Tips for good sleep

Tips For Good Sleep Health Information by

Transcript of Tips for good sleep

Tips For Good Sleep

Health Information by

Avoid Daytime Naps

• Sleeping or taking a long nap during the day might interfere with your night sleep.

• If you feel that napping makes you refreshed or productive during the day, keep an alarm and stick to it so that you do not oversleep during the nap.

Sleep in total darkness

Melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep, is produced in the dark. Keep your bedroom quiet, clean and cool.

Avoid taking caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages

Avoid taking caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages during late evening or night. They may disturb your sleep.

Avoid doing activities like watching TV, reading or working just before

sleeping on your bed.

Turn off your phone before you go to sleep

Texting,notifications, scrolling- surfing through your smartphone will often delay your sleeping.

Drink water before going to sleep

Drinking water before going to sleep will keep you hydrated and relaxed.

Exercises pump energy in your body and are stimulating. Hence, avoid exercising 3 hours prior to your bedtime. Daytime exercising has its own benefits.

Avoid heavy dinner, spicy food and too many liquids during night.

Avoid heavy dinner, spicy food and too many liquids during night. This will save you from gastric disturbances as well as trips to toilet during night that disturbs sleep.

Take a warm shower or do similar relaxing activities

Take a warm shower or do similar relaxing activities like listening to soft music that will soothe you to fall asleep

Adopt a regular sleeping pattern

Definite and a regular time to sleep and to wake up and abide by it till it becomes a habit for your body.

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