THE SOCIAL WORLD. · 2017-12-18 · Montague, Messrs. M. E.Llcbt. E. J. ... concluded at 10:30...

Nostrand; Florence, Miss Emily Flei«chman; Miss Anasla-iii ait. Auburn, Miss K. Ryan; Ca- llmily (Sarah Downey), Miss Hazel Montairue. Without particularizing, it Is enough to say thai the well-known play was a success, aljhougu it may not be out of place to single out .*';•"""£" Ban lor Ins consistent acting, which was dl »" tincllv or a professional order of excellence. A tali-sized audience enjoyed the drama, winch was followed by dancing to tbe excellent music of The" uffl C c'er9 l and members o! i.lie club are as follows: President, Will Lonergan; Yice-Tresl- \u25a0ieni, Geoige A. Klsenliauer; Secietary, Miss Mamie de Lury; Treasurer, Walter G. O'linen; Sentinel, K. 11. lirriaud Jr.; stage manager. Sol Kraus. TUe courteous committees ol me even- ing were composed as follows: Reception Com- mittee Miss Mamie Schma'.llug (Chairman), Miss Carrie Hamliu, Miss Grace I)avie«, Miss Foil Mout.isue, Miss Med* navies. Miss Eliza Montague, Messrs. M. E. Llcbt. E. J. AlcNess, J. L. McCreary, George A. L. Elsentnuer; floor manag. r, Georce Kanim; assistant floor mana- ger, Howard Smith; Floor committee— Messrs. K. H., T.J. Crowley, Marllu Hauler. P»rty mi Arllngtou Street. A veiy pleasant sunrise parly was given to Miss Almili \u25a0 Crouch at her parents' residence on Arlington and Miguel streets a week ago Satur- day evening. Dancing, singing ana games were indulged In till early in the morning. Among those present were: Mi- 1 - Annie Mich. Miss Victoria Kently, Miss .Minnie Bnerly, Miss Mary Smith, Miss Mamie Hattabough. Miss l.illie Castle, Miss Maggie liaiUibou^li, Miss Crouch, Miss Violet Henry, Miss Amy Crouch, Miss Minnie Walters, Miss Susie Bowers, Miss -Lottie Brierely, Aiiss Aggie Hargtave, Miss Ullie Duekee, .Mis. Chapman, Mrs. 11. my, Mrs. Mason, Mis. Davis. Mrs, Cioucli, Mr. Crouch, Mrs. Mason. Mr. J. Kelioe, Mr. J. Bogle, Mr. T. Kelley, Mr. W. llauabuugli, Mr. A. Crouch, Mr. J. Sliirer, Mr. \V. Smith, Mr. P. Crouch, Mr. T.Ciuuuli, Mr, J. Foueuv, Mr, 1.. Bertram, Mr. J. lull. Mr. J. Hi Icily, Mr. W. Blughani, Mr. J. Cbuich, Mr. P. Sclmllz, Mr. G. Hastings, Ml. J. Silver, .Mr 11. Haigntve. The llmnlfii-MrMithon Wedding;. A very pleasant wedding reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. O. McMalion on Tuesday, the Oiii mm., at their resideuce In s.m Mateo County in honor OS Hie marriage of their daugh- ter. Miss Lizzie McMahon, to Mr. Oliver Uatuliu of Conn a Costa Comity. The wedding took place at St. Ann's Church. San Mateo County, at 11 o'clock, by the Rev. Kzlher Cooper. They returned to the residence ol the bude's and partook of a tine ». tltlniß- bieaktast, after which the guests enjoyed them- selves in dancing, uames, etc. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. O. McMahou, Mr. anil Mrs. O. Ilaiuliii, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Mr, and Mrs. O. amiI a Jr., Mr. .t»d Mrs. GaQuey. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle, Mr. ana Mrs. McKeuua, Mi. and Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. and Vis. lincss. Mr. Dunn, Miss M. Dunn, Mrs. Hot- Us, Miss L. Botlls, Miss Eva Sham. Miss Kittle -\u25a0harp. Miss Emma Obrock, Mr«. Jennings, Mrs. \u25a0 It, Mr. J. Tike. Miss Anua Devlin. Miss Rose Mutlaley, Miss J. Mullaley. Miss Mary Bodiue, Miss Lizzie Hotline, Miss Macgie Kennedy, Mrs. Steward. Miss Maggie McMauon, Mr. Ciaveu, Mr. J. Bu.idirk, Mr. P. Kennedy. Mr. T. Ken- neay, Mr. J. Kennedy, Mr. W. Ilairlugtnn, Mr. Van Stmalon, Mr. Hodine, Mr. Lawience .Mul- lairy, Mr. J. Lennon, Mr. I". Grant, Mr. Collins, Mr. T. Kellry,Mr. .McAiule. Mi. AtcLonghllu, Mr.liiiL'iiea, Master O. MeMabon, Mr. Harry, Miss Nellie Barry. Miss Minnie Bury, Miss Katie barry, Miss Lizzie Barry, Miss Ag^le Ban jr. A Joint Parly. Last Thursday evening the members of Y. M. 1., No. 78, and C. L. A. S., No. 2, tendered a ben- efit to the family ot one of their deceased mem tiers at Mission Opera Hall. The entertainment opened at 8:30 o'clock and concluded at 10:30 o'clock, alter waicti dancing to the unexceptionable music of Blum's Oiches- Ira was inaugurated aud continued until 12 \u25a0'clock. Every seat In the hall was occupied and all Ihe standing-loom Utilized. The manage- ment winked baid and zealously to make the ..dan the success It was. The programme was as follows: Remarks by I tie President, Mr. Philip Frailer; soprano solo, Mis. M. .YcKee Wi.zj recitation. Dr. T. Hill; vocal solo, Mr. M. Cougllllo: vocal solo. Miss N. jneeban; recitation, l.r.tle Laura Crews; comic \u25a0otiK. Mr. J. O'Netl; lecuatlon, Mr. Walter l.e- :uau; vocal solo, Mrs. 1.. I lews; specialties, Mr. Josh Dims; finale, I'roiessoi Bree and pupils. 1 lit- committees ol the evening; were composed as follows: Coiunilttee of Arrangements— Mrs. K. Code, Miss E. liooth, Alus M. Miles, Miss N. 1 eniiell. Miss M. Donahue, Mr. J. F. Broad, Mr. I. H. Hunt, Mr.X. Argeutl, Mr.J. Dolau, Mr. J. Shea; Reception Committee— -Uss M. Code, Miss A. Booill, Mrs. A. King, Mrs. A. .Murphy, Miss M. Miles; manager. Dr. Walter P. Cutiey; Floor Couimtttee— Mr. 1.. Dolan, Mr. L. Michel, Mr. T. It.Hunt, Mr. Wall. Mr. James Cummins, Mr. Justin MeCarly, Mr. P. J. Can. Metropolitan I'unpvßjr Eiitercaininent. The Metropolitan Dramatic Company gave a very creditable representation of " Kobert Ma- caire" last Friday evening at Irving Hall. There was a good attendance, and as this was the hist play pui on the boards by the company mere was peculiar interest in the performance. This Inierest, although at times demonstrative, run* tinted none the less the. best and sincerest tribute to the excellence of the reptesenlatiou. 'Following was the cast of characters : Robert Mac. lire, Mr.H. I*. Troy; Jacques Strop. Mr. i. M. Kydr: tiermeall, Mr. It. J. Boylan; Duiiiout. Mr. J.F. McCanu; Charles, Mr. K. D. Barton; I'ifire, Mi. J. S. Uagllardo; seiKeant 1.-.ii;.v. Mr.Many Grotli; Maiie, Miss Genevleve Mack; Cieiiieutine, Miss Lottie 1 nickel. The repre- seuintive of Kobert Macalie played bis part with adoiltHble art. mid succeeded In presenting a "Rjoroutbly satisfactoiy picture of the des- ler.i'e 1 character. Mr. Kyder's past tralr.'ff^ made li*i»a Very acceptable Jacques Strop. Of Hie iithe*". particular mention bs\\>ngs to Miss M..ek for tier artistic renajxios of Marie. Tne remainder ol lie coinjut^y were conscientious in their less prouiiuent role.', and me staee was well managed by Mr Joseph S. McCorniiCi>. Alter the successful :etmlnatlon of the play 'he hall was cleared for dancing, which was en- Joyed under the direction of Mr. R. D. Barton, assmted by Mr. J. F. Mci'aiiD. The officers of i lie eompauv are: Acting Manager, J. M. Ryder: Secietary, K. B. Barton; Treasurer, Miss K. HcConuou. A Private Picnic. A private picnic was held at Kan Valley yes- teiday. The following-named participated: Miss Alameda Washburn, Miss May Wttßhkurn, Miss Carrie Worth, Miss Edna Worth, Miss Fan- nie Golden. Miss Hannah Golden, Miss Ethel Freeman, Miss Lottie Miner, Miss Sadie May- \u25a0eld; Messrs, Morris Hiiomwood, K. Black. 1). Hocau, Louis Hogan, Joseph Washburn, Bert L..Z.U, S. Miner, G. l.eary. B. Windsor, A. Gon- ulli. A. Miner, M. Bcribncc, G. Adams, Henry Adams, Gerson Golden. i li« AtiderHiiii Academy M nsquftmde. A fancy die's and domino parly was given by (he | il:II? of the Anderson Dancing Academy last Satuiaay evening at their ball, coiner of Seventeenth and Noe slieets. Many of the cos- mines worn were ricb, pretty and unique. The earuival march was led by Mr. H. Sutherland as Louis XIV, accompanied by Miss Lizzie de Uuerte as Martha Washington. The hall was usiefuily decorated with flowers and streamers. Among those present in costume weie: Mr. C. H. Wells, bnanlab tioubadour; Miss W. C. Hat, zouave; Miss Katie Earle<, Indian -quaw; Ml>s Tlllie Noll, pea-ant girl; Mr. Ed 11. Culcmao, Uncle Sam; Mr. Wallace K. Bouaciua, old maid; Miss Nellie. Mackey, flower-girl; Mi. J. S. Drew, Cllue Neweonw; Mr.W. J. Drew, tramp; Mr. J. liyues caused much merriment In 'us character as a uegio; Messrs. G. F. Albeill, L. B. Aibeiti, H. J. Coides, C. I) Anderson, W. ilanon, John O'Couuor and F. J. Albert! ap- - eared as sailor boys; Mr. V. Bretlou, military; Mr. Albert Audeison, cnliuinaii; G. H. Little- neld, dude; Miss L. Ayer*. fancy dress; Miss May Moms. Deisaite costume; Mr. W. E. Cody, Ur-e: Miss L. B. Thurgood, evening dress; Mrs. '.v. E. Cody, domino; .Miss Jeuule Moian. flower .til;Miss Hilda Anderson, America; Miss Viola Albert!, Tojisy; Mi.C. G. Morris, domino; Mrs. t. W elite, domino; Miss C. A. ManiiielJ, fancy \u25a0ness; Mr. Arthur Anderson, Irishman; Mr. C. ciwaiu. English dude; Mi. E. L. Anderson, Mex- ican; Mlm1.. F. Bray, fancy dress; Miss i-.i<!>a Andeisun, Daucliler of the ilesluietii; Mr. Kob- ert O'Cunui-11, military; Miss Ida Elliott, fancy dress; Mr. W. J. Hynes, negro: Miss C. Coleman, evruiiig diess; Miss L. Kussell, sailor girl;Mr, L. I. Marlin, military;Miss Helen But gen, even* - J^.dre^s; Mr. G. Huntsman, cboul; Miss L. MotiTsuu, Roman girl: Miss May O'Connor, negress; MKs May Martin, flower girl; Miss K. Kogle, pea-ant girl; Miss Maud Bili;gs, fancy dress; Mr. J. 1. Wrlnht, grandma's scrap- ing; Miss L. de Guene, fancy dress; Mr. •lames O. Aveiy, school-boy; Messrs. J. P. and B. F. Mackall, clonus; Miss L. Mlnner, Japanese; Mus M. Mci'hillips, fancy dress; Miss HeLiietia Sinillj.Gypsy Queen; Mr. H. B. llolin- pen, Marks, the lawyer; Mr. Albeit Anderson, •hn. an. an; Miss Sarah Hynes, sailor girl Miss Mary Hyues^tancy dress; Mr. Hairy Chamber- lain, bicyclist; Mr. W. J. Toblr, nei;ies»; Mr B. ii. Tucker, ranger; Miss U B. Tuurgood, eveu- inK dress; Mr. 1 tiliilp Lawler, gentleman ot <:oloi ; Messrs. B. Ha held, C. V. llatlield and Arthur Hatlield. Mexicans; Mr. J. T. Jeffrey, uegro; Mr. C. E. Aodersuu, uegio; Mr. D. O'Cou- not, military. In addition to these the following wuie (loin loot's: Ml-s Edith Haelir, Miss Louise Go.der, Aiiss Lena Hetiey, Mr. J. Kilzpatrick, Mi. V. J. Anderson. Mr. 11. Marsh, Mr. 11. M. turner. Mr. CL G. Morris, Miss Mackey Mr. U. A. Jones, Miss Mabel Asch, Mis» M. Murphy, Mr. Aiihuil'ollexfen, Miss G. Klmball, Mr. F. I. Weihe. Amouit the meciaiors were noticed: Mrs. A. Baehr. Mrs. I'oilexfen, Mrs. William A«ch, Mis. J. K. Diew, Mis. E. Lake, Mrs. C A. Anderson, Mis. A. Anderson, Mrs. 11. L. Smith .'.lra. Wheeler Martin, Mis. L. T. And-mon, Miss Mnlley, Miss Maud Kothermel, Miss Kate Parks, Mi« Genie Flam;, Miss Sheppaid; Messrs. C. Swain, K. L. Taylor, 11. H. Mai tin, J. M. Wilson Hung. VV. 11. Fulton, Hugh DuD, A Trautoeller, A. B. Unugli, C. Frank Adams, John Kckinaii, P. Sltipi.aid, 11. S. Bailsman. H. Lock- hail, George M. O'Duuuell, Oscar lie, man, A. Newlauus, John Anderson, C. D. Bruur. Society l'l-rMoitnlfl. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bovee willspend the sum- mer wit li their daughter, Mrs. 11. F. Son lag, at Sail Rafael. Mrs. J. I".Gaivey and Miss Ella Garrey are In Sum hem California, wbcre tbey will spend tbe summer. The Misses Ellen and Lucy Scbroth are visit- ing Mr. and Mm. H. Ilertel In I'asadena. They will visit san Diego and Coronado Beacu before I heir le'urn to the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens are spending the summer at Etna Hoi Springs, Napa County. Mr.mid Mis. Edwin Miles of San Francisco have relumed (ma an extended lour of Europe, arriving last Sunday by the steamship city of New Yoik, via I'aiuma. \u25a0 M %".- J V, l# ;!",* eu S|e " t a we ek In Munich visit- ing Mis F. Dulumauu aud left for Carlsbad eaily iv May. Mr. William Aivordlls at the Etna Spring* Alii". I. Bojheiwel and Otiti^hter, Miss Bessie Kcthei-inel. have gone to Mark »eil Spilni-s. . " Llllie Koeuigof Healdsburg is Ibe euost of Miss UertleßwlUK of 2321 Scott "(reel. \u25a0 The Misses Ida and Function Fisher, who have been sojourning In Southern Oregon for the past t«o month-, nave relumed lo their home al 838 McAllister Btreet. Mi. and Mrs, 1". Levy, who have been at the Melville loi He last lour month*, have returned i lotheir lesnJeiice, 009 Webster street, and will be i leased lo bee men Irleuds. . I'iolessor J. William Frascr of this city lias been eu£4£ed to inauage lue social aUalrs of the I'ljlTI—UH'W^MME iXI'W"11l l^lll I \u25a0fWWl*lll"l \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l» I Ml Kedoudo Hotel, Redonilo Beach. Cal., for the eomtiie season Colonel E. W. Hoot, late manager of Hie Ho lel Vendome, San Jose, Is manager. Mrs Henry Goe:ze of 1006 Fllltnore street Is \u25a0pending her vacation in San lUfabl. Mrs. A. Dreyfus lias returned home after \u25a0 rending a few days at Sacramento, here she was the guest of Mrs. l'olltz. Mr. M. Constlne has returned home after spending three weeks in this city with his sister, Mrs. a Dreyfus. Mr.and Mrs. J. de la Mniitany.i will leave San Fiancisco for I'araiso Springs on Tuesday, May 20i be gone two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Crane of Santa Ana and Miss liita Dennis have been vlsitlnz Coronada, and am at th- present the guests|of Judge Eapan of San Juan Capistrano. Mis. J. A. Callinun and daughter. Miss Edith' Calhouu, departed last Wednesday from Oak- land for a three months' visit to her old home lv Indiana, and to relatives in i'lltsburg aud Chicago. Professor D. G. Williams, a member of the Board of School Examiners of Mariposa County, and his wile have gone on a visit to fi lends lv the East. Mrs. Captain M. K. Roberts left on Monday, with Mrs. Judge George Turner, for Tacuma, where Ihcy rejoin their daughters, and willprob- ably rem m din ing the summer months. Mrs. F. Rudolph is on a visit to Modesto to attend her biother'a wedding. Prom lueie she will vi-it her rather aud mother, Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Stilt of Napa. Mis. Edward C. llousley has gone to Hollway Ranch, Los Gatos, to spend the summer. She will be the guest ol her daughter, Mis. James Mason. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Brokan and daughter, of the Adam Exion Cracker Company, Trenton, N. J., ate spending the summer with mends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Rutherford will be at the Hotel del Monte early In June. Major R. P. Hammond, ex-United St lies Sur- veyor-Geueral, was In Saciamento last Wednes- day. Mrs Crowell and son of Hayward? are going to Tails, where Mrs. Lue Coal, her daughter, will join them later. Governor Stevenson came down last week trom Reno. Nev. Mr. and Mis. Charles M. Postman have left for Tacoma. their future residence. Mrs. George Boston, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. G. B. Seaman. In Oakland, returned last Saturday 10 San Kafael. Mi.and Mrs. John R. Jarboe and Miss Kate Jurboe will pass the summer at their cottage in Santa Cruz. Mr. I. G. Wickershnm lias been spending part of the we;k in San Luis Oblspo. Mr.Charles Mei-K. a student In the Todd Medi- cal College of San Francisco, was in Nevada City last week to spend liii vacation with his mother, Mrs. S. M. Siiuillell. Mr. J. H. Logan returned to Santa Cruz last Wednesday from San Fraucisco. Mrs. Mark Kosenihal and family are In Dres- den, Germany. Mis. P. McElroy went to Vallejo from San Francisco last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sands W. Forman and Mrs. Will Ashe has been Visiting Mis. J. D. IVteis at her residence near Stockton. Mr. Louis will leave for Europe In June, intending to join Mr. Joseph Livingston in Germany and make the tour of ihe world with him. Rev. Dr. J. K. McLean willleave for the East a week from to-day. The doctors family will spend the summer at llowell. Montana. Mine. E. Cial'be and Miss Jfnnuie Cinlibe have returned from a visit to the Hotel del Monte. Miss Jessie MeCoiintckot Sin Francisco has beeu the guest of Mrs. Varuey W. Gasklllof Oakland. Mr. A. A. Davis of Santa Cruz came up last Tuesday to me meiiq, olis. Mr.S. Strauss of Yokohama Is stopping at tbe I'alnce Ho el. Mrs. Mary Weber returned to Marysville from San Francisco last Monday. Colonel K. A.Belcher has resigned bis position Iv the law department of the Southern Pacific Company, to take effect after the end of mis month, and after a vacation of a few weeks he Kill legume the practice ot law upon his own ac- count. Mr. A. F. Trice, son of Professor Trice, spent the close of last week In Nevada City. Messrs. Raphael Well! and David Cabn have returned from Paris. Mi. and \u25a0 rs. Henry M. Gilllp, Mrs. Gillie nitre, Mr. George W. Nagie, Mr. Frank Uug'T, and .Miss Crouch were amoui; the passengers who arrived last Friday from Honolulu. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey R. Wiuslow art) visit- Ing friends in Boston. Miss Julia Peyton has returned from Santa Cruz and Is the giu-.t of Mrs. Hail McAllister at her residence in Ross Valley. Hon. ana Mis. A. \Yal;a It and wife are ex- pected to arrive to go to Nevada City soon. It Is probable thai Mis. Walrath will remain ibe summer. Mr. F. H. Hanson of Santa Cruz came up last Tuesday lo san Fiauci»co. Mr. B. E. George of San Francisco was in Santa Bon last Tuesday. Mrs. Vallejo, widow of the late General Va- llej', lias bet-u seiiousiv ill at her home In So- noma dining the past wee*. Mr. Thomas Whitely, the well-known stock broker, has gone to the Hotel Vendome for the summer. Mis. Wuiiely, who has been there for the. past month, Is greatly Improved In health. Mi.and Mrs. Armstrong of Oakland left yes- teidavfor New York. Mr. Armstrong is a mem- ber u( the Mini of Armstrong & Merchant. Mrs. Henry Wetdetbee has returned from a plea-. mt vlsil to the Hotel del Corouado, uud will : pass most uf lue summer at Her residence In Friiitvaie. of tue summer at Her residence in "niitvaie. Mrs. William 15. Collier returned to Lakeport last Wednesday alter a visit of several weeks here. Key. Dr. J. K. McLean, pastor of the First Coueiegaliouai church, will leave this week for the Ess cru Males, lo be gone about two mouths. He has uot been East fur lour years. Mr. Gi oige CUUlenden of Sauta Ctuz came uo last Tuesday to San Francisco. Mr. jVoiiald de V. Graham lias gone to the iioiel del Monle for a slioit visit. Mr.J. H. Frost of Ban Francisco made a brief call in Sauta l:o-a last Tuesday. Mr. CIS. Elbe of Alamtda went to the Santa Cruz Mountains, where his family Is stopping, last Monday. He leturned to Alauiedu the fol- lowing day. Mr. George A. Pope Is paying a visit to New York City. Dr. J. S. Adams of Oakland expects bis daughter home frum the East iv a few days. Mis. K. S. Dillon an.l Miss Dillon are passing a few weeks at the ranch of Mr. 11. 8. CrocKer near Cloverdale. The Misses Violetle and Stephanie Whitney willspend most of i lie summer season al the Hotel del .Monte . Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Savage of Oakland were recently registered at the 1Ifih-avenue Hotel in New Voik City. Mr.A.F. Swanton of Santa Cruz came to San Francisco last Tuesday on a shoil visit. Mrs. W. R. Mti-.11..-:; and Mis- Nellie Smedberg are visiting liiei.ds ii» New York city. Mr. E. 8. David of Oakland made a day's slop In Santa Rosa last Tuesday. Mn. i'in«iee of San Aulonlo avenue. Alameda, has gone to Los Angeles on an extended visit to Irienua. Mrs. B. O. Devoe has engaged apartments at the Hotel Veotlome, San Jos«. Mis. Doyle and daughter of Oakland willspend the summer at Highland Springs, Lake County. Mr.J. A. Stewart of Stockton speul a lew days of last we.' in San Francisco. Mis. John R. Jai boe of Santa Cruz came up last week on a short visit to San Francl<co. Colonel ana Mrs. Charles F. llaulun have gou>: to Tiburon for the summer. Miss Lizzie Patterson was, last Tuesday, the guest ol Miss Daisy Casseily at her residence ou the corner of Kuciianau and Sacramento streets. Mrs. E. BlandincColemati and her sou are at the Hotel Veiidome, San Jose. Rev. W. C. Spencer, pastor of the Alameda Bai.ust Church, lias gone lo England to visit uls parents, Mr.George S. Ingersoll has gone to the Hotel Vendome fora brlel lesi and recreation. Mr. Walter W. Moody, manager of (he Stand- ard Oil Company of O klaud, came up during me week Horn Sau Jose, having spent several days there rUillna his lather, Mr. W. 11. Moouv. Mrs. H. W. Moote (<f Stockton visited Sail Fran- cisco a few days ia«i week. Miss Bandinanii will pass the month of June In San Rafael wub Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Band- maun. Hon. D. B. Wooif went to Santa Cruz from San Frauci>co Saturday aud Sunday. Mr. and Mis. D. N. Walter-, and Miss Adele Wallers have closed their residence on Van Ness avenue anil gone over to their cottage al the liotcl Rafael. Miss Maile Stln«on bas left Oakland for the btaie of Washington. Mr. W. D. Ferine of Oakland spent some time this week in 1.1 Dorado. Mr. and Mis. John D. Gall of San Francisco \u25a0pent last Sunday in Siockiou. Mr.and Mr*. C. T. liuntingtoii. Miss limiting- ton and Mr. a. hi. Huiiiiugion ana party left for New York Saluiday in Hielr i i iv.i . •- car after a visit beie of several weeks. 1 1 Is their Intention to return Iv September and pass the winter seaeou here. Miss Wells letui licit last week to Santa Cruz from a visit to Sau Francisco. Mrs. A. Emsbury of San Francisco was last weeK the guest vi Mr. and Mis. C. W. Met/, Santa Clara. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Redding have rented the Alherton residence, on ihe. southeast corner of California and Buchanan streets, lor two years. Air. I). W. Hairier of Vallejo willIn future re- side iv Oakland. Mis. S. Confer has leturned to Stockton from a visit tuber sister, Mrs. Connolly, of San Fran- cisco. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLean Martin spent Sunday In Santa Ci uz, returning to Sail Flan- Cisco in the alicrnooti. Mr. A. C. Gilbert has leturned to Oakland from a business aud pleasuie nip to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce and family have en- gaged looms at ihu Hotel del Monte for the season. Mr. William Siafford ol Oaklaud was In Los Angeles ou Thursday. Mrs. H. E. Hall of San Francisco spent last week In Stockton, visiting her mother, Mrs. Mar- shall. Justice Hugh Haley ana Mr. Frank J. Walz- man of San Fraucisco, made a Hying nip Santa Cruz last week. George J. Alnswouh of the Kednndo Beach Hotel recently opened, was- visiting Oak- laud wit ii his family last Monday. Airs. Hfiuy Uci!ieilx-e lias it-turned from a trip lo San Diego and is alhei summer residence In Fiuitvale. Mrs. George B. Seaman of Oakland spent yes- terday at San Rafael. * Miss Blanche Aaron and mother of Stockton came 10 Sau Francisco on Tuesday lo spend a . Mr. aud Mrs. J. T. Sullivan have returned to Santa Urcz fiom their visit to Sau Francisco Mil. C. B. Gourlay of Sill Lake has beeu visit- ing Mrs. C. M. Owen of Alaine.d.i. Mr. and Mis. Charles H. Sunpklns, Miss Slnip- klns aud Mr. Hairy Slmiiknis left lasl Monday for the Hotel Ralael, where I hey will spend the season. Mrs. Amos Roberts of Oaklaud Is at Winters. Mi. A.S.iinelsou, who has beeu In California lor his health, has relumed to emphts. Miss Haltit) Provost of San Francisco wa» the guest of .Miss Mary Shoemaker In Sausalito last week. . --.- Mr. and Mrs. Waller D. William, Mrs. Franc! s Blake, Miss Blake and Miss Ethel I'omeroy have be< iivisiting the Hotel del Corouado during ibe past week. Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Meyers of Savannah, Gii., are visiting ihe Tacillc Coast. Airs. H.J. Curtaz of Sau Francisco Is a guest at the El Monie Hotel, San>al|.o. Mrs. William H. Collier relumed to her country home near Clear LaKe lasl Wednesday, after a Visit here. v-..-.! \u25a0••.:- The following Is a list of latent arrivals at Ihe ; Hotel uel Coiouado ; last week: William A. S!eele, L. Van Laatt, Miss Irita Dennis. Mrs. P. Keddy, I. il. H. Mmtiam. San Francisco; Miss Blanche Smith. Mrs. Alexander Mcliean, Oak- land; VV. B. >iyers, John F. Wyman, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Meyer, Mis. Ilattie I'liilipp and s,oi>, Sol E. Sclieehne, Mr.and Mrs. W. D. William, Mrs. Byron Dlsntlns, San Francisco; .^lrs. Fran- cis Hlake, Miss Blake, Miss Kthel Toiueroy, Oak- land. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Walter and Miss Adelle Waltei left last Sal ui (lay fur Sau Hitlael for the summer, Judpe E.E. Malion was In Bollnas Saturday, comlug via San Kafael. lie relumed borne via Olema aud Point lteyes Station Sunday. Mr. George Vernon Gray has been Hie guest of Colonel aud Mrs. E. E. Eyre at Meulo l'aik for a counle of weeks. Mr. Louis Schoenlerg aud bride have returned and willbe pleased to see their fiieuds al the Fleatanton. Judge Loudfrback of San Francisco was iv Sausalito .Minday. Mr. anu Mrs. Samuel Miller have returned from a visit to tlie Hotel del Moute. Mrs. Charles W. Jiingeu has returned from Sltka, Alaska, where she has been at the marine station with her husband. Ensign Juugeu. U. S. N. She Is at preseut makiug ber borne with Mrs. Carmen iv Vallejo. Mr.and Mrs. F, W. Suook of Oakland were In Nevada Cily last week. Mr- T. J. Kelly of San Finnrlsco was at the Pacilic Ocean House, Santa Cruz, last Thursday. Mr. F. A. Leach of Oak laud spent Sunday iv Vallejo seeing old f i lends. Mr. and Mrs. o. F. Wllloy and Mr. Frank D. Willev willleave for San Jose on June Ist for a inoiilh or so. aud iv ihe fall Mrs. Willey willgo Hast for the benetit of hei health. Mi. S. (Hteuhelmei uf Baker Cily is visiting Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley Warner have been visiting the southern counties ot Ihe State. Mr. W. 11. Dennis letuiufd to Nevada City last Monday fiom a visit to this cily. Mr. Edward M. Gieeuway retuiued from the Hotel del Monle last Monday. Mrs. A. Crocker leiuiued 10 Santa Ciuz from San Francisco last Wednesday, Air.c. busskiud uf Denver Is on a trip to this cily. Mr. A.Hocbstadter returned toMarysvlliefrom Sau Fiauelsco Minday. Mr. ami Mrs. 11. i \u0084,:,, of New York are al the Occiueuiul Hotel. Mr. ana .>us. Alexander Koyd have left fora tour of the northern p,tit of the Slate. nlr.George 1). Boyd will Keep bach' lot's hall at the family resideuce durlug their absence. Mr.C. N. JeuKins of Marysville bas comedown to this city. Mr.Jacob Hirschler will make Alamela his futorchome. Mr. and Mrs. James Carolan. Miss Evelyn Carolan. Mr. Frank J. Carolau aud Mr. Herbert E. Caiolan ate now located In Sau Rafael for in c remainder of ihe season. Mr. A. F. Prise has leturned from a visit to Nevada City and ill spend part of the season with his tan,,.) at Sau .Mateo. The Misses Celta aud Lulu Lord, of Nevada City, have come to Sau Francisco to keep house for their father, Mr. George Lord. Mrs. Lord and Miss Coia will soon join them. Mrs. George V. Goodman lias been passing the week at the Pacific Ocean House in Santa Ciuz. ' Mi. J. Laveaga returned from Santa Cruz lasl Tuesday to sail Francisco. Mr. and Mrs, 1 imothy Hopkins will pass June and July at the Hotel del Monte. Mis. S. 1. Alleu of Santa Rosa visited friends Hi i be Bay City last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Page Brown will go to the Hotel del Monte In June. Miss Casey left last Wednesday for St. Mary's Oaks, Los Uatos, where she contemplates spend- Ing most "i the rummer season. Mi. W. V. Buckingiiurn has returned from his Eastern trip. Mr. John Kitchen of Oakland will leave in June for a trip through the mountains ol Kent County in company with his brother, Mr. Charles E. Kliben, who is now there for the benefit"! Ills health. Air. Ruben J. Baxter of Santa Cruz came up last Tuesday on a lew days' vlsil to S;iu Frau- clsco. Mr. Evan J. Coleman was visiting the Hotel del Monte receutly. Mr. W. Wilton of San Francisco visited Santa Jtosa last '1 iii-Ml.iy. Mr. If. 1.. l'etkms and Ms son of Alutneda left last Monday for Placet Count;, where the for- mer ban ii.iniiii: Interests. They will be avtdy live 01 mi inciitiis. Mr*. A. N. li.wne and Mrs. Charles N. Shaw have been passing . the week at lUo Uoiel del Monte. Hun. diaries >". Fell on is InNew York city. Mr. and Mis. .-ainuel M. v ii.on, Mr.and Mrs. Kus-ill J. Wilson and Colonel Fred Crocker left last Wednesday lor Sacramento for a few days' visit. Mr.ami Mrs. W. Marlon of East Oakland nave been spending a few days m Santa Cruz. Mr. H. I). Hullingbrry of s.iuia Cruz came up lust Tuesday Fruucisco. Mis. William Asiiburner left the city last Mon- day I.i New Yoik. to louie to Eugiuud, where she will leui.un several month*. Mr.Tyler Hen-haw of Oakland made a busi- ness inp to s;;nu is. .sa last luesday. Mr. Albert Kodeubeck of Alanieua lias lm.-n quite ill null piituniotilu. and for several days honied I'Oiwi-eu me aim ui'atli. ilmi. Jtomualdo I'aciieco lias arrived lieie on a visit from in? liiocb in Mexico. Mr. ana Str*. li. F. Bunker and daughter have relumed homo alter an absence of a year, liav- tii(c traveled through Europe and lie Culled Slates. They intend residing In lied wood City for tne summer. Miss Louie Uiutisky of Stockton spent the past week in mm Francisco. Dr. U. A. Banal 01 Cauibildge, Mass., Is at lie Hotel Veudujne. San Jo*e. I r. and Mis. a. H. Nahert of San Francisco are at the Tactile Oe«au House, sanu Crij' \u25a0 v Ml. and Mrs. >. D. Kideuui lii;vc deemed to spend me summer In (be h,i>t, and will take their daughter. Mlwvi'raee liiaeoul, with them. Iney will letuiu in tile latter pail of the sum- mer to San Francisco. Mr.and Mrs. J. William Brown will leave on June Ist to pass a month in Lake County. .Mi. (J. UtunperU and family lelurued to S'.vcklou last week from a Wick's visit to Kan Francisco. Mr. and Mr«. George 11. Wheaton of Oakland ire at the Hotel Yendoiue, San Jose. Senator A. J. Meauy relumed to Santa Cruz from ban Fiaucisco lust week. Miss Blaucoe Vudeuai ol New York city arilved here last Monday, ana will visit her Blslrr and biolber-iii-law, Colonel and Mis. nil. .inFoimj -ill,at Fiesno for several weeks. Mis. 1). S. bliemiau, ol 2378 Franklin street, Oakland, has been visiilnglriends In Chicago. Miss Susie Patterson lias returned to Stockton from a visit to ban Francisco li lends. Mi. Jobu Xauuiau came up Iron Santa Cruz last week to Una l'i..ncisci> on a week's visit. Mis. I'elei Donahue and Mis. Eleanor Martin and her sou leli Saturday lor Washington, I).C, to joinJustice and Mis. Stephen J. Fluid, Mrs. J. Coudil-biniih ai.d the Aus*es Coudlt-Sniilb, and tbeu tbe eulire paity will leave for Euiope, where they willnavel unlit next October. Mis. llHxeiinau ana Miss j.uile llugermau, of nan Prmiclseo, were last week guests at the Yt-udoii.e, San Jose. Mr. >.. U. Kittle left last week for a four- moiillis 1 trip in the East. Mis. Dolirmaou and Miss Uunsle Dohrmann, of Mocklon, spent a day last week at the Bay. Mr. G. li. V. de Laiuater returned last week to San 1-iancisco alter a slioit visit to ins family at Santa Ciuz. Miss lii.. Letter of Oakland spent last week VUllluit iriend.i in Santa Cruz. Dr. dunes* lias been vislllujt hers from Sacra- memo. Mis. Harvey Waller of San Franc sco has been visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mis. J. M. Uuodell «l Siockloii. Mi. Horace W. rnllbronk of San Francisco registered at Hie I'aciCc Ocean House the last of last week. Me».Ms. A. W. (Jans and Charles Gross of San Fianci«co vi-.iicd fiieuds iv Oakland and Alatneda last week. M las Delpbtne IJelauu lias been the guest of General and Airs. William It. Uialiam at the I'ietidlo. Mrs. J. <;. Thompson of Stockton accompanied by Mis. 'I'booiiisun ol Oakland, led last week on a visit toll lends in Anderson, Shasta County. Mr. Thomas Hayes of the firm of Main & Winchester, San Fiaucisco, and Mrs. Hayes were in Sania Cruz last week at tbe Sea ISe.u-b Jlniel. His family will spend the suuiiner lite re. Mr. and Mrs. Welles Whiimore left Oakland iit-i in.. '\u25a0\u25a0lay lor the Bant, 10 be gone several Weeks. Duiiiin I.H trip Mr. Wliitiuuie will visit all the principal cities m the East, aud will also make a snort stay at Montreal. (.eneial and Mis. Nelsou A. Miles and Miss Miles left last .'.loud.iy fur a nip to the Yoseiuite Valley. Miss Mamie Myer, who lias been visiting In Block too lor the. past mouth as the guest ol Mrs. •icoige Obeideener, teturued to her borne lv Oakland last week. Mr. and Mm. c. iMiid'ciiu of Sao Francisco, Mi.and E. C. I'ilber nt .N ipa, aud Mr. and Mis.C. Schilling of Shu Francisco, wore at the Sea Ueacb Hotel, Santa Ciuz, Satuiday and Sun- day. mi. lyes Scoviile of Oakland went to Monterey last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kedding have seenred tbe residence ol Mis. 1). U. Atheituu, 1960 Cali- lomla meet, for a couple of years. Mi.and Mrs. J.iuifs Crump (nee Hanlon) of Balllmoie aie expected here in July on a vl«it. Mi. J. Uiteuhood and daughter of Helena, Mont , have gone East oil a visa. Mrs. A. U. Bell's collage (Elderberry) at Sau- ralllo has been taken by Mr. Milton's family for Hie summer. Colunel C. Fied Crocker went to Sacramento on Thursday (or a brief visit. Mi. Louis Lewis of V'icioiia, B. C, la In this city. Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Hooper of San Francisco i aid Sausalito a visit lust Sunday. Mis. Call W. Juutscti has returned from a visit to her i.u-i am: at Sitka, and Is the guest of Mrs. In Carman at Vallejo. Mm. J. Newman of San Francisco went to Nevada City on h visit 10 her jlster, Mis. M. KuneubeiK. Mi. W. L. Crawfoid and family, of San Fran- cisco, Rieocciipyiuii Cotlate lvanhoe at the El Moule Hotel, bausalllo, for me summer. Mr. and Mrs. Uilliaid M. Juukh, who have been stopping at 1115 aD Ness avenue, will re- main In town until July. Air. N. Levensou and family have returned to Cblcagu to letlde, liuviiik iell here lor that pin- pose. Mr. W. K. Jenklnes Jr. of Totnales returned home from ibe city list Tuesday. Mr. ami Alls. I'eler Dean aud Mist Dean have left Oakland to p.•- the Mjiiiuiei at San X.ii id Mis. Ui-iirtru Gale ol San Francisco was vlslt- liiK Mrs. W. Urlssim of Sacrameutolast Wednes- day. Mrs. Adelaide Lester, of the Him of Lester & Ciawioid, has returned to Ncvuda City from San Frauclsco. Mi. S. Itoichschild or this city Is visiting bis relatives in New Uaveu, Conn. Mrs. T. G. Morgan and children, accompanied by Miss Main! \u25a0 iieitrand, » niece of Mrs. Mor- gan, have letuined to it no from Sau Fiauclsco, wbeie the family went last winter. . - Mr. and Mrs. W. K. A. Johnson of the Palace Hotel, bave gone to the Hotel Vendonie, Bin Jose, for the Hummer m-asuu. . Mis« Anne Nickel of San Francisco spent Sun- day with Miss Llllie Bond of Valleiu \u25a0\u25a0 -v Mrs. J. Oser and "'"• of Slocklon. have conic to San I'iaiiciseo to reside. - Senator and Mis. W. E. Dargle of Oakland will toon return from ,l, ir Eailifu t. ln They willgo to tliß Hotel del Moute for the mouth of JU m"- i M i," Darkle will accompany Iliem Mr. Hubert F. Morrow left for a trip to Vir- ginia Cny llie first part of the week. Mr. Louis Van Vllet has goue to lojin- -Among the guests last week at the Cedars, Sao Kafael. aie: Major Bradford aim family, D, l'owei.saiid family, Mi. K. Chapman aud family. Mr. 11. Slrlckiaud and family. Air. J. C. Colliii' aud family, Air. i: Kehnscn ana family, i-roles«or Aiidersoi. and family. Dr. A. M.Loryea, Air.Ed- Ear Uaymoiid. Mr. Pegram, Mr.Ware, Professor l'alry, "Rev. Dr. Crosby and family. Professor Croft, Mr. Hunker and family, Mr. Murray and family, Mr. S. F. Barstow and family, Mr. It stratum and family, Miss Gales, Miss Norton, vi-s BtowelL Miss Nix, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Graham and son, .Miss Stewart, and others. Mr. George E. Kohtnsen, recently of Nevada City, has come to leside at San Francisco. Mr. Thomas Handlty went to Santa Cruz from San Francisco last Weduesday. Mr. Charles 11. llubbs of Oakland spent Sun- da? lv Vallejo at his parents' home. Dr. Walt S. Thome has taken apartments for his family tit the Hotel Vendome, San Jose. airs. Thome and .Miss Grace Thome lend their vaued assistance at all the social entertain- ments that make the hotel so popular. Air. and Mrs. Moses Hopkins, Mr«. Bliss and Miss Florence Lockwood left last Wednesday for the Yos. mite Valley, where they will spend a week or two. air. M. Lowentbal of Los Angeles is here on business. Mrs. A. A. Nlokerson and the Misses Maud and Myra Nlcke'.son will return from Germany about the latter pan of June. Miss Catherine E. Wilson has returned to Grass Valley liom a visit to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Sharon have taken a collage at N wport for the summer. Mr. Charles M. Leavy, United States Ap- praiser of San Francisco, and Mrs. Leavy re- turned from the East Monday. Mr. Leavy was a member of the Bomd of Appraisers at the con- ference held in New Yoik. Mr. E. J. Henderson of Santa Cruz was in San Francisco lasi Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Moses Hopkins departed last Weduesday on a trip to the Yosemite Valley. They were accompanied by Mis. Bliss, Miss Florence Lockwood and some other friends. ' Air. William slltigshy of Marysville was iv the city last Tuesday. Mr. E. L. Bosqul has been making a stay In Saula Barbara. Mr. aud Mrs. William H. Crocker left London a week ago and are now in Pails: Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Stnndford returned to their residence, Santa Clara avenue aud Grand street, Alaimda, on Tuesday laM from Arizona, wheie they have been spending several weeks. The Misses Deinlug of Sacramento, Miss Eve- lyn Speny of Stockton, Miss McNuit and Alias Smith are now In New York City. Mrs. E. G. Greene of Santa Cruz came last Tuesday ou a visit to San Francisco. Judge and Mrs. F. E. Spencer and Miss Grace M. Spencer of San Jose will make a trip to Vic- toria, B. c, ill June and may extend their outing to Alaska. Air. W. F. Dlngley of San Francisco was In Santa Rosa last 'luesday. Mr. Ei nest Moreal, brother of the Alameda real estate man of that name, Is on a visit to his relatives In Alameda ana San Francisco. He has lived in Mexico lor ten years, and comes direct from the City of Mexico. He is engaged Inmin- ing enterprises. Mis. It.F. Bunker and her daughters have re- turned home after passing thirteen months In the East ami Europe. They will occupy the Fox villa in Redwood city during the summer. Mis. Dr. Kahu willaccompany them. Consul and Airs. Dems Douohoe, Miss Rose Donohoe and Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison Smith left lust Thursday for the Hotel Rafael for the summer season. Judge and Mrs. Rising have leturned to Vir- ginia, Nev., after a visit heie. Mi. George P. Lake of Santa Cruz came to Sau Francisco last Thursday on a business trip. Mi. and Mrs. Sands W. Forman and .Mrs. Will- lam L. a-ilib were leceutly the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Peters at Stokton. Mr. J. Jacobs of Sau Francisco was a visitor n Santa Kosa last Tv sday. Mr-. c. B. Kibe of Alameda has gone to the Santa Ci uz Mountains lot a stay of two or thiee months for the benefit of her health. Miss Laura McDonald will pass part of the summer at San ltalael. Miss battle Hedges returned last week to Stockton from San Francisco. Mrs. K. li. Thomas of Oakland made a short visit to relatives in Stockton last week. Mis. A. F. Wllley mi.i Miss J. 51. late of Boa ton are at he Hotel \ San Jose. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowie, Mis. Isaac Fried- lander, Miss Bessie Bowie, the Misses Filed- lander, and Mr. 1. Cary Filedlander went to San It. i l.i el last Thuisday to remain there during the summer. .Mis. E. B. Stowe has returned home to Stock- ton from a vi.-it to Ban Francisco. Miss l.cii.i Schell Is visiting lueuds near lied- woiti City- Mr. and Mis. 11. M. Terry returned to Santa Cruz last Monday f1 urn a visit to lilends in San Fraucbco. Mrs. K. H. I>oiiald«on and Miss Bessie Donald- eou, of Oakland, will go camping to Mies Can- you rally in June. Mrs, T. V. Keed an,l Mm Laura Bead, of Stockton, were in san Frauclsco last week. Mr. N. K. Marten of Oakland, and his daughter, Mis. Frank I.!, went East a week ago by the Southern route, and will pass a month in New Voik aud other cities visiting friends. Mi. Louis Wenendorf of Santa Cruz came up last week to Sail Francisco. Mine. J'edtniente de la Peua, a titled lady from Brazil, is stopping at the Hotel Vendcrm:, San Jose. Mi. J. 11. Buckcr and Miss Kate Dunne, of San Jose, and Mis. Peter Dunne of San Fran- cisco were last weeK visiting Mrs. James lJunne of Sau Felipe. The Misses Ocorgle and Lucy Edwards re- lumed last Monday from San Rafael, where they bad been visiting Mis. Zander. Mrs. 11. ii. Tiacy of Stockton has been visiting Mrs. 11. Mclntyre in Sau Francisco. Mr. aud Mis. J. C. Eattlaod will pass the mouth of June at the Hot. I del stnnf«>. . Mr. John I:. JuiiMie ji.':J Afiss Jarhoc went to Santa Crux last weeJt from >aii Francisco. til9. SleVeusiUJ .iiiil daughter and Miss Thomp- \u25a0on, of Ueikeley, wcie euteiiaiued by Mr. Thomas Dei by at Almaden last wee-:. Mrs. John W. Colt-man, Miss Jessie ColPinan and Mr. 11. 1.. lo'.emau have Roue ou a visit to the City ol Mexico. Mr.and Mrs. John Levlnsky of Stockton have been In >au Fiannseo visiting several days Miss Belli 1 Maliam of San Fianci-co lias been Kpeiidini; a few day? nun her friend, Miss Daisy Nortun, at Highland. Mis. Williams. Kills and Ml«s nope Ellis have eng.ged rooms at the Hotel del Monte for the summer season. Mrs. A. Lastland of Oakland returned home last Friday aller an extended visit to Miss Lucy Past Of Stockton. Mr. and Mrs.,). 11. Manor and family last week left Sun lianelsco to agalu make Santa Cruz their borne. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore returned last week to their home in the Sandwich Islands, alter a six mouths' visit to their parents in Oak- land. Mi. and Mrs. J. Lussden ami Mis) Ln^sden have been iu..kiih; a lout of the southern coun- lies. Mrs. George Gray and Miss Hannah Gray of Stockton weie In Sau Francisco last week. Mr. W. 11. Lulus of Sauta Cruz came to San Francisco last week. Mis. George liest of Santa Clara has returned home alter a six weeks' visit with lei.tiives In Ok land. Mi. James V. Colemau has returned from bis European trip. Messrs. A. Blssluger, I) Bloom. M. A. Ellas, G. Hecnt an. i B. lianicli are in New Voik. Mrs. CM. Cole, who spent lie winter at the El Moult: Hotel, Sausallto, left tor the East last wetrk and Mr.Cole returned to the city. Mr. 11. 11. Sherwood will leave here in June to pass thice months 11 ay. ling in Europe. Mr. 1.. M. vYolf of Stockton, who whs In tills city last week at the Baldwin Hotel, has it- turned lining. Mis. Frank Miller and family returned to Sac- rum uto this week alter spending several weeks at Hie El Monte Hotel, sail to. Mr. Frank Unger arrived on Fiiday's steamer from Honolulu. Judge J. 1). Thornton has gone to New York fora hi Iff tup. Mrs. Thornton Is still at 1 116 Van Ness avenue. Mis. Lewis .Mrveistein and Miss Stella Meyer- stelu have returned from au extended lour to Hotel del Corouado. Mr. Moss li. men and family are now occupy- ing Owl Uotlage in Sausalilo. Mis. U. F. Minims and Miss Aline Mullins have secured apartments al ibu Hotel Veudome for the season. Mr. Bloouinigdale and his daughter, Miss Jo-iB hioouilutdale, left for Los Angeles last Ueduesd.iy. Mr. and Mrs, .George Ross and Miss Gertie t'eikius, of Sau Fiaucisco, went over 10111 the city last Saiunlay 10 alt. ud the opening day at the Pacitic V.icht Club-house at Old S.tusalilo. Mrs. Maynaid and Miss Maynird are euter- talnlup Lleiitenam Leruy C. Webster, U. S. M. C, euimiiaiidiii^ guard of the Uulied Slates ship Marlon, at Ilieir residence, 1613 California sireet. Mr. Webster is a telalive of the ladi -a. Mr.and Mrs. Sam Hurt will go to Del Muuie for the summer Mr. aud Airs. George Grlsstll have relumed to Nevada City from sail Francisco. Colonel and Mrs, A. C. Ellis, for many years result ins in Cuisou City, now of Sail Francisco, went on Sunday to Hie State capital. Mr.and Mrs. George C. Boarumaii, Miss Dora Boaidman and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoyt will make the Ho el del Monte thoir abidlug place dvi lug the summer. Mi. Duncan Smith went to Vallejo from San Fiauclseo Sunday lo spend a few days Mr. aud Mis. M. Gumpel have tone to San Rafael lor the summer. Miss MeKiustiy, uaiisliter of Judge E. W. Me- Klustry, has, on account of tin; death ol her grandlalher, postponed her coiilempiated trip to Vancouver Barracks. Mi. U. c. Perkius left Sau Francisco last Mon- day lor New Voik. Mr.Geoige 11. Rice, fi eight manager of the Pa- cllic Mall steamship Company, wliu Mrs Klce ami daughter, Blidie, aie sojourning at the Ho tel Vendume lor the summer. Mr. Maurice Beinlieim 01 Sau Francisco for- meilyol Una city. Is speudlug a day or so In low ii. Mr. S. Schwabacher Is in Portland on busi- ness. Judge Garner has returned to Marysvllle Irorn San Frauclsco. Miss Duice ilolado will pass part of the sum- mer at Sau Kalael. Mr. aud Mrs. Alex O. Baring have returned from a visit to the Hotel ltalael" Mrs. John Skae aud Miss Alice Skae relumed from New \ork last ...ouday and aie at the Pal- ace Hotel. Mr. ana Mrs. Hager and Miss Hager are here on » Mioit visit and are guebts at the Occidental Miss Allle Lambert of Nevada City came to Han 1- r;mei -en to reside with the family of Mr J E. Brown, who will go tv keeping house here Hon. Frauk M. Stone returned last Tuesday to Santa Cruz Horn a Hip to Sau Luis Obl.po and ban Francisco. oi sg " Frtnc " c ° spent tur- n U. A. Powell of San Francisco spent Tues- day In santa Kosa. "" Mr. and Mrs. L. L Baker willgo to del Monte on June Ist for me season ; Mr. A. E. JlortoD arrived on Hie Mexico from Ban DießO. He will spend some tune in the cii, as the guest ot Mr. li. H. »ucro Vau Mess avenue. ' c " 9 Mrs. John W.Colemau, Miss Jessie Coleman ol" Mexico "* ° loU ' a " n f lUaii Ihe "uy B^a^K^W^^J^ t .> rs. L. A. Balcli of Oakland willdispose of her kindernaiten school at laiu AdUlue alr'e I iJd move to Sail Francisco. airtei auu Camaln aud Mr.. W. li. Baker and Miss Mime "uc G-.ole Jo9e ' "'" Pai!S "' c -urnmer it d ! Mis. Dr. Jennie Morgan of Santa Cruz cam* last Tuesday mi a short visit to Sau Francisco Miss Fanuie Farmer of Sauta itosa "as ainonir Ui« . v.sltor. to Sau f , ancisco la,i luesday ° ag . .The latest arrivals al tho Hotel el AioTita n»n : Mtlltu. eompilse: Mrs.- li lluia -11,1 1.. ?, Charles Uolbrook. wile TauJ daUßuter Mrs oil,' liober Mid »ou , Mr». George CasWell, Mt L^uistt Snow, Mr. H. E. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mar- tin. .Miss C. Biythe, Berubard H. Bosc, Dr. and Mrs. F". \V. Wiebir, Mr. aud Mrs. A. V. Tassie, Judge E. B. Mabon, Mr. W. L. Crawford and family, Mrs, J. Lee and son, Mr. Geoige 11. Pres- ton and wife, Mr.Samuel K. Simmons, Mr. (J. P. Huddart, Mr. A. Heymari9, Miss E. Nager Mr O. E. Moore, Mis. Ira M. Uollis, Lieutenant F G Do.ige. Mr. D. Hlrschfeld has exchanged his resideuce al Bay Station for a raucb in Sonoma Cuiiutv It is doubtful whether Mr. Hiischfeld aud bis family willleave Alameda. Miss Florence Reed will pass most of tbe sum- niiiat the Hotel del Monte. Miss Virginia Hauchetl has been passing tbe week at Sacramento with Mrs. J. B. Wright. Mm. Gecge A.Newball, who has be-n spend- ing tbe pa.-t tbiee mouths traveling abroad will return next luoalb aud go to tbe Hotel Rafael for the season. Mr. J. D. Carrot Salinas was a recent visitor at the Hotel del Moute. Mrs. J. M. South, who has spent the .past three months ln Yuma, Ailz., has returned to her home Iv Oakland much improved in health Mr. Charles Fitch Jr. ol Santa Cruz came up last Tuesday to Sau Fiaucisco. Geueial and Mrs. Waller Turnbull will pass the summer at Santa Cm/.. Mr. H. It. Heywood of San Francisco was in Santa Rosa lasl Tuesday. Judge and Mrs. J. H. Boalt, and Miss Alice Boali, a.c passing ibe. seasou al ihe Hotel del Monte. Rev. W. H. Stranger of San Diego has com- menced Ms miiilhiiy-as acting pastor of tbe Bap- tist Chinch of Alameda. Mr.Hugh Tevis was at the Hotel del Monle recently. Mis. Cbailes W. Hathaway mid Miss Miuuie Hathaway have returned home from a visit to their fiieuds Iv Houolulu. Mr. W. li. Davis of Sau Francisco was in Stockton last werk. Mr. Charles Fitch of Santa Cruz came last Monday to San Francisco. Mis. K. S. Dillou and Miss Dillon liavo cone on a visit lo Mrs. il.s. Crocker al her ranch near Cloverdale. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sutro and r.arty of filends willg,. to Ihe Vosemite Valley to-day Miss Blanche Aaion uf Stocktou sueul Ihe lat- ter part ol last week at the Bay. Mis. Theodore Sutio has lecnvered from the iujuiles hlie lecelved tecenlly from a runawiy horse. Her brother, Rev. 11. Cliutou, Is now en rouie here from England. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Fay of Santa Cruz came last week on a visit to Sau Francisco. Mr. w. A. Douglass bas gone io San Rafael for the season. Colonel L. 11. Brings of Oakland left Monday for the State of Washington io look after bis i ioi ci IJ illleiesls Shell. Mr. J. a. Williams and lamily of San Francisco were last week visiting ft i, nds In Stockton. Mr. Frank McMulltn went to Santa Cruz last week from San Fiaucisco ou a visit to ibe Bella Vista Vineyard, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lilandliic will pass the heasou at ibe, Hoiel del Muute. Miss Lena BiaudiniE willjoin ibem there as soon as she le- tuins from New Yoik, where she lias beeu visit- ing Mrs. hred w. Sharon during the past winter Mr. W. H. Flagp and mile daughter of Sail Fiaucisoo visited Mr. and Mu. W. L. Woodrow ol Sau Jose the past week. Captain and Mis. W. il. Taylor, Miss Canie \u25a0Jayioi ami Miss Josie Taylor weni ovur to Ihe Hotel ltafacl last wee... Mi«s Nellie and Miss Amanda Campbell of Siocklon spent a tew days of lust week in Sau i raiitlsco. Miss Maiguente Gonzales lit- returned lo Santa Cruz from a bix weeks' visit to Sau Frau- Clsco. Mr. (Jeorge Roberts of Oakland was at the Hoi ton House. San Diego, last week. Mi. and Mrs. A. J. Bowie ana Miss Bessie Bowie, Miss Fnediaiidir, Miss May Fnedlauder aud Mi. T. C. Fiiedlaiider left on Thursday for ihe Hold Ralael, where they will speud several mouths. Mrs. Phil T. Brown of Stockton came last week to San I raucisco where she will soon reside per- manently. Mr. W". W. Roberts went lo Santa Cruz last »«» from .-an Francisco visiting leUiives. Mrs. A. A. Moore. Miss Moore and Mrs. L. A. Knoih ol Oakland went to Monterey hist week. Mrs. William Asliburnei left the city last Mon- day for Hie Eastern Males aud Europe. Mi. F. U tiift of Sau Francisco made a brief visit lo Siocktou lasi week. Mi. Chaiies Auileison leturned last week to Sau Francisco alter a visit to his parents, Dr. and Mis. C. L. Anueiaou of Salila Ciuz. Mrs. Francis Blake. Mis. Blake. Miss Pomeroy. Me-sis. William A. Fisher, J. V. English and Charles E. Smiih, all uf Oakland, were u-glslered at l.os Angeles hotels lasl week. Mr. and Airs. W. K. Hoilow.iy were beinc en- tertained by Baron and Harmless yon Mil oeder at Hi .-n place in Sau Luis Obispo County lasl Mon- day. Mr John W. Mackay is expeated here soon from Niw Sfoi k. Miss Josh snoman bas goue to Deliver to visit tier relatives and friends meio. Mrs. J. P. McLennan of Sausalito are spending tie summer at biituedale. Ci n-ui ami Mis. Deula Donahoe and Miss lio-e Douahoe are now located at S.m Rafael for Ihe season. Mr. D. Eisner of Clilco Is In town. Mr. aud Mrs. Will Baruaid ol San Francisco are spending the summer m i.aikspur. Mis. i.. .-. J.autl will sail Iroiu New York to- day, Koine direct to Paris. Mi. Weinerof New lurk Is paying a visit to 11, i'acllic Slope. Mr. ami Mis.- George K. Pros«on have re- turned to Sausalito for me summer aud are agaiu domiciled at the 1.1 Monte Hotel. Mr*. Cai lisle P. Pallet.sou. Miss Lizzie Palter- son .ma tire. Pierre v Muu>aii;uc leu for tlie Eau ou Friday. Mrs. E. 11. Kowalsky and family of 1303 (lou^h street have leiurued from their visit to Fresno. Mrs. rarrell and the Misses Farrell nave rented their cottage at Tamalpals and moved 10 Sail Francisco. . Mr. .-Hid Mrs. 11. S. Crocker, who have been traveling in Europe lor over a, are expected to return ilium-about Hie latter pail June. Mr. Louis lllisli. who recently returned Iron) Central America, will leave for Kurope In a lew week*. He will meet Mr. Joseph Livingston In Germany, and may make Hie lour o[ the 01id with him. Miss Alice Groves and Misses I.aura and May Bodie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.mdsou I San Auseloio last week. Mr. Sidney M.Smith is at the Hotel V endome Id S.ui Jo»e. Mr. 1-iauk K. Jacobs, Mis. Brilliant. Miss J.i- cobs, Ml. Phil Jacob?, Mrs. Crocker and daugh- lei' and Mr.G. llullin.iiiii have relumed truin a tup to Poillaud and the Sound. Mi. 11. (i. > oihc of Bollu.i* was In Stockton last Tuesday aod paid B. c. Clowes a visit ai his laiueiDd complete establishment, the Stockton Nuißery, about two miles Iroiu town. Mrs. V. liliam 8. Kills aud Miss Hope Ellis will won leave to pass ammull at the Hotel del Monte. Mr. W. T. Raggett of San Francisco visited Hie Chi. City last Wedoe-day. \u25a0Mr. G. 11. High left Oakland lAst Thursday for St. Paul, A' iun. to join bis brother, Mr.Gavin Dim Hlkli. fonueily of Oakland. Mi. and Mis. 8. Harrison Smith are now at San Rafael lor the season. Mi. aim Mis. item Hussey, who for the pain two anil a half inoullis have be -u stopulog in Oakland 111 Ilia Dope of the funnel's health beiug in in ii \u25a0< 111 relumed Hume 10 Reno last week. Mi. Wick Mas of Bloomlugiou, ills., has left for Spokane Falls to i--.ii--. Mr. Max H<iUbs relumed to Oakland from V'.llejo last Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. M. V. Hunlinglou and Miss Min- nie. Henuessy are enjoying a visit 10 the Hotel Jel Monte. Mr. .ii. Mrs. Chailes Holbrook nnd Miss Mamie llolbiook will leside at their villa in Meulo l*» i k all me season. Mis.Samuel (i. Murphy, wife of the President of I lie l'list National liauk ot this city, has been .visiting Mrs. James Forney of Mare Island. Mrs. M. A. Mauustj lias relumed to Marys ville. Messrs. Frank Galcrlo, C. T. Harris, A. W. Flmdt is and Christian l'rtersoiiol North Bloom heal have come to Sail Fianclsco. Mr.A. \V. ltunell wi in to Santa Cruz last Wednesday from OaKland. Miss 1.11 lie bi ush will iem:iin here permanently as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Votary SpaldiiiK Messm. James Koouey, F. Build, George War foul ana Jama Hants were in VallejoIron) San Francisco last Sunday. Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Brown will close their Pine stieel icsldeuce on June Ist and go to Highland Springs 'th their ciiildreu. Mr. Louis Ancker li.m returned fiom a visit to San Bernardino. - .Mr. A. K. liuiion came tip from San Diego nil the steamer City or Mexico, aud Is the guest ot Mi. and Mis. 11. 11. Kuncioll, at their residence on the cuiuci ol Vau Mess tveoue aud Sutler street. Mrs. B. A. Val.nitino and her sister, Miss Berk, of Nevada Cny, came to Oakland to le- Mill' to-day. Mi. E. Levy of Crescent City Is here on busi- ness. Mr. Horace Gushee went to Santa Cruz last Tuesday (10111 Ueikeley. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pinckard will remain in the city diimm the mouth, owiug to the Illness of Mrs. piiickaid. Mr. 11. C'uri>foitli of Marysvllle came to Sail Francisco last Moud.iy. Mr. K. Newbauer ol Chicago is at the Baldwin Hotel. Mr. Bernard Peyton has been up on a short visit nere from bis home lit Kama Cruz. \u0084 Mr. L. Scblesluger of Guatemala Is at the Pal- ace Hotel. Mr. and Mr«. Ira Pierce will be at the Hotel del Monte during: the summer months. Mi. and Mrs. W. Mayo Newhall have gone to San Rafael lor the season. The Misses Geoigle and Lucy Edwards have decided to spend the summer season hi the Hotel del Monte. Mr. T.G. Danlells of the Alameda Argus went East last Tuesday on a visit, to be gone a month Mr. Milton Bes>e of bauta Cruz came to San Frauclsco last Tuesday. Mis. T. Thompson of Santa Rosa spent Tues- day la San Francisco. Mr. .11. V. Herbert of Alameda left Thursday for me East on a business trip. Mr.A. M. K.Stouie ot Oakland Is at Los An- geles. Mr. and Mr«. Russell J. Wilson are now located In Sail Rafael, where they will leuulu until Hie end ol August. Mr. Janien G. Fair Jr. Is at the Hotel del Monte. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Gray of Oakland are at the Hotel Veiidiiine, San lose. Miss Nellie Handy relumed to Santa Cruz last Tuesday frum a visit 10 Sau Fiauclseo. Miss Carrie Plait will pass the summer with friends at Auburn. Mr. A.Fraucitco of Sonoma was lv Santa Kosa last Tuesday. Messrs. a. 11. aud Martin Schnab lof Santa Clara avenue, Alameda, have goue to Placer County. Mr. F. S. Cbadbourne has engaged apartments for his family at the Hotel Vendoine. \u25a0 - Mrs. Carlisle P." Patterson, Miis Lizzie Palter son and Mrs. Pierre lit Montagus left last- Wednesday on the overland train lor New York. Mrs. la Montague expects to return In the early tall. Hon. and Mrs. li. D. Murphy' and Miss May Murphy, of Sail Jose, will pass the summer at Lake Taboo. Mr. J. C. Hall of San Francisco was lit the Pa- cific Ocean House, Santa Cruz, last Wednesday. Colonel and Mis. Hardlu came down to Sail Francisco IromSanta Kosa last Tuesday. - Mr. J. C. Itoss returned to Alameda last Mon- day evening from a fly lug business liip to Sail Lake City. - , Judge and Mr«. O. C. Pratt and Mr. O. C.Pratt Jr. are visiting their ranch in Bulie County lor a lew weeks. . - \u25a0; \u25a0- Mis. Judge Creaiior returned to Stockton Sun day morning Irom a brief visit to Shu Francisco. : - Mr.A. 11. Fitch ot 1 Santa Cruz came up last week on a few days' vim to San Francisco..- , . Mr. James I helm left San Frauclaco last week, and Is at Phelan Park. - - Mia. A. M.Pan utt arrived lv New York a week [ ago after a prolonged tour ot Europe. She will probably In uk her overland journey by visiting Captain and Mrs. A. 11. I'uysou at Colorado Springs. . . Mlsa Lam a Qulnn is home at Stockton after an extended stay at Sail Francisco. . Captain and Mrs. William If. Taylor, Miss Edith Taylor and Miss Carrie Taylor left last Thursday to visit the Yosemlte Valley. They will be away about ten days. I.ewi-s Mason of Suquel came last week on a visit to San Francisco. Mrs. O. W. Eastoo, mother of Mr. Wendell Huston, accompanied by her daughter, Miss li, B. Easton, has gone to the Hotel Veudotne, San Jose. Mr. Frod Sharon and Mr. Hall McAllister have returned from a short visit to the Hotel del Monte. Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Cushlng and Miss Jennie do la Montauy.i were In Spain at last accounts. Mr. N. K. Masten of Oakland, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Frank I. Kendall, left last week for a trip through the Eastern States. Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Balra will spent part of the month of June at the Hotel Vendome, San Jose. The Misses Fjfe returned to Stockton from a Visit to San Francisco last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Walklngtou have gone to the Hotel Vendome, Son Jose, tor the summer. Mrs. Walklngton's father, Dr. F.F.Jewell, Is now located at San Jose. Mr. w aid McAllister and Mr. Charles Haswell went to Hie Hotel Rafael last Wednesday, where they will spend Hie season. Mr. aim Mis. J. 1.. Wetmore and the Misses Wetnioro left Oakland Wednesday for a three mouths' visit to St. Joint?, New Brunswick, which was Mr. Wetmore's former home. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Webber and little daugh- ter of San Jose were In Sau Francisco tho past week. Mis. B. B. Redding and her sister, Mrs. M. B. Richardson, have returned to 2100 California street after having made an extended visit to Southern California. Mrs. Chillies lieldlng and Mrs. K. P. Lane re- turned last week to Stockton Irom a trip to the Bay. Mr. Thomas Tlerney returned last week to Santa Cruz from a short visit to San Francisco. Mr. F. ii. Morrow and Mrs. S. Morrow of Oak- land are among the cuests at Hie Del Monte. . Air. aufl Airs. Slevenson and family and Miss Stevenson, of Los Angeles, are spendlug some time at the Hotel del Monte. Mis. D. S. Rosenbaum and daughters, of Stockton, spent several dayirof last week witli relatives In San Francisco. Mr.Joseph W. Scut came up from Santa Cruz last week to Sin Francisco. Miss Florence Maglll of Rosedale, Alamedn, was last Mima iy visiting Mr. and Mrs. Karl 11. Flate of San Jose. Mrs. K. S. Dillon and Miss Dillon, relatives of Mrs. H. s. Crocker, Have been spending lie past week at the Crocker ranch near Cloverdaie. Miss May McDnugald of Stockton spent sev- eral days of last week in San Frnuclsco. Mr. J. 0. Kimble came up from Santa Cruz last week to Sau Francisco. Mr. anil Mis. George Kilter of San Francisco Lave been visiting relatives at Lick Mills. Mr. Joseph Livingston and Mr. Arthur Castle weieat Franklorl-ou-the-Maln at last accounts. Mrs. Voluey S|>alaing returned from a visit to Healdsburg early in the week, and on Friday went to San Jose to remain until Monday. Mr. Henry C. Solomon, the artist soil of Mr. M. Solomon, has gone to St. Louis ou business. Mr. Is. Couway and family went over from San Francisco last Sunday to spend the day lv Sau- salllo. Other Social Items. The Al'iambra Literary and Social Club gave Its first invitation party last evening at Uln- man's Hull. The affair was very pleasant in every respect. The Eclipse .Minstrel Club gave an entertain- ment and dance last evening at Irving Hall, and the management had arranged so excellent a programme that all the guests enjoyed them- selves. Toe members of the Sadik Club gave an en- joyable party lust Wednesday evening at Unlon- aquare Hail. There was a lance attendance and ' the pleasant alliir did not terminate until mid- night. Blum's Orchestra furnished the music to the geneial satisfaction. Xlm I'lcnlo SenSfin. The ' Central M. K. Sunday-school. Mission street, will hold their annual picnic, which was pos'.poued on account of bad weather, at Glen Ell? u, Sonoma Valley, on Tuesday, June 3d. The St. Alb.ins Literary and Beneficial Associ- ation will unite with the Bunker Hill Associa- tion. Si. Allan's and St. Peter's Sunday-schools and hold 1 heir annual picnic ami excursion ou the 17ih of June at Gleuwood, SuuUCiuz Moun- tains. The National Club will hold its annual picnic at Glen Ellen next Sunday. A special feature will he a bailie of ba«e-ball lor a silver trophy, between Ihe Recorder-,' an. l County Clerks' clubs. Loyola Assembly, Mo. 1, Young Men's Catholic Union, willhold their thud annual picnic at Live Oak I'aik, Sau Jose, ou May ;.tutlj, Decoration day. The San Fmnci.-co Caledonian Club will hold its annual gathering ol the clans on Saturday, May 31st, at Shell Mound Turk, Berkeley. The cluo Is detarmluad to make this, the twenty- fourth annual n.uheriug ana Barnes-, the grandest and enjoyable event of the season. New games will be introduced, n-ver before, seeu in AMii-nca. A large list of exciting club events Is open to members of dobs from nil Hurt* of the world, who will receive over $2500 in cash and other pilze;, Including two handsome gold men- als, value StL'iij each, for long distance races, Scottish national dances by exuericldiismeii and lads and lassies In costume. Delegations from all parts of the United Stales and Canada will be present to take pail In Hie maud nourish of liuuiuets. There will be dancing from 11 o'clock in the morning in two i aviilous. There will lie a lull corps of Highland pipers la cos- tume. -- .. Tue Brliljh Benevolent Society will hold Us twenty-fifth amilversarv excursion and picnic at Wiidwood Ulen, >ausallio, next Saturday (Queen Victoria's birthday). There will ho games for old am! young aud hfty choice prizes. 1lie Tuolumue Rcuulou Association will hold Its annual picnic aud leuulon ou June 17lh at Badger's I'm The annual basket meeting of the Indiana Slate Association ot California will take place on Saturday, lhe 31st Oak Grove, on IheCall- forula and .Nevada Narrow-gauge Railroad. The train willleave Emeiyvllle Junction on Southern Pacific Railroad at 10 o'clock in the morning, and Sao I'ablo avenue and Fortieth street at 10:05. The picnic of the Native Sons of the Golden Wear, under the auspices of Hospertan Parlor, No. 137, will take place ou Saturday Ui-xt at Ulen Ellen. Fourih ot July will be celebrated by the So- ciety of tad pendent Old Friends by an excur- sion to Vallejo. M.iie Island. Crockett, Martinez ,-.nd return on the steamer T. C. Walker, leaviug Sau Francisco at 10 o'clock In the morning. The family uicnic of the Dehance. Social Club will be held on Sunday. June Bill, at Schaefers Grove, Ross Taller. Sau Rafael. The Young Men's Catholic Union, comprising Leo Assembly, No. 4; Dotoies Assembly, No. 7, mid Uamlen Assembly, No S. will hold tnelr tlrst annual excursion to Cilen Ellen l'aik, Sonoma County, uu Decoration day. I i;,.s tr» T«ke Plnce. The Western Addition Literary and Social Club willgive its regular monthly entertainment Hud social on Weduesday evening uext at Odd Fellows' Hall. The members of U. S. Grant Lodge, No. 11, IT. E. A., will hold an open meeting on Friday evening next In Laurel Hall, Shiels' Building, 32 O'Farrell street. The James A. Cat field Corps. No. 21. W. I!. C, willgive a social ami grab bag party at their headquarter*, 32 O'l'ariell street, Siilels' Build ing, to-morrow evening. Hie members of Company 11, First Infantry Regiment, N. U. C, Captain 11. 1". Bush, willgive a upp next Thursday eveulug at Uuiou-squaie Hall. Junior Couit Pride of California, No. 5. A. O. I". A., will hold its second open meeting on Friday evening, the 30th lust., at St. George's Hall. The Tigs In Clover Club will clve a faucy dress pmy at Old Fellows' Hall Friday evening, the -Dill PI OX. A literary and musical entertainment will be given Dy all the branches of the V. L. I. in tilt* city on Tuesday evening, the 3d prox., at Irving ll. ill. Dancing will follow Hie entertainment. A reception willbe Klv?u to the delegates to the Grand I .-: i \u25a0..;.• at Old Fellows' Hall on Thurs- day evening, the 19; inox. The members of California Castle, No. 1, Knights ol the Golden Rule, willgive their sum anniversary party at Uuiou-squaie Hall ou Weduesday evening, the 11th prox. The Third Regiment have Issued invitations for their presentation of colors, concert and ball, to lie given hi the I'avllion next Friday evening. The members of Oro Fino Pallor, No. !< N. IX G. \V., will give a grab-big social at Druids' Hull, 413 Sutler street, next Saturday evening. The Del Monte Club willgive their ninth lion at Odd l'ellowa' Hall on Tuesday evening, Ilia 27111 lust. The member* of Grand Division No. 1, United Endowment Associates, will ive their first di- vision meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall on Wednes- day evening. the 2Sih tnst. The literary exer- cises will be lollowed by dancing. The member! of James A. Garlield Lodge, No. 86, U. E. A., will give uu auron and necktie parry at Washington Hall this evening. Tii \u25a0 Held music (drummers and buglers) of the Thud Regiment willgive a hall on Tuesday even- ing, lhe :id prox., at B'n.n It'ilthHall. The regular monthly entertainment and social of Fhceiiix Council, No. 780, A. L. of 11., willbe held at Washington Hall next Wednesday even- ing. A complimentary entertainment will be given by Leo Assembly, No. 4. Dolores Assembly, No. 7. and Damleii Assembly, No. 8, of the. Young Men's Catholic Uuiou, at Metropolitan Hall, uext Friday evening. The Nationals will give a party at Union-square Hall to in, mow evening. The Caledonian Club will give a concert of Scottish Jacobite sougs and a social dance at Scottish Hall, on Friday evening next. The con- cert programme contains a selection of the most beautiful and characteristic Mugs written in favor ol the Stuart cause; and these will be rendered In the most efficient manner possible by Miss Alary E. Barnard, Miss E. V. McCloskey and other eminent vocalists. Young' Ladles' Institute No. 7 will give Us anniversary party at ll'tial B'rilh Hall ou Tuesday evening, the 27111 lust. A parly will be given by the Minuet Club at Irviug Hall ou Tuesday i veiling, the 27th lust. Bay City Lodge. ('. O. F.. will glvea lawn-dies* parly on Wednesday evening, the l«;h prox., in Union-square Hall. "The Unknowns" have postponed their Invi- tation ball from next Thursday evening, to Tues- day evening, June 17th. at Union-square ll. hi. The open meeting of Excelsior Lodge, No. 18, IT. 1. A., will ho held ou Monday evening, the 2d prox., at Goldeu Gate Hah, Alcazar Building. Eclipse Circle, No. 37, Companions ot the For- est, willgive a pound package party aud euier- lalument next Thursday evening at its hall in bluets Building, 32 O'F.rrell Mieet. A ball will be giv. by th Young Ireland Par- liamentary Club on Thursday even tug, the 2t)tu laid at Ploueer Hall "The Golden Giant" will be produced at li- ving Hall on etluesd iy eveuiug, the 4th prox., at the benefit of Air. S. Klaus. The monthly social of Bay City Lodg--, No. 619, Knights of Honor, will be held at Washington Hall this evening. -\u0084.-.• , *\u0084...\u25a0 The Mission ZigZag Social Club willgive In first parly at the Mission Opera Hall. 212&) Mis- sion street, ou Thursday evening, the 2Uth lust. . The V. S. C.'s will give their next entei taiumeut and dance at Union-square Hall ou Fild.iV even- ing next. - The Club Frohslun willhold Its monthly social " on Sunday evening next at Olympic Assembly. •-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0Unity Lodge, No. til. Knights of Pythias, and Buiuaby Lodge. No. lU4. Sou* of SI. George, will give a ball at K'ual B'rith Hall ou Saturday evening, the 31st lust.. In aid of other B. U. Holmes, who hat become totally blind. \u25a0 ••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•• MISSING. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' . Written for The Morning Call. /->f OMETHING'S gone from out our household Jlßni Leaving all so strangely stilled; H#S J^. JNo re-echoing sound or langhter ' 7"^ That through heart and gardens trilled; Gone a lire that siarce beginning Left its traces everywhere Like the perfume of sweet flowers That scent the soft May air. Here aDd there are little-tokens That by willing hands were made*, . Teeming like darts or sunshine Through the leafy forest shade : And although the rays are golden That flash in the bowery vale, Still 'tis but a fleeting glimmer For the shadows win prevail. The guitar that hangs so silent, Almost seems to miss the sweep Of the fingers o'er its keyboard With their dancing fairy leap. The piano standing open, , Speaks in language of its own (More expressive than in wording) Grief for lovingtonches flown. There's a picture on the easel That should show a nest of youug, With the old bird watching near it While her sweetest songs »re sung. But alas the nest Is empty. Time with stern, unpttyitig sway Willed the picture be unfinished And our home be sad to-day. Charles Ellis Meweii, San lYanclsco, May,1&90 A DOMESTIC CHRONICLE T'£-*jrJELL, my dear," said Mr. James 58'fsf 3 Cavendish, entering his wife's i\g %l\ room, "I've sent that girl of yours l about her business." Mrs. Cavendish looked up with a start. She was buttoning Hob's apron, patiently following him abuut the room as be frisked after the cat. "What?" said the, in a dismayed voice. "I spoke distinctly enough, didn't I? I— have— discharged— Lucy." "What for, James?" "Insolence, that's all." "lintLucy never could have been inso- lent," pleaded Mrs. Cavendish, twisting off the last button from Bob's apron in her perturbation. "Oh, couldn't she, though? I just wish you had been there, that's all." "What did she say?" . "I told her she was half an hour behind with breakfast, and asked her what she meant by it; and she told me that she was doing the best she could, and could not do better if all the world depended upon it." "But, James, the poor girl is nearly fran- tic with toothache this morning." "I can't help that; she had no business to answer me so impudently. It wasn't the words so much— it was the manner." "Poor Lacy I Aud vou'vu discharged her!" That's you all over," said Mr. Caven- dish angrily. "I believe you'd take any- body else's part against me. Of course I discharged her. I told her to move her things outside of the house in two hours, or I'd fling them out of the window." "But, James, what am 1 to do?" said Mrs. Cavendish, who had by this time captured Ethel, the second child, and was buttoning her boots with nervous rapidity. With one of my sick headaches coming on and Willie and l'en down with the measles, and not one soul to lift a Hand for mi." " That's a Dretty question to nsk," said Mr. Cavendish, standing with his hands in his pockets. "One would think you women were made of sugar or salt nowadays. My mother had ten children— ten— and did every stroke of work for them herself, year ivand year out, and here you make a rum- pus because you happen to be lett without a servant fur twenty-four hours— because, of course, I shail expect to stou at Wig- gins', and send you up a Norwegian or a Swede this afternoon." Pour ilrs. Cavendish burst into tears. " James," said she, " Lucy was the beat girl have ever had. You should nut have sent her out of the house in this way. iluw would you like it If I went to your wholesale boot anil shoe place ami dis- charged your clerks?" "1 should say you did perfectly right," replied Cavendish, "if they answered you impertinently. Now, don't snivel I If there is anything I hate it is a scene. I'll go downstairs and boil the coffee myself auy oue can make colfee and you hurry down with the children as soon as you can. There is plenty of bread and butter and cold boiled ham, anyhow. .Nobody ever starved on that." Mr. Cavendish had "camped out" a good deal during his bachelor uays, and suc- ceeded in preparing a very good pot of coffee. The bread and butter and cold ham were not bad of tlmir kind, but the children cried aloud for milk. The Cavendishes kept a cow, and the milk had not been brought in. "And that was what kept Lucy'" in- voluntarily cried Mrs. Cavendish. '• Condensed milk is good enough for anybody," asserted Mr. Cavendish. But Bob and Ethel declined to drink it on auy terms. "Starve 'em to ii '." said the father, drinking his hot coffee in prodigious gulps. ".Healthy children have no business to be dainty." And he caught up his hat and ulster and inatle a bee line for the train. Mrs. Cavendish looked piteously around at the disordered table, the ash-choked tire, the general desolation of the room. Her headache was gradually working itself up to the supreme moment of desperation. The children above stairs were crying for breakfast. Hub was sailing his shoe in the cedar pail of water. Etnel was feeding the kitten from the can of condensed milk. "Ma," piped up Bob, "there's a tramp at the kitchen winder!" But it was no tramp. It was Miles, the stableman. "Oh, Miles. I am so glad!" said Mrs. Ca- vendish. "You have bruught us the milk!" •'1haven't that, muni," said Miles. 'The cow's lost, an' it's not uieself is goin* to track her all through the swamps an" bogs. If the master wants his cow took care of he's got to pay me a dollar a week more wages." "Got to. Miles?" "Yis'in!" boldly retorted the man. "I ain't to be put upon no longer. Doctor Miller's man—" "Very well," said Mrs. Cavendish, "you may i>o!" "Ma'am!" echoed astonished Miles. "You are discharged," said Mrs. Caven- dish, firmly, "at once!" Miles slunk away and disappeared. Mrs. Caveudish went up to her room, and after administering as well as she could to the wants of the poor little victims Ol meas- les she threw herself on the bi d, with a wet towel bound around her head and despair in her heart. "Tin-re's one comfort," said Mrs. Caven- dish, gloomily smiling, "if he discharged Lucy 1have sent away Miles!" Mr. Cavendish had an unusually busy day in the city. As ho was hurrying toward the depot in the afternoon he remembered that his mission to Mr. Wiggins' famous "intelligence bureau" was yet unfulfilled. "Coulound ii!" said Mr. Cavendish to himself. "However, to-morrow will do just as well. My mother did without any help at all!" At the station no buggy was waiting. "1 wonder what that lazy villain Miles is doing! said Mr. Cavendish, a dark frown gathering upon his brow. "lie may think ho s got a snug place of it, but I'll teach him I'm not to be trilled with." When he reached Althea Lodge every- thing was disorganized. Ethel was pulling the leathers out of the peacock's tail. Bob was galloping around the barn-yard on the back of Pounce, the pouy. "We're having such "fun, pa!" he cried as his father entered the yard. "Pounce hasn't been fed, 'cause I could not find the key of the oat-bin and the cow is lost. Such fun!" "Where is Miles?" roared tho father. "Ma discharged him." "What for f " 'Cause hejalked saucy to her." Mr. Cavendish stood a moment staring at the pouy and the peacock, the boy and the girl. "Ethel," said he, "let that, bird ko. .Rob- ert, get off the pouy at once find come into the house." Ethel obeyed reluctantly; Hubert with alacrity. "We've got company," chirped the latter youth— "company, pa; I most forgot to tell you. And ma's in bed with headache, and there's no one to get any supper. Hooray." Mr. Cavendish hurried into the house. The pr.rlor was undusted, yesterday's flow- f-rs were wilted in the vase?, and the lira had died into a mass of feathery cinders. Through the open door was visible the dining-room, with the remains of the break- fast still on the table— as dispiriting a scene as could well be beheld. And there in the midst of all this furlornity, sat Mrs! Burgoyne, his sister from the West, to whom he had frequently boasted <<f the perfection of his wife's housekeeping ar- rangements, and a Mrs. Kidgway, wliO once, years ago, had been a sort of sweet friend of his. Of all people, he was most anxious that his home should appear Dleas- ant in the eyes of those two women ! and now— He made the best of it,however. He ex- tended to them an ostentatiously hospitable welcome, hurriedly built up a blazing can- nel coal fire in the grate, and hastened up- stairs to where poor Mrs. Cavendish was deluging her forehead in cologne and en- deavoring to twist up the wet braids of her heavy hair into company order. "Julia," said he, "what does this mean? Miles gone—" " I discharged him," said she, resolutely, " You said that I was perfectly justifiable in doing so if he spoke impertinently tome. And he did so." "But what am I to do?" " l'recisely the question I asked you this morning." Mr. Cavendish had nothing further to say for himself. lie simply muttered some kind of an anathema between his closed lips. " Do you know," he said, "that there, is company downstairs?" " Yes; but until this moment I have been unable to leave my bed." " .My dear," he said, compassionately, putting his arm around her shoulder, "dues your head ache so hard?" "It is better now, James." \u25a0•\u25a0",; < "I do believe," slowly observed Mr. Cav- endish, " that I have been a fool." "Oh, James!" - " I wish 1hadn't flown into such a pas- sion with poor Lucy. And all about insr, too, when one comes to think of it." Mrs. Cavendish laughed hysterically. 'We all make mistakes, James," said she. "Wait a moment, dear, and I'll go downstairs with you now, if you'll give ma your arm. I couldn't ask your sister aud her friend up lure with the children sick with measles, could I?" " * V J,'.° is with tiiem now— the children. I mean? "A handy youne girl from the village- Lucy's sister." .." Couldn't— she help us with the dinner?" ventured .Mr. Cavendish. "She is too young. Besides, she has had no experience. But, James—" " Yes, Julia!" "Open confession is good for the soul," said Mrs. Cavendish. "Lucy came back to me about two hours ago. .She said you had sent her away, but that she could not bear to leave meat such a time. She is getting dinner downstairs now." "She's a trump!" cried Mr. Cavendish. Scarcely had ho introduced his wife to the ladies in the parlor than the folding-doors of the back room slid open, revealing a a bright fire and a Well-spread table, dec- orated with spring llowers—daffodils, tu- lips and a few purple spites of lilac. A pair of ducks had been roasted in the best aud most tempting style. There were sweet breads and chicken salid by way of entrees; a delicious steam pudding sent forth its perfume from the kitchen, and Lucy was just bringing in the tomato soup. Mr. Cavendish nodded good-humoredly toward her. She courtesied respectfully. "Youneedn't worry about the horse and cow, sir, she said, in a low voice. "Peter Prink from the Low farm is coming to at- tend to them." While the rest were discussing the steamed pudding ana prune pie Lucy slipped into the parlur, and, to use her own Utiiis, "straightened" up the disorder there, and the last impression taken away by the visitors was one of neatness and. comfort. Mr. Cavendish drew a long breath as he watched the retreating footsteps of his com- pany toward the road that led to the train. .. i. *»' Silill '""• turning to his wife, 1 ye come to the conclusion that times have changed since my mother did tile work for ten children without any servant." "I quite agree with you," said Mrs. Cav- endish, quietly. "And I was entirely wrong when I sent Lucy away and you were quite right when you discharged Miles. So henceforward, my dear, we will try to mingle a little com- muu sense with our housekeeping. Eh? Shall we?" Mrs. Cavendish smiled as she assented. THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY/ MAY 19. 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. THE SOCIAL WORLD. ( r Uvutd frcm^Third rage.) 6 A PERFECT HEBE! CHE WAS CERTAINLY an ex.jtrtsltel'y lovely creature. nothing could have been added to enhance her beauty. She compelled admira- tion, anil was an object of worship. This Is the universal result of the use of Glenn's Sulphur Soap. It transforms the most Sallow Skin into radiant health; removes pimples; clears the face of freckles ana tan ; Rives the complexion an Inde- scribable brilliancy, ami leads to every young lady a charm of person wllldlmates her ADOUABLE. All Druggists Sell This Potent BeautiQer. Glenn's Sulphur Soap sent by mail for 30 cts. C. N. CIUXriSNTON, 110 i niton street New York. 034 tf Mo A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forerar. I>H. T. FELIX GOlritAVD'S •^Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautiflen* _ -S 1J j^yfSß^ R emoTesT»n, Pimple*. ?\*i^* £= Misf&LsL |' re Moth - Patent!, »]«s°b ffJSlSr'ie '<\u25a0\u25a0"'' and Skin <li,ea»r» Ct,3— £= JfeE"*"T£i alll ' cvi;p T blemish on ! "'- -IH} KiKJ'i' a y^a beauty ami de- Si=cgo-J aSG3?''*"'£K iSSi" 68 detection. &•— - cSK %a £P?rF On lts Y 'rtue» p,< g|! jß^J^ SfSr Ithai stood the ittt^s+Q? *^3 years: no other JKroS? ! ' J 3^*»-j JTrl bas, and la so ' salil to a iaily of tne •', \u25a0< ' ton (a patient): "At you Uidi. j Mill use thrm, I reru,ninnd •Howaurt's Cream' at the Irast harmful of all skin preparations." On« bottle will last six months, using it erer. day. Also r\judre Subtile removes superfluous hair wltaoul In ury to the skin. VCRDT.HOI'KINS.rrop*r. 37 Great Jones St., N.T. I- or sale by all Druirslsts and Fancy Uoods Dealer* 'hroughout the U. f*.. Canada* and Europe. 03- lletvare of Base imitations, fluou Reward •or arrest and proof of any one selling the same. mi :;o MiMo8p ly 1/111 n f" it^.ifiict universally conceded V ill II LI I_"ia;thcKSAnKsiirpas<csallother RliHut luarumouti PIAMnQ A. L.U A. NO KOI' I A CO.. flli»\u25a0 I I A 132 i'ust street. eFrMo i IllilVV ial WeFrMo U NO MORE FRECKLES! USB PKOF, I. HUBERTS MALViNACREAM AND LOTION IT IS A PREPARATION UNRIVALED FOR IIEAUTIKYINU the Complexion and an uurailing reineay for the removal or IKKCKLKS, PIMn.ES. Moth Patches, *l an. Sunburn. Liver-moles and Ringworm and all sca!y» ruptlons. Try it and be convince'l, Tako no worthless Imitation with like sounding name. Insist upon having MALVINA. If this preparation should fa I to answer to the qualifications as above mentioned your money will bo refunded. Trice, 50c for each. For sale by all druggists. . my 4 SuMo Bp3m NIBI I CD THE BOSTON FAVORITE \u25a0*l ILLCI\ BEST MADE, CUT RATES THE BANCROFT COMPANY » Itl^NO 721 Market St., S.F. rIAIBUv my 15 lm WDTHIIi 1 TJAWnO a ">'Lady or Gentleman W H ll Pi HANS can haTe them Enclose ITUIXLI 11HL1JJU stamp for circular to DGALBAXT GLIIVK COMPANY. 33 Winter street. Boston. Hai*!*. mrlU Mo ly 6p" /f\P% IV^^orFADEORAIR RESTORED toyouth. B- Bg £&¥ rN'.-i..r.m.ltwut by OR. HATS 1 B^k. ** B HAIR HEALTH. Removes dandruff, Dcaln hatnnrfl. I»oes not stainskin or linen. Druggists SOa. Ul\ 3' KILL C0t.19 I ill* C»r«., W»r v,A«. -\o p*iu. Tt^r i. t let ly Mo AND GOUT fcaTe been roceecKfully treated for many ye-nt In Korope, by the wonderful remedies of thecelebratal Dr. I.avillr' of i'liric. LAVILLE'S LIQUOR quicklyand tlioronirWy removM from the system all causes*? acute attacks. LAVILLE'S PILLS Trillpermanently cure the most complicated and stub. born of chronic ra«*. PainphletH,irivin* nil inform* \u25a0Uon. pent free by the Amenta of the United States, L FOU6EBA & CO., 30 North William Street, N. X, \u25a0\u25a0' *'-: - ' . deU Mo'2Bt THE WEEKLY CALL contains in ev- ery number choice reading mat. ter equivalent to three hundred 1 pages of magazine size. $1 25 a year, postpaid. One Hundred Per Cent. " 'Twill pay a hundred per cent sir," The Kllb stock-broker said; Bui the dividends sniueliuw failed to coins Till tile investors all were 'Tls perplexing to noil Investments— Safe, lasting, sure to pay, Tlioukl) capltaiisti search (or them i li-inaikets, every day. But tliere Is one Investment I'ays always "cetil per ceul" Buy SOZODUNT, use fieely, And you willsee what's meant. Success Rewards Merit As a rule, and SOZODONT is no exception. There not in the inaiket a prepaintion the sale of which tiai been Httemted with more suc- cess. Decay of the teeth is prevented by SOZO DONT. ll Inii arts to them an Ivory whiteness. It is a liquid, noi a eritly and corrosive paste or powder. Itremedies i>ttVu*iveuess of the breath, leaven «n acieeable flavor iv the tnoiitn, and Is itself fragrant. Beion what it in, uo wonder that SOZODONT is a success, aud Is made the sub- ject of, so niuny eucomiuuis.

Transcript of THE SOCIAL WORLD. · 2017-12-18 · Montague, Messrs. M. E.Llcbt. E. J. ... concluded at 10:30...

Page 1: THE SOCIAL WORLD. · 2017-12-18 · Montague, Messrs. M. E.Llcbt. E. J. ... concluded at 10:30 o'clock, alter waicti dancing to the unexceptionable music of Blum's Oiches-Ira was

Nostrand; Florence, Miss Emily Flei«chman;Miss Anasla-iii ait. Auburn, Miss K. Ryan; Ca-llmily(Sarah Downey), Miss Hazel Montairue.Without particularizing, itIs enough to say thaithe well-known play was a success, aljhougu itmay not be out of place to single out.*';•"""£"Ban lor Ins consistent acting, which was dl»"

tincllv or a professional order of excellence. Atali-sized audience enjoyed the drama, winch wasfollowed by dancing to tbe excellent music of

The" ufflCc'er9 land members o! i.lie club are as

follows: President, Will Lonergan; Yice-Tresl-\u25a0ieni, Geoige A. Klsenliauer; Secietary, MissMamie de Lury; Treasurer, Walter G. O'linen;Sentinel, K. 11. lirriaud Jr.; stage manager. SolKraus. TUe courteous committees ol me even-ing were composed as follows: Reception Com-mittee

—Miss Mamie Schma'.llug (Chairman),

Miss Carrie Hamliu, Miss Grace I)avie«, MissFoil Mout.isue, Miss Med* navies. Miss ElizaMontague, Messrs. M. E.Llcbt. E. J. AlcNess, J.L. McCreary, George A. L. Elsentnuer; floormanag. r, Georce Kanim; assistant floor mana-ger, Howard Smith; Floor committee— Messrs.K.H., T.J. Crowley, MarlluHauler.

P»rty mi Arllngtou Street.A veiy pleasant sunrise parly was given to

Miss Almili\u25a0 Crouch at her parents' residence onArlington and Miguel streets a week ago Satur-day evening. Dancing, singing ana games wereindulged In tillearly in the morning. Amongthose present were: Mi-1

-Annie Mich. Miss

Victoria Kently, Miss .Minnie Bnerly, MissMary Smith, Miss Mamie Hattabough. Miss l.illieCastle, Miss Maggie liaiUibou^li, Miss M.mdCrouch, Miss Violet Henry, Miss Amy Crouch,Miss Minnie Walters, Miss Susie Bowers, Miss-Lottie Brierely, Aiiss Aggie Hargtave, MissUllieDuekee, .Mis. Chapman, Mrs. 11. my, Mrs.Mason, Mis. Davis. Mrs, Cioucli, Mr. Crouch,Mrs. Mason. Mr.J. Kelioe, Mr. J. Bogle, Mr. T.Kelley, Mr. W. llauabuugli, Mr. A. Crouch, Mr.J. Sliirer, Mr. \V. Smith, Mr. P. Crouch, Mr.T.Ciuuuli, Mr, J. Foueuv, Mr, 1.. Bertram, Mr.J. lull. Mr. J. HiIcily, Mr. W. Blughani, Mr. J.Cbuich, Mr. P. Sclmllz, Mr. G. Hastings, Ml. J.Silver, .Mr 11. Haigntve.

The llmnlfii-MrMithon Wedding;.A very pleasant wedding reception was given

by Mr. and Mrs. O. McMalion on Tuesday, theOiii mm., at their resideuce In s.m MateoCounty in honor OS Hie marriage of their daugh-ter. Miss Lizzie McMahon, to Mr. Oliver UatuliuofConn a Costa Comity.

The wedding took place at St. Ann's Church.San Mateo County, at 11 o'clock, by the Rev.Kzlher Cooper. They returned to the residenceol the bude's and partook of a tine ». tltlniß-bieaktast, after which the guests enjoyed them-selves in dancing, uames, etc.

Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. O.McMahou, Mr. anil Mrs. O. Ilaiuliii, Mr. andMrs. Barry, Mr, and Mrs. O. amiIa Jr., Mr..t»d Mrs. GaQuey. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle, Mr. anaMrs. McKeuua, Mi.and Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. andVis. lincss. Mr.Dunn, Miss M. Dunn, Mrs. Hot-Us, Miss L.Botlls, Miss Eva Sham. Miss Kittle-\u25a0harp. Miss Emma Obrock, Mr«. Jennings, Mrs.\u25a0 It,Mr. J. Tike. Miss Anua Devlin. Miss RoseMutlaley, Miss J. Mullaley. Miss Mary Bodiue,Miss Lizzie Hotline, Miss Macgie Kennedy, Mrs.

Steward. Miss Maggie McMauon, Mr. Ciaveu,Mr.J. Bu.idirk, Mr. P. Kennedy. Mr. T. Ken-neay, Mr. J. Kennedy, Mr. W. Ilairlugtnn, Mr.Van Stmalon, Mr. Hodine, Mr. Lawience .Mul-lairy, Mr.J. Lennon, Mr. I".Grant, Mr. Collins,Mr.T.Kellry,Mr. .McAiule. Mi. AtcLonghllu,Mr.liiiL'iiea, Master O. MeMabon, Mr. Harry,Miss Nellie Barry. Miss Minnie Bury, MissKatie barry, Miss Lizzie Barry, Miss Ag^leBan jr.

A Joint Parly.Last Thursday evening the members of Y. M.

1., No. 78, and C. L.A.S., No. 2, tendered a ben-efit to the family ot one of their deceased memtiers at Mission Opera Hall.

The entertainment opened at 8:30 o'clock andconcluded at 10:30 o'clock, alter waicti dancingto the unexceptionable music of Blum's Oiches-Ira was inaugurated aud continued until 12\u25a0'clock. Every seat In the hall was occupiedand all Ihe standing-loom Utilized. The manage-ment winked baid and zealously to make the..dan the success Itwas.

The programme was as follows: Remarks byItie President, Mr.Philip Frailer; soprano solo,Mis. M. .YcKee Wi.zj recitation. Dr. T. Hill;vocal solo, Mr.M.Cougllllo: vocal solo. Miss N.jneeban; recitation, l.r.tle Laura Crews; comic\u25a0otiK. Mr.J. O'Netl; lecuatlon, Mr. Walter l.e-:uau; vocal solo, Mrs. 1.. Ilews; specialties, Mr.Josh Dims; finale, I'roiessoi Bree and pupils.

1lit-committees ol the evening; were composedas follows: Coiunilttee of Arrangements— Mrs.K. Code, Miss E. liooth, Alus M. Miles, Miss N.1eniiell. Miss M. Donahue, Mr. J. F. Broad, Mr.I.H. Hunt, Mr.X. Argeutl,Mr.J. Dolau, Mr. J.Shea; Reception Committee— -Uss M.Code, MissA. Booill, Mrs. A.King, Mrs. A. .Murphy, MissM. Miles; manager. Dr.Walter P. Cutiey;Floor Couimtttee— Mr. 1.. Dolan, Mr. L.Michel,Mr. T. It.Hunt, Mr. Wall. Mr. James Cummins,Mr.Justin MeCarly, Mr. P. J. Can.Metropolitan I'unpvßjr Eiitercaininent.The Metropolitan Dramatic Company gave a

very creditable representation of"

Kobert Ma-caire" last Friday evening at Irving Hall.There was a good attendance, and as this wasthe hist play pui on the boards by the companymere was peculiar interest in the performance.This Inierest, although at times demonstrative,run* tinted none the less the. best and sinceresttribute to the excellence of the reptesenlatiou.'Followingwas the cast of characters : Robert

Mac.lire,Mr.H. I*.Troy; Jacques Strop. Mr. i.M.Kydr: tiermeall, Mr. It.J. Boylan; Duiiiout.Mr.J.F. McCanu; Charles, Mr. K. D. Barton;I'ifire, Mi. J. S. Uagllardo; seiKeant 1.-.ii;.v.Mr.Many Grotli; Maiie, Miss Genevleve Mack;Cieiiieutine, Miss Lottie 1nickel. The repre-seuintive of Kobert Macalie played bis partwith adoiltHble art. mid succeeded Inpresentinga "Rjoroutbly satisfactoiy picture of the des-ler.i'e1 character. Mr. Kyder's past tralr.'ff^made li*i»a Very acceptable Jacques Strop. OfHie iithe*". particular mention bs\\>ngs to MissM..ek for tier artistic renajxios of Marie. Tneremainder ol lie coinjut^y were conscientious intheir less prouiiuent role.', and me staee waswell managed by Mr Joseph S. McCorniiCi>.

Alter the successful :etmlnatlon of the play'he hall was cleared fordancing, which was en-Joyed under the direction of Mr.R. D.Barton,assmted by Mr. J. F. Mci'aiiD. The officers ofilieeompauv are: ActingManager, J. M.Ryder:Secietary, K. B. Barton; Treasurer, Miss K.HcConuou.

A Private Picnic.A private picnic was held at Kan Valley yes-

teiday. The following-named participated:Miss Alameda Washburn, Miss May Wttßhkurn,Miss Carrie Worth, Miss Edna Worth, Miss Fan-nie Golden. Miss Hannah Golden, Miss EthelFreeman, Miss Lottie Miner, Miss Sadie May-\u25a0eld; Messrs, Morris Hiiomwood, K. Black. 1).Hocau, Louis Hogan, Joseph Washburn, BertL..Z.U, S. Miner, G. l.eary. B. Windsor, A. Gon-ulli. A. Miner, M. Bcribncc, G. Adams, HenryAdams, Gerson Golden.ili« AtiderHiiii Academy Mnsquftmde.A fancy die's and domino parly was given by

(he |il:II? of the Anderson Dancing Academylast Satuiaay evening at their ball, coiner ofSeventeenth and Noe slieets. Many of the cos-mines worn were ricb, pretty and unique. Theearuival march was led by Mr.H.Sutherland asLouis XIV,accompanied by Miss Lizzie deUuerte as Martha Washington. The hall wasusiefuily decorated with flowers and streamers.

Among those present in costume weie:Mr. C. H. Wells, bnanlab tioubadour; Miss W.C. Hat, zouave; Miss Katie Earle<, Indian-quaw; Ml>s Tlllie Noll,pea-ant girl;Mr.Ed 11.Culcmao, Uncle Sam; Mr.Wallace K.Bouaciua,old maid; Miss Nellie. Mackey, flower-girl;Mi.J. S. Drew, Cllue Neweonw; Mr.W. J. Drew,tramp; Mr.J. liyues caused much merriment In'us character as a uegio; Messrs. G. F. Albeill,L.B. Aibeiti,H.J. Coides, C. I) Anderson, W.ilanon, John O'Couuor and F. J. Albert! ap--eared as sailor boys; Mr. V. Bretlou, military;

Mr.Albert Audeison, cnliuinaii; G. H. Little-neld, dude; Miss L. Ayer*. fancy dress; MissMay Moms. Deisaite costume; Mr.W. E. Cody,

Ur-e: Miss L.B. Thurgood, evening dress; Mrs.'.v.E. Cody, domino; .Miss Jeuule Moian. flower.til;Miss Hilda Anderson, America; Miss ViolaAlbert!, Tojisy; Mi.C. G. Morris, domino; Mrs.t. W elite, domino; Miss C. A. ManiiielJ, fancy\u25a0ness; Mr. Arthur Anderson, Irishman; Mr.C.ciwaiu. English dude; Mi.E. L.Anderson, Mex-ican; Mlm1.. F. Bray, fancy dress; Miss i-.i<!>aAndeisun, Daucliler of the ilesluietii; Mr. Kob-ert O'Cunui-11, military; Miss Ida Elliott, fancydress; Mr.W. J. Hynes, negro: Miss C. Coleman,evruiiig diess; Miss L. Kussell, sailor girl;Mr,

L. I. Marlin,military;Miss Helen But gen, even*-

J^.dre^s; Mr. G. Huntsman, cboul; Miss L.MotiTsuu, Roman girl: Miss May O'Connor,negress; MKs May Martin, flower girl; Miss K.Kogle, pea-ant girl; Miss Maud Bili;gs, fancydress; Mr. J. 1. Wrlnht, grandma's scrap-ing; Miss L. de Guene, fancy dress; Mr.•lames O. Aveiy, school-boy; Messrs. J. P.and B. F. Mackall, clonus; Miss L. Mlnner,Japanese; Mus M.Mci'hillips, fancy dress; MissHeLiietia Sinillj.Gypsy Queen; Mr. H.B. llolin-pen, Marks, the lawyer; Mr. Albeit Anderson,•hn.; Miss Sarah Hynes, sailor girl MissMary Hyues^tancy dress; Mr. Hairy Chamber-lain, bicyclist; Mr. W. J. Toblr, nei;ies»; Mr B.ii.Tucker, ranger; Miss U B. Tuurgood, eveu-inK dress; Mr. 1 tiliilpLawler, gentleman ot<:oloi ;Messrs. B. Ha held, C. V.llatlield andArthur Hatlield. Mexicans; Mr. J. T. Jeffrey,uegro; Mr.C. E. Aodersuu, uegio; Mr.D. O'Cou-not, military. In addition to these the followingwuie (loinloot's: Ml-s Edith Haelir, Miss LouiseGo.der, Aiiss Lena Hetiey, Mr. J. Kilzpatrick,Mi. V. J. Anderson. Mr.11. Marsh, Mr. 11. M.turner. Mr.CL G. Morris, Miss Mackey Mr. U.A. Jones, Miss Mabel Asch, Mis» M.Murphy,Mr. Aiihuil'ollexfen, Miss G. Klmball, Mr. F.I.Weihe. Amouit the meciaiors were noticed:Mrs. A. Baehr. Mrs. I'oilexfen, Mrs. WilliamA«ch, Mis. J. K. Diew, Mis. E.Lake, Mrs. C A.Anderson, Mis. A. Anderson, Mrs. 11. L. Smith.'.lra. Wheeler Martin, Mis.L. T.And-mon, MissMnlley,Miss Maud Kothermel, Miss Kate Parks,Mi« Genie Flam;, Miss Sheppaid; Messrs. C.Swain, K.L.Taylor, 11. H. Maitin, J. M. Hung. VV. 11. Fulton, Hugh DuD, ATrautoeller, A. B. Unugli,C. Frank Adams, JohnKckinaii,P. Sltipi.aid, 11. S. Bailsman. H. Lock-hail, George M. O'Duuuell, Oscar lie,man, A.Newlauus, John Anderson, C. D. Bruur.

Society l'l-rMoitnlfl.Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Bovee willspend the sum-

mer witli their daughter, Mrs. 11. F. Son lag, atSail Rafael.

Mrs. J. I".Gaivey and Miss Ella Garrey are InSum hem California, wbcre tbey will spend tbesummer.

The Misses Ellen and Lucy Scbroth are visit-ing Mr. and Mm.H. Ilertel InI'asadena. Theywill visit san Diego and Coronado Beacu beforeIheir le'urn to the city.

Mr.and Mrs. W. E. Stevens are spending the• summer at Etna Hoi Springs, Napa County.Mr.mid Mis. Edwin Miles of San Francisco

have relumed (ma an extended lour of Europe,arriving last Sunday by the steamship city ofNew Yoik,via I'aiuma.\u25a0

M%".- J V,l#;!",*eu S|e"t a week In Munich visit-ing MisF.Dulumauu aud left for Carlsbad eaily

iv May.•

Mr.William Aivordlls at the Etna Spring*Alii".I.Bojheiwel and Otiti^hter, Miss Bessie

Kcthei-inel. have gone to Mark »eil Spilni-s. .• " Llllie Koeuigof Healdsburg is Ibe euostof Miss UertleßwlUK of2321 Scott "(reel. \u25a0

The Misses Ida and Function Fisher, who havebeen sojourning InSouthern Oregon for the pastt«o month-, nave relumed lo their home al 838McAllister Btreet.

Mi. and Mrs, 1". Levy, who have been at theMelvilleloi He last lour month*, have returnedilotheir lesnJeiice, 009 Webster street, and will

be ileased lo bee men Irleuds. .I'iolessor J. William Frascr of this city lias

been eu£4£ed to inauage lue social aUalrs of theI'ljlTI—UH'W^MME iXI'W"11l l^lllI \u25a0fWWl*lll"l \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0l» I Ml

Kedoudo Hotel, Redonilo Beach. Cal., for theeomtiie season Colonel E. W. Hoot, late managerof Hie Holel Vendome, San Jose, Ismanager.

Mrs Henry Goe:ze of 1006 Fllltnore street Is\u25a0pending her vacation in San lUfabl.

Mrs. A. Dreyfus lias returned home after\u25a0 rending a few days at Sacramento, here shewas the guest of Mrs. l'olltz.Mr. M. Constlne has returned home after

spending three weeks in this city withhis sister,Mrs. a Dreyfus.

Mr.and Mrs. J. de la Mniitany.iwill leave SanFiancisco for I'araiso Springs on Tuesday, be gone two weeks.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Crane of Santa Ana andMiss liita Dennis have been vlsitlnz Coronada,and am at th- present the guests|of JudgeEapan ofSan Juan Capistrano.

Mis. J. A.Callinun and daughter. Miss Edith'Calhouu, departed last Wednesday from Oak-land fora three months' visit to her old home lvIndiana, and to relatives in i'lltsburg audChicago.

Professor D. G. Williams, a member of theBoard of School Examiners of Mariposa County,and his wile have gone on a visit to filends lvthe East.

Mrs. Captain M. K.Roberts left on Monday,with Mrs. Judge George Turner, for Tacuma,where Ihcy rejoin their daughters, and willprob-ably rem m din ing the summer months.

Mrs. F. Rudolph is on a visit to Modesto toattend her biother'a wedding. Prom lueie shewill vi-it her rather aud mother, Mr. aud Mrs.Samuel Stilt of Napa.

Mis. Edward C. llousley has gone to HollwayRanch, Los Gatos, to spend the summer. Shewillbe the guest ol her daughter, Mis. James

Mason.Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Brokan and daughter, of

the Adam Exion Cracker Company, Trenton, N.J., ate spending the summer with mends in thiscity.

Mr.and Mrs. A.11. Rutherford will be at theHotel del Monte early In June.

Major R. P. Hammond, ex-United St lies Sur-veyor-Geueral, was In Saciamento last Wednes-day.

Mrs Crowell and son of Hayward? are goingto Tails, where Mrs. Lue Coal, her daughter,will join them later.

Governor Stevenson came down last weektrom Reno. Nev.

Mr. and Mis. Charles M. Postman have left forTacoma. their future residence.

Mrs. George Boston, who has been visitinghersister. Mrs. G. B. Seaman. InOakland, returnedlast Saturday 10 San Kafael.

Mi.and Mrs. John R. Jarboe and Miss KateJurboe will pass the summer at their cottage inSanta Cruz.

Mr. I.G. Wickershnm lias been spending partof the we;k in San Luis Oblspo.

Mr.Charles Mei-K.a student Inthe Todd Medi-cal College of San Francisco, was in NevadaCity last week to spend liiivacation with hismother, Mrs. S. M.Siiuillell.

Mr.J. H. Logan returned to Santa Cruz lastWednesday from San Fraucisco.

Mrs. Mark Kosenihal and family are In Dres-den, Germany.

Mis. P. McElroy went to Vallejo from SanFrancisco last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sands W. Forman and Mrs.Will Ashe has been Visiting Mis. J. D. IVteis ather residence near Stockton.

Mr. Louis will leave for Europe InJune, intending to join Mr. Joseph Livingstonin Germany and make the tour of ihe world withhim.

Rev. Dr.J. K.McLean willleave for the Easta week from to-day. The doctors family willspend the summer at llowell. Montana.

Mine. E. Cial'be and Miss Jfnnuie Cinlibe havereturned from a visit to the Hotel del Monte.

Miss Jessie MeCoiintckot Sin Francisco hasbeeu the guest of Mrs. Varuey W. GasklllofOakland.

Mr.A.A. Davis of Santa Cruz came up lastTuesday to me meiiq, olis.

Mr.S. Strauss of Yokohama Is stopping at tbeI'alnce Ho el.

Mrs. Mary Weber returned to Marysville fromSan Francisco last Monday.

Colonel K. A.Belcher has resigned bis positionIv the law department of the Southern PacificCompany, to take effect after the end of mismonth, and after a vacation of a few weeks heKilllegume the practice ot law upon his own ac-count.

Mr. A. F. Trice, son of Professor Trice, spentthe close of last week In Nevada City.

Messrs. Raphael Well! and David Cabn havereturned from Paris.

Mi. and \u25a0 rs. Henry M. Gilllp, Mrs. Gillienitre, Mr.George W. Nagie, Mr. Frank Uug'T,and .Miss Crouch were amoui; the passengerswho arrived last Friday from Honolulu.

Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey R. Wiuslow art) visit-Ing friends inBoston.

Miss Julia Peyton has returned from SantaCruz and Is the giu-.t of Mrs. Hail McAllister ather residence inRoss Valley.

Hon. ana Mis. A. \Yal;a It and wife are ex-pected to arrive to go to Nevada City soon. ItIs probable thai Mis. Walrath will remain ibesummer.

Mr.F. H. Hanson of Santa Cruz came up lastTuesday lo san Fiauci»co.Mr.B. E. George of San Francisco was in

Santa Bon last Tuesday.Mrs. Vallejo, widow of the late General Va-

llej',lias bet-u seiiousiv ill at her home In So-noma dining the past wee*.

Mr. Thomas Whitely, the well-known stockbroker, has gone to the Hotel Vendome for thesummer. Mis. Wuiiely, who has been there forthe. past month, Is greatly Improved In health.

Mi.and Mrs. Armstrong of Oakland left yes-teidavfor New York. Mr. Armstrong is a mem-ber u( the Miniof Armstrong & Merchant.

Mrs. Henry Wetdetbee has returned from aplea-. mt vlsil to the Hotel del Corouado, uud will:pass most uf lue summer at Her residence InFriiitvaie.

of tue summer at Her residence in"niitvaie.

Mrs. William 15. Collier returned to Lakeportlast Wednesday alter a visit of several weekshere.

Key. Dr.J. K. McLean, pastor of the FirstCoueiegaliouai church, will leave this week forthe Ess cru Males, lo be gone about two mouths.He has uot been East fur lour years.

Mr. Gi oigeCUUlenden of Sauta Ctuz came uolast Tuesday to San Francisco.

Mr. jVoiiald de V. Graham lias gone to theiioieldel Monle for a slioit visit.

Mr.J. H. Frost of Ban Francisco made a briefcall inSauta l:o-a last Tuesday.

Mr. CIS. Elbe of Alamtda went to the SantaCruz Mountains, where his family Is stopping,last Monday. He leturned to Alauiedu the fol-lowingday.

Mr. George A. Pope Is paying a visit to NewYork City.

Dr. J. S. Adams of Oakland expects bisdaughter home frum the East iva few days.

Mis.K. S. Dillon an.l Miss Dillonare passing afew weeks at the ranch of Mr. 11. 8. CrocKernear Cloverdale.

The Misses Violetle and Stephanie Whitneywillspend most of ilie summer season al theHotel del .Monte .

Mr.and Mrs. W. C. Savage of Oakland wererecently registered at the 1Ifih-avenue Hotel inNew Voik City.

Mr.A.F. Swanton of Santa Cruz came to SanFrancisco last Tuesday on a shoil visit.

Mrs. W.R. Mti-.11..-:; and Mis- Nellie Smedbergare visiting liiei.ds ii» New York city.

Mr.E. 8. David of Oakland made a day's slopIn Santa Rosa last Tuesday.Mn.i'in«iee of San Aulonlo avenue. Alameda,

has gone to Los Angeles on an extended visit toIrienua.

Mrs.B.O. Devoe has engaged apartments atthe Hotel Veotlome, San Jos«.

Mis. Doyle and daughter of Oakland willspendthe summer at Highland Springs, Lake County.

Mr.J. A.Stewart of Stockton speul a lew daysof last we.' in San Francisco.

Mis.John R. Jai boe of Santa Cruz came uplast week on a short visit to San Francl<co.

Colonel ana Mrs. Charles F. llaulun have gou>:to Tiburon for the summer.

Miss Lizzie Patterson was, last Tuesday, theguest ol Miss Daisy Casseily at her residenceou the corner of Kuciianau and Sacramentostreets.

Mrs. E. BlandincColemati and her sou are atthe Hotel Veiidome, San Jose.

Rev. W. C. Spencer, pastor of the AlamedaBai.ust Church, lias gone lo England to visit ulsparents,

Mr.George S. Ingersoll has gone to the HotelVendome fora brlel lesi and recreation.

Mr. Walter W. Moody, manager of (he Stand-ard Oil Company of O klaud, came up during meweek Horn Sau Jose, having spent several daysthere rUillna his lather, Mr. W. 11. Moouv.

Mrs. H. W. Moote (<f Stockton visited Sail Fran-cisco a few days ia«i week.

Miss Bandinanii will pass the month of June InSan Rafael wub Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Band-maun.

Hon. D. B. Wooif went to Santa Cruz from SanFrauci>co Saturday aud Sunday.

Mr. and Mis. D. N. Walter-, and Miss AdeleWallers have closed their residence on Van Nessavenue anil gone over to their cottage al theliotclRafael.

Miss Maile Stln«on bas left Oakland for thebtaie of Washington.

Mr. W. D. Ferine of Oakland spent some timethis week in 1.1 Dorado.

Mr. and Mis. John D. Gall of San Francisco\u25a0pent last Sunday inSiockiou.Mr.and Mr*.C. T. liuntingtoii.Miss limiting-

ton and Mr. a. hi. Huiiiiugion ana party leftfor New York Saluiday in Hielr iiiv.i.•- carafter a visit beie of several weeks. 11 Is theirIntention to return Iv September and pass thewinter seaeou here.

Miss Wells letuilicit last week to Santa Cruzfrom a visit to Sau Francisco.

Mrs. A. Emsbury of San Francisco was lastweeK the guest vi Mr. and Mis. C. W. Met/,Santa Clara..

Mr.and Mrs. Joseph D. Redding have rentedthe Alherton residence, on ihe. southeast cornerof California and Buchanan streets, lor twoyears.

Air.I). W. Hairier of Vallejo willIn future re-side ivOakland.

Mis. S. Confer has leturned to Stockton froma visit tuber sister, Mrs. Connolly, ofSan Fran-cisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry McLean Martin spentSunday In Santa Ci uz, returning to Sail Flan-Cisco in the alicrnooti.

Mr. A. C. Gilbert has leturned to Oaklandfrom a business aud pleasuie nip to LosAngeles.Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pierce and familyhave en-

gaged looms at ihu Hotel del Monte for theseason.

Mr. William Siafford ol Oaklaud was In LosAngeles ou Thursday.Mrs. H. E. Hall of San Francisco spent last

week In Stockton, visiting her mother, Mrs. Mar-shall.

Justice Hugh Haley ana Mr.Frank J. Walz-man of San Fraucisco, made a Hying nip SantaCruz last week. George J. Alnswouh of the KednndoBeach Hotel recently opened, was- visiting Oak-laud witiihis family last Monday.

Airs. Hfiuy Uci!ieilx-e lias it-turned from atriplo San Diego and is alhei summer residenceInFiuitvale.Mrs. George B. Seaman of Oakland spent yes-

terday at San Rafael.*

Miss Blanche Aaron and mother of Stocktoncame 10 Sau Francisco on Tuesday lo spend a. Mr. aud Mrs. J. T.Sullivan have returned toSanta Urcz fiom their visit to Sau FranciscoMil.C. B. Gourlay ofSill Lake has beeu visit-ing Mrs. C. M. Owen of Alaine.d.i.Mr.and Mis. Charles H. Sunpklns, Miss Slnip-

klns aud Mr.Hairy Slmiiknis left lasl Mondayfor the Hotel Ralael, where Ihey will spend theseason.

Mrs. Amos Roberts of Oaklaud Is at Winters.Mi. A.S.iinelsou, who has beeu In California

lor his health, has relumed to • emphts.Miss Haltit) Provost of San Francisco wa» theguest of .Miss Mary Shoemaker In Sausalito last

week. .--.-Mr.and Mrs. Waller D. William, Mrs. Franc! s

Blake, Miss Blake and Miss Ethel I'omeroy havebe< iivisiting the Hotel del Corouado during ibepast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Meyers of Savannah,Gii.,are visiting ihe Tacillc Coast.Airs. H.J. Curtaz of Sau Francisco Is a guest

at the ElMonie Hotel, San>al|.o.Mrs.William H. Collier relumed to her country

home near Clear LaKe lasl Wednesday, after aVisit here. v-..-.! \u25a0••.:-

The followingIs a list of latent arrivals at Ihe ;Hotel uel Coiouado ;last week: William A.

S!eele, L. Van Laatt, Miss Irita Dennis. Mrs. P.Keddy, Mmtiam. San Francisco; MissBlanche Smith. Mrs. Alexander Mcliean, Oak-land; VV. B. >iyers, John F. Wyman, Mr. andMrs. Daniel Meyer, Mis. Ilattie I'liilippand s,oi>,Sol E. Sclieehne, Mr.and Mrs. W. D. William,Mrs. Byron Dlsntlns, San Francisco; .^lrs. Fran-cis Hlake, Miss Blake, Miss Kthel Toiueroy, Oak-land.

Mr.and Mrs. D. N.Walter and Miss AdelleWaltei left last Sal ui(lay fur Sau Hitlael for the

summer,Judpe E.E. Malion was In Bollnas Saturday,

comlug via San Kafael. lie relumed borne viaOlema aud Point lteyes Station Sunday.

Mr.George Vernon Gray has been Hie guest ofColonel aud Mrs. E. E. Eyre at Meulo l'aik for acounle of weeks.

Mr.Louis Schoenlerg aud bride have returnedand willbe pleased to see their fiieuds al theFleatanton.

Judge Loudfrback of San Francisco was ivSausalito .Minday.

Mr. anu Mrs. Samuel Miller have returnedfrom a visit to tlie Hotel del Moute.

Mrs. Charles W. Jiingeu has returned fromSltka, Alaska, where she has been at the marinestation with her husband. Ensign Juugeu. U. S.N. She Is at preseut makiug ber borne with Mrs.Carmen ivVallejo.

Mr.and Mrs. F, W. Suook of Oakland were InNevada Cily last week.

Mr- T. J. Kelly of San Finnrlsco was at thePacilic Ocean House, Santa Cruz, last Thursday.

Mr.F. A.Leach of Oak laud spent Sunday ivVallejo seeing old filends.

Mr. and Mrs. o. F. Wllloy and Mr. Frank D.Willev willleave for San Jose on June Ist for ainoiilh or so. aud iv ihe fall Mrs. Willey willgoHast for the benetit of hei health.

Mi.S. (Hteuhelmei uf Baker Cily is visitingPortland.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley Warner havebeen visiting the southern counties ot Ihe State.

Mr. W. 11. Dennis letuiufd to Nevada Citylast Monday fiom a visit to this cily.

Mr.Edward M. Gieeuway retuiued from theHotel del Monle last Monday.

Mrs. A.Crocker leiuiued 10 Santa Ciuz fromSan Francisco last Wednesday,

Air.c. busskiud uf Denver Is on a trip to thiscily.

Mr.A.Hocbstadter returned toMarysvlliefromSau Fiauelsco Minday.

Mr. ami Mrs. 11. i \u0084,:,, of New York are al theOcciueuiul Hotel.

Mr. ana .>us. Alexander Koyd have left foratour of the northern p,tit of the Slate. nlr.George1). Boyd willKeep bach' lot's hall at the familyresideuce durlug their absence.

Mr.C. N.JeuKins of Marysville bas comedownto this city.

Mr.Jacob Hirschler will make Alamela hisfutorchome.

Mr. and Mrs. James Carolan. Miss EvelynCarolan. Mr. Frank J. Carolau aud Mr. HerbertE. Caiolan ate now located InSau Rafael for incremainder of ihe season.

Mr. A.F. Prise has leturned from a visit toNevada City and ill spend part of the seasonwith his tan,,.) at Sau .Mateo.

The Misses Celta aud LuluLord, of Nevada City,have come to Sau Francisco to keep house fortheir father, Mr.George Lord. Mrs. Lord andMiss Coia will soon join them.

Mrs. George V. Goodman lias been passingthe week at the Pacific Ocean House in SantaCiuz.

'Mi.J. Laveaga returned from Santa Cruz

lasl Tuesday to sail Francisco.Mr. and Mrs, 1imothy Hopkins will pass June

and July at the Hotel del Monte.Mis. S. 1. Alleu of Santa Rosa visited friends

Hi ibe Bay City last Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. A.Page Brown will go to the

Hotel del Monte InJune.Miss Casey left last Wednesday for St. Mary's

Oaks, Los Uatos, where she contemplates spend-Ing most "ithe rummer season.

Mi. W. V. Buckingiiurn has returned from hisEastern trip.

Mr. John Kitchen of Oakland will leave inJune fora trip through the mountains ol KentCounty in company with his brother, Mr.Charles E. Kliben, who is now there for thebenefit"! Ills health.

Air. Ruben J. Baxter of Santa Cruz came uplast Tuesday on a lew days' vlsil to S;iu Frau-

clsco.Mr. Evan J. Coleman was visiting the Hotel

del Monte receutly.Mr. W. Wilton of San Francisco visited Santa

Jtosa last '1 iii-Ml.iy.Mr.If.1.. l'etkms and Ms son of Alutneda left

last Monday for Placet Count;, where the for-mer ban ii.iniiii: Interests. They will be avtdylive 01 mi inciitiis.

Mr*. A. N. li.wne and Mrs. Charles N.Shawhave been passing . the week at lUo Uoiel delMonte.

Hun. diaries >".Fellon is InNew York city.Mr.and Mis. .-ainuel M. v ii.on, Mr.and Mrs.

Kus-ill J. Wilson and Colonel Fred Crocker leftlast Wednesday lor Sacramento for a few days'visit.

Mr.ami Mrs. W. Marlon of East Oakland navebeen spending a few days m Santa Cruz.

Mr. H. I).Hullingbrry of s.iuia Cruz came uplust Tuesday Fruucisco.

Mis. William Asiiburner left the city last Mon-day I.i New Yoik. to louie to Eugiuud, whereshe will leui.un several month*.

Mr.Tyler Hen-haw of Oakland made a busi-ness inp to s;;nu last luesday.Mr.Albert Kodeubeck of Alanieua lias lm.-n

quite ill null piituniotilu.and for several dayshonied I'Oiwi-eu me aim ui'atli.

ilmi. Jtomualdo I'aciieco lias arrived lieie on avisit from in? liiocb in Mexico.

Mr.ana Str*. li. F. Bunker and daughter haverelumed homo alter an absence of a year, liav-tii(c traveled through Europe and lie CulledSlates. They intend residing In lied wood Cityfor tne summer.

Miss Louie Uiutisky of Stockton spent thepast week in mm Francisco.

Dr. U. A. Banal 01 Cauibildge, Mass., Is at lieHotel Veudujne. San Jo*e.Ir.and Mis. a. H. Nahert of San Franciscoare at the Tactile Oe«au House, sanu Crij' \u25a0 v

Ml.and Mrs. >.D.Kideuui lii;vc deemed tospend me summer In (be h,i>t, and will taketheir daughter. Mlwvi'raee liiaeoul, with them.Iney will letuiu in tile latter pail of the sum-mer to San Francisco.

Mr.and Mrs. J. William Brown will leave onJune Ist to pass a month inLake County.

.Mi. (J. UtunperU and family lelurued toS'.vcklou last week from a Wick's visit to KanFrancisco.

Mr. and Mr«. George 11. Wheaton of Oaklandire at the Hotel Yendoiue, San Jose.

Senator A. J. Meauy relumed to Santa Cruzfrom ban Fiaucisco lust week.

Miss Blaucoe Vudeuai ol New York cityarilved here last Monday, ana will visit her

Blslrr and biolber-iii-law, Colonel and Mis.v»nil..inFoimj-ill,at Fiesno for several weeks.Mis. 1). S. bliemiau, ol 2378 Franklin street,

Oakland, has been visiilnglriends In Chicago.Miss Susie Patterson lias returned to Stockton

from a visit to ban Francisco lilends.Mi.Jobu Xauuiau came up Iron Santa Cruz

last week to Una l'i..ncisci> on a week's visit.Mis. I'elei Donahue and Mis. Eleanor Martin

and her sou leliSaturday lor Washington, I).C,to joinJustice and Mis. Stephen J. Fluid, Mrs.J. Coudil-biniih ai.d the Aus*es Coudlt-Sniilb,and tbeu tbe eulire paity will leave for Euiope,where they willnavel unlit next October.Mis. llHxeiinau ana Miss j.uile llugermau,

of nan Prmiclseo, were last week guests at theYt-udoii.e, San Jose.

Mr. >.. U. Kittle left last week for a four-moiillis

1 tripin the East.Mis. Dolirmaou and Miss Uunsle Dohrmann,

of Mocklon, spent a day last week at the Bay.Mr.G. li. V. de Laiuater returned last week to

San 1-iancisco alter a slioit visit to ins family atSanta Ciuz.

Miss lii.. Letter of Oakland spent last weekVUllluit iriend.i inSanta Cruz.

Dr. dunes* lias been vislllujthers from Sacra-memo.Mis. Harvey Waller of San Franc sco has

been visiting her parents, Mr. aud Mis. J. M.Uuodell «lSiockloii.

Mi.Horace W. rnllbronk of San Franciscoregistered at Hie I'aciCc Ocean House the last oflast week.

Me».Ms. A. W. (Jans and Charles Gross ofSan Fianci«co vi-.iicd fiieuds iv Oakland andAlatneda last week.

Mlas Delpbtne IJelauu lias been the guest ofGeneral and Airs. William It.Uialiam at theI'ietidlo.

Mrs. J. <;. Thompson of Stockton accompaniedby Mis.'I'booiiisun ol Oakland, led lastweek on a visit tolllends in Anderson, ShastaCounty.

Mr. Thomas Hayes of the firm of Main &Winchester, San Fiaucisco, and Mrs. Hayeswere inSania Cruz last week at tbe Sea ISe.u-bJlniel. His family will spend the suuiinerlitere.

Mr. and Mrs. Welles Whiimore left Oaklandiit-i in..'\u25a0\u25a0lay lor the Bant, 10 be gone severalWeeks. DuiiiinI.H trip Mr. Wliitiuuie will visitall the principal cities m the East, aud will alsomake a snort stay at Montreal.

(.eneial and Mis. Nelsou A. Miles and MissMiles leftlast .'.loud.iy fur a nip to the YoseiuiteValley.Miss Mamie Myer, who lias been visiting In

Blocktoo lor the. past mouth as the guest ol Mrs.•icoige Obeideener, teturued to her borne lvOakland last week.

Mr. and Mm. c. iMiid'ciiu of Sao Francisco,Mi.and E. C. I'ilber nt .N ipa, aud Mr. andMis.C. Schillingof Shu Francisco, wore at theSea Ueacb Hotel, Santa Ciuz, Satuiday and Sun-day.

mi. lyes Scoviile of Oakland went to Montereylast week.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Kedding have seenredtbe residence ol Mis.1).U. Atheituu, 1960 Cali-lomla meet, for a couple of years.Mi.and Mrs. J.iuifs Crump (nee Hanlon) ofBalllmoie aie expected here in Julyon a vl«it.Mi.J. Uiteuhood and daughter of Helena,

Mont,have gone East oil a visa.Mrs. A.U. Bell's collage (Elderberry) at Sau-

ralllo has been taken by Mr. Milton's family forHie summer.

Colunel C. Fied Crocker went to Sacramentoon Thursday (or a brief visit.

Mi.Louis Lewis of V'icioiia,B.C, la In thiscity.

Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Hooper of San Franciscoiaid Sausalito a visit lust Sunday.

Mis. Call W. Juutscti has returned from avisit toher i.u-i am: at Sitka, and Is the guest ofMrs. In Carman at Vallejo.

Mm. J. Newman of San Francisco went toNevada City on h visit 10 her jlster, Mis. M.KuneubeiK.

Mi. W. L.Crawfoid and family, of San Fran-cisco, Rieocciipyiuii Cotlate lvanhoe at the ElMoule Hotel,bausalllo, for me summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Uilliaid M.Juukh, who havebeen stopping at 1115 aD Ness avenue, willre-main Intown until July.

Air.N. Levensou and family have returned toCblcagu to letlde, liuviiik iellhere lor that pin-pose.

Mr. W. K.Jenklnes Jr. of Totnales returnedhome from ibe city list Tuesday.

Mr. ami Alls. I'eler Dean aud Mist Dean haveleft Oakland to p.•- the Mjiiiuieiat San X.ii id

Mis. Ui-iirtru Gale ol San Francisco was vlslt-liiK Mrs. W. Urlssim of Sacrameutolast Wednes-day.

Mrs. Adelaide Lester, of the Him of Lester &Ciawioid, has returned to Ncvuda City from SanFrauclsco.

Mi. S. Itoichschild or this city Is visiting bisrelatives in New Uaveu, Conn.

Mrs. T. G.Morgan and children, accompaniedby Miss Main! \u25a0 iieitrand, » niece of Mrs. Mor-gan, have letuined to it no from Sau Fiauclsco,wbeie the family went last winter. .-•Mr. and Mrs. W. K.A. Johnson of the PalaceHotel, bave gone to the Hotel Vendonie, BinJose, for the Hummer m-asuu. . •

Mis« Anne Nickel of San Francisco spent Sun-day with Miss Llllie Bond of Valleiu \u25a0\u25a0 -vMrs. J. Oser and "'"•of Slocklon. have conic

to San I'iaiiciseo to reside.-

Senator and Mis. W. E. Dargle of Oaklandwilltoon return from ,l, ir Eailifu t.ln Theywillgo to tliß Hotel del Moute for the mouth ofJUm"- iMi,"Darkle willaccompany IliemMr. Hubert F. Morrow left for a trip to Vir-ginia Cny llie firstpart of the week.Mr. Louis Van Vllet has goue to lojin-

-Among the guests last week at the Cedars, SaoKafael. aie: Major Bradford aim family, D,l'owei.saiid family, Mi.K.Chapman aud family.Mr. 11. Slrlckiaud and family. Air. J. C. Colliii'aud family,Air.i:Kehnscn ana family,i-roles«or

Aiidersoi. and family.Dr. A. M.Loryea, Air.Ed-Ear Uaymoiid. Mr.Pegram, Mr.Ware, Professorl'alry, "Rev. Dr. Crosby and family. ProfessorCroft, Mr. Hunker and family, Mr. Murray andfamily, Mr. S. F. Barstow and family, Mr. Itstratum and family, Miss Gales, Miss Norton,vi-s BtowelL Miss Nix, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs.Graham and son, .Miss Stewart, and others.

Mr. George E. Kohtnsen, recently of NevadaCity, has come to leside at San Francisco.

Mr.Thomas Handlty went to Santa Cruz fromSan Francisco last Weduesday.

Mr.Charles 11. llubbs of Oakland spent Sun-da? lv Vallejo at his parents' home.

Dr. Walt S. Thome has taken apartments

forhis family tit the Hotel Vendome, San Jose.airs. Thome and .Miss Grace Thome lend theirvaued assistance at all the social entertain-ments that make the hotel so popular.

Air. and Mrs. Moses Hopkins, Mr«.Bliss andMiss Florence Lockwood left last Wednesdayfor the Yos. mite Valley, where they will spend aweek or two.

air. M. Lowentbal of Los Angeles is here onbusiness.

Mrs. A. A. Nlokerson and the Misses Maudand Myra Nlcke'.son will return from Germanyabout the latter pan of June.

Miss Catherine E. Wilson has returned toGrass Valley liom a visit to San Francisco.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Sharon have takena collage at N wportfor the summer.

Mr. Charles M. Leavy, United States Ap-praiser of San Francisco, and Mrs. Leavy re-turned from the East Monday. Mr. Leavy wasa member of the Bomd of Appraisers at the con-ference held in New Yoik.

Mr.E. J. Henderson of Santa Cruz was in SanFrancisco lasi Wednesday.

Mr. aud Mrs. Moses Hopkins departed lastWeduesday on a trip to the Yosemite Valley.They were accompanied by Mis. Bliss, MissFlorence Lockwood and some other friends.


Air. William slltigshy of Marysville was ivthecity last Tuesday.

Mr. E. L. Bosqul has been making a stay InSaula Barbara.

Mr. aud Mrs. William H. Crocker left Londona week ago and are now in Pails:Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Stnndford returned to

their residence, Santa Clara avenue aud Grandstreet, Alaimda, on Tuesday laM from Arizona,wheie they have been spending several weeks.

The Misses Deinlug of Sacramento, Miss Eve-lyn Speny of Stockton, Miss McNuit and AliasSmith are now In New York City.

Mrs. E. G. Greene of Santa Cruz came lastTuesday oua visit to San Francisco.Judge and Mrs. F. E. Spencer and Miss Grace

M. Spencer of San Jose willmake a trip to Vic-toria, B.c, illJune and may extend their outingto Alaska.

Air. W. F. Dlngley of San Francisco was InSanta Rosa last 'luesday.

Mr. Einest Moreal, brother of the Alamedareal estate man of that name, Is on a visit to hisrelatives In Alameda ana San Francisco. He haslived in Mexico lor ten years, and comes directfrom the City of Mexico. He is engaged Inmin-ing enterprises.

Mis. It.F. Bunker and her daughters have re-turned home after passing thirteen months In theEast ami Europe. They will occupy the Foxvillain Redwood city during the summer. Mis.Dr. Kahu willaccompany them.

Consul and Airs. Dems Douohoe, Miss RoseDonohoe and Mr. and Mrs. S. Harrison Smithleft lust Thursday for the Hotel Rafael for thesummer season.

Judge and Mrs. Rising have leturned to Vir-ginia,Nev., after a visit heie.

Mi.George P. Lake of Santa Cruz came to SauFrancisco last Thursday ona business trip.

Mi.and Mrs. Sands W. Forman and .Mrs. Will-lam L. a-ilib were leceutly the guests of Mr. andMrs. J. 1). Peters at Stokton.

Mr. J. Jacobs of Sau Francisco was a visitorn Santa Kosa last Tv sday.

Mr-. c. B. Kibe of Alameda has gone to theSanta Ci uz Mountains lot a stay of two or thieemonths for the benefit of her health.

Miss Laura McDonald will pass part of thesummer at San ltalael.Miss battle Hedges returned last week to

Stockton from San Francisco.Mrs. K. li. Thomas of Oakland made a short

visit to relatives in Stockton last week.Mis. A. F. Wllley mi.iMiss J. 51. late of Boa

ton are at he Hotel \ San Jose.Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Bowie, Mis. Isaac Fried-

lander, Miss Bessie Bowie, the Misses Filed-lander, and Mr. 1. Cary Filedlander went to last Thuisday toremain there during thesummer.

.Mis. E. B. Stowe has returned home to Stock-ton from a vi.-it to Ban Francisco.

Miss l.cii.iSchell Is visiting lueuds near lied-woitiCity-

Mr. and Mis. 11. M.Terry returned to SantaCruz last Monday f1urn a visit to lilends inSanFraucbco.

Mrs. K.H. I>oiiald«on and Miss Bessie Donald-eou, of Oakland, will go camping to Mies Can-you rally in June.Mrs, T. V. Keed an,l Mm Laura Bead, ofStockton, were in san Frauclsco last week.Mr. N. K. Marten of Oakland, and his

daughter, Mis. Frank I.!, went East aweek ago by the Southern route, and willpass amonth in New Voik aud other cities visitingfriends.

Mi. Louis Wenendorf of Santa Cruz came uplast week to Sail Francisco.

Mine. J'edtniente de la Peua, a titled ladyfrom Brazil, is stopping at the Hotel Vendcrm:,San Jose.

Mi. J. 11. Buckcr and Miss Kate Dunne, ofSan Jose, and Mis. Peter Dunne of San Fran-cisco were last weeK visiting Mrs. JameslJunne of Sau Felipe.

The Misses Ocorgle and Lucy Edwards re-lumed last Monday from San Rafael, where theybad been visiting Mis. Zander.

Mrs. 11. ii.Tiacy of Stockton has been visitingMrs. 11. Mclntyre in Sau Francisco.

Mr. aud Mis. J. C. Eattlaod will pass themouth of June at the Hot.Idel stnnf«>. .

Mr.John I:.JuiiMie ji.':J Afiss Jarhoc went toSanta Crux last weeJt from >aii Francisco.til9.SleVeusiUJ .iiiildaughter and Miss Thomp-

\u25a0on, of Ueikeley, wcie euteiiaiued by Mr.Thomas Deiby at Almaden last wee-:.

Mrs. John W. Colt-man, Miss Jessie ColPinanand Mr. 11. 1.. lo'.emau have Roue ou a visit tothe City ol Mexico.

Mr.and Mrs.John Levlnsky of Stockton havebeen In>au Fiannseo visiting several days

Miss Belli1 Maliam of San Fianci-co lias beenKpeiidini;a few day? nun her friend, Miss DaisyNortun, at Highland.

Mis. Williams. Kills and Ml«snope Ellis haveeng.ged rooms at the Hotel del Monte for thesummer season.

Mrs. A. Lastland of Oakland returned homelast Friday aller an extended visit to Miss LucyPast Of Stockton.

Mr.and Mrs.,). 11. Manor and family last weekleft Sun lianelsco to agalu make Santa Cruztheir borne.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore returned lastweek to their home in the Sandwich Islands,alter a six mouths' visit to their parents in Oak-land.

Mi.and Mrs. J. Lussden ami Mis) Ln^sdenhave been iu..kiih; a lout of the southern coun-lies.

Mrs. George Gray and Miss Hannah Gray ofStockton weie InSau Francisco last week.

Mr. W. 11. Lulus of Sauta Cruz came to SanFrancisco last week.

Mis. George liest of Santa Clara has returnedhome alter a six weeks' visit with lei.tiives InOkland.

Mi. James V. Colemau has returned from bisEuropean trip.

Messrs. A. Blssluger, I) Bloom. M. A. Ellas,G. Hecnt an. i B. lianicli are in New Voik.

Mrs. CM. Cole, who spent lie winter at theEl Moult: Hotel, Sausallto, left tor the East lastwetrk and Mr.Cole returned to the city.

Mr.11. 11. Sherwood will leave here in June topass thice months 11 ay. ling in Europe.

Mr.1.. M. vYolf of Stockton, who whs In tillscity last week at the Baldwin Hotel, has it-turned lining.

Mis. Frank Millerand family returned to Sac-rum uto this week alter spending several weeksat Hie El Monte Hotel, sail to.

Mr.Frank Unger arrived on Fiiday's steamerfrom Honolulu.

Judge J. 1). Thornton has gone to New Yorkfora hiIfftup. Mrs. Thornton Is still at 1116Van Ness avenue.

Mis. Lewis .Mrveistein and Miss Stella Meyer-stelu have returned from au extended lour toHotel del Corouado.

Mr.Moss and family are now occupy-ing Owl Uotlage inSausalilo.

Mis. U. F. Minims and Miss Aline Mullinshave secured apartments al ibu Hotel Veudomefor the season.

Mr. Bloouinigdale and his daughter, MissJo-iB hioouilutdale, left for Los Angeles lastUeduesd.iy.

Mr. and Mrs, .George Ross and Miss Gertiet'eikius, of Sau Fiaucisco, went over 10111 thecity last Saiunlay 10 alt.ud the opening day atthe Pacitic V.icht Club-house at Old S.tusalilo.

Mrs. Maynaid and Miss Maynird are euter-talnlup Lleiitenam Leruy C. Webster, U. S. M.C, euimiiaiidiii^ guard of the Uulied Slates shipMarlon, at Ilieir residence, 1613 Californiasireet. Mr. Webster is a telalive of the ladi -a.

Mr.and Mrs. Sam Hurt will go to Del Muuiefor the summer

Mr.aud Airs. George Grlsstll have relumed toNevada City from sail Francisco.Colonel and Mrs, A.C. Ellis, for many years

result ins inCuisou City,now of Sail Francisco,went on Sunday to Hie State capital.

Mr.and Mrs. George C. Boarumaii, Miss DoraBoaidman and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoyt willmake the Ho el del Monte thoir abidlug placedvilug the summer.

Mi.Duncan Smith went to Vallejo from SanFiauclseo Sunday lo spend a few days

Mr.aud Mis. M. Gumpel have tone to SanRafael lor the summer.Miss MeKiustiy, uaiisliter of Judge E. W. Me-

Klustry, has, on account of tin; death ol hergrandlalher, postponed her coiilempiated trip toVancouver Barracks.

Mi.U. c. Perkius left Sau Francisco last Mon-day lor New Voik.Mr.Geoige 11. Rice, fieight manager of the Pa-cllic Mall steamship Company, wliu Mrs Klce

ami daughter, Blidie,aie sojourning at the Hotel Vendume lor the summer.Mr. Maurice Beinlieim 01 Sau Francisco for-meilyol Una city. Is speudlug a day or so Inlowii.Mr. S. Schwabacher Is in Portland on busi-ness.Judge Garner has returned to Marysvllle IrornSan Frauclsco.Miss Duice ilolado will pass part of the sum-mer at Sau Kalael.Mr. aud Mrs. Alex O. Baring have returned

from a visit to the Hotel ltalael"Mrs. John Skae aud Miss Alice Skae relumedfrom New \ork last ...ouday and aie at the Pal-ace Hotel.Mr.ana Mrs. Hager and Miss Hager are hereon » Mioit visit and are guebts at the OccidentalMiss Allle Lambert of Nevada City came toHan 1- r;mei -en to reside with the family of Mr J

E. Brown, who will go tv keeping house here

Hon. Frauk M. Stone returned last Tuesday toSanta Cruz Horn a Hip to Sau Luis Obl.po andban Francisco.

oisg"Frtnc"c°spent tur-nU. A. Powell ofSan Francisco spent Tues-day In santa Kosa.""

Mr. and Mrs. L. L Baker willgo to delMonte on June Istfor me season; Mr. A.E. JlortoD arrived on Hie Mexico fromBan DießO. He will spend some tune in the cii,as the guest ot Mr. li. H. »ucro Vau Messavenue.' c"9

Mrs. John W.Colemau, Miss Jessie Colemanol"Mexico

"* °loU'a" nflUaii Ihe "uy


.> rs. L. A.Balcli ofOakland willdispose of herkindernaiten school at laiu AdUlue alr'eIiJdmove to Sail Francisco. airtei auuCamaln aud Mr..W. li. Baker and Miss Mime"uc G-.ole Jo9e'"'"


c -urnmer it d!Mis. Dr. Jennie Morgan of Santa Cruz cam*last Tuesday mi a short visit to Sau FranciscoMiss Fanuie Farmer of Sauta itosa "as ainonirUi«. v.sltor. to Sau f,ancisco la,i luesday

°ag. .The latest arrivals al tho Hotel el AioTita n»n :Mtlltu. eompilse: Mrs.- li lluia -11,1 1.. ?,Charles Uolbrook. wileTauJ daUßuter Mrs oil,'liober Mid »ou,Mr». George CasWell, MtL^uistt

Snow, Mr.H.E. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mar-tin. .Miss C. Biythe, Berubard H. Bosc, Dr. andMrs. F". \V. Wiebir, Mr. aud Mrs. A. V. Tassie,Judge E. B. Mabon, Mr. W. L. Crawford andfamily, Mrs, J. Lee and son, Mr. Geoige 11. Pres-ton and wife, Mr.Samuel K. Simmons, Mr. (J. P.Huddart, Mr. A. Heymari9, Miss E. Nager MrO.E. Moore, Mis. Ira M. Uollis, Lieutenant F GDo.ige.

Mr.D. Hlrschfeld has exchanged his resideuceal Bay Station for a raucb in Sonoma CuiiutvIt is doubtful whether Mr.Hiischfeld aud bisfamily willleave Alameda.

Miss Florence Reed will pass most of tbe sum-niiiat the Hotel del Monte.

Miss VirginiaHauchetl has been passing tbeweek at Sacramento with Mrs. J. B. Wright.

Mm. Gecge A.Newball, who has be-n spend-ing tbe pa.-t tbiee mouths traveling abroad willreturn next luoalb aud go to tbe Hotel Rafaelfor the season.

Mr. J. D. Carrot Salinas was a recent visitor atthe Hotel del Moute.

Mrs. J. M. South, who has spent the .past threemonths ln Yuma, Ailz., has returned to herhome IvOakland much improved inhealth

Mr.Charles Fitch Jr. ol Santa Cruz came uplast Tuesday to Sau Fiaucisco.

Geueial and Mrs. Waller Turnbull will passthe summer at Santa Cm/..

Mr.H. It.Heywood of San Francisco was inSanta Rosa lasl Tuesday.

Judge and Mrs. J. H. Boalt, and Miss AliceBoali, a.c passing ibe. seasou al ihe Hotel delMonte.

Rev. W. H. Stranger of San Diego has com-menced Ms miiilhiiy-asacting pastor of tbe Bap-tist Chinch of Alameda.

Mr.Hugh Tevis was at the Hotel del Monlerecently.Mis. Cbailes W. Hathaway mid Miss MiuuieHathaway have returned home from a visit to

their fiieuds Iv Houolulu.Mr. W. li. Davis of Sau Francisco was in

Stockton last werk.Mr. Charles Fitch of Santa Cruz came lastMonday to San Francisco.Mis. K. S. Dillou and Miss Dillon liavo cone

on a visitlo Mrs. il.s. Crocker al her ranch nearCloverdale.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sutro and r.arty offilends willg,. to Ihe Vosemite Valley to-day

Miss Blanche Aaion uf Stocktou sueul Ihe lat-ter part ol last week at the Bay.

Mis. Theodore Sutio has lecnvered from theiujuiles hlie lecelved tecenlly from a runawiyhorse. Her brother, Rev. 11. Cliutou, Is now enrouie here from England.

Mr. and Mrs. 11. Fay of Santa Cruz came lastweek on a visit to Sau Francisco.Mr. w. A.Douglass bas gone io San Rafael for

the season.Colonel L.11. Brings of Oakland left Monday

for the State of Washington io look after bisiioiciIJ illleiesls Shell.

Mr. J. a. Williams and lamilyof San Franciscowere last week visiting ft i,nds InStockton.Mr. Frank McMulltn went to Santa Cruz last

week from San Fiaucisco ou a visit to ibe BellaVista Vineyard,Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lilandliic will pass the

heasou at ibe, Hoiel del Muute. Miss LenaBiaudiniE willjoin ibem there as soon as she le-tuins from New Yoik, where she lias beeu visit-ing Mrs. hred w. Sharon during the past winter

Mr. W. H. Flagp and mile daughter of SailFiaucisoo visited Mr. and Mu. W. L. Woodrowol Sau Jose the past week.

Captain and Mis. W. il. Taylor, Miss Canie\u25a0Jayioi ami Miss Josie Taylor weni ovur to IheHotel ltafacl last wee...

Mi«s Nellie and Miss Amanda Campbell ofSiocklon spent a tew days of lust week in Sauiraiitlsco.

Miss Maiguente Gonzales lit- returned loSanta Cruz from a bix weeks' visit to Sau Frau-Clsco.

Mr. (Jeorge Roberts of Oakland was at theHoiton House. San Diego, last week.Mi. and Mrs. A. J. Bowie ana Miss BessieBowie, Miss Fnediaiidir, Miss May Fnedlauder

aud Mi. T.C. Fiiedlaiider left on Thursday forihe Hold Ralael, where they will speud severalmouths.

Mrs. Phil T.Brown ofStockton came last weekto San Iraucisco where she will soon reside per-manently.

Mr. W". W. Roberts went lo Santa Cruz last»«» from .-an Francisco visiting leUiives.Mrs. A. A. Moore. Miss Moore and Mrs. L. A.

Knoih ol Oakland went to Monterey hist week.Mrs. William Asliburnei left the city last Mon-

day for Hie Eastern Males aud Europe.Mi.F. U tiift of Sau Francisco made a brief

visit lo Siocktou lasi week.Mi. Chaiies Auileison leturned last week to

Sau Francisco alter a visit to his parents, Dr.and Mis. C. L. Anueiaou of Salila Ciuz.

Mrs. Francis Blake. Mis. Blake. Miss Pomeroy.Me-sis. William A. Fisher, J. V. English andCharles E. Smiih, all uf Oakland, were u-glsleredat l.os Angeles hotels lasl week.

Mr. and Airs. W. K. Hoilow.iywere beinc en-tertained by Baron and Harmless yon Miloeder atHi.-n place in Sau Luis Obispo County lasl Mon-day.

Mr John W. Mackay is expeated here soonfrom Niw Sfoi k.

Miss Josh snoman bas goue to Deliver to visittier relatives and friends meio. Mrs. J. P. McLennan of Sausalito arespending tie summer at biituedale.

Ci n-ui ami Mis. Deula Donahoe and Miss lio-eDouahoe are now located at S.m Rafael for Iheseason.

Mr.D. Eisner of Clilco Is In town.Mr.aud Mrs. Will Baruaid ol San Franciscoare spending the summer m i.aikspur.Mis. i...-. J.autl will sail Iroiu New York to-

day, Koine direct to Paris.Mi. Weinerof New lurk Is paying a visit to

11, i'acllic Slope.Mr. ami Mis.- George K. Pros«on have re-

turned to Sausalito for me summer aud are agaiudomiciled at the 1.1 Monte Hotel.

Mr*.Cai lisle P. Pallet.sou. Miss Lizzie Palter-son .ma tire. Pierre v Muu>aii;uc leu for tlieEau ou Friday.

Mrs. E. 11. Kowalsky and family of 1303(lou^h street have leiurued from their visit toFresno.

Mrs. rarrell and the Misses Farrell nave rentedtheir cottage at Tamalpals and moved 10 SailFrancisco.. Mr. .-Hid Mrs. 11. S. Crocker, who have beentraveling inEurope lor over a, are expectedto return ilium-about Hie latter pail June.

Mr.Louis lllisli. who recently returned Iron)Central America, will leave for Kurope In a lewweek*. He willmeet Mr.Joseph Livingston InGermany, and may make Hie lour o[ the 01idwith him.

Miss Alice Groves and Misses I.aura and MayBodie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.mdsou•ISan Auseloio last week.Mr. Sidney M.Smith is at the Hotel V endome

IdS.ui Jo»e.Mr. 1-iauk K. Jacobs, Mis. Brilliant. Miss J.i-

cobs, Ml.Phil Jacob?, Mrs. Crocker and daugh-lei' and Mr.G. llullin.iiiiihave relumed truin atup to Poillaud and the Sound.

Mi.11. (i. > oihc of Bollu.i* was In Stocktonlast Tuesday aod paid B. c.Clowes a visit aihislaiueiDd complete establishment, the StocktonNuißery, about two miles Iroiu town.

Mrs. V.liliam 8. Kills aud Miss Hope Ellis willwon leave to pass a mmull at the Hotel delMonte.

Mr. W. T. Raggett of San Francisco visited HieChi. City last Wedoe-day.

\u25a0Mr. G. 11. High left Oakland lAst Thursday forSt. Paul, A' iun. to join bis brother, Mr.GavinDim Hlkli.fonueily of Oakland.

Mi.and Mis. 8. Harrison Smith are now atSan Rafael lor the season.

Mi.aim Mis. item Hussey, who for the paintwo anil a half inoullis have be -u stopulog inOakland 111 IliaDope of the funnel's health beiuginin ii\u25a0< 111 relumed Hume 10 Reno last week.

Mi. Wick Mas of Bloomlugiou, ills., has leftfor Spokane Falls to i--.ii--.

Mr. Max H<iUbs relumed to Oakland fromV'.llejolast Sunday.

Mr. and Mr*.M. V. Hunlinglou and Miss Min-nie. Henuessy are enjoying a visit 10 the HotelJel Monte.

Mr. .ii. Mrs. Chailes Holbrook nnd MissMamie llolbiook will leside at their villa inMeulo l*»ik all me season.

Mis.Samuel (i.Murphy, wife of the Presidentof Ilie l'list National liauk ot this city, has been

.visitingMrs. James Forney of Mare Island.Mrs. M. A. Mauustj lias relumed to Marys

ville.Messrs. Frank Galcrlo, C. T. Harris, A. W.

Flmdt is and Christian l'rtersoiiol NorthBloomheal have come to Sail Fianclsco.

Mr.A. \V. ltunell wi in to Santa Cruz lastWednesday from OaKland.Miss 1.11lie biush williem:iin here permanently

as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Votary SpaldiiiKMessm. James Koouey, F. Build, George War

foul ana Jama Hants were in VallejoIron) SanFrancisco last Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs.J. W. Brown will close their Pinestieel icsldeuce on June Ist and go to HighlandSprings 'th their ciiildreu.

Mr.Louis Ancker li.m returned fiom a visit toSan Bernardino.

-.Mr.A.K. liuiion came tip from San Diego nil

the steamer City or Mexico,aud Is the guest otMi. and Mis. 11. 11. Kuncioll, at their residenceon the cuiuci ol Vau Mess tveoue aud Sutlerstreet.

Mrs. B. A. Val.nitino and her sister, MissBerk, of Nevada Cny, came to Oakland to le-Mill'to-day.

Mi.E. Levy of Crescent City Is here on busi-ness.Mr. Horace Gushee went to Santa Cruz last

Tuesday (10111 Ueikeley.Mr. and Mrs. George M. Pinckard will remain

in the city diimm the mouth, owiug to the Illnessof Mrs. piiickaid.

Mr. 11. C'uri>foitli of Marysvllle came to SailFrancisco last Moud.iy.

Mr. K. Newbauer ol Chicago is at the BaldwinHotel.

Mr.Bernard Peyton has been up on a shortvisit nere from bis home lit Kama Cruz.

\u0084 Mr. L. Scblesluger of Guatemala Is at the Pal-ace Hotel.Mr. and Mr«. Ira Pierce will be at the Hotel

del Monte during: the summer months.Mi.and Mrs. W. Mayo Newhall have gone to

San Rafael lor the season.The Misses Geoigle and Lucy Edwards have

decided to spend the summer season hi the Hoteldel Monte.

Mr. T.G. Danlells of the Alameda Argus wentEast last Tuesday on a visit, to be gone a month

Mr. Milton Bes>e of bauta Cruz came to SanFrauclsco last Tuesday.

Mis. T. Thompson of Santa Rosa spent Tues-day la San Francisco.

Mr..11. V. Herbert of Alameda left Thursdayfor me East on a business trip.

Mr.A. M. K.Stouie ot Oakland Is at Los An-geles.

Mr.and Mr«. Russell J. Wilson are now locatedIn Sail Rafael, where they will leuulu untilHieend ol August.

Mr.Janien G.Fair Jr. Is at the Hotel del Monte.Mr. and Mrs. Giles Gray of Oakland are at the

Hotel Veiidiiine,San lose.Miss NellieHandy relumed to Santa Cruz last

Tuesday frum a visit 10 Sau Fiauclseo.Miss Carrie Plait will pass the summer with

friends at Auburn.Mr.A.Fraucitco of Sonoma was lvSanta Kosa

last Tuesday.Messrs. a. 11. aud Martin Schnab lof Santa

Clara avenue, Alameda, have goue to PlacerCounty.

Mr.F. S. Cbadbourne has engaged apartmentsforhis family at the Hotel Vendoine. • \u25a0

-Mrs. Carlisle P."Patterson, Miis Lizzie Palterson and Mrs. Pierre lit Montagus left last-Wednesday on the overland train lor New York.

Mrs. la Montague expects to return In the earlytall.

Hon. and Mrs. li. D. Murphy' and Miss MayMurphy, of Sail Jose, will pass the summer atLake Taboo.• Mr.J. C. Hallof San Francisco was lit the Pa-cificOcean House, Santa Cruz, last Wednesday.

Colonel and Mis. Hardlu came down to SailFrancisco IromSanta Kosa last Tuesday.-

Mr. J. C. Itoss returned to Alameda last Mon-day evening from a flylug business liipto SailLake City.

-, Judge and Mr«. O. C. Pratt and Mr.O. C.PrattJr. are visiting their ranch in Bulie County lor alew weeks. . -

\u25a0; \u25a0- Mis. Judge Creaiior returned to Stockton Sunday morning Irom abrief visit toShu Francisco.:

- Mr.A.11. Fitch ot 1 Santa Cruz came up lastweek on a few days' vim to San Francisco..- , .Mr. James Ihelm left San Frauclaco last week,

and Is at Phelan Park. --Mia. A.M.Pan utt arrived lvNew York a week

[ ago after aprolonged tour ot Europe. She willprobably Inuk her overland journey by visitingCaptain and Mrs. A. 11. I'uysou at ColoradoSprings. . .

Mlsa Lam a Qulnn is home at Stockton after anextended stay at Sail Francisco. .

Captain and Mrs. William If.Taylor, MissEdith Taylor and Miss Carrie Taylor left lastThursday to visit the Yosemlte Valley. They willbe away about ten days.

I.ewi-s Mason of Suquel came last week on avisit to San Francisco.

Mrs. O. W. Eastoo, mother of Mr. WendellHuston, accompanied by her daughter, Miss li,B.Easton, has gone to the Hotel Veudotne, SanJose.

Mr.Frod Sharon and Mr.Hall McAllister havereturned from a short visit to the Hotel delMonte.

Dr. and Mrs.Clinton Cushlng and Miss Jenniedo la Montauy.i were InSpain at last accounts.

Mr.N. K. Masten of Oakland, accompanied byhis daughter, Mrs. Frank I. Kendall, left lastweek for a trip through the Eastern States.

Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Balra willspent part of themonth of June at the Hotel Vendome, San Jose.

The Misses Fjfe returned to Stockton from aVisit to San Francisco last Thursday.

Mr.and Mrs. T. C. Walklngtou have gone tothe Hotel Vendome, Son Jose, tor the summer.Mrs. Walklngton's father, Dr. F.F.Jewell, Isnow located at San Jose.

Mr. w aid McAllister and Mr. Charles Haswellwent toHie Hotel Rafael last Wednesday, wherethey willspend Hie season.

Mr. aim Mis. J. 1.. Wetmore and the MissesWetnioro left Oakland Wednesday for a threemouths' visit to St. Joint?, New Brunswick,which was Mr. Wetmore's former home.

Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Webber and little daugh-ter of San Jose were In Sau Francisco tho pastweek.•

Mis. B.B. Redding and her sister, Mrs. M. B.Richardson, have returned to 2100 Californiastreet after having made an extended visit toSouthern California.

Mrs. Chillies lieldlng and Mrs. K.P. Lane re-turned last week to Stockton Irom a trip to theBay.

Mr. Thomas Tlerney returned last week toSanta Cruz from a short visit toSan Francisco.

Mr. F. ii.Morrow and Mrs. S. Morrow of Oak-land are among the cuests at Hie Del Monte. .

Air.aufl Airs. Slevenson and family and MissStevenson, of Los Angeles, are spendlug sometime at the Hotel del Monte.

Mis. D. S. Rosenbaum and daughters, ofStockton, spent several dayirof last week witlirelatives InSan Francisco.

Mr.Joseph W. Scut came up from Santa Cruzlast week to Sin Francisco.

Miss Florence Maglll of Rosedale, Alamedn,was last Mima iy visiting Mr. and Mrs. Karl 11.Flate of San Jose.

Mrs. K. S. Dillon and Miss Dillon,relatives ofMrs. H. s. Crocker, Have been spending lie pastweek at the Crocker ranch near Cloverdaie.

Miss May McDnugald of Stockton spent sev-eral days of last week in San Frnuclsco.

Mr.J. 0. Kimble came up from Santa Cruz lastweek to Sau Francisco.

Mr.anil Mis. George Kilter of San FranciscoLave been visiting relatives at Lick Mills.

Mr.Joseph Livingston and Mr. Arthur Castleweieat Franklorl-ou-the-Maln at last accounts.

Mrs. Voluey S|>alaing returned from a visit toHealdsburg early in the week, and on Fridaywent to San Jose to remain untilMonday.

Mr. Henry C. Solomon, the artist soilof Mr.M. Solomon, has gone to St. Louis ou business.Mr. Is. Couway and family went over from San

Francisco last Sunday to spend the day lvSau-salllo.

Other Social Items.The Al'iambra Literary and Social Club gave

Its first invitation party last evening at Uln-man's Hull. The affair was very pleasant inevery respect.

The Eclipse .Minstrel Club gave an entertain-ment and dance last evening at IrvingHall, andthe management had arranged so excellent aprogramme that all the guests enjoyed them-selves.

Toe members of the Sadik Club gave an en-joyableparty lust Wednesday evening at Unlon-aquare Hail. There was a lance attendance and

'the pleasant alliirdid not terminate until mid-night. Blum's Orchestra furnished the music tothe geneial satisfaction.

Xlm I'lcnlo SenSfin.The

'Central M. K. Sunday-school. Mission

street, will hold their annual picnic, which waspos'.poued on account of bad weather, at GlenEll?u, Sonoma Valley, on Tuesday, June 3d.

The St. Alb.ins Literary and Beneficial Associ-ation will unite with the Bunker Hill Associa-tion. Si. Allan's and St. Peter's Sunday-schoolsand hold 1heir annual picnic ami excursion outhe 17ih of June at Gleuwood, SuuUCiuz Moun-tains.

The National Club will hold its annual picnicat Glen Ellen next Sunday. A special featurewill he a bailie of ba«e-ball lor a silver trophy,between Ihe Recorder-,' an.lCounty Clerks' clubs.Loyola Assembly, Mo. 1, Young Men's CatholicUnion, willhold their thud annual picnic at LiveOak I'aik, Sau Jose, ou May ;.tutlj, Decorationday.

The San Fmnci.-co Caledonian Club willholdits annual gathering ol the clans on Saturday,May 31st, at Shell Mound Turk, Berkeley. Thecluo Is detarmluad to make this, the twenty-fourth annual n.uheriug ana Barnes-, the grandestand enjoyable event of the season. Newgames will be introduced, n-ver before, seeu inAMii-nca. A large list of exciting club events Isopen to members of dobs from nilHurt*of theworld, who will receive over $2500 in cash andother pilze;,Including two handsome gold men-als, value StL'iij each, for long distance races,Scottish national dances by exuericldiismeii andlads and lassies In costume. Delegations fromall parts of the United Stales and Canada willbe present to take pail In Hie maud nourish ofliuuiuets. There will be dancing from 11o'clock in the morning in two iaviilous. Therewill lie a lull corps of Highland pipers la cos-tume.

-- ..Tue BrliljhBenevolent Society will hold Us

twenty-fifthamilversarv excursion and picnic atWiidwood Ulen, >ausallio, next Saturday (QueenVictoria's birthday). There will ho games forold am! young aud hfty choice prizes.

1lie Tuolumue Rcuulou Association will holdIts annual picnic aud leuulon ou June 17lh atBadger's I'm

The annual basket meeting of the IndianaSlate Association ot California willtake place onSaturday, lhe 31st Oak Grove, on IheCall-forula and .Nevada Narrow-gauge Railroad. Thetrain willleave EmeiyvllleJunction onSouthernPacific Railroad at 10 o'clock in the morning,and Sao I'ablo avenue and Fortieth street at10:05.

The picnic of the Native Sons of the GoldenWear, under the auspices of Hospertan Parlor,No. 137, will take place ou Saturday Ui-xt atUlen Ellen.

Fourih ot July will be celebrated by the So-ciety of tad pendent Old Friends by an excur-sion to Vallejo. M.iie Island. Crockett, Martinez,-.nd return on the steamer T. C. Walker, leaviugSau Francisco at 10 o'clock In the morning.

The family uicnic of the Dehance. Social Clubwill be held on Sunday. June Bill,at SchaefersGrove, Ross Taller. Sau Rafael.

The Young Men's Catholic Union, comprisingLeo Assembly, No. 4; Dotoies Assembly, No. 7,mid Uamlen Assembly, No S. willhold tnelr tlrstannual excursion to Cilen Ellen l'aik, SonomaCounty, uu Decoration day.

I i;,.s tr» T«ke Plnce.The Western Addition Literary and Social

Club willgive its regular monthly entertainmentHud social on Weduesday evening uext at OddFellows' Hall.

The members of U. S. Grant Lodge, No. 11,IT.E. A., willhold an open meeting on Fridayevening next In Laurel Hall, Shiels' Building,32 O'Farrell street.

The James A. Cat field Corps. No. 21. W. I!.C,willgive a social ami grab bag party at theirheadquarter*, 32 O'l'ariell street, Siilels' Building, to-morrow evening.

Hie members of Company 11, First InfantryRegiment, N.U.C, Captain 11. 1". Bush, willgiveaupp next Thursday eveulug at Uuiou-squaieHall.

Junior Couit Pride of California, No. 5. A.O.I". A., will hold its second open meeting onFriday evening, the 30th lust., at St. George'sHall.

The Tigs In Clover Club willclve a faucy dresspmy at Old Fellows' Hall Friday evening, the-DillPIOX.

A literary and musical entertainment will begiven Dy all the branches of the tilt*city on Tuesday evening, the 3d prox.,at Irvingll.ill. Dancing willfollow Hie entertainment. Areception willbe Klv?u to the delegates to theGrand I.-: i\u25a0..;.• at Old Fellows' Hall on Thurs-day evening, the 19; inox.

The members of California Castle, No. 1,Knights ol the Golden Rule, willgive their sumanniversary party at Uuiou-squaie Hall ouWeduesday evening, the 11th prox.

The Third Regiment have Issued invitationsfor their presentation of colors, concert and ball,to lie given hi the I'avllion next Friday evening.

The members of Oro Fino Pallor, No. !<N. IX G. \V., will give a grab-big social atDruids' Hull, 413 Sutler street, next Saturdayevening.

The Del Monte Club willgive their ninth lionat Odd l'ellowa' Hall on Tuesday evening, Ilia27111 lust.

The member* of Grand Division No. 1,UnitedEndowment Associates, will ive their first di-vision meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall on Wednes-day evening. the 2Sih tnst. The literary exer-cises willbe lollowed by dancing.

The member! of James A.Garlield Lodge, No.86, U. E. A., will give uu auron and necktieparry at Washington Hall this evening.

Tii\u25a0 Held music (drummers and buglers) of theThud Regiment willgive a hall onTuesday even-ing, lhe :id prox., at B'n.n It'ilthHall.

The regular monthly entertainment and socialof Fhceiiix Council, No. 780, A.L. of 11., willbeheld at Washington Hall next Wednesday even-ing.

A complimentary entertainment willbe givenby Leo Assembly, No. 4. Dolores Assembly, No.7. and Damleii Assembly, No. 8, of the. YoungMen's Catholic Uuiou, at Metropolitan Hall,uextFriday evening.

The Nationals willgive a party at Union-squareHall to in,mow evening.

The Caledonian Club will give a concert ofScottish Jacobite sougs and a social dance atScottish Hall, on Friday evening next. The con-cert programme contains a selection of the mostbeautiful and characteristic Mugs written infavor ol the Stuart cause; and these will berendered In the most efficient manner possibleby Miss Alary E.Barnard, Miss E. V. McCloskeyand other eminent vocalists.

Young' Ladles' Institute No. 7 will giveUs anniversary party at ll'tial B'rilh Hall ouTuesday evening, the 27111 lust.

A parly willbe given by the Minuet Club atIrviugHallou Tuesday iveiling, the 27th lust.

Bay City Lodge. ('. O. F.. will glvea lawn-dies*parly on Wednesday evening, the l«;hprox., inUnion-square Hall.

"The Unknowns" have postponed their Invi-tation ball from next Thursday evening, to Tues-day evening, June 17th. at Union-square ll.hi.

The open meeting of Excelsior Lodge, No. 18,IT. 1. A., willho held ou Monday evening, the 2dprox., at Goldeu Gate Hah, Alcazar Building.

Eclipse Circle, No. 37, Companions ot the For-est, willgive a pound package party aud euier-lalument next Thursday evening at its hall inbluets Building,32 O'F.rrell Mieet.

Aball willbe giv. by th Young Ireland Par-liamentary Club on Thursday even tug, the 2t)tulaid at Ploueer Hall

"The Golden Giant" will be produced at li-ving Hall on etluesd iy eveuiug, the 4th prox.,at the benefit of Air. S. Klaus.

The monthly social of Bay City Lodg--, No. 619,Knights of Honor, willbe held at WashingtonHall this evening. -\u0084.-.• , *\u0084...\u25a0

The Mission ZigZag Social Club willgive Infirst parly at the Mission Opera Hall. 212&) Mis-sion street, ou Thursday evening, the 2Uth lust..The V.S. C.'s willgive their next entei taiumeutand dance at Union-square Hall ou Fild.iV even-ingnext.-

The Club Frohslun willhold Its monthly social"

on Sunday evening next at Olympic Assembly. •-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Unity Lodge, No. til.Knights of Pythias, andBuiuaby Lodge. No. lU4. Sou* of SI. George,will give a ball at K'ual B'rith Hall ou Saturdayevening, the 31st lust.. In aid of other B. U.Holmes, who hat become totallyblind. \u25a0 ••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••

MISSING.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'

.Written for The Morning Call.

/->f OMETHING'S gone from out our householdJlßni Leaving all so strangely stilled; H#SJ^. JNo re-echoing sound or langhter'7"^ That through heart and gardens trilled;

Gone a lire that siarce beginningLeftits traces everywhere

Like the perfume of sweet flowersThat scent the soft May air.

Here aDd there are little-tokensThat by willinghands were made*, .

Teeming likedarts or sunshineThrough the leafy forest shade :

Andalthough the rays are goldenThat flash in the bowery vale,

Still 'tis but a fleeting glimmerFor the shadows winprevail.

The guitar that hangs so silent,Almost seems to miss the sweep

Of the fingers o'er its keyboardWith their dancing fairy leap.

The piano standing open, ,Speaks in language of its own

(More expressive than in wording)Grief for lovingtonches flown.

There's a picture on the easelThat should show a nest of youug,

With the old bird watching near itWhile her sweetest songs »re sung.

But alas the nest Is empty.Time with stern, unpttyitigsway

Willed the picture be unfinishedAnd our home be sad to-day.

Charles Ellis Meweii,

San lYanclsco, May,1&90

ADOMESTIC CHRONICLET'£-*jrJELL, my dear," said Mr. James58'fsf 3 Cavendish, entering his wife'si\g%l\ room, "I'vesent that girl of yours—

l— about her business."Mrs. Cavendish looked up with a start.

She was buttoning Hob's apron, patientlyfollowing him abuut the room as be friskedafter the cat.

"What?" said the, in a dismayed voice."Ispoke distinctly enough, didn'tI? I—

have— discharged— Lucy.""What for, James?""Insolence, that's all.""lintLucy never could have been inso-

lent," pleaded Mrs. Cavendish, twisting offthe last button from Bob's apron in herperturbation.

"Oh, couldn't she, though? Ijust wishyou had been there, that's all."

"What did she say?" ."Itold her she was half an hour behind

with breakfast, and asked her what shemeant by it;and she told me that she wasdoing the best she could, and could not dobetter ifall the world depended upon it."

"But, James, the poor girl is nearly fran-tic with toothache this morning.""Ican't help that; she had no business

to answer me so impudently. Itwasn't thewords so much— it was the manner."

"Poor LacyI Aud vou'vu dischargedher!"

That's you all over," said Mr. Caven-dish angrily. "Ibelieve you'd take any-body else's part against me. Of course Idischarged her. Itold her to move herthings outside of the house in two hours, orI'd flingthem out of the window."

"But, James, what am 1 to do?" saidMrs. Cavendish, who had by this timecaptured Ethel, the second child, and wasbuttoning her boots with nervous rapidity.

With one of my sick headaches comingon and Willie and l'en down with themeasles, and not one soul to lifta Hand formi.""

That's a Dretty question to nsk," saidMr. Cavendish, standing with his hands inhis pockets. "One would think you womenwere made of sugar or salt nowadays. Mymother had ten children— ten— and didevery stroke of work for them herself, yearivand year out, and here you make a rum-pus because you happen to be lett withouta servant fur twenty-four hours— because,of course, Ishail expect to stou at Wig-gins', and send you up a Norwegian or aSwede this afternoon."

Pour ilrs. Cavendish burst into tears." James," said she,"

Lucy was the beatgirl have ever had. You should nut havesent her out of the house in this way. iluwwould you like itIf Iwent to yourwholesale boot anil shoe place ami dis-charged your clerks?"

"1should say you did perfectly right,"replied Cavendish, "if they answered youimpertinently. Now, don't snivelIIfthereis anything Ihate it is a scene. I'llgodownstairs and boil the coffee myself


oue can make colfee—

and you hurry downwith the children as soon as you can. Thereis plenty of bread and butter and coldboiled ham, anyhow. .Nobody ever starvedon that."

Mr.Cavendish had "camped out" a gooddeal during his bachelor uays, and suc-ceeded in preparing a very good pot ofcoffee. The bread and butter and cold hamwere not bad of tlmir kind, but the childrencried aloud for milk. The Cavendisheskept a cow, and the milk had not beenbrought in.

"And that was what kept Lucy'" in-voluntarily cried Mrs. Cavendish.'• Condensed milk is good enough foranybody," asserted Mr.Cavendish.

But Bob and Ethel declined to drink iton auy terms.

"Starve 'em to ii'." said the father,drinking his hot coffee inprodigious gulps.".Healthy children have no business to bedainty."

And he caught up his hat and ulster andinatle a bee line for the train.

Mrs. Cavendish looked piteously aroundat the disordered table, the ash-choked tire,the general desolation of the room. Herheadache was gradually working itself upto the supreme moment of desperation.The children above stairs were crying forbreakfast. Hub was sailing his shoe in thecedar pail of water. Etnel was feeding thekitten from the can of condensed milk."Ma,"piped up Bob, "there's a tramp atthe kitchen winder!"

But it was no tramp. It was Miles, thestableman."Oh, Miles.Iam so glad!" said Mrs. Ca-

vendish. "Youhave bruught us the milk!"•'1haven't that, muni," said Miles. 'The

cow's lost, an' it's not uieself is goin* totrack her all through the swamps an" bogs.Ifthe master wants his cow took care ofhe's got to pay me a dollar a week morewages."

"Got to. Miles?""Yis'in!" boldly retorted the man. "I

ain't to be put upon no longer. DoctorMiller's man—"

"Very well," said Mrs. Cavendish, "youmay i>o!"

"Ma'am!" echoed astonished Miles."You are discharged," said Mrs. Caven-

dish, firmly, "at once!"Miles slunk away and disappeared.Mrs. Caveudish went up to her room, and

after administering as well as she could tothe wants of the poor little victims Ol meas-les she threw herself on the bi d, witha wettowel bound around her head and despairin her heart.

"Tin-re's one comfort," said Mrs. Caven-dish, gloomily smiling, "if he dischargedLucy 1have sent away Miles!"

Mr.Cavendish had an unusually busyday in the city. As ho was hurrying towardthe depot in the afternoon he rememberedthat his mission to Mr. Wiggins' famous"intelligence bureau" was yet unfulfilled.

"Coulound ii!" said Mr. Cavendish tohimself. "However, to-morrow will dojust as well. My mother did without anyhelp at all!"

Atthe station no buggy was waiting."1wonder what that lazy villain Miles is

doing! said Mr. Cavendish, a dark frowngathering upon his brow. "lie may thinkho s got a snug place ofit,but I'llteach himI'm not to be trilled with."

When he reached Althea Lodge every-thing was disorganized. Ethel was pullingthe leathers out of the peacock's tail. Bobwas galloping around the barn-yard on theback of Pounce, the pouy.

"We're having such "fun,pa!" he criedas his father entered the yard. "Pouncehasn't been fed, 'cause Icould not find thekey of the oat-bin and the cow is lost. Suchfun!"

"Where is Miles?" roared tho father."Madischarged him.""What forf"

'Cause hejalked saucy to her."Mr. Cavendish stood a moment staring at

the pouy and the peacock, the boy and thegirl.

"Ethel," said he, "let that, birdko. .Rob-ert, get off the pouy at once find come intothe house."

Ethel obeyed reluctantly; Hubert withalacrity.

"We've got company," chirped the latteryouth— "company, pa;Imost forgot to tellyou. And ma's in bed with headache, andthere's no one to get any supper. Hooray."

Mr. Cavendish hurried into the house.The pr.rlor was undusted, yesterday's flow-

f-rs were wilted in the vase?, and the lirahad died into a mass of feathery cinders.Through the open door was visible thedining-room, with the remains of the break-fast still on the table— as dispiriting a sceneas could well be beheld. And therein the midst of all this furlornity, sat Mrs!Burgoyne, his sister from the West, towhom he had frequently boasted <<f theperfection of his wife's housekeeping ar-rangements, and a Mrs. Kidgway, wliOonce, years ago, had been a sort of sweetfriend of his. Of all people, he was mostanxious that his home should appear Dleas-ant in the eyes of those two women ! andnow—

He made the best of it,however. He ex-tended to them an ostentatiously hospitablewelcome, hurriedly built up a blazing can-

nel coal fire in the grate, and hastened up-stairs to where poor Mrs. Cavendish wasdeluging her forehead in cologne and en-deavoring to twist up the wet braids of herheavy hair into company order.

"Julia," said he, "what does this mean?Miles gone—""

Idischarged him," said she, resolutely,"You said that Iwas perfectly justifiable

in doing so ifhe spoke impertinently tome.And he did so."

"But what am Ito do?""l'recisely the question Iasked you this

morning."Mr.Cavendish had nothing further tosay for himself. lie simply muttered some

kind of an anathema between his closedlips."

Do you know," he said, "that there, iscompany downstairs?""Yes; but until this moment Ihave beenunable to leave my bed."".My dear," he said, compassionately,

putting his arm around her shoulder, "duesyour head ache so hard?""Itis better now, James." \u25a0•\u25a0",;

< "Ido believe," slowly observed Mr. Cav-endish,"

that Ihave been a fool.""Oh, James!"-

"Iwish 1hadn't flown into such a pas-

sion with poor Lucy. And all about, too, when one comes to think of it."

Mrs. Cavendish laughed hysterically.'We all make mistakes, James," said

she. "Wait a moment, dear, and I'llgodownstairs with you now, if you'll give mayour arm. Icouldn't ask your sister audher friend up lure with the children sickwith measles, could I?""*

VJ,'.° is with tiiem now— the children. Imean?"Ahandy youne girl from the village-Lucy's sister."

.."Couldn't— she help us with thedinner?" ventured .Mr. Cavendish.

"She is too young. Besides, she has hadno experience. But, James—""Yes, Julia!"

"Open confession is good for the soul,"said Mrs. Cavendish. "Lucy came back tome about two hours ago. .She said you hadsent her away, but that she could not bearto leave meat such a time. She is gettingdinner downstairs now."

"She's a trump!" cried Mr. Cavendish.Scarcely had ho introduced his wife to theladies in the parlor than the folding-doors

of the back room slid open, revealing aa bright fire and a Well-spread table, dec-orated with spring llowers—daffodils, tu-lips and a few purple spites of lilac. Apair of ducks had been roasted in the bestaud most tempting style. There weresweetbreads and chicken salid by way of entrees;a delicious steam pudding sent forth itsperfume from the kitchen, and Lucy wasjust bringing in the tomato soup.

Mr. Cavendish nodded good-humoredlytoward her. She courtesied respectfully.

"Youneedn't worry about the horse andcow, sir, she said, in a low voice. "PeterPrink from the Low farm is coming to at-tend to them."While the rest were discussing thesteamed pudding ana prune pie Lucy

slipped into the parlur, and, to use her ownUtiiis, "straightened" up the disorderthere, and the last impression taken awayby the visitors was one of neatness and.comfort.

Mr. Cavendish drew a long breath as hewatched the retreating footsteps of his com-pany toward the road that led to the train... i. *»' Silill '""• turning to his wife,1ye come to the conclusion that timeshave changed since my mother did tile work

for ten children without any servant.""Iquite agree with you," said Mrs. Cav-endish, quietly."AndIwas entirely wrong when Isent

Lucy away and you were quite right whenyou discharged Miles. So henceforward,my dear, we will try to mingle a little com-muu sense with our housekeeping. Eh?Shall we?"

Mrs. Cavendish smiled as she assented.


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