The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-12 [p 8] rci on why tin rvili fhonld int lo-iltertil HD...

THE SUN MONDAY NOVEMBER 12 1000 I 4 IN TIlE FOOTBALL WOULD finnriit nr 1 TWO TO nr- in in IH rm Kr- fhf vr lUrrn Fleien lrri 1l- mfat Sore Winner Satmrtit Wit the I leer Ilar Vimnit Itll Aiinln- MColuiihlilfnn ll 4nln1 lnlrU lxrn- tn form illpi itlhln ih b t ten cl y- Ynle Nhniilil Im a J I 1 fatoHio mcr 1rlm emnt- vli ll llii elmiis line lipnl Irmrettili on HtS- nturiliv lii mnris rH iammt MII- llIVI Val Will lilV Till X W HlVItl Oloteil i int e l ihlelty f vitiTlilis while tin Tlirl- lllllS hmtl III tWMjIll ID I nisll III IH- Vlfncoiithnil with mom skill and hiviillpiny tli r foothill M than ih men if- Irliirxtun Vnln IKH not tiHV iiil n dftnt tlm par while PriiTimi In l ein vnniinlhcil hv worry Vao was rotumhia which also lift tlio honor of Hie only iltil to scorn n Mwhi- lnwrn niraliil tin NVv llnvin players Vs Viili hii tnliiiiiliiii by l to i ntilr pres- no mid Iolumliln i il 1iinrtton liy 8- i In mm nf ti most Krnillim LMiiifi of the iir It Is Iknnl it that P- iknln t the linllan ti Siitiinl ill Im IniitHii mi Sitinilnv hi- tmiiiK still llm fnit flinilil n ihi TUirs will he on tliol- xhei thy will l pntmriil i t rlltili Tim Fib l hrnoe forgotten in Huh to tle- ilonti liili nil itliirs condition niid HID oiiiliiraiiio nf th r- o Hhich with onlv n iHitipl ii ilinnc- eit hns a lita n lviiniaiii Ill1 n w mm- iifiitiu of n bdvy ruh lin with n luht bHl- phl us ilntiM d hy III Vllc conch is Ii1l- t liIIi it Iii wiMrul l in r- iillliit Vltll IlilTlilrlirt1 In llcfcm1 mid In- Iliimllnp Vuhi looks 10 IM Jir iilnml of- rluculoli at thlo ilnuo- X Is iluil ID aiund mimiii rnin which Il trie iviiiie Itriliir iliiriMlti- ipoii tho MHMI win iiivi i Klim ihn- I uor till iill III hiriTil llir iluim llo- lriinitofiiumliii mum th n i ritiini- MI ilii iirnt ihnl limn in Hi tiiiflyY- IHIII tin iiirnuT i riHll iiarir limn In inch il In hill luik ItiiiT Moli mi il KIII iiil ii otii i lit iTiiniltaiM- lirint tin liiliini n lll l vtnli liiil In n it- n iiiiiforin ii n li in llii in in Mliiid- iilf when flu play ttu htul i I iniiny- iinu7 wort iiiiliiii in l ilil Voiinn ii ii Iliittr ttiri hurrnil oil Hi- i i lifuii imili ilier iiinii itih tn Klvrii tin iiitipi ini nHVuphnif r m- i iin III t Ini iieliiil ycitcrilty wiiilhrr- im woy hoi 11 I aril 41 i i tiiniui- ilurler ril miiiiel i lln rm- tnrslt1 xilil IHI tin hil fimlted rilriiiitini ti lioh Voiiiu ind Iliilir hnd- UMltit iuin hn olio nl tli hnlf- I i ft nf iiiiMiii Ills Hlbinilit- lio wns ti mil is lyi Ibo on vtiih- i tvhlt fiilivi jio ell Idliinillt n ii tit till IMIII n iliiicr Imx mill u limit i InnlHi nn vil iinlio bit Io- t nn tilth me tilnti cint i jH in tta MM nohiilv A iiliMer f Till s hi- nlii Itntir tlit for the it iMir iitrs ns n- I IIMT of lii iriniiioii ijeven iiml i thit tnillil not iinii part In th I oltmbia- anin iinl In tmrt u mi aliil xu lit into ilur1 lino not Imciisllt iill So fur us Vinuiir is ronrnei Iin Iiv IIIXP oi lt iiinti i vlihont liintr ilc u l rcimhlis of th Irini- tnl inJI in htlllil It I hanl In ifhVtt that tit Irlnton 1oielio ttoul1 purt sinh hat irio niorj i lj a biiMnx am- At the rnlterlty of in lxinri ihnr nre- irylne l pxiijiln how llnrvniil stoiipiil tlu l Ia The Iniri PMUM is- tioMt navel Thtiiiiliiirsoiivthni Ounrlir Itnrk- lirnxv irivi tin imp iixfay lii t Ixfiri ihn- rininvlviiiii iiMHic MI iimpiiei tho liall- liiirk lYixns ioi up tlTlrrtvl niii ifivo- ii lnnl Tliii n iini ij lHriro the lull ami iiiirk to lirn iraxvs iwnt hit kmis mid iritiii X In iil o llarviinl know thnt- ihn luill tvn about in le put In plix nml Ihn- firwirils iminUlv 4iinii il alnii v itfi th refill Hiat the lirnk up IM ffi aiimi of the iruiinU- iiarli iMfTi It toiii ciii iioi ntnni llm- linvi tiviii ii Munil ttuii Inlit oxir in- lilml Mil i kf fi innKr artno Ilir- vnril ttoiilil ini lnotvn wlnn to pliume- orwunl mill il r bien n nn- vlnlanii of ofliie pliv llarxiril then vmihl- Ilive lirn liuilili In top the iluv alil IVnn- viiiii xriiiilil liaxe on All nf xvhlr- hmiiils Ihil Ionih XinrrnT iivldnnilv ilint hs r n must not Im niiiill nmt tint It will iililttMirly nir efnM- cinwhlU It inlthi I well In llfil mit whether hi IMinvlivinii iiiarter Uieks in isn amii- MU miv Hi1 snap iittiy just as frnvcs did Tin1 Columlla Vnrwiv hns another Important nlpi in nst Silnrdiy xthen tlin men kD ID Aninpolis i meet the Nnvil Artidiiny- iiinm liixv hin n plirtm u- Mnuiir cimw all ih fall Irinreion hem only in n and thef feel IIMIID ivintlrtiitit- of oiitiibivlm Smfnrds nien Ihe Iolmnhill- ilaxors will nil l in trim tint they fill tin xvjih- iit the siirvifM of ijiiatirr lin k r his yoiini llnyi iti will play and llm latter has the iniUeip of n ciminc tir Ion h- Sinfonl his refnilmd fron ihsi M in Iho- oltimMi eloviMi up in wiihin a Ilw lit Imt- fo i ni Tlf SiN he SHJI v rtrdav Tin toliinitiii clvon Iin done much h ltrt- lmn I eiriiie Tinre nr fvinl PMTI nn Ir- t are nvn In Hi urt of fiutliill Taln- WeiUiti nut Morle Intanee 1 dn tit hnoxr cf Itto l lliT liilf luli Then tlifrcs Van Ili nlnri m em hint n itmerlnr- In mv tlmntinn while Alltin nt rlthf lirll the liuist elTiTtlvo tntstler Ive sein IliU fill 1 ther n lniler Lnirrl than liek Writ hi Well hnrill and ftriiee PHI lie r i nnv- of the ectitre There a fnw trnk- timt it In iiniith r ear we miy Im abln 10 en them xtdh new t lni- Sfjtuebnlv lil other day thit Sinfnrds- ml n nf fiinn tvi mo liiri tint that vitl- iefore f tlumliti hiil Ylle Im tl tn xiii- nnd hail luiflten 1iineetnn Xnodriiff tIn fNnili reilvis nn n fir for his forxlees anil I Snnfords rcronl fit Ma In two voirn Is mnrlor to TVnodrufl at- Jenim Innla In the tirH two season took hold Nev Vork tnlxer sfuilcrs rer much diUlppelnid fiver the defult nf fhelr nt Collejre Thn rli v n rrn- sinnfldnt nf victory trhmi It left tin H i Ms In thp mnrnlrir the frrsh of Hi iniilfyl- exen wis Knatly tilier timnied Mp- tliorki and Inich Hatch took th tiiu o tisk nfter tincure 1 Ills week th mon will l put throifch th tevervsr triiniti as tint only the imwi strireiin- liitho l run i conclti lnn- in the isoii Mnnngr liouM announced last w k thnt the with ItutifiTs roln which wis to hnii lireti played on Sutiinliy- at Ohio Fild will take nn nfmt- imon at the request of the NVw 1 r iy boys lnnt and Itrennin nn1 tu 10 ic I n nnd If lino s nh to play It will b th- Irit tliii iiiui with ojiriptmn of Ihn- ipenln the full tcnm hi Hen in Hie tleld The rs htneii will play their flr t cinii of thi yrar at Ihlo tins nflcr- nooi with team from llirnird Siluml A flu Vnrslty oirnot risk tlio losof a mit r it- in of th fnfhnien nn Hint team xtlil l nl- otvffl to play Ihls will diprivn iho Irtshiiinn- f lh kerviron of nntr Mnr len uanl Johns n end and Tut hill iiaf brictt- f K loiiis hits l i n roailurg tln Itiiin- ind he lias turned out i ciid elexeii- Tlie abuse of till Mde line rub which I up- pomd to limit the rei lotemntivft oi mh com Isciiliilaed tcau Iiiilhir action on the tart in the Huirst omtnlnci uhf seawin end hile II ha iiii7ited that there ulinuld Im n i nail v fur llit xi of the rule eiichasa iniiiii tlnriapiiiisiolo- no rci on why tin rvili fhonld int lo- iltertil HD Iliat evervlmdy ex t tin1 later i e tniiiiir t r MI h triini hiild- le eicluiiid iroin the idi lit is- n lie IlJ i Ullllk thfli w the mt ilfd n ih lines Thiv Iiivi all il o do ihcir nork in ile iriiimir- aine at home hit in th hit ntfio- lletfiatp iintfit tin u meiiiy rtatirs unit Hhotllj bi riled tnttvtviii- cionllnijlr A way out nf the dilllfiilty would e the nilon of a l ina pen on PII h- xlde of tho Hold iii leiud in that HUistltui ouches arid ndvUeri would l t unable in eii- n upon the miifio e tuihout rllmblmr- nve ile rail It n ijht ui i I e l kv od plan leivci to ho ninrliiilin nf the riieii nr- nmpllp whtfti i tunirf pf in i uniiic Is n sin I nr tin pn fit iiii filIngs lrniner rm ci iin in iliM at am- illlie o lilt ui clxitiK a mail Iir Hum ti arrv i ruiiiiisr- oni ll ii- fnillld r Jim reilnenn nf Mil with In iitiavir f Inilnr Irinc tiii I m f inin til h I In Hr hilit i rniiiiv fruit he oljillnej to ihMrlniiiuui stui m hunl It hr liein pharrm li ini- Ietmsrltanli Mate t nllleue thut lnnnii ha tien miinstiiiit bnrerof instruri ufiiim he Prlncvton otviche l trre iv u rul that prohibit of nnv kind iheconeoi- In not em ii iw ttillim to it id I the rulis- litpfnre thilr tttil iiiini trim to tile lini npinir to be iTI nniHil lllliuIlK Comilil IIH iXiM Illiilul f rriiiuclio inikiin i ruliiili iniu The CnrlMe Inrllnn Will laxp tn bnuo im- iv tvartt in Mr iTiuiiik- uvi r l y ii lil I uj 1M t iirail inniiultMi n TI- Ilieitnineinil tInt KI Kir UM bin k Mid n tin koiii and ni i ln wii nit l ur to tht ftaiidini fur a T 1H U ker Mm l s- eft Inn trnlntnu nlnirl HHI nnd Is nil eil- i JM n lund l 4 I LII At t niI b I II IIi ltr IIfIII rIIIh uitrInI hth I4tki iuuiiiIit IIii Uly b lIl tii bIn tPit I ru I Iv I tit i rr bi Irri i ra hits I lIi y ilIl tIi rhit tirptI i tnr U i IIi I I j i Ib Hill Iit i I I I flu ri l i t b t I Ii kit iibt I t I rtl ci- r Ij r4 I iI U a j i r i to htii tr rn ii II I Iii t It c I IP t fl r r Iii lit I I M I cit h nth r fly r t 4 t livid j fnn I tL him attt r lAtin rru iIt U I vmtt rim jat I rId i v x t t lit g I i IiI I Iii tfl tel big I ii Itti v Iii ti tin 1tt id imi II t Iii I rim i tu 10 I ss its i I t lit 2 I i I hiii ii t t itt I fl it tit ill i II huh s f I I li fit I ii l iS i h i P snie grit i 4 urn tt fliit4itij Iiilf list tic i < < > > = > > > > < < < > > > > > > > > > < > > > > > whi o Inns nm the crowds nil nv r Hie Miller nnotlitT craM halt hark ha withdrawn Tlun one of the ilnrst ruard win iMf lny Tl fool bull nnvfrlin been nplvnl n line his Just ioiin nut r tin hnjital and nh ne ha MPik- Itinil the team K5 per rent With new inrv erlemed rid men In the thoi Kinr ii i H woder that nl- Viner liis Imil i dlirtriil tllsii Man him I he Indian honeyr tIM iunt mid wilUnc tn loirn lhlr only laiiH- is u lendincv to ln e heart lien MnV flml lliai- Ihey ii ro oiiiplivpii Siturilay whoa their barks lial iiiri xver iluwn nmlr klek swlflly ilial- i wis irt tilts Ih bill back the iviii lii drives t iril thtf tloef- of ih uiine and allowed the end to IMII- Kirnkhl in them f r hint tn il The wine Hit was iinkly Mopi d bv ale and the lndiin iliil II Yule rmld do this II wi u npiess ta k U i e Ill IMlln fSfV ii sis riMlel vi ll lied M ll liurlei- I ollllilii eleUMi this I line ill an aflr with iriillillim It nn nnniial rvrnt to cllvover oirrinilx- n hiif nl Vales errrl rarllii Ihoolht diy i lire H hue iilnl rr was niied liitOU- iii il ed llarvud mm un rluif tli- nmo liwrenie wn inuhl In tho ml- of ilrtwlnu dliirriiiu of Vahi irlix Irons n pint nf vantuo in its ITMIII MI and ll Is- an II waver that dld- n t ml lawienii i Ve ibniii for any Klill mrpoe Illd if I ill I at wiier liillt I- Ilanron Imd heirs m ill lle lnteir i ol- llariMni ii amdil no lm e ndmlitnl till lihiniiv in iiii loii when illiiovoril inn of i Vlle Klbstllie Wl lllloteil I- filiith ii wliivriii n Rin- lihif vn ti reism MI tin Liller nniM hivi been uriitii tho i of H i Ibrre l ton 1iiion fiif and mtier nhirt inlIod fi rot I rarltfi y Ui w i nr III Hie hie BHIII It M nltinyr the IM P tiit Ihp rlrveiw put in tIP nT fixibiil oir In ami your mInd 1inl tilA i lay i oil fates i re rill o it TO M v nt Yll win uniio irv I II ilnti fT It l i n ttv- iertiln tlni fin Mary ird ini es and rlnrrs- wlm fin Yile i liv l o Indians on Saturlty tot al the pollit thei wauled- Nlw Vi II Vile fnnf nll- IIIMI evne tio liitIi wli t ltd yllUif n KMMI 11 Slioliiin wl- ili e1 wit i n iiT If HOP I not an ie Mr i- iir siturdrs trie Vain men nro iled- nir lh fie Tle iii i ns rnurli of H- urTiK In t1 hero as ll wn to ir lisle Vnlo exr led n win but Ir n iiill rile nut he firel Ihnf the re I ineu triml- liiiro vn0 nt lei i YHli iduit that I II lial sits n div hut iworlie f ls tint IHT loin1 U up a nilllni I cr The rr i Vor lor Imi otin and afor Hint Ilirviril Val ha not her loiil be- ini in IIP lio Indiii under but i muLes KMI tie kine i nvor Tb i ir- priiti siinwine f l up n an Kinikn ia nf nn Tho nie I n- nnwlsw hrllnr ll e trill liniliVtorrnwiinitni- out t f tnl shariH vhlim of- S lunlivi plie The iiiidrjitiidimles iro- yoriIiuT wboileriie will WPI 1 pliie on tho- ln At iTeeril uiee ami- Ilneko nre the nnpular favorltn for the bark Hold trli Tler wurU on Saturdiv look tbc- ollei In storm The bla bnks never plnyo- dih nuim Th Vey Haven nlMt ThV wero Iroilly dianpolntoi but Imil no ovules tn nlir tio nlnyor an sill In ifnod iiv lfl romllMfn tilt nmrhe- liili ibis Im bt thlie for Ilflin will In n live Uli ll IVOrs neify nf ilTl Vorlf tn whit io fillS oi of iheii Tint the leini Is mil iit llni hei U snliiethllKf no nne deniM IRISfKTOX Sv 11 IT nreioi ro irhos- w nt In New Have yoiorday to nio Y 11 y ihe Indian nd t v cunvincdl- ll1l tllelr pllpil ll Ve HI e of the lit ft- i in lii fiicvnn ii xl sitiitilay thai uny eieven- if ih iris e ii 11 k hi up Mciltiil ii rmnt yea s I r llliil ii ts luvl boon mllii- ii the re otts w l h vo lieoii iroliir tho- olndsronoriiiL the koiiinr of Ynlpv IK lien and hun i point lole bv the Illiin- MIS u Mirp e iniiipito us It was u- ipTant aim t r r lu that trns- Intc I wn ni r r luted to tht mini limn null oiiiftiiii MiHor I mr ociuri- In Ini liu next few lay IJK yenr however tin Tlitors in l o rore i iiij one toudi- I w iii n iist the a it mi nnwn tpim- if Vi bnt n aid I tleron Cohetr on- K Satii n fore slur bii i e nnd ho- m rovein nt ilur n h I I epk ws wnn ei- ul Hut ineiiiidiilinthen wer nioielt- tab n the iroi wf h Hlnida- jnenf v riiw 10 nk slots S irt trite co will h iin t iinrro ami wilt ITblinyi- iiiitriuo nnnl aiuulr with I o eieo toi f- unelay wli ii tin d r rHilunies I I icfiv- i List nptxrtii ii tn Mo nn er team Yiei- amn y t cive Prinonm mnn n KOI d- i mr1 o tft a line ihi vie of p ay nml lie itliiennd th luihorilps nie wH nnuniihtediy f wlml I ey rtrtw Wb eer Ihi- Id irunril lierjen ill liak mid Iliiii- irar i t ike have Jninerl hun ooiic I iir w d anii ll h eirin work ifahl tninirrow- ind hsl provoii M t nt ii n CI ion lib mole k ns- linicA Nov it Co n II hijrtn tn hucVlii on- ier minor fur her 1mt two c iitMs tli s wr Pti wor which th ill In lii anii recar ledn iirniri c unit sytu n her will not hV tlin ih Ir team I I at hoSts loinl Pntu Ivama Not v His nnil ns tiellisiitiesi fi hell is In very Kood cmi liitun luit irnnrd l up 11 f ansI Sa- nUk lru ed into si exco i Al landrs injury sun rum th hlt twr ca e hut has hid n en d till ti In Iueder The laMer w lulls only rpnunds bu n ha ll ilur and m ma a ur sfn innUU iKMtv Cornell ha hnd poir snhst uies bm u Tof t ie rrui moi have bon clvtc- iiVirMly i hard tlLlii Of tlioseIhom irvp i niot nin lion HII ubeen at Hli tT hack ill end I ut has hnd t r ati t ICCPS ill end I ronrlie feel c n dent that lie run In i lied upon in a bli cnmd M nninuwv Nov 11 VVelevnns nnrl- irstonlay with the Holy Cross nnii will rntl- Hftory to her follower Only wa th all In evins tenltnrv then hor np- ifieiiM klkerl their oiilv gnHl iiiMly filrnhlo hnwever lind txvlro lost lio hall on hT opponent iyard llie The lfinlv plnv of the lemn improved more bin u per rent hirin he nt two weeks en I ne P Ihepjcrelleii- ynrk of conrliPt ll iiinnl and nrhln Thn- na slntarklo nml the tnperi- ai k dniiblppns irlrk won rot Li pyin nknlnit arlmnutti ns both of thr rt- vere worked for Bond cilns Tis- fnialnln ffnmes will bo ihiiiilnn hl run ets itlih Williams Amhoivt Th ea n rnncliej- iv Ilatrmnnd ansi Sevel amid evirx cITnit rill ho made tn Improve deferiive work mil lliu line Th tPiin h en playlne orsrorden n half bac And IinJili- Klrktnc Indrr ii Mr Itnlri Th last cam of t iMp football for UsA hiinilnn bip o lirnvr X w York and n ruii rffered by former Sheriff Thomiw- lunn wns ptayed at feltio Iirli yesi rd y- if tor liny tin es fns n ever een o tli t grid ran lii UTnimellsiJefealed- h r or oiiin Kkliim bv u pnlit i For Mie wtoriuuj fifteen x Karris s polii Fnnlhnll Nofi- rw KicilMONp NOT 11 tlmidy- SMneiiresviif Shut ti wti is hurt hr In f iilbxil came vn urt ta died yfstfrilny ot il CillltH- At t wlstiart SRiudny llurknell t1 fr ItT Ifiilff Si lucfiati rwrcr tyhya pnff of Uinii Cit Cjlli c Till Pi Clklnu l liir if IJf- Se t a 1if l I luO- At jA tnr uvsl yfsiirtsr aft rnonn boil n nl nriKoni Kittrtnd Slit JIDH betxiren Iii rmiiillr Cut rlrrpn aiid Slut tram ot Ihe- A III IIH mi inlinn Afirt one hours pl r lilit team rntfd- dnANfJir Nit ItMurti lintlrnatlm tTiui Murd- If yr t rilny tlrniin liy HIP f ill iri ot th Knlr- kbukr A r if Nrw V ik in Us rn rnf u it n il iy the iimnee A muncr Oritl ivm fi r is roilvd f nm Ihr Iv X C ftt- uitrt linml lint Suty TM Is Uir mill urn iti Xw XiirUiM IHP rilsniiptlrd LIP Vveii i wn In hull leri thlnl- t mint He mrh ihlmvlnn nan one n lnc- nmd Imiifil out In ii tin Slit h In n lfltittlni f ri Vie iri I UT urlrus had nil on n lit inl ti rniwd Khi ti aid Ma laity cnni- linilrn A irnmr ai plarrl In th ir nuiMum ot the itiil iint V M l A uti SnlunU nihl ttir Hin- wi ilpe inc Adltf I f tram of tatrrvin- iy H Mlife ol T7 tn Tff f nlar sn nn nt the Vntluriil lluslrltiikll- rii stu dsy nl hi At M i if ilijefl n At lump navtn t ih MilrJl- e aii non hy III1 M r o i in t Z- Tb Nt ork tlt r i rr Ihr npplirnts ot th- h nil 11 tftil i i rrrni ri nlrst WASI- H h cird lit Bi e h i tic IJ Ahiervil tiriitrii it w X ink If am and int the I id oltlif rhntnrton hndlT- lroO K InJr I ll ir 11 s JJ- f t In in nuif r CJi if pnyed il linl- ilrliU i r Iirlti trxm r rl J imtnts cim 14- o li MI ylii I U iyrle Club 1Voi mr nt r SutAfrn rynmnsliim Sttunlay nlcM xxii or M of ih onr SM- mtrr tlti nth r MBS rl fninuli to sa l unylHly tif Aiinee trAPi ot Nf Xork urnl tlir Jroeriss 11 ol llriviklyn futnislinl Ih url m iilwr Tin Vw X OTWIS Sign tV 1 srorf of 4x tn 1 Th Ifurn- in iwn n III nl iti XP Xoik I lest nud ln tiil nnd Ih Nulnnnl A tum oj Ilnwli- MI thin in the ir Imlt n nuhrr inj- tima til ui rnt ot tn Snt rbxrt to TI- iiit nritl nr flr Vit n s iny rs r ti tut trim rti I irr ii nt n th rifnt 111 hvl In S r i i nrti iiu tirr Anil rT- ififxulne il ri ind Irij wen Ih rii i- ti tn ft ontfc in iubutiutnnitnthtiiclip IliAd npffM nrtlrl In In- I u drrl rr oryour roinrnlfnrr brot hsr- J Itt v I y re isis null or ii ituie I Iii i uI s lint v I IllS t iIunr I th liu hut S iu Il I I f t iii I isrvttit iflL It i I5 iso i t 5Isu Ii I t vu I has i lIii i t j st I i Vii I I I Itt Ill a Iii i us nt tint I imitts I iuII 54 ill i 4t i I t hit w uuuu ti itt Its il I Iii IrI I t LI I tar I tutu r tIm os u t rut its Ill I it I ii n I si i alt ti kis lie 15 Iii S1 h rUn t it flit mill tact 1it him sIt tillS r gut I sln 1i I Iontt I itt IV 5 I sit I iv lids s S I nut II- I ii II nib e t nut us lid rue ViI it nil toad i M siehi sit I tin hn I iriit leall n us nil 1i nfl for the rmnaIxiutr sit bun will hi I Tim lut cii uiuI lime at itlarict Iiuk tIm for out ulsi I isis Its tilt WR w It sin tnt romi than to I sat liru ii tie t- Ill ran r oils S4 lisp sill e ist tour I ItskiibtI t fist I Iii Iufceu situ C tide A I iss fin lit 1 S taT IT iit15 S etnp avt tilt S c Si ii lit 151 lust s tit St4 a PIP IS the r rw tner Itl ttn dq it i ialID I t rhi adTulst colua1n i1I it < < < > > > > > < > > > < > > > > > > > ° BIG TURNOUT ON rovsrivr rnormxinx in- mmsKs i Excirixa niii Moth Mllltr a Mw ArrIval pi Two QuartmThr Hrraram Taorr Maiturli- Hllkes Attract Much AttntlonN th Mimas Ii Out tleblnd lrr mid Cohwebf- efxr tllil tire Npeidway present a more nEil mated npp arnncu HIHII on yesterdit morn ln Thnuunds of pedeurluns walkfl to upper stretch rrowdlne this lden lk usurp than n pulls The fnotlnc win good the hor s Appeue1 to take to dm null as much cnthuli ii as did their drivers There was a uoniunt procpsilnn of hor4e two unit three dicpdriiwim all notti Hnd con ditloti4 of velihli Joeeim ur walkliieilonB the eist citrh toward tln upper end Mid B HU- Pieslon of briiihei d wn on the opposite Md They CJIIIIH down MI fast that It was an utto Impossibility to nlwiitH ilutiiitruUh which weit real contoMant Om of hrmh would be pnslnir the llmshlnt with another i et runt on their xvhceU and till others puund- Ine dJivn on ev ry part of the road from thn- hemt to the point nf rock ll a port and the marry crowd 91H cd it Ilitil about U oclock when a slight prlniile oauuHl H Kunerol murr tot shelter A IMW arrlxril ytrUrdajr mornlnir Will Alllu Trout the ll ron trainer and driver tvltn i 1111 ittuing iteidliitf Mnth Millur 2u by A- lcatiuri damn Dusty Miller hy Trlcepf The Iliiiton r Just taken off this tnt f ioT l that he In nbl to miirie It troiibli nmi for thn crack paeeri Trout out him Kmn ton A quarter of a mile on tile upiirs- trotch In U iMconJs ftnd on the lower stretch him u quarter In Wi MCoiiJi- An thr n w on waj th cho tnut pacer la Mru WiiUMi 13 by And rvm x hlch Its JuSt Ijein aunt here from Syrftcu hy the owner who formerly ownmi 1llot Boy the fast itrny tritt r nmr the property nf- Krnnii Work and H iccws Pastorla VlHses bcliuj Jrlvin by Mart Demarest whi yesterday for the Irnt time Mt In a onenun hIke ipeedlntf- watron and IIH Is tint very favorably Improved with that style nf vehicle I never In Ails of tl isi traf ns before hi said and itlil ruiiiif ine in oldtimn curt with but tiir1 stioips in tln tviieel than ti chanie It ilie Itllt v eiv iiii4J- le is tlm plitntiiut pacers peeil- ilitvn trmi tlif bend with no of ant one wncti ho noticed a min tlireo- or four In Tout Iftolilnjr nround as If lie tloncm t ieilie tnul wnnHiinr him Iaklni- Hin IInt Mt Ml lor him nd was In tin loir liefoic thus mnn renlled that he had bicn otHrtikcn r storln Wllkes kei t nln lust f m fnoiiuh tn keep the other driver tllnk thsit Ins n trlde or two morn ho would tiko flu IPid until they pn ed under WuttlnctonI- lridj7 vrhero t I milieu up- N itlin Mril Kief lobweb throuch- llp liter trctch twlro anti then rot UP be- his crrcl trntler Alve lie hnnhcd down nl n unod exiT Ilne cult with Johti K- t nckprills SWirl and linUhra In runt but ilid not cill It BO The ecnnd time down tipv tiint a Mievr pico and Swlt made It lntrestn until the of rocks wtmre- Alves let out n link or two and flashed past fnti n cood ot en leneth In front There lund brcn nn encncetnent lot a en between Alves and Aldermin Huches fant trotter 7A Inri limit oflnu tn the lntt r driver not nrrltinr In time thn brilMi was riostrnneil- K Smatier with hl virel S Ind briive with II Kanes- nriel hut IMriel erlly Unded In front each time In di Mnc behind Mura V- nr dlphxHil irrent aklll n a reln man by tofillntr mure between tx o waccn rrinir et Ihrnnirh hut h accnm- idNhodthcfint without n scratch l iura W- wis h tn ir wimnn whloji was some whst of u hftidliii hut tonk the inen ure of Mr Stouts racer Teddy Frerl DM7 list nnlte a with hK bay mnrp Ml Ovrrtnn and bid a hmcM of emitter n t thin winning tot two fir thren Hints Thus clover little chestnut pacer Ata- irka drlvon 1 Kerker WHS fn t- ioeli to heISt overvthlno he went ar nt- uitlt h tried with Mr RmlthH James I They tmido the toad wnrm down from the bend Inimn ii drawing nheail s they nested the finish Rnlvlnninchva length IT nf the most of the liny- wn betwoiiii i I lords rhrslntit trotter IMhird n Mlchnpj liclds fnt liny trotier- 1nrmor and Fred Proctor They were hells nn until half down from bend one then another of the trio wort tn a broil and If was n teewiw brush of It Mr limits purer Teddy showed the war down tn Mr pacing mire MNlMPfinHorInn rln e finish Capt II the Pines and dll orne lively sciilllntr until sinned down wIth Dnrk Secret snd finished MHond JTTIOS with IsIs MacIt mate Ma e had a warm H iil with O V- VIIlrr ftlrllo aunt erl the flnlhlii n leiiirth tn this troorf Dr n I Illll pneer Jack and F K 8mather i Sphinx S ha dn bni h In et one of t of the Ther came Into Mclit around the bend head and heart arid foucht every Incii f the way to the finish Jack Ipadlnc pnit the post only n uant lloyce with the bay mars Pertle H- Rhoweil the wnv verv handily to Mr Hoselle- strniur the chostmtt whlrh- Xathan ritriiu formerly drove to llernlce ih phf tnut trotter driven nerken was in splendid tnrm nhnwed her hpes to John Donnelly strove hl faxorlte brush horre Clemnero Itoy but oils not try his nirain any of the sixedvift Tinlner IIHHP Fleming Mepped Cot th horse thnt heat Cnbwobs throuirh tho stretches nt a Rool clip but did trot cut him loo e In the brushes J team Samtota Hello nud mutewere volnssteady and weri la t drove the Uiule onu- of the nIt starx of th rinse which was thniiithl- tn bi down but Is uvaln sun Mderable siieed Cioorife Coleman did tonic lively vilh the fat little mare Hattle Walter Mr Hcillvn Mahlon was not o and boaten sOt In two linwhr I hahn Itrurcd In several brushes with his bay c IJIn Wallace with Mlcress J W Cornish wee tint behind his out favorite David 15 J P Halter drove Kirn Hilt down with thin hunch Keveral times Mr Iaul throve the trotter Our Jack formerly nwnerl by Nathm Straus W C his biy pacer Iitttn Birefoot was prominent In Mr Meyers nf drove Hlevrlo ilrl the bay mare thnt the vet erin Iole e handled last and ttmuuht- eh i rnulij beat nn the SieeJway Former Iliiehm drove th curls nnd enjoyed the sport Tho iiternonn was so large n- iisuil nlthnuch quits n number of the most witliu drivers tnnk chatiens of n wettlnif antI drove through the stretches v tirr fijtonKMv In spIts of k niiih Wind and Cold Wfathrr There Wei Minj St pp r Ool In nplle of cold winthr and n hIgh wind Tichruiedon ooklyn Spedway yester- day i her was n coodly turnout of harness horses while hundreds of pectitori lined ths- roadnlnne from Twentysecond ave- nue down toKln VIIIciway hiss brudies- Jnmes Shvlln was silt with Chantr recently to hiii HI h rd CToker Hecame down from hi M hies dIttY In the niornlnc iiid- Hfte wa imt myth tic Ut that con rlxo i Im- A tight for he Chanty full o font frmn Mn t to Hin n- Tinre is 1 lUhl nn Iwtwen the autonv- blilts ad th Sjiewlwar drivers Suvernl- milior C ipiii bro en wnci ns tit lotilt of Hi lust three rlny on the Spvdtv5 nnd tie Iliisure Hrlvr soo lion of llrdoliiti ilrouili Irold nt Chirk lu a c rtaln ll Inrk Commit i V llrwr ca not Mop noun iimbl s rom mini ir d n thus iheiu ti tliipnlh A low or thedrlvcm- whi wereiut yetordiy wre I K Tlllottnn stub his tram Ilulif and Puns wood thtt tOil tti niai uf of srvtial rfimpftltors- niitti ny diwii Ii III Parkwiy Club hnus il lfiMuimianti ilrltlrr tiUU c tldlnit Ioc lit 2H Kiilini Trim bmlnd lilt InlC KfldiiiT- iMwiid ft 22 4 Inhn I II cf wlln litrlinn- Ii ila i rin wtti hIt nat lit lronis filll fr 2 24 nil mt In Xlf ch ot liny- IIK with the c ny ilUliuc Artnt Klrhml Trny- n h il i i ptlr l fii trrioi 2 2U anti Hitfn- Im11 2 Jaiti W sifrlim lth his l it EfldiiiB lininiik mil bain lltfly liruliwllh Ijiuenre drrl in iiliu male Lurll- lsifrrfun lial a Ifnsn Nnt XVard will hl blirt gidlic SItu 2 fi Janifs ii it- rauUry tlnvlnir tils ilfiKfii Capl WII him iiuy lfla XV II niynns llvrrr lutin II C nInth licorj Ihnlieas hiy- rrnti by Alcitars Ur U II Hurd dllTlnt hIs m Krfd Mom Krno 2 15i- K O VlyndlT Wodldf 22 K O Dftillwt- i4iltn i2Mi Sis Slot MrCnit- ydltlrc Mnodr y l nunrrmanti Jr- d It Ine n tin and mate li T lldtTd- ttl h itu Shatter lInEr MII ten drl lnt Xlillf K 2 2 iMiInn Fotiu hScrrm Mdftthflrr- sttfnV J liCe Tnlrr l M irons Moran In hit ii truii Frank Ch ders rhjtiiut mare rllnnrtnrf the latter XTlnntiik bv a le itrtb exist a- ml at Site end of Spee Iho re- Tollnrds Alria iToton nut 1nnlncs Mill wood hut t ii t riite t nf th day Alvj- awlniiluehviltn th JN Covert with hit paclnc Kiwrence nmde thin 8 iced takIng several jt oj ones Into camp tKoro he quit tcr the day SPEEDWAY I rsr East < the for and SiflTt with its set post gnu I Its s mildew sit luotigis I stsp I II ken node till ii its us sIt h telia niwl I lemula A thit two rustlIln fir IL the tho uiiriuo ditertlon Tlusuro w ronin- qflouIZil tot hlui to clue Lonk 4 1 to the hsislnw a ahAde thus Inter Look 1 hut poet nani fri I halt gelding Hnl In red ansi 1 ned Iawncncs gray Cartua erit a airy I Iris kits ishni I muse cuihIIn i was ore lark au alit thnr R rnir i Eat i the It Ie iii to see ts snot a was aol lit Iii V Ill mis u1 tin lsP4 org hun tls s tnt tin ni end t I t tEl i al unit Quart i ny itsc Stunt stIll 5 i I rod 0 p stilt ii the 1 net I he b V way tot uIto a ttiLe < > > > < ° < ¬ > ¬ < < ¬ ATULKTICS- Mrt k Adams WIns Oulnmbln rroroial Columbia fall rrocscoimtry invrt held over tho Morris Park courfo ou Salurdu- Thlrtyeluht men started and all except flilihed Pink Adam the former Val runner who I now In the Columbia Law Suhoo won flu wa closly followed hyfnMrirsha- of the fnlverslty of neonhi anil Diulrn xth- xvas biding until he tnuirht a In tli lilt lap The order ol II Hi tva- Allans us law Marshall 02 la i Duden 02 law nailliulimeir 02 law lilciiuond 2 srtcncf- Ulfliail M2 collriTf Hupfs 2 rullcEfi uppfil- hflnirr itrnlinf Shatpn i1 rollfirf OCoiuifll 4 collfif litflfi nl colrf Crockrr OS clncf- Mlnur 04 rlf an llElfhan is mllrKr llakf 0 Ian Hutlon i2 mlrncf Np nff r 4 fOlIrBf Wtlf utica M cillftf NJCulnelli u sctflict Mrnnra1- coll nS line tmlxiK Ml KIIII- CMrlc i iw Xlanln ui rnllfB Ifntn- ihrjf Mrliall ln latf Kaiin n An rje on rillizf llru iH 1 iiUR- Hu V on ciilrc ll In i 3 miiitf brnlll- limlll HI 2 ISMT mi Vltli l Wllr i- colitur and Siiiwnlfll ui iolltK- Stoiiunbertf ol twisted lila Kir Its llm llrst lull nnd dropped nut The IIHII- MionlMed of lour lai a one tulle lllne lMeijntlis circuit xvltll eleven obilnrlt- roiiMtin of lieiUi frm es Jumps nnd watn- juiiun am JJiide crm kil- oit In tin lint hip In thus order mimed nnd the kocoiid hip ll WHS Murliill Adniii Hudeii and In the ihlrd ririult Imbi look lead followed hy Adiiius Murehnll- nnd lliriholomw nml three rrirhoil- thn li iin tiriiii br i i and broint and tnnin- nn iltbn iinh It was twelve inliiutfsiitiit- Iho first souls trot homo before ml ihe nihe- iiotrr tiinti had cr is od tlm line Adam flme wa is mliiiti and 41 M miJ for ihe- i ami u nilli 1 hr bet user ira nwarded- to the law Mlioii ior it vlrtnry rln s- meiui iiie to other The larrossn vascm xta opened at Colunibl oil Satunljy triHim belwell tlm aivltv tiini wm m Itimwn usa u- Hluc nnd th WMips The lay tvns hard nnd HIP Var iit won n thn rlnMi wuro of 4 oal to 1 llmKit nod Cn iifonl stud snot well Conch Miller xtlll make thee tfaniii te iiiire n his train ins niitKiiU tills eir and us the number of- riimliditiH Is rontlminll Incroasim n number of Boorl teams tire looke mr to hold the cliiim 1 Imi ii banner nt i olumbla xrhrro It Is at- ir ntfll- tCoumblD oval U rlntrlnr nowaday with tho- rlli ret M of tm iinlvnr Tho- lmn an frr thin fall shoot to be held on Duo I for th selection of n team The siiilRil has len xl by thin folhinint- tncn VV W Conmno ict nlere J W tarn n elenw C T W RIIIMIOII V8 nrlinre fi- Firhh n2 sriinre H Maokl it rnlloro- nnd c K 113 scirmxj Cart Illidroth- Is doubtful whether Columbia will be abU to onter the inifrrolledate shoot nt 1rltnetnn- on nex Saturday a unions members nf dub will be ab ent represntln the university on other athletic toM Candidates for tho 10 mna itln tesm are work In teiilllt In tie irvnr umler the ifervl lnn of Dr Xit nn fj Kavaao the thv e director of the nnlver lty antI liintav Boltn the g r- nliitlclntruttnr C Ka tnontl will rat tnln the iin Itirin tie rlnto and the iiitrl ha Inert enhrroil by th advent nf ut mnists frori other iilloes ationir whon s V I nils the tar ierfornerof tUe9l Yale team Thoj In traIn Itlff Re C Kasmmd ni cr lli t Ward W nl I cnllfce X d I Kafl M Tfric Obrn c U v J C Smallwnnd S nrlff K J iitrui 2 clfne D M tnistrad 2 clnc K W Schuirr 12 clfnf II M Mclbiteck j r illf7 I 1 ri nre- H SHt OS srtfnor and K II 04 eJIflf In tho swlmmlnir nool Irof Hnlrnvd hn- xiunlned Vn fri hrn i from the colleno end srhnols nf nnplled elnre Of the P rollefo tested S were unablo fi swlii antI 73 u- of In the spools of annlled nclenix remlrI- nstnietlon This l now helm d no with the rnmruils irrmnsslum htirf- ltvlne ti rntieh wifer the full ritttn of the un imlf ixl pintnnne1 on Situnlar for another wsolt F Tlai 74 will pro sent cups to members nf the wlnrltiK orein Chicago Farnrfd fnr the Meeting of World Champions In 1OO- 4Frttlal r tit itth la TrIll Sfx Nov u Hron Ilerie de rottrhertlti thin reviver of this Olymtiiin Mines tla the rorreepondent of Tar Srs flint the h mrd hss jut voted to hold th next viadrr a meeting In 1M4 In the fnltPd States X w ionic and ChlCHg nrn the candidites for thn honors of thus receiving thin world athites and tho committee Is riltlnx to siio wlh h the morHlndiiCfnvnte before denditi definitely IJiron df t ourl ertln has received trios Pn4l dent llRrp r of tho tnivcrslty of Chlcieo an Important letinr which exidnllr makis Iliron feel In lixvor of hlcairn and hla- xvlshes hive such creiit w l ht thit It In primps not too hold nven nnxv to predict that th meet- Ing will take placv at hjirntoC- HICAOO Nov H Tho fact that Pre l dent hat ctartid the ball rnlllni to- Mcure fur Chtauo llm olympian riiiiiiit tif- 1jo will no tluiihl come us a lUirprlw to tlm majority of tho inteitMwd in intcniiiinnal It Is Mid thii Dr llarinr Intiiids- to entertain athlttvh on tine llsld In world The should it be iioeeswry tn hold any under root will take Place in thn irymnasium It is utHirtttl i suIt haxe already heon on foot nt the university to havo Mar ull- KitId rimhod tn completion It is Intended to Inclmlo the two now Inclosod Into one Held with n nrnntnuntal feiic cur rntindlnit till A running trak will circle tn- tleld nnd oil the livldo will lie Mipnrntp plncn for football hateliall and The rviu- nnliim will be tutu on tins cornpr nf loslneton avenue and strpet Slmuld It bo decided to hold this garnet at rhUnao it Is nf to ilediMl thn Held and perhips fyintmiiim with the lntornatnnil- MntesM Kverv enriKi will bent toward eonsiiniinflnti o the Olympian aanio ummernt Panic net mel o omn 1Urers of mc rd to have the next tne In A erioi and New Tonic and Ihilideltihlx w e fluent stills the major- ity In favor of the Vetern metropolis With the Itnrsri The Roast Drivers As wiiitlon lice be n- itJrrlnc up the Department of Hltthways In the matter of repiirlns upper Seventh avenun In order to make It available for driving and President H 11 Kane received the follow log communication from John D Creamer Socninry of till Department AfknowIfiUInf rfCflpt of your ifnenfd coinrlalnt- if Slut 19 trcarillnc tina cundltlon of the unj r tmt- if Snv nth atfnuf I am dltfrlM hy Cnrnmisslcnfr- KtallnK to vty that wink unnfr the nmtrarl f r- nrfjflne arid with nmriilam patmntI- hf nmnwny of Mid atf nuf was onlfrfl ti lie tif uun- in Ct 16 rut U has t a mi isslril for the contrne tilt to tirnrfrl cnniuifiic oirlrii In ohstriirtlurs In the atrrit In cniinfrtlun with Id iiilintructlJii nf u- ifwfr iindr the writ eif lk slid rl niilnc from 14utli atrfct In list Mr l A efimnunlrntlnn lia- ricn sent to Iti t ummlviUinfr ot ii rtlrfft th fr nmtrnclnr to put al work n- farjft fi ant rfrtll the r Irfnrh or to ifiticim- lf niatrrlnt whlra I now pllirl on tlio- rnadway to ttf apaer tiflwffn hit awrr hnct the west house nf sifiilli nT nu M that PUt fonlrarturf- iiay h to prnn it wllli his work That port of Seventh ixxenie alluded to has son n great in road rldors vho drlxi throuifh It to ihi Speedway The tutor hands n- irlre wlurer at vnrloiw hor how hiss ln eti wild by ffeorirn rtas in Iwinn Stern for plno He was ejthlbiiiil with Lord Durham it the Newport hors hnw- onjiiiiri n Kiddle hortm tsj hinds wits ori i t week fir imn by htnii t- Hutitir Hopkins of llrnoldyn line purch d from tirrea a fine prl i al brown inrs ixs hands for Hnn and n brown feldlin for MM tint ian Mop llxel- A rhpkiniit Lvldlmr li i hind by tf a Nutwimd miirn was piircliied last yie i y f Howard Taylor for Hvxi from T A fon John iliJiii him cold to WilkIns nf- lr Mi5ilyr n of li liantls hluri and all actors tnt flfii Shaping t the Anirrlrun Ifaene lit rhlhidelpili- rnilMiKIrillA Nnv IlTlip Miellb nler of- hoAmerlin i li ncio Pre liktil lliin noti Cnmikey of 111nun W Sumep of leveliml Cm ih Muck of Ml wait ee ar- lvd here early this tnormni and befnrn tlmr they dpel to t mtio up hues Philadelphia in l f thar nw league citenslon Tho ilt hat been practically were d upon Tlm- a iern end lit Le of Ihl riIniln Italtluinroand slbl II ffalo- In tbo i wit he Chic BO De rtH Cue rtnd nd Mllwiiike- Ii a iiktoilny Iresd tt lohnvin sad th- xnierc n KIIII ly prpoed to trmmirt tin ii in n al liip tlkf way stills no il hlr to n tluht the natIonal orctnlntl n lohnoi avK tiiat- lltnmy Maimliii t lll aepure th a hl p and will ta o as city teitn- tlth ijm xlOr Itbins the lilllmnre f ftiichlse Inhnon admitted that linmnnacer of th Phlnd a dish lias laeni- i cted hut ton unod rensms with held for the pnetit I flier Will one urI iii t iui sEr Sit ItT sit tt rail 45 tills s a t toille ii list Iii Iii 1 lint f sea sit is nil I Sun 1 stui 0 1tPtl nil I tnt rkstsists list i I ftc the r I I fl I law H- it i S snags I mars ii I the oirirrAN G1 fF FOR 4tI icuic 4 cab PiT e city the i his t hun lie uuuun eat t hun pit ti thin lit the flifore th last their own 1 Cub an s harness hung ti rit tat Spit ri him s P tIi I alit tine able s meld nil I Mrs hut r shuset tunIc lab Chin slit leave cult Vshi Iii glAns sits I t its rut i to tat itt franc w mind s lthi Isle natstIs < > > > > > > > > > ° ¬ > < > > > > GOSSIP OF TILE RUNNERS KTHIK1 Tit rXIHHTAT KlKX- Twiu ftnsi Komlnatloni for Ihn CYntnry Tidal Kenlltjllon Stake of the Cone Inlinct Inckei rhili Bust lie Matte Ttinrml Tiidii Curd nt iUiiiit I Xntrlpi to the i one If land Jockey Milt which have tn nnmiltits added wIlt ii o mi next rhsirnlny Tho principal U tb t entury for ihnvxoarolds iuil up- vard nt one suit u hnlf nnd It will hay Ho rln lnr fur Ml 0n2 nnd ll il TIlP rae Itmost year siiarnnteed siowo- Tor IWC il wll be riUd to JlJmo shut for Itxil jroui Then there the Champion Sink fur ind tipwnril ant tno iiilhH u jnartir which n xMhn- of lor the lmio of ISO lure N tin Tiilal M Mit for lliree oiirolil tsuikiii at one tulip mid a utwrttT nml th- Meriiiild lllles vnluo jnn out mile and n furloiuv Kor INJ ihcru nr lxvoyeir old stakes tn il tlio Vnllli 4i i nml stiff alo at tun both to tn run nt tliiilutie mooiiiii Tli Illy stukov fun two oarolds of moz worth JUiniii wIll iilii rinse Another hU take will lit the Law riiirn Heallniilon of iivii with juiwxi mldid for tlireyeirolds at thnt hue at one mil and live furliiiii tltlcr intrlos In tloso slit llitf the wrolt will be uf Hi Crescent city ilockiy i luh Thiv NS IllAiiaiunl Miitolln llondlrap Pifl mlniirj Ii y Off riit thy lithy- Crthtmn llnritlrap X w Otlr ins handicap N- Vrnrs llniullrip Aiidutull IlltdUnp Jackson Jliinllciti lirntll llaiicilfjin lur tit llardleip- Cuttnn Slliiir SliUri Mftlnnts llmidlrmi hub house Ha dhip lip Hoin ItAndicitp lliuii Wash liCliin Handicap Sprrd Ilundirap uakland llanill tall Mud llah CUD llinJIcn It turns nut thai Jot Wnlilo Wostpr- nlshtweiiht xvho Uned hr i vnnl Currl cnn tu ride for him in Kuelaml nnxt eoasoii Is also to port duo iolcrs of the hordes that lllchard Cruiser starts on tlm Knirlish tracks It Is rriKirtPd tlur both tnn v III nciki tin oiyirt- to Jockey Hinrv SiniKer iilnlnted and If tlii uiitid ho xxtit il o fur both of tlain abroad int MMMH- IIi lunks ns if thor U trouble In sUre let In I ihard ihe Vnirlean irulner nm- lleMir luiT the AmeriiMti rlier over I eiforinaniiH of lliird CriUori ci lt Siiteht- uiiii II If ir i that It n rio ut DomiiMc- rloril l iirliHi i baa a hure i i tC rice rmneil- lieroNtfin that uvn Scnuniinn II In u On two ind 1- 1rpvoroil thiurs by wltmlni autos till Jnrd- Durlmtn trudged n with tho tpiv rd- nml lie IT nnd Wlshard will both tonpiieiir- nt the Inxesiliati in The friends lltll on this water fcir thnt rasp will Kn hard ainlnst them ovilnif tn this fact that Lord l one of Upwuida of she IiiRlih Jockey Club It Ii ild that Jam R Kfenes- cruk twoenrolil Commando lies pick Mnce Im wa nut liSt of trnlnin and Hont to the llrnokdiln farm WIlllKtn lakel- and xvhn l n ian owniir of lEo colt Mid on- Kntinhiy that hf did lint kiW thai tlitre WIM with Ito iv li p out ihn fart that If iirli wnn the CIIM liunee- Ilnwe the trrtlrer nf n tsp c ho e would not bo In I tie Aillrnriln k Mniintnln The ofilv ronflnnntliti of tie rnirt ontns fmtn- KevfMl f Hnirps freid wo ny list tho colt ha bfon nn the nillni II r otno time Thn programme for Anuodiirt tn lay IB s frlliws- Ilrst Hare Handlran nlKut e f n fuTlonji- Trllln IS StPlnrita tit Pl ofTror 1IU Ma Iort ivpuir I 7 P Utrh td 11- li r I1T liniil ijic Mrnnh 1 H ii I Mile 114 Tinge ma- Ii iltrry IIS 104- llfaly rntrr Tiiylir truly Ut rond Hnrf rot Ihrff ft r lilt sellIng five tail K urlnnes- Th Portlin Ill I Oi d Hnn n HniLlon JI2 Mrt rhu inn Valli Jin I Kfeflrld M- Vek hlre thy t Atmi P Kid Itii tn i2- MIIMry UM Th lltoirfr tit TMrrl Ripf Muldsnii one ute and f Tf nty rand Ion Vfrmon- Xlnirhm ll crt NITOS- Inily lUlrrn inn Orrtf no ImlJhU- M Kfiik Webb IJ Ilifi II- in Vrl lalrt- Af7 MnnliriiiU 117 M Mltrnrll Kufn s tot FTitth HacfSflllrs one rolls and a MtVffnlh- Trllln 111 U lfnl 104- M II Mas 111 itfifrsde mx- Vfilmf fis HIIMI M- Prrice I flnril los Tfinilir IIH liar 1erfiini I 1 Sti ri urh I- HHniiei inn run IM 11- 7llif mca los tnily Hi- Klth Mac Maldrn yfarf old tire and a hnlf furlongs VnryMunl tin fiitlfy 104 110 Ainu- li7 All 04 Kr tlni- ttirlif It 104 SOulS lillntA- lMU 1 4 rMMla Sixth IUff All aCfs sins mIle arid f yard IKi IleMldrtator- KlnIklnne II lie tIll men KlnK Prambl 1 1 II Slosh 111 Uma Klmblf Annoy lull Jfffrteii Reply tn rilstmmonf James Jeffries ls apparently willing to meet Hob ritzsimmons numb as noon M theatrical piieaeem cut of tho pair will permit In an Interview yosterdiy thin champion ntrslmmoiK In his reply today to my rhallcmrn avoids thin lssu I helleva h mid I enjoy our pnntnt notoriety not brrause vn sane actorn but pood Ilirhter I liaxfi been assured by outoftown dramatic rrltlcs that I nm n von line actor I ii not believe thorn tnytelf hut thoy prohnhly know more about the art hun I do I nm not looking nt rn ent for n contest at nctlntr hut flirlitln I want to Pleat nuilmnmn HU principal stock In trade nowadnys ls that ho was doped when he mo Well If he ou ht to- bu Trui if ill to tim lot otl rlm litmus b chance to prove the Hint he was A tnnn who defeated fiuhlln In MX rounil and Sharkey In two rounds less than two months rPllrcniPiit froii the rlnc I am nulls cortiln that the rent ifi on Is Fltr lmnion belief tint with me means ilofeiu 1 havo no desire to Interfere with IJi p ia e- inenlK I nm bunked illd In the larcn dilos until May 1 next and 1 nm wllllncr to wnlt until then lir Kitiniiioii but want to nviko tlio- tnatch now forfeits nnrl allow sufllpleni time in tfloii a place for thu bout If Kitxlimnonarefuxsby o dH t matth with mo I thall nrranae to meet Kuhlln or Shirkny on terms 10 bn nrranced 1 finns been inltiB cplemlidly nn road limIt 1 dn not xvnnt to grow rusty nml etale and would like to Ilirlit nl lean once n I Mull lay out to San rranrteo and train there we llreo to fo to Ixlll Vllle- My rhlro of hilllnirroiind would b then wo could co to a finish nml there could be no dniilit ns to who U Iho ln tier limn Coulp of Ih In an Intfrrlfw tit hns Incite mcr I5000J alan Ii riarted lops hU rio Ieillar Pjlmf and Unf f are ulatfil f in a flftii miind timl at London tonlfht at tie tiini lS i tlM Cluh Th NonprMI A C LnuUillle has oflfffd a- tnirsf for n contrst fn joe VViOrnl sail My tfnii fll y sunlIt thin tatter hnsiicirplril Ua c it julia sit niailf any Jtnrry K who lih JltnrnjIw arlTfrllft- piiinhru il i ISKIV tnd ne niri nit list Sis t thai Kl rn tell IOHC MiTAli t tifti o- Mutrii lir 0tfnor twniy rniind nt in imuniU Charley 1iKrr nys thti III fa on wtn Ii rf- miiiiil In Amrtlr Is ic ii i found ll t in mileli ilirind tiTter ri s ilcioiy nrr Hidn- mmlii MrKfifrMy in iv ill the Insllsh middle ta e hium will iith- Sidii Sal Ivm Ins an ft r to co ti- Knalmid nil J dmny lli hs l Hi ViMlonil- MI nilu Still In limy Iud Hlai tiuri iti- nntnl Crirtun tNnikina fr who onr nf P Imrn ilmekr pis tcn totter f ut1t TeSt Xlriiiiirm in lurVrliir lil vrni U- MII I wlllic In lJt up i ruii tor Sal IVMI- pi e ijs that hf Kin nrcrpt nud h aunklmc hip firKtnrrt- l ti ruins Hi Smith lim trmvtrd iKltm firnt and IIIITI In dij Mini tail Hirit In ill n ar l iiin snullilins Tianc d Ihrr- li II n l eiis ftiifiii Mill I situ IK- IIHIMI of Itnrlifsiir at XvirfiiiiK x toulrht Tli Inset tastIly riandi on WnlnMiy- ht Smannali In will 1irlcl Tln of llnsinn ton tKinty iounc nn Nit liial liulsvllr 11 a tfd ti Hilly Cdnards of Auttralla nl o fur Iwrnty MUiiiJs Nor 11 Tummy Syinru knnrkid Jffr Tlinrn out nm irrCh- lrRi Mlilir AuMidiilnn hl nIght A rletit U nd book landrs smairiy on Ihr punt of th low rut Tlinnif ilnwti Ihrrnurt ml th 111 11 ipot- Ih Cliic lt ans rlfvrr Mntin cunnlnir nut wok rird loi mm h fur Iii Cimllnlimn II mOle Thortir nit v aenl i and utalii and left hainl- CiiiC marhtrr iiEiilatUy In anti fare In tie sntind f d Thorn plait d a haul HxM Jolt ntf llynps hrait ant til Ta ii only d ntfroii Mi mulid liy thin dmloi the billie In Either ruse XThfthr you see hiiylnt sl i too on rtalcsute tc Jill It ELK treat vaIl and ill s lii hoe its mull has si vaIn if I bins snuirhdt is hid I usa Ai eli useII nit i sin Is fur Its lot in i I I Ito i I hoc sine foul uss I Ititudi cap SrI I is g I Alutue hun thin crack sit lit t 5 I husk Zt tt fir IrI dna S ho nil is a iruu us Sent ch in us hut ye Vs I us rid I I lie Iui thus un t I iou Pent I titst ui sit stri nit iu iud isis sit ed I Fin I I C- ia sis I ICing I lit sttuic lu let tl ma liii ticfr lii i 107 lii lit l iitI 17 a two SIS fli- inftill tile 50 Itt lOt rA Cr Iiil sit 111 l hiss said guiuud lIsa wit hI liz sn itt sld is Itl is Lanie br Iii Is riot 15cr mel iii g Iii hills lila tisat ISis tat meet out I in 0 i r iou liii jet w Iii testy fills c p ii tie shim cii ret ill 5 risC his a setsd sited sin iiiil a n illS t a I tie j > lit 11 uss that Is lit hilts I t puss sisit trim hits tire CHic A055 hvu of Iii three ids el fi era his i i Ito hI lit tM sit wiling meal salt ol huitters tValst and Out rolunna PatE Sundays and Ifluusdsya4 > > > > > > > < < > > > > > > < > > > > < HOWLIXU- I IltlllI- ldflln Spnrtan 1 iireunil- iovifalf upthvn i Honker lllii eke I Wn Ilaltd 1 ISo a- Nirldiiivlifr J I limn lleiiiir n irn 1- W S tnt lud in IJifnttle I riiini r- liiliMK I il lll AIICAUK TOUIIXAMKX- THtnrf ClulH AHA lllffckft 2- 4M1 lintion 1 47 Nnullliis- IM Auciior rr 1 4fi llMiixdvttr 2- IM Ho nlitlr r hail Ailrlplit S 450 IllII 1- 4M11 Hinpl iflif 44M I II 114 II S runt I Mtiliatta- 5l rilinnliln Ml 42i lllilMhrll II innon i- 42ij Kcnntrlc- t n Mlttiiil t 1 4IA xrMnr 1 411 iVrslSlile 1 IM lilrnilal S- IHI An i lull lxirMort- iTil W S Ciinffct I AiiMliln I Amiir XV NATIONAL TlllllNUIPNT- Ciiluilila n ii us Xrlltiirlim I IlilHlv 7 IMI liulilfii Hod4 4- Mnnlmltin 7 I IM Muirrli r loii 1 Miirimiiiaiin i 11110 llmpir r- Oirmtliiflii r r tun ilnlr i r 1 KM lirrinanlri S nut 1 in Snrirf I- Hnsfijile 4 4 IM 1 7 f nir l 4 ii i Ialarf 7 Spartan 4 ys- f 01 lKtJlKt- orlntlilati Jtn Via I nrv IIUS- I SMI Yonfcf- tsuriinll MMirlrl- lielttflrtp Ituv clalr rik t 1117 Unite Mill 4 2 iiui AmliilKiil 4 7I l 4 4 j MI rfniiuy XV 4 t K7 Waiic 7 M 1 Stanilafit 1 o neii Aiiiliirmi 1 KnltkrlHifkfr 7 1 IWII Itorlirll 3 A 1 1U1 rvclon S 4 Heltldfie I 2 7t 2 4 Friendship 4 2 H7i llmlrm XX 2 4 Morris Club 4 2 U24lVnial Intlt 4 Corinthian 4 ll prlim I R- Ill nit J 1 VIAfirm Hill 1 R- Iiliyilte 1 Prrmlrf 1 A- Ixilm 3 A MJ Colonial n iviituryxv s 1 7 SATKlNAtlRXOfl- Klrtltn ti H77 N Vork A C7 Jolrtfti lliMt 7 2 ii Ilflliky 7 h- Orlrntal 11 4 MI I O ir 7 Metr mlllnnl1 7 1ni I Spatan f u- Cormiinan n u isi nnmanla 1 11 llojfvlllt f Mil Ainilcn o p- ARUHIITtlM NATIONAL IBAOt- Enifrltfr i i tiiMthOntiiry 1- Aslicrott 1 n 7u A irinl 3 1- Kdivm a n n ivnitii ItnwiioJ l li Amr mil 1 S- Mracirlr 4 inn Prltitrs o n- Jotham A 1 hn cminon 0 e MOUTH SIDE tnXUiij- Morrta n im Knulifilioclifr 1 1- Ilookrr R 0 1 2 Pro p tt 1 0 Mil Hyplion o 3 Ilaifrnont t I pM Trfmnnt o A 7- 7llronidale 2 1 llotrf City 0 r 3 rIflE iNsunANTK ICAUVK German ArafiI 0 MllloTf 74 Nor fnion S nmi Nmthrrn Z S 74 I ndrttrrlUM 1 1 77R Hanntfr I ivi vu 2 sra lloyd i A I iicahlre Z i 7M flffcnirlrh 1 8- Ciiltdonlan t J 757 I PlITnlx 0 4 7- 0witoiFSAtE nnvn ThiStlE ASIOCIATIOX- Pftlke I A Co n Ml I f 71- Nnt 0 7M Unman A KJ t 74- fndcf AOWU 1 ff7 firn Chin Cal R 71- Smfury A Jn1 1 7M Chinch A DCo0 fl 7S- MrrrKACo 2 2 77n HANK CIEIlKSTOfnVAMBNT- M 0 rjfl i Sarmard 1 7- 9Mrrntllf Nut o 7wi fontlnrntal 1 7- NRintialP ll Ci 775 I ountr 1 fn- n 743 innate I M- itcli A TtAdI i 24llaM 1 Mount 1 7fi Imp 4Tiartfr O 2 70- Amriran CXI 1 7C6 P M AOoO 2 74- Tliasc 1 1 7t 3 I T4 Co 0 71- I S SuhTl 1 744Hurton z 63 CASINO TOlIINAUKXT- Ouffn oro4 0 lfi I Simwick t 2 7- llmrnwiiod 1 1 M7 Cnlumtila 1 1 Sunmlck Z S 1 70i llatfrmrood 21 f f- iAtnria 2 2 47 Tranklln 1 1 7- Ml I lliiulftnrd 0 4 64 uuialrk12 I 781 NBW JIMISKV ASSOCIATtOX 0 t 2 4 2 1 1 Pniilatfr 1 2 fnionr- vi Jfrsfy I47jols HIS 1 Callf 2 t 2 l fn7 Our n2 2 I Alpine 2 1 707 Hour 2 71 t 2 0 1 71- 2inrinnl 7ft 741- Cllyirpla wools IIAM TOlIIMAMnH- TNewJft r CIO lBn 8 8 7M- Cllnliili I S41i AlllHIt 2 4 110- 0linoliltl R 1 ir7 i Mlroi ilttan2 4 f27- Ufavrttf 4 2 HO lf t Ilubolieti2 4 MM- Calilr 1 1 r71 Olyinpla 2 4 7W- llnrnln 1 1 KS llnyd 1 R 7W- Instle Point C9I 1 M t Kill IIHOIIKIVM nOVXI XnCAMM LBAQ- UElhliadilliiosf llll A 0 Dauntlfss 1 I Ilice 1xfrtv- miinily Nnsssu 4 o tsi XVnsh IrvIng 2 M7 7 1 042 ItMtlrlrn 2 4 R 1 lilt Htfioort 2 4 04- R 1 f10 Commnn rlth2 4 7 A I vis Adirondack 2 A AM- f t l l VlttCllntoa2 n 7M 2 l 77 Kef n I 7 f M 1 V4 ProlulrlA I 7 771- I 2 Mil XVilrtme 1 7 M 4 M onnttlf 0 4 711- l imr Uland 4 J K7 Mninlnr 8 HK- Ilulton 1 A S iiamfiry O 733- IIIIOUKIYS linVAl AlirAMM MHTOfnNAMnNT- fiillon 4 n- Iliirnslrii 2 0 J r Prlrc litnr Island1 1 liiltifil 1 Daunlifas 4 2 Kant Nf Votk4 2 Phllidflpho 2 7M Kortliiffno 7111 llustmlrli- R 7V1 Wn h Irvlni Ilfdtord- A 7HX UlTfrU Ml Nassau 7UX llntixirt 1 7S9 llriioklya 2 2 tlS 1 784 1 71S- a 739 3 734 A tM 7 741 0 2 f7A 0 4 Dxxittrilnumi 1 74 Df Iui ar 729- IVlli a 3 7 IOXO ISLAND IIOnLINO tBAOUR- l sl M Iln Knl hl a 1 P45 7 1 un Monarch 4 A 111- 3Mnntiattan 5 I H43 icho 2 4 J a- ltilick 7 A 7 South Inw I 5 tollS a l n J KortOrffne J i Ml K County XV 4 2 P4 Orient t A rrr Atlantic 4 4 ftl1 Olffnwood 0 f 2- llrdford 3 3 M- HKOOKLVN OnilUAMA TOfRXAWKMT Prosperity n 1 lnsn Jfilh xVard t i ttnt Annex Adflpht- J A Myrtle nriir 2 1 IiS a 1 M Arlmeion- A 1 illo 1 1 tinS StamtaM 2 ton t 1 IKJ1 1 1 M9- I 1 MM I 9 A7- t D Uff- lllnlferd Paine 2 2 W4 lndfpfndfnt0 4 U0- 3OIIKATrll NEW yOUK Manhattan 5 l 42l- lish Ciiiinctl4 2 2 04 Aillnrlon- l HA Pin Knlrni imtilr- U43 Pontla- cPt Krno a 1 o a ma 2 2 wo 2 4 UAO 2 I 4 1 S M- Sr t New VorkR 1 HWI Atniufort 1 0 Aia- Mrlroinlltan 3 S 1114- 1DUOOKIXN ABlrNOTN NATIONAt TOVRWAUKXT- Monatcli 4 u MHV Amfitoil 1 t 741- PrnMfiUr s l Him trIg Ailiurfn2 4 MIA Palate 4 A JrralfrV V2 4 7 n- Iarsm 4 f A Pontlac I A fit Aillncton R M1 l t 3 74- Iliannrry 02 1 R 7- 4litto 2 Mil llltntlKIVN HANK IIKIIKS DOWLt O LBAOt r nkllnTliut v Ma Ilrnadway Hkl 2 77X- X S r l nki Manf sV Bkl a vt- Spraru N II4 771 HamtunTluMO 4 717 Mimf Trust 2 2l y Co Hank o 4 ftil 7fl- iItonllnc Uames Anifllron National Tournarnfnt fioldfn Hod- oiinlhlan f d ColumMa al the fifrmanla Aatrrnbly- tmjrrn alYft- Itrlfm l iKi TournTnfnl Corlnthl n Colonial Ofov Thum A l 8hl Jnrl NnilonI Lraru ridfUa tn Arjirlc at Starr a- rnliimMa Standard Arfanun- Hhfeimrn eml llnvdal at Srllusilne alleya l KUf MlKity Tirmo- AMidloicsitn fiiloti I aicuf Ctilumliu Catholic lull Teim Vo 1 1oltimlnn Ciithniie Iluti ream No M Monies m lir Iilui nl s- xo Js hail limn ur nt Mitinpolltan Man nnd Instle Innt Ijrlnn at Ap- iiiarn lly- At d ToutriUitiil Atnirlrin Tfam No nrlmn il l No r Auifilran No hunirln 1iin Vo I sOd Surirli Team No 2 lit rfrrus k- fflslim Toutnamrnt rrti1 Nn I Mnl unit a nl Strarlto shiny liitrrrluh Ijaiu Coliiniblin VH Kntrkri- Miiker f C iic fiit A C I Club rini Unmklvn mytv llrinKlvn Iliiyal Arrnn rn iuf Iauntlss- mo nl Mornimr Star i oitii11 and I Council il rumors iii v- iir ifi Xork iiiurnnnKiit Aillntton Ton Ur Hint lMiTltl lit IrillM A Klllff alf S- l nia lsiunl tfitsw Miniluttun Ilihii and Kant Srw Xoik at the liriuml luli alleys iirrmanlH iiirarriit l K irlfflna Arlltntlnnh l t lirrmanla Hall ally Arlmclnii National Tnurnanrnt Arnrrstiirt nnd Arllniton at llfitram A Vnlla Miry JluiUon Uacu Atthir ts okalon at- ilfflichs 5 minor Ilasrball TIc Twelfth lIniment ariiiory was picictd on iiiiriiny tIght when ihe re liental nlnn tonic floor affalnst the team of the First X Ta- llittallon Thin garlic was easy fur tiilllliu- nen and In thd Klzth Innlnc with th score 21 S ataln t them thus nnateur eillornrn oe- id toe vo It uti The eleven battery work of Twelfth It inienl was feature o the rime Catcher l o re cla Ir clever in lotil h II Onndwin aid Hlid wet ID the ml us for tho allor and with better support ind n little hittlnir th team would aon- mich uettir IECO UPS 1cc- 5uisl- hI i 7 hi iilsfrsu I is Srt ire it sj iuin I SulhTtul jiriisuj5 71 fit t l I Sijutlui 7i 77 it situ sn t iul I ts ASh AIuO DS Slips rker 7 sil lluink Clerks r4 unit I sushi ri fl- Aunts Iiioi Meat II5 1 OhI- l t Au lit 1iuleniio Ii 1 13 Ininutshlp I 5 ASh I 4 5 Oi iA a S 7 I 4 rs t 555 Ihusi A Ait ui5iii t lit it tsI5 Llnsnsd 2 a 01111 4 ii59 Intenpnls A tin 7 CIty I M- 1uaitiisl New IllS i CAl ii 00 0 11 0i this AC AS A I hAll iii 5041 lAS A I AfI ASlu 7 521 lAS 2 757 73 AOl lAbs All 2 72t 7 702 74i JOhnson its2 Lead CO 2 I I I I 02A Morris 1 tImer 0 lOt 4itimurniIle 2 2 Steal Ilnhotnin A N > Punt C 1 I I t 6 710- Mtiuuliattutnu 3 15 Mi it 7015 AOi Ftthireefla2 2 572- itiioluwutk 2 Nsa York SAil I liiust It iiimntt1t suI 1s lorest 7 Star 0 e I 1 Ill I 1 I I New oti15 1105 2 1 II 2 12 1ot7flAflrrM- oniirrh 3 h QUer ti I S S tots ElliS Stiuintfl A 8 0 2 I 3 t South 2 I 1 007 2 I 15 is I 2 7 Tonight ant itt alit Ita lesgie ouiuhll Side sa s- uifr o I nut ills lotus n IS right I flat I sam Sal ram A JuliA IiIiies and Its truiwnnd i I lust 5 units Stats lob s SuIt I utter a exit Pow oUst his the S ito I > > < > > < > > < < < < > < > > Speaking of a Full Back Coat those loose fitting I broad shouldered kinds must be cut right and tail orcd I fit rlrjht Ours perfect- as made to meas- ure In the iricc Coats 1250 to 2700 Raglans 1800 to 3500 Other kinds too Money back if not perfectly suited BROOKLYN A I VS OP Till Ijut Kacea of the Sf on Hi Tallbur IleiiU In srrnl Splllf About iftn persons went to the Tallfbiir track yesterday to kliivrr and rntrh the mpej The nmnmenimif nnnouiued that ihpy would lat contorts of tho v on I he twenty five mile pvent was liiterestli r Thrro were tweatyeliflit ntartcru until tho offered for thin lender at exch five miles mvie It piao- tlcillr n li s of tlvemllii races Thtre tv r- thlrtena rider lot at twenty miles and nine fit the finish There were sernil mishaps Charles Unmans whlin tryIng to ratoh his clip tell In the eleventh mile and vu palnfullr cut nbout the face T I Hrown four mile wiu upv t by running Into a rider who had been lapped Johns Kins took n tunable at nine arid onehalf mllas but rnmoiinteil and In n mile and n half was awaln ridIng with bunch Kclilee who woo ahead nt most th larw had puncture Ht twelve nnd onehalf mle chinB 1 his wheel and causht up In throe laps or thfoeiniatops of A mile Th- nnlsti ww a one II ittpr wInning by with n bunch rldluc Ion n itiimaries- Pufult Hac o far Aatonmn Brooklyn Ttrra J P Jackson New llitfn Wo i by Aarnmon Pta lance 4 ml f s aM yard 11 mlnmri s 4 tie nn- T Amtfur with Sne il I m Karh Ill M ls Won by Monte N WOrk rdatd Ilinreln a and John Klfie Nrwurfc third Sims Ilrlli Nf ttak fourlfl William li li tiln i t Oranrr flfih llnif I hour 0 ml iitfs1 4 ft c id Wlinmol mil rrutt- K nn Wntrliiry at mllfs V s F nn al- tu citIes Charles Sch ff l Ih m If Muntrr at 2 rules WInner of spfrlal uIn fir leading U- Mtrratf t number ol lapicbailes Htbltt Michiol left New York on Satur day for Viisijton miser ho will trolls log H met filnst Stinson fur which nrst moith Tbo has not abandoned hi plntloiu to Jockvyxhlp but h biding hU time One of thin doldlent dtalled from OoTernor Island tn nn thin war nuto nt the Gardtn was n ke l yeMenliy by R reporter of TB Stun whit ho of tho machine lie replied The IdiM Is nil right I do tint think this machine would fur the coughs roads and rough ucrpo of real servIce If they would inak It lipavlitr and cixn It more and more carryliitf capacity It would be all There wins the material for merry fight at tutu road rate of the A Whetlmnn that was run on the Hoffman Iloiilnvard yesterday afternoon hut the police It There were thirty htarter VhiHlotvwhii received llnlfhfMl tlrt with nd Anderson tmth of whom started from scratch iecond and third and oil les than a length Tho decided Vln low The clerk of Iho course and the obeckern at turn onlIne nlom later and declared thnt Whit- low rodo not more than half the KUbstltuleJ by another man The prizes hM been gIven the effort to cot them bank made trouble small Donnvhrook when mounted dice arrived and matle the qiiabblern take to their wheels Prnf Tbtrston on Automobile At the dinner of thin Automobile Club glrcn- to exhibitors at the Garden there were about 200 cuests and some of the speeches hid rotate of mulch Interest Jrof II II Thurston of Hiblfly Oollme Cornell lnlxerslty saId that ejoh a club had bees needed for Snno asil thai proceeidel to n historical recital of th toward antnmoblllsm Ua uld that Iiaa Xowton In luaU had planned an auto aid that In 170T a halfway praotloa oie WM mad In Prance In 1830 the sabjot- nf motor volilcln for the road was again briKit forwirj In Fraace bill legislation dofeita It Th9 Ki ll h Parliament in ISIS nntolat d a com altua to InvestIgate Ue- nutter of imtoiiujliii and that r jtjl that prftUil ma hlnns could b to ruin miles an heir A vut lu tht IIMI of loriN novreTW- d Its it machines must riot have rovlway prlvlleje- sIldus ill Htcim engine and the American history down timid a tline when would b pavol with Iron plat aid th horns would unknown U was a peculiar feiturn of that dinner that there warn or No no against every OIK who talked bout tne posslheextlno of tho hor Conner notIng nl- ieor i r ChambTlui dross npplnms by ri ff rrliir to Vi l re ldeit A c who preside 1as u nivi who not only a tuttle li automobile ono who also Irnl tnvnty lx eitrles n the dim tint hPtlm In thi iinlon text Monday m st Mii akir was KJtly Iesldont of the Chlcneo Automobll iInli lelTrTHOi whiles the dliinrr wit In prosrps riiiinrkml to a reporter f Toy Sfv that the mat show the lust year affairs In London and 1arli which he ChorniVI S T lie Sated Fill rrnm Knck out Toe Ctioyskl who was one ot Bob ntulmmvnjjCt- Mnmdi when lie ought Icier Maber at Viw Or leans aluiut eight years are aay that tie sated Fits from being knocked out on that occasion Choynak- Uftlatei tliM the nil round had stIll thirty urond to r wii M ti i hit Kilt further Mini mini lritiiks ttAsnrilrlai uniifepfr- ot Hi nuh liforrr Clark nl CMrniru nod lr ut Moran hld the wntrhfs ion nirhir 1iankiI- iml lila hund on tl hll s Iiu win V nook fit mil I toot In hue aituatlon and striking trunks on hIss arm ran lifll Him tliroiiirh the napes stud tarrld bark tu Ms chair aa limp at a rar- Thfi no unift ot pritft from either Ushers finDer or front huts tlmf Only the KlUHmrooni- liillovrfia knur lmt re doing II shows linn iirifnilimat Shun wes In hatluc dad one handle him for titlit like that o- nCRAPHOPHONE8 l Wtfinc EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Minin- an IMT- to IOM AT AIIOEST RECORD STOCK IN NKW 26 West Broadway She Curt QUEENS CO JOCKEY CLUBj A flT flfrT U L Rio vain C 4I 1110 J op IL t 4 P U SIMM onBict vttk tamfm Oo J areas 1 4 i I 5lt Ii itiirs hui lbs Iii 1754 toe tit his a aei Pnliei toe den flee as 5 James he rub a l tIll this the bet 4 woo ti tim years iSlAm its ill I Ii tuient hive tat suds ftuiIujumsnSlio of Iru6 a he tbsent tnaced- tttp licted tin WEt cetttn t Iii Thus a 1 says S Sisal 1 a hue list rope Just the till was they a tug pOt1tltflfl iltoaS Plo i ORE Racing Every Day at 2 P M- Admtslon to ant staVd IbO isa hays 5 1010 I 15 j4G Lad Flitbnsb a I < > < > ¬ > >

Transcript of The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-12 [p 8] rci on why tin rvili fhonld int lo-iltertil HD...

Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-12 [p 8] rci on why tin rvili fhonld int lo-iltertil HD Iliat evervlmdy ex t tin1 later i e tniiiiir t r MI h triini hiild-le eicluiiid iroin



finnriit nr 1 TWO TO nr-in in IH rm Kr-

fhf vr lUrrn Fleien lrri 1l-mfat Sore Winner Satmrtit Wit theI leer Ilar Vimnit Itll Aiinln-MColuiihlilfnn ll 4nln1 lnlrU lxrn-

tn form illpi itlhln ih b t ten cl y-

Ynle Nhniilil Im a J I 1 fatoHio mcr 1rlm emnt-

vli ll llii elmiis line lipnl Irmrettili on HtS-

nturiliv lii mnris rH iammt MII-

llIVI Val Will lilV Till X W HlVItl Oloteil

i int e l ihlelty f vitiTlilis while tin Tlirl-

lllllS hmtl III tWMjIll ID I nisll III IH-Vlfncoiithnil with mom skill and hiviillpiny

tli r foothill M than ih men if-

Irliirxtun Vnln IKH not tiHV iiil n dftnt tlmpar while PriiTimi In l ein vnniinlhcil hv

worry Vao was rotumhia which also lift tlio

honor of Hie only iltil to scorn n Mwhi-

lnwrn niraliil tin NVv llnvin playersVs Viili hii tnliiiiiliiii by l to i ntilr pres-

no mid Iolumliln i il 1iinrtton liy 8-

i In mm nf ti most Krnillim LMiiifi of the

iir It Is Iknnl it that P-

iknln t the linllan ti Siitiinlill Im IniitHii mi Sitinilnv hi-

tmiiiK still llm fnit flinilil n

ihi TUirs will he on tliol-

xhei thy will l pntmriili t rlltili Tim Fib

l hrnoe


in Huh to tle-ilonti liili nil itliirs

condition niid HID oiiiliiraiiio nf th r-

o Hhich with onlv n iHitipl ii ilinnc-

eit hns a lita n lviiniaiii Ill1 n w mm-

iifiitiu of n bdvy ruh lin with n luht bHl-phl us ilntiM d hy III Vllc conch is Ii1l-

t liIIi it Iii wiMrul l in r-

iillliit Vltll IlilTlilrlirt1 In llcfcm1 mid In-

Iliimllnp Vuhi looks 10 IM Jir iilnml of-

rluculoli at thlo ilnuo-

X Is iluil ID aiund mimiiirnin which Il trie iviiiie Itriliir iliiriMlti-ipoii tho MHMI win iiivi i Klim ihn-I uor till iill III hiriTil llir iluim llo-lriinitofiiumliii mum th n i ritiini-MI ilii iirnt ihnl limn in Hi tiiiflyY-IHIII tin iiirnuT i riHll iiarir limn

In inch il In hill luik ItiiiT Moli mi ilKIII iiil ii otii i lit iTiiniltaiM-

lirint tin liiliini n lll l vtnli liiil In n it-

n iiiiiforin ii n li in llii in in Mliiid-iilf when flu play ttu htul i I iniiny-iinu7 wort iiiiliiii in

l ilil Voiinn ii ii Iliittr ttiri hurrnil oil Hi-

i i lifuii imili ilier iiinii itih tn Klvriitin iiitipi ini nHVuphnif r m-

i iin III t Ini iieliiil ycitcrilty wiiilhrr-im woy hoi 11 I aril 41 i i tiiniui-ilurler ril miiiiel i lln rm-tnrslt1 xilil IHI tin hil fimltedrilriiiitini ti lioh Voiiiu ind Iliilir hnd-

UMltit iuin hn olio nl tli hnlf-I i ft nf iiiiMiii Ills Hlbinilit-lio wns ti mil is lyi Ibo on vtiih-i tvhlt fiilivi jio ell Idliinillt n ii

tit till IMIII n iliiicr Imx mill u limit i

InnlHi nn vil iinlio bit Io-t nn tilth me tilnti cint i jH in ttaMM nohiilv A iiliMer f Till s hi-

nlii Itntir tlit for the it iMir iitrs ns n-

I IIMT of lii iriniiioii ijeven iiml i

thit tnillil not iinii part In th I oltmbia-anin iinl In tmrt u mi aliil xu lit into

ilur1 lino not Imciislltiill So fur us Vinuiir is ronrnei IinIiv IIIXP oi lt iiinti i vlihont liintr ilc

u l rcimhlis of th Irini-tnl inJI in htlllil It I hanl In ifhVtt thattit Irlnton 1oielio ttoul1 purt sinhhat irio niorj i lj a biiMnx am-

At the rnlterlty of in lxinri ihnr nre-irylne l pxiijiln how llnrvniil stoiipiil tlu

l Ia The Iniri PMUM is-tioMt navel Thtiiiiliiirsoiivthni Ounrlir Itnrk-lirnxv irivi tin imp iixfay lii t Ixfiri ihn-rininvlviiiii iiMHic MI iimpiiei tho liall-liiirk lYixns ioi up tlTlrrtvl niii ifivo-

ii lnnl Tliii n iini ij lHriro the lullami iiiirk to lirn iraxvs iwnt hit kmis midiritiii X In iil o llarviinl know thnt-

ihn luill tvn about in le put In plix nml Ihn-firwirils iminUlv 4iinii il alnii v itfi th refillHiat the lirnk up IM ffi aiimi of the iruiinU-iiarli iMfTi It toiii ciii iioi ntnni llm-linvi tiviii ii Munil ttuii Inlit oxir in-

lilml Mil i kf fi innKr artno Ilir-vnril ttoiilil ini lnotvn wlnn to pliume-orwunl mill il r bien n nn-

vlnlanii of ofliie pliv llarxiril then vmihl-Ilive lirn liuilili In top the iluv alil IVnn-

viiiii xriiiilil liaxe on All nf xvhlr-hmiiils Ihil Ionih XinrrnT iivldnnilv

ilint hs r n must not Im niiiillnmt tint It will iililttMirly nir efnM-cinwhlU It inlthi I well In llfil mit whether

hi IMinvlivinii iiiarter Uieks in isn amii-MU miv Hi1 snap iittiy just as frnvcs did

Tin1 Columlla Vnrwiv hns another Importantnlpi in nst Silnrdiy xthen tlin men

kD ID Aninpolis i meet the Nnvil Artidiiny-iiinm liixv hin n plirtm u-

Mnuiir cimw all ih fall Irinreionhem only in n and thef feel IIMIID ivintlrtiitit-of oiitiibivlm Smfnrds nien Ihe Iolmnhill-ilaxors will nil l in trim tint they fill tin xvjih-

iit the siirvifM of ijiiatirr lin k r

his yoiini llnyi iti will play and llmlatter has the iniUeip of n ciminc tir Ion h-

Sinfonl his refnilmd fron ihsi M in Iho-oltimMi eloviMi up in wiihin a Ilw lit Imt-

fo i ni Tlf SiN he SHJI v rtrdavTin toliinitiii clvon Iin done much h ltrt-

lmn I eiriiie Tinre nr fvinl PMTI nn Ir-

t are nvn In Hi urt of fiutliill Taln-WeiUiti nut Morle Intanee 1 dn tithnoxr cf Itto l lliT liilf luli Then tlifrcsVan Ili nlnri m em hint n itmerlnr-In mv tlmntinn while Alltin nt rlthf lirll

the liuist elTiTtlvo tntstler Ive sein IliU fill1 ther n lniler Lnirrl than liek Writ hiWell hnrill and ftriiee PHI lie r i nnv-of the ectitre There a fnw trnk-timt it In iiniith r ear we miy Im abln 10

en them xtdh new t lni-Sfjtuebnlv lil other day thit Sinfnrds-

ml n nf fiinn tvi mo liiri tint that vitl-iefore f tlumliti hiil Ylle Im tl tn xiii-nnd hail luiflten 1iineetnn Xnodriiff tIn

fNnili reilvis nn n fir forhis forxlees anil I Snnfords rcronl fitMa In two voirn Is mnrlor to TVnodrufl at-Jenim Innla In the tirH two seasontook hold

Nev Vork tnlxer sfuilcrs rer muchdiUlppelnid fiver the defult nf fhelr nt

Collejre Thn rli v n rrn-sinnfldnt nf victory trhmi It left tin H i MsIn thp mnrnlrir the frrsh of Hi iniilfyl-exen wis Knatly tilier timnied Mp-

tliorki and Inich Hatch took th tiiuo tisk nfter tincure 1 Ills week th mon willl put throifch th tevervsr triinitias tint only the imwi strireiin-liitho l run i conclti lnn-

in the isoii Mnnngr liouM announced lastw k thnt the with ItutifiTs rolnwhich wis to hnii lireti played on Sutiinliy-at Ohio Fild will take nn nfmt-imon at the request of the NVw 1 r iy boyslnnt and Itrennin nn1 tu 10 icI n nnd If lino s nh to play It will b th-

Irit tliii iiiui with ojiriptmn of Ihn-ipenln the full tcnm hiHen in Hie tleld The rs htneii will play their

flr t cinii of thi yrar at Ihlo tins nflcr-nooi with team from llirnird Siluml Aflu Vnrslty oirnot risk tlio losof a mit r it-

in of th fnfhnien nn Hint team xtlil l nl-

otvffl to play Ihls will diprivn iho Irtshiiinn-f lh kerviron of nntr Mnr lenuanl Johns n end and Tut hill iiaf brictt-

f K loiiis hits l i n roailurg tln Itiiin-ind he lias turned out i ciid elexeii-

Tlie abuse of till Mde line rub which I up-pomd to limit the rei lotemntivft oi mh com

Isciiliilaed tcau Iiiilhiraction on the tart in the Huirst omtnlnciuhf seawin end hile II ha iiii7itedthat there ulinuld Im n i nail v fur llit xiof the rule eiichasa iniiiii tlnriapiiiisiolo-no rci on why tin rvili fhonld int lo-iltertil HD Iliat evervlmdy ex t tin1 later

i e tniiiiir t r MI h triini hiild-le eicluiiid iroin the idi lit is-n lie IlJ i Ullllk thfli w the

mt ilfd n ih lines Thiv Iiivi all ilo do ihcir nork in ile iriiimir-

aine at home hit in th hit ntfio-lletfiatp iintfit tin u meiiiyrtatirs unit Hhotllj bi riled tnttvtviii-

cionllnijlr A way out nf the dilllfiilty woulde the nilon of a l ina pen on PII h-

xlde of tho Hold iii leiud in that HUistltuiouches arid ndvUeri would l t unable in eii-n upon the miifio e tuihout rllmblmr-

nve ile rail It n ijht ui i I e l kv od planleivci to ho ninrliiilin nf the riieii nr-

nmpllp whtfti i tunirf pf in i uniiicIs n sin I nr tin pn fit iiiifilIngs lrniner rm ci iin in iliM at am-

illlie o lilt ui clxitiK a mail IirHum ti arrv i ruiiiiisr-oni ll ii-

fnillld rJim reilnenn nf

Mil with In iitiavir f InilnrIrinc tiii I m finin til h I In Hr hilit i rniiiiv fruithe oljillnej to ihMrlniiiuui stui m hunl

It hr liein pharrm li ini-Ietmsrltanli Mate t nllleue thut lnnniiha tien miinstiiiit bnrerof instruri ufiiimhe Prlncvton otviche l trre iv u rul thatprohibit of nnv kind iheconeoi-In not em ii iw ttillim to it id I the rulis-litpfnre thilr tttil iiiini trim totile lini npinir to be iTI nniHillllliuIlK Comilil IIH iXiM Illiilul f

rriiiuclio inikiin i ruliiili iniuThe CnrlMe Inrllnn Will laxp tn bnuo im-

iv tvartt in Mr iTiuiiik-uvi r l y ii lil I uj 1Mt iirail inniiultMi n TI-Ilieitnineinil tInt KI Kir UM bin kMid n tin koiii and ni i ln wii nit l

ur to tht ftaiidini fur aT 1H U ker Mm l s-

eft Inn trnlntnu nlnirl HHI nnd Is nil eil-i JM n lund

l 4



b I


ltr IIfIII rIIIh uitrInI

hth I4tki iuuiiiIit IIii Uly b lIl tii


tPit I

ru I Iv

I tit i rr bi Irrii


hitsI lIi y ilIl tIi rhit

tirptI i

tnr U




j i


Hill Iit i





b t I Ii kitiibt

I t I rtlci-

r Ij r4 I iI U a j i r i to htii t r rnii II


Iii t

It c I




r r

Iii lit



I cit hnth r fly

r t4 t


fnn I tLhim


lAtinrru iIt


vmtt rim

jat I rId i v


t litg

I i IiII Iii


tel big I ii Ittiv Iii ti

tin 1tt


imiI I t Iii

I rim i



I ss

its i

It lit

2I i

I hiii iit t



titill i II


f I I li fit I ii liS


h i P

snie griti 4 urn tt fliit4itij Iiilf list tic


< <















> >








> >

whi o Inns nm the crowdsnil nv r Hie Miller nnotlitT craMhalt hark ha withdrawn Tlunone of the ilnrst ruard win iMf lny Tl foolbull nnvfrlin been nplvnl

n line his Just ioiinnut r tin hnjital and nh ne ha MPik-

Itinil the team K5 per rent With newinrv erlemed rid men In thethoi Kinr ii i H woder that nl-Viner liis Imil i dlirtriil tllsii Man

him I he Indian honeyr tIM iuntmid wilUnc tn loirn lhlr only laiiH-

is u lendincv to ln e heart lien MnV flml lliai-Ihey ii ro oiiiplivpii Siturilaywhoa their barks lialiiiri xver iluwn nmlr klek swlflly ilial-i wis irt tilts Ih bill back the

iviii lii drives t iril thtf tloef-of ih uiine and allowed the end to IMII-Kirnkhl in them f r hint tn il The wineHit was iinkly Mopi d bv ale and the

lndiin iliil II Yule rmld do thisII wi u npiess ta k U i e Ill IMlln fSfVii sis riMlel vi ll lied M ll liurlei-

I ollllilii eleUMi this I line illan aflr with iriillillim

It nn nnniial rvrnt to cllvover oirrinilx-n hiif nl Vales errrl rarllii Ihoolht

diy i lire H hue iilnl rr was niied liitOU-iii il ed llarvud mm un rluif tli-

nmo liwrenie wn inuhl In tho ml-of ilrtwlnu dliirriiiu of Vahi irlix Ironsn pint nf vantuo in its ITMIII MI and ll Is-

an II waver that dld-n t ml lawienii i Ve ibniii for anyKlill mrpoe Illd if I ill I at wiier liillt I-

Ilanron Imd heirs m ill lle lnteir i ol-

llariMni ii amdil no lm e ndmlitnl tilllihiniiv in iiii loii when illiiovoril innof i Vlle Klbstllie Wl lllloteil I-

filiith ii wliivriii n Rin-lihif vn ti reism MI tin Liller nniM hivibeen uriitii tho i of H i Ibrre l ton1iiion fiif and mtier nhirt inlIod fi rotI rarltfi y Ui w i nr III Hie hie BHIII It M

nltinyr the IM P tiit Ihp rlrveiw putin tIP nT fixibiil oir In ami your

mInd 1inl tilA i layi oil fates i re rill o it TO M v nt Yll winuniio irv I II ilnti fT It l i n ttv-

iertiln tlni fin Mary ird ini es and rlnrrs-wlm fin Yile i liv l o Indians on Saturltytot al the pollit thei wauled-

Nlw Vi II Vile fnnf nll-

IIIMI evne tio liitIi wli t ltdyllUif n KMMI 11 Slioliiin wl-ili e1 wit i n iiT If HOP I not an ie Mr i-

iir siturdrs trie Vain men nro iled-nir lh fie Tle iii i ns rnurli of H-

urTiK In t1 hero as ll wn to irlisle Vnlo exr led n win but Ir n iiillrile nut he firel Ihnf the re I ineu triml-

liiiro vn0 nt lei i YHli iduit that I

II lial sits n div hut iworlie f lstint IHT loin1 U up a nilllni I crThe rr i Vor lor Imi otin and afor HintIlirviril Val ha not her loiil be-

ini in IIP lio Indiii under but i

muLes KMI tie kine i nvor Tb i ir-priiti siinwine f l up n an Kinikn ia

nf nn Tho nie I n-

nnwlsw hrllnr ll e trill liniliVtorrnwiinitni-out t f tnl shariH vhlim of-

S lunlivi plie The iiiidrjitiidimles iro-

yoriIiuT wboileriie will WPI 1 pliie on tho-ln At iTeeril uiee ami-

Ilneko nre the nnpular favorltn for the barkHold trli Tler wurU on Saturdiv look tbc-ollei In storm The bla bnks never plnyo-dih nuim Th Vey Haven

nlMt ThV wero Iroilly dianpolntoi butImil no ovules tn nlir tio nlnyor ansill In ifnod iiv lfl romllMfn tilt nmrhe-

liili ibis Im bt thlie for Ilflin will In nlive Uli ll IVOrs neify nf ilTl Vorlf tn whitio fillS oi of iheii Tint the leini Is mil

iit llni hei U snliiethllKf no nne deniM

IRISfKTOX Sv 11 IT nreioi ro irhos-w nt In New Have yoiorday to nio Y11 y ihe Indian nd t v cunvincdl-ll1l tllelr pllpil ll Ve HI e of the lit ft-i in lii fiicvnn ii xl sitiitilay thai uny eieven-if ih iris e ii 11 k hi up Mciltiil iirmnt yea s I r llliil ii ts luvl boon mllii-ii the re otts w l h vo lieoii iroliir tho-olndsronoriiiL the koiiinr of Ynlpv IK

lien and hun i point lole bv the Illiin-MIS u Mirp e iniiipito us It was u-

ipTant aim t r r lu that trns-Intc I wn ni r r luted to tht minilimn null oiiiftiiii MiHor I mr ociuri-In Ini liu next few lay IJK yenr howevertin Tlitors in l o rore i iiij one toudi-I w iii n iist the a it mi nnwn tpim-if Vi bnt n aid I tleron Cohetr on-

K Satii n fore slur bii i e nnd ho-

m rovein nt ilur n h I I epk ws wnn ei-

ul Hut ineiiiidiilinthen wer nioielt-tab n the iroi wf h Hlnida-

jnenf v riiw 10 nk slots S irt triteco will h iin t iinrro ami wilt ITblinyi-

iiiitriuo nnnl aiuulr with I o eieo toi f-

unelay wli ii tin d r rHilunies I I icfiv-i List nptxrtii ii tn Mo nn er team Yiei-amn y t cive Prinonm mnn n KOI d-

i mr1 o tft a line ihi vie of p ay nml lieitliiennd th luihorilps nie wH nnuniihtediy

f wlml I ey rtrtw Wb eer Ihi-Id irunril lierjen ill liak mid Iliiii-irar i t ike have Jninerl hun ooiic I iir w danii ll h eirin work ifahl tninirrow-

ind hsl provoii M t ntii n CI ion lib mole k ns-

linicA Nov it Co n II hijrtn tn hucVlii on-

ier minor fur her 1mt two c iitMs tli s wrPti wor which th ill In liianii recar ledn iirniri c unit sytu n

her will not hV tlin ih Ir teamI I at hoSts loinl Pntu Ivama Notv His nnil ns tiellisiitiesi f ihell is In very Kood cmi liitunluit irnnrd l up 11 f ansI Sa-nUk lru ed into si exco

i Al landrs injury sunrum th hlt twr ca e hut has hid n en dtill ti In Iueder The laMer w lulls onlyrpnunds bu n ha ll ilur and

m ma a ur sfn innUUiKMtv Cornell ha hnd poir snhst uies bm u

Tof t ie rrui moi have bon clvtc-iiVirMly i hard tlLlii Of tlioseIhomirvp i niot nin lion HII ubeen atHli tT hack ill end I ut has hnd tr ati t ICCPS ill end I ronrlie feel c ndent that lie run In i lied upon in a bli cnmd

M nninuwv Nov 11 VVelevnns nnrl-irstonlay with the Holy Cross nnii will rntl-Hftory to her follower Only wa thall In evins tenltnrv then hor np-ifieiiM klkerl their oiilv gnHl

iiiMly filrnhlo hnwever lind txvlro lostlio hall on hT opponent iyard llie Thelfinlv plnv of the lemn improved morebin u per rent hirin he nt two weeks

en I ne P Ihepjcrelleii-ynrk of conrliPt ll iiinnl and nrhln Thn-na slntarklo nml the tnperi-ai k dniiblppns irlrk won rotLi pyin nknlnit arlmnutti ns both of thr rt-

vere worked for Bond cilns Tis-fnialnln ffnmes will bo ihiiiilnn hl runets itlih Williams Amhoivt Th

ea n rnncliej-iv Ilatrmnnd ansi Sevel amid evirx cITnitrill ho made tn Improve deferiive workmil lliu line Th tPiin h en

playlne orsrorden n half bac And IinJili-

Klrktnc Indrr ii Mr ItnlriTh last cam of t iMp football for UsA

hiinilnn bip o lirnvr X w York andn ruii rffered by former Sheriff Thomiw-

lunn wns ptayed at feltio Iirli yesi rd y-

if tor liny tin es fns n evereen o tli t grid ran lii UTnimellsiJefealed-

h r or oiiin Kkliim bv u pnliti For Mie wtoriuuj fifteen x Karris spolii

Fnnlhnll Nofi-rw KicilMONp NOT 11 tlmidy-

SMneiiresviif Shut ti wti is hurt h r Inf iilbxil came vn urt ta died yfstfrilny ot il


At t wlstiart SRiudny llurknell t1 fr ItTIfiilff Si lucfiati rwrcr tyhya pnff of Uinii

Cit Cjlli c Till Pi Clklnu l liir if IJf-Se t a 1if l I luO-

At jA tnr uvsl yfsiirtsr aft rnonnboil n nl nriKoni Kittrtnd Slit JIDH betxiren Iii

rmiiillr Cut rlrrpn aiid Slut tram ot Ihe-A III IIH mi inlinn Afirt one hours pl rlilit team rntfd-dnANfJir Nit ItMurti lintlrnatlm tTiui Murd-

If yr t rilny tlrniin liy HIP f ill iri ot th Knlr-kbukr A r if Nrw V ik in Us rn rnf u it

n il iy the iimnee A muncr Oritlivm fi r is roilvd f nm Ihr Iv X C ftt-uitrt linml lint Suty TM Is Uirmill urn iti Xw XiirUiM IHP rilsniiptlrd LIP

Vveii i wn In hull leri thlnl-t mint He mrh ihlmvlnn nan one n lnc-nmd Imiifil out In ii tin Slit h In n lfltittlni f ri

Vie iri I UT urlrus had nil on nlit inl ti rniwd Khi ti aid Ma laity cnni-


A irnmr ai plarrl In th ir nuiMum ot theitiil iint V M l A uti SnlunU nihl ttir Hin-

wi ilpe inc Adltf I f tram of tatrrvin-iy H Mlife ol T7 tn

Tff f nlar sn nn nt the Vntluriil lluslrltiikll-rii stu dsy nl hi At

M i if ilijefl n At lump navtn t ih MilrJl-e aii non hy III1 M r o i in t Z-

Tb Nt ork tlt r i rr Ihr npplirnts ot th-

h nil 11 tftil i i rrrni ri nlrst WASI-H h cird lit Bi e h i ticIJ Ahiervil tiriitrii it w X ink If am and

int the I id oltlif rhntnrton hndlT-lroO K InJr I ll ir 11 s JJ-f t In in nuif r CJi if pnyed il linl-

ilrliU i r Iirlti trxm r rl J imtnts cim 14-

o li MI ylii I U iyrle Club1Voi mr nt r SutAfrn rynmnsliimSttunlay nlcM xxii or M of ih onr SM-

mtrr tlti nth r MBS rl fninuli to sa l unylHlytif Aiinee trAPi ot Nf Xork urnl tlir Jroeriss

11 ol llriviklyn futnislinl Ih url m iilwr TinVw X OTWIS Sign tV 1 srorf of 4x tn 1 Th Ifurn-in iwn n III nl iti XP Xoik I lest nud

ln tiil nnd Ih Nulnnnl A tum oj Ilnwli-MI thin in the ir Imlt n nuhrr inj-

tima til ui rnt ot tn Snt rbxrt to TI-iiit nritl nr flr Vit n s inyrs r ti tut trim rti I irr ii nt n th rifnt

111 hvl In S r i i nrti iiu tirr Anil rT-ififxulne il ri ind Irij wen Ih rii i-

ti tn ft ontfc in

iubutiutnnitnthtiiclip IliAd npffM nrtlrl In In-

I u drrl rr oryour roinrnlfnrr

brot hsr-J Itt v I y re



iiituie I Iii i

uI s

lint v I IllS

t iIunrI th


hutS iu Il




t iii I isrvttit iflL It





5Isu Ii

I t



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j st

I i ViiI I




Iii i us nt tint

I imitts

I iuII 54 ill i 4t






uuuu tiitt

Its il

I Iii



tarI tutu r tIm os



Ill I it I ii n

I si

i alt tikis lie

15 Iii S 1 h rUn

t it flitmill tact 1it

him sIttillS r gut

I sln 1i I Iontt I

itt IV 5 I


iv lids s S I nut II-


ii II nibe

t nutus lid


ViI it nil


M siehi sit I

tin hnI iriit leall

nus nil 1i nfl

for the rmnaIxiutr sit bun will hiI


lut cii

uiuI lime at itlarict Iiuk



out ulsi

I isisIts





tntromi than to

I sat liru

ii tie t-

Illran r

oils S 4 lispsill

e ist tour I

ItskiibtI t

fistI Iii

Iufceu situ C tideA


fin lit 1

S taTIT iit15


etnp avttilt S


Si ii lit151 lust s

tit St4a



rw tner Itl ttndq it i ialID I t rhi adTulst colua1n i1I


< <





















rovsrivr rnormxinx in-mmsKs i Excirixa niii

Moth Mllltr a Mw ArrIval pi TwoQuartmThr Hrraram Taorr Maiturli-Hllkes Attract Much AttntlonN thMimas Ii Out tleblnd lrr mid Cohwebf-

efxr tllil tire Npeidway present a more nEil

mated npp arnncu HIHII on yesterdit mornln Thnuunds of pedeurluns walkfl toupper stretch rrowdlne this lden lkusurp than n pulls The fnotlnc win goodthe hor s Appeue1 to take to dmnull as much cnthuli ii as did their driversThere was a uoniunt procpsilnn of hor4etwo unit three dicpdriiwim all notti Hnd conditloti4 of velihli Joeeim ur walkliieilonBthe eist citrh toward tln upper end Mid B HU-

Pieslon of briiihei d wn on the opposite Md

They CJIIIIH down MI fast that It was an uttoImpossibility to nlwiitH ilutiiitruUh whichweit real contoMant Om of hrmhwould be pnslnir the llmshlnt with anotheri et runt on their xvhceU and till others puund-

Ine dJivn on ev ry part of the road from thn-

hemt to the point nf rockll a port and the marry crowd

91H cd it Ilitil about U oclock when a slightprlniile oauuHl H Kunerol murr tot shelter

A IMW arrlxril ytrUrdajr mornlnir Will Alllu

Trout the ll ron trainer and driver tvltni 1111 ittuing iteidliitf Mnth Millur 2u by A-

lcatiuri damn Dusty Miller hy Trlcepf TheIliiiton r Just taken off

this tnt f ioT l that he In nbl to miirie Ittroiibli nmi for thn crack paeeri Trout outhim Kmn ton A quarter of a mile on tile upiirs-

trotch In U iMconJs ftnd on the lower stretchhim u quarter In Wi MCoiiJi-

An thr n w on waj th cho tnut pacerla Mru WiiUMi 13 by And rvmxhlch Its JuSt Ijein aunt here from Syrftcuhy the owner who formerly ownmi 1llot Boy

the fast itrny tritt r nmr the property nf-

Krnnii Work and H iccws Pastorla VlHses

bcliuj Jrlvin by Mart Demarest whi yesterdayfor the Irnt time Mt In a onenun hIke ipeedlntf-

watron and IIH Is tint very favorably Improvedwith that style nf vehicle I never In

Ails of tl isi traf ns before hi said anditlil ruiiiif ine in oldtimn curt with but

tiir1 stioips in tln tviieel than ti chanie Itilie Itllt v eiv iiii4J-

le is tlm plitntiiut pacers peeil-

ilitvn trmi tlif bend with no ofant one wncti ho noticed a min tlireo-

or four In Tout Iftolilnjr nround as Iflie tloncm t ieilie tnul wnnHiinr him Iaklni-Hin IInt Mt Ml lor him nd wasIn tin loir liefoic thus mnn renlled that he hadbicn otHrtikcn r storln Wllkes kei t nlnlust f m fnoiiuh tn keep the other driver tllnk

thsit Ins n trlde or two morn ho would tikoflu IPid until they pn ed under WuttlnctonI-lridj7 vrhero t I milieu up-

N itlin Mril Kief lobweb throuch-llp liter trctch twlro anti then rot UP be-

his crrcl trntler Alve lie hnnhcddown nl n unod exiT Ilne cult with Johti K-

t nckprills SWirl and linUhra In runt butilid not cill It BO The ecnnd time downtipv tiint a Mievr pico and Swlt made Itlntrestn until the of rocks wtmre-Alves let out n link or two and flashed past

fnti n cood ot en leneth In front Therelund brcn nn encncetnent lot a en betweenAlves and Aldermin Huches fant trotter7A Inri limit oflnu tn the lntt r driver

not nrrltinr In time thn brilMi was riostrnneil-K Smatier with hl virel

S Ind briive with II Kanes-nriel hut IMriel erlly Unded In front each

time In di Mnc behind Mura V-

nr dlphxHil irrent aklll n a reln manby tofillntr mure between tx o waccn rrinir

et Ihrnnirh hut h accnm-idNhodthcfint without n scratch l iura W-

wis h tn ir wimnn whloji was somewhst of u hftidliii hut tonk theinen ure of Mr Stouts racer Teddy

Frerl DM7 list nnlte a with hKbay mnrp Ml Ovrrtnn and bid a hmcM ofemitter n t thin winning tot two fir threnHints Thus clover little chestnut pacer Ata-irka drlvon 1 Kerker WHS fn t-

ioeli to heISt overvthlno he went ar nt-uitlt h tried with Mr RmlthH James I Theytmido the toad wnrm down from the bendInimn ii drawing nheail s they nested thefinish Rnlvlnninchva length

IT nf the most of the liny-wn betwoiiii i I lords rhrslntit trotterIMhird n Mlchnpj liclds fnt liny trotier-1nrmor and Fred Proctor Theywere hells nn until half down frombend one then another of the triowort tn a broil and If was n teewiw brush

of It Mr limits purer Teddy showedthe war down tn Mr pacing mireMNlMPfinHorInn rln e finish

Capt II thePines and dll orne lively sciilllntr until

sinned down wIth Dnrk Secret snd finishedMHond JTTIOS with IsIs MacItmate Ma e had a warm H iil with O V-

VIIlrr ftlrllo aunt erl the flnlhliin leiiirth tn this troorf Dr n I Illllpneer Jack and F K 8mather i Sphinx Sha d n bni h In et one of t

of the Ther came Into Mclitaround the bend head and heart aridfoucht every Incii f the way to the finishJack Ipadlnc pnit the post only n uant

lloyce with the bay mars Pertle H-

Rhoweil the wnv verv handily to Mr Hoselle-strniur the chostmtt whlrh-Xathan ritriiu formerly drove tollernlce ih phf tnut trotter drivennerken was in splendid tnrm nhnwed herhpes to John Donnellystrove hl faxorlte brush horre Clemnero Itoybut oils not try his nirain any of thesixedvift Tinlner IIHHP Fleming Mepped Cot

thhorse thnt heat Cnbwobs throuirh tho stretchesnt a Rool clip but did trot cut him loo e In thebrushes J team Samtota Hellonud mutewere volnssteady and werila t drove the Uiule onu-of the nIt starx of th rinse which was thniiithl-tn bi down but Is uvaln sunMderable siieed Cioorife Coleman did tonic lively

vilh the fat little mare Hattle WalterMr Hcillvn Mahlon was not o

and boaten sOt In two linwhrI hahn Itrurcd In several brushes with hisbay c IJIn Wallace withMlcress J W Cornish wee tint behind his outfavorite David 15 J P Halter drove KirnHilt down with thin hunch Keveral times MrIaul throve the trotter Our Jack formerlynwnerl by Nathm Straus W Chis biy pacer Iitttn Birefoot was prominentIn Mr Meyers nfdrove Hlevrlo ilrl the bay mare thnt the veterin Iole e handled last and ttmuuht-eh i rnulij beat nn the SieeJwayFormer Iliiehm droveth curls nnd enjoyed the sport

Tho iiternonn was so large n-

iisuil nlthnuch quits n number of the mostwitliu drivers tnnk chatiens of n wettlnifantI drove through the stretches

v tirr fijtonKMv

In spIts of k niiih Wind and Cold WfathrrThere Wei Minj St pp r Ool

In nplle of cold winthr and n hIgh windTichruiedon ooklyn Spedway yester-

day i her was n coodly turnout of harnesshorses while hundreds of pectitori lined ths-

roadnlnne from Twentysecond ave-

nue down toKln VIIIciway hiss brudies-Jnmes Shvlln was silt with Chantr recently

to hiii HI h rd CToker Hecamedown from hi M hies dIttY In the niornlnc iiid-Hfte wa imt myth tic Ut that con rlxo i Im-

A tight for he Chanty full o fontfrmn Mn t to Hin n-

Tinre is 1 lUhl nn Iwtwen the autonv-blilts ad th Sjiewlwar drivers Suvernl-milior C ipiii bro en wnci ns

tit lotilt of Hi lust three rlny on theSpvdtv5 nnd tie Iliisure Hrlvr soolion of llrdoliiti ilrouili Irold ntChirk lu a c rtaln ll Inrk Commit

i V llrwr ca not Mop nouniimbl s rom mini ir d n thusiheiu ti tliipnlh A low or thedrlvcm-whi wereiut yetordiy wre

I K Tlllottnn stub his tram Ilulif and Punswood thtt tOil tti niai uf of srvtial rfimpftltors-niitti ny diwii Ii III Parkwiy Club hnus

il lfiMuimianti ilrltlrr tiUU c tldlnit Ioclit 2H Kiilini Trim bmlnd lilt InlC KfldiiiT-iMwiid ft 22 4 Inhn I II cf wlln litrlinn-Ii ila i rin wtti hIt nat lit lronis filll fr

2 24 nil mt In Xlf ch ot liny-IIK with the c ny ilUliuc Artnt Klrhml Trny-n h il i i ptlr l fii trrioi 2 2U anti Hitfn-Im11 2 Jaiti W sifrlim lth hisl it EfldiiiB lininiik mil bain lltfly liruliwllh

Ijiuenre drrl in iiliu male Lurll-lsifrrfun lial a Ifnsn Nnt XVard willhl blirt gidlic SItu 2 fi Janifs ii it-

rauUry tlnvlnir tils ilfiKfii Capl WII

him iiuy lfla XV II niynns llvrrr lutin IIC nInth licorj Ihnlieas hiy-

rrnti by Alcitars Ur U II Hurd dllTlnt hIsm Krfd Mom Krno 2 15i-

K O VlyndlT Wodldf 22 K O Dftillwt-i4iltn i2Mi Sis Slot MrCnit-ydltlrc Mnodr y l nunrrmanti Jr-d It Ine n tin and mate li T lldtTd-ttl h itu Shatter lInEr MII ten drl lnt Xlillf K2 2 iMiInn Fotiu hScrrm Mdftthflrr-sttfnV

J liCe Tnlrr l M irons Moran Inhit ii truii Frank Ch ders rhjtiiut mare

rllnnrtnrf the latter XTlnntiik bv a le itrtb exist a-

ml at Site end of Spee Iho re-

Tollnrds Alria iToton nut 1nnlncs Millwood hut t ii t riite t nf th day Alvj-awlniiluehviltn th JN Covert with hitpaclnc Kiwrence nmde thin 8 iced

takIng several jt ojones Into camp tKoro he quit tcr the day


I rsrEast



andSiflTt with

its setpost


IIts s

mildew sit luotigis


stsp I

II ken



ii itsus

sIt h

telia niwl

I lemula



two rustlIln fir IL

thetho uiiriuo ditertlon Tlusuro w ronin-

qflouIZil tot hlui to





to the hsislnw a ahAde thus InterLook








In redansi

1 ned Iawncncs gray Cartua

erit a airy

I Iris kits ishni I muse

cuihIIn i



lark au

alit thnr

R rnir i


i the It

Ie iiito see


snot a was

aol litIii

V Ill mis u1

tin lsP4org hun

tls s


tinni end

tI t tEl i

al unitQuart i

ny itsc

Stunt stIll5 i

I rod 0

p stilt


the 1

net I heb

Vway tot uIto a ttiLe









> ¬





Mrt k Adams WIns Oulnmbln rroroialColumbia fall rrocscoimtry invrt

held over tho Morris Park courfo ou Salurdu-Thlrtyeluht men started and all exceptflilihed Pink Adam the former Valrunner who I now In the Columbia Law Suhoowon flu wa closly followed hyfnMrirsha-of the fnlverslty of neonhi anil Diulrn xth-

xvas biding until he tnuirht a In tli

lilt lap The order ol II Hi tva-

Allans us law Marshall 02 la i Duden 02 law

nailliulimeir 02 law lilciiuond 2 srtcncf-

Ulfliail M2 collriTf Hupfs 2 rullcEfi uppfil-

hflnirr itrnlinf Shatpn i1 rollfirf OCoiuifll4 collfif litflfi nl colrf Crockrr OS clncf-

Mlnur 04 rlf an llElfhan is mllrKr llakf 0

Ian Hutlon i2 mlrncf Np nff r 4 fOlIrBf Wtlfutica M cillftf NJCulnelli u sctflict Mrnnra1-

coll nS line tmlxiK Ml KIIII-CMrlc i iw Xlanln ui rnllfB Ifntn-ihrjf Mrliall ln latf Kaiin n

An rje on rillizf llru iH 1 iiUR-Hu V on ciilrc ll In i 3 miiitf brnlll-

limlll HI 2 ISMT mi Vltli l Wllr i-

colitur and Siiiwnlfll ui iolltK-

Stoiiunbertf ol twisted lila KirIts llm llrst lull nnd dropped nut The IIHII-MionlMed of lour lai a one tullelllne lMeijntlis circuit xvltll eleven obilnrlt-roiiMtin of lieiUi frm es Jumps nnd watn-juiiun am JJiide crm kil-oit In tin lint hip In thus order mimed nndthe kocoiid hip ll WHS Murliill Adniii Hudeiiand In the ihlrd ririult Imbilook lead followed hy Adiiius Murehnll-nnd lliriholomw nml three rrirhoil-thn li iin tiriiii br i i and broint and tnnin-nn iltbn iinh It was twelve inliiutfsiitiit-Iho first souls trot homo before ml ihe nihe-iiotrr tiinti had cr is od tlm line Adamflme wa is mliiiti and 41 M miJ for ihe-

i ami u nilli 1 hr bet user ira nwarded-to the law Mlioii ior it vlrtnry rln s-

meiui iiie to otherThe larrossn vascm xta opened at Colunibl

oil Satunljy triHim belwell tlm aivltvtiini wm m Itimwn usa u-

Hluc nnd th WMips The lay tvns hardnnd HIP Var iit won n thn rlnMi wuro of 4

oal to 1 llmKit nod Cniifonl stud snot well Conch Miller

xtlll make thee tfaniii te iiiire n his trainins niitKiiU tills eir and us the number of-

riimliditiH Is rontlminll Incroasim n numberof Boorl teams tire looke mr to hold the cliiim1 Imi ii banner nt i olumbla xrhrro It Is at-ir ntfll-

tCoumblD oval U rlntrlnr nowaday with tho-rlli ret M of tm iinlvnr Tho-

lmn an frr thin fall shoot to be heldon Duo I for th selection of n teamThe siiilRil has len xl by thin folhinint-tncn VV W Conmno ict nlere J W tarnn elenw C T W RIIIMIOII V8 nrlinre fi-

Firhh n2 sriinre H Maokl it rnlloro-nnd c K 113 scirmxj Cart Illidroth-Is doubtful whether Columbia will be abU toonter the inifrrolledate shoot nt 1rltnetnn-on nex Saturday a unions members nfdub will be ab ent represntln the universityon other athletic toM

Candidates for tho 10 mna itln tesm are workIn teiilllt In tie irvnr umler the ifervl lnnof Dr Xit nn fj Kavaao the thv e directorof the nnlver lty antI liintav Boltn the g r-nliitlclntruttnr C Ka tnontl will rat tnln theiin Itirin tie rlnto and the iiitrl ha Inertenhrroil by th advent nf ut mnists frori otheriilloes ationir whon s V I nils the tarierfornerof tUe9l Yale team Thoj In traIn

Itlff ReC Kasmmd ni cr lli t Ward

W nl I cnllfce X d I Kafl M TfricObrn c U v J C Smallwnnd S

nrlff K J iitrui 2 clfne D M tnistrad2 clnc K W Schuirr 12 clfnf II M

Mclbiteck j r illf7 I 1 ri nre-H SHt OS srtfnor and K II 04eJIflf

In tho swlmmlnir nool Irof Hnlrnvd hn-

xiunlned Vn fri hrn i from the colleno endsrhnols nf nnplled elnre Of the P rollefo

tested S were unablo fi swlii antI 73 u-

of In the spools of annlled nclenix remlrI-nstnietlon This l now helm d no withthe rnmruils irrmnsslum htirf-

ltvlne ti rntieh wifer the full ritttn ofthe un imlf ixl pintnnne1 on Situnlarfor another wsolt F Tlai 74 will prosent cups to members nf the wlnrltiK orein

Chicago Farnrfd fnr the Meeting of WorldChampions In 1OO-

4Frttlal r tit itth la TrIll SfxNov u Hron Ilerie de rottrhertlti

thin reviver of this Olymtiiin Mines tla therorreepondent of Tar Srs flint the h mrd hssjut voted to hold th next viadrr a meetingIn 1M4 In the fnltPd States X w ionic andChlCHg nrn the candidites for thn honors ofthus receiving thin world athites and thocommittee Is riltlnx to siio wlh hthe morHlndiiCfnvnte before denditi definitely

IJiron df t ourl ertln has received trios Pn4ldent llRrp r of tho tnivcrslty of Chlcieoan Important letinr which exidnllr makis

Iliron feel In lixvor of hlcairn and hla-

xvlshes hive such creiit w l ht thit It In primpsnot too hold nven nnxv to predict that th meet-

Ing will take placv at hjirntoC-

HICAOO Nov H Tho fact that Pre l

dent hat ctartid the ball rnlllni to-

Mcure fur Chtauo llm olympian riiiiiiit tif-

1jo will no tluiihl come us a lUirprlw to tlmmajority of tho inteitMwd in intcniiiinnal

It Is Mid thii Dr llarinr Intiiids-to entertain athlttvh on tine llsldIn world The should itbe iioeeswry tn hold any under root will takePlace in thn irymnasium

It is utHirtttl i suIt haxe already heonon foot nt the university to havo Mar ull-

KitId rimhod tn completion It is Intendedto Inclmlo the two now Inclosod Intoone Held with n nrnntnuntal feiic currntindlnit till A running trak will circle tn-tleld nnd oil the livldo will lie Mipnrntp plncnfor football hateliall and The rviu-nnliim will be tutu on tins cornpr nf loslnetonavenue and strpet Slmuld Itbo decided to hold this garnet at rhUnao it Is

nf to ilediMl thn Held andperhips fyintmiiim with the lntornatnnil-MntesM Kverv enriKi will bent toward

eonsiiniinflnti o theOlympian aanio ummernt

Panic net mel o omn 1Urers ofmc rd to have the next

tne In A erioi and New Tonic andIhilideltihlx w e fluent stills the major-ity In favor of the Vetern metropolis

With the ItnrsriThe Roast Drivers As wiiitlon lice be n-

itJrrlnc up the Department of Hltthways Inthe matter of repiirlns upper Seventh avenunIn order to make It available for driving andPresident H 11 Kane received the followlog communication from John D CreamerSocninry of till Department

AfknowIfiUInf rfCflpt of your ifnenfd coinrlalnt-if Slut 19 trcarillnc tina cundltlon of the unj r tmt-if Snv nth atfnuf I am dltfrlM hy Cnrnmisslcnfr-KtallnK to vty that wink unnfr the nmtrarl f r-

nrfjflne arid with nmriilam patmntI-hf nmnwny of Mid atf nuf was onlfrfl ti lie tif uun-in Ct 16 rut U has t a mi isslril for the contrnetilt to tirnrfrl cnniuifiic oirlrii In ohstriirtlurs Inthe atrrit In cniinfrtlun with Id iiilintructlJii nf u-

ifwfr iindr the writ eif lk slid rl niilnc from14utli atrfct In list Mr l A efimnunlrntlnn lia-

ricn sent to Iti t ummlviUinfr otii rtlrfft th fr nmtrnclnr to put al work n-

farjft fi ant rfrtll the r Irfnrh or to ifiticim-lf niatrrlnt whlra I now pllirl on tlio-rnadway to ttf apaer tiflwffn hit awrr hnct the westhouse nf sifiilli nT nu M that PUt fonlrarturf-iiay h to prnn it wllli his work

That port of Seventh ixxenie alluded to hasson n great in road rldors vhodrlxi throuifh It to ihi Speedway

The tutor hands n-

irlre wlurer at vnrloiw hor how hiss ln etiwild by ffeorirn rtas in Iwinn Stern forplno He was ejthlbiiiil with Lord Durhamit the Newport hors hnw-

onjiiiiri n Kiddle hortm tsj hindswits ori i t week fir imn by htnii t-

HutitirHopkins of llrnoldyn line purch d from

tirrea a fine prl i al browninrs ixs hands for Hnn and n brownfeldlin for MM tint ian Mop llxel-

A rhpkiniit Lvldlmr li i hind bytf a Nutwimd miirn was piircliied last

yie i y f Howard Taylor for Hvxi from TA fon

John iliJiii him cold to WilkIns nf-

lr Mi5ilyr n of l i liantls hluriand all actors tnt flfiiShaping t the Anirrlrun Ifaene lit

rhlhidelpili-rnilMiKIrillA Nnv IlTlip Miellb nler of-

hoAmerlin i li ncio Pre liktil lliin notiCnmikey of 111nun W Sumep of

leveliml C m ih Muck of Ml wait ee ar-

lvd here early this tnormni and befnrn tlmrthey dpel to t mtio up hues Philadelphia

in l f thar nw league citenslon Tho ilthat been practically were d upon Tlm-

a iern end lit Le of Ihl riInilnItaltluinroand slbl II ffalo-

In tbo i wit he Chic BO De rtH Cuertnd nd Mllwiiike-

Ii a iiktoilny Iresd tt lohnvin sad th-xnierc n KIIII ly prpoed to trmmirt

tin ii in n al liip tlkf waystills no il hlr to n tluht thenatIonal orctnlntl n lohnoi avK tiiat-lltnmy Maimliii t lll aepure th a hl

p and will ta o as city teitn-tlth ijm xlOr Itbins thelilllmnre f ftiichlse Inhnon admitted thatlinmnnacer of th Phlnd a dish lias laeni-i cted hut ton unod rensms withheld for the pnetit

I flierWill


urI iii t

iui sEr Sit ItTsit

tt rail 45tills s

a t


ii list



1 lint fsea sit is nil

I Sun


stui 0

1tPtl nil I

tnt rkstsists


i Iftc




I fl I lawH-

it i

S snags I

marsii I


oirirrAN G1 fF FOR 4tI icuic 4

cabPiT e




his t hun




t hun pit tithin


flifore th last

their own 1

Cub ans




rit tat

Spit rihim

sP tIi I alit



meldnil I

Mrshut r shuset tunIc





Vshi Iii glAns sits It

its rut i totat


w mind s

lthiIsle natstIs




















KTHIK1 Tit rXIHHTAT KlKX-Twiu ftnsi

Komlnatloni for Ihn CYntnry TidalKenlltjllon Stake of the Cone

Inlinct Inckei rhili Bust lie MatteTtinrml Tiidii Curd nt iUiiiit

I Xntrlpi to the i one If land Jockey Milt

which have tn nnmiltits added wIlt

ii o mi next rhsirnlny Tho principalU tb t entury for ihnvxoarolds iuil up-

vard nt one suit u hnlf nnd It will hayHo rln lnr fur Ml 0n2 nnd ll il TIlP raeItmost year siiarnnteed siowo-Tor IWC il wll be riUd to JlJmo shut forItxil jroui Then there the ChampionSink fur ind tipwnril anttno iiilhH u jnartir which n xMhn-

of lor the lmio of ISO lureN tin Tiilal M Mit for lliree oiiroliltsuikiii at one tulip mid a utwrttT nml th-

Meriiiild lllles vnluo jnnout mile and n furloiuv Kor INJ ihcru nrlxvoyeir old stakes tn il tlio Vnllli4i i nml stiff alo at tun both to tn run

nt tliiilutie mooiiiii Tli Illy stukovfun two oarolds of moz worth JUiniii wIlliilii rinse Another hU take will lit the Law

riiirn Heallniilon of iivii with juiwxi mldidfor tlireyeirolds at thnt hue at one miland live furliiiii tltlcr intrlos In tloso slitllitf the wrolt will be uf Hi Crescent cityilockiy i luh Thiv NS

IllAiiaiunl Miitollnllondlrap Pifl mlniirj Ii y Off riit thy lithy-Crthtmn llnritlrap X w Otlr ins handicap N-

Vrnrs llniullrip Aiidutull IlltdUnp JacksonJliinllciti lirntll llaiicilfjin lur tit llardleip-Cuttnn Slliiir SliUri Mftlnnts llmidlrmi hubhouse Ha dhip lip Hoin ItAndicitp lliuii WashliCliin Handicap Sprrd Ilundirap uakland llanilltall Mud llah CUD llinJIcn

It turns nut thai Jot Wnlilo Wostpr-nlshtweiiht xvho Uned hr i vnnl Currlcnn tu ride for him in Kuelaml nnxt eoasoiiIs also to port duo iolcrs of the hordes thatlllchard Cruiser starts on tlm Knirlish tracksIt Is rriKirtPd tlur both tnn v III nciki tin oiyirt-to Jockey Hinrv SiniKer iilnlnted andIf tlii uiitid ho xxtit il o fur both of tlainabroad int MMMH-

IIi lunks ns if thor U trouble In sUre letIn I ihard ihe Vnirlean irulner nm-lleMir luiT the AmeriiMti rlier overI eiforinaniiH of lliird CriUori ci lt Siiteht-uiiii II If ir i that It n rio ut DomiiMc-rloril l iirliHi i baa a hure i i tC rice rmneil-lieroNtfin that uvn Scnuniinn II In uOn two ind 1-1rpvoroil thiurs by wltmlni autos till Jnrd-Durlmtn trudged n with tho tpiv rd-

nml lie IT nnd Wlshard will both tonpiieiir-nt the Inxesiliati in The friends

lltll on this water fcir thntrasp will Kn hard ainlnst them ovilnif tn thisfact that Lord l one of Upwuidaof she IiiRlih Jockey Club

It Ii ild that Jam R Kfenes-cruk twoenrolil Commando liespick Mnce Im wa nut liSt of trnlnin andHont to the llrnokdiln farm WIlllKtn lakel-and xvhn l n ian owniir of lEo colt Mid on-Kntinhiy that hf did lint kiW thai tlitre WIM

with Ito iv li pout ihn fart that If iirli wnn the CIIM liunee-Ilnwe the trrtlrer nf n tsp c ho e wouldnot bo In I tie Aillrnriln k Mniintnln Theofilv ronflnnntliti of tie rnirt ontns fmtn-KevfMl f Hnirps freid wo ny list thocolt ha bfon nn the nillni II r otno time

Thn programme for Anuodiirt tn lay IB sfrlliws-

Ilrst Hare Handlran nlKut e f n fuTlonji-Trllln IS StPlnrita titPl ofTror 1IU Ma Iortivpuir I 7 P Utrh td 11-li r I1T liniil ijic

Mrnnh 1 H

ii I Mile 114 Tinge ma-Ii iltrry IIS 104-

llfaly rntrr Tiiylir trulyUt rond Hnrf rot Ihrff ft r lilt sellIng five tail

K urlnnes-Th Portlin Ill I Oi d Hnnn HniLlon JI2 Mrt rhu innValli Jin I Kfeflrld M-Vek hlre thy t Atmi PKid Itii tn i2-

MIIMry UM Th lltoirfr titTMrrl Ripf Muldsnii one ute and f Tf nty rand

Ion Vfrmon-Xlnirhmll crt NITOS-Inily lUlrrninn Orrtf

no ImlJhU-M Kfiik WebbIJ Ilifi II-

in Vrl lalrt-Af7 MnnliriiiU117 M MltrnrllKufn s tot

FTitth HacfSflllrs one rolls and a MtVffnlh-Trllln 111 U lfnl 104-

M II Mas 111 itfifrsde mx-

Vfilmf fis HIIMI M-

Prrice I flnril los Tfinilir IIH

liar 1erfiini I 1 Sti ri urh I-HHniiei inn run IM 11-7llif mca los tnily Hi-

Klth Mac Maldrn yfarf old tire and a hnlffurlongsVnryMunl tin fiitlfy 104

110 Ainu-li7 All

04 Kr tlni-ttirlif It 104 SOulS lillntA-lMU 1 4 rMMla

Sixth IUff All aCfs sins mIle arid f yardIKi IleMldrtator-

KlnIklnne II lie tIll menKlnK Prambl 1

1 II Slosh 111 Uma KlmblfAnnoy lull

Jfffrteii Reply tn rilstmmonfJames Jeffries ls apparently willing to meet

Hob ritzsimmons numb as noon M theatricalpiieaeem cut of tho pair will permit In anInterview yosterdiy thin champion

ntrslmmoiK In his reply today to myrhallcmrn avoids thin lssu I helleva h midI enjoy our pnntnt notoriety not brrause vnsane actorn but pood Ilirhter I liaxfi beenassured by outoftown dramatic rrltlcs thatI nm n von line actor I ii not believe thorntnytelf hut thoy prohnhly know more aboutthe art hun I do I nm not looking nt rn entfor n contest at nctlntr hut flirlitln I wantto Pleat nuilmnmn HU principal stock In

trade nowadnys ls that ho was doped whenhe mo Well If he ou ht to-bu Trui if ill to tim lot otl rlm litmus b chanceto prove the Hint he was

A tnnn who defeated fiuhlln In MX rouniland Sharkey In two rounds less than two months

rPllrcniPiit froii the rlnc I am nulls cortilnthat the rent ifi on Is Fltr lmnion belieftint with me means ilofeiu1 havo no desire to Interfere with IJi p ia e-

inenlK I nm bunked illd In the larcn dilosuntil May 1 next and 1 nm wllllncr to wnlt untilthen lir Kitiniiioii but want to nviko tlio-tnatch now forfeits nnrl allow sufllplenitime in tfloii a place for thu boutIf Kitxlimnonarefuxsby o dH t matthwith mo I thall nrranae to meet Kuhlln orShirkny on terms 10 bn nrranced 1 finnsbeen inltiB cplemlidly nn road limIt 1 dnnot xvnnt to grow rusty nml etale and wouldlike to Ilirlit nl lean once n

I Mull lay out to San rranrteo and trainthere we llreo to fo to Ixlll Vllle-My rhlro of hilllnirroiind would b

then wo could co to a finish nml there couldbe no dniilit ns to who U Iho ln tier limn

Coulp of IhIn an Intfrrlfw tit hns

Incite mcr I5000J alan Ii riarted lops hUrio

Ieillar Pjlmf and Unf f are ulatfil fin a flftii miind timl at London tonlfht at tie

tiini lS i tlM CluhTh NonprMI A C LnuUillle has oflfffd a-

tnirsf for n contrst fn joeVViOrnl sail My tfnii fll y sunlIt thin tatterhnsiicirplril Ua c it julia sit niailf any

Jtnrry K who lih JltnrnjIw arlTfrllft-piiinhru il i ISKIV tnd ne niri nit list Sist thai Kl rn tell IOHC MiTAli t tifti o-

Mutrii lir 0tfnor twniy rniind nt in imuniUCharley 1iKrr nys thti III fa on wtn Ii rf-

miiiiil In Amrtlr Is ic ii i found ll t inmileli ilirind tiTter ri s ilcioiy nrr Hidn-

mmlii MrKfifrMy in iv ill the Insllsh middleta e hium will iith-

Sidii Sal Ivm Ins an ft r to co ti-Knalmid nil J dmny lli hs l Hi ViMlonil-MI nilu Still In limy Iud Hlai tiuri iti-

nntnl Crirtun tNnikina fr who onr nfP Imrn ilmekr pis tcn totter

f ut1t TeSt Xlriiiiirm in lurVrliir lil vrni U-

MII I wlllic In lJt up i ruii tor Sal IVMI-

pi e ijs that hf Kin nrcrpt nud h aunklmc hipfirKtnrrt-

l ti ruins Hi Smith lim trmvtrdiKltm firnt and IIIITI In dij Mini tailHirit In ill n ar l iiin snullilins Tianc d Ihrr-li II n l eiis ftiifiii Mill I situ IK-IIHIMI of Itnrlifsiir at XvirfiiiiK x toulrhtTli Inset tastIly riandi on WnlnMiy-ht Smannali In will 1irlcl Tln of llnsinnton tKinty iounc nn Nit liial liulsvllr 11

a tfd ti Hilly Cdnards of Auttralla nl o furIwrnty MUiiiJs

Nor 11 Tummy Syinruknnrkid Jffr Tlinrn out nm irrCh-lrRi Mlilir AuMidiilnn hl nIght A rletit U ndbook landrs smairiy on Ihr punt of th low rutTlinnif ilnwti Ihrrnurt ml th 111 11 ipot-Ih Cliic lt ans rlfvrr Mntin cunnlnir nutwok rird loi mm h fur Iii Cimllnlimn II mOleThortir nit v aenl i and utalii and left hainl-CiiiC marhtrr iiEiilatUy In

anti fare In tie sntind f d Thorn plait da haul HxM Jolt ntf llynps hrait ant til Ta iionly d ntfroii Mi mulid liy thin dmloi thebillie

In Either ruseXThfthr you see hiiylnt sl i tooon rtalcsute tc

Jill It ELK

treatvaIl and


lii hoeits


has si vaIn if


bins snuirhdtis hid I usa

Ai eli useII niti sin Is


lot ini I

I Ito i

I hocsine foul uss

I Ititudi cap SrI I is g I Alutue hun

thin cracksit

lit t


I husk

Zt tt firIrI dna S ho nil is a iruu us Sent ch in us

hut yeVs I

us rid I I lie

Iui thus un t I iou

Pent I

titst ui sit stri nit iu iud isis sit ed I


I I C-

ia sisI

ICing Ilit

sttuic lu




liii ticfr liii


l iitI 17



SIS fli-

inftill tile50 Itt lOt


Iiil sit 111








liz sn itt sld is Itl is Lanie br Iii

Is riot 15cr mel iii g





tat meet


I in 0 i r iou liii jet w

Iii testyfills c

p ii tie

shim ciiret ill

5 risC his a


sin iiiil a nillS t a I tie

j >

lit 11

uss that Islit hilts


tpuss sisit trim


CHic A055 hvu ofIii three ids el


hisi i Ito hI lit


sit wiling mealsalt ol huitters tValst and Out rolunna

PatE Sundays and Ifluusdsya4






















I IltlllI-ldfllnSpnrtan 1

iireunil-iovifalfupthvn iHonkerlllii eke I

Wn Ilaltd 1

ISo a-

Nirldiiivlifr JI limnlleiiiirn irn 1-

W Stntlud in

IJifnttle Iriiini r-

liiliMK I

il lll


AHA lllffckft 2-

4M1 lintion 1

47 Nnullliis-IM Auciior

rr 1 4fi llMiixdvttr 2-

IM Ho nlitlr rhail Ailrlplit S450 IllII 1-

4M11 Hinpl iflif44M I II114 II S runt I

Mtiliatta-5l rilinnliln

Ml42i lllilMhrllII innon i-

42ij Kcnntrlc-t n Mlttiiil t

1 4IA xrMnr 1

411 iVrslSlile 1

IM lilrnilal S-

IHI An ilull lxirMort-iTil W S CiinffctI AiiMliln I

Amiir XV NATIONAL TlllllNUIPNT-Ciiluilila n ii us Xrlltiirlim I

IlilHlv 7 IMI liulilfii Hod4 4-

Mnnlmltin 7 I IMMuirrli r loii 1

Miirimiiiaiin i 11110 llmpir r-

Oirmtliiflii r r tun ilnlr i r1 KM lirrinanlri S

nut 1 in Snrirf I-

Hnsfijile 4 4 IM 1 7f nir l 4 ii i Ialarf 7Spartan 4 ys-

f 01 lKtJlKt-

orlntlilatiJtn Via

I nrv IIUS-I SMI Yonfcf-

tsuriinllMMirlrl-lielttflrtpItuv clalr

rik t 1117 Unite Mill4 2 iiui AmliilKiil4 7I l


4 j MI rfniiuy XV

4 t K7 Waiic7 M


Stanilafit 1 o neii Aiiiliirmi 1

KnltkrlHifkfr 7 1 IWII Itorlirll 3 A

1 1U1 rvclon S 4Heltldfie I 2 7t 2 4Friendship 4 2 H7i llmlrm XX 2 4Morris Club 4 2 U24lVnial Intlt 4Corinthian 4 ll prlim I R-

Ill nit J 1 VIAfirm Hill 1 R-

Iiliyilte 1 Prrmlrf 1 A-

Ixilm 3 A MJ Colonial niviituryxv s 1 7

SATKlNAtlRXOfl-Klrtltn ti H77 N Vork A C7Jolrtfti lliMt 7 2 ii Ilflliky 7 h-

Orlrntal 11 4 MI I O ir 7

Metr mlllnnl1 7 1ni I Spatan f u-

Cormiinan n u isi nnmanla 1 11llojfvlllt f Mil Ainilcn o p-

ARUHIITtlM NATIONAL IBAOt-Enifrltfr i i tiiMthOntiiry 1-

Aslicrott 1 n 7u A irinl 3 1-

Kdivm a n n ivnitiiItnwiioJ l li Amr mil 1 S-

Mracirlr 4 inn Prltitrs o n-

Jotham A 1 hn cminon 0 eMOUTH SIDE tnXUiij-

Morrta n im Knulifilioclifr 1 1-

Ilookrr R 0 1 2Pro p tt 1 0 Mil Hyplion o 3Ilaifrnont t I pM Trfmnnt o A 7-7llronidale 2 1 llotrf City 0 r 3

rIflE iNsunANTK ICAUVKGerman ArafiI 0 MllloTf 74Nor fnion S nmi Nmthrrn Z S 74I ndrttrrlUM 1 1 77R Hanntfr I

ivi vu 2 sra lloyd i A

I iicahlre Z i 7M flffcnirlrh 1 8-

Ciiltdonlan t J 757 I PlITnlx 0 4 7-0witoiFSAtE nnvn ThiStlE ASIOCIATIOX-

Pftlke I A Co n Ml I f 71-

Nnt 0 7M Unman A KJ t 74-

fndcf AOWU 1 ff7 firn Chin Cal R 71-

Smfury A Jn1 1 7M Chinch A DCo0 fl 7S-

MrrrKACo 2 2 77n

HANK CIEIlKSTOfnVAMBNT-M 0 rjfl i Sarmard 1 7-9Mrrntllf Nut o 7wi fontlnrntal 1 7-

NRintialP ll Ci 775 I ountr 1 fn-n 743 innate I M-

itcli A TtAdI i 24llaM 1

Mount 1 7fi Imp 4Tiartfr O 2 70-

Amriran CXI 1 7C6 P M AOoO 2 74-

Tliasc 1 1 7t 3 I T 4 Co 0 71-

I S SuhTl 1 744Hurton z 63CASINO TOlIINAUKXT-

Ouffn oro4 0 lfi I Simwick t 2 7-

llmrnwiiod 1 1 M7 Cnlumtila 1 1

Sunmlck Z S 1 70i llatfrmrood 21 f f-

iAtnria 2 2 47 Tranklln 1 1 7-

Ml I lliiulftnrd 0 4 64


0 t 2 4

2 1 1 Pniilatfr 1 2fnionr-vi Jfrsfy


1 Callf 2 t2 l fn7 Our n22 I Alpine2 1 707 Hour

2 71t 20 1 71-

2inrinnl 7ft 741-Cllyirpla

wools IIAM TOlIIMAMnH-TNewJft r CIO lBn 8 8 7M-

Cllnliili I S41i AlllHIt 2 4 110-

0linoliltl R 1 ir7 i Mlroi ilttan2 4 f27-

Ufavrttf 4 2 HO lf t Ilubolieti2 4 MM-

Calilr 1 1 r71 Olyinpla 2 4 7W-

llnrnln 1 1 KS llnyd 1 R 7W-

Instle Point C9I 1 M t Kill



A 0 Dauntlfss

1 I Ilice1xfrtv-miinilyNnsssu

4 o tsi XVnsh IrvIng 2 M77 1 042 ItMtlrlrn 2 4R 1 lilt Htfioort 2 4 04-

R 1 f10 Commnn rlth2 4 7A I vis Adirondack 2 A AM-

f t l l VlttCllntoa2 n 7M2 l 77 Kef n I 7 f M

1 V4 ProlulrlA I 7 771-I 2 Mil XVilrtme 1 7 M4 M onnttlf 0 4 711-

l imr Uland 4 J K7 Mninlnr 8 HK-

Ilulton 1 A S iiamfiry O 733-

IIIIOUKIYS linVAl AlirAMM MHTOfnNAMnNT-fiillon 4 n-

Iliirnslrii 2 0J r Prlrclitnr Island1 1

liiltifil 1

Daunlifas 4 2Kant Nf Votk4 2Phllidflpho 2

7M Kortliiffno7111 llustmlrli-

R 7V1 Wn h IrvlniIlfdtord-

A 7HX UlTfrUMl Nassau7UX llntixirt

1 7S9 llriioklya

2 2 tlS1 7841 71S-a 7393 734A tM7 741

0 2 f7A0 4Dxxittrilnumi 1 74 Df Iui ar 729-

IVlli a 3 7


l sl M Iln Knl hl a 1 P457 1 un Monarch 4 A 111-

3Mnntiattan 5 I H43 icho 2 4 J a-

ltilick 7 A 7 South Inw I 5 tollSa l n J KortOrffne J i Ml

K County XV 4 2 P4 Orient t A rrrAtlantic 4 4 ftl1 Olffnwood 0 f 2-

llrdford 3 3 M-

HKOOKLVN OnilUAMA TOfRXAWKMTProsperity n 1 lnsn Jfilh xVard t i ttntAnnexAdflpht-J AMyrtlenriir 2

1 IiSa 1 M Arlmeion-A 1 illo1 1 tinS StamtaM2 ton

t 1 IKJ11 1 M9-I 1 MMI 9 A7-

t D Uff-

lllnlferd Paine 2 2 W4 lndfpfndfnt0 4 U0-


Manhattan 5l 42l-

lish Ciiiinctl4 2

2 04 Aillnrlon-l HA Pin Knlrni


U43 Pontla-cPt Krno

a 1 oa ma

2 2 wo2 4 UAO

2 I 41 S M-

Sr t New VorkR 1 HWI Atniufort 1 0 Aia-

Mrlroinlltan 3 S 1114-


Monatcli 4 u MHV Amfitoil 1 t 741-

PrnMfiUr s l Him trIg Ailiurfn2 4 MIA

Palate 4 A JrralfrV V2 4 7 n-

Iarsm 4 f A Pontlac I A fitAillncton R M1 l t 3 74-Iliannrry 02 1 R 7-4litto 2 Mil

llltntlKIVN HANK IIKIIKS DOWLt O LBAOtr nkllnTliut v Ma Ilrnadway Hkl 2 77X-

X S r l nki Manf sV Bkl a vt-

Spraru N II4 771 HamtunTluMO 4 717Mimf Trust 2 2l y Co Hank o 4 ftil


iItonllnc UamesAnifllron National Tournarnfnt fioldfn Hod-

oiinlhlan f d ColumMa al the fifrmanla Aatrrnbly-tmjrrn alYft-Itrlfm l iKi TournTnfnl Corlnthl n Colonial

Ofov Thum A l 8hl JnrlNnilonI Lraru ridfUa tn Arjirlc at Starr a-

rnliimMa Standard Arfanun-Hhfeimrn eml llnvdal at Srllusilne alleya

l KUf MlKity Tirmo-

AMidloicsitn fiiloti I aicuf Ctilumliu Catholiclull Teim Vo 1 1oltimlnn Ciithniie Iluti ream No

M Monies m lir Iilui nl s-

xo Js hail limn ur nt Mitinpolltan Mannnd Instle Innt Ijrlnn at Ap-

iiiarn lly-At d ToutriUitiil Atnirlrin Tfam Nonrlmn il l No r Auifilran Nohunirln 1iin Vo I sOd Surirli Team No 2 lit

rfrrus k-

fflslim Toutnamrntrrti1 Nn I Mnl unit a nl Strarlto shiny

liitrrrluh Ijaiu Coliiniblin VH Kntrkri-Miiker f C iic fiit A C I Club

rini Unmklvn mytvllrinKlvn Iliiyal Arrnn rn iuf Iauntlss-

mo nl Mornimr Star i oitii11 and I Councilil rumors iii v-

iir ifi Xork iiiurnnnKiit Aillntton TonUr Hint lMiTltl lit IrillM A Klllff alf S-

l nia lsiunl tfitsw Miniluttun Ilihii and KantSrw Xoik at the liriuml luli alleys

iirrmanlH iiirarriit l Kirlfflna Arlltntlnnh l t lirrmanla Hall ally

Arlmclnii National Tnurnanrnt Arnrrstiirtnnd Arllniton at llfitram A Vnlla Miry

JluiUon Uacu Atthir ts okalon at-ilfflichs 5

minor IlasrballTIc Twelfth lIniment ariiiory was picictd on

iiiiriiny tIght when ihe re liental nlnn tonicfloor affalnst the team of the First X Ta-

llittallon Thin garlic was easy fur tiilllliu-nen and In thd Klzth Innlnc with th score 21

S ataln t them thus nnateur eillornrn oe-id toe vo It uti The eleven battery work of

Twelfth It inienl was feature o therime Catcher l o re cla Ir cleverin lotil h II Onndwin aid Hlid wet ID theml us for tho allor and with better supportind n little hittlnir th team would aon-mich uettir



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Speakingof aFull Back

Coat those loose fitting I

broad shouldered kindsmust be cut right and tail

orcd I

fit rlrjhtOurs

perfect-as madeto meas-ureIn the


Coats1250 to 2700 Raglans1800 to 3500 Other

kinds too Money back ifnot perfectly suited


A I VS OP TillIjut Kacea of the Sf on Hi Tallbur IleiiU

In srrnl SplllfAbout iftn persons went to the Tallfbiir

track yesterday to kliivrr and rntrh the mpejThe nmnmenimif nnnouiued that ihpy would

lat contorts of tho v on I he twentyfive mile pvent was liiterestli r Thrro weretweatyeliflit ntartcru until tho offeredfor thin lender at exch five miles mvie It piao-tlcillr n li s of tlvemllii races Thtre tv r-

thlrtena rider lot at twenty miles and ninefit the finish There were sernil mishapsCharles Unmans whlin tryIng to ratoh hisclip tell In the eleventh mile and vu palnfullrcut nbout the face T I Hrown four milewiu upv t by running Into a rider who hadbeen lapped Johns Kins took n tunable atnine arid onehalf mllas but rnmoiinteil andIn n mile and n half was awaln ridIng withbunch Kclilee who woo ahead nt most thlarw had puncture Ht twelve nnd onehalfmle chinB 1 his wheel and causht up Inthroe laps or thfoeiniatops of A mile Th-nnlsti ww a one II ittpr wInning by

with n bunch rldluc Ionn itiimaries-

Pufult Hac o far Aatonmn Brooklyn TtrraJ P Jackson New llitfn Wo i by Aarnmon Ptalance 4 ml f s a M yard 11 mlnmri s 4tie nn-

T Amtfur with Sne ilI m Karh Ill M ls Won by MonteN WOrk rdatd Ilinreln a and JohnKlfie Nrwurfc third Sims Ilrlli Nf ttak fourlflWilliam li li tiln i t Oranrr flfih llnif I hour0 ml iitfs1 4 ft c id Wlinmol mil rrutt-

K nn Wntrliiry at mllfs V s F nn al-tu citIes Charles Sch ff l Ih m If Muntrrat 2 rules WInner of spfrlal uIn fir leading U-Mtrratf t number ol lapicbailes Htbltt

Michiol left New York on Saturday for Viisijton miser ho will trolls logH met filnst Stinson fur whichnrst moith Tbo has not abandonedhi plntloiu to Jockvyxhlp but h bidinghU time

One of thin doldlent dtalled from OoTernorIsland tn nn thin war nuto nt the Gardtnwas n ke l yeMenliy by R reporter of TBStun whit hoof tho machine lie replied

The IdiM Is nil right I do tint think thismachine would fur the coughs roads andrough ucrpo of real servIce If they wouldinak It lipavlitr and cixn It more andmore carryliitf capacity It would be all

There wins the material for merry fightat tutu road rate of theA Whetlmnn that was run on the HoffmanIloiilnvard yesterday afternoon hut the police

It There were thirty htarterVhiHlotvwhii receivedllnlfhfMl tlrt with ndAnderson tmth of whom started from scratchiecond and third and oil les than a length

Tho decided Vln lowThe clerk of Iho course and the obeckern atturn onlIne nlom later and declared thnt Whit-low rodo not more than half theKUbstltuleJ by another man The prizes hMbeen gIven the effort to cot them bankmade trouble small Donnvhrook

when mounted dice arrived andmatle the qiiabblern take to their wheels

Prnf Tbtrston on AutomobileAt the dinner of thin Automobile Club glrcn-

to exhibitors at the Garden there were about200 cuests and some of the speeches hid rotateof mulch Interest Jrof II II Thurston ofHiblfly Oollme Cornell lnlxerslty saId thatejoh a club had bees needed for Snnoasil thai proceeidel to n historical recital ofth toward antnmoblllsm Ua uldthat Iiaa Xowton In luaU had planned anauto aid that In 170T a halfway praotloa

oie WM mad In Prance In 1830 the sabjot-nf motor volilcln for the road was againbriKit forwirj In Fraace bill legislationdofeita It Th9 Ki ll h Parliament in ISISnntolat d a com altua to InvestIgate Ue-nutter of imtoiiujliii and thatr jtjl that prftUil ma hlnns could b

to ruin miles an heir Avut lu tht IIMI of loriN novreTW-d Its it machines must riot haverovlway prlvlleje-

sIldus ill Htcim engine and the American

history down timid a tline whenwould b pavol with Iron plat

aid th horns would unknownU was a peculiar feiturn of that dinner that

there warn or No no againstevery OIK who talked bout tne posslheextlno

of tho hor Conner notIng nl-ieor i r ChambTlui dross npplnms by

ri ff rrliir to Vi l re ldeit A cwho preside 1as u nivi who not onlya tuttle li automobile ono whoalso Irnl tnvnty lx eitrles n thedim tint hPtlm In thi iinlon text Monday

m st Mii akir wasKJtly Iesldont of the Chlcneo AutomoblliInli lelTrTHOi whiles the dliinrrwit In prosrps riiiinrkml to a reporter fToy Sfv that the mat showthe lust year affairs In London and 1arli whichhe

ChorniVI S T lie Sated Fill rrnm Knckout

Toe Ctioyskl who was one ot Bob ntulmmvnjjCt-Mnmdi when lie ought Icier Maber at Viw Orleans aluiut eight years are aay that tie sated Fitsfrom being knocked out on that occasion Choynak-Uftlatei tliM the nil round had stIll thirty urondto r wii M ti i hit Kilt further

Mini mini lritiiks ttAsnrilrlai uniifepfr-ot Hi nuh liforrr Clark nl CMrniru nod lr utMoran hld the wntrhfs ion nirhir 1iankiI-iml lila hund on tl hll s Iiu win V nook fitmil I toot In hue aituatlon and striking trunks onhIss arm ran lifll Him tliroiiirh the napesstud tarrld bark tu Ms chair aa limp at a rar-Thfi no unift ot pritft from either UshersfinDer or front huts tlmf Only the KlUHmrooni-liillovrfia knur lmt re doing II showslinn iirifnilimat Shun wes In hatluc dad onehandle him for titlit like that o-


Minin-an IMT-to IOM AT


26 West Broadway

She Curt


Rio vain C 4I1110 J op ILt 4 P U SIMM onBict vttk tamfm Oo J






Ii itiirs

hui lbs

Iii 1754






Pnliei toeden

fleeas 5





l tIll



4 woo titim


iSlAm its

ill I Ii tuient hive

tat suds

ftuiIujumsnSlio of Iru6 a he tbsent tnaced-tttp licted


WEt cetttnt Iii




saysS Sisal 1

a huelist

rope Just




a tug

pOt1tltflfl iltoaS



Racing Every Day at 2 P M-

Admtslon to ant staVd IbO isahays 5 1010 I 15 j4G

Lad Flitbnsb a I






