This w k [t St. Fr[n]is - Sustainable Offertory Program...

This w__k [t St. Fr[n]is Mon. 25 Soup Kitchen - 5:30 pm Queen of Peace Rosary - 6:30 pm Queen of Peace Mass - 7:00 pm Tue. 26 Confessions - 6:00 pm Wed. 27 Mother of Perpetual Help Novena after 8am Mass Legion of Mary - 9:00 am Sat. 30 Confessions 3 pm SEPTEMBER 5th, 2014 First Friday Masses will be held every First Friday at 7:00am and 8:00 am. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins after the 8am Mass on that Friday until 11:00 pm, Benediction will be at 7:45 am on Saturday. Liturgy of the Hours - Before Benediction, everyone is invited to participate as a parish commu- nity in Morning Prayer beginning at 7:30 am We Invite you to a monthly Holy Hour For Life during the exposiƟon of the Blessed Sacrament we will be hav- ing an "Hour for Life" every rst Friday beginning at 6:00 pm. All are invited to join us as we pray together to help develop a culture of life. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Eliakim is destined by God to be a fa- ther to those who live in Jerusalem (Isaiah 22:19-23). Psalm — Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your hands (Psalm 138). Second Reading — How deep are the riches and the wis- dom and the knowledge of God! (Romans 11:33-36). Gospel — Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ” (Matthew 16:13-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpo- ration. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday:2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday:2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 124:1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday:1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mk 6:17-29 Saturday:1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30 Sunday: Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz Wednesda:St. Monica Thursday:St. Augustine Friday: The Passion of St. John the Baptist Saturday:Blessed Virgin Mary Back to School This Monday morning, our students return to back to classes, meaning that our campus will become alive once more with students, parents and teachers filling every cor- ner of our campus with their presence. Going back to school is not only for St. Francis but also for everyone, everywhere as we see students going back to school, whether elemen- tary school, middle school, high school or college. In a way it is a new beginning as we undertake a new school year. Teachers meeting new students and parents, students meeting new teachers, new classmates, everything is new all around. As I reflect on the new school year beginning, it takes me back to my own days in school, whether as a child or an adult going back to college or seminary each fall. I recall there was that sense of being uneasy, of being a bit scared of not knowing what to expect, what my teachers or professors would be like. Yet there was a sense of being excited because I was starting something new, something different. Especially in seminary, for each year was one more year closer to ordination. Yet, I recall that even in the midst of starting something new, there was still a sense of resistance of going into the unknown, into something new. Thinking about the going into the unknown led me to think about how much our students and teachers need our prayers as they embark into a new academic year, that while as exciting as it might be to start, there is still that sense of hesitance, of stepping into the unknown. Hence, my invitation to you is to take a few moments this week and say a prayer for both our educators and our students, especially those starting a new school or going off to college for the first time. Let us pray that this new school year will be for all of our students, teachers and administrators a good one, one that produces abundant fruit. With a special prayer for all those going back to school, stu- dents, teachers, and administrators. May this year be one filled with blessings for each of you. ~Fr. Efrain

Transcript of This w k [t St. Fr[n]is - Sustainable Offertory Program...

This w__k [t St. Fr[n]is Mon. 25 Soup Kitchen - 5:30 pm Queen of Peace Rosary - 6:30 pm Queen of Peace Mass - 7:00 pm Tue. 26 Confessions - 6:00 pm Wed. 27 Mother of Perpetual Help Novena after 8am Mass Legion of Mary - 9:00 am Sat. 30 Confessions 3 pm

SEPTEMBER 5th, 2014 First Friday Masses will be held every First Friday at 7:00am and 8:00 am.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins after the 8am Mass on that Friday until 11:00

pm, Benediction will be at 7:45 am on Saturday. Liturgy of the Hours - Before Benediction,

everyone is invited to participate as a parish commu-nity in Morning Prayer beginning at 7:30 am

We Invite you to a monthly Holy Hour For Life during the exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament we will be hav-ing an "Hour for Life" every first Friday beginning at 6:00 pm.

All are invited to join us as we pray together to help develop a culture of life.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Eliakim is destined by God to be a fa-ther to those who live in Jerusalem (Isaiah 22:19-23). Psalm — Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your hands (Psalm 138). Second Reading — How deep are the riches and the wis-dom and the knowledge of God! (Romans 11:33-36). Gospel — Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied, “You are the Christ” (Matthew 16:13-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corpo-ration. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22 Tuesday:2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; Mt 23:23-26 Wednesday:2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 124:1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32 Thursday:1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mk 6:17-29 Saturday:1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30 Sunday: Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Louis; St. Joseph Calasanz Wednesda:St. Monica Thursday:St. Augustine Friday: The Passion of St. John the Baptist Saturday:Blessed Virgin Mary

Back to School This Monday morning, our students return to back to classes, meaning that our campus will become alive once more with students, parents and teachers filling every cor-ner of our campus with their presence. Going back to school is not only for St. Francis but also for everyone, everywhere as we see students going back to school, whether elemen-tary school, middle school, high school or college. In a way it is a new beginning as we undertake a new school year. Teachers meeting new students and parents, students meeting new teachers, new classmates, everything is new all around. As I reflect on the new school year beginning, it takes me back to my own days in school, whether as a child or an adult going back to college or seminary each fall. I recall there was that sense of being uneasy, of being a bit scared of not knowing what to expect, what my teachers or professors would be like. Yet there was a sense of being excited because I was starting something new, something different. Especially in seminary, for each year was one more year closer to ordination. Yet, I recall that even in the midst of starting something new, there was still a sense of resistance of going into the unknown, into something new. Thinking about the going into the unknown led me to think about how much our students and teachers need our prayers as they embark into a new academic year, that while as exciting as it might be to start, there is still that sense of hesitance, of stepping into the unknown. Hence, my invitation to you is to take a few moments this week and say a prayer for both our educators and our students, especially those starting a new school or going off to college for the first time. Let us pray that this new school year will be for all of our students, teachers and administrators a good one, one that produces abundant fruit. With a special prayer for all those going back to school, stu-dents, teachers, and administrators. May this year be one filled with blessings for each of you. ~Fr. Efrain

Our sincere sympathy and prayers are extended to the families & friends of

Angelita Ramirez, Beatriz Meza, Rita Lucy Seymour, Robert Moreno, Braulio Velazquez, Roger Meredith

“May their souls rest in peace.” Please Pray for all the sick of our

parish especially for the people listed below for continued

strength and healing: Donna Fisher, Leighton Walker,

Jacquelino Lorek, Agricola Valdovinos, Richard Gluszek,

Salvador Sanchez, Micaela Herrera



Culture of Life Family Services…….………………….. Oceanside Pregnancy Resource Center………………… Birth Choice…………………………..………..………. Retrouville……………………………………............... Retrouvaille Español…………………………………... Catholic Charities, Thrift Store -Vista………...………. Catholic Charities, Emergency Services…………......... North County Lifeline…………………………………. St. Vincent de Paul………………………….………..... Prayer Line…………………………………………….. Rachel’s Hope……………………………….……….... Interfaith Community Services Coastal…….…..……... Brother Bennos’ Kitchen……………………......…….. Women’s Resource Center……………….…………… Catholic Charities Immigration………….……...…….. San Diego Housing Federation………………….……. Employment Services……………….………….……..

211 - San Diego Resource Information

Office for Marriage and Family Life What is Retrouvaille?

A program designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses uncov-er or re-awaken the love, trust

and commitment that originally brought them together. Check it out at

Spanish weekend: Sept 12-14, for information call (619) 423-0182 English weekend: September 19-21, 2014 for information call (951) 259-9474

(760) 741-1224 (800) 395-4357 (760) 744-1313 (951) 259-9474 (951) 259-9474 (760) 631-2819 (760) 631-4792 (760) 726-4900 (760) 407-8900 (760) 419-9869 (858) 581-3022 (760) 721-2117 (760) 439-1244 (760) 757-3500 (760) 631-5890 (619) 239-6693 (760) 929-8121

In celebration of the 75th Anniversary of our St. Francis of Assisi Parish, the Anniversary Planning Committee has decided to have a Pilgrimage to Italy, focusing on the town of Assisi. The eleven

day Pilgrimage, led by Fr. Efrain, will include visits to the towns of Florence, Venice, Padua, Assisi and four days in Rome.

The date of this amazing trip will be October 12 - 23, 2015. For more information please contact Rae Arnold 760 500-3201 or [email protected]

Thursday September 18, 7:00 – 8:00 pm Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ

Professor of Philosophical Theology Dr. Mary Elizabeth Ingham, CSJ comes to FST from Loyola Marymount University where she was chair of the Philosophy De-

partment and Professor of Philosophy. Among her books are: Rejoicing in the Works of the Lord: Beauty in the Franciscan Tradition (Franciscan Institute 2010); La Vie de la Sagesse: Le Stoicisme au Moyen Age (Cerf 2009); The Harmony of Goodness: Mutuality and Moral Living According to John Duns Scotus (1996), Scotus for Dunces: An Introduction to the Subtle Doc-tor (2003), and with Dr. Mechthild Dreyer, The Philosophical Vision of John Duns Scotus (2004).


BIBLE STUDY FOR BEGINNERS - If you know nothing about the Bible this study is for you. Facilitated by Dcn. Ron and Rae Arnold, this 8 week course begins on Monday, Sept. 8 thru Oct. 27 from 6:45 – 8:30 PM and will be held in their home. To register and for more information please contact them at 760 500-3201 or [email protected] ________________________________________ BIBLE STUDY FOR WOMEN on the Book of James will be facilitated by Denise Heffner and Carlene Hunter. This study will begin on Monday, Sept. 8th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM and will be held at the Heffner home. To register or for more information please contact Denise Heffner at 760-415-5573 or [email protected] or Carleen Hunter at 760-716-8764 or [email protected].

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING The Altar Server Ministry is a wonderful opportunity to “share one’s time and talent” and grow in the Catholic faith. We are currently looking to add new members to this wonderful ministry. Anyone that has made their 1st Holy Communion, grade 4 and above, is welcome to join this ministry and serve at the Table of the Lord. You will then be required to attend ALL training classes, once a week for 3 weeks, beginning Wednesday, September 10th – Wednesday, September 24th, 5:30 – 7:00 PM in the Church. You must commit to attend all classes. Please contact Leticia Chramosta in Liturgy Office if you have any questions,

(760) 945-8013 or [email protected].

Saturday 8:00 am Conrado Jumanan + 4:30 pm Osvaldo I Venzor + 6:30 pm Daniel Agustin Sixto + Sunday 7:30 am David Barton(Sp. Int.) 9:30 am Robert Mastrianna + 11:30 am Dios Nuestro Señor y Nuestra Madre (En Gratitud) 1:30pm People of the Parish 3:15 pm Felix Gutierrez + 5:00 pm Jazques Vermeyen + 7:00 pm San Miguel Arcangel (En Gratitud) Monday 8:00 am Manuel Diaz Orozco+

7:00 pm Juan Manuel Garibaldi , J. Magdalena Garcia+ Tuesday 7:00 am Mrs. Nga Nguyen+ 8:00 am Casimiro Garcia + Wed. 7:00 am Mrs. Theresa Pham + 8:00 am Patrick Birello(Sp. Int.) Thur . 8:00 am Kevin & Lourdes Barton (Sp. Int.) Friday 7:00am James McNally+ 8:00 am Dominico Nguyen + Saturday 8:00 am St. Jude (Thanksgiving) 4:30 pm Casmiro Garcia & Glenn Chramosta+ 6:30 pm Virgen de Guadalupe (En Gratitud)

Contributions for August 15-17


CALLING ALL CRAFTERS!!! The 4th Annual Christmas Bazaar will be at St. Francis

Parish November 1 & 2, 2014 Time to prepare your creations NOW! Table rental only $50 for the weekend

Contact: Michele Pritchard 760-630-9575

[email protected] Carleen Hunter 760-726-1053

[email protected] Sponsored by the St. Francis Women’s Ministry Guild

Proceeds benefit the needs of the parish

RECORDING SECRETARY NEEDED!!! This volunteer position is open and requires candidates to attend one or more monthly meetings, record minutes and email minutes to committee members. If you are interested, please call :

Fr. Efrain (760) 945-8000

Women’s Ministry Guild (WMG) in-vites you to come get your seat on the Sisterhood Bus for our journey through the coming year. Help us map out

our stops along the way. Meet us as we fuel up at 8 am Mass on Satur-day, September 6th and then head over to the bus loading area in Fr.

Ullman Hall. Bring a friend…there’s plenty of room!

Catholic Charities Shopportunity Thrift Shop and Food Resource Center are now opened Tuesday through Saturday. Thrift Shop from 9am-5pm and Food Resource Center Tuesday-Friday from 9am – 12pm and 1pm to 4pm. Saturday from 12pm – 4 pm. We have great volunteer opportuni es for you. Dona on sor ng and pricing, Drivers that can do some food or dona on pick up, Food packers, Intake workers. For Informa on call 760-631-8-2819/760-631-4792

WE NEED OLD PHOTOS: The 75th Anniversary Plan-ning Committee is looking to scan old photos of parish events, parish buildings, cler-gy, sacramental events, etc. If you let us borrow them we will be VERY careful and return them to you in good shape! Please let us know; call the parish office at 760-945-8000.”

O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams. St. Augustine

Festival News October 3rd and 5th, 2014

Festival Needs: Do you know someone who owns a restaurant and would be interested in donating tastes to our Feast Taste on Friday night Oct 3, 2014. If so please let Carleen Hunter 760-716-8764 or Mimi Gizoni 760-724-0724 know ASAP. Mega Draw tickets have been mailed you should have received them last week. Mega draw and feast tickets are on sale be-ginning this weekend after all the Masses. You can purchase more tickets or drop off your tickets with payment. We also have a donation box at the front entrance of the Church for any kind of donation of gift cards, coins or cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity to Friar Fest 2014.



You are cordially invited to celebrate our mother the Virgin Mary. Please

join us every week for Mass, Prayer of the Rosary, Litany and Divine Mercy

Chaplet on Monday’s at 7:00 pm in the Church.

Rosary starts at 6:30.

Calling All Ministry Heads !! We are updating our Service Hours Connection Website Page soon and would like to include your ministry if there is a need for Service Hours. Please remember this 'Service Con-

nection Page' is a place where parishioners (including Confirmation students) can go to see where there talents/time might be applica-ble. Any info or questions please contact Sandra Maola at [email protected] or 760-535-9845 if you would like your ministry

to be included.

ANNUAL WOMEN’S RETREAT, September 12-14, 2014.

Come away for rest and personal prayer time with God at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra, CA, spon-

sored by the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. Our theme this year is “Encountering Christ: Who Do You Say I Am?” Retreat Leader is: Fr. James Ku-bicki, SJ. For more information and reservations please

contact Edie Sando at (760) 940-1914 or [email protected].

Please join the AMERICAN-FILIPINO CLUB to celebrate the Feast Day of SAN LORENZO RUIZ,

the first saint of the Philippines, on

Saturday, September 13, 2014 Mass begins at 2:00pm.

Potluck and fellowship follows immediately at St. Clare Hall.

For more information call Shelly (760) 845-6775

Diocesan Young Adult Retreat: "PRAY, HOPE, & DON'T WORRY!"

Sept 19-21st at Whispering Winds Join 120+ Young Adults (18-39yrs) from around the Diocese for our annual retreat! Meet new friends in your age range (small groups by age 18-22, 23-26, 27-32, 33+), hear inspiring and dynamic speaker's, awesome praise and worship music, participate in Mass, adoration, con-fession, have time for personal reflection as well as a bonfire and free time outdoors- hike, pool, etc! Re-treat begins Fri at 6:30pm (eat before you come) and ends Sun at noon! The cost is $138. For details go to or call 858-490-8260. To register go to

From our neighbor parish St. Thomas More: Faith Encounters the Ecological Crisis

Are you concerned about the forces that are threatening our eco-logical systems in which we live? Small groups will meet weekly in homes, September 15-November 9 Information meeting on Sunday, August 31, 10:00am, Lower Level of Faith Encounters the Ecological Crisis identifies the ways in which we are already living beyond the bio capacity of the planet and challenges participants to identify elements of a spirit-uality for living through the ecological crisis. Participants will view several films, engage in small and large group discussion and meet with several guest speakers as they consider various aspects of the ecological crisis. Participants will also identify ways to live beyond the end of this world with a rich and vibrant Earth community still intact, still able to support life. This Just Faith module is designed as a learning process built around the book, Living Beyond the End of the World, A Spiritual-ity of Hope by Margaret Swedish. The module has a strong focus on Catholic social teaching. You may sign up after all Masses the weekends of Aug. 16-17 and 23-24. A very important information meeting will take place Sunday, August 31 at 10:00am on the lower level of the STM Parish Center At this meeting, groups will be formed! We hope to have a day and an evening group, so come and join in that decision! For further information, contact Sr. Maureen at 760.758.4100 x131 or [email protected]

T¿u TrÜ©ng

Các em h†c sinh së trª låi trÜ©ng thÙ hai này, trÜ©ng St. Francis së khai giäng næm h†c m§i. ThÀy trò, phø huynh cùng nhau bÆn r¶n, làm cho bÀu khí trong giáo xÙ chúng ta sÓng Ƕng, ti‰ng cÜ©i các em cùng chÖi v§i nhau, phø huynh giúp Ç« thÀy cô trª thành cänh vÆt thÆt r¶n ràng. Không phäi chÌ riêng giáo xÙ St Francis chúng ta mà thôi, hÀu nhÜ tÃt cä h†c sinh các trÜ©ng công c¶ng, tØ Ti‹u H†c cho t§i ñåi H†c, cä hai ÇiŠu trª vŠ b¡t ÇÀu næm h†c m§i, có nhiŠu m§i lå, thÀy cô g¥p gª h†c sinh m§i cùng v§i phø huynh các em, các em làm quen bån m§i cÛng nhÜ bån cû, m†i s¿ ÇiŠu m§i.

Cãnh vÆt này làm tôi nh§ các næm h†c Çã qua; mùa thu trª låi báo hiŒu næm h†c m§i b¡t ÇÀu. Tôi còn nh§ th©i Ãy, mình lo l¡ng, vØa s® vì không bi‰t thây cô giáo m§i ra sao? Tôi vui mØng vì næm h†c m§i së có nh»ng ÇiŠu m§i lå Ç‹ mình tìm hiÍu, Ç¥c biŒt ª chûng viŒn, m‡i khóa h†c m§i là m¶t bܧc ti‰n t§i ngày thø phong linh møc. ñôi khi trong gi»a mùa h†c, tôi cäm thÃy có ÇiŠu cäng bܧc ti‰n t§i tìm hi‹u nhÜng ÇiŠu m§i lå.

Nghï låi viŒc này, tôi ch¡c r¢ng con em chúng ta cÛng nhÜ quš thÀy cô rÃt cÀn s¿ nâng Ç« b¢ng cách cÀu nguyŒn cûa tÃt cä chúng ta trong khóa h†c m§i này. Không có gì làm cho chúng ta lo l¡ng và lÜ«ng l¿ b¢ng Çi t§i nh»ng nÖi xa lå. Bi‰t r¢ng chÌ có CÆy trông vào Chúa, chúng ta m§i có an bình Ç‹ ti‰p tøc ti‰n t§i. Xin quš ÔBACE bÕ ít th©i gi© tuÀn này cÀu nguyŒn cho con em chúng ta, cä quš thÀy cô n»a, Ç¥c biŒt cho nh»ng em b¡t ÇÀu næm h†c m§i trong Çåi h†c, và sÓng xa gia Çình n»a. Chúng ta hãy nguyŒn xin Chúa ban nhiŠu HÒng ân trên quš thÀy cô và các em h†c sinh trong næm h†c m§i, hÀu thâu nhÆn k‰t quä tÓt ÇËp cûa Chúa.

Chúc m‡i ngÜ©i trong chúng ta mùa h†c m§i tràn ÇÀy ân sÛng Chúa.

~LM. Efrain

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Pondré en sus manos la llave de la Casa de David (Isaías 22:19-23). Salmo — Señor, tu amor perdura eternamente; obra tuya soy, no me abandones (Salmo 138 [137]). Segunda lectura — Los designios de Dios son impenetrables, no se pueden comprender sus caminos (Romanos 11:33-36). Evangelio — Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios vivo (Mateo 16:13-20). LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96 (95):1-5; Mt 23:13-22 Martes:2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Sal 96 (95):10-13; Mt 23:23-26 Miércoles:2 Tes 3:6-10, 16-18; Sal 124 (123):1-2, 4-5; Mt 23:27-32 Jueves:1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145 (144):2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Viernes:1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33 (32):1-2, 4-5, 10-11; Mc 6:17-29 Sábado:1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33 (32):12-13, 18-21; Mt 25:14-30 Domingo:Jer 20:7-9; Sal 63 (62):2-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo:Vigésimo Primer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Luis de Francia; San José de Calasanz Miércoles: Santa Mónica Jueves: San Agustín Viernes: El martirio de san Juan Bautista Sábado: Santa María Virgen

De Regreso a la Escuela

Este lunes en la mañana nuestros estudiantes regresan a clase. Lo cual significa que cada rincón de nuestras instalaciones parroquiales habrá vida con la presencia, cada día, de nuestros estudiantes, padres de familia y maestras. El regreso a la escuela se encuentra dondequiera alrededor de nosotros, sea nivel pri-maria, secundaria, preparatoria, colegio o universidad. Nos muestra que nos encontramos en el inicio de un nuevo año es-colar. Las maestras se reúnen con sus nuevos estudiantes y com-pañeros de clase. Todo es nuevo alrededor de ellos.

Y ahora que reflexiono sobre el inicio de un nuevo año escolar, me lleva a recordar mis propios días de escuela, como un niño regresando a la escuela, y como un adulto regresando, cada otoño, al colegio o al seminario. Recuerdo lo nervioso que me encontraba, o el temor que me envolvía al no saber lo que me esperaba, o cómo serían mis maestros o profesores. También existía un ambiente emocional de comenzar algo nue-vo, algo diferente, especialmente en el seminario. Por cada año en el seminario significaba un año menos para ser ordenado. Recuerdo aun en el ambiente de empezar algo nuevo que había cierta oposición de caminar hacia lo desconocido.

Estos pensamientos de ir hacia lo desconocido me llevan a reflexionar sobre la necesidad de nuestros maestros y estudiantes de nuestras oraciones, ahora que inician un nuevo año académico. Y aunque es emocionante empezar algo nuevo siempre hay cierto titubeo caminar sobre lo desconocido.

Los invito a que tomen unos momentos esta semana para hacer oración tanto por nuestros educadores como por nuestros estudiantes, especialmente por aquellos que inician la escuela o el colegio por primera vez Oremos para que este nue-vo año escolar sea muy bueno y productivo para todos nues-tros estudiantes, maestros y personal administrativo.

Con una oración especial para todos aquellos que re-gresan a la escuela, estudiantes, personal docente, administrativo y de apoyo. Que este año sea lleno de bendiciones para cada uno de ustedes.

~Padre Efrain

PRIMER VIERNES DEL MES 5 de Septiembre, 2014

Sera el primer viernes del mes. Tendremos misa a las 7 am y a las 8am, la Adoración al Santísimo comienza después de la Misa de las 8 de ese viernes y termina a las 11:00 pm, La bendición será a las 7:45 am del sábado. Liturgia de las Horas - Antes de la bendición, todos están invitados a par-ticipar como comunidad parroquial en la oración de la mañana (Laudes) a partir de las 7:30 am De misma manera, los invitamos a rezar con nosotros al unirnos en ora-ción de una Hora Santa por la Vida. Durante la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento vamos a tener una "hora de vida" cada primer viernes del mes a las 6:00 pm. Todos están invitados a unirse a noso-tros mientras rezamos juntos para ayudar desarrollar una cultura de la vida

Acompañenos en Oracion por nuestros

fieles difuntos: Angelita Ramirez, Beatriz Meza, Rita Lucy Seymour,

Robert Moreno, Braulio Velazquez, Roger Meredith “Que en Paz descansen”

Oremos por todos los enfermos de nuestra parroquia,

especialmente por las personas que se indican a continuacion :

que reciban continua Fortaleza y salud Donna Fisher, Leighton Walker,

Jacquelino Lorek, Agricola Valdovinos, Richard Gluszek,

Salvador Sanchez, Micaela Herrera


Estudio Bíblico Cada Miércoles tenemos el estudio bíblico o Reflexión Do-minical siguiendo el método de la Lección Divina. Todas las personas adultas de nuestra comunidad parroquial es-tán invitadas cada miércoles a las 7 pm en el Salón Funda-dores. Ven a crecer en medio de la oración, la palabra de Dios y la fraternidad entre hermanos y hermanas .

¡Registre a su hijo para Educación Religiosa !

Las inscripciones para el programa de Educación Religiosa ya están abiertas. La Oficina de Educación Religiosa está abierta de Martes a Viernes, de 1pm -6:30pm. También, estamos en busca de catequistas y

ayudantes; si siente que tiene el llamado a este mi-nisterio importante, favor de ponerse en contacto con

María Luisa Valdovinos, 760-945-8015.

@]tivi^[^_s _n S[n Fr[n]is]o ^_ @sís DOMINGO 24 Ministerio de Hombres 7am MISAS ESPAÑOL 11:30am/1:30pm/7pm Lunes 25 Comida para indigentes 5:00pm Martes 26 Confesiones 6 pm Grupo de Oración 7pm Miércoles 27 Reflexión Dominical 7:00 p.m. Jueves 28 Tutoría 6:00pm Sábado 31 Confesiones 3pm

AEROBICS-AERODANCE Los invitamos a que nos acompañen a nues-tra clase de Aerodance, que incluye ejercicios para mejorar tu estado físico y al mismo

tiempo divertirse bailando con ritmos lentos y rápidos a diferentes intervalos aerobicos al ritmo de la musica latina. Únase a nosotros en St. Clare Hall todos los miércoles de 6:45-19:45. Donación voluntaria para recaudar fondos para la igle-sia.

Nuestro festival del Fraile se acerca!! Solo faltan dos meses!!

5 de Octubre , 2014

Si puede usted donar favor de llamar a Carleen Hunter al (760) 716-8764 o a Mi-mi Gizoni al (760) 724-0724 lo más pronto posible. Los boletos para nuestra rifa de “Mega Draw” se han enviado por correo. Los boletos de la fiesta y de la rifa estarán a la venta a partir de este fin de semana después de todas las misas. Puede comprar más boletos o dejar sus boletos pagados. También tenemos una caja de donación en la entrada principal de la Iglesia para cualquier tipo de donación como dinero en efectivo o tarjetas de regalo. ¿Conoces a alguien que es dueño de un restaurante y estaría interesado en donar comida para nuestro “Friar’s Feast” el 3 de octubre de 2014? Gracias de antemano por su generosidad.

BAZAR NAVIDEÑO Le gusta trabajar con manualidades? El Cuarto Bazar Navideño Annual

De la Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís será el 1 y 2 de Noviembre , 2014

Si le gusta hacer manualidades, les invitamos a participar vendiendo sus articulos hechos a mano, como botas, pies de arbol, centros de mesa, coro-nas, dulceros, collares, letreros o cualquier otra

manualidad que usted quiera compartir.

Este es un buen momento para empezar a prepararse. La renta de la mesa cuesta solo $50.00

por todo el fin de semana. Si tiene alguna pregunta puede llamar a:

Michele Pritchard 760-630-9575 [email protected]

Carleen Hunter 760-726-1053 [email protected]

O directamente a la oficina parroquial.

Taller para Ministros de Eucaristía Tendremos un taller obligatorio para todos los mi-nistros de eucaristía en español. Viernes 29 de Agosto y jueves 4 de sep-tiembre de 7 pm a 9 pm en el Salón Santa Clara. Para más información llamar a: Juan e Isabel Pérez (760) 509-5038 José y Bertha Vital (760) 726-6976 José y Hortensia Navarro (760) 631-4532 Oficina Parroquial (760) 945-8000

MINISTERIO DE HOMBRES ¿Deseas un lugar o un ambiente dónde hablar de la vida? ¿Te sientes solo a pesar de tantas actividades en tu hogar, en tu trabajo, en la Iglesia? ¿Deseas compartir tus experiencias, du-das o preocupaciones sobre la relación de tu esposa y de tus hijos? Todo esto, en el marco de la presencia de Cristo, ven cada domingo de las 7 a las 8am en la Librería parroquial.

ANUNCIOS EN EL BOLETIN: Si usted tiene una actividad o reunión a la cual quiere invitar al resto de los feligreses, se les invita que comparta su información para que sea incluida en el boletín. Es importante mantener a los miembros de su ministerio al tanto de lo que sucede en la iglesia y mantenernos comunicados como familia y hacer sentir a todos los miembros de la iglesia como parte de la comunidad. Favor de mandar un correo electrónico a : [email protected] . El anuncio tendrá que ser aprobado antes de ser publicado.


Diócesis Católica de San Diego Centro Pre-natal en Oceanside Consulado General de México—San Diego Alfabetización INEA1 Clases Ciudadanía Comité Justicia por Inmigrantes Child Abuse Hotline/Abuso infantil Abogado Inmigración Caridades Católicas/Servicios Emergencia MI—Enfermedades Mentales San Vicente de Paul Línea Diocesana para Abuso Sexual Escuela para Adultos—VistaTutoría Escolar/Parroquial Retrouvaille Español/Problemas Matrimoniales

Abuso Domestico Casa de Amparo Ayuda para Suicidio Caridades Católicas/Inmigración Servicios de Empleo Sheriff / Vista

(858) 490-8200 (800) 395-4357 (619) 231-8414 (760) 224-4081 (760) 758-7122 (760) 644-3229 (800) 344-6000 (760) 351-6776 (760) 631-4792 (760) 722-3754 (760) 407-8900 (858) 490-8310 (760) 758-7122 (760) 224-7610 (951) 259-9474 911 (760) 754-5500 (800) 784-2433 (760) 631-5890 (760) 929-8121 (760) 940-4551










Aprenda Inglés Gratis! Palomar College ofrece clases gratis de ESL (Inglés como Segundo Idioma) en el campus de San Marcos. Venga a

la oficina de ESL en H-116 o llame al 760-744-1150 ext 2272 o ext 3264.

¿Quieres aprender a relacionarte con Dios por diferentes métodos de oración? ¿Quieres aprender como permitir que la palabra de Dios transforme tu vida? ¿Tienes problemas, te sientes solo? ¿Quieres ser una persona que contagia la alegría de vivir, confiando en Dios y con paz en tu corazón? Te invitamos a vivir un taller de oración de oración y vida, del Padre Ignacio Larrañaga en el salón #3 de la Escuela Parroquial de San Francisco de Asís. Miércoles de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Para más información llame a María Eugenia al (760) 726-9253 o a Sergio Reséndiz al (760) 724-3873

Llamando a todos los jefes de Ministerio !! Estamos actualizando nuestro sitio de web para las “Horas Comunita-rias de Servicio” y nos gustaría incluir su ministerio si tienen necesidad de voluntarios. Por favor recuerde esta página de web es un lugar donde los feligreses (incluyendo estudiantes de Confirmación) pueden ir a ver en donde pueden ofrecer sus talentos y su tiempo. Para más información o preguntas, póngase en contacto con Sandra Maola [email protected] o 760-535-9845 si desea que su ministerio sea incluido.


En conmemoración de nuestro 75avo Aniversario de nuestra parroquia de San Francisco de Asís, el Comité de Planificación del aniversario ha decidi-do tener un peregrinaje a Italia, centrándose en la ciudad de Asís. La Pere-grinación durara once días, dirigida por el p. Efrain, e incluye visitas a las ciudades de Florencia, Venecia, Padua, Asís y cuatro días en Roma. La fecha de este viaje increíble será del 12 al 23 de Octubre de 2015. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con Rae Arnold 760-500-3201 o [email protected]

G150s La Liturgía y los Sacramentos (30 hras) Rev. Efraín Bautista, M.A. los lunes, 29 septiembre - 1 diciembre 6:30 p.m.- 9:30 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi, Vista

INSTITUTO DIOCESANO Educación en la fe y formación teológica, en inglés y español, para adultos que buscan una certificación diocesana para el ministerio: enriquecimiento de su vida de fe, educación conti-nua en ministerio pastoral y teología

Nuestro párroco, Efrain Bautista, presentará un curso. Para obtener información o para inscripción,

Llame al (858) 490-8212 o correo electrónico:danderson@dió

Many PPO insurances accepted - Call for more informationAccepting new patients

Si desea ayuda en español, con gusto le ayudaremos

520 W. Vista Way, Vista, CA 92083 ~ Phone: 760-941-1906Email: [email protected]

* We are directly across the street from St. Francis Catholic Church in Melrose Plaza

William E. Wright, D.D.S.Family Dentistry

¿Quiere Mejorar su sonrisa? ¡Sí se puede!Todos son bienvenidos

Deportación, Ciudadanía, Petición Familiar, VAWA, U-VISA, DACA

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Abogado de Inmigración502 N. Santa Fe Ave, Suite E, Vista, CA 92083

[email protected]


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