THE WORLD BANK GROUP ARCHIVES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED Folder Title: Wieczorowski, Robert E. - Articles and Speeches (1971) - 1v Folder ID: 1654926 Fonds: Records of Office of External Affairs (WB IBRD/IDA EXT) Digitized: February 28, 2014 To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business. The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright. Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers. THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AUTHORIZED


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Folder Title: Wieczorowski, Robert E. - Articles and Speeches (1971) - 1v

Folder ID: 1654926

Fonds: Records of Office of External Affairs (WB IBRD/IDA EXT)

Digitized: February 28, 2014

To cite materials from this archival folder, please follow the following format: [Descriptive name of item], [Folder Title], Folder ID [Folder ID], World Bank Group Archives, Washington, D.C., United States. The records in this folder were created or received by The World Bank in the course of its business.

The records that were created by the staff of The World Bank are subject to the Bank’s copyright.

Please refer to for full copyright terms of use and disclaimers.

THE WORLD BANK Washington, D.C. © 2012 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / International Development Association or The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet:


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: > .·· . . . d Spet-,;hes (1 '371)- v : J':,ert E. - Articles :tn Wieczorowskl, F_ . -


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( I \

e cb given y U •. Ex cutive Dir' ctor ao Th~ Am riean In titut of Architect - CJC,

••••• t.he l t"tuJ:t5.1G:Ler~-l

rt 1. Wi czor ki before · .rch 4, 1971. (P. &1 dleberger)

l'resident Nixon sounclecl that th~ . .-~ms clear] y fo:r.· the~ Un:i. tec1 Sta'i..~es .

bv · ~·

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~-:'he nat:i..onB of the uorlcl hn:vc rc Sl)Onded in n -vric1e vo,riet.y of

· multilateral insti tutiorLs > both the [(t.obc~l one s I re11resent. ·and regional

organizations, J.ike the Inte:c-PJ!·,9rican Hncl DevclO}_)Y:1cnt B<.:tnks. Gro;-1inc;

vlealt.h in EtLrorx~ and Jepan bas pennittecl a su1)sta.ntial in the

resources of all of the sc, nncl_ -vre cfm lo01~ for contin1J.ccl grm·rth :tn the sc

sources of funds.

Anothe::c multi1B.:'cer8.J. v.pp:co~,ch is the consor titun of countric:s \·ibo

. pool the cJ,sse-'~c. of their nat.ion~}.l aiel. J?i.'OG1'<3.1ns ln a coordina.tcc1 effo:ct to

Tbis formo.t of.f.ers . me,ny to the

clevclopin.::; count:r::1r 2.s vcll c,,s to t.hc clonors. It offeTs a voJ:u.abJ.e ins-Gr-uJ:1cnt

It can be cx)?2CtecJ t11cl.'G the;~·c 1,rill

. (w.~ 'J..,hc t ·renc."i. r:!nltiJc.t.i:.ex·al a s :-:;;istc:,nce in no \·ray :crcr:: countcT to this

cx.r-ectat:i.on Q


t'hrou~~l1~11.rt:. tl ~c -i·To:r.J cl i~ cco:'l.o~-,:. :i_c a~1<.l soci2.J cl.evc lo}:-wt.,;;~nt. In i:.he lle:>:t. o.eceJLc

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success or fnilv.i:·c on this issue Fill dic·L[-!.tc the rise end fn11 of

It '\·ioulcl be h8.l'cl to ovc:rr.t2J:;e th~ sense of COTf'.n:it.!::cnt or

ure;cncy ·v:hich JJenne:;:_tcs tbe c1cve l o:;=d .ng nations.

Ho\·r c1.oe::s Pres"iclent Nixon :i.Lte:;:J:(cct deYelo]?!."!'iCnt neec.1s ancl. Hhat

role c1ocs he s e c for the Unitcc3. Stn:ces? I e t. me ()ga5.n quote th8 President: ·

based on recognition of major historical ch~nges in the vorJd.

First of alJ., l112.ny lm·.rer :tnco1:18 CO\}lrtric s aTe t.od.2.y ready C!.ncJ.

recoc:n:i:Gion of t he 5.r right to clo so. Scconcl_ly, uh:ile the Un:i.tec1

)10\T extend. l1i.JI'8 e the.n '.-!C (l.o.

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I believe that the Prcsic1cnt 1r.ust be cor::::w~nclc cl for his D.rticule.-'d.on

tm·ra,rd implenK~ntation be bas 2.lree.dy to.ken •

. The United States is 8. mem1Jer of scve:;:al <1evelO}?ment o~g8.:!1izations

\-Thich nrc expctnding. The1.'e is a need foi' uide c:o11gression8.1 sup}?Ort. Alrea.cly

the membe:-c·s of Ccmsres.s nre tc1.l:dnr; a.n :i.ncrea.secl interest. I Cl.m certain tlw.t

· greatei' congrcss:ionftl concern ~.:x1 lriJ.lin[.;nerJs to cooJ>e:L ... atc on . the I'[n·t of

the inte:1·nat:i.cna.l Ol ... gan:i.zations l ri lJ insure efficient OIJ9rations e.nd . greate:c .

· benefitr.: to a.lJ J?u.rtncrs in develo:r>~I:c nt.

impor-Lcu1t. Di0.logue is necess8J:·~,. . Youl" :i.n;::j_ghts ancl. e/::pc:cience 'Hill be

vision ·vihcn c<t1J eel ·ur>on for their lcg:l.f:: lati vc upprovf~J. o

}~O'i·T \-TiJ.l


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Ho\·l ·Hill this generation unfold?

The shocLs of } f1·o~n one cul i .nre to anothe r a:r:c t;r02.t. l·ie in the

developed ~orld will nlso sense the enguish of this passage. It fills

the li tcro.t.ure of the developilJG lands. These lines a:ce fro:n


II they kno-r;- they are poor

indust:r~r is only n m2.rk of

of the s at:Lc.J;ed ~

a.ncl they don 1 t f:ix the J:>rice.

lihen you <~re pooT

you cc:·:.n 't bo:n~·o,,; f:.x>m the poor. 11

The8c conce:cus 1 t unique. They nrc the no~~t oJ. [.;ic 1r.:-i.'k~e

of clw.nge. Even a.r. -v:c c11~:n2~e to 1n2et t.oC.c~y' s conditio.rts ~ there nrc

those '\'!ho i:~~call e<-:.:rlie:r d ::iys. I susp8ct that even lli tb:i.n your ranks

the trenc1 to mo:,.·c co:(!plcx o;:gm1:b~£!.tions often sec~~: s less nppce.l.:tng tlw.n

the senti1 ~1·:~ :nt to "go it"

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gap bet,-recn rich c:..nd JJOor is p2r~:istc:nt n.ncl. eve 1~ -vridening. He must

get off the econurdc t:rc2.c1.m:i.ll, 1-rherc an:-r ~:t c:~l g r o·,·rth is c2.tcn

and by intolerable levels of unclnplo:yT;ient..

lfnat <UI10i.tnt of funds \;ill .:.v;c n~cc1 2.nd ho~J ·vrill \ ·iC co~nbine

to accOT!lpJ.ish clevelop.11ent? ('. .

Revther than c~~t.Llozue tbc lone list of

n1aterial shcxctf' in the count:ries, I'd l:i.J~e to dir2ct

you.r ·thoughts to t·Ho mP.s[ gencrC1li%c.tions. I C[tut.:i.on you that these arc

To do :i.t in 20 yc:;::~:cs ·L~ould c2.ll for an ~nnu.8.1 Gl"O~·;t.h l'ci.te of

To do tbe j o1) in 50 years, if l)O}_)nlation cont:i.nnes to ~ro',.i at

b t 2 '){{ .11 e vecn --~~ a yecr, \n

-~!-! :-.· C• :'!.:~ J·_l '• i..\. ', 0' u. ~: . ('. :- _-, ... ' · :: ·· .~."'. ,<_: ,rl~ -1·• 'C-:',1.-.J. I· .... r l. l ' ,. -'L· 'r·· .... • ' ~ . J ' J . l. \' ··· '\ r • ..., ) • ~ ( ' j' '-. - - ' · , . ..._, _ L r_ _ .._. _-,__,_ • ... ., . .:.. ~ _, •• 1· ; · · • ~ 1:-. . _( , \.• .. ::... ,, -..:< : · ''> t_', . \..1, /\..~;

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rate, nnd co::.t th~~.t \·/Ould de1::c:.nd,

\ I

Before I shift to my second point it night be uscft,_l to

1·eminc1 you tho.t tbe r;1ost quoted goal for cxtcrn~-tl devclop;ncnt. fu11u:lng ·

is li. of Gross · National Product. At the mo:;1ent the GUl') of the c1onor

nation::; is a1Jout *2 t1··illion. One p'2I' cent of i:Ju:d.·. \·:ro-..lld }) o.n e:xtc:J.'na.l flou

of *20 billion. Ar, tb:!.ngs ~d::.8.nd it ~· unlit ely to JGC thD.t '\'JC coxJ.

simply buy the develorn:ent '\-Tc '\'rant. . Hm·:ever, \-7e shonld "b :cJ.nG en other

stagge:r:ing 1evC'ls :i.n the c1evclOJ?int;; \-ro:cld . It is })cs .si1)lc t.!1~~.t one billion

defined as ~aoo billion of lo~t. J::rocl.u.ct:L vo C8.:pJ.cit.y yc~!_:~·.

~' )l1e t·.-~ ·•.•J .. ·,o-.··'···1 1-·,··o ··r·c ·'· <· ''.f·)-,o nr <=> Il .. 11

• . <.!.QJ.lJ • . ·"···- ) .. l •l -~ .l ... > •, . • l·.·-~ ;_J._Y.>~;... j_' ; c'.l (,' h:i.g1·f·;1S.ys, bl':i.dr,e s .•.

He\·r Project. 8. l'f<~f_; c.:. :ce increased v.t.tcnt:i.on e.nd fttnc1.inG. These inc1uc~.e

receni:.lJr, J?01lu.t:i.on C0!1 t:!:ol.

- r ;nst

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n1ust rely on nc\": t ec1u1:i.q_ues lThich ·vri11 C<:tpit::!.li.~e on the opportunity to

operate in a muJ.tj_national and rnultilntcr0.l fra!:12'\·~or}:. \·lith the best

poss:i.blc technology.

lio\·7 do \le m;3J;:e the best u:;c of the Cc~pite>.l that :t.s so scarce

e.s comp;;,::r:·e cl to st.P..GGE:ring need. Ti1e anm·;er is O}?t.5J·uPJn use of t'2cru1ology ••

this 1ncans good O.e8igB, sound ene;inecrj ng, t=u1c1 effective man~.l.~~e!.~8nt.. These a

th<:~t lle cn:e cm:i.Dently qu~i.lifiec1 to offer the '\·Tor-:Ld.

This is the cheJJ~nce ve face. If ue succeed, ' 70 will have

cr.eatecl 1-:rorlcl ma~cl~et of un1JeJ5•?. va1Jle f:i).~C, :i.n the }_)l'OGess 1·re ·uill forge

the m2.j OT links for ''A Peace ~rste:m " ·\fh.ich ot.bers pl''cc15_ctec\.,

and 1-;e '\·;ill ha ve ir:1J!Tovod the OFport.unitics fox· biJ_l:i.ons of }~e opJ.c.

l3ut l)efore '\'! 0 r;et too f~:c ahc;c-_rl t.hC:-!rE: 's sor:1e '\-ro:rk to bs cloJJ.e to

architcctc 8nd eneineers.

From so1ne cor-ner~ t.1.1c rc ig n tendency to p:•:efcr JL.he s mG.llcJ.', ln.rt.

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So~ne of you feel prbf'cs.sion:=tl r c stric·G:!.o:n.s '\! JJ:lp ::~cl.e seeking

to bring your talents "Yrherc th~y CJ.rc u:q~,en"Gly Eee:c1ecl. Th:\. s can 1)c

particuloTly troulJlcsome 'Hhere your custom::: c.,rcn 't shGTec1 :Lnt.ern0.tiono.i.~-Y ~-

still the 1-;;nesf> to te8Jr. up v:ith Oi.D.' c1evclo:t; cuo.ntry cotu1tCTI)~t rt.s

is on the increase. This is \·~elcome. nre nlso sbcf.-r:i.nd fl.

Yet thc:r.c v,re g:ce&.t. [J,l 'Cr:s of the \70Tlcl. l rh 2X'e o~.J.r p:n:·tj. c:i.r_~::,t:ic .n.

is rn:i.nimo.l.

YO r- Ct- scr!l)!le of

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Of I \-. I J 1 "\ "' b • 1 o "\ "'! \ ~• ~ t'. ~ ' rid '.) •,• . "L,ue "COCa_ l1U1:10Cl ... 01 :LC.S l'CCf!l VCCt, .LC;:..u .1-=:.!l p CvJuC

from U. S . firi-ns . In c:.dc1i tioE, 0 1rcr 9~~ of the :::c bids ·ue:re for contracts in

· t he He stern 1Im01is:r1x~re -- 2. t::o.~C!.u:i.t:i. onal mar}:ct fo:r: the U.S. But, as you ctre

~lhis conccnt:~at.ion on t.r(:tdi tiona.l lr:e..l'kets 1nr1 .. y a1so be the j_n the 1~1c::.ny

to the conc!.uct. of :i . ntcl~l:c:.-'~ional bu:::; incs::~ o I ~.nJ. my con1i.t.el'l)3.l'ts in tbc

J'or over a ~·ce.:c J hnvc beer: faP il:i.ariz:i.JIS Ji l:fSel.f '\· the p1:actice:s

question~~ on Br•J:t}·~ Croup })(>J:~c I ·Hcrnlc1. J.iLe to teJ~0 this occ2.sion to

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-to a.ssure you th~t they too are open to ne\·T ideas and '(}!£' re··examination of old


In the three major resional banl~s, there is n total of a.pproximately

2200 ]?l'Ofessional employees . Each year, these banks must depend heavily on

the services of ou-tsi(le consultants. In Vlorld Bari!~ financed projects alone,

r more than $100 million is spent on outside consultants . There is, therefore,

considerable opportunity for professional men ·Hi th your quc.lifications

to :ir:fl1.1.ence the shape and chHra.cter 4" economic development in today1s "\'rorld.

Within our govex·n.rnent there is a strone; c1e sire to give you the .

support Jrou need for successf·ul participation. Eetter information ,

vlilline;ness to consider ne1-r t e ch11ique s , ne1·r and expanded progrmns, special

SUl)J?ort fo1" large proj ects , ancl eventually 1 I hope •"re vrill annm.J.nce a one-

stop service to increase the efficiency of your trips to Ho.shington.

International l:i teracy, jobs for a billion people, ne\·T cities,

tranSI)O:l:·tation linl~s across Af1·ica, East Pakistan, ancl clevelopment of the

Mel~ong arc a few· of the challenges ahead . All of this to be clone in the

scope of a \'rorld of free societies.

Some lines

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Some lines from Ani~ir.;uous Ad..-eEture, a Senegalese novel, set a

goal and a sta!lda rd for this develop}nent. · "Civilization is an architecture

of responses. Its }?erfection, like . that of any d\·rclling house, is rnea~ured

by the cornf'ort man feels in it, by the added portion of liberty it }?rocures

for him".