TIM IMt^ Mf Ink · The News plaat was old faehkwed-nude ap of sarplas material fma the old Ihfoii^...

113 sy t \' •ft «v» ADVKRTI&K IN Tim LEADER. IF YOU WANT THE Fkuit Lmrfut P*p*r, Lmrgmt OtnuUHm. %t.60 ftr JW JOB PRINTING %k Get it at the LKADBR Oft* mmm' sv, ; % ; *am mmsm Trutk mH r*eof F>a* satfOsrrwtMa. FRIDAY. OANTON. VOL. 13. 8. 1902f I W WM PI* ANNUM. •Mm r?\ fK#< SIOUX VALLEY HARDWARE & IMPLEMEIT CO.) Headquarters for nil kinds of \ -SSI both Right and Left Hand Binders,*": . "Vertical Left Mowers. • • ' Hand and Self Dump Hay Rakes, Best Line of Buggies and 8urries in the city—No exceptions. WagonB: Cooper atid Old Hickory. A Pltll of Manltfara. ioux Valley Hardware <& Imp. k**. A. REPP, Pres. X. T. WiaacaB, C.R. Moouos. VIM Pres.: k f HIBH HORRIBLY t&i> those advertise Sample "1 W fl just received at Supply Go's store Wall?aper 8%S^pS Wall Paper to Meet from. estern Supply Co., Canton. S. p. *t:5j ijarSSr?' SATRUW * TM ?s$*i BROSi PLANING MILL. m&m Msh, All kinds of wood work for contrac- tors. A full lint of plain »n<^| v.." ornamental glass. < . Hiish iioors. window screens, mouldings. turning, scroll Work,, ; ' interior finishing and '^'.-ftp i-; mter.'taakCv; We also !»'• the sole right to make aad sell the Matchless Wiadowp JtorM» I Holmes Kitchen Cabinet. ^ SafSrum Bros.. Canton. Si "P." NEW OFFICE AND PBE8B Tke Leader Feels Pride la Having Lsst Friday aadftolnrday the L TAD- nplaat was moved fromthebess- lent of ike Keaaedf Wook to the new iXADKR baUdlBc aenee the street, when this lasae of AM paper will be oar MW Ootlrell power OM of the best ssnriceable pretsts nude. .. The press ekke dlreot irom the factory sad was set «p la poeitlo* by M.Gobolsa expert la the employ y braaok ot the Chiea- go Newepaper Ualoe. ' .The press is modem la every partieolar aad capa- ble of the ftaeet work required la aay< towa la As state. It to well. to oolored work or book aad Job aadieaepleBdldmachlBe. Thirty-two yean ago last iaauary v the writsv hscsa his aewspaper work la Yaaktoa by the parohaee of the old jJalea aa4 Dahotlai. thee praeH- cally the oaly paper la .: the territory. Ii 187S the writer attended a LL^R territorial eonveatloa la Oaatoa aad helped to aoeaiaate Colonel Moody for la Augaat ot thai year we started the ttoox Valley No we to help eleei OoL Moody aad pat B. H. Mills? la char*. The News plaat was old faehkwed- nude ap of sarplas material fma the old Ihfoii^ oae* la 1»». we eaiae 10 Csatoa aad took the Newa aad ran It aatll im whsa wf dtafneed of It to N. C.Nash Just before "etateheod we retnrw4 from BUvank where we weat la 1877. la 1800 the L KAOCB was started by a company, and la 18M we leassd the plaat aad hoe^t It la 1MB. It was thea located In the boUdlac where the •team lwindry !• now doing builnem. but the qoarten were a little tob email aad the oAce wae mo^-ed »o. the bnlld* iagaow oceapisdbj Bray u a fornl- tare More, and fin# there the oOos waaagala moved 10 the Kennedy blodi «Hid last week the LSAX»B waa movsd lato lta new ottee.; where It will re- main ae long aa the writer remataa la theboeineai. WeehaUoeoupy all the {bat floor and part of the baseapent, Boom enongh nntll Canton ahall have twice doubled her popalatkia. We believe the new LBADBK offlce ie one of the beet lighted la the slate, sad while aot the lsrgsst. to well eoaetruet- ed and specdallr arranged for the pdat- ingbuslnesa. It will be heated by steam, with etoetrto Ughte. sad all sewerane fSoHttto> with city water all othiroudera coavealeaoes. It la a model bitfldlas fsraoouatry printing' ofltoa; aad the editor toels justly proud of the new LKADKK home. It noatalua^ the ofllee of the Postal telegraph, aad with a telephone aad tdegraph we shall be able to keep la dosetooohwlththeontaideworld. With all the triala aad tribulations of building a new home for thspapsv. and short ot help In the oOoe for the peat two month* the editor hae not beea able to devote M A aah time to the paper aa he would, like to have done, bot after a few weeks we espset to get everythiag in am| raaala* order aad we shall •• try and make .the LBADEB worthy of itsasetropolltan sur- roundinga. JHirlng thirty-two yean esperieaoe Tent of the oflee-huatlac csrpet-beg- ger. aad rejotoed at his «Mlteratlon in "Weheve^een the Buffalo, Kk aad antelope disappear along with erdsegMido. We have seen all thess things aad aiach more slnoe we began publishing a paper in Yank aid; when wis took backward it i bat a stoaieBt of thae ih an age of which we aro but traneltory speou on the surilBoe of what we cnll a world. la all the fSlr spota la our grand yonag State we believe Canton the fair tel. and hers we hope to journey along UuMgh |lfe,^ doing our part in all that Will arnke Oaatoa greater and better aadrteher through the medium of the •• '••• •• . Ml M. K. Rudolph ft>r tbe Senate. What'a the matter with M. E. Ru- ilph, of Oaaton, for a member of the (Walunf He would be an ornament to the lower honee and would well n, Mnt Linoola county in that body. ,._iy aot let the offioe Seek the man! foronoe. by tendering him this honor- The above item to from the Hndson Tribune of last week, and In aentiment is all right, bot it is generally under- stood up in thto part of the connty that Mr. Rudolph would muah prefer the mte u> the houee, and it seems that Oaatoa has been generally conceeded I position of aenator. This being trae, the next queetlon is, who shall be the ama to repreeent Lincoln connty In the appear hooeet That he should be a lawyer none will deny. That he should be a man onpable of framing a atatute, all will adthlt, aad then be ahould be able to discwife nay legal question that might eonienp, and legislation is based on law and oommon sense. The Lin- ooln county delegation should contain one lawyer. aad aa Mr. Rudolph seems to he the only lawyer who aspires to thepositina, why aot conoeed his nomi- nation aad give,him the poeitiou with- out atrifeor oonteet. There are three house msmbers to be selected, had it is generally agreed over the conaty that the; ahall be sa- ted outside of Caatoa. The names of several gentlemen have been - men- tioaedfar thass positions. Mr. Kinsley woald not refuse a renomination, nei ther would Mr. Dor (land. Mr. Brand- hagen of Grant, Jacob Kebm, of La Valley, Willard Huff, of Lynn, and it ie thought that Brooklyn has a candi- date. All good men. and there should ao troabls ia selecting good men trom the list named. Leaving out the oiudidatei for county Boae, the legislative ticket can be nominated without much atrife, be- ginning with M. E. Rudolph, of Can- toa. lor the eeaate- P * fjRioti etxidL r ?<- territory of 1870 grow late a asagalfl- cent state In IMS. In 1870 there was supposed .to be a population of 14,000 la what now North an l 8^nth Dakota, and in Df cemb«"r. 1870. the writer began the flght for divieiAn of the <erritory. Mr. Armetrong. delejcafw. in Omgnae. intrvdnued a biU for dlvWpn iiWIog the northern half the Indian .name; of Ojlbwny. and the fight ountinued until divlaion and Statehood ensae ln 18#S. Then in I8rj we pnblisl^ tbe |M nnquea'tjoned evldenoe iif, the golden wealth of the Black Hill«, whiohcNnsrd Charlie Golline. of 8lonx <rity.,to orgna lie tbe first expedition in quest of Black Bills gold. We have seen 'Tort Raodall. Fort WBffiSi SnllJ;, Fort Bice. Fort Linetdaand Port Berthold, grow and ilearieh iamilitiury glory and pride, airronuded by Indiana in peace and in war, and all diaappeai before the onward march of civllisa tton. ;• We have aeen the drouth strlokea and gramhopper eatSn territory #row out of its Savage nature into the perfect bloom of civiliaatloa. Wehavewatohed aettlemente grow from Bon Homme and Minnehnha conntiaa oa the eonth. to the Canadian tyne on tbe nofth. We have wntohed clVlltoation tnnivh weat- ward from Sioux Fall* and Fargo.until the Kocky Moontalns are no longer in the way. We worked and labored to secure (be first piece of railroad In the territory of Dakota, and saw tlie sreat Northern Pacific *>paU the Mlnetmii at Bismarck We have seen the town« of 8pringfl«l<l and Scotland b»tuui before Mitchell. Broohings, Huron, View. Wntertown or Aberdeeu w«n» thonghl of <. We helpl t<> tmoni iiwtiy of the politician* .wHo afterwards lusde the Black Hillx * political paradine. : We h i«« wntcheil the/ corn Mt of this ntste KTOW from eqnaw oorn on the Missouri rive> bottoms in Clay, Union aad Tankton counties nn 111 great golden eara grow in every part of the state wawifjww'. ( jELfPStS. 'We have watched with disgust the ad- M Wonderfultf Lof PrlcB*. ^ Furniture is T 'like urtto jewels that the real have many There at;e connois- MS well revel in —tn imitators. There are seurs in rich furniture as in jewels and many the imitations of both. ' The lovers «»t the real—the rich—the «;xclti<iv«.\ furniture, make thfrir. selrctimH at our 'Store VVV atwa*-s have bt- lieve«l that a sati«fif«l customer is the b-'<«t .•ilvi rti<eme«it a firm •can hMcmfflS&S&t Wwrn -m THE MAN WHO KILLSj Others Versus the Man Who Feeds Others—Our Civiliz- ation Still Prefers the Man Who Kills. i 1 I A W«d : .WtaFBraneb.sM' Maaager Byan went over to . Sheldon laafe Monday to arrange for the opening of a branch honse for the Red Wing Batter aad Bgg compaay at that place. Mtiiagor Byan saya he has been hand- ling a large quantity of butter and eggs aad poultry from Iowa and fromi points farther east than Sheldon, and in order jto properly take oar* of his Iowa trad* he decided to open a branch houw at Bhildoa. a town he considem one of the best aad mast propreasive on the line of the Milwaukee in Iowa, and a eptoadid trade center for his bnaineM. The L CAOBB can sssnre the people of Bhsldoa aad surrounding country that la the Red Wing Botter and Egg Co's Shaldon branoh they will find a that wl|l oonoentrste a heavy egg i aad poultry buaineM at that point, and be a means of giving the fanners a bash market for all they have 'frtr sale ev«ry d i/ in the week. The bnoinvss of the 'Can:on:branch h#s grown to grand proportiti id' iu a year and a half and ia still jtrowiug. Man- agerRfan saya'the Dalctxa bnaineM is crowdlnx hint aiiwady and he waa nn- able >o handle the jjrowing buniness frous Iowa, henue the iieueasity for the Sheldon hoaao. itn i > he Sheldon people wUifiod the Red Wing people pro- gressive and public spirited. ^ We offer yon aa food for refleot|on two items in the work of the United 8tates Congress at It* late aesaion. For the army and navy—branche* of the Government devoted to killitog— Congress appropriated the sum of |180,- 075,878. For the Department of Agriculture, that branoh of the Goverameat devot- ed to feeding the population. Congress appropriated 95,308,080. , The business of aoldieriag is, ot course, important and honorable. In order to avoid sudden death, we mnst be prepared at all timea to indict sudden death upon others. > ' f We have things that other nations wsnt and are willing to fight for. Therefore we muat have plenty of eold- iera, sailors and weapons to use. But. If we need soldiers well equipped, we nsed farmers well equipped, snrely. If we need 'an abundant harveat of Filipinos and others who oppose our national growth, we need an abnndant harvest of foodstuffs also. If we need to wipe out treaeon among thedeiadly Moroa, we need also to wipe out the more deadly Canadian thtotle at home Theenormoue war and navy appro- priations are intended maialy to deal with a situation in our Eastern intends. Financially, we devote to this problem more than thirty time* nil much atten- tion as to the problem of improving agriculture throughont the states. Think what could be done for the farmers and all 'other inhabttanta of this country if the nation oonldspend, on national development what it spends so readily and cheerfully on war. That sum of^ money would give us the Isthmian canal, and leave a vast sum over.' It would reclaim millions of acres of arid lanAs, and supply homeefortena of millions of people, beaidee benefiting the climate of this conn try wonderfully Government railroads, a Government telegraph system—endless national powtbilitles-sre bound up In that aum of one hundred and eighty mllliooa But there is no such anm except for war. The fhtuire hiroriaa endeavoring to form nn estimate of our degree of civi- ligation will attach great importance to those two items in our national budget. He will conclude that nndemeath all our alleged refinement the fighting man ruled suprime. One hundred nnd: eighty millions for the department that kills men. Five millions for the department that feeds' men. J-. Wo have a long way to travel on the road-to civilisation, kind friends. . Tobacco Is \f30i The wife of a yacht millionaire is auing for a separation nnd alimony, and for cause of action alleged drinking and Immorality. Bnt a friend of the pair explains the real causa of their trouble ia that the husbnnd to n steady and un- restrained tobacco-cbewer. This friend relatee that once when there were visitors aboard the yacht the owner of it freely scaitered proofs of hi* tobacco habit, whtranp vi hi* wife arose, drewin, her husband Buraka-Linton Extension in . North and South Dakota. Tills is an- extension of the Chicago, MUwnukee & St. Paul Railway from Eurska, in McPherson county, Sonth Dakota, to Linton, tbe county seat of nmona Connty, North Dakota, pa*- lug thrpugh a stretch of. well cultivated prairie country, known as the famous "Wheat Belt of South Dakota/' It is .th|s territory that created Eureka som* years ngOk the greatest primary wheat market in the world, handling in one fear over, two million bushels. The line will be liulehed this fall In time for harveat. and five new towns—Green- way, Z«eland. Hague. Stafford and Untoo- wlll be plxced on the market during August and September. Watch for uuupniiceiuent of the dntee of opening aalen 1 Notice., , 1 Notice la hereby nciven that seatea bids will l«e received liefore 12 M., Sep- •emlter. 2nd. IWi . for the use of the Connty poor fn' ui. S. E. i, of Section Towunhip 07, 'Range 3t»., for the en- suing year; natiafHCtory pwnrity to be given for ca«h rent, p-i.TaUle in Novem- ber. 1908. PnwiMimi given at once for plowing. Right to wjwn bids reserved. Dated July, 3-Jth, 1fM«. .I ON AS M INOT, - County Auditor. NO fyJEi MAN WHO CHKW8 Fit to Wife. Have a aklrta, indicated h^i Mil's (WORDS SI.501LUDIES' QIF8MS H.50 oxfords that used to sell for $a and are going to; close them out at $l .JO more room for our new goods, , These are $2.25, but we as we are in need of Come early and get your choice. We also have a number of men's, boys' ladiea* and misses shoes that we are going to sell at a discount.Come and see them. Don't forget the , place.. iaSl TTh.© Oeusli f h Successors to W. J. Byraee. Old Reliable. Established in 1871. lers M«k» Kirn Ijoans on the most .'.favorable terms. " Write Insuraaor in th< Companies against Fire. Mchtnlhe. Tornado and Hail. t$AK S^ll Ocean Steamship Tickets || jby all tne I^eading IWnetj hfcr Isii a WtlWk j " :J Thomas Thoraon & Co.. Canton. 8 D. St. Croix . m 1 1. f> ffiTl Jr w! m la all Kinds of Posts, Lime, Flint, Plaster and ^Yankton Portland Cement. We also sell tlic BEST Wire Fencing—Manufactured AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO. Let Us Figure OR p Limber Bills. - - -J1II11 Is, «Plme 41. AJlDert Sti^eittori, lylgr. Ar ^ $0$ f'iii ;• m r ¥• r TIM IMt^ " Mf Ink CANTON. S. OWwl fcwl ii (Kit Cm);. J thterest allowed on tint* deimeils, and short time loam* a apwiialty' /. V :• ' '.. - ... -ftv'tVi TIM IMt^ " Mf Ink CANTON. S. i O. A. Rndolph. K. Wendt. i ^ ' "! ,Jh.". 80«H. '• T. H. Hetgrrwai. Ed. L. Weiidt J'^ yr Directors r A. R. B ROWN, Pnaldent. O. A. RUDOLPH, Vice Pres. , C. A. SOUTH, Secretary, O. K. BROWN. Caahier. i O. A. Rndolph. K. Wendt. i ^ ' "! ,Jh.". 80«H. '• T. H. Hetgrrwai. Ed. L. Weiidt J'^ yr Directors r Yf (Successor to Odegaard & Hanaon.) -DBALSR IN- * % " A with mwrafni ; finger and ex- claimed to the guests: ^ , "Now what do think "<if th*t fi»r a man who oivli»a 370-toot yach't" Whtt ladeed! Lwa iu.ty survive 11*-' aMge, neglect, dissipation and even polygamy, but not nausea. The hus- band who turns hi 4 wife's stomach is loet. No man who chews tobacco, whether he be a millionaire or a hewer of wood and drawer of water, ia fit : to have * wife. He ia not clean enongh. Time wis when thie filthy habit was vary prevalent In the United 8tates. Even men who pretended to refinement were not aehamed to practice it. For- eigners noted expectoration a* a nation- al pastime, and loet their appetitqe. The American cuepidor improesed thietn moro immediately and poignantly than did the American eagle. Dickens boiled overatns, and we were angry, and it eerved us right and did Us good. During tbe past 25 yenp tobacco- chewing has so dimlniihed that it seems Well Oh its way to join in the litub of of deenetude that other vile habit, snnff taking. _ _ _ But there are still ;to"> many men so little careful of their, own oleanliness and of the eensibilltiee of others as to. go about befooling themselves and their environment with tobacco juice They are repulsive to other meu und must tie unspeakably- abborreut-to wom- Staple Groceries, i 'aimed Goods* I guarantee satisfaction in jjoods and prices. Butter and Egt^s taken. x Main Stuit, Canton. JAMES HENRY. ms. We h.tve a complete stock tlry Lumber and all kinds Building Material and Coal. a call and. we can No old stock. No Culls. Everything is bright and new. lumlwr is all strictly up to «rade and our prices are right you intend to do any building give us you some .money. » ),i ( ,•&/% Canton, S. I). Our4; . nave 4 ^¥^4 it * a Ja '/i P, / i & Wi «'>•>' m \ ' : i -1 P A OVKIWETH. : —P;\^idenf, :• ,T M L EWIS, , Vice President. C. H. CASHILL Caahier * I s si Farmer^ State Bank &m.£ No Wonder the wife, of the h.trd- ohewing and free-epitting yachting millionaire wants to draw aside her skirts {permanently and leave hir^ to his quid nnd Its accompaniments. .. How can any man who chews tobac- co, married or single, ask a woman to Idas him. .'.'•••'.•Mi# Of C«n||oi».' F^eiici tjljd d&jpit&l $Q6 .CKDO ' Individmil Responsibility of Stockholders $400,000. ; v*\ v f; Short Tin IMBI ^ f r Fira LNM . m Farmers and Merchants Business Respectfully Solicited. > , Attention Given to Every Detail. •rt--*.:- Curefnl ami Hrrnoiml ^ «r P y J & f -:i - * fe i-,. Vl 1 ' t v </ , X* i A' ^ r/ L *4 v UjSf i* si ' t-T us m

Transcript of TIM IMt^ Mf Ink · The News plaat was old faehkwed-nude ap of sarplas material fma the old Ihfoii^...

Page 1: TIM IMt^ Mf Ink · The News plaat was old faehkwed-nude ap of sarplas material fma the old Ihfoii^ oae* la 1»». we eaiae 10 Csatoa aad took the Newa aad ran It aatll im whsa wf


sy t \ ' • f t « v » ADVKRTI&K IN Tim


Fkuit Lmrfut P*p*r, Lmrgmt

OtnuUHm. %t.60 ftr JW JOB PRINTING

%k Get it at the LKADBR Oft*

mmm' s v , • ; % ; *am mmsm

Trutk mH r*eh» of F>a* satfOsrrwtMa.






Headquarters for nil kinds of


-SSI both Right and Left Hand Binders,*":

. "Vertical Left Mowers. • •

' Hand and Self Dump Hay Rakes,

Best Line of Buggies and 8urries in

the city—No exceptions.

WagonB: Cooper atid Old Hickory.

A Pltll of Manltfara.

ioux Valley Hardware <& Imp. k**.

A. REPP, Pres.

X. T. WiaacaB, C.R. Moouos. VIM Pres.:





those advertise


"1 Wfl just received at Supply Go's store

Wall?aper 8%S^pS Wall Paper to Meet from.

estern Supply Co., Canton. S. p.

*t:5j ijarSSr?'


TM ?s$*i





All kinds of wood work for contrac­tors. A full lint of plain »n<^|

v.." ornamental glass. < . Hiish iioors. window screens,

mouldings. turning, scroll Work,, ; ' interior finishing and '^'.-ftp

i-; • mter.'taakCv;

We also !»'• the sole right to make aad sell the Matchless WiadowpJtorM» I Holmes Kitchen Cabinet.

^ SafSrum Bros.. Canton. Si "P."


Tke Leader Feels • Pride la Having

Lsst Friday aadftolnrday the LTAD-nplaat was moved fromthebess-lent of ike Keaaedf Wook to the new iXADKR baUdlBc aenee the street,

when this lasae of AM paper will be oar MW Ootlrell power

OM of the best ssnriceable pretsts nude. .. The press ekke dlreot irom the factory sad was set «p la poeitlo* by M.Gobolsa expert la the employ

y braaok ot the Chiea-go Newepaper Ualoe. ' .The press is modem la every partieolar aad capa­ble of the ftaeet work required la aay< towa la As state. It to well. to oolored work or book aad Job aadieaepleBdldmachlBe.

Thirty-two yean ago last iaauaryv the writsv hscsa his aewspaper work la Yaaktoa by the parohaee of the old jJalea aa4 Dahotlai. thee praeH-cally the oaly paper la .: the territory. Ii 187S the writer attended a LL R

territorial eonveatloa la Oaatoa aad helped to aoeaiaate Colonel Moody for

la Augaat ot thai year we started the ttoox Valley No we to help eleei OoL Moody aad pat B. H. Mills? la char*. The News plaat was old faehkwed-nude ap of sarplas material fma the old Ihfoii oae* la 1»». we eaiae 10 Csatoa aad took the Newa aad ran It aatll im whsa wf dtafneed of It to N. C.Nash

Just before "etateheod we retnrw4 from BUvank where we weat la 1877.

la 1800 the LKAOCB was started by a company, and la 18M we leassd the plaat aad hoe t It la 1MB. It was thea located In the boUdlac where the •team lwindry !• now doing builnem. but the qoarten were a little tob email aad the oAce wae mo -ed »o. the bnlld* iagaow oceapisdbj Bray u a fornl-tare More, and fin# there the oOos waaagala moved 10 the Kennedy blodi «Hid last week the LSAX»B waa movsd lato lta new ottee.; where It will re­main ae long aa the writer remataa la theboeineai. WeehaUoeoupy all the {bat floor and part of the baseapent, Boom enongh nntll Canton ahall have twice doubled her popalatkia.

We believe the new LBADBK offlce ie one of the beet lighted la the slate, sad while aot the lsrgsst. to well eoaetruet-ed and specdallr arranged for the pdat-ingbuslnesa. It will be heated by steam, with etoetrto Ughte. sad all sewerane fSoHttto> with city water

all othiroudera coavealeaoes. It la a model bitfldlas fsraoouatry

printing' ofltoa; aad the editor toels justly proud of the new LKADKK home.

It noatalua the ofllee of the Postal telegraph, aad with a telephone aad tdegraph we shall be able to keep la dosetooohwlththeontaideworld.

With all the triala aad tribulations of building a new home for thspapsv. and short ot help In the oOoe for the peat two month* the editor hae not beea able to devote M A aah time to the paper aa he would, like to have done, bot after a few weeks we espset to get everythiag in am| raaala* order aad we shall •• try and make .the LBADEB worthy of itsasetropolltan sur-roundinga. JHirlng thirty-two yean esperieaoe

Tent of the oflee-huatlac csrpet-beg-ger. aad rejotoed at his «Mlteratlon in

"Weheve^een the Buffalo, Kk aad antelope disappear along with

erdsegMido. We have seen all thess things aad aiach more slnoe we began publishing a paper in Yank

aid; when wis took backward it i bat a stoaieBt of thae ih an age

of which we aro but traneltory speou on the surilBoe of what we cnll a world.

la all the fSlr spota la our grand yonag State we believe Canton the fair tel. and hers we hope to journey along UuMgh |lfe, doing our part in all that Will arnke Oaatoa greater and better aadrteher through the medium of the

•• '••• •• . Ml

M. K. Rudolph ft>r tbe Senate. What'a the matter with M. E. Ru-ilph, of Oaaton, for a member of the (Walunf He would be an ornament

to the lower honee and would well n, Mnt Linoola county in that body.

,._iy aot let the offioe Seek the man! foronoe. by tendering him this honor-

The above item to from the Hndson Tribune of last week, and In aentiment is all right, bot it is generally under-stood up in thto part of the connty that Mr. Rudolph would muah prefer the

mte u> the houee, and it seems that Oaatoa has been generally conceeded

I position of aenator. This being trae, the next queetlon is, who shall be the ama to repreeent Lincoln connty In the appear hooeet That he should be a lawyer none will deny. That he should be a man onpable of framing a atatute, all will adthlt, aad then be ahould be able to discwife nay legal question that might eonienp, and legislation is based on law and oommon sense. The Lin-ooln county delegation should contain one lawyer. aad aa Mr. Rudolph seems to he the only lawyer who aspires to thepositina, why aot conoeed his nomi­nation aad give,him the poeitiou with­out atrifeor oonteet.

There are three house msmbers to be selected, had it is generally agreed over the conaty that the; ahall be sa­

ted outside of Caatoa. The names of several gentlemen have been - men-tioaedfar thass positions. Mr. Kinsley woald not refuse a renomination, nei ther would Mr. Dor (land. Mr. Brand-hagen of Grant, Jacob Kebm, of La Valley, Willard Huff, of Lynn, and it ie thought that Brooklyn has a candi­date. All good men. and there should

ao troabls ia selecting good men trom the list named.

Leaving out the oiudidatei for county Boae, the legislative ticket can be

nominated without much atrife, be­ginning with M. E. Rudolph, of Can-toa. lor the eeaate-

P* fjRioti etxidL

r ?<-

territory of 1870 grow late a asagalfl-cent state In IMS. In 1870 there was supposed .to be a population of 14,000 la what l« now North an l 8^nth Dakota, and in Df cemb«"r. 1870. the writer began the flght for divieiAn of the <erritory. Mr. Armetrong. delejcafw. in Omgnae. intrvdnued a biU for dlvWpn iiWIog the northern half the Indian .name; of Ojlbwny. and the fight ountinued until divlaion and Statehood ensae ln 18#S.

Then in I8rj we pnblisl^ tbe |M nnquea'tjoned evldenoe iif, the golden wealth of the Black Hill«, whiohcNnsrd Charlie Golline. of 8lonx <rity.,to orgna lie tbe first expedition in quest of Black Bills gold.

We have seen 'Tort Raodall. Fort WBffiSi SnllJ;, Fort Bice. Fort Linetdaand Port

Berthold, grow and ilearieh iamilitiury glory and pride, airronuded by Indiana in peace and in war, and all diaappeai before the onward march of civllisa tton. ;•

We have aeen the drouth strlokea and gramhopper eatSn territory #row out of its Savage nature into the perfect bloom of civiliaatloa. Wehavewatohed aettlemente grow from Bon Homme and Minnehnha conntiaa oa the eonth. to the Canadian tyne on tbe nofth. We have wntohed clVlltoation tnnivh weat-ward from Sioux Fall* and Fargo.until the Kocky Moontalns are no longer in the way. We worked and labored to secure (be first piece of railroad In the territory of Dakota, and saw tlie sreat Northern Pacific *>paU the Mlnetmii at Bismarck We have seen the town« of 8pringfl«l<l and Scotland b»tuui before Mitchell. Broohings, Huron, View. Wntertown or Aberdeeu w«n» thonghl of <. We helpl t<> tmoni iiwtiy of the politician* .wHo afterwards lusde the Black Hillx * political paradine.

: We h i«« wntcheil the/ corn Mt of this ntste KTOW from eqnaw oorn on the Missouri rive> bottoms in Clay, Union aad Tankton counties nn 111 great golden eara grow in every part of the state

wawifjww'. ( jELfPStS. 'We have watched with disgust the ad-

M Wonderfultf Lof PrlcB*. ^

Furniture isT'like urtto jewels that the real have many

There at;e connois-MS well revel in

—tn imitators. There are seurs in rich furniture as in jewels and many the imitations of both.

' The lovers «»t the real—the rich—the «;xclti<iv«.\ furniture, make thfrir. selrctimH at our 'Store VVV atwa*-s have bt-lieve«l that a sati«fif«l customer is the b-'<«t .•ilvi rti<eme«it a firm

•can hMcmfflS&S&t Wwrn



Others Versus the Man Who Feeds Others—Our Civiliz­

ation Still Prefers the Man Who Kills. i1


A W«d:.WtaFBraneb.sM' Maaager Byan went over to . Sheldon

laafe Monday to arrange for the opening of a branch honse for the Red Wing Batter aad Bgg compaay at that place. Mtiiagor Byan saya he has been hand­ling a large quantity of butter and eggs aad poultry from Iowa and fromi points farther east than Sheldon, and in order jto properly take oar* of his Iowa trad* he decided to open a branch houw at Bhildoa. a town he considem one of the best aad mast propreasive on the line of the Milwaukee in Iowa, and a eptoadid trade center for his bnaineM.

The LCAOBB can sssnre the people of • Bhsldoa aad surrounding country that la the Red Wing Botter and Egg Co's Shaldon branoh they will find a

that wl|l oonoentrste a heavy egg i aad poultry buaineM at

that point, and be a means of giving the fanners a bash market for all they have 'frtr sale ev«ry d i/ in the week. The bnoinvss of the 'Can:on:branch h#s grown to grand proportiti id' iu a year and a half and ia still jtrowiug. Man­agerRfan saya'the Dalctxa bnaineM is crowdlnx hint aiiwady and he waa nn-able >o handle the jjrowing buniness frous Iowa, henue the iieueasity for the Sheldon hoaao. itn i > he Sheldon people wUifiod the Red Wing people pro­gressive and public spirited.

We offer yon aa food for refleot|on two items in the work of the United 8tates Congress at It* late aesaion.

For the army and navy—branche* of the Government devoted to killitog— Congress appropriated the sum of |180,-075,878.

For the Department of Agriculture, that branoh of the Goverameat devot­ed to feeding the population. Congress appropriated 95,308,080. ,

The business of aoldieriag is, ot course, important and honorable.

In order to avoid sudden death, we mnst be prepared at all timea to indict sudden death upon others. > ' f

We have things that other nations wsnt and are willing to fight for. Therefore we muat have plenty of eold-iera, sailors and weapons to use.

But. If we need soldiers well equipped, we nsed farmers well equipped, snrely.

If we need 'an abundant harveat of Filipinos and others who oppose our national growth, we need an abnndant harvest of foodstuffs also.

If we need to wipe out treaeon among thedeiadly Moroa, we need also to wipe out the more deadly Canadian thtotle at home

Theenormoue war and navy appro­priations are intended maialy to deal with a situation in our Eastern intends. Financially, we devote to this problem more than thirty time* nil much atten­tion as to the problem of improving agriculture throughont the states.

Think what could be done for the farmers and all 'other inhabttanta of this country if the nation oonldspend, on national development what it spends so readily and cheerfully on war.

That sum of^ money would give us the Isthmian canal, and leave a vast sum over.'

It would reclaim millions of acres of arid lanAs, and supply homeefortena of millions of people, beaidee benefiting the climate of this conn try wonderfully

Government railroads, a Government telegraph system—endless national powtbilitles-sre bound up In that aum of one hundred and eighty mllliooa

But there is no such anm except for war.

The fhtuire hiroriaa endeavoring to form nn estimate of our degree of civi-ligation will attach great importance to those two items in our national budget. He will conclude that nndemeath all our alleged refinement the fighting man ruled suprime.

One hundred nnd: eighty millions for the department that kills men.

Five millions for the department that feeds' men. J-.

Wo have a long way to travel on the road-to civilisation, kind friends. .

Tobacco Is


The wife of a yacht millionaire is auing for a separation nnd alimony, and for cause of action alleged drinking and Immorality. Bnt a friend of the pair explains the real causa of their trouble ia that the husbnnd to n steady and un­restrained tobacco-cbewer.

This friend relatee that once when there were visitors aboard the yacht the owner of it freely scaitered proofs of hi* tobacco habit, whtranp vi hi* wife arose, drewin, her husband

Buraka-Linton Extension in . North and South Dakota.

Tills is an- extension of the Chicago, MUwnukee & St. Paul Railway from Eurska, in McPherson county, Sonth Dakota, to Linton, tbe county seat of

nmona Connty, North Dakota, pa*-lug thrpugh a stretch of. well cultivated prairie country, known as the famous "Wheat Belt of South Dakota/' It is .th|s territory that created Eureka som* years ngOk the greatest primary wheat market in the world, handling in one fear over, two million bushels. The line will be liulehed this fall In time for harveat. and five new towns—Green-way, Z«eland. Hague. Stafford and Untoo- wlll be plxced on the market during August and September.

Watch for uuupniiceiuent of the dntee of opening aalen

1 Notice., , 1

Notice la hereby nciven that seatea bids will l«e received liefore 12 M., Sep-•emlter. 2nd. IWi . for the use of the Connty poor fn' ui. S. E. i, of Section

Towunhip 07, 'Range 3t»., for the en­suing year; natiafHCtory pwnrity to be given for ca«h rent, p-i.TaUle in Novem­ber. 1908. PnwiMimi given at once for plowing. Right to wjwn bids reserved.

Dated July, 3-Jth, 1fM«. .ION AS MINOT, -

County Auditor.


Fit to


Have a

aklrta, indicated h^i


oxfords that used to sell for $a and are going to; close them out at $l .JO

more room for our new goods, ,

These are $2.25, but we as we are in need of Come early and get your choice.

We also have a number of men's, boys' ladiea* and misses shoes that we are going to sell at a discount.Come and see them. Don't forget the

, place.. iaSl

TTh.© Oeusli f h

Successors to W. J. Byraee.

Old Reliable. Established in 1871.

lers M«k» Kirn Ijoans on the most .'.favorable terms. " Write Insuraaor in th<

Companies against Fire. Mchtnlhe. Tornado and Hail.

t$AK S^ll Ocean Steamship Tickets || jby all tne I^eading

IWnetj hfcr Isii a WtlWkj":J

Thomas Thoraon & Co.. Canton. 8 D.

St. Croix • . m

1 1. f>

f f i T l Jr w!


la all Kinds of

Posts, Lime, Flint, Plaster and ^Yankton Portland Cement.

We also sell tlic BEST Wire Fencing—Manufactured AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE CO.

Let Us Figure OR p Limber Bills. - - -J1II11 Is, «Plme 41.

AJlDert Sti^eittori, lylgr.

Ar $0$


;• m

r ¥• r

TIM IMt " Mf Ink


OWwl fcwl ii (Kit Cm);.

J thterest allowed on tint* deimeils, and short time loam* a apwiialty' /.

V :• ' '.. - ... • -ftv'tVi

TIM IMt " Mf Ink


O. A. Rndolph. K. Wendt. i ^ '

"! ,Jh.". 80«H. '• T. H. Hetgrrwai.

Ed. L. Weiidt J' yr Directors r

A. R. BROWN, Pnaldent. O. A. RUDOLPH, Vice Pres.

, C. A. SOUTH, Secretary, O. K. BROWN. Caahier.

i O. A. Rndolph.

K. Wendt. i ^ ' "! ,Jh.". 80«H. '•

T. H. Hetgrrwai. Ed. L. Weiidt J' yr

Directors r Yf

(Successor to Odegaard & Hanaon.) -DBALSR IN-

* % " A

with mwrafni ; finger and ex-claimed to the guests: ^ ,

"Now what do think "<if th*t fi»r a man who oivli»a 370-toot yach't"

Whtt ladeed! Lwa iu.ty survive 11*-' aMge, neglect, dissipation and even polygamy, but not nausea. The hus­band who turns hi 4 wife's stomach is loet.

No man who chews tobacco, whether he be a millionaire or a hewer of wood and drawer of water, ia fit : to have * wife. He ia not clean enongh.

Time wis when thie filthy habit was vary prevalent In the United 8tates. Even men who pretended to refinement were not aehamed to practice it. For­eigners noted expectoration a* a nation­al pastime, and loet their appetitqe. The American cuepidor improesed thietn moro immediately and poignantly than did the American eagle. Dickens boiled overatns, and we were angry, and it eerved us right and did Us good.

During tbe past 25 yenp tobacco-chewing has so dimlniihed that it seems Well Oh its way to join in the litub • of of deenetude that other vile habit, snnff taking. _ _ _

But there are still ;to"> many men so little careful of their, own oleanliness and of the eensibilltiee of others as to. go about befooling themselves and their environment with tobacco juice They are repulsive to other meu und must tie unspeakably- abborreut-to wom-

Staple Groceries, i 'aimed Goods* I guarantee satisfaction in jjoods and prices.

Butter and Egt^s taken. x Main Stuit, Canton.



We h.tve a complete stock tlry Lumber and all kinds

Building Material and Coal.

a call and. we can

No old stock. No Culls. Everything is bright and new. lumlwr is all strictly up to «rade and our prices are right you intend to do any building give us you some .money. » ),i( ,•&/%

Canton, S. I).

Our4; „ .

nave 4 ^¥^4 it * a Ja

' / i P , / i &

Wi «'>•>' m \ ' :

i -1

P A OVKIWETH. : • —P;\^idenf,

:• ,T M LEWIS, , Vice President.

C. H. CASHILL Caahier


I s si

Farmer^ State Bank &m.£

No Wonder the wife, of the h.trd-ohewing and free-epitting yachting millionaire wants to draw aside her skirts {permanently and leave hir^ to his quid nnd Its accompaniments. ..

How can any man who chews tobac­co, married or single, ask a woman to Idas him.

.'.'•••'.•Mi#Of C«n||oi».'

F^eiici tjljd d&jpit&l $Q6.CKDO

' Individmil Responsibility of Stockholders $400,000. ;

v * \ v

f; Short Tin IMBI^ f r Fira LNM.


Farmers and Merchants Business Respectfully Solicited. > , Attention Given to Every Detail.


Curefnl ami Hrrnoiml «r P

yJ& f -:i

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i-,. Vl 1'

tv</ , X* i A'

r/ L * 4 v U j S f i* si

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