TLaH Timelines Directions 1.CW DAY #1: Research these dates using the internet. You need a basic...

TLaH Timelines Directions 1.CW DAY #1: Research these dates using the internet. You need a basic understanding of each date. You may use both scholarly and non-scholarly sources, but make sure your information is accurate. You may work on these in groups and share your notes. 2.HW Day #1: Individually select 10 dates you think are the most important to the development of the region. Write short justifications about why you have selected these events. 3.CW Day #2: Debate in your groups until you agree on 5-6 (depending on how many people you have in your group) events that everyone in your group agrees are the most essential to the development of the region. Assign 1 event to each person in your group. 4.HW Day #2: Write a justification of why this event is essential to the development of the region…Think: Because… Then…. So, ….No more than 10 sentences, No less than 4!! 5.CW Day #3: Peer-edit! Revise! Peer-edit again! Write a final draft! 6.HW Day #3: Construct your timeline!

Transcript of TLaH Timelines Directions 1.CW DAY #1: Research these dates using the internet. You need a basic...

TLaH Timelines Directions1. CW DAY #1: Research these dates using the internet. You need a

basic understanding of each date. You may use both scholarly and non-scholarly sources, but make sure your information is accurate. You may work on these in groups and share your notes.

2. HW Day #1: Individually select 10 dates you think are the most important to the development of the region. Write short justifications about why you have selected these events.

3. CW Day #2: Debate in your groups until you agree on 5-6 (depending on how many people you have in your group) events that everyone in your group agrees are the most essential to the development of the region. Assign 1 event to each person in your group.

4. HW Day #2: Write a justification of why this event is essential to the development of the region…Think: Because… Then…. So, ….No more than 10 sentences, No less than 4!!

5. CW Day #3: Peer-edit! Revise! Peer-edit again! Write a final draft!6. HW Day #3: Construct your timeline!

2500 B.C.E.

The Indus Valley civilization develops (the Dravidian civilization) around the valley of the Indus River

(now in Pakistan). Its trade is based on crops grown on the fertile river plains. It reaches the height of its power and is larger than any other ancient empire,

including that of Egypt.

2000 B.C.E.

The Indus Valley civilization collapses, possibly due to severe floods or a change in the course of the Indus


1500 B.C.E.

The Aryan people, who come from the region between and including India and

Europe, invade India from the north. They spread through the Indus Valley and down

into the Ganges Valley.

1400 B.C.E.

The Vedas, the Hindu scripture, is written down.

800 B.C.E.

The sacred scripture, the Upanishads are written down.

518 B.C.E.

Persians conquer Pakistan

500 B.C.E.

Buddhism is founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama.

500 B.C.E.

Jainism is founded in India by Mahavira Jains.

326 B.C.E.

Alexander the Great of Macedon (northeastern Greece) crosses the

Indus River into India.

324 B.C.E.

The Mauryan Empire was established by Chandragupta

Maurya including Afghanistan and parts of central Asia

185 B.C.E.

The Maurya Empire ends.  

50 B.C.E.

Trade flourishes between India and the Roman Empire. Romans eagerly buy Indian pearls, ivory, silk, spices, cloth

and precious stones.


The Kushans establish an empire in northern India  

320 - 550

After centuries of being split into small kingdoms and republics, India is ruled by the Gupta Empire.

Under the rule of the Gupta kings, Hinduism becomes the major religion of the empire. The

“Golden Age” of India is initiated with advancements in literature, art, architecture and

science flourish during this "classical age" of peace and prosperity.


Vasco de Gama becomes the first European explorer to reach India by



Sikhism was founded by Nana


The rule of the Mogul Empire begins, unifying much of south India with the

north for the first time.


Queen Elizabeth I granted a charter to the East India

Company established trading posts in Bombay, Calcutta, and



Eager to gain access to India's spices, rice, silk, tea and jewels, Holland,

Great Britain and France establish key trading posts in India.


Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan begins construction of the Taj Mahal in

memory of his wife Mumtaz.


The Strict Muslim, Aurangzeb, ruled India and tried to force Hindus to

convert to Islam.


The Sepoy Rebellion

1858The British overthrow the Moguls and

take control of India..


Indian National Congress founded.


Burma becomes an Indian province


The British government divided Bengal into separate Hindu and

Muslim sections

1915After studying law in Britain and fighting for Indian rights in South

Africa, Mohandas Gandhi launches a campaign of nonviolent resistance

against British rule in India. Gandhi is called Mahatma, meaning "Great


1920Nationalist figurehead Mahatma Gandhi launches anti-British civil

disobedience campaign.


Muhammad Ali Jinnah demands that a new country be formed from India for the Muslims, which would be called


1942Congress launches "Quit India" movement.

1947End of British rule and partition of sub-continent into mainly Hindu India and

Muslim-majority state of Pakistan.


Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after



Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu extremist.


War with Pakistan over disputed territory of



India loses brief border war with China.


Second war with Pakistan over Kashmir.


Indira Gandhi (not related to Mahatma) and former Prime Minister Nehru’s

daughter becomes Prime Minister and one of the first women elected to lead

a nation.

1971Third war with Pakistan over creation

of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.


Twenty-year treaty of friendship signed with Soviet



India explodes first nuclear device in underground test.

1975Nearly 1,000 political opponents imprisoned and programme of

compulsory birth control introduced.


Indira Gandhi's Congress Party loses general elections.

1980Indira Gandhi returns to power heading

Congress party splinter group, Congress (Indira).

1984Troops storm Golden Temple - Sikhs' most holy shrine - to flush out Sikh

militants pressing for self-rule.

1984Indira Gandhi assassinated by Sikh

bodyguards, following which her son, Rajiv, takes over.

1987India deploys troops for peacekeeping operation in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict.


Muslim separatist groups begin campaign of violence in Kashmir.


Rajiv Gandhi assassinated by suicide bomber sympathetic to Sri

Lanka's Tamil Tigers.


Hindu extremists demolish mosque in Ayodhya, triggering

widespread Hindu-Muslim violence.


India carries out nuclear tests, leading to widespread

international condemnation.


Vajpayee makes historic bus trip to Pakistan to meet Premier Nawaz Sharif

and to sign bilateral Lahore peace declaration.


India marks the birth of its billionth citizen.

2001A high-powered rocket is launched,

propelling India into the club of countries able to fire big satellites deep into space.

2001 SeptemberUS lifts sanctions which it imposed against

India and Pakistan after they staged nuclear tests in 1998. The move is seen as a reward

for their support for the US-led anti-terror campaign.


December - India, Pakistan mass troops on common border amid

mounting fears of a looming war.


India successfully test-fires a nuclear-capable ballistic missile - the Agni - off

its eastern coast.

2002Inter-religious bloodshed breaks out after 59 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya are killed in a train

fire in Godhra, Gujarat. More than 1,000 people, mainly Muslims, die in subsequent violence. Police

and officials blamed the fire on a Muslim mob, but a 2005 government investigation said it was an

accident. In 2012 a court convicts 32 people over the Naroda Patiya riots in Ahmedabad.


UK, US urge their citizens to leave India and Pakistan, while maintaining

diplomatic offensive to avert war.


Retired scientist and architect of India's missile programme APJ Abdul

Kalam is elected president.


At least 50 people are killed in two simultaneous bomb blasts in Bombay.


India matches Pakistan's declaration of a Kashmir ceasefire.


Surprise victory for Congress Party in general elections. Manmohan Singh is

sworn in as prime minister.


India, along with Brazil, Germany and Japan, launches an application for a permanent seat on the UN Security



India begins to withdraw some of its troops from Kashmir.


Bombs kill 62 people in Delhi. A little-known Kashmiri group says it is behind

the attacks.


US and India sign a nuclear agreement during a visit by US President George W Bush. The US gives India access to civilian nuclear technology while India

agrees to greater scrutiny for its nuclear programme.


More than 180 people are killed in bomb attacks on rush-hour trains in Mumbai. Investigators blame Islamic

militants based in Pakistan.


US President George W Bush approves a controversial law allowing India to buy US nuclear reactors and fuel for

the first time in 30 years.


India and Pakistan sign an agreement aimed at reducing the risk of

accidental nuclear war.


Maoist rebels in Chhattisgarh state kill more than 50 policemen in a dawn



Pratibha Patil becomes first woman to be elected president of India.


Following approval by the US Congress, President George W Bush signs into law a nuclear deal with

India, which ends a three-decade ban on US nuclear trade with Delhi.


Nearly 200 people are killed and hundreds injured in a series of co-ordinated attacks by

gunmen on the main tourist and business area of India's financial capital Mumbai.

India blames militants from Pakistan for the attacks and demands that Islamabad act

against those responsible.


India announces "pause" in peace process with Pakistan. Indian cricket

team cancels planned tour of Pakistan.


India and Russia sign deals worth $700m, according to which Moscow

will supply uranium to Delhi.


Pakistani, Indian premiers pledge to work together to fight terror

irrespective of progress on improving broader ties.


A Dehli court rules that homosexual intercourse between consenting adults is not criminal, overturning a 148-year-

old colonial law.


The sole surviving gunman of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, Ajmal Amir Qasab, is convicted of murder, waging war on

India and possessing explosives.


Allahabad High Court rules that the disputed holy site of Ayodhya should be divided

between Hindus and Muslims; the destruction of a mosque on the site by Hindu

extremists in 1992 led to rioting in which about 2,000 people died.


Prominent social activist Anna Hazare stages 12-day hunger strike in Delhi in

protest at state corruption.


British author Sir Salman Rushdie cancels an appearance at a literary

festival in India in response to threats from Islamic extremists who object to

his book The Satanic Verses.


Police in Delhi arrest Abu Hamza, also known as Syed Zabiuddin - allegedly a

key figure in planning the 2008 Mumbai attacks


Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab, the sole surviving gunman of the 2008

attacks in Mumbai, is executed in Pune prison. The Supreme Court upheld his

death sentence in August.


A court sentences four men to death for the gang rape and murder of a

student in Delhi the previous December - a case that led to violent protests across India and new laws

against rape.


The Supreme Court reverses a 2009 Delhi High Court order decriminalising homosexual acts, saying parliament,

not the courts, must resolve the issue.


The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and its candidate for prime

minister, Narendra Modi, win parliamentary elections by a landslide.