th'j .'. a. · with (limy and icecid stools Vomiting...

4 J '6 SaCAED to the muses. TO MY SPANIEL. ' WHY, clinging cro.iching, tail uncurl'd, Thus uolt th'j greet Th nuftcr's feet? I wouIJ nst hart thee for the worlj. And yet love thv fawning grace : 1 is nature s voice, And rejoice H;r ever-varie- d speech to trace. But Man, of Heaven the noblest born, Such arts and wiles, To gain the smiles Ofjutron 'proud, should ever scorn ; t s 'Should wrapSi.nfelfin dignity and wortlt, And heaVen hi: friend, defy the rockitfg earth. '' ANECDOTE. v Some time since, certain Lord, (in Irel ind) gave a grand gala to ' the' mem- bers of the volunteer corps, in the foeigh- - horhood, all oi. whom, attended injfull uni-- r a ..' .i i jn,:..i. iorm. Among oineis, ms Ltviau" taylor was present, ,nd the hoftcfime..up to him, saying, "My dear Sir, how do f 1 beg your pardon, I .forget your name, but perfeclly remember seeing you somewhere before.." -- The taylor was a little, confounded by this partial-- lcir notice'J and, as the best way of makH ing himself remembered, whifpe,red, " made your breeches." The noble lord, thinking the taylor had informed him of his naiie, turned round and took him by ' fie hand, exclaiming ". Major Bridges am very happy to see you. "forty dollars reward. AN-AWA- Y from the ftibfcriber, li ving at, Mann VLick, about the 28th December lafta, Necro man named rTA-- R R-Y- , about 25 years-o- f age, upwards of six feet high, very likely, active and well made, has a variety of cloathing with him, among which is the followirig. A new green broad' cloth coat, fwanfdown jacket, ginghaiTtvdo.white'fhirtSjTiew leath- er overalls, carter hat, a new grey linfey hunring-fliir- t, did cloth overalls, strong 'new fhocs,fec he. Any person who will secure thcibove negro in any' Jail, so that getldiSm again, fliall receive TWENTY-FIV- E DOLLARS reward, 'or the above reward is brought' home, paid bMze. ' ' ' tfi'V" JAMES F. MOORE. COACH MAKING. , THE fubferibers from Philadelphia, theifiicmlsin particular, and the pub lie in ge'neral.'tha't'lhey have'jud commenced the Various 'branches- - of COACH COACH HAR- NESS M AKING, POINTING & TRIMMING, op- psfite rrtr David Stout's and near meffrs. Baftrop and Nancarrow's Faftory, where thole who cHoTet6 empToVHiem, may have their work done it the- Shortcft notice", the most rcafona ble price, and" the ,r.eauft manner. . . Richard Asbton, Lexin'tcn, Mu lith, 180 John W. Stout Kr " RICE For Sale, AT the Kentucky Vine Yard, l about miles above the mouth' of Hickman, on theKerituckv river, a Quantity of EXCELLENT RICE those who will purch'afe loolbs'. or upwards fha'l befurniuvd at sit pence per pound, delivered either or at the Vine Yard, or at the mouth of Hickman. y, y. Dufour. March 14th, 1831. tf & FRESH MEDICINE. T 4 I I a :- I I I I Tuft arrived from Philadelphia, at our fliop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, and to be sold for CASH, Fine Linen, or Flax-See- d. Also RED CLOVER SEED, For Sale. Andw. M'Call 6? Co. LAND FOR SALE. AM authorized by gentlemen of in Philadelphia, to sell a- - - bout one hundred and eighthy thousand acres of LAND, in different parts of this state, some of it A J MILITARY LANDS south of Green J fj ri er The payments will be made easy. I will 'lake a (Wall part in CASH, the ballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMP . cr TOBACCO ; or allow a credit for three fourths of the purohafe money, pay- - able in one, two and three years. A de- - fcription of the LAND, and particulars of the terms may be had by applying to me in Lexington. Thos, Bodley December 20th, 1800. 63 FRLSH SUPPLT. MACBEAN b? POYZER, Have j 'ust received jrom Lee !k Co's Fa- mily and Medicine Ware-Hous- e, Baltimore, a Large Supply of the most Celebrted , iMEDICINES: Price 1 dollar per packet, Hamilton's Worm Destroying Lozenges, Which have, within two years pad, given relies to upwards ii FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS, ot all ages, in various dangcroutffifapUints, jrifing from worms and from fouk&Ts jHkruchon in the ftomacband bowels. pfljv A peculiar excellence of this remedy is, its being fiuted to eveiy age and constitution contains no- thing but vli c is psife&h innoienr, and is so mild in its operation, that it cannot njuic the mod de)i catc pfnantlady, or the tendcrell infant ol a week oL'l, 'iould no worms ctut in the Jlibdi but will wir'iont pun or griping cleanse the stomach and bpwels of whatever is soul or ', and thereby prevent the production ol many fatal dilorders. - t Description of Worms, and the symptoms by -- jibicb they are known. Worms vhicb infelt the human body, are chiefly of sour kinds, viz. the Teres or large tound worm, the Afcandes, or small irmv worm, the Cucur-bitin- a, 01 (hort, slat, white worm, and lastly, the Taenia, or tape worm, so called from its resemblance to tape ; this is often many yards long, and is full of joints It is inoft, hurtful, and niqlt difficult to cure. Among the fyraptoms attending worms, are, breath, especially in the morning Bad and corrupted gums Itching ip the nole and about the seat Convulsions and epileptic sits, and some privation of speech btartmg and grinding ot the teeth 111 IleepI' regular appetite, sometimes loathing fuod,' and lometinies voracious Puiging, with (limy and icecid stools Vomiting Large and hard belly Pjihs ahd sickness at the (tomach Pains in the head and thighs, with lowness of fpi-ri- ts Slovt sever, with small and irregular pulse A cjry. cough Esceifive tuiiit Son,ieiimej,p3le and 'unhealthy countenance, and sometimes thjace bloated arid flushed- - v TorfonsafHiftedwith any of the above symptoms, (hould have immediate recourse to HAMILTON'S WORM DESTROYING LOZENGES-whichha- ve been conftaiily attended with futcefs"wall com- plaints firailarito thofc above defcribed.VJfc Children centrally take tins medicine with eager- - ness, having a plealtng appearance, and an agreea lllrt Tfl We ih.aU give occasionally, an account of cures; ielected irom a number ol pcrlons in this Rate. Price 1 dollar and 50 cent s, per bottle The G'enuine Ferfian 'Lotion, Ear Cleaning and Cleaning the FACE and SKIN, Of all Scorbutic and other El options particu- larly Freckles, Pimples, Pits aster the Small-Pox- , Inflamjtoiy Rednefs,Scurfs,kTettsrs, Ring-Worm- s, PricVley Heat, Premature Wrinkles, &c. sire. Rendering the ikin delicately clear and soft, improving the complexion, relloring and the bloonl of youth. Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle, - Church's Cough Drops, For tbe cure of COUGHS, COLDS, ASTMAHS sc? CONSUMPTIONS, Price 1 dollar and, 50 cents tper bottle, Infallible Ague & Fever Drops, For the cure of 'Agues, remittent and in- termittent Fevers. Thousands tan testify of their being cured by these drops, a(rer tlie bark and every other medi- cine has proved ineffectual ; and not one in a hun- dred has Jiad becafion to take more than one, and numbeis not half a bottle. These drops are particularly recommended to the inhabitants of low marfliy countries) where the worst sort of agues generally prevail, which unless early attended to and speedily removed, injures the confhtution exceedingly, and brings on dropfles, putrid severs) and a variety of complaints, of the most dangerous and alarming nature. Many other medicines arc daily offered to the public for the cure of this disorder, which, upon trial have been sound either dangerous or ulelefs. The bark is the ufiral remedy made use of, but being a very naufe-ou- s medicine, and seldom taken in fuflicient quanti- ty very often sails; and children, and thole vfho have weak stomachs, are frequently lost for want of a moie easy and pleasant remedy. Price 75 cents per box, -- p The Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Which is warranted an infallible remedy at one application, and may be used with the mod perfect safety by pregnant wbmen, or on infants a week old, not containing a paiticle f mercury, or any dangerous ingredient whatever, and is not atcom- - junieil with that tormenting smart, which attends the application of other remedies. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE. For tbe prevention and cure of Billious jjm&JHalignant Fevers, is recommended T Jff (Price I dollar per box,) DrH aim's A nti-Bilio- Pills, Whichhave been attended with a degree of fuc. cess highly gratifying to the investor's feelings, in fevenl parts ofthe West Indies, and the southern of the United States, particularly in Baltimore, Peterlburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Edenton, Wil mington, Charleston, and Savannah. The teftimo nyof a number of persons in each of the above pla ces can be adduced, who have reafonto believe that a timely use of this falutarv remedy, lias under Providence, preserved their lives when in the mod alarjning circumstances. The operation of these pills is perfectly mild,so as to be used with safety by persons in every fitua-tion- , and of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fuper-fluou- s bile, and prevent its moibid secretions to restore and amend the apDetlte to produce a free pcrfpiration, and thereby prevent colds, which are often of fatal confluences A dose never sails to remove a cold, 11 taken nines, jirft apperaance. They are celebrated for removinghamtuolcnftive-nef- s sickness at the lomach, and fev ere head ache ,n4 0.1-.- 1 to be on a change ol climate. eifigglr. Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle, 1 he Genuine Ellencc and, 1 dollar per box, The Genuine Ex,tra&, of Muf tard, For the Cure of Rheumatifin, Gout, Palsy, Snrtrx:- - Whili- - Swplli.ifr. SL'r . find has nerfoiniCTi :r: .'."" r, :v:6' r"::v.:- - a. .4 ujurc Lines in uic auove cuuipiuuii, liuiii t i"k othermedicincsever before made public. Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box, Dr. Hamilton's Lhxer, A sovereign remedy for Colds, Obflinate Coughs, Aflhmas, and approaching Conlumptions, and is larfuperior to medicine loi the WHOOP- ING COUGH. 53 Price dollars, Indian Vegetable bpecific, T For the Cure of a Certain Disease. Price 2 dollars, Hamilton's Grand Keftorative, Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for the speedy relies and permanent cure of the various compiaints which lefult fiom diffipated pkafcies, juvmile jndifcretions, rcfldence in dimaMBia vorablc to the conflitution, the immoderaWof mercury ; the diseases pecular to females cer-tal- period of life; bad lyings in, &:c. Price 50 cents. The Damalk Lip Salve, An elegant and pleasant preparation for chopped and sore lips, and every blemifn and inconvenience occasioned by Colds, Fevers, &c. Ipeedyreftoringa beautilul lofy color, and delicate fottnefs to the lips. Price 75 cents per box, The Reftorae Powder for the TeetrPafld Gums, This excellent preparation comforts and strength en3 the gums, preserves the enamel irom decay, and eleanfesand whitens the teeth, absorbing all that acrimonious slime and foulness, which.fufferf d to ac- cumulate never sails t injure and finally ruinthem. Price 50 Cents, Dr. Hahn's True and Genuine German Corn Plaifter, An infallible remedy for Corn's, speedily remov ing them root and branch, without givingpain. Dn j- Price 1 dollar per bottle. Hahn's Genuine Eye VVa- - te& A sovereign remedy for all difeafesjDfktlie eyes, whether the effeft of natural weaknelVorofWci-dent- , speedily removing inflammations, deflunious of rheunie, dulnefs, itching, and films en the eyes, never sailing to cure thofc maladies which frequent- ly succeed the small-pox- , measles, and severs, and wonderfully Strengthening a weak sight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues, when nearly deprived of sight. Price 75 Cents, Tooth-Ach- e Props,' The only remedy yet discovered whichT gives immediate and' lading relies in the most fevcre (y V' Price 1 dollar, The Anodyne Elixer, For the cure of every kind of Head. Ache, &c. &rc &c. N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap- pointment, and no where else in Kentucky. Also may be bad as above., Hooper's Female Pills, Anderson's Scot's do. British Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, Dr. James's Fever Powder, Turlington's Balfom, Daffy's Elixer, &c &c. &c. Lexington, 3d April. STRAYED FROM my plantation on Cane run, eigh$rni!es Lexin'ton, the id of March, A DARK BAY FILLEY, two years old this spring, about fourteen hands high, stout made, not branded, long mane and tale, star in her sorehead one side of which is a raon, some white on her hind feet, a sear on her lest buttock. Any person that will bring the said Filley to me, or give information, fliall be hand-fome- rewarded by fP tf jf Walter Wars eld. mj Alexander Parker, HAS just importer, and now opening his Store, onnofite' the Court- - House, in Lexington, a very large anil elegant aflbrtment of MERCHANDIZE, Confiding of Drv Goods, Groceries, Sta- tionary, Hard, Queens, China and Glass Ware, whicfc he will sell on the most re- duced prices for Cafli. N. B. In the'above aflbrtment there is Cut Nails of every sine, Saw-Mi- ll Cranks, Boulting-Cloths- , and a large quantity of Coarse Muslin, aflbrted, which will be foldbythe bale or piece, lower than usual. Lexington, April 20, 1801. TAKEN up by theftibfcriber, living in Clarke County, nesr Boonfborougb, one gray Horse, supposed to be five years old, about four- teen and a half hands high, a natnral nicer, no brand perceivable, valued to jj; k J& TboiiiasTaylor. 35th May, iZoxiP f My FOR SALE, BKIOK HOUSE f 1 6! M 13 S ' ' ,N Short Street opposite the Presbyterian Mctt- - ing-noul- e, cs neif ly opposite the Mfo- - e, JL.c.ijQg- - ton. 1 will receive in payment, one third Cafli, arid two thirds Propety. The payments will be made easy to the pur-chafe- r. Forvfurther particulars applj to WILLIAM ROSS. Twenty Dollars Reward. AY from tie fubfuibers living near RAN-A- Montgomeiy county, on the 7th instant, two negro men, the one is the propei'y f Mofej Eledfoe, by the name ot JIM, who bi sore be darted broke open a desk, and took out loir.c money and other articlcs,allo took away a very likely small rifle gun with lome fiHei mountii g as a thumb p.ece, and about the loops the makcis r in.e on the barrel, is S. Lauck, he took a new fur harJJL an old white flannel coat, an old brow n cloath coat, a short yellow linfey coat, a pair of new worded dockings, bandanna and silk handkerchiefs, a new blanker, a new powderhorn hung with broad blue ferreting, lead, powder, and many other articles of dore goods, and cloathing; the above fellow Jim as rather under a middle size, about five feet six inches high, of a guilty down look, 2J years of age, black colour, a sad flamnienng speech, a large and wide inoutli, and walks very light and nim- ble; they went prepaied to take borfes, with equi- page as ser a long journey; the other is the pro- perty of Thomas Jamefon, named ADAMaitout lellow about 20 years of age, also a down look and sfomewhat lighter in colour than the other,one of his under sore teeth out, and will be slower of speech, yet principle coleague ; as for cloathing they willchinge alternately and may part with the gun through lear of suspicion, it is thought they will aim to cross the Ohio, they bad along a light colour ed furtout, that has been ret t nearly through the back and sewed up; whoever secures find negroes, or returns them to the owners shall have the The al-o-c fellows has been taken and efcapcrf from Montgomery jail, and we have taken the gun and some other articlat from them, and the leward Jliall.dill be given agiceably to the advertisement. Moses, Bledsoe. Thomas Jamesony June 8th, 1 So 1. ,' tf THE partncrfiiip of BLEDSOE & is dUTolved by mutual consent, all those who are indebted to the said firm, are rcqi,efted to call on Walker Baylor and pay off their re 'pftive balances who has lately returned from Baltimore with a general affortment of GOODS, am,ungd which LOAF &? MUSCOVADO Sugars of a sit. & per tor quallity, BEST GREEN COFFE ; CHO- COLATE sc? TEAS ; MALA- GA, TENERIFF, OLD PORT, SHERRY 'S? MADEIRA WINES. FIRST sc? SECOND UALITT FRENCH BR AND1. PEPPER, PIMENTO, ALLUM, COP-- H ERAS Es? MADDER. QUEENS WARE-- assorted HARD WARE 6? CUTLER T assorted. He has also on hand, a quantity ofMannS Lick SALT, of a superior quality two years old. N. B. Country merchants and others may be fupplie'd with any article in the above line on th mod moderate terms for CASH. Trotter & Scott, V HAVE just received, and now open- - for sale, at their Store, in Lex- ington, a complete aflbrtment of MERCHANDIZE, Well suited to the present and approach- ing seasons, consisting of Dry Goods A Groceries, Queens and Glass Warp. liar. Tron, Steel, Imported Castings, Nails, winaow-uiai- s, aoulting-Uoths- , suited for Merchant or Country Work like-wi- se a supply of Mann's Lick Salt, all of which will be sold at their usual low pri- ces for Cafli. Lexington, April ao, 1801. 'FOR SALE. A TAN YAKD, WITH a small flock and materials carrying it on ; with about thirty or forty acres of land, twelve acres cleared, lying in Woodford county, ten miles fron the court honfe, eighteen from Lexington, and about a mile and a quar- ter from the Kentucky river, within half a mile of Froma.ns iron works, grist-mi- ll and saw-mi- ll ; there is a good waggon road from thence to the river ; there is eight vats, lime &c. with a good mill. ' house, two good cabbins, and a never sailing spring, with a fall of 'about 20 feet ; the situation for convenience of water, and barck, is superior to any I have seen in the state, thbfe inclining to purchase will please apply to me on the premises, or to David or Thomas Reid, , Lexington. tf WILLIAM REID. "jPAKEN up by. the fubferiber living- - bid, soot lute, thirteen hands high, has a star, Jfc branded on the near shoulder amfbuttock not plain, T . ahnralfed to TK 10. May 19th 1801. yobn Henry, BLANK DEEDS, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE- - I ' s

Transcript of th'j .'. a. · with (limy and icecid stools Vomiting...

Page 1: th'j .'. a. · with (limy and icecid stools Vomiting Large and hard belly Pjihs ahd sickness at the (tomach Pains in the head and thighs,




SaCAED to the muses.


WHY, clinging cro.iching, tail uncurl'd,Thus uolt th'j greetTh nuftcr's feet?

I wouIJ nst hart thee for the worlj.

And yet love thv fawning grace :

1 is nature s voice,And rejoice

H;r ever-varie- d speech to trace.

But Man, of Heaven the noblest born,Such arts and wiles,To gain the smiles

Ofjutron 'proud, should ever scorn ; t

s 'Should wrapSi.nfelfin dignity and wortlt,And heaVen hi: friend, defy the rockitfg

earth. ''


Some time since, certain Lord, (inIrel ind) gave a grand gala to ' the' mem-

bers of the volunteer corps, in the foeigh- -

horhood, all oi. whom, attended injfull uni-- ra ..' .i i jn,:..i.iorm. Among oineis, ms Ltviau"

taylor was present, ,nd the hoftcfime..upto him, saying, "My dear Sir, howdo f 1 beg your pardon, I .forget yourname, but perfeclly remember seeingyou somewhere before.." --The taylorwas a little, confounded by this partial--lcir notice'J and, as the best way of makH

ing himself remembered, whifpe,red, "made your breeches." The noble lord,thinking the taylor had informed him ofhis naiie, turned round and took him by

' fie hand, exclaiming ". Major Bridgesam very happy to see you.

"forty dollars reward.AN-AWA-

Y from the ftibfcriber, li

ving at, Mann VLick, about the 28thDecember lafta, Necro man named

rTA-- R R-Y-,

about 25 years-o- f age, upwards of six

feet high, very likely, active and wellmade, has a variety of cloathing withhim, among which is the followirig. Anew green broad' cloth coat, fwanfdownjacket, ginghaiTtvdo.white'fhirtSjTiew leath-

er overalls, carter hat, a new grey linfeyhunring-fliir- t, did cloth overalls, strong'new fhocs,fec he. Any person whowill secure thcibove negro in any' Jail,so that getldiSm again, fliall receiveTWENTY-FIV- E DOLLARS reward,'or the above reward is brought' home,paid bMze. ' ' '



THE fubferibers from Philadelphia,theifiicmlsin particular, and the pub

lie in ge'neral.'tha't'lhey have'jud commenced theVarious 'branches- - of COACH COACH HAR-


psfite rrtr David Stout's and nearmeffrs. Baftrop and Nancarrow's Faftory, wherethole who cHoTet6 empToVHiem, may have theirwork done it the- Shortcft notice", the most rcafonable price, and" the ,r.eauft manner.

. . Richard Asbton,

Lexin'tcn, Mu lith, 180John W. Stout

Kr" RICE For Sale,

AT the Kentucky Vine Yard, labout

miles above the mouth' of Hickman, ontheKerituckv river, a Quantity of EXCELLENTRICE those who will purch'afe loolbs'. or upwardsfha'l befurniuvd at sit pence per pound, deliveredeither or at the Vine Yard, or at the mouth ofHickman.

y, y. Dufour.March 14th, 1831. tf


T 4









Tuft arrived from Philadelphia, at ourfliop, near the Stray-Pe- n, Lexington, andto be sold for CASH, Fine Linen, orFlax-See- d.


Andw. M'Call 6? Co.

LAND FOR SALE.AM authorized by gentlemen of

in Philadelphia, to sell a- -- bout one hundred and eighthy thousand

acres ofLAND,

in different parts of this state, some of itA J MILITARY LANDS south of Green

J fj ri er The payments will be made easy.I will 'lake a (Wall part in CASH, theballance in HORSES, FLOUR, HEMP

. cr TOBACCO ; or allow a credit forthree fourths of the purohafe money, pay- -

able in one, two and three years. A de- -

fcription of the LAND, and particularsof the terms may be had by applying tome in Lexington.

Thos, BodleyDecember 20th, 1800.


MACBEAN b? POYZER,Have j'ust received jrom Lee !k Co's Fa-

mily and Medicine Ware-Hous- e,

Baltimore, a Large Supply of the mostCelebrted ,

iMEDICINES:Price 1 dollar per packet,

Hamilton's Worm DestroyingLozenges,

Which have, within two years pad, given reliesto upwards ii FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS,ot all ages, in various dangcroutffifapUints, jrifingfrom worms and from fouk&Ts jHkruchon in theftomacband bowels. pfljv

A peculiar excellence of this remedy is, its beingfiuted to eveiy age and constitution contains no-

thing but vli c is psife&h innoienr, and is so mildin its operation, that it cannot njuic the mod de)icatc pfnantlady, or the tendcrell infant ol a weekoL'l, 'iould no worms ctut in the Jlibdi but willwir'iont pun or griping cleanse the stomach andbpwels of whatever is soul or ', and therebyprevent the production ol many fataldilorders. - tDescription of Worms, and the symptoms

by --jibicb they are known.Worms vhicb infelt the human body, are chiefly

of sour kinds, viz. the Teres or large tound worm,the Afcandes, or small irmv worm, the Cucur-bitin- a,

01 (hort, slat, white worm, and lastly, theTaenia, or tape worm, so called from its resemblance

to tape ; this is often many yards long, and is fullof joints It is inoft, hurtful, and niqlt difficult tocure.

Among the fyraptoms attending worms, are,breath, especially in the morning Bad

and corrupted gums Itching ip the nole and aboutthe seat Convulsions and epileptic sits, and privation of speech btartmg and grindingot the teeth 111 IleepI' regular appetite, sometimesloathing fuod,' and lometinies voracious Puiging,with (limy and icecid stools Vomiting Large andhard belly Pjihs ahd sickness at the (tomachPains in the head and thighs, with lowness of fpi-ri- ts

Slovt sever, with small and irregular pulseA cjry. cough Esceifive tuiiit Son,ieiimej,p3leand 'unhealthy countenance, and sometimes thjacebloated arid flushed- - v

TorfonsafHiftedwith any of the above symptoms,(hould have immediate recourse to HAMILTON'SWORM DESTROYING LOZENGES-whichha- ve

been conftaiily attended with futcefs"wall com-

plaints firailarito thofc above defcribed.VJfcChildren centrally take tins medicine with eager--

ness, having a plealtng appearance, and an agreealllrt Tfl

We ih.aU give occasionally, an account of cures;ielected irom a number ol pcrlons in this Rate.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cent s, per bottle

The G'enuine Ferfian 'Lotion,Ear Cleaning and Cleaning the FACE

and SKIN,Of all Scorbutic and other El options particu-

larly Freckles, Pimples, Pits aster the Small-Pox- ,

Inflamjtoiy Rednefs,Scurfs,kTettsrs, Ring-Worm- s,

PricVley Heat, Premature Wrinkles,&c. sire. Rendering the ikin delicately clear andsoft, improving the complexion, relloring and

the bloonl of youth.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents, per bottle,- Church's Cough Drops,


Price 1 dollar and, 50 cents tper bottle,Infallible Ague & Fever Drops,For the cure of 'Agues, remittent and in-

termittent Fevers.Thousands tan testify of their being cured by

these drops, a(rer tlie bark and every other medi-

cine has proved ineffectual ; and not one in a hun-

dred has Jiad becafion to take more than one, andnumbeis not half a bottle.

These drops are particularly recommended to theinhabitants of low marfliy countries) where theworst sort of agues generally prevail, which unlessearly attended to and speedily removed, injures theconfhtution exceedingly, and brings on dropfles,putrid severs) and a variety of complaints, of themost dangerous and alarming nature. Many othermedicines arc daily offered to the public for thecure of this disorder, which, upon trial have beensound either dangerous or ulelefs. The bark is theufiral remedy made use of, but being a very naufe-ou- s

medicine, and seldom taken in fuflicient quanti-ty very often sails; and children, and thole vfhohave weak stomachs, are frequently lost for wantof a moie easy and pleasant remedy.

Price 75 cents per box,-- p

The Sovereign Ointment for theItch,

Which is warranted an infallible remedy at oneapplication, and may be used with the mod perfectsafety by pregnant wbmen, or on infants a weekold, not containing a paiticle f mercury, or anydangerous ingredient whatever, and is not atcom- -

junieil with that tormenting smart, which attendsthe application of other remedies.

PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE.For tbe prevention and cure of Billiousjjm&JHalignant Fevers, is recommendedT Jff (Price I dollar per box,)

DrH aim's A nti-Bilio- Pills,Whichhave been attended with a degree of fuc.

cess highly gratifying to the investor's feelings, infevenl parts ofthe West Indies, and the southernof the United States, particularly in Baltimore,Peterlburg, Richmond. Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington, Charleston, and Savannah. The teftimonyof a number of persons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reafonto believe thata timely use of this falutarv remedy, lias underProvidence, preserved their lives when in the modalarjning circumstances.

The operation of these pills is perfectly mild,soas to be used with safety by persons in every fitua-tion- ,

and of every age.They are excellently adapted to carry off fuper-fluou- s

bile, and prevent its moibid secretions torestore and amend the apDetlte to produce a freepcrfpiration, and thereby prevent colds, which areoften of fatal confluences A dose never sails toremove a cold, 11 taken nines, jirft apperaance.They are celebrated for removinghamtuolcnftive-nef- s

sickness at the lomach, and fev ere head ache,n4 0.1-.- 1 to be on a change

ol climate.eifigglr.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per bottle,

1 he Genuine Ellenccand, 1 dollar per box,

The Genuine Ex,tra&, of Muftard,

For the Cure of Rheumatifin, Gout, Palsy,Snrtrx:- - Whili- - Swplli.ifr. SL'r . find has nerfoiniCTi:r: .'."" r, :v:6' r"::v.:- - a. .4ujurc Lines in uic auove cuuipiuuii, liuiii t i"kothermedicincsever before made public.

Price 1 dollar and 50 cents per box,

Dr. Hamilton's Lhxer,A sovereign remedy for Colds, Obflinate Coughs,

Aflhmas, and approaching Conlumptions, and is

larfuperior to medicine loi the WHOOP-ING COUGH.

53 Price dollars,

Indian Vegetable bpecific,T For the Cure of a Certain Disease.

Price 2 dollars,

Hamilton's Grand Keftorative,Is recommended as an invaluable medicine for

the speedy relies and permanent cure of the variouscompiaints which lefult fiom diffipated pkafcies,juvmile jndifcretions, rcfldence in dimaMBiavorablc to the conflitution, the immoderaWofmercury ; the diseases pecular to females cer-tal-

period of life; bad lyings in, &:c.

Price 50 cents.The Damalk Lip Salve,

An elegant and pleasant preparation for choppedand sore lips, and every blemifn and inconvenienceoccasioned by Colds, Fevers, &c. Ipeedyreftoringabeautilul lofy color, and delicate fottnefs to the lips.

Price 75 cents per box,

The Reftorae Powder for theTeetrPafld Gums,

This excellent preparation comforts and strengthen3 the gums, preserves the enamel irom decay,and eleanfesand whitens the teeth, absorbing all thatacrimonious slime and foulness, which.fufferf d to ac-

cumulate never sails t injure and finally ruinthem.

Price 50 Cents,Dr. Hahn's True and Genuine

German Corn Plaifter,An infallible remedy for Corn's, speedily remov

ing them root and branch, without givingpain.


Price 1 dollar per bottle.

Hahn's Genuine Eye VVa- -

te&A sovereign remedy for all difeafesjDfktlie eyes,

whether the effeft of natural weaknelVorofWci-dent- ,

speedily removing inflammations, defluniousof rheunie, dulnefs, itching, and films en the eyes,never sailing to cure thofc maladies which frequent-ly succeed the small-pox- , measles, and severs, andwonderfully Strengthening a weak sight. Hundredshave experienced its excellent virtues, when nearlydeprived of sight.

Price 75 Cents,Tooth-Ach- e Props,'

The only remedy yet discovered whichT givesimmediate and' lading relies in the most fevcre

(y V' Price 1 dollar,The Anodyne Elixer,

For the cure of every kind of Head. Ache, &c.&rc &c.

N. B. These medicines are sold as above, by ap-

pointment, and no where else in Kentucky.

Also may be bad as above.,

Hooper's Female Pills,Anderson's Scot's do.British Oil,Godfrey's Cordial,Dr. James's Fever Powder,Turlington's Balfom,Daffy's Elixer, &c &c. &c.

Lexington, 3d April.


FROM my plantation on Cane run, eigh$rni!esLexin'ton, the id of March, A DARK

BAY FILLEY, two years old this spring, aboutfourteen hands high, stout made, not branded, longmane and tale, star in her sorehead one side of whichis a raon, some white on her hind feet, a sear on herlest buttock. Any person that will bring the saidFilley to me, or give information, fliall be hand-fome-

rewarded by fPtf jf Walter Warseld.

mj Alexander Parker,

HAS just importer, and now openinghis Store, onnofite' the Court- -

House, in Lexington, a very large anilelegant aflbrtment of

MERCHANDIZE,Confiding of Drv Goods, Groceries, Sta-

tionary, Hard, Queens, China and GlassWare, whicfc he will sell on the most re-

duced prices for Cafli.N. B. In the'above aflbrtment there is

Cut Nails of every sine, Saw-Mi- ll Cranks,Boulting-Cloths- , and a large quantity ofCoarse Muslin, aflbrted, which will befoldbythe bale or piece, lower than usual.

Lexington, April 20, 1801.

TAKEN up by theftibfcriber, living inClarke County, nesr Boonfborougb, one gray

Horse, supposed to be five years old, about four-teen and a half hands high, a natnral nicer, no brandperceivable, valued to jj; k

J& TboiiiasTaylor.35th May, iZoxiP f



f 1 6! M 13 S ' '

,N Short Streetopposite the

Presbyterian Mctt- -

ing-noul- e, cs neifly opposite the Mfo- -

e, JL.c.ijQg- -

ton. 1 will receive in payment, one thirdCafli, arid two thirds Propety. Thepayments will be made easy to the pur-chafe- r.

Forvfurther particulars applj toWILLIAM ROSS.

Twenty Dollars Reward.AY from tie fubfuibers living near

RAN-A- Montgomeiy county, on the7th instant, two negro men, the one is the propei'yf Mofej Eledfoe, by the name ot JIM, who bi sore

be darted broke open a desk, and took out loir.cmoney and other articlcs,allo took away a very likelysmall rifle gun with lome fiHei mountii g as athumb p.ece, and about the loops the makcis r in.eon the barrel, is S. Lauck, he took a new fur harJJLan old white flannel coat, an old brow n cloath coat,a short yellow linfey coat, a pair of new wordeddockings, bandanna and silk handkerchiefs, a newblanker, a new powderhorn hung with broad blueferreting, lead, powder, and many other articlesof dore goods, and cloathing; the above fellow

Jim as rather under a middle size, about five feetsix inches high, of a guilty down look, 2J yearsof age, black colour, a sad flamnienng speech, alarge and wide inoutli, and walks very light and nim-

ble; they went prepaied to take borfes, with equi-page as ser a long journey; the other is the pro-

perty of Thomas Jamefon, named ADAMaitoutlellow about 20 years of age, also a down look andsfomewhat lighter in colour than the other,one ofhis under sore teeth out, and will be slower ofspeech, yet principle coleague ; as for cloathing theywillchinge alternately and may part with the gunthrough lear of suspicion, it is thought they willaim to cross the Ohio, they bad along a light coloured furtout, that has been ret t nearly through theback and sewed up; whoever secures find negroes,or returns them to the owners shall have the

The al-o-c fellows has been taken and efcapcrffrom Montgomery jail, and we have taken the gunand some other articlat from them, and the leward

Jliall.dill be given agiceably to the advertisement.Moses, Bledsoe.Thomas Jamesony

June 8th, 1 So 1. ,' tf

THE partncrfiiip of BLEDSOE &is dUTolved by mutual consent, all

those who are indebted to the said firm, are rcqi,eftedto call on Walker Baylor and pay off their re 'pftivebalances who has lately returned from Baltimorewith a general affortment of GOODS, am,ungd which

LOAF &? MUSCOVADO Sugars of a sit. &pertor quallity,






HARD WARE 6? CUTLER T assorted.He has also on hand, a quantity ofMannS Lick

SALT, of a superior quality two years old.N. B. Country merchants and others may be

fupplie'd with any article in the above line on thmod moderate terms for CASH.

Trotter & Scott, V

HAVE just received, and now open- -for sale, at their Store, in Lex-

ington, a complete aflbrtment ofMERCHANDIZE,

Well suited to the present and approach-ing seasons, consisting of Dry Goods AGroceries, Queens and Glass Warp. liar.Tron, Steel, Imported Castings, Nails,winaow-uiai- s, aoulting-Uoths- , suitedfor Merchant or Country Work like-wi- se

a supply of Mann's Lick Salt, all ofwhich will be sold at their usual low pri-ces for Cafli.

Lexington, April ao, 1801.


WITH a small flock and materialscarrying it on ; with about

thirty or forty acres of land, twelve acrescleared, lying in Woodford county, tenmiles fron the court honfe, eighteen fromLexington, and about a mile and a quar-ter from the Kentucky river, within halfa mile of Froma.ns iron works, grist-mi- ll

and saw-mi- ll ; there is a good waggonroad from thence to the river ; there iseight vats, lime &c. with a good mill. '

house, two good cabbins, and a neversailing spring, with a fall of 'about 20feet ; the situation for convenience ofwater, and barck, is superior to any Ihave seen in the state, thbfe inclining topurchase will please apply to me on thepremises, or to David or Thomas Reid, ,Lexington.


"jPAKEN up by. the fubferiber living--

bid, soot lute, thirteen hands high, has a star, Jfcbranded on the near shoulder amfbuttock not plain, T .ahnralfed to TK 10.

May 19th 1801.yobn Henry,



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