The Story of Daniel Click here to begin!

The Story of Daniel Click here to begin! By Devon Roberts


The Story of Daniel Click here to begin!. By Devon Roberts. How to use this PowerPoint…. This is the forward button, it moves you along the story! This is the home button, it takes you to the Table of Contents where you can choose between the story and the quiz! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Story of Daniel Click here to begin!

The Story of Daniel

What happened to Daniel in the end?God rescued him

He got eaten by the lions

He climbed out of the lions den on his ownABCWhat Will I Learn?Who was Daniel?What did he do?How did he stay loyal to God?Why is his story important?Oops! Try Again!Remember, it wasnt something that Daniel could have done on his ownLets See What You Learned! NebuchadnezzarWell call him King N!King N was the king of Babylon. Even though he was a very rich and mighty king, he always wanted more.,

King N decided to attack Israel. The king of Israel had forgotten God, so God did not help him and Israel was captured. About ItWhy didnt God help protect the king of Israel?

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ClipArt8One of the Israelites Was a strong, young man named Daniel. wasnt like the king of Israel. He loved God and did everything he could to obey God. N had his servant, Ashpenaz, choose three men to serve him. When Daniel and three of his friends were chosen, they were asked to eat all of the fancy, royal food! was a problem for Daniel. God had told the Israelites to eat healthy. Daniel decided to obey God, no matter what!, scared Ashpenaz. He said to Daniel,

The king had ordered you to eat this food so that you can be strong and healthy! If you dont, the king might kill you! was not afraid though, and he had a plan. He said

Let my friends and me eat what God has commanded us to eat. Give us vegetables to eat and water to drink. After 10 days, compare us with the others who have eaten the kings food, and see for yourself who looks healthier.

And so thats what they did.After 10 days, Daniel and his friends were stronger and healthier than the others, so they were allowed to eat their own food!

http://www.essex1., About ItHow do you think Daniel and his friends became healthier than the others?

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ClipArt16He even gave Daniel a special gift! Daniel could explain the meanings of dreams! 3 years, King N was so impressed with Daniel and his friends that he chose them to serve him on his royal court!, many other officials were very jealous of this, so they decided to trick the king into passing a new law.

This law made it illegal to pray to anyone but the king. this law, Daniel was faithful and continued to pray to God.

The jealous officials caught him and reported it to King N. N was angry that hed been tricked. He didnt want to get Daniel into trouble, but he couldnt do anything about it. He was forced to punish Daniel for breaking the law!

22As his punishment, it was decided that Daniel would be put into a lions den! Daniel was sent to the den, King N called down to him, May your God whom you worship continually rescue you., About ItWhats the only way Daniel could have survived the lions den?

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ClipArt25The next morning, the king rushed to the lions den to find that Daniel was ALIVE! had rescued Daniel from the lions because Daniel continued to stay faithful to God! About ItWhy did God choose to save Daniel from the lions?

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ClipArt29Why did King N attack Israel? He thought it was pretty

He was never satisfied with what he had

He wanted to live thereABCGreat Job!Now you know all about the story of Daniel!