THEIRONERipnu inn, which my mother tried to euro by iviug mo hfrbteftfl nmi al l other micli rcrao-i

THEIRONER (•UBLIBUKD ETKBI SATUEDAT FI BEN.T. II. VOGT. EDITOR AKi) PIlOniETOK. Office on UonU Street near Blackwe TERMS OP SVnSCHIPTION f/nei'ear, $2.0. Six Months, - - - - - - - 1.0 Tnrco months,- - - - - - - 5 1 Dr. P. A. HARRIS, PHYSICIAN ana SUUGEON, DOVER, N. J. e Ott UBCKiKD ft lJulI.V F. STICKI»13, Ocransellor at Law AND MAST13U IN CIIAKOKRV, ROCKAWAY, N. J. J. J, VREELAND, Carpenter and Builder, Jobbing promptly attended to. fihnps on ULAOKWKIJL Pt., noit to Qago Contract* taltori, and nuUrial runilshul. M AKSIO.V IIOU8JC. Corner ot-Bhokwoll and Sntitei Sts,. DOVEE, N. J. .B. JOLLEY, Proprietor flurtoi and Carriage* io Txit. Ootuisellorat Law, ANU1IASTEBIN CHANCEM, Oflic iiili.o l i U m i l Union Lank lIulUlnj; ISI., DOVEB, N. J. O A, ©ttiliEN, , General Furnishing Undertaker LICENSED *nCriOSF.EU 4ND 00HMIS- BtONEll OF DEEDS, All oritorB promptlyfttlondoillol RLACKVrrJJ.[)TnELT, Dor.r, «. J. Gr" Carriages and Sleighs, « Brerr Dciorlntlon. flur. BlacliiroUBntlllflrsonatfi, DOVIOIl, N. J. Particular attention paid Io repairing nnil •alnilne. • 2-1? IV. S. k. 13. F. DcCAMl', TSOOTIATOJt,? k PROSPECTORS Tor lion On* and Mineral Property, , POWEEVILLB, N. J. j, 0. at BOOKTON, N. J. >'ii. 8. DBOAUF. KB. F. DtOAirp. D' OVEIl Aiuyiantl JUOJVBOI of nil lUncripiioniof OUE9 ANDMINKItALS . : CAREFULLY HADE. Ml«tofctii»8MwJlll>«fnrnliho<lonippllcatioii . L. 0. BIEIlWniTH, Dover Morris County U. J. PASSAGE TICKETS AT ' 'RAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, PORT OHAM, N. J. T710K all tlie pilnclpnl HUUH or alenmslitiw 1 rruni Now Y<irk to Liverpool nt LOWEST iTEfl. Al,o DIIAPTU ONiJltEAT BIUTAIN SDinELAND. l«-l t HOUSE. CHAS, 8. BMMONS, Proprietor. CSESTCR, MO11BU 00., N.'J. TMB ia one of the largest botelfl in the county, anil tho great elevation of tha Til- lure af Ohostor utaoTo the surrounding cKintryfaastylo It famoua asftresort for i o s e Reeking a licaltliful Buniinvr residence. Accommodation* ample ami termB very reasonable. EloeUontBt*blesiu connection »iththe Home. »-»» Alien ; Paliner & Son, Carpenters AND Builders. DOVER, N. J. lobbing promptly attendedIo. 8, J. PALMER, Architect.. 16-, JOHN DRUMMEU'S SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING . -S-A-LOON, SUSSEX STREET, (betvran Ike MANSION HOBBEanu Depot,) DOVEB.'H, J. The place IIM Loon entirely rofliteilin a noat Banner. Tlio Tory ue.t bnnda or. Foreign and Domestic Segars . ALWAl'SON HMD. 80-tf GEO. A. PRESCOTT, CARPENTER and BUILDER, T4BERNACLE: HALT*, DOWB, N. J. Joni *r KVEQT DEBcnirrioit . . DE8IGKED •nil oxeouteil, iiiil nwtunnl hirnlnhm). FLJNSand SPECIFICATIONS tamlBUoil, and Wntwcti Ultcnfiirall wort. Tho bet t'retain cos clton flfl to enpneity ii outybwnch.or tbo Cusumsa, «nd all vri. t«r»nt«a. .. - DOVER,«. J. A. Beemer, HEAL ESTATE AGEWT, BLukwoU St, nonr Stuaei, Dover, N. J. HOUSES AND LOTS - FOR SALE. nfrroporlj»napa*ll<>«l f GOHE ABB SEEUS ftt oar NICE LXTTIE NEW STORE at the former ronidonc© of O. S. Oinz, Esq. on BLACKWEL.L St., next door to Allen &. Mouington's tin store. Kn and Mrs. E. D. Chase. Dot or, N. J.; A|irilcai,18T7. 17-lSff MorrisCo. Surrogate's Office, •APMLntti, 1877. In the matter or OcorKO Oliamlietbln, Admli. fitralor ol Jacob l'owliiion, ileconied. bur- roR»le f « fltder to limit CreJlmra. * /%ij ipplicailna Of Ibe nboTO-uamoil Admin- U !ttiUW,IH«orf«e,l|1ylho8nrrog»totlial tUo uU Admtnlilratur give PaWic Notlre I thacrtfilortotIbe «i»!o oriai«l dcceilon to Li InHeir dolita, domamta iml claim* tlt d th ithi f u d a i t I b o mmfe, Tnder Tatb. «llh!n rim ttootbi rrom Ittli dak, bf aottinc np a enpy ol tub urfler, withintweulyttnye hpToartor, in llvt : of ibo most pnhllo iiiauMIn tbe county of lior twenty dayi bytvUVnrtiiluff llio ssmo in tin IBOH fin*, one or ttaenatfiinipcrsnfiiiisHUKii tot UIB«MHO spicu uftimo (thoSnrroBaie tndr In* HOT fortbor not ten to tw unn*«i«B»tj): snrf ' II SDT creditor itiall necloct to eihibtt oil 01 her ililtt, demand and claim vilblo tha lati period of-ntno •montbi, public notice- befnn . aWra ts arurcaalil, inch .orfloitor. iDall bo for- .anrvtmialhliOThpriiitlan"—'" . .thenU Admlnlatraln: It. A. UliS'KKTT, Al. D ," JrlOMCKOPA. T2J.IC PJIYS1CIAN &SUltOKON, Cor. Blackwell &,Warren Sts. (Oppo»ito DoTor Bank,) DOVEU.K.J., DUewt or Women mid Cliil.lrnn, of the T.}om<\ Hur s[ioclnUk'B. OfficeIlourn; T t>i0 J .SI., Itu 3aud7 to8 P. ItKUJjxl >OK/> IK S.XITR. II. C. UBO.-K, SMITH & MEQIE, ATTORNEYS AT T.AW. OFFICE OVKll riKIlSOVS HAT BlOltli, HLACKWEI.L BrilEli'J', My iDOVHri. KT. ar. T OFl'UI.LIC HCilODLK OF BJOIIIHS CUDXTV, er OEO, 1UC1IAIIDH ACii.'H HTOltE, DOVER, N. J. JJOSES ULANOIUltD, rron?iEy Ofllcc rr 17-ly D0VEI1, N. J. r A, WMilor.V »l»rn and l)» itore, JIIncUnvUi<lrci.|. IRA C. COOPER, Mason and Builder. Contract* taken or all Liiiiliuf lltsoit'Vi'ork 3d JOIIIIIIIK. LIME, l'LASTEIt ASD CEMENT, i'utiiWicd'iit HIIDII iintluc. HHi'o nudnr "TimIroii Era OlUci 1 ," Dorcr, I. J. ' 17-11 Grandin House. .00 YARDS FBOJI P. U&\V. DEPOT T. P. GUANDIX, Proii'r. ' Excellent arrmtinifliliUlnnq f.n traiuient n crumiifiiit lioanUTH, IIIHCIU lii*urv ami lia.irdln ulilofitlm'lujil tiillicbouHc. I'aiKeiicnintalie iitnti front Dadil'jf JJJIJD DUI! Jjjito Jlujatunri |. reufiiiiinblo charccH, . W-K HE ILUUMVAKE STORE. VOORHEES BROTHERS, WUOLEIALK ANDRRTAtL DKALEBHIX Hardware! Iron and Steel,. TAILS, BniLDEP.8' HAHDWABE, Con. WABIIUIOTOK AHn BAI" 1 STREETP, MOHEISTOWN. N. J. A OOUPLKTK STOCK OF Wooden AVai'o and Housekeeping OoodN. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, and UinuTiaturan* Attlclen Benertllj. Lime,-Cement, Piaster, MRS. A. BEEMER In uoir road; with nil tbe now styles fur SPRING-of 1877. TasMonable Millinery AND F a n c y Gf-oo<ls. THE atest Styles & Newest Designs NEARLY OPPOSITE NATIONAL USIOK DA.HK DUILDINO, DOVER, K. 7. TbolKrReot and .pent comploto utoc-k of JillII- ?ry nnd Fnncy Goods to bofound ill DOTM nuprising Bonnets, lints. Flowers, Vent- er*. HibliouH; Jjaces—real niKl imitation-Neckties f»lid JIMWS, Collars. Luce nna ^Iwpii eta. Grapes. Aloumiiig JJonuets aiid llolls. . 'A fine UBorlmont of . SWITCHES, BRAIDS, 4c. Also, a verj larfto variety o ZEPHYR GOODS, Am! a floe stock of Ladies' Furnishing Goods. vorytlilrjg of ti.oboetmatorltl nud tuatio up ly tbe moot compotcnt i.ssiiUntit. IEOROBE. ToonnaES. JlorrlHtown, Sppt. 33d. 1 MES 11. VOOBBEM DENTISTRY IH ALL ITSBIlANCmiB AT !. B. JOHNSTQFS NSERTING, EXTRACTING,; - FILLING-, *?•' ; VTO aiUlitional chargefaroitraollnff wliore N nw l»lh are InierW. Wo ara nowinak- IJ- bcaattinl sots uf tooth lur ; . " FIFTEEN DOLLARS. ALL.WOIlk WAIIHANTEI). lover, Senlomber 25lW 18T5. - FAHMEB'S HOTEL. ALEX. kANOTJ'SE, cnlla ntteKtiou to Uib fuel Uitttlio lina tnken the HOTEL, on BLACKWEIi St, DOVEU, N. .7., lntely icjit liy OUfW. WnUon, mil liiw completely reuoviituil aiitl rofur- ni.lied it,' so u to RIVO good »nd Mnpll noeommoiMoiMtobotlimauoiidbctjIt. lie BAR will bo amiplied *itli Uiobebi brandfi of Lmoora nnd Bso»«». Board will »e fur. i.hed by. Uio day or week, on reasonable hed by. Ui nuB. ily will bo routijiuea ia eonncetion wUi tbb IIOHM. AnInvitation i« oitoadcl to all my jlil fnenOfl and tbo general putlie to gv* luaeall tMt M. & I. Searing CARPENTERS,. and BUILDERS, DOVER, N. J.' L'fonuanuHiwciucatloiiiirorbulldliisB.Cantractl taken and matcriiuB furniiiieu. Jobbing in General. neennH»rWli 1870. •nips. J. SCEBADEE, MicCainsville, 'itca Uio atteotion of tlio ladlcB la bei Etodcof M X I « Ii X 3ST J3 JR. "ST. DRYAND FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. &"• FREfln HELECTIOHS COKSTANTLV CEIN0 . MADE. WANTED, FOR CASH, RAGS, PAPER, OLDSOOJCiTOOS, LEAD, OOPPEB, BRASS, 4a MICHAEL WELSK'S, ; dinn'bj'iun' '•.' ' ':. -.•»«' HUMPHEEYB HOMEOPATHJC SPECIFICS -Beep In Kcacral me for nvrnt: B'trrwIieTll prQTEil llm Dicutcmw IHHUTII. They nrojuwt what I" ••"•i-le- -j. , Congetttnn, laanmrnsHaoi, . , Si i W o r n u , Wcinn Kovcr, Wunn Untc, . . 25 4. Dlarrham,o/chiidiuorAduiia, .', r, lei.BlckUtudarhr.Ywtllo,. is .-.--„—Js, IMIiuiit tjuitnich 23 11. KupprcMeil, nr I'Mntnl I-crtufr, . . . US .11 wfiliM, too P r o f o r t p e r i o d * . . ... fa JH Cronp. Cough, DlfllcultBrtiliiltiET, > . W 14. Halt b h t u m , Jirjdpclm, Eruptions, , is 15. UheutnatUin. jthrnniMlc 1'nlna, . . Si II SSriiSr SSi*BV ' : § 10. Cntmrrh, acnla or chronic, Inllin'inii, ', 60 W. WliQOpiiiH-fousli, vlolcut couitlii, . 50 11. AnthjiM, tlrcaibincr, . . . 60 a K«r DUcbarffcn, Impaired Cwutnfr, . en 13. Mcnfuln. (nlftr(;edpl«nd«, Swelling, , do IL (ienrrnl Uobtlliy, rbpicn Wcskncw, , so I i Druimy and acuiW Bccrutlonf,. . ... 60 M «(«.*tfbnw»,*Yckne«frgmrldlngf . HI n. Hldrtej'>DI<iCDBi>, Gmvol, Er ta Ncnroutt Debility, Vital KenkncM, 1 00 13. Wore Houtii, Canker, . , , , , , ". M II. l*alnrulP(!rlnil!>,orwlihB|)am>B,. .' to SS. DU«aNturHMrf,nDii)ltalJoa*,Dfc. . 1 DO B. KplIeiMey, Bpmmt, SLVllna' limtco,, i w H. DlpUflwrlBi Ulcerated aoralhtoat, ., » FAkdtl CANES. CftftP,MorotFn.wlUi abova »S Inrxfi vinli tnii Hannalotdlrccllona, tIO.00 Thene remcdlen are nrnt br the cn«e . Jiarle box or nny parlor the country, fire of choree, on receipt ot lamfiijiiiUilcMfiircIncCo. it, ' . KmrVackt o by till OriURlstn, Ofllce»ndD(pot, For Halo by mil nt J. JI. HIIDWN'B drug - - - Ithubvrutl and Btmnor Hts. ami Vouplit & Kill- fiii'o, IKIWcornnr ilriit' (tloro, Dovor, N. J. VBGETINE I8MYPAMILT I \VISH NO OTHER. rnoviDEHCE, April 7toi 1870. Mx. H. R. HTETnJ«-«onr Sirt WhBn rim about 8 yearn of ngo n liumor broke out ipnu inn, which my mother tried to euro by iviug mo hfrbteftfl nmi all other micli rcrao- i<?H RHslio Ituew of, but itcontliiufid ta prow orse, until flnnlly slio coumiUcd n pliyBlcinn nod ho said I hnd the salt rheum. And d o c tared mo for thnt coinplnliit. iroreliavcd , but naid I coulif not ho jpcrnmncntlr ittntl an tlic ttiKCflfifi originated in tha blood. [ remained a grunt mflerer for BOVDral years, until I heard of and eoohiilted R pfaymcian. who wiiil I hnd tho Hcroftilous humor andlf I would allow liim to doctor mo ho. would euro me. I did HO, nnd ho commenced heal- ing np wy Bores -nnd sucoecded In effecting on ciUtrtinl euro, but In a short time tho dls- case appeared ngain in a wome form, than over, Oil cnnccrouR humor upon my lungs, throat and liead. I Buffered tho most terri- blo piun, nnd there seemed to be no remedy, ind my frieuds thought I'mast eaon dlo, vheu my attention wnti called, while reading 1 i newKpapcT, to n VEQETIHE kMimonliU if MM. Wntojiousc, Ko. 304 Atliens Btreet, ith' IioBtou, and I, formerly residing in _JUI itoHtou nnd lioingpcrsonnltyncqunint- td with licr and knowing her former pceblo eoilh. I concluded I would try tho Vege- iio. Aitorl hnd tnkon a few bottles it leined to forco the sores out of my fiyutem. luul running ttores in ray cant which for A Uino wcro Terr pnlnful, hnt I continued ta take the Vegotino until I lmd taltou nbont 'IT. bottlcR/my health iniproviug all tho. time from tho conuncncumont of the first bctflo,' nnd tho parcn la I commenced taking the Vegotino in 1872, And continued its con. stnivt UHO for BIX niontlm. At Uio present tima'niy kenlth !Bbetter than fit' «Terhnn lieon BIUCO I wona child. Tha Vegotino what helped me, of;d I iboet cordially rccoro- niend it lp all ffururs,ertpocudly my friends. I bud boana sufferer for over 80 yearn, and intil I ttxef tho VcguUno, I found DO remedy; cow ItuKi ttiuiniy (aitilly medicine, and wUn no other. Mns. B. C. COOFZH, Ko. 1 Joy St, Providence, It. I. VEGETINE.. Tho rnnge of dlHordcra -which yiold to tlic Inflnonco of thin uedicjiio, and tho number of dcfitiGd dlBet,eoB whlcji It no«B fttilfl to cure, ars greater (inn any other single med- icine has hitherto been orcn recommended for by tmy other thao the- proprietors of some quack nostrum. These discaec^ nre Scrofula and. all cmntivo diBensca andTu- mors, Bhcutnatism. Gout, Neuralgia, and Spinal Complaints and all Inflammatory symptoms; Dicers, all Byphilitio di'senacs, Kidney and-bindder dkeascs, DropKy, tlie vljola train, of painful dltorden)tthichBO gonerallyaAHct American women, and which carry annually thousands at. tbem to prema- ture graves; Dyupepiriji. that univeml oonw of American manhood, Heartborn, Piles, Constipation, NetTousncEt, Inability to sleep and impure blood. Tliiit is a fonnidablo list of human nil- jentfi for ruiy single medicine to successfully nttaclt, nnd it in not probnblo that any ono article before llio public has the power to euro tlo quarter of them except Yegctine. Jl lays the am at the root of tho tree of dis- ease by Bret eliminating every impuHtyfrom the blood, promoting the secretion*), opening the pores—tbo great escapo Voiron of. the system—invigorating the liver toits full and natural action, cleansing tho etctiach'and Eirengtbeniag digestion.- Tbinmncliaccom- pliBbcd, Uio Bpccdy and tho .pernmncnt cure of not only the diacaneB wa hnyo enumerated, but liltowiea Uio whole train of chronic nnd constitutional disorient, ia certain to fallow. This JBprwlscly whnt Vcgetlno dott, and it ilors it uo <iuicUy, And so easily, thnt It is (in accomplished fact almost before the pjtient Is aware of it blnmclf, BEST REMEDY7N THE LAND Lrrrax FAIWI, H. Y., Sept 2ft!, I67G. Sin. H. H. 8TETI«B i DearBir—I desire to h-tnt« to yon that I was afflicted with a break- sut of blotches nnd pimpled on my face teefc for BOTcml yearn. I hayo tried many remedies, bnt nonB cured the humr on my foes and seek. After lining two < three botUes of your Vegetine tbe humor WAS entirely cured. I docertainly believa it is tbo best medicine for all impurities of the blood that thcro Is in tho land,* and should highly recommend It to the afflicted public P. Pzauia, Architect. y,r. Perrino Is a well-known architect and builder at LitUo FalU, N. 7., having lived there andin the Ticlnity for the lontsa years. TEOETINE prflpired hj H. B . BTEYENS, roston, Uun. Vsoensi n SOLE BT ALL J -- ~ ' 2Ww THx. WANDEBinGS OF ULYSSES. From the.Gipltol. Wu're litre, ilciir, Bi,,l wi, n| %-jtl, wlr j.i ur | C4 And liotiorn, rou'll Hnmv b.v Dial H'KH Why TU haven**! uiMlira. Unrluria And I liDUii't wrilU-n a lino: Why, vfhal rilh VttUtiB nlvlii Anil (toiui; in SUte Id (inilj Hull, Yun 'uiut got tlie faintest conet pilous Uru-hiL van Me doing, nt nil I I've nnid " nut at home" to nn Uarl; H fur VisciHiiils ami LiirJx tlio uiuniuil ii TnnnbHiiul. Why, llii-n: i-n'l iitlrl i (hlotia who reuilklii'L IIL- IIBMIIR Your rnoml, JIury Jontn. wlio UJW niilfs, Wliilu buliinj her thm mntncul. iu tvnliin^, iti(]« Ilio gijrfftjiiiltiC'Bt critter tn ligbU. llc't) tlio valel at Vincount Fita Do item ; •ars uppyluts anil nil tlwt; itau an nwfnl ncixt'gay in liix boui.m ; ilo culler] oor UI.VMSI-B "My ij)nntcr," Ililnh of It I—but 1 Mapped tlini. He trie) to l>c liulf-na.v fomilinr, Hut I biiHttMl the frown or bis bit. Vo'rc to dnto nut nl Wlixlnnr on Fil.Uy; Wo lnl;u tea with tlmPrincess noi', ivcek j )f couruo I ill nil tildko mjaoir llily, Aud Hi invauir up, BO ti spenk. 'I I'iCHUniu I'modilrutiiiiiH the dauglitor Of America's latoI'rcsiUcal'r' Said a Uako to me IKBL ui^lit; yim ougliler seen howbentnimnoml and—went. The Tact ia Ibo "help" of lUia city 'Atut not uo ulylc, noliorr; why, duar, Though I slioiikln't any It. I pity ~' Iriiilu, for tlxtf DO net BO queer. Why a u n t imobed auO drlnlicd wltli a Jlaralu Llfco n Senator, nod Uixsuo 0., i'Ltll-lluut-ii Tin ineliucd Iolit; |mrlU1, Bus funned tliroURli a rojal lovco. \V1iy, only last ulglit at nuppur, He «at thcro noaimptu nml Mill, .'liftT, lmd I tiio pan ofn— 1'upper, Ln E a r l , bo roai 1 upandHUVS, fflnlhis, "You'io rec.illiiiK voiir bittlen, tio doulit?" iay»tUl)flS(?, "I only wan ililnkinff Of ill* StiDUIaus ami tbn dun-out, Lci-1tho Boniv t i n t I ran at Knlglit'a forrj, And tlie tol'n thai I once uned to take." [mngluo it, ilcarl Tlit-m'g UMI very Eipreihfoiu to URCU. "Wliy, I quitio In 1 think of it—'till a great Due lieu* Holds out her wtiitc Iiand and wya "Siiifce," )r irorili oftliftt nuaiiliif; | fur Mpti In Them Eiiflisli to UM» wlioin they take, rhcro'H dear Mr. Plcrrtpout t vet Iblnb, lore 'in spfto of Uli »nnn ami hU crwl, Ind hie Hrerlca—aV ho may prink, lore, * Don't bring himno nearer theI tut; tor ilicj'ro tirpil t>r BbiLniniinij, andtUt tiling TlittT'vc bud Tur Homo tlglil hundred yt»r. Anil, really, pciliap* il'i a blrneuif; TIICBO Grantsato uuconimonlj qnccr. As for mo, dcar-tlon't lot It go furltmr Brit—amnhl-tlioio'ii tho BOHof n peer Who'h waiting for ine nil |IIHI4II1T Hlioll give him a tliqiuaml a year: Tbo cftsllo irc:il HTD lu, n il know, In tho size at the Wliita Homo, my ilcor, And you'll Jo»t tell Ihcm fulkn ill Ohio That I Ibluk we Ttill tcttlo down hoio. i Bun IUBTE. ERA-DJATIONS, Tlio spenber wlio "took thofloor,"has been arrpsted.for utenlipg luinbcr, Tho Inebriate's Home," a room-' ing pnper. Olftd to hear it. Hopo he'll rtay there, It is difficult for tho intelligent com- positor to realieu that axiom and oieu are. Dot synoiiymoiiB. , Tlio truly good man.will go to slcflp in slinrch rather tbttti lot liia mind wander )Q the price of potatoes. Jonnli ia one of tlio 'Urat men men- ioncd who v/ero brought to the surfuco »,y intcrnnl disturbnuces, "Give mo liberty or givo mo breath," is wlmt a Win(l s °i' girl repinrltoi] to licr lover a fun oveninga BIDCO. A Mr. Nntlior wne recently innrnetl in Wisconsin. Thnt in tlio old, old story. Tha girl married a Nuther. . Wliem tolled topeal thovegetables for dinner, tho tongue of the belle in refusing chimed forth in no uncertain sound. •Why is tho Bank of Pranae.iifcc tbo -lobnmpiiidiiu religion P Ucpnuse it's something to wulab you and I don't owe As tho great temperance wnvo rolls over tliolaiui.sniDpIcrooms, witli private itraiicoa lentliDg iuto bnok nllnyp, nro itioipaling bettor bnsincss. Would a citizen of Stonclinm appro- priately be cnllcd n Stonchnmmner, nnd ii citizen o( Rnndolpli nUrtndolpliin.ntnl a native ol Voayille n ¥ ou vUli|in ? A city sabseribor nsha us n very fnnny question. Howishes to know nt what agti a tfuliwlo turns into a hoop-pole. Vie have toiul-mU tlint wt> don't know. A newly fledged aditor out West is ot tho opinion that "lovo is greater thnn money," but ll.cclmncee are ho'llctinngo bis mind when bo. tries to get a dozen clams on tlits basis. A TELBQIUU intin wns Inolinp nt tie ep' yeBtorday, nnd bunting round a JWD -eeat Nicfiio to And tho nnroo in vaitfr Thofirstflyhodbeou Uiero before "m.—y. T. Herald.' ThoEe big slundinK etiirt coWma arc all ripiit now, bnt bow will it be nioog in tbo dog dtns? Wlien ono of them bp- gina to melt and stib*iide, tbe owner will hink ho h cmbniced by a weeping clam. An inKCtitoiiB fprmftr plnntej ft tow rows of potatoes <:lRpag, to; bothor tlo jugs, Tbose rows- were juat nbotit enougli for tlio crasa-eyed bo^.vho partook wltb feelings of, profound grat- itude. " I hopo yon won't mention thin nn coming from mo, sir," romnrked n bnr- ber, anho impnrlcd, a-dulipinim bit of nonod.(*l '*> a eustonjor ^vliose ciifn bo w&s ahaving.' "Neter fepr," wiid tbe cus- tomer; "I ebnll"regard tbia.Eorapc as pcrfeotly hub-rwxor." It is nil very flno to laogli nt ajwomnn's tanirama xrhea a mouse iDBkcs its np pontttuee in the vicinity of ber flirts 1 jato littlo menimontBbould bo reserved tho man wbn plays circus while 1 June hug is walking op tlio itisido of liii tronsera' leg with tho clow and measured stop of a day laborer. 'When n correspondent goes to n full- dress pnrtv in a &Wt po&t Inticd nt the olbowB, stiinlng pantaloons thnt hag nt tho knees, a cheviot atiirfc and no gloves, be nearly always writcp bnck to his ttaper that tbe drosses were vulgar to n Biiook- jng degreo.—BawJai/e. ''Old Si" TOBOBkcil bis opinion of the onre, and said to his cinea- tioner, wbo waa 0 olmrch-Btewanl, "Well nor, you jes'git cr blilb-riosi Bn-»Bor ncx'Banciayan'scode'fcoktobblt when ycrgn tcr nlse Qc nolleoksbun—ef dot sucoocB, I'm gwino tor b'lpcvo in do son&p of blue-glnfla, but not belo 1" Joneihr-"i>renuful thing, wasn't it.? Brown kicking his wifo tocleatb 1" Oreon—VAwfnl." , Jones—"Actually went np slain and put on abrand-new pair of boots to *~ Green—"Ab !-T-UO alwuyabaJ a great deal of gentlemanly teellng 1" "The baby bas got p nowtoothi but the bid M y is laid up with a cold in the bead," remarked a gontlonian to a de- feated enndidato. "What do I caro? waa tbo reply. *'Ws!l,!*-iald tbo gen- tleman, Blowly, "beforetbo el-otion yon nsed to take mo oirtdo and oflk ma how m j Jamijy was comicpott, npdrvebcon bunting yon all over town to tell yon.' and that's tlm way you talk to m'ti. Bnt it (loot maka any difference.. I voted for tbe"btber.eiindidato, unjbow. : . Tho rtvemgo maiden's lifo niiiy be said to embrace three momentous, iiurioils, ilarjfided, in general, an follows: An- iciDtitiou, ciilniiuiitioii, rcflocticn. All lieso iioriuiTa arc interesting, imrtictilarly be flrnt nml last. Thefiratia niipurenlly ibe uinat uiomoiitoas to the young girl, nitftBHbe lipptiB jcto Itunriniiy muidt'ii- iood, ami from that Binge gruOualty cigcaiuto uomnuhood, slio thin 1>«, and sruiIena.H sue rltiuka of tbo tiuyx WIIEUI lier chief auibition wits to ormy hortiulf hi lung drcHRes anil mi;ko litir cutr.v into it.v. Three niixiotit's jieivndo the Itrensl nl the socioty girl, firttt, to obtain in nppi-oprinU entmueo to that soaiaty, ipcnuil, tomninlain her jiosition there vliflu npco in,'ami Lliird, togut out of it graeetnli.v when elie feels tlmt it-bun ilouo ull Fur bcrtlmt it can do, and Hint it is timo. No eery young: missis exempt tram, tlio period of anticipation, no matter what her ctrou instand's nr unnilitinti of life or person ; no mutter wlicthcr ulio ios.1038 the faultless form aud ilispoBilion «f uny one, or whether alia bo afUhtcil. witU bomclincsB—this period slio must pnss tliroudb, and hor wlmlo future life dcpnnuB upou bow she gets through the irdonl. If she ia, EUcccsaful, ber after years will bo marked with nigim]; triumph ; if xh« fails Mm will BUQW11 disappointment which will nccumpany an nchitig henrt toits gmve—not unfre- iMy no enrly ono. This is tliGnliorl- mt of the tbree periods, fortuualoi.y, but 'it marks 1111 event in borlifo wiiich do- tcrmincB her splipre and cxistcuoo for all irae tocurae. From the time tbut the tlie longing comraoncra to find ita place in lior benrt, and tliis desire, onco taken root, Tvill grow and thrive until it in part and pared of licr csiBteoeo, About the ' uymptom of tbe prosenco of tins aso in her mind Ja on npponl by tlm littlo ono to her inothor to fix upon the prL-eiso dnto in whiobshoniaybouilowcd to lengthon her skirts nnd become a young.lady." This point onco iho.loolis forward to tbe lime in fond anticipation, and builils entitles, nnd Inys plans by tbe bundreda, ecarcoly any of ivbich nre over roalizeu or matured, I3ut this (Urea not trouble licr. Her wbofe soul and being is filled with U)is 0110 idita, mul, witli avion- ofaonuiiiainatlon, icr little lifo is remodeled, iii prepara- tions for tbo graud event. Tho time ijjuu her pus! ; of llm tunny gulden 0 >nrtiiiiitieH which KIJO lias hn-\ to alii nrtb lilto a dazzling comot in thu sock' wurld for nil tituu to como, iind isli't It embiticed c^rtniu offcrs, In lior pn icroiis days S(IG BUWaian? nln/in she roiild bt; glad to SPG now in tlic olJ wnv. AnfiliD lliiiiks she wcepn, and rep little is commences to attond school, .rrlvcs at lnit, She ia ntttrcil tUc oovctoJ robefl, and shu is launcliod foith upon her new period, transformed as if by mngic.. from the, happy, hoydouieb miss to tlio '.:' »mnniB yoyiip LA^T- She tben qousCBromp. - Bbe excbowH ooinpany of pluytuatoa sligbflj youogor, and strives to worm herself into the Boclcty of girls older than herself. By these, however, she is never recognized until sbe receives tbo utlentioa of tho young men wiili whom they aro wont 10 , \ t^^y look npouthe now audition to their alarm and jealousy. She straightway puts on. diguity, nnd becamcB a sweet blossom, too tender yot to meet tbo rude touch of man, still too womanly to acenpt tbo attention of boys ot Jiefltly her awu jtga. She ia uove s'x- Icon, charming, sweet, impatient, anx- iously longing for an opportunity to test her wings and lior power. She chafes under the roatrclut of her parents, and dreams of love. Nor is tliis all; slie lias met young men on (lie street, \n \\\o , PY«IJ ut ehucuh, and those young man bave gazed in admiration upon kerbuddiQgJovelincss. Sue cannot resiat tbo teranUition of covprtly re- i b l d b i turning tboso f ht j and ere »bo is f what is doing she lias fallen iuto the baneful habit of aiding and coquetting with those of tbeopposito sex. Sha practices ravishing glances from eyes that sbe has been told nro sponilid jifllio shows by ft score of little ways that stio appreolaUs and returns tbo iuiercst nmnifesttd, Sbo may oyou make elondostlnn Bcquaintances, and meat them in direra "accidental "plnoea unbeknown to her guardians. She is now in great peril, and if slio' is not tatigbt (o wnlk in tha nnrroK-pntl. of purity by lo\ing count el fittd gnidapcoat hotnoj she may ncvar know Tfbat it is to an honored member of sooioty. The noxt poriod 1B that of culmina- tion, Now this tender blossom Los d a iiow flolil; iuo hits again be- come tronefignml, an it. were, aud wliat was now and Btrango a year or two r>go line become old and commonplace to hor, Tho long robes of a ivnmftn ore no lougpr a noTclty tfl^or] al^o lias no further ten- dunoits toward Blreet ilirLations, aasitni' ing thnt she'bub passed safely over tbo iheah apd rocks of tbo first neriod. Wciglitlor matl.oni occupy lier tuind ; deeper flirtnlions or morn enduring vic- tories, Qb,P \n .b,ent on oon(]ueat now bi iibl ] and Ecavooly fmylbing sccma impossible ioher, SJ10 bus Lad her tRftay soUool- girl lovea and has outgrown tbctn ! at loaat they nolotgcr troablo her. nltliough she nmy liavo a, Iaud,fingering retnem- of DOOO of thorn. Tboy arc no but pnge3 of. childliopd's fiction, read nnd enjoyed, in tbo long ago. It nccmB years aiuoo sbo first tuado lier.. entrnnuo iuto oooloty, QUohaa tried her wings, aoU has-dippeij tlibjr tips in cljsi Sha in npproncblng womanhood oow and commences to think and feel as a woman. Still she may lovo and regret it. BL'O ii not yet entirely out of d.mgor. She hni been a groat deal ia society, bas met many ncqnsintanctis, and bas been ad- mired by a .throng, Sho bas beard borself called a belle, and, h.aa received io . • ' - rLATTERT OPKUltDEDXXsS LIP3. She has not bad time to become in- terested lu'ituogeiilleniuu buforu ubu'lm. bean presented to anotlior; ber Lead ii tnrned. -It is for her to command, and for her slaves to obey, They do it faitli- fully/and still she is not satisfied; tbero is no conquest in thin, no cbtinco for a contest. '• Hor powor is admitted before sbo bas bad un opportunity to test, it, Sbo hates her subjeots, and longn t meet Borne norsou of royolty, who will engage lier upon her own grounds, ono to whom she canlook up and respect who in stronger in will nnd power than herself. This is the kind of spirit ttial will win her,'and when tua siege is fairly opened. BIIO will surrender and yield unconditionally. Sbo will tjrannizoovcr every other person, tut sbo will bo moeV and lamblo in, hot ^quiaet toffarfii not oiinsiJer Hint nbo in worthy of biiu tfioy niiiy never ba iMiited, but tlie fall's ly decree Unit tluiir JMUIH itiust lie ii diffoiont directioiif. Iu this «:usc. nil pbangou more into tlie whirlpool of ex- cilemout, nml diviiH dei'p ia Rcnruli mituHUid sweets. Sboiloon cut fiuj tbum Imwerer, and BIIO once ui:»re comen tn tlie Biirfiiee, «lic yiows tirttl uf the oxer linn, anil allows bcnsolf to flout int» in on [ilnuiil wators, where ruught but genlli r ipplcu C'^IDO to uiitr tlio coujiflcto i^or€n ty of her lift'. Now RIIO him arrival ut tlic tliiid singe, BIIC tu tLink nnd brood uts to licrnulf Buftly tbo liuen— )f..ll SR<J vurdR, b.v dingnu 3r jxin. As HIIO movw luuguidty about tbu muse in tha perform mice of hci-duily IntiL's oho siglis, niul niiipHHaf|- t pluintivi 1 ira, cir luuis tbo tuna of sumo bright, wiiotBtiDg which SIJO nscij fuehtg'mliw period of nntiuiimtioii. NQWHUG luuks 10k to ihoBoduys witli FEHLINO3 OFI'AINPtJIi PLEASURE, if tbo teim may be nsi>d ; fur in bur lone- iuesi ami cstivugetneut Irani mcicty i-Jii! rcvcrU to the Imppy dayn of i<xix>utnut cbtlclbooil with nymjmtby, yet not wilb- ut a Buuliineiit "tbut the pumtit of |)lenauro in this world IHn liollowmock- JI;T. After nil, fa (liere not mom rail )loasuro hi nnlicipntion 111 au in realizn- Lion ? And ngnin, wlmt aim ndil inotd to tlie clip of olio's mduncholy llinu tlio o[linj)Miorliint8S few friends, now, but tbey are tried, Iruo rienilR. io whom sbo may sufcly coufiJu liu soQi'tit pt IIQI'ngo uuil other import- lUt mutterH. Slio is now unming tlirougb a period wbiob will befit ber for uflcr life, nnd mitUo bar a goud wifo nnd mother.. Bboby degrees lins lujHiitnocl tbo roa[iouBibility of her ngotl mother's iDUBolinld, nnd nlio inacquiring prinni- iles of cconnmy nnd JLi'Jgmeot. Blio in itlll bcuutiful, but BIJC atlrneffla OilTerL'iit xplieie. TlioyonnsntiJ giddy look iincm IHH* witli diuttiut ndmirution, aa tlioy night IPOIS upon a gifted nnd bumitiful Hint, siill there ci'o !IOJ«?S 0/ ber hnppi* it'sa yot, Hlic niny bavo been disup- lointcd iu wiunint; tho rcgurd of tbo particultir one slie wished for, but others fill comn—older, it is trim, but more wictictit; Imi vtbaa she Imu once tn ado up her ininO to nccopt the situation, ns Dsurely vil], she will bo resignud nnd quiutly happy nt firat, ami will, ns tlio nnd fbo b'coomesolder, when tbo silver threads nru interwoven Itb tbognlil, heonino vmro/nnd more cnnviaeeil tbat fate was kind to ber after all, and decreed tbut for her which would yisld tlic most enduring pleasure. Tims sbo baa jiasBcd through al| the di&Vront periodH, of Qjidily outtoJpatlun, diaaatiB* (ted culmination, reflection, regret, resignation, anil eventually solid comfort »ud supreme joy, no tbnt when BIIC sits ' 1 ber easy clinir by tbe ojion windows, with tho soft nnUipm breezes playing witlt lier silvery loclis, nnd walciics tbo gambols of her handsome grandchildren it tton the lavro, Bite will reflect upon Die past, but Ibo angular points of nbveraity mil disappointment will bo toucd down, bo bright spots only will be remembered nnd ebo will view tho va&t, even plain at reached out bcbi'nrf licr; nnd think tlmt a lifo wliereiu tbcro has boon mucb tobo thntikful for. .bo tUiuiBor, " but I reckon it's n feet to— tist a leellc—too ncrsuiiftl, Jest yuti •y ngnin. I don't wind pultiu' up huuRiim for Rumlbin' tbitt'll rahe fulka' heart striugH," Tho ulerk RUKCII nt Ibo ceiling for n inom&ut, nml tben unggcuted : Tlio huEbaniVi lout a n-Jfc, Tliucliililnu tnu. Died on Irnl.v nidit l-'rom tbe loctlnwl 11 YOB," bnilio outtbe mourner, wiping Iiis nose on ti blucli-bordorcd biindker- chinf, "bull don't own nny young 'urs 1" "What tlo you think of thiH, iheu ?" QHjD Ami jilay on a [tollcn liarp " Don't welicvo that'll suit. You see, tfarier cuuldu't even jilny on a pinnner, m 1 I know a linrp would Bluinp lior, lire. Poor woman 1 slio hnd a tender •oiirt, tliougli, and made tbe most elo. gantbiacuit you ever Baw." "Hanged if I won't have to ebargo l b l o r k . " I uiu't Laved to (he Us(, 4n (iffeotinE deBlIi-bcif scene recently ooonrreu in Oakland, Cal., in tbeSu:my* side House. Ayouug uian named Qeo. Edward Hurry, who died there from the effects of an acoidout, bed been engaged to marry an interesting young lady at tbo snine tiotclj but Just t",o weeks before tlio latnl accident tbo lovers bad a disagreement about a trifling matter nnd Mr. Murry releosed ber from her ngagement. Although ezcccdinglv net tied, her lovo for himbail not dimitc islicd, yet alia onpouraged tlio attentions of a rival suitor, a wortliy young man of fiJoy, wb«J pnshcil liis unit nnd engngotl Ibo young lady to marry bim, tbo wcdiVnp; being arranged to take piuce. Themorningof tbo wedding just ns tho bride began to robe boreelf tot- t [10 altar, her former inleuAed husbmit) WUH brought into tbc houso in a dy condition. Tlie moment- slio l;carti of it lie ruslind to the Iwvlslile of tho dying man. on^ vith eyes streaming wilh tenra and vofoa tretnutouB ivitb emotion, slie ru&bcd asido pbyaicinui and nttendttntn. nnd clasping her arms nvoiikd Ibo neck of tbe former sweetheart, pressed bis pale lips to tinr own anil kisacd'h [ntodly, all tbo wbilo eolling him by his first name in tones Ibo inoBt tender iud pnthetic. Afaint emilc ut recogui. ion beamed over tbo nalo fnco of tho wnirodcO man, ani] tbo lovers parted forever, sbo to finish licr dressing for tbe altnr anil IIQto pass over the river of dentil.—Sim JVCIMCISCO Chronicle. If 1 Could Only HwMj Mot hor.. " If I could, only aeo my mother 1' Again an.lapnin was that yearning cry repeated—"If I could ouly see mj mother I*' Tho VCSEQJ rocked naU tlie irjiters, cliascd by a frosb wind, plnjoit musically against tbosido of tbnship. Tho sailor, a Bccond mate, quite youthful, lay in lm nnn-off bed, bia oycu glazing, bis limbi itifleniug, l JIt) Iirccih failing. It vras not pleasant to die thus in this shaking, plunging ship; but ho scorned not to mini! bis bodily comfort; his oyos looked far away, anil over and anon broke forth that grievous cry—" If I could only BOO my tnnthnr I" An old sailor snt by, tbo Bible in bia hnnd, from wbicb ha had been reading, He bont abovetboyoung man, aud asked bim tt'by bo was BO anxious to sen tbo mother tio had wilfully loft. " 0 1 that's tbc reason," lie cried, in anguish J "I've- nearly broken lior benrt, nod I can't die in pence. She was 11 good tnooUior to me—0 I so good a mother ; she bora everything from lier wild boy, and once sho snul, ' My eon, when you como to dio you will remember tliis. 1 O1 if I could aee mr mother I" Ho never saw his mother. He died wiib tbeycarningnpnit bis lip, us many a one has died who slighted tbe mother who loved bim. Boys, be good to your jnotben. He wanftcouiiLry-looliiiig clinp, with nn mid misluro of nml i tion en bis Icmi countunIIIIL-P, anil b Iroiijifd upon tho atiiilled adTcrtiftiu, ilork of tlie—well, to wive trouble we vou't locate tbe paper, but cull it tic Sunday Union—ivitb tho uiysteriou " Sbe's gouel" "WIIW'M Bniioi" asked Uio clerk. "Sfurier." " Wlio iu tlmoucr'H Miiricr ?" "'My wife; she's (rune!" "Gone whorol" " U p fibovc—diod luat night; ivani you to put it in your next IDBUO." '•Wlmt ailed Iwr J" . ' "Loctijiiw, Hlir* lny for thrco weeltn leouUlu 4 t«[ieiik. Never lmd wicb n quiet time iu tlio hoiiao buforn. Juat do tlie notice up fine, will you, nu' I'll nee :lm( avin-ythUtg hUi^J up nil right." Accor'iliugly the derlt Bcriblilcil tiwny !tir a moment, lmtidcd out wlmt ho had ivrittpn for iniiiicctiDii, uud curlly re- "pollurtliirtvflvf." "Tliiit'B ell liRlit," siiid bo, handing jvcii'tlu'i'OfjHiroil specie, "but I K'\HW rdutuulJ put a VL'rstiou IIIOOIKI, euuliln'l r'OU V "Well, yes," iiiuiiiinlcd the c.orli, "I {iio.«* sa Wliiit Uiuil <-f a verso do you runt?" "Siim'biii 1 iunilcr-liko nu'worrowfiil." »U«w would tlm do?" BKUCCI Ibo clL'i'l;, scratching his hi'Liit with llioem] il bis iivrtcl fi'tnolK, riilis dW en liu'n gnne nud toft n wci-pin' lbil tl.lcrhi.r ll 1 a LongfoUow or T y " I know," meekly replied tbo weenin' •idower. "Jest try ouce moro won't you 1" Bo tlie clerk did Irj, and at last genaud luttbo following: On oartb cotild not nloy Marbr, Ho Blift Citii mici vetit up lilflici'. "l^orlbr irreverent, nin't it?" niix- oiiBly naked Mnrier'a relict. "I reckon wouldn't grudgo a couple of dollars for a bang-up verso." Thus BtiraulnteJ, tbe macbins noct ecame av^denly itmplreu, and cxiilt- gly produced^ 1 Cry Inr Marior, AlaBUliDlHuumnre- Jnini'it thu HiiKi"e sempliB Vpou itie Qttitr Hhoro. Tlio afflicted ODO unensily took a chew 0/ tobacco, anil wbisperod : But tboro'a thing tbnt spiles it. Morlcr liado'tnny more 'melody inlicr thnn an old plougb, an' H'B deliberit lyin* to spent of hor tie a vocalist tfone of tliuni otbor syraps (seraphs) you nlhided to could keep time vitb liot," "Woll," thoughtfully remarked tlie liBCom&ttcii Wood, "if this ain't all O. K. you'll bavo to hire a special poet. I'm ployed out: AfHittioD ioro Pculliftrr. Ooiiu—to rlBCngiln. "Tell you what," enlbuBioflticftlly ex- oluitnedtlio wldowor, "tlint'a tip topi Hero's yonr two dollnra ; you've nirnt tlioui. A young man tliat can tnuko up sicli affectia 1 linos us tbem bas a glorious IitturbcforQliiml" And Hqufiezing tbo eilmiiRtet] poet's baud, tbe elated, npcaker left ia search a pair of black k\& gJorca. Street Cur Sketche*. ixth Avonvia enr, N. T., 1 o'ulook p. H. Enter buretoot and cont- Icsanowshoy, shouting, "Eailt/JfeiB-c-c-t only ono ivmt. Ttill particulars ot tbo great calamity in Twenty-third rfmotV 1 11 Here sonny, givo mo one," said n portly and benevolent looking old gout in ono corner of the car. Tlio boy delivers tlio pnper, pockets Ibe cent, nntl ruslios nnt of tbo car, still crying " Full particulars of tbo great oitiamity in twenty -third street I" Old gentleman adjtWa bin spectacles nnd begins to look for tho great calnmity, carefully going over cocb pngo fromtbe first to tbu last. Hadoes not BOO it, bat after two or three searches begins to see tbnt he bns beeti sold. So da tlio other passengers, ami tbey smile. The old ggntleinnn doesn't sec any tiling to laugh about—in tact, bo plainly feels hurt, and grows mad. # ' Drat that boy," bo snya, "ho lied to TOOI Comluotar, you ought to kstfp those boys off tha cars." Condnotor--Cuirtbouono,nir. Tbcy'd oi\ma in through tfte trmdoirsif wo tried il, und tho conductor what tboy geUt down 011 bml belter quit tbo roud. They'd mnko it very warm for him, I tel you." Old Gentleman (taking off his specta* clc&, rolling tlio pnper np in a wad ac pitcliiog it through nn open window) Well, they wouldn't be allowed on the Boston cars, I can toll yon, not if wo bud to bnve a now conductor every trip. Bi Ttnstnn boya nro cot 06 wicked—tbey ilon't lie or steal." " Bail}/ De-e-s t" slionla another }/ irenin, ASbo sticks hin bead in at th )peti door. "Full particulars of tbi Lorrible mnrJer in tlio Fourth Ward 1' All tbo passengers but tbo old ma laugh. Ho looks out of tbc window an g is—/or Baatva. It wns a very extrnordinnry aiglit t< witn s tbo largest o[ _ largest [ bocleibanti fully drying himself with a crash towi and cnnibing his bair neatly, after li bath this tntiming. But still moro BOI prising wns it to sec a little one talio o: a. tootu brnali nnd irboi of uoulifric from bU trunk and begin cleansing bi tmU. Vfe cordially thank Ibe Londo 3bow people toe this example of olean lioess they Lavo fonjished our citizens, Hie UUlniiie Hoi A "scicuiific" journal rut&cslliooljjcc- .inEj nmt fb^ fjTi^xlioti nf tli orJ l.tlongA to Hit: fiintm oi"nijjcr»titioci, IVitbcjtit going at kiijjlli over the grounci if m$ cxiwriciiRO in tlio matter, I wint to draw nttetition to flio UKcfu] purjiow tbo rodfin11 serve, nnd particularly to tb x»iii.n which science nii^ht take hold pi .0 solves other ijuostioua iu tlic myateri- niu field of electricity, to wbicb I iscribc> tbc cud's action. Any (iiibsfiwicc wbicbis a good 001 liiclDrufuluctricUf, vhijtber ehnped as ,.fork or simply NS 11 single rod, v crvo as n diviniug md. Witb n Rtifl rou i-oj tbc- jxiWtiooH nre felt, Imt H-L'ii. Afoj-];cd cDpfK'r wire is perhaps ho must Hisnsitivu aud tbo best for ical UFO. Thu rcuBon fur tlio notiun to be tbis: There era veins in tlie earth, of wuler and other •liieji me ftiiper'tor conductors, and pr\ti~ ipully convey nnd distribute electricity biougli the omtb. Tlie operator and being diffnjcull.y charged, dicn ttio outer cud of tbe rod and oucb vein in the ground occupy in relation 1 cneli other cortain positions, an inter- Kingo or cquuliziLliuu of eli-utncity i!i(js jilitee. These rulutivo ponitioiis icni to be in certain radiiil lines (prob-, ily imlini totbe centre of tlio curtb), nl uu inturcliariEe will tuke place out- ide of tlicse Hues, even at BOsmall a [stance un half an incli. Wherever an interchange does tnke nee it doc*) so at three points iibout tic inubea npnit, but not at any place ictwccii or out side ot tbeso points ur niinl lines, Tlio outer cud of tbo«od nt ing the ititeiohango makea a certain umber of yibmtions, vbicb indicate 10 distance to tbo vein us well ns tlic iUVrent condition of the intervcDiug tiitcriul. In coimuon tnoist earth every atdeiiolGsadoptiinfabmttlOj incfiea, 0 boats indicating a depth of 85feet to In ocrluin kinds of rock rack icnt denotes as much as 2j Toot of depth. Lfler tbe end of tho roil bns made apart (lie number of ljontfl, and is moved to IO B'IIIO a quarler of an iuch or more, 10 interchange is not ouly stopped, but lir>n n^niti placed in one of the llrrce rtial lines tbo rod recommoiiceaDEKovo id peiTorma tbn wbolo number of ibrntions duo to tlio locality. Spread' ig out ft'eilk handkerchiot or placitign ino of gfnas under tho end of tbo rod evonis its nctioii. Tho action in a llnr and. in tlic upper part of nLouse ippai-s to bo nenily tlio some, tbo small iffiiteiioe, if any, bciug dno to tlio idditional interreuing material and to s degree of fonductipity. \Ybile, en tbe one hnnd, I bevro traced vein of voter within tbreo foot of nn .tempted well ninety feet deep ou a ill, ami located a Buitalilo spot for a :oll, ample wnlcr was fouiid witiitn hntf . foot of tlio indicated depth of sixteen cct, and bavo also pointed out, ID nu nsuccessful woll n spot on its side where .rock WHS tupped and tbo water reached, in the oilier band, Ifailedtwico to reach itor, finding, iostond, nbitisb veins of mineral nature, which also form con- ic tore of electricity.' "Where precious metals lie in can tin- OUB vcina, their course night bo traced >ut in this manner., Leakages in water crvico pipes of oities ma; thus bo reaJ- iy discovored. Hucli voins can bo foi- rcd at a good pact?, A simple electilo ippamtiia might bo conatrnotcd by which tin action -would bomore accuiately indicated, which would Bcne larions purposes. Th« ban of superstition being once amoved from this subject, wlion loading linds in tbeeciouceof electricity slmll ave recognized it as worthy their attrrj. ton, an important a'lv&nca in the knowl- dge of tliat invisible nml =11 fl itor of crcntion is Hot unlikely to be ived at. Philip Atttley nnd tlio HuBlclnns, Old ABtlcy bad nn unfortunate habit 1 quarrelling with tbo members of bis and. On (lie night of the first ropro- eenUnion of a farce called ''The Lap' nders," at his. establislment tho or- cliestrn, as HBU&1, WQBdirected by Mr. llin dinarBI), a man celebrated in hi; rofession. The master carpenter had irgotton to rcmovt! one of tlitfnnpaintod \ixea of profile 00 one 0/tbo wings, and ibstirving it, was in tbo act oE sawing off vbile tbo curtain was rising to soft As) ley, hearing tbis, went to Mr. Smith, his then rough rider, nnd requested him to "tell them not tdea loud." Smith often beard himdifl- thgwith tho band nbont their piny- ing, wont instantly across tbo ring, pped Mr. Hind marsh on tie fibonldoi ind said, "Mr. Astley Legs yon wilt noi w so loud," upon which the onrogei iddlor returned for answer, "TutlMr, itloy it shall bo tbe ]ast piece I'll saw in this theatre." Ui>on thu curtain drop- pins Hiadmarsh left tbe orcbf Btrn in B inr; 1 , went to Astley, Baying ho was not sed to aueh trcnlment. "What do you mean ?" eaid Aatley. "Why," replied Hindmareh, " you sent me wonl byMr, Smith not to saw BOloud." "Me 1" ob serve-! Astlcv, with great astonishment 'Hiiidmarsh I I never took you for a oarjienter before" Upon tho being rectified they uhook bauds nnd weio friends aguiii. Oq aoother ocenston .stloy was nV>oiit to produce a littlo ipcctaclc, called "Sailor and Savages," lliE composer at that time wn& named Dr! Horon—cillcd Herring by Astley, who could Ecldoui givo men cr thingB their right titles. "Doctor" Haiti Astley, 'I want you tocompose mo a tnne f< a combat with broadswords between the priucipla savage and tlia principle sail- *." On llio night of tbe first rehearsal, ABllcy wns Boated in front na QBnal, Tbo ivngo wn3rcpreaoatcd by Mr. John, Taylor Astley, LIBnephew, and tho sailo by John Astley, his son. After the aot-fo tvitb tlm awordB, tbo old gontloman was somewhat displeased, aa 10 was not strik ing caough. IIo gut up, and bawled vociferously to liUson, "Johnny, Johnny, this won't ilo; wa mnnt have shields' Heron, onhearing tho word " shields,' tbonght bo wanted the composer of tin name, Jumped np from bis Bent and got ting his baud parts together, rushed o tbo fitngc, and, tearing thorn topieces, id, in a high tons ot voice, "Now set for Shields 1" - Astley wns not a littli surprised, and eiciaimod : "What t you mean, Dr. Herring ?" ""Why," sai Hcrou, " if Mr. Shields can eompot' better than me, send for liim at once.' "Ob I meant a pair of skidds, sir, foi tho fight 1" A rcoonciliution followed, and SetoateaompoBod tho mtw Amorlcnn IJojfi. Do American boys learn trailer) any more ? One would suppose not, if tha tnuUitwte of purpoHdeHfl, aimless young iieu out of employment IB nuy indication. There trns 11 time when Uio master me- cbanic liud bis houue filled with hearty young; epprfintices, nnd when his Jour- oyiiiL-n went from under his roof to sat ip iu life for themselves. To men iu middle lifo tbo recollectiona of those for off times when the master, his men and ioys, formed a strong productive in'tluo* riul gtonj>, Bceuj liko tbe memory of a piimitira age. Son a of rich and edu- cated men did cot think it beneath tbem 0 swing tho broad-a to in tbe ship yard, ir tlio slodgo liammor at the anvil. Or bey went to seit baforo the mast, and climbed to the quarter deck from the irccastlu, In a large family of boys one would bs sect tocollege. Quo niigbt possibly RO iuto mercantile pursuits, nod the otlicrs 'ould choose tbeir trades after many mxious but cheery family conncils. fow-a-days tbe young lads shriek from do irksome confinement of tlia mec&aa- O ' H shop, Tf they csnnut go to eollegs •id m while awey their youth, they m&t "go into a store"—anything bat lork. We do not belittle'the vocation if a clerk or salesmen when wo saythat 1 bo in cither ono or tho other of these tilings eppeara to most young men the ofit comfortnblo thiug. Of all tlio pur- mits which menfollow, this seems to cqnire tho least preparation. At any itc the men who are willing to make leniBelves generally useful more natu- illy torn to tha sliopof tbe retail dealer bontonny other Borneo of employment, 'hey have never learned a trade, Tbey ikt to wear good clothes and keep,their lands soft'aud white. If they cannot and behind the counter or desk, or cure political inftuouoo aulBchnt to usb them into an oDlce of some sort, ey drift niralessly about, looking for jmploymcnt which never cotnes. False ideas of living and cztraragint >tions are rcRponaible farn great deal ' this hopeless misery, Yonng lads are 'ought up to consider manual labor [•grading, and fond, foolish parenta imetimos seem to prefer that their nildrcn should go out into tho world iiplcss rather thaa tbey Bhould loam A trade. Hut tbe Bclfisliness of mcobanics id tbn uutragcous tyranny* of their inions, bavo hud a hand in bringing to ions tbo present state of things. About Bctyfive years ago there began aaeriem eiperimeats in-trades-uaioDB which iaa resulted disastrously. The times rcre good, work plenty and wages fair. maintain a monopoly of those, juso- iiations of mechanics began to limit the iber of apprentices which might ba imployed in each shop, factory, or com- lany of trortmeD. Men who hail aona to eqnip for life ictually voted to Bhut tha trade against heir owu offspring. Tlie conEeqaenc© tbat, the supply of skilled workmen id not keep up with the expansion of e country, and with tbo legitimate iomand. Employers wore obliged to nd abroad for workmen, and It came pass that'grown men from foreign mrts took tlio places in American work- ihons for wbieh American boys aboald lavo bcon educated. Whore noware .osencgloctedf-ohcatedboyBf Borne ot <em are in jails and alms houses. Seme - ill bo found lounging on tha benches tho public parks, vainly waiting (or iotnething to turn up. Others,' willing moiigh, aro advertising for situations bore thoy can make themselves gen- ally UBofuL « A Novel liootjack. A letter in tbe London lima from a ritish ofllcer in India, K iTea 0 startling iccouut of tlio perib of olopnant hunting, ?hieb occurs the following desarip* ion of how a. probosciB was nflod us * -oDtjnek: * • Major Bogers had just hod capital sport with a herd of elephants j^his four guns had nil been discharged, when an . ephant mado a charge at him from the ikirts of the jnnglo. There nu no help .' tor it eicept to rno; and for 400 yardo Lho major kept juut atead, feeling at svory etop the animal's trunk trying to linuato itnolf round bia loins.• Atom -onnd a tree gave him a momentary ad* rantoge, which he Made,the most .of by ipringing npinto the brauohes (he wot is nimble as a cat and as strong aa * iou); ono foot higher and he wonld havo out of tno elephant's xeaob.; but ictoro ho had time to draw op his legs ho elephant hadgothimflrmlyolonobod * in tho toilH of his iirubuaoia. Still, Rogora pulled against Mm, thinking it . itter to have his leg wrenched fromth» socket tbnn to fallback bodily into tha nimal's power. Ibe struggle, however, did uot last long; for, -w the delight of tun pursued and. tbe chagrin ot tha ursuer, the 'Wellington boot which tbo ier wore slipped off, extricated thft leg, und saved the life of poor Rogers. The dilemma, howeverdidaotendhere; or the elephant,findinghitnselfbaulked ' ot bis prey, after destroying the boot, took up his quarters beneath tlm branches, and kept his anticipated victim in thatree for twenty-four hoars; whoa tho tapal, or country, postman, happen, ing to pass by, Bagcrs gave him ootica ifbispositiou; and on this being intl- nmtet] to tbo nearest village; the ele- ipbant was frightened away by tomtonB and yelling. Bad this occurred in •> deserted part of tho jungle, poor Bogem wouU undoubtedly have been starred to death in tho tree. \. A Hcxicau Athlete Troth, under certain cii'camstatjccs, may risa again, bnt tbo Now Orleans Democrat evidently supposes ahe is down for good. Tbtt journal says : "A young Mexican picked up eighteen eggs by holding them like nn eyeglass between his cheeks and his none, and deposited them in his ear without using his handi; then broke the eggs between his knees id beat them iota a foam with' a fork held between his toeB; then peeled ten lemons with his teoth while standing on his hend, nnd ran a quarter of s mile an Ms liead, while Uo mixed the eggs and lemons in & largo punch-bowl. then, without taking off bin cant, hncanght np with the Southern-bound fast train, ran with it two miles, during which he tra- corlicd a bottle of whiskey, mixed it in tho otber iogrnliDDtfl, nnd gave flovrfll of thopiUBongersadriokthrough tbe windows, and tben hopp&d back to tho starting point, holding tha empty punch-bowl extended on the other leg, accomplishing the entire scriea of feaU ia t«n minutes «d » half,"

Transcript of THEIRONERipnu inn, which my mother tried to euro by iviug mo hfrbteftfl nmi al l other micli rcrao-i



Office on UonU Street near Blackwe


f/nei 'ear, $2.0.Six Months, - - - - - - - 1.0

Tnrco months , - - - - - - - 51


D O V E R , N. J.e Ott UBCKiKD ft

lJulI.V F. STICKI»13,

Ocransellor at LawAND


J. J, VREELAND,Carpenter and Builder,

Jobbing promptly attended to.fihnps on U L A O K W K I J L Pt., no i t to Qago

Contract* taltori, and nuUria l runilshul.


Corner ot-Bhokwoll and Sntitei Sts, .

DOVEE, N. J..B. JOLLEY, Proprietor

flurtoi and Carriage* io Txit.


Oflic ii i l i .o l i U m i l Union Lank lIulUlnj;

I S I . , DOVEB, N. J.

O A, ©ttiliEN,, General

Furnishing UndertakerLICENSED *nCr iOSF.EU 4ND 00HMIS-

BtONEll OF DEEDS,All oritorB promptly fttlondoil lol

RLACKVrrJJ.[)TnELT, Dor.r, «. J.

Gr"Carriages and Sleighs,

« Brerr Dciorlntlon.

flur. BlacliiroUBntlllflrsonatfi, DOVIOIl, N. J.Particular attention paid Io repairing nnil

•alnilne. • 2-1?

IV. S. k. 13. F . DcCAMl',


Tor lion On* and Mineral Property, ,


>'ii. 8. DBOAUF. K B . F . DtOAirp.


Aiuyiantl JUOJVBOI of nil lUncripiioniofOUE9 ANDMINKItALS

. : CAREFULLY HADE.Ml«tofctii»8MwJlll>«fnrnliho<lonippllcatioii

. L. 0 . BIEIlWniTH,Dover Morris County U. J .



T710K all tlie pilnclpnl HUUH or alenmslitiw1 rruni Now Y<irk to Liverpool nt LOWESTiTEfl. Al,o DIIAPTU ON iJltEAT BIUTAINS D i n E L A N D . l«-l

t H O U S E .

CHAS, 8. BMMONS, Proprietor.

CSESTCR, MO11BU 00., N.'J.

TMB ia one of the largest botelfl in thecounty, anil tho great elevation of tha Til-lure af Ohostor utaoTo the surroundingcKintry faa stylo It famoua as ft resort foriose Reeking a licaltliful Buniinvr residence.

Accommodation* ample ami termB veryreasonable. EloeUontBt*blesiu connection»iththe Home. »-»»

Alien;Paliner & Son,Carpenters


Builders.DOVER, N. J.

lobbing promptly attended Io.8, J. PALMER, Architect..

16- ,




DOVEB.'H, J .The place IIM Loon entirely rofliteilin a noat

Banner. Tlio Tory ue.t bnnda or.

Foreign and Domestic Segars. ALWAl'SON H MD. 80-tf



Joni * r KVEQT DEBcnirrioit . .

DE8IGKED•ni l oxeouteil, i i i il nwtunnl hirnlnhm).

FLJNSand SPECIFICATIONStamlBUoil, and Wntwcti Ultcnfiirall wort.Tho bet t'retain cos clton flfl to enpneity ii

outybwnch.or tbo Cusumsa, «nd all vri.t«r»nt«a. .. - DOVER,«. J.


BLukwoU St, nonr Stuaei, Dover, N. J.




former ronidonc© of O. S. Oinz, Esq. on


next door to Allen &. Mouington's tin store.

Kn and Mrs. E. D. Chase.Dot or, N. J.; A|irilcai,18T7. 17-lSff

MorrisCo. Surrogate's Office,•APMLntti, 1877.

In the matter or OcorKO Oliamlietbln, Admli.fitralor ol Jacob l'owliiion, ileconied. bur-roR»lef« fltder to limit CreJlmra.

* /%i j ipplicailna Of Ibe nboTO-uamoil Admin-U !ttiUW,IH«orf«e,l|1ylho8nrrog»totlialtUo u U Admtnlilratur give PaWic Notlre IthacrtfilortotIbe «i»!o oriai«l dcceilon toL i In Heir dolita, domamta iml claim*

t l t d th ithi fu d a i t I b o mmfe, Tnder Tatb. «llh!n rimttootbi rrom Ittli dak, bf aottinc np a enpy oltub urfler, withintweulyttnye hpToartor, in llvt

: of ibo most pnhllo iiiauM In tbe county of lior

twenty dayi by tvUVnrtiiluff llio ssmo in tinIBOH fin*, one or ttaenatfiinipcrsnfiiiisHUKiitot UIB«MHO spicu uftimo (tho SnrroBaie tndrIn* HOT fortbor not ten to tw unn*«i«B»tj): snrf

' II SDT creditor itiall necloct to eihibtt oil 01her ililtt, demand and claim vilblo tha latiperiod of-ntno •montbi, public notice- befnn

. aWra ts arurcaalil, inch .orfloitor. iDall bo for-

.anrvtmialhliOThpriiitlan"—'". .thenU Admlnlatraln:

It. A. UliS'KKTT, Al. D ,"


Cor. Blackwell &,Warren Sts.(Oppo»ito DoTor Bank,)

DOVEU.K.J. ,DUewt or Women mid Cliil.lrnn, of the

T.}om<\ Hur s[ioclnUk'B.OfficeIlourn; T t>i0 J .SI., I t u 3aud7 to8 P.






My i D O V H r i . KT. ar.





Ofllcc rr17-ly

D0VEI1, N. J.r A , WMilor.V »l»rn and l)» itore,


IRA C. COOPER,Mason and Builder.

Contract* taken or all Liiiiliuf lltsoit'Vi'ork3d JOIIIIIIIK.

LIME, l'LASTEIt ASD CEMENT,i'utiiWicd'iit HIIDII iintluc.

HHi'o nudnr "Tim Iroii Era OlUci1," Dorcr,I. J . ' 17-11

Grandin House..00 YARDS FBOJI P. U & \V. DEPOT

T. P. GUANDIX, Proii'r. '

Excellent arrmtinifliliUlnnq f.n traiuient ncrumiifiiit lioanUTH, IIIHCIU lii*urv ami lia.irdlnulilofitlm'lujil tiillicbouHc. I'aiKeiicnintalie

iitnti front Dadil'jf JJJIJD DUI! Jjjito Jlujatunri|. reufiiiiinblo charccH, . W-K



Hardware! Iron and Steel,.TAILS, BniLDEP.8' HAHDWABE,



Wooden AVai'o and •Housekeeping OoodN.

PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,and UinuTiaturan* Attlclen Benertllj.

Lime,-Cement, Piaster,

MRS. A. BEEMERIn uoir road; with nil tbe now styles fur

SPRING-of 1877.TasMonable Millinery


F a n c y Gf-oo<ls.THE


DUILDINO, DOVER, K. 7.TbolKrReot and .pent comploto utoc-k of JillII-?ry nnd Fnncy Goods to bo found ill D O T Mnuprising

Bonnets, lints. Flowers, Vent-er*. HibliouH; Jjaces—realniKl imi ta t ion-Neckt ies

f»lid JIMWS, Collars.Luce nna ^Iwpii

eta. Grapes. Aloumiiig JJonuetsaiid llolls. .

'A fine UBorlmont of .

SWITCHES, BRAIDS, 4c.Also, a verj larfto variety o

ZEPHYR GOODS,Am! a floe stock of

Ladies' Furnishing Goods.vorytlilrjg of ti.oboetmatorltl nud tuatio up

ly tbe moot compotcnt i.ssiiUntit.

IEOROB E. ToonnaES.JlorrlHtown, Sppt. 33d. 1





- FILLING-, *?•' ;VTO aiUlitional charge far oitraollnff wlioreN nw l»lh are InierW. Wo ara now inak-IJ- bcaattinl sots uf tooth lur ; . "

FIFTEEN DOLLARS.ALL.WOIlk WAIIHANTEI).lover, Senlomber 25lW 18T5. -


cnlla ntteKtiou to Uib fuel Uitttlio lina tnken the

HOTEL, on BLACKWEIi St,DOVEU, N. .7., lntely icjit liy OUfW. WnUon,mil liiw completely reuoviituil aiitl rofur-ni.lied it,' so u to RIVO good »nd MnpllnoeommoiMoiMtobotlimauoiidbctjIt. l i eBAR will bo amiplied *itli Uio bebi brandfi ofLmoora nnd Bso»«». Board will »e fur.

i.hed by. Uio day or week, on reasonablehed by. UinuB. ily

will bo routijiuea ia eonncetion wUi tbbIIOHM. An Invitation i« oitoadcl to all myjlil fnenOfl and tbo general putlie to gv*luaeal l • t M t

M. & I. SearingCARPENTERS,.


D O V E R , N. J . 'L'fonuanuHiwciucatloiiiirorbulldliisB.Cantractl

taken and matcriiuB furniiiieu.

Jobbing in General.neennH»rWli 1870.

•nips. J. SCEBADEE,

MicCainsville,'itca Uio atteotion of tlio ladlcB la bei


M X I « I i X 3ST J3 JR. "ST.






dinn'bj ' iun' '•.' ' ':. -.•»«'


B'trrwIieTll prQTEil llm

Dicutcmw IHHUTII. They nrojuwt whatI " • •"• i - le-

- j . , Congetttnn, laanmrnsHaoi, . , Sii Wornu, Wcinn Kovcr, Wunn Untc, . . 254. Dlarrham,o/chiidiuorAduiia, .', r,

lei.BlckUtudarhr.Ywtllo,. is.-.--„—Js, IMIiuiit tjuitnich 23

11. KupprcMei l , nr I'Mntnl I-crtufr, . . . US. 1 1 w f i l i M , t o o P r o f o r t p e r i o d * . . . . . faJH Cronp. Cough, DlfllcultBrtiliiltiET, > . W14. Halt bh tum, Jirjdpclm, Eruptions, , is15. UheutnatUin. jthrnniMlc 1'nlna, . . Si

II S S r i i S r SSi*BV' : §10. Cntmrrh, acnla or chronic, Inllin'inii, ', 60W. WliQOpiiiH-fousli, vlolcut couitlii, . 5011. AnthjiM, tlrcaibincr, . . . 60a K«r DUcbarffcn, Impaired Cwutnfr, . en13. Mcnfuln. (nlftr(;edpl«nd«, Swelling, , doIL (ienrrnl Uobtlliy, rbpicn Wcskncw, , soI i Druimy and acuiW Bccrutlonf,. . . . . 60M «(«.*tfbnw»,*Yckne«frgmrldlngf . HIn. Hldrtej'>DI<iCDBi>, Gmvol, Erta Ncnroutt Debility, Vital KenkncM, 1 0013. Wore Houtii, Canker, . , , , , • , ". MII. l*alnrulP(!rlnil!>,orwlihB|)am>B,. .' toSS. DU«aNturHMrf,nDii)ltalJoa*,Dfc. . 1 DOB. KplIeiMey, Bpmmt, SL Vllna' limtco,, i wH. DlpUflwrlBi Ulcerated aoralhtoat, . , »

FAkdtl CANES.CftftP,MorotFn.wlUi abova »S Inrxfi vinli tnii

Hannalotdlrccllona, tIO.00

Thene remcdlen are nr nt b r the cn«e. Jiarle box or r l a l . t n nny p a r l o r thecountry, fire of choree, on receipt ot, ' . KmrVackto by till OriURlstn,

Ofllce»ndD(pot,For Halo by

mil nt J. JI. HIIDWN'B drug - - -Ithubvrutl and Btmnor Hts. ami Vouplit & Kill-fiii'o, IKIW cornnr ilriit' (tloro, Dovor, N. J.


I \VISH NO OTHER.rnoviDEHCE, April 7toi 1870.

Mx. H. R. HTETnJ«-«onr Sirt WhBnrim about 8 yearn of ngo n liumor broke outipnu inn, which my mother tried to euro byiviug mo hfrbteftfl nmi all other micli rcrao-i<?H RH slio Ituew of, but itcontliiufid ta proworse, until flnnlly slio coumiUcd n pliyBlcinn

nod ho said I hnd the salt rheum. And doctared mo for thnt coinplnliit. iroreliavcd

, but naid I coulif not ho jpcrnmncntlrittntl an tlic ttiKCflfifi originated in tha blood.[ remained a grunt mflerer for BOVDral years,until I heard of and eoohiilted R pfaymcian.who wiiil I hnd tho Hcroftilous humor andlfI would allow liim to doctor mo ho. wouldeuro me. I did HO, nnd ho commenced heal-ing np wy Bores -nnd sucoecded In effectingon ciUtrtinl euro, but In a short time tho dls-case appeared ngain in a wome form, thanover, Oil cnnccrouR humor upon my lungs,throat and liead. I Buffered tho most terri-blo piun, nnd there seemed to be no remedy,ind my frieuds thought I 'mast eaon dlo,vheu my attention wnti called, while reading1

i newKpapcT, to n VEQETIHE kMimonliUif MM. Wntojiousc, Ko. 304 Atliens Btreet,

ith' IioBtou, and I, formerly residing in_JUI itoHtou nnd lioingpcrsonnltyncqunint-

td with licr and knowing her former pcebloeoilh. I concluded I would try tho Vege-iio. Aitorl hnd tnkon a few bottles itleined to forco the sores out of my fiyutem.luul running ttores in ray cant which for A

Uino wcro Terr pnlnful, hnt I continued tatake the Vegotino until I lmd taltou nbont 'IT.bottlcR/my health iniproviug all tho. timefrom tho conuncncumont of the first bctflo,'nnd tho parcn la I commenced takingthe Vegotino in 1872, And continued its con.stnivt UHO for BIX niontlm. At Uio presenttima'niy kenlth !B better than fit' «Terhnnlieon BIUCO I won a child. Tha Vegotino i«what helped me, of;d I iboet cordially rccoro-niend it lp all 8» ffururs, ertpocudly my friends.I bud boana sufferer for over 80 yearn, andintil I ttxef tho VcguUno, I found DO remedy;

cow ItuKi ttiuiniy (aitilly medicine, and wUnno other. Mns. B. C. COOFZH,

Ko. 1 Joy St , Providence, It. I.

VEGETINE..Tho rnnge of dlHordcra -which yiold to tlic

Inflnonco of thin uedicjiio, and tho numberof dcfitiGd dlBet,eoB whlcji It no«B fttilfl tocure, ars greater (inn any other single med-icine has hitherto been orcn recommendedfor by tmy other thao the- proprietors ofsome quack nostrum. These discaec^ nreScrofula and. all cmntivo diBensca and Tu-mors, Bhcutnatism. • Gout, Neuralgia, andSpinal Complaints and all Inflammatorysymptoms; Dicers, all Byphilitio di'senacs,Kidney and-bindder dkeascs, DropKy, tlievljola train, of painful dltorden) tthich BOgone rally aAHct American women, and whichcarry annually thousands at. tbem to prema-ture graves; Dyupepiriji. that univeml oonwof American manhood, Heartborn, Piles,Constipation, NetTousncEt, Inability to sleepand impure blood.

Tliiit is a fonnidablo list of human nil-jentfi for ruiy single medicine to successfully

nttaclt, nnd it in not probnblo that any onoarticle before llio public has the power toeuro tlo quarter of them except Yegctine.Jl lays the am at the root of tho tree of dis-ease by Bret eliminating every impuHtyfromthe blood, promoting the secretion*), openingthe pores—tbo great escapo Voiron of. thesystem—invigorating the liver to its full andnatural action, cleansing tho etctiach'andEirengtbeniag digestion.- Tbinmncliaccom-pliBbcd, Uio Bpccdy and tho .pernmncnt cureof not only the diacaneB wa hnyo enumerated,but liltowiea Uio whole train of chronic nndconstitutional disorient, ia certain to fallow.This JB prwlscly whnt Vcgetlno dott, and itilors it uo <iuicUy, And so easily, thnt It is (inaccomplished fact almost before the pjtientIs aware of it blnmclf,

BEST REMEDY7N THE LANDLrrrax FAIWI, H. Y., Sept 2ft!, I67G.

Sin. H. H. 8TETI«B i DearBir—I desire toh-tnt« to yon that I was afflicted with a break-

sut of blotches nnd pimpled on my faceteefc for BOTcml yearn. I hayo tried

many remedies, bnt nonB cured the humron my foes and seek. After lining two <three botUes of your Vegetine tbe humorWAS entirely cured. I do certainly believa itis tbo best medicine for all impurities of theblood that thcro Is in tho land,* and shouldhighly recommend It to the afflicted public

P. Pzauia, Architect.y,r. Perrino Is a well-known architect and

builder at LitUo FalU, N. 7., having livedthere and in the Ticlnity for the lontsa years.

TEOETINE prflpired hj H. B. BTEYENS,roston, Uun. Vsoensi n SOLE BT ALL— J - - ~ — • • • ' 2Ww

THx. WANDEBinGS OF ULYSSES.From the.Gipltol.

Wu're litre, ilciir, Bi,,l wi,n | %-jtl, w l r j . i u r | C 4

And liotiorn, rou'll Hnmv b.v Dial H'KHWhy TU haven**! uiM lira. Unrluria

And I liDUii't wrilU-n a lino:Why, vfhal rilh VttUtiB nlvlii

Anil (toiui; in SUte Id ( ini l j Hull,Yun 'uiut got tlie faintest conet pilous

Uru-hiL van Me doing, nt nil I

I've nnid " nut a t home" to nn Uarl;H fur VisciHiiils ami LiirJx tlio uiuniuil iiTnnnbHiiul. Why, llii-n: i-n'l i i t l r li (hlotia who reuilklii'L IIL- IIBMIIRYour rnoml, JIury Jontn. wlio UJW nii l fs ,

Wliilu buliinj her thm mntncul. iu tvnliin^,iti(]« Ilio gijrfftjiiiltiC'Bt critter tn ligbU.

llc't) tlio valel at Vincount Fita Do item ;•ars uppyluts anil nil t l w t ;

itau an nwfnl ncixt'gay in liix boui.m ;

ilo culler] oor UI.VMSI-B "My ij)nntcr,"Ililnh of It I—but 1 Mapped tlini.

He t r ie) to l>c liulf-na.v fomilinr,Hut I biiHttMl the frown or bis b i t .

Vo'rc to dnto nut nl Wlixlnnr on Fi l .Uy;Wo lnl;u tea with tlm Princess noi' , ivcek j

)f couruo I ill nil tildko mjaoir llily,Aud Hi invauir up, BO t i spenk.

'I I'iCHUniu I'm odilrutiiiiiH the dauglitorOf America's latoI 'rcsiUcal 'r '

Said a Uako to me IKBL ui^li t ; yim ouglilerseen how be ntnimnoml and—went.

The Tact ia Ibo "help" of lUia city

'Atut not uo ulylc, noliorr; why, duar,Though I slioiikln't any It. I pity

~' Ir i i i lu, for tlxtf DO net BO queer.Why a u n t imobed auO drlnlicd wltli a Jlaralu

Llfco n Senator, nod Uixsuo 0 . ,i 'Ltll-lluut-ii Tin ineliucd Io lit; |mrlU1,Bus funned tliroURli a rojal lovco.

\V1iy, only last ulglit at nuppur,He «at thcro no aimptu nml Mill,

.'liftT, lmd I tiio pan ofn— 1'upper,

Ln Earl, bo roai1 up and HUVS, fflnlhis,"You'io rec.illiiiK voiir bittlen, tio doulit?"

iay»tUl)flS(?, " I only wan ililnkinff

Of ill* StiDUIaus ami tbn dun-out,

Lci-1 tho Boniv t i n t I ran at Knlglit'a forrj,And tlie tol'n thai I once uned to take."

[mngluo it, ilcarl Tlit-m'g UMI veryEipreihfoiu t o URCU. "Wliy, I quitio

In 1 think of it—'till a great Due lieu*Holds out her wtiitc Iiand and wya "Siiifce,"

)r irorili oftliftt nuaiiliif; | fur Mpti InThem Eiiflisli to UM» wlioin they take,

rhcro'H dear Mr. Plcrrtpout t vet Iblnb, lore' in spfto of Uli »nnn ami hU c r w l ,

Ind hie Hrerlca—aV ho may prink, lore, *Don't bring him no nearer the I t u t ;

tor ilicj'ro tirpil t>r BbiLniniinij, and t U t tilingTlittT'vc bud Tur Homo tlglil hundred yt»r .

Anil, really, pciliap* i l ' i a blrneuif;TIICBO Grantsa to uuconimonlj qnccr.

As for mo, dcar- t lon ' t lot It go furltmr —Brit—amnhl-tlioio'ii tho BOH of n peer

Who'h waiting for ine nil |IIHI4II1THlioll give him a tliqiuaml a y e a r :

Tbo cftsllo irc:il HTD lu, n i l know,In tho size at the Wliita Homo, my ilcor,

And you'll Jo»t tell Ihcm fulkn ill OhioThat I Ibluk we Ttill tcttlo down hoio.i Bun IUBTE.

ERA-DJATIONS,Tlio spenber wlio "took tho floor," has

been arrpsted.for utenlipg luinbcr,

Tho Inebriate's Home," a room-'ing pnper. Olftd to hear it. Hopo he'llrtay there,

I t is difficult for tho intelligent com-positor to realieu that axiom and oieuare. Dot synoiiymoiiB., Tlio truly good man.will go to slcflp inslinrch rather tbttti lot liia mind wander)Q the price of potatoes.

Jonnli ia one of tlio 'Urat men men-ioncd who v/ero brought to the surfuco»,y intcrnnl disturbnuces,

"Give mo liberty or givo mo breath,"is wlmt a Win(ls°i' girl repinrltoi] to licrlover a fun oveninga BIDCO.

A Mr. Nntlior wne recently innrnetl inWisconsin. Thnt in tlio old, old story.Tha girl married a Nuther. .

Wliem tolled to peal tho vegetables fordinner, tho tongue of the belle in refusingchimed forth in no uncertain sound.

•Why is tho Bank of Pranae.iifcc tbo-lobnmpiiidiiu religion P Ucpnuse it'ssomething to wulab you and I don't owe

As tho great temperance wnvo rollsover tliolaiui.sniDpIcrooms, witli private

itraiicoa lentliDg iuto bnok nllnyp, nroitioipaling bettor bnsincss.

Would a citizen of Stonclinm appro-priately be cnllcd n Stonchnmmner, nndii citizen o( Rnndolpli nUrtndolpliin.ntnla native ol Voayille n ¥ouvUli|in ?

A city sabseribor nsha us n very fnnnyquestion. Ho wishes to know nt whatagti a tfuliwlo turns into a hoop-pole. Viehave toiul-mU tlint wt> don't know.

A newly fledged aditor out West is ottho opinion that "lovo is greater thnnmoney," but ll.cclmncee are ho'llctinngobis mind when bo. tries to get a dozenclams on tlits basis.

A TELBQIUU intin wns Inolinp nt t ieep' yeBtorday, nnd bunting round a

JWD -eeat Nicfiio to And tho nnroo invaitfr Tho first fly hodbeou Uiero before

"m.—y. T. Herald.'

ThoEe big slundinK etiirt coWma arc allripiit now, bnt bow will it be nioog intbo dog dtns? Wlien ono of them bp-gina to melt and stib*iide, tbe owner willhink ho h cmbniced by a weeping clam.

An inKCtitoiiB fprmftr plnntej ft towrows of potatoes <:lRpag, to; bothor t lojugs, Tbose rows- were juat nbotitenougli for tlio crasa-eyed b o ^ . v h opartook wltb feelings of, profound grat-itude.

" I hopo yon won't mention thin nncoming from mo, sir," romnrked n bnr-ber, an ho impnrlcd, a-dulipinim bit ofnonod.(*l '*> a eustonjor ^vliose ciifn bo w&sahaving.' "Neter fepr," wiid tbe cus-tomer; " I ebnll"regard tbia.Eorapc aspcrfeotly hub-rwxor."

It is nil very flno to laogli nt ajwomnn'stanirama xrhea a mouse iDBkcs its nppontttuee in the vicinity of ber flirts 1j a t o littlo menimontBbould bo reserved

tho man wbn plays circus • while 1June hug is walking op tlio itisido of liiitronsera' leg with tho clow and measuredstop of a day laborer.

'When n correspondent goes to n full-dress pnrtv in a &Wt po&t Inticd nt theolbowB, stiinlng pantaloons thnt hag nttho knees, a cheviot atiirfc and no gloves,be nearly always writcp bnck to his ttaperthat tbe drosses were vulgar to n Biiook-jng degreo.—BawJai/e.

''Old Si" TOBOBkcil bis opinion of onre, and said to his cinea-tioner, wbo waa 0 olmrch-Btewanl, "Wellnor, you jes'git cr blilb-riosi Bn-»Borncx'Banciayan'scode'fcoktobblt whenycrgn tcr nlse Qc nolleoksbun—ef dotsucoocB, I'm gwino tor b'lpcvo in do son&pof blue-glnfla, but not belo 1"

Joneihr-"i>renuful thing, wasn't it.?Brown kicking his wifo to cleatb 1"

Oreon—VAwfnl." ,Jones—"Actually went np slain and

put on a brand-new pair of boots to *~

Green—"Ab !-T-UO alwuyabaJ a greatdeal of gentlemanly teellng 1"

"The baby bas got p now toothi butthe bid M y is laid up with a cold in thebead," remarked a gontlonian to a de-feated enndidato. "What do I caro?waa tbo reply. *'Ws!l,!*-iald tbo gen-tleman, Blowly, "beforetbo el-otion yonnsed to take mo oirtdo and oflk ma howmj Jamijy was comicpott, npdrvebconbunting yon all over town to tell yon.'and that's tlm way you talk to m'ti. Bntit (loot maka any difference.. I votedfor tbe"btber.eiindidato, unjbow. : .

Tho rtvemgo maiden's lifo niiiy be saidto embrace three momentous, iiurioils,ilarjfided, in general, an follows: An-iciDtitiou, ciilniiuiitioii, rcflocticn. Alllieso iioriuiTa arc interesting, imrtictilarlybe flrnt nml last. The firat ia niipurenlly

ibe uinat uiomoiitoas to the young girl,nit ftB Hbe lipptiB jcto Itunriniiy muidt'ii-iood, ami from that Binge gruOualtycigcaiuto uomnuhood, slio thin 1>«, and

sruiIena.H sue rltiuka of tbo tiuyx WIIEUIlier chief auibition wits to ormy hortiulfhi lung drcHRes anil mi;ko litir cutr.v into

it.v. Three niixiotit's jieivndo theItrensl nl the socioty girl, firttt, to obtainin nppi-oprinU entmueo to that soaiaty,ipcnuil, tomninlain her jiosition therevliflu npco in,'ami Lliird, to gut out of it

graeetnli.v when elie feels tlmt it-bunilouo ull Fur bcr t lmt it can do, andHint it is timo. •

No eery young: missis exempt tram,tlio period of anticipation, no matterwhat her ctrou in stand's nr unnilitintiof life or person ; no mutter wlicthcr ulioios.1038 the faultless form aud ilispoBilion

«f uny one, or whether alia bo afUhtcil.witU bomclincsB—this period slio mustpnss tliroudb, and hor wlmlo future lifedcpnnuB upou bow she gets through theirdonl. If she ia, EUcccsaful, ber after

years will bo marked with nigim];triumph ; if xh« fails Mm will BUQW 11disappointment which will nccumpanyan nchitig henrt to its gmve—not unfre-

iMy no enrly ono. This is tliGnliorl-mt of the tbree periods, fortuualoi.y, but'it marks 1111 event in borlifo wiiich do-tcrmincB her splipre and cxistcuoo for allirae to curae. From the time tbut the

tlie longing comraoncra to find ita placein lior benrt, and tliis desire, onco takenroot, Tvill grow and thrive until it in partand pared of licr csiBteoeo, About the

' uymptom of tbe prosenco of tinsaso in her mind Ja on npponl by tlm

littlo ono to her inothor to fix upon theprL-eiso dnto in whiobshoniaybouilowcdto lengthon her skirts nnd become a

young.lady." This point oncoiho.loolis forward to tbe lime in fondanticipation, and builils entitles, nnd Inysplans by tbe bundreda, ecarcoly any ofivbich nre over roalizeu or matured, I3utthis (Urea not trouble licr. Her wbofesoul and being is filled with U)is 0110idita, mul, witli avion- ofaonuiiiainatlon,icr little lifo is remodeled, iii prepara-

tions for tbo graud event. Tho time

ijjuu her pus! ; of llm tunny gulden 0>nrtiiiiitieH which KIJO lias hn-\ to aliinrtb lilto a dazzling comot in thu sock'

wurld for nil tituu to como, iind isli't Itembiticed c^rtniu offcrs, In lior pnicroiis days S(IG BUW aian? nln/in sheroiild bt; glad to SPG now in tlic olJ wnv.

AnfiliD lliiiiks she wcepn, and rep

little is commences to attond school,

.rrlvcs at lnit, She ia ntttrcil tUcoovctoJ robefl, and shu is launcliod foithupon her new period, transformed as ifby mngic.. from the, happy, hoydouiebmiss to tlio '.:'

»mnniB yoyiip LA^T-She tben qousCB t» romp. - Bbe excbowH

ooinpany of pluytuatoa sligbflj youogor,and strives to worm herself into theBoclcty of girls older than herself. Bythese, however, she is never recognizeduntil sbe receives tbo utlentioa of thoyoung men wiili whom they aro wont 10

, \ t ^ ^ y look npouthenow audition to their alarm and jealousy.She straightway puts on. diguity, nndbecamcB a sweet blossom, too tender yotto meet tbo rude touch of man, still toowomanly to acenpt tbo attention of boysot Jiefltly her awu jtga. She ia uove s'x-Icon, charming, sweet, impatient, anx-iously longing for an opportunity to testher wings and lior power. She chafesunder the roatrclut of her parents, anddreams of love. Nor is tliis all; slie liasmet young men on (lie street, \n \\\o

, PY«IJ ut ehucuh, and thoseyoung man bave gazed in admirationupon kerbuddiQgJovelincss. Sue cannotresiat tbo teranUition of covprtly re-

i b l d b iturning tboso

f h tj and ere »bo is

f what is doing she lias falleniuto the baneful habit of aiding andcoquetting with those of tbeoppositosex. Sha practices ravishing glancesfrom eyes that sbe has been told nrosponilid jifllio shows by ft score of littleways that stio appreolaUs and returnstbo iuiercst nmnifesttd, Sbo may oyoumake elondostlnn Bcquaintances, andmeat them in direra "accidental "plnoeaunbeknown to her guardians. She isnow in great peril, and if slio' is nottatigbt (o wnlk in tha nnrroK-pntl. ofpurity by lo\ing count el fittd gnidapco athotnoj she may ncvar know Tfbat it is to

• an honored member of sooioty.The noxt poriod 1B that of culmina-

tion, Now this tender blossom Losd a iiow flolil; iuo hits again be-

come tronefignml, an it. were, aud wliatwas now and Btrango a year or two r>goline become old and commonplace to hor,Tho long robes of a ivnmftn ore no lougpra noTclty tfl^or] al o lias no further ten-dunoits toward Blreet ilirLations, aasitni'ing thnt she'bub passed safely over tboiheah apd rocks of tbo first neriod.Wciglitlor matl.oni occupy lier tuind ;deeper flirtnlions or morn enduring vic-tories, Qb,P \n .b,ent on oon(]ueat now

bi i i b l]

and Ecavooly fmylbing sccma impossibleioher, SJ10 bus Lad her tRftay soUool-girl lovea and has outgrown tbctn ! atloaat they no lotgcr troablo her. nltlioughshe nmy liavo a, Iaud,fingering retnem-

of DOOO of thorn. Tboy arc nobut pnge3 of. childliopd's fiction, readnnd enjoyed, in tbo long ago. I t nccmByears aiuoo sbo first tuado lier.. entrnnuoiuto oooloty, QUohaa tried her wings,aoU has-dippeij tlibjr tips in cljsiSha in npproncblng womanhood oow andcommences to think and feel as a woman.Still she may lovo and regret it. BL'O iinot yet entirely out of d.mgor. She hnibeen a groat deal ia society, bas metmany ncqnsintanctis, and bas been ad-mired by a .throng, Sho bas beardborself called a belle, and, h.aa received

io . • ' -


She has not bad time to become in-terested lu'ituogeiilleniuu buforu ubu'lm.bean presented to anotlior; ber Lead iitnrned. -It is for her to command, andfor her slaves to obey, They do it faitli-fully/and still she is not satisfied; tberois no conquest in thin, no cbtinco for acontest. '• Hor powor is admitted beforesbo bas bad un opportunity to test, it,Sbo hates her subjeots, and longn tmeet Borne norsou of royolty, who willengage lier upon her own grounds, onoto whom she can look up and respectwho in stronger in will nnd power thanherself. This is the kind of spirit ttialwill win her,'and when tua siege is fairlyopened. BIIO will surrender and yieldunconditionally. Sbo will tjrannizoovcrevery other person, tut sbo will bo moeVand lamblo in, hot ^quiaet toffarfii

not oiinsiJer Hint nbo in worthy of biiutfioy niiiy never ba iMiited, but tlie fall's

ly decree Unit tluiir JMUIH itiust lie iidiffoiont directioiif. Iu this «:usc. nilpbangou more into tlie whirlpool of ex-cilemout, nml diviiH dei'p ia RcnrulimituHUid sweets. Sboiloon cut fiuj tbumImwerer, and BIIO once ui:»re comen tntlie Biirfiiee, «lic yiows tirttl uf the oxerlinn, anil allows bcnsolf to flout int» in on[ilnuiil wators, where ruught but genlliripplcu C' IDO to uiitr tlio coujiflcto i or€nty of her lift'.

Now RIIO him arrival ut tlic tliiid singe,BIIC tu tLink nnd brood

uts tolicrnulf Buftly tbo liuen—)f..ll SR<J vurdR, b.v dingnu 3r jxin.

As HIIO movw luuguidty about tbumuse in tha perform mice of hci-duilyIntiL's oho siglis, niul niiipHHaf|-t pluintivi1

ira, cir luuis tbo tuna of sumo bright,wiiotBtiDg which SIJO nscij fu ehtg 'm liw

period of nntiuiimtioii. NQW HUG luuks

10k to ihoBoduys witliFEHLINO3 OF I'AINPtJIi PLEASURE,

if tbo teim may be nsi>d ; fur in bur lone-iuesi ami cstivugetneut Irani mcicty i-Jii!

rcvcrU to the Imppy dayn of i<xix>utnutcbtlclbooil with nymjmtby, yet not wilb-

ut a Buuliineiit "tbut the pumtit of|)lenauro in this world IH n liollowmock-JI;T. After nil, fa (liere not mom rail)loasuro hi nnlicipntion 111 au in realizn-Lion ? And ngnin, wlmt aim ndil inotd totlie clip of olio's mduncholy llinu tlio

o[linj)Miorliint8S 8bebi.itfew friends, now, but tbey are tried, IruorienilR. io whom sbo may sufcly coufiJuliu soQi'tit pt IIQI'ngo uuil other import-lUt mutterH. Slio is now unming tlirougb

a period wbiob will befit ber for uflcrlife, nnd mitUo bar a goud wifo nndmother.. Bbo by degrees lins lujHiitnocltbo roa[iouBibility of her ngotl mother'siDUBolinld, nnd nlio in acquiring prinni-iles of cconnmy nnd JLi'Jgmeot. Blio initlll bcuutiful, but BIJC atlrneffla OilTerL'iitxplieie. TlioyonnsntiJ giddy look iincmIHH* witli diuttiut ndmirution, aa tlioynight IPOIS upon a gifted nnd bumitifulHint, siill there ci'o !IOJ«?S 0/ ber hnppi*it'sa yot, Hlic niny bavo been disup-lointcd iu wiunint; tho rcgurd of tboparticultir one slie wished for, but othersfill comn—older, i t is trim, but morewictictit; Imi vtbaa she Imu once tn ado

up her ininO to nccopt the situation, nsD surely vil], she will bo resignud nnd

quiutly happy nt firat, ami will, ns tlionnd fbo b'coomesolder,

when tbo silver threads nru interwovenItb tbognlil, heonino vmro/nnd more

cnnviaeeil tbat fate was kind to ber afterall, and decreed tbut for her which wouldyisld tlic most enduring pleasure. Timssbo baa jiasBcd through al| the di&VrontperiodH, of Qjidily outtoJpatlun, diaaatiB*(ted culmination, reflection, regret,resignation, anil eventually solid comfort»ud supreme joy, no tbnt when BIIC sits' 1 ber easy clinir by tbe ojion windows,with tho soft nnUipm breezes playingwitlt lier silvery loclis, nnd walciics tbogambols of her handsome grandchildrenit tton the lavro, Bite will reflect upon Diepast, but Ibo angular points of nbveraitymil disappointment will bo toucd down,bo bright spots only will be remembered

nnd ebo will view tho va&t, even plainat reached out bcbi'nrf licr; nnd think tlmt

a lifo wliereiu tbcro hasboon mucb to bo thntikful for.

.bo tUiuiBor, " but I reckon it's n feet to—tist a leellc—too ncrsuiiftl, Jest yuti•y ngnin. I don't wind pultiu' up

huuRiim for Rumlbin' tbitt'll rahe fulka'heart striugH,"

Tho ulerk RUKCII nt Ibo ceiling for ninom&ut, nml tben unggcuted :

Tlio huEbaniVi lout a n-Jfc,Tliucliili lnu tnu.Died on Irnl .v n id i tl-'rom tbe loctlnwl

11 YOB," bnilio outtbe mourner, wipingIiis nose on ti blucli-bordorcd biindker-chinf, "bu l l don't own nny young 'urs 1"

"What tlo you think of thiH, iheu ?"

QHjDAmi jilay on a [tollcn liarp

" Don't welicvo that'll suit. You see,tfarier cuuldu't even jilny on a pinnner,m1 I know a linrp would Bluinp lior,lire. Poor woman 1 slio hnd a tender•oiirt, tliougli, and made tbe most elo.

gantbiacuit you ever Baw.""Hanged if I won't have to ebargo

l b l o r k . " I uiu't

Laved to (he Us(,

4n (iffeotinE deBlIi-bcif scene recentlyooonrreu in Oakland, Cal., in tbeSu:my*side House. A youug uian named Qeo.Edward Hurry, who died there from theeffects of an acoidout, bed been engagedto marry an interesting young lady attbo snine tiotclj but Just t",o weeksbefore tlio latnl accident tbo lovers bada disagreement about a trifling matternnd Mr. Murry releosed ber from her

ngagement. Although ezcccdinglvnet tied, her lovo for him bail not dimitcislicd, yet alia onpouraged tlio attentionsof a rival suitor, a wortliy young man of

fiJoy, wb«J pnshcil liis • unit nndengngotl Ibo young lady to marry bim,tbo wcdiVnp; being arranged to takepiuce. Themorningof tbo wedding justns tho bride began to robe boreelf tot-t [10 altar, her former inleuAed husbmit)WUH brought into tbc houso in a dycondition. Tlie moment- slio l;carti of it

lie ruslind to the Iwvlslile of tho dyingman. on^ vith eyes streaming wilh tenraand vofoa tretnutouB ivitb emotion, slie

ru&bcd asido pbyaicinui and nttendttntn.nnd clasping her arms nvoiikd Ibo neckof tbe former sweetheart, pressed bispale lips to tinr own anil kisacd'h

[ntodly, all tbo wbilo eolling him byhis first name in tones Ibo inoBt tenderiud pnthetic. A faint emilc ut recogui.ion beamed over tbo nalo fnco of tho

wnirodcO man, ani] tbo lovers partedforever, sbo to finish licr dressing fortbe altnr anil IIQ to pass over the river ofdentil.—Sim JVCIMCISCO Chronicle.

If 1 Could Only Hw Mj Mot hor..

" If I could, only aeo my mother 1'Again an.lapnin was that yearning cryrepeated—"If I could ouly see mjmother I*'

Tho VCSEQJ rocked naU tlie irjiters,cliascd by a frosb wind, plnjoit musicallyagainst tbosido of tbnship. Tho sailor,a Bccond mate, quite youthful, lay in lmnnn-off bed, bia oycu glazing, bis limbiitifleniug, lJIt) Iirccih failing. It vras notpleasant to die thus in this shaking,plunging ship; but ho scorned not tomini! bis bodily comfort; his oyos lookedfar away, anil over and anon broke forththat grievous cry—" If I could only BOOmy tnnthnr I"

An old sailor snt by, tbo Bible in biahnnd, from wbicb ha had been reading,He bont abovetboyoung man, aud askedbim tt'by bo was BO anxious to sen tbomother tio had wilfully loft.

" 0 1 that's tbc reason," lie cried, inanguish J "I've- nearly broken liorbenrt, nod I can't die in pence. Shewas 11 good tnooUior to me—0 I so gooda mother ; she bora everything from lierwild boy, and once sho snul, ' My eon,when you como to dio you will remembertliis.1 O 1 if I could aee mr mother I"

Ho never saw his mother. He diedwiib tbeycarningnpnit bis l i p , us manya one has died who slighted tbe motherwho loved bim.

Boys, be good to your jnotben.

He wan ft couiiLry-looliiiig clinp, withnn mid misluro of nml ition en bis Icmi countunIIIIL-P, anil bIroiijifd upon tho atiiilled adTcrtiftiu,ilork of tlie—well, to wive trouble wevou't locate tbe paper, but cull it tic

Sunday Union— ivitb tho uiysteriou

" Sbe's gouel""WIIW'M Bniioi" asked Uio clerk."Sfurier."" Wlio iu tlmoucr'H Miiricr ?""'My wife; she's (rune!""Gone whorol"" U p fibovc—diod luat night; ivani

you to put it in your next IDBUO."

'•Wlmt ailed Iwr J" . '"Loctijiiw, Hlir* lny for thrco weeltnleouUlu4t«[ieiik. Never lmd wicb n

quiet time iu tlio hoiiao buforn. Juat dotlie notice up fine, will you, nu' I'll nee:lm( avin-ythUtg h Ui^J up nil right."

Accor'iliugly the derlt Bcriblilcil tiwny!tir a moment, lmtidcd out wlmt ho hadivrittpn for iniiiicctiDii, uud curlly re-

"pollurtliirtvflvf.""Tliiit'B ell liRlit," siiid bo, handing

jvcii'tlu'i'OfjHiroil specie, " b u t I K'\HWrdutuulJ put a VL'rstiou IIIOOIKI, euuliln'lr'OU V

"Well, yes," iiiuiiiinlcd the c.orli, "I

{iio.«* sa Wliiit Uiuil <-f a verso do you

runt?""Siim'biii1 iunilcr-liko nu'worrowfiil."»U«w would tlm do?" BKUCCI Ibo

clL'i'l;, scratching his hi'Liit with llio em]il bis

i ivr tc l fi'tnolK, riilis dW enliu'n gnne nud toft n wci-pin'

l b i l

tl.lcrhi.rl l 1

a LongfoUow or T y" I know," meekly replied tbo weenin'

•idower. "Jest try ouce moro won'tyou 1"

Bo tlie clerk did Irj, and at last genaudluttbo following:

On oartb cotild not nloy Marbr,Ho Blift Citii mici vetit u p lilflici'.

"l^orlbr irreverent, nin't i t?" niix-oiiBly naked Mnrier'a relict. " I reckonwouldn't grudgo a couple of dollars for

a bang-up verso."Thus BtiraulnteJ, tbe macbins noct

ecame av^denly itmplreu, and cxiilt-gly produced^1

Cry Inr Marior,AlaBUl iDlHuumnre -Jnini'it thu HiiKi"e sempliBVpou itie Qttitr Hhoro.

Tlio afflicted ODO unensily took a chew0/ tobacco, anil wbisperod :

But tboro'a thingtbnt spiles it. Morlcr liado'tnny more'melody in licr thnn an old plougb, an'H'B deliberit lyin* to spent of hor tie avocalist tfone of tliuni otbor syraps(seraphs) you nlhided to could keep time

vitb liot,""Woll," thoughtfully remarked tlie

liBCom&ttcii Wood, "if this ain't allO. K. you'll bavo to hire a special poet.I'm ployed out :

AfHittioD ioro

P c u l l i f t r r .Ooiiu—to rlBCngiln.

"Tell you what," enlbuBioflticftlly ex-oluitnedtlio wldowor, "tlint'a tip topiHero's yonr two dollnra ; you've nirnttlioui. A young man tliat can tnuko upsicli affectia1 linos us tbem bas a gloriousIitturbcforQliiml"

And Hqufiezing tbo eilmiiRtet] poet'sbaud, tbe elated, npcaker left ia search

a pair of black k\& gJorca.

Street Cur Sketche*.

ixth Avonvia enr, N. T., 1o'ulook p. H. Enter buretoot and cont-Icsanowshoy, shouting, "Eailt/JfeiB-c-c-tonly ono ivmt. Ttill particulars ot tbogreat calamity in Twenty-third rfmotV1

11 Here sonny, givo mo one," said nportly and benevolent looking old goutin ono corner of the car.

Tlio boy delivers tlio pnper, pocketsIbe cent, nntl ruslios nnt of tbo car, stillcrying " Full particulars of tbo greatoitiamity in twenty -third street I" Oldgentleman adjtWa bin spectacles nndbegins to look for tho great calnmity,carefully going over cocb pngo from tbefirst to tbu last. Ha does not BOO it, batafter two or three searches begins to seetbnt he bns beeti sold. So da tlio otherpassengers, ami tbey smile. The oldggntleinnn doesn't sec any tiling to laughabout—in tact, bo plainly feels hurt, andgrows mad. # '

Drat that boy," bo snya, "ho lied toTOO I Comluotar, you ought to kstfp thoseboys off tha cars."

Condnotor--Cuirtbouono,nir. Tbcy'doi\ma in through tfte trmdoirsif wo triedil, und tho conductor what tboy geUtdown 011 bml belter quit tbo roud.They'd mnko it very warm for him, I tel

you."Old Gentleman (taking off his specta*

clc&, rolling tlio pnper np in a wad acpitcliiog it through nn open window) —Well, they wouldn't be allowed on theBoston cars, I can toll yon, not if wo budto bnve a now conductor every trip. BiTtnstnn boya nro cot 06 wicked—tbeyilon't lie or steal."

" Bail}/ D e-e-s t" slionla another}/

irenin, AS bo sticks hin bead in at th)peti door. "Full particulars of tbiLorrible mnrJer in tlio Fourth Ward 1'All tbo passengers but tbo old malaugh. Ho looks out of tbc window ang

is—/or Baatva.

I t wns a very extrnordinnry aiglit t<witn s tbo largest o[_ largest [ bocleibantifully drying himself with a crash towiand cnnibing his bair neatly, after libath this tn timing. But still moro BOIprising wns it to sec a little one talio o:a. tootu brnali nnd irboi of uoulifricfrom bU trunk and begin cleansing bitmU. Vfe cordially thank Ibe Londo3bow people toe this example of oleanlioess they Lavo fonjished our citizens,

Hie UUlniiie HoiA "scicuiific" journal rut&cslliooljjcc-

.inEj nmt fb^ fjTi xlioti nf tliorJ l.tlongA to Hit: fiintm oi"nijjcr»titioci,

IVitbcjtit going at kiijjlli over the grounciif m$ cxiwriciiRO in tlio matter, I wint

to draw nttetition to flio UKcfu] purjiowtbo rod fin 11 serve, nnd particularly to tbx»iii.n which science nii^ht take hold pi.0 solves other ijuostioua iu tlic myateri-niu field of electricity, to wbicb Iiscribc> tbc cud's action.

Any (iiibsfiwicc wbicbis a good 001liiclDrufuluctricUf, vhijtber ehnped as,.fork or simply NS 11 single rod, vcrvo as n diviniug md. Witb n Rtiflrou i-oj tbc- jxiWtiooH nre felt, ImtH-L'ii. A foj-];cd cDpfK'r wire is perhapsho must Hisnsitivu aud tbo best forical UFO. Thu rcuBon fur tlio notiun

to be tbis: There era veins in tlieearth, of wuler and other•liieji me ftiiper'tor conductors, and pr\ti~ipully convey nnd distribute electricitybiougli the omtb. Tlie operator and

being diffnjcull.y charged,dicn ttio outer cud of tbe rod and oucbvein in the ground occupy in relation1 cneli other cortain positions, an inter-Kingo or cquuliziLliuu of eli-utncityi!i(js jilitee. These rulutivo ponitioiisicni to be in certain radiiil lines (prob-,ily imlini to tbe centre of tlio curtb),nl uu inturcliariEe will tuke place out-ide of tlicse Hues, even at BO small a[stance un half an incli.Wherever an interchange does tnkenee it doc*) so at three points iibouttic inubea npnit, but not at any place

ictwccii or out side ot tbeso points urniinl lines, Tlio outer cud of tbo«odnt ing the ititeiohango makea a certainumber of yibmtions, vbicb indicate10 distance to tbo vein us well ns tliciUVrent condition of the intervcDiugtiitcriul. In coimuon tnoist earth everyatdeiiolGsadoptiinfabmttlOj incfiea,

0 boats indicating a depth of 85 feet toIn ocrluin kinds of rock rack

icnt denotes as much as 2j Toot of depth.Lfler tbe end of tho roil bns made a part

(lie number of ljontfl, and is moved toIO B'IIIO a quarler of an iuch or more,10 interchange is not ouly stopped, butlir>n n^niti placed in one of the llrrcertial lines tbo rod recommoiiceaDEKovoid peiTorma tbn wbolo number ofibrntions duo to tlio locality. Spread'ig out ft'eilk handkerchiot or placitignino of gfnas under tho end of tbo rodevonis its nctioii. Tho action in allnr and. in tlic upper part of n Louseippai-s to bo nenily tlio some, tbo smalliffiiteiioe, if any, bciug dno to tlioidditional interreuing material and tos degree of fonductipity.\Ybile, en tbe one hnnd, I bevro tracedvein of voter within tbreo foot of nn.tempted well ninety feet deep ou aill, ami located a Buitalilo spot for a

:oll, ample wnlcr was fouiid witiitn hntf. foot of tlio indicated depth of sixteencct, and bavo also pointed out, ID nun successful woll n spot on its side where.rock WHS tupped and tbo water reached,in the oilier band, Ifailedtwico to reach

itor, finding, iostond, nbitisb veins ofmineral nature, which also form con-ic tore of electricity.'"Where precious metals lie in can tin-

OUB vcina, their course night bo traced>ut in this manner., Leakages in watercrvico pipes of oities ma; thus bo reaJ-iy discovored. Hucli voins can bo foi-

rcd at a good pact?, A simple electiloippamtiia might bo conatrnotcd by whichtin action -would bo more accuiately

indicated, which would Bcne larionspurposes.

Th« ban of superstition being onceamoved from this subject, wlion loadinglinds in tbeeciouceof electricity slmllave recognized it as worthy their attrrj.ton, an important a'lv&nca in the knowl-dge of tliat invisible nml =11 f l

itor of crcntion is Hot unlikely to beived at.

Philip Atttley nnd tlio HuBlclnns,Old ABtlcy bad nn unfortunate habit

1 quarrelling with tbo members of bisand. On (lie night of the first ropro-

eenUnion of a farce called ''The Lap'nders," at his. establislment tho or-

cliestrn, as HBU&1, WQB directed by Mr.llin dinarBI), a man celebrated in hi;rofession. The master carpenter hadirgotton to rcmovt! one of tlitfnnpaintod\ixea of profile 00 one 0/tbo wings, and

ibstirving it, was in tbo act oE sawing offvbile tbo curtain was rising to soft

As) ley, hearing tbis, went toMr. Smith, his then rough rider, nndrequested him to "tell them not tdea

loud." Smith often beard him difl-thgwith tho band nbont their piny-

ing, wont instantly across tbo ring,

pped Mr. Hind marsh on tie fibonldoiind said, "Mr. Astley Legs yon wilt noi

w so loud," upon which the onrogeiiddlor returned for answer, "TutlMr,

itloy it shall bo tbe ]ast piece I'll sawin this theatre." Ui>on thu curtain drop-pins Hiadmarsh left tbe orcbf Btrn in Binr;1, went to Astley, Baying ho was notsed to aueh trcnlment. "What do you

mean ?" eaid Aatley. "Why," repliedHindmareh, " you sent me wonl by Mr,Smith not to saw BO loud." "Me 1" observe-! Astlcv, with great astonishment'Hiiidmarsh I I never took you for a

oarjienter before" Upon thobeing rectified they uhook bauds nndweio friends aguiii. Oq aoother ocenston.stloy was nV>oiit to produce a littlo

ipcctaclc, called "Sailor and Savages,"lliE composer at that time wn& namedDr! Horon—cillcd Herring by Astley,who could Ecldoui givo men cr thingBtheir right titles. "Doctor" Haiti Astley,'I want you to compose mo a tnne f<

a combat with broadswords between thepriucipla savage and tlia principle sail-

*." On llio night of tbe first rehearsal,ABllcy wns Boated in front na QBnal, Tbo

ivngo wn3 rcpreaoatcd by Mr. John,Taylor Astley, LIB nephew, and tho sailoby John Astley, his son. After the aot-fotvitb tlm awordB, tbo old gontloman wassomewhat displeased, aa 10 was not striking caough. IIo gut up, and bawledvociferously to liUson, "Johnny, Johnny,this won't ilo; wa mnnt have shields'Heron, on hearing tho word " shields,'tbonght bo wanted the composer of tinname, • Jumped np from bis Bent and gotting his baud parts together, rushed otbo fitngc, and, tearing thorn to pieces,

id, in a high tons ot voice, "Now setfor Shields 1" - Astley wns not a littlisurprised, and eiciaimod : "What tyou mean, Dr. Herring ?" ""Why," saiHcrou, " if Mr. Shields can eompot'better than me, send for liim at once.'"Ob I meant a pair of skidds, sir, foitho fight 1" A rcoonciliution followed,and SetoateaompoBod tho mtw

Amorlcnn IJojfi.

Do American boys learn trailer) anymore ? One would suppose not, if thatnuUitwte of purpoHdeHfl, aimless youngiieu out of employment IB nuy indication.

There trns 11 time when Uio master me-cbanic liud bis houue filled with heartyyoung; epprfintices, nnd when his Jour-oyiiiL-n went from under his roof to satip iu life for themselves. To men iu

middle lifo tbo recollection a of those foroff times when the master, his men andioys, formed a strong productive in'tluo*riul gtonj>, Bceuj liko tbe memory of a

piimitira age. Son a of rich and edu-cated men did cot think it beneath tbem

0 swing tho broad-a to in tbe ship yard,ir tlio slodgo liammor at the anvil. Orbey went to seit baforo the mast, and

climbed to the quarter deck from theirccastlu,In a large family of boys one would bs

sect to college. Quo niigbt possibly ROiuto mercantile pursuits, nod the otlicrs'ould choose tbeir trades after manymxious but cheery family conncils.fow-a-days tbe young lads shriek fromdo irksome confinement of tlia mec&aa-O'H shop, Tf they csnnut go to eollegs•id m while awey their youth, theym&t "go into a store"—anything batlork. We do not belittle'the vocationif a clerk or salesmen when wo say that

1 bo in cither ono or tho other of thesetilings eppeara to most young men theofit comfortnblo thiug. Of all tlio pur-

mits which men follow, this seems tocqnire tho least preparation. At anyitc the men who are willing to makeleniBelves generally useful more natu-illy torn to tha sliopof tbe retail dealerbontonny other Borneo of employment,'hey have never learned a trade, Tbeyikt to wear good clothes and keep,theirlands soft'aud white. If they cannotand behind the counter or desk, orcure political inftuouoo aulBchnt to

usb them into an oDlce of some sort,ey drift niralessly about, looking for

jmploymcnt which never cotnes.False ideas of living and cztraragint>tions are rcRponaible farn great deal 'this hopeless misery, Yonng lads are

'ought up to consider manual labor[•grading, and fond, foolish parentaimetimos seem to prefer that theirnildrcn should go out into tho worldiiplcss rather thaa tbey Bhould loam A

trade. Hut tbe Bclfisliness of mcobanicsid tbn uutragcous tyranny* of their

inions, bavo hud a hand in bringing toions tbo present state of things. About

Bctyfive years ago there began aaeriemeiperimeats in-trades-uaioDB which

iaa resulted disastrously. The timesrcre good, work plenty and wages fair.

maintain a monopoly of those, juso-iiations of mechanics began to limit the

iber of apprentices which might baimployed in each shop, factory, or com-lany of trortmeD.

Men who hail aona to eqnip for lifeictually voted to Bhut tha trade againstheir owu offspring. Tlie conEeqaenc©

tbat, the supply of skilled workmenid not keep up with the expansion ofe country, and with tbo legitimate

iomand. Employers wore obliged tond abroad for workmen, and It camepass that'grown men from foreign

mrts took tlio places in American work- •ihons for wbieh American boys aboaldlavo bcon educated. Whore now are.osencgloctedf-ohcatedboyBf Borne ot<em are in jails and alms houses. Seme -ill bo found lounging on tha benches

tho public parks, vainly waiting (oriotnething to turn up. Others,' willingmoiigh, aro advertising for situationsbore thoy can make themselves gen-ally UBofuL «

A Novel liootjack.

A letter in tbe London lima from aritish ofllcer in India, KiTea 0 startling

iccouut of tlio perib of olopnant hunting,?hieb occurs the following desarip*

ion of how a. probosciB was nflod us *-oDtjnek: * •

Major Bogers had just hod capitalsport with a herd of elephants j^his fourguns had nil been discharged, when an .

ephant mado a charge at him from theikirts of the jnnglo. There n u no help .'tor it eicept to rno; and for 400 yardo •Lho major kept juut atead, feeling atsvory etop the animal's trunk trying to

linuato itnolf round bia loins.• Atom-onnd a tree gave him a momentary ad*rantoge, which he Made,the most .of byipringing np into the brauohes (he wotis nimble as a cat and as strong aa *iou); ono foot higher and he wonld havo

out of tno elephant's xeaob.; butictoro ho had time to draw op his legsho elephant hadgothimflrmlyolonobod *

in tho toilH of his iirubuaoia. Still,Rogora pulled against Mm, thinking it .

itter to have his leg wrenched from th»socket tbnn to fallback bodily into thanimal's power. Ibe struggle, however,

did uot last long; for, -w the delight oftun pursued and. tbe chagrin ot tha

ursuer, the 'Wellington boot which tboier wore slipped off, extricated thft

leg, und saved the life of poor Rogers.The dilemma, howeverdidaotendhere;or the elephant, findinghitnself baulked '

ot bis prey, after destroying the boot,took up his quarters beneath tlmbranches, and kept his anticipated victimin tha tree for twenty-four hoars; whoatho tapal, or country, postman, happen,ing to pass by, Bagcrs gave him ootica

ifbispositiou; and on this being intl-nmtet] to tbo nearest village; the ele-ipbant was frightened away by tomtonBand yelling. Bad this occurred in •>deserted part of tho jungle, poor BogemwouU undoubtedly have been starred todeath in tho tree. \ .

A Hcxicau AthleteTroth, under certain cii'camstatjccs,

may risa again, bnt tbo Now OrleansDemocrat evidently supposes ahe is downfor good. Tbtt journal says : "A youngMexican picked up eighteen eggs byholding them like nn eyeglass betweenhis cheeks and his none, and depositedthem in his ear without using his handi;then broke the eggs between his knees

id beat them iota a foam with' a forkheld between his toeB; then peeled tenlemons with his teoth while standing onhis hend, nnd ran a quarter of s mile anMs liead, while Uo mixed the eggs andlemons in & largo punch-bowl. then,without taking off bin cant, hncanght npwith the Southern-bound fast train, ranwith it two miles, during which he tra-corlicd a bottle of whiskey, mixed it in

tho otber iogrnliDDtfl, nnd gaveflovrfll of thopiUBongersadriokthroughtbe windows, and tben hopp&d back totho starting point, holding tha emptypunch-bowl extended on the other leg,accomplishing the entire scriea of feaUia t«n minutes « d » half,"


ilENJ II. TOUT, Eililar and Proy'r I

Saturday, June 30, JS77,

Tlie itiih^-TiirM*!! War.

Tlif first butilc oftbeltuMo-i-li war Imrt iwciirreil in Annfiiia, AsiaMinor, mid resiiltfil iu.'iR'is.'-ijiH victory.(July iiboiit2fJ.O(iO men nt-n- cm/apci. mi

fiL'l't. tlmiifli t i e Turks wi-rt; in inferiorf-in-. The time was lust Sjjtim'nv utnl(;,. si^tn>RtZei(Hbiui,uboiitl2iin!fsfi-oiii'i''>i>n^-Ku'pti, n little town nn tlie n w lfniiu Ji.tyazid to Erat-roun, from w'jichU U T place it is 73 IDIIUS ili,l.T.iit. Tiiu

ljifillr"ut Vtliu VitrK", *lw wrc ..riven.f mm Die battle Ht»M nnJ by •MT-U ]JV. Tbifi victory cuilfinjjers MuMiturI ' join's com tnuuicatioiu wiiii Ez.-ronn,ami unable tbe 11-i^iniis to iiilvauee cou-D.iciitlv npiinst Tfiprak-Kulrti. wbicbiritl prnliiiljly fall into tln>ir bunds witb-»mt f(irt!»!»iicc. Tho Turks fcSitimtn I m * rrooi>turinl JJoyar.iiL

Tiirk'i wlinunderc>inmi*nil uf Oiiiinan-II.'T M(-linm-t ndvitiieoiUlihiitf.'liHif'Ai-ii'.\ i l!(-v and PIWII 1'lniti I'iSii-iillkan. I V' fuiw is eaiil ti> have Wi'ii HIK.I.1

Tli'Jl\ni=siut^oattl(i"i)Oniiifiii]|r>-.i>li*uty01 uiinnon and effuctive cavalry f»rcp.

Tlit* Turks brought on tlie fiplit by nd-

The- Adalbert3280 ft t t deep.

Grout Britain )moi-lb 5750,000.


iivor wine

.VjmiV.uid S - c b u l ^ Aimuul M

did not tliinl: of writing y1

' ce!t-liration• I tboiigLt

. . . r , * . «r t I

of last Satnrdiif.jiibor Mia would.

., «ife )vJc •>"" ">'!">- j wmviei. a liigaminis bus-:y-

nld him- Infcen tho tusk, lint Mn(i request it 1 nil] On ui#y best AS IHTU- Li! i? ID serve von. Nf.-ct.'s&mlv * lint I !

WA'f BROOK PUBLIC SCHOOL.The rle-siug oxernUea took iilnct em Tues-iv Ilie 19th iuhtiint. in tbe presence nf wanv visitopiHtid uirt-iit< a« could be crowd-

tscliolarswi'iepfehetit, ft ml Hie wbtwl room| wjm nil thui A jiiofiicioii of ll'.>»er8, putarott,

id illutniuuttid uioltoc-i could imikP it.

.jrimfrrnifiiU-dwiui- iu ciiiiiniuiun. < o f ti,.-» ius tJtiitj.ui. In lio r w 1 W t . t'XW}it 1 ,,,,,shl to Law lu-w tlie nio.lrWoppIi.mMi.James Wil.iiinis, u d;iy l u k . m ; in ! {u^ it CV.T .won mil]' s5<-d,; Tlinr.- were ituuy j r . ^ i i t wbo know that the

:i li.-rinr^t ut £-H\u,tM (mm u ire in i g,ih<r s!i|><nor to uuylimijr «il tlu?> kiod I (•'Il"itl'^ | | l u l h "" ' . ' j^ 'k ' ,PIMLWI uwiy fromEU'ilai111' l ^ ^ v 1 1 " ^ n . / f l S t ' S UMor'theiH-l1'-! "u^'xvhil, keuiatl«> cUlHtcu did

MiiinviMtla tins d i - y n i r c J lit-r iuw-.*li> ;•[ l • •• • ; s""Li*»tv me t i n lli<>ir: tLi-ir hlww of duly, b«- hoped the patente

totiuRnettinstii-iT.npb:..^ J ^ j J ' j J | jlrtf lltl rL t r i .k stri',1. Pro^liug i TO,,M do tbeirn.fur IHIIUJ UMrs »u t uas. J U J C H I J H * .- j ( i . ( i JJ E t i , t , r c i , t l i r v listeu i r v t r v i-luwbut Hie IHMII OUP n-nil, nndiifl-IJIl'M.lU'U. \ • , i ' l l - l J«»".« W.WW.W,.1 . I'U tc I'll ii]ij>r>>i'n.itp bfriii'^ii Iii>i« «»? i tJ. |Kl,ij.|fp cjioh wits 1'iit Ibnmgu » course ot

iinrtlitini :ilni wt-rti-ru juirtinns iif tiie, jirjycr vus ofli'ri'il liy Hi-v. 1'iioniu.i. i ' . " tfllbia wltTJ* i^iiiilulit uimo

tiroof sltuet.s nf overBumnu previous to

r-grncs 'if St. Clii

• to tiie Pits


k.- .ML I

,diiub]t<nvpe2rnticr—rotunimg tond* dil!niu« their bull tl..-y f.»

^ . . .wnn ' l l io lBl i r insL U e whoi. .was gjtcnl in DH artillery tlnel, but «n tbe](ifb the Euwiuns begau tlie extent innnf vlnit was evidently asettleJ vlrtl>- s i l :IKKIU-S nf Butwlan iufuntr/ udvuuo'il >it ti I./.look inuler cover nf i twribloarHllilire. Xotwitlistiuiilittff tin- TutliH m-turned B steadv lire, the enemy cfititin-n.'il to advam-i", nml detun htronf hu&y, turned Ib.- T»rki-lJ rik'Iitilml; bcirvd a cinuniamliiiB lull anilnuirklv tbrow IIJI bwaslworks ntid Hicn-r-t,iWiHbed fniir flold pinis, wlm-b cii-,,1.1,-d t|tcint'»niki'iilii»httlK*Pntin»lniului the TurkiMi line. Pmm tliimiiMuoiittliu luwua (if llm laltcr lvcro HerimiH. l 'nrdver tivntty iiiinutiis tti^Oitnnmnft HUKJb,.for,- tbi« litw uttiirk. uiul at lliiHrmIdiliiiui't fell. To incmisf tbi»<lillli'iilt,imiiin-jnitlon H I hliorl. At Id uVlwHie hfiKbt wbirb tlm Turks lit-U ut tin*.>pening of llm Imttlf was n« lnmt'T ton-nlile, nnd by midnight the lust Turk wasdriven off. A cavalry clinrpo followed,cnnvurtiiiK di-Out into rout.

On llio 22iniiiktitiirngiiin roiiRbt ii K<?-vn-bi . t t le . TIID Itiimian cnvalry wereDinted in tin iiitrciK-'hraeiit to ncL us in-Jmitrv, but nltimatcl.T tbn Turku drovi>lhrm"i>ut nnd jiumicil tliiiin, tlio R>is-stairt rftn'utiitRindiiiordpriiirfuros/i'iil-cUn TheTurkish losi nvcoruiu^ In tlielul«-' t account"), WIIS iipward of Q.OfJO.uinl

i, L i . . !kill ulliffiitorK fnr tlieir flwh. Tli.-y pro-!ffi tlio nieiit to tlmt of wild fr-'iULM.rtlH',

r>ls, anil ns<wrt it to bett-i'<]tr,savorj, 1


, o be tti,lI1(] more siisUiiiiinj; than bc-i'f.

iiiodoro Jnhu 11. fiuldth^rnufrl],U | nf t l i e U u i M States Navy, diitl iuPlitl-* ! it.lclpllia (in Fri.luv, npcil (!9 vonrs. He

' th bi

miscniiitci'Dtlieli tlicy ilovn Inxitli iimcli i-iirnustuewJ «Mf.'tiiite tliahr.t are

liuvo ever been rcpiided

rlytt> tltJ])Hari i uclinu wt-nls, cju

: f>i7| iwiiiti'il out. TliejiriiDi | l»

! | t lb.,ut«lvcnrRof, l r taw| fbunnlx, biivlns to be rniI (Li-in. "ml »t <1JO <li<U>ti

ilily •*

pcil (!9tbirtj -fiva years,

l tweuty-two of wliicb MCTP spout ut s

AVcrmntitcr U J r i n n g about North-ern Nfiiv York nn ox nttuclicd to u b u ^ ybv nn ordinary bnrnot , Kinin-liiiits po-iiif- -10 miles n ilny, iiml liou-Hii/: cnnllil-nally tlint )in can drive a milo msidiMrf

Tlio nuTctir.v mn up to ll)fi° in Hicrn-

IT'tho' Sriwil Si'Spi'Jt jTiliVeVlW".The Cnion Roboily tlmt vlien thoivnrltmpu linndled iron lying nut of ilonntin tlio HUH il wiw utceHsiiiy t'i «3i! uiit-

A Wnnliint;loii telrBntin rt'iinrts tint

viil Ofllcpr at J):iltin)ore to appoint asliisfliW deimty tlie finii of nn n-TtAtnl atn-hnsG IIOIIHO tlio President was cared forwhen wounded at the battle of SouthMountain.

Thobnntta of theT!;nnn's are just nowlinnd with mosquitoes, which hnvi> hi:

-bleuMiifliienciiigvctf Htrunglj the so-'fin! eluratter of Englislnncu. I t i snudto ius|iiri; them "illi foclin^s of liene-fiLvnn* and gnml Mill. Ju il« VTCSPIICCnuy mid.Tills influence nir— l"feud lins be«n liwilfd, and e

e i{it.fii:tns nmcli lienvitr.i«h hciulqiiBrtors am still nt Zcwi

utv-foiir bnttallions nmipv" i h i h i j

Q . .

Tlie Turk'bioiinlit tu London in C

niio. O f t b t l iSof fi.i

tLfll.n"t ponitioff


Tour I'cr (cnls-

Tl.e Secretary of tlio Trensury biff'wLtt to the iinblit- u loiter tlmt is n[jiruve J of )>y the President aud the mem-bers ol his cabinet. Under the lawn no«vin force, tlierois no cuin i=8ncd ori"sn-n1»!e in which tlie pnncinal of Ihe 4 |ici(!(tnt. IHDIIOS iti ivdcemablu or tlie inter-OHI ijurulili*, except the K"ld coin of tiieUnited States of tlie vatuc fixedbv the laws in force on Hie 14th of Ji1870, when tho bonds wore issued, 'ipelllet the question as it nliould he,vwin not a legal tender f»t large unioncold being tlio urly jca\ Btanilanl thusfar. ThtMi! boadt wilj be open to jmijliepnlismiptious at par in gold until Jnl,>lOtli. nud hare Hiirty r^arn to rjan fromJuly lul, h» proi. Applicalioos miislsneeify tlie* iimnmit nud deuominntiomrrtinircd, nml for lcfiibtprrd stock tinfull name nnd pontoflle© ntldress of theperson lo whom tlio banda tbal! be mnilefuijahlc. Two per ccut. of tlie piirolnieemoney must nccoropnay tho nubscrip-tioa. TJic rcmtiiniler may be paid nt tliejikfisnre ut tbe pnrchaspr, rithcr at tiiuof unhseriptifiii or at nny time prior toOctober 10, 1877, with interest added ai per cent, to dnle of iioytnptit. TiipnvnientH may he made iu golil coin tctbo Treasurer of tho 'Oiiitcil Stales nlVofihingtoa, or the* Assistant Trt!nsur«r«.

AsoTirxn Duus-moos Finn.—A flrrbroke ont in the City of Marblcheoa,Mass., nt 2-30 a. m., va Monday, wbiclburned for four bourn nud laid in rtik« (met coveriiiff 15 BCICH of pround. Bevrnl largoshoe fnclonce, a Confirpcr.tioial Cbnrcl), the Eastern Bailioa<l atntioiand about 70 dwellings were biimcti, am;threc-rtnarters o( the working iicoplthereby tlirown out of work und a Inrgnumber ct families Ifit liowcl'isa. Tlifiro gninod qrcat Iiendway from the fueltliat llio firemen vcre intcrnijitr>0 amTIB3 to wait nntil eertnin buildings werdcistnijcj.l liL-for** Jbey cotild muke use otlm uoiu reservoir of the niLy. Tiie (Irft•JTBS cot under control at sii o'clnck, TheIOKH isratiujiitc] at €,rtUO,00O. I t brokeoilt in tbcotobleaottlieHatbaway Htnueand )B believed to be tlio work of au ID'tfendinry.

Tho Philadelphia Timcn «I.TN Hint tlipnis-wurda uf tlie MolHeMunuircii arc

' ppbHslipi) to ntiow that tbo orpnnizatioJH "hubcycombed with Bjiieu," cud iuilila: " 'I'errihle os win tho fossafan^ht in Mauch Ohimk jail and PotuVIIIC'H prison yard, it bun failed to rnithe callous Molly heart and boa bnt filledit with thoughts of revi>nf[(>. Pjulier-ton's detectives fully realizing this factnre working its diligently and eecvetl;throogb Ihe mountains of Curbon antSc!>nylkill conotira nn tbongb not nvethe fir«t blow hnd been Htruck HRiiiimtlm ninnlnrons organization. Twenty-live or thirty t-fficitnt men arc still on-fpgail in nnraveiing tne skein of Mollyiniquity un<l poslinp the anUiorities iiregard to every contemplated muvuIQCUL"

ll need freqopnt uttcnwbootH grow tuov m blii hi i

. Orope "rines .__lion. AatbnnbootH grow thov mimt betied to tlm trrllis, or a high wind willeither brrak or entangle them, ltemovcfill thoola tlmt start vhera canes are colwanted, und in cane of ddnblo budi.tuktmit ono shoot, taking lbs" water ono.In clohc pnminr;, tho shootsnro Btoppoc(by pinching off their ends) just nbnv

' the uppermost cluster, gntne leave butn singlo loaf, and think it hotter tbimiwo, ilr*ie, or more. Vfe are governedliy Ihe form of trellis, preferring to keeptlmt filled with foliage, to following any

.*ot rale. Soon tho large boctleinnd tlieLirp,e oatwpninrs will apnenr; they nronee er very nnmeroas, and the only recaedy is hand-picking.—Agriculturist.

Ono of tho noblest enterprises of the• preftont tiny is tho movement toward: rlocking tho streams and lakes of thiscountry with flab, Eint] it ebuulJ receir*

' Iho pnpport of tho LoRinlatnroa of nl' tha Stolen ns well utt of iucorporated ao' rietics and citizens. The wny a rivermay bo nntrtoclted of flsli may be wit-jicssed now in (bo Oregon, tho Kultnor

- from which finds iU way into every mur-J>et. Thero are thirty ciiiniDRfHtabliMi-jnentfl on that river. A eiaglc shipment

^ from thoreof(«nflmonQt8(o40.000cflsPBII nd an each case holds nn average of 31fish, the extent of the entire business

• ' iuny \HI imagined. Ono of the smallestliousca pain op 25,000 eiucs daring the

. senflon. At present' llio faotories oro. nnly running abont tlicco-foartlia their• capacity, iritli.certain prospect that i

few years they will not run at fill.

Tbo Btrccta uf London, if placed ii• i>no HUL1, wonld form an avenno of 7,0(10

.- Diilra iu longtli. In tho daily cleanning. oftliostreots, 14,000 men Hnd employ-*, incut, and 6,000 horses and 2,400 cart*.' Ihe- Engineer- in -chief IIBB a ealnrjr of

" j£2,000. Tba work goea on daj auil•- night, btit tbo nctunl iwepping docs noti commence until eight o'clock p, in.

WbibBroidBtreot,Kownrk, was crowd-nil with promenndcra on Saturday night,

' 1 ITO muQ threw bricks through the large. plate glass nrindows of tbo jewelry store

.- of W. T. Bae& Co,, nud mado off withgold w&Uihes valued at $000. One of thewitches IYQB dropped in the flight Tbothieves mado tiieif eecJpo,

The Britiflb case before the FishericvComminsioii conaista of a most Tolutnin-OHB history of the fishery diflJcnltiesBincettio Aracncnn BcvnlutiQD, and demnuds$12,000,000 darongCB on the part uf theDominion,' and $5,8)0,000 for New-fonadlnad for twelve years, six of which

- Jisrc elnpsetl. ^

enftbetliiajpiiipi liuve ul»ayi prided llicm-\oi Inu been that tlio nnnnyhiR insects not t(j be fuiiml in tlieir city.

it bitterlit its, iiinl ait ctiilir.'

rds of long f-'tmidiuB have lieeu fur- tln-1(rotttit. La^t S:ttnrl»y an those wen^iUhiTpd iiiounil tho liililt'3 which wereI'n.aniiifi ntmn'-t lwut:ilti Ibo wiiiKht oftli! ir f;ivorit«: ilUln>s ilioiv scornfd t" bethe iilmosl litiniiouy mid pmil will privviiilinc evoriivht're; and wn» ftHimpral fmi'c-rnizutlriti 1hronKbout tln>day. L-t ns lioj.c tlmt whatever fni»l-nijti of ill will, or liutnul, there mayvvl have iiii^i'rcrl «nn»npst tlifiii, entail-(il liv suuii! itl tlio events of tho year,whoso ulnae witi then lwiiifi ninrkcd,

nt thiit iliiv. laid furi'vor to rent. Kticb j The Kev. I. :' " iloy and j H|M.-lliux by -

u of the U-tli.'iu with i[.N. Tbfii



mly onetbe live

of 1ywhi> illntitr.itud tbi-ir

bad LPPH ivritiii[{ or priutlngi i . aud vltta tlicse wiTO shown on

., Mr. Uoiii-Clerk Kiid nveryiliil-ltu luc MtiiKiI bwl IIMMII* iu rewritint;, uml fls»ri»t;> o'"1 «ht**"«luxl n<iuirtil eveii tbe little ouca thliti-s inui pvue'th, Thpy Irk-il to ]&t..n Uivliflftiiy pui-iN Iww l>yhu<iilU* li.unU Oau little k-llow wLost i

hy b

tlit- Ll.ickboiir.' tlii'v somilv iitUnilud two mouths, and li

other wbi


i way could tbey ii'.>n. or tlm iiistitntiices it wn*< mi'l fvisning nn.'iim fpfstival

ir tin>n under wboeeDurinc the af-•tiuwberry ana

ln-M which

;h rendi.-r.prror. eictpt *itul, (uid w

H pn-sfeLl would testify that

ui! iu noEu a U y f

PORT OR AMThe followitiK letter fromiiiius"nrt>)« Bib

rutli, Corinv.itl, Ew-fil by a Inrj-

, [ a M, «ill be rrud with

niKpr of ymr rcadtrs.

Any ccmincnt on iltry M it very clitirce—braruig th

very liii i

ld l»« n t l i te U1

rly iii«lic;itcR itsimprcfii of it" n

porfcedy i Uin every mpt-ct »n<t i* » vrry fiUiiiy «lilo hii infiiiioni riMBility. It l'»oks us tliu"Mly hml Rnnp nml" iu ' l f i l ill >iia cDOPB I'e tliink that utich a pit'ce of dnringiiifinWity, and biinijlins fgolimn can helpliim in tiny way? It «M.not- If iuhteml ottliw, he hiwi hliiiwn liiniheirtoborepentnnt,

1)1 y cimlil, llic gooJ ntinic bin own fully 1ijTutwf d lir vtt miuht buvt fonnii th'***J vwould coiiipawiifjnatf him, nnd help liimto wiw himscU from tlip iiifumv antl «buto which lio ILHI hnnk. Jiut tbie liu-t act orhis 1ms remlercil Mich a thing nliaoBt imiioi

Ikro in the l?tter.| lSm:—I «-ii» ^nrpriRrd tnnce in your nd

per, nntitr tli« ilalet.f the 2!ilh of inny apninRtipli uMiusf tint Thou. Ortim of Hi((1nvny,licilnilh, lmd derftinpeil from NewInking ],GW dollun belonging to tlinrrs nail lltdmiiicitBenevolent Bocidy." Iem OIID, tir, of n gront iinioUr tint c*n bnitchtimouy to the nutruthfnhifiBs nf sncU mnbsurtl tttHR. Mr. tins not been Hecrottiy of the nbove unniPil Society mnee SenI«IU1»T J37C, ituilat tlirvt tfniH Iw ~ was pte>wilt wl witbii K0''1 bmlKe. 'fhreenfler ihis dale tlw Ir'c-b got tlm tuajnrlly.nud

(iltH. Mr. Omni in ono of n fu-wtk-it cin pen their thonjrhls find semi themtliioii^lt tlio prctiH. At tho time of Iho 'if those lawn fnriy-tlirce irfcmbera with-drew Iroin the Society 3Ir. Ommlirini; naonltha number, lio wrolo on nrilclo to tl.ckml-iuii ppc i in Auifricft, "Tho New YorkTiincn." It WAN licndcd " Molly Mifiuin-H andtheir secretH," nud I confesH tt wus a cloviartirlc, (IIKI many Cornishmi-'n wiw prnud of

Kuch n mnn torepment them, llighway Iincod to iio prnad of tomb a mnn. He wiu.liflil in (jrcut rew[»ct by Hi

:ch of tbnt-t«B r,f tl

lie v.-9H n k-r.Jcr mniAnil i tli« dny of hit

lenving there Mr. HHWIIIIR, tlie jwstor of theChurch, preacnled him with three volumesofT. De Wilt Tiilnn<lge'M Bcrmons. Fcr thewriting of tbnt article Mr. Omni hart to l awOn thD 21th of Pobronry thtrc wiw a Kttisent lo him Riving Lim twolve honrx Ii-lcnr cnL On HIP ttip of thtt lioto was a Ciffin.Inijvu OIIL find HtiithiR that if bo did notcl^ir out i» the upended timn ho would suf-fer deiith. Sir. Onim had no money to carryhim (iwoy, andhis ch»«Bulihcribert th« nccoie

imnnni Afterward hi» wife noM thefnmitnre, ami with tho inriceuddwwcnnliloflto rctnrn to EoBl,im1. Mr. Onm did notlenvo nntlvr an iuwttniGil name. Four of.wnnipnnlod him to Sew York wboro WP met* mnn by tho name of Alfred BontlR, winttoa^lit n ticket for EngUudj but consentedIn Ktny luugnr in Amprlcjj. Iio ofTriici]Omm bin ticket nt n nnliK-od price, tliu httcrlionylit it, hut nL tlio mmo timo Hiving hiwnnnio in full. N.iw nir nil nrwHpnpew cknow whiit sort or men IIIOHO Mullrnrif

I c:illcd on Sir Oium to diy, nudif bo lmd seen tbe "Rt'drutli Ttmcn,"be f*J no. So he was l^nomnt of nny-

tliing being in the pnpors t blm ot lieild hnro written or culled on yon. I

going tn see neveu peisonn more who wtraihere when be left, anil they trill porrobonit<

iy RMomenta, Yon ennuot fnil to Hen thatichn thing could not be. Uotr couUlhi

tike tho money, fleeing ho had not been Sec-oU,ry for nine months up to the time of his

leaving. They could ouly tmrin him hy fieek-ing to ilniurtge bin chAracter, and xuch aIhing is nhomintibla nud never niifjht to Imvabeen inRertcd in your paper. Mr, Onun hiwhcen n living mcinher of (ho Church nome

il beloved, hy everj- onq whoeto it not for Mr. Te.igne lit?

wonld with his wife and family ho in n do-plomblo Nt tie. If ho bn-3 hnd the 1,000 dol-Inn lie would not be dependant nn another,

uir yon will correct nnch a mennnotion on tho part of thoao minentbto inon. I

~ jon thin on n private letter bat wcro Imnncd licfura mjr Ood uow I know Mr.n to he innocent."

ita by tha editor of tho Itodrath Timefl.i'rtimd nix other filyu.»tnrta nro op-led for oar private torommtioii.)woull be interesting to know whose

OHthoKe were. HOB be been at Im oldtricks—forgery? Ilt'forG cloning I would

wnH publicly "fendont of" I>Jtt Onm M. E. Church hut Sun-day droning for immoral conduct.

During tha ehowt-r oct, light ii Ing struck a

Tuurwlay ol ]nrti tho turm of

S, H. fitictkf) At Bjiringdnlo, nnd killedi oows which wens under ir. A man in

the sanio field woa stunned by the fliuh. Thocame niglit three cows belonging to Tbos.Stockbower, living on tho Babbitt fann.nenrNewton, were killed in tbo uuno manner.And tbo same night Iba milt train down fromFranklin struck and killed Ihreo cows and ibull belonging to Peter Demoroat, near War-

's Junction. It wa« ruining Tory bardat tho lima, and tho cows wcro not seen until

ie sngine atrack them.—Enuoz IlegliUr.

wits very lihiTiilly participated in Viyn hvfjp'coiinnnrse rf visitors. An ad-ditional feature to the occasion t<» anyjm-Ct-diiiff ci'K'bnili«n was n tea nliicliptnvided for anv visitors or friends whoraiplit hnn-m to i»artake of it. I t wasquite it SUCOL'SS The music discoursed bytie .Mt. Hope band tbrouglioal tlie en*tire ilav, was nfibe most elfjqucut audinlerL'stin^ de-xription. The serviecatliev rciulned vrtrc perfectly natisfac-tory iu rtvr-ry K-SPOCI. Ton much creditcaitnol lie given to "tho Committee ofArriinfrouirntV1 for HIP manner ia whichthey ncqniltcd llipmsolvr* of Hie oncrou:duties whicb thoir ofBee impospj ot

The nnmes of thfl cxcol'-eiit corpiof Imlicn wbo hud tlio matter of "getting

"" and Bi»i*viup tho dinner mid tea, inirgp. I d o n o t know pscupt that of

Jlrs. J . W'illieriilKfti who is well knownto lio ft ninHt pfllcient person fur micbmutters. The sjieechcii of tlio evciwere quite clnqncnt und full uf interestto the nudilora. The report of thotcoretarii's Iliave not at Imml, HO CUO-lint Rive them liero; perhaps you willgrt ihpm from ncotlior source.

Tho ineiilriits of tlio day wern IQI nu-merous to (Link of mentioning hero.There is ODC however, which wipecmllydt'FcrvCT mention. I t in tint I a ladywin if o name I tin not know, Instil pock-et hook rontftiiiinn seven dollnrn. It«nn found liy a boy nuninl Fred Oliver,who instantly fcoiiglit out Iho owner andliundrd her' her last property. Sbevrry platllv trok it from him, rewardiuphim nt the name time fur bit noble petwith "thiinit you." Wn ure proud Vrecord Mmh nn net of honeetv on tliopnitof l'ceil.nm] wo think it shouldlinvt' bciiii Gticnnrnged with a more nub-Htanliul rccngnitiou llian n raoro "tbonkyon."

Aa excellent temperance meeting waslichi in TiIinRrs' und Mtrhncrcs' haiInsl Mnndny nvoniiift, andorjbc nnspicpi of tlio Good Tnmpkrs of thia plnoe,nml nddrc85i>(ll)y tlin HCV. Mr. Apguioud Dr. TVeutwmlh of Flniidpra. ]htivo not lime tb remark upon it.

ie knou-lixlge uf !'"<stlili*5.In biston* he stnrteJ eiih Cclacibas, ond

drew ont the leading ereniB in history, thetf of the revolutiouary war.' the dites of

the ndroinUtrntious of etch president H-iv-ing come to Hnjes, Mr. Beau-Cltrk nskeil

win tacoetilL-J Huvc?" •• Samuel Tilden,":t,jion'lt'il u rinitcr.The Iter. I. N. VansiDt, complimented the

chiMreit, nml Sir. Beaii-Clctk on tberrault ofthe exatuinittbn.4. He siid be hud Attendedimay commeucomeuUi, but none bad plowedaim more limn tliis. V*«K Bwiu-Clerk not[iresLiit, he ntionli like to Buy wbnt be thongbl•ir liw htyK> of ttucbing. He thanked GodHint they hart BUCII a learner in Pinellrook,and be cHteemcd it ft privilege to mud hischildren here. Ho hoped they would pre-

Tlie lociiHt« have nlrunily commenced todie, and befortirt-Iy iliwippfi

ill KO about tlio ti

celcs willlutHisndv A in July.

fctualcH arc now -nduntriouuly at work ontbo Bmiiller brandies of the treen, mtlectingtho tender wood of tills yrnr"a growth, whichtbey puncture so It BOOH wither* and dropsto tho ground. In some pWcn tho trccialready look as if they had beer Korebed byfiro. . The iiroet'EH of propagating may bocosily observed vhil(> the fuuinlc UIOTGH itsbody Klowly along a Rmall branch, rarelytil or Q tliarond by n

a quarter of an inch in dinmiaof an inutruraout in ita ' '

incus end," vigoroudly rips up* tbe bark totbo furthest extremity, meanwhile d posit-ing its ova iu a deep puncture, mnrio at rpg-nlar interval* In or near the pith, preciselyan potatoes nre BometuucR planted in a fur-row. If tha punctures anywhere ate laidopen, tho rggs rattlu outlilto ED nrnny pensfrom a pod, nnd under n iunguifying glftBHresemblu » pin ' egg, only tbey hftv<mnro Bolid anil fvory-lika nppenmneo.fnr as observed tlioy have done little ordnmrvgo by devouring YCgctntion. Indeed,It !H nnscrted thot tl.oy havo no digest!*organs, end tat nothing, which, hi bardtin»>R, imiKt be n v»>ty conrccient arrange-ment—HU

The Flaniers School,Tlm ptililio ndiihil kopt by Mr. Ilardy foi

two yearn \mfX, closed its y W o a Wuducsdny.The cxcrcUcs of tits duy cousinteJ of an ci

nmindlion of uln^cu byltevs. Fox and ApgatHitw Fannlo E. Howcll and the toaclier, b

hich the Bredit, fie

H ncquittcd ibomstlvea withtml recltntlonn i >gi«

Ihe jmpiU iucludlug a nelcct raudlug by Iheteacher.

Tlie forenoon \wsnci off -pleasantly, whichvan couclndeil wilh nn nildressbyllvv. lir.Fux, nfler wliicli, tbo children and visitorsprcKctit repaired to the upper room, wherethrough the nutuAgt-iucut.of Mm. Hardy OA-nibted by sot*ml other litdios of the, abug Mblo> was fprenil, filled with nil the"goo'l thingN" tti eiljny a fenst* Tho cliHilren bning scnlod nrouiid were well nuppliedwith ft f;o>tl dinner, lumnimde nnd enndy.Beaatiful bonnets were not wnuliug (o gracethe tuMa. Aftur nil hnd enjoyed the repi

iutcrniisaitn wnn given when school

elivered bj-Hev. Mr, .i'ortht Belect n,Tho envelop containing tho decisioi

tlio tninmittoe on prizes beiuR opened gnvoto tho flint CLUH in penmiujship two prizefnr the most improvement, George Sovfi]hjn nnd lf»rry Miller being those selected.

In tha 2d clnnfl it wn» awarded to FloraSovciign nnd Minnio Hodgcfton. AunnColiman, Muggio Dmko And Slutlliian Ctlemanrere reported as famiaUtug the beet speci-icns irroBpectivo of improvement Tbocrcint9 Onrlog tbo dny wcro inlempcrxcd

wltb,g y p

o by t b . pupil*, vilb Uiui Anai<, pColcmnn nt tho orgnn.

The vtholo Bff.Jr vrainn enjnyiiblo occifiicno wdre glad to MO both icacber and pnpili

NO intercfited In educational mattcn.

: A Burglar Killed.farmer coined Cranston, tiring near

Hackettetown, on Monday night shot andkilled & burglar named Burton Hitchel], wbowas attempting to enki Ida house. Mitchellwas a member of l i o gangof ram-audcrB whoLave for soina tiino post been a terror to thoftinDhiff comniQUtcrdon OOUDUCB. .

i of Warren and HUD-

Patrick Fldi>n ifiuti, of Mllbu'rn, had hisarm b r o i t i AVodcesday while coupling cars,

vail npnn Mr. D«iu-Clerk ti me back aft-er Ibe Vi.citiou, nud if they did he should

I Ihe privilege with some <•n at ejutiug to school, tt

lonietbiug. At

like to he nlluol the*3 cldorio lUo.ight heale hft bnpcil Mr. R-au-Clerk would fitarln uvcuiuf; Echool Hint older people could

attend, imil ho-forone would try to l e reguLir.

3Ir. Jrtcobu.i, ono of the tmatees,. mode

from tha cbillien whn wifiued Mr. BeauClerk io come buck, und nlxo from tho parcnb. Inhotli ciwea tho result wnstuiAnimoits

Jlr. BenuClerk, who bud been out of thoroom was informed of tbo nmnlt, and he uaidtbnt lie hctiitated KoniDwlint in eomiug'toPino Brook, but Mr. Thurber, tho CountyBni>crintoniliint, pfirtiauWly wished bim to

omo, as hu thought tho school luvd been ma-iRiied, and ho bslievod rrom hln former vis-

itfl thnt there wai Rood la it, JIo bm] come,mil he biid fonnii thivt Sir. Thurljer wasright, them wan good material here, nnd behad iiuled to discov<

hicbhAdbccevil Jini»Hilions

i of. He nnd his ptt.pik lmd worked togotlier like ona unitedfamily, and ho lind flpeut a very hnppy ailmontlis hero iu Piuu Brock. Ho hud nevhad a CIIISH of children that he liked better,and iff they could only have better fittings intheir Rchmil, theu they would ho nil rightlie liked I'iuo Ilrook HO well, Ibnt bn did notthink hd would ha tempted to Icava it, andlifter vacation ho would agnin be at his post

Potato Bugs,MB. EDITOR •—I'alwiyB like to read oTe'r

the articles which mako up the agriculturaldepartment of tbe Eni, Though not muchof a fnrmcr I am alwojn on the I00V out forany cow ideas or sugfjciitions that can bopracticed in tho cultivation of tho wil 0KUinllscale. Seeing an artlcla heailDd " T oOvercomo Potato lings," I of courao thoughtOiere miirt he aomotbiDg which wonld he animprovement on tlio old ways. Bat beforeI was dona reading I tlougbt thnt it was onaof theme which the article itself said wai notworth trying. In the first place, if practi-cable nt all, it is ftomewnnt like Ihe luilhoilI once beard of for poisoning ftcnx, whichwas to catch tba flcn, tkkle bim till beopened his month, nnd then administer tbepoison, »

But suppose yon train tbo fowls to go tothe potato field, which I admit Ii not inpos-lible, what good will it do ? They wouldinly cat tho meal, which could bo fed at tb

hennery with ranch ICBB trouble, as theyild not touch one of thfl bngn.

Hagcnbuch may safely offer one dollar, orjven ten times that amount, without fear of

being called upon for any forfeit. If he hasa brood that will eat them lie should, moke itknown, though I don't know who wouldinvest inthetu.aalwould not keep chickens

BtflvUt" jail tft» only two ii

TUB Hemsioa fly U destroyiurop m W«rron County.

The FiihseripUons to tbe IV1otiim urc- not \ety flattenu£,

IDkS Knti-fittaw U ddivtricilectures in Wumn Co. Ob, P-sho*. Kute.

Lowy Sim).sou, of Frnukliu. hi»J bU aull i jbone broken krt week by tbu kirk nf u horse, i

Tbe PtnnnylTdnU, Editorial Associationtpeut three d»ya ot the Delaware V'aUr Ga)i

Kt Hfifk.The Morris canal boolmen Live preunlng

at PbillipBburg on tbe Sabbuth. Borne off iu need it bad enongli,Tbe Delviilcra Btbool tt-adifiw hari- twooutbfi wJarj due, WciiuHf th? Council liasi.-.l tbu school fund for other piirfiuHiB.

Camper JOIHH, of HncketUtoiTU. him beenimlt-il tbe coutroct for lighting the etreet

lamps of tlmt place, at $44».K) P'^ " » « « .Tbe water works at Blairstown rost Jlr.

Blair ^C.iXK). Tiie water WM brongbt aboutlialf "e milu, aud tbo worksweru luii<lied iniiioht cxcelkut manner.jJr. Geo^je \\. Oibbs, nf Ifope, lost a

valimble horse lust weik, it baving lind ii*•g brute with a Mono tlirowu by bio son, |

who * M trying to cotob, the htime.Allen C. Laros, tbe poisoner, now await-

iggecttu'-e of dWb in the Eastou jail,ritli eoveral other prisoners mid! an unsuc-

cessful attempt to break jail on Wednesday.The candid confession of guilt and com.

plete apology tendered by the HaekettntownCia/eUe nro accepted in a charitable spirit.

here "never was fttiytbfug mean about us."The 'Wnrren County Freeholders on Fri-

day of last werk, Rftisr resolving revent]tiiuen not to bare « new Court Houec. finally

solved to ftdTtrtiso for prnjiowJH for tbe

Tho Ilnckdtstown ficliool Trusieea, lavecalled a meeting for the purposemoney to pay interest and dfbta contractedprior to September 1st, 18*7. Tbey areuking for $3,700.

A young son of James llrown, of HighBridge, fell about two wetke ago,force as lo break one of bin arms, aud lastTuesday fell again, breaking it la thepkce. Truly, a child of misfortune.

One night recet.ily an old nun readingtomewhom nc-ar MsHtn'e Crtx-k, WarrenCounty, wits robbed of $800 in money. Theold man's HOD and another young mail veere

d of the robbery. Tlie rohbain madethemselves scarce, but they were capturedafter a few days.

It is reported that the railroad bridgeacross the HuwoiKtccug river, at Cbaugr-water, is !u a dangerous condition. If Ruch

the case, the railroad company should lou time in making the necessary repaii

Popular feeling is (troug ogaiust corporationnegh'gence, In cose of accident.

The Building and Loan Association No. 1of Phillipsburg, cloHed up ilt huslnetm lastreek, The Association lia» hundltd two,

hundred thou&and dolhn and the totalamount of losses did not atuouut lo 5The loi-t payment clewed it up and It ft adividend of 20 porcrat. to corn itockholiler.

John Van Winkle, tbe young gonUemnuwho made siirli a display of drew at tlirecent Teacher's IofiUtute committed suicideby taking morphine, at blfl father's house inGlenwood, onThurwlfiynight. Hobailtmitted forgery aud bis relative* bad Rattledtli* affair, but tbe expoflnre and consequei

were too much for him.—Reg-ister.

Mr. King Duma, of Knowllon township,"Warren county, has a young duck which hMthree legs, two in their natural "places andthe third projecting from the region, of thetail. This third leg is well formed and hasa healthy appearance. The duck lookedfrngilo whoa born, but in now an lively asnuy of Ut« flock. I t wnlks on but two feet,tho third oao dragging behind It It is ncabout throe weeks old and gives promisereaching a goodly old age.

•William Hawk, aged thirty years, receivedfatal injuries on the Easton ami Amfaoy It.It. last Friday iiight. He l ad been to Fbilipfibarg and purchased a suit of clotbca,sad, as there were no passenger trains goiug

, lie boarded a coal train, aud juihelow Green's Bridge, at Mcllick'a crosging,



FINi: t'ltESS aNP l»t'0 X B TII ;

* £<Unr< urt Elii

i l



Nriu'iTiiuuit ksii n" ii,"iVi'i »•irtu<- tit the above yint(-il orii uf I5ctlii mv hBtiilfl, I tl'all L'liiirtu I IT inW ell' VENDU£at tbt- United Stutw Uftlel,

. in MJrristowu, N. J., on • ,| MONDAY, the Z3JiLiy of JL'LYI lieli, A. P . 1877, between On licmro .. ' 12 M.t ami 5 tMnck P. M.. tliat in l(>f\v ai i d'tlncl.

• ifgiiid dav, [ill (lul ;"

Map iimi*

i tlio tutra*hl!>

I'rtiict U,

, iuflnf lUn.l.iljib, in

Hlau- if Ni» .IIIor iwrn-l of bud

l id Ed! briui-'nlt 11 Jit L

ITT by «luid frtini nn'*i.cliii:li Cn-iic It"inipiiny, dated Au^iixl 12Ui, lhTl, aud in pnr12lh, lhTl


re. wk'CrtALLKsbE.UJJiKliE COMHVn-

Iciil Troni Fnrht'* Shaw cmt wifu tUicd AprilI 13lli, 18-">4. DDdtlic part W-rrrbv muriti-Kod i>

(1 uisdeliy Audrf'TT It'M-i ami brgiu* »t *kt- In tlio Niitli iiri« ill (lie \thoU lot. *ul'1Lo tM'tng a curlier lo lot numlior 10, an'l thorlh comer In a ilteii fr.iui bjidcim

1». C. U A U N V M Si. C o . ,ASH 2.fl CHATIUV ^ r i u r , Nnw


TTTCTTAIXoili>l • • 1 rt-rv

that < >uld feed on -such loathsome anildingnnttng tliingn. I have never known aainstance whern one was eaten by any speciesof the feathered tribe. Even ducks, whichare U10 greatest scavengers we nave, willtot pollute their

them in i t SinceHagenbuch I added tiCTortfi made

" mud Bbovcl" by takinglading tliu urtlcla of Mr.

mother to tho3 them to m

j mesl" on the greasy-looking pent*.I procured a lot from the vine*, to whichthB cliickenn have access daily, and in thilOrning, when surrounded by turkeys, heus,

chickens of all sizes, and ducks, nil hungryfor their morning feed, I'threw down a lotif alluizcB, from Iho fidl grown "hardshell"

to the Binallofit that crawl upon tha vines,and iis each biptd walked up lo ace whatthey and for breakfast ,

"They viewed them with suspicions eye,Nor touch, nor taste, but po>ui thorn by."Each and all gave them awid« berth. Tha

old drake, more ventnrosomo than the rc>t,step up and pick up one, but with his

ustomed shake of tha head he cleanedhia beak of the foul morseL

Wo are therefore left with the old reme-dies, and while the bags continue to infestour potatoes we must apply them, in themeanwhile taking precautions to preventcatUefromoating'the Tines. I thlnkthey

tlie wane, for they do not appear unumerous on last year, and if they decreaseproportionally next yinr it will be nnncces*sary to apply any remedies. 80 mote it bo.

Dispatches from Paris, nnd the CoortJournal also, officially announce that thacustom of lilting the hat in recognition of asalutation is no longer in vogue [ that asimple sod Is all thnt ctinactta requires.Baidbcaded men, u Well as other*, a n de-lighted with the annoueement ' -

It will be thn« yean on the first of Jnlyd a n Utth ChorlaT Boct m i stolen.

he fell between tlio c n tbo tnck. IllsM t leg wan cat off, 125 cars pausing oviit. ' Uo WM brought to Phillipsbnrg iu thecaboose of an empty coal train, but diedbefore he reached there.

f a t t e n reniaiutne unclnimedIn the Voni Office nt Dover.N. J.

* JUKE 20th, 1877.E. O. Austin,. Jlrn.Dr, Ctiuimrti,D. Littlciohii, A. E. IK-lNlroin,Rnmh Uixwttll, J. Mnrlln,Neils I'ttenwu, :JnueRdly.To obtain anj of the tboro loiters nay " n

irrtiBcd" and give Juto of ible litt.'A. I'EEUER, P. H.

. A I A I t R I K D . ,

TIIOWBRIDGE-VAS DYKE-.Tuue 20lb.W77, at Ilia hntrn* or It. 8. Van Dyke, E*i.,Mcndliam, by tho Rev. J. 1'- taicaulny,Mr. Wm, a Tnn-briilRe, of Mormtown,and Minn Jwio a \no Dyke, of Mmuilb


Ilonsc cuntainlnfr fioven rnomi; cowl veiltrnler; il>nut 0 acres nt land soil atnokcil nilbcariuR fruit trci-n at C1UNE HILL', ouo milerruui Uuwr. For turlher particnlnni, InDf i JOSCIlANt.

.: Near tbo premise*Ciitio Hill, JUDO !Ct*i,iO77. - 3" ' "


NOW BjEADY.Fur onr rctitl tndowo thii NCMOO offdi

trauipiintcd planti of CELERY which arcccrtiin to grow ind gNe good reiulti withordtnar; ciro In tbe mod inexperienced hands.

Sent by eipreia where H doci not tike othree d i j i la Irinilt.

W-i 0. JENXIXd,I Uiao Hill, N. J.



E. UNDSLEY & SON, Agents,OOVElt , N. S.

COE'S PHOSPHATE.Now In Hie Bcoian to enrich yonr lands

and Coe'n Pbosphnto JB the best rBrtlljicrknows. Sold by . J




D rcmeiiv fnr COUGHS, RDI! >)'HBOAT, LUNQ8, CIlljliT I I


it,*)fi nilb ntinalOi:Ho»TmNiii»n(SMw

BOATMEN AND FISHERMENicl with ftnt-i-la»:4 BOATS oud FISH


lortb of thp 8haq> Hriis^, bctwrfn I w

iad ntore, aud ar-couimtxlutlous I


nrricrwjtfs Ir.t ir!'I !eiiiwrcnl iortini: jrnrurutoiinquire ofJ. IT. I 0. PTEBSOX.

.', Majttl>, 1M7. j il-lf

ilrsi^unnr in >


.. .... „. _ _r 23UIt-70. and duly rccrideit, and run' itirnwilnnit Itnrorirt nanitifr 10 (I) nou!!i liriv-nnu-iliStei-r and fnrlr>fiv(> tiiliiuli>s nvut tuo Imiidrfnd live f<'ol tb a ttnh>! iu the ft (HP.- lino .1icw Hlri'tt (ipcticd on Mid lah'lHI no id nmii, heiorr tin' thirdilftlnin <lewi; Itteiiuu nlun^ said I'viiiri' llm!i>inli Itiirtv nnd f qitnriT ilf'«rro» ui'itinndrul and tvn Tii-t In i-oriiir of Inl hull.R; tli^iici" (.1) JioitL nnv-unif ilei^rtc:.rnrlTfiro miniilen wrul Imj liumlrw) and .. .foettnaFUkein the «ixtli lin<> of Hie wholel<,t; lln-itL-e BIOUR Hit PsrnK hv bfarinf- «r Ji""" lijMlfo ili-Brce* MBl i1RCP. (4) imrU) ttruiLumlreti ou<l ten ft-c

ill tnt of Utid in fin of mine, n !t nnd n

L' U-Rill


I Mil.1'

from P«I

nml n c i m n tlierclo. and nwivi.fnaM ncn- direct HH pirlhutnrliijieiil d>'[>d(«fn!)yninlriilir..lT m tin reurrved nniicWplfdlu fiid ricumpaur to astd Etlnard Fury.

Uclug 1)10 •ntnn |inmil«c» dcurrituKi tnmnrtgn?i> rrn.n Edward I'nrv otiil wilo to OhmF. Otft*. ilaleilJnly lOtli, 1873, nnA reeotitID book Y 3 ohn'-rlfiflCtB, r n C r 108, Ac

TIEIISOS A. FREEMAN. Blicrlff.Dtted Uajr lltb, H7T. Pr. (1, 16.00

Economy is Wealth!Practice the First and Secure the Latter

by purchasing j'our






i 3.2r, '4.(10 '7.008.00 '


" ilia or ALL oai>oi« from 12.00 '

F i m BLACK SDITII from" Yocrna' " "

' " IJOTB1 " ".. K n T .< . i

BLCK I'UNNEL Borrs from

u VKHTK• $1(1.00 to £18.1



they hnve just received for Sritraa nnd BOKMER, cnmprifiiiig evorj-tlii:' new and desirable for Indies wear.. A complete new dtock of



Always it lino stock of FINE GUOGERlEa PRICES LOWEn THAN EVER.




IS-1VEW PATTERNS,-®!Elegant in Btylo and fmiHii. Wo pay CASH for our apoDS nml soil forSmall Profit. Our store oipensos arc much loss tliaff any of our competitors, therefore customers will find it a groat saving bv looking for till


f, 10 ,12 ,15 ,«ss-SEE THE PRICE LIST:

Spring Overcoats, Diagonal and Cassimere, - - - - $8,Mon's Business Suits, Now Stylo Plaid and Stripe*

Cassimero, 87.50, 9 ,10 ,12,1G, 18Blue Flannel Suits, Double and Single Breasted Sacks

and Walking Coats, - - - - - - - - . - - _ - _ $13,Black OlieWot Suits, with Cutaway aud Sacks, an Extra '

Fino Boi ' . - - - - - - . .

, , o y $5,f>,7,'8,10,12VEST Sorffl, (4 to fllyeara) - - - - . S 3 4 B C 7 8

All tho New Styles Cassimero Pants from - '- - - - - - '$2 to 7*500 Pair "Working Pants, heavj and strong, - - - $1^25 per pair'


(s»«CB», 815, BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J.

JOSEPH V. BAIiLENTDJE hating miulo arrangements to remainwiUi Mr. Cplycr, wiU be luppjr to BooTiis Morria County Iriomls anduttond to them personally. ,* ig-3 m

ESbililn """"""i1."1" »» WoiiJJi Depirlmrat ot fb.


J. MARSHALL & BALL3I1OW twice the number of BUSINEK* (JUITM of miy house hi tho city,


We call jour special attention to our elegant asBortment of



ALL WOOL PANTS from $S to $6.

In this immense stack you nill finil all' flic LATEST STYLES 01



pninn lioving boon spurctt to mtiko UIGHB fully equal to the bestmatom iimtlo work. In COTTON MIXTURES ire have pants for SI per pair,

OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENTis Hie largest in tbe State, occupying one entire separate store.

CHILDREN'S SUITS from - - $2 to $10

BOYS' " " - - - $4 to $12"\Ye purchase our gootls entirely for cash, nml as the tendency ol

[irlcefl are ilowinvard, wo are pivirruiml to giTo you corresponding uriccB,

MAKE IT A POINT to come and see us oud examine OUHIMMENSE STOCK before you b.iy. •



807, 809, 811. BROAD St, NEWARK, N. J.




L. D. BABBITT 1ms full oliaige of tho Custom Department.Wo malic special efforts to plouHd tlto most fastidious. Don't fail to

norno nml seo \xs wlien in our town.

FEBEI,Clothier and Merchanti ..Tailor.My stock of rtotbiug ombniocs sniLi from a child to a mnn, which I liave with

great puini inniingod to Bccnro »o low ns to SELL VEBY A D V A N T A Q E O D S WBit1— " - - • " - - — -i tueao luinl timen. Mr PBICXH AUB A«CASSIMEBE SUITS, from - -DIAGONAL COATS and VESTS, fromCAS8IMEBF. PANTS fromCHINCHILLA OVERCOATS, '•DIAOONAL OVERCOATS, "lOUTflB'SUIIS, from . - -BOY'S SD1TS, " . . .CHILDREN'S SUITS, from - -

87to8HOta IS2 lo 68 to U9 to IiOto IS4 lid 112 to 8


FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PIECE GOODSof nil gratlcs noil nrnteriolfl. Strict nttentiou is raid to my Custom Department,and I will gimrnntOQ ii g»oj fit or no sale, and defy competition throoglout tbefleasou, I Lavo aho on bund a full line of - , . - •

GENTS' FURNISHING- GOODS.Bemomberl pell H'ROCKI, wnrm umbrBtiirt for 85'cents.' A full etocb of MeD'g,Youtlm' ona BOJB1 HATS nnd CAPS iiittL BTrivocl. I earnestly iuvito tlio public locome to ilie old staiid, NEXT TO THE TO3T OPtlCJE, and bo clotbed. frombead to foot for very little mouev, by • • ' •"•"•*

GEORGE FEDERDotor, Ma? 11th. 1877. • BLACKWELL St., DOVEB, H. I.


Retailing; at Wholesale 'Prices.PBICES MAEKED.IU PLAI1T FI8UEES,:

• . US- O N E P E I C B . O. O. TD.-rmTfo seU Clothing at LO WEE PRICES

nnd give MODE VALUE for tlm moneythan any retail-concert) in Mew Torli,

tUS wo MANUFAd'UHE ALL bt in Q0UD8, fltliyou liiwo tho advnntniro of buying themrit MANUPACTUHEHS1 PBIOES.

Our aoonn ASE TIIE BEST anil our pricespositively tlio LOWEST IS .THE CITY.

Plroiw tiiko nntice tlmt cur GOODS ore NEtf,FABH1OKAULY CUT, WELL MADE nuooioJitl every lenpeel to Citslom Wnrir. nnd niniiu nj>ext>remlj for New York City Itelail Tmdc.

Boforo buying olKRwhcre bo anre andgiyo us a call. I t will certninly pay you.Rcmiember we nro up STAina, "entranpa' on Broadway; •Norlu'-west ''Comer

of Grand St., and Broadway.


CORKER GRAND STREET.- , : UPSTAIRS.Largo "Wluto Marblo Building formerly ocenpied by uoiw A TAYLOR.



'Between Vi-orbeei Drofl. nordmro SloNfttioutl Iroo Virik.)


r»rUcnUr. Bond for dwuTnE6LN(iEnMFa:co.,






Pharmaceutical Preparations.



Proscription, cnrornUy prepared. None bntmiin. need ur tbo be.t qaalfty and pro-nceariiiDFr to Ihe Dnlted Sutea Flmrrna*

)pala, or Ibo moit approTed farmnla.A Tall ataortment of ' . ' i


I oTerjIblDB nBDaU7 ToDpil In a drag atdre.

. " • • • • • ' • ' • . . " • • • • • • . '

KoniiUrwd, ».'• J , J n a 1U>, 1177.




' ' lma R completo Block of





. TACKLE, i«. 1«



Tlio Bnbscriber wonld most KBpectfulljinfono tha citizen! of poTcr snd Tirid'?tint Lo lu> opined « OnoOEll I AND I ™ 'VISION STOREoa :-.1 ' 1 ; ,


near BU01CWELL, Vomi, N. 3.


All gooda *at»nt«d and gnnnrntoed to >>*

- T - ? \ JOHSVUINBT.Hour, N. 3., April illb, 1ST:. ' ; ' ' . I ' '6"'1 '


b t , MORRIS Co., »•J-




TLronfih Mull, D.33 A. M . : Oswo[[(i ExprnL S5X.U.J Eautoi iEipret i , I .B3P.M i Ennlnn

Eiprcsi, MO P- H - 1 «" w t l B° E*l> rWi 0.371".Ilackcthtcwn Kiivoia, 7.20 P . M. ; tlairin-

10.35 P . M .

rnoamiVKii OOIKO EABTSUrristjiirB fipcclnl, 4 .H A. 31 . ; Defer Ex*

„„; , . , T.W A. M.i naekctts. toru Mail, T . « A.,( • Eistnu Exprrm, 8.42 A. M . ; DiuRliumptim

" . | i , 9 . u 7 P . M . ; Tlironub Hall, 9.17 l* .U. ;

lioj), 8 .27P.M.CHESTER BEAKCH :

rnnr^ltD. IT&TIOKI.A.M. P .M.




U7.I3T.I 57.20

3.654. in4.110•1,40



Cap!. Rcu. l IHe couldn't Biinii

Al c i t 5.UN iwovor putt oilieo t!

r drtiB nturo. Unvur.reliouKL»'fl mule, h dmiE ncwcjuipcr notoriety.t i l (iinlH were ~o!d ut Hi

UK I be k i t

Sped>. Apply to Uu.I1, Kilcbell, between Ihiekawuv aiid l i n eGlon.

The law agaiast the nliooting of *itiirrei l i i n s i>» Sunday, aad woodcock on >Ve«!.radar IK*.L

Mr. "ff. U. Corwln, o f BnccjHunnA, h.hct out :iO,(JOf) cabbage plants, covering about" i i arriiu of ground.

The liveliest piR In Uio coun t ; IIOH benmrchiuiwl for (ho Four th of 3tils pig cbna

and there will bo tots o[ HporL

The County Col la to r will bo n t h l a dL-eLiu tLo SurropiiUs'B otlU-o on Tumdny, Julyild,

Bvco broko Into tho granary ofEvt rs , near Uiiu pliteo, on-> night re .

«eutly and htoki a quant i ty of corn.Don't go o'it jii U i i F o i i r l b o f J u

ilbnut n iilco pair of bliu'k pinto. Thotuiui\VIIIH1I is nml:inK tliom to nr.l.-r I

Protection Honk nnd Lnddur Companyacknowledge tbB donation by Mr. I t . D .0Afl«e ot a flue volume to thelt library,

ktyecinl nuwiing of Vigilant Hoie Cum-iiiy v.- ill 1)0 htli] ucxt Tncadny evening. Allv members [ire requited to bo priwnt,Tho haiuw of Mr. J. Mcslor, of Green Vil-

lage, was struck by lightning aim nfgbt liuilviik nud a pnrt of the cellar wnll removed.Mrs.- M. M. Van Bcuren, of Morrlittoim

lias presented Hint tuwu with & drinkingfountain which will bo erected uloug thePark,

Andrew MuCabe, of Stanhope, linn beenBent to Newton jail for breaking into mil

king nemo mono/ from tlio effioe of Juntiooing.

Fnrmpra who liiivo not used COO'B Pliot-ifile Hliould Irylt tbl« ycur. A trial willumreltn uso by all. E . Liudsley k Son,ijcutit, Dover, K. J.

[.emrtn, Sfmwljflny, nnd


For n-nrnorno lw wig., „.„ „ „ ,„„,.v. remark tlinl the Futirtli or July occurs ont'tJnediUy next.

In tlio recent piniriintilinnis nt Went Pnint"l.vnbnnt niie-linlf "»f Uio c:iniliilnU-3 ««"*.

nntwl, Ijiit nmnt)((tti() Riici-ti^fnl onttnvnaC.A. ItnrncttofthifiDiHtriet

<lcnrK0 A. Bbndmrd will linte fnr the 4thf July n liirijn lot or Fnwrll'ii Ire Crenlit! rirlieRt ami lirst in tho KtntH, nnd willuplJyfiBltvnK /,imfHefl and iixViruhwh i

T1-O Afinn \\ Cnmrmmrflmntt nf thp Itnii'linlid Pfilleso nl M.idinnn lieenn on Tlinrs-

fliiv. A Inrae numl-flr of N>w Ynrkon w wi-f^til. filU'rn f |10 i,alf. TJie uxenUea were

Tor 11m pninine Nntlonil Annlvnrwiry R.II. Itrrpn* IIIR pnrrbnRCfl nn iniinrnde fitnrkof fireworks, tmlloom, fire rnrltcrM, tnrpo.

HM, elc, tn nnlimitoil variety. Htrp in hip> re, next to (BO Dnver Bnnlt. nnd RCO tliei-mt cut.

Tfynn ilfifttri* nny gnni\g iu tlm Mine linoill untl «eo Wrijtht A Ilrinl. Tliey have nn'ml n fin'! nln<»|(nr Rummer slioetf forIu'lipi,

f^itti nr.d cbilflrcn. in dlvi'nt slylcs, qnnlUi Hand \tv\vn. thij nlsn mako nhocB to onier

' "i-rylnw pricoa. .

>n 'llninthy erenittg the coal trnin due> nt nboiit bnlf-poRt ten o'clock broke Inbetween this placo and F o r t Oram, andilotuoliMl I'urs run Into Ilia others wentnf

ilioDovfr dmw bridge, mansliinR four c o nH xi>i\ilng a largo nraonut of enn).MIH. Tiiiciniln Wnoilfl.tvlfoof Jnmm Wimdn,

''•i Hiiiiilimly on Thmnrtny, the 21nt Itmt.Ura. Womln hnd bccii Goni-nloftcriit Tor fiome

flint VM mnrti 1>ctlcr n t t he Hun . en-if (he store n^johirtifr tha home Ml nndirt-d liefnre BIIB ooulil t o temoved tn

I Flnoni>|ile,Ar.,alVoii

7.ns7.1 S7.21

Hew York. .Pbil idolnhU,llicii Drlilco,

H 0 1 % II vOortnnn Volley,Nauglirigbt,mrfty,Kcnvil. • •rotf Oram,

o.fio fl,nr>io sn b,v7.43 4.4'7.27 4,197.10 4.007.D7 fl.fif.7.01 S.H26.55 8220.4B ai3

. 0.WI ' 2,506.2S 2,30



»*wray '. C " 15boslorll. B. (llnrlon B, Corwiu'tt,aiiMt(LJlin»r TRtmtta nnd Olioic,lur Junction SlBtioux,)..irlOima .'


. 1,014 H. 148 01,. 65 OL. 2J2 09

R 01

Total , . .


yiho wouldn' t b e n " l ead ingBl t i t on r ' uow?

Tho crops~ o f . t i l l s n o t i o n never looked

4 t e r . ; . ,;-' ;• _ -.. - ' ^

Parroera J uae tho best . Coe'o ^iiofpbnta

aold b y E . L l n d s l e ; &. Bon.

lTHe ilia Run Cholera mixture , M cents n

ittlo, a t Vonglit & KillgoroV.

Tlie young men of the place are practicing

tho F o n r t u or July. t i ib men.

Tom OoUlns liaa baen found a t l o s t Ho

s opened a beor ntloon in Morrlgtown.

The fianliariom'at Qroonwood Lake, for

ligent cliildroa will b j opened on Hominy,1 y ° - , :, • ' • • .

TJioFourtii of July parade in tills pinooU be tho meat impontog ever tern in this:tlon. '\Mr.1 f*m Ccflfl has purobased tho well.

• home, "Plow Boy," of Mr. JOB. R.

Tlio RflyBtonB. Fariiaue, at Ohnln Dwn, is1 iVJog S2B tons of No. lxand 2i pie iron

rwoek. r' .. •

JVo learn that the crop of trout fishersbig BC&sonls considerable in eiceBfl of tbc

op ot I ruut . • ' • • • •

Sack raccB, whBolbniTOW meen, crutch

MM, boy'a raccB, and an uniiomllcd amountif fun at Dover on tha Fourth. A J. Rearing aro campiritagawontrea for Mr. Jamen Cnnoll, betweenIt. Frcotlnm nud Centre Grove.

Stack No. 1 of ibBBanoon Iron CompanyA Hcllcrtown, WUB put in blast an Saturdaytftarnoon, after having remained idle HIDCP

O'Grndy, of New Brucnwlck.I87IJ.

HOT. Jobnito of Slina Hill, will drfircr an oration in

!t. Josepli't Cliirch, Xcwton, on tlie Fpurthif July, , ' ' "

Tho National Iron Bank oiIceiared n aomi-annunl dividend of four per

„ and the First, National Bant, tlireflWrcent.

On a New York list of routes for travelingihowinen, MoirUitown'ia crossed out withuenotain pkceof it " $100 licenao an"i o n ' t W t y o n a t t h n t " • '

E.' LliiiWty Jfc Son have juireceived a trenh supply of E, Frauit COO'H- - " Try it on yourIt fa tha bcrt.buckwheat this y«ir. ^; ' •,

Tho lisbtnEne on .Saturday dcmollfinodthe stoeple of tbo Mctliodint Church nt Pomp-ton, and ripped off tbe weatherboards. Thetelegraph OQIM nt Buavertown was alBO dofl-trovod by lightning. : - . •' Tba boyE have Becuicd the old band engini

at the rolling mills and are hating unifonoBRude for Ute panda on tho Fourtb. Tbcold atyle tnachlQe wiU offer a good oompul-«on wJtb oar present hflDiBomcly equippedfire department.

Baker 4 Bccmers' stilt e Dtinuos to bo the"old reliable" headqnarterR foretjrlUh in tho.way of ladies drees goods. Bytneona of judicioui selections nnd rapid Bakuthoy lwijp constantly on band,»' frcHh utocVIrora wbjoh to select., . '

Th« D . k l i AW. B. R. CowpaDy sold12^000 tons ol Sminton coal at auctlos i'WcdBraday, The avoroge pHoe per ton v/aSteamer, S2.17]; grate,. (2.ZGJ; eg12.41}; : rt6v«; ' f lBSj i 'and clicHluut,92.&CJ. The average decline was I4J canto( e r t o n . ,- ••_,.;. . - . . » - . •• *

Whan a women drinks soda she hoists tliugloss at an anglo of, eight degrees, bendn

"oVcr, tpld«''in her drewi, and aa sho loolw«ut of tho.oornora of her eyRN, Booming to baIn an ccatasy ofappreotaUon, alittlo drop citoda runs down off her chin and goes Ilkapearl plummet to the floor. -

Mr. JohnArmltagO, onr cx-Marelial, hrtaken the contract to carry tho maila froiDover to Woodpoil, on.Tuefldayaand Sotuidays'rf ejufaveekleiTine Doverat balf-pasltwelveo'oIook.V' HalrilUlaotarrypaaiengerttoiwillcaftfaHy attend to any uusiaecfl en.trosteu to'bla care. .We all knoV he ia nteliable man tn anything ho undertakes anilbeapcik for him' a liberal pntwnngft.,

Have yoa examined tha nrrt in which lliolocusts lay thtireggBf If you havo not break•off ow of ' U iB dead twigs that havo beenitung and "notice with what strength it plowInto the heart of the wood. Each looufitlnymyrikisof eggB,litUe wiiito mltf" about

. cightb of an an inoh long, and in deposit!thaip'aplitatba'twiB n p f o r ' n great lengthw.itli.'thfl stfono'bom'lilo tppendage with

- *Ueh it la armod, scattering )U eggs In thewnlaoa t in* inadu. Oik, ebcalDut, cpple

. J>«^» and many oUUr tma tn

for flavnrinR Iro Crejim.'Cdlu'Hight A KHIynrr.'.!. S»ld by tb<

Riillon, rjiuirt, ilozon or (tingle bnitle.

Owing tn tlio great rtmnniid for IfldloH[lien b'nifs duriuff the jwtt vw* M. 11.Ickemon hnn d[n?nort ntmtiier hrgu Int

nhicb will bo unllnt ndiiud pi

In thu 2:!I5 trottiug mco nt Floetwood onWeduosdoy Dr. T, B. FligUtr's "Don,"ofMorrfufown, won third notiey, QS'dli.. Iotbe first bent ho won fitconj jjlnce; timo

The present term of tlio Dover publiohool clcMcd ywitenlay wilU n very BiieecBfl-1 emniinntitm of tlio pii|ifln, who will now

enj,.y Ilin plciwnrcs of tbe iuunl S,p)jnmorvnciitinn.

Pinner nnd ten will benem'dou thoFourtliof July, nud a' lunch tnblu kept throughout

dny In u largo tent which will lie erectedr McFnrlnn'B Park'. Entertainment willibo prepared for all'wlioviait DoTcrdur-

iigthe diiy.bytho Indies of the MeForlautcect >f. E. Church.

ThoNowftrl: AiUcvlber,'nayii that Esssex:outity allows hy nctunl eipericnce that tho:peuReof keeping Stn inwino is only nbout

one-half tlint ehnrged (it tbo i MorriHtownAsylum. It in HIIOWII tliQt tho core, food,

«., tbero is equal totliot nt Morrietown,id the proportion Df cured greater, nud stillto latter iunist tbut they cannot afford toiduco their j'riaci

A newspaper of thin1 *Wnity wont to aaw'York paper anil clipptd the newn of itsm town. Tbo result wna thnt it Informed

its rewJtirB that Mra. Johnson, oljtraot, who wan Injnwd : by lightning lMtteck, Uthoraotherof fifteen olitldreil, all of

whom were In Ibe hoiua at the timo of tboaccident. Therlchuem ertb«lje«l consintaiu tbo fnet that,Mrs. Johnion tsouly about

J years of ago.'Win. Bmyi.Sr., of Iromlale, died, nt MB

home ycHtenlay mnrDing, nscd 70 yenrs. Holwd been fltllug fnr nbout bis months post.Mr. limy w*s n nnttve of EiiRUud, bnt for nlong timo baa bceu n resilient of tbis sectionwhpro bo hftH tiiVun n,n nctlvo jmrt Iu mluiugnfBdw nud-hft« gulnod by' l l is honesty andintegrilr tlio esteem of. nil uko ltlKW bitni

ID wnR*thQ futlicr of nineteen chtMren, Bu4nisednfine farntiy.- .. .";.. ' ....

" Au eiMTotion eight feet deep nnd twenty•tin drcurafprenoe won mada in tho earth

>y tho eiploaion," uiys tbo N. V. Sim's arti-. . . Iu tlio Mino Mtno HIU. explorion. Tliafact in that tho enrth WOB not dlfiturbod atnil, the Amount of elRnt powdar boiug onlyWo or ten pounds, Indtad of "'over l « l

•» and tlio explosion t«kt»K Pl"cn OI>«p, not under it. Tbis fo anotherIn thfl fool'K cap of tbe "lcodin(j


Henry FitzslinmonB, a miuw' ornployod i t:he Diekcrion mlue, while at work iu «w

,,,,1 of t»o wlna M- Fr'^aY * « • « « « ,_.. .Jiuerod nbout hid Uitghs between a Urge

rock Unit fell from one or tlio wnll«on: topof npillar down twunty f«et, and tlion rolUng"

Igbtbim by bin posteriqranil beld him in a" vloa. TJirep oilier' menwere with blm, and It In wonderful ihnl they

•ere not killed. Mr. F . will bo about ng»lui ii few dny. " •

11 Aunt Betsy Powers," an BUO wan famil-iarly colled, wifo or Mr. Daniel Powers, whoresides near tho Quaker Church, was on Bat-

last returning from the bowo of Mr.Vail,' when »ho was observed to fall down bythe roadside. Mr. Jiw. Ddrymplo, wlioher, minted her to her hnmn where Bho diedin ft few moments after. Sbo w » 73 yewiiof age, nnJ was buried from the QuakerGutirdion Mondny. barren pnpenarero.

nosted to copy. . ;Rome lunkheads are wasting n gre«t dan'

nf breath and nowspaper apneo to provn thatIho Hurdlown affair is a C«HO of liyrtcria.Well,"what of it? Who said I twun ' t r Bothevery simple lla'rs hereabouts hare got theIdea In thoir empty pates tbnt wo claimedtho singular manifestations wera froisupernatural cause, when wo explicitly statedat the timo there must be a natural cause for

itm, aud gavB tbe theory that many phyri-

ionH odvanend respecUng hyBtcrift.

Sonic peoplo Buppose t lat tho locusts havemiethme'" ^ w i t ) ) tl>0 Cfl1' d-v inS i n B ^ b

umbers in the Delawiiro and ita tributaries,_nd In tbo niountnln lakes of Uorrisother Northern Mantlet.; • They aven nflectto beliov« tlint Cio flsh die after eatinglocust* tliBt drop in tho water, fcutonly ono

if s largo number that haideadflsl»«nt of o gbeen examined*hud any of tleoa In il«Btomaeh, I t 1B Bald Uut the some thing oc-curred In 18G0. The probability la that it 1B

EneonniEinit rep a n heard rcgardtntha potato bug. Cloao obsorrerB notice Uialtba pe r t a in being destroyed in grunt num.bow ly a panwlle. Entomologlela inforraeclIbo people last year us well as tho year beforethat llie MinUnce of these liflgH would endonly by the pamsiUB that follow sudiinaecta.It U proboblo that thiawill ba tbolast year inn great mnny that our fanners will be both-cre'ahytho ravages of thesa pests, but noharm will result in continuod efforts at their

i Gdcatructioa by Paris Green and othci

lnstbodn. , 'Some men when thoy get miuried at one)

get slovenly. Tbey -wore good clothes wheithey were courting their wives, but whenthey necuro thorn tbey dont seem lo care,draw meanly, and diBoord ariBes.parlieu.larly if the wifo ia tidy. A B ° ° 4 way towmedy thin 1« for o'very married man to boya neat suit for a very Email outlay, of Thos.Walsh, tlio one-prlco mercliant tailor, nextto Brceiw'a book, etore. Ho has oTarythtngneat and durable In tba ready-matlo line, anda good assortment of plcoa gooda from whiU Bekcta n i t to order.! '• Try Ww. »wlyon do not find what we >ty ifl trae.thon B

ni nt Miulixoii nnd bruk

B. Greenwood i Unyn, (if

t to H. M.

AJf i J T t i ' f T TO BLOW Vr WE12JXUOV W.r . l-OTTKl!, fOHLUAS- OJTllfc nKJUCitsoM U1KK.

Ouo of the niOKf. diubolicul • nltenipta toJKtroy life and jirofcrty we tver bwinlof

h i tbiu -Ki'ctiau vm nmd« at • tbe D i tkv rwuMine, on alino Hill, u tubout iwu o'i-lotlt o u

lloudrtj- morning lust, b u t lmppily fuilud loIIJIUMU tbe result i n t t u d t d l y the vil-

who vuucoek'd it . Tliu detiign ftiwwithout donlit the tl^Klmtlioa of tbc life ofMr. W. V. l 'cttor, who for a number of

»;nr« past 1ms bein cmpldjcd by the AUf-n->wn Irctu Ck)iupunj un fore in au of tliolickenou Mine, mid wbu ^ctiilfK near Dm

mine. At tbo timo niffttioned on tbe mora -j in i[iieat(ou Mr. Pot ter was awnhcncd by.crrifiu r t p o r l and sliocb and tbn r.aund of

[tilling duiit nnd dir t outtiidn«Qnd immedi .xtrty received the iinpretwiou that tho builerif the mine had'cxplodcd. A s h o w i s u b o u to ariaa h is wifa culled out la liim

ginnt powder, and gett ing u p , ho licnnl hifiboy erj to him from another rooui,."Po,Pa,' the windows ara all fulling in." On

Qg donii to tho front of hiu IIOUHC the!h wns niado opparont to him that au

Effort Imd bopu ma Jo to blow up hits houteHid his family for tho purnontj of tukiug Idsifo. ID KIIOW hnw it was done a descriptionf tlio j>rt'iniHua in nectwBury.Tbo dwelling of Mr. Potter la a square1

welling of-two Btoricn mul n baxemtntBtnudittg with itH front to the roiid. . The

nseinunt luid formerly been rchtntl to nn-sthtr fumily, but at jiroeent in unoecuplvd.

Tito Itotmtnu "BuHcMa rcranrkH r ' " OiViihy Lint, iu cotn|>nny with Hon. John-11111mt Mr. W. fi. Diibtiltf we vh l l cd,ilir,irv aiHi Lyceum bui ld ing in MorrEs.m n . " They nre n o t doing much tffthliilRnw uvi r iu Kuropii, so hy way of a. l i ttleivfminu of H.J.L k ind ut home, we note Ibntbin in nbout (be poorent compntiy IIott.Jo)»iiid W. 8. wore ever known to bo cnucbt in .A o l i U d o f U r . Euvoaport , or Nowfonnd-ml niut billon by, i t In Kur>]>i«i-<], ft cupper-siil winko w h i l a l n tbe muailov picking

trnwbcrrlci. The lud I s i,lnwly rccovflriiiRtbo MTeclsby tboupplimtinn of a "unnke

reniRtly" handed dowu b y tbe Into Willinmiicr to b i s noii-iii-hw. Mr. William

Post. The remedy lms never fiiiledjo euroh e nmiij- ca»B of uite3 from vonnniouH rep-

Icafuuud In that acclioii for u i»uyyeu» ,

Flanders,Tho following vnw received too late forillicatfon lost woe It i ' *Tho funmil of Mr. V m , Ijvudon was

largely attended on Baturdav, 10th iust. , iutlie PrcBbyteriiiu Churcb at U t . Olive. Bor-

wcra conducted by Rov. T . W, Fox,iflflkted by flevs. Deyoa, Apgor and Spros l .Cho sermon showed careful preparation, waB

.o witli thougliU pertaining to practicalUfa, a n d tl&M n vggested b y t b o occiuiion.T b o following van Uie lo i t , (dkon from J o b ,

i, and N t h . "All the day* ot toy op-pointed t ime will Iwdl t t l l l myclmuge como."Mr. London wnn a inao of more than unusualneighborly qualities," and will be missed bytho entire community, l io leaveH n wifo,two children and a large circle of friends to

ourn bis Ions.The PpTtf jnurdar ha s its lesson for every

rotitb and for e > « y parent charged with the•esponability o f . b r i n g i n g t1] l objldrep. I tM hardly pessi t lo t o overestimate Uie need

of thei r children be ing habituated to someuseful employment as thoy advance to ma-

, T b e -worning ban tha gTcafcat po -tency to t b u e illepOBGd to vngrancy and iii-

tliat "Baton Qndjt some niiHchlef silll for tdjebands to do . " A you th wi th vagrant habluiwho hallo from a neighboring place, t a nbcrn abunt UIIR yillnge. for some days. I t

mid Ue Homebody's duty to look utter th isoung wayward. AXUIH.

• Port Morris. '.An tmln Mo. Ul Was fouiing into ridcrnon

ilnljon on Weducfidny night, somo of tbe"iitnous Put(!i-Hou roughs jumped on tlio cmil

tn, put ou breaks enough to "HIICU" theiUjjiiiB, threw Kfones through tha nib win.low ut tuo oucinr(T>'nud Kinnnbed tbn loeo-noiive'a bend light with.(lie mimo bnndy

yitefl. The lives of our cool tmln menlH in tlnnger every ilny from thm» WBOSIH.'

Clio I'liturfion unthurUios bad butter loult:ier tboHO M l w s A little.Ou Weilniwiliiy evening n young tnnu

Ktnppcd At Mensenger & King's, nud afterpillllng himself ouUide of Bcveml gl>tMenol

iiWv, ordfK'il Bappcr, saying aa he wtutM I to it t lat 'uu.faflttr was over.ftt Stnu-^ope witli (woliindsof cntjlo, aodKhouldheHUB Iu before ho got through, fhoy «Lou IdJ\u\ him dowa Aftcraupperbotaeinidciec!

out nhout Ibo 'pLine, roduliiug finally Ihtround hoiiw. Sir. King, wbu aiispiuioitL-dHint lip Vfl* • ft bent, wcul to tho Jtwtict'd,procured n wanuul, uUil imptfiretl (lie yomtgmnu as lio wiu nbout \u btard a so,4 l)uin

VIM gnlud cmt. Us - gnvo tliti unnieof. . . .A t»id \,b lived in 8lioad>.lmrcb, «ud

L-flbbt coct in pnvu till he could nay*iimfr. • D- J-

nttorwTho reliability ofth*N. V. bun, liroliiting to Ibis pmt of Now Jersey,on i\ i«r with tbut of lUa ofber Kuw YorkiMlics, the formor having the advantage of

Inttcr. hovrevc-r, in ruspect to e it end adggemtitn. Tbo gun la not satisfied tin-i itifivca iUftuufcm a column of fancifulstrilfouB, TUB Sun

luge. It Itna a " lending citizen " in nlraostavcry town, who fnrnlabes its reporterH^llliils vinggeratioiiK, nnd, as usual, these " lend-

ig citiztmj •• tako f|dvtiuUvge of (be reporter,ho UliuAttsstmpnaeiylBil, curing only for

neusatlou, find in hnppy when bo sees i n tliSun tho ftUtderons words bo bas uttered tothe r>'lK>tttj. I f pnina ohould bo tnkon t c

!n> Into t l iBchnnioteroftho8iin ta"l€ftt lcitfjwu" io other towns 1)0 wpulij b e

found to be tlio Kama character t hn the in iithin town—tha " luud tug l in r . "

Four Men Killed in a Mips.19 toDowlag dispatch appeared in tbi

How York papers on Thuredoy i"Yentenlny seven minern, whilq engngoi.

In drawing a bucket filled with ziao ore,from n W in the mountains betweon ',Va-terloo aud Nfiwtoni Bussoi codnty, aeddent-y caaglft Uie rope on » sharp stoao and cutit In two. , Five fit the mon wero thrown in-to it washed out mine, and four of them—Uaitcr Jones,'Wm. Gorvey, Henry PetersajidKlchard Apg«—WCM LM badly Injuredtliat they died this morning. ,

e jivror Iwirned of may such mine btlnglocated between Waterloo and Kewtou, to itis probnblo thnt the acotdent must hnve oo-ciUTitl nt tbo iroummea In tfaenelgbbbrboodof Wotfrloo and AnUorer, or in tbe sinemines at Franklin or Ogdensburg.

Sine* tlo foregoing van written we learntbattbo accident ocurred at tho zinc mini

A Well Known Ottlzen Mtastng.Vim. Mlnton, * trcll-tnown cltlcnn, nnd

ncldior of tbn lite «iir. tinnerly residingShonghnm, loft hia homo at Pigeon Hillearly ou MnuiJny momiag lu-t, intehdJng togo to MnrriBtown by tho mounlidn w»:1, sincewhich titoo lio b u not been heard from.Having received his three, month*' pensiona few dny» protons, it is feared ha IKIH metwith foul pUy wlillo erossicR the monnUltBoearlylnlha duy. *AnyicrormatinnofhwhereabcmtB-will be thankfully rcceived.bjbUjwife, "*h) feara shij rouj noxer M

on fire.hen recognized tha

" F r a n k ,I HUicll KUioko." Hemell nf tho wiioltc of




Notwithstaudiug tbe Qepremiing influcuciof tbu times tha r>atrioti^m of our people bos

quite oozed out yet, and they haveresolved to have, tlie grandest demonstrationever, MI n iu Dover o minge a r j of the natiou'a nnlid diiy. At a mootin)f citizuntt held on Friday evening of h a trock i t wnu rcHohcd to celebrate, and the

lie sleeping nparim aro iu tho upperHtory, Mr. PcTtter and Ills wife occupying tin

nuil th'oir three children tho front. Atend of tbe frout nt tlio lop of the bono-

mcut wall IK tbn entrance door, within porchIn front to whu-h a pnlr of steps lod fromtho ground. This porub won nhout BIX feet

i, eight or ten feet long and four feetwidn. Under tho ntepa wjis n bin / o r tlioBtomge of cool. This stoop WAR entirely

lown away, being thrown, with tho excep-tion of tliettops, out Into tbe stmct, mid n

ole nbout six feet long nnd KII in width WOKblown into tho" eldo of tho house, sbowlugthnt the plotters hl«l cviilt-utly dona theirwork iu a very buiiglipg manner by placinghe explosive on Hie porch and ngnluhi tho>ido of tbc lonlu, building ttheru tbc liolo

lido. Tho uuioiiut used is not known,)Ut one of the niinoM who hi^rd (lie eiplo-ion uud has hnd coimiilerulilo espcrience inilitsting with dynninitfl tlmugbt from tho

lortthnt a cbnrRfl of nbout five pound*WOH used, BufQcicnl no doubt to bnvo blownpthoenffrn bnddingff itdudbocu "plnoed

it WQUM have done tbKB It win none of tbc fnuiily wcro iu Iholeant injured, nithoiiRh tbn children, whoreceived tbo grrntcHt sliouk botauso of beingnenrewt liio exploHJon, aver thnt ilwy votehrown up Hi leiifit two feet from their beda.fter OFwcrtnlnins thnt toere wns no fire

ibout tho preniiseB Sir. Potter picked up the>brin that hnd been thrown out into tho

road and ptneed it JtifiUa Ho fence, By thisno a number of tho neighbors nnd miners

who had been nltractcd by the report ap -peared upon tho SOGIIO and tbo grontcutindignation WAS manifested.

Subsequent dcvoIopniDnlM fihowcr? (lint thoicoundrois who did tho work had procuredholr powder by breaking into tho powder

ii!no of thu Dnkcr miuc, \sliere thoy effectedi entrnncn l>y boring lioien about the staple.

I i fg thought Hint about t on f iod i i tbo f <lywn-mite WUH t n k m , I n front nf tbo houso ofEtlwnrd HcGury , on tbe Baknr properly, n

umber of cartridge wrappers were found;ind from theso oircnnwtntices i t Is supposedin( tlia MISCAIS ' emptied theso cartridgesjgcther In a paper, mnking a wad, a t tachedfuse, a n d after firing It, Ibrew it upou tbe

stoop from tho rood, a n d tlio force carriedit ogainBt the eido of the building.

Many of the pjories (liat hnvo been pub-lished about thia affair with tbe idea ofcreating the impression that there Is n MollyMngnire organization In thin sec t ion , ' andthnt Vigilance Comrnltteea aro being, formedvrith ibo object of meting cu t vengBatice

pon thonj a r e (he IIWCBJ futj-icfltioriH, andwithout producing nny good results only toridto coKt reproach vpon the miners of thirueollou; Indeed tho n {a gainingpgrotind abroad tliat our minlvg locaUtiea abecoming (m.bnd as Rome purt^ of FennByl-vania, wben just the reverse in tbo fact.None'felt nioro autrngfid over this crlmotlianUiQ-minera of tlio neighborhood, whoscout the Men of sutJ] on orpoiiation, nodit would nut lo yell for the perpetrators

loald tbej fall In thctr handa. - , •All tha appenrnnccB indicnto tbnt tho decil

was tha work nf probably two or threeIndlW<?u »ls who toraooit reason hn,re ionaci\

grudge egalctt Mr. Potter, am) hn^o c*n-clnded to employ ognlnst him the artificesf tho Holly Magulres in the liopc of fright,

ening him away by making bellevo that thereorganized effort to toko his lifo. TLi*

gentlEntan tins been foreman ot thin mine fordozen yearn or more, and during thnt timegrent many men have been under bis con-

trol. 'Notwithstanding tha fnct that ho Ishighly esteoyW in the position Loholds-by

is employers for kla ability aqd fidelity toIhoir intercBta, and by tbo men far binuniform kindness—be baa been compelled todischarge- mou for various cauneR and it innot improvable that HOQIO nnjirinciploil onesshould hold malice ngoipBt him, nnd neck to

him jnjury, A number of yenra ago lioreceived tkrenlcniniianonyiHQiis pptlcDB, nndrecently flvo letters of the Entno kind havebeen writton lo Jlr. J. R, Peters and Hon.Aug. O. Confleld. Those. latUr vroro to tbeffect Ihnt if MV. Potter win rctniucd as

fnrcmnn tinder the new uauftgement whichchargD of the tnlno to-day, he (Tot-

ter) would bo kUU4 nnd^he mine buildingsdestroyed. Ono letter purported to he therarning of a friend who raid bo dared not

divnlge hiB unmo. Another niuerUd thatas I n n as thor« w u n God In Heaven"

that if. Mr. Pardeo kept Mr. Potter as fore-man the latter -would bo killed and thebuildings burned. A third writer alluded totbo nltcmpU that hod already beta rondo toburn the buildings. There were two of

ttempts mode during the past spring.On one Sunday evening an effprf was modeto fire Hie t of tlio boiler hones , and

line t ime later, on a week dny night , anotheii! tempt b y nhot ing an old coat

book of a pair «f rtnlrs nnd wttingit on fii

NotwlthEtanding tlio tlircBt* tbnt havebeen mado, we are glad to loarn that it isthe Intention' of tho new managetnent tocontinue Mr. Potter aa foreman of tho mine,A guard bas been placed ab<-ut bin hoiprincipally to allny. the fears of Mrs. Potter,and every effort will be made to ferret outand bring to justlco the perpetrators of thlioutrage. Mr. Potter Is a man of couiagsond good judgment, and it will go hnrd withany who ondertufca to molest b in . Hisonly to be regretted that ha did not cUscavithe rc«ent P1(t h> time to (hoot thu villains.

Locusts. v9. R It&tbbon, a prominent

of Lancaster county, Is Investigating tbej j* . ' S B P T C U I C I M ,

locust^ and deairc« Epocitnona In all theirHtages of development, from tlio grub, whenit first appears from the ground, or dug fromthe ground, ami from thenofl through thoiivarious irtagei of development to tho perfcelinBoct) also, spcclmenn cf the twigs wheretothoy hnvo 'deposited their eggfl. Tlioy op-ptarod fn Eautontn I6BB, u d are duo hcr«agtln in 1885. It is not known fully if the;are -Bporsdio or accidental, or if- they aremigratury, and It is these poinbi that cn-llglit*iiraent Is specially wanted upon. Theyeax* tar the main hody ot locusts fc>af.a n IWJOAnd 1808, and at intervals of MVcn-twnyears{ with hero and tberaloc»I vial tationtis blermediate'joaxa.'; Tbom now i n crar northern Uor of town-

galpcandthrougaUia time range in NewJ r a r y and New T « k bblaug to Uw 1 "

liltoo was appointed to makeWm. H.

lotlowing com

bert , G. fiarrabraut, 8. H. Brecso, P . V.Wolfe, Frank' Cox, David Young nud J o h n. GIbuiu. TiiCHQHUbBequcntlydividcd intoih-coimnUtaee, opporUojied the work, and•I about t be tasks a l i g n e d them. Tbe:ftult in tha t we aro ablfl to nnnouneo this

TTutk tba particulnn) nf n firet-clawt celebra-tion, which nra no complete in overy renpaotthnt they ore sure to alike u p a WOBI U J J O T -al>le day, DUO full of iutt>rGi.t aud amusementfrom the early dtiwu till decent bml t ime,

G advent of the day will bo heralded bytho ringing of bellu and firing of cannon.At 9 o'clock *. v . a street pnrado wiU boformed under command of Maj. Gliarlcs F .Gage, Mnnbol of Uio Day, which will bo thefiucut ever seen in Dover, and will compriseIho following funlures i .

City Mnrihal and Pol i ro.MniKbal of the Day nnd Aids.'Committee of Arrangements.

Dover Hornet Band.Duver Pirn Dcpnrtmont—Chief MeDavit,

Vigilnnt Hone rompflnyiProti>ctiou Hook nnd Lmldur Company.

City of Dover' Steamer Canipnur .Au Old t ime Machine—run by the boys.

Car Shop L inh t Artillery.Mt. Hope Cornet Hnnd.

Randolph Lodge No. llta, I. O. O. V,Ictiilulieu E u a i m p m e a t Ko. fid, I . O. O. F .

Visilinc Lodrau of Qild Frflows.PUunny FknutAi>ticftlii.

Orator Header, Oloo Club and Clergy.Boldlers of t h e War of 1612.

Mnjor nnd Ootiihioa Council.CitJ7-eiin, Mounted nnd in C&rrlagOB.

Cnjit. Allen, Llout. V o U e n n d J j icut I j im-ert will not a s AIIIH, aud tho l ine of Marchill bo on follows: Form on BlncVwell St.,

K-iib the ii^l i t renting on Dergcm;. fromIbonco tbruiiub Blitckwtll imd TroKpucl Kbt.

i^or liji'liurcl'it rfhliiniiro, ooutitpi-innri-li-ii>ont b is urouiulu ; down Oold and

hronR1I CbcHtnut nnil Orchard slrcctn InDichewoii ; tbrongu DlektrBou, Sussex, Mc-

nrlnn, Pequnnuock, Clinton, nnd McFurfcuiIweta lo McFnrbm's Gtovo.For this parade tbo differeut tiro com-

anics are w a k i n g unusual preparat ion andill turn ou t iu bet ter form thatt aver beforei tb tliolr iiiachinca lmndfioraely decorated,

[toth tlia Dover nud Mt. Hopn Band.) havod d o d considerably t o t&oir numbers for th is

occasion and Will give ii? first clww muwo.T h e Odd Fellows b a r i ' ftlso luvitcd thoirbre thren of Morristbirnj" Iloonton, ItouUawaya n d Succasunna, and will make a grand

iniowilratton. # '

At the conolueion of tbo parado patr iot ic[crcisfB will bo held l a tlcXnrlan's grove.

\ m o n g tho excrciiea will bo tbe Tending ofthe DcclaratJoa of' In^epoodence b y Mr.3liiphon B . Twnis and sti cmtion hy Win. T .Leport, Esq. The exercises will bo Inter-

icrsed witU sin| | l |)g b / n Qlea p h i h solctlcjlr tbo Oceanian nnd mttnlc l iy t b e biuiflu.In tbo afternoon, comirienoing a t S o'olock,

there will ho AU exhibition *>! ludicrousathlttlc sports, for prizeH, nil of which vbe open to any. who winh tn compete forthem. Tbey will open with a tub race,probably, on the canal baain, the winner toreceive a flilver cup on'ij t ie second bent §».

3 now quite a uutnbor of> wee [s nntici-

TliC Goi-e Mine-V>'o jinid II vitlt un 'J*ue«loy to tliu " Frank

LOW Leiiiff rajjidly devriui k d. nnd in nttmct-ng cousidcniblf ittleutioul»-<;iii--unf the sizepf tbfi vt ' i imud tbo rirhuchHof Ilia ore. \V'eomul Unit t'uij»«ii.l<T.iMo improvement lioilicon iirniiL'tiiico our vlait tit luxt l'dl, «ud

that thi; uniU'ivuKinniUL'hbttUrilutji.1 for in-Hpcutiou. I t ia now being worked by J l r . |David Jurd iur , under thu i^raotml m:i>orvM

pnof Mr..InH..T.'inlino. Tiie ore, ivhit-b ifall thn time nh*witig}ieHir. and art-rags* Mpercent, of pare inn, I* brine "liipjx-d tr

lJcUilchcm Iron Compuny, at Itctlilcbcm,1'a., whoro it is being uBtd for Bled pur*

us. It is of a dark rloh color and tp1

in thut vt) haw iu the office enwpirably with tho»u of 111.! funioiii) mliici

I'ort Houry, N. Y.They nro now working on thn bn tg ing

wail vein v i t h o n o sbnft, wliich in close b ye>Hpne l ioi*e, nm] Juivu lucretinvA t^niliticK for taking o u t t he ora. Tills nhnftbeen sunk to a depth of about ouo huu-

Iredfutt, and rmone of the miueraremarked,uino lookn.bctlor nU tbc t imo In (lie

<ink. Tho water comes in the m i n i nbouHty fnf:t from tbe surface, over tho nhelf of

rock, and> runs Into thn old driftou tho uotitli-WL'Ht, which by means of a damban been transformed into n rcwirvoir fromwhich tlio wnt i r is lifted by the p u m p . Tlioquant i ty of wuter ruist-il is very Rinnll, lieing

loro tlinu Hiiflhiout for wlint in rcrjiiiredTar tbo wauliing of tlio fino ore. I n - t h eliottoni no water in lurulu a t all, jiinkiug tho

a very convenient one to work,er tbo Knioiro lm<l e lonnd n«»y from n

blast of Hoveu lioles we descended tlio iniao.Tbo ore Is unit ronched a t n depth of fifty.

fui>t from the nnrf«eo. Fioiu hero tlioyn flunk upon tlifi vein fifty feet further.

Arriving a t (be bo t tom wo found i t covered-itb musses of tho very fluent ore , which,

vu busui i i i l b y tha bliwt JHHI waits,ind in every tlirectiou we look oil tlie niug-

iictic particles fjllHtoiinl a s tho light of ourcnudies glinted u p o n t b a wnlfp, llinkiiif" n

ttyieiylit, nud demonxtmting conclusivelyexiatence of a lurgo nnd rich body of ore.

In tbo sink tlio vein is now to.i feet v ide ,aud tho wall lion no t boon reached upoiici'fiier Ditto. Upon (Unvciuljioy h a r e drilled

Qvcnty fpet to tho nortb-ennt. ' Iu tlio breiiHti this direction thu veiu Hiiows niuu f^tt in'idtb, and throughout t b c course worked it

rill nvernge in ' width nearly iiinu feet,booking tn tlio nonth.wcut then is a breant

of ore thir ty feet h igh and ten feet wldo,Elntcd by the auceoKn of their rfforts tbus

they propoBo i null lut ing now lucamircBfor tha further development of tho mino.Jae ot those mil ho a drift lo tlie stnith-

cet, umler thn rciicrvoir, carrying a pillarlibnut Dft«cn feet. If Iho result of tht-no

:pcriiueiit4 prove no Kticccuffiil iw jiresuulippenraiiccH imlicnte Ibey wi l l , tbe re enn bono doubt thnt IMi mino will n t onco tnko

ink RB ono of tho most vnbial>lo in tbacounty, for it posBaHsen nmny o tb r r 'advan-tages iu mining, one of tbo mast importantof wbid i in it« proximity to tho milrond nndcannl, uj>on COEII of which tbo proper ty hue

imjilo frout. Tlm ruin enn be trnccd touoiitli-wefit no loss | hnu tlirco (]ioufland

'oet, aud nt a distance of BOVCMI lmndvctl feetio cap roclc fonnil nt forty foc-t from tbeirfnco In this shaft i s them fouudnt a depth

at only tlirco nnd a baif feet. Wo nro gladto note that thin proper ty is showing u p so

For this tberentries, and an . . ,. ., ,_

For the pig- cHnse a nood-fll»ed anavery lively porker baa beau selected. l iewHl*bo^iifopefly"'Sh'a?cU WtTgrcnaad; andwilt be presented to the Individual who IBlucky eqougb \o cochin) - ? l) e° iuere yti\\be a wheel-barrow, race la. wblcli tlio oou-

wj]l be blindfolded, a sock race, aTutch raoo far yiitolj'..>pTCiol ona-legged

liare already entered^ a boys moo and>ther Bportn, for mou^y prlioi, wbiah willlake up ah aftemooa of wholesome enjoy-

ment. . . ..• ••:.• • • .In tho eveniug tbero will ba a grand die-

ilay of fireworks upon the ntdo bill In tboir of (he old academyj'-which will make a

Bplcndii) ploco far all to witness them. Tb,eCommittee havo already ^nrchnscd Iho fireworks and hnve succeeded in securing a

iDddittplny,'which includes about a dozenlargo uleacs, and a lnrgo HBturtmont ofrockets, bombs, candles, eta.

Ia tho matter of flnaoccB a goodly sum hns3on collected,* but not yet unite enough.

For tha balance, however, the Committeefeel that tbey. can. rely «P°n the generorityof tho people and not bo dienrpolntod. I<ctall RIVO them a helping hand.

In addition to Uio nbovo features will be;ho feBtiVftln to. be belt! by the

id tbe Indies of Bt. Mary's Church, tbeparticulars of which wilt ba found elsewhere,Tbe Indies.of tho McFnrlau street M. ECharcb will also liolil u fofitival on Warrenstreet, north of IUnokwelt street.

With aU these preparations there can boo doubt of 'tbe success of tbo celebration,IU) tho pcopjoof surrotjiiding tp^ns ^fill fitiflo better place to spend tbfi day tliati Dovi

FametHl nee the bent, Coo's Pbosphatois sold by E.ttndslny A8on. '

Temperance Work nt Morrbtown,Tbo Reform 01 ab nnd tbe Lndiea Union

»T8 teofl dofng some very efleotive workdur ing t he .pu t t two veekn, moellngN b'oin'gbeld nearly every n igh t , Tlisy hnve mainlyb o m ttudcf the clmrgo of W. K. Clnrk ofNewark , -nrefor raeu man terally

picked ou t of tbe gu t t e r " b y tho IUnion' of tbnt plnc« a few yean ago, andandar tbclr enre bas become a tcalous andfinccewifnl worVer ill thq enrwo.

> Althnngli nn nne dnmt rd man, nitd bfunlga ftfri-tint in hie'upcceh, kJa uu

nud lha Htory he :tellfi nt onco nttracU tbesvmpntby of bis-' tindienco. I l i s muuner ofconiiucOnc IbocainphiBn.iiere b r s b e e n fin'by potionnl vigitnUon to in tcmpcmlo men it l i d r tojofl* UDd woik plnc«, ond by jiorsnppenle:

D p , y jiTor to persundo tbcm t a n


then to invita them to ' h ; incptingn aminduoe them to sign thn p l idge , of w!,ich thfoUowinRis noopyi .. . - , " , ,

"We tio solemnly promise \>y t h e h e l p oGod ' tha t we-'will nevc r 'mnko , bny, sell

In ofIt or

boveruge asy'ftpiritnous or iliquor, noil that wo will in o)l proper idiscoiirnge tba use of tha aams."

About 1G0 uignnturcs have thnu fnr beenibtained to this p!e>Vt nambering i

who Lave been habitual drinker Aftesignlug t t l n pledge thoy arc inOqceil tn be -como menibon of tho Ileform c l u b , which isdune by fiigiiing thi

orwi .—" Wi th mnl co toward none , withcburify fnr all.'"P L E D G E — W e . the enrolled Hembc-rn of

tho " F i r s t Temperance lteforui Club ofMorrtitown, N. J . ," ' foelin • our own weak>ness, a n d deHirlng to ejenpo t ho bondage olI t r a n c e ix> How H O L X U N L Y pness, an g p nIntemperance, ix> How HOLXUNLY.b f o Hod and thtow witneiseR t h a t

perance, i H HOLXUNLYpnobefoie Hod, and thtow witneiseR, that we willBeck tbe Snviour, and relying iijmn HIMpromlBCB conueniU enr appetites; our wenk-ncsBOB, onrselvcH. and onr all to Him; believ-ing that l ie alonu cuu nud will breftk thenhncklcsnndMtnsfrco. Sobriety 1 Uon»ty!C l l l y l'Mcmben nf tba Clob wear a Moo ribbon.

Ton mectiug« hnvo been hcM iti tho Uti:Mimion Cbnpol, two in the Jail, one in thoLiltluton Boliotl boose, one on tha park andone in .th» Firtt Prcebjierfao and Uothodint

hurches r ip-c ' jvul; , . Tho, meeting lout_ rcning in .tie Mttbodist Cbnmh was fairlyattended »i & was addressed by Mr: "\Y. aSoutcr of K«wnrkiin'ils«.Bmlothers,makingpointed perinnat' appeals to tlielr hearers.'MccUogn will ho held la tba Chapel onFriday and Baturibiy dvcalngi and.6aiiday

if WorriBlowu, Moonton, i totVnway nnd :b ro thJnceasuiuin to be witli them, and ux|»;ul t o j have

hnve a g m u d tliao. Tli« ML JIojiIlnud uud n gocJ nlriiig 1itteidauce, midTfrefilmif-utn nnd jn\"o intoiiciitinp liquol>)nco wiJJ Lo well no

Tiie imninl ]»in-uic of* fit. l lnry 'd Churcbwill lio held in tho beau ti fill grove on thi

Kroiindi), dny and evening, comniciiclug nt II o'clock, A. «. Ice-ereiun mid nilk'tudti of relrwhiimitH will bo furJiitibrd i nabundance, anil a nrleut Hiring bnurl willfiiniUh the music for tho tuerry dancers.Tlieite l«ie.uitn Imvu nlwnyn boon verj- pojil n r . n u d nil wlici visit Dover should not go•vrny wi thout p a r i n g tbuni a visit. Onlyemperanee drinltH will bo wild nn thy ground.

At Itofli&wny tlm ludius of Bl. recolln't3b«rch hold n Rrnnd pic-niu in Ktieklo'*I rove , with dancing, riircdliinptits, t ub

r a « « , etc, A MHIW bont will w a k e . t r i p severy two lionrH between Uure r and tho

•OHIMIH. Tbn Inilios ol tbo M. E. Olinrchill a h u hold nn aUmet im fnir nud f f t i r a l

In tlio k'cturi) room of tho rhurch and cm the'srOHiidn [ullt>ln]tip, ['fjimiicnclnjj ou theevening of tlio .Id am\ roiit 'un'nK tbroutrlioutt b e dny nud evening of thn l o u r t l i .

At Milton tbero will b e nn old.fanhloncd•lultnttion in tbc grovo of J . R. V\Rgp. Tlie•ntinu vJll 1M ildivcred hy A C. Suii th,

Est] . , nf Dover, the licclnrntiou will bo n.wl

by ilr. J. P. Lrltiill fr.rnl-li tlio

time, tomiiie

1 long ta seo it thoroughlywell and bopo bcfoiivclappd.At prcBonl about eighteen men aro cm.

ployed in connection with tba work, whichIncludes ten minors,

•FarmersI UBO tha best. Con's Phosphatej Eold by E. Lindeloy k Son.

CHESTER.Tliolnt* proprietor of tlio Chester House,

'. 11. Eldrcdge, biw been tendered tho po-ition of conductor ou ,the Centralif New Jersey, lifl« accepted, nnd ia now

running a train. Frauk Is n flrBt-clusB fellowand understands rpilroadiiig. -'

The fair held loRt week under tho auspicesof- the Indies of tho OongrcgnlioniU Churchwas a decided tmceaa, AIIII pnaseil oil veryplcuuintly, exocptinga nllyht difuculty be-tween n drunken roti(ih nnd one or two townboys, bnt it did not amount to anything.We understand that tho. amount of money

is two hundred nnd sixty dollnrs.We presume tbey will not about two hundredand twenty-five dollars.

Our down ,town agriculturist In rainingtomatoes qtiita extensively this yerir and theylook very good. Wo were informed thnt

icy liavo contracts to keep them from goingta the ground, One would judge that tomn-tocB would pity nearly as well Tw half nu acreat onions.

Two of our town gent*, Ellis AY. Hedgesind Jolin E. Hardin, are home from college

i avocation. Ellis b avery Una ftcholurandwell spoken of Iu Chester cud olKenhcro.

Johnny is also a good scholar and a promis-ing youth.

Once In awhile wo see gatcn on houses butwe da not know what tbey are recomtnendudfor unless tlioy are to keep people from full-ing out of doors. Thoy aro certainly not

urglar proof,Mr, Andrew Greger is muling quite eotne

improvement on hta property by putting upwagon houso and other repairs. Mr.

Crcagcrgavethe contract to Messrs Erninons,Burr, Datloy & Co., auil they nro pushing Itrapidly forward. " -

At tlio Bhooting match held nt ClicfcteiCTOSB noodB^ liwt Sflturdfly Utcrowiut somiTory good shooting done,' pavid 8. did notshoot worth a ceut. Ho did not break even

LHS bntt. Dnvid, Iiow is thnl? IUsays tliat lie cannot shoot thone ba1!st.butcan kilt a duck if it |B as large as a turkey. .

Fourth of July Observances.Kurcly thu hard tiinta have not afJedrti rwtrioiiBHi at tlie \woiifo if nc umy Jwlfi

from tlio many observances of the dny to hheld iu thin ROttioji. Throughout Ikis DJidi>f tlie coimty, purtionlitriy, Humof Ljppr>rttiaitierj for eujoyuioul,

:ry v't\hy& irilJ ho alive withand ain'-iKfuiciit. Kot i-v«n in ti)? CcnU-'O-niul yenr nun tberu juilitka-

forthoeclrljrntion in tbis ]ibtcv. nud beloiw< (fjvfi in hrief tlw du'wgs iu other tuwiiair tliis vjriuity:

ltuudoljili Ijjtlgo, Kr>. 130, aatlUtiUikhemEnctiiiipnuiit, Ko. to, I. O. O. P., will holdi grand pic-uic in HIcFurluu's grort, com-iiL'iifiog itnmed'uittly alter Die p»r«(!o in IbpuomiiiK ftnrt I'DUtiuuing through out thodiiy

Retist'ouB.A puiuful n i m n r wne hturtt'd BO me ti

?» hi rahtion lu Ardihiahop J3iiileyf o f l l a l -u, forui( rly UiiJiup cf thw (H. C.) Dio-

ct-se, to thu. Tbo ;

thut i

;,- h!yh tutl.oiily. Thf Archbishop ist in \hhy, Fmmiv, wliitlier ho

i ik iM-iit Lyhiwf

drink iU waters.thirty-four y e a r s lie LasUbiiredasprieG

o \rc!il>ihliop HugbfiB, Bishopd b

y pNewark, and in hiu jircw


gnt we, and had be*t. lU'st J'H all lie

" at BhippingportA good work is fioinfreligion. Two l>riilhL-rti buCamo convert

ed without aw>i(itauci! from tha cburcliexof them coDotivrdit his dutjto doeoino

liiii;; for tlio jiliu-n, nnd liMorgnnizctl a goud! HabbnUi School, nnd pmyi-r meeting. Tin

will bny otbirs will bo Htliy n visit.

<u of tho M, E. Chi•liAi-tl them in tluirmeetingB. Foui•e boen coiivcrteil OTIII aclami iu foru

•vlll lie in ing;, they iiewl pecuniary aiwlstniifo, olD (Inuring, books of tbe Subbatb Scboolu out of uuiitlructioiiH. would bo glndly received.—Unuucr.pld uitd Iho A U I l i o n tt.Ulpcniuec incetiug will bo hcl

-SiuUinlity-nfUraDOt},Rii o'clovk,


in, nnd tinIUHIC, The

Milton liaidliulk't) of tin-

leyo an heretofore' Among the pcrsoiiH pro-»swl for Uio position of coadjutor to Cardi-.1 MoClohltoy aro Bishop Corrigan and tli

Uev. Dr. McQlynn.

Thc-rt) will be n gpnenil nit-ctlng of theni'Jay schools of tho M. E. and Prcfiby-rinn chvruhcti of ML Freedom, ou Enndny,

July Ut 3 o'oloclt, P. M., in the I'rcRbytcrinnOlinrch, Hov. Mr. Palmpr, of. Dover, nndotbiTH pro expected to adtlrcRR tha children,

HOT. W. K. Mnu), thb atttlioHzca ngent of\heOhiint'timVttion Temperance Anooc'mtlon,will preach in tbo MeFarlau Rfrect M. E.


i will 1ii itij- at noon.

Stryker, or Dover, will ho the orutcr, andMr. E. 8. Btitfk, of Kovarlt, tlio *<-nil<r.

bo I,..]I,„ of tlie L'lnireh uill bi.ltl a fntr andifitival and there vlll he hallcm asceiiHioimi the nftcrnomi and erening.At rmkevlllo Iho initieR of tbe Bnpti«l

Cuurch will hold n fnir and fcstivnl on thegrounds nrnr tlic church, iliiinar nnd tea willbo norvcd, and there wlllhc hfilooa ascsa-sionn iu iho afternoon iui« flrcworka in the

At Btnuhopo thu people of tho M. E.Church will bold a fehllval, and there will bea firantl nanulo of tho "KagnitnifHrj OJ»b."Tho Committee of Armnsemeiits, SlnrBhnlnnd AWiiUints will bo mounted on nmlcu.

At Bwkiiifirldgo there will bo a celebra-tion nud f.-stivml by tlio lmliuH of tlm M. E.CliHrch. Kcv. T. A. Fnuer will orutu and

u will be Imlloou n »tonu, flrc orks,

Tlio peoplo of tho JtcFnrlnn Btrcet II, E.Church wlU hold n fenHvnl ou Wnrren strwt,north of Dlnekivcll, tbronijliout tlic dny niidoveuing. Olva tliom n hearty patronage.

At Hiiccnminua tbo ladles of tlio M. E.Clmrcli will ohRt-rvo the oecnsion with n fnirand fenUvnl in tbo afternoon nurt evening, to

a held In commodious tuntn.

At thu Clicstor »epol.Ho»«Q t l u n will 1Mdancing in tbo RTQVO niljoluiuB, nnd rcfrcuh-meutH of nil kinOn.will 1)0 licrvwl on thogrounds.

The Mout'clair Jfc Gre wood I n k e Ilnil-rond will r u u exctireion t ra ins to GreenwoodLolio a l half ratcB from oil Etotious nlong the

At >tt. ITopo tho peoplo of SLChurch will bold a grand outdoor plc-nio.Dnnoing.refreBhuiontflandothereiijoynicuti!.

AfWoodport there will be dancing on nlnrgo plntform in tlio grovo, excursions on«io Inko, bont races and oilier ttpoita.

At -llorrlntown tho only observance wohnvo noticed is a fair and festival, to bo beldby tha ladies of tho Bnptifit Church.

At tho Ogilen Wine there will bo a grovepicnic, with dancing, refrenhmenffl andothor attractions.

At ni(jh Bridgo there will ba a celebrationnnd special lraina will bo ran over the nighBridge Branch.

At Ch&ttam tho congrefiatlon or tho M. EChurch will hold n, picnic in or near Min-tan's grove.

At New Foundinnd the diy will ho observedy n festival given by tho ladies of tho M.

E. Church.

Baonton iho peoplo nf Iho SI. "E. Cbnrchwill hold a ptc-nlc and HarveGt House festi-

R l .

At Mcndlmm tiiera will bo A C5]obration,festival, a n d ft good timo gcncml l / .

At Oroen Village tho Indton of the PrcRbyter ian Church will hold a festival.

in the PreMhvtcriiin Church of thin plane,i delivered by H U T . W. K

M&ui, nf I'eiinny]vjuiin, who iu biboring fortbo ciiuwe of t*niponvnco th roughout th isSfntc, under tbe direction of the ClirihtiaiiUnion Temperance AtiBociation. All tlie con-

\n of Dover and tho pu'

i Corrignn snys tbnt, nl lhoogh bohnx remgned tha Vicsideiwy of Seton'JiallCollege, bo intends to contiuno to rcsidu at

S/iad Hatching on the Dcfaware-Blind liatclunt' optrationa onve been re-

isumcd acatu this «e(H*on at Point Pleasant,on tho Dfilawura Kiver. Mr. Anderson,

niiul bud given brotbcr-iu-lnw of the late Dr. Elbdt, mid on*rotitradinUid on of the Fi«h Com mi B«i oners of New Jtmey,

d aimlnUut nrrirrd hist Friday, nndutcly went to work. The hatching

hoxce were put iu reudinesa and eleven ohftdtaken that night, and tho spawn de-

posited ia tlm bciffl. On Rat unlay night taxLad wcru taken, but tbey nro reported

to be very ncurcc, audi t rcfjuirmjaii.-hIHIV""to cap turn n Sow Tliree of flio butcJt-iug boxes arfl now ancbored out in the river,ench containing fertilised spawn, awaitingthe action of the current to batch out theyoung fish. Fish Warden Scarborough, ofLambertvllla, wax on the grounds on Sunday.

On Sunday tlio 17th inst. an old man byie nitmoof .linnet* tiinry, au Iriuhmnti, Ur-g along the cnnal, «t Port 'Hurra j , under-

took to k'mdh his (iro hy the aid ot a kero-\e can. An explosion of course followed,

by wlich hd win very badly if not fatallyburntd. Iu liin JihtrtBfi he ran out on tba

path, and then back into tlie homo toi BOMB valuables io hte trunk, but i timo loo hot for h im, anil ba a.jain r a n

out nnd plunged Into the caual. The wholefront of h b pitutH was burned off. H i s cries

K Bishop of thu dimand Ktipf*rvifiion of trio f

y evening. 3ubjtct, "TheItitli Young Man." What a m ho done fithe tempcruuca cniiso iu Dover ?

Tha tnemlwK of tha Y. II. 0. A . nrainvik'tl to ntlond t ho toinpcmuca meet ing

•hi i u tin- PrPKbylflrinn Church on Bubbutbkriiooii, nt funr oVlock, iustMtl of Iho

regular prayer umcling,Thn UwUlUilina ot t he Uev. W. J. lien-

d&mou us poBtor of tho Lower Valley Pres-byterian Cburch will take plnco on Thurs-day, July fith, tit a P . M. '

Hev. Joh'i Groy, nf lirnoltlyn, N, Y-, williTuwvh next Snidmili ninruitiR nud eruniugit H<mt1i Htnnhopo, iu Dnl^ ' i Hull, for the

Hov. Win. Parry will pr.inoli nest Subbnthmornini; nnd evening in the Free MethodistChurch of Dover.

A Morriatown pnetor has proposed to hischurch thnt his milury be reduced to coo forma the necessities of tha timca He shouldio canonized.

A Tlmelliuiorr.1 SprclOc.-TUo bug and,rr \,«ful earciir of Dr. W:«uitT'» FIXE TRKSA/. fiuuniAt., en contrastcu wilh tbo speed?il'apiie ol uoiilruniK iltroid of cfllcacjr wbichuvc from tune lo tu> "L;rn puffed into a briefj lonely tiurliis Iho Iwuniy add yews that

Uiiu cdelirati'J tncilltluu ban buco aolJ, mffordsa proof tbit Ihn American public continues tocnono 11K ronfirlcucr In dtinerving articles only.,'ho Plan Tree Tir Corillnl baa long lwoti reco^-lined nu (1m leailitiR Hjitclllo fur Oou8UU]|iUou,{nuidiilis, COUKIII, C'oliln, Antlimo. Dlpthflria,•id all otln;r JIHUDBCS nf tlm brcitbing o r i im ,t In, muruovLT. a ccrlain. Fpuudy, i u d i«l«lolonic ri-mriK rl.rDj'n>e]Htla, Liver Disorder*.

IrUpJtV, JJl'ljJIilJ-, Cr'l|)6llp»tiOD, RDll WlOaJB

t bu yeo|

is Sour Blqmscii,""Bkk"'ii"eidVeVeVuibriu"ai:«stiTotii'sf, I'alptutlon of tlie lieart, He»rt-mrn, Water-brasli, vnavrlng ind barnlutrlains at the pit nf the Htomtcb, Velloir 8kln,;ontcd TOIJRUC nnil dittgrtxiibJe taste in themoutli, eumiiiR »p of food after eitlng, lowRptrits, i c . Oo t o y r - ' ' * " K' m

UlBoro, —* -*


The following nnmoil pnrtiefi from Morrisiounty, havo g o n o t o Wutklns Glen ou Iho

nununl excursion of tho NswJersoy Kditorin!H O D . AugiitCiiH 0 . CanCctil,

Fred. A. Cnnilcid, Rabor t Killoore, Goo. T .Wcrtfr, CUnrlcH Me Coll 11 m And wifo, JosephI t . lloftumn, Hon. Nhtiinnlol Kilcs And wife,L . A. Vogl and wifo, Mm. L . 0 . Vogt, F . A.Day, Mr. and Sirs. L . 0 . fifiiofl, A. A. Vance,Gto . 8, Viintie, S. L. GnmBon a n d wife,Newton W. Crnuo.

J l r . CHenrlliirdy, principal oTtho FlandernpiililioBchool, lnw clnBort A mjccenefut turni,and iiiiendH spending iifa VAUitiou wffh hisparents iu N e w V o t k State, l l r . Hanly is ncnpniilo nmn In h i s profession a n d h i s con-IrilmtoJ lnrg<-ly to tlio*efluentionnl lutorosts>f t h i s coimty by the active p a r t he hn-st i k e n in such mnttcra anil by valti/iUt>r q i o r t s furnihhcil th is poper.

mmodare ButtcrworUi, of Dover, a r r iv-e d a t tho Hoffman Hoa ic , New York City,on Monday evening. W e fcoro t h a t h e wasin good licaKIi and fipirita, and expressed,the yronteet pleasure a t tho rcsnlta of bia

Mr. Robert 0. Lumsden, of niUcrnta,graduated In tho Scientina cour&o at Hack.cttsfown Collcgfato Institute last week.

It is eipocted I hut no less thnn GOO 9m i thnfrom New York rituto will attend'tbe Smithpic-uic at Fcnpuclc, in September.

\fa regret to learn that our esteemed oldend, Itev. Vim. Trcthcv/ay, is Bcnously ill

it hiu homo near MUlbrook.MISR 8UBIQ Beach, of thin place, left homot week for a pleasure tour In Europe id

tonipany with her aunt.

Agnuid ilanghte'rof President JAR. Monrool ^

Farmers) n*o Die bi>ntin Hold by E. LimMcy A Bon.

Summer Enjoyments,The Suminnr rfnortB of this section

n Bjilcmlid buHiucus thin year-' M t i B d d ' L k d

y:'; An Outrage,-The. recent nttempt to lilow up the htiusof Mr. W. F, Pottor. of Mine Hill, tnndo tho

subject for quite a lengthy article in tboNew York Bun on Wednesday; The reporterclaimed thut he got his Information from n"leading citizen" of our town—which ofItaelf is rich, and him provoked many a

ugh—but 'notwithstanding this fact, thoarticle contained a number of tlio grosnent

llscfaoodn, calculated to place tlia miners ofthis section'in a most unenviable light.Among these was tho assertion tlmt Qjllam

miner and tbo Imputation tlmt n MollyMngnlre organization'ciletfl iu this section.TLo announcement that VigHanca Commit-tees are being formed is aim untrue, and noono about thin section has any knowledge ofsuch being formed. Truo4ho outrage com-mitted upon Mr. Potter was n dastardlyone, nnd the villains who" perpetrated Itought to bo bung higher than, Hanrann, butthere has never been a pnrticlo of proof thatany organization of the kind alluded to baneve?been-funned iu this county.- On thicontrary, wo do not believe there ara moreorderly mining commanlUes in the countrythnn thoss of Morris County. Many Inn-flrods of niiiiorn, by reason of the bard times,

been thrown out oi cmploymtnt, andhnvo been compelled to leave their famillosbehind them Whito they hnvo sought v

rfl, yet there . him never beerdcmonBtratio 1 of ill will, or an attempt atrevenge because of this unfortnnate etato of

AH A body thoy hnvo ever boon on(ho siila of lav and order, and wo dia moment think that a Molly Mnguiro ordercould find a foothold among them.

If tho correspondent of Uiu Sun, when heulU Dover wontd seek informntioc of

responsible parties, instead of so-called1 leading citizens" he would probably arriv'iit Uie true Etato of nffair», and MVO thosprightly paper be nerves tho odium of pnb-lifdilng euch palpable falsehoods,

From Schoolcy's Jilountoln, BmWsLnko andLako Ifopntcon(j we Wni tbat tho hotels arefnst filling up, nnd Hint the iwrni «"i nenrly

mgaged for tho Manon. Mr. E..H. Van-iiier'e fine now boarding houfte at Snccaninnn,

alfiQlenm Ismpldly filling wlUi gacirtVi,indhnstlionssuraacethatitfinrfitncoton willbo a proBperots one. ^

Green Lnko, ih Morris county, in becooi-({ n great finhiiiR rcnort. It in tbo mod

clKirraiiijj Inko In Now Jen)oyt tho water istho purest, the sconery unsurpassed1, tho lo-cntion good and tho, hotel accommodationsvery dcairablo. lha lake fethreo miles fromNewfoiindlanu, on tha Midlnnd'milrona; aetnge line connects with tbo take hotel—Sua-BOI Register.

Thu Delaware, Lockawonna £ TVcilailrond nro now selling excursion tickets to

Lnko Honatcong nnd Mount Tabor enmpmeeting grounds -and stop two trains eachway, daily, nt thcao Htatlons..

ie rnbi on Taosilny cvtninp ink-rA'ifdwith the fertivnl of tho ladies of Rt John'iChurch, tu t it wan continued on Wedimndny

ml liettttl, wo aro plenseil lo luiirn, «am. ' .Tho recent festival on Schooioy'fl Moun-

tain netted nearly $100.

Preserve your Harness.X have appointed Vongbt i. Kill gore, drng-

isla, of Dover, to sell my Neata-foot Oil.TI10M ^wishing s p a r e article enn find i tUieir Blew. Every gnllan is w&rraMtnd pate,

T- . • s'-' '••'_ ' F f t U f c u B

' Eockaway, Jant 2fltii,1877. '

long, nnd overlooks tholnlieatsifhlloat others it mnn along clc

. • Railroad Note*.

A practical engineer, under tbo directionf Homo cnplUliKts, Is engaged in surveying

nml laying out a new road on the Kliftko, "which lnye pnrtly in

PBBB»JO ntd partly in Orange. It is Bald thoroad, if built, will rival the WesVPoInt roaa

I eacoio. attractiona. It In to bo six milen points,ieto th

ihore. A number of now cottages havo beenbuilt Iho punt Spring,'nnd tho accommoda-tions at the hou;tH ore all token fot "leason.

J . 0. Perdao, of Fhillipsljnrg, has Wenawarded the contract by Hecoiver iAthrop,of tha Central Railroad of Now Jerwy, Ipunting nil the company's buildingi on thiHigh Bridge branch.

An effort isbeinRmadoby capitalists tobu]the New Vork Midland Railroad and consolidito it with the Now Jersey Midland.

Tha iron train was laid off <nvthrowing two gangs of men out of employ-ment

Morrln and Saaei has advanced a fetr cent*.

Budd'e Lake,Budd's Inko at tlia' present time It one of

tbo most charming resorts in Now Jemej.Tlio bonnling noasca nro receiving boardersdaily. I hnvo been informed that tho Forest

bune has nearly every room engaged, andio BCtison promise/) to ba a ttrclyFidilng ha& been pretty .good bat

nothing oitrn, bnt in now improving. Anumber of fino pickerel, bass end catfish

o been taken. July 1st UIB law permitscatching of block baas. If anyono would

like to havo a good day's sport, I wouldulviae, theui to come to Budd's Lake, they4111 Bud guud aouomuiotUUons; boalfl, live»oit, and flailing tackle, can. bo had at Allan's

place Sn tlio property of Mr. John Budd atthe lowest poasiblo rates. The boats are i

v niid in first. clana order. 'Whoa I sayrest possible prices, I mean at new ratessuit tbe times. Proviona to this year otie

mrinhan liad control of all ' the boats andmid charge two prices, but now thare la

opposition. Jake tho old fisherman, hasbeen shamefully abused by* the man thatkeeps tho Forest Ho UBO boats. Ho without

iko'n knowledge offered a hundred, dollarsmore and by nfow well constructed falsehoodspersuaded Uio proprietor of Uio Forest

a to icaKu Urn tho bonte, which byrights should Unto been Jnke's&nd yet henot BalUflcd, but kecpu up a perpetual stringof insinuations, unbecoming to a gentleman,'

ily because Jnko bai> started In oppod-, Tbero is ono thing more in connco-

lion with thia affair and tbat is thin—LhepcmoD refcrrfod to bears mnlace against Mr,

i brought uHui»>tauce, nad tLo firsi but liltln damag* to tha

of distn« put

fumltnro. Ha has been taken to the PoorHouse.—Hclvidcru Apollo.

A grand disjiluy of fire works at Dover on

.low I wish that my Hkin wai ta white andwit Aft .yours." KOIJ a Indj tlio oilier day to «.ft'inalo friuiid. "You cm easily maka ft io,"xaid tlio lady mUrvxHCil. "How I" Inquired tbetlrsl Kpeaker. Umi Ulcnu'i Hulphnr 8oip. Hold

y all r*ruSKi«m. Hill's Jlsirmd WlilakorDje,liok or Lcawu, 00cent*.

— —linipcnclittlilot that it nut only

t hich ittit ael I L b


nolercaUbiUhHtlietirely' eradicate! tho

\ennaa tu which it U oilajittd, tut BIHO HutaeliDii ID ri'inniLiiblv pniuipt iud thoroCKli.

riieoruclil tchl ofesporlnncoliBsdcinODatntedItx reliability in every particular. Hold bjallniRRlBts. rrlucipal deput No. 910 Filbert Qt,hllndelphlu.

Aagusl FloiThomout roisrmblu beings In tbo world a r sjoau suDcrliiK front D>nuup»l* tod Li»orumpinmt. Jturo Ilian itoroo(y.flvo percent,

[irtbuvooploin tlic (Juit^il Btatus ar,i tnlicted" " ' two rtipcim-s inrl tboireffects : inch

uk Ueidtc '

L O R KIt. Two doses

. (jet 1 75 cent boltlo ef A.ooa«ror a sntniila tmltlo for 10 centi. Try

• tall relieve yon.

Delay* are Dangeraut.-zr (htf Kioto It-ue respect I DR tho ordinary affair* of life, ttiHtore obviously so as rcgnrda tbc exigencies ofItprotcliiiiR diseaso. Cnqueellou»uly I Yetuw runny uct{L-ot to praotlctUy rouognleo this

plain tiulh when LelltL Iu In.tlio balance. 01lliotnany promunilory symptoms of digeno »aohltic couali Jo tbo inoui ttropliotfo of peril.

ArrcHtit i t thooutsot with Dr. Wiihirt'i Pm«Tn-oTsrCurdial, end ao avoid Contmmptton,Ilroiichltls, Iiiuatnmatlun of the Lungi, Colds,:uusbii, nod, indoetJ, all Afloclions of tba" iirutorj Orfjaus aro cntirulj cured by this...-•oign rcnudr, -nblcb tha eradicates Dy• -Hiiwla, araml, l'ui-r, Nrarvcus Debility, Torpid-ty nr tl.o Livt'r, Vrinarv ]5.flkulllCB, 'doaotfpa.ion, Palpitation-(if llio Heart, BcrolnloniJTtotioDs. ami tbn litllrniltlou liccullw to tliacutler sex. Thin Cordial derives Its virlacnrom tlio vegetable kingdom, »ud Ii Infinitelyo bo proterrca, hath on scMcint otUt luperior

ufUuacy nud freedom from iinuseoiiB and inln-noui properllui to tlic official drugi so often•dmlpiatcrtd wllUnoolb(Jre(rectth»ptoonendlie palato and disorder the itomicb. Tbe IHn*Crtio Tnr Cordial eaa diways be rolled on to do*bnt is claimed for it.- toldiir all druggists,Principal utjHJlMo.DlOFllbortBt.PIilUdolphla,

ltlf,Vital weakucai or Ouprosglon: \ j r e i k a i ttvustod fooling, &o eucrgy or oouroge; t h *

result ef mental over-work ladescreUoni orxccssCB, or gome drain npoa t he lyitetn, It

always cured by Humphreys' Homeopatblqafociflo No. 18. I t tones up i n d isvigontteitbe system, dlijiols t be Bloom auddeipono'ency,

ipt tr t i i t icnglt i auit cncrgy—Btop* tbe draia*1 j rcjavenatoj tbo emlrv man. 'Boon n iedao>ars wlIU perfect IQCCCPD by t i ioasandi. Bold

by doalcra. Prioo 11 per nlhgle vUl, c r 16 p e t 'paclingS . five vlaia and %2 vial of powder . 'Sca t by mall on receipt of jiriee. AddreiaUumphreyu1 Homcopntbio Hod lei DO C o m p u y

02 Broadway, Now York. J7-ly




1 : • ' • • ,

Is exhibiting au elegant stock of

PICTURE FRAMES,"Wall Pockets,' and a great variety of

Household Ornaments.

Confectionery,always pure a n d frt-ttli, ..#

BOOKS,BLANK BOOKS,Stationery, &c.

The beat bnntb of '





Budd nnil lien cbecause lio lea

gntinually about him simplyd Jake bis boat*, but I ca

toll him that If lie had half tho honor andgentlemanly propcnuiticB about him he

iglit be proud of himself. Vrerron,

, The Iron Trade,

Tho Engineering and Mining Journal Hayslast week of Uw pig iron market: Thomnrkctwcarnawcnkcrnpp'cHnuica. Wo noten solo of on outside lot of 100 tons of No. 1foundry iron a t $17.00 prompt cash. Alimitud quantity of iron is being sold in lotsof ona and two hundred tons, mostly onprivate terras, but, generally ncdorstood tobo at prices under our quotations. Wequoto Mo. 1 foundry; $18@$10| No. 2

iundry*17@918, and Forgo «JIO.K)@

The fifteen year lcnsa ot tha Dlckawonmine by Iho Allcntown Iron Company n-pircs to-dny', and it again piuwca into the

inds of Uio original lessee, Mr. Ario Partlce,bo, wo arc glnd to learn, will continue, toorkitaa QBUOI. The Dickenon is one of

the oldest, lorgust and most valnablo mineiin this county, employs a great many mrn,and ita stoppage would bo' severely felt inthis community, ;

. Ten furnaces in tha puddling departmentof tha AJIontQWii ItoUing Mill Company warput hi blast laet woelc. Iron jaatUm Bu«tto bo fari|htenlnji'np in the Leblgb Valley.

naJanco in 3 oz. cose, reducodto $10.

ladies' solid epli Americanw atclies from $30 up.

Gents' solid fold AmericanWatches from $36 up.

All OEADES and STYLES onhand to select from.

CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SPEC-TACLES, KYK-li LASSES, «Tc'»«IS.ilVAL.Cy LOW P K I C E S . Eallor write fur price-list.


MEWARK.N, J /<?PP. M. & R J E . DEPOT.





Ill vour jmnorof February 1, iu uliiuiiiciaiuli ti\jm Elivtburn Headli.ltlUK milk fur Ijutter. I wisL t

DRY COODS & CARPETS.llmt l.'tkir. .Tii.l-iiic from my foit.Tv n V nninlirul knowk-tlpo ID liiittfl-inaKiiiU I Iliink Mr. Howler's IcIUT Iho

1 luivc tv*r ucru uritUil oil tbatv l . It lim been n m:ilt,T ut iiir-tu njc Hint mime writer, eliiiui Unit

ill- .Tram « " l«! rniseJ in t«™lv-Inline tliiit U'tiiK c.Miliaiy to all

surriuiieu. Mr. I l l * 1 " "<•»« m-i , ..ill. mill.' in to nir •u.ii it.-r in tb«ir ( I W s oil the (luir.r mo,m,l thel irududs uf tin' daily. II sccim|., 111., llmt nfi-or Midi "" ' f i l l « l » nmi'iiU w.nild ratjiilisli ll jilimbt w In tlu'tiiiic mvra-ury lall tliP ciL'itm iitamvci l r o i ^ r i


Ureas Goods,Shawls, Skirts, Prints,

and Cambrics, fee., &c.m lime t> ii»»' " s *"cy «]>i>oar in murJtet.WHITE nOOll? , « vm- full line, par-

-lof imn-wicr* and nt Atmriox. and FOll

than liciori' tlio advance, AIIrial» me fielliiiR »t 7 cU. per y i "^ i


lie Mr. R o r J I T ' S lrtlftr iu rtn Mic milk lie wn* KUltuig ilaihtlie animiiit or but ter ho was mw-ivkly, induced u trial tu imr ilnit.n- how iieur tho same in

'[IT I

Childreirs Carriages

tzr CLOVER --©a


Plows, llune Dnst, &c.



, N . J. , Aj-rii





Our method WHS tliran system ; tho milk used »«s ol.tni _from "new inilrh cuws. llmt wived inOctolwr last. Tlie milk -WM sot in aroom v a n n e d by a cool stove, and nntninro (Iiaa one-halt «s large a s Mr. I t re -Jo i ' s romn The milk was skimtued nf-n>r BtanJinR thir tyi i ix hours, wliilemilk aud cream wcro sweet. The m i Moi the time, when the cream wnsclitirneJ,tlio cream was sweet enough to use onllio table. T!ie results, HO /«r, havefiiimrisfrt »«• "We think wo linvc inailemore-antl bet ter bu t te r l imn we IIRUII toil'i, when the milk was loft s tandingforty eight hours or ledger. "

out;* th ing in f«vor of mnkilip bel terbuffer migh t Iinvo beett tn having DIMFmilch cowii. ulso tbat tho milk uniformlyfctoad only thirty-six l o u r s , andtfm i>L-rut tire of tlio milk room was BOlow tlial t he Milk or eruniii did not wur .Tin-To was thus no cbnnco for bi t terc m i m . W e dM not let the milk standb u t tb i r tyn ix hours, liccnuso « e wantedtlio milk sweet to feed to ealves. Hofitr tlio experiment has far exceeded ourexpectations, not only in lite utuotliit ufbu t t e r u n d o , bu t nlsto in tLe growth oftlie calves. ,

F o r the benefit of those who b a r ebeen troubled by their bu t te r not comingreadily wbea chiirnetl, I willsay tliot wehave never bad bet ter success hi cbtiru-ing than in tlie tr ial ment ioued. Tonpoiindfl of b a t t o r wore churned nndgathered nicely in otRlit m i n u t e s ; tinbu t t e r beiiiR weighed after i t wr '•"-


tes; the» worked

nnd ready for tnnrlcct. Tim cows werefed cut corn fodiler, BIBO hay (a portionof which was cut), and meul, half cornawl bnlf oata ground together, oiiiedwith an equal quantity uf uliipalnOV, nudfed four quints daily to each cow. Thociiws were kept in a warm stable OIORL oftlm time; wcro turned out to drinktwice a J»y, nud lind tho run of tlie ynrd. iftlio wenther was pleasant, a portion of1

ciioli ilay; but if stormy, were knothoused, except while gettingtheir drink.

H of the cows which wo arcTlits sifiiH ot the cows hicing aro 17,10, 6, and 3 yenr»; all of auufamily, and nil bred on the furm by thewriter.—Country GeiUimxtm.

Tnil-CiiKItiir in Clilun.the Cliinn papers it appenrn that

i pidemic," an it w call-PkJ Th

tlio "tail-cutting epidemic,ed, has broken out in JPekJii,?JniiJnrii)Hl"iinys u letter in thi t i "b t


tiul Empire, " ]iut up a notico of-fering fifty tncla reward for tho appro-liensionofa tail-cutter; but tho peopleiiro persuaded that the agency in Hiipur*n it urn?.

Death in suit to follow the loss of tbotuil within throu dayii: noveral casesdeath are reported, nnd them ia so muchconcurrent testimony that it ia difSci.lljiot to believe, If there have been(iVnttis it mast be tha effect ol tr'tght,tho prophecy, as in BO mniiy cases, bring-jug ntiotit its owu fulfilment, It in com-moil now in the strcotn to ma men withtlioir Liiils wound round their heads oi

'hanging over tho shoulder iu frontCtiorma ore of coursa being distributedfrooly. Ono man showed tiie a cfiarm,wlion I told him I had a better one,

.•which was to ^-car the linir after the"Western fashion ; but he replied, 'Thentbny would out ofl our ears.'' '

Ttio Pckin correspondent of tbiSlinngiini Daily Hows nays tbat two olthe etmiichfl of tho Pal nee there havibnen iDyatcrioiialy deprived of theirtails, find Btieli an occurrenco takingplncn witbin the Bncrcd precincts ol the1'otbidden City naturally increased tliprevailing nlann, Tho druggiKt't. eliopwero thronged with eager piireh.nJ>erfl o

'ciusahar, which is an nnfmling item rtho prescriptions for charms to be won

•about the person, und inanj Chincsi"wcic afraid to venture ont of <toors.

A Matrimonial Problem.Tho following matrimonial problem

ROing tho ronutla of tlio presa : « I n 180-Mr. A married Miss B. Howontabrondand was compelled to marry Miss 0 inorder to save b b life. Oi his return toAmerica ho ascertained that hia Uralwife (B) was dead. Ha then married

D. Ha woatretnrn until 18CG.

abroad and did nor

He calledthird (D), and was shown to tbo door,fiho (D) bad heard about B und 0,tttreatcnvl him (A.) with nrrrcat. BBIJInominally a widow, and having frightcned A into siloncf), uue married MiE. Mr. A. Iben married Miss F, wlmd tho rare iliscietimi to die promptlyMow if D wns not A's wife from tbo faelthat C WHB nhvo when A iaarricil D,E to bo regarded AS D'S liuabatid ? la DA's wife or E'n 1"

A Boy of Nerve,

AJewdayn ngoa hoy named Poteiof Slatingtun, ten yours old, bnd hia lejnut off while attempting to jump onLehigli Valley coal train, en account

• which appeared inthoEaatoaJ'TttiJ'rt. at the time. "We nro now told by a relia-

ble railroad innn tbat the boy's leg wascut completely off at tho knee,tbo foot ami lower part of tho limb betwecn tho tracka. TouEg Peters got non liis other foot and hopped a distantof 200 ynrda to hia fathcr'n bousa. Hyounger brother meeting him, asked'• Slmll I mo and toll father ?"

"No , " replied thayounghero, "novelmmd tolling tho old man ; he'd nnly b<mad, anyhow. Yon juht go d<get tbab leg and bring it up to tlio UOUBO,

Belmont fa tho raogniflccnt countryscut of the lute Wm, A. SlalstoD. Wilmvu been tlio gncirts of Seontor RImrniinto, whoso hnnds Beloiant fell afteiEalston'B saicide. Eelraont is sitmitct]about twenty-flvo miles from San Vmn-citiCfl, I t contfline about 210 ncren ojirrigated land, ia the middle of which isn palace, wbieh coat $1,500,000. Therenro twenty-flvo aplondid lim-sos, gieon-liousoa filled with tbouBanda of rnrooxoticfi, nnd ornngo, banana, and lemortrees [Trowing in tho open a i r . . ' I t - v s .Jiero that lU.slon used to hold thonc

-. 'tunrniiflcont fetes, oven dowu t o the —bankrupt." .

; • "Pu,"-Biml Miss Bjiiccr,' after vninlyimportuning her pnrent for a act of

• Imugicn, "Wbntis tbe diffcrt)B09 betweenyon and aPnllman eoncli V

"Abontn doilnr nnd a IK If," said theinterrogated,.thinking of his last trip tc

' "Ko. ThoPnllmaoiB npnlncocar andyort dreJn cnlttniB jia-"

, . "Bless yon, me ohoyld," gnsped tlieolfl man,- "yon ahall Iinva n free pass totfie next concert on "••> f*^«™™ "

Allrt'saor iACurefcrJ

!Alja!i<IvVftlIA Muslin i.'li

1877. SPRING. 1877.P. H. HOFFMAN,


no (ruin Vite,tllireBlUll.T>.-udcrof Itjrs,Urivt-rorCurs.

LiiKleuantCarrippin Ujuitmit Sbrrm

il)fortlicirr«liiTo hnvnnr i><b'> ntll iiuy oiU


Pin, Hlieep or Ox,DrcrcnnllfBii—

TtBt,Kamati Cement,jltuari llio mlvicoll'ar bo jo ml prlcnIWnllen below—













READY-MADE SUITSof iny owu inainifnctnro ns C H E A P aa tbi

CHEAPliST, ami inaao la & nvrtntt

STYLE. CaH and ftcfi them.

P. II. HOFFMANMorrtntoirn, March lElli, 1H77.


t l ie la tqcatanJnnst ruccefwfal &

OOTS and SHOESt in t over did buslnesi ii

SIORBISTOVN,jaat QuUUcil Blocking tils i t ore with

STJ3^nVX33n. O^^3DS,

wbleU «urp»t«" .DrUiloB In ilie Hn«. in P°lal


tor . oJ.icd. THE CBI.EBIUTED


SHOES,Warranirf a l u f i lo 01, are lo 1» lonnj in

this atoro in tliu cronUat profuaionor atflpi aot) ILGiBurctuuata, and


. Mil hrfort iwrcinilim eUtirliFre.



II, M. J

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Oiiincory of Hvvr Jtrscy. Fl. fa. Tor «flle oi

nuirtjragcd nroimsti. Wlion-ii. Doraaiu* IUryjinthi cumiiMlnntil, nii<l Tlio Irunia Lam• nil Cuinpany, Atm» L. Hunndl, Otorso O. BHDIICII), Zulu A. Canlloli),Ediiunil CAuncld. Fmlorirk A. DoMot'David strjkur mid Jcibn M. D. ltarnoa, at<let<:vthula, Dciut'salila io i l u j Turin,

D*1 B'7' KEMnnouu & ssiirn, or Be:

J r y DIIIU, I hall ospasu for «al' J'lihltoVmnluo.nL Hiu Unitml HUtes Ilolu

Murrintowti, N, j , ( u n

MOSDAV, tUo 2'1 day nf JULY next,hntwflen tbo hours or 12 M

M., tbnt is Iu my at a u'clouul mlil -Hy, all tliat ccruiu

iB tinato I tlo Mwlinut

t l

SHERIFFS SALE!In CliMicery of Tlcn Ji-riirr. Fi. fa. ftir silo Ol

moilgagctl premiieH. Wlicnin Henry W.Tor., and Milton Ford, trnslctn under the lastTTitl and tcitafot'nt Of Henry A. Fora, due d,v/eef comphimoU. and Clpmfo M. Oi^nonsnod Apithi It. Oifjnoui MB wild ncrc I'C-ftiidanii. Ilcturn»lilo lo MaxTorm, A. 1).1877. - ' JACOD VANATTA, Hol*r.

Y Tlrtno ot Hie abuvo ntntcd writ of llori. j faciiu in my litni]*, I HIIHII nxpona fur wilo

at Public YcmluB *t-tlo Unttod Btntca flot&J,Is UorrJslonn, ti. 3., on

MONDAY, the 23d day of JULYicit, A, D. 1877, Uttwocn tlio lionr* of 12 M.

mil 6 o'clock I'. H., t int iu lo tty &K 3 u'clockIn iho aftcraooD of itnlil CUT, all that trnct ornuronl or land anil promlMes, #iliiaU-, ijinK tliaiitg In tha tonn of SI orris iown, uouitt* iStalu itotc)t»ii],bDL'lnnlitBat»Dlronii.nOrliin llio notllioaiturl? flitlo Una of Midland Ai. . .It bolnc olno tlio most nurtliwcrt cmuor of-Iiil

co 11) alniit; tlio north linoity-tlTetle^rc'HQn*! thirty

Bt P

number lliirly; tbenof sii<1 lot north oovni

u t , tworbundlen pin • • bnuk or IIK


five mlnulTect to «Wlilpptl

drcdtlis of & foot to mother iron pin : itici(3)»lguRtlicnDiitli lino ol lot nnrobcr t l i l i^two Routb Mventy-clfiht doercOB ind [orly-oight mlnntEi nes t tiro kumlrcd and thirty-

for the niinlljncst enrneroffot naaiver thirty*in tho northeast nlda lino of tlldlanil

pnn ntorCEAlil; tliouco (1) iloite" '"0 •>>'!or tlio naid BTCDUG bnt nol .tnpunrcil on

tlie curve oT Said nvfiinip, liul In a stiafKbt line,onebnndrcd an<1 Ion foot ami ilxtj-tWo hi(n-dreatlm of a font lo tho place or beginning.

, Bcmg Jot number tliirlj-onn on man of bnihl-Inc loin oriliecfltatauftho Itta HeuiyA. Toi-d,i lccoicd, and nlitcli said map ia filed in thoCICTII'R Offlca or Mnrrii Conntv. Bulntt tlio

" * " ' ---iTfcyctl lo Ibo saidmpialnnnti

PIKROD«lcJ M«r Hill. 1877. [IT. ft. 17.S0



L I G H T . . , ouly book pnctiuil;si l lce this now unircTiially Bbsorbing loplc.lens bun to apply tlio treatment, anil tc)U

...many miceesBfat cirn* made by tbe amjittlili woiidorriil modlnm. Clrenlari ami br>«tterniHlo tarlv appiicantB. J.M.BTODDART

Co., 723 CbcBtnut Bt., ritiU. QB-4v

InAmcrl . J A lMaps and CatalugUL tree.

ICHA, Dover,Dc).

-r\ f \ / \ T T See till*. Only #1.50 capital

J J i / t J 1 | ,V f ' " ' MARK TWAIN'S NEWHOKAPUOnK Apply with

iiamn, to JOiLNK?m t L o w R L L , 180

Bait Elsbt Rt., Hew York.




bo need withoutipy-flno«.isjtgon-


tlio Mwnatilp _.Hnii[lol|)li, Uorria Couiily, Huir Jersey, do-

riboil iu ft morli'ttKO(fiVL-n by tlio Iroui i I a n ' Imiiruvninuiil CuuiWiiy tn Tlio MutiIlunofltLlfa Insumipo Garupaujr, dated Jimh, IHTi, nnd rocordrd in hunk X 3 nago ..Vc. tk-iilniiliic >t a point in tliu middle uf tli-uad kaJinn-lrom Walnut Groro to Plunderi tm 'onmto r Jolm.Carwiu'u liuo, add poiileinif alati tbo fourll oornnr of Ilie BUGOIIract (lugorfiiiM. in * ilucil from IMVI iiarvt

.tud wifo to Edmund CanfUihl, dated Dcconibi3UI, 1870, utid mntiius thenco according lamrvL'V mailn iu Ilie year 1671, along the middlejf iai 'druodU) northjninutc* wt'it iortj'-nli™ _ ..Qvu liiikH to a stoke, tlio flOcond cornor of tinfirst trnct ilescrltitii In snii) dco>} Tram Jlorrio Canflclii i llwneo (!) m-uth, Iwouly-flvc (1;moB nnd furty-fira mlnutei! w e t fU.otm oliaitLniltliirly-tlirto linki to a nlako thu norlYL'BI corner or Ilia "Putty Thor|» Farm.hcn«o slang tlie norlliortyliiio ol *M Tariu (Lsouth BlitydugroL-B and flrtnon mlnatui callaixty-tliroocbaltiit BniUtty HnUu lo as l skcttmnoo (1/ IOu III fortr <luftrflc« anil rortj-flvmhintGR oait t'lijht c.ia.QN and sixteen Hula Ia Hlotio lioap; tlienco (5) sixty (teemtirtcon minn ica CBBI »\t ibttlnH anil Bovontj.tTilink* tn a ntono heap by tho brook i Ibonoo (tnorth Ruvcn dtcrrcn ind firtocn tnlnntes oniHorott olmiiis nnd ttvonly-ioven linbi lo a otakitiionco (7) iioidi aixly tlcgnca ta3 flftot

wtan Iliilin; tlimico (8] north. twcnty-t!l(;L-doBreos and forty-flvo minnlcB Mat clnvcnvlMlnxncdihirly-alx Iinha to thu middle 'salilroKHoadins from Walnnt tlroTiitoPlidcrs; thoueo a!ouf{ llio middlo nf i..iid roMj (asouth tlxtf dvsrecs Utti-en miuutot ca»i "o!taina and <birtv-slx Hnku to tbo third conor above mcnlloiied'second lot conveyedHarvoyto L'anHtld; tUenco (ID) north oiltcun dcRreci (linccn minutes cast flttcon elmnnd Blity-foar link* to a ntcke fp George W,Hougha'a lino: thence along Douglos'i "(11) nortii sixlj dcRrccB Uftcen minutesxoven cliaitii nnd e[Bhty llnkx ID coraor orCumin's land; tlicncealong uaid Corwin'aUrn(12) sonth (1UKI-GCB ami rnrly-firi.

* "ftecn chums and thirty-four

; Ilioreoat a piecsad Kovcntf-Rt

nera, convoTcd to the Clin»iiyliyJ. 1*. Harvey niklwifo.Jaiio 17tb, 1808.lii;cptniR tlicrufrum, bowoTcr, tlvocaiulo Turiand rcfurro.l to ax ToWann and particuli...dcBcribnl in saiil deeds boroloaricr moutlnncircforeneo to wtiicli Is lioruli; niado and allowedfor a partlculat donenption :

T U K F I R W LOT l» * lot o[ twentr-sinht (..IitnidrodUii of an ocro of land, and parlicalai!ttcscrlbed ia n deed from tbe said Tlm Iron!land and Improvement Company to LOT! Ha.¥(y,bfsrini[<!ato S1.iy2flth, 1875, and reeordo

ot land and wm con Toy od to aniil I^ovibj the deed conveyiug tbe d n t lo t . .

TnE THIRD LOT contains 13-100 atrca of landnnd la denoribod in a deed Jrum The IronliLand anil Improvcmont Cnmpiiny loEdruonddntiM, bi-nrJDir dale HinairyHa, 1875, ar*recorded in tboUorrla CourjtjitBcard of DociIn bonk D 0 paf;o 423, * o . . - t

Tin; FOURTH LOT contnlnn tuwttn and B3-1Ljcren ofltttin and In doBOiibfd fn a deod froiTlio IrontK Lard and Imnrormnont Com;

Ilccord of Doodg In book A D paga S3, Ac.Tm; FIFTH LOT cnntaini six acrci of lint] am

Is included In tbnbOQtidaiicfiaf inddoicriptfoi- - . H.'BUnubnrroDgl

. ."" rfEIWOSA.TREESIAN.SbPriff.\J>xlit& April 21it, 1B77. [Fr. ft. "

Assignee's Notice."VTOTICK is honibjr' glroo to tlie crcditonJ > or Fnncw H. OOTO, of Dorcr, MorrlrConnty, Kcv J t r ior . that nil claimi «gainat IifciluioraUJitbocihiljHtdtotboBdbicriber.b]AiilgDoe, under oalh or afiirniation bdturo tb2Stb day or July n u t . being tbrco mnatbitram tbo data of tba assifinroont, o r b o T o n mbirred from cominR'n for a dividend of theottiito. Aiitl said creditors aro fartLor nutlflei!tint aliBtortbdcisttniafrklnitthaiiiWlPraRdN. GOTO will he flleti with the Sarrajntfl ef tbiCanntyorjtlonii licforo tbo eninfug Oetobcii r r tb O h ' O t ta tl

r style midUGI

OOH i" fully htockud will*ARPETS. OIL CLOTHS.


Full Hue DHCBSELB CAKPCT, he&aciugall e t s , per jnrU. Rotxl ft^ortment; of re Ha-le nmfc-r hi good «tylo for * 1 . Large lineIOHAINS beginuing nt ^1 cl*. par y « u ,EortmL'iit Terj- larpfl, nud rrices lower tliwi

in. We keep the best Hood*We oieftRuro npftrt-

arpets, cut nml fit oilih, 'linoleum, matting, maio and bungd t ^ A c , nnd guaranteo a fit.)ur ftiKnnmeiit in nil dt-part raentB In nmcliMr thnn cnu be found outside tlie large

...!•«, mul no cne nnderHells us. Euvmlua-ion of goods and prices requentcd.


•n, K. J., April 7th, 1


Morris County Mutual



MACHINE SHOPS,M. Iloaelauil, Proprietor,

R O C K A W A V , N. J-Vlt!O»0TDBERfl 07

Chill and Dry Sand Rolls,and Ml kinds of


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL BIZE4 OF



AXDHoisting Apparatus

cf fcU kiuda ft Bpocmllty, i n a

FumbUed at SUortcBt Notice.






JAS. M, BONSAU, Seo'y,


IdocmitJimtlyduoUieMurrliConDlyMiitiift:Liro and Firo Insurance Company that tbfpublio icknowledgmont ho made «f tlio rc«lpfrom tbom thin da ; of tbe full amount or tininmranco 111,000) on tba Soath Stroet Oharth,illhuul rubateor iutorcit, for losa by lliiin tUo 101b fast., oml to expniaa oar gwtcfi

apprccia.tion of tlio I r HbtrilMia prompt actloII. O. MAItSU,

Treasurer Boutli fit. PrcFbyteilm. OhurchrrliUiwn, K. J., January 201b, 1877.



-S15, S16, $17, S18,519,-







l I o r r M o m . N. 1., April Cth, 1877. lT-Om


M.&I. SEARING!sa-tr




Alio, aTUtDR, In ftoantlr«i>iuiag

S T J I T M E N T S ,iie,' BHBlST MUSI0,"ic,xt dt t Ooo B l t d

nimlbine, Dell Hmoftolfl; allrar and ill k lWcfag«i>IlUndiing«iitn].

•Sen IMl—' Guliil 'OoW WiULet at »4O andiiwtt'l'. Ml III UilfT Waltliiui Wn.Lr» n fth

1 ur.oir.1. WATi'IIEM OK 11,1. tntAU.S H«T«1i«j*»CUrUP biforc. lW»«t»al JwlKW of


ul e rer j dcieriplion. Alw

HAIR JEWELRY,lilaeJ in UtMntJpitlTh booki. roaile to nrder. the most ekfiint deeleos anil pst lerm.






Glenn's Sulphur Soap, besidei eradi-cating local diseases of the skin, banishes de-fects of tfie complexion, sad iaipwu to itgratifying dtarntu and itnoolhnest.

Sulphur Bath* are celebrated for curingiTuptions and other diseaiei of the iidn, asjreil u Rheumatism and GouL Gletlil'BSulphur Soap product* the same effects-U » most trifling upcn»e. Th!« ndmimbbjipedficalso tpeeouly heali sorts, brvUei,tcaldt,Sunu, sprains and cuts. It removes dmdiufftad prevent} the hair from bliing out andlurning gray.

Clothing and linen used in the sick roomdfcinfectcd, and diicases communiciblc by

contact with the person, prevented by |LThe Medical Fraternity sanction Its use, *

Prices^25 and 50 Cents per Cake; petBox (3 Cakes). 60c. and $120.

1 HILL'S HAIB Um WBISKEK DYE,"B!«ek w Br*wa, 00 CenbH

I . C&1TTEST05, Prop'r, 7 Siitb AT., I X

BEPAIEIKG A SPECIALTY.llmtth repairing warranted. ENOJIAVISO


Turned and Grooved to Order.




no tnp t ment ion glvon to REPA1B VJOHK,

Freeman Wood,


i»o"VrE!ii.,T>r. jr.LcRtllf KUtboHltcd Igent of the follewlnff fimt

clMetomjunlcl—ttio bolt la Ibe woiia:

L O N C 0 K ftml LIVERPOOL and' GLOBE, 'Capital $20,000,000

LAHOABHltfEof MAN0HE8TEB,: cwiini eio,ooo,ooc

STATE FIBE INSHBANCE Co.,. Capital, $300,000




BTATl'jeMoj dtj, " COO.COO

HUDSON COBNII , Jcreoy City,

> • Capitol 8300,1)00.

BTANCAUD, Trenton,* : " 300,000

PEOPLE'S, Nework, " 800.00C

IIIBEBNIA, "• " 20O.OOC" • • - , ' • • 200,000.



(/hoiee Lots in Dover,forHhobeip, tad


Treemaa "Wood,Jmtlcs of tLo'Fo»|;a md Pallco Ua i i t r l to.

Frank Cox'sEMPIIJ.B

ot t i t belt u l tlirajn

por pound. Allkiadsof * '

^-VEGETABLES-**jpon their ftn^TAl

in market.

LIVERY".ive Rttaebcdto my bannesa t

Stlcklo HOUBO t tflblwi, a c ron th s miflnMm LIVETtY STABLE ana wfflkVeponnaid t h ' i Sommei a fine lot'of dritini

. *.- ; lT-l j" .




Lint:, CEjtiwr,CAI.O1KED I ' H n r a n .

FIIOST immit. •miiCLAV.r

I .AG b l 'OMCS, C U K H I N U .



•KTHANF8 PHOSPHiTE,Rone Dust, Guano. Puuriref


WOOD sawed in atove lengths.


STOVE, - - - $4.25ECO, - - - - 4.00CHESTNUT, - - 4.00

Town dulkcrr-IDeta.; Bliito IIiU7> I-IB-Onkra mny lie tuMrcxncil tlirongli tl

)'JUt- Lock Hoi 29, or left Bl K. Dec mw1 no nicen IllBuWull Hi., near Suw.-*, or at tliu yard,BLACKSUlTU'tf COALcouBtontly on IianJ.


Capital, • $200,000.

OOLUS1UUS HEACH. Preu'l.AY. S. THEiT, C»»lii«r.



Dealers in

DitY GOODS,Groceries,


Glass Wnro,

Wood & Wil low W a r e


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe and Fitting!),



Powder, Fuse mid mining

Materials constantly on


Cor, Blackwoll and Morris streets.

SHERIFFS SALE!la* Jcttof Bu ft team Court, ilorrii Coaalr,HeniT EDRbmoa T«. Darid KlBg. Pi. I t . liebuii, et Ur. In nne , Uctamible to Moron-bur T«rm, A, D. (870. • .

MEiaHBODntBlI ITH, A t l y .Morrl* Circuit Conr t . ' F r inc i iS . Kreenun TU.

D. t ld Kinff tod Surah King; FL r». do ban,c i to r . In canu. Jannary 2J,

• . - GUY HIHTON, Atl'y.[prrin Circuit Court. Martin Vandorhaof T_.D*rid KinB tud Sfcrib King. F i . f*. do boa.ottar . IDcaio. Itetornabloto.Unutrj-TcrmA. D. 1877.

* AUG. W. BELL, All'y.Morrii Circuit Canrt. Tha Nttloual Uitio:

Dank i t DoTor TN. Daiiil Klr« and WilJiarII.UcD&Tlt, FJ .f tcr . Incaw

• notnm»Uo to Deoombor 18th, A, D. 1B70.• THOMAS ANDEB60H, Att'r-

otna Clreoil Court. l*wi* II. Freunu) TUDivld Ki.iR ind Kft.ah R l n c Fi . f», da boa,

utter, I n t u o . Ilctnrn&bleloJaimarjTeraiA.D.JB77.

A U G . * . SELL, JUty.Morrli Circuit Court. Dutooport O. Hmilh T«.

l)»vld King ind Banh King. Pi. fa. do bon."otliT, Inc t iP . Betarn»u)o to January TormA. D. 187T.

ATja.W.DfeLUAU'j.Morri« Circuit Coart. TluvNalbnal Union

Uink H Davor v>. David Eiug tuA MarohKiaR. Fi. f». d« bon. et tar. I D COHO. llc-turoablo to l l a j Term A, D. 1877.

LNow Jericy Bopremo Court, Morris County.

Hcnrj Euglaman mDavia Kin);. Aliitafl,fa. de boa. ot ter. In cue . Itetarnablo loJuno Torm A. D, 1877. '"•

MLiailDOUIl \ RUITIl, Alt'ra.I T>Y vlrtna of lli« at>ovc alatetl nrlta ot florlJ 3 facias In TOT binda, I •bat.1t cxnoito Tor sale»i FUUUO VENDUE at tho United tjlutitj1Iot«l, in Mttrnatowu,N. J., on. '

MONDAY, the 9th day of JULYi next, A. D. 1B77, Ixstvoon tho bunra or 12 M.a.QiU o'clock P. V., that in to say , t a o'clockIn the afternoon ut salt) day, nil Iboic tractH oiparcel* of land ami prcmliea minute, lying utiilbeing in tbt> town or Dorcr, In tba Comity olM<,rrU and State of NB;T Jersey.

T U B FiniT TniUT begini a t a point In lbcr c i t liuo of ruauannoclc tltcot, wliero thoaotttb lino of.FairtU.w aienae lutcraeoti maWPoqnaocook ttreot, aadrnni (1) WCKI alon 'Bootb lino of FiirTiewavenuc ono ttandreiany fool to R comer of a lot buruivfarc con*veyett by aaid Ooudale au j wife to Lam* fliilthence VI) uiutb parallel wlih Fcqaauii• tret t and along llio line ofiald Bin^r lot one1 'red fcet i thenc* (31 eait parallol witi

low nvonuo ime Uundred and flltj feet IDtun ,wil Hun or Piqiiinnock street ; thence (i]north alpug the treat lino or I'cqnanhock itretluuo Unndred ftct to tbi plaee of beginningconUluing Qfteen thouannJ squarofect or landand isjho tame lauds couToytd tbaaid DatiilSihg by defJ from J*JDD» A. QOO.U!B sad W>h,daluJ'Joly 3Ptb, 1G7G; a>lU deed U recorded InMorns County Ilecord of Deeds, book It G,paRM.637, to. v ;

' In* SECOND TJUCT II niloate in I1to town ofD o u r , CD the loalhorlr ilda of McVarlan HI.,and boginnloK at a rUke i t indlnc an tbDaootueaal corner of McFarlan ana i'eqaanaock

aidfl ol u i d McFarlad itreet uorlL cighty-i.dpiircea ehtt ODD linndred let].; tuenco (2)aoutb three ilt&roca cant one hundred fe t t ;thenee (a)»ouUflRhl;-ieTepdoBnK.gTc«t onohundred lest to t i c cnat lidefuf Pcquaououka.ri!et;.tbCQeu(4} aloog tbe east udo ofwljPeqataaocl ttreet oorlb thtva tlecnxt wc*t-inn bandred leet to tba place of iwrlimiugontaiulDC ten thoni»ndinuare feel, btlug thu

. ™. „„..._ at the nortlnroitcoroar or KcFirUn and Psqaannock alrcoti,in tbs town or Dover, and ntna from thence iua wo»terly conrae AIODK ttin lint, cil MuFatkuulreetfl(t>-ili feet; thence Cl) ln£atnher\jconrie tad parillel with roqoinnocV atreet one

i hundred feet; thenee (3) in •n.cailarlj connspirdl*! with UeFarlan ulrcet Bftv-atz feet IDth« weal Una ofTcqnanntKk MreetiUieneo (4)ID a ionthtrlj conrea alone loo *o«t lice ofrcqnannocktlrcoton«bnnjr«d roettoMcFar-Inn itroet and place of bcKinjilcg( conUinbirfire tbomaod aix linndred iqoare feotorUod"being tho mm u bad aud pfomliea ibal JtrncA. Qoodite *aA milt caavarml (a tho t i

%K *A&$i?" b0"nils • I t0 acptemb<

. Alio. all tbe " U U , right, title and futcrcitat OohBdants. Dand Kin8 and Sjirtli King, (nand to all toe following dcicrlbod tract orpar-eel or tuile on tbo cait aiflo nf I'eciotD-Dockatreel, to IHertlUite of Doror, in tLctownfhip Of Iundolpb, in the enn.ilr olMorrli«od Ktato of NJW J c n « : lloQudtd on. tbeoortb'' b j land; ot .Saild Him?, narehiwd ofM n T b o m » i ALinda lo70a« t>T | dMn.,Tbom»i A.-Lindalo7l,0a«or latQor Alpiieni Jkatner tadF.Omm, aonlh bjtba bomoiiO. Hanq, and on A* «eil bj roqmnooc^Bt..eofiUtrii tea tfaonaandiiqiiarATeei oflaiiil, moreor: i ^be l a rWJH Juweiteld lot.uul, bbek-

b mt f UlUt ¥

Stoves. . StovesTHE OLD STAND.


Hot Air.Furnaces,Of tlio Stifti and most imprtivod alvles, foi

urniingpublkJiiiiJprivito tmlldlugs, A iargrABEcirtmaii'. of BtOTsfl, obeij) for Club.


STOVES, RAN.GES,4c. Also a vu-lotj- of



A fnl agROrtuent of




£«.'he Jliners' Sitvings UmiK

' O F JDOVKK, N. J .

. » i « r,r TUR SA.TIC.3AI. Hsina

UL. | will be iu.<lon aepiimii mailunuei i i U t t a nratdnyioflUMii, JuyB.Dei

iaEBn autl DECKMBKII.a-rOpun daily Imni 9 O'clock i.. U. Io

uluck p. u .

M A K A G E H B :



HENIlYMrT'AI.'.AN, 1'reHiilont.El'HHAISI LIND3LEY, Vied I're el dc ill.

JAY 8. TREAT, Tron«urcr.Bnver. Foli. 17.1H73. ' !-'•*/


UllB, I O J til kinds olJobhlcg In nir line,In tlio bent manner and at the abortes!

titlcD. Hiuhett prices paid for uld Irou.

Copper leal ami ptivtor taken In oxcbanfor goodi.

A L E X A N D E R W I G I I T O N .Doccmlicr 2 lib .-1870. 1-ITI





otKirtng ctiCAply doD. nuil wair


£ . & G. H. Ross & Breese,CKSESII. 7I11K 1FD tITB

Insurance Agents,)01cc, Old Iiou Dank Building,

Morristown, N. J.SDTralloaB, Qeo. n .nooi , BTKPHKX

A. J 0OE, Collector,DOVEB. N. J.

COMPANIESAnerEoan Mutnal Ins. Oo., «f Hewaik;

B.J., Arab over (1,00.000

HorolmnU1 Mntnd Ini. Co,, of Kiwail% J., Assata fivei 000.001

TITBIUBD'H Uutnai IHB. OO-, of Kewark

M, I., Anett oyei 600,000

Gennani& . Mutual Ins. Oa^of-Kswi

H , I , 0«t!tal,- • k 100,000

£tna InsnranK Oompan, of HaTtfoOwn,, Aunts, 0,000,000

Continental TnsTuanoe Company, of HYntt Oapltal, l,000',O00

Mntnil EentfitU'e Ins. Co., ofKewuk,H.J., AMBJB, 6,000,000






Dover, N.J.

Orders for Sawing and Planing

' prompll/ cxoeattdl

SHERIFF'S .SALE.'n Cbinccry of Kew Jomcy. FL fa. far *ilo L.

morlcagad premlica. Whorein Heory BailutandSaj7Balli.y hli wife am .comnlainant/,aud Milli Duller, Tho Trmtcea of Jlatcef*1

Oollcjo in New J e r ^ y , Ilenrr Hire, Eli»,n It.Wllllima and E I l u ^ c a r nK^on "VThci.Wear, duceancd, aro defendants.. Itotnroa>b]eto S iy Term, A: D. 1B7J.

IIT.SEY.ATODNOBLOOn.Rol'rs.T>Y rirtno of the'atwrc aiattd writ of fieriX> f«i»* in my haaili, I nball oipoie tar- 'lit i-nhlc Vi'iidnc, a t the United Slaloa H! aMorrlB town,N.J.1qB

MONDAY, the 23d day o'fJULYtext, A D.1877, between tbe tonn or 13 M.ind 5 o'clock r. M., Ibat Ii to Uy at 3 o'clockmboan*rnooQ0niiid Oay, all tbat traei or

jifc^Iof l»o<I and pruminca hereinafter pirtio-Blirly dfRcriuDd, situate, lying and bcine in(he townihlp orPaaiiic,in tbocoontyofflor-Ha »cd BUlo or New Jenoy: Dccinf at» point- tho m-d leaatnc from iaid Hill, Dallo* £ome

New Vernon » corner or iandi oftha'ldorrliluudnct Company (fonnorl; Ulti Prnilea):oaeo(l) ia a we»b,]j direct kin about tea•ma to a tot of aall Mllli Bailey, known ••a LODJ; Oeld lot; tlience HI in V Rontberly["*">» *° »"eorn»r of uld tonR Held lot of

_ld MIIIB lallny and alaoa eornnrof the Uor-Hi Aqucdnet Company: tbcoce (0) in a weal-vrly flireciion twenty cbaina tn mother cornerif i h . Lonn field |n7; t h « , « (I) ,n a n o S l ydirection ttu cliiiui to.anotber earner of tbsuld Lang field lot; Uionca (5) in an caattrly-llrrcllou twenty chain! U> another ccrrntr iftafal Loop BuM lot; thece* (6) in » northerlydirection to * corner or.Undi at u i d Mill.Bailey and lormoriy .of Cbarloi Arrowsmllb:tlionoe t7) to w » i W OlrMtlon m a HUB ofliBfl* OIKMU Uillt SaII«f and .Charfoa Arrow-imlth to, iild r a i d ; t h e D « (B) a . n g uldTola


rp now prfpnfnd to larnisti V.MIHER8 nniollicn in car-load b i s an nxltu quality i>r

BROWN LIMEfrow tlic&t«wnrtiTJ!tcQiMrrk'N. ThlBLirao lipniiHinundcd na tlin aironuoKt in uiniknl.iin1

rill bo mild i t lower riton Cljn.ii i vur l 'l li r (h M l & K d

Ralston & Kirke's Bono Dust,

North Uiver Barrel Lime.. DEUVERED AI IJOVER.

Lime In car load*, nor Imnliel, (F0 lbi.) 121 c tt.Wliaiin'B I'liuiiiihaW. l*r cwt. t2-'iS'onoDiidt.pnrowt. ' 1.00

urtli Itin-r Lumii Limo, per tbi . 1.30:artb llivorFiuiBlilnisL.infl.iicrbhl. 1.75Mtno ildlvorcd ID anv rainton theCliosteijilnncl at 11} eta. JJCT Imihiil.A fino qunlity of WHITEWASH LIME on

and nnd sold in nny (iHfintiticn.Ordcra will rcccire promiil attoiition. Acldrosn

B B K M E K & P A L M K i t ,Fwbusrj Ctb, 1S77. '• DOYEB, H. J,



T3OV13E, N. J.










both portable and Wok lot. W£ALBOU&KI


A SPECIALTY, *u& eEploy-only; jnetloil

for tbw brantb efi lo trade..

Plant »Dd (pcclfloUonn given when roqofred,


»t lowest market ratci.

-Wood and Iron Fiimps and Pipe


kindi for BUIVHN WELLS.

Oar m«Dy jrara expenoacu [a Ibe tbave tr*Anablei ut to aeiert with eonUdcDCeonr skill.'

to do any and all work, In 'tbi* hoe of trmZo t<Ihoentbe inlliftctlon of tbo employer. ,

AULt "WOBK GUABAI^TEED.. referenc*


IT lien roqnlradi


H. P. SANDERSON," baa on band a Urga ttock or -


. _ _ _i$B.COporseL 'AllUnihof F I N E COLORS for cnrrlage and wagonpolnUng. Also OILS a t d YABNISH, ibQiForeign BodDomiMtlo. . 'TOTHOITIKB, AVJBITKXOAII, e t c -..Faint,. Coloring aud YornjahBraBhea and Striping Ponoib, a full dock. '

All of the RIMTO goods from the bust u a k -em known by painters. , ; . . . :


SLEIGH OKNAWENTS.Hating bad k long oipcriohee In

InuiucsB snabledue tobf ftcompotont Jofaiiy artlclfl connected lrltb the bnilneia,

any ponoai fnTorins toe with their ordcra mayrely upon ray farniibinff thorn .with an articleinhabit} to flieir Want*, Bod i t ai reawnablBprlcca t i can bo obtained at any other plioo,

OrdflM br letter for Carri«e»'»n'l flwfgb Or-imenla will be Bttftably filled by stailnc forSat pnrpoio tbe j ara^waalad, and aitullnsBnoy enough to COTOF tho »raonnt. ,Youi.troniReiireapoolhilly tall cited. • •

H.r.BAKDEIlSON,S3 - Oppciita Dover Dopot

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale!tn Obmctry ofjfewforiej. . For sale of

raortniBed prvmliei. Wherein Tho Matu»lInmrtnce Compunr of HEW York are

cnmclainnnu, andLncyDoyte • n d A n i o n a .P, Hegor «re dcfcnd»DtB. Itttnrnabls-toPonniBxyTonn.A.D. 1S77. , • -

DOVER BANK.mUliESTATl, , , ) . S , ,

apitol, - %]LTIENIIUX U1VI!» TO Ti l l , i t . . ,

•i H i t IliinUmir a n p i , , i V ' C J " "'' ''•I > K : I ; I : I I M ) . \ . . .

kVAlllit.S rtJilitilt • . . . U h

M. H. MCKIilUSON, J0J1K J i i x c rU i a n i l 11AKK11, JAJlDl 1 iviv.f

2a-tr MHOS susiii,.

D:vcr Savings Institution,Cirni' l i IN DOVEE MASK.

T It V a 1U E w,Henry Dahcr. Jolm f ] D [ l c cM.H.UivlfiTHdn. Jamc. B Lu-,"'liu*. ll.CrilUntlbli, JHI . II. Neiulil

,k i . WIBlnoii, Cl,»«. H. K i

J)aTi-l It. Jurdjito, Jaa. A. (louilalcs>-lvnm<!i Dicliunun, Uicburd I»nkiiiiIVilli.m II. (later,- Orare« P i t , ,'oU. 1'. sniOurjou, Win ' • " " '

irki'ulii!™'"1"™ '" " ™ " r K " " " H ' " " " I "onli-c, In iWlir Bank.

\mt cloim.ltwl ou tho lit-nt dor nf rfnrdi jib.^|>tanil)or and December, nMck «»or X.'l

Hrxi hnmioti itaxt aHcr the ilupntltiH iuaa>

The New EmpireJIot-Air, Gns & Bnse-bmn.

ing Cooklncr Sfmc

THE BEST BAKING STOVE IN THE WOULDIxcv h LnrffQ AsMirlment of other filjleiof Conkiug Slows, Itannet l'arkr

Stores, 4 c ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE,Also, a didco atock of

Hardware, Cutlery,BH, Wooden, Copper, flata Kai JapiDntf

Oil Clolhg. Cnrpoti, Lampa,Paint, andoiihbird C O B C , FonlhclB, Pnt t 'B Aslral OI] Inoi,ipidBkc) Alitn,


lloollng, Pliuiiblng and JobWork {irninptly attemlnd tn.


vair l iaak ' t Scalci a t Mnuulot.turer 's prices;

Old Ii B, Copper, Bnv.a, Lead, Ban idOroouL M - laKcn In ciobanBD for gDodi.

JA1IES H. BHUES i Co.,Hockw March 11878


The Old Reliable Market in



laving remoTcd lila siarkut—tbo oldtilDover—to lila


m SUaHex ETIlEEr, two doom Booth ill Uu |• uW Btaod, will Itorcartek furnlili cbalw



CINCINNATI HAMS,Ihn bcil In the market. Wo tuaie a tpttWnlurkiniiig all anr uwii meat, a,uiUlmr<'that it 1R t>r the buat, : All Llnila of •

*V 33 O* 2D VJdL 3(3 Xi XIB. |

kept on hand M aoon BB thoy appear iitnarkula, ami snld at rcaionablo pricci

Tliobighcfltinnrkstpriiioa paid In railDeer HldL-B. Vi-ai Bkins nnil Shoop Htlus, Uat Ibo market. Omlomori a — " - J

on Tacadaya, Tliarailayi aoi"17-ly

Prove all t h lne s . ' Hold fast to tbnt »iL" '

Tho VIOTOS baa ptorcd Itadf not only gtjut iwnt . I t was nwnnled first prennniDLtbo following Fa in , during tho Fall of ISfrlPalmer, Afnbemt, Barre, Northampton, B 4 |chertownand PitWleld, Mmia.; and b y "Letter of Oomraonilntioii, At How York BtPair, held ntElmlrn. ./' •. I n 1870, at Gulniutib County Fair, fid

barie County, nnd Union Agricultural Sorfiat Havins . At a brge t r i d at GrotovftiN. V,, i t v a s tho llclitCBt draf t and oni; w |Uut aid not clog ia a wet pieco c ' 1 ~'" J "clover., At "WnrubotiBO folnt , flint JAt thla tdaJ, a 'pony," weighing I ._worked n. four fuct cut far ono boar, u |hoar ; mum. At Kinderbook, V. T . , t t w » |qwiHlieaUwtfarrioithflagoii taecr-1"" '"""

At thb nbovo Faint it was in c— r , _with all the Bo^alled Bnt-Han Zlt&iuK aa l l

triumphant o « r them all. ; It bu n J

"" 1N7 ADTUJTinESOTer any other llo1

_ wliicb ore the following:ItwmmowwthiheCultarBarotaEyttl.

tha Knirfis a l w i throw to th«ceiiin|»>e QutuxL - . - ,: "

TheKnlyca start the Instant the J . 1«» I J I " |moved, therefore will not clog in «"J rW |of prass, • • ' • ' " •-' ' - . 1

It ia the only Machine Uut has XBDIEST nuanoK EiTcmT, • whioh is oinallitaoperntions,, .The Bar can 1>or lowered trlthout throwlnf

Ko part oftLegearingtunawhTho Polo la M> adjusted t tat tha horaa[do

oven enrry its weight, while ot *oixTho team drawBthts-MbobJna by t1

do not carry it on their, necks.It bns a Wockton Fxhtac,' OB'aJl

Mowerahune.' . : \ - .', . IThe undsraia« Ifl not olatraoted b? | gun4 |

UioreforQ vnll pius.ovoiBtdDca. ' • ' " " • . ,.'j'I

It i« tlio lightotfilAft, ovrinj •» "* Iappllenticm et lha driving power.

[t is Tery duulj maoagnL ,• - . tirt' trial and comporiaini wilt »tlir» » " "


of Agrtanltunl;0-4m.. *ed«, Fertillieni,

THE SUCCASUNRA ,Stove and Tin;Ware Store

•SXJpdASUNNA,hterib '«kea tileatnrn Itii ranasii'!1 thbcitiML ..raascaiODna

tirconntry, t t i l)ifau.«iUUIitHad tin ««rc e i i .uJ .bmcm «t tfaa • ^

anil tnpit ImprcTod • ' - '

TJAHOES and HEATEIUI. bale laUjvflS•», luiil «™-<»li>i«inonllJ too VBBV.jA",,i nEnaM, uiloMfto. PSS^K« TYW I

oniiiKU.t nuloiiiat HAJlO-rJfS. I

Iio «ow. otd ehoai).' 'Ckll aoj «w. 'TT: |

' t *" f s