The US Health market opportunity

SCALEit Inspire Århus, 16. August 2013 _________________________________ Keynote indlæg Hans Erik Henriksen Business Development Manager CompuGroup Medical Danmark A/S 19/08/13 SCALEIt Inspire Århus, 16. August 2013 1


At SCALEit Health Inspire, Hans Erik Henriksen from CompuGroup shared his deep insights to the U.S. Health industry.

Transcript of The US Health market opportunity

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 SCALEit  Inspire  Århus,    16.  August  2013  _________________________________      Keynote  indlæg      Hans  Erik  Henriksen  Business  Development  Manager  CompuGroup  Medical  Danmark  A/S  

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•  IntroducLon  to  CompuGroup  Medical  •  USA  market  experience  

•  The  USA  healthcare  market  opportunity  

•  What  does  it  take  to  make  it  in  the  U.S.  ?  

•  What  did  I  learn  ?  

•  What  would  I  focus  on  if  I  started  building  a  company  ?  



Page 3: The US Health market opportunity

"   Best  provider  of  IT  soluDons  for  higher  quality    and  efficiency  in  the  healthcare  system  

"   Worldwide  market  leader  in  MIT  (Medical  InformaDon  Technology)  

"   High  profitability  and  30%  annual  growth  

CompuGroup  Medical:  >385,000  customers  in  34  countries  

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 2011  Prel.  Results  2012  

Customers  ca.  385,000    Revenue  €  397  M  €  451  M  EBITDA  €  73  M  €  105  M  Employees  ca.  3,600    

Key  figures  

n  =  19  countries  with  own  locaLons  n  =  addiLonal  15  countries  with  customers  

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InternaDonal  corporate  structure  with  strong  regional  presence  and  unique  coverage  

of  healthcare  providers.    


Therapist  Rehab  Center  

Insurance  Hospital  

Pharmacy  Nursing  Service  

Intelligent  connecDvity  of  all  parDcipants  on  the  basis  of  

structured  medical  informaDon.  


So[ware  Assisted  Medicine  (SAM)  for  more  efficiency,    

for  greater  effecDveness  and    for  best  quality.  

Decision  Support  

 CGM    LIFE  eSERVICES  based  on  

vita-­‐X  technology.  


The  products  of  CompuGroup  Medical  help  to  increase  the  performance  of  healthcare  systems  by  approximately  15%  to  20%.    

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USA  market  experience  

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B-­‐Data   IBM   Cetrea  IBM  

•  CEO 2008 - 2012 •  Clinical Logistics •  2008: 7 employees

– 2012: 38 empl. •  80% of the Danish market •  International customers

•  2001 - 2008 •  Healthcare Exec.,

•  North East Europe •  Nordic •  Denmark

•  ACURE due diligence and Executive

•  1996-2001 •  Director, Sales and

delivery •  Project Executive

•  1983 - 1996 •  Healthcare Market

Oppt. Manager •  IBM Consulting Group •  Systems Engineer

•  Avaleo: Chairman of the Board

IBM  US  project  

IBM  WW  HC  strategy  

EHR  project  based  on  Danish  assets  

Cetrea  US  entry  2010-­‐2012  

Page 6: The US Health market opportunity

The  signing  of  the  PaLent  ProtecLon  and  Affordable  Care  Act  (PPACA)  of  2010  will  drive  significant  change  for  the  United  States  healthcare  delivery  model  

Availability  of  affordable,  value  based  care  for  the  majority  of  Americans    While  reducing  costs  

Access   Affordability  

Page 7: The US Health market opportunity

Key  highlights  

•  Establishes  health  insurance  exchanges  (new  markets    that  provide  economies  of  scale,  product  choice,  and  risk  pooling  of  large  firms  for  individuals  and  small  businesses)  

•  Expands  coverage  through  the  Medicaid  program  

•  Provides  premium  subsidies  for  persons  living  below  400%  of  Federal  Poverty  Guidelines  

•  Assures  guaranteed  coverage  and  also  prohibits  health  status  premium  adjustments  

•  Requires  most  Americans  to  have  health  insurance  and  creates  individual  and  employer  penalDes  for  people  without  coverage  

•  Will  be  funded  through  Medicare  and  Medicaid  spending  reducLons,  addiDonal  Federal  tax  revenue  and  penalDes  

Page 8: The US Health market opportunity

Affordability  will  require  major  changes  in  US  care  delivery  

Increase  Health  Care  Value  Improve  Quality  

Reduce  Costs  and  Spending  Accountable  Care  OrganizaLons  

Bundled  Payments  for  


Medical  Hom


Pay  for  Performance  

(Health  exchanges)  Electronic  Quality  ReporDng  Electronic  Health  Records  

Electronic  Sharing  and  Exchange  of  Health  InformaDon  



Health  IT  

Page 9: The US Health market opportunity

Obama  administraLon  subsidiaries  through  EHR  Meaningful  Use  cerLficaLon  is  a  key  driver  

•  2011-2014: EMR’s and EMR implementation

•  2014-2016: E-health

•  2015- : •  Patient Medical Home •  Wellfare Technology

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What  does  it  take  to  make  it  in  the  USA  ?  

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•  The  right  product  

•  Truly  innovaDve  and  unique  

•  With  the  right  organizaDon  

•  Sales  organizaDon  in  the  US  is  not  enough  

•  NavigaDng  business  partners  and  compeDtors  

•  Why  will  a  business  partner  sell  your  product  ?  

•  How  will  compeDtors  react  ?  ”Me  too”  ?  

•  Patent  protecDon  strategy  

•  Product  cerDficaDons  

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What  did  I  learn  ?  

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•  Investment  is  not  an  issue  if  you  have  the  right  product  

•  A  Danish  background  is  a  big  advantage  

•  Denmark  reputaDon  

•  Danish  Trade  Council  support  and  Silicon  Valley  InnovaDon  Center  

•  PenetraDng  the  US  market  takes  Dme  

•  The  right  sales  organizaDon  is  crucial  

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What  would  I  focus  on  if  I  started  building  a  company  ?  

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•  The  right  team,  organizaDon  and  board  

•  Mission,  Vision  and  Strategy  

•  Products  

•  Markets  

•  Company  

•  Focus  on  short  Dme  objecDves  

•  Product  referenceability  

•  DomesDc  market  

•  InternaDonal  markets  

•  Start  out  in  Denmark  ?  

•  Strong  domesDc  market  for  advanced  healthcare-­‐IT  

•  Seed  funding  

•  EU  tender  rules  

•  Start  out  in  the  U.S.  ?  

•  Investments  

•  Early  technology  adopters  

•  Market  and  culture  experience  

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•  IntroducLon  to  CompuGroup  Medical  •  USA  market  experience  

•  The  USA  healthcare  market  opportunity  

•  What  does  it  take  to  make  it  in  the  U.S.  ?  

•  What  did  I  learn  ?  

•  What  would  I  focus  on  if  I  started  building  a  company  ?