The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within...

mander Dave Hendee, PDC and Chaplain Steve England, Sr. Vice Com- mander Jeremy Revell and PDC Henry Cleve- land. Our support for the Dodge House, just like their fine work on behalf of our veteran heroes doesnt end on Veterans Day though, so keep those squadron do- nations coming and re- member they are still fund raising with the Flag Pole Honor Brick Program. Forms can be found on our Website at: http:// forms_229_282532235.pdf By now, it should be of no surprise to any Detach- ment of Ver- mont S.A.L. members how near and dear to our collec- tive hearts the Dodge House in Rutland, Vermont has been and con- tinues to be. Once again on Veterans Day, S.A.L. squadrons and members demonstrated this by opening their wallets and providing The Dodge House some of the fund- ing it so desperately needs every year to continue its mission in support of Ver- monts veterans. In attendance for this heart warming picture from Left to right are S. Area Command- er Bill Brothers, N. Area Commander Brian Massey, Windsor County Command- er Bion Wyman, Chris Mor- gan Executive Director of The Dodge House, Com- Annual Veterans Day Donation to The Dodge House Detachment of Vermont Volunteers at ALA Veterans Gift Shop The American Legion Aux- iliary of VT. each year sponsors two Christmas Gift Shops for veterans at the Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington and the VA Medical Center in White River. The S.A.L. is always well represented and pitching in to support this incredible act of gen- erosity by the Auxiliary. Along with volunteers from The American Legion, this truly becomes an oppor- tunity for the entire Legion family to do something spe- cial for our veterans. Pic- tured here are Commander Hendee and Adjutant Colety at the V.V.H. packing gifts for shipping. Special thanks to PNVC/PDC John Waite and S. Area Commander Bill Brothers for shuttling the gift trailer back and forth be- tween White River and Ben- nington for the events. December 2019 Volume 12 Issue 6 The Sons of The American Legion Special Interests: Next up is Mid Winter Convention in Burling- ton, VT from January 25th - 26th. Remem- ber the S.A.L. meetings will be on Saturday morning January 25th, 2020. More infor- mation inside. The next DEC confer- ence call is scheduled for December 8th at 7:00 PM. Call In # (218) 339-7800. Ac- cess Code # 1904710 Please remember that Squadron membership transmittals now re- quire $10 to be sent per member, not $9 like last year. The cur- rent form can be found here: http:// forms_239_2995888367. pdf Don’t forget The Dodge House is still selling bricks to me- morialize a veteran of your choice in their memorial flag pole area. You can locate the order form on our Detachment website http:// forms_229_28253223 5.pdf

Transcript of The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within...

Page 1: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

mander Dave Hendee, PDC and Chaplain Steve England, Sr. Vice Com-mander Jeremy Revell and PDC Henry Cleve-land. Our support for the Dodge House, just like their fine work on behalf of our veteran heroes doesn’t end on

Veterans Day though, so keep those squadron do-nations coming and re-member they are still fund raising with the Flag Pole Honor Brick Program. Forms can be found on our Website at: http://


By now, it should be of no surprise to any Detach-ment of Ver-mont S.A.L. members how near and dear to our collec-tive hearts the Dodge House in Rutland, Vermont has been and con-tinues to be. Once again on Veterans Day, S.A.L. squadrons and members demonstrated this by opening their wallets and providing The Dodge House some of the fund-ing it so desperately needs every year to continue its mission in support of Ver-mont’s veterans.

In attendance for this heart warming picture from Left to right are S. Area Command-er Bill Brothers, N. Area Commander Brian Massey, Windsor County Command-er Bion Wyman, Chris Mor-gan Executive Director of The Dodge House, Com-

Annual Veterans Day Donation to The Dodge House

Detachment of Vermont Volunteers at ALA Veterans Gift Shop The American Legion Aux-iliary of VT. each year sponsors two Christmas Gift Shops for veterans at the Vermont Veterans Home in Bennington and the VA Medical Center in White River. The S.A.L. is always well represented and pitching in to support this incredible act of gen-erosity by the Auxiliary. Along with volunteers from The American Legion,

this truly becomes an oppor-tunity for the entire Legion family to do something spe-cial for our veterans. Pic-tured here are Commander Hendee and Adjutant Colety at the V.V.H. packing gifts for shipping. Special thanks to PNVC/PDC John Waite and S. Area Commander Bill Brothers for shuttling the gift trailer back and forth be-tween White River and Ben-nington for the events.

December 2019 Volume 12 Issue 6

The Sons of The American Legion

Special Interests:

• Next up is Mid Winter

Convention in Burling-

ton, VT from January

25th - 26th. Remem-

ber the S.A.L. meetings

will be on Saturday

morning January 25th,

2020. More infor-

mation inside.

• The next DEC confer-

ence call is scheduled

for December 8th at

7:00 PM. Call In #

(218) 339-7800. Ac-

cess Code # 1904710

• Please remember that

Squadron membership

transmittals now re-

quire $10 to be sent

per member, not $9

like last year. The cur-

rent form can be

found here: http://



• Don’t forget The

Dodge House is still

selling bricks to me-

morialize a veteran of

your choice in their

memorial flag pole

area. You can locate

the order form on our

Detachment website




Page 2: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends and took a moment to remem-ber our service personal who could not be home to celebrate with their loved ones. It is because of their service to our great country that we are able to enjoy our freedoms and traditions that we have. I want to say a big “Thank You” to our mem-bers who gave up their day to serve community dinners to folks that look forward to this dinner each year, either as a sit down dinner or as a take out. Thanks go out to the entire team, from the cooks, servers, delivery people, clean up peo-ple and to the people that donate turkeys, rolls or the pies! It is hard to believe that the 2019 year is close to coming to an end. It has been a good year with the travels to the different Squadrons

and getting to visit with the officers and members. I was able to take part in the Gift Shop at the Veterans Home in Bennington in November and had a great time with everyone. The Auxiliary did an outstand-ing job and the few of us that did the packaging had a good time while getting the packages packed up for the veterans. A big Thank You to John Waite for getting the trailer there and to Bill Brothers for get-ting it back to the storage unit! I am looking forward to the VA Gift Shop com-ing right up. Lets keep those mem-berships coming in, it has started out slow but we can get back up to the mo-mentum we had last year. Remember, one lucky Squadron will have a tasty prime rib cookout done at their post from the Detach-ment with all the fixings! Remember the more memberships you get the more chips in the bucket,

Also remember the chal-lenge that is taking place between your Northern area and Southern Area Commanders, and there is also my challenge to help them in their goal. It is for 4000 members by June 4th for the Vermont goal, but the first region that has all of the Squad-rons at 100% or more will win the bragging rights for the year! Each Squadron in the winning region, North or South, will get a certificate to hang up in their home post too! Let’s get behind your Area Commanders And see who will get bragging rights. Remember that Mid Winter Conference is coming up Jan 24th-25th at the Double tree in Bur-lington, I hope to see as many District and County Commanders there as possible along with Squadron officers and members. Let’s keep the attendance growing.

wards the prime rib chal-lenge dates.

I hope you all had a safe and happy thanks-giving spent with friends and family. The end of the year is fast approaching and membership is of utmost importance right now. Let’s keep working to-gether to reach our all time high goal of 4000 members. We were very close this last year and it would be really im-pressive to get there this year. Keep working to-

Christmas is fast ap-proaching and it’s im-portant we keep veterans and their families in our thoughts. Please share with the detachment team how you impact veterans, children and youth and your community this holi-day season. Have a safe and happy Christmas season and I look forward to seeing you at midwinter confer-ence.

Detachment Commander Dave Hendee

Senior Vice Commander Jeremy Revell

“For God and Country Detachment Commander Dave Hendee We Stand for the Flag and Kneel at the Cross”

Page 2 The Sons of The American Legion

For Veterans Past, Present and Future,

Jeremy Revell Sr. Vice Commander

Membership Committee Chairman

SAL Detachment of VT [email protected]


Page 3: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Gentleman, I think snow & cold is fi-nally here…. Keeping it short as al-ways fellas. Thank you to Green Mtn. Sq.1 for invit-ing me to your Annual SAL Dance Party! Shared some wonderful stories with Veteran’s and how Green Mtn. be-came the First American Legion in Vermont. Thank you all! I had a fantastic time! Did every-one get enough Tur-key…?? Big Shout out to Squadron 10, & Squad-ron 63 for donating all their time into their Annu-al Community Thanksgiv-ing Dinner’s In Barre & Northfield, it’s fantastic to have you gentlemen do so much for your Com-munity’s!! Awesome Job guys you rock!!!

District & County Com-mander’s I’m hoping that your working together to put a training together for all the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-

time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s get them in boys keep push-ing!!! Renewal’s Notice’s should still be going out! If you need help with this pro-cess, please reach out!! & don’t be afraid to contact a Detachment officer if need-ed! WE ARE HERE AL-WAYS TO HELP, Remem-ber Membership is the

blood line of our organization & is everyone’s job!! 4,000 member’s strong!!! Keep Pushing Boys I know we can do it!! Update on North V.S South Membership Challenge, District’s 2 & 3 are neck & neck! Way to go boys! But don’t count out District 1 they may pull a sneak attack! South is catching up! Let’s get it done TEAM NORTH!! Well that’s about it for now Comrade’s, I follow up with you all next month, in the meantime keep striving high with membership!! You all have a great & Safe Christ-mas with your families & friend’s. Please don’t forget to thank a Vet & check in with them during this time of year reach out with a helping hand, Always Remember Sons the Sky is the Limit!! Thank you for all that you do for this organization!

out what we are a doing and what is coming up.

With Christmas right around the corner, if you have an event coming up, you can let us know so we can help your squad-

Hi everybody! i hope all is going well as we approach the holiday season! Membership is going good let's keep it going! I hope all the deer hunters had a safe and great season. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Now let's get ready for mid-winter which is coming up very soon. I would like to see at least one person from each squadron there this year. It is always a good meeting and great way to find

ron out in any way possi-ble. Finally, don't forget to get your donations in for CWF and the Commanders Pro-ject for this year. Stay warm and be safe, Thank you all for what you do, Bill Brothers S. Area Commander Detachment of Vermont

Northern Area Commander Brian Massey

Southern Area Commander Bill Brothers

The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 6

“For God, Veterans & Country -Brian Massey SAL Northern Area Commander Detachment of Ver-mont *My Contact Info: Email [email protected] Phone# 802-461-5005

“If you have an event or a fundrais-er going on, get it to us to put in the next newsletter.”

Page 4: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Good Day, Vermont SSN 792, oth-erwise known as the USS Vermont, is under construction in Groton, CT. It's the United States' most-advanced attack submarine being built by General Dy-namics Electric Boat. It's fast, quiet and near-ly undetectable to the nation's adversaries under water. Ms. Gloria Valdez, former Assis-tant Secretary of the Navy, is the ships spon-sor and christened the boat on October 20


2018 The Vermont is 377-feet long, longer than a football field, and 34 feet in diameter. The sub, with many top-secret components, comes with a nearly $3 billion price tag and 135 crew members living on it. The USS Vermont

will be capable of launch-ing an attack with torpe-does, missiles and pay-load tubes, allowing greater firepower while hidden by the sea. It will deploy an estimated 15 times over the next 33 years. The USS Vermont will undergo months of under-water testing, which sea trials began in October 2019, before it's commis-sioned and ready for duty. Al Morales from our Com-missioning Support Team stated recently that the Navy as set the date for the Commissioning for April 18, 2020. Vermont-ers are encouraged to make the trek to Groton, CT. for the commissioning ceremony. To find out more, please visit the fol-lowing sites:

If you want a USS VER-MONT (SSN 792) hat, challenge coin, or other memorabilia, please contact me and refer back to the website. The Naval Cal-endar, printed by L. Brown & Sons, was sub-mitted into a New Eng-land printers contest judging is for calendars with "high quality con-tent". Selections will be entered into the Printers Industries of America competition for a chance to receive the Ben Franklin Award.

events and it is a great opportunity to enjoy safe, fun, family-friendly times together. We have recently lost several S.A.L. members

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas Hol-iday Season, however you celebrate. This special time of year brings family and friends together like no other. Please remember our Veterans, especially those who may not be able to get out to enjoy gather-ings and camaraderie. If there is an activity at your Post, please let us know so our members can par-ticipate and include any Veteran that is able to attend. There will also be many Children and Youth

around the state, and in neighboring states as well, so please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers. We also ask that you keep PDC Tony Morgan and his wife Chris in your prayers, as he is facing a major health battle and needs our support. In Honor of All Veterans PDC Steve England Chaplain

Chaplain England’s Pulpit

The Sons of The American Legion Page 4

“This special time of year brings family and friends together like no other.”

Historian Lucas Herring

In Honor of All the Veterans, Lucas J. Herring Historian, Detachment of Vermont [email protected] 802-272-8222

Page 5: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Wow! Seriously already less than a month until Christmas? I guess I need to start thinking about presents for those extra special family and friends!

If I don’t get to see each of you before the holiday season arrives, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year one and all. If you and your family cele-brate a different holiday during this season, may it bring joy and happiness to you and your loved ones. It is the time we share with loved ones we will regret not having more of in the end. Treas-ure the moments.

I just returned from at-

tending the Department of Vermont Auxiliary Gift Workshop at the Vermont Veterans Home in Ben-nington just before Thanksgiving. I am al-ways so impressed with

what other branches of our Legion Family accomplish-es. It was great to see all the S.A.L. and Legion rep-resentation there working side by side with these hard working auxiliary members!

Don’t forget the next DEC Conference Call is sched-uled for December 8th at 7:00 PM and the Mid-Winter Convention in Bur-lington is fast approaching on Jan. 25th. I certainly hope to see you all there! In the interim, remember our veteran heroes during this holiday season. There are so many ways to show them all our appreciation for their service, let’s not miss the opportunity!

#1535 to present a check for $8,500 to the Veterans Place in Northfield. And then, after donating blood, I was able to have a great meeting with Squadron #63 in Northfield. Lots of great work being done by our squadrons.

Many of our members have been out hunting, providing meals for Thanksgiving, and giving back to those in our com-munities who need it the most. It was expressed the difficulty there is in tracking people down and

Good Day, In November, I was able to complete 3 of the 4 District Official visitations, with the 4

th to come after

the holidays. District 3 has been doing a great job with comradery and it is great to feel welcomed at each of your locations. Wearing different hats often makes it challenging to get work done, but it provided me with a great Honor on Veterans Day. I was able to speak at the Veteran Day ceremony at the Auditorium in Barre, along with members from other clubs supporting veterans and Governor Phil Scott. While many of our Detachment Officers were providing a check to the Dodge House, mem-bers from the Barre S.A.L. Squadron #10 partnered with Barre Elks Lodge

getting memberships in this month, which was shown by us falling be-hind District #2 in our membership challenge, but renewals should pick back up in December pri-or to the deadline. Up-coming on December 4


is the next Prime Rib challenge date of 75% membership completed and I hope the best to all squadrons to reach this target. It will help lead to having 100% membership by the end of the year. Remember to provide any information on events in your area to me or Adju-tant Marc Colety so we can help spread the news. Pictures from Thanksgiving, other meals, fundraisers, dona-tions, and other events are all appreciated.

From the Very Messy Desk of Adjutant Marc Colety…….

District 3 Commander Lucas Herring

The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 6

In honor of all US veter-ans, past and present. Marc Colety Detachment Adjutant; Chairman VA&R Co-Chair Public Relations Webmaster Newsletter Editor (603) 543-6471 [email protected]

“In Honor of All the Veterans, Lucas J. Herring District 3 Command-er, Detachment of Vermont [email protected] 802-272-8222

Page 6: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Legislative Chairman Lucas Herring Page 6

The Sons of The American Legion Page 6

In Honor of All the Veterans, Lucas J. Herring Legislative Chair-man, Detachment of Vermont [email protected] 802-272-8222

Page 7: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

VA&R Chairman Marc Colety

Page 7 The Sons of The American Legion

Happy Holiday! The sea-son has officially arrived! Below is a report from the National VA&R Committee on S.A.L. donations of time and money for 2018-2019. Another reason to hold your head high when recruiting new members for your local squadrons. I said last month how I thought the Detachment should give serious con-sideration to supporting Operation Comfort Warri-ors here in Vermont. While it falls under the auspices of VA&R, it is a specific

program that helps sup-port veterans with direct aid and assistance as they work toward reha-bilitation of their injuries. Operation Comfort War-riors is a program dedi-cated to meeting the needs of wounded, in-jured or ill military per-sonnel by providing them with comfort items not usually supplied by the government. OCW ensures that patients at U.S. military hospitals, like our facility in White River Junction, and oth-er warrior transition units

are given items like sweat suits, DVDs, puzzles, elec-tronic devices, books, calling cards and more. OCW also provides larger items such as ping pong tables, entertain-ment centers, computers, kayaks and other recreational goods for use by wounded warriors in common areas. Please consider supporting the addition of Operation Comfort Warriors to all the amazing support the Detach-ment of Vermont provides to our veteran heroes within our state, communities and towns.

“$69,353 in donations to Operation Comfort Warriors last year. Let’s add Vermont’s generosity to our vet-erans in support of this program too!”

“Operation Comfort Warri-ors is a program dedicated to meeting the needs of wounded, in-jured or ill mili-tary personnel .”

Page 8: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 6

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Page 9

The Sons of The American Legion

Page 9

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Page 11 The Sons of The American Legion

Page 12: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Page 12 The Sons of The American Legion

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The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 6

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The Sons of The American Legion Volume 12 Issue 6

Page 16: The Sons of The American · the Squadron’s within your District’s (1,2 & 3) some-time soon. Let’s Talk Mem-bership! 2020 Let’s

Marc Colety - Editor

1148 Maple Hill Road

Arlington, VT 05250

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone (802) 430-7168

Mobile (603) 543-6471


Rocks the Membership!

The Detachment of Vermont S.A.L.