Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the...

16 th July Pyjama Day Fundraising 20:10 P.O Box 82 Timboon 3268 Telephone: (03) 5598 3381 Email: [email protected] Website: www.timboonp12.vic.gov.au School Council President: Bronwyn Lenehan TSPA President: Sharon Cotton School Captains: Taya Thomson, Sam Lenehan, Ben Matthews, Nathan Payne, Lily Delaney and Halle Watt

Transcript of Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the...

Page 1: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes

16th July

Pyjama Day Fundraising


P.O Box 82 Timboon 3268 Telephone: (03) 5598 3381 Email: [email protected] Website: www.timboonp12.vic.gov.au School Council President: Bronwyn Lenehan TSPA President: Sharon Cotton School Captains: Taya Thomson, Sam Lenehan, Ben Matthews, Nathan Payne, Lily Delaney and Halle Watt

Page 2: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes


Welcome back to Term 3. I hope all students had a good break after a very interesting Term 2. We return to school with still many uncertainties and changes happening every day and week. Can I thank all parents, students and staff for their commitment and understanding and I know we are all doing our best in a complex situation where many things are outside our control. In Term 3 at this stage all students are back at school and the curriculum plan continues. There are however a number of measures in place. There is extra cleaning taking place and hand sanitiser in each building and classrooms. Students are encouraged to use the hand sanitiser available. Students should not be sharing drink bottles at any time. For any student that feels sick and has cough and cold symptoms they are encouraged to say home. This is done for the safety of all of us. While we do not have to do temperature checks at this stage it may be something we start to do. All unwell students must stay at home. Parents are encouraged to call the school rather than coming up to see teachers. At this stage excursions and camps are booked in for Term 3 however there will be no excursions/activities to Melbourne. There will be several events we need to postpone or cancel to avoid large gatherings. We have had to postpone our cross country but will hopefully hold this later in the year. This is the term with a significant focus on careers, planning and pathways. Students in Years 9-11 will have an individual course counselling session. These times have been sent out and parents and students are required to attend these sessions to select a course for 2021. Information on courses will be provided via a WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes on this day and students need to attend these interviews with parents. On Friday 14th August we have a Pupil free day which will be used for our school review which is held every four years. Over the holidays there was a considerable amount of work around the school. We have had a new shed installed which will store a variety of equipment. This will allow the building of an outside seating area for senior students. We have had LED lighting installed across the school to support our new solar panels – just need some sun now! There is new signage with parking for parents identified. Parents are asked to park in these spots and not to drive through the school. DAVIN REID PRINCIPAL


It has been a very smooth start to the term and great to see our students and staff back. Thanks to Mr Bell and Ms Podbury we started the trial of our Step Up program. The program seeks to support students in building a stronger connection with school, support the development of their pathways and contribute to the school’s environment for other students. In the coming weeks, students will begin their projects, building some student seating. Subject information and selection begins in the coming week. On Thursday afternoon, all families with a child in Years 9, 10 and 11 will be able to access the pathways slideshow relevant to their child’s year level. Each presentation outlines in detail the requirements of VCE, VCAL and VET subjects, as well as the possibility for 2021 Year 10 students applying to complete a ‘jump-up’ VCE subject. All students in Years 9 to 11 will receive a print out of the slides for the presentations today. Pathway interviews begin from the 27th of July. Students will receive their subject description books and their selection sheets this Friday. Each student will be given a time, if this time does not suit families, please call the front office to request another time. Pathway Interview Dates Year 11: Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th July Year 10: Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th of July Year 9: Friday 31st of July Reports Thank you to the 94% of parents and students who accessed their reports last semester. Reports are still available through Compass. All students by the end of this week should have accessed their reports at school, however discussions about reports at home are invaluable. Given the impact of Covid-19, the level of achievement by students last semester is to be commended. Assembly We hosted assembly via WebEx this week. The main messages to students were focused on using the start of the term as an opportunity for a fresh start, resetting their focus on who the need to be so they can experience success. I wish everyone well this term. Kind regards, DAN WALKER 7 -12 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL

P-6 Assembly Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, we are unable to run assemblies like we normally would, but we are still able to use WebEx to broadcast into each classroom. Our final assembly for Term 2 was a great celebration of the work students had done whilst online learning and what was achieved in the few weeks we were at school last term. The house captains did a terrific job leading the assembly – especially in their PJs, and all presenters spoke with great confidence.

Page 3: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes

Our assemblies this term will continue to run like this for now, so parents are encouraged to join in via the WebEx link that I will send out prior to the assembly. Assemblies will be on Friday mornings, starting around 9:10am. Our first assembly for this term is on Friday 31st July and will be run by Miss Selten’s, Year 5-6B class.

ISO Cup challenge Over the home learning time, students were all trying to win points in the ISO Cup challenge for PE. For every 15 minutes of exercise, they scored five points for their class. Mr Venn then counted up the points to have a winning class. Some stand out students were Hudson Bell, Olly Dickinson, Charlotte Couch, Elise Nicholls, Brittany Brownlaw, Jack Couch, Savannah Beames, Stella Smith, Hugh Smith and Jo-Anne Brown. The overall class points: Third position: Mrs Moriarty’s class, 3-4B Second: Miss Bouchier’s class, 3-4C The Winning Class - congratulations to Ms Ludeman’s, Year 1-2A. A trophy is proudly on display in their classroom.

Term 3 Events As you will have read on Compass, we have postponed the Cross Country to a date where parents will be able to attend. As I’m sure you understand, we just don’t know then this will be at this stage. All sports events have been postponed for now, including Year 3-6 Hooptime. We know how much our students look forward to this each year, so all fingers are crossed that it will still happen at some stage. Parent-Teacher Interviews are occurring during the day and night this term. There will not be classes running on this day, so please be aware of the changes. Keep the date free – Thursday 13th August. The following day, Friday 14th August, is a pupil free day for staff to work on the School Review. As things change, we will be using Compass to communicate with parents, so please continue to keep an eye on your notifications. Assessment happening Over the next fortnight, teachers are conducting various assessment to gain data on your child’s current level of understanding, and therefore use this to plan their teaching. For reading, we use a program called Fountas and Pinnell. Students are asked to read short booklets and answer a series of comprehension questions. These results then determine a reading level for you child and this is used to set goals and reading strategies. In Writing, students will do what is referred to as a Cold Write. They are given a topic and asked to plan, write and edit the piece in a set time. The genre for the writing piece this term is a narrative (story). In Maths, we are trialling Essential Assessment. The Secondary school have been using this program for several years now, so it may be familiar to some of you. In the upcoming Parent-Teacher interviews, I’m sure teachers will show you what data is gained from this online assessment platform and how it is helping us target the instruction for all students. Student Illness Thank you to the many parents who have kept their child at home when they are displaying signs of cold and flu, or generally not feeling well. Being a working mum myself, I know how difficult this can be, so I really appreciate your support. Please understand that under the current restrictions, any child that presents with illness, must be isolated immediately and sent home. Warm clothing With the weather, especially the mornings, being quite chilly, I encourage students to bring a coat and if necessary, a beanie and scarf. The school beanie can be purchased through the canteen. Winter Uniform Skirt Timboon P-12 School winter skirt Navy blue tights/stockings under winter skirt only Scarf Timboon P-12 School scarf or plain navy blue scarf. School Jacket (Optional Item) Timboon P-12 School Navy Blue coat with school logo GILL HAMPSON P-6 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL

Page 4: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes

Fun on Pyjama Day

Principles of Flight

A feature of the TAP is the inclusion of real life applied learning

opportunities so we had invited pilots Peter Rohan from Rohan

Flying Services and Richard Nesseler, the chief pilot of 12 Apostles

Helicopters, into the Year 9/10 Aerodynamics and Flight Science

elective classroom to conclude our studies with practical

examples of the principles of flight. COVID restrictions meant that

this was ‘grounded’ so Peter and Richard graciously allowed us to

record them as they explained the features and controls used to

fly a plane and helicopter. Despite the obvious differences there

were many similarities including the cockpit instruments to

inform the flight path, and the need to control the pitch, roll and

yaw of the aircraft, the aerodynamic design, the need to reduce

drag and use of materials that made the aircraft as light, yet

strong as possible in order to make gains in either payload or

passengers in flight. Peter and Richard encouraged students who

were interested in flying to learn as much as they could and get

practical experience around airfields or working with or talking to

pilots. What a great way to conclude the semester, thanks Richard

and Peter!

Page 5: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes

CANTEEN ROSTER 2020 TERM 3 WEEK 2 (20th – 24th July) Mon 20th Carly Solomon Tues 21st Alice Cooper Wed 22nd Bryan Ward Thurs 23rd Linda Whiting Fri 24th Angelique Cangellis Tony Bird WEEK 3 (27th – 31st July) Mon 27th Casey Latchem Tues 28th Cherie Lutherborrow Wed 29th Camille Nicolls Thurs 30th Naomi Lewis Fri 31st Bronwyn Lenehan Corinne Beames WEEK 4 (3rd – 7th August) Mon 3rd Cherie Mungean Tues 4th Simon Mayer Wed 5th Terri-Anne Stansfield Thurs 6th Sharyn Ferguson Fri 7th Michelle Gristede


START TIME: Mon – Thurs: 12pm to 2:30pm. Friday: 10.50am – 2:30pm

We welcome you to our Caf for 2020. Please encourage family and friends to join us at the Caf – even once a term is greatly appreciated. Please contact Cheryl and join our team.

If rostered day is unsuitable please arrange a swap with family members, another school family or a person on the canteen volunteer list.


FOR SALE AT THE CAF All summer hats and winter beanies and scarves

available $15 each

Page 6: Timboon P-12 Newsletter€¦ · WebEx presentation. Parent teacher Interviews are to be held on the 13th of August. These interviews will be from 12.00 -7.00. There will be no classes