The Tiny Book of God

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  • 8/3/2019 The Tiny Book of God


    The Tiny Book of God

    Copyright 2011

    Cindy Clark

    ReadMe Edition

    other works

    The Tiny Book of How to Get What You Want

  • 8/3/2019 The Tiny Book of God


    It is my intention, with these 1,814 words, to explain why having

    what you want, doing what you want to do and being who you

    want to be is a goodthing, from a religious perspective.

    Chances are, if you believe, then you believe in The One God.

    One, rather than many. Though, often, even a scenario of many

    Gods includes a sort of King God or God of Gods a Boss of

    some sort. So I suppose if that Boss of other Gods is also the

    Creator of Creation, then this will apply to such many Gods

    beliefs, as well.

    If you do not believe in any God, it does not matter. For you can

    understand that the universe is a mechanism governed by universal

    laws, designed or not. And you can understand that man - and his

    thoughts exist within this mechanism and are, therefore, subject

    to the laws that govern it.

    To receive good things, one must appreciate and one cannot

    appreciate anything if one has never known the absence of it.

    So lets get to it.

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    If you believe it, then there is One God. One Creator. One Source

    of All Things.

    If you believe it, then the All Things, the Source of which is

    the One God the One Creator - belong to, and serve, that God.

    Fine. No believer has a problem with that. But what of things you

    hate? What of things, within Creation, that you dont like? What of


    The answer is clear. If there is only One God, then whatever man

    describes as evil, must, by necessity, be something else.

    Whatever you may come across, in your lifetime, you can know

    only one true thing about it. That it belongs to God. Does God

    have to justify Himself to you? Does God have to explain how all

    things serve Him, to you? He does not.

    There is another true thing that you can know about the parts of

    Creation that you do not like, hate or wish to destroy. That is that

    the thing, whatever it is, is misunderstood by you. It serves God,

    or it wouldnt be. It belongs to God because all things do. It was

    Created by God because all things are. You can only hate it if you

    do not understand that all things serve God.

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    When you call anything evil, you divide The One God against

    Himself. When you call something evil, you are saying that there

    is something in existence that came from something or someone

    other than God i.e. that there is more than One Creator.

    Or, when you call something evil, you are saying that God,

    Himself, is evil.

    If there is only one, He must either be good or evil. He cannot be

    both. To be both, He would have to be, at least, two. One good and

    one evil. Or One good and many evil.

    If you still believe that evil exists, then you have more faith inevil than in The One God. Its as simple as that.

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    Living with The One God

    It seems difficult, I know. There are things in - and parts of -

    Creation that you do not like. Period. You cant love as God loves.

    You are notThe One God. You are apartof The One God,everything is, but you, alone, are not The One God. Your opinion

    of Creation is irrelevant. Your judgment of its Source is irrelevant.

    Your justification for your hate is irrelevant. You have free will.

    You are free to do those things and have those thoughts. You are

    free to perceive the absence of The One God. And that freedom

    serves The One God.

    You are so free that you can choose to spend your time, on thisearth, fighting with The One God. He does not mind. He loves you

    anyway. He created you, and you serve Him, regardless of what

    you think about it. If you hate Him, it serves Him that you hate

    Him. If you dont believe He is The One and Only, then it serves

    Him that you do not believe it. It doesnt serveyou, but it serves

    Him. And thats all that matters to Him.

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    Everything in the universe belongs to God.

    Everything in the universe is subject to Gods laws.

    Everything in the universe serves God.

    Everything in the universe is free to love or despise Him, as they


    He just loves. He loves that much. He loves so much and so

    unconditionally that He doesnt mind if you hate Him. He loves

    you anyway. You serve Him anyway.

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    So, how does hatred serve God?

    Hatred is the absence of love and the absence of The One God that

    is necessary to create appreciationforThe One God. Whatever

    form it takes, there is always an opportunity to turn it around.There is always an opportunity to turn away from hate and

    appreciate, willingly.

    It must be willingly. Love of God must come from appreciation of

    God. And you cannot appreciate, against your will. It cannot be

    done. You have free will, you have freedom of thought, you are

    free to choose. To appreciate The One God, you must do so

    willingly. And we have arrived at the point of whyyou, havingwhat you want, doing what you want to do and being who you

    want to be is a goodthing.

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    No one can give you faith. Like appreciation, you must choose itfrom its absence.

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    You, like all things, exist within the universe. Within Creation.

    Creation is a mechanism. A mechanism that is governed byspecific laws.

    The laws that govern this magnificent mechanism, create an

    environment in which appreciation strikes a chord that is quite

    different than the chords stricken by hate and judgment.

    Like a fly in the spiders web, how you feel, towards whatever you

    are giving your attention to, strikes a specific chord within themechanism which alerts all things that resonate with that chord -

    within you, specifically - that you are calling to them and they

    begin to move toward you.

    It is magnificently simple and ingenious.

    When you strike your unique chord of appreciation, then, just

    like the spider, all things - from your own unique perspective and

    born of your own unique experiences - that resonate with your

    unique signal of appreciation are called to you and begin moving

    in your direction.

    When you strike the chord of hatred or displeasure, all things

    that resonate with your unique signal of hatred and displeasure are

    called to you and begin moving in your direction.

    The things in your immediate vicinity that resonate with the signalyou are emitting, pick it up and get right in your face, right away.

    You dont have to love things that you find disagreeable. It simply

    isnt necessary and may not even be possible.

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    All you have to do is focus your attention on the parts of Creation

    that you DO appreciate. The parts of Creation that you love and

    enjoy. Not the parts others tell you that you shouldlove and enjoy,

    but the parts that actually strike thatchord inyou.

    When you do this. When you focus your attention on things you

    love and enjoy, then you will be calling to you, all things that

    resonate with your unique signal of appreciation.

    You are free. You serve you. God serves God. The mechanism

    serves God andyou.

    To fully appreciate God, you must focus on the parts of Creationthat make your heart soar and emit your unique signal of


    Things that do not match your unique signal cannot find you when

    you are emitting a signal that does not match the specific signal

    that your thoughts and beliefs aboutthem inspire in you. If

    something in particular always makes you angry, then when you

    are emitting your unique signal of appreciation, that thing that

    makes you angry will not know where you are, will not look for

    you and cannot come to you or capture your attention. It will not

    know of your existence, in that moment, and you will not know of

    its existence.

    The chord of appreciation creates a sort of buffering bubble

    around you, through which things that do not match the signal you

    are emitting cannot travel. It is the bubble of your own perception.

    When you are in a state of appreciation, you could brush past a

    mass murderer in a secluded place and he would not notice you,

    nor you, him. Not even if you fit the exact physical profile of what

    he seeks to destroy and he was on the hunt. If someone arranged

    such a meeting, unbeknownst to you, in an effort to catch him in

  • 8/3/2019 The Tiny Book of God


    the act - upon seeing him pass you without so much as a flicker of

    attention, they would question their conclusion that he is the one,

    even if they knew it were true. Such would be his disinterest in


    You are not available to that which does not resonate with the

    signal you are emitting. And the same is true, in reverse. That

    which does not match the signal you are emitting, is not available

    to you.

    Via this mechanism and allowing yourself to be convinced, by

    others, that things outside of you have power over you and that you

    have power over others, you experience the absence of The OneGod. Though always with the opportunity to turn and appreciate

    Him again.

    And via this mechanism, things like reward and punishment

    are accomplished, automatically.

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    One way of looking at it is that things you hate or that displease

    you are none of your business. They are Gods business. They are

    serving God in ways you do not understand and that you are doingyourself a disservice by giving them your disapproving attention,

    for it does not matter to God. You are free. He made you free.

    Whatever you do will serve Him. The only question is, will it serve


    There are great rewards for appreciation and great

    punishments for hatred. Such is built into the magnificent

    mechanism that is governed by the laws of the universe.

    Designed or not, it is this way.

    God or no God, it is this way.

    No one is keeping you from having, doing or being as pleases you.

    Only you have that power. Disregarding what you want and

    choosing to be as others would have you be and to want what

    others would have you want is not a signal you want to broadcast.

    It is the signal of Here is one who will do what others say. and

    will only attract two types of things: Those who have it in them,

    and those who seek it in others.

    You have this freedom. Do with it, as you will.

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    If this small piece was of benefit to you and you with to donate or

    otherwise participate in the dissemination of this and similar

    information and ideas, you can email me at the following address.