Times Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1913-05-18 [p 8].

HOW TO SHOP BY MAIL | Following eaoh classification beJow is the announcement of a progressive. r$U*blo> concern, which is prepared to ofi'er special facilities to the Mall Order Trod®," particularly to farmer# Bud those who reside romo distance from the oonvetitenoea of the oitv store*. Owing to the extension of the rural free do- llTery service throughout this section, it is no longer necessary to "como to town" to do your shopping. Simply inuke your soleotlon from the goods lifted below, or writo for information, whjoh will be gladly mailoo, aud then send your ordor by mail. The concerns listed on this page are solootod as representative!, and may be classed u» headquarters 111 their particular linos. When writing for catalogues or information, always mention The Tlmca-Diupatoh. RELIABLE HAT REPAIRING. I EN'S PANAMA HATS CLEANED, bleached, blocked, retrimmed; any style; straw hats cleaned. 25 cents; silk, soft nnd stiff hats cleaned and blocked. AMERICAN HAT CO.. Fifth and Marshall Streets. LAWX MOWERS 'ROM $2 50 CP; CHEAPEST PRICES for high-grade mowers in the city. ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY, 4L'2 West Broad. I PAINTS, STAINS" AND FLOOR \VAx7 F YOi: INTEND PAINTING CP. LET us talk with yon: our poods hold their color. ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY. 422 West Broad. BASEBALL GOODS. SOTS. SEE OCR LINE; THE LOWEST prices in the city; don't believe vis, but come and see. ELBA HARD¬ WARE company. 422 West Broad Street, corner Henry. GA R DEN~ TOOLS. LAKES. HOES. TROWELS AND everything for the garden and flow- ers. ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY. 422 West Broad. corner Henry. FLY WIRE. LL WIDTHS, AND PRICES LOW; also screen doors and windows. ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY. 422 West Brivsl. 'Phone Madison 3552. "sCRE'ENS, I.hioRS AND' WINDOWS. UR LINE IS COMPLETE. AND WE have a large assortment to select from; prices at the very bottom; -seo us before buying. ELBA HARD- WARE COMPANY. 422 West Broad Street. 'Phone Madison 3552. OSTRICH FEATHERS. ST RICH FEATHERS.TAKE YOTTR old feathers to THURSTON'S; they will make them new again. THURS¬ TON'S, No. 217 North First Streot. Jc..SPECIAL THIS WEEK. FLASH j lights, complete with battery. Come quick By mail add tic. for postage, YAUGHAN'S. 16 East Broad Street,! opposite Cohen Co. J'ot S>alc fE lL\ VR^T 11 E M OST^COM PLETE iine of cutundf-r rubber-tired sur¬ reys in city, and prices very low, considering the quality. EE US FOR "RUNABOUTS.RUN A bouts for $40, $45, ?f>0. §t>o. $75, $90, $100, $110, $125. and can suit you in any style you may want. JRREY, DAYTON WAGONS. SPRING wagons. farm wagons and anything you want for business or pleasure in a vehicle. NE TOP BUGGY. STEEL TIRES. $2">: "one rubber-tired business buggy. $50; one bik. axle runabout. $»">0; one rubber-tired runabout. $"<0. and one for $">5; one Columbia rubber-tired full leather top buggy, sold for $}'*.n cash and used five or six times, now Sf-Vfial sots second-hand nsir- nuss. WO ONE-HORSE FARM WAGON?, each; two-horse farm wagon. $4°; 'on-' stntion wagon. $100, and several second-hand buggies and stanhopes cheap. ITJISTOW-WORSHAM CO, 12 NORTH Fifteenth. .or s\l E ROYAL. TYPEWRITER, bit est" i "lei. onh slightly used, in per feet order. Purchaser may try i- Will 11 cheap for cash. « 70;>, cave Times-Dispatch. i OR SALE. ENGINES. BOTLERS. pumps ami second-hand machinery in general. 1. ROSE & CO., Rich¬ mond. Ya. I OR SALE, CHEAP. TO QUICK buyer, butcher's outfit, consisting of three sets of tools. Apply 1201 North Twentieth Street. . >R ~S ALE-¦ HA RE O p PORT 1 * NT T Y for \oung mari led couple; contents . if eight-room resilience, beautifully furnished; unexpired lease. 11 4'.t5, care Times-Dispatch. .NE LOCOMOTIVE. FIVE TONS; ONE eight tons, four fourteen tons, all Srt-inch gauge. One standard gauge, ten tons; one hundred tons fi'I-pound rail: twenty dump cars, boiler and engine, *ii»-horsepowei ; two hoisting engines, one concrete mixer, "tie cen¬ trifugal pump, two pile hammers and 00 ft leads. Condition good; prl< liL'lit 11 Box nXK A l"T< )MOFflLE"ANi) f'AHKlAi iE painting. R. II P.OSHER'S SONS. 5TiR~S ALE. DRUG STORE El NT! "RES, very handsome and costly, cheap to quick purchaser Apply MANAGER, Chesterfield Apartment Co. FOR SALE~ A No 0 ""PRINTING press. i t !. fixtures: bed :i2\47 inches: made by Walter Scott Co.; ir. good condition Write W. P. ALLEN,_paiivilie; Va. >1X TY F IV i. -1 11S E -1 '< > WEI I A* EliTl cal oiler; to w tubes, heavy naval standard, « j.'-ellent conilition; 125- water-power, including new injector pop valve. st«a:a gauge loci:s. grates, hood, stack; prlc< $120, if taken at once; can seen working Address W. R. TW" .UK'., ! 7 Freemason Street. Norfolk. v.i FOR SALE, GAS RANGE, PRACTI- cally ru v. \v ill. broiler. baker and warming ov- .- Rat-gain to quick buyer. PV.oe. Monroe 4054.1. FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED Oil more co!iif pulp wood, poplar, JsWeetgl'.l .1! biu'h; state bis: price at sI d 11' .1 within twenty miles of Richmond Ir -t 1> It' r, vkith speelti- catlon. Address C 712, care Times- Dispatch. JUST 11ECEIVE!» i'AI! OF Bl'GOIES, surreys :«i,¦: pi a-tons, rii» assort¬ ment to from See us before buying -MITH-MOORE VEHICLE CO., 31 4 No Ml". Fifth Stieet M~AN1:FACT F R E R To C< >NSI.'MEH store.. Lb dies' piq'io and s« rge skirts made ..> <. .<!. ! Trunks, $! k to $10; in;111iI s1 -. $1 :«s to ?10. Write fn: pi ion of any article v.. lit. E\e:>thi: g guar¬ anteed and shipped oh approval. P. IC11M' 'N! YAP.IETY STORE. 121 West Maisla'.l Street. Richmond. Ya. ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER LEAVING tov. n will saerifb .. e.utle hor:-e. run about, harnti-s. etc Apply c 715. care Times-1 Mspati h ON E W Rl T ERPP ESS DP PLICA T1N <; machine in peife.t cotptition eo»n- pleto outfit ; i li< Hp for '#;.-h Addresh A '.j'-'ti. <are Time.- Dispat-i FOR 'SAT 1 E.~ 1 ,'ETTEl: F11.1 V '« <' A P. lnet with four dritwe s fc.r vertical tiling, banflsom. lv titiihiied in i.«tu i1 oa k V bargain for cash. C 70S care Times-lm> atch FOR" SALE complete RETAM ice-cream equipment; small ice'es! fountain, tables, chairs, power freez er and ice-breaker Adds ess i. 141< care Times-Dispatch. PIANO?- ENA PE. 11 ANi >SOM E M A hogany case, late style, upright. Iiai been u'seil. but looks just like new- Can be bought ;c low prie< LEI FERGUSSON 1'IANO CO., 1 i '. Km , Broad Street, Second and Broad. TWO-HORSE F A RM W A GON A "n1 harness; single wagon with spring* top nnd harness; manure spreader mowing machine; double cultivator leather top buggy and harness; rub ber tired English trap and harnesi Phone Madison 3S&0-Y, or write Bo 34*. City. FOR SALE7~OLtVER TYPEWRITE! with wide cm rlage. 28-inch, in per feet order and equipped for rnakln up Bpecial statements, cheap. N reR«cnabl« after declined. E 77( oar* Timoa-Dispatch. W. H. SCOTT. SCOTTS OLD MARKET DKIT, STORE, .1 urison Cunningham. mnnuprr, is the popular drug store of Richmond. "When you net anything: from Scott's, It's right." The finest Imported .live oil. in quarts, ono-hnlf gallon and pillion cans. $.1 the gallon. Scott's corn plaster will make a cripple dance for Joy, 1 Of.; Scott's Vegetable Liver Pills, beat all, 1 Oc.: Scott's Rheumatic Mixture does the work, ">0c.; Scott's Wonderful Blood Mixture enriches the blood and makes it as pure as an infant's, $1: Scott's Pile Salve is a wonder, 25c.: Scott's Nerve Tonic and Digestive Klixlr cures nervous indi¬ gestion. 50c.; Cunningham's Elixir of l.ife, manhood's great restorer, 5'»c.. Cunningham's Royal Remedy and in¬ jection for men never falls, 50c.; each truss fitted by an expert: no charge for fitting; smoking tobacco, 2'>c. the pound: Pried Peach chewing tobacco. Ac. the plug. Right prices and polite attention; mail orders a specialty. Scott's Antiseptic Soap is the finest skin soap made, only 10c. <ako. "CLEAN-UP DAY" EVERY DAY IN YEAR IK YOU t'SK Peerless Cleaner and Polisher. Largo bottles 25c at your druggist, grocer. Miller Rhoads. E. R. Taylor Com¬ pany and VAUOHAN"S, Madison 104. $2.50 KIND UP TO $12.50. EVERY one sold under absolute guarantee VAUOHAN'S, 104 Madison, opposite Cohen Co. "i1 AVE Y Oir TRIED PEE RLESS Cleaner and Polisher? If not. why not. Your druggist, your groct r, can tell you all about it. VAUOH¬ AN'S. Madison 104. yTJuR GROCER, YOUR DRliOG 1ST, sells Peerless Cleaner and Polisher, i Lnrgn bottles 25 cents. Phono to them or Madison 104. $2.SO buys warranted lawn mower. YAUGH- AN'S. opposite Cnhen Co. "HOSE! 3ROSE!" RUBBER HOSE JOB | lot, remnant lengths. Come quick, j 20c. grade, 15c.; 15c.. grade, 1 Oc.. It's good. VAUOHAN'S. Madison 104. opposite Cohen Co. j Srov fenle PIANO, "STI EFF. ' LOW*"'" PR ICE TO I quick customer, upright, late style, i mahogany case, used onlv short (Ime. LEE FERGUSSON PIANO CO.. llf< Er st Rroad. FOR SALE, WRITERPR ESS AUTC% I inntic duplicating machine for re- i producing all kinds facsimile type- writing, for circular let tors, etc.: in perfect order and complete. K 777. j care Times-Dispatch. I GASOLK N E*ENGIX ES; " A LL SI 7.138; ]IN real good running order: almost at yotir own price. These engines were taken back ami some traded for. and can sell for astonishing low prices. Address Pox No. 5, South P.oston, Va. FOR SALE. NEW 1 H P INDIAN Mo¬ torcycle; perfect condition, cheap for cash. Address, I> 763, care Times- | Dispatch. I i:< Pr *saleT NicE~i';le \n~st< ick"dry goods and notions; party having other business connections. Address C 7f|0>, care Tltnes-Dlspatch. WANTED. TO SELL ('.EN-URAL Rf" | pair machine and only .automobile I shop in town of 4.000. Address L 155. care Times-Dispatch. FOR S AL E~ GOOI*> (jROCBRY~Bt'SN ness; good reasons for selling. For further information address A f.:? eaie Times-Dispatch. WANTED TO SELL TWO MULES, three carts, one five-ton platform | scales; a bargain for a quick pur- chaser. Apply N'n !M7 Decani;-t Street, South Richmond. dairy" hah.v"equipment stalls" stanchions, hay fe.-d :>ml litter car¬ riers, agent Loutub n Machinery <'o. CLARENCE COSRY. Richmond. Va. CONCRETE BARS, ANGLE IRON, T iron, beams, channel ir.,n and rail, all sizes; best prices. CLARENCE COSRY. Richmond. Va. PULLEYS, HANG.ERS, SHAFTING and belting. I have what vmi pf" i 'LA R ENCE COSRY. Rl.-t m'ond a d. . nd. Va. «17 WILL LEY A NEW i'"l'E. RIO 4 motorcycle, with speedometer ami horn; cost $217 50. Can seen at 21 oi Stuart Avenue. Phone Marti- w ant!.:r>. Wsell"infa n*ps eui.l sire wicker carriage. Phone Madi¬ son llf.S-L. FOR SALE. ONE Fl'l;S'!TUItE wagon. $25; one cut-under trap. $:to; one high grade speed wagon, weight !*ii lbs. cost $300, now $100, several grocery wagons, one slightly nse<i farm wagon. $33; Urockwav and Hackney buggies and runabouts farm wagons, all si7.es. Repairing and painting, rubher-tiro work au- lop-,oidle painting R. C HRISTmW, 'i to 15 North Eighteenth St:.-er FOR SALE. ONE <;of»D SECONlT- hand phaeton; will s-. 1! cheap tr <,ni ¦"< buyer. Address IMP Floyd Avenue Phouc Madison 4145. M \ NC E Ai'TI'lilN'i; C< >RP« >RAT!< >N wants to sell fifty shares of it: 1 pet cent preferred stock to increase size of plant. Will stand closest in¬ vestigation. Address A 51'4. « Times-Dispatch Fi»i: sai,ismall "lefhp;"kitat« >r. perfect condition. Can be s* en at 714 West Clay. FOR SALE. NATURAL WICKER baby carriage, with hood, in good condition. Address »; 4»>N, care Ti sues i lispatch. FOR SALE. CON E E( 'T TONE RY AM' notion stole on uood corner. L:00 North Twenty-eighth Street. I'horie ! Monroe 1!«53. s'e<'( 'S D-*H A N p" R A'(is"~AND~ I:I' I: I. \ P ItOI'fiHT AND SOLD. WRITE i'Olt PRICES. mCllMONIi HAG CO.. INC PHONE. MADISON 12J>S. 1 11 a HAST CARY ST. FOR" SALE. NEW SAWMILL COM- plete at half price-- n--"-- 1 ,u"f ("'ice; .|| Kinds 1)ine, y. Apply llox 3. Wi Im'shm \'a R E A I TI FU L M A Hot J A N V ST I EF E upright piano, with stool and bench: . !su piacola, with music and case, all iti good condition. I> 73t'». care Times-1 »ispateh. Et ilVsALE !.*«"» 14 WANT ''1" USE. ONE small 1..»\ mare. cit> broke, harness and runabout \\ : 1 ii umbrella top, all for JVft to quick buyer. Can be seen aftet s o'clock Monday morning at !.: st Ninth. South Richmond. Va W i:~OFFER FOR SALE"~A.T 111RT Y- eight f<pfit eanoe in first-class con¬ dition. with 12 to 15-boi sepower "ji- gine. new List \«.u .lust i-ecn over¬ hauled and pointed. Cost $1,400. Owtte; will sacrlf.cc f-M $<125. and is a bargain S. CASSEl ,.M AN COM- PANV, 1018 East Maim PIANO. IIAUHMAX UP11 P \"|VtT RATE style, ust ii short time, in perfect ord< r and looks lik> new. i';in lie bought at low price LEE FEl^lUS- SON PIANO U » East Rroad. FOR- SALE. RKAUTIFFL EIGHT rinifii hone- In Wo dland Heights.' all modern rotlVe: if-nees. Including range, hot. and cold water, electricity ami heat, laigi cellar house ol two rooms iti yard, beautlfullj llniKhed concrete walks all around. Most Ideal location In Woodland Heights. Buy direct from owner, 3101 Rellevue Avenue. FOR " SALE. "" MAHOGANY*" WAItl i" robe, minor doors. Phone Madison &12-.I. FOR SALE I HAVE A $250" FIRST mortgage note due in twelve months. Will trade It for good horse and buggy. 1S0R East Bioad Street. Phone Monroe 4126. froc &«if pCvtfo?"STX&bSP'fc v'h?\m li{5n?sBf» ..illy short time. Can lie bought for 1V2V' n 1 ^ original price. I.KE l'EROUSSON PIANO CO., 119 Bast Broad. SccoiiiI and Broad. Til kkk or<;axs i'u(t sale cTlEA P at 2 Enst Broad Street. SOUTH BUN FURNITURE CO.. INC. T\V<i FURNMTURB \v A( ;ONS~"~ ONE street wacori. grocery wngon, 0110 truck, ono surroy. $5*0; one farm ,\Y.n.5?n- '34: buggies and runabouts J JI Ob. H. DUKE CO.. S04 Brook A von tip. ROrLKR.S. KXOTNKS; "cAS017bXb! Kerosene and steam; all sizes; wood- working- machinery, belting, hang¬ ers. shafting nnd pullevs; condition guaranteed. i. BLUFORD ft CO. REFIN1SH ED USED 81 NOBR SKWIN'G machines at money-saving prices: call and be convinced that we can save you money SOITIIKU.V FUR- MTURE CO.. INC., 2 East Broad. WE REPRESENT THE OSIIKOSH Manufaet uring Company, builders of concrete mixers, combination saw rigs, rip and cross-cut saws, dia- RLufoRD& CO.'tr,fl,Kal pump8' '. FURNITURE BOUOHT FOR CASH: we soil you new furniture and take your old furniture in exchange; no cash re«|uired; ask us about our credit system. SOUTHERN FUR NITUR E O inc.. 2 East Rroad Street. If vou nave household goods to sell, phone Monroe ^74, and our representative will ca 11 SAWMFId. OiJTPIT COMPLETE; <30N- V1'I'V' K°o'l: bargain to quick 'buyer. I PL! I'ORIl co. ONE HIOH O RAPK ~RrRER-TIRED buggy. $j»S; one pony top buggy, steel tires. ..45: two delivery wagons, in good rcnair. $25 and <20. We are agents for the celebrated Columbu*= tuiR-gles. See our large stock Our prices are the lowest A MEYER'<? SONS. 731 East Cary Street. STANDARD "("EXTRA!, NEEDLE" Sewing Machines; the "world's best"- Vri -i > v-^ V" ^--,a 1 'J10 SOUTHERN II KNI1 l Rh i O.. INC., 2 East Rroad st root i*or: \v.Coons. to richardson hkoj- 1,1.1 Rrook Avenue: painting repairing and rubber-tire work. I * IA No player; large cpT right mahogany rasp, cost $7fto rnnri as new. Can be houcht on <»a*v terms. < ome earlv nnd get this bar- pain. LEE FEROUSSON PIANO CO RroadnSt Krr'n'1 s,rr>'M- Second and FOR SAI - E. < 3 < i< > D H'Vrse \\n 'H»egy. Apply isis Dickcrson Street _! hone Madison 4151-I, R E F INS HE'D FU R N I T f R R at money-sn ving prices; rash or credit SOi-THERN FURNITURE CO.. INC . Last Broad. FOR .SALE. GOLDFISH AND GOOD Hinging Canary birds, fish food and "'id .supplies. «24 Main Street FOR SALE. ONE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD norsc. harness and buggv cheap- horse any lady could drive. Reason tor soiling, got automobile tin f f ary St root. «Ai7F-rr.TsoN phonoorTph" ion records and cabinet: also open »* tank I in stovo. Appl\ 2f. 10 West rn-i0, l,,1stn,rs' or Phone Monroe antiqi*e maiTooTny WARDRORE il?; soithern furniture co La st Broad St'-et. XV E HAVE Alii iPT 40.no<vloo VEET of Pine timber in Norm Carolina which we can sell at a low price hv the thousand, and pay for what vou ge, ' MANN CO.. rur> Hull St. Rich¬ mond. An. Phone Madison 5KS7. Heal estate .for t?alr " ".vsseLman & company offer the following properties for sale: PARK AVENUE HOME latrobc heat, for $6,500. E I O H T-ROOM ALLEN AVENUF home; latrobc heat; 35,SAO. EIOllT-ROOM HANOVER HOME; HOT water heat; $7.^00. HOOD EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE 0\ twenty-second Street for Elf? HT- ROOM HOUSE ON WFST Clay for $2,600. SEVCN-ROOM HOCSK. THIRD AVE- nue, Highland Park, T0.\140-foot lot 1 or $.',750. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. R A R T O N . bights, ^ioo. WE HAVE VACANT 1 'ROPERTY XT bargain prices. We have good ini- proved property to .-xchange for '''1(' lots. Il \ ou are in tiie market for any kind of ,,;ii .-state call CASS ELM AN & COMPANY at 101S Bast Main. ' al SALE. I-MVI-: NICK |.r,Ts T>N 1 wenty--sixth Street and six on Thir¬ tieth Street. Woodland Heights at Sl-J.-tO per foot; easy payments- a sure money-maker; owner must sell equity. M. C. MANN & <. <ji;, ii(lll Mit i-t Phone Madison ."tJST, Nil'!-: LITTIJ: EARM "'IF A i', fios" one and one-half miles from car line- good eight-room house and outbuild¬ ings; _20t> choice fruit trce.s, grapes, rent fare to Richmond: price' J4.MOO. M. C. MANN At CO.. !il.r. Hull Street. I 'hone Madtson r.tis?. T< QUICK PURCHASER J OFFER !oi sale two dwellings in .la«-kson W ard paying over 15 i»et cent on in¬ vestment Property in good condi¬ tion. Owner needs money. Address C 704. care Tinies-Dispatch. FARM !."« >R SALE A NICK I.ITTI.i: firm, about two miles above Ron Air, on the Southern Road, contain¬ ing two acres. It has a newly built frame house, containing four rooms, and a large front porch. Price, $»;<»<i; half cash, balance on reasonable te,-ms. JOHN II BRAXTON, Agent No 112 West Leigh Street. BE SURE TO ATTEND AUCTION sale of Chesterfield farm Tuesday, day -,'T. See us for particulars. M. '!.( t: I. I ^A VENPORT-TA VI / tR WANTED, POSITION WITH RE \L r< al estate concern: experienced. Address D 711. care Times-Dispatch. HIGHLAND PARK. TWO-STORY, S1X~ room frame house; practically new; lot fronts 55 feet on Bancroft Ave. and rims back 120 feet. Price $2,500. a-ROOM FRAME HOUSE O.N EN.SLOW Avenue; large lc.t. water and batli. electric light. Price $3,500. TW<> I.t»TS IN WOODLAND f I Flo H TS, lI feet front. <»n llill iM-est J:>»i and running back .ir,n feet. WUi sell cheap. W. E. HARKJ.S, I»11 i:. Main St.. City. FOR SALE, 17 PER CENT INVEST- ment; 3-stor.v, tin roof building; .'!% rooms; 2 stoves; sewer, electric, gas, cost $lt>,000; rents for $1,200 annual¬ ly; owner ill and will sacrifice for S7.000; terms; write at- once. out¬ look here never brighter. SO.M MERVILLE TRUST CO.. INC. New¬ port News, Va. Foil SALE. SEVERAL NEW AND modern houses at Woodland Height.". M <' M ANN ,v I'O., :»1Mull yt' Phone Madison 56S7. TWELVE Roo.%1 TWo-STnRV SIOAII*. deta.-1'ed bri<'k. North Tenth ; price iciital, $100. F S14. care Times I 'ispa t cli. FOR SALE, 20 ACRES, 2 MILES FROM railroad station, Ik miles from Rich¬ mond; Macadam road; ti-room houno, large barn. <-.orniiouse, dairy-house' pou i t ry House, store sheils, etc all prett.N oak grove; all buildings a- . gootl as new. Price $1,200. This i-. a snap. M. C. MANN ft i'n., 015 Hull St., Richmond. Phone. Madison ,r.0h7 FOR HALK, NICE, ci.EAN, CASfi business; permanent trade; receipt* run about $20,000 annually; 20 p.-j cent profit on this glvos you about $-1,000. Price for stock and fixture* only $1,600. Rent $25. No experi¬ ence necessary. Be quick. Come p see It. SOMMBItVILLE TRUST < t> INC., Newport News, Va V(ll}, SALE, BY OWNER. 0"NE '"LOT"*IN I i u.Avjnuf' Opposite Ha tier'ft lit a slight advance over cont. Ad. dress D 739, care Tiraes-Dlipatch. ^ral jfoc feale 70=,. K'?r HOT w-n^xr ¦»" »«»°»: Kill u. Price. $3.750 00 R ICal b:l1' SA«o\loi aKe.TTva?o1r °JiP HH®.. KOOMi?. beautiful little S lifthts. A I'rlci, *2.600.00 °: lot C«*H«- "SKiM.,,® BEAUTIFUL . S fSSi"-0 '"' W&S,o"o ^tSfaiSiYF^"best section "'»«¦thfp3^fia?b for EHHASrS--'^r»: (u car .ne i|ln King; (,ne Mock lovolv home" -r., oo! ?,"Jl slot-as. A ^«.v nome. Te 1111s. I'rlcc. J4.000.00. TWELVE rooms, hot 4\I) 001 i-> water, electric ii»k. A,M; LOLD "ntsiment. PHco. $1,600.00 each. \ LovriV11?.?^ weights. poultry or carden- -FO* RAISING painted »n,r».n' ,' lor>'ns. newlv '¦ar Hne; i. K ', ,,ne "lock to I'rice. 52,750.00. fl,M"tlass condition. MANY OTHERS AT very attit \r live prices. "1 aiikac- A pE n ty^o f^' H T room a ol'"-Trlca fix i uUf"'i0"' f "*r*" *'s «'" desired iif n , !n favt- everything j 5! <S5.r*7.215i rir>- n«. L Richmond; also on Wsaj WE HAVE SEVER.U, CUSTOMrn^ i quhiVTii. hi?.r^a £ost End-' *«V | A ffi,T j A bi,i£K ilTiaO7.0D.r,I: 101 70XI''0-| "smaU <tRlnrt'e.(\^;\FnII|-A KARM- ofS"hr.Su"o' barRa<'in'sS'>» »'. »S Jw< "ycr J- oster's. iC|Vi r ,SALE. near CITY THRFF O* *f«? 'cn'ri ! ' bSwtoiASS c«re Times-Dispatch. 50 1- l'.KT < 1 .V Mc'ti'XT vT- pvTY-y a~vtp~~ Addro?s0,Dn,7a«S P''lrce-- rheap;' North Eightf« Street. BLAKE' 20 BIO AUCTION SALE OF BOUI EVARD lots Tuesday May 20. at 5 FjKi.b tmS!?y n,L b^uelevard "auction "sale" ruesdav. May 20. at r» o'clock P M 8LAI?fePla,r **' Moor>»F FIELD L WA-XTED. TO SELL, TWO l.r>TS o"\ '.race Street, end nearest Richmond Monument Park, at n small profit' Address B care Thnes-Dispatch T<> A QUI (MC BUY F)H, f 5^5 00 WHIT" iV1V..n.t"J"00,n motlern brick, near little Abbey. Answer quick, owner leaiing_ town. Address I) 74.'!, care 1 lines-Dispatch. N'I.7F: I;rTTL,R MOUNTAIN' HOME; DE- llKhtful loon t ion: 1.200 foot above sea level: innKiiiflcent view of surround¬ ing mountains; one. and a quarter miles from Natural Bridge, on mac¬ adam road; new six-room duelling n perfect repair; water I11 house1 truce stable and other outbuildings eijrntecn acres of land, mostlv in crass; price $2,500. ' I for SALE OR REST. SMAT.I. FARM in f hesterfleld County, nine miles fiorn city; fifteen acres, six in culti¬ vation. balance in wood; dwelling- of four rooms and all nocessarv out- trnJi rental $5 per month'; pi ice .,0 l- :l ' -ye hat-Rain; the huildlnps ?, ~'-f\.wou,fi rost more. B. F. ham- St'r.-efs ' E,eventh anfl Hull 53.100 WILL 13UY DETACHED BRICK .r.f. '"'0, rooms and batli ¦wner must sell. Terms easy. E 1 .'1 . car#- Times-Dispatch. practically NEW FIVE-PASS EN - f i t,0-horsepower car. latest model- Iise.l 6.000 miles. Original cost. . -'. 11 I iice. $1,750. Owner must have money. R fi-.S. care Times-Dis- sale, those HAXIXSOME ;tp;i» tmeiits on Park Avenue, paving » per cent They are beauties. I li e «inl;. $S.40A; rent. fK jn Can -'".i beat this'.' Phone Monroe 410 THIS <'Iff > ICE HUIjL STREET-I.Ot" corner Fourth. J>7.\1!?0. to 20-foot alley, with store and stable rented- i.fcrbt in centre of highest priced' pioperty 111 business district; will be >--o|d ;it sacrifice price for quick sale. . wiier iiH-fi.f money. Terms reason- .tb"- This property will increase \ .hie very rapidly in tlio nert few '.*.'.?!"h«- Phono OWNER. Madison FOR SALE; BY OWNER, THREE*BEST located lots on <'.race Street, in Mon¬ ument Avenue Park; price very rea- Idsp; 1 -h "*r,dreBS H f,f,L Timcs- RUYS -i 2 PC H >T rTof; WEST street. Monument I-feiehts A vl-'n-ie Pn1 J'"'' ,Y.Bu °f 'Mnmir"fnt ,y nl'f F.I k. and hipher than same, but at only about two-thirds cost or same amount in Monument Ave- patch f,°"' '!,r" Times-Dis- FOR. SALE, OX a7:C'oTTxt MRS u Mines eutate. two dwollhiKs. six n,s. 'av11' :'V. -*<04 1-2 south ho'uscK ',!lrf'° <>ar I'ne.s pass ; , A I.fily u. WYNNE, SR South Cherry Street, or w' s't reel " ''x,':,a"r' -125i 1-2 Pine N'ICE PI.AC 1:, small""Ai'llEAfir li'.uve /.11,.- rooms; shady yard. Kood* w'ntioii; S3O00. Ilouse. five [ acres, 52,000; at station from'Vti-i 1"?. Tta'lioad. 10 miles 110 i, 1.1.-b.no,id < ot ta t;e, four rooms >1 rl'if ttU" ''"'Lrnlle from station, '.' 'lr,use. three rooms, two K V,7 '' h lka-kk. Olen P"R S A I.E. THAT IIAXDSOMIO P.Esfl "i I la nover Avenue at Allen »<-111.< «-1.-ht rootiiH. two baths. '''1:1'' ''.r«-e ('losetH, hot water heat th'ijv that makes a home heau- i ' "i.ipl'-tPrice Is $r.00 1 elov. market value. Buy direct from "w n"i and save money. Me quick and net only one left. Cash or rea¬ sonable terms, only $6,750. Phone ..loi.ioe <io Address I) 732, care. lineh. 11I1 pa11 h. F'.rt a 1.1;. xicr new skvex-room bo.ise tv.o ;.creN land; on car line; '.od location; price. $2,250; ensv < "ns. Kood opportunity to «et a nice louse <m»i,o.. any cash payment if Mspatl b 1 M'HM " ,,f,re Times- 11 % IX V K MTME NTR ' BRICK HOUHR, ASHLAND STREET- live rooms; rented for SI32 venr- r-Aice, ?1,200. yrur, rpk k htaiiue. fTfth AXD JACK- son Hlroetn; rented for $84 vear- price, $xoo. >ear' these ARE BAHOAIN8, AND MUST DUpatch. Ad<lre" A 640' car0 Times- ISUal estate foe feali D. N. WALKKII & CO. GROVE AVENUE. 1500 BLOCK. MOD- ern. semi-detached. -eight rooms, two baths. Lot 23x120 feet. Trice. 5it,000. GROVE AVENUE. 1600 BLOCK. STONE front, modern, detached, 11 rooms. Lot 24x179. Price only $10,000. FLOYD AVENUE. 1200 BLOCK, MOD- ern, detached, 10 rooms, two baths Lot 23xl5(\ feet. Trlco, $7,000. FLOYD AVENUE. M00 BLOCK. LA- trobes, semi-detached, eight rooms Trice, $4,500. WEST MAIN STREET. 1300 BLOCK, latrohes, gas and electricity; de¬ tached; six rooms. Trice, J4.S00. GRACE STREET. 1S00 BLOCK. MOD- ern, detached. 10 rooms; servants" house In yard. Lot 2Sxl45. Trice $15,000. GRACE STREET. 1S00 BLOCK. MOD- ern, semi-detached, 9 rooms. Lot 24x140 feet. Price. $9,000. WEST FRANKLIN STREET. 1000 block, moderij. semi-detached, four¬ teen rooms, four baths, garage. Trice S2S.O0O. WEST FRANKLIN STREET, lion block, modern. detached, eleven rooms, two baths. Lot 30x155. Trice. $20,000. TARK AVENUE. 1600 BLOCK. COR- ner house, modern, detached, eigh¬ teen rooms, two baths. Lot 00x135. Trice. $20,000. TARK AVENUE. 1700 BLOCK. COR. ner house, modern, twelve rooms, two baths. Lot 25x100 feet. Trice. ?11.000. KKNSINGTmN AVENUE. 250ft BLOCK, modern, semi-detached, eleven rooms.' Frontage, 22 feet. Trice, $6,750. HANOVER AVENUE.* 1S00 BLOCK, latrobes, semi-detached, nine rooms. Lot 25x130. Trice. $6,500. FURTHER INFORMATION IN RR- gard to above can be gotten bv ap¬ plying at our offices, No. 1 Mutual Building. D. N. WALKER & CO. PARKER-BAGBY CO. INC., 102 NORTH EIGHTH. HERE IS A SNAP FOR SOME ONE looking for a nice comfortable home on Floyd Avenue, seven rooms, large lot. east of Robinson Street, only J4.000. Be quick. MODERN BRICK HOUSE. ROBINSON Street, eight rooms; one of the b<»st for the money, $3,500.good chance for some one. NEW- ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST homes on Grove Avenue, ten rooms detached hot water heat and every modern convenience; a beauty, $11.- 500, worth more NICE HOMES IN FA IRMOUNT ON easy terms, $1,500 and up. A PRETTY FIVE-ACRT. FARM. Chesterfield County, five miles from city, near car line New building* Will make a nice chicken farm. Will sell very low or trade TARKER-BAGBV CO INC., 102 NORTH j EIGHTH. VERY DESIRABLE BROAD STREET frontage, east of Allen Avenue, will sell at right figures or trade. NICE BOULEVARD LOT. PARTY wants money.can be bought much under value. This is a splendid in¬ vestment. A CHOICE GINTER PARK LOT, ion by 200 feet, only $16 per foot, worth $20. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE and rent with us. WHITE Xr COMPANY. a 306 American National linnk Rldg, Phone Monroe 313?. 2300 BLOCK WEST GRACE: NINE rooms; hot water heat; strictly first- class in every respect. Price. $9,250. 1700 BLOCK HANOVER AVENUE- nine rooms; hot water heat; some¬ thing nice. Trice, $S,500. 2500 BLOCK HANOVER AVENUE- seven rooms and bath; hot wntor ben t. Price, $7,000. This one will please you. 2500 BLOCK EAST GRACE; ELEVEN rooms, hath Price, $3,500. Splendid investment. 500 BLOCK NORTH ELEVENTH Street; six rooms, bath; nice home or good investment. WE HAVE SOME NICE HOMES IN Barton Heights. Norwood. Highland i ark. which we can please you both in price and location. BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. NICE I?1*0!? "a'lover Avenue, near TUden. ^ *03. ryj* Times-Dispatch. WILL EXCHANGE GOOD LOT FOR desirable light touring car. O 6S9 care Times-Dispatch. I'OR SALE 50 FEET GRACE STREET, Monument Annex. $21. Also 50 feet' Lee Avenue, "comer." $18 per foot! Andress,_ 1^ SI 9. care Times- Dispatch. NO. 207-209 NORTH ROWLAND ST.. elegant five-room apartments, new and modern; now ready for occu¬ pancy; $32.50. INV?.' NORTH ROWLAND ST first fiats, five rooms, hath, hot wa¬ ter heat, now and strictly modern- possession at once. $32.50. NO. 402 NORTH ROBINSON STREET second flat, six rooms, bath, etc.! N<rtn.241f WEST MAIN STREET, first flat, six rooms, bath, etc., $25. NO 4 SOUTH MULBERRY STREET six rooms, bath, etc.; will put in thorough condition; $22.50. NO 2502 WEST GRACE STREET eight rooms, bath, etc., $60. J. A CONNELLY & CO.. Madison 3361-3362. 20 ACRES NEAR ELECTRIC LINE; good two-story house, barns, poul¬ try houses, etc.. 4 1-2 miles from TViV .J.-1'00; AMOS K- COMTANY, INC., Travelers' Building. $1,650 WILL BUY SIX-ROf).\rOWKliL- Ing Loin hardy, near Main; rents $15 Address L 71K, care Times-Dispatcb BV OWNER. WHO IS LEAVING^'HE city desirable residence in South Richmond; MeDonough Street be¬ tween Eleventh and Twelfth; terms reasonable, l'hone Madison lil6-,T. IF YOU WANT A"NY~lTlND~OF TIM~ her, write us for our list; we have what you want, from one million to two hundred million feet of over? tiVI '- t,Jnt ever sprouted out of "ie ground; water and railroad trans- port i* tion; we make «'t ' speolji 11 v nf timber and timber lands; nothing too i nn'y fo'r' i ^.gBXTBR * =H 'Mutru2i H A NOVER AVENUE HOil eT \VEST vl J^mbnr,,y Street: nine rooms; dl- asusr t1"- * rtmS. for sale, bargain fN.nTce rifi! ul?u!n h(inr°- "Inter Park. eleC- » 1*^hth. closets and pantrv, di- i oct from ownor. Addross c* *rco care Times-Dispatch. ' dS8' FOR HALE. TEN-ROOM FRAME dwell"* with two pantries, bath hot and cold water, on corner' 1'ourth Avenue and Loean Highland Tark; lot 60x140 feet An ply JAMES C. ROWMAN. Highland Tark, or 605 East Broad Street! c?tv FOR SALE. SUBURBAN HOME RIGhV wnitrR ata-tlon, ten minutes' vtoo ,»o«k i0a.r 1<no- Pr,c« $1.3fTo: 5. n «« bft,ancfg. monthly. Ad¬ dress B 660, car® TlmosiPlspatch. fteal Ctftntc jfoc fealc *SoJr5XSff; A^^^tfXrANCE~F<A^Y Jerms, buys n vor.f attractive High¬ land Park home of six rooms, hath Hootrlc l.Khts ant! -large lot. Price,' WOODIiAMi HBKIHTS HOME OF sovon large rums, liutli and all con- venlcnceH; very large lot aiul at¬ tractively located. Price. $4,230, on very reasonable terms. $250 CASH AND MAI,AN'CK RKASON- able will buy eight-room house and lot Oft by 125. only four squares from car line, and only $2,300. NICE LOT ON* M ULUERRY, 4D-FOOT front. Will suit for double tenement. Only $37.50 per foot. Don't wait. SMALL JACKSON WARD HOUSE OF three rooms; regular tenant; only $650. Terms very easy. FARM OF OVER SEVENTY ACRES on Midlothian Pike. only seven miles out, only $2,950. Terms easy: WE HAVE SEVERAL WELL-Lo¬ cated lots In Highland Park, (inner must sell. A nice pick-up in these, as no reasonable offer declined. R EM EM HER. THE CHOICE LOTS IN Highland Park Addition are going rapidly. Kon't fail to look them over Monday. Monthly payments if desi red. McCH'R E-DA V ENPORT-TA YLOR < 'O. E. F. SCHMIDT & CO. HANOVER AVENUE, 1700 BLOCK, beautiful nine-room dwelling, hot water heated, exceptionally well built, $S,500, FLOYD AVENUE. NINE ROOMS. HOT water heated, $6,500, terms easv. STUART AVENUE. 2100 RLOCK, DE- tached eight rooms, hot watc-r' bout, bargain at $6,500. KENSINGTON AVENUE. SEVEN rooms, hot water heat, $4,S50, easy LAUREL STREET, TWO SIN-ROOM houses. $3,000. rented $300. 1200 EAST BROAD STREET, BRICK dwellng, only $4,250. »- GARY STREET, 2600 IJLOCK EAST six rooms. In l<-k, price $1,700. WEST ENT> t.OT. WILL SACRIFICE on account of leaving town. CIIAMRERLA YNE A VENUE. NIN E rooms, hot water heat, latere lot $(5,300. OAK WOOD AVENUE. EIGHT R» »OMS, bath, electric lights, $3,250, terms easy. RANDOLPH STREET. SIX ROOMS, good condition, rent $144. price $1 250. SPHJNO STREET. SIX ROOMS. RENT $1-0, price $1,000, HIGHLAND PARK. FIRST A VKNTF., new eleven room house 70lfoot lot $3,500 termi* easv. . ENSLOW AVENUE. SEVEN ROOMS' E. F. SCHMIDT A- <.(> <,nr. Frank¬ lin Street. Phone. Monroe 23S7. trood condition. $2.!U»o, terms easy HIUHLAND PARK HOME. EIGHT rooms, bath, large reception ball, hot and cold water, electric lights, porcelain bath; dwelling one year old: one square from car line. Lot o x 1 6 0 feet. Price, $3,500. Reason¬ able terms AMOS ft COMPANY, IN<'., Travelers' Building $7,000 BUYS ONE OK THE PRETTI- est homes on Hanover Avnuf Seven large rooms. Hot water heat, combi¬ nation fixtures, and detached. Lot 2Rx l30. Situated in one square of Robinson Street. For further In¬ formation, address F S25, care Times-Dispatch i^0l^L0T"0>r ~cT U R R. NEAR it ul l blroet. for Bale oh cap; eany terms. D 227, care Tit .es-Dispatch. FOR SALE. A NEAT. UP-TO-DATE home on Hanover Avenue, near Allen Avenue. Price to correspond with quality and location Phone Madison 1467. Monroe 2914-L. PU''XK. WRITE OR LEAVE ADDRESS KALI. RENT LIST. READY .H NK 1ST .1 A CONNELLY & CO, MAIMS* »N 33*11 -3362. FOR SALE, ON SOUTH THIRD htreet. a_ fourteen-room house; guar¬ anteed 7 per cent investment. N'o .agents. A .'>K">, care Times-1>ispatch. FOR SALE. FIVE LOTS IN COLONIAL Place, beautifully situated. Terms reasonable. A 5S6, care Times-Dis- patch. TWO SECOND STREET HOUSES, brick. six rooms and bath each; rental. $360 Price, $3,500 K 557 care Times-Dispatch ATT!'. At TI V F. WEST LEIOH STREET VP'i-rt' reH'al, $186 per annum. Price, jl.fioO. Fine investment. K 560. care rimes- Dispatch. PHONEj WRITE OR LEAVE ADDRESS ."i-'vw. k xl'1' rent list, ready wvY','1' ''- A CONNELLY ft CO. MA I >is' ».N 3361 -3362. T\\"< » I .'ENTRAL si )UTH RTCHMt >ND houses; lino renters; rental. $210 Price, $2,0011 for both. K 556, care 1 lines -1 >i»|)n t« j> For SALE. A NEW (!ROVE A VENUE home, 17"(* block, ten rooms two baths, 30 i-£ foot front. Madison 141*«. Monroe 2i'44-L. I"''R SALE. "AT HI':111.AND SPRINGS a five-room house, eight lots; good' well of water; convenient to cars, post-office, school and stores. Annfv READ A CASSELMAN. FOR SALE. THREE EXCELLENT bargains in eight-room West End dwellings, with modern equipment; prices $3,750, $4,000 and $4,500. All '<f these dwellings have recently been put on the market for quick sales, to be sold at a great sacrifice. Address "M." 110 Mutual Building, or 'phone Monroe 4 4s6. PIP iNE. WRITE 1(Tr LEAVE ADDRESS FOR FALL RENT LIST. READY JUNE 1ST. .1 A. CONNELLY & CO. MADISON 3361-3362. 200 ACRES NEAR MIDLOTHIAN Turnpike; 150 acres cleared, two acres of orchard; new six-room house; good new barn. Can sell vou this property for $3,000. AMOS ft COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ ing. WE HAVE A GREAT MANY BAR- gains, from small truck farms to large estates. We make a specialty of farms adapted to growing alfalfa. Call and let us show them. AMOS ft COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ ing. FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON FOURTH Avenue. Highland Park, thirty feet each, $12.50 for cash sale. Address OWNER, F 827, care Times-Dis¬ patch. 100 ACRES RED CLAY LOAM; FOUR- room house, numerous outbuildings, sixteen miles from Richmond; only $1,500. AMOS ft COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Building. PHONE, "WRITE OR"LEAVE ADDRESS FOR FALL RENT LIST. READY JUNE 1ST. J. A. CONNELLY ft Co. M ADIS( >N 3361 -3362. $2,000 WILlTTiUY TWO I"EATS. FOUR rooms each. West End (colored). Renting for $240. JOHN T. GOD- DIN ft CO. FOR SALE. 50 FEET ON RICHMOND Avenue. Monument Heights, $:S per foot. Address, A 612, care Times- Dispatoh. FIFTY ACRES ON BROAD STREET Road, seveti miles out, $60 per acre for quick sale. 100 acres, excel¬ lent dairy farm, thre'e and half miles from city; excellent Improvements; cheap to quick buyer. Address F 824. care Times-Dispatch. FOR SALE, OLD ESTABLISHED HO- tel, centrally located, Washington, D. C. If sold at once, price very rea¬ sonable. Apply L 158, Times-Dis- patch. FOR. SALE. HVE-ROQM HOUSeTCAR- inet mantels, one throo-fourths acres of land on car line, one one-hAlf miles of city, |2,500. C 698,, care Tlmos-X>l»patch. (C0tate JFor feale ^oTn ^!JBU?BAN JI°ME, ALL MOD- hent iotCI,'.0vi4n 'll,Cl.Ut,lnf? hot wator «& iva ©£W?SSSSttS To?kS'ooll f'«HT.l«OOM NOUS ICS ON sk* StWaiaror,:""" * mSl.rn A|n'° vS^V5*,'"l; > »OM E. make a nice home «?U iUV8 w,u nient, at a bargain. K"1"1 ,n»'°st- SIX-ROOM HO.MB ON CIIPRC'H mitt r Chlmborazo V»a7k. «<iuare iron, cap line, only $1,900? SPECIAL HAUCAIX FOR A PPw aa-r's.^rAnK-T,. x NICE CBNTRAl.LV LOCATED RRtnr home, r> cllt i-nrimo I... "UlCIC !.a°r«al£ ' '""hhi.bi'rolf rKk'';mS^.'ii'r> *»*»« lot. only $1,200. >oonis. BOod TUgS KHSFj?® WH. MOD. .1 n|. n< f.v, fr)0t frOMt ner property. $r,500, on, s,,UItre lQ TWO XI'" K NEW MOPERX RT'BfR Park, only" RT SI.VESS OPPI (HTI'V IT r pq ... >f stock of arocerley, hor^ and ?»; i?.ooS*- »«..»««. !»«» ''.i inc ni:v «*;.*bc^i , rr,r,m"- «ood stand (established business). only $4.rjo. SEVEN- f{( m >m BHK'K HOi'SK nv N<">11 h Fourth siV,^i . . N St root. Will i? it* J., __' ar Loi^h l«»ce asked for P r rcnl nn |SI"w^?iA!; !.7{0,V;'tT,KS '-V JACKSON I;«.' i"K f""" 10 111*i* cut to 12 ,. ' "«|U tries irr. ited. I.rf Kli «ti'fr,|'"e[ '"nd and .. 1 ls 1 hone Monroe 5*g W.A.X?'!';r'- '"'V i'.KA! TIKt l. 17)T KV;,v;L' ii.y'VM.1 k- ,nkw s!n i . J .and colli water, bath. electric lights. modern con- term® i \inJ 'x'J . °" reasonable .V , amm> *. company ivr 1 ft velcm Huiltjini; ' * 11 THRE e a < m es~ Too~ya it PS FROM n«-w"r'sSx'-room'" ho'uJ.'"..?{|rh ^"oeV'H 7}"tKK s''.'1! '"-S MAIN hi.:/' aV.:;;v;:'';'^,-\ IdHpatch ' K« 'i:"SAl.K."V»N »\ v: \-i T'-'rv.-o hjautlful I'Uihlintr lot,. x-i.iro-- I _«29. care Tlmea-Dlanatch *8, C FOlt .SA I.E. OS Ti nt EE ¦ MoFTtoXfT l»uJIrllnB |otn. «, sYm' __AddreM I> 7CS. rare T.n,.. W|K'tT. STREET. T EN-ROOM house In l v.. U iu .71 1 adjotn! !vu, !°uX l"dr."r,:n- F"r "ui'k sa!., . take ?I®.,"00. arul make terms j ypry reasonable if f|,!8|re(] Leaving <it> only reason foi sellink' For appointment to sen nd,in ^ B r,5i «are Times-Dispatch ' M I». H I. a N 11 PARK IjWKr.uvr;' *ovo. ro ,iath hot . V' ! papered; v.wflon and thicken yard Lot 1 r»ri,.< $2,600. Easy ternif. .\j|i is'ft PA NY. INC, Travelort B .lldlng! 100-ACRE JAMES RIVER "FARM over tvso miles riv.:- frontage orio of the finest farms on James River' !"V*I ¦¦"'.tie ..i> estate} pai.li i;t"' Tl»nes-Dls- J WANTK1) i'< SE1.;. ,\ DESIRABLE" lot on the Boulevard, hetxveen Carv Vn ,n "JV,KX .K|ro®nl.?' 1 ;I «^'r«nc®. Appi> b 6feS> caro L lines Dispatch. highland park lots $To per loot Hull Street lots l>elow the ham¬ mer price. C 7(<1, care Times-Dls- pat'-h. modern e 1 <; 11 t- r(vv\i p. j: irk. hot water heat, electri< lisrhts, $;».700. D ._ fif Tiinrs-Pispntrli. 1 acres^ nice four-room nu 011 i 11 and outhousca^ jiice r- t ? «nft 's 1 °.l' _ 1 7. i 'etersbu rr ear 1 i 11 e, Ir* ' '"are TimcK-Dispateh. 2i>/ A'"L'-,i:s- s,x miles from city." roi ?i.sort; six-room house, »rood oarn ami outbuilding's; cn.sv terms lldlng. WM''AJ<V- IN'C - 'lraveI®1'*' SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE inonthly. will buy vacant lot. with house built to order, in suburbs, r tirther particulars, .address B 674. care rimes-Dispatch. | L'-yDf;R f'ONSTliCCTION, FOR SALE 111 Urookland Park. Stop 20. in squaro j next to car line, eight-room modern house. Apply si,*) Haynes Avenua for full particulars. WANTED, OFFER f"< >I{ FOUR LOTS on Grace Street and three on Cut- shaw Avenue, in Monument Avenue Park. Purchaser has to leave t0w 11. B tit>7, cure Times-Dispatch. WANTED, TO EXCHANGE HAND- some new efcrht-room dwelling with modern equiftinents, a larne lot and plenty of shade, in lliKhbut'l Park on car line, price. $4,000, foi :52,.'iOO value close-in property with easy terms 011 the difference. Address OWN 10R, 11 ;> Mutual Building. SEVEN ACRES ON ASHLAND CAR line. Has eight-room dwelling, .sur¬ rounded by beautiful oak ^rovo. Land all cleared. Three minutes from car line and twentv minutes from Broad Street. Price only $4,850, on easy terms. Address OWNER, 214 Travelers' Building. \V< JODLA ND HEW! I ITS I} I£ A I T1FUU up-to-date residence, containing eight rooms, reception hall, bath, pantry aijd closets, hot and cold water; place highly finished in ma¬ hogany and white enamel; slate roof, garage, shade trees. granolithic walks, large lot; 0110 Idoek from car line. Price, $5,500, on reason¬ able terms. AMOS & COMPANY INC., Travelers' Building. $425 Hl'YS BEACTIKUl" BUILDING lot In Highland Park, 35x140. AMOS & COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ ing. FOR SALE, FIFTY FEET IN GRACBJ Street, Monument Avenue Park; ideal location, below market. Address G 71.1, care Times-Dispatch. $1 250 BUYS" T WO FRAM E DWELL^ ings located on Church Hill; rent for $18 per month. Seo us Monday for this bargain. AMOS & COM!- PANY. INC., Travelers'_B.Hiding FOR SALE! CORNER, CHI7RCH~HILiT Property, 12 1-2 per cont., $2,200. !. 821. care Times-Dispatch. FOR HALE. LOT JfTT.O'F 9, MONU- ment Avenue, 25x140 feet, $18 per foot. Owner needs money. Answext at once, A 614, care Timeu-Dispatoh,

Transcript of Times Dispatch.(Richmond, Va) 1913-05-18 [p 8].

HOW TO SHOP BY MAIL |Following eaoh classification beJow is the announcement of a progressive.

r$U*blo> concern, which is prepared to ofi'er special facilities to the Mall OrderTrod®," particularly to farmer# Bud those who reside romo distance from theoonvetitenoea of the oitv store*. Owing to the extension of the rural free do-llTery service throughout this section, it is no longer necessary to "como totown" to do your shopping. Simply inuke your soleotlon from the goods liftedbelow, or writo for information, whjoh will be gladly mailoo, aud then send yourordor by mail. The concerns listed on this page are solootod as representative!,and may be classed u» headquarters 111 their particular linos. When writing forcatalogues or information, always mention The Tlmca-Diupatoh.

RELIABLE HAT REPAIRING.IEN'S PANAMA HATS CLEANED,bleached, blocked, retrimmed; anystyle; straw hats cleaned. 25 cents;silk, soft nnd stiff hats cleaned andblocked. AMERICAN HAT CO.. Fifthand Marshall Streets.


'ROM $2 50 CP; CHEAPEST PRICESfor high-grade mowers in the city.ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY, 4L'2West Broad. IPAINTS, STAINS" AND FLOOR \VAx7F YOi: INTEND PAINTING CP. LETus talk with yon: our poods holdtheir color. ELBA HARDWARECOMPANY. 422 West Broad.


SOTS. SEE OCR LINE; THE LOWESTprices in the city; don't believe vis,but come and see. ELBA HARD¬WARE company. 422 West BroadStreet, corner Henry.


LAKES. HOES. TROWELS ANDeverything for the garden and flow-ers. ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY.422 West Broad. corner Henry.


LL WIDTHS, AND PRICES LOW;also screen doors and windows.ELBA HARDWARE COMPANY. 422West Brivsl. 'Phone Madison 3552."sCRE'ENS, I.hioRS AND' WINDOWS.UR LINE IS COMPLETE. AND WEhave a large assortment to selectfrom; prices at the very bottom; -seous before buying. ELBA HARD-WARE COMPANY. 422 West BroadStreet. 'Phone Madison 3552.


STRICH FEATHERS.TAKE YOTTRold feathers to THURSTON'S; theywill make them new again. THURS¬TON'S, No. 217 North First Streot.Jc..SPECIAL THIS WEEK. FLASH

jlights, complete with battery. Comequick By mail add tic. for postage,YAUGHAN'S. 16 East Broad Street,!opposite Cohen Co.

J'ot S>alcfE lL\VR^T 11 E MOST^COMPLETEiine of cutundf-r rubber-tired sur¬

reys in city, and prices very low,considering the quality.EE US FOR "RUNABOUTS.RUNAbouts for $40, $45, ?f>0. §t>o. $75, $90,$100, $110, $125. and can suit you inany style you may want.

JRREY, DAYTON WAGONS. SPRINGwagons. farm wagons and anythingyou want for business or pleasurein a vehicle.

NE TOP BUGGY. STEEL TIRES. $2">:"one rubber-tired business buggy. $50;one bik. axle runabout. $»">0; one

rubber-tired runabout. $"<0. and one

for $">5; one Columbia rubber-tiredfull leather top buggy, sold for $}'*.ncash and used five or six times, now

Sf-Vfial sots second-hand nsir-


WO ONE-HORSE FARM WAGON?,each; two-horse farm wagon.

$4°; 'on-' stntion wagon. $100, andseveral second-hand buggies andstanhopes cheap.

ITJISTOW-WORSHAM CO, 12 NORTHFifteenth..or s\l E ROYAL. TYPEWRITER,bit est" i "lei. onh slightly used, in

per feet order. Purchaser may tryi- Will 11 cheap for cash. « 70;>,cave Times-Dispatch. i

OR SALE. ENGINES. BOTLERS.pumps ami second-hand machineryin general. 1. ROSE & CO., Rich¬mond. Ya. IOR SALE, CHEAP. TO QUICKbuyer, butcher's outfit, consisting ofthree sets of tools. Apply 1201 NorthTwentieth Street. .

>R ~SALE-¦HARE O pPORT 1 *NTTYfor \oung mari led couple; contents. if eight-room resilience, beautifullyfurnished; unexpired lease. 11 4'.t5,care Times-Dispatch..NE LOCOMOTIVE. FIVE TONS; ONEeight tons, four fourteen tons, allSrt-inch gauge. One standard gauge,ten tons; one hundred tons fi'I-poundrail: twenty dump cars, boiler andengine, *ii»-horsepowei ; two hoistingengines, one concrete mixer, "tie cen¬

trifugal pump, two pile hammersand 00 ft leads. Condition good;prl< liL'lit 11 Box

nXK A l"T< )MOFflLE"ANi) f'AHKlAi iEpainting. R. II P.OSHER'S SONS.

5TiR~SALE. DRUG STORE El NT! "RES,very handsome and costly, cheap toquick purchaser Apply MANAGER,Chesterfield Apartment Co.

FOR SALE~ A No 0 ""PRINTINGpress. i t !. fixtures: bed :i2\47inches: made by Walter Scott Co.;ir. good condition Write W. P.ALLEN,_paiivilie; Va.

>1X TY F IV i. -1 11S E -1 '< >WEI I A* EliTlcal oiler; to w tubes, heavy navalstandard, « j.'-ellent conilition; 125-water-power, including new injectorpop valve. st«a:a gauge loci:s. grates,hood, stack; prlc< $120, if taken atonce; can seen working AddressW. R. TW" .UK'., ! 7 FreemasonStreet. Norfolk. v.i

FOR SALE, GAS RANGE, PRACTI-cally ru v. \v ill. broiler. baker and

warming ov- .- Rat-gain to quickbuyer. PV.oe. Monroe 4054.1.

FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED Oilmore co!iif pulp wood, poplar,JsWeetgl'.l .1! biu'h; state bis: priceat s I d 11' .1 within twenty miles ofRichmond Ir -t 1> It' r, vkith speelti-catlon. Address C 712, care Times-Dispatch.

JUST 11ECEIVE!» i'AI! OF Bl'GOIES,surreys :«i,¦: pi a-tons, rii» assort¬ment to from See us beforebuying -MITH-MOORE VEHICLECO., 31 4 No Ml". Fifth Stieet

M~AN1:FACT F R E R To C< >NSI.'MEHstore.. Lb dies' piq'io and s« rgeskirts made ..> <. .<!. ! Trunks, $! kto $10; in;111iI s1 -. $1 :«s to ?10.Write fn: pi ion of anyarticle v.. lit. E\e:>thi: g guar¬anteed and shipped oh approval.P. IC11M' 'N! YAP.IETY STORE. 121West Maisla'.l Street. Richmond.Ya.

ON ACCOUNT OF OWNER LEAVINGtov. n will saerifb .. e.utle hor:-e. runabout, harnti-s. etc Apply c 715. careTimes-1 Mspati h

ON E W Rl TERPP ESS DP PLICAT1N <;machine in peife.t cotptition eo»n-pleto outfit ; i li< Hp for '#;.-h AddreshA '.j'-'ti. <are Time.- Dispat-i

FOR 'SAT 1 E.~ 1 ,'ETTEl: F11.1 V '« <' A P.lnet with four dritwe s fc.r verticaltiling, banflsom. lv titiihiied in i.«tu i1oa k V bargain for cash. C 70Scare Times-lm> atch

FOR" SALE complete RETAMice-cream equipment; small ice'es!fountain, tables, chairs, power freezer and ice-breaker Adds ess i. 141<care Times-Dispatch.

PIANO?- E NA PE. 11 ANi >SOM E M Ahogany case, late style, upright. Iiaibeen u'seil. but looks just like new-Can be bought ;c low prie< LEIFERGUSSON 1'IANO CO., 1 i '. Km ,

Broad Street, Second and Broad.

TWO-HORSE FARM W AGON A "n1harness; single wagon with spring*top nnd harness; manure spreadermowing machine; double cultivatorleather top buggy and harness; rubber tired English trap and harnesiPhone Madison 3S&0-Y, or write Bo34*. City.

FOR SALE7~OLtVER TYPEWRITE!with wide cm rlage. 28-inch, in perfeet order and equipped for rnaklnup Bpecial statements, cheap. NreR«cnabl« after declined. E 77(oar* Timoa-Dispatch.


.1 urison Cunningham. mnnuprr, is thepopular drug store of Richmond."When you net anything: from Scott's,It's right." The finest Imported .liveoil. in quarts, ono-hnlf gallon andpillion cans. $.1 the gallon. Scott'scorn plaster will make a cripple dancefor Joy, 1 Of.; Scott's Vegetable LiverPills, beat all, 1 Oc.: Scott's RheumaticMixture does the work, ">0c.; Scott'sWonderful Blood Mixture enrichesthe blood and makes it as pure as aninfant's, $1: Scott's Pile Salve is awonder, 25c.: Scott's Nerve Tonic andDigestive Klixlr cures nervous indi¬gestion. 50c.; Cunningham's Elixir ofl.ife, manhood's great restorer, 5'»c..Cunningham's Royal Remedy and in¬jection for men never falls, 50c.; eachtruss fitted by an expert: no chargefor fitting; smoking tobacco, 2'>c. thepound: Pried Peach chewing tobacco.Ac. the plug. Right prices and politeattention; mail orders a specialty.Scott's Antiseptic Soap is the finestskin soap made, only 10c. <ako.


EVERY DAY IN YEAR IK YOU t'SKPeerless Cleaner and Polisher. Largobottles 25c at your druggist, grocer.Miller Rhoads. E. R. Taylor Com¬pany and VAUOHAN"S, Madison 104.

$2.50 KIND UP TO $12.50. EVERYone sold under absolute guaranteeVAUOHAN'S, 104 Madison, oppositeCohen Co.

"i1AVE YOir TRIED PEERLESSCleaner and Polisher? If not. whynot. Your druggist, your groct r,can tell you all about it. VAUOH¬AN'S. Madison 104.

yTJuR GROCER, YOUR DRliOG 1ST,sells Peerless Cleaner and Polisher, iLnrgn bottles 25 cents. Phono tothem or Madison 104. $2.SO buyswarranted lawn mower. YAUGH-AN'S. opposite Cnhen Co.

"HOSE! 3ROSE!" RUBBER HOSE JOB |lot, remnant lengths. Come quick, j20c. grade, 15c.; 15c.. grade, 1 Oc.. It'sgood. VAUOHAN'S. Madison 104.opposite Cohen Co. j

Srov fenlePIANO, "STI EFF.

' LOW*"'" PR ICE TO Iquick customer, upright, late style, imahogany case, used onlv short (Ime.LEE FERGUSSON PIANO CO.. llf<Er st Rroad.

FOR SALE, WRITERPRESS AUTC% Iinntic duplicating machine for re- iproducing all kinds facsimile type-writing, for circular let tors, etc.: inperfect order and complete. K 777. jcare Times-Dispatch. I


ALL SI 7.138; ]INreal good running order: almost atyotir own price. These engines weretaken back ami some traded for. andcan sell for astonishing low prices.Address Pox No. 5, South P.oston,Va.

FOR SALE. NEW 1 H P INDIAN Mo¬torcycle; perfect condition, cheap forcash. Address, I> 763, care Times- |Dispatch. I

i:< Pr *saleT NicE~i';le \n~st< ick"drygoods and notions; party havingother business connections. AddressC 7f|0>, care Tltnes-Dlspatch.

WANTED. TO SELL ('.EN-URAL Rf" |pair machine and only .automobile Ishop in town of 4.000. Address L155. care Times-Dispatch.

FOR SAL E~ GOOI*> (jROCBRY~Bt'SNness; good reasons for selling. Forfurther information address A f.:?eaie Times-Dispatch.

WANTED TO SELL TWO MULES,three carts, one five-ton platform |scales; a bargain for a quick pur-chaser. Apply N'n !M7 Decani;-tStreet, South Richmond.

dairy" hah.v"equipment stalls"stanchions, hay fe.-d :>ml litter car¬riers, agent Loutub n Machinery <'o.CLARENCE COSRY. Richmond. Va.CONCRETE BARS, ANGLE IRON, Tiron, beams, channel ir.,n and rail,all sizes; best prices. CLARENCECOSRY. Richmond. Va.PULLEYS, HANG.ERS, SHAFTINGand belting. I have what vmi pf"i 'LA RENCE COSRY. Rl.-t m'ond a

d.. nd. Va.

«17 WILL LEY A NEW i'"l'E. RIO4 motorcycle, with speedometer amihorn; cost $217 50. Can seen at21 oi Stuart Avenue. Phone Marti-w ant!.:r>. Wsell"infa n*ps eui.lsire wicker carriage. Phone Madi¬son llf.S-L.FOR SALE. ONE Fl'l;S'!TUItEwagon. $25; one cut-under trap. $:to;one high grade speed wagon, weight!*ii lbs. cost $300, now $100, severalgrocery wagons, one slightly nse<ifarm wagon. $33; Urockwav andHackney buggies and runaboutsfarm wagons, all si7.es. Repairingand painting, rubher-tiro work au-lop-,oidle painting R. C HRISTmW,'i to 15 North Eighteenth St:.-erFOR SALE. ONE <;of»D SECONlT-hand phaeton; will s-. 1! cheap tr <,ni ¦"<buyer. Address IMP Floyd AvenuePhouc Madison 4145.M \ N C E Ai'TI'lilN'i; C< >RP« >RAT!< >Nwants to sell fifty shares of it: 1

pet cent preferred stock to increasesize of plant. Will stand closest in¬vestigation. Address A 51'4. «Times-DispatchFi»i: sai,ismall "lefhp;"kitat« >r.perfect condition. Can be s* en at714 West Clay.FOR SALE. NATURAL WICKERbaby carriage, with hood, in goodcondition. Address »; 4»>N, care Ti suesi lispatch.FOR SALE. CON E E( 'TTONERY AM'notion stole on uood corner. L:00North Twenty-eighth Street. I'horie !Monroe 1!«53.s'e<'( 'S D-*HA Np" RA'(is"~AND~ I:I' I: I. \ PItOI'fiHT AND SOLD. WRITE i'OltPRICES. mCllMONIi HAG CO.. INCPHONE. MADISON 12J>S. 1 11 a HASTCARY ST.FOR" SALE. NEW SAWMILL COM-plete at half price-- n--"--

1,u"f ("'ice; .|| Kinds1)ine, y. Apply llox 3. WiIm'shm\'a

REA I TI FU L M A Hot J ANV ST I EFEupright piano, with stool and bench:. !su piacola, with music and case,all iti good condition. I> 73t'». careTimes-1 »ispateh.Et ilVsALE !.*«"» 14 WANT ''1" USE. ONEsmall 1..»\ mare. cit> broke, harnessand runabout \\ : 1 ii umbrella top, allfor JVft to quick buyer. Can be seenaftet s o'clock Monday morning at!.: st Ninth. South Richmond. VaWi:~OFFER FOR SALE"~A.T 111RTY-eight f<pfit eanoe in first-class con¬dition. with 12 to 15-boi sepower "ji-gine. new List \«.u .lust i-ecn over¬hauled and pointed. Cost $1,400.Owtte; will sacrlf.cc f-M $<125. and isa bargain S. CASSEl ,.MAN COM-PANV, 1018 East MaimPIANO. IIAUHMAX UP11 P \"|VtT RATEstyle, ust ii short time, in perfectord< r and looks lik> new. i';in liebought at low price LEE FEl^lUS-SON PIANO U » East Rroad.FOR- SALE. RKAUTIFFL EIGHTrinifii hone- In Wo dland Heights.' allmodern rotlVe: if-nees. Includingrange, hot. and cold water, electricityami heat, laigi cellar house ol tworooms iti yard, beautlfullj llniKhedconcrete walks all around. Most Ideallocation In Woodland Heights. Buydirect from owner, 3101 RellevueAvenue.FOR



MAHOGANY*" WAItl i"robe, minor doors. Phone Madison&12-.I.FOR SALE I HAVE A $250" FIRSTmortgage note due in twelve months.Will trade It for good horse andbuggy. 1S0R East Bioad Street.Phone Monroe 4126.

froc &«ifpCvtfo?"STX&bSP'fc v'h?\mli{5n?sBf»

..illy short time. Can lie bought for1V2V' n 1 ^ original price. I.KEl'EROUSSON PIANO CO., 119 BastBroad. SccoiiiI and Broad.

Til kkk or<;axs i'u(t sale cTlEA Pat 2 Enst Broad Street. SOUTH BUNFURNITURE CO.. INC.

T\V<i FURNMTURB \v A( ;ONS~"~ ONEstreet wacori. grocery wngon, 0110truck, ono surroy. $5*0; one farm,\Y.n.5?n- '34: buggies and runaboutsJ JIOb. H. DUKE CO.. S04 BrookA von tip.

ROrLKR.S. KXOTNKS; "cAS017bXb!Kerosene and steam; all sizes; wood-working- machinery, belting, hang¬ers. shafting nnd pullevs; conditionguaranteed. i. BLUFORD ft CO.

REFIN1SHED USED 81NOBR SKWIN'Gmachines at money-saving prices:call and be convinced that we cansave you money SOITIIKU.V FUR-MTURE CO.. INC., 2 East Broad.

WE REPRESENT THE OSIIKOSHManufaet uring Company, builders ofconcrete mixers, combination sawrigs, rip and cross-cut saws, dia-

RLufoRD& CO.'tr,fl,Kal pump8' '.

FURNITURE BOUOHT FOR CASH:we soil you new furniture and takeyour old furniture in exchange; nocash re«|uired; ask us about our creditsystem. SOUTHERN FUR NITUR EO inc.. 2 East Rroad Street. If vou

nave household goods to sell, phoneMonroe ^74, and our representativewill ca 11

SAWMFId. OiJTPIT COMPLETE; <30N-V1'I'V' K°o'l: bargain to quick 'buyer.I PL! I'ORIl co.

ONE HIOH O RAPK ~RrRER-TIREDbuggy. $j»S; one pony top buggy, steeltires. ..45: two delivery wagons, ingood rcnair. $25 and <20. We areagents for the celebrated Columbu*=tuiR-gles. See our large stock Ourprices are the lowest A MEYER'<?SONS. 731 East Cary Street.

STANDARD "("EXTRA!, NEEDLE"Sewing Machines; the "world's best"-Vri -i >v-^ V" ^--,a 1 'J10 SOUTHERNII KNI1 l Rh i O.. INC., 2 East Rroadst root

i*or: \v.Coons. to richardsonhkoj- 1,1.1 Rrook Avenue: paintingrepairing and rubber-tire work.

I * IA No player; large cpTright mahogany rasp, cost $7fto rnnrias new. Can be houcht on <»a*vterms. < ome earlv nnd get this bar-pain. LEE FEROUSSON PIANO CO

RroadnSt Krr'n'1 s,rr>'M- Second and

FOR SAI - E. < 3 < i< >D H'Vrse \\n'H»egy. Apply isis Dickcrson Street

_! hone Madison 4151-I,R E F INS HE'D FU R N I T f R R atmoney-sn ving prices; rash or creditSOi-THERN FURNITURE CO.. INC. Last Broad.

FOR .SALE. GOLDFISH AND GOODHinging Canary birds, fish food and"'id .supplies. «24 Main Street

FOR SALE. ONE SEVEN-YEAR-OLDnorsc. harness and buggv cheap-horse any lady could drive. Reasontor soiling, got automobile tin ff ary St root.

«Ai7F-rr.TsoN phonoorTph"ion records and cabinet: also open»* tank I in stovo. Appl\ 2f. 10 West

rn-i0, l,,1stn,rs' or Phone Monroe

antiqi*e maiTooTny WARDROREil?; soithern furniture co

La st Broad St'-et.XV E HAVE Alii iPT 40.no<vloo VEET ofPine timber in Norm Carolina whichwe can sell at a low price hv thethousand, and pay for what vou ge,

' MANN CO.. rur> Hull St. Rich¬mond. An. Phone Madison 5KS7.

Heal estate .for t?alr"

".vsseLman & company offerthe following properties for sale:

PARK AVENUE HOMElatrobc heat, for $6,500.

E I O H T-ROOM ALLEN AVENUFhome; latrobc heat; 35,SAO.EIOllT-ROOM HANOVER HOME; HOTwater heat; $7.^00.

HOOD EIOHT-ROOM HOUSE 0\twenty-second Street for

Elf? HT-ROOM HOUSE ON WFSTClay for $2,600.

SEVCN-ROOM HOCSK. THIRD AVE-nue, Highland Park, T0.\140-foot lot1 or $.',750.

EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. R A R T O N. bights, ^ioo.

WE HAVE VACANT 1'ROPERTY XTbargain prices. We have good ini-proved property to .-xchange for

'''1(' lots. Il \ ou are in tiiemarket for any kind of ,,;ii .-statecall CASSELMAN & COMPANY at101S Bast Main.

' al

SALE. I-MVI-: NICK |.r,Ts T>N1 wenty--sixth Street and six on Thir¬tieth Street. Woodland Heights atSl-J.-tO per foot; easy payments- asure money-maker; owner must sellequity. M. C. MANN & <. <ji;, ii(lllMit i-t Phone Madison ."tJST,

Nil'!-: LITTIJ: EARM "'IF A i', fios"one and one-half miles from car line-good eight-room house and outbuild¬ings; _20t> choice fruit trce.s, grapes,

rent fare to Richmond: price'J4.MOO. M. C. MANN At CO.. !il.r. HullStreet. I 'hone Madtson r.tis?.

T< QUICK PURCHASER J OFFER!oi sale two dwellings in .la«-ksonW ard paying over 15 i»et cent on in¬vestment Property in good condi¬tion. Owner needs money. AddressC 704. care Tinies-Dispatch.

FARM !."« >R SALE A NICK I.ITTI.i:firm, about two miles above RonAir, on the Southern Road, contain¬ing two acres. It has a newly builtframe house, containing four rooms,and a large front porch. Price, $»;<»<i;half cash, balance on reasonablete,-ms. JOHN II BRAXTON, AgentNo 112 West Leigh Street.

BE SURE TO ATTEND AUCTIONsale of Chesterfield farm Tuesday,day -,'T. See us for particulars. M.'!.( t: I. I ^A VENPORT-TA VI / tR

WANTED, POSITION WITH RE \Lr< al estate concern: experienced.Address D 711. care Times-Dispatch.

HIGHLAND PARK. TWO-STORY, S1X~room frame house; practically new;lot fronts 55 feet on Bancroft Ave.and rims back 120 feet. Price $2,500.

a-ROOM FRAME HOUSE O.N EN.SLOWAvenue; large lc.t. water and batli.electric light. Price $3,500.

TW<> I.t»TS IN WOODLAND f I Flo H TS,lI feet front. <»n llill iM-est J:>»iand running back .ir,n feet. WUisell cheap. W. E. HARKJ.S, I»11 i:.Main St.. City.

FOR SALE, 17 PER CENT INVEST-ment; 3-stor.v, tin roof building; .'!%rooms; 2 stoves; sewer, electric, gas,cost $lt>,000; rents for $1,200 annual¬ly; owner ill and will sacrifice forS7.000; terms; write at- once. out¬look here never brighter. SO.MMERVILLE TRUST CO.. INC. New¬port News, Va.

Foil SALE. SEVERAL NEW ANDmodern houses at Woodland Height.".M <' M ANN ,v I'O., :»1Mull yt'Phone Madison 56S7.

TWELVE Roo.%1 TWo-STnRV SIOAII*.deta.-1'ed bri<'k. North Tenth ; price

iciital, $100. F S14. care TimesI 'ispa t cli.

FOR SALE, 20 ACRES, 2 MILES FROMrailroad station, Ik miles from Rich¬mond; Macadam road; ti-room houno,large barn. <-.orniiouse, dairy-house'pou i t ry House, store sheils, etc allprett.N oak grove; all buildings a-

.gootl as new. Price $1,200. This i-.a snap. M. C. MANN ft i'n., 015 HullSt., Richmond. Phone. Madison ,r.0h7

FOR HALK, NICE, ci.EAN, CASfibusiness; permanent trade; receipt*run about $20,000 annually; 20 p.-jcent profit on this glvos you about$-1,000. Price for stock and fixture*only $1,600. Rent $25. No experi¬ence necessary. Be quick. Come psee It. SOMMBItVILLE TRUST < t>INC., Newport News, Va

V(ll}, SALE, BY OWNER. 0"NE '"LOT"*INI i u.Avjnuf' Opposite Ha tier'ftlit a slight advance over cont. Ad.dress D 739, care Tiraes-Dlipatch.

^ral jfoc feale


K'?r HOT

w-n^xr ¦»" »«»°»:

Kill u. Price. $3.750 00R ICal b:l1'

SA«o\loi aKe.TTva?o1r °JiP HH®.. KOOMi?.beautiful little S lifthts. AI'rlci, *2.600.00 °: lot C«*H«-


. S fSSi"-0 '"' W&S,o"o^tSfaiSiYF^"best section

"'»«¦thfp3^fia?b for

EHHASrS--'^r»:(u car .ne i|ln King; (,ne Mocklovolv home" -r.,

oo! ?,"Jl slot-as. A^«.v nome. Te 1111s. I'rlcc. J4.000.00.

TWELVE rooms, hot 4\I) 001 i->water, electric ii»k. A,M; LOLD

"ntsiment. PHco. $1,600.00 each.

\ LovriV11?.?^ weights.poultry or carden- -FO* RAISINGpainted »n,r».n' ,' lor>'ns. newlv'¦ar Hne; i. K ', ,,ne "lock to

I'rice. 52,750.00. fl,M"tlass condition.

MANY OTHERS AT very attit \rlive prices. "1 aiikac-

A pEn ty^of^' HT rooma

ol'"-Trlca fix iuUf"'i0"'f "*r*"*'s «'"

desired iif n , !n favt- everything j5!<S5.r*7.215i

rir>- n«. L Richmond; also on


quhiVTii. hi?.r^a £ost End-' *«V |A ffi,T j

A bi,i£K ilTiaO7.0D.r,I: 101 70XI''0-|"smaU <tRlnrt'e.(\^;\FnII|-A KARM-

ofS"hr.Su"o' barRa<'in'sS'>» »'.

»S Jw<"ycr J- oster's.

iC|Vi r ,SALE. near CITY THRFFO* *f«? 'cn'ri !

' bSwtoiASSc«re Times-Dispatch.50 1- l'.KT < 1 .V Mc'ti'XT vT- pvTY-y a~vtp~~

Addro?s0,Dn,7a«S P''lrce-- rheap;'

North Eightf« Street. BLAKE' 20

BIO AUCTION SALE OF BOUI EVARDlots Tuesday May 20. at 5

FjKi.b tmS!?y n,L

b^uelevard "auction "sale"ruesdav. May 20. at r» o'clock P M

8LAI?fePla,r **' Moor>»FFIELD LWA-XTED. TO SELL, TWO l.r>TS o"\

'.race Street, end nearest RichmondMonument Park, at n small profit'Address B care Thnes-Dispatch

T<> A QUI(MC BUY F)H, f 5^500 WHIT"iV1V..n.t"J"00,n motlern brick, nearlittle Abbey. Answer quick, ownerleaiing_ town. Address I) 74.'!, care1 lines-Dispatch.

N'I.7F: I;rTTL,R MOUNTAIN' HOME; DE-llKhtful loon t ion: 1.200 foot above sealevel: innKiiiflcent view of surround¬ing mountains; one. and a quartermiles from Natural Bridge, on mac¬adam road; new six-room duellingn perfect repair; water I11 house1truce stable and other outbuildingseijrntecn acres of land, mostlv incrass; price $2,500.



for SALE OR REST. SMAT.I. FARMin f hesterfleld County, nine milesfiorn city; fifteen acres, six in culti¬vation. balance in wood; dwelling- offour rooms and all nocessarv out-

trnJi rental $5 per month'; pi ice.,0 l- :l ' -ye hat-Rain; the huildlnps?, ~'-f\.wou,fi rost more. B. F. ham-

St'r.-efs' E,eventh anfl Hull

53.100 WILL 13UY DETACHED BRICK.r.f. '"'0, rooms and batli¦wner must sell. Terms easy. E

1 .'1 . car#- Times-Dispatch.practically NEW FIVE-PASSEN -

f i t,0-horsepower car. latest model-Iise.l 6.000 miles. Original cost.. -'. 11 I iice. $1,750. Owner musthave money. R fi-.S. care Times-Dis-

sale, those HAXIXSOME;tp;i» tmeiits on Park Avenue, paving

» per cent They are beauties.I li e «inl;. $S.40A; rent. fK jn Can

-'".i beat this'.' Phone Monroe 410THIS <'Iff > ICE HUIjL STREET-I.Ot"corner Fourth. J>7.\1!?0. to 20-footalley, with store and stable rented-i.fcrbt in centre of highest priced'pioperty 111 business district; will be>--o|d ;it sacrifice price for quick sale.

. wiier iiH-fi.f money. Terms reason-.tb"- This property will increase

\ .hie very rapidly in tlio nert few'.*.'.?!"h«- Phono OWNER. Madison

FOR SALE; BY OWNER, THREE*BESTlocated lots on <'.race Street, in Mon¬ument Avenue Park; price very rea-

Idsp; 1 -h"*r,dreBS H f,f,L Timcs-

RUYS -i 2 PCH >T rTof; WESTstreet. Monument I-feiehts

A vl-'n-ie Pn1 J'"'' ,Y.Bu °f 'Mnmir"fnt,y nl'f F.I k. and hipher than same,

but at only about two-thirds costor same amount in Monument Ave-

patchf,°"' '!,r" Times-Dis-

FOR. SALE, OX a7:C'oTTxt MRSu Mines eutate. two dwollhiKs. six

n,s. 'av11' :'V. -*<04 1-2 southho'uscK ',!lrf'° <>ar I'ne.s pass; ,

A I.fily u. WYNNE, SRSouth Cherry Street, or w'

s't reel " ''x,':,a"r' -125i 1-2 Pine

N'ICE PI.AC 1:, small""Ai'llEAfirli'.uve /.11,.- rooms; shady yard. Kood*w'ntioii; S3O00. Ilouse. five[ acres, 52,000; at station

from'Vti-i 1"?. Tta'lioad. 10 miles110 i, 1.1.-b.no,id < ot ta t;e, four rooms

>1 rl'if ttU" ''"'Lrnlle from station,'.' 'lr,use. three rooms, two

K V,7 '' h lka-kk. Olen

P"R S A I.E. THAT IIAXDSOMIO P.Esfl"i I la nover Avenue at Allen

»<-111.< «-1.-ht rootiiH. two baths.'''1:1'' ''.r«-e ('losetH, hot water heat

th'ijv that makes a home heau-i

' "i.ipl'-tPrice Is $r.001 elov. market value. Buy direct from"w n"i and save money. Me quickand net only one left. Cash or rea¬sonable terms, only $6,750. Phone..loi.ioe <io Address I) 732, care.lineh. 11I1 pa11 h.

F'.rt a 1.1;. xicr new skvex-roombo.ise tv.o ;.creN land; on car line;'.od location; price. $2,250; ensv

< "ns. Kood opportunity to «et a nicelouse <m»i,o.. any cash payment if

Mspatl b1 M'HM " ,,f,re Times-


BRICK HOUHR, ASHLAND STREET-live rooms; rented for SI32 venr-r-Aice, ?1,200. yrur,

rpk k htaiiue. fTfth AXD JACK-son Hlroetn; rented for $84 vear-price, $xoo. >ear'


DUpatch.Ad<lre" A 640' car0 Times-

ISUal estate foe feali


GROVE AVENUE. 1500 BLOCK. MOD-ern. semi-detached. -eight rooms, twobaths. Lot 23x120 feet. Trice.5it,000.

GROVE AVENUE. 1600 BLOCK. STONEfront, modern, detached, 11 rooms.Lot 24x179. Price only $10,000.

FLOYD AVENUE. 1200 BLOCK, MOD-ern, detached, 10 rooms, two bathsLot 23xl5(\ feet. Trlco, $7,000.

FLOYD AVENUE. M00 BLOCK. LA-trobes, semi-detached, eight roomsTrice, $4,500.

WEST MAIN STREET. 1300 BLOCK,latrohes, gas and electricity; de¬tached; six rooms. Trice, J4.S00.

GRACE STREET. 1S00 BLOCK. MOD-ern, detached. 10 rooms; servants"house In yard. Lot 2Sxl45. Trice$15,000.

GRACE STREET. 1S00 BLOCK. MOD-ern, semi-detached, 9 rooms. Lot24x140 feet. Price. $9,000.

WEST FRANKLIN STREET. 1000block, moderij. semi-detached, four¬teen rooms, four baths, garage. TriceS2S.O0O.

WEST FRANKLIN STREET, lionblock, modern. detached, elevenrooms, two baths. Lot 30x155. Trice.$20,000.

TARK AVENUE. 1600 BLOCK. COR-ner house, modern, detached, eigh¬teen rooms, two baths. Lot 00x135.Trice. $20,000.

TARK AVENUE. 1700 BLOCK. COR.ner house, modern, twelve rooms,two baths. Lot 25x100 feet. Trice.?11.000.

KKNSINGTmN AVENUE. 250ft BLOCK,modern, semi-detached, eleven rooms.'Frontage, 22 feet. Trice, $6,750.

HANOVER AVENUE.* 1S00 BLOCK,latrobes, semi-detached, nine rooms.Lot 25x130. Trice. $6,500.

FURTHER INFORMATION IN RR-gard to above can be gotten bv ap¬plying at our offices, No. 1 MutualBuilding.



HERE IS A SNAP FOR SOME ONElooking for a nice comfortable homeon Floyd Avenue, seven rooms, largelot. east of Robinson Street, onlyJ4.000. Be quick.

MODERN BRICK HOUSE. ROBINSONStreet, eight rooms; one of the b<»stfor the money, $3,500.good chancefor some one.

NEW- ONE OF THE HANDSOMESThomes on Grove Avenue, ten roomsdetached hot water heat and everymodern convenience; a beauty, $11.-500, worth more

NICE HOMES IN FAIRMOUNT ONeasy terms, $1,500 and up.

A PRETTY FIVE-ACRT. FARM.Chesterfield County, five miles fromcity, near car line New building*Will make a nice chicken farm. Willsell very low or trade


VERY DESIRABLE BROAD STREETfrontage, east of Allen Avenue, willsell at right figures or trade.

NICE BOULEVARD LOT. PARTYwants money.can be bought muchunder value. This is a splendid in¬vestment.

A CHOICE GINTER PARK LOT, ionby 200 feet, only $16 per foot, worth$20.


WHITE Xr COMPANY. a306 American National linnk Rldg,

Phone Monroe 313?.

2300 BLOCK WEST GRACE: NINErooms; hot water heat; strictly first-class in every respect. Price. $9,250.

1700 BLOCK HANOVER AVENUE-nine rooms; hot water heat; some¬thing nice. Trice, $S,500.

2500 BLOCK HANOVER AVENUE-seven rooms and bath; hot wntorben t. Price, $7,000. This one willplease you.

2500 BLOCK EAST GRACE; ELEVENrooms, hath Price, $3,500. Splendidinvestment.

500 BLOCK NORTH ELEVENTHStreet; six rooms, bath; nice home or

good investment.

WE HAVE SOME NICE HOMES INBarton Heights. Norwood. Highlandi ark. which we can please you bothin price and location.

BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER. NICEI?1*0!? "a'lover Avenue, near TUden.^ *03. ryj* Times-Dispatch.

WILL EXCHANGE GOOD LOT FORdesirable light touring car. O 6S9care Times-Dispatch.

I'OR SALE 50 FEET GRACE STREET,Monument Annex. $21. Also 50 feet'Lee Avenue, "comer." $18 per foot!Andress,_1^ SI 9. care Times- Dispatch.

NO. 207-209 NORTH ROWLAND ST..elegant five-room apartments, newand modern; now ready for occu¬pancy; $32.50.

INV?.' NORTH ROWLAND STfirst fiats, five rooms, hath, hot wa¬ter heat, now and strictly modern-possession at once. $32.50.

NO. 402 NORTH ROBINSON STREETsecond flat, six rooms, bath, etc.!

N<rtn.241f WEST MAIN STREET, firstflat, six rooms, bath, etc., $25.

NO 4 SOUTH MULBERRY STREETsix rooms, bath, etc.; will put inthorough condition; $22.50.

NO 2502 WEST GRACE STREETeight rooms, bath, etc., $60.

J. A CONNELLY & CO..Madison 3361-3362.

20 ACRES NEAR ELECTRIC LINE;good two-story house, barns, poul¬try houses, etc.. 4 1-2 miles from

TViV .J.-1'00; AMOS K- COMTANY,INC., Travelers' Building.

$1,650 WILL BUY SIX-ROf).\rOWKliL-Ing Loin hardy, near Main; rents $15Address L 71K, care Times-Dispatcb

BV OWNER. WHO IS LEAVING^'HEcity desirable residence in SouthRichmond; MeDonough Street be¬tween Eleventh and Twelfth; termsreasonable, l'hone Madison lil6-,T.

IF YOU WANT A"NY~lTlND~OF TIM~her, write us for our list; we havewhat you want, from one million totwo hundred million feet of over?tiVI '- t,Jnt ever sprouted out of"ie ground; water and railroad trans-port i* tion; we make «'t


speolji 11 v nftimber and timber lands; nothing too

i nn'y fo'r'i ^.gBXTBR * =H 'Mutru2iH A NOVER AVENUE HOil eT \VESTvl J^mbnr,,y Street: nine rooms; dl-

asusr t1"- * rtmS.for sale, bargain fN.nTce

rifi! ul?u!n h(inr°- "Inter Park. eleC-» 1*^hth. closets and pantrv, di-

i oct from ownor. Addross c* *rco

care Times-Dispatch.' dS8'

FOR HALE. TEN-ROOM FRAMEdwell"* with two pantries, bathhot and cold water, on corner'1'ourth Avenue and LoeanHighland Tark; lot 60x140 feet Anply JAMES C. ROWMAN. HighlandTark, or 605 East Broad Street! c?tv

FOR SALE. SUBURBAN HOME RIGhVwnitrR ata-tlon, ten minutes'vtoo ,»o«k i0a.r 1<no- Pr,c« $1.3fTo:5. n «« bft,ancfg. monthly. Ad¬dress B 660, car® TlmosiPlspatch.

fteal Ctftntc jfoc fealc*SoJr5XSff; A^^^tfXrANCE~F<A^Y

Jerms, buys n vor.f attractive High¬land Park home of six rooms, hathHootrlc l.Khts ant! -large lot. Price,'

WOODIiAMi HBKIHTS HOME OFsovon large rums, liutli and all con-venlcnceH; very large lot aiul at¬tractively located. Price. $4,230, onvery reasonable terms.

$250 CASH AND MAI,AN'CK RKASON-able will buy eight-room house andlot Oft by 125. only four squares fromcar line, and only $2,300.

NICE LOT ON* M ULUERRY, 4D-FOOTfront. Will suit for double tenement.Only $37.50 per foot. Don't wait.

SMALL JACKSON WARD HOUSE OFthree rooms; regular tenant; only$650. Terms very easy.

FARM OF OVER SEVENTY ACRESon Midlothian Pike. only seven milesout, only $2,950. Terms easy:

WE HAVE SEVERAL WELL-Lo¬cated lots In Highland Park, (innermust sell. A nice pick-up in these,as no reasonable offer declined.

REMEM HER. THE CHOICE LOTS INHighland Park Addition are goingrapidly. Kon't fail to look themover Monday. Monthly payments ifdesi red.



HANOVER AVENUE, 1700 BLOCK,beautiful nine-room dwelling, hotwater heated, exceptionally wellbuilt, $S,500,

FLOYD AVENUE. NINE ROOMS. HOTwater heated, $6,500, terms easv.

STUART AVENUE. 2100 RLOCK, DE-tached eight rooms, hot watc-r' bout,bargain at $6,500.

KENSINGTON AVENUE. SEVENrooms, hot water heat, $4,S50, easy

LAUREL STREET, TWO SIN-ROOMhouses. $3,000. rented $300.

1200 EAST BROAD STREET, BRICKdwellng, only $4,250.


GARY STREET, 2600 IJLOCK EASTsix rooms. In l<-k, price $1,700.

WEST ENT> t.OT. WILL SACRIFICEon account of leaving town.

CIIAMRERLA YNE AVENUE. NIN Erooms, hot water heat, latere lot$(5,300.

OAK WOOD AVENUE. EIGHT R» »OMS,bath, electric lights, $3,250, termseasy.

RANDOLPH STREET. SIX ROOMS,good condition, rent $144. price $1250.

SPHJNO STREET. SIX ROOMS. RENT$1-0, price $1,000,

HIGHLAND PARK. FIRST A VKNTF.,new eleven room house 70lfoot lot$3,500 termi* easv. .


lin Street. Phone. Monroe 23S7.trood condition. $2.!U»o, terms easy

HIUHLAND PARK HOME. EIGHTrooms, bath, large reception ball,hot and cold water, electric lights,porcelain bath; dwelling one yearold: one square from car line. Loto x 1 60 feet. Price, $3,500. Reason¬

able terms AMOS ft COMPANY, IN<'.,Travelers' Building

$7,000 BUYS ONE OK THE PRETTI-est homes on Hanover Avnuf Sevenlarge rooms. Hot water heat, combi¬nation fixtures, and detached. Lot2Rx l30. Situated in one square ofRobinson Street. For further In¬formation, address F S25, care


i^0l^L0T"0>r~cT U R R. NEARit ul l blroet. for Bale oh cap; eanyterms. D 227, care Tit .es-Dispatch.

FOR SALE. A NEAT. UP-TO-DATEhome on Hanover Avenue, near AllenAvenue. Price to correspond withquality and location Phone Madison1467. Monroe 2914-L.


.H NK 1ST .1 A CONNELLY & CO,MAIMS* »N 33*11 -3362.

FOR SALE, ON SOUTH THIRDhtreet. a_ fourteen-room house; guar¬anteed 7 per cent investment. N'o.agents. A .'>K">, care Times-1>ispatch.FOR SALE. FIVE LOTS IN COLONIAL

Place, beautifully situated. Termsreasonable. A 5S6, care Times-Dis-patch.

TWO SECOND STREET HOUSES,brick. six rooms and bath each;rental. $360 Price, $3,500 K 557care Times-Dispatch

ATT!'. At TI V F. WEST LEIOH STREETVP'i-rt' reH'al, $186 per annum. Price,jl.fioO. Fine investment. K 560.care rimes- Dispatch.

PHONEj WRITE OR LEAVE ADDRESS."i-'vw. k xl'1' rent list, readywvY','1' ''- A CONNELLY ft CO.MA I >is' ».N 3361 -3362.

T\\"< » I .'ENTRAL si )UTH RTCHMt >NDhouses; lino renters; rental. $210Price, $2,0011 for both. K 556, care1 lines -1 >i»|)n t« j>

For SALE. A NEW (!ROVE A VENUEhome, 17"(* block, ten rooms twobaths, 30 i-£ foot front. Madison141*«. Monroe 2i'44-L.

I"''R SALE. "AT HI':111.AND SPRINGSa five-room house, eight lots; good'well of water; convenient to cars,post-office, school and stores. AnnfvREAD A CASSELMAN.

FOR SALE. THREE EXCELLENTbargains in eight-room West Enddwellings, with modern equipment;prices $3,750, $4,000 and $4,500. All'<f these dwellings have recently beenput on the market for quick sales, tobe sold at a great sacrifice. Address"M." 110 Mutual Building, or 'phoneMonroe 4 4s6.


200 ACRES NEAR MIDLOTHIANTurnpike; 150 acres cleared, twoacres of orchard; new six-roomhouse; good new barn. Can sell vouthis property for $3,000. AMOS ftCOMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ing.

WE HAVE A GREAT MANY BAR-gains, from small truck farms tolarge estates. We make a specialtyof farms adapted to growing alfalfa.Call and let us show them. AMOSft COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ing.

FOR SALE. TWO LOTS ON FOURTHAvenue. Highland Park, thirty feeteach, $12.50 for cash sale. AddressOWNER, F 827, care Times-Dis¬patch.

100 ACRES RED CLAY LOAM; FOUR-room house, numerous outbuildings,sixteen miles from Richmond; only$1,500. AMOS ft COMPANY, INC.,Travelers' Building.


$2,000 WILlTTiUY TWO I"EATS. FOURrooms each. West End (colored).Renting for $240. JOHN T. GOD-DIN ft CO.

FOR SALE. 50 FEET ON RICHMONDAvenue. Monument Heights, $:S perfoot. Address, A 612, care Times-Dispatoh.

FIFTY ACRES ON BROAD STREETRoad, seveti miles out, $60 per acrefor quick sale. 100 acres, excel¬lent dairy farm, thre'e and half milesfrom city; excellent Improvements;cheap to quick buyer. Address F824. care Times-Dispatch.

FOR SALE, OLD ESTABLISHED HO-tel, centrally located, Washington, D.C. If sold at once, price very rea¬sonable. Apply L 158, Times-Dis-patch.

FOR. SALE. HVE-ROQM HOUSeTCAR-inet mantels, one throo-fourths acresof land on car line, one one-hAlfmiles of city, |2,500. C 698,, care


(C0tate JFor feale

^oTn ^!JBU?BAN JI°ME, ALL MOD-hent iotCI,'.0vi4n 'll,Cl.Ut,lnf? hot wator

«& iva

©£W?SSSSttSTo?kS'ooll f'«HT.l«OOM NOUS ICS ON

sk* StWaiaror,:"""* mSl.rn A|n'° vS^V5*,'"l; > »OM E.make a nice home «?U iUV8 w,unient, at a bargain. K"1"1 ,n»'°st-

SIX-ROOM HO.MB ON CIIPRC'H mittr Chlmborazo V»a7k.

«<iuare iron, cap line, only $1,900?SPECIAL HAUCAIX FOR A PPwaa-r's.^rAnK-T,. x

NICE CBNTRAl.LV LOCATED RRtnrhome, r> cllt i-nrimo I... "UlCIC

!.a°r«al£ '

'""hhi.bi'rolf rKk'';mS^.'ii'r> *»*»«lot. only $1,200. >oonis. BOod


.1 n|. n< f.v, fr)0t frOMtner property. $r,500, on, s,,UItre lQ



>f stock of arocerley, hor^ and

?»; i?.ooS*- »«..»««. !»«»

''.i inc ni:v «*;.*bc^i,

rr,r,m"- «ood stand(established business). only $4.rjo.

SEVEN- f{( m >m BHK'K HOi'SK nvN<">11 h Fourth siV,^i . .N

St root. Will i? it* J., __' ar Loi^hl«»ce asked for

P r rcnl nn

|SI"w^?iA!; !.7{0,V;'tT,KS '-V JACKSONI;«.' i"K f""" 10 111*i* cut to 12

,.' "«|U tries irr. ited.

I.rf Kli «ti'fr,|'"e[ '"nd and..

1 ls 1 hone Monroe 5*g

W.A.X?'!';r'- '"'V i'.KA! TIKt l. 17)T

KV;,v;L' ii.y'VM.1 k- ,nkw s!ni . J .and colli water,bath. electric lights. modern con-

term® i \inJ 'x'J .°" reasonable

.V ,amm> *. company ivr1 ftvelcm Huiltjini;

' * 11

THREe a <mes~ Too~ya itPS FROMn«-w"r'sSx'-room'" ho'uJ.'"..?{|rh

^"oeV'H 7}"tKK s''.'1! '"-S MAINhi.:/' aV.:;;v;:'';'^,-\IdHpatch


K« 'i:"SAl.K."V»N »\ v: \-i T'-'rv.-o

hjautlful I'Uihlintr lot,. x-i.iro--I _«29. care Tlmea-Dlanatch *8, CFOlt .SA I.E. OS Ti nt EE ¦ MoFTtoXfT

l»uJIrllnB |otn. «, sYm'__AddreM I> 7CS. rare T.n,..

W|K'tT. STREET. TEN-ROOMhouse In l v.. U iu .711 adjotn!

!vu, !°uX l"dr."r,:n- F"r "ui'k sa!.,.

take ?I®.,"00. arul make termsj ypry reasonable if f|,!8|re(] Leaving<it> only reason foi sellink' Forappointment to sen nd,in ^ B r,5i

«are Times-Dispatch'

M I». H I. a N 11 PARK IjWKr.uvr;'*ovo. ro ,iath hot

. V' ! papered; v.wflon andthicken yard Lot 1 r»ri,.<$2,600. Easy ternif. .\j|i is'ftPA NY. INC, Travelort B .lldlng!

100-ACRE JAMES RIVER "FARMover tvso miles riv.:- frontage orioof the finest farms on James River'

!"V*I ¦¦"'.tie ..i> estate}pai.li

i;t"' Tl»nes-Dls-

J WANTK1) i'< SE1.;. ,\ DESIRABLE"lot on the Boulevard, hetxveen CarvVn ,n "JV,KX .K|ro®nl.?' 1 ;I «^'r«nc®.Appi> b 6feS> caro L lines Dispatch.

highland park lots $To perloot Hull Street lots l>elow the ham¬mer price. C 7(<1, care Times-Dls-pat'-h.

modern e 1 <; 11 t- r(vv\i p. j: irk. hotwater heat, electri< lisrhts, $;».700. D

._ fif Tiinrs-Pispntrli.1 acres^ nice four-room

nu 011 i 11 and outhousca^ jiice r-

t ? «nft's 1 °.l' _

1 7. i 'etersbu rr ear 1 i 11 e,Ir* ' '"are TimcK-Dispateh.

2i>/ A'"L'-,i:s- s,x miles from city."roi ?i.sort; six-room house, »roodoarn ami outbuilding's; cn.sv terms

lldlng. WM''AJ<V- IN'C - 'lraveI®1'*'

SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCEinonthly. will buy vacant lot. withhouse built to order, in suburbs,r tirther particulars, .address B 674.care rimes-Dispatch.

| L'-yDf;R f'ONSTliCCTION, FOR SALE111 Urookland Park. Stop 20. in squaro

j next to car line, eight-room modernhouse. Apply si,*) Haynes Avenuafor full particulars.

WANTED, OFFER f"< >I{ FOUR LOTSon Grace Street and three on Cut-shaw Avenue, in Monument AvenuePark. Purchaser has to leavet0w 11. B tit>7, cure Times-Dispatch.

WANTED, TO EXCHANGE HAND-some new efcrht-room dwelling withmodern equiftinents, a larne lot andplenty of shade, in lliKhbut'l Parkon car line, price. $4,000, foi :52,.'iOOvalue close-in property with easyterms 011 the difference. AddressOWN 10R, 11 ;> Mutual Building.

SEVEN ACRES ON ASHLAND CARline. Has eight-room dwelling, .sur¬rounded by beautiful oak ^rovo.Land all cleared. Three minutesfrom car line and twentv minutesfrom Broad Street. Price only$4,850, on easy terms. AddressOWNER, 214 Travelers' Building.

\V< JODLAND HEW! I ITS I} I£A I T1FUUup-to-date residence, containingeight rooms, reception hall, bath,pantry aijd closets, hot and coldwater; place highly finished in ma¬hogany and white enamel; slate roof,garage, shade trees. granolithicwalks, large lot; 0110 Idoek fromcar line. Price, $5,500, on reason¬able terms. AMOS & COMPANYINC., Travelers' Building.

$425 Hl'YS BEACTIKUl" BUILDINGlot In Highland Park, 35x140. AMOS& COMPANY, INC., Travelers' Build¬ing.

FOR SALE, FIFTY FEET IN GRACBJStreet, Monument Avenue Park; ideallocation, below market. Address G71.1, care Times-Dispatch.

$1 250 BUYS"TWO FRAME DWELL^ings located on Church Hill; rentfor $18 per month. Seo us Mondayfor this bargain. AMOS & COM!-PANY. INC., Travelers'_B.Hiding

FOR SALE! CORNER, CHI7RCH~HILiTProperty, 12 1-2 per cont., $2,200.!. 821. care Times-Dispatch.

FOR HALE. LOT JfTT.O'F 9, MONU-ment Avenue, 25x140 feet, $18 perfoot. Owner needs money. Answextat once, A 614, care Timeu-Dispatoh,