Thursday, Aug. Page Three. IcomingTTl MEDICAL MANY …Members of colony of Molokans, Russian...

IcomingTTl I TOMORROW NIGHT'S TIMES-LOOK FOR £ \u25a0 IT-WATCH AND READ THE GREATEST \u25a0 \u25a0 BARGAIN STORY EVER TOLD fl I BLACKMAILS I I BANKRUPT I J^h *^m \ a&^^^L 1 1113 BROADWAY I B IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING A SUIT, COAT, R \u25a0 SKIRT, DRESS OR HAT, WAIT! WAIT! |I \u25a0 JUST 1 DAY, YOU'LL BE V7ELL REPASD! M I TOMORROW'S TIiVSES I \u25a0 TELLS THE STORY I I WAIT!! I I THIS BARGAIN NEWS WILL APPEAR EXCLUSIVELY W& \u25a0 IN THIS PAPER—WATCH THE TIMES FOR DAILY WR \u25a0 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THIS SALE. G| WANTED—2S SALESLADIES, APPLY AT ONCE. BS (URL'S STATEMENT I WHJi nor TAOOMA Here is the girl's own story: "For years I had dyspesin, sour stomach and constipation. I drank hot water and olive oil by the gal- lon. Nothing helped until I trie.l buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-I-ka. ONE SPOON- FUL helped me INSTANTLY." Because Adler-1-ka flushes the ENTIRE alimentary tract It re- lieves ANY CASE constitpation, \u25a0our stomach or gas and prevents appendicitis. It has QUICKEST action of anything we ever sold. The French Drug Co., Cor. 13'h and Pacific ay. Preparedness FURNISHINGS In every de- tail the beat and least expen- sive, (or < ii millions MauNolennti, Vanlt? and I .11 Hi Burials. KMUALMINO for shipment to any part of the world. (Service and Quality.) C. C. MELLINGER CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS MO Tacoma Are. Main 281. 1 \u25a0 :=:=:i:i:= j Here and Elsewhere Hundred quarts of beer and liquor seized by customs officers in raid on Garland steamer Justin at N. P. Oriental dock. None of Chinese crew claim ownership. Department of agriculture sends out special warning for extra cau- tion to prevent fires starting. A novel Night—the man that walks on water. Next Sunday at Spanaway lake. Alplionse King is the man who created such great sensation by walking across Niag- ara Kails. adv. William Wimii. a Kinlander. ar- rested as slacker in Aberdeen and brought to Taconia by Deputy U. S. Marshal Fleetwood. Metiil Trades Council will meet for important business Thursday Bight at 923 Commerce Bt. Salads—nil kinds—at Ducn- wald's, 1112 Broadway. adv. Mnqually Tribe No. SI of TCatonville with three tribes of Red Men In Taconia, Will picnic in Point Defiance park Sunday. Members of colony of Molokans, Russian religionists in Arizona, jailed for refusing to register in draft. Genuine Knglls Ko\ Wrap lag- gings for every soldier, at Hof- stetter's, 1 303" Pacific. adv. King* and Pierce county resi- dents in Stuck river valley meet with county commissioners of two counties and agree on construc- tion of drainage ditch. Federal Judge Mooting of San Francisco, gets nose broken when anto turns turtle on Pacific high- way near Ashland, Ore. l>r. Cobs*, dentirt, 203 Provl- dent. adv. I. W. W. In comity Jail 1 Nortlt Yakima questioned by Chairman Itlaine of public service commis- sion and Scott Z. Henderson, spe- cial attorney for state council of Idefense. <i. Hi r<-Ik iii.. when he wont to California 40 years ago had $40 cipltal. He has accumulated estate of $333,000. Washing Machines, \V i i-i-,i-. Mops, e'c. Palace Hardware Co., 1511 Pac. ay. adv. Tuesdays and Fridays [»\u25a0• > i •;• i• I > will he meatless days in Taconia' hotels. Washington State Hotel association endorses the plan. North Km] residents say north- ern lights aro plainly visible. O. A. Oomlnow, vice president of Milwaukee railway, makes trip to American lake to Inspect new railway work at army post. Dance at Spnnawtiy park every Friday evening. Music by Taco- ma Jazz Orchestra. adv. nun Rom to —Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Scott McDonald, 5646 So. Warner st.. July 11, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Ole Lee Nelson, 2341% So. J st., Aug. fi, hoy; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Neßs, 2316 So. Ainsworth ay., Aug. 7, girl: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoem, 1R24 R. 27th at.. Aujf. 4, hoy; Mr. and MrR. Hftldor Torsen, RO7 R. 35th St.. July 30, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Hill, 1623 E. 3lßt St., July 24, boy. COMMKRCTATi BIVPKRY A rm V 11\(. CO. Main 417. ad*. DEATHS J. D. Boyden. 68, Wednesday at home of his daughter, Mrs. George J. Lien, 3601 So. <i st. Body re- moved to Buckley-King Co.'a and will be taken to Perry, la., for In- terment. Hershero Mikarali. 25, Tuesday at local hospital. Funeral at 3p. m. Friday from Chapel of Buck- ley-Kins Co. Body will bo cre- mated. Wells Proscb, 43, Wednesday at his home, at Hoy. Body removed to Buckley-King Co.'s. Funeral announcement luter. Mm. Mary Wood, 88, Tuesday evening at home of her son-in- law, C. W. Bishop, 5201 So. J fit. Body removed to Buckle} -King CO.'B. Funeral of Mrs. Eliza Liming will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 from First Christian church, Rev. H. P. Williams of- ficiating. Interment Tacoma cem- etery under direction of C. O. Lynn Co. Funeral of Nick Christalis Thursday afternoon from C. C. MelliiiKer Co. Interment Tacoraa cemetery, SPLIT IN HOME COLONY IS WIDE The split in "Home" Colony, the anarchist settlement on Joe's bay, has not yet been healed, judg- ing from the suit filed Wednesday in superior court by the Joe's Bay Trading company to find out to •which of the two factions It should pay $37.50 rent to. Each faction has warned It not to pay I the money to the other. WHAT MAS BECOME. OF - Thursday, Aug. 9, 1917. -THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Three. MEDICAL CORPS TAKES MANY OF OUR VERY BEST Scores of youiiK nuMi repreiO.Ntlsg many of the best known families, uf TaroniH iinil \u25a0otlthwaat Washington are represented in the medical enlisted ri'sfnc corps which received order* M Mofldt) to m> to Kori Lawtou. The men huve been leftVlßg TaconiH in gTOVM Tor Die l.i I three days, ami by tonight will all have reported for tOft>CO. Following 1h thp lint ol thOM who went from here, the Ta- conni men named first: J Lee .1 CurtM*, Marl J McWhir- Wr. BrBMl K. Pliair, tilenii \\ . Trillc. Seim-niils. liin iiihihl \\ . ChtlOrd, HerlKM'l I Filler, Williaiu K. (iw>nn, Puyiil- lup; Usoaard s. LaKgiow, MmUl l.owe, Karl It. \iii 11. ii I.eroy K. Rogon. HMMlbi Alfred \V. ClnrU. Krnest 0. Clarke. Joseph U. Ix'wlh, Qeorga 8. LMCi jr. .iHiiies It McMulli'ii. Frank A Mikulka, Hol'eit C. Sal- isbury, I'illll M. Sleele PrivnloM I irst Clhks. 01a( X Andersen, lleaulord (i. ! AtiiiftMin, John C. nole, Clarence IM. Hu\le M.'.rtlu .1. Hroswick, Samuel II Muck, Frank X Uurk- jliilid, Fremont C. Campboll, jr., tHlbeii c. Carlson, Hiiko J- *'arl- j hod, Charles S. Chovll, Vlitor \V. IChOTII, Carl Christolerson, Willis 1). Dllllngham, Utls N. Kdmiston, JOMpb I), Fat jo. Koy 10. Cliiuc, William B, Hamilton, Maxwell c. I Hay<len. John H llaylon, I'env C. Hfale, Cleo X llenrlot. Uolieit I I). Iliatt. Morris 10. Inveen, John Jeiiicii. Ralph .lentofl, Knil W. Johnson, Louis Laraon, llaakon Ilialcom, Buganc k. Maitait, Kraak I P. Nantlsta, JOMph I. Nelson, Kay- Imood P, Packard, Andrew J. ' Piper, Frank 11. Pratt. Raymond In. Prire, Falrolm K. Heed, Wil- liam I! Itynn, Leonard 0, San- ders, Alfred c. Sides, George M, SldeH, Itoy A. Sypher, Cliarles F. Taylor, Harold B. 'I'homas, Hay- uioni] Watkim, ltom<lil P. Walts, iKdward J. Weaver, Fnil< rii U \V. Woodbrldge, Privates. Uert 1,. Appei, Louis a. Bennett, John ii. Blaklatoa, Jataea a. Cam- leron, Walter S. Cantril, Howard 11). CkMtain, Carl Cliristensen. | T)oimld h ClosterniHii, Karlton J. Cobb, Luther L. Cook, Forest P. Oopeland, Pater M, Arthur H. ItllMM,Leonard A. Freese, William A. (iar^es, Klvis K. (Jeu- trv, Arthur J. (irahimi, Purne L. i Grout, FranciK llHrrison, Hoy L. jllielicl, Joaaph 1». Hill, Howard I Hlne, Lawrence 10. Honian, AlexiK O. .lohiiHon, Frederick F. Kleine- t*er. Adolph O. Kraiw, (ieoiKe I). Laßerga, Willlnni L. Lamphier, (leorge J. Landry, William 11. I Martin, jr., John L Masternon, I Frank J. MeCann^ Adrian Mc('ar- thy, Qaorga H. KeCoaßaU, Kdwin T. MOO, Anker A. Mortcnsen, Hus- bol A. Munro, Paul C. Nieeolla, Frank P. Page, Charles A. Parks, Carl 11. Quill, Thomas J. Remboa- |l<v, Cla>ton R. nlvnrd, Jesse L. I Samuel, Lauren A. Slieffer, Ira K. j Stenby, Jesne C. Stranahan, Ruben L. Swanaon, Floyd F. Underwood, !Arthur K. Wales, C.eorge F. Wales, [Arthur H. Wlrkens, Joe C. Wil- illamo, James B. Woodman, Frank |P. youim. nry, Ccorge 0, Vaughn. Fran«'ln S. Slover, BtoOT (J. Peterson, Kuuelie (!. l'otter. I'iiiiii Viiliiiiii. l'rivulo First Class Cecil M. Sides. I him Mon: < vhii.i. Privates Claud 11. Heaver, Ivan n. (Hldwell, Wiekes A Devon shire, Lloyd A. Koss. Lee Kemp. Gaorge M. Lftwrmcc, Clarence K. Ritchie. I ii'liiI Ilioll Mill Privates Ralph K. Ueeniuti, 10<l- win \Y. llolmt's. lidin (iiii> land. Privates |<al|»h H. Hcnn, Krtiest If. Hlake I i.mi Shellnii. Private Paul (i. Itercts. I I. Mil \|<l< 1.l Private Vlnita P Fartell. I\u25a0kiiii ll<M|iilain. Privates YVilber .1. Carlson, Robert R. Coriictt, Maleoln n. Craig, Arthur T. Franz, l.awrencp I" Hoinitn, Charles 11. JncUa, Koy P. Johnson. Dunald Q, Kellogg, lifwey S. I.yden, Cyrtin K. M<v I.can, Chailrs A. Meiss, .Tttmes !\u25a0'. Murphy, Aylmer, P. Housey. Clay- ton ||. Hychard, Julius (!. Stusser, Walter M. Truhshaw. I loin Itoy. Private John (i. I lew sou. I'l'iiin i.i t M.ii ln'r. Private JaincK T. Hill. I ii-i.i liiinwiilcr. I'rivate Cliarles 1,. .Murray. I Hun I liii.i. Plivato Drii/.H P. Pearson. OVERHEATING NKBDITT r.xrsi; i\ni(.i:siio\ | Yes, older all the rich dcllciottl foods, nil tin 1 "Indinemible" lux- ui'li's \on loiik for. Bb( iinythinn I ;uid everythinp your instinct hiir- j \u25a0Mtl, JIMM H If >iih Had flit 1 appe- tite of | trench figgcr. Hut while j fi'usljiin on these lorliidden foods sip ;i f;lass of water MMt&tll>g n| tMWpOOBfUI of puro Msiirutfcl i lii;ii; ncniii. II im incdinlc])' ikmi- trtttMfl all the liHinit'ul Mid in your stoniHrh, restores tsond it* XMttofl »nd preven's the slightest distieMS or discomfort. (iives ini- medinto rrlipf nnd its regular rise will soon put your Htoinach to riulitK. IliHiii'Hted nianneslii coiiiph | us n po\yder or tiililets (never Milk or liquid I and Is not a laxHtive. Sold by druggist! everywhere. Regent Theater Stewart's 1917 Revue s—Other Features —6 Mu(iii<M-s, ij niulits, H::lO, ||M, SPECIAL Friday and Saturday nCACI KM <im-;am mv qt. A deliitlitful desei-t and ii~ PTORK —that's SI Iti: "MeiMlowinoof CiiiMly, M.i li Witli Lovliif- OmT Sassy Jane C'hocola'cs, liox 2.V and Mt Sultana [Mights, lb. . .U.">o "A Pure ("(infection" Mt'udouiniMir I'l II linker) 1 (i<i<xls. 50 Frencli Tea Kings, ea. ««• J."> Walnut Loaf Cakes, each .ice Cocoanut Molasses Cookies. dozen liV GO extra rich Layer Cakes, each l£T,i; Me, rtOe * Mcadounionr Host Hull i 4<fr Lb. Wi'MPped at the churn for MMiltary pur|M>ses. MEADOWMOOR 'I in \u0084..1,1 Theater Itliic Store \u0084|>< m until ItiM p. m. Feach !<•«\u25a0 Crfani ami U'»rei-s I(><-. gogflgagcaaHgigii^i^HßHaia From I'liynlliip. | Sergeant Edward Mills, Cor- poral Marion Morash; Privates First Clans Arthur C. Kennedy,! William C. Pence; Privates Ralph 1,. Forbes, Thomas C. Webster. I i-oni < >l\ inpiii. Corporal Ralph M. enter, Pri- vate First Clbbs Murk Stamey. From I^ikcviow. Coi|'f>ial .lohn F. T)ierker, Pri- vate First Class Elmo 11. Dierker, Private. Kenneth B. Klzer. From Sylvnn. Corporal Paul B. Wrigley. From HylolKW. Private First Class Burley W. Bell, Private Louis R. Carlton. From Milton. Private William Boyd. From North Cove. Privates James T. Smith, Don-1 aid O. Oumm. From OrtiiiK. Private First Class Montgom-' cry H. Clarke. From Aber<U»en. Privates First Class Stanley M. DeLosh, William C. Katon, James I M. G. Jones, Privates Augustun M. Adams, Harry F. Adams, Ray- mond O. Burria, Raymond W.\ Coon, Leonard R. Davison, Wil-j liam R. Doyle, Eiler M. Frederik-! son, Orvllle E. Holniberg, Ednarj R. Jones, John E. Kelkklla, Wil- liam O. lenders, Elmer M. Smith, Walter 0. Young, Fred C. Whit- ANOTHER CAR STRIKE (United IVf«s Leased Wire.) KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. B.—Street car service In Kansas City was practically suspended this nfternoon. More than 1,300 motor- men and conductors have joined the strikers. BURNED AT SEA (111K..1 Press Lea«rd Wire.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. —The steamer Navajo burned at sea, but her crew, including an armed guard, was saved, according to a message to Secretary of the Navy Daniels from the New York owners this afternoon. DOPE DRAFTED YOUTHS (United Press Leased Wire.) ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. B.—"lndisputable proof" that unscrup- ulous persons have furnished prescriptions to men wishing to evade the draft, which temporarily affect their sight and heart action, is in the hands of the government agents here this afternoon, ex- amining board officials stated. \u25a0OMMMMMMMMMMB KHTAHUNHKI) Innn RIHHI^HHHH THIS STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SATURDAY \u25a0QMMMI.NCI \i:\v ivkiiy i»at I Hi: Itl HV KI'MIIK ON I'AIIUCAVKM k Good Looking Kimonos No l.hnoiiiis more atlrait-1[ \u0084-/ \ jV -"J *^^581 l i\<- in- s,-i »|, ): ,1,|, Mnii'l, '^™ffv, *^ *''IL^\)! in I i .mil ii<lii|Mal>Ji' in flku \ ">'*<Y^"'l-*''«S'Jr .y/ hih- 11,, i. .ir, ii x< IWBH^^ i* —*~_2 *^vy mil l<n 11111 l .ill' fi, Wfl * ' \u25a0!\u25a0 l E'^Ty ruloriiiK is a |MU't of aln|>- IKIJ ' '**!»«jl it.*/ iiui-i .hi ih.H iMini,,i ih n^BP^^^^^^^,• vjfvSU w/ l-M«lllil fi.i hii'iiuiiiiK I'IUN-i'l'uliiowN. "CliiiITIII- in-ss" is ih, ii "^si—i_i,—- Ui>n<i(r. anil mi .him nitKlil n<|il, "<li roi nlixo," hi \u25a0 mini i (iim hIUi ill,- alnii>s|iliffc o|' a will I'm nUlii'il luiuilirir. 'Hie p*t- ti-rns me |ilii-nsmil mul MtMMM, lurky i iiiiio. liulti'i ll.v, <<i»iry lIMMM hh I .-i|i|«li' hliiKKtnis mi |iink, lillil Miii, row, Ixun- ilit, i ailn iiiiil ><lln\i \ilnt; or MiiiMilarln wlmrfw, anil in MM Mljlrs IMM mill <?Q PQ Cf) C*Q 99 RA In (lull- i-liiiriii. I'iiii'l at I^o l.inurrli- Nli<i|»—Si>c<iiitl Moor. New Naiad Dress Shields Imi-vi ocluc nlioi-i flap, pair ;lOr OwM Slili>lilm, lilm-li, navy, MMJTCMI HhU-ld, n-aily to fepMta, tan anil may; |.»lr 2Br I'm in; \u25a0!/> \u25a0 2i, i. I anil !\; pair ..a.*si', :»<(«\u25a0, sac !">\u25a0'<»\u25a0< Ktap Hiiti-iiiN, si«ti a, « RemMr Hhlilils, mmhi '_'\u25a0 S, 4 | ami I; pair . .. .SMI, M* :m>»" anil .%; \u0084ri«««l, pair, MJe, 'Jflr s|||r| Wb|s , h,,,,,,,,,,, hl , m 9 ami Mt It.ili'iii ShiHils, nrl nl<'«'ii-n; mill 4 pair SAO« \u25a0MH It, I and .*>; pair. . . ,M( Notion MWttOß—Main M«K>r. -- .„ MEN'S ATHLETIC NewandPretty uniqn Boudoir Laps Arrive, N Extra Special ;J5 ,4 Values, a mm* varii'ty <>f «ntiiinß S^) ) \X Clearance HfHßi "II l'i<'l<). dainty lali- 7 f V, Vf?/ _ i-ics, siuli as tvoiiK'ii kmiv\ mi' Ml k \ ' Price inos-t Inniinlny. I'ltiin silks, ij I silk jac<|iiaiilN, fanry vnilrs, j^J iuai'i|iiisr(lrs, lvii riblxm mill C 5B E^ iMiil'i'iiiili ry triiiiiiii'd. 'II ii' nil- vA 9 L urn ai. |iinl>. liliu . lavriuli-r 3 mid IMH| also a frw vrry y,. _T I rliarmiiiK I'litral |iaMiins. B m til ( 1,,,... - b IJL— IIJv J k~jp| ]«^vl' j^KJ Vi<^ lti,l-,ii lin, \u0084r tin, iinnvook, | l!m)'jFi\ f> l H'j ill iiijiiliiis. si.isrUi- mill ncpe B W^^'V-£\ ~ '''WJ' union suits, \u25a0»!•-•\u25a0* Ii\u25a0•\u25a0•,, Inn H li'lißtli htyli's; all -.i/rv n|irr- NW:ifpf)jfs[f)fnl' 5,,,,,-,| in Mils m-iNlt ...llitlloii > <* of kMMWM, OC —Main MiHir. OMMM OUC MILLS ON EIGHT HOURS (Special to The Times.) Pt'YAI,M!P, Aug. I.—(iovernmeut support of tlio eight-hou* tiny principle and the desire to avoid a walk-out are the reasons given In- valley mill owners for granting the eight-hour day with BO reduction in pay. T. H. llrcw & Son's mill and the BfWgMM Luster Co. have announced they will begin operations on the eight-hour basin be- ginning Monday. The I), ii If. Logging camp at Lake Tapps has resumed work on 1 lie tight-hour schedule. There are only two mills in the vnlley which have not adopted the plan. "The eight-hour tiysteni is being supported by the government, 1 have found out this week, ko it's useless to buck It," said A. R. McColle.y, manager of Hip Evergreen Lumber Co. AIRMEN TALK TONIGHT English, French and Italian airmen who have seen active ser- vice at the front will tell Tacoma how the northwest can help win the war, especially in the construction of airplanes, at a public meet- Ing Thursday night in the Stadium High school auditorium. Tho talks will be illustrated with stereopticon views showing actual m CMOS on the firing line. The members of the airplane commission, including Lt. Col. Reea of the British royal flying corps; Ma.j. Haffaele l'erfetti, Italian royal flying corps: ("apt. Henry Dourif, French aviation service, and W. C. Chadeayne, manager of the. Cvrtiai Airplane Co., returned to Taroma Thursday morning from a trip to the mountain by way of the army cantonment. They were guests at noon at a luncheon in the Commercial club. SUGAR GOES UP AGAIN" The price of sugar has made another jump of 10 cents a sack, placing granulated cane at $9.25 a sack, it's the fourth jump In ;i0 days. Continued small advances are expected as the sugar market in New York is strong. JEFfGOINGiONTRIP Jeff Christman, who sells The Times at 11th street and riroadway, is going to visit his old home at Buffalo, N. V., where his brothers still live. He lias not been home since 1912. Kid Lupo will hold Jeff's corner while he is gone. RUSS DEMOCRACY SURF (United Fresa Leased Wire.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. B.—A permanent Russian democ- racy is certain, Klihu Root, chairman of the American commission to Russia, declared upon bis return here today. "It is as certain as anything in human affairs can be. The only thing that can possibly itop it would be the overwhelming of Rus- sia by Germany. That would not stop, but merely retard It." AJMGffTYIiELPEErsOME (Halted Press Leased Wire.) COPENHAGEN, Aug. B.—"Felicitations on the brilliant anceoss whereba^tfcentral armies, aided by the Almighty, delivered Buko-i ninn/" B»or Karl of Austria wired the kaiser from Cierao- wiU.^^^^ SUP P RES S DISCLOSURET (United FmM Leased WiM.) AMSTERDAM, Aug. B.—The German censorship forbids, tem- porarily, publication of the writings of former American Ambaaaft- dor Gerard in Germany, advices received her* stated today.

Transcript of Thursday, Aug. Page Three. IcomingTTl MEDICAL MANY …Members of colony of Molokans, Russian...

Page 1: Thursday, Aug. Page Three. IcomingTTl MEDICAL MANY …Members of colony of Molokans, Russian religionists in Arizona, jailed for refusing to register in draft. Genuine Knglls Ko\ Wrap



J^h *^m \ a&^^^L




Here is the girl's own story:

"For years I had dyspesin, sourstomach and constipation. I drankhot water and olive oil by the gal-lon. Nothing helped until I trie.lbuckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., asmixed in Adler-I-ka. ONE SPOON-FUL helped me INSTANTLY."Because Adler-1-ka flushes theENTIRE alimentary tract It re-lieves ANY CASE constitpation,\u25a0our stomach or gas and preventsappendicitis. It has QUICKESTaction of anything we ever sold.The French Drug Co., Cor. 13'hand Pacific ay.

PreparednessFURNISHINGS In every de-

tail the beat and least expen-

sive, (or

< iimillions


Vanlt? and

I .11 Hi Burials.

KMUALMINO for shipmentto any part of the world.

(Service and Quality.)


MO Tacoma Are. Main 281.

1 \u25a0 :=:=:i:i:=

j Here and ElsewhereHundred quarts of beer and

liquor seized by customs officersin raid on Garland steamer Justinat N. P. Oriental dock. None ofChinese crew claim ownership.

Department of agriculture sendsout special warning for extra cau-tion to prevent fires starting.

A novel Night—the man thatwalks on water. Next Sunday atSpanaway lake. Alplionse Kingis the man who created such greatsensation by walking across Niag-ara Kails. adv.

William Wimii. a Kinlander. ar-rested as slacker in Aberdeen andbrought to Taconia by Deputy U.S. Marshal Fleetwood.

Metiil Trades Council will meetfor important business ThursdayBight at 923 Commerce Bt.

Salads—nil kinds—at Ducn-wald's, 1112 Broadway. adv.

Mnqually Tribe No. SI ofTCatonville with three tribes ofRed Men In Taconia, Will picnicin Point Defiance park Sunday.

Members of colony of Molokans,Russian religionists in Arizona,jailed for refusing to register indraft.

Genuine Knglls Ko\ Wrap lag-gings for every soldier, at Hof-stetter's, 1 303" Pacific. adv.

King* and Pierce county resi-dents in Stuck river valley meetwith county commissioners of twocounties and agree on construc-tion of drainage ditch.

Federal Judge Mooting of SanFrancisco, gets nose broken whenanto turns turtle on Pacific high-way near Ashland, Ore.

l>r. Cobs*, dentirt, 203 Provl-dent. adv.

I. W. W. In comity Jail 1 Nortlt

Yakima questioned by ChairmanItlaine of public service commis-sion and Scott Z. Henderson, spe-cial attorney for state council ofIdefense.

<i. Hi r<-Ik iii.. when he wont toCalifornia 40 years ago had $40cipltal. He has accumulated estateof $333,000.

Washing Machines, \V ii-i-,i-.Mops, e'c. Palace Hardware Co.,1511 Pac. ay. adv.

Tuesdays and Fridays [»\u25a0• > i •;• i• I>will he meatless days in Taconia'hotels. Washington State Hotelassociation endorses the plan.

North Km] residents say north-ern lights aro plainly visible.

O. A. Oomlnow, vice presidentof Milwaukee railway, makes tripto American lake to Inspect newrailway work at army post.

Dance at Spnnawtiy park everyFriday evening. Music by Taco-ma Jazz Orchestra. adv.

nunRom to—Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge

Scott McDonald, 5646 So. Warnerst.. July 11, boy; Mr. and Mrs.Ole Lee Nelson, 2341% So. J st.,Aug. fi, hoy; Mr. and Mrs. EdwinE. Neßs, 2316 So. Ainsworth ay.,Aug. 7, girl: Mr. and Mrs. ThomasHoem, 1R24 R. 27th at.. Aujf. 4,hoy; Mr. and MrR. Hftldor Torsen,RO7 R. 35th St.. July 30, boy;Mr. and Mrs. Irving E. Hill, 1623E. 3lßt St., July 24, boy.

COMMKRCTATi BIVPKRY Arm V 11\(. CO. Main 417. ad*.

DEATHSJ. D. Boyden. 68, Wednesday at

home of his daughter, Mrs. GeorgeJ. Lien, 3601 So. <i st. Body re-moved to Buckley-King Co.'a andwill be taken to Perry, la., for In-terment.

Hershero Mikarali. 25, Tuesdayat local hospital. Funeral at 3p.

m. Friday from Chapel of Buck-ley-Kins Co. Body will bo cre-mated.

Wells Proscb, 43, Wednesday athis home, at Hoy. Body removedto Buckley-King Co.'s. Funeralannouncement luter.

Mm. Mary Wood, 88, Tuesdayevening at home of her son-in-law, C. W. Bishop, 5201 So. J fit.Body removed to Buckle} -KingCO.'B.

Funeral of Mrs. Eliza Limingwill be held Thursday afternoonat 2:30 from First Christianchurch, Rev. H. P. Williams of-ficiating. Interment Tacoma cem-etery under direction of C. O.Lynn Co.

Funeral of Nick ChristalisThursday afternoon from C. C.MelliiiKer Co. Interment Tacoraacemetery,


The split in "Home" Colony,the anarchist settlement on Joe'sbay, has not yet been healed, judg-ing from the suit filed Wednesdayin superior court by the Joe's BayTrading company to find out to•which of the two factions Itshould pay $37.50 rent to. Eachfaction has warned It not to pay

Ithe money to the other.


Thursday, Aug. 9, 1917. -THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Three.


OUR VERY BESTScores of youiiK nuMi repreiO.Ntlsg many of the best known

families, uf TaroniH iinil \u25a0otlthwaat Washington are representedin the medical enlisted ri'sfnc corps which received order* MMofldt) to m> to Kori Lawtou.

The men huve been leftVlßg TaconiH in gTOVM Tor Die l.i I

three days, ami by tonight will all have reported for tOft>CO.Following 1h thp lint ol thOM who went from here, the Ta-

conni men named first: J

Lee .1 CurtM*, Marl J McWhir-Wr. BrBMl K. Pliair, tilenii \\ .Trillc.

Seim-niils.liin iiihihl \\ . ChtlOrd, HerlKM'l

I Filler, Williaiu K. (iw>nn, Puyiil-lup; Usoaard s. LaKgiow, MmUll.owe, Karl It. \iii11. ii I.eroy K.Rogon.

HMMlbiAlfred \V. ClnrU. Krnest 0.

Clarke. Joseph U. Ix'wlh, Qeorga8. LMCi jr. .iHiiies It McMulli'ii.Frank A Mikulka, Hol'eit C. Sal-isbury, I'illll M. Sleele

PrivnloM I irst Clhks.01a( X Andersen, lleaulord (i.

! AtiiiftMin, John C. nole, ClarenceIM. Hu\le M.'.rtlu .1. Hroswick,

Samuel II Muck, Frank X Uurk-jliilid,Fremont C. Campboll, jr.,tHlbeii c. Carlson, Hiiko J- *'arl-

j hod, Charles S. Chovll, Vlitor \V.IChOTII, Carl Christolerson, Willis

1). Dllllngham, Utls N. Kdmiston,JOMpb I), Fat jo. Koy 10. Cliiuc,

William B, Hamilton, Maxwell c.I Hay<len. John H llaylon, I'envC. Hfale, Cleo X llenrlot. Uolieit

I I). Iliatt. Morris 10. Inveen, JohnJeiiicii. Ralph .lentofl, Knil W.Johnson, Louis Laraon, llaakon

Ilialcom, Buganc k. Maitait, KraakI P. Nantlsta, JOMph I. Nelson, Kay-Imood P, Packard, Andrew J.

' Piper, Frank 11. Pratt. RaymondIn. Prire, Falrolm K. Heed, Wil-liam I! Itynn, Leonard 0, San-ders, Alfred c. Sides, George M,SldeH, Itoy A. Sypher, Cliarles F.Taylor, Harold B. 'I'homas, Hay-uioni] Watkim, ltom<lil P. Walts,

iKdward J. Weaver, Fnil< rii U \V.Woodbrldge,

Privates.Uert 1,. Appei, Louis a. Bennett,

John ii. Blaklatoa, Jataea a. Cam-leron, Walter S. Cantril, Howard11). CkMtain, Carl Cliristensen.| T)oimld h ClosterniHii, Karlton J.Cobb, Luther L. Cook, Forest P.Oopeland, Pater M, ArthurH. ItllMM,Leonard A. Freese,William A. (iar^es, Klvis K. (Jeu-

trv, Arthur J. (irahimi, Purne L.i Grout, FranciK llHrrison, Hoy L.jllielicl, Joaaph 1». Hill, Howard

I Hlne, Lawrence 10. Honian, AlexiKO. .lohiiHon, Frederick F. Kleine-t*er. Adolph O. Kraiw, (ieoiKe I).

Laßerga, Willlnni L. Lamphier,(leorge J. Landry, William 11.

I Martin, jr., John L Masternon,

I Frank J. MeCann^ Adrian Mc('ar-thy, Qaorga H. KeCoaßaU, KdwinT. MOO, Anker A. Mortcnsen, Hus-bol A. Munro, Paul C. Nieeolla,Frank P. Page, Charles A. Parks,Carl 11. Quill, Thomas J. Remboa-

|l<v, Cla>ton R. nlvnrd, Jesse L.ISamuel, Lauren A. Slieffer, Ira K.jStenby, Jesne C. Stranahan, RubenL. Swanaon, Floyd F. Underwood,

!Arthur K. Wales, C.eorge F. Wales,[Arthur H. Wlrkens, Joe C. Wil-illamo, James B. Woodman, Frank|P. youim.

nry, Ccorge 0, Vaughn. Fran«'lnS. Slover, BtoOT (J. Peterson,

Kuuelie (!. l'otter.I'iiiiii Viiliiiiii.

l'rivulo First Class Cecil M.Sides.

I him Mon: < vhii.i.

Privates Claud 11. Heaver, Ivann. (Hldwell, Wiekes A Devonshire, Lloyd A. Koss. Lee Kemp.Gaorge M. Lftwrmcc, Clarence K.Ritchie.

I ii'liiI Ilioll MillPrivates Ralph K. Ueeniuti, 10<l-

win \Y. llolmt's.lidin (iiii>land.

Privates |<al|»h H. Hcnn, KrtiestIf. Hlake

I i.mi Shellnii.Private Paul (i. Itercts.

I I.Mil \|<l< 1.l

Private Vlnita P Fartell.I\u25a0kiiii ll<M|iilain.

Privates YVilber .1. Carlson,Robert R. Coriictt, Maleoln n.Craig, Arthur T. Franz, l.awrencp

I" Hoinitn, Charles 11. JncUa, KoyP. Johnson. Dunald Q, Kellogg,lifwey S. I.yden, Cyrtin K. M<vI.can, Chailrs A. Meiss, .Tttmes !\u25a0'.Murphy, Aylmer, P. Housey. Clay-ton ||. Hychard, Julius (!. Stusser,Walter M. Truhshaw.

I loin Itoy.Private John (i. I lew sou.

I'l'iiin M.iiln'r.Private JaincK T. Hill.

I ii-i.i liiinwiilcr.I'rivate Cliarles 1,. .Murray.

I Hun I liii.i.Plivato Drii/.H P. Pearson.

OVERHEATING NKBDITTr.xrsi; i\ni(.i:siio\

|Yes, older all the rich dcllciottl

foods, nil tin1 "Indinemible" lux-ui'li's \on loiik for. Bb( iinythinn I;uid everythinp your instinct hiir- j\u25a0Mtl, JIMM H If >iih Had flit1 appe-tite of | trench figgcr. Hut while jfi'usljiin on these lorliidden foodssip ;i f;lass of water MMt&tll>g n|tMWpOOBfUI of puro Msiirutfcl ilii;ii;ncniii. II im incdinlc])' ikmi-

trtttMfl all the liHinit'ul Mid inyour stoniHrh, restores tsond it*XMttofl »nd preven's the slightestdistieMS or discomfort. (iives ini-medinto rrlipf nnd its regular risewill soon put your Htoinach toriulitK. IliHiii'Hted nianneslii coiiiph |us n po\yder or tiililets (never Milkor liquid I and Is not a laxHtive.Sold by druggist! everywhere.

Regent TheaterStewart's 1917 Revues—Other Features —6

Mu(iii<M-s, ij niulits, H::lO, ||M,


Friday and SaturdaynCACI KM <im-;am

mv qt.A deliitlitful desei-t and ii~

PTORK —that's SI Iti:"MeiMlowinoof CiiiMly, M.i li

Witli Lovliif- OmTSassy Jane C'hocola'cs,liox 2.V and MtSultana [Mights, lb. . .U.">o

"A Pure ("(infection"Mt'udouiniMir I'l II linker) 1


50 Frencli Tea Kings, ea. ««•J."> Walnut Loaf Cakes,each .iceCocoanut Molasses Cookies.dozen liVGO extra rich Layer Cakes,each l£T,i; Me, rtOe


Mcadounionr Host Hull i

4<fr Lb.Wi'MPped at the churn for

MMiltary pur|M>ses.

MEADOWMOOR'I in \u0084..1,1 Theater Itliic

Store \u0084|>< m until ItiM p. m.Feach !<•«\u25a0 Crfani ami

U'»rei-s I(><-.


From I'liynlliip. |Sergeant Edward Mills, Cor-

poral Marion Morash; PrivatesFirst Clans Arthur C. Kennedy,!William C. Pence; Privates Ralph1,. Forbes, Thomas C. Webster.

I i-oni < >l\ inpiii.Corporal Ralph M. enter, Pri-

vate First Clbbs Murk Stamey.

From I^ikcviow.Coi|'f>ial .lohn F. T)ierker, Pri-

vate First Class Elmo 11. Dierker,Private. Kenneth B. Klzer.

From Sylvnn.Corporal Paul B. Wrigley.

From HylolKW.Private First Class Burley W.

Bell, Private Louis R. Carlton.From Milton.

Private William Boyd.From North Cove.

Privates James T. Smith, Don-1aid O. Oumm.

From OrtiiiK.Private First Class Montgom-'

cry H. Clarke.From Aber<U»en.

Privates First Class Stanley M.DeLosh, William C. Katon, James IM. G. Jones, Privates AugustunM. Adams, Harry F. Adams, Ray-mond O. Burria, Raymond W.\Coon, Leonard R. Davison, Wil-jliam R. Doyle, Eiler M. Frederik-!son, Orvllle E. Holniberg, EdnarjR. Jones, John E. Kelkklla, Wil-liam O. lenders, Elmer M. Smith,Walter 0. Young, Fred C. Whit-

ANOTHER CAR STRIKE(United IVf«s Leased Wire.)

KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. B.—Street car service In Kansas Citywas practically suspended this nfternoon. More than 1,300 motor-men and conductors have joined the strikers.

BURNED AT SEA(111K..1 Press Lea«rd Wire.)

WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. —The steamer Navajo burned atsea, but her crew, including an armed guard, was saved, accordingto a message to Secretary of the Navy Daniels from the New Yorkowners this afternoon.

DOPE DRAFTED YOUTHS(United Press Leased Wire.)

ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. B.—"lndisputable proof" that unscrup-ulous persons have furnished prescriptions to men wishing to evadethe draft, which temporarily affect their sight and heart action,is in the hands of the government agents here this afternoon, ex-amining board officials stated.


\u25a0QMMMI.NCI \i:\v ivkiiyi»at


Good Looking Kimonos

No l.hnoiiiis more atlrait-1[ \u0084-/ \ jV -"J *^^581 li\<- in- s,-i »|, ):,1,|, Mnii'l, '^™ffv, *^ *''IL^\)!in I i .mil ii<lii|Mal>Ji' in flku \ ">'*<Y^"'l-*''«S'Jr .y/hih- 11,, i. .ir, iix< IWBH^^ i*—*~_2 *^vymil l<n 11111 l.ill' fi, Wfl * ' \u25a0!\u25a0 l E'^TyruloriiiK is a |MU't of aln|>- IKIJ ' '**!»«jl it.*/iiui-i .hi ih.H iMini,,i ih n^BP^^^^^^^,• vjfvSU w/l-M«lllil fi.i hii'iiuiiiiKI'IUN-i'l'uliiowN. "CliiiITIII-in-ss" is ih, ii

"^si—i_i,—-Ui>n<i(r. anil mi .him nitKliln<|il, "<li roi nlixo," hi \u25a0 minii (iim

hIUi ill,- alnii>s|iliffc o|' a will I'm nUlii'il luiuilirir. 'Hie p*t-ti-rns me |ilii-nsmil mul MtMMM, lurky i iiiiio. liulti'i ll.v, <<i»irylIMMM hh I .-i|i|«li' hliiKKtnis mi |iink, lillil Miii, row, Ixun-ilit, i ailn iiiiil ><lln\i \ilnt; or MiiiMilarln wlmrfw,anil in MM Mljlrs IMMmill <?Q PQ Cf) C*Q 99 RAIn (lull-i-liiiriii. I'iiii'lat $£ I^o—l.inurrli- Nli<i|»—Si>c<iiitl Moor.

New Naiad Dress ShieldsImi-vi ocluc nlioi-i flap, pair ;lOr OwM Slili>lilm, lilm-li, navy,MMJTCMI HhU-ld, n-aily to fepMta, tan anil may; |.»lr 2BrI'm in; \u25a0!/> \u25a0 2i, i. I anil !\;

pair ..a.*si', :»<(«\u25a0, sac !">\u25a0'<»\u25a0< Ktap Hiiti-iiiN,si«ti a, «RemMr Hhlilils, mmhi '_'\u25a0 S, 4 | ami I; pair . . . .SMI, M* :m>»"anil .%; \u0084ri«««l, pair, MJe, 'Jflr s|||r| Wb|s , h,,,,,,,,,,, hl,m 9ami MtIt.ili'iii ShiHils, nrl nl<'«'ii-n; mill 4 pair SAO«\u25a0MH It, I and .*>; pair. . . ,M( Notion MWttOß—Main M«K>r.

-- .„ MEN'S ATHLETICNewandPrettyuniqn

Boudoir LapsArrive,


Special ;J5 ,4 Values,a mm* varii'ty <>f «ntiiinß S^) ) \X ClearanceHfHßi "II l'i<'l<). dainty lali- 7 fV, Vf?/ _i-ics, siuli as tvoiiK'ii kmiv\ mi' Ml k \ ' Priceinos-t Inniinlny. I'ltiin silks, ij Isilk jac<|iiaiilN, fanry vnilrs, j^Jiuai'i|iiisr(lrs, lvii riblxm mill C 5B E^iMiil'i'iiiiliry triiiiiiii'd. 'IIii' nil- vA 9 Lurn ai. |iinl>. liliu . lavriuli-r 3mid IMH| also a frw vrry y,. _T IrliarmiiiK I'litral |iaMiins. B m til( ™• 1,,,... - b IJL— IIJv

J k~jp| ]«^vl'j^KJVi<^ lti,l-,ii lin, \u0084r tin, iinnvook,| l!m)'jFi\—f>lH'j ill mill ncpeB W^^'V-£\ ~ '''WJ' union suits, \u25a0»!•-•\u25a0* • Ii\u25a0•\u25a0•,, InnH li'lißtli htyli's; all -.i/rv n|irr-

NW:ifpf)jfs[f)fnl' 5,,,,,-,| in Mils m-iNlt ...llitlloii> <* of kMMWM, OC—Main MiHir. OMMM OUC

MILLS ON EIGHT HOURS(Special to The Times.)

Pt'YAI,M!P, Aug. I.—(iovernmeut support of tlio eight-hou*tiny principle and the desire to avoid a walk-out are the reasonsgiven In- valley mill owners for granting the eight-hour day with BOreduction in pay.

T. H. llrcw & Son's mill and the BfWgMM Luster Co. haveannounced they will begin operations on the eight-hour basin be-ginning Monday. The I), ii If. Logging camp at Lake Tapps hasresumed work on 1 lie tight-hour schedule. There are only two millsin the vnlley which have not adopted the plan.

"The eight-hour tiysteni is being supported by the government,1 have found out this week, ko it's useless to buck It," said A. R.McColle.y, manager of Hip Evergreen Lumber Co.

AIRMEN TALK TONIGHTEnglish, French and Italian airmen who have seen active ser-

vice at the front will tell Tacoma how the northwest can help winthe war, especially in the construction of airplanes, at a public meet-Ing Thursday night in the Stadium High school auditorium. Thotalks will be illustrated with stereopticon views showing actualm CMOS on the firing line.

The members of the airplane commission, including Lt. Col.Reea of the British royal flying corps; Ma.j. Haffaele l'erfetti, Italianroyal flying corps: ("apt. Henry Dourif, French aviation service, andW. C. Chadeayne, manager of the. Cvrtiai Airplane Co., returnedto Taroma Thursday morning from a trip to the mountain by wayof the army cantonment.

They were guests at noon at a luncheon in the Commercial club.

SUGAR GOES UP AGAIN"The price of sugar has made another jump of 10 cents a sack,

placing granulated cane at $9.25 a sack, it's the fourth jump In;i0 days.

Continued small advances are expected as the sugar marketin New York is strong.

JEFfGOINGiONTRIPJeff Christman, who sells The Times at 11th street and

riroadway, is going to visit his old home at Buffalo, N. V., wherehis brothers still live. He lias not been home since 1912. KidLupo will hold Jeff's corner while he is gone.

RUSS DEMOCRACY SURF(United Fresa Leased Wire.)

WASHINGTON. D. C, Aug. B.—A permanent Russian democ-racy is certain, Klihu Root, chairman of the American commissionto Russia, declared upon bis return here today.

"It is as certain as anything in human affairs can be. The onlything that can possibly itop it would be the overwhelming of Rus-sia by Germany. That would not stop, but merely retard It."

AJMGffTYIiELPEErsOME(Halted Press Leased Wire.)

COPENHAGEN, Aug. B.—"Felicitations on the brilliant anceosswhereba^tfcentral armies, aided by the Almighty, delivered Buko-ininn/" B»or Karl of Austria wired the kaiser from Cierao-wiU.^^^^


AMSTERDAM, Aug. B.—The German censorship forbids, tem-porarily, publication of the writings of former American Ambaaaft-dor Gerard in Germany, advices received her* stated today.