The Starfish - Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 2012



Here's the Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 for 2012.

Transcript of The Starfish - Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25 2012

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The Starfish is a Hamilton-based group dedicated to making a difference in local communities and abroad.

We engage the online community in conversations about environmental concerns by providing content for everyone to enjoy. From sustainability, to biodiversity, to agriculture and health - there’s bound to be a topic for everyone to enjoy.

Originated in November 2010, the Starfish staff is completely comprised of volunteers within the community that are passionate about environmentalism and focus on engaging their community.

We provide online content to over 1,100 viewers a week, while running other programs and services to the Hamilton community.

Pictured above from left to right: Alex Pogacean (Promotions Coordinator), Kyle Empringham (Co-Founder and

Editor), Colleen Bobbie (Editor), Sujane Kandasamy (Co-Founder and Editor)

Who We Are

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A Geography and Environmental student at McMaster University, Chrissie has been at the front of the pack for the entire undergraduate career. Knowing how important

it was to get field experience, she got her hands dirty in courses that taught her what it is really like to see science in action. Fandrich took these skills, along with her vast knowledge of GIS, and worked as an intern with McMaster’s office of sustainability, where she formulate policy recommendations that could reduce single-occupant car trips onto the university campus. She pedaled to the metal at MacGreen, where she was an active component of their street team while also playing the role of their Alternative Transportation Coordinator.

S tephanie Sullivan is one of the ones that got away from us last year. She was a 2011 nominee that didn’t pass our final round of cuts, but she was back in the nomination

pool this year and we're happy to say that she’s on the list! Sullivan is an eco-entrepreneur. In May of 2011, she decided that there was a gap in the market – nobody in Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario had a green cleaning business. She went to the City of Hamilton’s Small Business Enterprise Centre, where she earned a grant in the Summer Company Program. From here, she took her funds and made Eco-Green N’ Clean, a business that prides itself on simple cleaning solutions that reduce the environmental impacts of other harmful chemicals and cleaners. Her nominator, Dragica Lebo from the City of Hamiton, has learned lots from Sullivan. “She’s taught me not to give up, to be innovative, and to have faith in your business – all difficult things to do when starting up a business.”



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V lad Melnic came up with an idea for his undergraduate thesis independently (a task I myself wasn’t able to do). Melnic saw the struggles that groups often have

with environmental education outreach. So, he took this and collaborated with a large number of high schools to engage students in environmental discussions. The project’s applicability didn’t end there – he even took it to City Hall, where Melnic’s policy recommendations were reviewed and forwarded to City Council. His supervisor, Dr. Maureen Padden from McMaster University, explains exactly what Melnic found. “Students from suburban and rural neighbourhoods, with abundant green space, were more concerned about the environment than students living in industrial, inner-city neighbourhoods. His research serves as a reminder that sometimes those most affected by environmental degradation are least likely to be actively engaged in pursuing solutions to those types of problems.” As Melnic travels to Sweden for his graduate career, we wish him the best of luck in future endeavours.


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S abah’s environmental efforts on the McMaster University campus got off to a strong start in 2008, when she ranked in the top three among more than

250 peers for environmentally friendly problem-based learning submissions in biology. Her success gave her the opportunity to present at the Biology Undergraduate Problem-Based Learning Symposium. From there, she became involved in a number of campus organizations. Her work with MACgreen, the McMaster Students Union’s environmental group, as well as the McMaster Office of Sustainability ran throughout her undergraduate career. She was instrumental in a campus bike share program, promotion of carpooling and forming strategies around waste reduction. Following research of lead in campus drinking water, Sabah undertook a project that took a larger look at Hamilton’s drinking water system. She presented her findings at the Mini World Water Day Conference in 2011. She proposed a new method of filtration to make the drinking water safer. Sabah is now a recent Honours Life Science graduate. She recently completed an internship with the Office of Sustainability at McMaster, with which she has had contact since her first year.


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I t all began for Andrew Chong while being engaged as a member of “St. Andrew’s College Environmentalists” in high school.

This is when he began to seriously get involved with food initiatives and coordinating environmental initiatives around the school. His inspirations have played a pivotal role in his achievements, as he is enthused by his mother’s farming history and the diverse “artist canvas” of beautiful flowers and plants of nature.

Once embedded within the McMaster community, Chong played a direct leadership role in directing McMaster Farmstand in its inaugural year. His dedication, diligence, and passion for the cause have been vital in its success and growth. In fact, it has grown to include several new farms, a new executive team, and a partnership with Rural Routes to have buses transport students to nearby farms so that they can engage in first-hand experience with local farming initiatives. Recently, Chong has participated in the “community gardening project” where he has a goal to gauge interest from the McMaster student body of whether a garden project should be run at Westdale Aviary. Furthermore, Chong has co-founded OPIRG’s “Food for Life” where he has launched organic cooking events at St. Paul’s Church. He is also a member of “MacEarth”, a committee aimed at making McMaster University residences more environmentally friendly. Chong’s passion for the environment even extends into academia, as he is a volunteer in a toxicology lab where he learns about waste water chemicals and how they affect aquatic life within the Hamilton Harbour region.


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h arnoor Gill is a strong leader who is hardworking and dedicated to community-based goals. As a youth committee member of the Halton Hills Mayor’s Youth

Action Committee, Gill has been an advocate for youth issues. These include environmental issues such as the establishment of a youth environmental committee. Along with serving as a youth leader for Willow Park Ecology Center and working to remove invasive species on local properties, Gill was awarded with the 2012 Young Conservationist Award from the Credit Valley Conservation Authority. He believes that caring about the environment and educating others reinforces his pattern of accomplishments. He loves taking the initiative by playing a leadership role within his community. As an example, Gill organized a community Jean Green Drive to collect 1000 jeans to donate to homeless youth. Sowing the seeds for such endeavors has resulted in the growth of a solid environmental commitment within his neighbourhood. In addition, Gill has organized fundraising projects for his school and for non-profit organizations. He truly believes that the reasons for his fundraising initiatives are four-fold. Firstly, he consistently surpasses expectations.

Secondly, he is fueled by the positive outcomes of his actions. Thirdly, he encourages others to give back to their communities through school and community participation. Finally, he regularly devotes his time to fundraising events for the associations he has been involved with. He is truly an integral part of his community! Congratulations Harnoor Gill for all your achievements, including securing yourself as #20 on our Top 25 Under 25 list for 2012.

hArNoor GILL

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e milie Novaczek has been with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition since 2010, coordinating media relations and working to educate youth about the climate

crisis through the Wings of Change Education Program.

In addition, Novaczek has been involved in the Canadian Youth Delegation (CYD), a group of young volunteers who participate in the United Nations Climate Change Negotiations, representing the voice of youth and pressuring world leaders to take meaningful action on climate change. Novaczek has traveled to Cancun for the COP16 negotiations in 2010 and to Durban for COP17 in 2011. In order to tackle issues such as sustainability and campus food, Novaczek has also been involved with Action!King’s, a University of King’s College group that organizes student action. At the moment, Novaczek is based in San Andres, Colombia where she is working with CORALINA to complete research on the impact of tourism in the Seaflower Marine Protected Area. According to her nominator, her passion and dedication to environmental change is what ultimately sets her apart. Novaczek is always exploring new ways to engage people in environmental issues.


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J osh is unique, as he is someone who takes care of environmental non-profit groups of Ontario, and creates stunning designs, posters, and logos – all out of a love

for making this world a greener place. In 2008, he illustrated a nature-based activity book for Ruthven Park, and a children’s book that highlights Species at Risk in Ontario. As of 2011, he’s signed on to doing graphics for a wide host of different folks, including the Coalition on the Niagara Escarpment, the Royal Botanical Gardens, Parks Canada, and Earth Day Hamilton-Burlington. Most recently, he’s re-branded the Hamilton Community Garden Network and other design work for Conservation Halton. This superstar work sounds amazing and doesn’t end there. He truly cares about rejuvenating the work of non-profits within the Hamilton, Ontario area, as CONE President Robert Patrick mentions. “Josh has encouraged CONE and other environmental organizations to partner in community presentations and events…With Josh’s assistance, we are once again becoming

known in the communities along the Niagara Escarpment. He is an example to us all of the right way to live. He not only walks the talk, he lives the walk.”

JoSh GorDoN

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A n environmentalist through and through, Mary Koziol saw an opportunity to make change for the better at McMaster University when she was elected president

of the McMaster Students Union (MSU) in 2010. One campaign promise that would later define her presidency was to bring a farm stand to campus. Almost immediately after being elected, Koziol began to develop partnerships with Hospitality Services and the McMaster Office of Sustainability to turn her vision into reality. The farm stand, stocked with fresh and locally sourced produce from nearby farms, debuted in the summer of 2010 (with Andrew Chong, #13 on our list, assisting Koziol with this large task). Along with weekly sales, it offered educational outreach around nutrition and local foods.

Koziol also implemented a ban on plastic disposable water bottles in the offices of the MSU administration. Much like at the farm stand, she used available channels to educate students on the environmental concerns surrounding water bottles. Plans are in place to extend the ban to all MSU offices in the fall of 2011. Now that her term with the MSU has concluded, she is employed by the office of McMaster University’s president, where she works on initiatives to better connect the university with the Hamilton community. Her environmental work with the MSU has lived on through the change in administration and will continue, at least in the foreseeable future, to be a priority for the Union. Aside from her duties with McMaster and its students union, Koziol has been a part of the McMaster Outdoors Club, a member of the Open Streets Hamilton steering committee, an IMPACT! Youth Conference for Sustainability Leadership delegate and Green Venture community garden volunteer. She has also led a group of university students on a one-month trip to Brazil through the Global Youth Network. There, she lived in an Amazonian indigenous community, facilitating discussions on environmental concerns in the Amazon. Koziol remains a committed activist, vegetarian and leader among her peers. No matter her career choice, she is certain that her environmentalism will define both her personal and professional life.


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J ay Carter was the Sustainability Coordinator at the McMaster Office of Sustainability from May 2010 to September of last year. Through advocacy and

determination, Carter has gone above and beyond his job expectations to engage those around him to develop a culture of sustainability on and off campus. His passion, commitment, and organization make him an integral part of the Sustainability team. With a goal of obtaining a career that is embedded in sustainable development, Carter has been preparing his mindset and list of experiences since his first year at McMaster University. Now that he has graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography & Environmental Studies, Carter is more than prepared to tackle environmental, social, and financial issues at a local and regional level. In addition, Jay Carter is the Community Outreach Coordinator for the City of Hamilton’s Waste Management Division, engaging with students of all ages to promote and encourage composting and recycling programs. Carter also aids in the support of other City of Hamilton programs through Forestry (Free Street Tree Program, elementary school presentations), Parks (Adopt-a-Park, Neighbourhood Clean Team, and Team Up To Clean Up), and other programs through Waste and Horticulture - all with a goal to make Hamilton "clean and green". In 2010, Jay Carter served as the event coordinator for “Clean Air Commute”. It was during this time that he engaged

the McMaster community to commute sustainably for one whole week. Not only was he responsible for organizing an event launch, the hard work of his team members resulted in more than 600 McMaster community members commuting sustainably and thus reducing more than seven tonnes of pollutants. In September, Carter is off to the University of Waterloo, where he will begin his Masters in Environmental Studies. His research committee contributes a great mix of ecology and sustainability policy, and he hopes to study conservation and how to manage growth within the city.

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W ith her impressive background on ecological concepts and strong ability to think outside the box on conservation issues, Suzanne Perdeaux has outstanding

potential to excel within the field of wildlife ecology. Within her eclectic composite of global research, she has been invoved with studying plant diversity in Hawaii, glacial boundary changes in Alaska, and captive breeding of Panda Bears in China. While working for Natural Resources Canada, she engaged in the ‘Communities’ group of the Office of

Energy Efficiency where she was able to learn more about new technologies in alternative energies. She was also a part of their “Green Team”, which was a volunteer group that designed campaign posters and events to encourage co-workers to reduce their environmental impact while in the workplace. Although the globe has a left her with a permanent imprint of inspiration, Perdeaux is always looking to get more involved with her local community. Participating with the Region of York, she has planted 30-40 trees in East Gwilliambury. She says that “it feels really good to give back!” In addition, Perdeaux is also a researcher and event volunteer for the York Region Environmental Alliance Organization, where she has gained experience conducting online research on sustainable living and helping to plan community events such as the Windfall Ecology Festival. In the near future, Suzanne hopes to complete her Masters degree and teach for “Wildlands Studies”, a program run by California State University. With her upbeat personality and dedication to ecological sciences, we have no doubt that all her academic dreams will come true!

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T omasz has been particularly active on water issues facing Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario, to which he has been able to apply communications skills gained

through his studies at McMaster University. With Hamilton’s Bay Area Restoration Council (BARC), he has taken organized events, taken photographs and helped to administer to key programming for the area, including Stream of Dreams initiatives, Adopt-A-Creek and Cattail plantings with the Royal Botanical Gardens. And by coordinating with McMaster’s Communications Studies program, Wiercioch conducted an in-depth analysis of BARC’s environmental programs and established a communications internship with the Council. The former allowed BARC to re-align its priorities and become a more effective organization overall. He also analyzed BARC’s presence in local media, and conducted a survey on citizens’ knowledge of issues facing Hamilton Harbour.Wiercioch was personally responsible for creating the Don’t Feed the Waterfowl campaign for Hamilton’s Bayfront Park, which later expanded into LaSalle Marina in Burlington. His experience was also able to benefit Burlington Green. He drafted a founding communications plan for the Burlington Green, and also participated in a number of the group’s ‘invasive species pulls.’

It was with Wiercioch’s work that issues facing marine ecosystems were both effectively communicated to the public and acted upon. Preeya Raja, board member of BARC and Tom’s nominator, explained that “Tom’s involvement as an environmental volunteer and advocate is inspiring to many.”


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h ailing from Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec, Leehi has been heavily involved in environmental campaigns through her time in both high school and at Marianopolis

College in Westmount, Quebec. In 2011, she worked as the City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux’s one-woman Green Patrol. That summer, she reached out to more than 3000 residents, raising awareness of local environmental concerns.

It was also in that summer that she became Founder and President of the Green Schools Coalition of Montreal, which sought to connect the environmental groups of the city’s elementary and high schools. At Marianopolis College, Leehi has also been serving as Co-President of the Green Team, through which she has been raising awareness and making change on campus. As a member of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition since 2010, she has been campaigning and lobbying on environmental concerns. Leehi’s accomplishments - both within and outside the environmental sphere - have not gone unrecognized. Over the last few years, she has received a number of awards. Her highlights in 2010 include the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Youth Medal, the West Island College Head Girl Award and the Montreal Lakeshore Rotary Club Alan Liddiard Memorial Scholarship for Academic Achievement, Community, Commitment, and Public Speaking. In 2011, she received the Marianopolis College Student Life Award, was a national finalist for the Youth in Motion Top 20 Under Twenty Award and made the waitlist for the youth delegation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference.

LeehI YoNA

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C huk Odenigbo believes in taking action, and not just talking about those things that can have positive impacts. That’s why he made a difference through his

role as co-chair of Greenovations, a sub-committee of the Queen’s University (Kingston, ON) Alma Mater Society. Through this venture, Odenigbo organized a committee to exchange traditional light bulbs with eco-friendly ones and perform green retrofits in local homes. On top of that, he created and published a do-it-yourself guide to increase the accessibility of this information to students. Odenigbo plays an important and influential role in creating sustainability culture at Queen’s. “Most importantly, [Chuk] moved beyond token actions and ideological talk,” says nominator and Alma Mater Society’s Environment and Sustainability Commissioner, Adam DiSimine. “Together with his committee, they caused real world change and physically modified houses for students. In doing so, they saved energy and money for their clients but more importantly forced people to think about sustainability and energy conservation.” Odenigbo believes that recycling is an important component of sustainability. “What each individual person

recycles alone makes a negligible effect on increasing the sustainability of the country we live in; however, that negligible effect can build up… Through the creation of a closed-loop system where everything used is reused in one way or another, there arises a betterment of society.”


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M elissa Gerrard, at a young age, found a need to create programs for those high schoolers looking to fill volunteer hours.

Thus, she started the FUN Links project and was their first coordinator. The project aimed to coordinate environmentally oriented volunteering opportunities and provide an outlet for high school students to participate in those programs. Gerrard ran the entire program, including recruiting high school youth from various schools, organizing and hosting meetings, and researching volunteer opportunities – all while in grade eleven at her own high school. Gerrard has continued to volunteer for the FUN Society, leading to employment with the organization. Her work has proven to be inspirational, educating youth to make a change within their communities and pass along the information they have learned through her.


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A s a child growing up near Vancouver, Sarah was struck by the contrast between the urbanized lifestyle of the city and the wilderness that surrounded her home.

Now, she hopes that her work can repair the disconnect between the two. “Building a stronger connection between people and nature has become my passion and life’s work,” she said. “It has been my spiritual connection to the Earth that has been the biggest driver in my choices and motivation to make the world a better place for all those that walk, crawl, fly or grow on the planet.” As she grew older, she moved a province over to Alberta, where she witnessed the environmental toll of the oil and gas industry, as well as the motivations behind it. So she continued east, settling in Saskatchewan for a time to plant trees. For her Northern Outdoor and Environmental Studies diploma from Yukon College, which she completed this year, Sarah was able to build upon knowledge she had gained from more southern universities. Through both laboratory and field experience, Sarah studied botany and ornithology, and she gained expertise in outdoor trip planning and vegetation. Her recent projects have also been focused in the Yukon. Under climatologist Bob Sagar, Sarah has been studying historical weather data in the territory, searching for patterns in weather condition changes over the last 100 years. She has informed visitors on Yukon ecosystems through her work with the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, and worked to protect sensitive regions from urban development with the Yukon Conservation Society. Sarah has also been involved with the Executive Council of the Green Party of Canada. Sarah has become part of community movements in the Yukon as well. Recognizing the environmental footprint that goes into supplying her territory’s residents with food, she

became one of the youngest people involved with Growers of Organic Food Yukon. Sarah has shown a particular interest in connecting the environment to the indigenous cultures that inhabit it. “She believes that protecting the natural world will come from people who are connected to it,” said Amanda Graham, Sarah’s nominator and instructor at Yukon College. “She sees ethnobotany as a key to leading people to understand that they are not separated from their environment and to learn to value the natural as Indigenous people have done for millennia.” Now that she and her partner are raising a young son, Sarah has become especially sensitive to the responsibilities her generation has to future ones. “I completely believe that by building community and educating people, we can turn the juggernaut of fossil fuel dependence and create a better future and better communities for our children,” she said.


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J ames Hutt has been involved with the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, doing some amazing work domestically and internationally. His nominator believes that his

commitment to building a just and sustainable future is what sets him apart from other people in his field. In addition to his dedication toward environmental issues, Hutt has been working hard to educate and empower youth on related sub-topics. In the summer of 2011, Hutt

coordinated Power Summer Quebec, a gathering which trained youth leaders from all across Quebec and eastern Ontario to advocate on behalf of climate change solutions. As a Youth Delegate to COP17 for the Canadian Youth Delegation, Hutt collaborated with politicians and youth from around the globe at the UN conference in order to raise awareness and inspire action on climate change. He also gained much experience with publishing articles, op-eds, blogs, and policy updates. All of this hard work helped to inform and engage Canadians about decisions on International climate agreements. His nominator considers him among the most dedicated and driven young environmental activists that he has had the privilege of working with. James is dedicated to building solutions to climate change at home and with youth around the globe. Along with this, Hutt plunged into a meaningful measure that advocated for reduced water consumption; in 2010, he challenged himself to using no more than 25 litres of water per day for 30 days! This passion for raising awareness around the importance of water conservation makes Hutt a great example of the power that young people have within today’s world!

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M ay is one of the founders and coordinators of GrassRoutes – a group of passionate youngsters who aim to make a difference by biking across Canada,

presenting to youth groups along the way and raising money to support various environmental initiatives. Their journey started on June 1st in Victoria, BC, and ends in August in Newfoundland. May knows that this is going to be a challenge, physically and mentally – and he couldn’t be more excited for it. “My role provides me tremendous opportunity to develop leadership & tangible organizational skills,” May said in his application. “I know I will be faced with diverse challenges on such a large project, which, in overcoming, will develop innovation and initiative in ways I cannot predict.” The reason for his extreme bike ride comes from his belief that the environment must be protected from human impacts, and that youth have to power to make these necessary changes. It’s a skill he undoubtedly learned at the Coast Mountain Academy, which he was a student in a five-month intensive outdoor leadership and environmental education program. Here, his cohort led grade seven classes into the wild and taught them for three weeks while gaining enough experience to achieve eco-tourism certifications. May’s strong work ethic and outstanding leadership skills have set him apart from the pack, receiving rave reviews from all references.

Overall, we're quite impressed with this man’s initiative and drive to make a change. He’s chosen a unique path that combines his passion for adventure with his passion for the environment.


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r achael Wraith has been working on various projects supported by Metrolinx since 2010. Her undying passion, professionalism, enthusiasm, and deep knowledge of

environmental issues have impressed her nominator, Mathew Bertin, Community & Stakeholder Relations Specialist for Metrolinx. Wraith created EcoDriver Challenge Days, promoting transit, cycling, walking, and carpooling to high school students. This unique program has engaged over 500 new drivers in workshops about fuel efficient driving techniques. According to Bertin, Wraith has been a key asset in Durham Region for building support for investment in Regional Transportation as a means to economic, social, and environmental prosperity. Her coordination and enthusiasm has allowed Metrolinx to help stakeholders make the connection between transit and carbon mitigation strategies.

As of September 2011, Wraith has been committed to the Town of Ajax as a Senior Communications Officer. In this role, she has been managing the development, execution, and project management for various high profile communications, media, and marketing plans. She also develops and manages all goals necessary to meet department requirements. Prior to this position, Wraith was employed as the Manager of Communications and Programs for Durham Sustain ability where she gained experience developing and implementing effective marketing and communications strategies for various programs, special events, and funding announcements. In addition, she created and implemented community engagement strategy, including attending 30 Durham Region events to promote sustainability and conservations programs. Wraith also has experience working for the Toronto Zoo, Greenpeace Canada, and sits on the Board of Directors for EcoSpark. She has affiliations with the Ontario Youth Summit on Sustainable Transportation, Smart Commute Awards Review Panel, Uxbridge Energy Conservation Committee, and is a certified EcoMentor with Earth Day Canada.


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S ince 2008, Maya has been involved with charity Friends for Uniting Nature (FUN) in Vancouver. In 2008 and 2011, she served as a Summer Programs Coordinator,

fostering environmental leadership among large groups of young people. 2008 was the program’s initial year, and her work helped to get it running. She took over as the FUN Society’s Interim Executive Director last year and has now transitioned to her role as a board member for the organization. During her time with the FUN Society, Maya has kept busy with other endeavours. In 2010, she was the Sustainable Transportation Planning and Engagement Intern with Mobiligo, a strategic transportation organization in Montreal. Last year, she was involved with a student action team through CityStudio Vancouver that was dedicated to helping the city become the greenest in the world by 2020. In that same year, Maya traveled to Durban, South Africa as a Youth Delegate at the UN Conference on Climate Change. She later presented her experiences to students at Sidney Elementary in BC, alongside Green Party of Canada leader Elizabeth May. “Every once in a while you are lucky enough to come across a truly amazing individual. Someone who really stands out above all the rest and who never ceases to impress with their creativity, intelligence and commitment,” said FUN Society founder Maia Green. “ Maya McDonald is one of these very rare people. She puts not only effort and intelligence into everything she does, but also her heart. Maya is passionate and dedicated to making the world a better place and I have no doubt that her contribution to our society and planet will positively affect generations to come.”

Now four years removed from completing a Bachelor of Science in Human Geography at the University of Victoria, Maya is two years into a Masters in Urban Planning at the University of Montreal. She is specializing in sustainable urban development and community engagement.


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Amara Possian has been a powerhouse when it comes to taking action on the global scale. As a prominent member of the Canadian Youth

Climate Coalition (CYCC), she’s organized some sweet campaigns. One of her proudest accomplishments is the “Wings of Change” project. According to Possain, it “aims to empower youth with the information and tools they need to take meaningful environmental action in their own communities, and to help them deliver strong messages directly to their local, national, and international decision-makers.”

She goes on to explain how this program works. “This takes place through a for-youth-by-youth interactive, skills-based workshop that links the hard science of climate change to practical, community-based alternatives and strategies for collective action. Our workshop expands on the scientific understanding of climate change to connect participants with the human impacts of climate change. By strengthening the conceptual connections between societal norms, civic engagement, and the impacts of climate change on communities and livelihoods, we aim to foster the systems-thinking that is crucial to solving the climate crisis.” Another one of Possian’s major accomplishments was as the coordinator of the Canadian Youth Delegation to COP17 climate negotiations in Durban, South Africa. “Her work was essential to empowering the 20 person youth delegation from all across Canada that attended the conference to represent the voice of Canadian Youth,” said nominator Cameron Fenton, National Director of the CYCC. “She developed strategies as well as coordinating logistics for all of the delegation, on top of building strong working relationships with other youth groups from around the globe to facilitate meaningful, global youth collaboration." We’re excited to see where Possian’s next adventure takes her!


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A ian Binlayo finds himself among the best once again in this year’s Top 25, improving by one place his fifth-spot finish last year. At 18, he remains one of the

youngest environmentalists to be recognized. “As a youth, I feel that the environment is a particularly pressing issue,” he explained. “It’s us who will really be inheriting the Earth, and it’s especially important that we act as true stewards right now.” Through his persistence, Binlayo has found success in projects that may have seemed daunting to others in his position. He was the co-founder and head coordinator of the “Kill Your Bill Challenge.” The challenge is an energy efficiency program that reaches across the 145 Southern Ontario schools in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. Elected last year as a student trustee of the school board, he embarked on a project that involved a board-wide ban on disposable water bottle sales, for which he and others submitted a policy draft. His environmental work through his area’s schools doesn’t end there. He was co-founder and head of his high school’s Green Club, as well as a founding and senior executive member of the High School Green Club Council, which connects green clubs and shadows Brampton’s city council. He has been a part of tree plantings, park clean-ups and clothing drives, and he led a successful effort to certify his high school as being environmentally friendly through the Ontario ecoSchools program. During the summer of 2010, Binlayo worked for the Toronto Cyclists Union (now called Cycle Toronto) to promote cycling as an environmentally friendly

transportation alternative. Binlayo took his passion for the environment abroad in the summer of 2011, when he went to Costa Rica to work with the sea turtle population. He has also written about the environment as a Junior Journalist with the Toronto Star, and has served as an ecoMentor with Earth Day Canada. Although he’s still young, he knows that big accomplishments like his are “just a matter of staying persistent and not giving up on what you’re trying to do.”


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C aitlin Hill is a very motivated, involved, passionate young woman who is devoted to land conservation. Along with all the initiatives she has participated in, Hill is a

strong believer that small actions do have the power to make a difference. Throughout university, Hill has consistently returned to Pinetree Secondary School to teach students about conservation and fundraising methods. Her goal has always been to instill an appreciation for nature and inspire

students to make positive changes toward the environment. With this motivational attitude, she continues to amaze and inspire the world with her creativity, passion and dedication towards conservation. Her nominator says that words cannot describe the effort, determination, and commitment Hill has made in her position as the Communications and Fund Development Coordinator for the Pacific Parklands Foundation. As of 2011, she has been making an encouraging contribution to this organization, even coming back to work part-time after returning to school. Along with her day-to-day duties, Hill has taken lead on the organization's first capital campaign, raising funds for Kanaka Creek Watershed Stewardship Centre and recently helped launch Park Quest – a way to integrate social media into wilderness activities. “Park Quest is designed to get people out into the regional parks,” Hill said to us. “Based around a series of ‘quests’, users are challenged to complete tasks, solve puzzles and play real-world games all while immersing themselves in the natural world around them!” Driven by her passion for the environment, she has been an outstanding environmentalist and leader. In fact, she has been the recipient of the Dr. M. Wosk Scholarship for Youth Environmental Leadership, the Robert Bateman Outstanding Youth Award, and the Youth Environmental Achievement Award. Hill says “…the future of our environment rests in the hands of younger generations. It’s so important that we find a way to teach youth to care about the environment and inspire them to share their passion with others. My own personal mission is to inspire one student every year. I’m proud to say that so far, I’ve been successful.”


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N ick Dulvy, Co-Chair of the Shark Specialist Group and Canada Research Chair in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, explains this finalist best.

“Vancouver is now a microcosm of a key global threat to marine biodiversity. Claudia Li and her organization Shark Truth are a rare ray of light.” Li created Shark Truth based on her own experiences. She grew up with the cultures tied within her family roots, where shark fin soup was a delicacy and must be consumed if offered to you. As Li attended Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC) and learned about the nasty effects shark finning has on marine life, she knew she had to change her ways. With this, she founded Shark Truth “to promote awareness, education and action for sharks by building a community around change and creating long-term champions from within the community.” She’s done this in a clever fashion – by creating the Happy Hearts Love Sharks wedding contest. This cross-cultural promotion asked engaged couples to pledge to a shark-free wedding. And she’s been largely successful – over 21,000 bowls (as of April 2012) have been diverted. That equals approximately 2,100 sharks! As a marketing major and having acted as the Communications Officer for ForestEthics, Li is able to create a variety of ways to reach audiences. See the video below for details.


The Starfish | Top 25 Environmentalists Under 25

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V ictoria Wee is the current Youth Engagement Director of “We Canada”, a nation-wide initiative that aims to foster dialogue around issues of sustainability and helps to provide

opportunities to influence policies for Earth Summit 2012, also known as the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. In this role, Wee was primarily responsible for organizing and embarking on a two-month 16-city cross-country tour, "Dialogues and Action for Earth Summit 2012", to talk to young Canadians about the conference and the opportunity for positive change it presented. She facilitated presentations and workshops with 30 schools and 23 universities and colleges from Newfoundland and Labrador to British Columbia, organized sponsorships, and collaborated to bring sustainability veterans onto the tour as guest speakers including Dr. David Suzuki, Dr. Amelia Clarke, and Desiree McGraw (the Vice President of Climate Reality Canada). The results of the tour were presented in We Canada’s report, "The Future Canadians Want" during the Summit in June 2012, at We Canada’s event "A Journey for Canadian Leadership at Rio+20". Another project that Wee has been involved with is an Arctic Expedition with Students on Ice. During this endeavor, she joined an international team to expand her knowledge of the

world, its wonders, and the challenges we face as human beings. Following the expedition, Wee was inspired to organize the International Youth Arctic Declaration, which was delivered to the Arctic Council in November 2011, and founded a youth-led Arctic group that is exploring the widening of youth participation in the Arctic Council. In addition, Wee has been involved in the activities of

the Canadian Environmental Network, the United Nations Environment Programme Youth Climate Report, and the Jane Goodall National Youth Council. Wee’s nominator says that “she is an incredibly passionate and devoted young woman with a talent for articulating complex concepts in a language that is understandable and engaging for youth. Her creative thinking, sustainability policy understanding and determination distinguish her from the rest." Wee is a young and inspiring woman who displays an array of skills. She is able to conceptualize, develop, and execute projects with ease, implement strategic planning sessions, design and lead organizational structures, facilitate team meetings and public dialogues, successfully manage virtual teams, and deliver public speeches that result in large-scale youth engagement. Also according to her nominator, “Victoria's maturity, driving curiosity, intelligence, and wide-ranging knowledge equip her to surpass expectations in a team environment of professionals and experts.” It is with great pleasure, that we announce #1 on our Top 25 Under 25 List for 2012, Miss. Victoria Wee! Congratulations on all your successes and we wish you the best of luck in your future! Get out there and make the world proud!


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S ujane Kandasamy is a Honours Biology graduate from McMaster University, currently pursuing a 1-year second degree in the Arts. She has always been a

wonder kid, which is why she would like to be a life-long learner and educator. She strongly believes that with every positive step (no matter how small), we can build a clean, healthy future.

S am Colbert has been inspired by the journalistic work of writers like Michael Pollan, Mark Bittman and Jonathan Safran Foer, fueling his passion for ethical

and environmental issues of the food industry. He hopes to use his education to enter into public policy, where he can help shape a food system that will improve our health and sustain our environment.




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K yle is a masters student at Simon Fraser University’s School of Resource and Environmental Management (Burnaby, BC). In the future, he plans to travel abroad to

learn more about these pressing issues that cannot be justified by sitting in a lecture hall. As a budding ecologist, he loves to learn about the issues surrounding conservation and biodiversity, and is excited to translate his knowledge into actions for The Starfish community!


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CoNGrATULATIoNS ToP 25Dearest Starfish family;

We are so happy that we can extend beyond our virtual community and showcase

the successes, potentials, and future goals of our current generation. We

have lots to say about each of these wonderful people who have passionately

donated much of their time to bettering our environment. In fact, we are honored to

string together the threads of these eco-advocates to reveal a tapestry that we can all

be proud of.

We hope that these stories warm your hearts and fill your souls with the hope

that we have what it takes to make a difference in our local and global communities.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for your support in keeping

our organization vibrant and fresh! As you know, we aim to bring to light not only

an array of environmental issues, but also to illustrate the work that our young people

are committed to on a daily basis.

It is energizing and highly inspirational to know that we are making an effort

to ensure that our future is in good hands.

In good environmental health,

Kyle Empringham, Sujane Kandasamy,

Co-Founder and Editor Co-Founder and Editor

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Special thanks to:Angela Chang, Executive CommitteeAlexandria Mitchell, Executive CommitteeRachael Wraith, Top 25 AdvisorAlex Pogacean, Promotions CoordinatorDesigned by Josh Gordon •

Printed in Hamilton, Ontario by The Printing House Ltd. on Rolland Enviro100 paper by Cascades Inc. This paper is FSC certified

and EcoLogo™ certified, manufactured with 100% post consumer waste using biogas energy, and processed chlorine free in Canada.

If you have any questions please contact us at The Starfish.

SUJANe KANDASAMY, Co-Founder and Editor 289 - 244 - 9963

KYLe eMPrINGhAM, Co-Founder and Editor604 - 992 - 1843

[email protected]


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