The South-western (Shreveport, La.) 1855-06-20 [p ] · 2017-12-15 · ic party, and was the...

A letter to the Concordia latelligencer, dated on Black river, Concordia parish, M&a 19, sd ns, gloomy despondency, bordering on despair, broods over our ]ana. Suffering and starvation are.staring some in the face, while others are impressed with the solemn i conviction that we are now passing through one of those trying ordeals of punm•hment, inflicted by a Divine Ruler, in order to bring us to a full depend- ence upon Him in whom we live and more andhave our being.. The absence of rain is felt by the vege- table creation in a most sensible Ianner, as well as by the beasts of the field. For our own consump- tion, men in different places are forced to go many miles to the main streams, the arteries, as it were, of the world,. for supplies of water, the ponds, lakes anrd smaller streams being either dry or inaccessi- ble. On many plantations, in this section of conun- try, the crops are very shabby and unpromisin. " The whooping cough has become almost epihemic in some parts of the parish of Catrdoula. It prevails in several sections to an alarming extent, and many deaths have occurred from it, pauiticularly on plan- tations, where there are many young negroes, its rav- ages are marked with the greatest mortality. The disease seems to be stubborn and unyielding to the treamuent of medicine. The health of the parish, says the Independent, otherwise is good. Three vessels had cleared from Blermuda for New York, previous to the 24th ult., having on board up- wards of 2,800 biarrels, 22 sacks of potatoes, 23,000 lbi. onions, and 650 lbs. tomatoes. The Cincinnati council has passed an ordinance preventing milkmen from delivering milk one the sabbath. The. Louisville Jourbal thinks there is nio doubt that the report of judge Loving's wi:hdrawal from the canvass for governor of Kentucky was incor- rect. He was anxious to withdraw on account of ill health, but he has been prevailed on to continue a candidate. Colonel W. H., (whig,) of Butler coun- tv, announces his intention to run for congress in the second district of Alabama. Colonel Charles Hopkins, of McTntosh county, is aninounced as a candidate for congress in the first district of Georgia. W. B. Mahen, a leading democratic member of the last legislature of Kentucky, is the American can- didate for congress in the first (Linn Boyd's) dis- trict. The American party in the fourth district of N. Carolina, have nominated James B. Shepard, esq., of Raleigh, for congress. Mr. Shepard has been for a long time aprominent member of the democrat- ic party, and was the democratic candidate for gov- ernor il 1846, in opposition to gov. Graham. The Nashville Whig, of a recent, date, says, col. Intrney, one of the democratic candidates for repre- sentative from Maury county in the next.legislature, has come out in favor of the doctrines of the Amer- ican party. In consequence, the Columbia Herald (lemocratic) washes its hands of him, and goes in for the election of his democratic competitor, Frank C Duntmington, esq. Some of the planters in the parish of West Baton Rouge are digging wells in their fields to water their crops. 'I'lhe W ashington Star says, letters received from )fr. Buchatnan state thAt he will leave his mission about the last of September, and travel in Europe for some time before returning to the U. States. Lucinda O. Nevers, of Long Mntaddw, Massachu- setts recovered $5,249 31 of S. C. Booth, for injuries sustained by the bite of defendant's dog, at the ses- sion of the supreme court at Springfield, Mass. The British government has presented the iepub- lic of Liberia with a vessel of war, and the emperor Napoleon has sent them 1000 stands of arms and accoutremeonts. It is stated that the East Tennessee and Georgia railroad would be completed by the first instant, when Knoxville would be iii direct communication with Charleston, Savannah, AugustA and Nashville. The estimated population of England and Wales, in lt84, was 18,617,000: the numoinr of births, were (11:1,56, of deaths, 458,, aul" if marriages about Some citizens of Iron county, Utah territory, have succeeded iii making bar iron in the puddle furnace, direct from the ore, and the quality is such that good horse nails are made from it. The aggregate population of Kansas, according to the census recently taken, is stated at 8,401, of whom 5,095 are males, 3,373 females. The number of legal voters was 2,887; number of natives of the United States; 7,161; of foreigners, 400, and of slaves 192; free colored 7. Enlistments for the British service in the Crimea, are still going on in New York city covertly. De- tachments of men, in squads of twenties and thir- ties, leave every few days for Halifax. The countess Zakrevesky, wife of the military governor general of Moscow, has transmitted to the government of the czar 51,400 silrer rubles, received by her and other ladies from the various ihhabitants of Moscow, for the assistance of the families of those killed or wounded in the war. The heon. George Folsom, late charge at the Hague, met with a poor American family ini Jerusalem, who went out to join a colony to teach the natives of Pal- estine agriculture and the mechanic arts. The en- terprise proved a failure, and the family being redu- ced to poverty, Mr. Folsom gave them $250 to pay their passage to Boston. A young man in New York, named Ed. Brans- : field, who received a bite from a terrier dog, about s month since, was seized with hydrophobia, on Fri- day last, and died a horrible death. It is said it was a painful sight to witness the victim in his last agonies. He would howl and growl like a dog; his eyes were strained to the utmost, and his mouth ap- peared as if he desired to do nothing but drink. A Prussian comic paper has a picture remarkably well executed of "the present sick man," in which John Bull is represented lying in a state of great ',weakness and prostration oni a camp bed, while the "physician, doet. Louis Napoleon, sits by his side, prescribing for his disastrous disease. The patient begs the doctor to give him some help, and promises to pay very liberally for his services. "I will take care of that myself," says the doctor; "when I get through, I shall present my accaunt." An Indian at Grand Raids, Michigan, recently ran a distance of three t and.%et, nearly three quarters of a mile, in three ihin tes ten seconds. FaRO MEXico.-The Cor•us Ohiristi Advertiser of the Sd instant, has the follovwingimportant informa- tion:-"Thme news from Mexico id important and ex- citing. It appears that orders fromi Santa Anna were received to arrest and shoot, withont ceremdny, some of the leading citizens of Monterey and Lampasas; Sanong them dou Santiago Vidouiri, late secretary of state of Nueva Leon, a man of great influence. The existence of these private orders leaked out and don Esntiago Vidouri dispatched a 4:ourier to Lampasas with the news, and when gen. Miknchaca, Santa An- na's emissary, arrived, lie was two hundred armnsd citizens and forced to sure•Qd r. His life was spared in consequence of the m~Iulyposition he as- suined, acknowledging that his brders were to shoot some eight of the leading citizenis of Lampasas:,and that had he the ability, the ordi rs of his: superiors would be implicitly obeyed'. Ele did not ask his life, as his superiors would 4At believe but he had sold his command. This gallant captain who is well known by our informant, was alive at last accounts, and the probability is his minaly bearing will save him. The news of such exciting traijsact'iin soon spread througlhout the sur oundit g codauty. Juan Suasea had left Lampasas with 200 mer, andivould be join- ed at Ville Aldaina, Sabinas, Salitins, etc. by a force equal to 1000 men. The whole country is represented as being in arms, and an attempt to take Monterey will be made im- I mediately. The governor of Nhueva Leon, general j Cordova; had fled to the interior. The bishop of I Monterey, who visited all the frntier towns last fall, it is now asc.ertained, was ser as a spy by Santa Anna to mark the unfaithful. He has also left, but but if taken, will be roughly dsalt with. This movement, or outbreak, is entirely ahead of . Carvajai's plans; for Lhough tihe people were pre paring for an issue, thb urgenc of the case has for- stalled the matter. Praocfcings of to1 Boarb of iTrustees. MAYoa's O-•c, JUxa 12, 1555. At a called meeting of the board :of mayor and trustees of the town of Shere'rpoit, held at the mayor's office, June 12th, A.f-l 855, the following members were in attendance, viz: J. W.!Jones, mayor; L. M. Nutt, W. B. Miller, BW.W. OeIrge,4. H. Burnside, and L. Knox, teistees.- H. P..avry'; constable and collector; and Richard S. Carac•tstlerk: The mayor called the board4t+order and proceeded to business. i Sam Ford, appeared, was ~;g 1ieod and took his semat., -On motion of trustee Ford, thi, collector of the rail- road tax was allowed 5 ? cent.ifor said collection. Thie board the} went tr .ai election for collector of said railroad-tax. Upon couriiag the votes, it was _ ascertained th t H. P. Savery lIaving received a ma- jority of those ast,he-was declried duty elected col- lector of the t•_ . On moti'ofarugte Ford, it vas ordained that the i collector othb rilroasd tax be iinstructed to proceed to collect said tax imnmu dately On ,nntioof trfftee'fua, itwas orakined that the collectof'oT th ra l1~eadta be leq uired to give bond in the sum dm seteeditboosand dfltars , f~r.the faithful disebharge.of his duty he collectpr of said tax. Trustee Burasidd ofered ti& folloiwing ordinance, which.ias unanimoously aopi td: Be it ordained, &c., Iat t•• l owners of the proper- ty becupied b C G. X6gt•,r. Oil Texas street, be re- quired t hae the idealk paved with brick, with tihe establis cdgrad• e from:ts•i City Hotel to the cor- uer of A.1: ai.bnels auction stire . Trustee Ford ert the falloiing ordinance,which was adopt Be it o -daied, Ae.. That the mayor appoint a ,committee of ,,ree o tod.c er with the lessee of the market-house aitdrep ert on tit. propriety and terms of acquirin econtror otvr the samne. SThe nmayor• ap itd on a•ad committee trustees Ford, Miller aud urnide. i Trustee Geonrg offd the following ordinance, w'hich was puo to •abte, ainl losf: Be it ordained, &c., That thee taxes on real estate, as allowed to be collected animialy, in amount at the. t discretion of the mayor and trustees, be remitted for the year 1855, and rlat this bWatd govern itself ac- cordingly in retrenehinent anti relTorim. On motion, the board adjourted tintil the next reg- ular meeting. J. W. J)NE$• mayor. Attest--Ihcuaa S. CaaUYsc. el'k: rConsignees of Merchandiseper tBamboats. At Oglesby 4 Grsvald's-M. S. Smith; J.M ford; i B. F. Eppes; E. J S.Cates; W.Cates; E. Smith; Sam'1 Williams. At J. N. Howell <. Co.'s-A-.& W.W. Gunter & co., Quitman, Tx; and to order. CANDIDATES. FOR CHIEF-JUSTICE. U1WE are authorised to announce judge E. T. MERRICK, of East Feliciana, as a candidate for the office of Chief-Justice of Louisiana. Election, on Mon- day,25th Juus. UZVWE are authorised to announce THOMAS H. LEWIS, of Opelousas, as a candidate for the office of Chief-Justice of Louisiana. Election to take place on Monday, 25th June. Q : i W are authorised to announce judge THOS: J. COOLEY, of Pointe Coupee, as a candidate for the office of Chief-Justice ofLouisianaat the approaching election. , FOR ASSESSOR: I[ WE are authorised to announce JAMES W. RATLIFF, as a candidate for the office of Assessor of the Parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election. [L WE are authorised to announce T HO M A S McO A L L, as a candidate for the office of Assessor of the Parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election. FOR SHERIFF: 1 , Wa~E are authorised to Alnounce THOMAS R. SIMPSON, as a candidate fW the office of Sheri f of the parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election. U Wr are authorised to announce J OH N M. L E W I S, as a candidate for the office of Sherifof the parish of Caddo, at the election in November next. FOR CLERK: II]WE are authorised to announce N. E. WRIGHT as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court for Caddo parish, at the ensuing election. LP We are authorised to announce WILLIAM G. iKELEY, (the present incumbent,) as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court for Caddo parish, at the ensuing election. EP WE are authorised to announce B. T. SCOG- INS, as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the District Court for Caddo parish, at the ensuing elec- tion. Tribute of Respect. A JoPPA LODGE, No. 74, F. A. M. SAT a meeting held at the Masonic Hall, on the S 15th day of June, A.L..5855, and A. D. 1855, the following preamble and resolutiors were passed: Whereas, it has been the will of the Supr• e Cre- ator remove from our midst, and from the sl here of his usefulness, our well-beloved brother, Jon-, B. STEsENs, it is Resolved by the lodge, That we lament and de- plore the death of our beloved brother, and that in him we have lost a worthy brother and efficient fel- low-citizen and a true and good man and mason. Resolved, That we lament and deplore his death as a loss to our order; but trust to the divine good- ness of thly Architect of the Universe to secure him a blessed immortality. Resolved, That the members of our lodge wear the usual badge of mourning, in memory of our deceased brother, for thirty days. Resolved, That brothers James Markham, P. O. Ragsdale and Juo. K. Parsons, communicate these re- solutions to the relatives and friends of our deceased brother, and, also, that they forward a copy of these resolutions to the lodge in Nashville, of which he was a member, with assurances of our regret and sympa- Resolved, That we request the papers of Shreve- port to publish the above resolutions. Ne• Orleans Market. JUNE 12th.--This imornin, the demand for cotton appears to be quite limited, only about 600 bales changed hands. Inferior, - - 6•@ Middling, - ll-@li,' Ordinary, - - 8349• Good ...- 11@12- LIow middling,10j @10,l Mid'ling fair 12? @- The receipts (including 26,868 bales on hand) since the 1st September,have been 1,201,896 bs. Exported during same time, 1,164,372 bales. Fioun--9 50; 9 75; 10 00: 10 25@1175' bbl. Pore,-- .O. $16 00; mess, $16 75@17 00 P bbl. Baco--Sides, 9,,@10)ic; shoulders, Sjt.@8,3c. LanD-9 01,I);@11i c. y lb. Coax-95c.@$1 00 0• bush. CoFF•:E-Rio, 93,; 10@10ic. t lb. .SuG:--4i/j; 55; l f6c. - -h. MoLAssEs-22, 0 5@30c. ) gallon. IB.Gcc•I•NRoi--Bagging 15,,@1514; rope74 @8. WnIsKEY-Rectified, 33, @34c.; Raw, 37c. •gal. Li~er--At retail-Thomaston, $2 0('fe2 10. XWes- tern, $1 00@1 12". S.LTr-Liverpool, fine, $175@1 80; coarse, $1 15@l 1 20 V sack. CATTLE MARKET, June 12. BEE F- Western, fine,- - - - -8-@0-c. ) lb net. Texas and Lake, --- 3i)@6c. - Hogs, ----------- 5-@6--c. - Sheep, - -- -- -- --- 25@4 00 head. Milch Cows, --- - --- $35 00@85 00 - Calves and yearlings, - - $6 00@9 00 - Supply good, and prices firm at our quotations. JOB PRINTING. S[F Tin: proprietors of the South-Western beg_ to inform their patrons and the public generally, that they have recently received from the foundries a great variety of new and beautiful type, comprising nearly I all the latest styles, which makes their Job Office one : of the mos.t EXTENStVE ANDCOMPLETE in the south west, i (and unequalled by any out of the city,) and that t they are prepared to execute with despatch Plain and Fancy Book and Job Printing, t of every description, from a handbill the size of this paper to thesmallest card, in a style of unsurpassed br eauty and elegance, and A AT THE LOWEST PRICES. PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS. BLANKS, SBRIEtrS, BILLS LADING, LABELS, BOOKS, COTTON RECEIPTS, HaSanII.LS, CIRCLLALS, BLANK NOTES, CAtRDS, &c. &c., Printed on the shortest notice, and in a imanner un- equaled. Printing in Gold, Colored Inks and Bronze. Those wishing to have printing executed will find it to their advantage to give the South-Western acall. I rE meetings of JOPPA LODGE, No. 71, will be held hereafter at the liew lodge room, over Miller's drug store, on Texas street. JOHN L. KIRKPATRICK, W. M. R.B STERREIT, Sce'y. d:cs7 IP. ob Oe. F. 3TniE regular meetingS of Neith L0od•e No. S91, are held on Wednesday evenings,iat i the old Caddo Lodge, on Spring street. F. M. WALDRAN, N. G. V. RITCHIE, Sec'y. Masonic Celebration. TITERE will be a Masonic Celebration and Bar- bebue, at Elysian Fields, on SA'rraev i next, - .23d inst., to which members of the craft, and i e the public generally, tire invited to attend. jn0-lt Wanted. i STAGE DRIVER WANTED. Apply to 1 jun20 0. E. SNOW, City Hotel. DAVID McDOWELL, TVATC H IAK ER, (Late of MELVIILE'S Establishment. New Orleans.) Hi HAvi•s taken charge of the Watch Repairing i di epartment of Mr. Burnside's establishment, ' Texas street, Shreveport, he is prepared to execute all orders in the Watch Repairing line at short notice. All good Watches fully warranted one year from date of repairing. jan20-mn Groceries and Provisions. E have on hand a fine assortment of Family G(roceries and Provisions, including every arti- 1 cle usually kept in a large establishment, all of which a will be sold at the lowest prices. Our country friends Smayi rely iupon having their orders filled at the shortest notice. We have also on hand a stock of choice Wines, old I Brandy, Rum, Gin, and Whiskey, cigars, chewing and smoking tobacco, pepper. spice, table salt, etc. Sjiit1 0 E. & B. JACOBS, Texas street Books and Stationery. R ECENTLY received an extensive assortment of R Sta ndard and Miscellaneous Books, embracing works on Theology, the Sciences. Arts, Masonry, History, etc., fine and common Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books: the works of Shakspeare, Byron, Mil- -ton, Scott, Burns, and otherdi-tinguished authors; a variety of Novels and light literature; Dictionaries, Grammars, Spelling Books, Readers, Geographies and Atlas, Arithmetics, and other School Books; Blank Books in great variety, letter, cap and note Paper, en- velopes, red and black ink, wafers, sand, sealing wax, steel pens, pen holders, pencils, etc. etc. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices, by jan20 T. H. MORRIS, Druggist and Bookseller. 1 Left our Stable Ox the 8th inst., TWO HORSES.--'Q e a grey horse, mediu'm height, the stei die marks very plain. The only other ri:,li remembered is a cut made by the bit. The other horse is a bay, medium height; his tail has been thinnedout. No mnarks remembered. Any infoirmation relative to said horses will beF thankfully received by us. jun20 MARKHAM & TALLY. State of Louisiana---Parish of Caddo. IN DISTHIlCT COURT.-Snceesslon of James . Peace, Dee'd. Notice is hereby given that BAILEY P. PEACE, administrator of said succession, has filed i with the clerk of our said court, an annual account' and a schedule of debts in said succession, and that unless opposition is made thereto in ten days, the timeprescribed by law, said annual account and sche- dule will be homologated, approved and made the judgment of the court, as prayed for. ! Given under my hand and seal of offlice, this ,L. s. 19th day of June, A.D. 155. W. G. KERLEY, uin20-2t Clerk. Election Notice. VIaEREAS, a vacancy has occurred in the board of trustees, owing to the deathof John M. Collins, esq., member from Ward No. 1: .Now, therefore, I, Jons W. Joaes, mayor of Shreve- .nort, do hereby order an election to be held at the house of Sophia Norman, on Spring street, (near Tex- as street,) on Saturday, June 23d, 1855, for a trustee for Ward No. 1, to serve outthe unexpired term of J. M. Collins, deceased: The polls to be opened at 10 o'clock, A. St., and closed at 4, r. n.; and the comimis- sioners heretfore appointed are instructed to hold said election,and mta'.e return thereof to tme. Given under my hand, o&ficially, this 11th day of June, 1b55. jun 13 J. . JONES, Mayor. Election Notice. In pursuance of the proclamation of the gov- ernor of the State of Louisiana, and in e:n- formity with law, the qualified voters of the parish of Caddo are hereby notified that an clection will be held in this parish, at the respective election precincts, on MONDAY, the 25th day of June, 1555, for a Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the tesignation of the honorable Thomas Slidell. The election in Ward No. One, to be held at the house of Mr. Cook; and at the house of L. J. Hamlin, Albany. The election in Ward No. Two, to be held at the house W. A. Pegrtam, Greenwood. * The election in Ward No. Three, to be held at the house of Mr. HIughes, Blossom IIiil. The election in Ward No. Four, to be held at the court-housa in Shreveport. The election in Ward No. Five, to be held at Sum- mner Grove. TI'he election in Ward No. Six, to be held at the house of Mr. E. K. Hall; and at or near the house of S. Bossier, on. Red River. The election in Ward No. Seven, to be held at the school-•ouse, near Mr. Calvent's. Now, therefore, Ihereby instruct the commissionetrs appointed to hold elections in the different precincts of the parish of Caddo, tohold said election on Moin- day, the 25th day of June, A. D. 1855. The conmis- sioners will open the polls at 9 o'clock, A. M., and close-at 4, p. t.; and imlmediately after counting the votes make their returns to the undersigned. S M. WATSON, Sheriff. Shreveport, May 26. 1855. Lt30 NO MONOPOLY! OM, 0IMERCIAL HOTEL. C COi Milain street, Shreveport, Louisiana. M. T. J. ALS'I'ON. Proprietor. THE public is hereby respectfully notified that the new and spacious brick Hotel, on Milam street, in this place has been leased by the above named pro- prietor, and is now ready for the reception of board- ers and transient persons. The furniture, beds and bedding are entirely new, the servants genteel and experienced, and no pains will be spared to entertain guests in the most satisfac- tory manner. The public and travelers may feel assured that this house will be kept open atall seasons, and that every exertion will be made to sustain its reputation of being one of the fittest hotels in the State. junl3 CITY HOTEL. IN consequence of the Commercial Hotel being closed for the past week or ten days, I have had no competitor or opplosition--nor do I consider there is any now-but would inform all my friends and the public in general, that they need not entertain the slightest fear of i"MosoxoroYv," as my prices shall as heretofore be very moderate, the accommuodations unsurpassed by any hotel in the country, and the house kept open at all seasons of the year. june 13 C. T. NELSON. , MARKHAM & TALLY's -9 ; - LIVERY STABLES, , Miiani street, opposite the Colnnlt r,:al Hotel, SntREVEPORT, LOCutI-AA. t HE undersigned have entered intocopartnershil, for the purposeof conducting the above well known and popular Livery Stables, and having put the establishmelnt in thorough order, and secured an ample stock of proventder, inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now prepared to ,ucemcn- Inodite them with saddle horses, Ibuggiesu, carriage•s, etc., of the best description, and on as reasonable terms at they can be had at any other estcihli-hment. lfacks and carriages always ready to convey passengers to any part of the country. Horses will ie kept by the month, week, day, or a single feed. Gentlemen from the country wishing to vi-it New Orleans, or any other pint on tile river, by leaving their ienimtals with us, can have them faithfully and carefully attended to.- Our ostlers are attentive and experience, and will keep animals as "fine and glatssy as silk," and be rea- dy day and night to attend on customiters. Horses bought and sold. Horses and Mules sold on cornillise=on. Our friends are invited to give us a call. J. '. 1. MARKHAM. june 13 MARTIN TALIY. P. F. L. FRANK, WATCHMAKER, Shreveport, La, Kl:Ers constantly on hand a well selected stock of W Vatches and Jewlelry, of every description, which lie is determined to sell for cashat a Loowsnn PRICE than any other establishlment in Shreveport. His stock was selected by himself in person, therefore lie can guarantee every thing lie sells' to he just iwhat lie represents it. Watches, breast pins, bracelets, etc., repaired with neatess and despatch. Niotwith.-tanding the lucubra- tions of a certain cote niporary, he acknowledges "no peer, certainly no superior," in thisdepartmnent of his business. lie willfurniIsh Glasses tand Iantds to ViWatches at TIENTY T (LENTS eich, and every thilng else ii like propl r tii. n. Allorder rimptly ii tt tcndei d to. Rlefer ',ce-All thi:e World and "the balalce of hian- kind," includiniig :Shrcvefy rt and the Texas li ,. . Store, i*posite thie City Hutlc, Texas street. jint L. BAER, Confectionery & Family Grocery Store, -'exas street, bectweben the Levee and Spring street, next door to Ball's drug store, Shreveport. SHis just aceived direct from New Orleans and is now openin'gi' lJgge and complete assort- nimeat of choice and iresh Confectionery and Family Groceries, ctomprising every article usually to Sbe fouid in stores of the kind. Among the stock is: r .ugar, molus es, cofle, teas, chocolate, rice, starch, candles, commtoi and fancy soap, lamp oil, mackerel, I saimin, codfish, herrings, lobsters, sardines, olives, an- cholies, capers, ketchups, saties, sauces, pickles, preserves, brandy fruits, fruits in their own juice, pie-fruits, rai- sins, currants, prunes, nlionds, pecans anid other inuts, syrups of every description, fine cordials, water, sug.r and soda crackers, cakes, candies, jellies and jams,fine *a!ad oil, mustard, pepper, vinegar, ginger, nutmnegs, spice, English and pine-apple.checse, butter, lard, fine salt, etc. etc. Also, aselect stock of choice old Brandy, Port, Ma- deira, Sherry, and White Wines, Champagne, Claret, Rum, Gin, Irish, oll Cock, Moonogahela and common Whiskey; Cider, L.,ntdon Pirter and Scotch Ale, fine hcklesi,, and sim ikiintg Tobacco, Cigars, etc. jiA un6 Receiving, Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT, Corner of Commerce and Milami streets, Shreveport. r[IHE subscriber having taken the commodious and I convenienlt brick warehouses recently occupied by L. E. Carter, is prepared to receive and store cot- ton, merchandise and produce; and will promptly for- ward all goods consigned to his care. Liberal advances in CAsI will be made on cotton left with me for shipment to New Orleans, or to be sold in Shreveport; and I will devote my personal at- tention to selling cotton in this market. Shreveport, June 6, 1855. N. MOORE. To the Public. Tariff of Rates for the Storage of Cotton. T IlE undersigned, engaged in the warehouse busi- 1 ness lin'tthat the price now charged for the stor- age of cottoins not a fair remuneration for the same, and therefore have fixed the tariff of rates as below stated, which we know from experience to be both lib- eral and just. Those having cotton in store previous to the date of this advertisement, will not be charged extra storage until after the 1st day of July following, after which time it will come under the below men- tioned rates, which are as follows: For, receiving and storing cotton, s. bale first month, " Every month after the first........ 19 - " Weighing and marking, .......... 8 - SShil)ping, receiving and taking 8 bills lading,............... " Alltransfers ofcotton,....... ...... 25 - N. MOORE. 5 OGLESBY & GRISWOLD. J. N. HOWELL & Co. Shreveport, June 2, 1o55. junl3-tf. State of Louisiana---Parish of Caddo. IN D I S T R ICT' COURT-Suateessiou of John IW. Morris. deceased. Notice is hereby given that TiatAs H. MoRRts, tCstmlentary executor ofJohn W. Morris, deceased, has this day filed with the clerk of our said court, his final tableau and account in said su@ession, and unless opposition is made thereto in thirty days, the time prescribed by law, the said final account and tableau will be honmologated,approved and made the judgment of the court as prayed for. S Given under my hand and seal of office, this L. s. the 4th day of June, A. D. 1855. W. .3. KERLEY, jiunt6-im Clerk. Dwelling House For Rent. i TnElage and commodious Dwelling House, oc- c/pied by lhe subscriber, on Cotton street, between Market and Spring streets, will be rented untrl the 1st January next, on reasonable terms. There is a never failing wellof most excellent water, and othier conve- niences conducive to the comfort of the tenant. For firther particulars enquire on the premises. jun6 3t S. CAMPBELL. S4 LARGE stock of Window Glass, from 8xu to i L14x2-l, just received and for sale by imty30 WM. BALL. Sherif Sale. TATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In ) District Court, No. 4045. TERRELL & HODoE VS. I. Fa.SIus & Co. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias i r issued out of the honorable the District Court of the Parish of Caddo, and to me directed, in the above Sentitled suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell( at - public auction, at the court-house door in the town of! Shreveport, parish of Caddo, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of July, A.D. 1855, between the hours of 11 o'clock i A. a. and 4r. e.., the following described property, to- t wit: the uniexpired Lease from R. L. Gilmer to Isaace r F;anks & Co. of the Store on lot two, (2,) in block tifty-one, .51,) in the town of Shreveport, it being the st .re fornleriv occupied by I. Franks & Co., said le use to ex ire on the 10th day of November, 1155; and theI Notes and Accounts due the defendants. Seized and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writ issued in the above entitcd suit. Terms of sale-Cash with the benefit of appraise- 0ment. M. WA'l SON, Sheriff. Sreveport, June 11, 1855. j 13-pf.$~5 31 Sheriff's Sale. e TATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In the District Court. No. 2175. COLLINs : GILMEar vs. L. S. WEBSTEttR Co. By virtue of an orderof sale issued out of the honorable the District Court of Ithe Parish of Caddo, and to me directed, in the above entitled suit, I have seized' and will sell at public auction at the court-house door in the town of Shreve- Sport, parish aforesaid, on SATURDAY, THE 7n DAY oF JULY, A. D. 1855, between the hours of 11 o'clock! e. a. and 4 . at., the following described property, to-wit: the Saw Mill, situated ont Cross Bayou, in the town of Shreveport, parish of Caddo, known as the Webster Saw Mill. Seized as the property of the de- fendants, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writ issued in the above entitled suit. Terms of :;ale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise- nient. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff. c Shreveport, Mayv 16, 155. [p.f $7 52 Sherilf's Sale. S TATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-In ) k District Court, No. 4201. . M. . Nictrors vs. f I Tlus. M. TURNER. By virtue of a writ of seizure d and sale to me directed by the honorable the Dis- e trict Court ofthe Parish ofCaddo, in the above entitled I suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public auction at the court house door in the town of Shreve- 0 port, parish of Caddo, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of , July A. 1). 1855, between the hours of 11 o'click, A. 1i., and 4, v. at., the following described property, to- wit: Lots Nos. ten and eleven [10 and 11.] in block N 1 . thirty-on', [31,] in the town of Shrevetport, parish of Caddo. Seized as the property of defendant, Thos. e M. Turner, and to be soldto pay and satisfy the writ Sissued in the above entitled suit. Terins of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise- -tment. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff. Shreveport, May 16. 1I55. [p.f.$7 00 , Sherilff's Sale. STATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In SDistrict Court, No. 3994. ANDERSON, trIFE, et al., vs. HOWELL, under tutor. By virtue of a writ of s sale issued out of the honorable the district court in and Y for the pari h and state aforesaid, and to me directed, I will proceed to sell at public auction at the court house t door in the town of Shreveport, parish of Caddo, on SATLURDAY, the 7th day of July, A. D. 1855, be- tween the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M., aitd 4 p. at., the following described property, to-wit: Lot rlfirteen,[13,] in bilck No. forty-nine, [49.] in the town of Shreve- port, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon. I Terms of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise- mant. THOS. RR.SIMI'SON, D'y Sheritf. Shreveport, May 16, 1955. [p.f.(i 52 Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-In tile District Court, No 388. 5t. W\arsA0, Sher- r iitf, vs. CGmr2.T et al. By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale to ie directed by the honorable te District Courtf ir the Parish of Caddo, in the above entitled r suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at public autetion ;:t the court-houtse door in the town of Shreve- c I prt, p:urish iiresaid, on SAITURDAY, the thi day of a t Jul A. I). 1S55, between the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M. o i and 4 r. .:., the following described property, to-wit: e tile I'ract ofl and on the south side of Red River, in f hire purihl of Caddo, about four itiles below Shreve- u port, on what is called Anderston's I-land, being the a same reported inl the name of John Arnmstrong, as an iAvyo tI Iondtl claim, contaiining six hundred and forty g (6t40) acres, imore or less, with the buildings and im- prove:ncents thcrcon. Seized as the property of the de- ( SPfendant, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writ is- r sued in the above cntitled suit. STerms of sale--Cash, with the benefit of appraise- nrent. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff. Shreverport, May :S. H5. m30-pf.$7 46 Sheriff's Sale. ` ' TATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-In SDistrict Court, No. 4263. E. M. Jsut•is vs. T. t'. Al. TURNERa. By virtue of an order of sale to me di- I rected by the htonorable District Court for the parish of Caddo,, in the above entitled suit, I have seized and w ill proceed to sell at public auction at, the court- house d-or inthe town of Shreveport, state and parish aforesaid, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of July, A. D. 1N55, between the hours of 11 o'clock, A.'M. and 4 i.1., the t,,llowing described properry, to wit: Lots Nos., i 2[ix. 2, [two.] 3 [three] and 4 [four] inblock No. 17,I [r -ev'iteetn.] Seized as tlihe prperty of the defendant, I t and to blie sold to pay and satisfy the writ issued in the t above entitled suit. s Terms ofsule--Cash, without the benefit of up- t paisement. THIOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff. Shreveport, Ma:ty 2t. 1855. n.3Ul-pf.$5 53 Sheriff's Sale. ' TA'TE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo.-In 1J l)i:tr:et Court, No. 3523 1. VAI'SrON, Sheriff, etc. vs. E. 1..I J:iKIcs.--Bty virtue of a trit of seizure andti itsalat, iie dlirectedt by tie ho'Inrable thie Di-trict Couirt t.rt he itriah of Cald ,, in the ailbove entitledt suit, I ;ave seized anid wviii proceed to sell at public auction, ait the C.utlll-house door ini the tiwn of Shrevepor, state Ind parish aforesaid, on SATiRI)AY. the 7tk Sda of 1July , . DIi. 1S551, between the hours of eleven o'ciluck, A. ti. and 4 e. at., the following described pro- iperty, to-wit: SIX NEGCROES, viz: Jim, aged iabtit fifei years; and Marthta iantd hier four chil- 5ren, West, \ iiliin, MarIy, and an infant. Seized as the precrlity of lthe defendant, and to bie solt to pay -and satislf the writ ittue d in the ablo:e entitled suit. STerms of sale--Cash, with the heuefit of appraise- nt. THOS. R. SIMPSON, l)'y Shleriff. Shreveport, May :2-, 1,-5. m.:hl-pf.$i 20 Syndiec's Sale L. & M. Btlu itithal vs. their Creditors. T AATE OF LOUISI-AN,- Parish of Caddo--In District Court. By virtue of an order of sale to mile tdirected by thie honor;ilble the District Court foir i Cadldo parish, I will proceed to sell at public auction, S ilt the markcet-house, in the town of Shireveport, on 4SATIllAY,'3 daty of June, A. 1). 1i55, between tilhe hours of I1 o'clock, A..ti. and 4 r. t., the fllowing describedlcl property surrenideredt by L. & MI. Bluimen- thaii tol theiri creditors, viz: a vacitant Lot of GrtoundtI (No. 11,) frottting tifty [50] feet on .Market street,and ruttiiing back one hun dred andtti fifty [151] feet, accor- ding to a survey or plan made by Johnsonit & Cuililffof u piece ofland owned by thenm, adjoininig Silve~lake, iand now of record in the oatice of the recortler of the parish of Caddo. I 'Terms of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise- mietti IH. IIUNSICKER, Shreveport, Sla' 16. 155. Auctioneer. WMI v . . . MILLER, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST AND BOOKSELLER, T''EXAS STREET, SHREVEPOtT, LA. n REeSECT'FULLY informs his friends e - and the public that he is now - openiiing a new and elegant as- sortment of fresh DRUGS, MEIDICINES, HIJIICAILS, PERFUIIERY, &e., together with all kinds of Surgical Instruments i Physicians' Glassware, Physicians' Sad- dle-bav•, Botanic and Patent Medicines, Spices.Win- dow Glass, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stutf, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Soaps, fine Extractsand Perfume- ry, Pocket Knives, Port-Mornnies, etc. t Als--An extensive assortmrent of BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, Maiscellaneous, Medical and School Books. This stock is one of the best assorted as well as one of the largest in the State, and to which additions are frequently made, Having adopted the Cash System of doing business, making no exceptions-except to persons who ate in e the habitof settling their accounts punctually at tlhe end of the year--it will be my aim to make it the in- terest and desire of all persons to buy froi me for cash. I respectfully invite the attention and patron- age of citizens of this and the saurounding country, as- suring them that they can do as well here as in New Orleans. [pny30] WM. 13. MILLER. NEW DIRUG STORE. WM. BALL, APOTHECARY & DRUGGIST, TEXAS STREET, SnHREVEPORT, (House lately occupied by G.M.Levy & Co.) it T'E subscriber respectfully informs the cit- izensof Shreveport, of Caddo and the ad- ! joining parishes, that he is now opening a large and weil assorted stock of fresh Drugs :and Medicines, u Patent Medicines, Oils, Dye-Stuffi Perfumery, Sta- 1 tionery, Varnishes, Brushes, fine Eoewing Tobacco, Cigars, etc. etc., all of which he will sell as low as the same can be had forin this place on the satme terms, I and to cash purchasers inducements will be offered to prrchase at this establishment. Call and examine. Physicians' prescriptions carefully put up day or night, and the purestsnd best articles used in their comnposition. f~itay30] WM. BALL: Colleg• e latitute. -EING compelled toviasit the e st this summer, to t make tcessary ar getienA for the Institute, r which I cannot postpone, adaDting to my. inability at present prices to provide•or the school as I would r wish and justify mnself, I havetthought proper to an- nounce to tlhe patrons of the school that at the expi- ration of this month I shall ecloa the present session, and be prepared to resume per eutly on the 1st of u October. [may23] - S. P. HELME. I)ERFUMERY, from the mos celebrated ntanufac- Sturer, for sale at V. B. MILLER's. I CUDDY, BROWN & Co., Commission Merchants, 38 Camp street, New Orleans. Sr HE undersigned are prepared to make Liberal i Advances on cotton consigned to the above hause. april 18 OGLESBY & GRISWOLD. S Cotton Wanted. 1 tHIAlh ngaged in the Cotton Brokerage Bsiness, - S1 in Shreveport, and solicit a cull from all who wish to sell their cotton for Cash. Office, on Texas street, in the building lately occupied by colonel A. Hill. 4 oct 4-if E. M. I ATTIIHEWS. To the Planters. FROM the solicitations of many of his planting I' friends, the subscriber will give his personal and i especial attention to.the Sale of Cotton in this market. Refers tothe merchants of Shreveport~generarly. Shreveport, Sept. 13, 185-I. D. S WILDER. -;1 The Marshall Republican will copy six months t and send bill to this office. .. Notice. SN O bills will be paid to any one on account of i stetanboat Union, without the same was made under a written order. jaie 13 C. A. CROOK, Captain. Notice. ITHE partnership existing bet en William Terrell 1_ and B. L. Hodge, is dissolved by mutual consent. Either wit! attend to the business heretofore contidcd to them. Both will continue topractice. WV. TERRELL. Shreveport, March 28, 1855. B. L. HODGE. Notice. t L. HODGE, esq., is the only authorised agent . of theundersigned in the parish of Caddo. tI. LEVY & BROTHER. Shreveport, May 9, 1855. Last Notice. ILLpersons indebted to the undersigned, are no- A tified that unless they come forward and settle . forthwith, their accounts will be placed in the hands aof an officer for collection. The planters have had an - opportunity of selling their cotton, and it is impossi- A ble for us to wait any longer. Snmav 2 E. & B. JACOBS. t w Look Out! LL those who do not pay me by the e1st of June, S1855, may expect to have their accounts placed in the hands of an officer -for collection. Third and last call-fair warning. H. A. ZOLL. Shreveport, May 2, 1855. t Notice. T IIE undersigned gives notice that on the 1st day of January, 1855, the mercantile house of the late Robert Green was closed, preparatory to taking an in- ventory and settling the business of the firms of Robert Green, Green, Douglas & Co., and Green & Douglass. jan 3, 1855 P. II. ROSSON, Agt. for executor. - Notice. I' IIOSE patrons of Swiney, Green & Co. who may _ require anly supplies, will be fiurnished with the I same by P. H. hosson, who can be found at tlie store of [nl] GREEN & DOUGLASS. ... -•--- t--7---- Notice. rPHE undersigned, executor of the estat ofthe late c L Robert Green, deceased, has appointed Mr. P. H. s Rossos his agent, who is empowered to transact all business relating to said estate. Shreveport, Nov. 15. 1854. JNO. J. GREEN. Attention. a LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Robert .1. Green, or the firms of Green, Douglass & Co. and Green & Douglass, are requested to come forward and settle without delay, as the affairs of the succession must be speedily adjusted. P. H. ROSSON, nov 15 Agent of.Jno. J. Green. SHiREVEPORi T AUCTION ~ ORE. THE subscriber, havin, taken the corner brick build- ing on Texas and Market streets, (opposite the market house,j has opened a GE•Er..AL AUCTION STorE, and is now ready to receive goods of every description I on consignmtent. Having been for many years en- : gaged in the business, he flatters hiniselft, give satis- faction to all who may honor hiue with a call. His reg- ular days of sale are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, or any other day, when business demands his attention. r Wil give particular attention to the selling of Ne- groes, Real Estate, Horses and Succession Sales. Liberal cash advances made on consignments of Groceries. A. L. HEINE, Auctioneer. -thrcveport, January 10, 1855. BROAD & MULHAUPT, Satsh, Door and Blind Factory, i Corner of Cotton street and Texas road. fi.TE undersigned, having ere ed a commudi- otis factory, and procured machinery, embracing all the late improvements, are now prepared to execute any orders in their line, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. They will make to order d tiny description of Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. Will also keep on hand all sizes of mouldings, etc. etc. All or- Sdersfrom the country punctually attended to. BROAD & M1ULHAUPT. Shreveport, January 24, 1855. New Stock of Groceries. r HE subscriber has just received per steamers Ma- Srio and Runaway, an extensive and well assort- ed stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors. &c., which he willsell at the lowest prices. Arnong the stock will be found: Flour, Lard, Bacon, Pork, Mackerel, 3 Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Molasses, Potat)oes, Onions, Candles, Soap, Starch, Indigo, DriedFruit, Pic Fruit, Pickles, Ketchups, Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon, Shad, cistern and Ioshet Cheese, SWater, Soda and Butter Crackers; Yeu-t Powders, Bhlcking, lMatches, Pepper, Mustard, Nutmegs, Cloves, Alsplice, 1 Brootts, Buckets, Wooden Waire, DI)emijohns, lttles, flasks, jugs,jjars, Plough Lines, clothes' lines, rope, 'rare Chains, nails, grindstones, I Cofibe Mi!!s, cofifee pots, tinware, Tea Kettles, oveins. castings, Powdler, Shut and Bar Lead, Old Rose, Monougalhcla, Old Cock, Dean's, Dcx- ter's, ctimmon, rectified anid ratw Whiskey, I Pure old Cognac andil Champagne Brandy, IHolland aind American, J.annaica Rium, Claret, Chamtpagne, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Maluga andl Suternte \Vine .; Ci,rdials, Brnldy Fruits, Syrups, etc. etc. t SAso--A fine assortmient of Hardware, Cutlery, t i Crockerv, Glassware, etc. All of which will he dis-I r posed of at the lowest prices. Those in want of goodl articles are invitedto give mne a call. i t may9 Mi. BAER, Texas street. Patent Mledicines. B-ULL's Sarsaparilla; Sands' Sarsaparilla; Rad- way's Ready Relief; Arabian and Mustang Lin- iment; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Perry Davis' Pain Kil- ler; Rushton's Cod Liver Oil; Dalley's magicalpain extractor; Wolf's Schiedamn Schnapps; McAlister's all healing ointment; Holloway's ointment and pills;Mof- fat's life pills and phmnix hitters; Brown's Jamaica ginger; India chluoagogue; Iffilatnd's German bitters; New England cough syrup; Bryan's puilonie wafers; Bateman's drops; Hays' pile ointment; Lee's, Bran- i dreth's, Jayne's, aed Wright's Indian vegetable pills; (odlfrey's carnil:ative balsam, hair tonic and vermi- fuge; FaIhnestock's vermnifuage, nd all other patent medicines usually kept in the southern country. For sale by [my30] WM. BALL. Grinding of Corn--Corn Meal. T HE subscriber having putup a new steam engine, and greatly increased the power of his mill, is now prepared to grindcorn on the most reasonable terms at any hour and duiing EVERY DAY IN TIHE VEEK. Persoins sending corn to be ground may feel assured thi:t they will meet with no detention, mar2l T. W. JONES. Paints, Oils, Varnish, &c. UST received and for sale low for cash-White lend, red lead, Spanish brown, croeme yellow, do green, l'rnssian blue, fig blue, yellow ochre, snow zinc paints, Paris green, roe pink, drop lake, lampblack, British lustre, linsieei oil, spirits turpentine, copal, ja- pani, coach, and black leather varni.h, etc. my30 WM. BALL. Stationery. D LANK BOOKS of every description; letter, cap, record and note paper; yellow, white, faney,note and embossed envelopes; sealin0lvax; wafers; steel pens; leadpencils; playing cards; chessmen; chess- boards; dice; redtape; linen and cotton twine; wrap- ping paper; black, red and carmine inks, etc., for sale by [itmy 30] WM. BALL. Choice Old Wines & Liquors. O LD Cognac and pure Champagne Brandy; Cherry, Peach and Blackberry Brandies, Port, Madeira and Sherry Wines; Jamaica Rum;gid Rye Whiskey; London Porter and Ale; Cavendish,foneydew anmine cut chewing tobacco; stmoking do; fine cigars, snuff, etc., always on hand. [itiy30] WM. BALLI Groceries and Provisions. UST received an extensive assortment of fresh tJ Groceries, Provisions, Boat tand Bar Stores, Li- quors, Wines, Tobacco, ett. etc. STACEY •WELLS, may9 ', 14 on the Levee. CO NGIESS WATER, Seidletz powders; Butter's Stasteless seidletz powders;-Tarrant's apperient; Henry's calcined magnesia; cream tartar; tartaric acid; lime juice; sup curb: soda; citric acid; carb: ammonia; fresh hops; Jamaica ginger, etc., for sale by my30 WM. BALL,. B RUSHES-A large lot of paint brushes; sash tools; hair brushes; tooth brushes; dusting, white wash and varnish do; clothes brushes, etc. for sale by ny30 WM. BALL. pEAS--Just received and for sale, gunpowder, im- perial, young hysoii and porchone. OGLESBY & GRISWOLD. LUGAR-On hand and for sale flavana,Lnouisiana, I] loaf, crushed, powdered, clarified and granulated sugar OGLESBY & GRISWOLD. B. L. HODGE, STTORNEY AND CUNSELLOR AT LAW, t. Shreveport, La. \\ilgive strict attention to bus- iness in the District Courts of Caddo, DeSoto and I iBossier, and tin Supreme Court of Louisiana. ap25 e( J. C. BEALL, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAWV, st Il hrevceport, La. Office. Market street. jan4 -I SAM. FORD, -IOMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, &c., for thi- State of Mississippi. Shreveport. Sept. 27, 1554. JOHN tWM. HILL, fi JTTORNEY AT LAW...Office on Market street, aL Si- hreveport, La. d8 p R. G. HARPER, t ATTORNEY AT LAW, Shreveport, La.-Will r _ practice in the courts of the parishes of Caddo, i a, i Claiborne, DeSoto, Bussier, and in the supreme court, r at Monroe. aug3_-y h LAWIESNCE P. CRAIN. L. a1. NU1T. ft CRAIN & NUTT, TTORNDYS AT LAW, Shreveport, La.--'W ill i practise in the courts of the Parishes of Cnddo,i Bossier, Claiborore and Bienville. stl-l JOHN L. KIRKPATRI'CK, b STTORN Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, -. Shreveport, La. O!•ice in the brick building. p- ,,site the clrk 's office. .29-iy c JOHN YOUNG, TTORNEY Al LAW, will practice in the courts 1 of Caddo, Bossier, Claiborne, and Bienville. Ad- dress, HoasnR, Claiborne parish, Loui.iana. [jan 12 ... ANDREW S. FLOWER, r 4TTORNEY AT LAW, Manslield, (DeSoto Par- u . ish,) Louisic na. Will practice in all the courts of _ the judicial distriet, and attend to the collection of ac- counts, and settling claioms in the parishes of DeSuto. Sabine. Caddto, Claiborne, etc. . RICH'D D. SALE, t General Collecting Agent, ! Shreveport, La. "ITILL give prompt attention to the collecton of all i' claims entrusted to himt against persons int north-western Louisiana, eastern Texas and southern Arkansas. lie will be assisted by J. C. Beall, attor- ney at law, as legal adsiser, who will in his absence r I give any information desired. I Reference--\. W. Smith, E. H. Jordan, Shreve- i port; Oakey & Hawkins, J. Burnside & Co., New Or- I leans; Wood,'Bacon &. Co., Whelan & Co., WViles, a Ballard & Co., Philadelphit; Neilson,WVardwell & Co. New York; lion. H. M. M. Sffrd, supreme court of Louisiann. s 13 DocTs. POOLE & HENRY, t AVING formed a copartnership, ofltcr their pro- fessional services to the citizens of Shreveport and its vicinity, in the various branches of their pro- fession. One of them may at all times be fouind at their ,ffice, on MARKET STrEEET, next door to Messrs. Landrum & Williamson's law office. feb21 l- t ;m DRs. GILPIN & HOTCHKISS, r SAVE remotved their office to the brick building c H near the market, (on Market street,) in the rear a of the office occupied by Messrs. Landrum & William- c son. Where one or the other of them can at all times, I Iday or "iht, be found, when not professionally en- s gaged. January 3, 1855 n S. E. WOODRUFF. DENTIST. Office, No. 5 Market street, (in Mr. Mil- j Icr's new building,) offers his professi- onal services to the ladies and gentlemen of Shreve- port and its vicinity, l-ly a GOODWYN & WATROUS, D EALERS infancy and staple Dry Goods, Groce- ries, Ha rdware, Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery, Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, HIats, Caps, etc., - Starrville, Smith coitty, Texas. jaa4- JOiiN N. tWiEiIt.. AaIItI.TON S. IioWaE tt.. I J. N. HOWELL & Co., a Receiving and Forwarding Merchants, tl Oti the Levee, Shreveport, La. tl i IAVE leased the well known building recently S occupeied by Messrs. Dauglass & Dashieil, on v Sthe Levee, (at the steamboat landing,) and are now It prepared to receive, store or forward cottoli and tner- 1chatndi-e of every description. We are also erecting a contiguous to the present building, and itmmediatelyon c tie hanks of the river, one of the largest and tnot e convenient warehouses in the country, which will e render our facilities for storing cotton equal if not su- a perior to that possessed by any other establishment on o " Red River. - I We are prepared to make liberal cash advances ont I cotton or gotds senit to our care. Cotton will he shipped without being exposed to i mud or rain. All goods will be promnptly forwarded r according to orders; and every attenfion will he paid to the interests of our patrons. aug9 JOHN WALTERS, - S Wholesale and Retail Dealer int Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, &c., Texas street, Shreveport, AS just received one of the largest and best as- .I sorted stocks of Dry Goods ever brought to this i market, to which additions are made by every arrival, i comprising in part silks, tissues, berages, and every description of the most fashionalle dress goods for la- dies, calicoes of all colors and qualities, imerinoes, flannels, cloths, lowells, linseys, linens, drillings, dia- pers, etc., etc. A large and varied assorttment of the most fashiaonable styles of hats, caps, boots and shoes; p gaitr:s, shoes, slippers and brogans for ladies, misses anid clhildren; boy.' boots iand shoes. A large assort- mett of fashlionabole ready-made clothing. A variety of sardlles for both ladies and gentlemntft, bridles, coil- - lars., blankets, hardware, iron, citlery, tools, nails, I '1 croctkern, qeellnsware, glnssware, china, etc. Also--A large stock of fresh and genuine Groceries, I consisting ofbracon, mness pork, sugar, miolasses, cofll : j ten, cthoclate, Hlolr, lard, salt, pepper, spice, miackerel, i cancles, lilquors ofall kinds, wines, etc. Terms--Cal-I, or on time to strictly punctural cus-t Notice. 1 rI; business if the late tirm of Wili am E. Pasteur 1 & CO., 'ill be continued by the unitletoignied, e li survivitnt partnrs. All persons indlebtedt t,the firm 'c of WVilliam F. Pa'teur & C,., are requestedl tio srettle o the sane with the undersigned at an early d:iv, and n those having claiims againtst said will presenit thcnt to ti the undeirigned, or to Smn. l"ird,ecvI. I. AUSTIN & (;)ODWYN. ,, SSuccessors of W. E. Pasteur & Co. a Shreveport, March 24. 1855. '] N. . _L. D---RURY, I llonse, Sign and Ornamental P'ainter. SVERY description of work protmptly attetded to, - and executedlin a worknliltmlikc e tillnne ri l io:i- I crate ternts. Refer to This. Ii. Mlorris, druggist. Particular atte-tit, paid toi SIGNS PAlNTIN'G. $100 REW ARD. I wartt, give the above reward for my by Ii '., wha runawa:y on the 7th April, from my plan- tation in Walker county, if taken up by ,n;' person I est of the San Antonio river; fifty dolltrs if taken upI west of the Brazo, and twenllty-fie dollars if taken up east of the Brazos river. The above reward willbe paid by delivering said boy into the hands of any jai-. lor convenient to whelre taken up, and '1where he vwill be securely kept untilI can get him. Lill is what would be calleda bright mulatto, of rather dull cxpres- stUn of countenance, his hair might be called ' tra.ilht, and when long, very buhy: was very lun, when he leftbho1e. His 11 e is abo' t 2 years, hiS height five feet teninches. ITook with him from home a double- barrel shot gun. W•M. B. SCOTT. Huntsville, Texa., May, I 55. .i The Galveston News, Suth -WVestern,Shrevpmort, and lHoustn Telegraph, will publi,h folurtarlcs and send bill to the Presbyteri;an ofice. - Committed to Jail xI the parish of Caddo, a negro woman, who, calls herself B•iTrs, but says her real name is IHANNAi, andl thatshe belongs to Mr. 'llhlmpon, resi- ding about 1D) miles from Marshall, in 1laris.on coIn- ty, Texas. The owner or owners ofsaid negro girl is. hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, or she will be disposed of as the law directs. J.S. ALLWiNE, Jailor Caddo prish. Shreveport, June 13. 1555. . Committed to Jail Ix the parish of iaddo, before the honorable J. W. Jones, ajustice of the peace, in 1anl for sI.j parish, a negro woman, black compllxined, alut twenty-five years of age, lndt same five f, 1 t fmlu inches high. Calls herecif JANE, and says tint she1 belongs to a IMr. Persons, residinlt in the city of New Orleans. Site was appreiended in Cadd, l1 mift, near the town of Shreveport. The owner or owners jf0 said negro woman is hereby lotilied Io came forward, prove proiperty, pay charges, and rake her away, orshe will be disposed of as tihe law directs. J. S. ALLWINSE, Jailort Cado p::rish. Slreveport, March 21,;1855. Committed to Jail I the parih f Caddo, before J. WV. Jones, esq. justice of the peace, a negro boy, who cal!s himself Joliu, and say: tihat. he belongs to Mr. John- ston Ellis, of New Orleans. Said Iegro wi1s irrestedI at the steamboat landilg, town of Shreveport. 'Tlhe i owner, or owners, of said negro man is hereby .oti- fled to come forward, prove property, pay charges andl take him away, or lhe will be disposed of as the law directs.* J. S. ALLWINE, Jailor Caddo polish. Shreveport, March 21, 1855. a i VERY exec!lent Cook, Washer anl Ironmer, c about 26 years old, fullyguarantied. Enquire at i the Auction Store, of A. L. IIEINE, m1_ 4 Au twtioneer. PICES-Cloves, allspice, mace, nmegs, cinna- i mon, enssia, ginger, mustard, Ilaock pepper, and every description of flavoring extracts. ft• siale bi lmy30 \.11. BALL. Shreveport & Alexandria Packet. THE light draught ste'mer UNION, C. A.CROOK, tomaster, h ving beet dock- ed and thoroughly repauted, has resl-un- ed her place as a regular packet betwei cn Shreveport and the falls, making a trip every Week. For freight or passage, having superb accomntoda"on. -c-; "ins all state roomls-- pply on board apr4 Shreveport & Alexandria Pa_ ket. 'Tite new, slubstiantial, very lit•rdraurrht Steamboat Ii•ITE CLIrFFS, JottN GRAHAM, master, will leave r. her first trip for Alexandria This Afternoon, (Wednet~ t',) at 5 o'clock, and continue in the trade as a wee. ly packet during the low water. The White Cliffs was built by cnplt: n Grahamnl f the express accommodation of his old Fiends and pat- rouns, and will ott the first rise of wrater take her plt.: as a regular Upper Rod River packet. Sire is itn every respect equal to any boat in the trade, and he pledges i himself that every exertion will be made to give satis- fatction. riei Shreveport aii-d Alea• diIa Pacl :e t. 'I ux- new, substantial and fast runnliing Ssteamliboat IMAlION, M[I't'l a ina -, mta-ter, will continue to run during the low water as a weekly packet between Shrevelort and AlIxandria. The Marion was built expressly for thei Red River trade,is unusually stauch, her boilers, ma- •hliuo ry, furniture, etc., enItirlTI new, and is fitted out in accordance with the late act of congress. Strict at- Srtion will be paid to all business, and her ofctrs will uise every effort to give sati factiou. Fuor freiliht or passage, apply onil board. iLt o s When the water rises the Marion will run1 as a reguilar packet between New Orleans, 8ltre lport and upper Red River. TV THIrOTEL. TI'rrs establishment, long know as Van- Bibber's hotel, situated on Texas at.. it tihe heart of the business portion oi !!ti town of Shrevepo)rt. lhaving- been leased by tile utder- signed, fs now in the full tide of successful operatin. The proprietor takes this occasion to tender his thanks to Iris numerous friends, for their past patronage, a:;dt assures thel that it is his deterrnmination to mllaket !ie City IHotel equal to any house ill the south or weit, and no pains or expense will be spared to e•ct die::t purpose. The table of the City loterl will l suppl;id with the beet to be found in the market, and it \t il ibe graced during tile high water seasonl with soit oft tile luxuries which New Orleans affords, and whictI are not here to be foutd. Ili's friends in the ettuntry may rely upon having their horses well taken ca:re i. C.'I'. T. NElSON, late of tile Nelson flolu.- [3' The Marshall, Jefferson, Mansfichldand iMonro• staes, all stop at this houseR. janil The Old Capitol Hotel. Iusto.N, T'lXS. S VE have lensed the above hotel for a se ries of years, and have furni-hedlt it s\utt new lurniture and bedding thlroughltuf, anti are r- pairing the builling a part at a time anti as flet as tp,,- sible. But in the mean titte tile house is open for the reception of travelers and citizens, and the sttmderigi-i- ed will endeavor to render their guests comfnortble.- r Attachedt to the house is a Livery Stable, with expeti- enced ostlers; and horses will Ire well taken care ot. , Froum our loung experiecee in the business, and our strict attention to the wants of our guest-, we hope to merit a liberal patronage. HENRY VAN BIDBBER & SONS. Houston, Texas, January 1, 1855. j: il j -Y For Sale., - A well built cottage, situated on Mar- ket street, only two blocks frromr Tex- as street. It contains three good rooms, hall, g llcry, etc. There is also on the premises a kitchen, servant.' rooms, and cistern. It will be sold extremiely low.- For particulars apply to may9 OGLESBY & GRTSWOLD. , For Sale. THe two story brick store occupied for the last six years by the undersigned, situated on 'T'cas street, near the corner of Spring. It is covered Rsitll tin and thoroughly tinished in every respect. Itn the rear ot the store is a fine warehouse, which makes this one of Ithe most commodious and convenient buildings for a t wholesale and retail business ill town. As a stand it hI as no superior. Also-A Dwelling H!ouse, and three lots of groutn attaclh-l thtereto, situated on Market street. The horn:u contains five roonls, well finished, and there are kitch t ens, servants' rooms, stables, a well ofgood waiter,and every other convenience necessary to the comifort of - a family. The atbove property will be sold low and Son acceoulnodating terms. Apply to jyl9 .. & B. JACOBS, Texas street. DRY GOODS AT COST FOR CASH. H (t ve you seen the N E W ST 0 I E, where so tmianv have been, And purchased a Bonnet, th!ebest could be sen-- Variety's great with the fashioit anid style, Itach suiting the fiace, and mtaking s stt'ile. Youtt may say to yourselves "had I knotnti it bef-ire, Oft with great pleasure I'd gone to that rtorei" tUnderstand what I mean, I think you can tell Some bargains for cash they always will sell. " ~Envied by others, a ithout any doubt, Each Lady would try to find the store out! t'lNever such bargains before could they see. Tlhough the merchants in town with himb woni ' tigrt, H. WELLs is contented with a discount for cash; .• Every article ofibred is New-anud not trash- No one can deny it who has purchased hlit gtoo)ds; Egxamline themn all, with the Bonnets and Hlooods. T•L•:LLs, with much pleasure,is wiili g to shlvw- Stop at his store lief'ire elsewhere you gi,: The direction I wishli to explain very clear, On tilte CORNER tIF MARKsieT AND 'i'rEx. STR.EET, nelir, lt emeluiber to call alnd examineli his store- ]Each lady wsill say she ne'er saw such haifrre. HIENRY WELLS, Bonnet andl Fauncy Storel, d~l'I Cornerirof Market anrd Texais s~t.. Sliretve-)u-tt New stock of Groceries. E. & B. JACOBS, truly thankful fir the lib. eral patronage for nmany years extr nded to) them, beg to iniforll their friends and the pIb lic generally that they are now Legaged in clisuing out their sttck ofdry goods, adti intend for the bahlance of the time they may c.onltinue in tioe ln rcrantile he di- ness to keep constantly on hanll the hest and Inmost x- tensive stock of Groceries, Provisions and Prduice to, be foundt in Shreveport. Reliance may he lflly plated on fitdingi every thing in the grocery line, uaid their articlcs will be sold on the ti ox'n'r• rei unltc .'r tiv t:.l'rt. Their stock now consists in part of Flour, BaIrn, Bei', Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Rice, hietar, Collfet , 'ea, Chocolate, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pickles, licthlips, Syrups, Spices, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Starch, (0:, Fancy G(;rocetis of every description, etc. .tc (;ie them a call hef're purchasin.r elsewhere. m5i"22 Notice, rpilIE undersigned htving purchased of Wim. C.iTr- Shue hi:s entire stuck ' f wo'd,t,, wil! cne iti, "- inces at the same iplae. iHe will add a large stck to that Ilowi' in halt aiitnd invites attellntio t his stor. li Ic hI bought alsu the opeln at ounI ts f \V . T'iri - bhe ii:i since the Ist of Janul ary ist, anl d ! r al' ,litlit d t) l;nk,pnyi tl to hillo, hut soh=.., ; :r acmounit will hr ndhled t tthose artauy :nlr,. Shrevepl, rt, Mlay s , 1i5. i. P. 'I'RA li E. r iH E sub-m iner w ,o' ubi, r,_: p t fully, s i i t r i t i ti A tenti:n of th ,'e w ho m ay w i th to p ,:rehase DRY GOODS, GROCE'RIES, Hardware, Cutlery, China, Glassware, &c: tI call and see hi:, sttck; which, he belici'es, wil p!easr Iis stck is very g n erIl. A contiitantcie iof the 'favo'rs whi•t for v, tr, h beent uner'i .ly given him in bi linserss !'ratt fuly acknowledge!, and a contittnance If the se .. ,lici- ted. 1hLSIIA H..IOE 1,\ N dee 15 At hi o, Pi: '. SSock of Goods For Sale. S\VISH to dispose of tlie stok of Goods ( ic , ,,ri ; Sto the sccsitc-. n of 1I. green, at Ontilintt in l to some ,• t700; and containing many desirabtd .,er,. IThe intentitry a st.t k aur h sen bi y , ,u "Mr. P. TI. R•s•on, Texas'IsrreCt, optpoiti, th' City i i . tel. To the right kind of a cust.nwr i -'oil tradil would ie given. .I. J. lIERIEN. lE'r. S - Old Soldiers. Ax art passed by the hot r ,-rr'. gives t,, a ol ,l- Sdiets in any ,f tl:c wars o! till: U. S. sine 1770 r w• o a r f•t fourteen ifs crn ii'ore, o f heir i- diows 'r olrphan children, l t itacu s of lan,i, 'rlml wh'ih, however, is to be deductecd what they may hayv b, rrf,,r" e r r, i 'ed. Ti'h, undierseinrd ,s ,r.- pared with Ltr, hB nkis, etc., fot'r theiii proii se li ' such ciaits. Ollit.e in the town of Shrevepor't. apll-tf .1INO. K. PA ' SONS. A. J. HITCHCOCK & Co.'s S , LIVERY STABLES,.L Y Corner of Texas and Ldwartl streeti, Sir ve plt. r plI ; undersigned, havit ig ,purtlt:ied thie i;;t rest of Mr Mers. Va1nBibber rin the .:bo,,e ,.v!! ,el. t; bli -hmen.t,and put t n line ,re ir. ifut nn t it fr and the pualie gentlr :iy, that th, y are nrl pard ti a - C(l;1llod;:t~ th!r 1 Wit J _" l tre .o:fcs, bintggli, . i, - aiges, etc., of the bh t dt se liptiu , irt tt ,t e r - U - lie tetrns is t 'y Ci'a i b I ntl t 'itt Oth.r t !, tuent. lHlorses will be kept by the mtontlh, V. r k, dar., or a single feed. Ge(Il'onlit'n frot the country, w i-ii- ing to vi-it New Oileans, 'r any point ini the iiter. !,y leating thtir a nit uals' wil us, r i ( I a't e thor u t' ) ls ly and faithfu!ly attended t,, . ur +,'-titr. tier ,,;.m enced and attentive, and arr ready day atl,. n bit t, atteind to thie wantt of cI'llsttneis. IItres bought tand sold. lurses a.,d ltiles s, l on' tonifIlln iot n. "T'hankful for the patronave txtended: t, thx lat lut of VauBibber & lththcot k, te ri-pec'tul'ty h- ,ict continuance thrreof, Iled[ ing ourst h, . t th do nIl Ito 1, power to merit it. fa231 A..1. II t'II(_"COCK &. Co 4- (lOOflD stupply of B,:nsing and lapi, l;alott . l hand, aniid lr sat", at rir hits .. t rate. bv ':I l.'' Y & \'q l..

Transcript of The South-western (Shreveport, La.) 1855-06-20 [p ] · 2017-12-15 · ic party, and was the...

Page 1: The South-western (Shreveport, La.) 1855-06-20 [p ] · 2017-12-15 · ic party, and was the democratic candidate for gov-ernor il 1846, in opposition to gov. Graham. The Nashville

A letter to the Concordia latelligencer, dated onBlack river, Concordia parish, M&a 19, sd ns, gloomydespondency, bordering on despair, broods over our]ana. Suffering and starvation are.staring some inthe face, while others are impressed with the solemn iconviction that we are now passing through one ofthose trying ordeals of punm•hment, inflicted by aDivine Ruler, in order to bring us to a full depend-ence upon Him in whom we live and more andhaveour being.. The absence of rain is felt by the vege-table creation in a most sensible Ianner, as well asby the beasts of the field. For our own consump-tion, men in different places are forced to go manymiles to the main streams, the arteries, as it were, ofthe world,. for supplies of water, the ponds, lakesanrd smaller streams being either dry or inaccessi-ble. On many plantations, in this section of conun-try, the crops are very shabby and unpromisin. "

The whooping cough has become almost epihemicin some parts of the parish of Catrdoula. It prevailsin several sections to an alarming extent, and manydeaths have occurred from it, pauiticularly on plan-tations, where there are many young negroes, its rav-ages are marked with the greatest mortality. Thedisease seems to be stubborn and unyielding to thetreamuent of medicine. The health of the parish,says the Independent, otherwise is good.

Three vessels had cleared from Blermuda for NewYork, previous to the 24th ult., having on board up-wards of 2,800 biarrels, 22 sacks of potatoes, 23,000lbi. onions, and 650 lbs. tomatoes.

The Cincinnati council has passed an ordinancepreventing milkmen from delivering milk one thesabbath.

The. Louisville Jourbal thinks there is nio doubtthat the report of judge Loving's wi:hdrawal fromthe canvass for governor of Kentucky was incor-rect. He was anxious to withdraw on account of illhealth, but he has been prevailed on to continue acandidate.

Colonel W. H., (whig,) of Butler coun-tv, announces his intention to run for congress inthe second district of Alabama.

Colonel Charles Hopkins, of McTntosh county, isaninounced as a candidate for congress in the firstdistrict of Georgia.

W. B. Mahen, a leading democratic member of thelast legislature of Kentucky, is the American can-didate for congress in the first (Linn Boyd's) dis-trict.

The American party in the fourth district of N.Carolina, have nominated James B. Shepard, esq.,of Raleigh, for congress. Mr. Shepard has beenfor a long time aprominent member of the democrat-ic party, and was the democratic candidate for gov-ernor il 1846, in opposition to gov. Graham.

The Nashville Whig, of a recent, date, says, col.Intrney, one of the democratic candidates for repre-sentative from Maury county in the next.legislature,has come out in favor of the doctrines of the Amer-ican party. In consequence, the Columbia Herald(lemocratic) washes its hands of him, and goes infor the election of his democratic competitor, FrankC Duntmington, esq.

Some of the planters in the parish of West BatonRouge are digging wells in their fields to watertheir crops.

'I'lhe W ashington Star says, letters received from)fr. Buchatnan state thAt he will leave his missionabout the last of September, and travel in Europefor some time before returning to the U. States.

Lucinda O. Nevers, of Long Mntaddw, Massachu-setts recovered $5,249 31 of S. C. Booth, for injuriessustained by the bite of defendant's dog, at the ses-sion of the supreme court at Springfield, Mass.

The British government has presented the iepub-lic of Liberia with a vessel of war, and the emperorNapoleon has sent them 1000 stands of arms andaccoutremeonts.

It is stated that the East Tennessee and Georgiarailroad would be completed by the first instant,when Knoxville would be iii direct communicationwith Charleston, Savannah, AugustA and Nashville.

The estimated population of England and Wales,in lt84, was 18,617,000: the numoinr of births, were(11:1,56, of deaths, 458,, aul" if marriages about

Some citizens of Iron county, Utah territory, havesucceeded iii making bar iron in the puddle furnace,direct from the ore, and the quality is such that goodhorse nails are made from it.

The aggregate population of Kansas, accordingto the census recently taken, is stated at 8,401, ofwhom 5,095 are males, 3,373 females. The numberof legal voters was 2,887; number of natives of theUnited States; 7,161; of foreigners, 400, and of slaves192; free colored 7.

Enlistments for the British service in the Crimea,are still going on in New York city covertly. De-tachments of men, in squads of twenties and thir-ties, leave every few days for Halifax.

The countess Zakrevesky, wife of the militarygovernor general of Moscow, has transmitted to thegovernment of the czar 51,400 silrer rubles, receivedby her and other ladies from the various ihhabitantsof Moscow, for the assistance of the families of thosekilled or wounded in the war.

The heon. George Folsom, late charge at the Hague,met with a poor American family ini Jerusalem, whowent out to join a colony to teach the natives of Pal-estine agriculture and the mechanic arts. The en-terprise proved a failure, and the family being redu-ced to poverty, Mr. Folsom gave them $250 to paytheir passage to Boston.

A young man in New York, named Ed. Brans- :field, who received a bite from a terrier dog, abouts month since, was seized with hydrophobia, on Fri-day last, and died a horrible death. It is said itwas a painful sight to witness the victim in his lastagonies. He would howl and growl like a dog; hiseyes were strained to the utmost, and his mouth ap-peared as if he desired to do nothing but drink.

A Prussian comic paper has a picture remarkablywell executed of "the present sick man," in whichJohn Bull is represented lying in a state of great

',weakness and prostration oni a camp bed, while the"physician, doet. Louis Napoleon, sits by his side,prescribing for his disastrous disease. The patientbegs the doctor to give him some help, and promisesto pay very liberally for his services. "I will takecare of that myself," says the doctor; "when I getthrough, I shall present my accaunt."

An Indian at Grand Raids, Michigan, recentlyran a distance of three t and.%et, nearly threequarters of a mile, in three ihin tes ten seconds.

FaRO MEXico.-The Cor•us Ohiristi Advertiser ofthe Sd instant, has the follovwingimportant informa-tion:-"Thme news from Mexico id important and ex-citing. It appears that orders fromi Santa Anna werereceived to arrest and shoot, withont ceremdny, someof the leading citizens of Monterey and Lampasas;Sanong them dou Santiago Vidouiri, late secretary ofstate of Nueva Leon, a man of great influence. Theexistence of these private orders leaked out and donEsntiago Vidouri dispatched a 4:ourier to Lampasaswith the news, and when gen. Miknchaca, Santa An-na's emissary, arrived, lie was two hundredarmnsd citizens and forced to sure•Qd r. His life wasspared in consequence of the m~Iulyposition he as-suined, acknowledging that his brders were to shootsome eight of the leading citizenis of Lampasas:,andthat had he the ability, the ordi rs of his: superiorswould be implicitly obeyed'. Ele did not ask hislife, as his superiors would 4At believe but he hadsold his command. This gallant captain who is wellknown by our informant, was alive at last accounts,and the probability is his minaly bearing will savehim.

The news of such exciting traijsact'iin soon spreadthrouglhout the sur oundit g codauty. Juan Suaseahad left Lampasas with 200 mer, andivould be join-ed at Ville Aldaina, Sabinas, Salitins, etc. by a forceequal to 1000 men.

The whole country is represented as being in arms,and an attempt to take Monterey will be made im- Imediately. The governor of Nhueva Leon, general jCordova; had fled to the interior. The bishop of IMonterey, who visited all the frntier towns last fall,it is now asc.ertained, was ser as a spy by SantaAnna to mark the unfaithful. He has also left, butbut if taken, will be roughly dsalt with.

This movement, or outbreak, is entirely ahead of .Carvajai's plans; for Lhough tihe people were preparing for an issue, thb urgenc of the case has for-stalled the matter.

Praocfcings of to1 Boarb of iTrustees.MAYoa's O-•c, JUxa 12, 1555.

At a called meeting of the board :of mayor andtrustees of the town of Shere'rpoit, held at the mayor'soffice, June 12th, A.f-l 855, the following memberswere in attendance, viz: J. W.!Jones, mayor; L. M.Nutt, W. B. Miller, BW.W. OeIrge,4. H. Burnside,and L. Knox, teistees.- H. P..avry'; constable andcollector; and Richard S. Carac•tstlerk:

The mayor called the board4t+order and proceededto business. i

Sam Ford, appeared, was ~;g 1ieod and took hissemat.,

-On motion of trustee Ford, thi, collector of the rail-road tax was allowed 5 ? cent.ifor said collection.

Thie board the} went tr .ai election for collectorof said railroad-tax. Upon couriiag the votes, it was _ascertained th t H. P. Savery lIaving received a ma-jority of those ast,he-was declried duty elected col-lector of the t•_ .

On moti'ofarugte Ford, it vas ordained that the icollector othb rilroasd tax be iinstructed to proceedto collect said tax imnmu dately

On ,nntioof trfftee'fua, itwas orakined that thecollectof'oT th ra l1~eadta be leq uired to give bondin the sum dm seteeditboosand dfltars, f~r.the faithfuldisebharge.of his duty he collectpr of said tax.

Trustee Burasidd ofered ti& folloiwing ordinance,which.ias unanimoously aopi td:

Be it ordained, &c., Iat t•• l owners of the proper-ty becupied b C G. X6gt•,r. Oil Texas street, be re-quired t hae the idealk paved with brick, withtihe establis cdgrad• e from:ts•i City Hotel to the cor-uer of A.1: ai.bnels auction stire .

Trustee Ford ert the falloiing ordinance,whichwas adopt

Be it o -daied, Ae.. That the mayor appoint a,committee of ,,ree o tod.c er with the lessee of themarket-house aitdrep ert on tit. propriety and termsof acquirin econtror otvr the samne.

SThe nmayor• ap itd on a•ad committee trusteesFord, Miller aud urnide. i

Trustee Geonrg offd the following ordinance,w'hich was puo to •abte, ainl losf:

Be it ordained, &c., That thee taxes on real estate,as allowed to be collected animialy, in amount at the. tdiscretion of the mayor and trustees, be remitted forthe year 1855, and rlat this bWatd govern itself ac-cordingly in retrenehinent anti relTorim.

On motion, the board adjourted tintil the next reg-ular meeting. J. W. J)NE$• mayor.

Attest--Ihcuaa S. CaaUYsc. el'k:

rConsignees of Merchandiseper tBamboats.At Oglesby 4 Grsvald's-M. S. Smith; J.M ford; i

B. F. Eppes; E. J S.Cates; W.Cates; E. Smith; Sam'1Williams.

At J. N. Howell <. Co.'s-A-.& W.W. Gunter & co.,Quitman, Tx; and to order.


U1WE are authorised to announce judge E. T.MERRICK, of East Feliciana, as a candidate for theoffice of Chief-Justice of Louisiana. Election, on Mon-day,25th Juus.

UZVWE are authorised to announce THOMAS H.LEWIS, of Opelousas, as a candidate for the officeof Chief-Justice of Louisiana. Election to take placeon Monday, 25th June.

Q : i W are authorised to announce judge THOS: J.COOLEY, of Pointe Coupee, as a candidate for theoffice of Chief-Justice ofLouisianaat the approachingelection. ,

FOR ASSESSOR:I[ WE are authorised to announce JAMES W.

RATLIFF, as a candidate for the office of Assessorof the Parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election.

[L WE are authorised to announce T HO M A SMcO A L L, as a candidate for the office of Assessorof the Parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election.

FOR SHERIFF:1 , Wa~E are authorised to Alnounce THOMAS R.

SIMPSON, as a candidate fW the office of Sheri f ofthe parish of Caddo, at the ensuing election.

U Wr are authorised to announce J OH N M.L E W I S, as a candidate for the office of Sherifof theparish of Caddo, at the election in November next.

FOR CLERK:II]WE are authorised to announce N. E. WRIGHT

as a candidate for the office of Clerk of the DistrictCourt for Caddo parish, at the ensuing election.

LP We are authorised to announce WILLIAM G.iKELEY, (the present incumbent,) as a candidatefor the office of Clerk of the District Court for Caddoparish, at the ensuing election.

EP WE are authorised to announce B. T. SCOG-INS, as a candidate for the office of Clerk of theDistrict Court for Caddo parish, at the ensuing elec-tion.

Tribute of Respect.A JoPPA LODGE, No. 74, F. A. M.

SAT a meeting held at the Masonic Hall, on theS 15th day of June, A.L..5855, and A. D. 1855,

the following preamble and resolutiors were passed:Whereas, it has been the will of the Supr• e Cre-

ator remove from our midst, and from the sl here ofhis usefulness, our well-beloved brother, Jon-, B.STEsENs, it is

Resolved by the lodge, That we lament and de-plore the death of our beloved brother, and that inhim we have lost a worthy brother and efficient fel-low-citizen and a true and good man and mason.

Resolved, That we lament and deplore his deathas a loss to our order; but trust to the divine good-ness of thly Architect of the Universe to secure him ablessed immortality.

Resolved, That the members of our lodge wear theusual badge of mourning, in memory of our deceasedbrother, for thirty days.

Resolved, That brothers James Markham, P. O.Ragsdale and Juo. K. Parsons, communicate these re-solutions to the relatives and friends of our deceasedbrother, and, also, that they forward a copy of theseresolutions to the lodge in Nashville, of which he wasa member, with assurances of our regret and sympa-

Resolved, That we request the papers of Shreve-port to publish the above resolutions.

Ne• Orleans Market.JUNE 12th.--This imornin, the demand for cotton

appears to be quite limited, only about 600 baleschanged hands.Inferior, - - 6•@ Middling, - ll-@li,'Ordinary, - - 8349• • Good ...- 11@12-LIow middling,10j @10,l Mid'ling fair 12? @-

The receipts (including 26,868 bales on hand) sincethe 1st September,have been 1,201,896 bs. Exportedduring same time, 1,164,372 bales.

Fioun--9 50; 9 75; 10 00: 10 25@1175' bbl.Pore,-- .O. $16 00; mess, $16 75@17 00 P bbl.Baco--Sides, 9,,@10)ic; shoulders, Sjt.@8,3c.LanD-9 01,I);@11i c. y lb.Coax-95c.@$1 00 0• bush.CoFF•:E-Rio, 93,; 10@10ic. t lb.

.SuG:--4i/j; 55; l f6c. - -h.MoLAssEs-22,

05@30c. ) gallon.

IB.Gcc•I•NRoi--Bagging 15,,@1514; rope74 @8.WnIsKEY-Rectified, 33, @34c.; Raw, 37c. •gal.Li~er--At retail-Thomaston, $2 0('fe2 10. XWes-

tern, $1 00@1 12".S.LTr-Liverpool, fine, $175@1 80; coarse, $1 15@l

1 20 V sack.CATTLE MARKET, June 12.

BEE F- Western, fine,- - - - -8-@0-c. ) lb net.Texas and Lake, - - - 3i)@6c. -

Hogs, ----------- 5-@6--c. -Sheep, - - - - - - - - - - 25@4 00 head.Milch Cows, - - - - - - - $35 00@85 00 -Calves and yearlings, - - $6 00@9 00 -Supply good, and prices firm at our quotations.

JOB PRINTING.S[F Tin: proprietors of the South-Western beg_ to

inform their patrons and the public generally, that

they have recently received from the foundries a greatvariety of new and beautiful type, comprising nearly

I all the latest styles, which makes their Job Office one

: of the mos.t EXTENStVE AND COMPLETE in the south west,

i (and unequalled by any out of the city,) and thatt they are prepared to execute with despatch

Plain and Fancy Book and Job Printing,t of every description, from a handbill the size of this

paper to the smallest card, in a style of unsurpassedbr eauty and elegance, and A




Printed on the shortest notice, and in a imanner un-equaled.

Printing in Gold, Colored Inks and Bronze.Those wishing to have printing executed will find itto their advantage to give the South-Western acall.

I • rE meetings of JOPPA LODGE, No. 71, willbe held hereafter at the liew lodge room, over

Miller's drug store, on Texas street.JOHN L. KIRKPATRICK, W. M.

R.B STERREIT, Sce'y. d:cs7

IP. ob Oe. F.3TniE regular meetingS of Neith L0od•e No.

S91, are held on Wednesday evenings,iati the old Caddo Lodge, on Spring street.


Masonic Celebration.TITERE will be a Masonic Celebration and Bar-bebue, at Elysian Fields, on SA'rraev i next,

- .23d inst., to which members of the craft, and i

e the public generally, tire invited to attend. jn0-lt

Wanted.i STAGE DRIVER WANTED. Apply to

1 jun20 0. E. SNOW, City Hotel.


(Late of MELVIILE'S Establishment. New Orleans.)Hi HAvi•s taken charge of the Watch Repairing idi epartment of Mr. Burnside's establishment,

' Texas street, Shreveport, he is prepared toexecute all orders in the Watch Repairing line at shortnotice. All good Watches fully warranted one yearfrom date of repairing. jan20-mn

Groceries and Provisions.E have on hand a fine assortment of FamilyG(roceries and Provisions, including every arti-

1 cle usually kept in a large establishment, all of whicha will be sold at the lowest prices. Our country friendsSmayi rely iupon having their orders filled at the shortest

notice.We have also on hand a stock of choice Wines, old

I Brandy, Rum, Gin, and Whiskey, cigars, chewing and

smoking tobacco, pepper. spice, table salt, etc.Sjiit1

0 E. & B. JACOBS, Texas street

Books and Stationery.R ECENTLY received an extensive assortment ofR Sta ndard and Miscellaneous Books, embracingworks on Theology, the Sciences. Arts, Masonry,History, etc., fine and common Bibles, Prayer Books,Hymn Books: the works of Shakspeare, Byron, Mil--ton, Scott, Burns, and other di-tinguished authors; avariety of Novels and light literature; Dictionaries,Grammars, Spelling Books, Readers, Geographies andAtlas, Arithmetics, and other School Books; BlankBooks in great variety, letter, cap and note Paper, en-velopes, red and black ink, wafers, sand, sealing wax,steel pens, pen holders, pencils, etc. etc. All of whichwill be sold at the lowest prices, byjan20 T. H. MORRIS, Druggist and Bookseller. 1

Left our StableOx the 8th inst., TWO HORSES.--'Q e

a grey horse, mediu'm height, the steidie marks very plain. The only other

ri:,li remembered is a cut made by the bit. Theother horse is a bay, medium height; his tail has beenthinned out. No mnarks remembered.

Any infoirmation relative to said horses will beFthankfully received by us.jun20 MARKHAM & TALLY.

State of Louisiana---Parish of Caddo.IN DISTHIlCT COURT.-Snceesslon of James. Peace, Dee'd. Notice is hereby given that BAILEYP. PEACE, administrator of said succession, has filed iwith the clerk of our said court, an annual account'and a schedule of debts in said succession, and thatunless opposition is made thereto in ten days, thetime prescribed by law, said annual account and sche-dule will be homologated, approved and made the

judgment of the court, as prayed for.! Given under my hand and seal of offlice, this

,L. s. 19th day of June, A.D. 155.W. G. KERLEY,

uin20-2t Clerk.

Election Notice.VIaEREAS, a vacancy has occurred in theboard of trustees, owing to the deathof JohnM. Collins, esq., member from Ward No. 1:

.Now, therefore, I, Jons W. Joaes, mayor of Shreve-.nort, do hereby order an election to be held at thehouse of Sophia Norman, on Spring street, (near Tex-as street,) on Saturday, June 23d, 1855, for a trusteefor Ward No. 1, to serve out the unexpired term of J.M. Collins, deceased: The polls to be opened at 10o'clock, A. St., and closed at 4, r. n.; and the comimis-sioners heretfore appointed are instructed to hold saidelection,and mta'.e return thereof to tme. Given undermy hand, o&ficially, this 11th day of June, 1b55.jun 13 J. . JONES, Mayor.

Election Notice.In pursuance of the proclamation of the gov-

ernor of the State of Louisiana, and in e:n-formity with law, the qualified voters of the

parish of Caddo are hereby notified that an clectionwill be held in this parish, at the respective electionprecincts, on MONDAY, the 25th day of June, 1555,for a Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of Louisiana,to fill the vacancy occasioned by the tesignation of thehonorable Thomas Slidell.

The election in Ward No. One, to be held at thehouse of Mr. Cook; and at the house of L. J. Hamlin,Albany.The election in Ward No. Two, to be held at the

house W. A. Pegrtam, Greenwood.* The election in Ward No. Three, to be held at the

house of Mr. HIughes, Blossom IIiil.The election in Ward No. Four, to be held at the

court-housa in Shreveport.The election in Ward No. Five, to be held at Sum-

mner Grove.TI'he election in Ward No. Six, to be held at the

house of Mr. E. K. Hall; and at or near the house of S.Bossier, on. Red River.The election in Ward No. Seven, to be held at the

school-•ouse, near Mr. Calvent's.Now, therefore, I hereby instruct the commissionetrs

appointed to hold elections in the different precinctsof the parish of Caddo, to hold said election on Moin-day, the 25th day of June, A. D. 1855. The conmis-sioners will open the polls at 9 o'clock, A. M., andclose-at 4, p. t.; and imlmediately after counting thevotes make their returns to the undersigned.

S M. WATSON, Sheriff.Shreveport, May 26. 1855. Lt30


OM, 0IMERCIAL HOTEL.C COi Milain street, Shreveport, Louisiana.

M. T. J. ALS'I'ON. Proprietor.THE public is hereby respectfully notified that thenew and spacious brick Hotel, on Milam street,in this place has been leased by the above named pro-prietor, and is now ready for the reception of board-ers and transient persons.The furniture, beds and bedding are entirely new,

the servants genteel and experienced, and no painswill be spared to entertain guests in the most satisfac-tory manner.

The public and travelers may feel assured that thishouse will be kept open at all seasons, and that everyexertion will be made to sustain its reputation of beingone of the fittest hotels in the State. junl3

CITY HOTEL.IN consequence of the Commercial Hotel beingclosed for the past week or ten days, I have had

no competitor or opplosition--nor do I consider thereis any now-but would inform all my friends and thepublic in general, that they need not entertain theslightest fear of i"MosoxoroYv," as my prices shall asheretofore be very moderate, the accommuodationsunsurpassed by any hotel in the country, and the housekept open at all seasons of the year.

june 13 C. T. NELSON.


-9 ; - LIVERY STABLES, ,Miiani street, opposite the Colnnlt r,:al Hotel,

SntREVEPORT, LOCutI-AA.t HE undersigned have entered into copartnershil,

for the purpose of conducting the above wellknown and popular Livery Stables, and having putthe establishmelnt in thorough order, and secured anample stock of proventder, inform their friends and thepublic generally, that they are now prepared to ,ucemcn-Inodite them with saddle horses, Ibuggiesu, carriage•s,etc., of the best description, and on as reasonable termsat they can be had at any other estcihli-hment. lfacksand carriages always ready to convey passengers toany part of the country. Horses will ie kept by themonth, week, day, or a single feed. Gentlemen fromthe country wishing to vi-it New Orleans, or any otherpint on tile river, by leaving their ienimtals with us,can have them faithfully and carefully attended to.-Our ostlers are attentive and experience, and willkeep animals as "fine and glatssy as silk," and be rea-dy day and night to attend on customiters.

Horses bought and sold. Horses and Mules sold oncornillise=on.

Our friends are invited to give us a call.J. '. 1. MARKHAM.


P. F. L. FRANK,WATCHMAKER, Shreveport, La,Kl:Ers constantly on hand a well selected

stock ofW Vatches and Jewlelry,

of every description, which lie is determined to sell forcash at a Loowsnn PRICE than any other establishlmentin Shreveport. His stock was selected by himself inperson, therefore lie can guarantee every thing lie sells'to he just iwhat lie represents it.

Watches, breast pins, bracelets, etc., repaired withneatess and despatch. Niotwith.-tanding the lucubra-

tions of a certain cote niporary, he acknowledges "nopeer, certainly no superior," in this departmnent of hisbusiness.

lie will furniIsh Glasses tand Iantds to ViWatches atTIENTY T (LENTS eich, and every thilng else ii likepropl r tii. n. All order rimptly ii tt tcndei d to.Rlefer ',ce-All thi:e World and "the balalce of hian-

kind," includiniig :Shrcvefy rt and the Texas li ,. .Store, i*posite thie City Hutlc, Texas street. jint

L. BAER,Confectionery & Family Grocery Store,

-'exas street, bectweben the Levee and Spring street,next door to Ball's drug store, Shreveport.SHis just aceived direct from New Orleans andis now openin'gi' lJgge and complete assort-

nimeat of choice and iresh Confectionery andFamily Groceries, ctomprising every article usually toSbe fouid in stores of the kind. Among the stock is:r .ugar, molus es, cofle, teas, chocolate, rice, starch,candles, commtoi and fancy soap, lamp oil, mackerel,

I saimin, codfish, herrings, lobsters, sardines, olives, an-cholies, capers, ketchups, saties, sauces, pickles, preserves,brandy fruits, fruits in their own juice, pie-fruits, rai-sins, currants, prunes, nlionds, pecans anid other inuts,syrups of every description, fine cordials, water, sug.rand soda crackers, cakes, candies, jellies and jams,fine*a!ad oil, mustard, pepper, vinegar, ginger, nutmnegs,spice, English and pine-apple.checse, butter, lard, finesalt, etc. etc.

Also, a select stock of choice old Brandy, Port, Ma-deira, Sherry, and White Wines, Champagne, Claret,Rum, Gin, Irish, oll Cock, Moonogahela and commonWhiskey; Cider, L.,ntdon Pirter and Scotch Ale, fine

hcklesi,, and sim ikiintg Tobacco, Cigars, etc. jiA un6

Receiving, Forwarding and CommissionMERCHANT,

Corner of Commerce and Milami streets, Shreveport.r[IHE subscriber having taken the commodious and

I convenienlt brick warehouses recently occupiedby L. E. Carter, is prepared to receive and store cot-ton, merchandise and produce; and will promptly for-ward all goods consigned to his care.

Liberal advances in CAsI will be made on cottonleft with me for shipment to New Orleans, or to besold in Shreveport; and I will devote my personal at-tention to selling cotton in this market.Shreveport, June 6, 1855. N. MOORE.

To the Public.Tariff of Rates for the Storage of Cotton.

T IlE undersigned, engaged in the warehouse busi-1 ness lin'tthat the price now charged for the stor-

age of cottoins not a fair remuneration for the same,and therefore have fixed the tariff of rates as belowstated, which we know from experience to be both lib-eral and just. Those having cotton in store previousto the date of this advertisement, will not be chargedextra storage until after the 1st day of July following,after which time it will come under the below men-tioned rates, which are as follows:For, receiving and storing cotton, s. bale

first month," Every month after the first........ 19 -

" Weighing and marking, .......... 8 -SShil)ping, receiving and taking 8

bills lading,..............." All transfers of cotton,....... ......25 -


Shreveport, June 2, 1o55. junl3-tf.

State of Louisiana---Parish of Caddo.IN D I S T R ICT' COURT-Suateessiou of John

IW. Morris. deceased. Notice is hereby given thatTiatAs H. MoRRts, tCstmlentary executor ofJohn W.Morris, deceased, has this day filed with the clerk ofour said court, his final tableau and account in saidsu@ession, and unless opposition is made thereto inthirty days, the time prescribed by law, the said finalaccount and tableau will be honmologated,approved andmade the judgment of the court as prayed for.

S Given under my hand and seal of office, thisL. s. the 4th day of June, A. D. 1855.

W. .3. KERLEY,jiunt6-im Clerk.

Dwelling House For Rent.i TnElage and commodious Dwelling House, oc-

c/pied by lhe subscriber, on Cotton street, betweenMarket and Spring streets, will be rented untrl the 1st

January next, on reasonable terms. There is a never

failing well of most excellent water, and othier conve-niences conducive to the comfort of the tenant. Forfirther particulars enquire on the premises.jun6 3t S. CAMPBELL.

S4 LARGE stock of Window Glass, from 8xu toi L14x2-l, just received and for sale by

imty30 WM. BALL.

Sherif Sale.TATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In

) District Court, No. 4045. TERRELL & HODoE VS.I. Fa.SIus & Co. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias i rissued out of the honorable the District Court of theParish of Caddo, and to me directed, in the above

Sentitled suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell( at -public auction, at the court-house door in the town of!Shreveport, parish of Caddo, on SATURDAY, the 7thday of July, A.D. 1855, between the hours of 11 o'clock iA. a. and 4r. e.., the following described property, to- twit: the uniexpired Lease from R. L. Gilmer to Isaacer F;anks & Co. of the Store on lot two, (2,) in blocktifty-one, .51,) in the town of Shreveport, it being thest .re fornleriv occupied by I. Franks & Co., said le useto ex ire on the 10th day of November, 1155; and theINotes and Accounts due the defendants. Seized andto be sold to pay and satisfy the writ issued in the aboveentitcd suit.Terms of sale-Cash with the benefit of appraise-

0ment. M. WA'l SON, Sheriff.Sreveport, June 11, 1855. j 13-pf.$~5 31

Sheriff's Sale.e TATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In

the District Court. No. 2175. COLLINs : GILMEarvs. L. S. WEBSTEttR Co. By virtue of an order ofsale issued out of the honorable the District Court ofIthe Parish of Caddo, and to me directed, in the aboveentitled suit, I have seized' and will sell at publicauction at the court-house door in the town of Shreve-Sport, parish aforesaid, on SATURDAY, THE 7n DAYoF JULY, A. D. 1855, between the hours of 11 o'clock!e. a. and 4 . at., the following described property,to-wit: the Saw Mill, situated ont Cross Bayou, in thetown of Shreveport, parish of Caddo, known as theWebster Saw Mill. Seized as the property of the de-fendants, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writissued in the above entitled suit.

Terms of :;ale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise-nient. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff.c Shreveport, Mayv 16, 155. [p.f $7 52

Sherilf's Sale.S TATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-In

) k District Court, No. 4201. . M. . Nictrors vs. fI Tlus. M. TURNER. By virtue of a writ of seizure

d and sale to me directed by the honorable the Dis-e trict Court ofthe Parish ofCaddo, in the above entitled I

suit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at publicauction at the court house door in the town of Shreve-0 port, parish of Caddo, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of

, July A. 1). 1855, between the hours of 11 o'click, A.1i., and 4, v. at., the following described property, to-

wit: Lots Nos. ten and eleven [10 and 11.] in blockN1 . thirty-on', [31,] in the town of Shrevetport, parishof Caddo. Seized as the property of defendant, Thos.

e M. Turner, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writSissued in the above entitled suit.

Terins of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise--tment. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff.

Shreveport, May 16. 1I55. [p.f.$7 00 ,

Sherilff's Sale.STATE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo-In

SDistrict Court, No. 3994. ANDERSON, trIFE, etal., vs. HOWELL, under tutor. By virtue of a writ of

s sale issued out of the honorable the district court in andY for the pari h and state aforesaid, and to me directed, I

will proceed to sell at public auction at the court house tdoor in the town of Shreveport, parish of Caddo, onSATLURDAY, the 7th day of July, A. D. 1855, be-tween the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M., aitd 4 p. at., thefollowing described property, to-wit: Lot rlfirteen,[13,]in bilck No. forty-nine, [49.] in the town of Shreve-port, together with all the buildings and improvementsthereon.

I Terms of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise-mant. THOS. RR.SIMI'SON, D'y Sheritf.

Shreveport, May 16, 1955. [p.f.(i 52

Sheriff's Sale.STATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-Intile District Court, No 388. 5t. W\arsA0, Sher- r

iitf, vs. CGmr2.T et al. By virtue of a writ of seizureand sale to ie directed by the honorable te DistrictCourtf ir the Parish of Caddo, in the above entitled rsuit, I have seized and will proceed to sell at publicautetion ;:t the court-houtse door in the town of Shreve- cI prt, p:urish iiresaid, on SAITURDAY, the thi day of a

t Jul A. I). 1S55, between the hours of 11 o'clock, A. M. oi and 4 r. .:., the following described property, to-wit: e

tile I'ract ofl and on the south side of Red River, in fhire purihl of Caddo, about four itiles below Shreve- u

port, on what is called Anderston's I-land, being the asame reported inl the name of John Arnmstrong, as an

iAvyo tI Iondtl claim, contaiining six hundred and forty g(6t40) acres, imore or less, with the buildings and im-prove:ncents thcrcon. Seized as the property of the de- (SPfendant, and to be sold to pay and satisfy the writ is-r sued in the above cntitled suit.

STerms of sale--Cash, with the benefit of appraise-nrent. THOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff.

Shreverport, May :S. H5. m30-pf.$7 46

Sheriff's Sale.` ' TATE OF LOUISIANA--Parish of Caddo-In

SDistrict Court, No. 4263. E. M. Jsut•is vs. T. t'.Al. TURNERa. By virtue of an order of sale to me di- Irected by the htonorable District Court for the parishof Caddo,, in the above entitled suit, I have seized andw ill proceed to sell at public auction at, the court-house d-or in the town of Shreveport, state and parishaforesaid, on SATURDAY, the 7th day of July, A. D.1N55, between the hours of 11 o'clock, A.'M. and 4 i.1.,the t,,llowing described properry, to wit: Lots Nos., i

2[ix. 2, [two.] 3 [three] and 4 [four] in block No. 17, I[r -ev'iteetn.] Seized as tlihe prperty of the defendant, I

t and to blie sold to pay and satisfy the writ issued in thet above entitled suit.

s Terms ofsule--Cash, without the benefit of up- t

paisement. THIOS. R. SIMPSON, D'y Sheriff.Shreveport, Ma:ty 2t. 1855. n.3Ul-pf.$5 53

Sheriff's Sale.' TA'TE OF LOUISIANA-Parish of Caddo.-In

1J l)i:tr:et Court, No. 3523 1. VAI'SrON, Sheriff, etc.

vs. E. 1..I J:iKIcs.--Bty virtue of a trit of seizure andtiitsalat, iie dlirectedt by tie ho'Inrable thie Di-trict Couirt

t.rt he itriah of Cald ,, in the ailbove entitledt suit, I;ave seized anid wviii proceed to sell at public auction,ait the C.utlll-house door ini the tiwn of Shrevepor,state Ind parish aforesaid, on SATiRI)AY. the 7tkSda of 1July , . DIi. 1S551, between the hours of eleveno'ciluck, A. ti. and 4 e. at., the following described pro-iperty, to-wit: SIX NEGCROES, viz: Jim, agediabtit fifei years; and Marthta iantd hier four chil-

5ren, West, \ iiliin, MarIy, and an infant. Seized asthe precrlity of lthe defendant, and to bie solt to pay-and satislf the writ ittue d in the ablo:e entitled suit.

STerms of sale--Cash, with the heuefit of appraise-nt. THOS. R. SIMPSON, l)'y Shleriff.Shreveport, May :2-, 1,-5. m.:hl-pf.$i 20

Syndiec's SaleL. & M. Btlu itithal vs. their Creditors.

T AATE OF LOUISI-AN,- Parish of Caddo--InDistrict Court. By virtue of an order of sale to

mile tdirected by thie honor;ilble the District Court foir iCadldo parish, I will proceed to sell at public auction,

S ilt the markcet-house, in the town of Shireveport, on

4SATIllAY,'3 daty of June, A. 1). 1i55, between tilhehours of I1 o'clock, A..ti. and 4 r. t., the fllowingdescribedlcl property surrenideredt by L. & MI. Bluimen-thaii tol theiri creditors, viz: a vacitant Lot of GrtoundtI(No. 11,) frottting tifty [50] feet on .Market street,andruttiiing back one hun dred andtti fifty [151] feet, accor-ding to a survey or plan made by Johnsonit & Cuililffof

u piece of land owned by thenm, adjoininig Silve~lake,iand now of record in the oatice of the recortler of the

parish of Caddo.I 'Terms of sale-Cash, with the benefit of appraise-

mietti IH. IIUNSICKER,Shreveport, Sla' 16. 155. Auctioneer.

WMI v .. . MILLER,Wholesale and Retail


n REeSECT'FULLY informs his friendse - and the public that he is now

- openiiing a new and elegant as-sortment of fresh DRUGS, MEIDICINES, HIJIICAILS,PERFUIIERY, &e., together with all kinds of SurgicalInstruments i Physicians' Glassware, Physicians' Sad-dle-bav•, Botanic and Patent Medicines, Spices.Win-dow Glass, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stutf, Fancyand Toilet Articles, Soaps, fine Extractsand Perfume-ry, Pocket Knives, Port-Mornnies, etc.

t Als--An extensive assortmrent ofBLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY,

Maiscellaneous, Medical and School Books.This stock is one of the best assorted as well as one

of the largest in the State, and to which additions arefrequently made,

Having adopted the Cash System of doing business,making no exceptions-except to persons who ate in

e the habit of settling their accounts punctually at tlhe

end of the year--it will be my aim to make it the in-terest and desire of all persons to buy froi me forcash. I respectfully invite the attention and patron-age of citizens of this and the saurounding country, as-suring them that they can do as well here as in NewOrleans. [pny30] WM. 13. MILLER.



(House lately occupied by G.M.Levy & Co.)it T'E subscriber respectfully informs the cit-izensof Shreveport, of Caddo and the ad-

! joining parishes, that he is now opening a large andweil assorted stock of fresh Drugs :and Medicines,u Patent Medicines, Oils, Dye-Stuffi Perfumery, Sta-

1 tionery, Varnishes, Brushes, fine Eoewing Tobacco,Cigars, etc. etc., all of which he will sell as low as thesame can be had forin this place on the satme terms,

I and to cash purchasers inducements will be offered toprrchase at this establishment. Call and examine.

Physicians' prescriptions carefully put up day ornight, and the purestsnd best articles used in theircomnposition. f~itay30] WM. BALL:

Colleg• e latitute.-EING compelled toviasit the e st this summer, to

t make tcessary ar getienA for the Institute,r which I cannot postpone, adaDting to my. inabilityat present prices to provide•or the school as I would

r wish and justify mnself, I havetthought proper to an-nounce to tlhe patrons of the school that at the expi-ration of this month I shall ecloa the present session,and be prepared to resume per eutly on the 1st ofu October. [may23] - S. P. HELME.

I)ERFUMERY, from the mos celebrated ntanufac-Sturer, for sale at V. B. MILLER's.I

CUDDY, BROWN & Co.,Commission Merchants,

38 Camp street, New Orleans.Sr HE undersigned are prepared to make Liberali Advances on cotton consigned to the above hause.


S Cotton Wanted.1 tHIAlh ngaged in the Cotton Brokerage Bsiness, -

S1 in Shreveport, and solicit a cull from all who wishto sell their cotton for Cash. Office, on Texas street, inthe building lately occupied by colonel A. Hill. 4

oct 4-if E. M. I ATTIIHEWS.

To the Planters.FROM the solicitations of many of his plantingI' friends, the subscriber will give his personal andi especial attention to.the Sale of Cotton in this market.Refers to the merchants of Shreveport~generarly.

Shreveport, Sept. 13, 185-I. D. S WILDER.-;1 The Marshall Republican will copy six months t

and send bill to this office. ..

Notice.SN O bills will be paid to any one on account of

i stetanboat Union, without the same was madeunder a written order.

jaie 13 C. A. CROOK, Captain.

Notice.ITHE partnership existing bet en William Terrell

1_ and B. L. Hodge, is dissolved by mutual consent.

Either wit! attend to the business heretofore contidcdto them. Both will continue to practice.

WV. TERRELL.Shreveport, March 28, 1855. B. L. HODGE.

Notice.t L. HODGE, esq., is the only authorised agent. of the undersigned in the parish of Caddo.

tI. LEVY & BROTHER.Shreveport, May 9, 1855.

Last Notice.ILL persons indebted to the undersigned, are no-

A tified that unless they come forward and settle. forthwith, their accounts will be placed in the handsaof an officer for collection. The planters have had an

- opportunity of selling their cotton, and it is impossi-A ble for us to wait any longer.



t w Look Out!LL those who do not pay me by the e1st of June,

S1855, may expect to have their accounts placedin the hands of an officer -for collection. Third andlast call-fair warning. H. A. ZOLL.

Shreveport, May 2, 1855.

t Notice.T IIE undersigned gives notice that on the 1st dayof January, 1855, the mercantile house of the late

Robert Green was closed, preparatory to taking an in-ventory and settling the business of the firms of RobertGreen, Green, Douglas & Co., and Green & Douglass.

jan 3, 1855 P. II. ROSSON, Agt. for executor.

- Notice.I' IIOSE patrons of Swiney, Green & Co. who may_ require anly supplies, will be fiurnished with theI same by P. H. hosson, who can be found at tlie store

of [nl] GREEN & DOUGLASS.... -•--- t--7----Notice.

rPHE undersigned, executor of the estat ofthe late cL Robert Green, deceased, has appointed Mr. P. H. sRossos his agent, who is empowered to transact allbusiness relating to said estate.

Shreveport, Nov. 15. 1854. JNO. J. GREEN.

Attention.a LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Robert

.1. Green, or the firms of Green, Douglass & Co. andGreen & Douglass, are requested to come forward andsettle without delay, as the affairs of the successionmust be speedily adjusted. P. H. ROSSON,

nov 15 Agent of.Jno. J. Green.

SHiREVEPORi T AUCTION ~ ORE.THE subscriber, havin, taken the corner brick build-

ing on Texas and Market streets, (opposite themarket house,j has opened a GE•Er..AL AUCTION STorE,and is now ready to receive goods of every description Ion consignmtent. Having been for many years en-: gaged in the business, he flatters hiniselft, give satis-faction to all who may honor hiue with a call. His reg-ular days of sale are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,or any other day, when business demands his attention.

r Wil give particular attention to the selling of Ne-groes, Real Estate, Horses and Succession Sales.

Liberal cash advances made on consignments ofGroceries. A. L. HEINE, Auctioneer.

-thrcveport, January 10, 1855.

BROAD & MULHAUPT,Satsh, Door and Blind Factory,

i Corner of Cotton street and Texas undersigned, having ere ed a commudi-

otis factory, and procured machinery, embracing allthe late improvements, are now prepared to executeany orders in their line, at the shortest notice, and onthe most reasonable terms. They will make to orderd tiny description of Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. Will alsokeep on hand all sizes of mouldings, etc. etc. All or-Sdersfrom the country punctually attended to.

BROAD & M1ULHAUPT.Shreveport, January 24, 1855.

New Stock of Groceries.r HE subscriber has just received per steamers Ma-

Srio and Runaway, an extensive and well assort-ed stock of Fresh Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors.&c., which he willsell at the lowest prices. Arnongthe stock will be found:Flour, Lard, Bacon, Pork, Mackerel,

3 Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate,

Molasses, Potat)oes, Onions,Candles, Soap, Starch, Indigo,Dried Fruit, Pic Fruit, Pickles, Ketchups,Sardines, Lobsters, Salmon, Shad,

cistern and Ioshet Cheese,SWater, Soda and Butter Crackers;

Yeu-t Powders, Bhlcking, lMatches,Pepper, Mustard, Nutmegs, Cloves, Alsplice, 1Brootts, Buckets, Wooden Waire,DI)emijohns, lttles, flasks, jugs,jjars,Plough Lines, clothes' lines, rope,'rare Chains, nails, grindstones, ICofibe Mi!!s, cofifee pots, tinware,Tea Kettles, oveins. castings,Powdler, Shut and Bar Lead,Old Rose, Monougalhcla, Old Cock, Dean's, Dcx-

ter's, ctimmon, rectified anid ratw Whiskey, IPure old Cognac andil Champagne Brandy,IHolland aind American, J.annaica Rium,Claret, Chamtpagne, Madeira, Sherry, Port, Maluga

andl Suternte \Vine .;Ci,rdials, Brnldy Fruits, Syrups, etc. etc. tSAso--A fine assortmient of Hardware, Cutlery, t

i Crockerv, Glassware, etc. All of which will he dis-Ir posed of at the lowest prices. Those in want of goodl

articles are invited to give mne a call. it may9 Mi. BAER, Texas street.

Patent Mledicines.B-ULL's Sarsaparilla; Sands' Sarsaparilla; Rad-way's Ready Relief; Arabian and Mustang Lin-

iment; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Perry Davis' Pain Kil-ler; Rushton's Cod Liver Oil; Dalley's magical painextractor; Wolf's Schiedamn Schnapps; McAlister's allhealing ointment; Holloway's ointment and pills;Mof-fat's life pills and phmnix hitters; Brown's Jamaicaginger; India chluoagogue; Iffilatnd's German bitters;New England cough syrup; Bryan's puilonie wafers;Bateman's drops; Hays' pile ointment; Lee's, Bran- idreth's, Jayne's, aed Wright's Indian vegetable pills;(odlfrey's carnil:ative balsam, hair tonic and vermi-fuge; FaIhnestock's vermnifuage, nd all other patentmedicines usually kept in the southern country. Forsale by [my30] WM. BALL.

Grinding of Corn--Corn Meal.T HE subscriber having put up a new steam engine,

and greatly increased the power of his mill, isnow prepared to grind corn on the most reasonableterms at any hour and duiing EVERY DAY IN TIHE VEEK.Persoins sending corn to be ground may feel assuredthi:t they will meet with no detention,mar2l T. W. JONES.

Paints, Oils, Varnish, &c.UST received and for sale low for cash-Whitelend, red lead, Spanish brown, croeme yellow, do

green, l'rnssian blue, fig blue, yellow ochre, snow zincpaints, Paris green, roe pink, drop lake, lampblack,British lustre, linsieei oil, spirits turpentine, copal, ja-pani, coach, and black leather varni.h, etc.my30 WM. BALL.

Stationery.D LANK BOOKS of every description; letter, cap,

record and note paper; yellow, white, faney,noteand embossed envelopes; sealin0lvax; wafers; steelpens; lead pencils; playing cards; chessmen; chess-boards; dice; red tape; linen and cotton twine; wrap-ping paper; black, red and carmine inks, etc., for sale

by [itmy 30] WM. BALL.

Choice Old Wines & Liquors.O LD Cognac and pure Champagne Brandy; Cherry,Peach and Blackberry Brandies, Port, Madeira

and Sherry Wines; Jamaica Rum;gid Rye Whiskey;London Porter and Ale; Cavendish,foneydew anminecut chewing tobacco; stmoking do; fine cigars, snuff,etc., always on hand. [itiy30] WM. BALLI

Groceries and Provisions.UST received an extensive assortment of fresh

tJ Groceries, Provisions, Boat tand Bar Stores, Li-quors, Wines, Tobacco, ett. etc.

STACEY •WELLS,may9 ', 14 on the Levee.

CO NGIESS WATER, Seidletz powders; Butter'sStasteless seidletz powders;-Tarrant's apperient;

Henry's calcined magnesia; cream tartar; tartaric acid;lime juice; sup curb: soda; citric acid; carb: ammonia;fresh hops; Jamaica ginger, etc., for sale bymy30 WM. BALL,.

B RUSHES-A large lot of paint brushes; sashtools; hair brushes; tooth brushes; dusting, white

wash and varnish do; clothes brushes, etc. for sale byny30 WM. BALL.

pEAS--Just received and for sale, gunpowder, im-perial, young hysoii and porchone.


LUGAR-On hand and for sale flavana,Lnouisiana,I] loaf, crushed, powdered, clarified and granulatedsugar OGLESBY & GRISWOLD.


t. Shreveport, La. \\ilgive strict attention to bus-

iness in the District Courts of Caddo, DeSoto and IiBossier, and tin Supreme Court of Louisiana. ap25 e(


Il hrevceport, La. Office. Market street. jan4 -I

SAM. FORD,-IOMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, &c., for thi- Stateof Mississippi. Shreveport. Sept. 27, 1554.


JTTORNEY AT LAW...Office on Market street, aLSi- hreveport, La. d8 p


ATTORNEY AT LAW, Shreveport, La.-Will r_ practice in the courts of the parishes of Caddo, i a,

i Claiborne, DeSoto, Bussier, and in the supreme court, rat Monroe. aug3_-y h


CRAIN & NUTT,TTORNDYS AT LAW, Shreveport, La.--'W ill

i practise in the courts of the Parishes of Cnddo,iBossier, Claiborore and Bienville. stl-l


-. Shreveport, La. O!•ice in the brick building. p-

,,site the clrk 's office. .29-iy c

JOHN YOUNG,TTORNEY Al LAW, will practice in the courts

1 of Caddo, Bossier, Claiborne, and Bienville. Ad-dress, HoasnR, Claiborne parish, Loui.iana. [jan 12


4TTORNEY AT LAW, Manslield, (DeSoto Par- u

. ish,) Louisic na. Will practice in all the courts of

_ the judicial distriet, and attend to the collection of ac-counts, and settling claioms in the parishes of DeSuto.Sabine. Caddto, Claiborne, etc.


General Collecting Agent, !Shreveport, La.

"ITILL give prompt attention to the collecton of all i'

claims entrusted to himt against persons int

north-western Louisiana, eastern Texas and southern

Arkansas. lie will be assisted by J. C. Beall, attor-ney at law, as legal adsiser, who will in his absence rI give any information desired.I Reference--\. W. Smith, E. H. Jordan, Shreve- i

port; Oakey & Hawkins, J. Burnside & Co., New Or- I

leans; Wood,'Bacon &. Co., Whelan & Co., WViles, aBallard & Co., Philadelphit; Neilson,WVardwell & Co.New York; lion. H. M. M. Sffrd, supreme court of

Louisiann. s 13

DocTs. POOLE & HENRY,t AVING formed a copartnership, ofltcr their pro-

fessional services to the citizens of Shreveport

and its vicinity, in the various branches of their pro-fession. One of them may at all times be fouind at

their ,ffice, on MARKET STrEEET, next door to Messrs.Landrum & Williamson's law office. feb21

l - t;m

DRs. GILPIN & HOTCHKISS, rSAVE remotved their office to the brick building c

H near the market, (on Market street,) in the rear a

of the office occupied by Messrs. Landrum & William- cson. Where one or the other of them can at all times, IIday or "iht, be found, when not professionally en- sgaged. January 3, 1855 n


Office, No. 5 Market street, (in Mr. Mil- jIcr's new building,) offers his professi-

onal services to the ladies and gentlemen of Shreve-

port and its vicinity, l-ly a

GOODWYN & WATROUS,D EALERS infancy and staple Dry Goods, Groce-ries, Ha rdware, Cutlery, Glassware, Crockery,

Ready-made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, HIats, Caps, etc., -Starrville, Smith coitty, Texas. jaa4-

JOiiN N. tWiEiIt.. AaIItI.TON S. IioWaE tt.. I

J. N. HOWELL & Co., aReceiving and Forwarding Merchants, tl

Oti the Levee, Shreveport, La. tl

i IAVE leased the well known building recently

S occupeied by Messrs. Dauglass & Dashieil, on vSthe Levee, (at the steamboat landing,) and are now It

prepared to receive, store or forward cottoli and tner-1chatndi-e of every description. We are also erecting a

contiguous to the present building, and itmmediatelyon ctie hanks of the river, one of the largest and tnot e

convenient warehouses in the country, which will e

render our facilities for storing cotton equal if not su- aperior to that possessed by any other establishment on o" Red River.

- I We are prepared to make liberal cash advances ont

I cotton or gotds senit to our care.Cotton will he shipped without being exposed toi mud or rain. All goods will be promnptly forwarded

r according to orders; and every attenfion will he paidto the interests of our patrons. aug9

JOHN WALTERS, -S Wholesale and Retail Dealer int

Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries,Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, &c.,

Texas street, Shreveport,AS just received one of the largest and best as-

.I sorted stocks of Dry Goods ever brought to this imarket, to which additions are made by every arrival, icomprising in part silks, tissues, berages, and everydescription of the most fashionalle dress goods for la-dies, calicoes of all colors and qualities, imerinoes,flannels, cloths, lowells, linseys, linens, drillings, dia-pers, etc., etc. A large and varied assorttment of the

most fashiaonable styles of hats, caps, boots and shoes; pgaitr:s, shoes, slippers and brogans for ladies, missesanid clhildren; boy.' boots iand shoes. A large assort-mett of fashlionabole ready-made clothing. A variety

of sardlles for both ladies and gentlemntft, bridles, coil- -lars., blankets, hardware, iron, citlery, tools, nails, I '1croctkern, qeellnsware, glnssware, china, etc.

Also--A large stock of fresh and genuine Groceries, Iconsisting ofbracon, mness pork, sugar, miolasses, cofll : j

ten, cthoclate, Hlolr, lard, salt, pepper, spice, miackerel, icancles, lilquors of all kinds, wines, etc.Terms--Cal-I, or on time to strictly punctural cus-t

Notice.1 rI; business if the late tirm of Wili am E. Pasteur1 & CO., 'ill be continued by the unitletoignied, e li

survivitnt partnrs. All persons indlebtedt t, the firm 'c

of WVilliam F. Pa'teur & C,., are requestedl tio srettle othe sane with the undersigned at an early d:iv, and nthose having claiims againtst said will presenit thcnt to ti

the undeirigned, or to Smn. l"ird,ecvI. I.AUSTIN & (;)ODWYN. ,,

SSuccessors of W. E. Pasteur & Co. aShreveport, March 24. 1855. ']

N. ._L. D---RURY, Illonse, Sign and Ornamental P'ainter.

SVERY description of work protmptly attetded to, -and executedlin a worknliltmlikc e tillnne ri l io:i- I

crate ternts. Refer to This. Ii. Mlorris, druggist.Particular atte-tit, paid toi SIGNS PAlNTIN'G.

$100 REW ARD.I wartt, give the above reward for my by Ii '.,wha runawa:y on the 7th April, from my plan-

tation in Walker county, if taken up by ,n;' personI est of the San Antonio river; fifty dolltrs if taken upIwest of the Brazo, and twenllty-fie dollars if taken upeast of the Brazos river. The above reward will be

paid by delivering said boy into the hands of any jai-.lor convenient to whelre taken up, and '1where he vwillbe securely kept until I can get him. Lill is whatwould be called a bright mulatto, of rather dull cxpres-stUn of countenance, his hair might be called ' tra.ilht,and when long, very buhy: was very lun, when heleft bho1e. His 11 e is abo' t 2 years, hiS height fivefeet ten inches. ITook with him from home a double-barrel shot gun. W•M. B. SCOTT.

Huntsville, Texa., May, I 55. .iThe Galveston News, Suth -WVestern, Shrevpmort,

and lHoustn Telegraph, will publi,h folur tarlcs andsend bill to the Presbyteri;an ofice.

- Committed to JailxI the parish of Caddo, a negro woman, who,calls herself B•iTrs, but says her real name is

IHANNAi, andl that she belongs to Mr. 'llhlmpon, resi-ding about 1D) miles from Marshall, in 1laris.on coIn-ty, Texas. The owner or owners ofsaid negro girl is.hereby notified to come forward, prove property, paycharges, and take her away, or she will be disposed ofas the law directs. J.S. ALLWiNE,

Jailor Caddo prish.Shreveport, June 13. 1555.

. Committed to JailIx the parish of iaddo, before the honorable J.W. Jones, a justice of the peace, in 1anl for

sI.j parish, a negro woman, black compllxined,alut twenty-five years of age, lndt same five f, 1 t fmluinches high. Calls herecif JANE, and says tint she1belongs to a IMr. Persons, residinlt in the city of NewOrleans. Site was appreiended in Cadd, l1 mift, nearthe town of Shreveport. The owner or owners jf0said negro woman is hereby lotilied Io came forward,prove proiperty, pay charges, and rake her away, orshewill be disposed of as tihe law directs.

J. S. ALLWINSE, Jailort Cado p::rish.Slreveport, March 21,;1855.

Committed to JailI the parih f Caddo, before J. WV. Jones, esq.justice of the peace, a negro boy, who cal!s

himself Joliu, and say: tihat. he belongs to Mr. John-ston Ellis, of New Orleans. Said Iegro wi1s irrestedI

at the steamboat landilg, town of Shreveport. 'Tlhei owner, or owners, of said negro man is hereby .oti-

fled to come forward, prove property, pay charges andltake him away, or lhe will be disposed of as the lawdirects.* J. S. ALLWINE, Jailor Caddo polish.

Shreveport, March 21, 1855. a iVERY exec!lent Cook, Washer anl Ironmer, cabout 26 years old, fullyguarantied. Enquire at

i the Auction Store, of A. L. IIEINE,m1_ 4 Au twtioneer.

PICES-Cloves, allspice, mace, nmegs, cinna- imon, enssia, ginger, mustard, Ilaock pepper, and

every description of flavoring extracts. ft• siale bilmy30 \.11. BALL.

Shreveport & Alexandria Packet.THE light draught ste'mer UNION,C. A.CROOK, tomaster, h ving beet dock-

ed and thoroughly repauted, has resl-un-

ed her place as a regular packet betwei cn Shreveport

and the falls, making a trip every Week. For freightor passage, having superb accomntoda"on. -c-; "ins all

state roomls-- pply on board apr4Shreveport & Alexandria Pa_ ket.

'Tite new, slubstiantial, very lit•rdraurrhtSteamboat Ii•ITE CLIrFFS,

JottN GRAHAM, master, will leave r. her

first trip for Alexandria This Afternoon, (Wednet~ t',)at 5 o'clock, and continue in the trade as a wee. lypacket during the low water.

The White Cliffs was built by cnplt: n Grahamnl fthe express accommodation of his old Fiends and pat-rouns, and will ott the first rise of wrater take her plt.:as a regular Upper Rod River packet. Sire is itn every

respect equal to any boat in the trade, and he pledgesi himself that every exertion will be made to give satis-

fatction. riei

Shreveport aii-d Alea• diIa Pacl: e t.'I ux- new, substantial and fast runnliing

Ssteamliboat IMAlION, M[I't'l a ina -,mta-ter, will continue to run during the

low water as a weekly packet between Shrevelort and

AlIxandria. The Marion was built expressly for thei

Red River trade,is unusually stauch, her boilers, ma-•hliuo ry, furniture, etc., enItirlTI new, and is fitted out

in accordance with the late act of congress. Strict at-

Srtion will be paid to all business, and her ofctrswill uise every effort to give sati factiou. Fuor freiliht

or passage, apply onil board.

iLt o s When the water rises the Marion will run1 as a

reguilar packet between New Orleans, 8ltre lport and

upper Red River.TV THIrOTEL.

TI'rrs establishment, long know as Van-Bibber's hotel, situated on Texas at.. ittihe heart of the business portion oi !!ti

town of Shrevepo)rt. lhaving- been leased by tile utder-

signed, fs now in the full tide of successful operatin.

The proprietor takes this occasion to tender his thanksto Iris numerous friends, for their past patronage, a:;dt

assures thel that it is his deterrnmination to mllaket !ie

City IHotel equal to any house ill the south or weit,

and no pains or expense will be spared to e•ct die::t

purpose. The table of the City loterl will l suppl;idwith the beet to be found in the market, and it \t il

ibe graced during tile high water seasonl with soit ofttile luxuries which New Orleans affords, and whictI

are not here to be foutd. Ili's friends in the ettuntry

may rely upon having their horses well taken ca:re i.C.'I'. T. NElSON, late of tile Nelson flolu.-

[3' The Marshall, Jefferson, Mansfichldand iMonro•staes, all stop at this houseR. janil

The Old Capitol Hotel.• • Iusto.N, T'lXS.

S VE have lensed the above hotel for a series of years, and have furni-hedlt it s\utt

new lurniture and bedding thlroughltuf, anti are r-

pairing the builling a part at a time anti as flet as tp,,-sible. But in the mean titte tile house is open for the

reception of travelers and citizens, and the sttmderigi-i-ed will endeavor to render their guests comfnortble.-r Attachedt to the house is a Livery Stable, with expeti-

enced ostlers; and horses will Ire well taken care ot., Froum our loung experiecee in the business, and our

strict attention to the wants of our guest-, we hope tomerit a liberal patronage.


Houston, Texas, January 1, 1855. j: ilj -Y For Sale.,

- A well built cottage, situated on Mar-ket street, only two blocks frromr Tex-

as street. It contains three good rooms, hall, g llcry,etc. There is also on the premises a kitchen, servant.'rooms, and cistern. It will be sold extremiely low.-For particulars apply to


, For Sale.THe two story brick store occupied for the last

six years by the undersigned, situated on 'T'cas street,near the corner of Spring. It is covered Rsitll tin andthoroughly tinished in every respect. Itn the rear otthe store is a fine warehouse, which makes this one ofIthe most commodious and convenient buildings for a

t wholesale and retail business ill town. As a stand ithI as no superior.

Also-A Dwelling H!ouse, and three lots of groutnattaclh-l thtereto, situated on Market street. The horn:ucontains five roonls, well finished, and there are kitcht ens, servants' rooms, stables, a well ofgood waiter,and

every other convenience necessary to the comifort of- a family. The atbove property will be sold low and

Son acceoulnodating terms. Apply tojyl9 .. & B. JACOBS, Texas street.


H (t ve you seen the N E W ST 0 I E, where so tmianvhave been,

And purchased a Bonnet, th!e best could be sen--Variety's great with the fashioit anid style,

Itach suiting the fiace, and mtaking s stt'ile.

Youtt may say to yourselves "had I knotnti it bef-ire,

Oft with great pleasure I'd gone to that rtorei"

tUnderstand what I mean, I think you can tell

Some bargains for cash they always will sell.

" ~Envied by others, a ithout any doubt,Each Lady would try to find the store out!t'lNever such bargains before could they see.

Tlhough the merchants in town with himb woni ' tigrt,H. WELLs is contented with a discount for cash;.• Every article ofibred is New-anud not trash-

No one can deny it who has purchased hlit gtoo)ds;Egxamline themn all, with the Bonnets and Hlooods.

T•L•:LLs, with much pleasure,is wiili g to shlvw-

Stop at his store lief'ire elsewhere you gi,:The direction I wishli to explain very clear,On tilte CORNER tIF MARKsieT AND 'i'rEx. STR.EET, nelir,lt emeluiber to call alnd examineli his store-

]Each lady wsill say she ne'er saw such haifrre.

HIENRY WELLS, Bonnet andl Fauncy Storel,d~l'I Cornerirof Market anrd Texais s~t.. Sliretve-)u-tt

New stock of Groceries.E. & B. JACOBS, truly thankful fir the lib.eral patronage for nmany years extr nded to)them, beg to iniforll their friends and the pIb

lic generally that they are now Legaged in clisuingout their sttck ofdry goods, adti intend for the bahlanceof the time they may c.onltinue in tioe ln rcrantile he di-

ness to keep constantly on hanll the hest and Inmost x-

tensive stock of Groceries, Provisions and Prduice to,be foundt in Shreveport. Reliance may he lflly platedon fitdingi every thing in the grocery line, uaid theirarticlcs will be sold on the ti ox'n'r• rei unltc .'r tiv t:.l'rt.

Their stock now consists in part of Flour, BaIrn, Bei',Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Rice, hietar, Collfet , 'ea,Chocolate, Molasses, Fish, Salt, Pickles, licthlips,Syrups, Spices, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Starch, (0:,Fancy G(;rocetis of every description, etc. .tc (;iethem a call hef're purchasin.r elsewhere. m5i"22

Notice,rpilIE undersigned htving purchased of Wim. C.iTr-

Shue hi:s entire stuck ' f wo'd,t,, wil! cne iti, "-

inces at the same iplae. iHe will add a large stckto that Ilowi' in halt aiitnd invites attellntio t his stor.

li Ic hI bought alsu the opeln at ounI ts f \V . T'iri -bhe ii:i since the Ist of Janul ary ist, anl d ! ral' ,litlit d t) l;nk, pnyi tl to hillo, hut soh=.., ; :r

acmounit will hr ndhled t tthose artauy :nlr,.Shrevepl, rt, Mlay s , 1i5. i. P. 'I'RA li E.

r iH E sub-m iner w ,o' ubi, r,_: p t fully, s i i t r i t i ti

A tenti:n of th ,'e w ho m ay w i th to p ,:rehase

DRY GOODS, GROCE'RIES,Hardware, Cutlery, China, Glassware, &c:

tI call and see hi:, sttck; which, he belici'es, wil p!easrIis stck is very g n erIl.

A contiitantcie iof the 'favo'rs whi•t for v, tr, hbeent uner'i .ly given him in bi linserss !'ratt fulyacknowledge!, and a contittnance If the se .. ,lici-ted. 1hLSIIA H..IOE 1,\ N

dee 15 At hi o, Pi: '.SSock of Goods For Sale.

S\VISH to dispose of tlie stok of Goods ( ic , ,,ri ;Sto the sccsitc-. n of 1I. green, at Ontilintt in l

to some ,• t700; and containing many desirabtd .,er,.IThe intentitry a st.t k aur h sen bi y , ,u

"Mr. P. TI. R•s•on, Texas'IsrreCt, optpoiti, th' City i i .tel. To the right kind of a cust.nwr i -'oil tradilwould ie given. .I. J. lIERIEN. lE'r.

S - Old Soldiers.Ax art passed by the hot r ,-rr'. gives t,, a ol ,l-

Sdiets in any ,f tl:c wars o! till: U. S. sine 1770 rw• o a r f•t fourteen ifs crn ii'ore, o f heir i-diows 'r olrphan children, l t itacu s of lan,i, 'rlml

wh'ih, however, is to be deductecd what they mayhayv b, rrf,,r" e

rr, i 'ed. Ti'h, undierseinrd ,s ,r.-

pared with Ltr, hB nkis, etc., fot'r theiii proii se li 'such ciaits. Ollit.e in the town of Shrevepor't.

apll-tf .1INO. K. PA ' SONS.

A. J. HITCHCOCK & Co.'sS , LIVERY STABLES,.L YCorner of Texas and Ldwartl streeti, Sir ve plt.

r plI ; undersigned, havit ig ,purtlt:ied thie i;;t rest of

Mr Mers. Va1nBibber rin the .:bo,,e ,.v!! ,el.t; bli -hmen.t,and put t n line ,re ir. ifut nn t it frand the pualie gentlr :iy, that th, y are nrl pard ti a -C(l;1llod;:t~ th!r


Wit J _" l tre .o:fcs, bintggli, . i, -

aiges, etc., of the bh t dt se liptiu , irt tt ,t e r - U -lie tetrns is t 'y Ci'a i b I ntl t 'itt Oth.r t !,tuent. lHlorses will be kept by the mtontlh, V. r k, dar.,or a single feed. Ge(Il'onlit'n frot the country, w i-ii-ing to vi-it New Oileans, 'r any point ini the iiter. !,yleating thtir a nit uals' wil us, r i ( I a't e thor u t' ) lsly and faithfu!ly attended t,, . ur +,'-titr. tier ,,;.menced and attentive, and arr ready day atl,. n bit t,atteind to thie wantt of cI'llsttneis.

IItres bought tand sold. lurses a.,d ltiles s, l on'tonifIlln iot n.

"T'hankful for the patronave txtended: t, thx lat lutof VauBibber & lththcot k, te ri-pec'tul'ty h- ,ictcontinuance thrreof, Iled[ ing ourst h, .t th do nIl Ito 1,power to merit it. fa231 A..1. II t'II(_"COCK &. Co

4- (lOOflD stupply of B,:nsing and lapi, l;alott. l hand, aniid lr sat", at rir hits .. t rate. bv':I l.'' Y & \'q l..