The Urban Generation Project

Project Outline Global Educational Initiative The Urban Generation Project


Handbook about The Urban Generation Project

Transcript of The Urban Generation Project

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Project Outline

Global Educational Initiative

The Urban Generation Project

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Manifesto 4

Project Concept 12

Benefits That Last 16

Curriculum Overview 20

Children’s Drawing Tour 22

Learn-By-Doing Activities 26

Pen Pal Network 28

Reporting Live: The Urban Generation 30

Urban Generation Camp 32

Content Creation 34

City Ambassador Outreach 36

Project Rollout 38

The Future Starts Here 39

Table of Contents


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Most of them will go to school. Some will be taught in air-conditioned buildings. And some in open-air classrooms.

They will learn math and science as well as reading and history. Some will master their multiplication tables. Others will recite important historical dates. And a lucky few will get to go on field trips.

1.9 billion children will wake up in developing countries around the world today.

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Cities that face great demands.For energy. For water. For transportation. For solutions to reduce pollution and waste.

To ensure a future where their families can thrive,it will be up to them to tackle these demands. They are the Urban Generation.The first generation born into a world where most people live in cities.

Let’s give them the power to generate better communities.Let’s teach them about sustainability from an early age.

Let’s create a global initiative.One that will empower them. And inspire them to become agents of change.

They will learn about wind power and water conservation.Electric cars and waste reduction. Hydro power and clean trains and hygiene. They will lead community projects.Or teach sustainability to others.

By the time they’re adults, they will live, work and raise families in cities.

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With our help — our commitment to providing answers that last, the Urban Generation will create happier and healthier communities. They will become the guardians of tomorrow’s cities.

Introducing The Urban Generation Project.

All of them will become ambassadors of a better future.

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The Urban Generation Project empowers these kids to make a difference by giving them a voice. A voice to communicate their generation’s hopes for a better future — one where the cities they see in their mind’s eye become a reality.

Because of our help they will learn the importance of sustainability.

And as a result, better cities will be generated by their knowledge and insights.

Cities are responsible for around two thirds of the energy used, 60 percent of all water consumed and 70 percent of all greenhouse gases produced worldwide. As more of the world’s population becomes concentrated in urban areas, these percentages as well as the challenges they present will increase.

That’s why The Urban Generation Project is so important. It gives the Urban Generation — the first generation to be born into a world where most people live in cities — the skills to tackle the demands their future communities will face.

Project Concept

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Benefits That Last

In addition to helping today’s generation live more sustainable lives, The Urban Generation Project has the power to impact our brand in a way that conventional advertising cannot.

Not only is it a way to give them a voice, it’s:

• A demonstration of our long-term commitment to the communities we are partnered with.

• A conversation starter Siemens City Ambassadors can use to approach city officials.

• A strategic move to differentiate Siemens from its competitors.

• An opportunity to integrate with Siemens’ network of partnered schools.

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Curriculum Overview

The Urban Generation Project is a neutral educational initiative that works with schools and teachers to teach kids how to live more sustainable lives. Teachers will receive a globe that depicts the world of 2050 with illustrations highlighting positive developments like alternative energy sources, etc.

The curriculum is stored inside of the globe and contains many different elements that work together to create a comprehensive plan for teaching the Urban Generation to live more sustainably.

Some of the curriculum elements include:

• Children’s Drawing Tour

• Learn-By-Doing Activities

• Pen Pal Network

• Reporting Live: The Urban Generation

• Urban Generation Camp

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We will visit schools in developing nations and host days where children are asked to draw the city they’d like to live in based on what they’ve learned about sustainability. We’ll be there to encourage them, interview them and record their opinions.

The best drawings can be used at major events to highlight Siemens’ long-term commitment to the communities we are partnered with. We’ve already started the tour in South Africa, India and Turkey. So far, 3 documentaries have been produced.

Children’s Drawing Tour

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The best way to teach children about the importance of sustainability is to give them activities where they can get their hands dirty. We don’t want to lecture them — we want to stimulate their minds with lessons that are fun, hands-on and inspiring. These activities will be held both inside and outside of the classroom. Some will focus on organizing local projects that immediately impact the community, while others on providing a strong, educational foundation.

Learn-By-Doing Activities

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Activity example:

Handmade Solar Powered Toy Car: Kids learn about the power of the sun by making their own solar powered toy car. For this activity kids will need old toy tires and an empty water bottle. The teacher will supply a tiny solar panel, a DC motor and electrical tape. After connecting all the items together, the class can go outside and take their cars for a spin.

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Children learn best from other children. That’s why we’ve created a modern day pen pal network that uses Skype to connect kids from different developing nations.

The schools we’ve already worked with will be the first to kick it off. With the use of webcams, kids will talk face to face about how sustainability affects their communities.

Pen Pal Network

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We will inspire kids to start thinking about sustainability through assignments that ask them to act as journalists and report on current issues in their communities. We will provide them with small, inexpensive video cameras they can use to shoot and star in short videos that express their opinions.

Reporting Live: The Urban Generation

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We’re going to invite kids who have been nominated by their teachers for demonstrating a commitment to sustainability to attend a special summer camp.

During their stay, they will participate in traditional summer camp activities as well as hands-on sustainability projects.

Urban Generation Camp

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Content Creation

Reporting Live: The Urban Generation The live news reports created by these children will provide us with constantly fresh and evolving content that can be used to capture the interest of the public and city officials alike. Urban Generation Camp We will capture the joy and excitement of children who otherwise would have never experienced what it’s like to go to summer camp. The footage will show how we are fostering these kids’ sense of self-confidence as well as their interest in sustainability.

One of the best parts of The Urban Generation Project is that it provides so many opportunities to capture compelling documentation of these children’s experiences. With this footage we can show the world — and city officials the strength of our commitment to the communities we’re partnered with.

Children’s Drawing Tour We’ve already made 3 compelling documentaries about the Children’s Drawing Tour.

The Urban Generation Profiles We’ll follow the lives of the children who participate in The Urban Generation Project and check-in with them on an episodic basis.

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The Urban Generation Project Website We will create a website that serves as a hub for all the content we’re going to capture. That way both the world and city officials can see all the things we are doing to positively impact future generations and cities.

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City Ambassador Outreach

Siemens city ambassadors will be provided with web keys that give them access to all of the content that has been created by The Urban Generation Project. They can use this to jumpstart their conversations with city officials.

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Project Rollout

Learn-By-Doing Activities

Pen Pal Network

Reporting Live

Urban Generation Camp

Children’s Drawing Tour

Timeline The Urban Generation Project will rollout in different phases. This gives us the opportunity to start with smaller steps and gradually grow into a global educational initiative.

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The Future Starts Here

Let’s create a future where cities are examples of sustainability in action. Where instead of cars, everyone rides light-rail trains. And instead of relying on fossil fuels, green energy powers our communities.

The Urban Generation Project is the key to making this future a reality.

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Thank You

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