1

Captain Stayton, ,Walter Treptow fromnAirtnasv. fio. C Reed and S;g.McCutchen of the Signal. Corps, Ed.MrTvtahftf Pr Armatrone. ;AndrewlMhaiflv of the ;.2nd Infantry and oneother ImanSeveral of the Servicemen : will bowl on civilian teams 'this t

f year. y?,-r!;r-:;- - r?.,'-- ' . .j. ueanue ime-np-s irora uie i . a. v. i

and Canario's team will be announcedafter the teams are completed. Theformer cluh Is known to have In Itsranks O.: Soares, John Gomes, wE Bell and Francis Franks with anumber of promising men developedin last summer's dub tourney to drawfrom.. . .. Canarlo has ; three good ; mensigned already and shouldbe.ln therunning from the atarL 'v'U ;'.'-- '' '.

. The- - bowline committee will meetnext Fridayafteinodn; OctOtier-'- l 5, to jdraw-n- p a schedule and complete theroster of teams. There is a possibility i

of Increasing the league to eight teams jlater on If : the present . Interest; continues to develop.


V. M. C. A. BE

ATHLETIC VWTh hnW rinh nf iTnnoluin r ret 1

awar this week to a flying start forthe-seaso- n ot isia and lsie ana irom i

tfiA Dn-iiivt- v h thfilboys'

andUnder the direction of S. W. Robley

of the Y. M. C. A., there areclubs-Kaimu- kl. Korean,nr.nn. to.Rntlotln Knbsn.ko. The Newsies and Beretanla-w- ithu total membership of 350 at the pre--sent time.

The above figures do not Include byiri.i,i - pi.m. tKa

named having a membership of 400. .:

Schedule. Formed.Ben Clark, James Nott and S. W.

Robley will act as a special commit

coming season as an advis- -

ory bSard for the various club leadersand will have the power to handle all.disputes and protests that may evolveduring the inter-clu- b that will

""f"" vo u"" I

Tomorrow morning at lo o clock!will be the first weighing up previousto the opening of the season theweights for the different divisions asfollows: Seniors over 115 pounds,Juniors over 90 and under 115 pounds.and the Midget division all under 90pounds. The last day of weighing inwill October 16, and all of the mem- -

losing rush on 16th.Indoor Baseball.

Tbe first of the will be

ki and Beretania are sure to enterboth senior and junior teams. Theother clubs yet are uncertain quan-tities and they have another week yetto make their entry.

The entertainment of the yearwill be given by the Club about

last or xsovemDer ana con-ij- i.

slst of drills, free hand, Indian cluband dumb-bell- s. Also parallel bar andhorse work with pyramids, mat work I

and tumbling. Mr. Robley started j




Men Learned Strokes m the "01' Swimmin' Hole'' While theGirls Received Their Training From: Instructors HonoluluLeads World in Good Swimmers Although Many Never Re-

ceived instruction in the Art New Pool at Y. M. C. A.lWillBring Out Better Form in Water Sport- -

There are in round figures lOd.OOO,- -

000 people in the U. S. A. There Js00 way of telling just what propor.tion or tnis vast multitude swim. Thepercentage, no doubt. Is small, and thenumber of good swimmers In this

all army is also ,smaIL i WhatrisI meant by good swimmers Is not necesJ sariiy fast ones, but ratheY those thatget gooa progress ror tne amount orexertion they put forth

Also it may be Interesting to knowthat there are more men swimmerstha women,v but that the percentageof i good, women awlmmers- - is largerthan of men. That Is, there are agreater number women . slngstrokes properly than men.' Like otherthings, there is a reason,Honolulu-Lead- s.

Nowhere 1 else nnder the Americanflag la there such a percentage of peoPie who know how to swim as thereis In Honolulu. Where the: percentage ? is small on the mainland it Islarge here, and If brie' were gatherthe mrormation the; per, cent, wouldrun . not- - far from the 100 mark."swimming hole!! here has been barbof and ; the beach, and what appliesto the mainland goes here, as the localswimmers hav learned the game fromexperience.

Many of the swimmers here whowere raised on the malnlattd have oneWear that la stay on top of the water,while the ydung ladies have v beencoached to' ustbelr 'strokes in a oer--

tln way. Even In this city, the homethe swimmer, the women use better

orm man me men, annougn one mayexcepUohs to any rule. Now that

me new poor ai tne y. m; c. a. .isopen we , mayy find the next genera

Ulon learninsT the proper strokes fromonewho knowa. ,

AaYanceinArvJtt:-,- '

Mnot . mom . Hm ; . Fhmvhave- - reached 4he age of 20 . are self;

They jrobably started on a dog paddie,' later promoted themselves to thebreast stroke ; many .never got furtherthan that; a,, few went on and on untilthey? mastered all strokes. - Now, because the men are more often selftaught than women is one reason thereare more pejf ect-wome- swimmers

it ig next' to Impossible to eet anystroke .exactly bright without , somemhinr AVithAiit advi. nnrnA awtma stroke as-- it feels best-- Some onlyknow that Jf they make certain ' mo-

tions they stay on top and go forward,'maybe slowly, and at great expenseof .energy, --but nevertheless they areon top and1; their, mind Is partially at

'ease.Y'-V- '::"-r- - ' '..--


Without Instruction this class will


(Special star-Bulleti- n Correspondence)-- HAIKU, i Maul. Foster . i Robinson.

onco, of. the Chinese 1 Travelers andnow captain of the Pala baseball teamof the Maul Baseball League, la fast


He has pitched all three games so

I e Jruunees won uie nrsi. series, ana

ri." ""tolus lCiu-s- , " w ijr- -

I '"B W Will ,Win5 will Ol uyb iur iucchamplonshlpj tf Maul. The first gamevenM tte Ptftmenes, the score being

r"i , 1. .secona game, piayea oepieui- -u r , weal w uw ram", r uaier nuu.taro allowed two hits and struck out

PW..!. 6?' ...... .... J -

"--- .1 TlLT ""

?n the ore brl1

lWtJ?BrtJiai ?.! en?vJ" hit, and

2mLJhi?, .1?!PJL. Dillon H.hJo nlv aoiiaf tha. 97.."": . ,rLiT. 7ll I" " "I7 Vi;son won practically all games in

5!DSlT,e Irlliag six times

.!-- :training the boys two weeks ago and

three periods a week the outlookseeraa Verv brieht and a bane-u- n nro- -

Juniors meet the N. A. C. at Kakaakohall for a practise eame. and the fol- -

lowine nlht the fast Beretanta Sn- -

the v. M. C. A. Barnes hall.There will be but three clubs in the

men's league this year from presentindications. Kalihl, Palama and theKauluweias and their Inter-clu- b gameswill not start until next month. Thisdivision includes all over the age of

An eames the sPnior and Jnninrdivisions will be played Friday andSaturday night the Midget games tobe arranged later.

largest season that the clubs of far of the. championship serieshave ever had. . eentheuunenes the i Palas.








bers of the different clubs are urgedLTam is get weighed In tomorrow and avoid Gn next Tuesday nieht the Kakaako

out in the the

event yearIndoor baseball in whlc-.- i Palama, Ka-0- r an1 junior teams meet Sen-lih- i,

Star-Bulleti- n, Kauluwela, Kaimu- - Jors and juniors from Kauluwela



tne part









not Improve much, and the improve-ment will come slowly. Had somefriend or professional corrected themat the right time they wouldn't hareacquired the mistakes. Thus 1 theswlmmln' hole'; produces - swimmers

with ;the .mistakes all learned ; ULH .

Glrie' Were Taught, . . --

' The girls dldn'thave the bpportu--nity of. sneaking off after school andteaching themselves. They had towait until they could go to the beachtinder the watchful eye. or later theywere sent to a swimming school andUught how to swim; This Is why thepercentage of good women swimmersIs greater than that of the "men. It'sreally the deetall of swimming that isthe Important itenwthe 'position: ofthe hands, the mental attitude of theswimmer, be he ' fearful or confident,etc..;v v. iv; '

The reason why so few people swimmay be laid to fear. So manypersons have? this almost' ungovernablefear. It has to be treated as a seri-ous matter, but it Isn't unless it la al-

lowed to predominate. ; The mental at-titude you allow yourself to take to-

ward the water controls almost entire-ly the length of time required' to learnto swim. A v, lv-''"'



bu smokers ofa-wirine- r.


us your name and address on aStreet, San


Punahou faces a critical situation lafootball. To an ordinary observer Itwould seem that her material is worthabout SO cents on the dollar In cornparison with that of previous years.The. line Is extremely light and In experieneed. The backfleld lacks expertence, and has never worked togethetas a unit In a game. In the wholtsquad there are but two old men. Forthese reasons Coach Midkitf and Captain "BUn Napihaa are-worki- ng withmight-an- d main. vv i ,'

McKlnley expects to have a veryfaat aggregation.-Th-e team has beenpractising unusually hard ahd much Ispromised when the players hit the dirt.Captain" MelinCls anda very successful season is promised.College. Meet Kamehameha.; ). r

Encouraged by its admission to theleague the College of Hawaii; has' briworking every; day this' week on thelower Punahou field under, the. direc-tion of Doctor Peden. . Their back-fiel- d

is all-sta- r, 'Capt Stafford Austin.Brown and Brash, but "while the, lineIs, fairly heavy the men are all new

:at; the game. The' team Is shqwln?genuine speed and class and will surely -- give Kamehameha a hard scrapSaturday. : ";'",";.; , .

. Kamehameha's hopes are high "thisyear, and she Is out with the determinatlon to win the championshlixShe lost a number of - good men bygraduation, but as sh ha 1 thA lipfvt.



A coupon that is

D""" month of October






M - Sept 22.University of Minnesota athletic clr--.cleJ ver sUrred toairvflien Dr. IL UWilliams the football coach, declaredaniattempt had beeT r..! to induceAl Quist, star end cf t - ff to en-'':-t-er

Dartmouth. Dr. X ..uAr.i said:; "Last night a Dartmouth alumnu.-offere- d

Quist a financial Inducementthat would enable him to enter Dartmouth---- a thing he la una hie -- to dowithout , financial aid." Last springQuist was: invited to -- a DartraouUialumni banquet la Minne apolUr andwhile there Dartmouth alumni; at-tempted ytor make him d'.'satlsfledwith hta course at Minnesota.

"He refused the recent offer andtold me about It I am exposing theaffair because "I want such method!stopped.--.' ; ' ..c ; : . ..

est and fastest second 'team la thleague last season, she has abundantmaterial. on hand. St. Booth l;rn beenteaching the cadet "a number of newplays this fall, and they expect to slipsome - new inea" over on the ;col-leglan- s.

;;.... '. , .

Mills .Rests Tomorrow.Milla Is showing a 'dodged delermln

atlon, and as 'she will net play Sat-.i- r

aay sne wui cave one more weli toKet Into, tip-to- p trim before l.r f.rst

.hoys. at donot expect "to-wi- the ch ut

they da expect to r.'.j'i ::.. t.tthe contenders wake v; .:. !! t ' : r. vtlce of them. The tr;.:.i ;; ; . tJbe greatly Imrrovel as t j rir's ex-- y

perience will, give tl;alad3 more assrancfv

Two Rsnes are f.; --

Satiirday;1 ' r r.xlpi:r.a!.ci r- -a

and CoV.c--- : cf Il.vvaULamella. The f.rit will ! atPunahou Cell r.T. the



1 1

lave T 7 r 1


Piedmont GkarettQD li

Knewa: winner, when



you lound

bluest 5c seller in

S;;;:;p&The: Cigarette ?iO mmWm'' J

WThat's .why we;;:annpetoaipack a coupon in every packagebf 7

redeemable- -


r -

presents in our illustrated catalogue. ; ? !;

coupon whose liberal value should doilble PtedtMrecording-breakin- g sales. ' 7T



we will, glye copies of burillustrated catalogue of presents absolutely free-Justen- &

postal, or ask for one at our; Premium pw:hiitery r

Page 9: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;






1 - 7 -7-- :



OTA VT.mA.jr:

AUTO PAINTERCity Painting Shop, King. South

aia, .expert, auto tad carriage paint-er- ;work guaranteed. 6213-t- f


Sidewalk grating, Iron doors, machln- -

. ry repaired jand general blacksmithit J. ;,n- - ; NeHl'a work , Shop, J55 :Mer

.chant tt V. t'j.. g2Q4m1













BUY AND 8ELLDIamonda, watchea and Jewelry bought

iold .and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort


!;l;S4;kL cBanhoo furniture; 563 Bereta- -

f v . BICYCLE STORE --T- - f1--

. IT. Toshlnaga, Emma, nr. Deretanla st.on -- all bicycles and bicycle

- Supplies. ,, -- : ; v- - , . ; .y 6210--U

Ilatnada, baby carriage t tires re--tired. Nuuanu st. Tel. C043.

Knpya, nicyclpR, Punchbowl ft King.

- i, cakery:Hcae; Bakery, Beretanta sear. Alakea

..'cuilcerIK. Hera," Builder, 540 KlagJ tet 3321,'

.w '

. .i . ci47-t- f :

i,.- - J!T..'V.,


Teft'Tl --C4n, chop suey bouse; clean;dlntDg-roo- upstairs; nice and cooL

All klnda of chop suey: open untill4n!iiL ; J 1 9-- 1 2V Hotel "street,,.;

iC201-C- n

Boston Cafe coolest place In town.'m After the show drop In. Open day;and nlstt BUou theater; Hotel St.

Columbia Lunch Rooms; Quick serrtce- and cleaUnfss'our motto? open dayarivTnlght.' Hotel, cpp. Bethel street

, 6518-t- f :

The Esglo"iBethel.' beLMIotel r andKing. - A nice place to eat; finehome cooking. Open night and day.

w Orleans Cafe. Substantial meals.moderate, Alakea, cor. Merchant su

: - - 5SS3-t-f

Home Cafe; Beretanla nr. iAlakea st


United Construction Co., 6 Beretanlast; - rhone 5058; building, concrete

- work and lot clearing. , 6234-t- f

Building, cement work, " painting,plumbing, etc- - Aloha Bldg. Co., 14C4

- King aU phone 1576. M. K.' Goto,:. Manager. .

: r6056-lyr- .

T. FukuchL phone. 4822 general con- tractor and builder; house painting,

paper hanging. ; - ; , . C222-6- m

K, Segawa, contractor, 604 Beretanla.f;v?rv C676-lyr- v r1:?-,- .

Fujil Contracting ft Building Ca, Paia--rma: estimates furnished. 6184-t- f


Geo, IV Tamada,' general contractor,- Estimates- - furnished. No. 208 Me- -

Candlesa Building.- - Telephone 2167.

Sanko Co-- Nuuanu and VineyardVTet-

' 3151. - ' Contracta. buUdlng paper-hanging- ,"

cement work, cleana lota.; :;;.- - ..A.. k5327-t-f

Y. Kobayashl. general contractor, H034

8 Kins. Phone 3356.." Reasonable.' , T- -

-k5S27-t- f ' : "A '


Pay for your clothing ma convenientopen a charge account with TheModel Clothiers, Fort at 6064-t-f


Business, andtislting, cards, .engravedJ 'or, printed, - In "attractive Russia

leather cases, patent detachablecards. Star-Bullet- in office. 65404f

Z jC&ANfKd ANb DYfelNQ? - ;

Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop, TeL 31496213-t-f


Sano, engraying. Pauahi, nr Maunakea6211-t- f -


If yU (Want &ood quarters to display.. your samples' In HflO,1 use Osofld'a

: atore.: . 5940-t-f




The Pioneer, clothes cleaned and re-paired. TeL 3125, Beretania-Emm- a,

6081-t- f ;

Harada; clothes cleaned; TeL; , , 121-t-f :

Sultltoiium, ladles' and gents' clothesCleaned. 1258 Nuuanu, tel. J350. --

;- v ,

190--m ,

A. B. C. Renoratory; clothe cleaned.

" i8r?am cleaning. Alakea aWnr.Gaa Co.

? V n."' ''3


T Nakanlshl, 34 .Beretanla nr.'; Nuo-nu- ,j

; for, good. cooka,.: yard. ..boys.' ' ' .vii j j .i-- jriixrnone tiij reBiueuco. yuuae ititi.

Phone 4138 for , all . klnda of help, or. call at 1166 Union st, or write to P., ' O. Box 120a. , Responsibility 5 and

promptness our specialty. J. K. Naruse, manager, v'; yA. 610C tf

Japanese help-of- , all klndfmala andfemale. O. IHraoka; 1210 Kiiran st

- j'JtfO. 6054 tfphone ,., ..-v- :v.'..

Aloha Employment Offle, ;Tel,,-4889-;

Alapal stpp RapM Trapeltloffice.All kin Is vt help furnished? :

... .;-- , . '6101-t- f '. v:..-- '

For bpt rdnerrrlnc'4t3. neiOMf


Harada, fresh cut flowers;' tel.I3203.:: ,';.' ipi-y-- 6121-t- f tf-XKlmura, 7

flowers. Fort at'f.Phone 5147.. 6084-t- f. ' ; 1

Wakita,rcut i flowers; Alohk ; Jitne.

firewood:Tanabe Co.;. Pauahi,- nr1.-Rive- r It,' tel.4

; 2657; firewood and .charcoal, whole-gal- e

and retail. t C140-- w


Fuka Shokal, Haw. fruits; Prison rd,' H r-- r;. - 6135-t-f


Harada,' hat cleaner. Telephone 3029.:K . ..v 6235-t-f -



Kona Coffee Co phone 5422: roasted' coffee; wholesale : and ;. retail; : 602

Beretanla street ' . 62R64m


IXonolula Cycler Motorcycle . tupplies and repairing; old motorcyclesbought and aold. King and Barsta-'nl-a

street; telephone 101. v '-- v; ':ys:-s- fi954m

PRINTING f.We do not boast of low prices which

usually coincide with poor quality;i but we "know how? to .' put life,hnstle and go Into, printed matter,

;i and that la what talks loudest and..longest' Honolulu Star-Bullet- in Job? Printing Department Alakea Street;Branch Office, Merchant Street

B29Mt -


B. Shlrakl, 1202 Kuuanv; ' TeL 4137.Pamung and paperhanglng. AUwork guaranteed. ; .

-- Bids aubmittedffMk. k632)Uf


C-Imot- 615 King. nrLUiha, expertplumber and tinsmith ; phone 2073.



Notaa 1 Shokal, watermelons ; Aala lane6099-t-f


YAMATOYA,Shirts, pajamas, made to order; now

at new location, 1305 Fort st, opp.Kukul' st TeL 233L 6236-t- f

O. Yamatoya, shirts, pajamas, kimonos to order. Nuuanu, near PauahL

KKS3-- tf


Our soda will make your businessgrow. ' Hon. Soda "Water Wka, Chaa.

E. Fraaher, Mgr. C1061yr.

FOR RENT.Five-roo- m modern cottage' elegantly

furnished. Rent I3&. Apply JohnDoe, 761 Rabbit lane.

Try this style of display ".classified ad.

For Quic&l BDUlto;0c PER LnrE PER day;

45c PER LnrE PER WEEK .$t05 PER LnrE PER U01JTH.

.The above sample ; is a texiline ! ad. Everyonethat looks at this page will see it at a glance.


iA We advocate this form of advertwihg for thoseWishing something'a little more attractivethan the

r V ordinay ''liner classified' adv., yt do, nbtwant togo4 into larger display advertising, Where a contract

f fNo contract is necessary for this form of adver--p 'i tising and you can take as

xry ii. unu oe convinced

774 Tnn a tv o :


The best comes' from the Hon. Soda;SvWater. ,T7ka That's the kind you. want Chas.:E. Frasher, Mgr, u

:v-- V-

? i ' 6106-lr- r - . - PX


Btesu,.bet Japanese dinners. W. Oda,".'; nrdo. - TeL 3212. v 1 ; v ? 6183-t-f


R. Miiuta. Umbrellaa made and re,paired. 1234 Fort nr. Kukul; phone2745 : "T" E553-t- f



f Sealed, tenders i will be received bythe - Superintendent of Public - Worksup until 12 noon of Saturday, October23, 1915, : for, building .the section.' ofHomestead Road through the. Mahowaiopae Homesteads, District of NorthHiUvHawaiL 'rP

The . ? Superintendent ; of U PublicWorks reserves the right; to rejectany 'or aU .tenders, c 0 X.JS

Plans, - specifications and : brankforms of proposal; are on flle.ln theoffice of the Superintendent of PublicWorks, Capitol building, Honolulu,and wltn:w. R, Hobby, Public WorkaAgent, Hilo, 'HawaiL'c.'t--- V f

CHARLES R. FORBES, U tit Shptrtntendent of Public Works.

Honolulu, September 30,' 1915.:;: ': ..:p. 62mot S' ;i



Tenders will be received by the un-dersigned In, the Clerk'a Office of theSupreme Court Judiciary building,Honolulu, "!-- up j : to 12". o'clocknoon on Monday,' October'll, 3913, forprinting and binding Volume 23 of theSupreme Court Reports in accordancewith specifications' obtainable uponapplication to the undersigned. . Bidsto be accompaned with certified checkand otherwise to Comply with the pro-

visions Of Chapter 100, Revised Laws1915.

Dated, Honolulu, T. H Sept 30,1915.

J. A. THOMPSON,Clerk. Supreme Court

6282-Se- pt 30. Oct 1, 2. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9.


Sealed: tenders will be received bythe Maui Loan Fund Commission, Wai-luk- u,

Maui, up to 12 noon of Satur-day, October 23, 1915, for the construc-tion of the dining room and kitchenbuilding at the Kula Sanitarium, Kula,MauL

The Maui Loan Fund Commissionreserves the right to reject any andall bids.

Plans and specifications and blankforms of proposal are on file in theoffice of the Maui Loan Fund Com-mission, Wailuku, Maui, and in theoffice of the Superintendent of PublicWorks, Capitol building, Honolulu, T.H.


6285-O- ct 4. 6. 8. 11, 13, 15, 18, 20,21. 22.


The River street bridge, over Pauoastream, will be closed to traffic untilfurther notice.


62S8-3- t

vr-.- ' V .s"'--

mnch space as" you wish. 'oi. us meni. r -- j




K Sealed ; tenders will be received up,to 12 o'clock '; noonon vthe -- 9th dayof October. 1915, at the office of theClerk of the. City and," County ,of Hpno-lul- u,.

Room 8, fMcIntyre buildmg, for!furnishing all 'material, 'tools and la-bor to cohstrucjt aj 15-fo-ot

asphalt : macadam pavement10,880 feet long, in the District!

of Wahlawa, beginning, at Station 00at the Junction of the.main Belt Roadand the road from .Wahlawa near Casttier's; thence along the, Walawa roada distance of approximately 4480 feetto the end of the present asphalt ma-cadam" pavement: ' Beginning at Sta-tion 44 the road Will follow the pre-sent"" road makaf to its .intersectionwith the main belt road at Station 108.

, Plans, specifications nd form ofproposal may be had' upon applicationand a deposit of Five Dollars ($5.00)at the.City;and County Clerk'a office.

The Board . of Supervisors' reservesthe right' to reject any and all tendersand to waive all defects; i


' CleTk,'City,'and County of Honolulu;- ' 6288-101- '! : - : ".


v Sealed tenders will' be received upto 12 o'clock noon, on Tuesday, Octo-ber 19, 1915, at the office of the Cityand County Clerk, Room No, .8," Mc-Inty- re

.building, for furnishing the Cityand County of Honolulu with one Tan-gential Water: Wheel Unit' Governor,Indicating Instruments', Gate . Valvesand Pipe Fittings and one Generator,Switchboards and Instruments, on Direct Current "Exciter j and Rheostats,all such equipment to be delivered F.O. B. docks Honolulu. i

Plana,: specifications and form ofproposal may be had upon applicationand a deposit of Five (35.00) Dollarsat the office of the City, and CountyClerk. - t tt.

i A certified check or a certificate ofdeposit on . a .bank doing- - business inthe Territory of Hawaii, representing10 per cent of the total amount bidsubmitted must accompany proposal.

The Board of Supervisors reservesthe right to reject any and all ten-ders. V

D. KALAUOKALANI, .Clerk, City and County of Honolulu.

6288-1- 0t


The Board of License Commission-ers for the City and County of Hono-lulu will 'hold a meeting at Assemblyhall, Mclntyre building, on Thursday,'October 21, 1915, at 3:45 p. . m., toconsider the application of Lee Chongfor a second-clas- s restaurant license,to sell intoxicating liquors at No. 93,King street Honolulu, under the pro-visions of Chapter 122 of the RevisedLaws of Hawaii, 1915. :

All protests or objections- - againstthe issuance of a license under saidapplication should be, filed with thesecretary of the board not later thanthe time set for the said hearing.

CARLOS A.' LONG,Secretary Board of License

Commissioners.6277-Se- pt 24, Oct 1. 8, 15


Waiahole Water Company, Limited.

Notice is hereby given that Assess-ment No. 1 of Eighty-Fiv-e per cent onthe newly issued Capital Stock of thiscompany haa been called for. by dueresolution of the Board of Directorsand is due and payable to the Treas-urer of the company on or before theSist day of October, 1915, and delin-quent on November 30, 1915 V v'

J. F. C. HAGENS,:"-- Secretary

Honolulu, T. H, Sept 30, 1913;6283-O-ct 1, 8, 15. ; i

everyone with anything . for sale to--Play 8afe-.- Conaldertof the faotort of aalea, auccesa in planning

- an ad la more - atiafactory than. knowing "how It happened" after-ward- a.

Star-Boilet- ln Want Ada--Bring Home the ' Bacon" everytime. 1399-t-f

furnished House by Oct 1;- must be modern; Ion the beach or. Manoa ralley; ; permanent tenant;, state rent when answering. Box 8,title office. 0 . C i 6260-t-f

An experienced ; seamstress for. alter-ations on ladles' dresses. Apply JeffsFashion Co lnc rooma 302-303-3-

'Hawaiian Trust bldg. ; ;'. 62374ti , I, 1 ' r

Dealers to Increase their business by1 aellmg aoda from : the Hon. - SodaWater Works. Chaa E. Fraiher, Mgr.

f. V 6106--1 vr ; .,'- -

To buy furniture for cash. .TeL 1535.4vV-vj'7-'-''- 6281-t- f

Clean: ragt for wiping. StaBulIetln'.'office..-- - ,.?, :..Vi-



Five bright ' capable ladles . In ' eachstate to travel, demonstrate and sell

- dealers; 325 to 350 per week; rail-- C

road fare paid Goodrich Drug Co' Dept 119, Omaha. Nebr. r 6i20-6-m


French girl wants to do light house-wor- k

and take care of children. Ad-

dress box 221, this office. ' 6287-3- t



Be It resolved by the Board of . Su-pervisors , of the City- - and County - ofHonolulu that' the sum of Three Hun-dred .and .Sixty , Dollars, be -- and thesame is hereby appropriated out of ailmoneys in the Treasury of the Cityand County of Honolulu In

v the WaterWorka Fund for an account known asMaintenance and Upkeep.

Introduced by '

i:t.u::-'- ' W.,LARSEN..-,- v

, ppA:XXjv.f ,;-- V SupervisorHonolulu, T. H September 21, 1915.

C . """" 'K- l

Approved thia 6th da of October, AjD., I9i5. --

" - .. ; y ''; Zt .

V;.5 , JOHN C LANK, .' ;

Mayor, City. and. County of Honolulu,TH.

,6287-Octa- 6, 7, Z.

1 v RESOLUTION 0270. v. f. '...r s . .. . v-

v Be it .resolved, by tne Board of Su-pervisors of the City, and County ofHonolulu, " Territory of Hawaii, thatthe sum of Three Hundred and Seven-ty Dollars (3370.00) be 'and the sameis hereby appropriated . out ' of allmoneya .in. the General Fund pf theTreasury ? for," an : account 'known asCity , and County Attorney, PurchaseOffice :Equipment'.;V:v::

v Presented by.-x : ,; P .f

1".; : " T. DANIEli LOGAN, ;

'J: t--. ; ' - r ; - ' Supervisor. --

Honolulu, 'September 21 1915 ' '

Approved this 6th day of October.A.D.-1915..- :

" V - john c. lane;Mayor, City and County of Honolulu,t. H. - P

.' 6287-0ct'- 6. 8.k5:v;';-;-'- L


Be It resolved by the Board ;bf Su-pervisors , of the City and : County ofHonolulu, Territory, " of Hawaii, thatthe sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars(315,000.00), be and the same is here-by appropriated out or all moneys inthe Permanent Improvement Fund Inthe Treasury of the City and Countyof Honolulu, for an account to beknown aa. Constructing Belt . Road,Koolaupoko District such: paymentsto; be made on a pro rata monthlyamount of Five Thousand ' Dollars(15000.00), beginning Octber 1.1915. ,

. Presented by v- vR. W. SHINGLE.

.. Supervisor. : i'' Date of Introduction. September24,1915. v


At a regular, meeting ofL .the. Boardof Supervisors of tho City and Countyof Honolulu, held on Tuesday October5, 1915, the foregoing Resolution waspassed on Second. Reading and order-ed to print on the .following vote , ofsaid board: - . :: .

' ' :,';'" ..Y,vAyes: Ahia, Arnold, Holllnger, Hor-

ner, Larsen, Logan, Shingle.-Tot- al .7,Noes: None. y- - ?i:iM. v E. BUFFANDEATJ, v :

Deputy City and County Clerk. :

- ; 6287-Oc- f 67. 8. v -

The large ; British 'liners 'Aquitaniaand 1 Olympichave been sent to theDardanelles as hospital ships; l; ' v-- i

AdelinatPatti- , .




Desirable houses In varloua-- parte ofthe city, furnished and unfurnished,at 815. 113, 320, 125. 330, 335, 340 andup to 3125 a month. See list tn ouroffice. Trent Trust Co, Ltd FortSt, between King and Merchant '

' ' - '- r 6038-t-f. -

Two new cottages, nicely furnished;. single .rooms suitable for gentle--

men, with board; special rates, Ap-- K

ply Roselawn, 1366 S. King st, '

::'C' : ' 6287-t-f - -Well ' furnished ; bungalow

on Bates st; - everything complete;325jer month. . A..E. Mlnvtelle, 44ASchool at ,f C234-6- t

New cottage,.modern fcnproTe- -

menta, etc.; 8th ave Kalauki. Une.. TeL 372 L .... ,6213-t-f

Rooms' for;ilght. housekeerl2g:.Can--

sel Place, Fort and Vineyard sta.--h':- "-: 5238-t-f

Modem bungalow; " reasonable rent;1325 Kaplolanl St Inquire 1332;' v :;- - : 6257-t-f v

. ..Furnished-cottage- , 6 rooms. 633 Hotel

at, near Alapal st IL Ohta. ,'' V 6132-t-f .

Cottage for light housekeeping.-Phon- e

2343. - v ,.: .. .: ; 62S6-t- f


1450 Fort St Telephone 2342. f

Nicely; furnished rooms with modernconveniences, cool, comfortable andpleasant surroundings; : 10, minutes'walk" from the business center. ;

rr-'A- 62S3-l-m

Light cool furnished rooms, two-stor- y

v red house. Circle lane, below Punch-bow- l.

Phone 5443.'t-- -' 6234-- t


Martlns-rTh- e cleanest and nest reas- -

enable rooms ( jn the cUyi .hct andcold bath; mosquito proof; .walklc?distance; 33 to 310 per month. 27a Beretanla st . G222-t- f


'iHMo Railroad. Bondholders.

' The offer heretofore ''made to allbondholders of the HUo Railroad Com-pany that, they may receive the bene-fits of that certain agreement madethe 4th day of September. 1913. be-

tween A. WT. Bottomley and others,as committee, the Hawaiian Trust Co.,Lt(Lr as depositary, and certain own-ers of, the bonds of the railroad, bysigning ;. the - agreement, depositingtheir bonds with the said depositary,and . receiving its certificate of de-

posit therefor before October 1, 1915,has been extended by the committeeto October 31, 1915.- - '

. ALBERT FJUDD. ''Executive? . Secretary,:. Hilo Railroad' BondholdersProtective Committee.Honolulu, October l, 1915. ; "

. ;r 6283-7- t. r..Vf:-;- .

i w-'- f f ft .5. ;v NOTICE.'; 4V-- ;

: The' "American-Hawaiia- n steamersArizonan. lowan. Nevadan, westboun d ;

Ohloan,4 Alaskan, MontananKeatuc'x-Ian- ,

eastbound. have, been ordered toproceed to their destinations viaStraita of Magellan" route.' ' .


. -

V 1

L - - ),i -J-L --1 --i .

FOHSALE:fhe Transo enveTore, t!n:5 :ir!r In

vention. . Jo ad Jress! rr r ary'tn sending out bills crnce:;.s, Ila-nclu- lu

SurBulletra Co'LtJ, t:agenta for patentee.: 'v tf

' 'f32300 Three-bedroo- bv.r.-alo- ?, ca

Bates st; owner .settles st a. Ics?.aa he Is going to the csL: . !. Fcrfurther particulars apply lex ZZ

thia efflce. ;.'--- rM:tOa'Alswa IIe!;its, let cf v. ir I

proved; natural ate- - tu: :::beautiful view. Crei.

. auiscatj, 31CC3. . TtL 1:::.

Grant roadster, J23 fcr cr. :' r - i; for selling, chanse cf stall . 1

Constructor J. A. Furcr,.rc.:l I.'ir-bor- .:

" :. j - , c: '

Automatic Singer : sow!e t 1' " :

.'win sell cheap. Audrey I . ..... this: office. r- -

--. 4 --

1 c...;::Inter-Islan- d and Oil r.i::;c:l

ping books at Star-Eul'.et- la cTI : t..Two horses. Apply Lieut Tr! '

Schof leld Barracks. . ' c; J-- C 1

Four dozen scarlet Iily.bult3, tl. Tel.1842. - , cr.r-i- ;


Kalankl Babbitry, 7:3 i: At .. r :Mausalca Ave c:1:ti i:r : -

ber pure-bre- i stccX T;3. ;.:i, :. Ctcx 2:5 - ::::

7 ' 2


Coconut plants fcr t' : t. riety. Aj; A. D. I::::j, I .

Kauai -- '' : .;:

drz::ma:;i;::.Erenln g gtTM tzzl i . . . .

able. lira. D.c::i:.i ':

HYDRAULIC E.:Jas. T. Tajlcr. 511 zz.z- -


,ccnsultie2 civil & hyJ.-z.- :

...K. Osbtaa, cassa3. r:-- 3 1!

;'.-- ';. :

;6003-t- f

cuRcsorrcHi-r;- -'

Corns, corns, ccr"3 :iMclnerny's C3 f'

r Dr. . Merrill. '

music itizi:Ukulele. Instruct';::,-- . t:

' and sclo spec: to

1187 Cardcn l:zz; ;


.removal-;- :J t .

DrsA. C. and C. .E. ,

that they have moved ti'rthe fourth Coor of tha ra&ovg May &. C-5- . ; -

Thetenemer.t-houi- 3

the Brooklyn c! fpert; 1 ttzt c.:.:r ca:.' :

Jt;Lzi four. 1 .enly S7all t'et tcnen:?-- tj Li - 1


A report frcn Liv --

Enslani has ref J. tAustralian wh-- at rr- -

rV i

v . ; i J.j ;; IN HIS.MI.ND'3. EY ::. -"

'.ij'v-;';.VTh- party at' ease here reclined'"t" "' 'Has a. lovely 'youn; lady in mini, vr. 5 ;... !':.5One' so 'plainly '.In view and r r.'.-a- t3 M

ITbar If vou can't t?r yi-'- rs III;. :

- -- t j. :

, ".v.s 1 'to Yt:zT::::DAr$ rrzzi.

Page 10: to c:ljA Ko, fewer, thaa '17 men 'wer fbond playlrs' tt kao. jltls 'allesedi The tr;alfir.Ca fraas tad beea skillfully set.---Anczjr.the. gamblers Waaa'.aa sbtat cf the: detectlrca;



-- - M.. ' ..

. ..

i' '. .:7t

" -

--- r

- -,

. n


. i


rLORD.YOUliaV: EneinteringCo Ltd.i ; ttgintert and CcnttAtturf"

CarrtpbtH eicr Honolulu, T. hV"Telephones 2610 And 4S87


Coffee! noxsTERir.,,Dsalars In Old Kena Ceffit; if


;' WIRZT CNCES AND GATE-- Tht vsry fesst for twry uso

:.' J. C AXTELL'I W1;

Ttrrrr- : ;r SPECIAL SALE

Crass LIbsb Vnd'Portjw Waist' ;:- - - Pttternt-""' : YEC;CHAN CCV'v

titUr Klr,r.d Celhtl Ctrti

N0VELTIE3 . V:t;;; ., novclty.:0. :

, .

.V."EI2X as Bethel Etrefits' : "

" .Durlrg ny absence fronr the.- city Mr. ii. Fbiii.0. wi nate

eft tree of all work and "clre .

iarfful attentfon to. all de tafia.:. JAf.'C3 NOTT, JRy ;:

lT:'c -- 7I:i tcL:?rs3 , . At Ycur Crocer'tf



' CAT1CFACTION":Ccrr?r N'uuanu and PauahrCt


Antlqyra nd,Ch!net '

'' ' and Vtti.r.j'fcrv '

nCCZTTINa AND mCSLL. i; y IN3 olo;jevzlry ,.! ;

V.C.'.J cr.i Flitlnum Ct:::;aa )


1 1

Fciton-Tosl- 1


Hcnsluhi and'Hilo - s

T...TS A?;0 AVNINGS ? ?

Tc-- ts A Canes!efcrRen r1 ,.'.ry Years' Experlencti L, r.c;r Alltrt, upililrsi'?

'a:isanford...... -;

' Pert - Street' wi r.

ea.- -j . av a - rj.-- ;ia

All Lis is cf Trajplng Paper andTwlzes rrl-t- ls and Writing Papers,

AM EH 1 CAfi-- H AWAI I AN PAPER;' . . , CUFPLY CO LTD. : ircrt az3 Queea Streeta, IIcs.olultt.

TLcne 1413. : Geo. Q. Oolld, Gen. ITct.




Contultlns,: Detlgnlnfl and Cotv".- -, ;. structrng .Enaineers.'"t Bridges, 'Buildings.- - Concrete Struct

- tues. Steel .Stnictures,Sanltary Sys--:terns, Reporta and Estimates on. Pro

'if: lectjLf ' Phon 104S: i 'r?:Z-- ?v

;STEENWAY.Bargains in Other Pianos .- PLAYER PIANOS-'-

' THAYER" PIANO CO; LTD.151 Hotel Street ; Phone 23IS j


mriet. cenreir, vti tufi

' LUXURIOUS ANO ".r-- com fortaelEv, V


.p r T

tsirly iScajfeet Cation; tor



- De ui Kooma:CuHlrid '

- COHaL GAik.i4"hOlU--r(tee the-- Wonderful Marin F!

..turea. fri KANZOHE- - CAYGliiUttorr.e J. till L..JT rw

.. boats for hire Good Meals ;

A t-- MsKAYE,.Pre?rlttsr .it


of. 7crfc-;-J

fo!li'c;-- ;

thi ChU- -Y t "

Manufacturers' i store


;? i'i f'r'v.t"'':- -

' the CToni- - re-- i ;sc3 t' -- V ;

- CLOTH HC --i - Tr'l:Elks' CuKilns. ii : KIr.3 ttrest

" "

0AHU.IC2 CO. f?JlS

i riklersLEWER3;fi tOdkE, LTDv C

fc.t runr.'iTuns;. k'- - J

- -

... '. 1,1- - ' I v- ..','"



1177 Alakei St' Phonfe 2434;.4.Fifk :anCfJrn!eryrjrsav;


;Wcinerny!paricSLs- V'

f'''vV',ryf i'l". "! '' .CHASi.SCESjOr AqW

Merchant.;' nr. Fort. ; .


: Hottf SWnr. Bsthtf tL


Res. Phone 1051 Offlee,. 2315

t' ''?-- ; Bowers'. Merchant Patrol '" ; 1079 Alakea St

Canton D ry GdbdsCompany

Hotel St, near Bsthot ftC

YaTAKAKUWA fiCO-- rLtmlt(Lw

NAMCOn CRABS, packed , InSanitary' Cant, wood lined.-Nuuan-

St. near king SL--


A visit will be profitable foryou. ladies.

Pantheon Building,Fort and Hotel Phone 3857


ressioris.of --an fcNu;jr

(By thV.Sloi-dn- y Editor.)Tae- - doss iooanea nv for . pn .or

them free seats at tbe Bijow emporlunv

I tinarwtL. T hot fnor It down tn the fiiarfrorks ;t pfp'e or.th4; dotflrsVor T&tfTeal bunch. -- r waltierf Itf; piaijka, ttifrjgelt down nejur, ffie' gtfy rUh crrtromibon&'.and gets an earfall of tnetJIrland the , Drummer, j, , .?

"r-- :

The play rot 'off, aomethin like this:Aa old gvy starts a Reat Cure , Jotntiand collects- a loof. olef .fossils . andshales thenTdown for their; kale,; andthen .ftlina . m '. lltht lunrh" .anl araft of soin chatter A gat' bleary Jnj

tha : qtetitude; who" vis a? booster, forD6stonibeansand..lwlleve' me he's .gotTeddy. who useffto:bf the .big' pshtbeaten around-- tbe-tur- n and back.- - Heworks watchr forftbej LlttleVBeegtunt that goes goot with ; the b Ires. '

an--. old geezer .by the nam? of;Mason, who has .artla-growl- n groticbaa1 a pretty daughter monies In.. Healsd owns rbeairery? sxdfc alnl gotmuch, love ; for the booster : guy. Af,the dope' end the1 booster gny betarth'egeek . that own&Uhd dame a bundleof cush that he will do the Mendelsoriwhirl with the dame Just before theytarried the lights1 ot the beanery tf-reseiitatl-

grabs the queen and doesthe I promise - you stuff, and gets;the coin. : i ? .' '"j

MilirrecT' Ma-flriiar- wa the"" damethat he tackled and. be! ieye .me I'd

L4J J JLlLr Xa Jv--1- J y;

"Oieip watea.yjai pDoto-pui- y ,wm apunch.- - core& a decided success ; at I

the UbertJl theater last, night, whereit was showir for the5 first time- .- LolaMeredith;, who oppeaYs' Jtf i the,. tlUrnlA. ha." hppn sppTt ln Honolulu on serera i d t ffferenr dccaslofis alffdT on eacbj

lias oui trv. a duv,w;c.. jww- -

abir her besf Wbrk la dbhe in the pre.sent offering; Vhlch lr an adaptation!ot Jacif tatra stage suceda la vfhkhMiss-- ' MeredTOi,.:crtatea' the"' role: sHenow; essays::"V - ...i- - i;,j' The::fetory" tola In this featjarels" by

no means new'orubcominon: It pointsout the dangers "which Tnay 'be3ettheyounff girl who' is forced-- to earn herown" living: It the employef'iif aometimes obsessed' withvjthe:idea that-a- , gfrrtnThis office Is 'notentitled to3 the respect that v she', is iriher own home, ; It. is a photd-playwit- ll

a lessont'aBrd 'Itha3 there Is a.tenderromance. The- - supporting1 cist' is ei

The Diamond IrbniYtlie Sky,'; thenew serial offering Jqfhe. Weekna'dgives --proniise of developing' into aninteresting atofy apd a thrilling film!

Any Csriv With "Gets-I- t on IXlM tii

SYeS!Wrspfthftlleworld to get rid of acorh, when youU8evMGetsIt,-,- ' the t World's . greatest!corn-ridder- .: ' Really, It's . almost 41pleasure to have corns just tosee them

t 4?-;-. rv V t

. '- - It -

ens thern! tfo t'i'fief, est--J

iv. ana men mKKa u come- - ' Fortf-efgb-t Kodrft end corn tckkeejjs. : It makes thef ose 6f tape; cbfn-- ;squeezing1 oanaagea, irruaung saives. t

naicufous.-- : uei no w inose , torus,qtJiek1yi,''8y fely. painlessly just easily;

witlr Gets-It- -; For wartsr aAdbtanions, too. It's the 20th century; Way.

"Gets-It- " is sbTd by all druggists. 25c,a Dome, or sear airecr. oy u. uifrehce x& Co,' Chigb. ' SoWTjf H6n6rlulif 'and recommended' aa: the wr6rldabesreortt remedy by Benson Smith3' &C041 Ltd Fort- - amT Hotel Sts--V andHotiisteV Drug-(X).i- i '. , .


Sfieep kitting dogs a sitd'to bethe1 Chief caftse- - of the- - marked decrease in the number of sheep in theUnited States, exclusive of the west- -

ern: division. ' Diirffig' the' period between 1900 and! 1910' the total numberot sheep; lar the region decreased by

5.900.-00-0 bead id sprite offovrirabie1 market conditions: vv?--'.-.- ;

fS Eyea infiamed by erpo--. amtoahrriaivCA

J arX'-- oiJdrrcLtWUbrCsr--ULxini Atrl2ittj. No Smarti&

roar Drocs!it,a J 6c per Bottle. Kniat trstaIvtHriWb2fc. For Caislt Eye FretiukDroQa or ttadsa Cyt Ctmti; Cs.dCt!u

liketo walaoer AfewtiSlulAIirf .' urrher shelf like ear. Sbe'a there--, withbells, and I'm some critic Fra' Fieldwas the booster 5eau, and .slnnj;

caJJ SUnderwoodla' let; me say thattaeml1 seen raft of em out to the oeacn;iaacmrmpa sue; wasr worin: over

Mlas Maiming ets out near the (oMjof jfaUd Morkla add student for tev--Riow i i--1 ""tr .Toklo.- - As for. me., bean; rm gainst

p herJf ybtt know class. .Keep,ner wy irom vara urwtwurs.

Jladeltoe Rowe l.J,Light BurnlnVin the Cellar.. dY hoilse:

fV-i- rf T!?s head: .ag called Jl.pped f

a lot of callouseits,fadjeiae: whlca f9. bednled for the eyenlng ofRbwe Jumped Into ttf. glare, with, A October 15'; dere-wl- ll bo a larger ofct-Spar- ky

of Lpye, and Jt was jvsome poUrme of mos!carioYers:vrt , t

zw outs uu ,vu uutheir seatsiiwItft.tho perils lorpearr

Sin1difcdlh3CSa LIHahn'sT:-MSr- . lies Vers5 ; Avalent " Es





er numoer ceservin? men-i- tMAif



rS-'Wa-l la'den' wiOr '.i..'

fcacSf;atriin an.1 aralrf H ';'by. Her V --"-

icquiicu liul iciis'at' K" r

COO.OOQ vtO;;?4QO.OOO,eoa thq jr' A' u -- 7? jlis a": v,:.:

u. xonng, wertnmueuer,i: and Gust--1

(No Un.

f6ouvea' --Miss toofl'durow;- MiT.- - II.


Si - T -whA W'tUiff rniw ;v

ther rishillim' iC tin.H; Hfe. iffVmflthematlcsiiPlar It. strai-- tt

the board, Pt&t ni favorites Cra" 1

&wt eat In the ehT'of thctiUilding. and - wait Toirll get myIdea. v? .'f r '?-v- v'. "'"'.y

... i P rS j ... i i I

n.- w :

An laeaot itnevcomeay..suuauons j

presented in oivjr iThler( ,Z .now, appearing at tbe Popular

.may', be. from. the.'.ToVIloWIft H if-J 1?" FroV'iUV.'l

.Mrs. ..mclher'i ptf tWo : brides-- : I.

elect, at" th'e '.pren'uptlal athering-baS1-

and two real crooASto""contend- - witV.'-.Weordiri-

s' presents

appear disappear-In.--

the mostas -

tonishlasWay.'. iAd$10,000' lnsteel'sfock' ase'curuy, 'fo?!

a loaa''f nd! hen; "teV returns', to rei F

ffem'rhls itpcltariduiuucy idui.u.' 4quu iuhu uv; Juutoarrive and before the caktaVanread,nis: 'dlsapPesintdefpockUjOr

eraf hysteria. andfmdshtoeIi,t)ds8esVsed of the securities, hut- - Jinahle. tdreplace theft braddinif htinself as a'thlefT'The ;stdry. moreaJor jVaYbTaTdfarfa!mataat'Jpia i

break in rthe nntil'the YfeW

The rfanflry day wog'rm to glved fsealn; todav at the with5 aspeclaVDr6rfianirfor!Mlldrento aftienioort add abotheif: for g"rtwir peopletofllghf; iB'dludirt&nBe'Teatarer t

sWeeTK,''W3-y- - Mvt;a i:-- .'! . ..-".i- f ftf o-- -'- rrLl-atfl

riXtfmVilt t'nViVMVU M..y I i f y 1 u 1 1 i


has secured, a-- speciar en0agt? 1

meat of ?thtf'. WteeiMlItonfYaudevlIIo--Company, tonihraffhe Fort' SLafteaeroaome. Tne- - v ise-.M- ii ton,companyifiadS wTiaf was pertihcoiie' 'W thehlggebt Mts9 Wita- - the sdldfeVS tfiaf toe

haA liadaifd tb'ey' ca& As-

sured of 'a most hearty receptTotf onw-- .'' '.vrr;tcajwa.a1AV.c J iw:"' '::': "i

.vf".?v-rl- : ,Tai nSJSSfiW "inrroqvcear;w; HairaifDyJonntlJ'J2r U- - iHiloha Adhtt

VIferPiH-- ibKMisKatidMDtciiQrwn2v:an.d iAJabiJtfla Jubnee,7bykHeb;

Part two wBtaeiQde a numbercatchy numbers Vand "Miss Lucy'sLawn PaftyV a; fa:w1th tfieing ch8t .of characters:! i..

elj, Swa'gfce :lA&r--Mack I ,

Hoggytvsi..v.v.v.HenDin saauioa to jniy Bpieayia;urv5rurM"mift0riv reels wIll;bet8h0wn,aBtf

aerooome.pTCnesira.;.Tnaerixrc- - itlbn; of Fraftcik'Lelgb, rijl play a nnm--t L

ber-o- t :

not elty for British CoiumbiaSDortsmr this season is the aDoear-- -

ance';ot;laYg:irrurabers of American4csi ."BobJWhUe u.'.su In local-- :itles Previous effortai to Jtatrpduc this;'; speciesgame blrd in the . Canadian .. PacificCoast country- - failed, and tnebevies reported" this 'yfetfr-ar-te said tobave migrated fronv the. of their

are n.U

The" adSptaTiim; of "thV Chftiese Lwoot'ree" fofCttltltsitidtt' Iffera: Florida seemtrtobaYe'beefl orovenby retfenXeTperimetns. J. A'tYee" .tal-labassge,- .:

FJabbW' twd,:-"MSbels",'o-f

fruit last In addtttcifto bfefrigan ecbooniicaijy Tmlwrtant treer ir isa decidedly, ornaiaental cfne!"' It 'bearsclusters orwBfte flowers with reddishYellow Renters. ; and !n full bloom re-- 1 Mrs

a' caTJCIpat1.S"i TV



- v Jln . tvmm...

Honolulu Giri,A$sistedBUrs.RnirA MfV r irVflll RiVP

,,i:''y first bf TWO ConCCTtSr IIC- V-..''- :. r rv'rv:

I eral ; years past In T New York, maceIt., .DnirBM iaBr niht t rh.ripoIjr, Bishop Hall. Puhahou. In the firstrftf tVH'itvnra'R Thu andinc. wnich(to far to smali to represent HOOIatu., eletfiay ttf Hdnblulq girl whohasTbecomethe eapabl5AUtreis of adifaeuir 'and splendid InatrumetLmade Mjt Va enthusiasm. whatt,n-h- enod reason

rf 4fr.ile-a- an'd ThbmeVrSonnet D'AVbh exquislte deeiierual- -

Wui!otiCeable.: V

Miss Anei?n,. tpe ; smllln?,; skill 3niistress of tKft goli ea harp thatwas .borne cij the stase, was receivedwith applause whose cordiality ttr.ilappreciation were unreinea.;Tneyenrgot conscientious study ..under a tea:L?rof repe'.i?0'! afcHity were eviiit t!.amoment tne first notes s"PreluJt!.: loved" of lu'rpUtii'th'ruuIt-d- '

on- - the air. " ;

Ea::y t)$ hrst" nttir 'Aim 'trsnlgit' were Uifi tWfvUot. uAni r;.ua5- -

brunrleiiHby' zabef and a brn::-;- .t ma- -

turka by- Schneeker. Her, rapLJ, defttouch was lighterjand freer ia these--


urka was- - nicely irccentnated. ; Anoth- -

ception asaures an even. heartier wel-- i

coma; at the next recital. v r; v- :

3; pGrantinff thalh tfie ftverare coni

j'suneight tires a' ca yeaY;;vih!;h: ii- -

eludes1 type's; T9. l- - II

1iL V ... ,A. m m A ", , . . ,


wuoAiaiiLar uea, ia.'bzt. v,


Steamers corn,:..


tioffwa3" her ecciia LoiiVTJe'aWrth;ltar f"--


ffow '

and1 'called-


.uuiiUstiivvalued froa'." SSOOl petef

fignrlngfayerage, Mary ;.r'rs!.'Kc .








. --.puviyMijr

theater gained



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follow. -


speal ,-







' '




.. : , -



. . .


I"-- .

Maill-aan- ie L--L str: iVV-- v;InaI-MikahaIa,L- -L 'alif.

fA'C-v;;--.. '" m uc&:a

u.maiii i.-- i,..........str. Ii

iSlmMSM'WalS .are' tlfef &tfowlia4

mml ,H..A1; v.'.-- .


SiertdaBgi'duer OcLiS, fmSulWVfflnlfa '

Nippon M4rtf;OcC2L,r'ilAustralla-TaTui- Va; X5. .vyEVadconvefMakufa. Nor..X lJ !

..ABanf12 jkl n.i'rtv.rtyijil;.


tW"qMYST. ILMlfand6?- -



October E. O.

Geo. S.J. .p: MeadbncaT .JIti

Lowrev. MaxMTs. fc'

row. n

a the

A- IOR GANf FRAKClppl Y '.

E?ifc ".- '.F-;- ' LU." ; .... i'i...."..V.Cci: l Veru-- ra ,";''. C ee 27.

BREWER COMPANY, LTO; V :ii ;,;cneral A:nt


8. Manot..V 'OctSCSV M'atsbnla".',

S; S. 'UrllntVUSK siiVv OcVi-:t- B. SvVlhetmina,-.- v ..Noy.-.- ' 2

"P:'::'?.""'- - 'i- - : - ; ,: f ! 'CflD'CrL L!"l7Pn"1 1 Aj...4.f J

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t!rcst;U5- - ? a












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ix!"" er-z- v ,,'i;TY-ror-- i

n ta f.......

cr.zrzsFor YlcUriu

M .'. .'; i. ..... :t. 13

:'z: -- 'J'

ii' .ItIt.. E. Clark, Master J: Kay, IJenJ. Jlort;

m.-1!trV- f f!Vlyilr, iiUJ"

ter Wm: 'el w'ii'a iryra J. Mead,- - Mrs. Jar:--:-- ;

'Mrs:V.KumulaV 111? Ifeli btt'rr..?.c,- - rs. Ctc.lA. .Ci.Tr.otrxiiMiss' Alezu,ir. ri... 11..

Kelley, Mrs. J. P.1"Cooke, Mrs. A. AiUott, IX Jars,

invICi'iTk.' J''MifcheIU' E.old.-:- IL CoaTeV.Mlss Vn:i!arMrs. w. PatlotiV MisMrW;.;Ifealy;:. Jfrrf. 'J-T;- . l.UziMr8..;Henry Mini- dU.)Cooper, MrsA;;;irorr?r, ;'Miss. M." I.Juusseii, iirs. ueo.. LAriiiier; a.

Miss IJe.en B. MatthewmanA. ilatthewman; Mrs,,

King,'MrS.-Get- f lL XroWa, SV Cooke;

Stdn;.Mi$ .Aiicb HoppcrMIsS C?MAciiniani Mrs onvevj Mrs;Conklln, Robert s,

lftamrti&f? p-V- MftW. E. BrdWDta&ilei'-Chas- . EckartITtiAtr&iKttf Atffi; miss

CSfliaj? OctIC rrlClrMlaaJU- - lAfc'ik. ''Ul&WcszU

aiaiijvinaur h..;vJndndayfOct.'11. T.' Cullen infant, VTalterships ty: NatCJiC, 11Ji;, Moorhead,

.VAT' ,', A. -- McXeasnei' Jr.; J,lylchaVesA'Jno'T. Coolrl.M. J.

;If n.





(J I


IPomilar. 1


1 1 f

frerodome' be

' ":







renoitedj5ulifr-plentiful- .




; ;



vn:r?-r.r?i?"u- Z' "y' J'-- . liai.,:C4"..r.'.Kr.Kinica, .mioA ertnmueiier- -


l: ; 1



u::fmm ;Iruntit

.-- "

r.flWn : - .

Yokohama Gmgottx;I IMrl






MaB' Bft depart oV tbairollow Wf Fred. Cooke,- - Howbert, UtfittfbB Pond. Mrs.-- 1 Pond.' Mrs.

Sto.TyaAicrscMakoa'ldfcf, 12: Afidersoa; Mlsk But Anderson. MrsVokon'aW Teliy6Uarur 0kl23l! C6ppa?e, MYsT Hif ti; Mrs,

Xohfl Scott, FYiw3cis: Cooper, :Mi.tirfcbiivY-touraZ- O'l Cordelia GBmaaJ.- W.'L. It; U

unteym ii.- Gatmuett.- - ngs Tnur- -

flty.Francisc5 v;"



xailCU,. C. Mfsir Be--


-- "',


mlis;DrfscbH. GooSSIn. IMrs. Cv

Ia. I

Miss . Dr.. I



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W.--1. . J



al-l- ua, andsUtlons 3:lJ5.a. pVn.


Mrs. Pope. nra?estiliaMn ri-- "UlW.rUIUUyiUCS.I rfcauro. A iiuuui(- - - . Pftermatr Ike, dfhTIgne;

rwV. u..Utric Ray Mrs Mrs.1

tit Tf

uuie, Mrs M.; Mrs, Hen

Mrsi. A2thman. Mrs. JMi &iilel Mrs."; 11

JScott roskragsT;1F. Petrte. Hss Ktckei- -

Miss Rnella FredeTr. -- MasuirA

giilre, ;J; ty. WJ TC-- Cast'o.

WWWU .llUIJUIIV lfJ.IAAAm.Ar7iJil.c; AWUW .V. IV" Iu.x.. w.. ' Ulart. ;Mfj,',Ri MlIenMrs,;- -


fronr-San- ? Francisco,S tf,McKragae

Chester t'rwW, It A. Mceagile, AtBaskeKrFL

' ,'Tfbou-- !(4eVMfasii1fc

in disorders.

..'B. 23 IS.




V- - HrAQTf A l.w..w.M.






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kicked from w

' "i- -




VentJra ;.;....,.,.. Nov.' 1C c n c a v. . . .V. . ;.. . t . . :2 :

a SAN FiU:.ti-c- o:

8. S. Manoa...;...0ct. 12

s78Mal..;k.,,Oct. 23

s;"8Lurnn8:V,;.r..bcu 2JS. S. Wilhelmln.....,Nav. 3

r. z -


; C.

.f --.

r r



I c .

y r-- 7 tha

UV.1 C. . y

; c: '

' vthe;appreclatlveadience. -





f&T2rr-rr??- f






Gnthman,FreeWajr.- -












CLr?T;i:r.'.':Y :.

aa.,, I i...,"-- j "jTm ',' y ..." " '

-W ii i

lricbAiiYvnSel Kahukaff - KTcker',MiiiTi M.'FalrwaffierJway ia.,

Ewa'MinIKabn. C D. S. IC J.



oAnu n;;iLv;;.Y;Ti.::2 t;.:lh, v; i n - irr" -- t ";

5;15 n. m t3'5 P- - ci tll:L P.- For Wahlawa and Lellehna lO:r)

"' "INWARD"' - . ,"Arrife Honolulu froia KaTauia;' VTal-u- a

and a. 5:21

t. ..Arrlve'fiDnoTnldfrpm.Exa IMIII asJPcrfrl Cifr-rl-":- a. ,eE,..TS-"- 3 a. ,

1102 a. Jtf..'-fM- 0 p, m., L p.

Arrive Honolulu irom vi:uwiIilehuav3:l5. a l tli: p.f 4:01 p. row 7;10 jr.: pi.

The Halelwa . Limited, a twoho-- rtr honored)

leaves Hon6WIY every Sun;jy at 8:33a. m.. for Halelwa hotel i returning ar.

10-.1- J p. n. Tii eat Pearl City aM

TJaily. Sunday. tSundny only.GTP; DXmSOlT- - : F. C; ST4rTHr ' G. P. A.

I I I Unl

som A-- j. Fairv;eataer, airs George I fives in HoooluTu; atr.riteiMontt IttsJ B. .mil's;' R: DA I Limited stops onlyf Vnf 'rr.f fi vruruitun -- t . Vi,Mvnet t 11 MMtiiiAC..'lfjlVl Aticil.


? A'lM,

Miss i










MatyT.McTJiiTre.O , m m



CaBe.MTssLPaAITnte cfiaefer? Jfrs':' f; M-- f HiTTl T: w'.

the reli."'Ths

Walarrae-I:S- (I


I:, :