Thesis Paul (1)

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  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    Guy with Glasses?Representations of Nerd and Geek in Popular Culture

    Image courtesy of Mark Rosewater (@maro!" on #witter$

    % Master #hesis &y'

    Paul an der )aerden

    %ugust *++



  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    #a&le of Contents

    Introduction p.

    Chapter +' )hat is Nerd / Geek? p. 0

    Chapter ' Method p. 1

    2tuart 3all p. 1

    4oep 5eerssen p. ++

    Chapter 0' Case 2tudies (I$ p. +!

    Reenge of the Nerds p. +,

    #he 6ig 6ang #heory p. 1

     Nerd and 5iterature p. 0

    Chapter "' Case 2tudies (II$ p. 01

    %dam 2aage p. "*

    Chris 3ardwick p. "+%ustin #ichenor p. "0

    7)eird %l8 9ankoic p. "!

    Geek .*' #he :emale Geek? p. ",

    Conclusions p. ";

    6i&liography p. !*


    I want to thank my parents for supporting me throughout the process of making this thesis and

    making sure that I would stay on track most of the time. Ne

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)



    ery year= in the third weekend of 4uly= a ery special eent takes plays in 2an iego=

    California' 2an iego Comic Con. SDCC  is perhaps the &iggest conention of its kind=aeraging oer +**=*** isitors in the last few years. It started out

    in +-1* as a comic &ook conention= &ut has since grown out to

     &ecome ANerd Christmas=B as some hae called it. %t the

    conention= there are panels on a&out eery nerdy and geeky thing

    imagina&le= a large e

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    Chapter 1

    What is Nerd & Geek?

    6efore &eing a&le to look at the representation of Nerd and Geek culture= it has to &e

    esta&lished what Nerd and Geek eoke' the original spelling was Aknurd=B or AdrunkB spelled &ackwards. %

    collegiate AknurdB was the opposite of a collegiate Adrunk=B or= in other words= someone who

    was AdrunkB on knowledge instead of into

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     Nerd is highly intelligent and often not afraid to &oast of his intellectual achieements. #hey

    are usually oerly interested in su&>ects like technology= science= pop culture= fantasy= or a

    com&ination of these four (one can think of ideo games like World of Warcraft = films like

    Star Wars= and teleision series like Star &rek $. Hn the other hand= the Nerd is often socially

    awkward in his &ehaior= which sometimes is attri&uted to haing a form of autism (usually a

    highEfunctioning disorder such as %spergerBs 2yndrome$. Com&ined= these three

    characteristics contri&ute to the NerdBs ase

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    ur& are= among others= that geeks do not necessarily hae the high leel of

    intelligence associated with nerds= that geeks can hae the social skills that Nerds lack= a

    geekBs Aarea of e

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    #o conclude= the stereotypes of the Nerd and Geek are not fi

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    Chapter 2


    #o e

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    that the makers would like one to see= &ut that is not necessarily the perceied meaning. %

    recent e

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     &inary oppositions are crucial for these classifications. :rench anthropologist Claude 5LiE

    2trauss offers the following eect and oneBs se

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    difference &etween typing and stereotyping= 3all introduces the reader to Richard yer. yer

    argues that we constantly use types to classify things and place them in categories. #yping is

    therefore essential to the creation of meaning. 2tereotypes= howeer= reduce a person or o&>ect

    to a few 7simple= iid= memora&le= easily grasped and widely recogniDed characteristics8

    (!;$= which are fi

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    terrain= one can deli&erately contest the dominant definitions &y working with them. :or

    instance= a comedian can use witty e

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    5eerssen dates the first AprotoEimagologicalB studies to the first half of the twentieth

    century. #hese included studies as A:renchmen in 2hakespeareB and the approach was often

    that of Stoffgeschichte= listing and tracing a gien type of literary preoccupation from te

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    5eerssenBs focus is on 7high8 literature= the theories of Imagology can also &e applied to

     popular culture.

    Hn the &asis of these factors= 5eerssen lists a num&er of methodological assumptions

    which hae &een ela&orated oer the last decades'

    + #he ultimate perspectie of image studies is a theory of cultural or national

    stereotypes= not a theory of cultural or national identity.

    Imagology is not a form of sociology its aim is to understand a discourse of

    representation rather than a society.

    0 Hur sources are su&>ectie their su&>ectiity must not &e ignored= e

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    Imagology as a tool to descri&e national cultures and images= &ut he also argues that today it

    can also hae a transnational character. #his allows it to &e used to descri&e socioEcultural

    images as those of Nerd and Geek culture= as the AnerdB and AgeekB are neither e

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    Chapter 3

    Case Studies I!


    In the ne

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    Case 1" #e$en%e o the Nerds 1'()* 1'(+* 1''2* 1'')!

    #he $evenge of the Nerds uadrology may ery well &e the first series of films in which the

    nerds form the ma>ority of the cast and get their AreengeB at the same time. #he four films

    feature episodes from the lies of a group of young people during college and their lies after

    graduating. :irst= the plot of the four films will &e analyDed and then a num&er of the

    characters will &e e

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    do this they need a national sponsor. #hey are turned down &y almost eery organiDation=


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    Hr so it would seem= were it not that the story continues in  $evenge of the Nerds ##(

     Nerds in *aradise (+-;1$. In this film= the nerds go to the nited :raternity Conference in

    :ort 5auderdale= :lorida as representaties of %dams College to 7discuss

    the philosophy of &rotherhood= to set guidelines for their organiDations

    and get laid8 as the opening seuence (a scrolling teail= they get kidnapped &y the %lpha 6etas and dumped on

    a deserted island so they cannot defend themseles from &eing eoins them oluntarily= &ut they also get the company of Hgreas his name suggests=


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    the %lpha 6eta meathead. Hgre is dumped on the island with the nerds &ecause he wants to

     &rag a&out what they hae done (which would reeal the %lpha 6eta inolement in it$. 3e

    cannot swim= so the nerdsgood 2amaritans that they arerescue him and take him up in

    their midst. 5ewis wants to gie up now= &ut Gil&ert appears to him in a dream (wearing a

     &rown ro&e= another Star Wars reference$ and tells him that he should not &e ruled &y

    emotion= &ut use his &rain' he has to think rationally and get them off the island to preent

    them &eing oted off the conference. #hrough o&seration and with higher math they

    determine where they are and the island they are on turns out to &e a suspected hiding place of 

    military supplies from the Cu&an inasion. )ith a crude metalEdetecting contraption they find

    these supplies= which include an amphi&ious landing craft. #hey use this craft to get &ack to

    the main land >ust in time to &arge into the conference as the ote is taking place. Rodger= the

     president of %lpha 6eta= is called out &y the nerds and he tries to defend himself &y

    identifying the nerds as a ragtag= ununified group of persons. 3e says that he is strong and

    they (the nerds$ are weak= and that that is the way it is always going to &e and there is nothing

    the nerds can say or do a&out that. In a reersal of his role as AMan of ReasonB to a AMan of

    %ction=B 5ewis punches Rodger in his face and the nerds hae once again had their reenge.

    6ack at %dams College= the closing scene is the inauguration of Hgre into the #riE

    5am& fraternity. 3e is ceremoniously gien a pair of glasses and a pocket protectorone

    could argue the sym&olic arsity >acket of the nerdsand he is also wearing the typical nerd

    attire of the checkered shirt and too short pants= rather than his regular outfit of >eans and a

    sleeeless shirt. #hrough this scene the film ends in an awkward duality. Hn the one hand the

    nerds hae accepted one of their &iggest (literally$ &ashers into their midst= showing that they

    are open to anyone= &ut on the other hand= they hae made Hgre into a stereotypical nerd=

    where they adocated difference and diersity throughout &oth films.

    #he third film= $evenge of the Nerds ###( the Ne!t Generation (+--$=

    skips ahead a couple of years. 5ewis is now head of the science

    department at %dams College and he is married to 6etty= the preppy girl he

    seduced in the first film. 3is nephew 3arold is now a freshman at the

    college and eerything has changed from 5ewisB time as a student there.

    #he gym is now the computer center= the mascot is an atom= and 5am&da

    5am&da 5am&da is the most popular fraternity on campus. 5ewis has also

    undergone a drastic change. 3e is now wearing contacts= a stylish suit= and he sports a slick

     ponytail. 3e now claims that 7%ppearance is erything8 and he criticiDes 3arold &ecause he


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    is such a nerd in the way he dresses and suggests that 3arold should pledge somewhere else

    than #riE5am&. 6etty simply argues that 5ewis is em&arrassed of his nerd past nonetheless

    that is the 5ewis she fell in loe with. 3arold still decides to pledge the #riE5am& fraternity.

    )hen he first isits the #riE5am& house= he is welcomed &y Malcolm Pennington III= a

    tall %frican %merican= wearing a &ase&all cap with an AQB on itan o&ious reference to

    Malcolm Q= especially when this Malcolm states that 7#riE5am& doesnBt discriminate= nor

    does it segregate8 when asked why there are also girls in the fraternity. #his reference to the

    Ciil Rights Moement is not new to the film series= &ut mentioning Malcolm Q has another

    dimension to it. %s Ron glash discusses in his essay 7Race= 2e

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    how to use the computer and something funny happens he wants to laugh in his characteristic

    way= &ut is so em&arrassed a&out it that he swallows his laugh. %nother one of the original

    nerds comes &ack to %dams College to help the nerds fight against Price and Ga&le. 6ooger is

    now a lawyer and will help the nerds on the legal front. nfortunately= the >udge at the appeals

    court is also antiEnerd and will not rule in faor of them against Price= Ga&le= and the %lpha

    6etas. )hen 6ooger sees the way in which 5ewis is sucking up to 2tan= he calls him the

    worst kind of nerd' he used to &e the nerd George )ashington= &ut now he is the nerd

    6enedict %rnold. #o drown their sorrows= the nerds hae a party with the Hmega Mu sorority

    (much like in the first film$ &ut the police comes &y and finds the whole &asement filled with

    canna&is plants (o&iously planted there$. #he #riE5am&s get kicked from the campus and

    5ewis finally stands up to 2tan when he will not admit that the nerds were framed and denies

    (to Price$ that he and 5ewis are friends. 5ewis puts &ack on his nerd attire and he will hae

    his reenge now. #he nerds get to stay at his house= &ecause the %lpha 6etas hae taken oer

    the #riE5am& house. 2imilarly to the first film= they get &ack at the >ock in a num&er of smart

    ways= for instance= they fill PriceBs shower with paint (so that he looks like a candy cane when

    he comes out$ and they hae a ro&ot replace the pimple clear at the %lpha 6eta house with

     pimple inducers. )hen this does not hae the desired effect= 5ewis calls out for a nerdEstrike.

    #hey hae to show that the campus cannot lie without the nerds. eryone who sympathiDes

    with the nerds should put down his or her work and >oin them= and many people in the town

    do. %mong them are the works at the electric company= so the whole town is without power


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    4eanie 3umphreys= an Hmega Mu girl. 3er family is upper class her father is a selfEmade

     &usinessman (although he gets mad eery time someone calls him Anoueau richeB$ with

     political aspirations. )hen the family first meets 6ooger= 4eanieBs mother faints= &ut this is

    more likely due to 6oogerBs unkempt appearance than &ecause he is a nerd. %fter she has

    come to her senses again= she says that she has nothing against nerds and that she has heard

    that they make wonderful hus&ands. 4eanieBs father= %aron 3umphreys= and &rotherEinElaw=

    Chip= howeer= do not like 6ooger at all. Chip wants to &reak up the wedding= &ecause it

    might ruin his fatherEinElawBs political career. #he animosity against the nerds is no longer the

    feeling of a group= like it was in the first three films= &ut that of a couple of indiiduals

    (mostly ChipBs= &ecause Mr. 3umphreys seems to gie Chip his &lessing not &ecause he hates

    the nerds= &ut loes his political career$.

    5ewis arries first= driing a truck with a pregnant 6etty in the &ack. 3e has installed

    all the latest technology in the truck to &e a&le to monitor the &a&yBs and 6ettyBs wellE&eing.

    3e een got his diploma as a certified midwife. #he other nerds= including 5amar= 3arold=

    2tan (wearing glasses and now selling software in 2ilicon Kalley$= and Hgre (more like his old

    self in the first two films$ arrie &y &us= the drier claiming that this was the first group that

    completed A+ Million 6ottles of 6eer on the )allB (a play on the stereotypical mathematical

    meticulousness of the nerds$. )here the men of the 3umphreys family are plotting against the

    nerds= the women see them differently and are reacting positiely towards the nerds.

    #hroughout the preparatory cele&rations Mrs. 3umphreys is kind of charmed &y the nerds and

    their peculiar ha&its= while Mr. 3umphreys >ust seems to &e annoyed &y them. 4eanieBs sister

    Gaylord (to whom Chip is married$= approes of her sisterBs choice of hus&and= &ecause she

    sees that her sister is really happy with 6ooger. 5ois= Mr. 3umphreyBs sister= een goes as far

    as seducing one of the nerds= namely 3arold.

    )hile most of the nonEnerd guests are disgusted with the nerd &ehaior at first= they

    later admit that there is something to the atmosphere that the nerds &ring with them and they

    also want nerds at their parties. In the rest of the plot of the film= there is not much AnerdnessB

    to discuss. #he only thing that still can &e noted is that the nerds are all Agood guys.B 5ewis

    helps 2tan and 4udy e

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    only 5ewis ualifies as one= een though all of them (at one point throughout the four films$

    are ualified as a Anerd.B

    5ewis is the first character that is introduced in the series= and right from the &eginning

    of the film= one can identify him as a nerd' he wears thick glasses and a nice shirt with pocket

     protector and he has an awkward way of laughing. 3e sees going to college as a way to make

    a new start and een though he makes some attempts to &ecome popular= such as talking to a

    group of elta Phi girls (which includes his later girlfriend 6etty$ and pledging %lpha 6eta=

    he is also identified as a nerd. Hne could argue that he is the hero of the nerds in this film

     &ecause he seduces the pretty girl= &ut he does not take up the role of leader of them so much

    as the actions of the nerds in the first film are a group effort. In the second film= howeer= he

    is forced into the role of the leader of the group &ecause his &est friend Gil&ert is una&le to go

    with them. In this film= he is o&iously struggling with his role as appointed leader= &ut

    eentually (with the help of Gil&ert appearing to him in a dream$ he is a&le to rule his

    emotions with his intellect and leads the nerds to a happy end. In the third film he undergoes a

    transformation. %t first he seems to &e a great e

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    udley A6oogerB awson is in his appearance not a typical nerd. 3e is most often seen

    wearing a leather >acket and a &and tEshirt. 3is most characteristic ha&it (which also gae him

    his nickname$ is consistent nose picking and oerall he does not seem too worried a&out

     personal hygiene. )hat makes him a nerd then is his high intellect= eagerness to learn= and

    social awkwardness. In the third film 6ooger has &ecome a lawyer= which means that he must

    hae gone to law school= which in the nited 2tates is not a separate study su&>ect as in the

     Netherlands= &ut rather a postEgrad program that one has to do well on the 52%# (5aw 2chool

    %dmission #est$ for. 3is eagerness to learn comes forward in the second film= when he meets

    a Chinese man in the new hotel they hae to go to. #his man= nicknamed A2nottyB is een

    dirtier than 6ooger= so 6ooger sees him as a wise guru. 3e teaches him how to spit from the

    soul= rather than the throat= and catches a fly with the spit. 0 6oogerBs social awkwardness

    comes to the foreground in the last film. 3e is not socially inept= he is getting married after

    all= &ut there are a couple of scenes in which he does not know how to &ehae. )hen he first

    meets 4eanieBs family= there seems to &e a complete clash of cultures. #he neat and

    fashiona&le 3umphrey family is appalled &y 6oogerBs ragged shirt and unshaen appearance=

    not uite the impression one would want to gie the soonEtoE&e familyEinElaw. :urther on in

    the film= after ChipBs first attempt to ruin the wedding= 4eanie and 6ooger hae a conersation

    a&out how they feel a&out each other. #his turns into an awkward show of affection= which

    includes mooing. Hn another of ChipBs attemptshe has paid a stripper to seduce 6ooger 

    he reacts uite rationally= as he does not respond to her adances and tells her that he is

    getting married and loes his future wife ery much= so he seems to hae learned what is

    AnormalB social &ehaior. 3is &ad &ehaior= howeer= has ru&&ed off on 4eanie= as she can

     &elch almost as well as 6ooger can.

    5amarBs appearance in the films connects the fight of the nerds to other social rights

    moements. %s an %frican %merican homose

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    3umphreysB wedding planner (a rather posh= upper class man$= who eentually falls for

    5amarBs attempts. nlike with 5ewis and 6ooger= it is neither reealed where 5amarBs

    academic talents lie= nor does one find out what he is doing professionally after graduating

    from college.

    2tan can &e seen on &oth sides of the spectrum. In the first film he is the popular >ock'

    Ouarter&ack of the foot&all team= leader of the %lpha 6eta fraternity and president of the

    Greek Council at %dams College. 3e is a&sent from the second film= &ut in the third film he

    first is a police officer in town and then &ecomes the new ean of the college= acting as

    President PriceBs henchman. uring the third film he finds out that he has perhaps put his

     priorities on the wrong things= and that he should focus on staying upEtoEdate and making

    friends= rather than try to relie daysEgoneE&y and make a career. 5ewis shows him that using

    a computer can also &e AcoolB and perhaps something that one cannot lie without. %t the end

    of the third film= he proclaims that there is a little &it of nerd in eeryone and that he is a nerd

    himself. In the fourth film= one finds out that he is now a software salesman in 2ilicon Kalley."

    3is appearance has changed as well he is now sporting a traditional AnerdB outfit= with

    glasses= striped shirt= and pocket protector. )hen he falls ill= he gets the necessary #5C from

    4udy= one of the girl nerds that pledged with 3arold in the third film. 3e is struck &y the

    measles= which he says he gets now &ecause he used to &e Atoo coolB to get them. 6ecause he

    is stuck in his &ed= his role in the film is only small= &ut he seems to &e happy with his new

    identity as a nerd. 3e now seems to hae eerything that he did not hae when he was on the

    other AteamB' loe= friendship= and happiness.


    In the films= difference is constantly esta&lished= &roken down= and &uilt up again. #here is

    always the opposition &etween the nerds and nonEnerds. In the first films this seems to &e

    nerds ersus the rest of the world= &ut it gradually changes to nerds ersus indiiduals.

    )ithout the opposition= the nerds are only a group of people with some awkward character

    traits= &ut they &ecome a groupa force to &e reckoned withwhen they hae to deal with a

    common enemy. %s a group= the nerds confirm certain stereotypes= such as their intelligence

    and the social awkwardness= &ut the stereotype is also transEcoded. #he nerd is also a social

    creature that does not shy away from finding likeEminded people to &ecome friends with and

    they know how to party. In the third film= one can see that the characteristics that are la&eled

    " 2ilicon Kalley is the nickname for the southern part of the 2an :rancisco 6ay area in California. It is known forits highEtech industry= especially computer technology. #he name comes from the element silicon= which is usedin the manufacturing of computer chips.


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    as negatie= high intelligence and technological knowledge= hae &een made into two of the

    main points of attraction of %dams College. In the second and fourth film= ery few new nerd

    characters are introduced and the characters from the preious film(s$ are &eing deeloped

    further. Hne can see other characteristics that hae not &een featured (prominently$ &efore=

    such as 5ewisB leadership ualities in the second film= and 6oogerBs romantic side in the

    fourth film.

    #o conclude= the $evenge of the Nerds films are not so much a&out reenge as they are

    a&out acceptance. #he nerds accept anyone in their midst= no matter who they are or what they

    hae done to them in the past (as with Hgre and 2tan$. Her the course of the four films= they

    find likely and unlikely friends and supporters and the opposition changes from &eing fueled

     &y a social feeling of threat to a personal disgust of their otherness. #he films show that nerds

    are sometimes awkward= &ut neer scary= and sometimes een affectionate= full of passion=

    and een cool.


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    Case 2" The Big Bang Theory 2,,+- !

    &he 'ig 'ang &heor) is a teleision sitcom that has &een on C62 since **1 and has >ust

    rounded up its fourth season. #he series is produced &y

    sitcom eterans Chuck 5orre ( $oseanne= &wo and a Half

     +en$ and 6ill Prady ( Dharma and Greg = Gilmore Girls$.

    Prady= a computer programmer &efore he started writing

    and producing for teleision= has suggested (at a panel at

    San Diego Comic Con 1233$ that the series is loosely

     &ased on e

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    5eonard is the only one of the four who seems to dress somewhat as a stereotypical

    nerd= since he wears glasses (uite thick= &ut still fashiona&le$. )ith his smallerEthanEaerage

    height he seems to &e a typical nerd' an easy &ullying target. 6ullying is also done &y his

    friends= as he is often &elittled &y 2heldon &ecause he is AonlyB an e

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    3oward is still liing with his mother= much to his own distaste. 3e is usually picked

    on &y the others &ecause he AonlyB has a MasterBs degree. 3e can &e identified as a nerd in two

    ways= one positie= the other somewhat negatie. Hf the four= he is the most interested in

    technology. In one episode= for eect.

    Ra>esh (most often called Ra>$ is an e and try to influence his life with their traditional ideas. %t one

     point= halfway during the first season= they set him up for a date (for a potential wedding$=

    while he wants to find loe on his own. #his situation is a display of two issues Ra> (and

     perhaps nerds in general$ has to deal with. :irst there is the feeling of &eing caught &etween

    two cultures' their own and that of their parents. specially Ra> has to deal with this (as his

     parentsB culture is far remoed from his own$= &ut 3owardBs 4ewish &ackground and

    2heldonBs #e has

    to deal with concerns social interaction= especially with women. Hne would think that for

    someone lacking social skills an arranged marriage is a perfect solution to this issue= &ut Ra>

    seems to hold on to the romantic idea of finding his true loe on his own. #his seems

    especially pro&lematic for Ra> &ecause of his impairment' he seems to hae the ina&ility to

    speak to women. #he other characters make fun of this from the &eginning of the series (in the

    first episode= when 3oward is &eing his mediator= Ra>Bs impairment is the only thing

    specifically la&eled as AnerdB$= &ut in this episode they find out that his impairment seems to

    go away when he has &een drinking. Hne could argue that Ra> has to lose his &rains (through

    alcohol$ to &e a&le to conerse with mem&ers of the opposite se

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    in which they find out that Ra> can talk to women when he has &een drinking.! 2he also seems

    to hae a natural talent for ideo games= which they find out when they need a fourth mem&er

    for Halo night= and in one of the later seasons she een &ecomes addicted to an MMHRPG , 

    for a while.

    #he plot of eery episode usually reoles around a &lend of their social awkwardness=

    trying to apply their theoretical knowledge to eeryday situations (often failing$= and a

    num&er of pop culture and science references. % good e as Norse Godnot the Marel Comics

    one#hor (7)hy canBt an Indian guy &e a Norse god?8$= 3oward as Ro&in 3ood (although

    his outfit is more like Peter PanBs$= and 2heldon is the oppler ffect (the effect of the change

    in freuency of a wae for an o&serer moing relatie to the source of the wae= most

    commonly o&sered in police sirens$. #hey apologiDe for &eing late at 1 past ;= when in fact

    they are the first ones there. )hen the party is in full swing the four nerds can &e found sitting

    on the couch talking amongst themseles. 2heldon says that he is o&sering the other party

    goers as 4ane Goodall would do with a group of chimps. )hen PennyBs e

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    #he notion of difference in &he 'ig 'ang &heor) is presented mostly among nerds rather than

     &etween nerds and other groups. #he four main characters are ery dierse and create their

    own identity in relation to their fellow characters. #here are nonEnerd characters in the series=

     &ut aside from Penny they only play a marginal role in the creation of the nerd identity. Penny

    is a special case as she is o&iously not a nerd= &ut oer the course of the series she deelops

    some nerd characteristics. %s the producers hae said= the series is not necessarily a&out

    nerds= &ut a&out people they liked= e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    Case 3" Nerds and Literature

    2o far= two e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    %s 3all notes= difference is essential to meaning. :or the character of Crane= this

    difference is em&odied &y his adersary in his AuestB to o&tain Tatrina Kan #asselBs loe=

    %&raham (6rom$ an 6runt. 6rom= nicknamed 6rom 6ones= is eerything that Crane is not.

    3e is introduced as the most formida&le of TatrinaBs admirers= a 7&urly= roaring= roistering

     &lade.8 6rom is the hero of the region= with the strength and the looks that hae him

    compared in the story to the mythological hero 3ercules. 3e e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    literature= is attri&uted to C.P. 2now. In +-!-= 2now lamented the trend toward specialiDation

    that he had e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    %ccording to Clayton= there are three principal models for the end of the twoEculture split'

    synthesis= hegemony= and alliance. 3e argues that synthesis is perhaps the least conincing

    model= although it finds a following in utopian writing. #his genre= howeer= lacks the critical

    skepticism and selfErefleust entertainment= and

    Clayton argues that 7it is missing e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    characters &y giing them precedents. In essence= designating Icha&od Crane as a Nerd avant

    le mot  is a similar deice to affirming the Nerd as a literary character. Crane might not hae

     &een a nerd in its modern sense= &ut &y la&eling him as such= one might understand the

     predicaments he is in &etter= as well as giing contemporary nerds a historical predecessor to

    relate to.


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    Chapter )

    Case Studies II!


    In the preious chapter= the focus has &een on fictie representations of nerd and geek culture.

    In this chapter= a num&er of realElife nerds will &e analyDed. #hese people identify themseles

    as ANerdB or AGeekB (or sometimes as &oth$= so we will see a lot of what 5eerssen calls auto-

    imaging . #hey AmarketB themseles through seeral media as ANerdB or AGeek=B &oth through

    traditional media= such as teleision and &ooks= and through AnewB (digital$ media= such as

    social we&sites (:ace&ook= #witter$= &logs= and podcasts. #he following people will &ediscussed' %dam 2aage ( +)thusters$= %ustin #ichenor (Reduced 2hakespeare Company$=

    Chris 3ardwick (Nerdist$= and 7)eird %l8 9ankoic= and a separate section will &e dedicated

    to the female nerd and geek presence on the we&.

    #he aim of this chapter is to determine how (these$ persons deal with their own

    nerdness and their role in nerd and geek culture. 2ome uestions that are addressed can &e'

    )hat makes them nerdsFgeeks or why do they la&el themseles as such? Can the work they

    do &e defined as AnerdB or AgeekB? %re they professional nerds or are they nerds as well when

    they are not in the pu&lic sphere? o they portray themseles as role models for other nerds

    and geeks? #hrough what media do they channel their nerdness?

    #he last uestion is perhaps the easiest to answer. %lmost eeryone that wants to &e

    someone in nerd and geek culture has a presence on the internet. #he titles of the su&chapters

    will not only contain the personBs name= &ut also their &witter  handle. #he internet in general

    is a gold mine for finding nerdy and geeky things. Not only do people like the ones that will

     &e discussed here hae a large we& presence with their own we&sites and on social media= &ut

    there are also we&sites aimed at specific target groups or with a specific purpose.

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    sells all sorts of nerdy and geeky apparel= ranging from tEshirts with scientific formulas (often

    with a pun= for instance AH&ey Graity= itBs the 5awB$ to a 2tar #rek nterprise PiDDa 2licer

    (see image$.

    #his wide aaila&ility and ariety of nerd and geek culture is also part of the critical

    de&ate on nerd and geek culture. %n e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    .da/ Sa$a%e 0donttrthis!

    If singing Gloria GaynorBs AI )ill 2urieB in the oice of Gollum (with tissues in his nose to

    stop a nose&leed$+* does not ualify %dam 2aage (New 9ork= +-,1$ as a nerd= his work as a

     +)thuster  might. Hn iscoery Channelwhich could &e considered to &e the Anerd

    channel=B as it is focused on &roadcasting documentary teleision on popular science=

    technology= and history2aage= together with 4amie 3yneman= presents the show


    In this show= 2aage and 3yneman use their ast


     &y a younger (&ut not less enthusiastic or intelligent$ second team

    consisting of artist Tari 6yron= &uilder #ory 6elleci= and ro&otics


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    Music=8 headlined &y 2aage= actor )il )heaton (who played )esley Crusher on Star &rek(

    the Ne!t Generation. 6oth )heaton and his character on Star &rek  are now considered nerd

    icons$= and musical comedy duo Paul / 2torm. #hey are usually supported &y a num&er of

    special guests= for e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


     paying him for his contri&utions to the podcast and we&site (through sponsor deals on &oth$ so

    he could work his AregularB >o& partEtime as well as &y giing him a chance to host the open

    mic night at Nerdmelt . % num&er of other podcasts hae also &een started under the Nerdist  

     &anner= all dealing with su&>ects that might interest the nerd and geek community. #hese

     podcasts are &he :uestionauts= on which the hosts answer listenersB uestions (in a comedic

    way$= &he #ndoor 0ids= a&out ideo games= and +aking #t with $iki /indholme= a&out starting

    up oneBs career (mainly she interiews persons from show &usiness= &ut the general messages

    could apply to any trade$.

    #he people that 3ardwick interiews on his own podcast come from all sorts of trades=

    some &etter known than others. :or instance= he has interiewed HDDy Hs&ourne= A)eirdB %l

    9ankoic= and the +)thusters cast (at SDCC  *+*$= &ut also relatiely unknown comedians

    and actors that he wants the rest of the nerd community (and perhaps the world$ to know. Hn

    the podcast= he always asks his guests whether they see themseles as nerds or geeks and what

    the nerdy things are they en>oy. Most often this is a particular film or teleision show= &ut

    sometimes it is something une

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    .ustin ichenor 0reduced* 0austintichenor!

    %ctor and writer of the Reduced 2hakespeare Company= %ustin #ichenor (2an

    :rancisco= +-,*$= is a selfEproclaimed nerd and

    geek. Neect

    related to one of their shows with his coEactors. #hese podcasts are often recorded during a

    show intermission (one can usually hear when the podcast will end due to the stage call &y the

    stage manager in the &ackground$.

    Hne of the recurring themes is nerd and geek culture and #ichenor identifies himself as

     &oth a nerd and a geek. In an email responding to my uestion how he would define himself

    within nerd and geek culture= #ichenor said that 7weWre nerds of a ariety of stripes (2tar #rek=

     &ase&all= theatre= etc$= &ut our use of gadgets and social media (laptops= smart phones=

     podcast= #witter= etc$ makes us geeks too.8 #he podcast has a num&er of episodes dedicated to

    nerd and geek (episodes 1, and *" are la&eled ANerd s. GeekB and AMore Nerdy GeekeryB

    respectiely$= &ut also nerdy and geeky su&>ects= such as fantasy &ase&all and the Tirk s.

    Picard+ de&ate. Hne of the most interesting statements that is made a&out the difference

     &etween the two is that 7the nerdiness applies to the diligence with which and the geekiness

    applies to the techniue with which8 one does something. %ccording to ae 2hepherd

    (interiewed in episode 1,$ ANerdB applies more to the knowledge and AGeekB to the AtoysB that

    are used= in line with #ichenorBs own statement. Hne of the other o&serations is that the antiE

    social &ehaior is not necessarily something inherent to the nerd or geek= &ut that it is a result

    of &eing so o&sessed with something that there is little time for other things (such as social


    %lthough the Reduced 2hakespeare Company itself is not necessarily la&eled as AnerdB

    or AgeekB#ichenor states that they are >ust trying to &e funnythere are many aspects that

    + Captain 4ames #. Tirk ()illiam 2hatner$ and Captain 4eanE5uc Picard (Patrick 2tewart$ are the two &estEknown starship captains from the Star &rek  franchise. Hne of the &iggest de&ates among Star &rek  fans is whothey like &etter as a captain.


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    could &e la&eled as such. 2ince +-;+ they hae &een trying to &ring a larger audience to the

    theater and the theater to a larger audience with shows like &he Complete Histor) of .merica


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    he hae to keep the other two in check= he also wants to make sure that the show can go on as


    4Weird .l5 6anko$ic 0alanko$ic!

    7)hite / Nerdy8 (**,$= a parody of the song 7Ridin8 &y Chamillionaire and TrayDie 6one=

    might &e the sole reason why 7)eird %l8 9ankoic (&orn %lfred Matthew 9ankoic= owney=

    C%= +-!-$ should &e included in this thesis= &ut there is much more to him that makes him a

    nerd e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    (&orn 2tefani Germanotta$ is a constructed image= or as one critic has said= 7#he Gaga of

    76orn #his )ay8 may &e who she is now= &ut she was certainly not actually &orn that way.8+!

    7)hite / Nerdy8 is also an eustly persecuted &y the police (7theyBre trying to catch me

    ridinB dirty8$ )eird %lBs ersion+1 is a&out the protagonist haing the feeling that he is

    un>ustly left out &ecause he is too white and nerdy. In the music ideo= )eird %l has two

    stereotypical outfits' one of the AnerdB (glasses= dress shirt= &owl cut$ and one of the Agangster=B

    similar to Chamillionaire in his ideo= &ut een that outfit is poked fun at as )eird %l is

    wearing &racers instead of a Agrill.B

    )eird %l knows what he is doing when he parodies a song= and carefully picks which

    ones to parody= &ut he is also a Anice guyB a&out it. 3e always asks the original artists for

     permission to use their song and put it on his al&ums= and een when the song has already

     &een completed and the artist reokes his permission (as happened with %lBs coer of 4ames

    6luntBs 79ouBre 6eautiful=8 79ouBre Pitiful8$ he does not release it.

    Geek 27," he 8e/ale Geek?

    2o far= almost all nerds and geeks discussed in this thesis hae &een male. oes this mean that

    there are no female nerds? No= with the rise of the internet= there has also &een a rise in the

    nerd and geek presence on it and an interesting group that seems to &e e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    hae a presence on these social media.

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    geekiness. 2ome een attain cele&rity status among nerds or among a larger audience. RealE

    life nerds and geeks are >ust as important in the formation of nerd and geek culture as their

    fictitious counterparts are.


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)



    #he aim of this thesis was to gain more insight into the way in which nerds and geeks are

    represented in popular culture and how deelopments in nerd and geek culture can &e relatedto the larger social and cultural conte

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    more traditional forms of popular culture= such as film and teleision= female nerds and geeks

    are more often supporting characters than that they are the lead.

    #he uestion remains whether or not nerd and geek culture has &ecome part of the

    socially normatie mainstream culture. #his does not seem to &e the case= although it is no

    longer only a small niche= &ut perhaps one of the largest su&cultures within popular culture.

    :or e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    Works Cited

    • %nderegg= aid. Nerds( How Dorks" Dwees" &echies" and &rekkies Can Save

     .merica= #archerFPenguin= New 9ork= **1.

    • &he 'ig 'ang &heor). Creators' Chuck 5orre and 6ill Prady= Perf. 4ohnny Galecki=

    Taley Cuoco and 4im Parsons. C62= **1E.

    • Clayton= 4ay. 7Conergence of the #wo Cultures' % GeekBs Guide to Contemporary

    5iterature=8 .merican /iterature= Kol. 1"= No. " (ec.= **$ pp. ;*1E;0+.

    • glash= Ron. 7Race= 2e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    • #ichenor= %ustin. Reduced 2hakespeare Company podcast= episode 1,' Nerd s. Geek=

    May += **;.

    • #ichenor= %ustin. mail to the author. 4une 1= *++.

    9:panded ;i

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    :ictionaliDed &iography of Mark Vucker&erg= creator of :ace&ook.


    • &he Hard &imes of $= 'erger . Creators' 2eth GrahameE2mith and aid TatDen&erg.

    M#K Productions= *+*.

    2eries a&out R4 6erger= a nerd in high school who suddenly &ecomes popular &ecause of his

     penis siDe.

    •  0im *ossile. Creators' Mark McCorkle and Ro&ert 2chooley. isney Channel= **.

    Cartoon series a&out teenage crime fighter Tim Possi&le. iscussed in Re&ecca C. 3ainsB

    article 7Pretty 2mart8 (included in Geek Chic' 2mart )omen in Popular Culture$ as haing a

    7serious= intelligent approach to fighting crime.

    • &he 0ing of 0ong . ir. 2eth Gordon. New 5ine Cinema= **1.

    ocumentary a&out a rialry &etween 6illy Mitchell and 2tee )ie&e= two e

  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    the plot of the first season reoles (which also turned her father from town sheriff into a

     priate inestigator$= &ut in later seasons she purposely puts herself in the outsider role.


    •  #8m Such a Nerd . Perf. Tatrina 6owden. 4une +0= *++.


    Kiral ideo making fun of female nerds. #he character played &y 6owden is a &igger nerd

    than her male date.

    • &he Guild . Creator' :elicia ay. Perf. :elicia ay. Ro&otTittenGiggle&us

    ntertainment= **1.

    )e& series a&out the mem&ers of an online guild= #he Tnights of Good= who play an

    unnamed MMHRPG ideo game. #he mem&ers are all ery different characters= ranging from

    a stayEatEhome mother to a &ored teenage girl= &ut they share a loe for ideo games and all

    sorts of other nerdy and geeky things. %ll episodes can &e found at


    • 3odgman= 4ohn. 2peech at the **- Radio and #K CorrespondentsB inner= 4une +-=

    **- http'FFwww.youtu&e.comFwatch?Uy)1HP6yRG9.

    In this speech= 3odgman attempts to clarify the differences &etween nerds and >ocks and nerds

    and geeks. 3e also praises President H&ama for &eing the first Nerd President. 3odgman and

    H&ama finish the speech with 7the only true %merican greeting8' A5ie 5ong and Prosper.B

    Written Sources

    • 6ucholtD= Mary. 78)hy 6e Normal?8' 5anguage and Identity Practice in a

    Community of Nerd Girls=8 5anguage in 2ociety= Kol. ;= No. (4un.= +---$= pp *0E


    ssay on how mem&ers of a local community of female nerds at a 2 high school negotiate

    gender and other aspects of their identities through practice.

    • 6urton= 6onnie. Personal we&site. %ugust != *++. http'FFwww.grrl.comF.

    Personal we&site of 6onnie 6urton= on which she posts regular updates on a num&er of nerdy

    topics= such as arts / crafts and nerd dating.

    • :ashiona&ly Geek. %ugust != *++. http'FFfashiona&lygeek.comF.

    )e&site dedicated to geek fashion for &oth men and women. #he we&site does not sell

    anything= &ut it AapproesB other we&sites that hae products that they appreciate.


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    • Geeks %re 2eamin. .merican Nerd( &he Stor) of +) *eople6 2cri&ner 6ook Company=

     New 9ork= **1.

    3alf autoE&iography= half academic research= Nugent attempts to place the nerd in a historic

     perspectie while at the same time trying to dissect the seeral su&Ecasts of nerds.

    • ARosalind.B 7Geeky )oman Role Model' Tari 6yron. May ++= *++. 2ta&le link at



  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)


    %rticle on +)thusters coEstar of %dam 2aage= Tari 6yron. 2he has &ecome a role for

    female geeks= as well as for geek mothers due to her work on the show.

    • #hompson= Kicki 5ewis. Nerd Gone Wild . 2t. MartinBs Paper&ack. New 9ork= **!.

    9oung adult romance noel in which the nerd is the romantic interest of the female maincharacter. #he AnerdB in case starts out as an unlikea&le character= &ut is transformed (also &y

    the main character$ into a handsome stud.

    • PantoDDi= 4ill. 73ey= #hatBs My CapeY J IBm a Geek= Girl (/ 9ou Can #ooY$.8 May "=

    *++. 2ta&le link at http'FFwww.newsarama.comFcomicsFheyEthatsEmyEcapeEgeekEgirlE


    %rticle a&out &eing a geek and a girl= and the trials and tri&ulations that come with that.

    • )heaton= )il. =ust a Geek . HBReilly Media= 2e&astopol= **".

    %uto&iography of )il )heaton= an actor and geek role model &oth in his fictional roles

    (foremost )esley Crusher in 2tar #rek$ and in real life.


    • Garfunkel / Hates

     Not to &e confused with either 2imon / Garfunkel or 3all / Hates= Tate Micucci and Riki

    5indholme are one of the few female musical comedy duos. )ith their sweet oices and

    guitarFukulele instrumentation they get away with songs a&out hand >o&s and medicinal

    mari>uana. )e&site' http'FFwww.garfunkelandoates.comF.

    • Paul / 2torm

    Comedy duo Paul 2a&ourin and Greg 72torm8 iCostanDo. :ounding mem&ers of )**tstock=

    together with %dam 2aage and )il )heaton. #heir latest al&um (from *+*$ was called 7o

    9ou 5ike 2tar )ars?8 and included songs called 7:roggerY #he :rogger Musical8 (after the

    classic ideo game$ and 76oolean 5oe 2ong8 (descri&ing a loe triangle &ased on 6oolean

    logic$. )e&site' http'FFwww.paulandstorm.comF.

    • )eird %l 9ankoic= #he 2aga 6egins= +---.


    Parody of Star Wars 7pisode #( &he *hantom +enace on the music of on Mc5eanBs

     .merican *ie


  • 8/17/2019 Thesis Paul (1)



    • :elicia ay (3untsille= +-1-$

    %ctress= writer= gamer and selfEproclaimed nerd. #his article on the we&site of 3ollywood

    Reporter gies a good indication of how she made her we& series &he Guild  into a success'http'FFwww.hollywoodreporter.comFnewsFfeliciaEdayEhowEaEgirlE+1"".

    • 6ill Gates (2eattle= +-!!$.

    :ounder and chairman of +icrosoft  and perhaps one of the wealthiest= successful= and most

    famous nerds worldwide. In his appearance (glasses= haircut= style of dress$ he still looks like

    a stereotypical nerd= &ut he is liing proof that that does not limit one in &ecoming successful.

    • #homas 4efferson (+1"0 J +;,$

    %ustin #ichenor (of the R2C$ pointed out in an email to me that= after isiting Monticello(4effersonBs mansion$= he discoered that 4efferson was a huge geek= always interested in the

    latest gadgets and inentions.2tee 4o&s (2an :rancisco= +-!!$.

    • 2tee 4o&s (2an :rancisco +-!!$

    CoEfounder and former CH (resigned %ugust "= *++$ of .pple #nc6 %lso sered as chief

    eoking$ title of iCH of the company.

    • 5eonardo a Kinci (+"! J +!+-$

    5eonardo a Kinci could &e considered a nerd aant le mot= as he was &oth interested and

    skilled in the fine arts as well as science. 2ome of a KinciBs inentions were far ahead of its

    time= for instance his flying machines.