The Window for Wallingford... 1 Ayres Yard Station Road Wallingford Oxon OX10 0JZ T: 01491 838005 E:...

Issued free to over 3,500 homes by courtesy of the Advertisers and the efforts of over 100 Voluntary helpers thewindowforwallingford thewindowforwallingford The Window for Wallingford The Window for Wallingford Photographer: M.T. Phillips

Transcript of The Window for Wallingford... 1 Ayres Yard Station Road Wallingford Oxon OX10 0JZ T: 01491 838005 E:...

Page 1: The Window for Wallingford... 1 Ayres Yard Station Road Wallingford Oxon OX10 0JZ T: 01491 838005 E: THE FLORIST Moulsford-on-Thames Great …

Issued free to over 3,500 homes by courtesy of the Advertisers and the efforts of over 100 Voluntary helpers

thewindowforwallingford thewindowforwallingford

T h e W i n d o w f o rW a l l i n g f o r dT h e W i n d o w f o r W a l l i n g f o r d

Photographer:M.T. Phillips

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St George’s Day Celebrations at the Methodist Church Centre

IF you are joining in and supporting thesecelebrations why not treat yourself to a lunch at

the Church Centre in St Leonard's Square. For £5-6 you can enjoy a two course 'home cooked' stylelunch. Everyone is welcome to our light, brightand newly refurbished church hall. We haveexcellent disabled access, toilets and babychanging facilities. We are serving lunchesbetween 12 noon and 2 pm on Saturday 24 April.

Anne Baudry

St George’s Day

THE Wallingford Partnership will again behelping the town to celebrate St George’s Day

on Saturday 24th April. In what may become anancient tradition, the Market Place will be closed totraffic so that we can come together to celebrateEngland’s patron saint. It will be an easy-goingcelebration, with stalls and entertainment in theMarket Place and the streets, including live musicand morris dancers.

We hope that you will be able to see the firstof the new banners which the Partnership isbuying for the town, using the grant money wehave received from SEEDA and SODC.

Do come along and join in – and hope for thelovely weather which has blessed us for the twoprevious years to be repeated!

Derrick Hoare


DOGS are rightly known as man’s best friends. They provide comfort andcompanionship to many of us, are of incredible value when they work aspolice, guide or hearing dogs and even alongside our armed forces

helping to protect them from IEDs. Unfortunately, some owners abuse therelationship they have with these wonderful animals and let them leave theirmess all over the place. There are some issues which, sadly, never seem to go away in Wallingford, and dog mess all overthe paths and parks around the town is one of them. For some reason, the problem seems to begetting worse at the moment, and as a councillor it is one of the issues about which I receivemost complaints. If you own a dog, please do make sure that you clear up after it. If you knowof someone who is inconsiderate enough to allow their dog to make a mess and not to clear itup, then please do report them – to the local police, or if you don’t want to do that to me, and I’lldo it for you. Dog mess is a real health hazard to children, as well as being really horrible toscrape off shoes, buggy wheels and zimmer frames. Please help to wipe it out now!

Lynda Atkins Editor 839120 [email protected]

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Finds and Fossils Day

HAVE you ever unearthed a treasure andwondered what it was? Well, take it alongto Wallingford Museum and find out.

There’s another chance to help uncover the past bybringing archaeological objects and fossils to aFREE 'Finds and Fossils Day' on Saturday 10th Aprilfrom 10am to 1pm at Wallingford Museum.Experts will be on hand to help identify itemsfound by local people.

There’s no charge for admission to this event,but you could combine it with a visit to theMuseum itself where there are a number ofinteresting exhibitions related to Wallingford’sfascinating role in the country’s history, togetherwith the new “Before the Town” and "CelebratingWallingford Schools" exhibitions. Just come alongor contact Colin Clarke for details on 837720.

By popular demand on to coincide with'Finds and Fossils Day', two historic guided walkshave been arranged, which will be led by JudyDewey (local historian and Museum curator). At11am there will be a Castle history walk, followedby a Town history walk at 2.30pm. Both walks,lasting about 2 hours, start at the Museum with acharge of £3 for each walk. [unsuitable for dogs!]So, why not immerse yourself in the town'sfascinating local history for the whole day and alsovisit the 'Before the Town' exhibition at theMuseum. Just come along or contact Judy Deweyfor details tel. 01491-651127

Stu Darby

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‘GREAT NEWS!’ Planningpermission has beengranted to build themedieval-style timber-framed annexe in theWallingford Museumcourtyard. Many thanks toeveryone who wrote toSODC giving their support

to this project. In addition, we have nowreceived donations of all the oak we need,within 10 miles of Wallingford, such that fellingwork will be taking place during April.However,now the fundraising has to continue in earnest,and to enable the work to start this year we aregoing to need more of your help and the help oflocal businesses.

The Museum’s first big fundraising event will be aGRAND AUCTION to be held in the RegalCentre on Saturday 10th April.

You can support this event in two ways: Donatesomething for the auction …… and then turn upand bid.

In fact it will be two auctions:-1) A ‘silent auction’ will take place from 3pm to7pm. This will include a host of lower value itemsof general interest laid out on tables, where youcan inspect each offer and write your bid on theadjacent sheet. If you are outbid, you can goback and bid again. At closing time the highestbidder wins the item! We have a wide range ofitems and favours on offer:- handcrafts, a bigfruit cake, restaurant meals, manicure, two hours

gardening, fixing computer, car lift to airport,dinner party, indeed anything with a value over£5.

2) A ‘grand auction’ in the traditional manner,will then swing into action from 7pm onwards.Here higher value items will be auctioned ‘underthe hammer’. There will be at least fifteen itemsranging from a limited edition Magna Cartastool, to an original antique Windsor 5-stringbanjo, to tours of the House of Lords andCommons with lunch, to a week’s holiday, and aone-day Brewery Training Course at LoddonBrewery.

At the door please buy an oak peg (which youwill be able to see hammered into the newtimber-frame building) for £4 to register, and youwill be given your bidding card which will qualifyyou for a glass of wine from 7 pm onwards. Or,if you have already registered with ‘Framing theFuture’ and have a peg, we will have your detailsso simply collect your bidding card at the door. Inaddition, light refreshments will be availableduring the whole event.

If you wish to donate any items or favours,please contact Jenny Carpenter on 826734.

This ‘Framing the Future’ project will really putWallingford on the map, and produce long-termbenefit to the town’s economic vitality, so all yousmall businesses this is your chance to help.

Stu Darby

FRAMING THE FUTURE UPDATE –News of a Grand Auction

Overseas Tea Party

THE Inner Wheel Club of Sinodun (Wallingford)is holding its annual Overseas Tea Party on

Thursday April 22nd in Benson Parish Hall. 2.00 for2.30pm. We have musician Kenn Fitt to speak tous about 'The Great British Songs' with vocal andinstrumental illustrations.

The cost is £8 and some profits will gotowards the charity 'Impact' and some towardstransport costs of aid to Kosovo. There will be theusual Raffle and Sales Tables and of course afantastic tea. Tickets from Janet 839474

Janet Evans (Sinodun IW Overseas sec)

Wallingford Walk against Cancer

AFTER the success of the 2009 WallingfordWalk against Cancer, the organisers hope that

the next walk will take place in 2011. The mainreason for there being no walk in 2010 is that theorganisers are all involved in other main events inthe town throughout the year.

The walk in 2009raised a total sum of £2170,and our thanks go to everyone who helped in anyway, and the participants - especially Rose Sutton,and the team from Pettits, who raised the mostsponsorship money.

Theresa Jordan

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LETS - Local Exchange TradingScheme

YOU may never have heard of us, on theother hand you may! No matter, we are aninternational organisation concerned with

the conservation of labour, materials and the socialinteraction in our society. That may sound ‘highfalutin’ but it is not. We trade without money (thesterling kind) in skills and labour. For example,how much does it cost to have your broken chairfixed? Many pennies I think. I’m sure one of ourmembers could fix it, your next holiday? We coulddrive you to the airport! We have social ‘do’s’ likewalking amongst the bluebells, with a pub lunchof course, (organised for May) a fun murdermystery evening with supper, and so on, but mostof all we help one another.

It is very difficult to explain how the schemeworks here but should you be interested pleasetelephone me on 834519 and I will tell you aboutit and send you a pack explaining the scheme indetail. Look forward to hearing from you and whynot join us for our murder mystery evening or ourwalk?

Val Woodings


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Wallingford Coach for the Disabled(Elizabeth)

THE AGM for the Elizabeth Coach will be heldon Friday 9th April at 7.30. The venue isCentre 70.

Several important changes were introducedto our operations during 2009. Firstly our newScania Coach became fully operational in April.This has a low floor with easy access and there are37 seats and space for 4 wheelchairs with safetyrestraints. The Coach has proved to be verypopular with both the volunteer drivers and themany user-groups in the area. In particular, thedrivers like the automatic gearbox, and the userslike the improved comfort and convenience,especially the automatic climate control.

Secondly, with the ever-increasing burden ofmore legislation for coach operations, and noexceptions for charities, the committee decided toappoint a part time transport manager. We werefortunate in that one of our drivers, HarveyCullimore, was well qualified and willing to take onthis role. He now ensures that we comply withWorking Time Directives, Health and Safetyrequirements, the Disability Discrimination Act, andDriver Training and Records regulations.

Thirdly, the trustees realised that it would beprudent to protect their personal assets in theevent of a major claim being made against theElizabeth Coach. This has been achieved by settingup the Wallingford Coach for the Disabled as aCompany Limited by Guarantee, but still withcharitable status.

The popularity of the new coach has led to anincreased number of requests from groups foroutings. If we were able to accommodate all therequests the coach would be out nearly every dayduring most months of the year. Unfortunately wehave even fewer volunteer drivers now than in2009 which obviously restricts the frequency of theservice we can provide. More drivers are urgentlyneeded. They should ideally hold a PCV Licencebut training may be provided in somecircumstances. The time involved can be as little oras much as a driver can spare – the ability to takea group out on a trip only once a month would bea great help. If you would like more informationabout driving the Coach, then please get in touchwith Harvey Cullimore on 01865 341662 or [email protected]

If you can get along to the AGM you will hearmore about our activities and be sure of a warmwelcome.

Ian RossChairman

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Wallingford Town InformationCentre

SPRING is here and we are now open from 10 to4 Monday to Friday and 10 to 2 on Saturday.

Please come and see us and browse through the2010 leaflets and see what is going on inWallingford and the surrounding area. In ourwindow there is a diary of local events which arehappening in April. All are within a ten minutewalk of Wallingford Market Place.

Ideas of places to go: Style Acre and AgeConcern run Tea Dances on the last Monday ofeach month (if this coincides with a Bank Holiday itis the previous Monday) at Crowmarsh Village Hallfrom 2:30 to 5. Tappins Coaches run a free busservice from Wallingford to Tesco in Didcot. It runson Mondays and Wednesdays leaving The CornExchange at 9.38 and returning at 11:30am.

If you find any small items of lost property inWallingford please drop it in to us and please docome in if you have mislaid something in the town– you never know! Also please call in and see us if you need to selltickets for a function - we might be able to help yousell them.

Happy Easter to you all.

Lynne, Suzanne and PennyWallingford Town Information Centre

Town Hall, [email protected]

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PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr M Rose, Mr G Wooldridge & Mrs CWooldridge spoke to the Town Council about theproposal to identify site A as the preferred site fornew homes in Wallingford. They all clearlyexpressed their opposition to the use of site A.Some of the main points raised were, trafficproblems, gravel extraction and the flawedStudio Real report commissioned by SouthOxfordshire District Council (SODC). This topicwill feature again!

PLANNING:Wallingford Rowing Club Replacement Gym:The Town Council strongly supports thisapplication which will greatly improve the club’sfacilities.

TWINNING WITH LUXEUIL-LES-BAINS: The Town Council resolved to give anilluminated scroll to commemorate the 30thanniversary of the twinning. The scroll will be inFrench and presented to a delegation who arevisiting the town on the 27th July.

FLY POSTING:The Town Council is concerned about thenumber of posters left up after events have takenplace. Would individuals and organisationsplease remember to remove posters once theyhave done their job.


This meeting was held in the Town Hall toaccommodate all those residents who wanted tohear and speak to the Town Council about theproposed new houses in Wallingford.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Several members of the public addressed themeeting to object to the number of housesproposed for Wallingford 750. They alsoexpressed their opposition to the use of Site A.Highlighting the following concerns,Highways/traffic, gravel extraction, Area ofOutstanding Natural Beauty and that other sitesinside the by-pass were more suitable.

CORE STRATEGY: After hearing from members of the public theTown Council discussed their concerns about

the number of new homes proposed for theTown and the poor standard of information fromso called experts, such as the recent Studio Realreport. In addition it was felt that SODC werebeing unreasonable by only giving 4 weeks forconsultation on new but incomplete evidence.The prospect of building a new school near thesports park and using sites in St Georges Roadwas one option put forward. Even with areduced number of new homes in the town,when these are added to those at FairmileHospital site something will have to be doneabout school places. Again the Town Councilpointed out that SODC are in control of anyexpansion of Wallingford and while that isregretted, as the Town Council would like to bein control of its own destiny, it is hoped thatSODC will pay close attention to the views of theTown Council through meaningful consultation.

The Town Council made the followingresolutions:

• To only support the building of up to 350new homes in Wallingford• To request that consultation be suspendeduntil complete accurate information on all sitesunder consideration is available. Once thatinformation is available then a reasonableamount of time must be given for consultation.

If you have views and concerns about theproposed new homes which have not alreadybeen made, or require information pleasecontact the Town Council email:[email protected] .

PLANNING APPLICATIONS:Fairmile Hospital Site: The application was forrefurbishment of the main building andconversion into 130 homes and new build of223 new homes. This includes 106 affordableproperties. The Town Council supportedCholsey Parish Council’s views on thisapplication.

2 Beansheaf Terrace: The owner of this propertyis trying to get a decision from SODC on aretrospective planning application for a shedwhich has been at his property for some 27years.The Town Council is sending a representative tospeak on behalf of the resident. It does makeyou wonder why SODC is spending all this timeon such a trivial matter.

Support the shed!!!.

Councillor Andrew Lock


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Wallingford Flower Club

WE meet at Crowmarsh Village Hall on thesecond Wednesday of the month so our

April meeting will be the 14th. We are quite alarge club and meetings start at 7.30 with a cup oftea or coffee and the meeting proper begins at7.45. This month Jeanette Bell, an AreaDemonstrator, is coming and her theme is 'NaturesWonders'. At the end of the evening thearrangements she has made will be raffled. OurClub meetings are very relaxed and enjoyable andat a cost of only £4 good value for money. Hopeto see you there.

Anne Baudry

Remember Centre 70!

CENTRE 70, off Goldsmith’s Lane, is a venuewith four rooms, two large and two smallerand a common kitchen. It plays host to

various organisations from the Art Club andCommittee Meetings to Judo lessons, a venue forMind and many other groups.

The building was originally built in 1861 byMoses Winter to replace the school in Castle Street.There were about two hundred boys and girls inattendance until the classes became overcrowded.The boys were sent to St John’s School built in1910 in St John’s Road, the infants went to StNicholas School 1964. Eventually the buildingwas considered inadequate and closed in 1968.

Wallingford Community Association wasformed in 1966 to promote, for the benefits of theresidents of Wallingford and the neighbourhood,the advance of education and to provide facilitiesin the interest of social welfare for the recreationand leisure time occupation with the object ofimproving the conditions of life for all concerned.Initially they met in the Stone Hall but had to lookfor another home in 1968. In 1970 the closedKinecroft School was purchased and opened in itsnew role.

Centre 70 is funded by the WallingfordCommunity Association. It uses the income fromrents to pay the running costs, maintaining thefabric of the building and its small car park. Theassociation is a charity and has appointed trustees.The day to day running of the Centre is carried outby a group of volunteers who give their time toensure that the facility keeps open for the use oforganisations in the town and theneighbourhood.

When you are thinking of venue in the town doremember your Community Centre 70.

Chris Eke

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thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingfordDancing at the Rifles Club

Ihave been researching with the British militarysince 2008, joining The 4th Battalion The Rifleson training exercises on Dartmoor and Salisbury

Plain, a week at Headley Court militaryrehabilitation centre and I visited Selly Oak hospitalin Birmingham, where the NHS works inpartnership with the military to treat patientsreturning from conflict zones.

Through this intensive and sometimes verypainful research I have developed the dancetheatre production 5 SOLDIERS-The Body Is TheFrontline, which explores the physicality of modernwarfare and humanises the people behind theheadlines. This production is in collaboration withvisual artist David Cotterrell, who visitedAfghanistan as part of the Joint Medical Forces.

We are doing a UK tour, with our premiere onthe 23rd and 24th April at the International DanceFestival Birmingham. However, our key dates inLondon are when we perform at the Rifles Club,Mayfair, London on the 20th and 1st May. This isa key event for the Rifles Regiment and to us as acompany. The performance will be shown in aunique setting of a drill hall in central London, in avery historic military club. The Rifles Regiments willalso launch the £1million appeal for ‘Care forCasualties’; The Rifles have been severely hit in therecent conflicts, and this appeal is to aid thesupport of the injured soldiers in the short andlong term and for the support of their families. Docome along!

Rosie KayArtistic Director

Rosie Kay Dance [email protected]

07961 424256

Editor’s Note: I don’t usually promote events sofar outside the town, but as The Rifles have aspecial place in our community, I thought readersmight like to hear about this production.

Lynda Atkins

Reasons to be Proud ofWallingford

CONGRATULATIONS to John Houston of theSouth Moreton Boxing club, and otherorganisers and sponsors of this year’s

successful Pancake Race. I know from experience,the work involved in putting an event together,and it is no mean feat. I could not let this event goby without commenting on the competitor whowon the prize for the best fancy dress - Ivy Small asLady Godiva. What a ‘legend’! Ivy epitomises thelife and soul of our community. She puts so mucheffort, every year, into producing a costume with adifference, that brings a smile. It is not only hercostumes which I applaud, but her selflessness, hercommitment to supporting the event, the charityfundraising, her strength of character, and hersense of fun - all for a good cause.

Theresa Jordan

C14 Enterprise Centre



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New Website for Wallingford

AS part of the first phase of projects funded bySEEDA and SODC, Wallingford Partnership Ltdhas launched a new public website: to serve the town andsurrounding villages. It aims to be the website ofchoice for finding information about the town forboth residents and visitors. The site is packed withnew features and capabilities, such as the ability tosupport multimedia content, a new user-friendlycalendar of events and a wide range of pagesavailable for community use. You can even find outthe weather outlook just by visiting the home page,if you can’t bring yourself to look out of your window!

Community, charity and not-for-profit groupsmay provide content about events and activities freeof charge and relevant links will be included toexisting dedicated websites for more information. Inaddition, individuals, organisations and businessescan purchase premium listings, for a small fee, whichwill be used to maintain the website and funddevelopment in future years. For example, a web-page can be created to advertise or promote goodsand services, or future events. This can be updatedregularly as required.

The website has full commercial capability,delivering the convenience of on-line payment asneeded. It also has news items and a newsletter forsubscribers that can help to promote communicationon events and issues relevant to the community. Thiscan be accessed globally thanks to the internet,keeping everyone in touch.

We even hope to include the Window forWallingford on line each month – there’s a slighttechnical hitch at the editor’s end holding that up atthe moment, but we hope it will be available by thetime you read this.

It is hoped that visitors to the town will be ableto access the key information they need before theyarrive and that this in turn will boost the localeconomy. If you own a business, you might like totake a premium listing to make sure you reach yourtarget audience efficiently.

The website will continue to develop with new,relevant content. It has been developed to serve theneeds of everyone in the area so do visit the regularly and use it tosignpost your own needs and causes. In particularwe are keen to promote activities and events in thesurrounding villages. For more information follow thelinks on the website or [email protected]

The Wallingford Partnership team continues towork hard on the delivery of all the other fundedprojects. Look out for further updates andannouncements soon.

Andy Bush

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Have Your Say Meetings with Local Police

THERE has been a review recently of the waythat Neighbourhood Action Groups work andas a result some changes are happening.

Police surgeries will be replaced by Have You Saymeetings. There will be 15 of these held eachmonth across the whole Wallingford NAG area(Wallingford, Benson and Berinsfield, Cholsey andall the outlying villages). The aim is to get to asmany residents as possible and to help resolvecommunity safety issues.

Rather than consulting in eachneighbourhood and identifying the top threeissues concerning residents who attend, the aim isto handle each issue that is raised. For example, ifa resident has a concern about inconsiderateparking, Thames Valley Police would deal with thisright away. A bigger issue, however, such as anti-social behaviour, might go to the NAG for problemsolving and this could include involvement fromother agencies, such as the Youth Service, andinput from residents. This way it is hoped thatcommunity safety concerns can be handled muchmore quickly and effectively. The meetings to beheld in Wallingford over the next few months are:

APRIL 201017th April 1000-1100 hours – Swap Shop, Regalcentre, Wallingford19th April 1300-1400 hours – Wallingford Hospital,Reading Road, Wallingford20th April 1000-1100 hours – Farmers Market,Market Place, Wallingford29th and 30th April – All evening: Wallingford Fair,Kinecroft Park

MAY 20102nd May 1100-1300 hours – Wallingford Regatta,Dorney Lake9th May 1100-1500 hours (periodically) classic carRaleigh, Kinecroft Park, Wallingford16th May 0900-1300 hours – Mayor’s SundayParade, Market Place, Wallingford

JUNE 20104th June 2000-2100 hours Blues and beer festival,Regal Centre, Wallingford5th June 2000-2100 hours Blues and beer festival,Regal Centre, Wallingford6th June 1000-1300 hours Thames Run, HowberryPark, Benson lane, Crowmarsh12th June 1000-1200 hours Wallingford Hospitalfete, Reading Road15th June 1100-1200 hours Farmers Market,Market Place, Wallingford19th June 0900-1500 hours (periodically)Wallingford carnival day in the Market Place andKinecroft Park, Wallingford

PCSO Samantha Greenough C9763PCSO Wallingford Police StationWallingford NeighbourhoodTEL: 0845 8 505 505

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Street Names

CURRENTLY I am compiling a list of all the roadsand streets of Wallingford and why they are

named as they are. There are some names whoseorigins I still cannot find and I wondered if any ofyour readers could enlighten me. They are:

Egerton Road, Green Close, Meriden Court and Oakdale Court.

Any information about the above would begratefully received and acknowledged in the finalpublication.

Chris Eke 838154

Henley Philatelic Society

Wednesday 14th April – Members of PinnerPhilatelic Society visit Henley to give displays.

Wednesday 24th April – Competition and ‘SilentAuction’ Members may enter all classes – PostalHistory, Stamps, & Thematics – 9 pages for eachclass.

Wednesday 26th May – The Henley OpenAuction. All collectors welcome. The catalogue willgo on the website during April.

Penny Black 681739

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To enquire about placing anadvertisement in this Magazine

Telephone 836282

Coffee Morning and Table Top Sale

THE Wallingford Children’s Choir will be holdinga fundraising morning at St. Mary’s on May 1st.

There will be tea, coffee and cakes, and a wholehost of books, games and bric-a-brac for sale. Inaddition the choir will be singing at 10.30 and11.30 to entertain you while you enjoy therefreshments.

We are raising funds for the Choir, whichcurrently has 60 members aged from 7 to 15. Newsingers are always welcome. There are noauditions and our singers come from 12 differentlocal schools. If you are interested in joining us dosay hello at the Coffee Morning, or visit our website“”. If you have any itemsfor the sale please bring them along on the day orcontact me on 835207.

Sue Ledger

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Wallingford’s Big Dig 2010

THE third season of ‘Burh to Borough’archaeological excavations will be taking place

throughout Wallingford from 10th to 24th April.

A trench will be excavated to the west of themain part of the Wallingford Castle earthworks. It isalso proposed that a series of four test-pits will beexcavated at St John’s School playing fields. Inaddition to these excavations, geophysical workcomprising resistivity and magnetometer surveyswill be carried out in the western part ofCrowmarsh Recreation Ground.

There will be further excavations during Julywith emphasis on the Castle Meadows and theBullcroft.

You are welcome to visit the sites duringdigging hours to see the work in progress and hearwhat is being discovered. However, it is alwaysbest to visit the Museum first, to get the latest newsand to plan your visit.

Stu Darby

St John's School Centenary Open Day

ST John's School Centenary Open Day will be onMonday 5th April, 11-5. Why not take a

nostalgic look around your old school and catchup with old friends over a Ploughman's lunch orCream Tea"? More details and 1000's of photoscan be found at

Claire SatchwellCentenary Chair

Wallingford Charity FunDayWould you like to have a stall?

THE Wallingford Charity FunDay is scheduled forSunday 4 July this year and we are looking for

charities and traders interested in taking a stall atthe event.

The price remains £5 for charities and £20trade. For more information contact Mike Mold on07881 734542 or email [email protected]

Norma Whelan


10 PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn tthhee wwiinnddooww ffoorr wwaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

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Wallingford and District Art ClubOn Tuesday the 20th at Centre 70 there will be ademonstration by Caddy Attewill who will inspireus with how she paints flowers in watercolour.

Doreen Smith 825355

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Royal British Legion

Ican’t believe it! Two days withoutsnow or rain. Is the worst winterfor many years finally giving way

to spring? I do hope so as there areso many things we have to arrangeand sitting in a room trying to gain

inspiration is to say the least, a little off-putting but,we are British! We can take it!

We are looking forward toSaturday July 10thwhen the Wallingford and District Branch of theRoyal British Legion will be hosting a show by theClover Sisters (who look and sing like the Andrew’ssingers). It is, I’m told, a show not to miss. Theshow will be held in the Masonic Centre,Goldsmiths Lane starting at 7. Final arrangementshave yet to be made regarding prices and whetheror not to include a Fish & Chip Supper but restassured, you will know in plenty of time. Allproceeds from the show will be donated to thePoppy Appeal which is of course an ongoingappeal.

Our meeting on the 27th May will be our Cadetof the Year Award Night when we hope to see asmany parents and friends of the two cadet unitsbased in Wallingford attend to make the night amemorable affair for the young people nominatedfor the awards. Our newly appointed eventarranger Mike Quigley is busy trying to arrangesuitable visits for the Branch and as soon as he hasthe necessary information, you will be advisedaccordingly.

We hope to have a stall at the Classic Car Rally,Carnival and Charities Event Day and wouldappreciate donations of prizes for the Tombola butplease ensure donated biscuits and tins etc are indate.

The Branch has now entered the 21st Centuryand agreed to purchase a projector and screenthat when attached to a DVD player or laptopcomputer, will allow us to refine our presentationsand hopefully encourage more speakers to backup their presentations with a power point facilityor a film. As usual, if you hear of anyone who youthink we may be able to assist, please let us know.You are after all, just as much a welfare caseworker as us all.

Frank Hames [email protected]


11PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn WWiinnddooww ffoorr WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

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Wallingford Country Market

THE Easter Market will be held on MaundyThursday, 1st April 8.30 – 11.15 in the RegalCentre instead of Good Friday.

Gwen Strong

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THE PARISH OF WALLINGFORDThe Churches of St. Mary-le-More and St. Leonard

SUNDAY SERVICES8 a.m. St. Leonard - Holy Communion

10 a.m. St. Mary-le-MoreParish Communion and Sunday School or All Age Worship

6.30 p.m. St. Leonard - Evensong

For details of services and other activitiessee

TTeeaamm RReeccttoorr:: The Revd. David RiceTelephone: 01491 - 202188



Thursday – 1st April Barbieand Russell Lindsay, of theEast Anglia Federation, give their entertainingpresentation ‘Virtual Reality’

Thursday 8th April –informal discussion evening

Thursday 15th April – Portfolio Competition i.e. 4pictures on a theme – members may enter 1 set ineach class – black and white prints, colour printsand digital images

Thursday 22nd April – Postponed competition –Nature (Flora & Fauna) members may enter up to2 images in each class.

Thursday 29th April – Margaret Deakin, wellknown travel lecturer gives a presentation.

Len Long 835632

Sustainable Wallingford’s AGM and Quiz Night

WE thought we’d make our AGM onSaturday 10th April a bit moreinteresting this year, but the serious stuff

still needs to be done. If you are a paid-up memberof Sustainable Wallingford then you can vote at theAGM, which starts at 6pm. Formal notification willgo out to members soon. Have you been gettingour newsletters and meant to join up? Membershiponly costs £5 a year so what’s stopping you joiningup on the night so that you can vote?

After that, from 7pm, we have a socialevening planned with a fun quiz, lots of lovelyfood and a chance to have a good chat. Do youwant to make a difference, make new friends?Come along, bring a friend; bring two! The morethe merrier. We’d love to see you. There are a fewupcoming projects and we need more people tomake them happen. Even a couple of hours amonth makes a difference. You might even havesome suggestions of your own.

We need approx numbers for the food soplease contact Mark Gray on 07971 805416 to lethim know you are coming.

Catherine Somerville

12 PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn WWiinnddooww ffoorr WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss




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The NEW Butchers & Fishmongers in St. Martin’s Street, Wallingford

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For further information pleaseTel: 01491 833553

FOLLOWING our extensive reordering, thechurch is committed to making the buildinga focus for community activity and it will be

available for use to a wide range of individualsand groups in the Wallingford area, offering awelcome and providing a flexible, pleasant,modern and safe environment. The building willbe used for worship on Sundays and Thursdaymornings. From Monday to Saturday it will beavailable for hire during the day and in theevening. The interior of the building is versatileand can be laid out in many different ways.

The Nave Area, North and South Aisles allhave level access, and seating that can be movedand rearranged. When laid out with chairs thebuilding is suitable for public performances, largemeetings and lectures; up to 200 people can beseated. When chairs are stacked away a largeopen space becomes available, suitable forexhibitions, displays of goods and socialgatherings.

The South Aisle is fitted with a small kitchenand can be set out with tables to be used as arefreshment area. Portable Screens are available,to separate any part of the nave or side aisles intosmaller areas for groups that require privacy andsecurity.

Our Tower Room will seat up to 20 people,it has chairs, folding tables, a water supply, andgood natural light. It can be used for meetings,social gatherings and activity groups.

Musical and Audio Equipment is availablewhen booked in advance. Washrooms, thefacilities provided include disabled access andbaby changing.

For more information please visit ourwebsite If you areinterested in hiring the building please enquire,to find out if the facilities you require are availableby contacting the letting co-coordinator, MargaretPritchard, 836475. Email [email protected]

Margaret Pritchard

Community Letting - The Church of St Mary le More

St. Mary’s before . . .

St. Mary’s after . . .

Photographs: Mark Phillips

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Maggie’s Centres

AT 2.30 on Tuesday 13th April in WallingfordMethodist Church, St. Leonard’s Square, there

will be a fund-raising talk with slides given bySandy Briscoe on behalf of the cancer care workat the Maggie’s Centres throughout the UK.Emphasis will be put on the new architecturally-designed centre to be built in Oxford. Yoursupport is much valued and needed for this localproject.

Ann Watts 835074

Local Producers’ Market

WALLINGFORD Local Producer's Markettakes place every Saturday 10 - 1 in the

Regal Centre. All producers come from within 30miles of Wallingford. There's a great range of fruitand veg, new bread from Robert Crow fromBrightwell - freshly baked and delicious - cakes,plants and crafts, local meats, preserves plus lotsmore. There's also a child friendly cafe whereeveryone is very welcome. And from April 3rd forthe next 4 Saturdays we're holding a food festivalwhere each Saturday there will be a chance tomeet particular local producers, hear about howthey make their products (cheeses, wines andlocal beers for example) and of course have thechance to taste as well. Please pop in any timewe'd love to see you.

Adam Bullock

Help Me Help the Hospices!

HI, my name is Julie Shand and I'm training torun the London Marathon (26.2 miles!) on

Sunday the 25th April 2010. You may have seenme plodding around the streets already.

I'll be raising money for Help the Hospices.The hospices provide enormous support for theirpatients and their family and friends at a verydifficult time and the money raised will be greatlyappreciated by all concerned. If you can spare afew pounds for such a worthwhile charity, pleasesponsor me online, every pound counts.

Keep an eye out for me, you'll no doubt seeme at some point as I've got an awful lot of milesto cover in training! Thank you so much for yoursupport.

Julie Shand




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Thameside (Wallingford) U3A

THE April coffee morning takes place inCentre 70 on the 2nd of the month at10.30am. True, this is Good Friday, but

careful time-keeping and planning can avoid apossible clash of interests. The speaker meeting isscheduled for Wednesday, 21st April, when ChrisReed will talk about ‘The Adventures of a CivilEngineer’. The April excursion is arranged forFriday, 23rd April and gives members a choicebetween visiting the City of Bath or the AmericanMuseum at nearby Claverton. Enquiries forvacancies to Julia Dixon on 839094. These day-outings are well worth considering. They aregood value, go to interesting places and areefficiently run (but do not turn up late for thecoach!).

In the March article mention was made ofSources, the U3A’s educational journal. Theirother journal, U3A News, arrived by the samepost and certainly lives up to its name. Variousbranches send in articles about their activities,and it is useful (and sometimes amusing) to readwhat they get up to! A classical music week-enddevoted to the works of Elgar would appeal tomany of our members. Charting the changes ofa Leicester village reminds us of the popularity oflocal history within our ranks.

One U3A branch has formed a choir thatperformed in France, whilst another branch wasstung into action by the idea of forming a bee-keeping group. One wonders what purpose laybehind Stratford U3A translating the LondonUnderground map into Latin, but Boris Johnson(a noted Latin scholar) approved, and seeingstations called Crux Regis, Urbs Camdensis,Forum Russell and Via Gougensis must surelyappeal to one’s sense of humour.

Have we any examples of similar enterprisecloser to home? The Thames Valley Network iscurrently launching its own study of the ThamesFootpath, and this will be referred to as TheRiverside Project. Details of this project werepublished at a meeting on March 17th and areavailable on the Network It will include walks,photography and painting amongst otherthings. And of course, we are holding our ownAntiques Study Day in early May.

Details are on our We arealways delighted to welcome new members. Tofind out more, please contact Milli Eaton on835689.

Mark Phillips


15PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn WWiinnddooww ffoorr WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

Remember and Be Glad

FOR Christmas I was given a copy of theAutobiography of Sir Colin Imray, now theHigh Steward of Wallingford, who with his

wife Shirley, has become a familiar figure in thetown. The book, which is privately published, isavailable as I write, in the Wallingford Bookshop.

Sir Colin’s service throughout theCommonwealth from the 1950’s until hisretirement in 1993 took him to a very wide rangeof places where he met some very prominentpeople. These included Australia, (as PrivateSecretary to Lord Carrington who was then HighCommissioner), Kenya, where he worked withJomo Kenyatta, Canada, at a very stressful time ofthreatened break-up of the country, Pakistan,Israel, Kashmir and Bombay, Tanzania and finallyBangldesh.

His work was exciting, sometimes dangerous,very much involved with dealing with unsettledlocal politics and very much in the thick of things.What comes across is that Sir Colin acceptedchange was going to take to take place, and heand Shirley rowed with the tide, seeking to makethings better. They brought up a family of fourwhich was a major triumph amid the turmoil, andthey lived in some very interesting and in somecases, uncomfortable places. A couple with greatvision, adaptability and a story which is fascinatingto read. I warmly recommend reading it!

Bill Bradshaw

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Didcot and Wallingford RamblersMarch Walks

Sun 11th 14:00 SU526882 Moderate 7 miles.Meet at Upper Cross, near the church in EastHagbourne. This is a monthly village ramble thatvaries from 5 to 9 miles. John Jones 01235 813326

Tues 13th 10:00 SU777911 Moderate 7 miles.Meet at the church at Fingest for a circular walktaking in Ibstone and Turville Heath. Please bring asnack/drink. Possible pub lunch at end. Barry Cowlard 838707

Tues 20th 10:00 SU668873 Moderate 7.5 miles.Please park tidily near Holy Trinity church atNuffield. Hilly circular walk via Park Corner.Optional pub lunch at end. Keith Tibbs 07976 302136

Tues 27th 10:00 SU718887 Moderate 5.5 miles.Meet at Maidensgrove, on the common near thebends. Walk via Nettlebed and Park Corner. John Rust 836563

Sue White

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Welcome to Dog Poo on Thames!

WE are really proud of Wallingford. Wheneverwe have friends to stay we love to show

them The Castle Meadows, the river, the MarketPlace, the Kinecroft and all of the other lovelysights of Wallingford. We love the community spiritand how as a family there are so many familyfriendly events and opportunities.

However, we were really embarrassedrecently when friends who didn’t knowWallingford came to stay. We walked down SouthView -dog mess all over the path, then down CroftRoad and in to the lane on to the Krinny,disgusting dog mess all along the path again. Aswe crossed over to Church Lane we became reallyembarrassed, it was revolting. Welcome to ‘dogpoo on Thames!’

If we go running on the Thames path it canbe dodge the mess! And as for letting the childrenplay on the Earthworks around the Kinecroft, yuck!Surely if we all love Wallingford so much and weare such a great community something can bedone. Please, please think of others; have respectfor yourself, your town and your fellow residents.Be responsible and clean up after your dog!

J Hudson

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Mark Palmer writes: “Sustainable Wallingford willbe holding another Swap Shop on Saturday April17th, from 10.00 to 12.00 in the Regal Centre. Asusual this is a chance to pass on unwanted itemsto a good home and/or pick up somethinguseful. Just about anything that someone elsecould genuinely reuse is welcome, provided it'snon-hazardous and clean – anything from booksto bicycles, toys to tools. But no clothes please –charity shops will usually take them. For largeitems, bring a photo or description to displaywith your contact details. Please bring items early(by 11.00 if possible), to give more people thechance to take them away. We have a qualifiedelectrical tester and can accept small portableelectrical items, provided they are in workingorder and have a CE mark.

“At the same event we will be collectingspecific items for re-use, recycling or safe disposalto divert them from landfill: computers,fluorescent light tubes and low energy bulbs,and mobile phones. We no longer take inkcartridges (collection point in Higgs stationers),spectacles (collection point in Robert Stanley),paint, light bulbs (except low energy ones) orTetrapaks (milk/juice cartons – put these in yourgreen bin).

“Shops selling significant quantities ofbatteries now have to provide recycling points,so don't feel that you have to save batteries upfor the Swap Shop, but we will still take any thatare brought to us. Many discarded batteries stillhave useful life in them, and we will be handingthese out to anyone who wants them, in returnfor donations. We also hope to have some visitorspresent to demonstrate how to mend things tostop them becoming waste in the first place, orhow to put them to good use when they can nolonger be mended -- look for publicity nearer thetime.”


Wallingford-based Julie Bywater has started anew venture – and it’s going swimmingly. Quiteliterally, in fact. Julie, who’s an ecologist, hasidentified an unusual green business opportunity.Working with builder Steve Lardner she’s set upthe Freshwater Swimming Pool Company tocreate natural swimming ponds. Just likeswimming pools, the ponds are perfect for

exercising or relaxing in. Unlike swimming pools,they are low maintenance, don’t requirechemicals and blend in with the surroundinglandscape.

Julie’s ponds are split into two zones: a clearswimming zone and a regeneration zone inwhich gravel and plants filter the water andremove nutrients. By using plants that are nativeto the UK and/or attract butterflies and bees, thispart of the pond not only looks beautiful but canalso be a haven for wildlife.

If you can’t quite run to a swimming pond,Julie can also help with smalIer- scale projects. Ifyou’d like to find out more, you can contact heron 01491 202359 or 07768 276754 or you canemail her at [email protected]


On the third Thursday of each month, membersof local green group Sustainable Wallingfordmeet at The Coachmakers Arms in St Mary’s Streetfor an informal drink and a chat. And you’reinvited to join them. The next meeting will be onThursday 15 April at 8pm.

Among the topics of conversation will behow you can save energy through improvedinsulation and take advantage of new grantsdesigned to encourage more of us to generateour own electricity. With this in mind, SustainableWallingford has launched The Eco-RenovationClub (ERC) so that anyone considering eco-renovations to their properties, includingmicro generation, can get together to shareknowledge. If you’d like to find out more,telephone Sue Roberts on 01491 838865 oremail her at [email protected].


If you run a business based on ‘green’ principles,have a question about recycling, or you’d like torecommend a website, book or other resourcefor The Green File – please write and tell us aboutit. (Though please note that we are not able toenter into individual correspondence.) You cansend an email [email protected] or get intouch via the editor, Lynda Atkins.

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18 PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn WWiinnddooww ffoorr WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE exists topromote the well-being of bereaved peopleand to enable anyone bereaved by death

to understand their grief and cope with their loss.A Cruse friendship group is one way CruseOxfordshire can offer you support when you’vehad a bereavement. A new Cruse friendshipgroup will be starting in St Mary’s Church,Wallingford, on the first Thursday of each month.

Is a Friendship Group right for me? Joining agroup will enable you to meet other people whohave also been bereaved, in a comfortable socialsetting. Many members of the group willunderstand what you are experiencing and maybe a valuable source of support andencouragement when you face difficulties.Should you need more help, there will always bea qualified cruse bereavement volunteer on handat meetings. There is also an opportunity toaccess the one-to-one bereavement supportoffered by Cruse. Cruse has the highest standardof care and confidentiality. You may have alreadyexperienced support from Cruse Oxfordshire bytalking to one of our trained volunteers but youdon’t need to have received this help to join afriendship group.

What happens at meetings? The meeting will last

for about an hour and three quarters, and theremay be a short time at the beginning for aspeaker, who will talk about subjects relevant tothe group members, or opportunities that maybe available within the community. Free lightrefreshments will be served and then there is timefor members to socialise. Two cruse volunteerswill be at each meeting.

How do I join? First of all you can discuss theidea of joining the group with a Crusebereavement volunteer who will help you todecide whether you are ready to join. Then wecan make the necessary arrangements towelcome you into the Wallingford group, pleasecontact us.

For further details call 01865 245398 between10 and 12 am Monday to Friday, and talk to atelephone helper. This is probably the fastest wayto get a response from us. The person you speakto will be trained to respond sensitively and willask you some straightforward questions aboutyour bereavement and contact details. At othertimes you can leave your name and number onour answer phone, and we will call you backduring our office hours.

Margaret Pritchard

Cruse Friendship Club

Cholsey and Wallingford Railway in April

ON 3rd, 4th, 5th April, over Easter, Ivor theEngine will be visiting the Cholsey and

Wallingford Railway. Featuring a full sized workingIvor the engine locomotive, which will be haulingour 1950’s Coaches throughout the weekend. Youcan see the run round loop in use at Cholsey andwatch shunt and release at Wallingford. Have yourface painted on Sunday and see the Donkeys fromIsland Farm who will be with us on Sunday andMonday. No booking needed just come along.

Then on 25th April we’ll be celebrating St.George’s Day with trains made in England. Wineand locally produced Ale will be available in theBrake Coach Bar. Trains depart from Wallingfordstarting at 11.05 and hourly until 16.05. Find outmore at orcontact us on [email protected] 835 067

Susan Harrington


Apetition has been circulating in the townfor the past 2 weeks or so as I write, so

that local people can register objection tothe plan for 750 new homes in the town –and saying that no more than 350 should bebuilt. Not all the forms are back yet, but wedo have more than 800 signatures already.That’s more than 10% of the town signingup in just 2 weeks ...

By the time you read this, that petition willbe with SODC so that they understand thestrength of feeling in the town. Please domake sure you continue to let the DistrictCouncil know what you think!

Lynda Atkins

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19PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn tthhee wwiinnddooww ffoorr wwaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

WHILE ‘The Poly’ and the older College ofTechnology no longer exist in Oxford,their value to Oxfordshire is still clear.

Students of both institutions have gone on to liveand work here, benefiting local businesses andcommunities with their knowledge and expertise.Oxford Brookes is rightfully proud of its roots in thePolytechnic and the College of Technology, and theachievements of former students of all our pastinstitutions have reinforced the university’sreputation for producing skilled and well-roundedgraduates.

In 2015 Brookes celebrates its 150 yearanniversary. We believe the celebrations shouldinclude and involve all alumni, whether you studiedat the College of Technology, Oxford Polytechnic,Dorset House, Lady Spencer-Churchill, Westminster,Oxford City Technical School or the university itself.To achieve this, we are appealing for memories fromall former students of all our past institutions. By

sharing your anecdotes and photos with the AlumniOffice you can help to illustrate the shared history ofthe entire Oxford Brookes community, and make2015 an unforgettable celebration for everyone.

We are especially keen to hear from alumniwith personal memories of John Henry Brookes fora biography celebrating the life of the university’sspiritual founder.

Please email your memories and photos [email protected]. We can also answer anyquestions you have about strengthening yourrelationship with Oxford Brookes, from updatingyou with news and events to helping you enjoy themany benefits available to all our alumni.

Ben Richardson

Can you help? An appeal for memories from students of OxfordPolytechnic and the College of Technology

email: [email protected]

Tel: 0 1 4 9 1 8 3 6 2 8 2








Garden bin bonus collection

ON 23rd April in Wallingford, SODC is offeringresidents on the garden waste scheme a

bonus collection where the council will collect asmuch garden waste as bin users can put out. Thisis to make up for the missed collections at thebeginning of the year due to the bad weather.

Just make sure the garden waste is in sacks orreusable bags that are open so crews can seewhat's inside. They will leave reusable sacksbehind.

Band Concert

THE Goring and Streatley Concert Band Springconcert is on the 24th April at 7.30 at Goring onThames Village Hall. Come along and listen tosome old favourites and new music, tickets areavailable at Inspiration in Goring or on the door.

Kalinda Francomb

Music for Donkeys

THE Crown Singers and Downwind are joiningtogether for an evening of Music for an AprilEvening in aid of Island Farm Donkey Sanctuary tobe held at St Agatha’s Church, Brightwell cumSotwell, Nr Wallingford on Saturday 24th April at7.30. Tickets £5 at the door or from Island FarmDonkey Sanctuary.

Judy Gibbons

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20 PPlleeaassee mmeennttiioonn WWiinnddooww ffoorr WWaalllliinnggffoorrdd iiff yyoouu rreessppoonndd ttoo aannyy ooff oouurr aaddvveerrttiisseemmeennttss

WHAT’S ON April 2010

Every Monday Optimists over 50 Badminton,Regal Centre 2.15 – 4

Every Tuesday Lunches at Methodist ChurchCentre 12.30 pm

Every Tuesday Wallingford and District Art Club,Centre 70 at 7.30

2nd/4th Tuesdays, Rotoract meet at theShillingford Bridge Hotel at 8pm- 651894

2nd/4th Wednesdays Henley Philatelic SocietyBix Village Hall at 7.45

Every Thursday Coffee Morning, MethodistChurch Centre 10.30 to 12

Every Thursday Wallingford Photographic Club7.45 Crowmarsh Pavilion (not August)

Every Friday Wallingford Country Market 8.30– 11.15 in the Regal Centre.

Every Friday and Saturday, coffee at the CornExchange, 10 – 2 with soup from 11am

Every Saturday WAGS Store open at Centre 70,10 – 12

Most Saturdays Local Producers Market, RegalCentre 10 – 1

Wallingford First Aid Unit is open 8.30am to6.30pm Monday to Friday at the CommunityHospital. Use It or Lose It

3rd Wallingford Toy Library for Children withSpecial Needs and their families at WallingfordHospital 10.30 - 12.30. Contact 835640

4th Wallingford Antiques & Collectors Fayre.Regal Centre, 10-4pm, Trade 8 a.m. Contact832654

5th St John’s School Centenary Open Day

8th Wallingford Gardening Club – Views of Kewby Stuart Phillips 7.30 at the Town Hall, Visitors

welcome £2.

9th TWHAS talk on Henley as an Inland Port bySimon Townley at the Town Hall 7.45 for 8,visitors welcome

99tthh Last day for copy for The Window forWallingford

10th Finds and Fossils Day at and Walks fromthe Museum

10th Sustainable Wallingford AGM and QuizNight

10th TWHAS Grand Auction

13th Friendship Group 2.30 Methodist Hall,Maggie’s Centres (talk) Sandy Briscoe, contact835074

17th Sustainable Wallingford Swap Shop, RegalCentre 10 – 12

17th Wallingford Antiques & Collectors Fayre.Crowmarsh Village Hall. 9.30-4. Contact 832654

20th Farmers’ Market

21st U3A at The Baptist Church at 2pm. TheAdventures of a Civil Engineer. Contact 837659for details.

22nd Inner Wheel Overseas Tea Party

24th St George’s Day Celebrations in the TownCentre, 11 – 3

27th Friendship Group 2.30 Methodist HallMethodist Church, Favourite Music & Poetry forSpring, contact 835074

26th Church Women’s Fellowship. Contact ValWoodings 834519

29th Royal British Legion meeting

29th Collection and Distribution day for TheWindow for Wallingford

WWIINNDDOOWW FFOORR WWAALLLLIINNGGFFOORRDD is published on anon-profit making basis and is compiled and

distributed entirely by volunteers.

All material published is copyright and may not becopied, stored, reproduced or transmitted in wholeor in part by any means whatsoever without thewritten consent of the Editor.

The opinions expressed in this magazine are notnecessarily those of the Editor. The Editor is pleasedto receive material for publication, but reserves theright to amend or reject it at her discretion.

EEddiittoorr:: Lynda Atkins39 Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JX

Telephone: 01491 - [email protected]

CChhiieeff RReeppoorrtteerr:: Kathryn Harris

SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy EEddiittoorr:: Rachel [email protected]

DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn MMaannaaggeerr:: Alan Holmes,6 Chalmore Gardens, Wallingford, OX10 9EP

Telephone: 01491 - 837286For adverts/inserts, contact AAllbbrryy PPrriinnttiinngg CCoo.. LLttdd..

TTeelleepphhoonnee:: 0011449911 -- 883366228822

Publication Date: 1st of the month

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Wallingford Tyres& Exhausts


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