THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE M'MHF.i.. 10,384. RICHMOND. VA.. KATHIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER ll, 1884. THREE CENTS PER COPY* .J ..oneil nUktUMBH. IXMSON. Har Trellis, on Blo.Ml.rn1*rsn1nr I* of Interc** tn attila****. Milli- malled fret .m/.s-e-pl or yow ¦MNB Till -VA IF! H'K.T. IC C.IMI'AXV, laasrer 3. Atlanta, us. < .'S-TITl'TI.lNAI.-UBlirri.A. A S ll in ii." omi I. i ha* l-s-ii .are I ¦>( what I he- lltsi \ .fal. I.) 'In u*e ol "*wm "Spwlf-e. j itsiDivisi, Ailkl'KH'.isi.a.. .bile Bl, IMI* it -t BIBKD itv i-tiv-i. I vs- l base tin,crit-sl -si ifp. -rws-ifi. in msm -s»e* .I Hi. "I Isa * **<¦.'. mn mle. sod il lia. nut.!, rurrs aller all .nh. n .,¦ ie. ml falle-l. lt. M. si vM". ll I... . v. -, r, «-¦ a ¦-, .'i -.8, HMM, H Alf)"! I ILOOO P'.t-.'S. '-.nie-, s>,.. -. '. II..W tm.. .-im.; is WORTH V -111! ,-Vi. OK v..... ( s.tiriis-. ,, s. T!o- will e, llfv tl al |ar| nieniN's .,r ,,,\ i.- f. nilli, sfpr Battas "iH'-rel f"r mani T lirc»riii»ritv, and Ins ¦; . .uti atHeal lain flt liv tari..,,, mr In it i'i. t. ii ear. i t.y ass i.tti. .I IU J. Uri.dr, ld". I",mate i;.>-i,later, lt. wonderful, and well rna; in. i. it. Js * .lied .-vv.'iiiair i v. tfally, -I AM)- V,. -ll," vs.,I IN HU) AMi lU-nl I I!¦ -I .i s- ll,,, .I.,., v\i 'it. i.r Allsiita, well .ind n tm «n :,:, .ur Um t site*-Kaiai .- « Beaetsl lesaiaM* kaeat. a.r*i ** i aa I i il rt ii n!s I. f, r. tl,, *>.!. ,1, I !»ii.-' BlBQtBUoB III a lu. LDavie, f *lll!l".wn. Al*., writ.-- "Have nr-rd Hrsdfii . ll '" "Bl B*""M*- |f 1) is -isTifle. lt lt, lu li . tot thc ¦!."" A Ih'.'t fi -I Inn | ¦¦ I hat. ai ..I. nut lt.i l:, *- sister i s .. I, ALA. Dr, .i. nra*. Wi Pea-ale Rei ,¦>¦ tj ol 'i hal ll I- aarl- .ir.. ... i . lil HS, ll. ll. ' *.V..illili. .rm i -Mi'vM. la in a. li. IP-I urn i. iv i. H. M iv. Haaastaa Pattae* I I lt"»lTl HF.. lAKPITti, BTOI I'.**. Ac. 1. K.'IIIIIT. ¦nor ii Kin A OO., . e*T lao vd - ; Un. ;w .... of Ut ni"-t cn,; vined ash nu, ur* r ll'KMTt "BB, . AIM) ,-. 4'I!.-(T.i'iT!S, RH.-. I'M "...ll-, ..ll!.,lill. Wi.) Um I i ..sit mi"n prices. )l*i , ;. ii.,. Um * in , « ii pars! to atve every one attention. Mi ann* Um t Uaw . _i-ii of la-t Vial Ball ell w .ul >I< lo|t :;-,"i c_.ll Bl BIMEMBEH lill. BROAD-STREET ..l-l: AV!' IN-IA! VISI H PSI I PIM .||n|-| ll.Iii! lil | BAH Pim vi' si niki. i' moat ni to --'l hm. ri¬ 8TBII I ..iv PRK i BAM I i !:M-: Bl i LOM bl V INC, vi vs: A< i; RISli, v.ii SM vi.', XVI s-i - I I I: -i i l i . IND < kBPI I- v I ).\ I 1,1 vp )¦. - I -V iv PRK IM, I l.-i Will RE i BIO ns l |". ,i;, mi v. vm know i to bi rat |> Ul CITY. i.. ])i i \ i I''.i.u in 11 nioi ).<'!'¦!' Ill ll li I. MAI.) Ol .'! I. LIM.. Pl 111 ii Ut;. I l v, HEIt. Mii b-. a sis. is ,,i. han iipn Hr. .lolls \l lu SSI-. s ¦.¦. : il wll "a 1' I, W Vi VTL ( AN IU lill I LL_ -Al (ft Uikl lhere ar. few Icu- Hill eanlji nw turi, .i %tulaT f"tn.,! Inoai w*,./...i,.. ern!,rael',.- ¦ Kl U ASH BLEU WI STOCK UF i is) ) usi ultu. Ut nil v. li itsi ii in. AST' MATTBI I ian '¦. ... i.r . -. nt. Wt in . ii )-i ant '. .erm. tina. B. li. ll vi:wu h. I -os. *e 18 4. 'i. snd - . -I i as | I.i I III I 1.1.1 SAY .t - - lu,. "I (T.aiut.-r. PaiW.saS DlalBB-Mo lu all Die tat. till..* and ' '-are wi Ui aili ll est, alas_sr*s lash. ¦ . - aiui litvite a l i i our noni, ind Intnt-rt our jp-"*!*. i.. u l GAI I * sos. TU.EPHOBB <4i*»l!'*\V. Till:' IA*. MM lill IBNTELI l'lli.N . .MI'ISV. 1st oiM-ni: 11! li I sui tl 1 Bl LAW* Ol un STATE Ol m vi louis. (IV. ( ,111'VSY »,,, am ¦'. BIlBOS-li. Mari.. 1. \ I-.-,.. .. ., -s North i s,'a- A la I . i -. .in"I w. r. ii i pi aw KATE* .. VI. I-A I '.' IM 1. ALI. A Alii EB - IBM MAIN MU).) I, UK niOBD VA Thi. ..oiipisuy lt ww ptapartna '.¦ b"*i_* tt.<t_:.1* Tel. i C-'Tai.*, . lo ll" flit or Kl *..,i.,l and oil., i lt."I Ibe soul h. IU I-ne-1 '... lu in t ali le'l ? ,1, , , ,w .. i et|»r»l,t| 1.. I ,1 pi aa, del. Wliere. ¦Ilia ...tuaa-it 'S-I- TeJtltlw.i.' ii d i,ti,ti. -ii i i i' i i;K ll i I I'll' tN I - i, very tautra'tli- lerm-. and Such pi-l'-i. St will place Hit. 1 lui-TU.ut ad) 'ti Ism* sui i*-1-|'- life will,it, Hw r. tel, ,,I .11. lu i-su-iti. SI. ,.,m,i, o ..,, 1 .,,i ll.,. Ile. -f-tr-nl lt) . nleenI imuiiel ai.4 antral,Md hy I |«ria I ..,.. ,,.-!. IOIIN l.A'loii UK, MEEI ll \NT .I 'IAII.I.K, No. I nelli .In ( 1. Ml l'( ll INT^Bi ria sta**. i»-i_s Tri IV'lltV- vi lt (,ETT!N(. I I'.J. . ..Nfl ANTI.Y IN TiiiM. -I iiauli: rou HM*, NTll.iell, -.Nt) DI Ul .. Ml VI IS I*, .""he will *ur larrie- rfu) ol** m.*! io fl a> il. k ll e*>. i n ultra rxTWACT nt mr^r. {J*** «'JANY'S EXTIiACT OF MF.AT-FINF.sT AND . ID.Al'Isr MPAT FLAVOR.NT. M-.H'K Fd,, .«,, ,-T Jf_B* ...*I.KS.ANDSA1,-F.s. Annus. ,s;o,-..OOO.- OOO Jars. Ltl.U.ll ((.mpanv-s kv-.,..- (>r A...,s..i.i,i.:,-,,.,... .-aasBssssiBMa!. for whirl, natl,..,, .,..,,. ^ ,.rM,.v .._Nf " Medical Press,'* .. l.snrrt," tr. tlvi.t.:..-* o.lT «ltu rBfl/BesfBStffffsfBBSBI **+».tabsflBlaffaecafli tbs labu, TlKlii:,*liv..,,|.:,..,iB-a.,ll,,1.u>.Mililii.v. toa baas tacattyatBd bj .i,-...,, ,.., ,. tu, non-tin, t-iit.,.,,,.,.,,,,,,. nra ta. r..,,..,,l,,Slt1. I-ICIC! e.,,-,,.v..,,..,. .,,.,..,. icm. .-,-.. ,:.,.. ,.:,.......,. nt gnu* U8BN c.'Vtl'vM '-. i n_AOI 0* ulm li, Lc hal Of all M.,rrW-Kr.,.,r.,,,.,/,,,., Ma, sd,, asoata f.r... , .,.,.,, ,_,.,_ (SLolt-sl't .till,. C. I.ASIM(l..,|ll-|..,],ir ss, -..,r. I.,,.don. ITnr.i.nd. ,.v i-.s,-,.., IKMITSi. villus tte-. A GOOD, E I R v icu. \ BLI Mli'l FliK (TIH.D1{F\, hard-- III. lobble a -ai bbc, i i .,!,'. |oedl nuiiuifa. titre,t, -rbi, .ead pert, ali for i'i BO bm an] d f.r SI.7.'. for nny il»-. fr. n, 11 t , 1 :i Pitta I lara, la * ¦'. aloa. i- a. nomirsa, wilt A .-tell,-i-r ..univ, v. V. Il I, WP. I. I. KIR URR th H .' ! L I. I P. K .1 I, Hil KK 1. I, RB hRK ''il .I H -*¦ I. 1- !' ll ll ut. U ll KKK LIU. L1J.I, KKK KR ai ** OOO (Kl "' _SS_ ,, B B I) .> d **.",., fl i'd o . I (svi (tn Baas PALL ano VlTV.Tt: BTOCK OF IA SV Ml Lim O oo o "BB. AA BB Nf) n lt LO (id fi T I AAA V NND I) BBB OO OO T hsss A AN BB DDD S*S ll ll OO PKRoSSa e i( lld OL J. ' DKS,,HHHO OKfl BStvu K Jil lid OK e. 2 ¦Bff"H il oo BKB"BB1 kow in mv. t\1 ibt BROADt rm i i., (ot 4 INS! KA Mi: COW PAW. y UH.IMA STATE INSUBANCE OO. ui d. 1- 1008 Vt sis STBBBT,Rll ll M<in n. 1N< ORPORATED IN iee,*,. . A-ll ( MT 1 Al.laoovoot lN*t Kl B DWELLING*, STORES, VH.lnTIVN- in*r. ani. uiiiii: PBOFKfl rv -I I. ..r d-in.a ..! ti !Ui:K( T.'IO ... U nv ..¦-, Petaldeo,;* vv. McCaa. VI .-!' ,duli; VV ii 1 sm IL H.iMlt. ffAWES Vl.l lil.. JOMBSe Til..vt t" tTKIflSOB, Ko. E. Kt, hai:ii-un. ii.«.;; vnt, Si. r* Lis A«st. **et :i ,:irv. VV. i. MAUKi *-!:il".r. An Bil iii all Bat I'ii'iiiintat! cltt. low >.-, tad vll- ¦f Virsfltlfl. *e-4-r*"t(.ni 4'lllflA. i.t tsv tv i ii--. ,i, ¦L'll TEEN-DAY PBENCB ( Lin KS, lin: MMlBBffS ( OAL V.v*l -. li *l Pl.t LIV! I) V NH 1 l.INI ul lill. Ale ". L. i ail u <i ne Hum at I P. TAYLOR 1011 Main strret. T o' ll - i $16.40. ?u;-,n- -"."'. BTAProBDBBIRE, ISO IT" MNNI IL ST. 1:8 A I. K.l. 'I m.,I ILA ( uVJLIN! ll la Lu..! Um ISO L"rrr- tn <\i BO. .,1 OBOE GIB90T4J, .m.. aa sn 1807 Iii., ci; vi lu i>lN\Li;--Ki-. lini.M '".'.."- i... rated Tea-bria, ii "in CLO. I-, ,:.:.: In c. ri',-i I lian,!* -r-Sets. ,t . I,.-t ream v.a. "-Uv. i-I'l at.-d Warr. Lamp*, Chit dn ti- dav. a mil line -¦! tb. ROBERT II an 81-4-1! Wei t-I 7 Pr roi-lr I. ll i:\I.H! I- \\ EALTIL D E. C. WI CB NI r\ tv ii lil! NI N-I if I VTMI NT. d by i.i-e "f tl 1. i.a.t i. Wakefulness, v,, nial Depi i lleieii ., i* iud deal i v. canted i.v ,.. ruin "t over ¦ll . '.. -i ld ll* Until. I'l",.aid, "1 ta .a Ipi - MK IIOXE** t. Vt Illira, h ord" ru .. acecinpanted withSO.we will ¦- idtliepui ur.-, lin u m. IIN . VS -I .V <'<>.. .Heel. tn .2-.Mr. 1. O-tSflflre, UL LKWIBfls) llflC AMT I* ll I.l Ul . rjH)B WEDDING PBESESTS. i v :: -,v 'N, PAW IN.,*, aad v. v ; Ll. cul OBI In I.t -old V! rt I paid PHOTOGRAPH ERAMJ - (i I A-i I.*. . VC! nt 1*. M1BROBS, la Pl oh Bl s' ; i*.-I'.iou, Broaar, and aattaa! on. a fun ai vi: n-i *-t pp;.if* a Viii,. 1 I.KVsT*'-. .,- ri S 1IAMH lilli* Aflll HUI SH 1.4X11, ! I-1 lil.i Liv Ki> A NEW M'oi ls I .1" its'alni I, IS- ANl'ol! -.TIVNliF.I.IK.H*. HI, A"*. I INDI Ls AND ItuN,», Lo ll. I!)! AM) FIKI silv MARBI.EIZEDHI Al VND VU' i>, MAN ITT IlitiVI" AN DLR tiffs. TDK ill Altin., lilt ("RATED -ll vDK, ll,, t ITuaiariit ai.d !.*¦" ia Btores B sparlal (lil. BTOVBH .'. r .-o.allur and hi ( all nol tar iu> lim -f tu- iluiw-r. -IttllN pow Kl:* oe |0 -.'lo Vo. Tl. rei ¦.. Ile l. Ill.TlUlOllJ.l 1 iii. n.Mi'M' i*ii:fi:it ai. iu ii. |N|.. I oAN. Wil TIM *I ('..iM.'INV. ihi " un, i pLAffrras Va,:.ssl lush'. la, Il N III-- P.-.l-litli; .I..IIN J. IV Ult.Il I. Vii r-Pre-sol. li! VS II ISM l.-.S IS-sTl.l.v, (aslilil. Mi viv LOAMED 1)8 HEAL (CMlTEoa tt.isi.u ti-rnii. ti' j. inoi.lhly lii.Uhtiei hAXTNi* Di Pilli Ml.NI. IDT'..-li* lin liven tu ihi, dapartmi sud IN ll 1.1*1 ALLOWED Bl iii-ni 'T A c, ilium OCC Ms-tuliy und-Milm-d. es a _ LINC CEMENT, fha, HA KU KL* TUEtU Ito, lint,,; i. inour I.lunn and (iniuntl Pl i-t-1 Icvwitaiiili Hr .-'.,siaiiilc4iK*(iH'l ¦yyoiniiY ot oixfidence. hXBBPg BsaasaiB-a * "Be****** thut dunns nearly fest] .,,.¦,,-. p, ah p-irl* "f thc irortd li*. pri.Tt-d Usetfl.-.-icT at the bc-l IiI.hmI nll.r- known tn inedlral telence. HAMSAI'Atill.l.A (eu nietod from lin- root ...'tho B' .nilli,, lb,ii,lura* Saiit«tnillls| I. Itv hi*, iiiid Ifs j.., wei-- an- enhanced h. thc c\ir tots .! ruins Ptiilaal vitim.-!... nie i-dnie. «.r !'¦ l-is-luu! and Iron, sud ntlier 111/1, it- v,.nr Head vtBaBBf Bj) smaaamusutsst tai .Ilia "Ilse BB* asilclbUirv r-.ini-il.ini? Is lt (slatedbj -1 '..-ni-1 la I ur Issi it aeaialfl n vp i.-nrv or furUa.'I'U- Di 'lill: Ballas *ar*"*'*la"*»*d Hm ["siled Matta,ato kn s* ih. e.mi'"-itioii .r wit;---ai:-v Pl PIPPA. Ml lli.'il in.(i.lai.-clo .1 _-...«! b.r Ihe urlticalieii id Iii, l,|....l 1- wtU-lB IB* rsniro ' 1 to;-,i'l. ONI V . ',. ne Bf ll" - MM ls I. il ¦ Tor ft pei ~ 11 who li is e..nalpie,1 1.1.1 lo «tt.i!n si.iiihI health and prevent UM Iran . ml -!' n ot ll" .!< -.tni-liic fatal I" .- THOBOCGBLT "MetTlee n iini-.itl..n af Bm tem aaa include aol oali Um r> i,-.<,s .1 ni eorrapilofl fi im Im blond, hut tt" earlrb- rm ,1! ....! tin In lythi sin/ of tho vital or¬ lan- Ul I.I.VIil ll vb....e all ..ur I :.¦ world 'c-Pfi (hill lids ».ilk ls lr I. .. -., vv ir- - vi.-ip'ini.i.A thara bi -m., .el., r 11 a.01.1. BLOOD .ii ii corrupted Lhronah dlsaaa made III. BBd ¦!. "'I ll" ll" 111 nutlonnl u,< redeorpavle I- matte itrons vii 1: - - vl;-\p .BILLA. pi un v pm. t... .1 sad bmldlna sp the 1- 1. te 11.inii. time )b serious eater, bul heacfli win te -t. riv. t .111 tin n e 1.1 vv 'i: .. sUl-U'UHII.i in i" -po.--Illy thin rr,.iu anvil"' Mitiit Inp b.r \ihicii Ilk* rBetU set. rlalned l- at -mi tin 1, r in ile market, under any aame*, bat the only prcpsraBaa Ibal ts ll ls esl a .. sad proved wanto li is- i ¦:'- . .nil .1 1" ll VI I.'- -Ml- Vf Villi.I.V, ruMsniT' i.v na. .it. av in ,v i h., 1... mu. Mi... Bi '-I bj Bl dr,n.',i-i-. Prlee. *i -ix bonier . I myl7.Js.-i, Viilti.Ililli li 1(4)4 ll Kl IIS. Av. / lil'.M- RUOABS, ..:vi.ii roast TO-MOBROW (8ATCRDA1 and V'.SIlAl Il.e 1 Ul,, sad hus IC, ri i.l: isl LATED Bl UAR r.r *-1. *-. .tn B poaoaaol i-i *- r 1. \i vvi: \ 1 ni ti 1.. ..I 9 poaadt ol HOOD llvi. |l; sp 1; BROWN MT.Al:, r...; winn: -i GAH vs ms it v (oMPAN'Y. n-i tl.. .-.-1 ...mer -..o, .-,,, Broad ¦treel ld. di v i" il 1., ol.'. .-, 1-1 :- ANOTHEH GREAT REDUCTION IN uNs, n !. non a una KHtlM J. I- pg <> AA !( llj 8 ¦wy pa A A KKK _".,. ¦ uP UO CO AAA R Bfl .... B8S8 VU Him A AA K",fiH-"M I.ll.ll'! VU.I.oil. .', ; VIKI IP, -I;, c.; I! BT I !IIT1 7 .; I.HASP!.Ml n.T .,.; ( I T-LOAf Bl ,1 POWDi RED,! fe.; 'I A- AND ((.li LoVI ll! THAN ANY liol -ll IS lilli. HY. Ill (edi I I" inn). ii 1 'eli 1,lei el TF V- ll I iKKIT: in tin cilv .1 cu '.eil,1 r. I 1.111 iriilu.' EXTBA0BD1BABT lVDl'iUti *. III 111 ISIS I IB-POBTBD CHIBA, MAJol.H A-WABE, ( I.ot KB, VAM -. ..i.A-sii aim:. LOVEL! ri) 11 1:1. IBM B1VBB 10 ALI. CD8T0MI :.-. I D, KINNY, Nd in 11 vi 1 -1 < 01,". 1 1: Bboao am. -i\th ASH 17i I 11' Mer- sTiitir.r, Kn iiMi'Nii. Ye. foe! M'''! N i:w ( bop KB COFFEE- 8,01 ii BAU!. hui,. .-bil' .. Ptolemy.*' lirx-.i, 1,1 DAVENPORT A MORRIS, or .',.71 Dock ire. 1. RI -"LECTHIC-LIGHT BOAP IS lill m.-1. Ninail,:,ii,i.*r"|ii!rid. Will u ll in lure II,- tabill Orderi indlnqul lll.i RH SOAP M isl i v. 1 DRING ' ".. lndUui u li*, lad, .lulls H. URI IMAM, st, ¦>-.. ,."] y Ci Oil.'I U1NO M' I- SOS. 1 ABD -' MAI KERI VI- Vl.'iilV I IIVYS! -. [oe SI \Y "t\ WABTB. *AN llb. -""¦ OAlfMlNElM 1" »' .Obi. M0SI1 Vi V ~rSI> Vi - ..." 1 dav. .'. P.-U STD". ll-!-* 9l."iiti I'llli-"-'- ANTED, BO VBl) FOB A I ADI I Mi in s fe' uh sud Bi ¦', FEB .MONTH. -M.AK. AN 1.unpett-nt Ill'* M VN vt. ll: for this lt] |oi state) sae %Or\[\ FEB '?.)./lll ll ll VI >v pootirdrc mi -nu ¦. 1-1.i' practical!* a tn ti"!.,,li, luann,;: tie- lelci bon 13.1 li -. iplc bo"" s., i., od I r pim:.¦> in- ttddri is. srlth nu I.... lill S VTIOS VI. ( "VIP.VN1 .81 Vt ur'ieiuli itreet. Kew York eltv._1 "WANTED. A FIH8T-I l.\ . COO! tl fors itnall faml y. V. thal I. '-',s,|..ti m. Mu rome well 1, ennui, nd. ll. Maj _oe 10-** \\* AN 1 IH. A YOUNli MAN .' ll HALEsMAN is pilso- Asl) OROA VI IREROtlM**- " who 11,11 ;.:n w.-ll mi mt and orran and win. hs- had -.- tic. -. loaves* '- A I.AIM OF BK HMOND Wl-lll - mica nos 11 un 1: '.*. nov ern 1 .***-" VisillM. e,ol ) us, --. leaehe Ensllsh. » sic. ind .rom h. Pi fer ie - r»cl nerd. Ad lr* .latins lent... J. A. lt., i:n,"t P'-ln. !' over Coarthoute. Va. ,_'"' '.'--1' WANTED. A UOOD <'«»*>K, WIT ol 1 psi mihi: an. 1 vi'iily.iit ¦"'-!-- Clllll! -tl,,,, til ii *.\N'I l.l», A VAN IN KK HMO! lo laka aa wBea sad repi - ll BB entirely new iii,, ,,| li '-. *r JU per w. Mn*!! espial retiulrcd. ld Irw v*tl(l,n"'^'J; 1148-41 Bas 7". Weal v. " ¦'. M '- \V -KTED, 600,000 HICKORY H<»< Iv head hoops, viu-ihetn-ii.i.-.ii,,s sliaie.i. aad ls feet lons. Purchased! tmnow ni Derenber 1. li-t. Bot rnrllier Informst applvu. 1. 1.o'"n il vs. ... l--.-w ISO! ("'in lr,et. ItJ lltahesl ;nirc< ps .I a .I.-, '' BIctiB-oad >l_,l.i lic-!(tl. A.lutes, A.I). -HoTllT I I. .* I '".. I . "l-'.in_MsiieUette.'. > WVNIKD. LA DISH AND i.KNTI MEN* IN CITY OD ( ol STR1 lo tittil w,.ik ai (her .-sn Iciii-; IT la ll ' ***Uj 11..-inc: ss, il * nt hs ,,,.-,,!. 1: tl. luise i-.m.iI lion,and Tor om work.Bad fm employment. Addra**, wil" "I* . Til ill N MASI I V Tl Ul ST. ( VS Y Han-tire*., Cincinnati, tl. 1 OTU t 'toss BUMAC WANTI I,' fl fii |.,r whi, h I will juaiaiil.*- th, bltfl market nrlec 1.1 CAMI. Has* hu. Writs for nadsilota I.l. ilH.K T. Ml''' aa tutu, c 8*00 to DiOO ll illiaimiiuri avenue, Kle'.lill'.lel. V 8MEK Ll Bl II. I AM INIT.i;M!:i) imat A KB 1 ll ST ll.c.,,.l-nni*. f IIAKIIK'T I l»-!t" VEGETABLE SOUP- mKaTi... A 1 HIP-. will ls alvin .O-llAY. DlMnatsiil. »t the" chant*' Eteliaoa*. No. toath Twelfth iii I hil ealahllahUai-ul lt Justly cohhrair.l foi In . ,1,1,1 Inn and rho auperiur <|iialuy ur lit ll'l" ri.rvi'od* welcome. ucJi-ll* THHOKiH THE STATE. ratERBBi Rt/ AND VICINITY. DrsariBrr ol Kniabti Trmplnrs-rroawblr 1 Iisiisr rr Rrnir-pniiitr., tmrlltcrarr- (inirrn.rlamerot.*. AppolBtBtrfll*. I- " ... Kiaka-.1 MasSta-l I'l.TiniMii in;. Va., Octobffr i». i*v-- Hu- rutting Knight- i-em,.lir*. brtffr* nesrr* alt returned to their homo. Tai Lvnebbuif, Norfolk,and I'nit.niouthCotB- inaii.h rles left abortl* h.,'ore nnon C-hy. Tin* cits i* to-dt- i.rt,,.- wrrppsi si i'. inal'V,ll, il* ,,, (!,_.. o,,,,, whlc,l for -.-v. ml dayi perl ir tx T, -*- l-mditcly decoistcd. Appom Hos ( .mini ry di¬ no! _n nulsltle ">' ii- im i:,i,cr*l)i|. (nr ii- *i-lui e lu i nit ri.tu ti,, <.r.|,j Coilllliui 1- iv viaitto* ...i, . lt .* BOW inUoaled tba! tho Virs,-';ni t BBffl ( ur*.lina lliiiimad ( ¦:, pan] will elnUMK Hi 1 oil id diiriin.c Into dui route through I lie 'tv; thai Peart Street w-ll ba avoided aBo> ¦-'' (ber, T"l tha: t . Iii. \viH cullietltiVVTl 111 (uiiiii tu potartneai Yi'ill-nmsiin i Birth*- factory, atiii iheu trike nini (oaBBsaas street; thenesfollowing Brkk-Hoaaa nm .!. wi. lu Market -La il. .It ,s -aiil Ilia! thi* el,:in.-,* will save'Hm compSBJ. IQBIS (ortv or Uhf thousand .lullars Iii outlay (ur prop, liv. Pul Till AL NOTSo. lt i* understood, that Qov*rrnor tJautertm ha- Sinihril hi- llitititnii lo nillir,. thc people t,r Petersburg mi tbenlgbl Bsfore Hie Non ml tr t h-ciiui. He will in Un lniiin time, however, speak bi several al lin eoiinlie* of Hu- tlisiri, t. Tarrah i iti**,rt mi ihe stree* ta tay th:.;, ss it'n taa s i, ss- nf conciliating sad Lniiin. flic tWff (rutit.n* of the BepubBesff ns. mi ihii win be aando to bsvebotk Brady .'ind EvffW v, itlulr.isvii (ruin thc bel,'. :ir,d a euuipronilw esndldste «ui>«tl- tuti tl 'ti lin ir ],li,. c. TbeffC nias <>r mus- nd Lc foundoUoa (<>r thi* report, bin .: i* asacrted ss trot. l -au several of Hu Ksiiii* hath!* mi lhe subject, vv ho aaid th' y hui beard the reports, hut Ilia, liud.T no ein litiistnnee* would Bl IBI witbdrsw. Elans Mmsell mys thal tn iiiiK.iu'.t ni money asa Indues him to leave Hu- tieiti. ile suv* in-i* Lu people**cboicc for Congress, sad tn Ooafraw he leets murali*, ecrtffhl lu- vvill go. So sure, in- .fi). :,n lin Independents that they are Hot nlv right Lui greatly -Toiii; r in thc (Inflict', tia ii hin r ha*'I i.n forwarded tu ihe National Bepublican Committee in their behalf, inv i,in. the airomlttet iscBd Hine of it* nunile r* herc lu look over thc It lil mil tarsal "BC mid deride fur Hiern- lelves, l iiind States ntarshsk, and lupersison of election ore to be appointed, ith stated tbat tbe appointing power 'hu* bo! recognize Hu- Independent Bepubllcsus, nini tim, in eon*, quenc tbe tatt r n tl tu i,..k to the ii.Tiiueiiiiie oat. Iall r >i fame * mi,i prote, ti-*) un election-d iy. It i* stated thar tum,, died |i .rt, r ;h" Oe to! cr eb dion thc Ib publicans v. ni thr,,. : inr.'e iiiiiuhi i- of promts ut speakers in thb lute, :ditl ina! the P. urta district will r, ii* fun shan- "f attention, len it". Plumb, Of Iv:.!*::*, ssill *pi;ik ill PctCIS buts in vt Thunda] night. The D, rnocrata ¦.? the Fourth di-tri.-i have ihe |«,*it:ve assurance thal thew inter rata ar. not to be overlooked or neglected Emin, ni -i liver* f.mii other portl rn, o the :-'!i.t< mid friii I.r-eu1 willi., «. ni in., ile d -ii i. i. among a bom may b mention ul Judge Staples. Maim- Daniel, Hun s:.ii,in j, Randall, snd others of hk-' di* tin.ti..ii, anil probably Bob. John8.Bal bonr bin leif, l'iu u t; ih. ps t month there were sixty two ut nth* iii n.i* eli]. Bonis .Xians. si -I'lNi.INT, id'LIIATION'e. Pl ,Li:*r.. i... X .... October IO, I*---*. The lobacco factor* of Watson A McGill one u( tbe tir.-e il In tbe city, Ir.s t mpon riiy suipcndcd operations. Thu betor Hives employment to on r MO colored en i h. luspeusion is due to Ut si -Hdtv of tote, e lot in iniifactiintu* jun pose*, which retards worh mun- or lesa otb, rfsctortes In Un* place. DANVILLE, A P.rsrtirr llaniril -Vthrat DoSBOBeff . Twtntv-Thousand-Dollar Sail. f( .., rt *|M,ii.,i ru c ol IL, Pirtimond I)l«!,:ttrli.| Ocroaaa IO, Ma. Kev. E. B. Chaney, ol tbe Laurel Oroi section ol thia eounty, was married on tli Mli lastsnl !< Miss Tilly ..*-. r-nti. a, ft bouse ni net broth, r, Mr. J.iiu.-* Penn,, Msjrtbuville. Mr. I bane* i* tbe mini*!. w io. Lian i'd -ii many couples in obs ju thal bc wss ahle to go to run! usc on the lees be received, seeing ail the ol Jeda ol Interest on tbe way, and bb) mai lih rd* an dow amused il the ide* th lu- liim*. if l.a* been caugbl al bart, -(lie nf tbe fal.lief* Lase Leen lllilkir rat! * r i artier suss [nan ol wheat than usui and ttn rc i* complaint thal lhe wb, .ii (son ::i,i in Ina soaked ha* i time np and dying f,ii aiToimt ol tbe dryness ol ii ground, of Hie ns. my transfi rn ol real estate r tidil. .1 la-r month iii. moil remarkable ot i* tb ii ni 34.1'; a. n i ol land t Ibe town Danville from thc state ol tbe late Dr. .' T. (.reen, the sale ol which was made i*.;1. and tbe on rfd* ratio. I, derat, mon, >. Bul i' was n cord, 1 ( littili.ttii in 1164. Now tbe Orcen-stre i,. ... rtli * and (bi tm terv j ropcrtv. '1 be *ui! ol T. v\. pickllsimer, ol II- dcrsonvllle, \. c.. n .in*- tbe Uicbmoi Dville Railn ad ( ompanj ss i- p on ti lal >.< sb ni... Liol ni., and I ol Un da.- sj nt intaking tcstl tx By. T taking "f th.- t, itliuon* U r. sn I . 'ch ck this morning. On thc llth ol Fe mary, while travelll ll. -dr, .-¦ pass towards Richmond from Sot i dulilla. Mr. I'h kli*init r enuc ti,, L invlllc th pol nu the ci .train, arid b. rc thi caboose a '* tr off, lu Lyn, to climb up on -i li which tva* then two or more lengths fr. tl:i« bank, bis to rid ok gi i on snotn *r al. al Dundi -. be I fl through it-1 '..LL' i"'!'' -!' il .1 lei" di*Unci i. dj * ii twenty ic ...i,,i -ns thins. Bj iii. full be -ntl icture of Ibe tefl sboul h r*bo ind (wo iii - on (h( tefl ade. He wai lb l, i,,,: up ii:, ml-ankm, ni aad icroflfl t river, put on s car, and at Burkeville vs lodged a! tl,.- Boliert* n Hotel lor tn nant. Dr, ll. IL X\ ( lilli-ndeii treat iii* case, Sou Mr. Pickllsimer sues t Richmond and Dani III I! lUrosd t'ompa cd Judge W. **;., n, "¦' N'i ¦."'¦¦ ii 'I Mr. li. x. Pick, of ll, mit rsonvlll. S. as eoun« i omponi i* i- pu nb dis. ipi L. L. Bouldin snd Jud h. h. Marsh in tin* sketV ton ol tb< ase tsbere arr -rv. 1 oint* nut noticed, such a* wini ssa- condition ur Mr. Pickli*lnr«r rifn r be (rom tbe ear, what were the direction* received wncBbos*, lol tbe t-nii...,-,* i. te., (-e., snd upon these ami other poi there it -nine confllcl ol t, rtlmony. ' PRINCE leo RU E. Di nun 'B'ii Vlrruus-Addrritet frsin Beal Vt ithrrt ti n.i nr. Mirr*. |( c.rrrt|M.nib tu r ed tl.r Incn.otul IMlPfl Thursday, OeAobor I li, wa* nu- l-l Priuci (leor.e cninly. Aeoordiog lo in,nu.ament by State eommittce, Wow. \., Wltberi wa* present and addresied |co|.lioti the ismcs ol the campaign, (artunateff Um nrw ami elegsni .*-. room ' "UM nut bs obtsined, esses werri ea docket, io Senator Will bad tu speak in ujnii iii. A* iva* ju cn ti. bis speech fltas productive "f ni good in abe Iifiii« (Tiiey. Hespoki lort: lo.ien'ly, iiiid directly tn Hu-'.'l .ist, n. ii in attentlrw) !>r nearl. s" white m. n autl n wrgt number ol col. BM e. Dr. Georgs E. Hives, our itauBch sn deistIgablc candidate lot CoBgros*. toil .ai Mr, Witbcrs in urn* of hts usual bold jnilruiiit *|ieicl:cs. A truer, more nun iii mm rai .mill uni bara been iioin!:i than Gs.itgs E. Blras. Iii* psirioilim sound |)t ne.ency entille liim i" tbe illa) mill viffjoroua lupporl ol all men want an h"i,c*i rspsflSSBtativc in Cons from iiii* tllstrict. Beprossul itlvei i' Brady and Brans BspuUlean Isctii ii" ¦epnrnte BMStlaas md aidrasird ih'- orcl folk* wUllin seven,..--Jive .ranis ol DerooeraUc itaad, -lill Wither* and B had thc larn.-st erowd. Iliad*," KvKtisili-s were very bitter li.-aui-: otii.-r, cai h ehimtng to i.rogubw." Ls an* patty -,,v ihi-y will li"! field lill *,t nn Vost iiil't, r it'll, While lu- B -', iu (l.-iiitiit and .¦nniidcit of "buyin ! I tan-. I.vatis's, hts Inert* Prisca Goerrajs willxive Sires a foll* Tba Nu Hiern .lack. I Alt isinlri* (lairiir.i Hon. .lanie* N. I)un|,.p, ol Hh tun .)( thc must :>ccti.i|i|is|icil ural *' \ tra lina, |BSS Iff tbs Northern Neck ' lu i. Lill ol Hie Demo'Mt:-.' I-n I'fuiiniittec. The detail* of th** BBBBM have lur-n put in etmrze of Colonel W. A. Juill», elminn;,,, of tlic < <u irrv-sional Oom- miltee. but it |a understood tim! In addition tu Ittesl appo'iiimi nt" Mr. 1 uiiitop will !|enk ;.t i|,,. .N'oithiunhcrliinij nnd Lancaster court.. ||. ,..0plc will have a treat who hear liiai. SOHUoLh'S BUDGET. "!r*trr,| |0 ke KepaWed-dana *f 1*8*111* ls slured. I-I i'lal f terrara to the Ill-i-ttcli. | HaMBUt, ()o( li). lSrs*. i'-tl'v tho I tull rtvrittT* Acnicv ln-1.1 a shiv, y on tho "bani-tiiii Kana B lu., of mat Chesapeake aril (Hun rniirn:i'l. daaMgad by lin* festerdav, sad .""tiered brr n u.- r 1 Ott o ! i :-.; ,.| ii... The tiaiii ire mil'HUlt ¦ t ") ri thoiisiiu.l tb.lian, lt could riot 1. di -I rmuie 1 how tbe lire mlf Ililli A Kans ol aura thi. v.-* v. ho hm !.'->' rall) ii.M_-.-d in robbing Ihe Old Dominion PtesmsMp Llae men mearthsd ""I '-w tor. il this aft.rn., .ii. BBd i ir.- qaantit] i: p.,mis.tabacco, Iroaware, b ii i ol ci..iii. a--.-- reeorered. PRINCE WILHELM. ,., I nd. tn day ir. I'baiat., ris.,rs ol'ihe Heir lo Ibe Prussian Throne. A Berlin lotter la tbe IL raid siys: The ii'-un Prinee*i eldest toa, and toaae <i'' tilly il,,- one who will iu oiiur-i- of feen ii-'< roi tbe throne a. Raiser of Qermaay, will be twenty-sis lour* obi soon. Hews* too >..iii.i: io aeronipanv hi* f.itin-r lo UM Bar againei Fraaee. ar ratler hi- fatbei v.ns ion wiso too .,.,.|- (or lum lb*baptiste cf Ire iihich tba In-t (Tapoleoa dla foi tb. young jiriiu Mitirbrib-koii. To-_IJ MWever, hex" tn lu* reaersble grand f.-.i!:i r iiiui nio-t soutar buber, kc i- tin leading military spirit assoai tba roya laud ii s of Europe. It Ile- belief antoni OernaBa that tn- role i- to bi aB*etuorabli tu.-, ii'.i thi- belief i* (rroOBded in theos pcetatlna tbat tb* qualtUea arblek ha aaa i xini iis ,uc iho-o chi, pv t,, be railed kui piny iliiriip- th. yours to coin.*. Ho i- l'rihoe la tbe highes! -'-use. He not onl; look* h. but in ev, rv aaaetabtaa** that ! m. .' n him, < v.ii whore his uniform il IO waj ked him a- a mperiar. Ma titi ls that nak aeetaed itatDpec in rn rvr Hot of his baartai. aad ¦.rta d by tbo*ei I im il'SIlin tivelv rather th Ul'oolll elli lol) ally. AK BNTBUaiASTIC BOLMBB. He above ali things :i soldier, run mabel tin- arinv tbe "iibj. 11 ol a rion- soi ontlui-lnstio study, lu the preaeat eoad iii.ti of tl;*- publk ti.ind in (i-inunv only soldier eal be i popular leader. Prtnc Will,, nu is to the unlit "rv iwclll ol lb rli What the Prince of Wile* i- t tie elli un nol Full .M.-iH. A German officer ordei rai a bcw UBltortn doe* nm ask what tb War IT* I'ltiiiint prescribes, but "wm wa* tin- (ni ,,f Prlflee Wilhelm' la-t-:" A i dior wh i wis!.s i 11' i eustamer ilinplj renBurks tis I'm " willi, im bad this, that.or the.itu. addition to a usllonn, and ri**- liin_- (loiu.for the tailor ipi itally, .in-t in fl -an,, may * London batter haabnttogi tho l'riii.a >,f \\ a1.-- lo war tiini' 1'iiii iii vt iii In- liiie .mil bi- (niin-.- j. mad Prince Wilhelm*i tart, conpled wltb p'l-oiial iniii-iii ti«i:i quill estraordlnar roe* far lo .-plain a \.ularlty be enjoy Murun.'th. _iiat uiaiei tivi'- in - :¦' mb. ti tbe lthifie. winn tbe foreign office ipi.nnd tot tie- lir-t time to take put ti.- _n. .ts ..( th. Erapi rm-, he left tl impression on tbe mind ol each .u i them thal bi- (tho strati...'-j pa iii ular pr,-' te e v- a* the ono ino valued by the Oerman Salter. Tue eon .poi.tliTit of the Herald watched lum eloee nfl. i the flr*i day** trttlqut a- the group "flit cr* broke np tint lind been listening tie Crown l'rin. *- words about the hgt ii _-. His hoi*,, appeared to e ime by bo il.lit licit to llic l!u*siin attilcJie's, al lb* ratall up* a few hearty words, i mug a noil: then followed in Introduction tWO (** three with tho oltUfhr. lind t ion Un re wen a lea nat phrase* and mmbs o portana bon mot tn il ai-'-il another heir Isngh. III"-. ITiIM r'1 BXSION', Hi neil "-aught ilgbl of tbe Herald e< n "pondi nt. win) wa* on horseback >m dlstsnee fnun the centre ol tbe royal eire Into which, aa a civilian, bc did nol (eel Ifbert] b. intrude. Beeognizlog my sci plea, Prince Willi. Im gare bm i Bod ol cognition .ind rode straight ;it me, mucb tba -ini,rise of tba military crowd a made way for Uta. With a hearty bat shake lit" LBOtUrod after some muli (ri.Ti.l-. complimented tbe chancer l ro (and it wa* one thal bore fal,.ruble co pari-on tviih bia own), expressed pleaii liiai I Inti boon iiblc to conic so long . .1 lenee io attend tbe tiis'ht-, and jok about tl.( secrecy observed bytbeGerm Admiralty ts beti I regretted tba: youro r> .pondi nt wa* not to be allowed to iii-iii at th.- laval mano iivres mi Hallie, in fact, a royal wink accompani the laugh. After chatting ju-t longenoo not to h...ks his Mentions to your cor . pend, n! the subject of envious eritlci be shook bandi and a a -'.on making*o Japan* ie uni,tan gueati feel that Uk y wt the gueits ol Hie dav and tlnir country in country abo**, friendship Germi c..-.. ted. I bare no doubt thal Prii Wllbi Im kiiev. tar more of the Japan tv m footing than the guests from Dai Si| l.iiiw f: !n Kal*, r*l anny. BADUST l *'¦)¦ ;. one lon n n. s! to tbe otb. r mov. in-i '- vi. I.- always the occstlsn fo 'cw words that left his hearers with radi face* and teen t rows thal ti.- y li "I ne mel ii more charming boaL The I'n speaks Kngliih ll areli a- .rn Engllsbma more than ihit, ai well a* an Am can.for be speak* it ai h di*tli i-. J esiil'le ((.nt (he ;e ISOH IIP1V li" iti fin! thal bis father's tutor wa* bb Am ran, Ihe presenl Professor Thatcher, Vsli t'ollege, abo Latin grammar maili- hi- name familiar ia all *eho il*. HISTOBY IS THE c.M'l lui. DOi li*-.s llie 4.real I rb/e Hill BS I u.iii.lei 1'reti nilli (lie Semite Wini,'. A Times Washington rrpecial aaya! fl time ego it waa annount* d thal work u lin n< it hitti'i i. 11 fric/e wbleb r ai. tu.,I lbs wall "f thc Capitol doaae si:-] nub d fm- vv ant of suitable sub] vi ii ii which lo Hil about seventy-five fi t which iiiiist Im- occupied be tb< fri. .. i- complete, Thc fa.. ii oaly siiijoc! wa* wanted aad Mal ba* supplied, th. I" lag the c m.nv ii driring Ihe la-t ipike In radi cud, which tint bound AHan:i' and Pacific leaboardi toge! ai tin* ceremony many Bombie i-n wen assembled, wbo arc pul in tbe f ground ol tbe eartooa. Tho last int ii which Ibe sitnt -vu* engaged, which ie not yt i flambed, i* the .. p. ,; Tecumseh.' Following itu* tbeeapU inn ai tbe I iii nf Mexic will be i tinted. General S*~otl being rapraaei reeeiriBg the key* of the etty. A i:.i- v>i lome aii lUnstrsttoa or tbe cor' rv ol told in California, nnd the lag ol tbe bb* -pike will eomplete work. Cartaoaa foi all "f tbaae rub}, excepting thc !u-t. wera drawn tty the Mr. Itrnini'ii. who painted tba diego f: *,,, on the ceiling of ibo dome. H Bnuuidi'i death Hr. ( oetiginl baataki the work, nnd the drawing ol the thu' toon i'i bim. Mr. < oauglil i* bob gaged upon iii" B«B*te .-(lanilre-r ii rUburg, bm l expected to return! when be ivili pio.-e.-.l lo titii*h the frit A deal of frescoing hss been dont li Senate wlagduring the Buauaer. in bb ni.'iit corridor* kuii* exeelienl * fa is lil ii iloiu-by Ur. Camlne.wbo plsi lie t tirrill..r doi' twenty-five J ai.*'.. Tin- cloak-room iiiui th.- x, ,lS.(. hate :l|,0 >..,.i, fi-,., Tho foundation for thal portion ol marbia terrace which extend* i tbe narth sad if tbe Mata i- BOW boin-; laid, and Ar.iiite.-: « thinks .that it will be finished to vu-nt indicated before winter leti About thirty fce-t iu depth ol the eal lei race lia* ln-en du^' away, up t" the lol waUBtCxpoBiBB tin- rough inhatrne which it this dii'tli is about eight thick. All ol tin* work i* dOBB nnd' supervision ol Mr. K.l ii ard (lark, iv "il and sinsirlnioudcut. has lice gaged ai Hie (apitol for aeariy forty * ( onteat Over a "Samlnallon Darli By telefrapti t" lt,c l)i«liatcli.l CUCAOOi Octolier IO..Il tho c.ti! to tho rcRtilarltv of the Kcput.lican nation for Caagresa In the Third ll district, thc Count* Central ('ouiinltti decided in lavorof Georg" .*.« 1'avl* . liieeted that his nanto be piintcd npu tiokeU. I. vcr .. bull-do/p " a mun, bot i pi'-e-t ii human tit-lni. lufertna with ..< you may .< bull-dose " bim t v.uii; gt vi iib Dr. BotFi Cough ".-.rup CITY AND SUBURBAN. IHE POLITD'AL WORK HERE. Itemretiil.* in Prsparmlltin. llr.isirrisit and Traatfrrrina-Brpubliraa At tlOty-lltB. ()rer«r I), llttr. Democratic (-Ititi*-* are now organized and hnvc spsBHflJ headquarter**, in sll o( thc wards. Thc horribly hot weather which only ceased a lew dav* ago. iirevent'-d the irtivc work o( the BBBBBSifa MBBg BBB> nu-iua d n* carly a* usual, but there is no n aron lo (car that it will not bo done well sad tliorou-liiy. All af UM dub* nw di!i- lersttfl jill ru in": tn Bsd thc enemy sa bbs 4!h. Two ttftc'ivc mn tint's lev. bMB In l-l in the eastern parlor the etty, oas under tbe flBsptsMsof the linton ( iii '.Hm* other nader Hk* Mar-h-ili-Ward club; and sci > lal otlu r* Will lake place -noll up town. The i lav -vv u il .Actives irs ta hare a meeting os soon as Mr. BanoaO sppotuti; a day to Lc Ik ia ; th.* jeff, ,.on-Ward club nu .ut to have ia ii.lil-tiine .. lins,tiit-iit"; Monroe, nnd Madi-on-si ard Ltnbs aril) mute la' a demonstration, and -ackson XV urti will 1 e hi.nd (rom in good *, a-nti. In addition to tbaaa aiectlngs tbers will lr a un a, i il. tiii,«*-tiiei titi-- m. 'he ti Ii ol ihetttb. H will bffprceeded !>*.:t (nrcli- liuli( |irriee**lt*n Of all lil' D' uioc.-itic (lillis of Richmond and Manchester and s inp rh display of .reworks. Tbs 24th I* tbeekflb ii .; day ol tbs Fair, sad I hi exneetcd that there will tin n bs sasn?,ry j)eo|ile in tin- .iis, ami tn entertain tin in and tu help .nihi noses committee of cttlffens pro¬ posed to raise tin- ini'ii-y tor(bUdemon* *,ration. Thc offer wa* accepted bv tbe ( its Democratic Committee, and tbe latter committee bare rent letters to Senator. /.. B. XTinct ntui Thoinns v. Bayard, Hon. T. .A. Hendricks, i _-Judge Waller !>'. Staples, Holmes Conrad, Esq., and several others, Inviting them in *|it ik on tbe occasion. Mr. Orin L. Cottrell ls Ure tressurar af ths Citizens' Committee. He only ask* a small amount In,ni wteh citiffen In order to muk.' tbe iitlnir it siicet **. But th.* Democrats lure have cit mn a nod deal of other work for fVffeiBselvcs. in bet, ilie met tin'.-* ure ..lav compared to thc other (11111r-* lu (ore them. The] hisi :. great deal or'ig tu do to get up tin* sew roten sad t- innke Un ititi um * procure transfera, n Bart tn. (led. The Republicans bera bars never bsei more active thiin ihi \ me univ. Their Cltj Commtttee te st work dsy and nlghLantJ haveout-runnen putting psmphtett ma Va n door, 'they minni, ol t nurse, liojit ,n chi t their candidate (or Congress; tba I* '-ut nf the question, and therefore would - in to be tbi ir sole object t<> brim ont their vote fall] In aid of tbe prestden .iii ti. .! i. Tbs fad timi they are busily work will rouse our boy* n* rem wed eaer 1' ms. lt ll ill kc. |i Hie f lill'.!-* (l- llll li ill; profoundly dull. Our nuts in Ricbmon, ssa* bevel in better trim. Thc organist tmn Ib good, the nominees ire*riti«( ,rj and there i- .rmi interest in the Th, re is hut one thing t" fear.ovcr-cmili tb nee. Hon. George Ii. Wi-, j* mot [ag tbrou t ih, district a* rspidlj a- possible. It wi! nol ii*' in lu* power to io every locslli win re thc people vs i-ii to see bim, bot I. will du hi* h.-t. Where ba eonnol go ii will send otbi ipeaken, The H.-tn.n-ratie headquarters, Nu. IJ-1 Main street, where Mr. D. H. Jones i* iii clerk in charge, ni.- bow receiving maa order* for transfers, sad every day atari number of roten apply Lure for inform. lion a* t" w lu ia- tu regfst, r, bow t * bs natl ralixed, iVc. tte. XT,r, r* are being regi ti red i vt ry day. The thoroughness ..( oi wurk lure las! fall leaves comparatively li tte to do In it-.'i*!,rriii'anii transf. ring th ve.r. Tbe ( lay, Jackson, and Monroe Wai Clubs bsve an Important work to do, pa liciiliirlv in teeing (bal thu*.* voters livia in the territory whew tbe new prectnc ty have been created bsve their names on tl righi honks. li, iiuicratii- county committees general ir- are paying little attention to the matter i., raprirtsors. Tbe Republican*, on the ca¬ le, irarj. a ill have u luperviaor appointed f each roting pr, duct in tbe st:ite. The Democratic list of supervisors f Bichmond etty will bs prepared si t m.' tint.' of Hie i 'itv . lommlttee on Tuesd night, and on the nev, dat their appoli tildi! svill be asked "f Mr. M. f. Pleasani Hi, chief luperviaor. at MANCHESTER ASD VICINITY A .Mau tn idrumlly killrd Thr lunn Court. A white limn named Powell, foreman the force of own employed In excaratl fur ihe Petersburg Railroad Company the embankment In tbe vicinity of t Spring-Hill Battery, wai caugbl nnd seine fi* 11 in _r earth vt -teni tv after not atinilt -1 n't lurk alli! kuli tl. W'.rk'ii1 ti ii dog pretty far In the embankment, ai while Mr, Powell vv:.* tbere pxpiiinl bow tbe earth should be loosened to mi it (di a Kraal lump Ii ll, crushing bim si completely biding bim from view. must have been killed almost in*tantly, ,, be waa dead before tbe other workmen moved all tin-1 *rt'.i asms from hun. The October n-rin of th- <'hc-t.rf'u ( ounly ( "uri begini Monday, 18th, Tl i* nut a regular graod Jury terni, ile wUI be several muidcmeanoi case-. In I at)*-en.eof Commonwealth attorney |;. "I ,n u- b, led rle lb, IDJ UV il e li¬ d-i¬ ll the ¦ri¬ ll.' li is ::. bl* I' :i Ult ila. rock, who ls sick, Mr. John ll. lugra ,,f ibis city, will lil bis p n ¦¦. Tbe afflicted .i Protestor Mon lette, wbo was advert teed (or Wednesdi lea* iu,-,, fouodi ile was caugbl bj > Fimmuni on Mayo's Uland, and afLr bel entrusted to two colored p. mom si Il I'S hil !.¦!' !-- He -llellt Ttl in .>.- ;.i.' in Bichmond. I Father wt*bra to return thanks to any p sons who ms*. bav< shown bim kindne*, A im etlng of the Maacbesti r ,' mn vt.* hehi la-' niffbt. 'ilie monthly rep e.f thc ( hit f ol Police presented *b used. arrest lor felony, seventeen for mis. un snor, ind Iwo lor i rdtnan ie vlolatlo Mr..). I'. Hi aili- > wa* elected chairman thc i ommtttee on -"tin-'* in place ol Mr. (..lull.*. A taiiiiiii'iniiitinii viii-rc-ci: from Mr. McBae, oneof theFree-Brli < nmnii.iiiiivTs. itating thal unless it. was voted on iccocnl of bridge ri hrid'.-e would *h"i-ils have I > be clos Acth o wai postponed until tbe next m. Ing. 'I he votlng-pl ice of tbe Second VV wascbaoged to police beadquarters. joiirned. Bev. Luttra r l!. Thornhill h is the rall (o lb, Balnbridge-Stroel Bap church, ol th** cits. He has a lim rec in thc Appomsttos Association, where pus* hi* ivy., churches, snd of whit b h sbsirmsn. Ile I* s Inc scholar sud g ip ikei. Tbe pevementon Main'- Island baa b newly laid with Belgian block. This provemenl bas king been aecded. pon un* wai s d of fora on .-¦> ,i tbe Hi¬ ller. ions ir, .jct alni hoi iila- II11*- lll.-.l .(tor l!|s- Inv- the -.t*. late ines n up r.if¬ ni- Hur- om. i the tb< york med eal's IC of neil. the I'd). vin,' lark thc in. .then .iin- tlilf. fe. ff tile in, a* .1 i'tl- est ri* t ¦..i.i- linois t" hs* , mid m tlie I you i '. 11 _ al- I'i i sonni* :iiiil Briefs. coluiic! -I. D. Brady, General Main candidate fur Cnn.'.'.-* in the Cunnii triii. wt- la the eily yesterday. The broken puvenical at the north f. arv and Second streets has I rei! lllll-ttflrr tn all vs le. ilise tn v Utans two ttreet*. CoioBel Cntshaw'i ti'.itiuii is called Li it. Iii the iiii*ii!iL,'* Court v. rterday the nf Messens Beasley, charged with gi lilia III, Wit* called. Ill cnn* i|Ui BOS "I .t,,. Lr.-of mstcrlal witnesses nu-nial postponed until next Wednesday. < licaapeake and Ohio Railroad Importftat ebs_gea la tin- *<'iu-dul passsngsr train* on ihe Chesapeake chi,, railroad are BUBOUBced this m..ri tu take effect dum ami siter to-raorrow lia.liv ititi ii. tl. A child .»( Mr. Cliarl.-s Madison, n sides at No. lion teat Marshal! *t wa* liuiTThly barasd bad night by tb jdoston nf a kcrcaenff oil lamp. Poi I. . (..lill, Hie (iillowin** cases wen- dispose yesterday : sjiott i.. kl khama, drunk. Fined |: COtla*. Klvirs Finney (ol.ind), ebsrgad ring dwordc.'.y. Li Un* annov.itiie u in igoborbood. in-charged. Mtitly Kicl.ii'd*ni, (.colored), elur.ed Miitthtng snd tltmatcninj* to kill J, K. Hi*,:, .lailed ls* lortMfljgltt boura. I- rn- Brown (colored), ¦ member ot Li in William il. Bannister's company eh.ii-.i d with injuring aid d-faotag a thc property or tbs State ol Vlsj which had MSB cutruitrdto him asa brr o.* tbe Virginia volunteer*. Mg tent on lo th, grand Jury. Walter Wilkinson (f.ol'or.ditvas lint for assaulting mid sulking Arthur | .f iy ..tum. I. r. Johnstnn, e. t. Min i ll. r. f.... V-i,. Sd l'.... xtTiotifk. Larkin. 2d b. . :i MS.IIIH. l*t I.. :t CslBlon. r. il PBBBB, I. 3 Total!.31 Ol l-VTII.B. A. II. K. H. II. V a. Hi, ii nillir, cf.. ( lin. ,i I.. VL II. e. Ib.'k' r. |i. i.i rlisrdLsd ti. ll '. s. .ll 1.11 111. l-l le Vmlri w-.dtl. lil. kii.s...i. r. 1'.. Mal. 41 1.1 li il ll .', 1 ._ :l 4 1 0 7 Total. Ili.-Tcl.-lilioiii- at tile IV-trill's I t|n.xi (iou nt Nen in I, .m.. The i*\.-it:-ivi righi to operate telepbom in the WorlU's fclxpositlon at New ( baa i"'i. -.raitt, tl to the Clsy-Botithei Telephone Company. On Taeaday ni^li tile < |-IV-*soIlilli Itl Tolephoile (illnplllV V. pren the light "f way tim.ugh the Bree! Of Nt iv url. un- lu a vote of Mt to 1 "f lb ( ..lunion i oiiucil. On Monday nigh! similar anni vv;.- -.-iv. n the I lav ('omOlB bv tin- Common < minni of ihe oin of Hid mond by a rote of SS lo 1. 1 ..lui; Hon mil lad many now ami beautiful styli at -bo.-at WUUamaA "-'onl'*, c.,mer Four! and Broad Mr'-:-. Ilasc-Hu ll. \ Irglntaa .--. Louisville, at Virginia Ba*e-Ball Turk. Thursday, Friday, sod Saturday, Ocl >h nth, linn, and nth. Admtaalooaa nana). (.uno called si l P. M. Cv.iv street-cur will lie met af l.aur stittt by omntbiiBea, *i>ooiii srrsngeme !..iv mi I -1 li inaile to th it edee!. Tickets lor mle at C. Y. Johnston'*. M'l.t ti von .-ii lo Danville, Va., -lop ..Thc National.'" the new hotel kept Vat. - A Hi. hard-on. Dbl lit vv-papers al twenty-live cut* p hundred at tbe Dispatch eounter. Strayed Br Boleo.froBi 818 ensii.raee Mm sninlay alli linell. (ICIOtel llb. I M.svn.l*. Mi i'l 1- ililli sstiite -i ..I tn,,|er thc luck. V ewer* lo tbe oame of " Grover." A liberal reara " .ii '. irria If Ntarael to Bsa. .onus, a a-! rad A GAME OF ERRORS. Tbe Vlralalas Lase TBsir Seraal ("»¦_* With the l.oalaillle*- V ort, I.', ta 4. The Louisville* played their second game with the Virgin'** yesterday in the 1 r.s.ncc of four hundred person*. Wed- r.esdavs and Thursday's games were io iin-ati'sfactory to the that but few abo wen* p it sent on Iho**** days would out yesterday, fearing they would wllne** atiotin i" rath game. The eoiite-! bcgfin nt 4 o'clock sharp, the hon a lean, ::t th,- hat. Dugan and Quinton foin,«d the Virginias' and licker and Wolf the Louiseili.-x' battery. Dugan in* a son- nrm. and n ally was until to p!lc:i. hut it vv.-* m easssij tnt hi-should, a* Maa* gsa had aller (Iv pitched two d ivs in sip-.- "ion. Tba visitors pounded DagnBtBftw*!** im-. i-ni a Bamber ol them wan due t.i bad lupporl in tin ticbI, ami it was Hil* lome playing ind the YliglBBB. foiiriceii errors Which gavafha vi*itors the victory BIM* than any display ol fiaawarboa tioirpart. The Virginias wan unable to Marah tbeii kita,aad though they made eight off lin kit. Hui only four nins. Thc club WM brohea up anil generally demor¬ alized, sad 1 laved a bad gattit- all through. Tb* lisbon did som,, ned wart n't ib¬ bai. I !.o two- and th rec-base hit.- ami h 0888 runs. .;> shown by tbe seora, bus ill good aad received liberal applause. Gcrtwrdt ind Latham mada a douall play. Swann Ailed bis position (Aral ins-: for th.* vir- giajaa perfretly. Below is the ihalalWd score : V (IttilNI VS. A.H. 0. n.H V.I). .4. ti X il 1.1 14 V Irs lins*. _f o I o li I n 4 I Missiles..-.. 1 0 ii 4 8 (i 8 1ft Pie c..I -mis I ubi iIVs. T; Vlr.rlnli-.'J. Tsvo- liane lille. Un v-. int. Beliench. Three baie lui«~ Viiihss-. nek. i-i.ii. Hom* nai-- tillie aili Dolor, belt .ni Pa-1.Louisville*. 8: VlruTul**, 4. Dnahle-plays.tierhardl snd Latham, -tmes oct.Vlnrlalss, :.; laoattttll. ii, iii., halli Louisville., 1. Pi.I ball*.Wolf, I; UalPton. I. Pinpin-. I uni ls. Meocae. ll. C. .:. tin-1,.1:. Tina . f same, oo* baal sad univ ruinate*. I li, Mme .lill'- will play ag lin >hi. afton n. mi. (iiIiiiiiI.iis Mini Oul In norfolk. -I.. ,1 tl I, .linn t" tlc- ll'-l it. "I. Sosrotai, (ii-t-.b.-r UK.A superb victor) waa won by the Norfolk" al Uynmsatua Turk thi- afternoon. Th. v ni.-t tin- furn up Columbus team of tha Aayrifai Aasoeia lion, and completely -hut thara out, Ura i.octi people iv mn -.I d the oontaat. 4 imiI unit Dry. The weather conttaueaeool and pleaaaal bm the drought I* a- vi unbroken. si" M. I MIXV < K.Ar.s. Ile A. D, la. v. lr. il ¦rt ne le- 1 ol A. I ge be .d. 't- il-ll I i- ad n-i " I he is ml : s- i-t ¦ii - i k ut- ii i tbe w ll of ililli IV III) reet, !C~L- 1 ot and with t thc with -cp'l . '.ip. was rifle, ,-ini-i, u.-'ii- was Mi Hil- 1 liss Innijrlil ll..' -Bill*- -I".-), -.' ll Hil -"¦ 11:1 iks, Ar.. In lb. b. formerly oe. pl* i'i. en..a I .son.*** Teath sad Mi ll l -*crtll, e. vs.- vt til ..tier il I', tl.. |llltl .t i-eiin i. .lie .! p rtcai Ita pn - ¦'¦ I r, sss.,.', me will i. pi. eil, and oSJtt ..ll s Hr orledsl .In :nl Hon lo read yamada work, re Inieod to make c tum work a featare. Thu mu, however, ham Ot the tim-I i-i ni.-. Ill.Hil. P. Los, il will bc lu .'. ic. i- of cb lom detai Un. nt- aol the pi t willi si kaia* "; Um -tock som -torc. Hu il tv BOW BBS ,1 BBOTBI B, Ti n'li .<¦ ¦¦! I ila -: " FKOKB1 .i.i'- I'l Iii ll "I -Vt Hi 1)1:1. s-1 M. AM. ((.LU Vii made from iii- tomat B, pur' a, I.lulnal.'i .ci. labor, in ile's, .uni ,it sppti i. _ saoai rai w 11..a i -. "L'oUTV . KAUS' EXFGRIENCG I .I- I N ul l> "st I!-:.. *.:!.--. wiN-i.ov. - jooTnixa -un r. Udp ti ;.i thins, li Um pi mi1| baa at am*el " i, .... ph] >. i tara la Bm i s Btates, .uni tai beea and for fbrtj '.s mlBleai af bmUmti ile ir .in nil tn. tt ratters! Hie BUM mas p cnn- iii-, m. iv add .barrine.!. i.-rl|iiin( iii "int-, uni ts liol cbc lls ¦.- i. i.- Balm to child it rot- tlie a ". .r. Vie sv.,ii|.| say to e* iiinfiier wbo Bbs a dtlld r*_hHaa Bam am-,,! i,.fi -.'"in-- en i'lanit I)., ie.I 'et sour prvj.oi, BOT Ile |.iejllll'-i "I "Ul'l . lilli lietwi-u V ciiiiii atul tin- relief thal alli n a rae, ai'-..|uteiv .'in--," fellow Um melli lee. .-. M li .li- .-.- i mt tho ssa Prlo 28 uni- a bottle. ".¦ 7-.S.T1 AK "I IOX SALIS THIS DAV. ItK IIMoM) BA2AAB, IO V M.. li r.e. i. tuiKBl.-t. phai len-, sad wa/.,i,.. liKOBUR K. < lt AW ~~OBD.| !.. vi., tr ,, - nf brick house sinl |..t si 1211) St. J.ilin st I'll'.MlVll \*()H< Y. 1< HKKKllY GIVEN Til .1 os IPI |D DAV OK oi TOMB, IM- wu daly ippotnti.! " e sscnt.-l' CL ABA ..III. BL Kl), or (bleafo. lil., f.. conduct lil* xi Ul.lhTM VI,K tl...HUM. VM) Kl US is., ioion-, ui the etty of Bl.har. I wa* eodsUtated bar iru.-and l.-mlin sttorn* il el nani. I .To autl |k rfi'-.Uiall tl i--.iiii.i.i ,n <a;d kaMaeas. I.. IntlmaiM writm*. nuking Hi- af-.i-esal'l ipii.tliiiiii.ul ..i.i.i..:_ .rn aaiaorlty,has bbbb Un ,,-i k'- T.-e uf Um ( t aucery Court nf I muli"!. H. (ifsHr.Mil'Ri . 11-2'* Aleut fur (Tars tireetitm inr ililli M.. A t eO.M.MDDATlO.N (AN UK I :.; 81 -' BSTtfe -uni sireet. l(i.-hn.en<l. Vu Vl-llol:**. Time wild i.:,!i I'KltlUN lin i I.l), call amt see oe tl ralBalas Mbs.s. ii. iv i nil BLEOAKT Hoo.VS. CONNECT r* ol: -1N..1.K...II ttl -t tui mbbbI laois BOARD; il-. TABLI luiVKl), al 401 _.h nulli st 11 ct, earner nf SI a; sba! street. oe » I.OStT. RTBAYEO. ABD HM \ STRAYED FltoM Ho.TM NOBTHl k5 tot RTH BTRKrT..mThiir*.|ay nioru-J int* SUSI.I. ROAN (OW, willi a |. P.I., - aroiiii'l her liorut. Auy lnfnrniation sit >ut b .lies ll. t ac 11-11*_*S?*T?__ ******** *****-**"*** .' Tti.-I. i)N I.A.xl ll KBDAV. IN J i Ut - dry Hore. A ULAI I. TWBBTT-1'OI rt-l\(Tl PA lt A-. o I., -ira .-lu, -.ili.l l.laek han,Ile rutltua- in a Sn knot. A suitable reward mil hr p.l'l ll' k-i'i a J.MUVKl: .Vs.lN' oell-lt_ Bul east Bi I dst. \ W ll I TK -KTTElt'J ri'p. tirauRsesr*. A liberal rewan) will t II left si tBBt cia Ur Nd iirewi, oe 1 ] A Mil.l-t t/ Tbe Ti soaaraa Mad* Par Mlaa JrroflM, toffr Randals! CbarrblU'a Sffatar. (Nc-Tnrb MtinilngJivaraal.l Few more elegant snd costly titiutateeaua have bern seen in thia eily than that of Ml** Jerome, who ha* been married to Mr. l.ctlle, the son of sn Irish baronet. Moor of ber friend* snd fl«pialntanae« wished thal lt might I.* put on exhibition, Iib-' tbs troui'catix of pr.ocrB*»"i ami queens of tie.*- inai)j*. Mott ol the drca»e* were nude in Pirti, 1 nt ..i.c or two of the tn.wt n. dutiful were made in thi* country. Ol .'ourte, going Into Eaghah aristocratic circict rtesrant . *iiiii:i- ure ladtspsassbb. and Mr. .It-minc has lilted bis dau'lit.r with aluiutt rut til attire. Dir evening*, dinner, and reeepM.n dn-si* i,limier twditv-.T-i'dt, an I In-side** th, se lhere sro ex(|Ui*it** morning drcascs, court drc**(*. and tailor-made walking and tinvt Iii::, costumes. Ile underclothing in thi' trousseau I* made of thc tine*., linen, *ilk, anti cambric, and ls trimmed with real Valcncicnnc* laces and hantl-cictirsitdery. Count ts and sh,,,*. :L* will a* gt ive*, ma,eh cad. costume, and her hand- kt rehieis and oilier BBfSffts are of lhe tit,*.I in.-i'i ;iil*. On her fir-t iji. ir¬ an. at th'' (in,-! ii'* il ni vii ni*'-room n>M si rinj_ lbs will wear her weddin;/ dre** of white satin and her diamond Jewel*. On? ol her cniiri dre**.* is ..( juire wbm* «u'iti, civt it tl wil- rasM in silver limeade, while mothes is ul svin,c satin iin.'ije*, arith beavj Bloater paarl embroMsrj oa shs front and '..I.t*.it thc fruin. Il dil of thee .In-sos have ft ll cniiri injin* ami hm.cut l.-idisca with Ssas-rt *l'-cvc». An evening (Ik** (or tho ball-room Of a huge reception (sol rna. -[.inkottoman silk, thc lt n. lr iii, wt,li Kinlet velvet and (he troiK ol pink. saMn nnd garnet velvet bracadc. Thi*i* cut wiiti ii stjuire neck nini el,mw si. eves, ead cannot fill to tte iiin-f beeooaiag lo (he brid*, wk* I* a tahran* ly brunette. Another gOa*gtOUS evening tires i* of I'ah fellow satin, brocaded In tito tnitcs of brawl and i'old. made with a |.t tli.oat of j,lain st Hms *:ilin, ll.e train laing square and detaatffsd from ii. Tue basans lc* a low neck un.I short alcove* bordered by yellow Lice, anti n gre it cluster of yellow rust* i* to he winn at the licit. LOBg velluvv Miede glove* ami an amber cuni, in tl..1 dark li ur will complete tin* cnstiinie. A sis-.'ne. or carriage iln *«, made hy PhigBt, ls o( nlack IrtBl, I'om'uncd with *atin. Hu* *tmrt train i* flounced willi Escurial lace, and the ilra|i.*ry I* Loiiitant. Tbs prtaeass from i* sosflsaa wiih Jet Lull* ihe ilga nt *mall marhle*. which haag fmiii little *lrln.s ot Jet bend*. The sleeves im- rither (nil at ili.-wn*!. BBd trimmed willi tin- jd ami lac.. A small black j.rinc «* bOBBet, with a crim¬ son hird al uni- -ide. BBd I BBB* *a'in *l.ocs, embroidered in ortanou, ara >¦> i*«* worn with Un* dn-*-. (.nc ..f lui' insetting drosses bal * *olt brows ehdh, mads With i plain *kiri, *nie- I'laitt d. nil i J ickt t sad uverdress li mini Lv Id-iid. An om-ide jacket I* trBBBBBi With Llaek beaver,'.Hld the Imni.C I* brown, mill ,i utiitien-Lrnvvn a- straaaanatt Nuthwith*t.unlit). th< |,lammas o( this costume, ll east f/sBB without the bonne. A lovdy B*omuur*gown ls si IBs very palest'psan surah silk, mule with a brag \\ atti ail train, thc ffutlt l.eill.' title lll.t. nf soft Orieatsl loee, caugbl Into dusters by narrow ptak-Sntln lil'1 mi*. Pale hclintropv .urah flinn* the material for another. A ri' k tn nilli (ur vv inn r wear i* a Um- *inii dnlniim o( Mack Sicilian, reaching al- .nu*, to the edge of rhe dress, lined with ermine snd bound with sable fur. a ligl.t.-r "in- |* i,( velvet l.rocmte, trltlimeti with chenille dinp-, while an opera clunk ls f white nttum il! *ilk. lilied Willi »wulis- ih.wn and bordered with rrffiaaa^sasMffa and ! ari embroidery. TEN MONTHS OF CAPTIVITY. el iln li, lt- li :.I Ho "-¦ end VIBlr Ol Ills *l|trr*. Ne* York Pst unit- MrasasM N ss* ha* been rccatvsd bj hi* uncle thu, -iltii- n n nuiu,bs "t miser tide espttvlty In Hie BBBSB ff! tin- Kaja!, ni Tcnotn. Sum-jtri, tba Burvlvoi.stevea ka baa en w ol tin- Bais'inh stcasBsbip Ni-.-ro, ,n- luding Mr. L, Iv. Moore, m cuni mate, of BockvlBe, L. !., a native baan Aim-rican t-iii/a .it last basn MM at liberty, and th. cunning, cruet, I aharian jirinat: lui* ii,aile iii* submlsatofl to the Hutch (itivt sumen**. TBees men, wbosa captivity was ss iclioiis and j>:»ln- fiti a* it wu* Baascssssryi hue he.*n luul. tl al PCBSmg in good conti.Hon, niiil are now on their way to l-.nglnid. The I'aiian *ailui* nf the cress wert- rssBffSffi hy the Kalah on the -i.l of Scptenrrher. the ra- lia*ei'(,l.ther* I ,11'iWliU BfSWSBVS la¬ ter. The follow un; perfshnd In eajitmty: Michael (Jcrrlty, Brenun; B.D. Murray, UK **--tiwaul ( .'-Iii.i I,a*. ICS, Hi Italian A. ti.: Robert WeAk, earpeater; I, Powtsr, iTiin.'.n. Bf. Armstrong, tiitiiian. Thc ri¬ ll as, nf thc survivor- I* due In an iilliuiatutu j ti *i nn ti in th,- li* ij-i'i b) Un- Baalish and Illili lt (J.urn,mellis th manding thc iincnii- ..iti.di;.l r.-lci.( tin- captives, to whidi th niall.I the Bejah, I" rei ivui ll,at h.c.uni not gam anything by thc further rtetBataaa u( the .uss. m .-I, d with tin* In *t grass possible, l.tiyd's Shipping Gaaette, Iff a im in article, -av-: ..ThS Bajal. Of Tenon) h.,* tm'Lt tho English (e.tvi itiiii. ni (hal a little n-arklieine and int'.al courage an worth mure than Hie choicest literature turned out by tlo-rarB- liullt el, rk-. ll,,| "),- PegnBUS Leen dis- I del,, ,1 lon. u.u sic sliuiild nut have (ur mails a year ter those rsnaar* linnie nun." ,ls .till tl Ul N lt. s el H. >F t. tl it. m.. Bm .! I, Bm in. rv ia. lilts ¦il.l. -tl. l-l. AT ¦ t. I LS Jool 1*11- and *. r..r itu** ll of an I i'd lu .!,¦,,- l's*. LAD , for un Ns.. IN,; .st if. north BC ..raia cr s-l- It, n-at. IBY- .*>ll.h. willi Wt-rex! M.* ,1 ll I Mts ¦" !>!( HM,*NH i iii; \ I iii: TO-DAY. ADMISSION ieee uta. vi t unit. iT.n r>. i lily ,. ut-; .Infirm, nt. my. 1, v.i * i\-.;, :;, l- I in In .lu icoii'fi.l. r.-.iijiitic toctet) 'Irii'ii i, lit- Mr. I,.,i- .1 ¦¦ ll,.- I sud of l|.t- *tiU',-* "-lli. Pill Vol. .'v. ll' I M.KU Tin: 1 PAB. ll- I..! / I" rs ri- usual. 1 I -I,1- R ti HMoNH IllK.V'll't. Ul N! I I I- lull i oNKTTi, I; V ll HU, r, OMMKM'IS.i (il Ililli i: ism. Ihe- fe,h. Will,! t.inf t roxi ni,,,.¦ will rs-fri- _ ^_sctllerel : _________^_ rV-'kL'nV-.1 Ttl, Luieiiti,- PtSffflfli ll r-l'-W. T|t( ,,f u, HBABf, wrpNKbOAi r101 N * >.:*¦¦"'¦» ""J Mr,,0« IVT.NINi - I ,. 1 ltl'lf-l*A > IKIIill I si- sn ti |i iv ,'Tli,' ...uidoii i I N, sr \- ik * i Villi) ItA.'ls ; I'vkVJNU- ';' '-'¦0fl*SlL(ltSSBBY. ES-*, *in i:nt v, v inii. .iriti p. M. I-.- v- heatoaaai *xu linn Ml x. vi - usual. «e ll-it * I WAN I AliAllsAMlWI, li: I'UIV.VVF. *l.(l:M Uti lat ll-Ki M OZABT HALL. DIVIK VI *ll V| t DMI'VNV. BOB I. VDU* VNH i IIILIIKKN. w m. Of .uToiirT: rtin-irvi.iiY nWttttm N..UN ANII Ml.III. !\<'KITlMiTltl'Rtt- HAY Nhill I. NKVV (DMI'VNV Till- VV o N! VV .-.I Alt*. 5 ll. mHbmbbi ( Hv'VNKI.lNS. S John, lilli!:, 11111*. keflui-il Statue ( I'n-ilauc. r«. u/aiti unlit ,,f ihr s'rea'i.t .l all *kvli:B Ar.' Mr. sbi> Mb*, lui: ai.L-N-. in iilrsi.lug fkc Ti,.*.un ililli* u«w. Your tas-.rtu-s, lill, .ililli''ans. with Monkey, au-11'"**.:lir br,t lu ibe waild; % clrrii. Ht;, ir,, |. Vll-s 111!*!) NTiltllimr), '.lu- uleaslus* "sous bird of Um. siurld. SOI sill* lill- V K KH-(-(ITT LOU'S-AM Y. 1 .uuludliia .sill. Uie* tunny uT.rutttl«ii 11IAT AW ITT. BAHV. A-lnussioii lo ail ibis .real tho* only ll) miks*, 1. t.r ic, I seat*. 80 o»nt*. Hssu. s oisru _TU-ruouB*l I o. i* rftirinauci rtiiuuiructt si . ;al ulglit tluurs .laen si 7 sin. ce tiiiniusi- al 8 u'ebic-. nailery rut**ryrd (or rulurtd |n*0|ib(. ut- VII I* il*. / (KANO Ol'l-INIMI OF TUB LAMBft* ^J raiM rnR thk itKNKrir or vj, pvt- Blt KM k'KMAI.F !*(TltHH, at BJS, USO sail Maia itraat, unsi dour lo Matsra. Wtltlam I taffnu, . uti J.tnict Un,rt-t , ,,..-«>-. You atv- i-r*|**t. fnlly IntiVBtl lo pay * vIMt aad etaoHu* (ht- r Sue display of I sl.Hl.aiid VAM V ABTIt'LKB. CONffKl It..SV.U!_*v,li t-t MOT UIMNKR aud *l I'l'tK Nrvaff i-y pult'.e ladi-tiUir*. «fff>H

Transcript of THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. - Library of...


.J ..oneil nUktUMBH.


Har Trellis, on Blo.Ml.rn1*rsn1nr I* of Interc** tn

attila****. Milli- malled fret .m/.s-e-pl or yow


laasrer 3. Atlanta, us.

< .'S-TITl'TI.lNAI.-UBlirri.A.A S ll in ii." omi I. i ha* l-s-ii .are I ¦>( what I he-lltsi \ .fal. I.) 'In u*e ol

"*wm "Spwlf-e. j itsiDivisi,Ailkl'KH'.isi.a.. .bile Bl, IMI*

it -t BIBKD itv i-tiv-i. I vs-

l base tin,crit-sl -si ifp. -rws-ifi. in msm -s»e*

.I Hi. "I Isa * **<¦.'. mn mle. sod il lia.

nut.!, rurrs aller all .nh. n .,¦ ie. ml M. si vM". ll I...

. v. -, r, «-¦ a ¦-, .'i -.8, HMM,

H Alf)"! I ILOOO P'.t-.'S. '-.nie-,s>,.. -. '. II..W tm..


is WORTH V -111! ,-Vi. OK


( s.tiriis-. ,, s.

T!o- will e, llfv tl al |ar| nieniN's .,r ,,,\ i.- f. nilli, sfpr Battas "iH'-rel f"r mani

T lirc»riii»ritv, and Ins ¦;

. .uti atHeal lain flt liv tari..,,, mr In iti'i. t. ii ear. i t.y ass

i.tti. .I IU J. Uri.dr, ld". I",mate i;.>-i,later, lt.wonderful, and well

rna; in. i. it. Js * .lied .-vv.'iiiair i

v. tfally,-I AM)- V,. -ll," vs.,I

IN HU) AMi lU-nl I I!¦ -I .i s-

ll,,, .I.,., v\i 'it. i.r Allsiita, well .ind

n tm «n :,:, .ur Um t site*-Kaiai .- «

Beaetsl lesaiaM* kaeat. a.r*i ** i aa I i ilrt ii n!s I. f, r. tl,, *>.!. ,1, I !»ii.-' BlBQtBUoB III a

lu. LDavie, f *lll!l".wn. Al*., writ.-- "Have

nr-rd Hrsdfii . ll '" "Bl B*""M*-|f 1) is -isTifle. lt

lt, lu li .tot thc

!¦ ¦!.""

A Ih'.'t fi -I Inn

| ¦¦

I ..I. nut lt.i l:, *-

sister i

s .. I, ALA.Dr, .i. nra*. Wi Pea-ale Rei

,¦>¦ tj ol'i hal ll I- aarl-

.ir.. ... i . lil HS, ll. ll.

' *.V..illili.

.rm i -Mi'vM.

la in

a. li. IP-I urn i. iv i. H. M iv.Haaastaa Pattae*

I I lt"»lTl HF.. lAKPITti, BTOI I'.**. Ac.


¦noriiKin A OO.,

. e*T lao vd - ;

Un. ;w .... of Ut ni"-t cn,; .¦

vined ash nu, ur* r

ll'KMTt "BB,. AIM) ,-.



I'M "...ll-,

..ll!.,lill. Wi.)

Um I i ..sit mi"n prices.)l*i ,

;. ii.,. Um * in

, « ii pars! to atve every one attention.

Mi ann* Um t Uaw . _i-ii of

la-t Vial Ball ell w

.ul >I< lo|t :;-,"i c_.ll Bl


AV!' IN-IA! VISI H PSI I PIM .||n|-|

ll.Iii! lil |

BAH Pim vi' si niki.

i' moat ni to --'l hm. ri¬ 8TBII

I ..iv PRK i -¦ BAM I i !:M-:

Bl i LOM bl V INC, vi vs: A< i; RISli, v.ii

SM vi.', XVI s-i -

I I I: -i i l i . IND < kBPI I-

v I ).\ I 1,1 vp )¦. - I -V iv

PRK IM, I l.-i Will RE i

BIO ns l |". ,i;,

mi v. vm know i to bi rat|> Ul CITY.


])i i \ i I''.i.u in 11 nioi).<'!'¦!' Ill ll li I. MAI.) Ol

.'! I. '¦

LIM.. Pl 111 ii Ut;. I l v, HEIt.Mii b-. a sis. is ,,i. han

iipn Hr. .lolls \llu SSI-. s ¦.¦. : il wll

"a 1' I,


ViVTL ( AN IU lill I LL_ -Al (ftUikl lhere ar. few Icu- Hill eanlji

nw turi, .i %tulaTf"tn.,! Inoai w*,./...i,.. ern!,rael',.- ¦

Kl U ASH BLEU WI STOCK UFi is) ) usi ultu.

Ut nil v. li itsi ii in.AST'

MATTBII ian '¦. ... i.r .

-. nt.Wt in . ii )-i ant '.

.erm. tina.B. li. ll vi:wu h. I -os.

*e18 4. 'i. snd - .

-I i as | I.i I III I 1.1.1 SAY.t - -

lu,. "I (T.aiut.-r. PaiW.saS DlalBB-Molu all Die tat. till..* and '

'-are wi Ui aili ll

est, alas_sr*s lash. ¦ . - aiui litvite a

l i i our noni, ind Intnt-rt our jp-"*!*.i.. u l GAI I * sos.

TU.EPHOBB <4i*»l!'*\V.

Till:' IA*. MM lill IBNTELI l'lli.N. .MI'ISV.

1st oiM-ni: 11! li I sui tl 1 Bl LAW* Ol

un STATE Ol m vi louis.

(IV.( ,111'VSY

»,,, am ¦'. BIlBOS-li. Mari.. 1. \ I-.-,..

.. ., -s North i s,'a- A laI . i -. .in"I

w. r. ii i piaw KATE*.. VI. I-A I '.'

IM 1. ALI. A Alii EB -


Thi. ..oiipisuy lt ww ptapartna '.¦ b"*i_*tt.<t_:.1* Tel. i C-'Tai.*, . lo ll" flit or Kl*..,i.,l and oil., i lt."I Ibe soul h.IU I-ne-1 '... lu in t ali le'l

? ,1, , ,,w .. i

et|»r»l,t| 1.. I ,1 pi aa, del. Wliere.

¦Ilia ...tuaa-it 'S-I- TeJtltlw.i.'ii d i,ti,ti. -ii i i i' i i;K

ll i I I'll' tN I - i, very tautra'tli- lerm-. andSuch pi-l'-i. St will place Hit. 1 lui-TU.ut ad)'ti Ism* sui i*-1-|'- life will,it, Hw r. tel, ,,I i-su-iti. SI. ,.,m,i, o ..,, 1 .,,i ll.,. Ile.

-f-tr-nl lt) . nleenI imuiiel ai.4 antral,Md hy I

|«ria I ..,.. ,,.-!.

IOIIN l.A'loii UK, MEEI ll \NT.I 'IAII.I.K, No. I nelli .In ( 1. i«

Ml l'( ll INT^Biria sta**. i»-i_s Tri

IV'lltV- vilt (,ETT!N(. I I'.J.. ..Nfl ANTI.Y IN

TiiiM. -I iiauli: rouHM*, NTll.iell, -.Nt) DI Ul

.. Ml VI IS I*,.""he will *ur larrie- rfu) ol** m.*! io fl

a> il. k ll e*>.

i n ultra rxTWACT nt mr^r.

{J*** «'JANY'S EXTIiACT OFMF.AT-FINF.sT AND . ID.Al'Isr MPATFLAVOR.NT. M-.H'K Fd,, .«,, ,-T Jf_B*...*I.KS.ANDSA1,-F.s. Annus. ,s;o,-..OOO.-OOO Jars.

Ltl.U.ll ((.mpanv-s kv-.,..- (>rA...,s..i.i,i.:,-,,.,... .-aasBssssiBMa!.for whirl, natl,..,, .,..,,. ^ ,.rM,.v .._Nf" Medical Press,'* .. l.snrrt," tr.

tlvi.t.:..-* o.lT «ltu rBfl/BesfBStffffsfBBSBI**+».tabsflBlaffaecafli tbs labu,

TlKlii:,*liv..,,|.:,..,iB-a.,ll,,1.u>.Mililii.v.toa baas tacattyatBd bj .i,-...,, ,.., ,.tu, non-tin, t-iit.,.,,,.,.,,,,,,. nra ta.r..,,..,,l,,Slt1. I-ICIC! e.,,-,,.v..,,..,. .,,.,..,.

icm. .-,-.. ,:.,.. ,.:,.......,.nt gnu*

U8BN c.'Vtl'vM '-. i n_AOI 0* ulmli, Lc hal Of all M.,rrW-Kr.,.,r.,,,.,/,,,.,

Ma, sd,, asoata f.r... , .,.,.,, ,_,.,_

(SLolt-sl't .till,. C. I.ASIM(l..,|ll-|..,],irss, -..,r. I.,,.don. ITnr.i.nd. ,.v i-.s,-,..,

IKMITSi. villus tte-.

A GOOD, E I R v icu. \ BLIMli'l FliK (TIH.D1{F\,

hard-- III.lobble a -ai bbc, ii .,!,'. |oedl nuiiuifa. titre,t, -rbi,

.ead pert, ali for i'i BO bm an]d f.r SI.7.'. for nny il»-. fr. n, 11 t , 1 :i

Pitta I lara, la * ¦'. aloa.i- a. nomirsa,

wilt A .-tell,-i-r ..univ, v. V.

Il I, WP. I. I. KIR URR thH .' ! L I. I P. K .1I, Hil KK 1. I, RB hRK ''il.I H -*¦ I. 1- !' ll ll ut.U ll KKK LIU. L1J.I, KKK K R ai **

OOO (Kl "' _SS_,, B B

I) .> d **.",.,fl i'd o . I(svi (tn Baas



IA SV MlLim O oo o "BB. AA BB Nf) nlt LO (id fi T I AAA V NND I)BBB OO OO T hsss A AN BBDDD

S*S ll ll OO PKRoSSae i( lld OL J. 'DKS,,HHHO OKfl BStvuK Jil lid OK e. 2¦Bff"H il oo BKB"BB1

kow in mv.

t\1 ibt BROADt rm i i.,

(ot 4


y UH.IMA STATE INSUBANCE OO.ui d. 1- 1008 Vt sis STBBBT,Rll ll M<in n.

1N< ORPORATED IN iee,*,.

. A-ll ( MT 1Al.laoovoot


in*r. ani. uiiiii: PBOFKfl rv

-I I. ..r d-in.a ..! ti

!Ui:K( T.'IO

... U nv ..¦-, Petaldeo,;* vv. McCaa. VI .-!' ,duli;

VV ii 1 sm IL H.iMlt. ffAWES Vl.l lil.. JOMBSe

Til..vt t" tTKIflSOB,

Ko. E. Kt, hai:ii-un. ii.«.;; vnt,

Si.r* Lis A«st. **et :i ,:irv.

VV. i. MAUKi *-!:il".r.

An Bil iii all Bat I'ii'iiiintat! cltt. low >.-, tad vll-¦f Virsfltlfl.


4'lllflA. i.t tsv tv i ii--. ,i,

¦L'll TEEN-DAY PBENCB ( Lin KS,lin: MMlBBffS( OAL V.v*l -.

li *l Pl.t LIV! I)

V NH 1 l.INI ul lill. Ale ". L.

i ail u <i ne Hum at


1011 Main strret.

T o' ll - i

$16.40. ?u;-,n- -"."'.


MNNI IL ST. 1:8 A I. K.l. 'I m.,I ILA ( uVJLIN! ll

la Lu..! Um ISO L"rrr- tn <\i BO..,1 OBOE GIB90T4J, .m..

aasn 1807

Iii., ci; vi lu i>lN\Li;--Ki-. lini.M'".'.."- i... rated Tea-bria, ii "in CLO.

I-, ,:.:.: In c. ri',-i I lian,!* -r-Sets. ,t .

I,.-t ream v.a. "-Uv. i-I'l at.-d Warr. Lamp*, Chitdn ti- dav. a mil line -¦! tb.

ROBERT II 81-4-1! Wei t-I 7 Pr roi-lr I.

ll i:\I.H! I- \\ EALTIL


NI r\ tv ii lil! NI N-I if I VTMI NT.

d by i.i-e "f tl1. i.a.t i. Wakefulness, v,, nial Depi


., |« i* iud deali v. canted i.v ,..

ruin "t over¦ll

. '.. -i ld ll* Until. I'l",.aid, "1 ta .a Ipi- MK IIOXE** t.

Vt Illira, h ord" ru ..

acecinpanted withSO.we will ¦- idtliepuiur.-, lin u m.

IIN . VS -I .V <'<>...Heel.

tn .2-.Mr. 1. O-tSflflre, UL

LKWIBfls) llflC AMT I* ll I.l Ul .


i v :: -,v 'N, PAW

IN.,*, aad v. v ; Ll. cul OBI

In I.t -old V! rt I


I A-i I.*. . VC! nt 1*. M1BROBS, la Pl oh Bl

s' ;

i*.-I'.iou, Broaar, and aattaa! on.

a fun ai vi: n-i *-t pp;.if* a

Viii,. 1 I.KVsT*'-.

.,- ri

S 1IAMH lilli* Aflll HUI SH 1.4X11,

! I-1 lil.i Liv Ki> A NEW M'oi ls I.1" its'alni

I, IS- ANl'ol! -.TIVNliF.I.IK.H*.HI, A"*. I INDI Ls AND ItuN,», Lo ll. I!)!


IlitiVI" AN DLR tiffs.TDK ill Altin., lilt ("RATED -ll vDK,

ll,, t ITuaiariit ai.d !.*¦" ia Btores B sparlal(lil. BTOVBH .'. r .-o.allur and hi

( all nol tar iu> lim -f tu- iluiw-r.-IttllN pow Kl:*

oe |0 -.'lo Vo. Tl. rei ¦.. Ile l. Ill.TlUlOllJ.l 1

iii. n.Mi'M' i*ii:fi:it ai. iu ii.

|N|.. I oAN. Wil TIM *I ('..iM.'INV.

ihi " un, i pLAffrrasVa,:.ssl lush'.

la, Il N III-- P.-.l-litli;.I..IIN J. IV Ult.Il I. Vii r-Pre-sol. li!

VS II ISM l.-.S IS-sTl.l.v, (aslilil.

Mi viv LOAMED 1)8 HEAL (CMlTEoatt.isi.u ti-rnii. ti' j. inoi.lhly lii.Uhtiei

hAXTNi* Di Pilli Ml.NI.IDT'..-li* lin liven tu ihi, dapartmi

sud IN ll 1.1*1 ALLOWED Bl iii-ni 'T Ac, ilium OCC Ms-tuliy a_


lint,,; i. inour

I.lunn and (iniuntl Pl i-t-1

Icvwitaiiili Hr .-'.,siaiiilc4iK*(iH'l

¦yyoiniiY ot oixfidence.

hXBBPg BsaasaiB-a i» * "Be****** thut dunnsnearly fest] .,,.¦,,-. p, ah p-irl* "f thc irortdli*. pri.Tt-d Usetfl.-.-icT at the bc-l IiI.hmI known tn inedlral telence.

HAMSAI'Atill.l.A (eu nietod from lin- root ...'tho

B' .nilli,, lb,ii,lura* Saiit«tnillls| I. Itv hi*,

iiiid Ifs j.., wei-- an- enhanced h. thc c\ir tots

.! ruins Ptiilaal vitim.-!... nie i-dnie. «.r

!'¦ l-is-luu! and Iron, sud ntlier 111/1,

it- v,.nr Head vtBaBBf Bj) smaaamusutsst tai.Ilia "Ilse BB* asilclbUirv r-.ini-il.ini? Is lt

(slatedbj -1 '..-ni-1 la I ur Issi it aeaialfln vp i.-nrv or furUa.'I'U- Di

'lill: Ballas *ar*"*'*la"*»*d Hm ["siled Matta,atokn s* ih. e.mi'"-itioii .r wit;---ai:-vPl PIPPA. Ml lli.'il in.(i.lai.-clo .1 _-...«! b.rIhe urlticalieii id Iii, l,|....l 1- wtU-lB IB*rsniro


1 to;-,i'l.ONIV . ',. ne Bf ll" - MM ls I. il ¦

Tor ft pei ~ 11 who li is e..nalpie,1 1.1.1 lo

«tt.i!n si.iiihI health and prevent UM Iran.

ml -!' n ot ll" .!< -.tni-liic fatal I" .-

THOBOCGBLT "MetTlee n iini-.itl..n af Bmtem aaa include aol oali Um r> i,-.<,s . 1 nieorrapilofl fi im Im blond, hut tt" earlrb-rm ,1! ....! tin In lythi sin/ of tho vital or¬lan-

Ul I.I.VIil ll vb....e all ..ur I :.¦ world 'c-Pfi(hill lids ».ilk ls lr I. .. -.,

vv ir- - vi.-ip'ini.i.A thara bi -m.,.el., r 11 a.01.1.

BLOOD .ii ii l» corrupted Lhronah dlsaaa madeIII. BBd ¦!. "'I ll" ll" 111

nutlonnl u,< redeorpavle I- matte itronsvii 1: - - vl;-\p .BILLA.

pi un v pm. t... .1 sad bmldlna sp the 1-

1. te 11.inii. time )b serious eater, bul heacfliwin te -t. riv. t .111 tin n e 1.1 vv 'i: ..

sUl-U'UHII.i in i" -po.--Illy thin rr,.iuanvil"'

Mitiit Inp b.r \ihicii Ilk* rBetU set.rlalned l- at -mi tin 1, r in ile market, underany aame*, bat the only prcpsraBaa Ibal

ts ll ls esl a .. sad proved wantoli is- i ¦:'- . .nil .1 1" ll

VI I.'- -Ml- Vf Villi.I.V,ruMsniT' i.v

na. .it. av in ,v i h., 1... mu. Mi...Bi '-I bj Bl dr,n.',i-i-. Prlee. *i -ix bonier

. I myl7.Js.-i, Viilti.Ililli

li 1(4)4 ll Kl IIS. Av.

/ lil'.M- RUOABS,..:vi.ii roast TO-MOBROW (8ATCRDA1

and V'.SIlAl Il.e 1 Ul,, sad hus IC, ri

i.l: isl LATED Bl UAR r.r *-1. *-. .tn B poaoaaoli-i *- r 1. \i vvi: \ 1 ni ti 1.. ..I 9 poaadt olHOOD llvi. |l; sp 1; BROWN MT.Al:,r...; winn: -i GAH vs ms it v

(oMPAN'Y. n-i tl.. .-.-1 ...mer -..o, .-,,, Broad¦treel ld. di v i" il 1., ol.'. .-, 1-1 :-


uNs, n !. non a una KHtlMJ. I- pg <> AA !( llj 8

¦wy pa A A KKK _".,.¦ uP UO CO AAA R Bfl ....B8S8 VU Him A AA K",fiH-"M

I.ll.ll'! VU.I.oil. .', ;

VIKI IP, -I;, c.;

I! BT I !IIT1 7 .;

I.HASP!.Ml n.T .,.;

( I T-LOAf Bl ,1 POWDi RED,! fe.;

'I A- AND ((.li

LoVI ll! THAN ANY liol -ll IS lilli. HY.

Ill (edi I I" inn). ii 1 'eli 1,lei el TF V- ll

I iKKIT: in tin cilv .1 cu '.eil,1 r. I 1.111 iriilu.'




VAM -.

..i.A-sii aim:.

LOVEL! ri) 11 1:1. IBM

B1VBB 10 ALI. CD8T0MI :.-.


Nd in 11 vi 1 -1 < 01,". 1 1: Bboao am. -i\th


17i I 11' Mer- sTiitir.r,

Kn iiMi'Nii. Ye.

foe! M'''!

N i:w ( bop KB COFFEE-

8,01 ii BAU!.

hui,. .-bil' .. Ptolemy.*'lirx-.i, 1,1 DAVENPORT A MORRIS,

or .',.71 Dock ire. 1. RI



Ninail,:,ii,i.*r"|ii!rid. Will u ll in lure II,- tabill

Orderi indlnqullll.i RH SOAP M isl i v. 1 DRING ' "..

lndUui u li*, lad,.lulls H. URI IMAM,

st, ¦>-.. ,."] y

Ci Oil.'I U1NO M' I-


VI- Vl.'iilV I IIVYS! -.

[oe SI



WABTB.*AN llb. -""¦ OAlfMlNElM 1" »'

.Obi. M0SI1 Vi V ~rSI>Vi

- ..." 1dav. .'. P.-U STD".

ll-!-*9l."iiti I'llli-"-'-


in s fe' uh sud Bi¦',

FEB .MONTH. -M.AK. AN1.unpett-nt Ill'*

M VN vt. ll: for this lt] |oi state) sae%Or\[\ FEB'?.)./lll ll ll VI


pootirdrc mi -nu ¦. 1-1.i' practical!* a tn

ti"!.,,li, luann,;: tie- lelci bon 13.1 li-. iplc bo""

s., i., od I r pim:.¦> in- ttddri is. srlth nuI.... lill S VTIOS VI. ( "VIP.VN1 .81

Vt ur'ieiuli itreet. Kew York eltv._1"WANTED. A FIH8T-I l.\. COO!tl fors itnall faml y. V.

thal I. '-',s,|..ti m. Mu rome well 1, ennui, nd.ll. Maj _oe 10-**

\\* AN 1 IH. A YOUNli MAN .'ll HALEsMAN is pilso- Asl) OROA

VI IREROtlM**- " who 11,11 ;.:n w.-ll mi mt

and orran and win. hs- had -.-

tic. -. loaves*



mica nos 11 un 1: '.*. novern 1 .***-"

VisillM. e,ol ) us, --. leaehe Ensllsh. »sic. ind .rom h. Pi fer ie - r»cl nerd. Ad lr*

.latins lent... J. A. lt., i:n,"t P'-ln. !'

over Coarthoute. Va. ,_'"' '.'--1'

WANTED. A UOOD <'«»*>K, WITol 1 psi mihi: an. 1 vi'iily.iit ¦"'-!--

Clllll! -tl,,,, til ii

*.\N'I l.l», A VAN IN KK HMO!lo laka aa wBea sad repi- ll BB entirely new iii,, ,,| li .¦ '-. *rJU per w.

Mn*!! espial retiulrcd. ld Irw v*tl(l,n"'^'J;1148-41 Bas 7". Weal v. " ¦'. M '-

\V -KTED, 600,000 HICKORY H<»<Iv headhoops, viu-ihetn-ii.i.-.ii,,s

sliaie.i. aad ls feet lons. Purchased! tmnowni Derenber 1. li-t. Bot rnrllier Informst

applvu. 1. 1.o'"n il vs.... l--.-w ISO! ("'in lr,et. ItJ

lltahesl ;nirc< ps .I a .I.-, '' BIctiB-oad>l_,l.i lic-!(tl. A.lutes,

A.I). -HoTllT I I. .* I '"..I . "l-'.in_MsiieUette.'. >


tittil w,.ik ai (her .-sn Iciii-; IT la ll '

***Uj 11..-inc: ss, il * nt hs ,,,.-,,!. 1:

tl. luise i-.m.iI lion,and Tor om work.Bad employment. Addra**, wil" "I*. Til ill N MASI I V Tl Ul ST. ( VS YHan-tire*., Cincinnati, tl.

1 OTU t 'toss BUMAC WANTII,' fl fii |.,r whi, h I will juaiaiil.*- th, bltflmarket nrlec 1.1 CAMI.Has* hu. Writs for nadsilota

I.l. ilH.K T. Ml'''

aa tutu, c8*00 to DiOO ll illiaimiiuri avenue,

Kle'.lill'.lel. V

8MEK Ll Bl II.

I AM INIT.i;M!:i) imat A KB1 ll ST ll.c.,,.l-nni*. f IIAKIIK'T I l»-!t"VEGETABLE SOUP- mKaTi... A 1 HIP-.will ls alvin .O-llAY. DlMnatsiil. »t the"chant*' Eteliaoa*. No. !» toath Twelfth iiiI hil ealahllahUai-ul lt Justly cohhrair.l foi In .

,1,1,1 Inn and rho auperiur <|iialuy ur lit ll'l"ri.rvi'od* welcome.ucJi-ll*


DrsariBrr ol Kniabti Trmplnrs-rroawblr1 Iisiisr rr Rrnir-pniiitr., tmrlltcrarr-(inirrn.rlamerot.*. AppolBtBtrfll*.I- " ... Kiaka-.1 MasSta-l

I'l.TiniMii in;. Va., Octobffr i». i*v--Hu- rutting Knight- i-em,.lir*. brtffr*

nesrr* alt returned to their homo. TaiLvnebbuif, Norfolk,and I'nit.niouthCotB-inaii.h rles left abortl* h.,'ore nnon C-hy.Tin* cits i* to-dt- i.rt,,.- wrrppsi si i'.inal'V,ll, il* ,,, (!,_.. o,,,,, whlc,l for-.-v. ml dayi perl ir tx T, -*- l-mditclydecoistcd. Appom Hos ( .mini ry di¬no! _n nulsltle ">' ii- im i:,i,cr*l)i|. (nr ii-

*i-lui e lu i nit ri.tu ti,, <.r.|,j Coilllliui 1-iv viaitto* ...i, .

lt .* BOW inUoaled tba! tho Virs,-';ni t BBffl( ur*.lina lliiiimad ( ¦:, pan] will elnUMK Hi1 oil id diiriin.c Into dui route through I lie'tv; thai Peart Street w-ll ba avoided aBo>¦-'' (ber, T"l tha: t . Iii. \viH cullietltiVVTl 111(uiiiii tu potartneai Yi'ill-nmsiin i Birth*-factory, atiii iheu trike nini (oaBBsaasstreet; thenesfollowing Brkk-Hoaaa nm.!. wi. lu Market -La il. .It ,s -aiil Ilia! thi*el,:in.-,* will save'Hm compSBJ. IQBIS (ortvor Uhf thousand .lullars Iii outlay (urprop, liv.

Pul Till AL i* understood, that Qov*rrnor tJautertm

ha- Sinihril hi- llitititnii lo nillir,. thc

people t,r Petersburg mi tbenlgbl BsforeHie Non ml tr t h-ciiui. He will in Unlniiin time, however, speak bi several allin eoiinlie* of Hu- tlisiri, t.Tarrah i iti**,rt mi ihe stree* ta tay

th:.;, ss it'n taa s i, ss- nf conciliating sadLniiin. flic tWff (rutit.n* of the BepubBesffns. mi ihii win be aando to bsvebotk

Brady .'ind EvffW v, itlulr.isvii (ruin thcbel,'. :ir,d a euuipronilw esndldste «ui>«tl-tuti tl 'ti lin ir ],li,. c. TbeffC nias <>r mus- ndLc foundoUoa (<>r thi* report, bin .: i*

asacrted ss trot. l -au several ofHu Ksiiii* hath!* mi lhe subject,vv ho aaid th' y hui beard the reports, hutIlia, liud.T no ein litiistnnee* would Bl IBIwitbdrsw. Elans Mmsell mys thal tn

iiiiK.iu'.t ni money asa Indues him to leaveHu- tieiti. ile suv* in-i* Lu people**cboiccfor Congress, sad tn Ooafraw he leetsmurali*, ecrtffhl lu- vvill go. So sure, :,n lin Independents that they areHot nlv right Lui greatly -Toiii; r in thc(Inflict', tia ii hin r ha*'I i.n forwardedtu ihe National Bepublican Committee intheir behalf, inv i,in. the airomlttet iscBdHine of it* nunile r* herc lu look over thcIt lil mil tarsal"BC mid deride fur Hiern-lelves,

l iiind States ntarshsk, and lupersisonof election ore to be appointed, ithstated tbat tbe appointing power 'hu* bo!recognize Hu- Independent Bepubllcsus,nini tim, in eon*, quenc tbe tatt r n tu i,..k to the ii.Tiiueiiiiie oat. Iall r >ifame * mi,i prote, ti-*) un election-d iy.

It i* stated thar tum,, died |i .rt, r ;h" Oeto! cr eb dion thc Ib publicans v. ni thr,,. :

inr.'e iiiiiuhi i- of promts ut speakers in thblute, :ditl ina! the P. urta district will r,

ii* fun shan- "f attention, len it".Plumb, Of Iv:.!*::*, ssill *pi;ik ill PctCISbuts in vt Thunda] night.The D, rnocrata ¦.? the Fourth di-tri.-i

have ihe |«,*it:ve assurance thal thew interrata ar. not to be overlooked or neglectedEmin, ni -i liver* f.mii other portl rn, othe :-'!i.t< mid friii I.r-eu1 willi., «. ni in.,ile d -ii i. i. among a bom may b mentionul Judge Staples. Maim- Daniel, Huns:.ii,in j, Randall, snd others of hk-' di*tin.ti..ii, anil probably Bob. John8.Balbonr bin leif,

l'iu u t; ih. ps t month there were sixtytwo ut nth* iii n.i* eli]. Bonis .Xians.

si -I'lNi.INT, id'LIIATION'e.

Pl ,Li:*r.. i... X .... October IO, I*---*.The lobacco factor* of Watson A McGill

one u( tbe tir.-e il In tbe city, Ir.s t mponriiy suipcndcd operations. Thu betorHives employment to on r MO colored en

i h. luspeusion is due to Utsi -Hdtv of tote, e lot in iniifactiintu* junpose*, which retards worh mun- or lesaotb, rfsctortes In Un* place.


A P.rsrtirr llaniril -Vthrat DoSBOBeff.Twtntv-Thousand-Dollar Sail.

f( .., rt *|M,ii.,i ru c ol IL, Pirtimond I)l«!,:ttrli.|Ocroaaa IO, Ma.

Kev. E. B. Chaney, ol tbe Laurel Oroisection ol thia eounty, was married on tliMli lastsnl !< Miss Tilly ..*-. r-nti. a, ftbouse ni net broth, r, Mr. J.iiu.-* Penn,,Msjrtbuville. Mr. I bane* i* tbe mini*!.w io. Lian i'd -ii many couples in obs juthal bc wss ahle to go to run! uscon the lees be received, seeing ail the olJeda ol Interest on tbe way, and bb) mailih rd* an dow amused il the ide* thlu- liim*. if l.a* been caugbl al bart,

-(lie nf tbe fal.lief* Lase Leen lllilkirrat! * r i artier suss [nan ol wheat than usuiand ttn rc i* complaint thal lhe wb, .ii (son::i,i in Ina soaked ha* i time np anddying f,ii aiToimt ol tbe dryness ol ii

ground,of Hie ns. my transfi rn ol real estate r

tidil. .1 la-r month iii. moil remarkable oti* tb ii ni 34.1'; a. n i ol land t Ibe townDanville from thc state ol tbe late Dr. .'T. (.reen, the sale ol which was madei*.;1. and tbe on rfd* ratio.I, derat, mon, >. Bul i' was n cord, 1( littili.ttii in 1164. Now tbe Orcen-strei,. ... rtli * and (bi tm terv j ropcrtv.

'1 be *ui! ol T. v\. pickllsimer, ol II-dcrsonvllle, \. c.. n .in*- tbe Uicbmoi

Dville Railn ad ( ompanj ss i- pon ti lal >.< sb ni... Liol ni., and Iol Un da.- sj nt intaking tcstl tx By. Ttaking "f th.- t, itliuon* U r. sn I. 'ch ck this morning. On thc llth ol Femary, while travelll ll. -dr, .-¦

pass towards Richmond from Soti dulilla. Mr. I'h kli*init r enuc

ti,, L invlllc th pol nu the ci.train, arid b. rc thi caboose a '* tr

off, lu Lyn, to climb up on -i liwhich tva* then two or more lengths« bank, bis to rid ok

gi i on snotn *r al. al Dundi -. be Ifl through it-1 '..LL' i"'!'' -!' il .1 lei"di*Unci i. dj * ii twenty ic

...i,,i -ns thins. Bj iii. full be -ntlicture of Ibe tefl sboul h r*bo

ind (wo iii - on (h( tefl ade. He wai lbl, i,,,: up ii:, ml-ankm, ni aad icroflfl t

river, put on s car, and at Burkeville vs

lodged a! tl,.- Boliert* n Hotel lor tnnant. Dr, ll. IL X\ ( lilli-ndeii treatiii* case, Sou Mr. Pickllsimer sues t

Richmond and Dani III I! lUrosd t'ompacd Judge W.

**;., n, "¦' N'i ¦."'¦¦ ii 'I Mr. li. x. Pick,of ll, mit rsonvlll. S. as eoun«i omponi i* i- pu -¦ nb dis. ipiL. L. Bouldin snd Jud h. h. Marshin tin* sketV ton ol tb< ase tsbere arr -rv.

1 oint* nut noticed, such a* wini ssa-

condition ur Mr. Pickli*lnr«r rifn r be(rom tbe ear, what were the direction*received wncBbos*, lol tbe t-nii...,-,* i.

te., (-e., snd upon these ami other poithere it -nine confllcl ol t, rtlmony.'


Di nun 'B'ii Vlrruus-Addrritet frsin Beal

Vt ithrrt ti n.i nr. Mirr*.

|( c.rrrt|M.nib tu r ed tl.r Incn.otul IMlPflThursday, OeAobor I li, wa* nu- l-l

Priuci (leor.e cninly. Aeoordiog loin,nu.ament by State eommittce, Wow.\., Wltberi wa* present and addresied|co|.lioti the ismcs ol the campaign,(artunateff Um nrw ami elegsni .*-.

room ' "UM nut bs obtsined,esses werri ea docket, io Senator Willbad tu speak in ujnii iii. A* iva*

ju cn ti. bis speech fltas productive "f ni

good in abe Iifiii« (Tiiey. Hespoki lort:lo.ien'ly, iiiid directly tn Hu-'.', n. ii in attentlrw) !>r nearl. s"white m. n autl n wrgt number ol col.BM e.

Dr. Georgs E. Hives, our itauBch sn

deistIgablc candidate lot CoBgros*. Mr, Witbcrs in urn* of hts usual boldjnilruiiit *|ieicl:cs. A truer, more nuniii mm rai .mill uni bara been iioin!:ithan Gs.itgs E. Blras. Iii* psirioilimsound |)t ne.ency entille liim i" tbeilla) mill viffjoroua lupporl ol all menwant an h"i,c*i rspsflSSBtativc in Consfrom iiii* tllstrict. Beprossul itlvei i'

Brady and Brans BspuUlean Isctii ii"

¦epnrnte BMStlaas md aidrasird ih'-orcl folk* wUllin seven,..--Jive .ranis olDerooeraUc itaad, -lill Wither* and Bhad thc larn.-st erowd. Iliad*,"KvKtisili-s were very bitter li.-aui-:otii.-r, cai h ehimtng to i.rogubw."Ls an* patty -,,v ihi-y will li"! field lill*,t nn Vost iiil't, r it'll, While lu- B-', iu (l.-iiitiit and .¦nniidcit of "buyin !I tan-. I.vatis's, hts Inert*Prisca Goerrajs willxive Sires a foll*

Tba Nu Hiern .lack.I Alt isinlri* (lairiir.i

Hon. .lanie* N. I)un|,.p, ol Hh tun .)( thc must :>ccti.i|i|is|icil ural *'

\ tra lina, |BSS Iff tbs Northern Neck '

lu i. Lill ol Hie Demo'Mt:-.' I-n

I'fuiiniittec. The detail* of th** BBBBMhave lur-n put in etmrze of Colonel W. A.Juill», elminn;,,, of tlic < <u irrv-sional Oom-miltee. but it |a understood tim! In additiontu Ittesl appo'iiimi nt" Mr. 1 uiiitop will!|enk ;.t i|,,. .N'oithiunhcrliinij nnd Lancastercourt.. ||. ,..0plc will have a treat whohear liiai.

SOHUoLh'S BUDGET."!r*trr,| |0 ke KepaWed-dana *f 1*8*111*

ls slured.I-I i'lal fterrara to the Ill-i-ttcli. |

HaMBUt, ()o( li). lSrs*.i'-tl'v tho I tull rtvrittT* Acnicv ln-1.1 a

shiv, y on tho "bani-tiiii Kana B lu., of matChesapeake aril (Hun rniirn:i'l. daaMgad bylin* festerdav, sad .""tiered brr n u.- r

1 Ott o ! i :-.; ,.| ii... The tiaiii ire mil'HUlt ¦

t ") ri thoiisiiu.l tb.lian, lt couldriot 1. di -I rmuie 1 how tbe lire mlfIlilliA Kans ol aura thi. v.-* v. ho hm

!.'->' rall) ii.M_-.-d in robbing Ihe OldDominion PtesmsMp Llae men mearthsd""I '-w tor. il this aft.rn., .ii. BBd i ir.-

qaantit] i: p.,mis.tabacco, Iroaware, b ii iol ci..iii. a--.-- reeorered.





I'baiat., ris.,rs ol'ihe Heir lo Ibe PrussianThrone.

A Berlin lotter la tbe IL raid siys: Theii'-un Prinee*i eldest toa, and toaae<i'' tilly il,,- one who will iu oiiur-i- of feenii-'< roi tbe throne a. Raiser of Qermaay,will be twenty-sis lour* obi soon. Hews*too >..iii.i: io aeronipanv hi* f.itin-r lo UMBar againei Fraaee. ar ratler hi- fatbeiv.ns ion wiso too .,.,.|- (or lum lb*baptistecf Ire iihich tba In-t (Tapoleoa dla foitb. young jiriiu Mitirbrib-koii. To-_IJMWever, hex" tn lu* reaersble grandf.-.i!:i r iiiui nio-t soutar buber, kc i- tinleading military spirit assoai tba royalaud ii s of Europe. It i« Ile- belief antoni

OernaBa that tn- role i- to bi aB*etuorablitu.-, ii'.i thi- belief i* (rroOBded in theospcetatlna tbat tb* qualtUea arblek ha aaai xini iis ,uc iho-o chi, pv t,, be railed kuipiny iliiriip- th. yours to coin.*. Ho i-l'rihoe la tbe highes! -'-use. He not onl;look* h. but in ev, rv aaaetabtaa** that!m. .' n him, < v.ii whore his uniform ilIO waj ked him a- a mperiar. Ma titils that nak aeetaed itatDpec in rn rvr Hotof his baartai. aad ¦.rta d by tbo*eiI im il'SIlin tivelv rather th Ul'oolll elli lol)


He i« above ali things :i soldier, runmabel tin- arinv tbe "iibj. 11 ol a rion- soiontlui-lnstio study, lu the preaeat eoadiii.ti of tl;*- publk ti.ind in (i-inunv onlysoldier eal be i popular leader. PrtncWill,, nu is to the unlit "rv iwclll ol lb rliWhat the Prince of Wile* i- t tie elliun nol Full .M.-iH. A German officer ordeirai a bcw UBltortn doe* nm ask what tbWar IT* I'ltiiiint prescribes, but "wm

wa* tin- (ni ,,f Prlflee Wilhelm'la-t-:" A i dior wh i wis!.s i

11' i eustamer ilinplj renBurks tisI'm " willi, im bad this, that.or the.itu.addition to a usllonn, and ri**- liin_-(loiu.for the tailor ipi itally, .in-t in fl-an,, may * London batter haabnttogitho l'riii.a >,f \\ a1.-- lo war tiini' 1'iiiiiii vt iii In- liiie .mil bi- (niin-.- j. madPrince Wilhelm*i tart, conpled wltbp'l-oiial iniii-iii ti«i:i quill estraordlnarroe* far lo .-plain a \.ularlty be enjoyMurun.'th. _iiat uiaiei tivi'- in - :¦' mb.

ti tbe lthifie. winn tbe foreign officeipi.nnd tot tie- lir-t time to take putti.- _n. .ts ..( th. Erapi rm-, he left tlimpression on tbe mind ol each .u

i them thal bi- (tho strati...'-j paiii ular pr,-' te e v- a* the ono ino

valued by the Oerman Salter. Tue eon

.poi.tliTit of the Herald watched lum eloeenfl. i the flr*i day** trttlqut a- the group"flit cr* broke np tint lind been listeningtie Crown l'rin. *- words about the hgtii _-. His hoi*,, appeared to e ime by boil.lit licit to llic l!u*siin attilcJie's, al

lb* ratall up* a few hearty words, i muga noil: then followed in IntroductiontWO (** three with tho oltUfhr. lind t ion

Un re wen a lea nat phrase* and mmbs o

portana bon mot tn il ai-'-il another heirIsngh.


Hi neil "-aught ilgbl of tbe Herald e<n "pondi nt. win) wa* on horseback >m

dlstsnee fnun the centre ol tbe royal eireInto which, aaa civilian, bc did nol (eelIfbert] b. intrude. Beeognizlog my sci

plea, Prince Willi. Im gare bm i Bod olcognition .ind rode straight ;it me, mucbtba -ini,rise of tba military crowd amade way for Uta. With a hearty batshake lit" LBOtUrod after some muli(ri.Ti.l-. complimented tbe chancer l ro(and it wa* one thal bore fal,.ruble co

pari-on tviih bia own), expressed pleaiiliiai I Inti boon iiblc to conic so long . .1

lenee io attend tbe tiis'ht-, and jokabout tl.( secrecy observed bytbeGermAdmiralty ts beti I regretted tba: youror> .pondi nt wa* not to be allowed toiii-iii at th.- laval mano iivres mi

Hallie, in fact, a royal wink accompanithe laugh. After chatting ju-t longenoonot to h...ks his Mentions to your cor.pend, n! the subject of envious eritlcibe shook bandi and a a -'.on making*oJapan* ie uni,tan gueati feel that Uk y wt

the gueits ol Hie dav and tlnir countryin country abo**, friendship Germi

c..-.. ted. I bare no doubt thal PriiWllbi Im kiiev. tar more of the Japantv m footing than the guests from Dai Si|l.iiiw f: !n Kal*, r*l anny.

BADUST l *'¦)¦ ;.

one lon n n. s! to tbe otb. r

mov. in-i '- vi. I.- always the occstlsn fo'cw words that left his hearers with radiface* and teen t rows thal ti.- y li "I ne

mel ii more charming boaL The I'nspeaks Kngliih ll areli a- .rn Engllsbmamore than ihit, ai well a* an Amcan.for be speak* it ai h di*tlii-. J esiil'le ((.nt (he ;e ISOH IIP1V li" itifin! thal bis father's tutor wa* bb Amran, Ihe presenl Professor Thatcher,Vsli t'ollege, abo Latin grammarmaili- hi- name familiar ia all *eho il*.


li*-.s llie 4.real I rb/e Hill BS I u.iii.lei

1'reti nilli (lie Semite Wini,'.A Times Washington rrpecial aaya! fl

time ego it waa annount* d thal work u

lin n< it hitti'i i. 11 fric/e wbleb rai. tu.,I lbs wall "f thc Capitol doaaesi:-] nub d fm- vv ant of suitable sub]vi ii ii which lo Hil about seventy-five fi t

which iiiiist Im- occupied betb< fri. .. i- complete, Thc fa.. ii oalysiiijoc! wa* wanted aad Mal ba*supplied, th. I" lag the c

m.nv ii driring Ihe la-t ipike Inradi cud, which tint bound

AHan:i' and Pacific leaboardi toge!ai tin* ceremony many Bombie i-nwen assembled, wbo arc pul in tbe fground ol tbe eartooa. Tho last int

ii which Ibe sitnt -vu* engaged,which ie not yt i flambed, i* the .. p. ,;

Tecumseh.' Following itu* tbeeapUinn ai tbe I iii nf Mexic will be itinted. General S*~otl being rapraaeireeeiriBg the key* of the etty. Ai:.i- v>i lome aii lUnstrsttoa or tbecor' rv ol told in California, nnd thelag ol tbe bb* -pike will eompletework. Cartaoaa foi all "f tbaae rub},excepting thc !u-t. wera drawn tty theMr. Itrnini'ii. who painted tba diegof: *,,, on the ceiling of ibo dome. HBnuuidi'i death Hr. ( oetiginl baatakithe work, nnd the drawing ol the thu'toon i« i'i bim. Mr. < oauglil i* bobgaged upon iii" B«B*te .-(lanilre-r ii

rUburg, bm l expected to return!when be ivili pio.-e.-.l lo titii*h the fritA deal of frescoing hss been dont li

Senate wlagduring the Buauaer. inbb ni.'iit corridor* kuii* exeelienl *

fa is lil ii iloiu-by Ur. Camlne.wbo plsilie t tirrill..r doi' twenty-five Jai.*'.. Tin- cloak-room iiiuith.- x, ,lS.(. hate :l|,0 >..,.i, fi-,.,

Tho foundation for thal portion olmarbia terrace which extend* i

tbe narth sad if tbe Matai- BOW boin-; laid, and Ar.iiite.-: «

thinks .that it will be finished tovu-nt indicated before winter letiAbout thirty fce-t iu depth ol the eallei race lia* ln-en du^' away, up t" thelol waUBtCxpoBiBB tin- rough inhatrnewhich it this dii'tli is about eightthick. All ol tin* work i* dOBB nnd'supervision ol Mr. K.l ii ard (lark, iv

"il and sinsirlnioudcut. has lice

gaged ai Hie (apitol for aeariy forty *

( onteat Over a "Samlnallon DarliBy telefrapti t" lt,c l)i«liatcli.l

CUCAOOi Octolier IO..Il tho c.ti!

to tho rcRtilarltv of the Kcput.licannation for Caagresa In the Third lldistrict, thc Count* Central ('ouiinlttidecided in lavorof Georg" .*.« 1'avl*. liieeted that his nanto be piintcd nputiokeU.

I. vcr .. bull-do/p " a mun, bot ipi'-e-t ii human tit-lni. lufertna with..< you may .< bull-dose " bim tv.uii; gt vi iib Dr. BotFi Cough ".-.rup


Itemretiil.* in Prsparmlltin.llr.isirrisit and Traatfrrrina-BrpubliraaAt tlOty-lltB. ()rer«r I), llttr.

Democratic (-Ititi*-* are now organized andhnvc spsBHflJ headquarter**, in sll o( thc

wards. Thc horribly hot weather which

only ceased a lew dav* ago. iirevent'-d the

irtivc work o( the BBBBBSifa MBBg BBB>nu-iua d n* carly a* usual, but there is no

n aron lo (car that it will not bo done well

sad tliorou-liiy. All af UM dub* nw di!i-

lersttfl jill ru in": tn Bsd thc enemy sa bbs4!h.

Two ttftc'ivc mn tint's lev. bMB In l-lin the eastern parlor the etty, oas undertbe flBsptsMsof the linton ( iii '.Hm* othernader Hk* Mar-h-ili-Ward club; and sci

> lal otlu r* Will lake place -noll up town.The i lav -vv u il .Actives irs ta hare

a meeting os soon as Mr. BanoaO sppotuti;a day to Lc Ik ia ; th.* jeff, ,.on-Ward clubnu .ut to have ia ii.lil-tiine .. lins,tiit-iit";Monroe, nnd Madi-on-si ard Ltnbs aril)mute la' a demonstration, and -acksonXV urti will 1 e hi.nd (rom in good *, a-nti.

In addition to tbaaa aiectlngs tbers willlr a un a, i il. tiii,«*-tiiei titi-- m. 'he ti Iiol ihetttb. H will bffprceeded !>*.:t (nrcli-liuli( |irriee**lt*n Of all lil' D' uioc.-itic (lillisof Richmond and Manchester and s inp rhdisplay of .reworks. Tbs 24th I* tbeekflbii .; day ol tbs Fair, sad I hi exneetcd that

there will tin n bs sasn?,ry j)eo|ile intin- .iis, ami tn entertain tin in and tu help.nihi noses committee of cttlffens pro¬posed to raise tin- ini'ii-y tor(bUdemon**,ration. Thc offer wa* accepted bv tbe( its Democratic Committee, and tbe lattercommittee bare rent letters to Senator. /..B. XTinct ntui Thoinns v. Bayard, Hon. T..A. Hendricks, i _-Judge Waller !>'. Staples,Holmes Conrad, Esq., and several others,Inviting them in *|it ik on tbe occasion.Mr. Orin L. Cottrell ls Ure tressurar af thsCitizens' Committee. He only ask* a

small amount In,ni wteh citiffen In order tomuk.' tbe iitlnir it siicet **.

But th.* Democrats lure have cit mn a

nod deal of other work for bet, ilie met tin'.-* ure ..lav compared tothc other (11111r-* lu (ore them. The] hisi:. great deal or'igtu do to get up tin* sew roten sad t-

innke Un ititi um * procure transfera, n Barttn. (led.The Republicans bera bars never bsei

more active thiin ihi \ me univ. Their CltjCommtttee te st work dsy and nlghLantJhaveout-runnen putting psmphtett ma

Va n door, 'they minni, ol tnurse, liojit,n chi t their candidate (or Congress; tbaI* '-ut nf the question, and thereforewould - in to be tbi ir sole object t<> brimont their vote fall] In aid of tbe prestden.iii ti. .! i. Tbs fad timi they are busilywork will rouse our boy* n* rem wed eaer1' ms. lt ll ill kc. |i Hie f lill'.!-* (l- llll li ill;profoundly dull. Our nuts in Ricbmon,ssa* bevel in better trim. Thc organisttmn Ib good, the nominees ire*riti«( ,rjand there i- .rmi interest in the li-.htTh, re is hut one thing t" fear.ovcr-cmilitb nee.Hon. George Ii. Wi-, j* mot [ag tbrou t

ih, district a* rspidlj a- possible. It wi!nol ii*' in lu* power to io every locslliwin re thc people vs i-ii to see bim, bot I.will du hi* h.-t. Where ba eonnol go ii

will send otbi ipeaken,The H.-tn.n-ratie headquarters, Nu. IJ-1

Main street, where Mr. D. H. Jones i* iiiclerk in charge, ni.- bow receiving maaorder* for transfers, sad every day atarinumber of roten apply Lure for inform.lion a* t" w lu ia- tu regfst, r, bow t * bs natlralixed, iVc. tte. XT,r, r* are being regiti red i vt ry day. The thoroughness ..( oi

wurk lure las! fall leaves comparatively litte to do In it-.'i*!,rriii'anii transf. ring thve.r.Tbe ( lay, Jackson, and Monroe Wai

Clubs bsve an Important work to do, paliciiliirlv in teeing (bal thu*.* voters liviain the territory whew tbe new prectnc

ty have been created bsve their nameson tlrighi honks.

li, iiuicratii- county committees generalir- are paying little attention to the matteri., raprirtsors. Tbe Republican*, on the ca¬

le, irarj. a ill have u luperviaor appointed feach roting pr, duct in tbe st:ite.The Democratic list of supervisors f

Bichmond etty will bs prepared si tm.' tint.' of Hie i 'itv . lommlttee on Tuesdnight, and on the nev, dat their appolitildi! svill be asked "f Mr. M. f. PleasaniHi, chief luperviaor.



A .Mau tn idrumlly killrd Thr lunn


A white limn named Powell, foremanthe force of own employed In excaratlfur ihe Petersburg Railroad Companythe embankment In tbe vicinity of t

Spring-Hill Battery, wai caugbl nndseine fi* 11 in _r earth vt -teni tv after notatinilt -1 n't lurk alli! kuli tl. W'.rk'ii1 ti ii

dog pretty far In the embankment, aiwhile Mr, Powell vv:.* tbere pxpiiinlbow tbe earth should be loosened to miit (di a Kraal lump Ii ll, crushing bim si

completely biding bim from view.must have been killed almost in*tantly,

,, be waa dead before tbe other workmenmoved all tin-1 *rt'.i asms from hun.The October n-rin of th- <'hc-t.rf'u

( ounly ( "uri begini Monday, 18th, Tli* nut a regular graod Jury terni, ilewUI be several muidcmeanoi case-. In Iat)*-en.eof Commonwealth attorney |;.





il e



li is


bl*I' :i

Ultila. rock, who ls sick, Mr. John ll. lugra,,f ibis city, will lil bis p n ¦¦.

Tbe afflicted .i Protestor Monlette, wbo was advert teed (or Wednesdilea* iu,-,, fouodi ile was caugbl bj >Fimmuni on Mayo's Uland, and afLr belentrusted to two colored p. mom si

Il I'S hil !.¦!' !-- He -llellt Ttlin .>.- ;.i.' in Bichmond. I

Father wt*bra to return thanks to any psonswho ms*. bav< shown bim kindne*,

A im etlng of the Maacbesti r ,' mnvt.* hehi la-' niffbt. 'ilie monthly repe.f thc ( hit f ol Police presented *b used.arrest lor felony, seventeen for mis.un snor, ind Iwo lor i rdtnan ie vlolatloMr..). I'. Hi aili- > wa* elected chairmanthc i ommtttee on -"tin-'* in place ol Mr.(..lull.*. A taiiiiiii'iniiitinii viii-rc-ci:from Mr. McBae, oneof theFree-Brli< nmnii.iiiiivTs. itating thal unless it.was voted on iccocnl of bridge ri'.-e would *h"i-ils have I > be closActh o wai postponed until tbe next m.

Ing. 'I he votlng-pl ice of tbe Second VVwascbaoged to police beadquarters.joiirned.

Bev. Luttra r l!. Thornhill h isthe rall (o lb, Balnbridge-Stroel Bapchurch, ol th** cits. He has a lim recin thc Appomsttos Association, wherepus* hi* ivy., churches, snd of whit b hsbsirmsn. Ile I* s Inc scholar sud gip ikei.Tbe pevementon Main'- Island baa b

newly laid with Belgian block. Thisprovemenl bas king been aecded.



d offoraon.-¦> ,i





ITc.ilinesn upr.if¬ni-


i thetb<

yorkmedeal'sIC ofneil.the




ff tilein, a*

.1 i'tl-

est ri*t ¦..i.i-

linoist" hs*, midm tlie

I youi '. 11_ al-

I'i i sonni* :iiiil Briefs.coluiic! -I. D. Brady, General Main

candidate fur Cnn.'.'.-* in the Cunniitriii. wt- la the eily yesterday.The broken puvenical at the north

f. arv and Second streets hasI rei! lllll-ttflrr tn all vs le. ilise tn v

Utans two ttreet*. CoioBel Cntshaw'iti'.itiuii is called Li it.

Iii the iiii*ii!iL,'* Court v. rterday thenf Messens Beasley, charged with gililia III, Wit* called. Ill cnn* i|Ui BOS "I.t,,. Lr.-of mstcrlal witnesses nu-nialpostponed until next Wednesday.

< licaapeake and Ohio Railroad

Importftat ebs_gea la tin- *<'iu-dulpasssngsr train* on ihe Chesapeakechi,, railroad are BUBOUBced this m..ri

tu take effect dum ami siter to-raorrow

lia.liv ititi ii. tl.

A child .»( Mr. Cliarl.-s Madison,n sides at No. lion teat Marshal! *t

wa* liuiTThly barasd bad night by tbjdoston nf a kcrcaenff oil lamp.

Poi I. . (..lill,

Hie (iillowin** cases wen- disposeyesterday :

sjiott i.. klkhama, drunk. Fined |:COtla*.

Klvirs Finney (ol.ind), ebsrgadring dwordc.'.y. Li Un* annov.itiie u

in igoborbood. in-charged.Mtitly Kicl.ii'd*ni, (.colored), elur.ed

Miitthtng snd tltmatcninj* to kill J,K. Hi*,:, .lailed ls* lortMfljgltt boura.

I- rn- Brown (colored), ¦ member otLiin William il. Bannister's companyeh.ii-.i d with injuring aid d-faotag a

thc property or tbs State ol Vlsjwhich had MSB cutruitrdto him asabrr o.* tbe Virginia volunteer*. Mgtent on lo th, grand Jury.Walter Wilkinson (f.ol'or.ditvas lint

for assaulting mid sulking Arthur|



..tum. I. r.Johnstnn, e. t.Min i ll. r. f....V-i,. Sd l'....

xtTiotifk.Larkin.2db. . :iMS.IIIH. l*t I.. :tCslBlon.r. ilPBBBB, I. 3

Total!.31Ol l-VTII.B.

A. II. K. H. II. V a.

Hi, ii nillir, cf..( lin. ,i I..VL II. e.Ib.'k' r. |i.i.i rlisrdLsd ti.ll '. s.

.ll 1.11 111. l-l leVmlri w-.dtl.lil. kii.s...i. r. 1'..

Mal. 41 1.1 li il ll .',

1 ._ :l 4 1 0 7 Total.

Ili.-Tcl.-lilioiii- at tile IV-trill's I t|n.xi(iou nt Nen in I, .m..

The i*\.-it:-ivi righi to operate telepbomin the WorlU's fclxpositlon at New (

baa i"'i. -.raitt, tl to the Clsy-BotitheiTelephone Company. On Taeaday ni^litile < |-IV-*soIlilli Itl Tolephoile (illnplllV V.

pren the light "f way tim.ugh the Bree!Of Nt iv url. un- lu a vote of Mt to 1 "f lb( ..lunion i oiiucil. On Monday nigh!similar anni vv;.- -.-iv. n the I lav ('omOlBbv tin- Common < minni of ihe oin of Hidmond by a rote of SS lo 1.

1 ..lui; Honmil lad many now ami beautiful styliat-bo.-at WUUamaA "-'onl'*, c.,mer Four!and Broad Mr'-:-.

Ilasc-Hu ll.\ Irglntaa .--. Louisville,

atVirginia Ba*e-Ball Turk.

Thursday, Friday, sod Saturday, Ocl >hnth, linn, and nth. Admtaalooaa nana).(.uno called si l P. M.Cv.iv street-cur will lie met af l.aur

stittt by omntbiiBea, *i>ooiii srrsngeme!..iv mi I -1 li inaile to th it edee!.

Tickets lor mle at C. Y. Johnston'*.

M'l.t ti von .-ii lo Danville, Va., -lop..Thc National.'" the new hotel keptVat. - A Hi. hard-on.

Dbl lit vv-papers al twenty-live cut* phundred at tbe Dispatch eounter.

Strayed Br Boleo.froBi 818 ensii.raee Mm

sninlay alli linell. (ICIOtel llb. I M.svn.l*.Mi i'l 1- ililli sstiite -i ..I tn,,|er thc luck. V

ewer* lo tbe oameof " Grover." A liberal reara" .ii '. irria If Ntarael to Bsa. .onus, aa-! rad


Tbe Vlralalas Lase TBsir Seraal ("»¦_* Withthe l.oalaillle*-V ort, I.', ta 4.

The Louisville* played their secondgame with the Virgin'** yesterday in the

1 r.s.ncc of four hundred person*. Wed-r.esdavs and Thursday's games were io

iin-ati'sfactory to the that but fewabo wen* p it sent on Iho**** days wouldout yesterday, fearing they would wllne**atiotin i" rath game.The eoiite-! bcgfin nt 4 o'clock sharp, the

hon a lean, ::t th,- hat. Dugan and Quintonfoin,«d the Virginias' and licker andWolf the Louiseili.-x' battery. Dugan in*

a son- nrm. and n ally was until to p!lc:i.hut it vv.-* m easssij tnt hi-should, a* Maa*gsa had aller (Iv pitched two d ivs in sip-.-"ion. Tba visitors poundedDagnBtBftw*!**im-. i-ni a Bamber ol them wan due t.i bad

lupporl in tin ticbI, ami it was Hil* lomeplaying ind the YliglBBB. foiiriceii errors

Which gavafha vi*itors the victory BIM*thanany display ol fiaawarboa tioirpart.The Virginias wan unable to Marah

tbeii kita,aad though they made eight offlin kit. Hui only four nins. ThcclubWM brohea up anil generally demor¬alized, sad 1 laved a bad gattit- all through.Tb* lisbon did som,, ned wart n't ib¬bai. I !.o two- and th rec-base hit.- ami h0888runs. .;> shown by tbe seora, bus ill goodaad received liberal applause. Gcrtwrdtind Latham mada a douall play. SwannAiled bis position (Aral ins-: for th.* vir-

giajaa perfretly. Below is the ihalalWdscore :

V (IttilNI VS.A.H. 0. n.H V.I). .4. ti

X il 1.1 14

V Irs lins*. _f o I o li I n 4I Missiles..-.. 1 0 ii 4 8 (i 8 1ftPie c..I -mis I ubi iIVs. T; Vlr.rlnli-.'J. Tsvo-

liane lille. Un v-. int. Beliench. Three baie lui«~Viiihss-. nek. i-i.ii. Hom* nai-- tillie ailiDolor, belt .ni Pa-1.Louisville*. 8: VlruTul**,4. Dnahle-plays.tierhardl snd Latham, -tmesoct.Vlnrlalss, :.; laoattttll. ii, iii.,halli Louisville., 1. Pi.I ball*.Wolf, I;UalPton. I. Pinpin-. I uni ls. Meocae. ll. C..:. tin-1,.1:. Tina . f same, oo* baal sad univruinate*.

I li, Mme .lill'- will play ag lin >hi. aftonn. mi.

(iiIiiiiiI.iis Mini Oul In norfolk.-I.. ,1 tl I, .linn t" tlc- ll'-l it. "I.

Sosrotai, (ii-t-.b.-r UK.A superb victor)waa won by the Norfolk" al UynmsatuaTurk thi- afternoon. Th. v ni.-t tin- furn up

Columbus team of tha Aayrifai Aasoeialion, and completely -hut thara out, Urai.octi people iv mn -.I d the oontaat.

4 imiI unit Dry.The weather conttaueaeool and pleaaaal

bm the drought I* a- vi unbroken.

si" M. I MIXV < K.Ar.s.





be.d.'t-il-llI i-

adn-i" Iheisml

: s-

i-t¦ii -

i kut-

ii itbew ll


IV III)reet,!C~L-

1 ot


witht thc

with-cp'l. '.ip.wasrifle,,-ini-i,u.-'ii-



1 liss Innijrlil ll..' -Bill*- -I".-), -.' ll Hil

-"¦ 11:1 iks, Ar.. In lb. b. formerly oe.

pl* i'i. en..a I .son.*** Teath sad Mill l -*crtll, e. vs.- vt til ..tier il I', tl.. |llltl

.t i-eiin i. .lie .! p rtcai .¦ Ita pn - ¦'¦ I

r, sss.,.', me will i. pi. eil, and oSJtt ..ll s Hr

orledsl .In :nl

Hon lo readyamada work, re Inieod to make c

tum work a featare. Thu mu, however, hamOt the tim-I i-i ni.-. Ill.Hil. P. Los, il

will bc lu .'. ic. i- of cb lom detai Un. nt- aolthe pi t willi si kaia* "; Um -tock som

-torc. Hu il tv BOW BBS ,1 BBOTBI B,Ti n'li .<¦ ¦¦! I ila -: "

FKOKB1 .i.i'-

I'l Iii ll "I -Vt Hi 1)1:1.s-1 M. AM. ((.LU Viimade from iii- tomat B, pur' a,

I.lulnal.' labor, in ile's, .uni ,it sppti


saoai rai w 11..a i -.

"L'oUTV . KAUS' EXFGRIENCG I.I- I N ul l> "st I!-:..

*.:!.--. wiN-i.ov. - jooTnixa -un r.

Udp ti ;.i thins, li Um pi mi1| baa at am*el" i, .... ph] >. i tara la Bm i s

Btates, .uni tai beea and for fbrtj'.s mlBleai af bmUmti

ile ir .in nil tn. tt ratters! Hie BUM mas pcnn- iii-, m. iv add .barrine.!. i.-rl|iiin( iii

"int-, uni ts liol cbc lls ¦.- i. i.- Balm to

child it rot- tlie a ". .r. Vie sv.,ii|.| say to e*

iiinfiier wbo Bbs a dtlld r*_hHaa Bam am-,,!

i,.fi -.'"in-- en i'lanit I)., ie.I 'et sour prvj.oi,BOT Ile |.iejllll'-i "I "Ul'l . lilli lietwi-u V

ciiiiii atul tin- relief thal alli n a

rae, ai'-..|uteiv .'in--," fellow Ummelli lee. .-.M li .li- .-.- i mt tho ssa

Prlo 28 uni- a bottle. ".¦ 7-.S.T1


ItK IIMoM) BA2AAB, IO V M.. li r.e. i.

tuiKBl.-t. phai len-, sad wa/.,i,..liKOBUR K. < ltAW ~~OBD.| !.. vi., tr ,, -

nf brick house sinl |..t si 1211) St. J.ilin st


\*()H< Y. 1< HKKKllY GIVEN Til.1 os IPI |D DAV OK oiTOMB, IM-wu daly ippotnti.! " e sscnt.-l' CLABA ..III.BLKl), or (bleafo. lil., f.. conduct lil* xi

Ul.lhTM VI,K tl...HUM. VM) Kl USis., ioion-, ui the etty of Bl.har. Iwa* eodsUtated bar iru.-and l.-mlin sttorn*

il el nani. I .To autl |k rfi'-.Uiall tli--.iiii.i.i ,n <a;d kaMaeas. I.. IntlmaiMwritm*. nuking Hi- af-.i-esal'l ipii.tliiiiii.ul..i.i.i..:_ .rn aaiaorlty,has bbbbUn ,,-i k'- T.-e uf Um ( t aucery Court nf Imuli"!. H. (ifsHr.Mil'Ri

. 11-2'* Aleut fur (Tars tireetitm

inr ililli M..


:.; 81 -' BSTtfe -uni sireet. l(i.-hn.en<l. Vu

Vl-llol:**. Time wild i.:,!i I'KltlUN

lin i I.l), call amt see

oe tl ralBalas Mbs.s. ii. iv i nil

BLEOAKT Hoo.VS. CONNECTr* ol: -1N..1.K...II ttl -t tui mbbbI laoisBOARD; il-. TABLI luiVKl), al 401_.h nulli st 11 ct, earner nf SI a; sba! street.

oe »


STRAYED FltoM Ho.TM NOBTHlk5 tot RTH BTRKrT..mThiir*.|ay nioru-Jint* SUSI.I. ROAN (OW, willi a |. P.I., -

aroiiii'l her liorut. Auy lnfnrniation sit >ut b.lies ll. t

ac 11-11*_*S?*T?__ ******** *****-**"*** .'

Tti.-I. i)N I.A.xl ll KBDAV. IN Ji Ut - dry Hore. A ULAI I.

TWBBTT-1'OI rt-l\(Tl PA lt A-. o I.,-ira .-lu, -.ili.l l.laek han,Ile rutltua- in a Snknot. A suitable reward mil hr p.l'l ll' k-i'i a

J.MUVKl: .Vs.lN'oell-lt_ Bul east Bi

I dst. \ W ll I TK -KTTElt'Jri'p. tirauRsesr*. A liberal rewan) will t

II left si tBBt cia UrNd iirewi, oe 1 ]

A Mil.l-t t/

Tbe Ti soaaraa Mad* Par Mlaa JrroflM, toffr

Randals! CbarrblU'a Sffatar.

(Nc-Tnrb MtinilngJivaraal.lFew more elegant snd costly titiutateeaua

have bern seen in thia eily than that of

Ml** Jerome, who ha* been married to Mr.l.ctlle, the son of sn Irish baronet. Moorof ber friend* snd fl«pialntanae« wishedthal lt might I.* put on exhibition, Iib-' tbstroui'catix of pr.ocrB*»"i ami queens of tie.*-

inai)j*.Mott ol the drca»e* were nude in Pirti,

1nt ..i.c or two of the tn.wt n. dutiful were

made in thi* country. Ol .'ourte, goingInto Eaghah aristocratic circict rtesrant. *iiiii:i- ure ladtspsassbb. and Mr..It-minc has lilted bis dau'lit.r with aluiuttrut til attire.Dir evening*, dinner, and reeepM.n

dn-si* i,limier twditv-.T-i'dt, an I In-side**th, se lhere sro ex(|Ui*it** morning drcascs,court drc**(*. and tailor-made walking andtinvt Iii::, costumes. Ile underclothing inthi' trousseau I* made of thc tine*., linen,*ilk, anti cambric, and ls trimmed with realValcncicnnc* laces and hantl-cictirsitdery.Count ts and sh,,,*. :L* will a* gt ive*,

ma,eh cad. costume, and her hand-kt rehieis and oilier BBfSffts are oflhe tit,*.I in.-i'i ;iil*. On her fir-t iji. ir¬

an. <¦ at th'' (in,-! ii'* il ni vii ni*'-room n>M

si rinj_ lbs will wear her weddin;/ dre** ofwhite satin and her diamond Jewel*. On?ol her cniiri dre**.* is ..( juire wbm* «u'iti,civt it tl wil- rasM in silver limeade, whilemothes is ul svin,c satin iin.'ije*, arithbeavj Bloater paarl embroMsrj oa shs frontand '..I.t*.it thc fruin. Il dil of thee .In-soshave ft ll cniiri injin* ami hm.cut l.-idiscawith Ssas-rt *l'-cvc».An evening (Ik** (or tho ball-room Of a

huge reception (sol rna. -[.inkottoman silk,thc lt n. lr iii, wt,li Kinlet velvet and(he troiK ol pink. saMn nnd garnet velvet

bracadc. Thi*i* cut wiiti ii stjuire necknini el,mw si. eves, ead cannot fill to tteiiin-f beeooaiag lo (he brid*, wk* I* a tahran*ly brunette. Another gOa*gtOUS eveningtires i* of I'ah fellow satin, brocaded In

tito tnitcs of brawl and i'old. made with a

|.t tli.oat of j,lain st Hms *:ilin, ll.e trainlaing square and detaatffsd from ii. Tuebasans lc* a low neck un.I short alcove*bordered by yellow Lice, anti n gre it clusterof yellow rust* i* to he winn at the licit.LOBg velluvv Miede glove* ami an ambercuni, in tl..1 dark li ur will complete tin*cnstiinie.A sis-.'ne. or carriage iln *«, made hy

PhigBt, ls o( nlack IrtBl, I'om'uncd with*atin. Hu* *tmrt train i* flounced Escurial lace, and the ilra|i.*ry I*Loiiitant. Tbs prtaeass from i* sosflsaawiih Jet Lull* ihe ilga nt *mall marhle*.which haag fmiii little *lrln.s ot Jet bend*.The sleeves im- rither (nil at ili.-wn*!.

BBd trimmed willi tin- jd ami lac.. Asmall black j.rinc «* bOBBet, with a crim¬

son hird al uni- -ide. BBd I BBB* *a'in *l.ocs,embroidered in ortanou, ara >¦> i*«* worn

with Un* dn-*-.(.nc ..f lui' insetting drosses bal * *olt

brows ehdh, mads With i plain *kiri, *nie-I'laitt d. nil i J ickt t sad uverdress li miniLv Id-iid. An om-ide jacket I* trBBBBBiWith Llaek beaver,'.Hld the Imni.C I* brown,mill ,i utiitien-Lrnvvn a- straaaanattNuthwith*t.unlit). th< |,lammas o( thiscostume, ll east f/sBB without the bonne.A lovdy B*omuur*gown ls si IBs very

palest'psan surah silk, mule with a brag\\ atti ail train, thc ffutlt l.eill.' title lll.t. nf

soft Orieatsl loee, caugbl Into dusters bynarrow ptak-Sntln lil'1 mi*. Pale hclintropv.urah flinn* the material for another.A ri' k tn nilli (ur vv inn r wear i* a Um-

*inii dnlniim o( Mack Sicilian, reaching*, to the edge of rhe dress, lined withermine snd bound with sable fur. a ligl.t.-r"in- |* i,( velvet l.rocmte, trltlimetiwith chenille dinp-, while an opera clunkls f white nttum il! *ilk. lilied Willi »wulis-

ih.wn and bordered with rrffiaaa^sasMffa and! ari embroidery.TEN MONTHS OF CAPTIVITY.



lt- li :.I Ho "-¦ end VIBlr Ol Ills *l|trr*.

Ne* York Pst unit- MrasasMN ss* ha* been rccatvsd bj hi* uncle thu,

-iltii- n n nuiu,bs "t miser tide espttvlty InHie BBBSB ff! tin- Kaja!, ni Tcnotn. Sum-jtri,tba Burvlvoi.stevea ka baaen w ol tin- Bais'inh stcasBsbip Ni-.-ro, ,n-

luding Mr. L, Iv. Moore, mcuni mate, ofBockvlBe, L. !., a native baan Aim-ricant-iii/a .it last basn MM at liberty, andth. cunning, cruet, I aharian jirinat:lui* ii,aile iii* submlsatofl to theHutch (itivt sumen**. TBees men, wbosacaptivity was ss iclioiis and j>:»ln-fiti a* it wu* Baascssssryi hue he.*nluul. tl al PCBSmg in good conti.Hon, niiilare now on their way to l-.nglnid. TheI'aiian *ailui* nf the cress wert- rssBffSffi hythe Kalah on the -i.l of Scptenrrher. the ra-lia*ei'(,l.ther* I ,11'iWliU BfSWSBVS la¬ter. The follow un; perfshnd In eajitmty:Michael (Jcrrlty, Brenun; B.D. Murray,UK **--tiwaul ( .'-Iii.i I,a*. ICS, Hi Italian A.ti.: Robert WeAk, earpeater; I, Powtsr,iTiin.'.n. Bf. Armstrong, tiitiiian. Thc ri¬

ll as, nf thc survivor- I* due In an iilliuiatutu

j ti *i nn ti in th,- li* ij-i'i b) Un- Baalish andIllili lt (J.urn,mellis th manding thc iincnii-

..iti.di;.l r.-lci.( tin- captives, to whidith niall.I the Bejah, I" rei ivui ll,at h.c.uninot gam anything by thc further rtetBataaau( the .uss. m .-I, d with tin* In *t grasspossible, l.tiyd's Shipping Gaaette, Iff a

im in article, -av-:

..ThS Bajal. Of Tenon) h.,* tm'Lt thoEnglish (e.tvi itiiii. ni (hal a little n-arklieineand int'.al courage an worth mure than Hiechoicest literature turned out by tlo-rarB-liullt el, rk-. ll,,| "),- PegnBUS Leen dis-I del,, ,1 lon. u.u sic sliuiild nut (ur mails a year ter those rsnaar*linnie nun."

,ls .till tl Ul N lt.





tlit.m..Bm.! I,Bmin.rv




AT¦ t. ILSJool1*11-and

*. r..ritu**ll ofan I

i'd lu.!,¦,,-


LAD, for



IN,;.st if.north

BC..raiacr s-l-It,n-at.



M.* ,1 ll I


¦" !>!( HM,*NH i iii; \ I iii: TO-DAY.

ADMISSIONieee uta.

vi t unit. iT.n r>.

i lily ,. ut-; .Infirm, nt. my.


v.i * i\-.;, :;, l- I in

In .lu icoii'fi.l. r.-.iijiitic toctet) 'Irii'ii i, lit- Mr.I,.,i- .1 ¦¦ ll,.- I sud of l|.t- *tiU',-*

"-lli. Pill Vol. .'v. ll' M.KU Tin: 1 PAB.

ll- I..! / I" rs ri- usual. -¦ 1 I -I,1-

R ti HMoNH IllK.V'll't.Ul N! I I I- lull i oNKTTi, I; V ll HU, r,

OMMKM'IS.i (il Ililli i: ism.Ihe- fe,h. Will,! t.inf t roxi ni,,,.¦ will rs-fri-_ ^_sctllerel :


rV-'kL'nV-.1 Ttl, Luieiiti,- PtSffflflill r-l'-W. T|t( ,,f u, HBABf,

wrpNKbOAi r101 N * >.:*¦¦"'¦» ""J Mr,,0«


I ,.

1 ltl'lf-l*A >IKIIill

I si-sn ti |i iv

,'Tli,' ...uidoii i I N, sr

\- ik *

i Villi) ItA.'ls ;

I'vkVJNU- ';' '-'¦0fl*SlL(ltSSBBY. ES-*,

*in i:nt v, v inii. .iriti p. M.

I-.- v- heatoaaai *xu linn Ml x. vi-usual. «e ll-it*

I WAN I AliAllsAMlWI, li:

I'UIV.VVF. *l.(l:M Utilat ll-Ki



w m. Of .uToiirT: rtin-irvi.iiY nWttttmN..UN ANII Ml.III. !\<'KITlMiTltl'Rtt-

HAY Nhill I.

NKVV (DMI'VNV Till- VVo N! VV .-.I Alt*. 5

ll. mHbmbbi( Hv'VNKI.lNS. S

John, lilli!:, 11111*.keflui-il Statue ( I'n-ilauc. r«.

u/aiti unlit ,,f ihr s'rea'i.t .l all *kvli:BAr.'

Mr. sbi> Mb*, lui: iilrsi.lug fkc Ti,.*.un ililli* u«w.

Your tas-.rtu-s,lill, .ililli''ans.

with Monkey, au-11'"**.:lir br,t lu ibe waild; %clrrii. Ht;, ir,, |.

Vll-s 111!*!) NTiltllimr),'.lu- uleaslus* "sous bird of Um. siurld.

SOI sill*lill-

V K KH-(-(ITTLOU'S-AMY.1 .uuludliia .sill. Uie* tunny uT.rutttl«ii

11IAT AW ITT. BAHV.A-lnussioii lo ail ibis .real tho* only ll) miks*,

1. t.r ic, I seat*. 80 o»nt*. Hssu. s oisru _TU-ruouB*lI o. i* rftirinauci rtiiuuiructt si . ;al ulglit tluurs.laen si 7 sin. ce tiiiniusi- al 8 u'ebic-. naileryrut**ryrd (or rulurtd |n*0|ib(. ut- VII

I* il*./ (KANO Ol'l-INIMI OF TUB LAMBft*^J raiM rnR thk itKNKrir or vj, pvt-Blt KM k'KMAI.F !*(TltHH, at BJS, USO sailMaia itraat, unsi dour lo Matsra. Wtltlam I taffnu,

. uti J.tnict Un,rt-t , ,,..-«>-. You atv- i-r*|**t.fnlly IntiVBtl lo pay * vIMt aad etaoHu* (ht- r Suedisplay of I sl.Hl.aiid VAM V ABTIt'LKB.CONffKl It..SV.U!_*v,li t-t UIMNKR aud *l I'l'tK Nrvaff i-y pult'.e

ladi-tiUir*. «fff>H