The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle...

PFOC% TO CO XT R A CTORb>? Cont'd. MOfOeALS FOB TH K CONSTRUC- ot campoe.t« gjgtc p..- tne Lotted »taxes i.+vy. i i;y tlilttit w V\ £). C., t ' v aj, jjjt i.nder authority conferred fTjjM. act of n; a*;:,g aivr^p.*- tor naval swvii*, approved STrtti X sealed propoaa** .tre utreoy Kited a»-l VlUi °* received ai thla a e - E^aeat a»tii 12 o noon, on Tue*- R l>: iay of <>ctCijer. la&.. at and place they will be opened in the *rZ.r>.e ot C tending bidders for the con- Erctioa, ex'.'usive of armament, and in- JK.-iiii* equipment as specitted. by coa- S-t of »?a iignt-draft composite ?T-, of ah *t one thousand tona Sttcach. whicn ventit are. for tna pur- Sis of this advertisement, designated as Nos. i'J. ii, L., 12. 14. ano 10. Said *7ae.g are to be constructed In accord- -acT wt'.r. the requiren.enta of toe afore- act of y~axca Z. is*,, via: Tnat 'in Jt. of aL said vess-.* *ll or t* ir»>E* of tne act of August third. Spleen Hundred and eignty-Bix, endued TTs act to tc reaae the nava* e.-itao4.*a- Zf~* ? as to for said vcwdi. I-usr engines. boiler®, and machinery, the too tract* uuder which Uiey are bui.t, ex- «.& W to premiums, which are not to he LZffd, the notice of any proposal for Use ?*** the pians, drawing#, ana spe'.ftoa- «Xa« theref r, and the method of execut- «Tg|ia?d contracts, a hall be observed and Sftowed, and »aid vesaeis ahaii be built in SmWiaaw with the terms of aai<i act. L v » that in all their parts said veaa-la Sail be of domestic manufacture." Trie Sstracts for the conatrucuon of said gun- toite will contain prows. ;<na to the enact ttat the contractor guarantees that wnen «?jrpieted and tested for speed, under «ta«ltlons to be prescribed by the navy apartment the tj»«-ed developed by the tWf »i« upon such trial shall be not lesa ttan an average of 12 knots an hour, abstained successfully for four consecu- t>v» hours, during which period the a,r ?ftffur- shall not exceed in the aah p.-a ot the cylindrical return-lire tubular boil- er* a pressure of one Inch of waier. if, oc tr»*i. the veaaels develop and maintain, ot afjregA.d. an average speed of lz knots Ss hour or they will be accepied ao far is >®ee<l .a concerned. If the veaa-els ji, to develop and maintain aa aforeaa.d otij guar a.:; .e»f u ispeeo (12 Knui a>. but ex- h.u.i an aveiage speed of not ieaa than U Siots an houi they will be accepted, so its as ap<.-ed is concerned, at a ieduc- d Mice, the reduction being at the rate of ten :ho«»and doUara a knot. If the apeed fali# ueiow an average of 11 knots an nour i: ».ian be optional with the secretary of tue ;.<ivy to reject the veasaia or to accept at a reduced -price to be agreed woo between tne aecretary and the con- tra tons. iiach contract will provide that on the expenaea ot all tr:a<a pnor to nre- taiinar> or conditional exceputnoe, snail |eborne by the contractor, bald vt =a- U are to tw contructed in accordance with p.ana acd speciia.-ai>on» provided or adupud by Ui4 aecreiarj of the navy. A circulax de- icing the chief charaeteriatica of aa d v«s«i* and their machinery, and enumer- ating the requirements with which the cjac# a..d specsr utions tiserefjr provid d by !iic .? rs should comply baa been pre- pared, and copl-.a of the same pay be obtained upon application to the bureau* of construction and repair and ateam engineering. Plans ai."j specifications for tne ccusirav- tkßi or the veaaela may be aeen and t «mined at the department on and after September 1, lasfc. Forma of propotsiii, «Sii/.*acihg a general statement of prov.a- |ou» to be included In the contract for ?ach of aald vessels, will be prepared, and »a> be obtained at any time after Se<p- ttasber 1, ISK. on application to the de- part.-:.', v.:. m j..: :; r rmation eaaential to bidder? can also be obtained. Kach of vessels muat be completed within fif- teen months from the date of the contract and payments on each vessel will t>e made in twenty equal Installments at the work progrt saes, upon bills du>y e»rUfi*d, from which ten per cent, will be reserved to be paid on the full and aompi»tion of the resp.-ctive contra s The aforesaid act of March 2, 18ST>, further provides that not more than two of ?aid gunboats shall he built by on® contracting party and that in fach case the contract shall be awarded to the lowest and best responsible bidder. Every person who shall submit a proposal will be required to show to the satisfaction of the secretary of the aavy, that within three months from date of contract he will be of the at c-aaary plant for the p*?rformarc e. in th» United States, of the work which he ?nail offer to undertake. The evid n:e thus required muat accompany the pro- posals or be aubmitted to the Department In advance. Ba!d gunboats are to be of t*o general types, those of one type hav- ing Bogle-screw engines and full sail poaer, and those of the other, having twin-screw* engines and carrying steady- ing sails only. Four of said vessels will b* built of the former type and two t>f the latter type. In the department's ?pacifications no provision is mnde for »n electric lighting plant for those vessels that are to have twin-screw engines and oa!y steadying saila. but bidders are re- quested to state in their proposals what amount will be added to tne price named if an Incandescent electric lighting plant similar to that specified for vessel* of the other type should be Included and aiso what amount will be deducted from the amount bl 1. if eteam and steam stearsr. both or either, be omitted. Hid- den? are also requested to «tat» In th*'.r pr vogais for the vessels that are to have alrgie-screw engines and full sail pawer what amount will be deducted from th« price named If steam windlass, steam ?feerer and electric lighting plant, all or any one he omitted Fach proposal muat Include the construction of the vessel, her ®ach!nery and equipment, com; >te in all r*pp<"ts, as required by the plans and ?replications, and contract will be made ?fnarateiy for each vessel. Including hull, tut'hinerv and equipment. Proposals are divided Into two classes, as follows: pro- posals for hull. machinery and equfpment { c!a«s I?For the construction of the hull and machinery. Including engines, boilers and appurtenance*, ana equipment a* specified. complete in all re«j>*cts In ac- cordance with the plans and speclfloattcTis r>o\ided by the secretary or the navy ropoeals for hull, machinery and equip- ment. class Z?For the construction of the hull and machinery. Including engines, hosiers and appurtenances, and equipment *s ypeclfled. complete In ail respevts. In e ecrdanee with the plans and specifica- tion* provided by the bidder. Put no such proposal will be <*on*idered unless accom- panied by full and complete specification* nf th* hull and machinery, hy plans »;i:1 -'alculnthtiis as mav be for * thorough Interpretation of the des'.ga thereof. *hich shall be In conformity with the require rev* nts ( >f the circular above ir»nt!on*d. an l by a satisfactory guaran- tee of th* results of the same if adojjt -<i B Idem may. If they so d*slre, th« Pians and of the department the hull or machinery, or any par' of either, and embody them In their plans and specitlca'ions to be submitted with their prop-*sal*. Bidders, who may destr* to offer to construct two of said vessels, way frnbrace both In one proposal, the nrcfl i>f hclnc >Hven separatelv: but bidders arc not re«trlctc»l to one prt>p>ea.r; L e . the *:»?? c bidder may propose f;>r on-» or two of said ve>s<*e!e. under epher or both of the two c!a««»-s of proposals as above specie. ! Each propt «al must he aocom- Pn- 1 hr a satisfactory ci»rtifl> 1 check pavah'e to »h» of the secretary of 'he r%\ iTid th o che-'k-of the successful ;.dder s" all Nwme the property of the J'nlted States tn ' he shall fail to enter !"\u25a0-> t ! -e ?».] <\u25a0'!» .-outrai-t an Ito f ?mt*h , the r*<j'!ls"» security on the acccp* -f els il The amount of such check iNust b<« not V«s than flva per cent, of the amount of tho bid. but a bidder, ln- ! rc \ -s«e!s Ir* his propoeal. will net He r«>c '-et to submit therewith a cer- tified ? »vk exec- 11'ijr In \mount the sum of $ . \u25a0».> \t; ohe-ks of bidders whose proposal* shall not be> WW cr> the ,r.» f the c.'-ntts. b* returned to t*it»m the heck of ea -h succe*sful bid- der w!i h'* returned to him when his con- tract h ** h-'-en duly entered into and the \u25a0-ite «? :rltv furnished Ever% sik~- ee««»-i! »m V- n-tll be required, within - after the acceptance of his Prv,r» «a! ??» e»ter Into a formal contra t for tHe faithful performance of the work *' *to t: y . ?:.«'>*?!-t'>rv bond f such per*>r- ar e<n a penal sum eoual to flf- tjers p»r cent, of the amount of his hid Prone** - ? . .*? rr-ad«> In dtirPcate Pi s»">oi-di".«e w'th form* will be fur- .. ~ ~( ? n to th* department. ?? «a t IT 4 !re««- d th* «. *-ir. f n »vv, navy de«art- n? "* IV , V-st ??? P C . and marked fh# Oonsfnictlotf of Oun- Wti" TV* secretarv of the navy re- ee-\es \u2666*?<» f ?»,» »o rC'-ct srv or all K ds. t- v . . ,\~p. | n (pre<*s of y»e J . *r?? v require. HILARI A. RPIIP* :T -retarv of the Vavy r < orNI V NOTU V not- : tax paykrs? Not > «» offffey % ?*#»n tb*? th# boiri of county town « of Ktn* county, sitting * bo*r* of rqutliutton. will bo in *rek«. f«nstwM r* Monday. Aj* .»: \ i>. at »h# K rt« roun:y oourt 4 ? f>r *ht» purpo««* of tt* t4» r ' jvix All t»* P«y*W oU:m- ir.< 4 of mx *ro h«*r<"hy notified ; ,r ? >r bofor* Saturday. August \®' t- fonpvor Karrovi. , , .&*t« < t , i;tio. th 2.M <say of July * P- ISks - VVTHAN r<KM AN. County .4 . r ns Kx-Ort :o <M«rk e? tb» Pj«rfl of bounty C9tßml»*Jo»tri of ir.oN work avp platino t\~ ? HA-i-IXO ANi)~FUTXO CO. iii Lu... RTF! AM EU*. FUGET SOUND AND ALASKASTEAM- SHIP COMPANY. VICTORIA ROUTE 6TBAMSHIP CITY OF KINGSTON. Bat-ween Tacoena and Victoria, B. C. 8:00 am ilvvlMl!. .."Tacoma. .JUO'Arj 4 45am lorLVwm Lv 2S Seattle....! K Ar; 3:ooam 1 Jopm'Lvl 721.Pt. T*wn»'d.f 38 A.r'll:46pm 4 ))pm'Ar 110...Victoria ..iMLLvi ?Daily except Monday. BTEAMER SEHOMTI Between Seattle ana Vlotorla, B. C. 10 p m]Lv| "Seattle .! I Art 4pm 1 a IT. Lv ...Pt. Town send...'Ar 15:30 p m 6am Art Victoria iLv{ 9a ni ?Daily except Sunday. T!:ese etearners furnish first-c'.aas ac- commo»ia'tons, carrying both freight and passengers, arid leave fr<Mn Y».*sler wharf. Seattle. For rates, etc.. Inquire of S G YERKEB. Yesler Wharf, Sea-ttle. T A NADEAL* General Agent. X. P. R- R . Seattle. OLYMPLV. TACOMA AND SEATTLE ROUTE S. Willey Navxi't-n Co *s St earner MULTNOMAH. PAILY TIME CARD Leave. L Arrive. 01yrr;«la at.. « »> a m Jacorr a at.. ? »a m Tacofrwi a l .. »<? a at .: ?»\u25a0 m pe*ttle at ... 1 n mTm.-. >ma at... !s»pm Tacoma at S:» p m Oi>vnpla at...iiO pra CITY OF ABERDEEN. DaUy except Sunday. ArrtTa. Sewttle T »amT*w«r:a .... SJTam <r», onm i«>?'>' a m Ol>-n-p>A 1 p m Oivmsk ; "OOp m Ta»-wtui f> p m Tacoma .... b » p m Seattle . \u25a0* P m Fare be'w -en Seattle and Taooma. f*) eertts landn* at Seattle City do-ta. foot of Main s'reet. . , LILLY. Btxl VRDT'S * CO. Agents. City Dock. Telephone SoS. Capt. li. VTCley. Manager rVKRETT AND RNOHMOISII ROUTE, t \ f-ivr. ST ;. :aNli:k m a HEL T eaves Cen'ral wharf daily at ? * tv m.. i> -e.%t Uelrieslav and S Iliij* ntrhte. ? C a! Elmonls Everett. Ttarvgvtlle, and Snohomish. Tt-tuming leave st tn . excep- M. ndav and Thursday. C >nneoung at SnohomUll wtta up river J. WTL.LET. Agent. _ PACIFIC NAVTGATON CO. Tim* Card In E.foot Jane L UK. Everert and TVhatt»m route? R'*te of Vashtnco® leave* Seattle daily, ?.seer* Saturday, at W p. m. i.vvf-t a- i Ui Conner rc .'e? leaves Seattle daily, except iav. at f a m. telephone ST Ye- er I>v-a. PACIFIC Tnspatcte at earners from Seattle as fol- ,oF*r San Francisco via Por* Towr.seod .h VktoHa. it U m. (rwu»>e gers re- SSted w » i 7. H y'xr Alaska ?July 4, IX and ra:l a. Franc!for VVtorla snl v ami Sound at » a. m.. July a, * 14. -4 aa-d «r« -ke-s mav be obtained at th* offlc* of .T» -Tr.. Ocean k. Seattle, the n ,M>ALI. PFRK INS ACO , <>~e-al San Pns- \u25a0:«--o r F TROWBRIDGE. Act. P. S. Sap:.. Tv>ht orciTTrd and POR r w as: u 1V IN ROUTS. A. R Robtnaoru carrytng U S. wvea Cj v dock, foot of Ma n st . M a ?" arrive* a' Sidney a: 1 »a. *: a-riv«» a* S at U in. L~ ??* E *-.-?* al2l»r. n* . '?» 8- e> co r *". u T: l Daiiv exoe-pt Sundays 1. r r , master. UjT IWartts * Co jo* ciiarttr on S-ad*y. FOR ALASKA. STEAMER CHILKAT Leave® June Ist. Making Two Trips a Month. Far freight and p&asenger ra'es Inquire of E. EL CATNE. Railroad avenue, foot of Spring street. Telephone 708. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Honolulu ar.d Australia. S**am era leave Sari Francis-for Hono- lulu Samoa. Auckland. N Z.. and gy J- nev ' N S \V . without .change. Steamship Alameda, July 25. 2 p. m. Honolulu only. s:«amship Australia. 43 X 0 ft. xn. THOS A. GRAHAM. AGENT, S'arr- Boyd Mock. Seattle. \V Webster. Dist, Agent, \aneouver, c* 9 I D. Spr^V*ls A Bros. Co., General Agents, fa:". Francisco. THE VANCOUVER ROUTE-A TRIT THHOI UH THE ISLAXDS. S-eatner Utopia. J A. O'Brien. Master, leaves Tacoma, 12 noon. Seattle. Yes- wnarf. 8 p m.. Monday* ar.d Thurs- 4av« for Port Townsend. Aracorres. Fair- haven Ne« What cam. Plain* and Friday and Vancouver, arriving Van- Si. ver 4 p. m.. following day T^,r« to Plain*. *-\u25a0 fare to Vancouver, n. \u25a0por further Information apply lo Yes- Itfi wbarf. ; THE ALASK \ STEAMSHIP CO S BTBAM.ER WTLLAPA. Cap am George Roberts. 1 eavdng Seattle for Alaska August H every 15 days 'hereafter. F-r freight ar rates apply to J ' t « ARROIJa Agent, c -vnrj»b.v*h*r Pock Tel *!. f PKABODV, General Mar-ager. feeattla VICTORIA ROITT STEAMER ROSALIE. Arlington denk. >e*ves for Victoria ar 1 rort Totw i das v. except S indav. a* ll io p. m ? returning, leaves Victoria » . ~ Idaho 1-aves for f\>rt To«r,send ar. 1 way ports daily, ex opt Snday a" 7 a. m.; F :n lay. direct, *t » . ' m returning direct. leave* Port T 1 a.: 4 p rn Taierhone 710. tL & DRY POCK. SIDNEY, CHARLES- TON AND BREMERTON ROUTE,. Pa'.y Sunday. Tie Fa*t *«.-d Commodious Steamer GRV CANBY ? *"\u25a0 v it « ' a -i% :.<* va* 4 p m. from Central wharf. TeJe- STEAMER CRICKET. Seattle end Evere*t Route. Da. y f.N *pt Sunday. Iyav-s St-a: *. rp *? "i. ar, i 4 !t> p. rn. I.*«aves Ev7:®) a. ia. and iZ.H p. m. Fare. cents. Makes stops at Edmonds ar 1 M ikllteo. Lca*e« Ca;ne s k«k. foot of *pr:r,g st., Seattle. Leaves Natl dock Everett. ET> HARRINGTON. Managing Owner. NEW SHORT LINE KANSAS CITY M. P. B*tua AS l*a>eg artwit MS f>Mu a-TMk Rank*. SAVINGS BAXK. Occidental Seal tie, WaaX Capftal CM.W i. =f < ?CS rKRS . , i r VD TBr9T^»-_ t Jos. ' r T vie. I'" \u25a0 'l-n : JL J 8 3? cni v*ce Prea:dent FVa-k I RoV± a ' MM fL <; " Vf A See r '.%s * ?* vln * bank buslnes. ex- IntM^t 9 P * ,r ', ,s from r - t9 |4,< > annum, ft;* p«r iffayiasiL!K « approved collaterals OCIT es.a.eor DEXTER HORTON it CO., BANKSRa Incorporated VU7. p»T>ttal . \u2666**«\u25a0» Burpius vSTtev A ADen ny Mce President w. M. I^dd JJf'Sf®' H. Latjmer \u25a0leht R v * n Tuyl '*chancy and teierraphlc trana- fers on New York. Chica*'.. 3? Pan® iUn Francisco Portland and varloua points in Oolosabia. B.srht bills of excranee on London avall- ?ble alaewhere in Europe. ?bte VMTMU* 1X14(1 iai points on favor- *n<' valuablea ra- ?wred on deposit tor oafe k#»o!ng TH* PL."GET SO XD N ATIONAL EAXK OF SLATTi^E. Capftal r.ock paid In C2I(N r $HsA.m» i 4C ?. b - President g- C. Neufeller Vice Pres dent R. V. Ankeny Cashier _ _ , DIRECTORS. J- £? Nenfelder. J R. Havden, 8. Frauen'hal. Jacob Furth. Sigmund Schwabacher. in all the principal Htlea 'n the t'nited States and Europe. THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. Paid up capital 9150.000 Surpiua SLZ.OuO J. H. M-Graw Pres'dent Maurice McMicken Vice Pre*id«nt Lester Turner Cashier General banking business transacted Sight and te!»rraphle exchange payabla In all 'he principal HM-a nf 'ha T'ni'fd S*at»-s and Europe. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Paid up capital. re»«rrve. fI.ITS,- 000 Head office. S"-Lombard street, Lon- don. Branches. Portland. San Francisco, Seattle. Ta oma. Victoria. N?? w Westmln- ater. Nanairao. Kamloops. Nelson, Van- couver, B. C. A x-neral hanking and ex- change buainess transvred. l<oans made. Bills discounted. Commercial credits granted Depoaita recr-ivad on current ac- count aubject to check R LEA BARNES Manager. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Corner Commercial and Tesier ava. Paid up capital.. 1300.000 Trar>safts a general banking business. M. D. Ballard President H. C. Henry Vice PreMd^nt R. R. Spencer Cashier THE GUARANTEE LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Incorporated IXS7. Capital, 1200,000 Bailey Second and Cherry Stx Transacts a GENERAL BANKING AND SAVINGS Bu«iness. Deposits received lr. any amount from SI upwards and interest allowed thereon. THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. TUESDAY. JULY 30, 1895. STTTAMFRS. TRADE ANI) SHIPPING. PQRECAfT FOR TUESDAY. F rtlud. Or, July 29, ISSS. Clottdy: cooler. B. S. PAGUE. Forecaster. Sian Frarv-isco. July s?.?For Washtng- toc: Showers along the coast, followed by fair weather; fair elsewhere: slightly cooler and cl udy; southern to west w:n-is C. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- TURE. WEATHER BUREAU. DAILY BULLETIN Seattle, July 3>, 199& a ;H is __ r -3 ; 5 1 ,S' *"**? i i i i sal 2if X J B sig ej? ! \u25a0 - rL ' r " : § i I != i? : : fall?? I : I!| i |!h - HI : Tstcotfc ...[S>.I«S K «>' SI SI .V* Cloudy Pt Angeles. #>.l' -W m"j 14; T Cloudv Ft Csnby.. S* K2' ,W Cloudy Sesttle 3M.10 72: fC\Ltj .U0 PtCldy Spokane ...:J9.» K! S4 NW 10< .a> PtCldy Walla W... 78 SH |3W g .WiPtCldy Port;aad .. » i- j*w! 291 .9"' Ptcidv Roseburg <8: 74,NW 12: .OPClouiv Hak»r City. ».*? 7«n NW Lt .WiCloody Eureka ?lSO.lftt 56 62 NW « .<» C oudy Red Bluff.. 29.9 C M % SF. Si .00 PtC.dy Sa~ram'o .. 'i* <* 7K : %»'jSW IS] .00 Clear San Fran..'*.* ® « »W *! .oQ,Clear Wincem a . HM «\u2666' «( |W| 18 s «>v Clear Salt Lake. ».S5 84 B Idaho Flails:*).6o 74. W| K* »i T PtCldy He.eaa .... SS t, .it Cloudy Otse? vatlons taken at all stations at ? p. m.. 75th meridian time (i p. m. Paclflo time). GEORGE N. SAUSBURY. Oh«raervar in Charge Tides at Seattle Harbor Today. JHlgh~Bde ~jT Low"Tldi a. m. j p m feet ja. nv | faet p.m fae« 3 \u25a0'C 12.8 U.<JS 13.9 1 6.47 1 1.0 1 a.4&j 118 At Port Townsend. ~2.Q j ».» j10.39j 9-7:1 6.03 j t.T 1 ijiTl Seattle, July 29, 1595. Exchangee at Seat tle. Taooma and Port- land clearing houses today werwi Clearances. Balances. Seattle $ S2.2S> 21 *3S,IS2 SO Ta. mia Hool >*) Portland 171.0>jt> <Jw 4,5.!*» Th« fruit season may be aaid to be fairly at Us htignt, as just at the present time it includes nearly everything of the whwie year, with the exception of straw- berries. In some particulars the prices are still high, and in others they are very low, but taken altogether the deal- ers are probably enjoying better proiits w;th less waste from decay, and the sales are quicker than they will be again this year. Gravenstlne applea. which are probably the fineat in the market, have arrived from California, and the largest, which are also excellent, too, have come in. They each sell at J1.25 a box, but the lat- ter were quoted yesterday as low at sl. Walla Walla apples brought Ssc. The raspberry season is about over, and yesterday they brought Si .10 a crate. No trade £* currants is quite apparent, and the price is weak at 85c®fl. Yellow egg plums are on hand at $1 a crate; gol- den drops from Vashon are offered at 50c a box; purple Duanes sell at 90c and red ones at 50@«5c. Wenatchee apricots are selling very well at ft>3'7sc. Crawford peaches are In good demand at CigTic. The best lemons bring $6. New native potatoes were offered yes- terday as low as Cucumbers of rood size from outside points sell at 15® 25c a dozen, while the large hothouse- grown bring 4t>c. Green corn is down to 17y lSc for the best. Wax beans af e in very little demand. Washington creamery butter is moving w*«l at 1f319c: dairy at 14<?16c. Strictly fresh ranch egas sell at 14013 c. and East- ern Waahingtons bring but 10#12Hc. Poultry demand Is less than the supply. PORTLAND GRAIN. M ARKET. Portland. July 29?Wheat?Valley, 50c; Walla Walla, 47c per bushel. SAN FHA>CIXO MARKETS. Breadstuff* and Grains. San Francisco, July 29.?Flour?Family extras, s3.3S>t#3 is; bakers' extras, s3.i£ J 5».35: superfine, $2-35'92.00. Wheat?No. 1, shipping wheat, 93VI choice* 95e; milling, O 2 ! 3 . Barley?Feed, fair to good, 60c; choice, 61V: brewing. 70©750. Oats-Milling, 95c#51.06; Surprise, jrj 1.10; fancy feed. «Hcflfl: rood to choice, S,>yiioc; poor to fair, 75-QsOc; black, nomi- nal: pray, 80982 V- Flour, quarter sacks, 10,500; wheat, cen- tals. 104.000; barley, 16.100; oats. I.SjJO; corn, 110; beans, sacks, 500; potatoes, 3,73<">: onions, 2«»; bran, 2.050; middlings, sacks. 1.575; hay. tons, 1,500; wool, bales, 103; wool. Oregon, 60; wine, gallons, 40,- 000. Wool and Hops. Wool?Quiet; sprinjf, year's fleece, San Joaquin. «©6HsC: six to eight months do, «®Bc; sir to eight months Calaveras ar.l foothill. Iree, do defective. 6®*c; Northern, jrood to choice, r."fISV; do, defective. B®loc. Nevada spring, light and Choice. {Kr t llc; heavy, 6 ?Sc. Hops-Quotable at 4J>6c per pound. Closinsr Quotation* Wheat?Easier; December, |l 04S: Mar, 51 11*4; new sellers, fl.ol. Barley? Weaker; December, 64 V- Corn?Jl. 10. Bran?Jl3 per ton. Financiat. Silver bars. >Vv?Sß6%Draft» -S'.g'ht rj M«x dollars.S4S&s4V Tel . graph S Mininsr stocks. a 11 Kentuck Con A i Con «> i-adv Wash. Con "l Andes 24 dexican 61 H" her *?" it. Lrtabio I> R-*- A- Belcher... 61'Occidental Con... SI Bullion Caledonia 1«-Herman 13 Challenge C0n.... 30£*otosl 3J Chollar 35 Confidence MS- orpion « I C n Ca! & Va... iASierra Nevada.... 4> Crown Point \u2666\u2666.Silver Hill G-uld & Currie... H-ttiver King 3". Hale & Noroross. »v 'r.k»n Con 4J juiia 0-' i eliow Jacket.... & lustiee J*r<Kj uce. . Green apple*. - red app'ee, 75c^ $1.15 raspberries, common straw- berries. J- 35^3- CHICAGO M VUKETB. Th«* Board ofTrmlf. Green corn. *V«tl a green peas. 21;I 1 ?-'; string beans. IS ?2V. Wild ducks I- ;4; >oung roosters. fZ.ZMf 150; fryers. large roosters, 53&150. Kastern cheese?U6l2V; fancy mild, new, S%ste. Onlons. 50t»'7Sc Butter?Creamery. seconds, * 13481 ic; Choice to fair, 1-Hi 12--. Kffjrs?Ranch. lT^lSc. P.tatoea?lCariy Rose, Salinas Burbar.ka, river Burbanka, vj 7'X-, sweets, 2c NEW YORK >1 MIKETS. The MoeW Kxi hnnirr*. >»< w York, July 2??Sr emulation on the sto*-k exchange wu very active today ar.d the trading generally strong- in tone. At the opening there ws j a slight im- pr veraent In values, but a lumber of gelling orders were met with lines put out by bears, as well as w-eak holders of the grangers, In order to reaine profits. Ti ;es« sale* oabsed a reaction, in Chi- cago Gas ani Colorado Fuel were most prominent, both falling off l p*»r cent. The other losses were only fractional. T? is d wrward movement was short- lived, for the buying waa so gcw»i that the sellers took alarm and changed over to the bull side of the market. Sugar waa taken hold of by the bull « U-jue and forced up S per cent. The grangers ad- vanced from to 1 p*-r cent.. Cotton Oil IV and th« rest of the list a fraction. Tuwards 11 o'cl:«~k reports of daraare ty hot winds tn Nebraska were used to weaken th« grarrers. but with small ef- fect. The market eSoaed strong under renewed buying, snd prices ma today are in th® main higher over Saturday. Oregon Short Lira, Tobacco pfl and St. Paul advanced I per cent.; St. Paul pfd, 14; 8-car. r-». Nickel Plata r'd. IV u A N. IV Atchieon pfd wh#n issued sold up to 3?, an advance of 1 per ceet. The bend market was ac3raV*d and ?trone; aggr-gate of sales. $2,727,930. Owwisawt bonds?Steady. Stats bonds? Inactive. Railroad bonda?Strcr.g. Financial. on call easy at 1 per cent.: last loan, 1. elosed 1 per cert. Prim* mer- cantile paper, 3"<?4 per cent. Sterling exchange?Ftrm, with actual business in bankers' bills at v 4 for demand and J4 9*u* for ® days. Posted rates. Commercial bills. W.«s^4?4.Ss'~s. Silver certificates, ®S*4#®S* i 4 e - Kond«. C. S. *».n«w lr»f.'J24C. P. '*ts of *35..V"? US.,coup 1340. A R. G. L. 8. to. r*g UfV Fours h 1.. 8. Ss, Seconds L. S. 4s, rtg IU G. H. & A- l." te Cf ?- : -ts Bevens 1"* i J- S 2s. rg ... 97 HAT. C. 65....1*-, Pacific Ss. Sixes K* A a., Class A....10* M. K. T. Ist -is... ST* Aia., Class 8....W7 i Second 4s Ala., Class C.... 97 Mutual Ir.u* Salli Aia., Currency... 97 N. J. C. Gen. te.llSS La. New Con., is « >j. p. ists ll* » Missouri to i<»> i Seconds I'V 'a X Carolina fe...LS N. W. Con 14:"« Fours ius Ss F. l>eh. to.. .Us- s 8 C. Non-fund.. 1 R. G. W. Ists.... 77', Tenn New Set to <3 St. Paul « ?;; 7el Fives lo& j C. ft P. W. to .113 A * Old to #\u2666 S Uftl.M.OfH. to «4'-» Va. Centuries.... fir*-: LAS F.Oen te-l* Deferred s ! sTex. Pae. ists.... -.'?\u25a0* Atchison 4s Sl'-» Seconds 2S** Second A P. Ists of ?>..!<» » Canada So. 3ds. West Shore 4s. ..l'-Tl* L. k. X R. R 9>'* 0. R. & N. lsts..Uu^3 Qnr»tatlorn. Atchison 1-W- P. P- * G.... ? Adams Express.l 47 Northwestern ..!?> Aiton, T. H f Preferred 14*. Amer. E*press..ll3 tV. Y. Baltimore A 0... S. Y. & N. E.... >?\u25a0?3 Cana la Pacific.. 52 Ontario & W? '7 2 Canada South... 53HOre. Improve.... It Central Pacific.. lv*-Oregon Nav 27 Ches. & 0hi0.... ! 4 0. 3. L. & U. N. 7 Chicago A1t0n...156 [Pactflo Mail 29 C. B. fit Q 91% P. D & B «H Chicago Gas Pittsburg l^C'i Cob. Gas 140 Pullman Palace.l7s C. C. C. i St. L. 4S Reading IS CoL C. & I > R- G. W 1.4 Cotton Oil Cer.. 27 I Preferred 42 Dei. Hudson luUßock 151and..... 'F% D. L. 4t W 162 St. Paul 71S D. «s R. G. pfd.. 4SV,! Preferred li"-.** Dis. & C. F. Co.. 28V31. Paul & 0 41'ts En© Preferred ......130 Preferred 24 Si-gar Refinery..lli\ FV«rt "Wayne. if>2i»South. Pacifio... 3T ,i * G. N. pfd 127 Tenn. C. A I £""?* C. 4 E. L pfd....101 Texas Hocking Valley. 24 1 - S T. A O. C. pfd... .9 Illinois Central..l«» " I'nion Pacific.... 13** S:. Paul A D.... 2* I'. 8. Express... 41 Kan. & Tox. pfd :W'/W. St. X* A P... 9 L. E. & W 27U Preferred 21 *i Preferred 83* I Fargo 108 I.ake Shore 151 Western Union.. 92 Lead Trust 85*4 w A L. K L, & N 61 s * Preferred 52'- s L4 N. A 9 Minn. &8. Louis 2?** Manhattan Con.ll2%*D. & R. G 1«> M. ds C 15 Gen. Electric? &"4 Mich. Nat. Linseed C* Missouri Pacific. 35 Col. F. & I "7 M -bile A 0hi0... 24 I Prefetred .1 Nashvlll* Chatt. CS f H. * T. rent.... I Nat. Corilaga.... 1 'T.t A. A. & N. M. 2 Preferred ...... 3 ;T. St. L. A K. C 5 N. J. Central....lta% ! Preferred 14'-4 N. A W. H 1 * N. A Co 5% "Preferred 42\ Northern Pacific Tobacco..llrt'-j Preferred Preferred 11l The Grnln Pnpply. The visible supply of grain Saturday, July 27. as compiled by the New York Pro- duce Echange, Is as follows: Wheat, 53.- 299.000 bushels: decrease, 1,253,* V». Corn. 5,297,000 bushels; decrease, 784,000. Oats, 4.557/100 bushels; decrease. 323,000. Rye. 154,000 bushels; decrease, Barley, bushels; decrease, IS,OOO. Floor. Flour?-Receipts, 12.200 barrels: exports, 2,300 barrels. Market more active a?id higher with the rise in wheat. City mill patents, $4 i.">#4.70; city mill clears. Ji.J 4 2a; Minnesota patents, $3. South- ern flour, dull. Wheat. Wheat-Receipts, 23.000 bushels; no ports. Spot, quiet, but firm: No. 2 red, "Ctjc; No. 1 Northern, 7S\c delivered. Op- tions opened easier, closed higher, September. 75 7-ls®7S"*e, closed 7^ 3c. Hops. Hops?Dull. Wool. Wool-Steady. Metals. Pig Iron Firm; Southern. J11$?14; North- ern, Jl2® 14. Copper-Strong; exchange price, Jl.?Vl 1.75. Lead Strong; ex<-hanc«» price, 3.55. Tin?Barely steady. Spelter?Firm, $3.7553.80. CoiT<*e. Coffee?Options closed firm at 10 and 15 points net advance. July, I 15.40; October, |l".'o. Spot coffee?Firmer, Kio, lCc. Sutrar. Sugar-Raw, firm; refined, firm. Petroleum. Petroleum?Easy; A'.igi.'st options closed fl-27»i bi'L Chicago. July 23.?'The wheat trade was surprised to find that the Argentine ship- ments for the week, instead of hems; un- <s*»r l'Vi.'V'O. as one cablegram received Sat- urday had it. really amounted to the quantity of «Sfl,<VW. That was th» reason for a quick decline at the start from 71 7 ,f to~7lh»e for September wheat, it had barely touched the lower of these quota- tions. however, when ft started up asratn in a hurry, and Inside of th" first fiftfa minutes had risen to 72 V- The rise was verv irrearular after that, with a stror z b-illish undertone to the small business which was going on. From 7?4e it drop- ped to TlKc, rose arain and dropped niraln, finally rettlnff to T2%c about two hour* from the openir.e. The visible supply showed up well for the hulls. The r>r « of September was 7250 when the visible figures were made known, ar 1 in twnty minutes thereafter it had declined to 71' i". The Liverpool, Paris and Antwerp mar- kets all became firmer and slljrhtly Marker at the close, and Berlin was about un- changed. September closed at Corn held firm, considering the further pr< rrt ss under favorable weather condi- tions and the crop on record as far as it has gor#. The srood demand for cash com was the mainstay of the Sep- tember delivery. September closed at <7V- Oats w-ere inactive and featureless. The tone of the market was inclined toward firmness in sympathy with wh»«t and corn. September closed at 22*-. The profusion trade was dull. The prices, compared with final quotations «>n Saturday, show (rains In pork, lard and ribs of IT 1 *? for the f rm»r ai l 5c each for the latter. ( tonins Quotations. Wheat July. 71V; August. TT~c. Oats?July. 23-re: September, 22%c. Corn?July. 43i»c; September. 43 V Pork?July. » ,f » 72: Se?temt~r. *lO *2*4. I>ar I?July, 15.30; September, 16.17'*. Barley?cOc.«*\ Fiax-»1.24 Timoth> ?.75. Lire *tock. There was an active trade in rood to Choi.-# cattle, which were not very nu- merous at an advance of M©TV. Com- mon to choice native steers. J3 bulk native steers, s4VVj>y» oows and bulls. t! rafters, active and strone. Hogs were about steadjr heavy. 14 5 51: lights. H SN- 3; >4 T a 3.IS. A few assorted lights t Id at s?> *». In sheep there waa a irooi demand, and prices ruled steady. Them was a large number of fair to rood sheep here from Idaho, Wyoming. Montana and Oregon. N. W. HARRIS & CO. BANKERS. 163-165 Deirborn-st., Chicago. 15 Wall*st., i *rk 70 SuiMt. BwtM. BONDS L.o«f S: «\u25a0 JT: »«s»adeai» fcOiciWi- FLY ON TH E FI-TEB-** SRATTUE TO TACOMA. Tw rv jod tnom dti r except waway. la one hour and tweaV?T««tart«. THE KTr-OIEK TbTER._ __ P.afuia.r daily trw«, Be>t ue-Taccrn» route, as follows: Taking «fT»X TUMBDAY. MAT X TTMK CAJftD. p m. I>ave Tacoco*?^.3o c_ ni-. 1.00 4 3a. V « P m . Sun«iaT»? Lewre Bewt«le-?4» a. m. L*eve Ti«wn*-» » a. m.. 2 ». > L*rvitnif at North»ra Paciftc wharf. Ta- CMRa. arvd C<*nrr.«c lal dock, foot of Mar- tor street, ?<«?*:% Sundays, azcrurslott rata* en s*eamer Pleefwood: fare. SOc. SAN JUAN ISLANDS?STEAMER LY- DIA THOMPS«3N. . Oarrytng VnKed Sta?«e mail. Wv«7 dr-k, foot of Main street. Monde/. W-d- --r -»iar and Prvlar ai I a. m. for Port Townsend. Ju*n laiande ana New "Whatcom. TIME CARD. IN EFTRCT MARCH 11. Nortb Bound?Leave Seattle 2.80 a. m.; lea,* Port Townsend T.flu a. m.; leave Friday Ha.-W U:» a m.; i-ave Roche Harbor 12JS p- m.. arrive New Whatcom t '7O p. m, ? South Brwnd?Leave N'sw Whatrtora a. n ; leave Rc>che Hart»oe 9:<)0 a m.; leave Friday HaThor 10» a. m.. leave Per* To*"nser.d 4:00 p. tn . arrive Seattle 7 4"> p. sr.. J R Th 'vn r>*or. managing owrner. Lilly. R.-*ardja St Co.. ager.ts. City dock. ?Phone K3 EVERETT ROL'TE-STR. GREYHOUND Daiiy Ex -ept Sunday. b«o-:tie it; a m.. U:» a. tn. 4 SO p m. Lea.vee i>. er- :t Sa. m., 2p. m.. ' j? ndaya?Leaves Seattle 11 a. ra. Leaves £vere>t 3 p. aa. fare ?Single trip, 7V: round trip. 11.26: connects with boats for Taco.r.a and Sr.o- horrds*. I^andtng?Colman dock, foot of Marion SEATTLE AND TACOA NAVIGATION COMPANY. Claud Troup. Pres. F. W Goodhue. S'y. SKAGIT RIVER ROUTE WEEKLY TRILL-: CARD. STEAM BR CITV OF CHAMPAIGN Leaves City dock. Seattle, foot of Main and Ja/kson stxwata?J uly 3U, at 11 a. m.; August 1. at 6a. m.; August 2, at 7 a. m ; August 3, at 8 a. m. leaves Mount Ver- non?July 31. at K> a. m.. August 1. at 3 fm. > August 2. at 4 p. m.; August 3, at p. m. EVERETT AND SNOHOMISH RIVER ROUTE. F'eamer Clan McDonald !"<avee City do- k, daily, except Saturday, at It) p m.. for R!-:-hmor-i. Edmonds. M-kilteo. fvere't. Ma av'"e.Ka~' Bvejvt, Lowed a d Snoh>'i i>h cor.n-c Ing a* Sno- homish with baats for Cherry Valley, Tolt and ad ;:p river .joints. Returning, leaves Snohomish 8 a. m. dally, except- ing Sunday. LILLY. BOOARPT*S ft CO.. Inc.. Owners and Manager* HOOD CANAL. STEAMER CHEHALIS Leaves Caine'a dock, foot of Spricff street. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a m. Returning alternate days, leaves. Union Cltv &:?.\u25a0) a. m Kingston, 50c; Port Gamble, 50c; Union City. 5f S. JACKSON. Master. Telephone 7te. STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. RTRS. G.UILAND AND EVANGEL. Seattle and Towneend-Neah Bay Rotna. c -rr;er Garland leaves Y"aler dock Mon- days. Wednesdays and Fr.days at 12: a m for Port Townaend. Port Wililama, Duii*enees. Port Angeles. Port Crescent. Gettvaburg, I*y*bt. Clallam Bay and Neah Bav -??turning arrlvea Sea'tle 2 30 p. m. on 1 voo i ? u»> s. E-aaJner Evan. a. Yes>er dock for Port Angeles and Victo- ria Monday* Wednesdays and Fridays at ?3O p m.; arrtvea Seattle alternate days S p ra. tr a DRY DOCK. PORT ORCHARD AND SIDNEY ROITE. Tfcret# round trips daUy. STEAMER DELTA leaves SiSnev «:« and 11:30 a m. and 6 30 t> m Leaves* Seattle 9a. m. and 4 and 9 o m from Harrinfton A Smith's wharf, Tallin* at all way ports; goes vhroogh to Anderson's landing at 12 m. An mo D TROFTMAN. Master. A C. U. BERRY. Aj?*nt. Telephone 3». Sale* were on t v e ba?-s of T! 3*n n common to extra she~j», »r>d for lambs. Few sales were made at high pri?»s. the bulk of the sheep b. \ng of m - dix:m grades. Recerpt- -rattle. 13L-9»: calves, 2f«C hoars sheep. IX.W. Omaha Llw !®tork Market. Onaha, July I*. CattJe Stronger; Western sfeeru. $3 7a, earners, $' stockers and feeders. tL'biH, calves, Sfceep?Steady: fair to W>!«terr.« f- ' ¥>: common and atotk shevp, j 3-Ti. Lambs. JSffS. FORJiIGX MARKETS. Financial. July ?Silver, 3-!M, Con- sols. l>rt 5-1 C Hate of Interest Bank of Kngland. 2 per cent. Bre«att*fufll* and Grain. Liverpool. July Wheat?Spot. Arm; demand moderate; No 2, red winter, s «d; No. 2, red spring. Jd: No. I. hard Manitoba, Ss IM; No. 1, California. :# Futures steady. WfVl high- er; July and Axigust. sd; September. ?> "-d; October. :>s November, as 8V«<1. Corn?Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4* «d. Futures closed lower; July, *s 4\<\: August, \u2666.* lUd: September. 4* lud; October. 4s November. 4s lHd; December, 4s. Klour?Firm; demand good; St. Louis fancy winter, 7* «d. MARINE NF.WS. "an Francisco. July Arrived F'Mnt I/oma. Cosmopolia; Mackinaw, Taeoma. Departed? Walia Waila. Victoria and Port Townsend- Freights and charters - American ship Wachusstt. coal from N'a- naimo to San Franciaco; American hark- ?ntine Amelia, now at Gray's Harbor, lumber, thence to Honolulu; American schooner O. A. Thayer, at Gray's Harbor, lumber, thence to Suva Viji; American bark Melrose, now at Port Blakeley, lum- ber, thence to Sydney. Port Townsend, July 3.?Speclal.-Sail- ed?Br bk Thermopylae. Port Blakeley for Kngland; bk Kmpire, Port Blakeley for Svdnsy; bktn Willie R. Hume, Port Blakeley for Sydney. To sail tomorrow? Schrs Liasi# Vance, l'ort Blakeley for Newport, and \V. F. Jewett. Taeoma for San Pedro. Arrived? Schr, SaUator, San Pedro, at Port Gamble. Hoquiam, July 27.?Sailed?Str D<>l Norte, for San Francisco. Arrived?Rkt Amelia, from Hilo, to load lumber for San Francisco. Passenijer* on the Walla Walla. The steamer Walla Walla left San Fran- cisco Monday with the following named passengers; For Victoria?Mr#. M. S. Hill. H. Ed- wards, Miss N. C. Fage. C. H. Farla- ment, L. M. Matteraon, Mrs. Mile*. Mrs. S. W. Gray. John Hilbert. Mrs. Oliver. Amelia HUbert and two children. Mrs. Ambery, Miss G. Gilbert, Miss Donis- thorpe, Mrs. Wolff and two children, Mrs. Noble and two children, Mian Feckham, Miss Fortal, A. L. Henry, W. 55. Mr- Bride, Ivy Smith, May Smith, F. H. Don- Isthorpe, I)r. Griffin, Miss A. Hardin, J. T. Kraser, Mrs. M. Johnson. Mrs. Martin, M!ss Gainlay, Miss I* Ellis, Ray Clifton, Miss V. Wilson. Seattle?'W. If. Kinross and wife. Mrs. H. Stovey, Miss Kerr, W. H. Soderberg. J. S. Shaw, Ed Lewis, W. J. Martin. Mrs. Croissant, Miss Croissant, Mrs. Averili, E. W. Newhall. A. M. Xewhall and son. E. J. Falmer, C. Makin, F. Wilms ns. Miss M. Cassuly. S. V. Armstrong, R»*v. M. Irwin, Mrs. Nell. Mrs. J. Eaton. Mrs. Hood, Mrs. G. Thompson. Miss J. A. Thompson. O. W. I.iple, Mrs. Frohman, E. F. Hill, M. E. Doe and wife. S. H. Eooh, and wife, Ora T<ooli, R. Looh, S.G. Looh, Mrs. F. W. Bird and child. Fort Townsend?Mrs. T. A. Webb. Tacoma ?Miss Robbing, Mrs. G. W. Woodword, E. B. Meering. Mrs. J. Wheel- er, L. G. Clements, S. W. Mumfosd, A. Berton. A. Jacques. WATER FRONT NOTES. Steamer Bay City took twenty tons of wheat to Whatcom on her last trip. Steam schooner Rohlf loaded coal at tha Oregon Improvement Company bunkers. Steamer Renton. on two trip*, took twenty tons of hay to Port Binketoy yes- terday. Steamer George E Starr, on h*r Sun- day excursion to Port Gamble and S*a- beck, carried 100 people. City of Champaisn carried a Sunday excursion of people from Moupt Ver- non to Utsalady and Deception pass. Steamer Chili at w ill take feet of lumber to Alaska on her next trip. She will probably not arrive for two or thre« days, as she went to Glaclar bay this time. The State of Washington resumed h#>r run last evening, relieving the Fairh.iv- en. which stopped at Conner on tha Whatcom run. leaving her" Sunday night. Bteaiuer Multnomah yesterday morning at 7:30 took an excursion Chautauqua and the St. Mark's choir mountain climb- ers to Tacoma. The City of Aberdeen on the Multnomah's run, nt 1 p. m, also had a larga number for Chautauqua. The halibut fleet, -onsistJrg of eleven schooners and sloops, has been on the banks eight days or more, nnd is dua to return. Schooners Pilot, Annie. Loval, Alcedo. St. Lawrence and Donoastvr nnd sloops Morning Star. Gyda, Annie. W. T. Tickle and Maria are expected daily. Steamers on th« Port Orcliard route are engaged In a genuine rato war. To any pohit on Fort Orchard I»ay the rate has been cut to 25 eents one way. Th* steamers as yet are not »wrc of any incrt-j<se of travel, but thev s*"»m deter- mirr 1 to ktdf- f«<h othor. Tho«« o n this route ara tba Delta, Gen. Canby and A. R. Rofttnson. S, hooncr J. B. Ward sailed jrestardar morning for the purpoae of sal- mon fi.«hlng In the mouths of the streams on tl'e coast. Sh»* has ar- rarK"m'»nts for parking h»r on board, ar 1 will f'ispos»* of It after re- turning In al»out two months. Ihe rr«*w consists of six m<»n and a woman cook. This Is the first enterprise of this kind, and if successful will cause many others. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Transactions Since Jnnnary 1 and For Tfsterday. R<«r\l estate transactions since January 1. IK'S, are »2.«?0.857.«. There w.-re fil. d for record yesterday nir** d^#" - th* con- siderations aggregating tlS.SllJf. Follow- ing is a list furnished by th* Dally Rec- ord, room 42 Srhetierman blo<-k: Northwest Co. to S J. Marquis, lot 33, City to Henry W. Conklin, lot 1. block 1. Monroe's Ist sdd >4 V>. John R. Ktnnear to Elizabeth J Ma<*- Donald. lot 5, block 41. T. llanford s a !d to South Sf-attle, V A - Ol* Johnson to Elizabeth Anderson, lot 1, block X Maple's add. «-?«" First National hank to A. F aid O. B. Schmidt, s* se s»- sec I. 2T«. 4. K.'M. Minnie J. and Patl Abrahams to Eugln Ferrcra. lots 11 ard 14. block 1, sup! piat of Summit Park add. F""- Oorge F. Aust to L L*>dK", lot 12. T, Lake View add. 1900. John L. How* to Ciarcrve F IIow». lo's « to 7. block 15. Steel Works add, q. $!»» Anlrpw Kelson to W. O. Barnes, lot 1 and s's iot 2, Mock 3, Belt's heirs lat add. JS.W. ' « he*»p f.rnfn Boc* for Farmer* F llowinr up the redaction in »hc r>r! r,f grain ba*». the director* of the Walla Walta penitentiary have sent out the fol- lowir.« cirruiar to ail farmers ;n Eaattrn Washington: "Owinip to th<§ amo'int o. Cal- cutta grain b*sr3 tmportM thia season and »he shortage tn the wheat yield on th* en- tire Coast, the pri~e of bags has dropped unusually low. In view of low prices on Imported baga. it is doubtful wh"th»r of the rtock now on hand at this institution. via: UM.004, unless tha farmers of this stare realize the Importance o# pHrtrntate# their own Institution. »nd thus «nahia ua to continue man ufaetttt+n*. We have redo-ed tha price to 4 »d® cents p*r ha*, whl'-h ia act- ual r<.st to the »tat#, and unices jute should advan \u25a0?. which ts not at all like- ly. the*e low prt'«* will be maintained tn the fut .re. It i* quit* probable, how- ever that It w.ll be a U>rig time before Calcutta bars will tt&m be aold at prea- »nt low price*, and with the penitentiary mills shut down, you can readily see how sou might again taffl to jay prices 1 which prevailed before tha stats bejtan making hs>;s. \"©w, *s i*n inducement for yon to buy your s*cksi from the penitentiary, we hav* cor lu !? i : \u25a0-> give ait parties who purchas* prison bars this m>«*nn the oreferenco im xt year in the order in which purr has- s ar* Diirfc; In other wonts. those who i*ir- chase our I ags this yaar are prtetlc»ll>* u.<tuml they can buy their supply wit season at the prea»«nt price. We also destre to call your attention to the fa t that tb# p*«t excellent qualltv of our hags ha* not only been maintained, to:t in fart ha* been and ;a now <ar superior to any other in tho mark#*. In pavm»nt for th# bass we mill ac- cept ont'ihiM fash, and the balance, one- third tn sixty day*, and one-third in nine- ty dava, m certificates of dep«it issued by any national bark of good standing in the stat*. A per cent. cash payment, will secure bass for * >?>-? ?ry, "Tnist'ns > Oil w ,1 favor us with your or.i«r» and use v,r inrtuene# with others, a# are. yours truly, " Board of r Ywit#nt'ary Director*. "By C. K. NYK. PreaJdeut.** C «>rlt IMnnka tor Warships. Wa«htr<:on City iPoaC Several mon: * ag \u25a0» !"* bo»ri of !»- ?portion and aurvey of the navy depart- ment was directed to make an investiga- tion with a view of ohtalatr.g soma prac- tical tubstttut* for wood in fitting r.aval TMMIa. The desire for a substitute wa* the ta.-t that a lighter maiaiial was wanted if poaaible, one that would no' take to much spaca in tha vessel, art more than anything else a malarial that would not splinter. It *n also <lestra- ble to have a non-combustible substanc*. The board ha* made a report t-"» :h* sec- retary of the navy. a T;d tame of ita re» - omm#nd\ttr*ne have he»n adopted by him. and 1? !# i>r--»bah!"» that several of tha new ships will r>e fitted w'th the new ma- terial as a substitute for wood n f the b#«t materia'® which have been fotr 1 by -\u25a0 e * -:irl s a wood sub- stitute composed >f waste cork, or spy cork. This la subje; tel to \u2666"*> degress of heat, and It is then press 1 Into hlock* of anv required slxe. It can oe sawed Into thin strips or handled very much a* wood li handles. Cork haa a gum whteh groat heat melts ard friues Its particles together In a compact mass. After lw>- Ing prease«.l It stirks together as l itghtlv si If It had r p own that way. Th* cork hoards may be mai'e h#avy or light, <*» wanted. Soma of the lighter kinds ar« used In the walls as rerr!jtcrat>rs. It !? a non-oondn-tor. and can scarcely h* made to burn. Tins material la used in the pise# of wood tn Oerman \ essels Commander Bradford, who mad# Mv> search ac.d examination of this particu- lar substitute, found that the Ocrmar s were using It under a patent takan ou< by John Smith, of New Yofk. and that oompanles in the United States had ob- tained rights fir i*s manufacture here. The R1 if Tr«»e* -»r Qnlllavnt* Valley. Beaver leader. It la claimed. and the statement Is cor- roborated by *\u25a0 veral j>or*on#, that ther* w»a a tree ntlv burn* i down thr«a miles from F-ivr whhh measured a trifle over »t*iy-f«>ur feet tn enca, or sum- twenty-one feet 1n diame- ter Tha tree was measured fifteen fret from the ground. There is another on* In tha K-ar crefk valley which, however, is but iS'-j feet In diameter and probably *»7) feet high. These are sample# of what The valley can do lt» this line. an4-plen- ty more may be found that ara by »? means tiny. HOTEL. AJiHTVALS. 3 HTFESL. NORTHBKN. C. 1.. Kellog. Tacoma. K. E. Eliis. Tacoma. K. McOlniey. Tacoma. 0. H. Smith. Portland. C. Allin, Everstt. Charles F. Belt. Salem. Or. G. E. Aitkin. Or. o. rhtipi. MUsOU, l *'^ M® n^- A. W. Brown. Khmaander. Wl* T E. Lennon, Khinelander. G. S. Fatten. San Franciaco. T. Burk, San Francesco. Aug. Lehman.waodioraU- ay. A. W. Oienv. Tacoma- Frank Braisb- rry, M<mat Varno* Byron Wylie, Tacoma. L. C. Whitney. Everett. p. C. Comrnlngs. Pan Frandac* C. C. Beckwlih, Taooma. J. H. Hansen. New York. V. H. Beckniin, Tacoma. Frank Tarry and wife. GaU CU|". S. Spokane. J Knox. Tacoma. N. R. Smith, Dos AxgHas. T. TJlmer, roft AAftliM R. A. Kotr<»r. Tacoma. H S. lUchtnond. VB. J. N. Darker, Lawrnece. V. r. Voorhfia and wife. California. Mis* Voorhes. California. ? 'harle# Schutt. Nanalmo. M. Peterson. Fort Blakeley. Si P. Glveson. Portland. Mrs. ID. N. Prowly. - Mrs. Mitchell and children, James Jordan, Burlington, la. M. K. Thayn anl wifa, Everslt. W. D. Ciark. Tacoma. EL G. rarington, Vaughn. 1, <? Whitney. Everett. W. H. Mixer. Tacotro. DIULER HOTEL* Thomas Panders, Woodlnvtlla. W. M. HuH>art. Snohomish. Mae Whistler. Guthrla Center, la. .1 French. Nlles. ? \V. 11 Wright, Port Townsend. Mr« W. IL Wright, Port Townaenfl. Mr* H. C. Wright. Port Townwnd. William MoGlilis. Bellevus. Mrs M. S. Country man. VSkkersham J. A Hart*. Detroit, i;. F,ng;#h. Mount verton. J P Johnson. Mount Vernoa. J. C Stein, Kansas City. W H. Brown, North Rend. Willi# H. W bite, Tacoma. F L. Rich, Indianapolis. W. Ij, Wooding, Bnohom sh. W If. Heat on. Merger Slough. Ed Stafford, T'tsalady. W D Jackson. KaJamaseo. Mr« B E Moore. Starrwood. Mrs. Keller, »tanwood. Mrs. Oars. Stan wood M. o. Smith. Wisconsin. D M PpifTord. Wisconrfn. Job M 4»arr>one. Amador City, CaL T * Hunter, Rlalne p. K. Yundt. Mi'wauksa. IJ. N. Arllnirton. J. D. S n- 'alr, Arlington. K. I> Boyd, Nowelty. Jf. .Tanks, Savannah. G. Map«rett, Everett. Mrs Maggett, Everett N»- Hi!fon. Everest. Mc RodenMnrer. Watetdfl*. 1 i( ITIuTJ BT.ri.ER. J. W. Hawkfna. City. H 11. Emmons, Portand Her -v Cadder. Rprinr^ld and wtf»>. Port Rlakelay. p' a Word. Vletorta. R V. Winch. Victoria. P M Bruc*. Whatcom R Ja jharl" Pan Francisco t, K. T.'tfi. Ofy. ?sti«« Perrv, Snoksne. H M. Edward". Ppokans. h! R. Portland. \frn M D. Pharn. A'ibnrn. Mine Edwards, Fafrhaven W P Furgiison. Pnohomls^ Vi,« E R. W»h#ter. Port Town»*nC V»«e T W Well. Port Tosrnsend. \ F MoCoigan, Olymtda. v w. Mrtrphy. Portland. V. V Far. portisnd. I. H Gr»«wr '.d. Boston. Mi*? F. E. Griswold. Bostoa. pt«!n. Fverett. ?,rrs W. H Smith. M>>sk»gen. Vl -11. Attention Blr Knight*. T ,, m twenty-«Wh tr!«nn!*l <»«\u25a0>?rU-rm rrand Kn'iwprwl of tk* T*nJ?e-i States. ' k* held In Boston. Auenst 26th to 30th. n is rttxsc'wl that mora than fc.ODO swords «- i v>* in S'ne. and Boston la preparing to the Kn'rhta a royal wsleom* Tt«» vorthweatem Una haa mart# a rate of of * *r*t-eiaaa far# for trip. Tlcketa'&n m.i ? Auyuat IStii to 14!h. * P. TT. PARKER. Sound A««n% «t1 Pront street, »». aula. "The OH JVornTnton." Thts ctrarett# baa Jumped into popslas *avor. All el*ar storaa kaetf" them. »*r Great Hortliern Btfamer*. r>r \u25a0f-4' Northern pala'ial at earners North- wes* arid Norih'-and isave Duluth «T«ry Monday and Friday, totrchin# at gauit Mai-e. Msucldoee, L>etrelt. ClewsUuri an- i Buffalo Be aura tn ret rest- on m%*rScent s'earnem. at «! Front street. C ijtarette Smoker* TTho Vks a ndld. peasant tanks, try th« Oil Dominion.

Transcript of The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle...

Page 1: The Seattle post-intelligencer (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle TO CO XTR ACTORb>? Cont'd. MOfOeALS FOB THK CONSTRUC-ot



gjgtc p..- tne Lotted »taxes i.+vy.i i;y tlilttitw V\ £). C.,


v aj, jjjt i.nder authority conferredfTjjM. act of n; a*;:,g aivr^p.*-

tor naval swvii*, approved

STrtti X sealed propoaa** .tre utreoyKited a»-l VlUi °* received ai thla a e-

E^aeat a»tii 12 o noon, on Tue*-R l>: iay of <>ctCijer. la&.. at

and place they will be opened in the*rZ.r>.e ot Ctending bidders for the con-Erctioa, ex'.'usive of armament, and in-JK.-iiii* equipment as specitted. by coa-S-t of »?a iignt-draft composite?T-, of ah *t one thousand tona

Sttcach. whicn ventit are. for tna pur-Sis of this advertisement, designated as

Nos. i'J. ii, L., 12. 14. ano 10. Said*7ae.g are to be constructed In accord--acT wt'.r. the requiren.enta of toe afore-

act of y~axca Z. is*,, via: Tnat 'inJt. of aL said vess-.* *ll ort*ir»>E* of tne act of August third.Spleen Hundred and eignty-Bix, enduedTTs act to tc reaae the nava* e.-itao4.*a-Zf~* ? as to for said vcwdi.I-usr engines. boiler®, and machinery, thetoo tract* uuder which Uiey are bui.t, ex-«.& W to premiums, which are not to heLZffd, the notice of any proposal for Use?*** the pians, drawing#, ana spe'.ftoa-«Xa« theref r, and the method of execut-«Tg|ia?d contracts, a hall be observed andSftowed, and »aid vesaeis ahaii be built inSmWiaaw with the terms of aai<i act.Lv» that in all their parts said veaa-laSail be of domestic manufacture." TrieSstracts for the conatrucuon of said gun-

toite will contain prows. ;<na to the enact

ttat the contractor guarantees that wnen«?jrpieted and tested for speed, under«ta«ltlons to be prescribed by the navyapartment the tj»«-ed developed by thetWf»i« upon such trial shall be not lesattan an average of 12 knots an hour,abstained successfully for four consecu-t>v» hours, during which period the a,r

?ftffur- shall not exceed in the aah p.-aot the cylindrical return-lire tubular boil-er* a pressure of one Inch of waier. if,oc tr»*i. the veaaels develop and maintain,ot afjregA.d. an average speed of lz knotsSs hour or they will be accepied aofar is >®ee<l .a concerned. Ifthe veaa-elsji, to develop and maintain aa aforeaa.dotij guar a.:; .e»f u ispeeo (12 Knui a>. but ex-h.u.i an aveiage speed of not ieaa than USiots an houi they will be accepted, soits as ap<.-ed is concerned, at a ieduc- dMice, the reduction being at the rate often :ho«»and doUara a knot. If the apeed

fali# ueiow an average of 11 knots an nouri: ».ian be optional with the secretary oftue ;.<ivy to reject the veasaia or to accept

at a reduced -price to be agreedwoo between tne aecretary and the con-tra tons. iiach contract will provide thaton the expenaea ot all tr:a<a pnor to nre-taiinar> or conditional exceputnoe, snail|eborne by the contractor, bald vt=a- U areto tw contructed in accordance with p.anaacd speciia.-ai>on» provided or adupud by

Ui4 aecreiarj of the navy. A circulax de-icing the chief charaeteriatica of aa dv«s«i* and their machinery, and enumer-ating the requirements with which thecjac# a..d specsr utions tiserefjr provid dby !iic .? rs should comply baa been pre-pared, and copl-.a of the samepay be obtained upon applicationto the bureau* of construction andrepair and ateam engineering. Plansai."j specifications for tne ccusirav-tkßi or the veaaela may be aeen andt «mined at the department on and afterSeptember 1, lasfc. Forma of propotsiii,«Sii/.*acihg a general statement of prov.a-|ou» to be included In the contract for?ach of aald vessels, will be prepared, and»a> be obtained at any time after Se<p-ttasber 1, ISK. on application to the de-part.-:.', v.:. m j..: :; r rmation eaaentialto bidder? can also be obtained. Kach of

vessels muat be completed within fif-teen months from the date of the contract

and payments on each vesselwill t>e made in twenty equal Installmentsat the work progrt saes, upon bills du>ye»rUfi*d, from which ten per cent, will bereserved to be paid on the full and fln.ilaompi»tion of the resp.-ctive contra s

The aforesaid act of March 2, 18ST>, furtherprovides that not more than two of ?aidgunboats shall he built by on® contractingparty and that in fach case thecontract shall be awarded to thelowest and best responsible bidder.Every person who shall submit aproposal will be required to show tothe satisfaction of the secretary of theaavy, that within three months from dateof contract he will be of theat c-aaary plant for the p*?rformarc e. inth» United States, of the work which he?nail offer to undertake. The evid n:ethus required muat accompany the pro-posals or be aubmitted to the DepartmentIn advance. Ba!d gunboats are to be oft*o general types, those of one type hav-ing Bogle-screw engines and full sailpoaer, and those of the other, having

twin-screw* engines and carrying steady-ing sails only. Four of said vessels willb* built of the former type and two t>fthe latter type. In the department's?pacifications no provision is mnde for »nelectric lighting plant for those vesselsthat are to have twin-screw engines andoa!y steadying saila. but bidders are re-quested to state in their proposals whatamount will be added to tne price namedif an Incandescent electric lighting plantsimilar to that specified for vessel* of theother type should be Included and aisowhat amount will be deducted from theamount bl 1. if eteam and steamstearsr. both or either, be omitted. Hid-den? are also requested to «tat» In th*'.rpr vogais for the vessels that are to havealrgie-screw engines and full sail pawerwhat amount will be deducted from th«price named If steam windlass, steam?feerer and electric lighting plant, all orany one he omitted Fach proposal muatInclude the construction of the vessel, her®ach!nery and equipment, com; >te in allr*pp<"ts, as required by the plans and?replications, and contract will be made?fnarateiy for each vessel. Including hull,tut'hinerv and equipment. Proposals aredivided Into two classes, as follows: pro-posals for hull. machinery and equfpment {c!a«s I?For the construction of the hulland machinery. Including engines, boilersand appurtenance*, ana equipment a*specified. complete in all re«j>*cts In ac-cordance with the plans and speclfloattcTisr>o\ided by the secretary or the navy

ropoeals for hull, machinery and equip-ment. class Z?For the construction of thehull and machinery. Including engines,

hosiers and appurtenances, and equipment

*s ypeclfled. complete In ail respevts. Ine ecrdanee with the plans and specifica-tion* provided by the bidder. Put no suchproposal will be <*on*idered unless accom-panied by full and complete specification*nf th* hull and machinery, hy plans»;i:1 -'alculnthtiis as mav be for* thorough Interpretation of the des'.gathereof. *hich shall be In conformity withthe require rev*nts ( >f the circular aboveir»nt!on*d. an l by a satisfactory guaran-tee of th* results of the same if adojjt -<i

B Idem may. If they so d*slre, th«Pians and of the department

the hull or machinery, or any par'

of either, and embody them In their plansand specitlca'ions to be submitted withtheir prop-*sal*. Bidders, who may destr*to offer to construct two of said vessels,way frnbrace both In one proposal, thenrcfl i>f hclnc >Hven separatelv: butbidders arc not re«trlctc»l to one prt>p>ea.r;L e . the *:»?? c bidder may propose f;>r on-»or two of said ve>s<*e!e. under epher or bothof the two c!a««»-s of proposals as abovespecie. ! Each propt «al must he aocom-Pn- 1 hr a satisfactory ci»rtifl> 1 checkpavah'e to »h» of the secretary of'he r%\ iTid th o che-'k-of the successful;.dder s" all Nwme the property of theJ'nlted States tn ' he shall fail to enter!"\u25a0-> t ! -e ?».] <\u25a0'!» .-outrai-t an Ito f ?mt*h


the r*<j'!ls"» security on the acccp* -fels il The amount of such checkiNust b<« not V«s than flva per cent, ofthe amount of tho bid. but a bidder, ln-

! rc \ -s«e!s Ir* his propoeal. willnet He r«>c '-et to submit therewith a cer-tified ? »vk exec- 11'ijr In \mount the sumof $ . \u25a0».> \t; ohe-ks of bidders whoseproposal* shall not be> WW cr>the ,r.» f the c.'-ntts. b* returnedto t*it»m the heck of ea -h succe*sful bid-der w!i h'* returned to him when his con-tract h ** h-'-en duly entered into and the

\u25a0-ite «? :rltv furnished Ever% sik~-

ee««»-i! »m V- n-tll be required, within- after the acceptance of his

Prv,r» «a! ??» e»ter Into a formal contra tfor tHe faithful performance of the work*' *to t: y . ?:.«'>*?!-t'>rv bond f suchper*>r- ar e<n a penal sum eoual to flf-tjers p»r cent, of the amount of his hidProne** - ? .

.*? rr-ad«> In dtirPcate Pis»">oi-di".«e w'th form* will be fur-

..~ ~( ?n to th* department.

?? «a t IT4 !re««- dth* «. *-ir. f ,» n »vv, navy de«art-n? "* IV , V-st ??? P C .

and markedfh# Oonsfnictlotf of Oun-

Wti" TV* secretarv of the navy re-ee-\es \u2666*?<» f ?»,» »o rC'-ct srv or all K ds.*« t- v . . ,« ,\~p. | n (pre<*s of y»eJ . *r?? v require. HILARI A.RPIIP* :T -retarv of the Vavyr


not- : tax paykrs? Not > «»

offffey % ?*#»n tb*? th# boiri of county

town .« « of Ktn* county, sitting A»* bo*r* of rqutliutton. will bo in

*rek«. f«nstwM r* Monday.

Aj* .»: \ i>. at »h# K rt« roun:yoourt 4 ? f>r *ht» purpo««* oftt* t4» r ' jvix All t»* P«y*W oU:m-ir.< 4 of mx *ro h«*r<"hy notifiedJ® ; ,r ? >r bofor* Saturday. August\®' t- fonpvor Karrovi.

, ,

.&*t« <

t , i;tio. th 2.M <say of July* P- ISks- VVTHAN r<KM AN.County .4 . rns Kx-Ort :o <M«rk e?

tb» Pj«rfl of bounty C9tßml»*Jo»tri of

ir.oN work avp platino

t\~ ? HA-i-IXO ANi)~FUTXO CO.iiiLu...






Bat-ween Tacoena and Victoria, B. C.

8:00 am ilvvlMl!..."Tacoma. .JUO'Arj 4 45amlorLVwm Lv 2S Seattle....! K Ar; 3:ooam

1 Jopm'Lvl 721.Pt. T*wn»'d.f 38 A.r'll:46pm4 ))pm'Ar 110...Victoria ..iMLLvi?Daily except Monday.


Between Seattle ana Vlotorla, B. C.

10 p m]Lv| "Seattle .! IArt 4pm1 a IT. Lv ...Pt. Town send...'Ar 15:30 p m6am Art Victoria iLv{ 9a ni

?Daily except Sunday.

T!:ese etearners furnish first-c'.aas ac-commo»ia'tons, carrying both freight andpassengers, arid leave fr<Mn Y».*sler wharf.Seattle.

For rates, etc.. Inquire ofS G YERKEB.

Yesler Wharf, Sea-ttle.T A NADEAL*

General Agent. X. P. R- R . Seattle.


S. Willey Navxi't-n Co *s St earnerMULTNOMAH.


01yrr;«la at.. « »> a m Jacorr a at.. ? »a m

Tacofrwi a l.. »<? a at .: ?»\u25a0 mpe*ttle at ... 1 n mTm.-. >ma at... !s»pm

Tacoma at S:» p m Oi>vnpla at...iiO praCITY OF ABERDEEN.

DaUy except Sunday.

ArrtTa.Sewttle T »amT*w«r:a .... SJTam<r», onm i«>?'>' a m Ol>-n-p>A 1 p m

Oivmsk ; "OOp m Ta»-wtui f> ?» p m

Tacoma .... b » p m Seattle . \u25a0* P mFare be'w -en Seattle and Taooma. f*)

eertts landn* at Seattle City do-ta.foot of Main s'reet.


LILLY. Btxl VRDT'S * CO. Agents.City Dock. Telephone SoS.

Capt. li. VTCley. Manager


ST ;.:aNli:k m a HELT eaves Cen'ral wharf daily at ? * tv m..i> -e.%t Uelrieslav and S Iliij* ntrhte.

? C a! Elmonls Everett. Ttarvgvtlle,and Snohomish. Tt-tuming leave

st S« tn . excep- M. ndav andThursday. C >nneoung at SnohomUll wtta

up riverJ. WTL.LET. Agent.



Tim* Card In E.foot Jane L UK.

Everert and TVhatt»m route?R'*te of Vashtnco® leave* Seattle daily,?.seer* Saturday, at W p. m.

i.vvf-t a- i Ui Conner rc .'e?leaves Seattle daily, except

iav. at f a m.telephone ST Ye- er I>v-a.

PACIFICTnspatcte atearners from Seattle as fol-

,oF*r San Francisco via Por* Towr.seod.h VktoHa. it U m. (rwu»>e gers re-SSted w » i 7. H

y'xr Alaska ?July 4, IX and ra:l a.

Franc!for VVtorla snlv ami Sound at » a. m.. July a, *

14. -4 aa-d

«r« -ke-s mav be obtained at th* offlc*of.T» -Tr.. Ocean k. Seattle,

the n ,M>ALI. PFRK INS ACO ,<>~e-al San Pns- \u25a0:«--o

r F TROWBRIDGE. Act. P. S. Sap:..

Tv>ht orciTTrd and POR r w as: u1V IN ROUTS.

A. R Robtnaoru carrytng U S.wvea Cj v dock, foot of Ma n st .

M a ?" arrive* a' Sidney a: 1 »a.*: a-riv«» a* S at U in. L~ ??*

E *-.-?* al2l»r. n* . '?» 8- e> co

r*".u T:l Daiiv exoe-pt Sundays 1.r r

, master. UjT IWartts *

Cojo* ciiarttr on S-ad*y.



Leave® June Ist. Making Two Trips aMonth.

Far freight and p&asenger ra'es Inquireof

E. EL CATNE.Railroad avenue, foot of Spring street.Telephone 708.

OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.Honolulu ar.d Australia.

S**am era leave Sari Francis-for Hono-lulu Samoa. Auckland. N Z.. and gy J-nev ' N S \V . without .change.

Steamship Alameda, July 25. 2 p. m.Honolulu only. s:«amship Australia.43 X 0 ft. xn.THOS A. GRAHAM. AGENT, S'arr-

Boyd Mock. Seattle.\V Webster. Dist, Agent, \aneouver,


I D. Spr^V*ls A Bros. Co., GeneralAgents, fa:". Francisco.


S-eatner Utopia. J A. O'Brien. Master,leaves Tacoma, 12 noon. Seattle. Yes-

wnarf. 8 p m.. Monday* ar.d Thurs-4av« for Port Townsend. Aracorres. Fair-haven Ne« What cam. Plain* and Friday

and Vancouver, arriving Van-Si. ver 4 p. m.. following day

T^,r« to Plain*. *-\u25a0 fare to Vancouver, n.\u25a0por further Information apply lo Yes-

Itfiwbarf. ;


1 eavdng Seattle for Alaska August Hevery 15 days 'hereafter.

F-r freight ar rates apply toJ ' t « ARROIJa Agent,

c -vnrj»b.v*h*r Pock Tel *!.

f PKABODV, General Mar-ager.feeattla


Arlington denk. >e*ves for Victoria ar 1rort Totw i das v. except S indav. a*ll io p. m ? returning, leaves Victoria ».

~ Idaho 1-aves for f\>rtTo«r,send ar. 1 way ports daily, ex optSnday a" 7 a. m.; F :n lay. direct, *t ». ' m returning direct. leave* PortT 1 a.: 4 p rn Taierhone 710.


Pa'.y Sunday.Tie Fa*t *«.-d Commodious Steamer

GRV CANBY? *"\u25a0 v it « ' a -i% :.<* va*

4 p m. from Central wharf. TeJe-

STEAMER CRICKET.Seattle end Evere*t Route.

Da. y f.N *pt Sunday.Iyav-s St-a: *. rp *? "i. ar, i 4 !t> p. rn.I.*«aves Ev7:®) a. ia. and iZ.H p. m.Fare. 6» cents.Makes stops at Edmonds ar 1 M ikllteo.Lca*e« Ca;ne s k«k. foot of *pr:r,g st.,

Seattle. Leaves Natl dock Everett.ET> HARRINGTON. Managing Owner.



AS l*a>eg artwit MS f>Mu a-TMk


SAVINGS BAXK.Occidental Seal tie, WaaXCapftal


i.=f<?CS rKRS


ir VD TBr9T^»-_ tJos.


r T vie. I'"\u25a0 'l-n :

JLJ 8 3? cni v*ce Prea:dentFVa-k I RoV± a ' MMfL<;"Vf

A See r'.%s* ?* vln* bank buslnes. ex-

IntM^t9 P *,r ', ,s from r- t9|4,< > annum, ft;* p«r

iffayiasiL!K «s.nfapproved collaterals OCITes.a.eor

DEXTER HORTON it CO., BANKSRaIncorporated VU7.

p»T>ttal . \u2666**«\u25a0»Burpius

vSTtev A ADen nyMce President w. M. I^ddJJf'Sf®' H. Latjmer

\u25a0lehtR v*n Tuyl

'*chancy and teierraphlc trana-fers on New York. Chica*'.. 3? Pan® iUnFrancisco Portland and varloua points inOolosabia.B.srht bills of excranee on London avall-?ble alaewhere in Europe.

?bte VMTMU* 1X14(1 iai points on favor-

*n<' valuablea ra-?wred on deposit tor oafe k#»o!ng


Capftal r.ock paid In C2I(Nr $HsA.m»i4C?. b

- Presidentg- C. Neufeller Vice Pres dentR. V. Ankeny Cashier

_ _ ,

DIRECTORS.J- £? Nenfelder. J R. Havden,8. Frauen'hal. Jacob Furth.

Sigmund Schwabacher.

in all the principal Htlea'n the t'nited States and Europe.


Paid up capital 9150.000Surpiua SLZ.OuO

J. H. M-Graw Pres'dentMaurice McMicken Vice Pre*id«ntLester Turner Cashier

General banking business transacted

Sight and te!»rraphle exchange payablaIn all 'he principal HM-a nf 'ha

T'ni'fd S*at»-s and Europe.

BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA.Paid up capital. re»«rrve. fI.ITS,-

000 Head office. S"-Lombard street, Lon-don. Branches. Portland. San Francisco,Seattle. Ta oma. Victoria. N?? w Westmln-ater. Nanairao. Kamloops. Nelson, Van-couver, B. C. A x-neral hanking and ex-change buainess transvred. l<oans made.Bills discounted. Commercial creditsgranted Depoaita recr-ivad on current ac-count aubject to check



Corner Commercial and Tesier ava.

Paid up capital.. 1300.000

Trar>safts a general banking business.M. D. Ballard PresidentH. C. Henry Vice PreMd^ntR. R. Spencer Cashier


Incorporated IXS7. Capital, 1200,000Bailey Second and Cherry Stx


Bu«iness.Deposits received lr. any amount from SI

upwards and interest allowed thereon.



F rtlud. Or, July 29, ISSS.Clottdy: cooler.

B. S. PAGUE. Forecaster.

Sian Frarv-isco. July s?.?For Washtng-toc: Showers along the coast, followedby fair weather; fair elsewhere: slightlycooler and cl udy; southern to westw:n-is


DAILY BULLETINSeattle, July 3>, 199&

a ;H is __

r -3

; 5 1 ,S' *"**? i i

i i sal 2if XJ B sig ej? ! \u25a0


rL ' r": § iI != i? :

: fall?? I: I!| i |!h

- HI :

Tstcotfc ...[S>.I«S K «>' SI SI .V*CloudyPt Angeles. #>.l' -W m"j 14; T CloudvFt Csnby.. S* K2' ,W Cloudy

Sesttle 3M.10 72: fC\Ltj .U0 PtCldySpokane ...:J9.» K! S4 NW 10< .a> PtCldyWalla W... 78 SH |3W g .WiPtCldyPort;aad .. » i- j*w! 291 .9"' PtcidvRoseburg <8: 74,NW 12: .OPClouivHak»r City. ».*? 7«n NW Lt .WiCloodyEureka ?lSO.lftt 56 62 NW « .<» C oudyRed Bluff.. 29.9 C M % SF. Si .00 PtC.dySa~ram'o .. 'i* <* 7K : %»'jSW IS] .00 ClearSan Fran..'*.* ® « »W *! .oQ,ClearWincem a . HM «\u2666' «( |W| 18s «>v ClearSalt Lake. ».S5 84 BIdaho Flails:*).6o 74. W| K* »i T PtCldyHe.eaa .... SS t, .it Cloudy

Otse? vatlons taken at all stations at ?

p. m.. 75th meridian time (i p. m. Paclflotime). GEORGE N. SAUSBURY.

Oh«raervar in Charge

Tides at Seattle Harbor Today.JHlgh~Bde ~jT Low"Tldi

a. m. j p m feet ja. nv | faet p.m fae«

3 \u25a0'C 12.8 U.<JS 13.9 1 6.47 1 1.0 1 a.4&j 118

At Port Townsend.~2.Q j ».» j10.39j 9-7:1 6.03 j t.T 1 ijiTl

Seattle, July 29, 1595.Exchangee at Seat tle. Taooma and Port-

land clearing houses today werwiClearances. Balances.

Seattle $ S2.2S> 21 *3S,IS2 SOTa. mia Hool >*)

Portland 171.0>jt> <Jw 4,5.!*»Th« fruit season may be aaid to be

fairly at Us htignt, as just at the presenttime it includes nearly everything of thewhwie year, with the exception of straw-berries. In some particulars the pricesare still high, and in others they arevery low, but taken altogether the deal-ers are probably enjoying better proiitsw;th less waste from decay, and thesales are quicker than they will be again

this year.Gravenstlne applea. which are probably

the fineat in the market, have arrivedfrom California, and the largest, whichare also excellent, too, have come in.They each sell at J1.25 a box, but the lat-ter were quoted yesterday as low at sl.Walla Walla apples brought Ssc.

The raspberry season is about over,and yesterday they brought Si .10 a crate.No trade £* currants is quite apparent,and the price is weak at 85c®fl. Yellowegg plums are on hand at $1 a crate; gol-den drops from Vashon are offered at50c a box; purple Duanes sell at 90c andred ones at 50@«5c. Wenatchee apricotsare selling very well at ft>3'7sc. Crawfordpeaches are In good demand at CigTic.The best lemons bring $6.

New native potatoes were offered yes-terday as low as Cucumbers ofrood size from outside points sell at 15®25c a dozen, while the large hothouse-grown bring 4t>c. Green corn is down to17y lSc for the best. Wax beans af e invery little demand.

Washington creamery butter is movingw*«l at 1f319c: dairy at 14<?16c. Strictlyfresh ranch egas sell at 14013 c. and East-ern Waahingtons bring but 10#12Hc.Poultry demand Is less than the supply.


Portland. July 29?Wheat?Valley, 50c;Walla Walla, 47c per bushel.


Breadstuff* and Grains.

San Francisco, July 29.?Flour?Familyextras, s3.3S>t#3 is; bakers' extras, s3.i£ J5».35: superfine, $2-35'92.00.

Wheat?No. 1, shipping wheat, 93VIchoice* 95e; milling, O 2! 3 .

Barley?Feed, fair to good, 60c; choice,61V: brewing. 70©750.

Oats-Milling, 95c#51.06; Surprise, jrj1.10; fancy feed. «Hcflfl: rood to choice,S,>yiioc; poor to fair, 75-QsOc; black, nomi-nal: pray, 80982 V-

Flour, quarter sacks, 10,500; wheat, cen-tals. 104.000; barley, 16.100; oats. I.SjJO;corn, 110; beans, sacks, 500; potatoes,

3,73<">: onions, 2«»; bran, 2.050; middlings,

sacks. 1.575; hay. tons, 1,500; wool, bales,103; wool. Oregon, 60; wine, gallons, 40,-


Wool and Hops.

Wool?Quiet; sprinjf, year's fleece, SanJoaquin. «©6HsC: six to eight months do,«®Bc; sir to eight months Calaveras ar.lfoothill. Iree, do defective. 6®*c;Northern, jrood to choice, r."fISV; do,

defective. B®loc. Nevada spring, lightandChoice. {Krt llc; heavy, 6 ?Sc.

Hops-Quotable at 4J>6c per pound.

Closinsr Quotation*Wheat?Easier; December, |l 04S: Mar,

51 11*4; new sellers, fl.ol.Barley? Weaker; December, 64 V-Corn?Jl. 10.Bran?Jl3 per ton.

Financiat.Silver bars. >Vv?Sß6%Draft» -S'.g'ht rjM«x dollars.S4S&s4V Tel . graph S

Mininsr stocks.

a 11 Kentuck ConA i Con «> i-adv Wash. Con "lAndes 24 dexican 61H" her *?" it. Lrtabio I>

R-*- A- Belcher... 61'Occidental Con... SIBullionCaledonia 1«-Herman 13Challenge C0n.... 30£*otosl 3JChollar 35Confidence MS- orpion « IC n Ca! & Va... iASierra Nevada.... 4>

Crown Point \u2666\u2666.Silver Hill (»

G-uld & Currie... H-ttiver King 3".Hale & Noroross. »v 'r.k»n Con 4Jjuiia 0-' i eliow Jacket.... &

lustieeJ*r<Kjuce. .

Green apple*. - red app'ee, 75c^$1.15 raspberries, common straw-

berries. J- 35^3-


Th«* Board ofTrmlf.

Green corn. *V«tl a green peas.21;I 1?-'; string beans. IS ?2V.

Wild ducks I- ;4; >oung roosters. fZ.ZMf150; fryers. large roosters, 53&150.

Kastern cheese?U6l2V; fancy mild,new, S%ste.

Onlons. 50t»'7ScButter?Creamery. seconds, * 13481 ic;

Choice to fair, 1-Hi 12--.Kffjrs?Ranch. lT^lSc.P.tatoea?lCariy Rose, Salinas

Burbar.ka, river Burbanka, vj7'X-, sweets, 2c


The MoeW Kxi hnnirr*.>»< w York, July 2??Sr emulation on the

sto*-k exchange wu very active today

ar.d the trading generally strong- in tone.At the opening there ws j a slight im-pr veraent In values, but a lumber ofgelling orders were met with lines put outby bears, as well as w-eak holders of thegrangers, In order to reaine profits. Ti;es«

sale* oabsed a reaction, in Chi-cago Gas ani Colorado Fuel were mostprominent, both falling off l p*»r cent.

The other losses were only fractional.T? is d wrward movement was short-lived, for the buying waa so gcw»i thatthe sellers took alarm and changed overto the bull side of the market. Sugarwaa taken hold of by the bull « U-jue andforced up S per cent. The grangers ad-vanced from *» to 1 p*-r cent.. Cotton OilIV and th« rest of the list a fraction.Tuwards 11 o'cl:«~k reports of daraarety hot winds tn Nebraska were used to

weaken th« grarrers. but with small ef-fect. The market eSoaed strong underrenewed buying, snd prices ma i« today

are in th® main higher over Saturday.

Oregon Short Lira, Tobacco pfl and St.

Paul advanced I per cent.; St. Paul pfd,14; 8-car. r-». Nickel Plata r'd. IV uA N. IVAtchieon pfd wh#n issued sold upto 3?, an advance of 1 per ceet.

The bend market was ac3raV*d and?trone; aggr-gate of sales. $2,727,930.Owwisawt bonds?Steady.Stats bonds? Inactive.Railroad bonda?Strcr.g.

Financial.on call easy at 1 per cent.: last

loan, 1. elosed 1 per cert. Prim* mer-cantile paper, 3"<?4 per cent.

Sterling exchange?Ftrm, with actualbusiness in bankers' bills at v 4

for demand and J4 9*u* for ® days.

Posted rates. Commercialbills. W.«s^4?4.Ss'~s.

Silver certificates, ®S*4#®S*i4e-

Kond«.C. S. *».n«w lr»f.'J24C. P. '*ts of *35..V"?US.,coup 1340. A R. G.L. 8. to. r*g UfV Fours h

1.. 8. Ss, SecondsL. S. 4s, rtg IU G. H. ?» & A-l." te Cf ?- : -ts Bevens 1"* i

J- S 2s. rg ... 97 HAT. C. 65....1*-,Pacific Ss. Sixes K*A a., Class A....10* M. K. T. Ist -is... ST*Aia., Class 8....W7 i Second 4sAla., Class C.... 97 Mutual Ir.u* SalliAia., Currency... 97 N. J. C. Gen. te.llSSLa. New Con., is « >j. p. ists ll* »

Missouri to i<»> i Seconds I'V 'aX Carolina fe...LS N. W. Con 14:"«

Fours ius Ss F. l>eh. to.. .Us- s8 C. Non-fund.. 1 R. G. W. Ists.... 77',Tenn New Set to <3 St. Paul « ?;; 7el

Fives lo& j C. ft P. W. to .113 A*

Old to #\u2666 S Uftl.M.OfH. to «4'-»Va. Centuries.... fir*-:LAS F.Oen te-l*

Deferred s ! sTex. Pae. ists.... -.'?\u25a0*Atchison 4s Sl'-» Seconds 2S**

Second A P. Ists of ?>..!<» »

Canada So. 3ds. West Shore 4s. ..l'-Tl*L. k. X R. R 9>'*0. R. & N. lsts..Uu^3

Qnr»tatlorn.Atchison 1-W- P. P- *G.... ?

Adams Express.l 47 Northwestern ..!?>

Aiton, T. H f Preferred 14*.Amer. E*press..ll3 tV. Y. Central....lolBaltimore A 0... S. Y. & N. E.... >?\u25a0?3Cana la Pacific.. 52 Ontario & W? '7 2

Canada South... 53HOre. Improve.... ItCentral Pacific.. lv*-Oregon Nav 27Ches. & 0hi0.... -£ !

4 0. 3. L. & U. N. 7Chicago A1t0n...156 [Pactflo Mail 29C. B. fit Q 91% P. D & B «HChicago Gas Pittsburg l^C'iCob. Gas 140 Pullman Palace.l7sC. C. C. i St. L. 4S Reading ISCoL C. & I > R- G. W 1.4Cotton Oil Cer.. 27 I Preferred 42Dei. Hudson luUßock 151and..... 'F%D. L. 4t W 162 St. Paul 71SD. «s R. G. pfd.. 4SV,! Preferred li"-.**Dis. & C. F. Co.. 28V31. Paul & 0 41'tsEn© Preferred ......130

Preferred 24 Si-gar Refinery..lli\FV«rt "Wayne. if>2i»South. Pacifio... 3T,i


G. N. pfd 127 Tenn. C. A I £""?*C. 4 E. L pfd....101 TexasHocking Valley. 24 1 -ST. A O. C. pfd... .9Illinois Central..l«»


I'nion Pacific.... 13**S:. Paul A D.... 2* I'. 8. Express... 41Kan. & Tox. pfd :W'/W. St. X* A P... 9L. E. & W 27U Preferred 21 *i

Preferred 83* I Fargo 108I.ake Shore 151 Western Union.. 92Lead Trust 85*4 w A L. KL, & N 61 s * Preferred 52'- sL 4 N. A 9 Minn. &8. Louis 2?**Manhattan Con.ll2%*D. & R. G 1«>M. ds C 15 Gen. Electric? &"4Mich. Nat. Linseed C*Missouri Pacific. 35 Col. F. & I "7M -bile A 0hi0... 24 I Prefetred .1Nashvlll* Chatt. CS f H. * T. rent.... INat. Corilaga.... 1 'T.t A. A. & N. M. 2

Preferred ...... 3 ;T. St. L. A K. C 5N. J. Central....lta% ! Preferred 14'-4N. A W. H 1 *

N. A Co 5% "Preferred 42\Northern Pacific Tobacco..llrt'-j

Preferred Preferred 11lThe Grnln Pnpply.

The visible supply of grain Saturday,July 27. as compiled by the New York Pro-duce Echange, Is as follows: Wheat, 53.-299.000 bushels: decrease, 1,253,*V». Corn.5,297,000 bushels; decrease, 784,000. Oats,4.557/100 bushels; decrease. 323,000. Rye.154,000 bushels; decrease, Barley,

bushels; decrease, IS,OOO.Floor.

Flour?-Receipts, 12.200 barrels: exports,

2,300 barrels. Market more active a?idhigher with the rise in wheat. City millpatents, $4 i.">#4.70; city mill clears. Ji.J4 2a; Minnesota patents, $3. South-ern flour, dull.

Wheat.Wheat-Receipts, 23.000 bushels; no

ports. Spot, quiet, but firm: No. 2 red,

"Ctjc; No. 1 Northern, 7S\c delivered. Op-tions opened easier, closed higher,September. 75 7-ls®7S"*e, closed 7^ 3c.



Metals.Pig Iron Firm; Southern. J11$?14; North-

ern, Jl2® 14.Copper-Strong; exchange price, Jl.?Vl

1.75.Lead Strong; ex<-hanc«» price,

3.55.Tin?Barely steady.Spelter?Firm, $3.7553.80.

CoiT<*e.Coffee?Options closed firm at 10 and 15

points net advance. July, I15.40; October,|l".'o. Spot coffee?Firmer, Kio, lCc.

Sutrar.Sugar-Raw, firm; refined, firm.

Petroleum.Petroleum?Easy; A'.igi.'st options closed

fl-27»i bi'L

Chicago. July 23.?'The wheat trade wassurprised to find that the Argentine ship-

ments for the week, instead of hems; un-<s*»r l'Vi.'V'O. as one cablegram received Sat-urday had it. really amounted to thequantity of «Sfl,<VW. That was th» reasonfor a quick decline at the start from 71 7 ,f

to~7lh»e for September wheat, it hadbarely touched the lower of these quota-tions. however, when ft started up asratnin a hurry, and Inside of th" first fiftfaminutes had risen to 72V- The rise was

verv irrearular after that, with a stror zb-illish undertone to the small businesswhich was going on. From 7?4e it drop-ped to TlKc, rose arain and dropped niraln,finally rettlnff to T2%c about two hour*from the openir.e. The visible supply

showed up well for the hulls. The r>r «

of September was 7250 when the visiblefigures were made known, ar 1 in twntyminutes thereafter it had declined to 71' i".The Liverpool, Paris and Antwerp mar-kets all became firmer and slljrhtly Markerat the close, and Berlin was about un-changed. September closed at

Corn held firm, considering the furtherpr< rrt ss under favorable weather condi-tions and the crop on record asfar as it has gor#. The srood demand forcash com was the mainstay of the Sep-

tember delivery. September closed at

<7V-Oats w-ere inactive and featureless. The

tone of the market was inclined towardfirmness in sympathy with wh»«t andcorn. September closed at 22*-.

The profusion trade was dull. Theprices, compared with final quotations «>n

Saturday, show (rains In pork, lard andribs of IT1 *? for the f rm»r ai l 5c eachfor the latter.

( tonins Quotations.Wheat July. 71V; August. TT~c.Oats?July. 23-re: September, 22%c.Corn?July. 43i»c; September. 43 VPork?July. » ,f» 72: Se?temt~r. *lO *2*4.I>ar I?July, 15.30; September, 16.17'*.Barley?«*\Fiax-»1.24Timoth> ?.75.

Lire *tock.There was an active trade in rood to

Choi.-# cattle, which were not very nu-merous at an advance of M©TV. Com-mon to choice native steers. J3bulk native steers, s4VVj>y» oows andbulls. t!rafters, active and strone.

Hogs were about steadjr heavy. 145 51: lights. H SN- 3; >4 T a 3.IS.A few assorted lights t Id at s?> *».

In sheep there waa a irooi demand, andprices ruled steady. Them was a large

number of fair to rood sheep here fromIdaho, Wyoming. Montana and Oregon.


163-165 Deirborn-st., Chicago.15 Wall*st., V« i *rk 70 SuiMt. BwtM.

BONDSL.o«f S: «\u25a0 JT: »«s»adeai» fcOiciWi-


SRATTUE TO TACOMA.Tw rv jod tnom dti r except one hour and tweaV?T««tart«.THE KTr-OIEK TbTER._

_ _

P.afuia.r daily trw«, Be>t ue-Taccrn»route, as follows:



p m. I>ave Tacoco*?^.3o c_ ni-. 1.00 4 3a.V « P m .Sun«iaT»?

Lewre Bewt«le-?4» a. m.L*eve Ti«wn*-» » a. m.. 2 ». >

L*rvitnifat North»ra Paciftc wharf. Ta-

CMRa. arvd C<*nrr.«c lal dock, foot of Mar-tor street, ?<«?*:%

Sundays, azcrurslott rata* en s*eamerPleefwood: fare. SOc.


.Oarrytng VnKed Sta?«e mail. Wv«7dr-k, foot of Main street. Monde/. W-d---r -»iar and Prvlar ai I a. m. for PortTownsend. Ju*n laiande ana New"Whatcom.

TIME CARD. IN EFTRCT MARCH 11.Nortb Bound?Leave Seattle 2.80 a. m.;

lea,* Port Townsend T.flu a. m.; leaveFriday Ha.-W U:» a m.; i-ave RocheHarbor 12JS p- m.. arrive New Whatcomt '7O p. m,


South Brwnd?Leave N'sw Whatrtoraa. n ; leave Rc>che Hart»oe 9:<)0 a m.;leave Friday HaThor 10» a. m.. leavePer* To*"nser.d 4:00 p. tn . arrive Seattle7 4"> p. sr..

J R Th 'vnr>*or. managing owrner.Lilly. R.-*ardja St Co.. ager.ts. City dock.?Phone K3

EVERETT ROL'TE-STR. GREYHOUNDDaiiy Ex -ept Sunday.b«o-:tie it; a m.. U:» a. tn.

4 SO p m. Lea.vee i>. er- :t Sa. m., 2p. m..' j? ndaya?Leaves Seattle 11 a. ra. Leaves£vere>t 3 p. aa.

fare ?Single trip, 7V: round trip. 11.26:connects with boats for Taco.r.a and Sr.o-horrds*.

I^andtng?Colman dock, foot of Marion


Claud Troup. Pres. F. W Goodhue. S'y.


STEAM BR CITV OF CHAMPAIGNLeaves City dock. Seattle, foot of Mainand Ja/kson stxwata?J uly 3U, at 11 a. m.;August 1. at 6a. m.; August 2, at 7 a. m ;August 3, at 8 a. m. leaves Mount Ver-non?July 31. at K> a. m.. August 1. at 3

fm. > August 2. at 4 p. m.; August 3, atp. m.


F'eamer Clan McDonald !"<avee Citydo- k, daily, except Saturday, at It)

p m.. for R!-:-hmor-i. Edmonds. M-kilteo.fvere't. Ma av'"e.Ka~' Bvejvt,

Lowed a d Snoh>'i i>h cor.n-c Ing a* Sno-homish with baats for Cherry Valley,Tolt and ad ;:p river .joints. Returning,leaves Snohomish 8 a. m. dally, except-ing Sunday.

LILLY. BOOARPT*S ft CO.. Inc..Owners and Manager*



Leaves Caine'a dock, foot of Spricff street.Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays at 7a m. Returning alternate days, leaves.Union Cltv &:?.\u25a0) a. m Kingston, 50c; PortGamble, 50c; Union City. 5f

S. JACKSON. Master.Telephone 7te.



Seattle and Towneend-Neah Bay Rotna.c -rr;er Garland leaves Y"aler dock Mon-days. Wednesdays and Fr.days at 12:a m for Port Townaend. Port Wililama,Duii*enees. Port Angeles. Port Crescent.Gettvaburg, I*y*bt. Clallam Bay and NeahBav -??turning arrlvea Sea'tle 2 30 p. m.on 1 voo i ? u»> s. E-aaJner Evan. a. lea.esYes>er dock for Port Angeles and Victo-ria Monday* Wednesdays and Fridays at

?3O p m.; arrtvea Seattle alternate daysS p ra.

tr a DRY DOCK. PORT ORCHARDAND SIDNEY ROITE.Tfcret# round trips daUy.

STEAMER DELTAleaves SiSnev «:« and 11:30 a m. and 6 30t> m Leaves* Seattle 9a. m. and 4 and 9o m from Harrinfton A Smith's wharf,Tallin* at all way ports; goes vhroogh toAnderson's landing at 12 m.An mo

D TROFTMAN. Master.A C. U. BERRY. Aj?*nt.

Telephone 3».

Sale* were on tv e ba?-s of T! 3*n ncommon to extra she~j», »r>d v« forlambs. Few sales were made at highpri?»s. the bulk of the sheep b. \ng of m -

dix:m grades.

Recerpt- -rattle. 13L-9»: calves, 2f«C hoarssheep. IX.W.

Omaha Llw !®tork Market.Onaha, July I*. CattJe Stronger;

Western sfeeru. $3 7a, earners, $'

stockers and feeders. tL'biH, calves,

Sfceep?Steady: fair to W>!«terr.«f- '

¥>: common and atotk shevp, j3-Ti. Lambs. JSffS.


Financial.July r° ?Silver, 3-!M, Con-

sols. l>rt 5-1 C Hate of Interest Bank ofKngland. 2 per cent.

Bre«att*fufll* and Grain.Liverpool. July Wheat?Spot. Arm;

demand moderate; No 2, red winter, s«d; No. 2, red spring. .« Jd: No. I. hardManitoba, Ss IM; No. 1, California. :#

Futures steady. WfVl high-er; July and Axigust. f« sd; September.?> "-d; October. :>s November, as8V«<1.

Corn?Spot, quiet; American mixed,new, 4* «d. Futures closed lower;July, *s 4\<\: August, \u2666.* lUd: September.4* lud; October. 4s November. 4slHd; December, 4s.

Klour?Firm; demand good; St. Louisfancy winter, 7* «d.


"an Francisco. July Arrived F'MntI/oma. Cosmopolia; Mackinaw, Taeoma.Departed? Walia Waila. Victoria andPort Townsend- Freights and charters -

American ship Wachusstt. coal from N'a-naimo to San Franciaco; American hark-?ntine Amelia, now at Gray's Harbor,lumber, thence to Honolulu; Americanschooner O. A. Thayer, at Gray's Harbor,lumber, thence to Suva Viji; Americanbark Melrose, now at Port Blakeley, lum-ber, thence to Sydney.

Port Townsend, July 3.?Speclal.-Sail-ed?Br bk Thermopylae. Port Blakeley

for Kngland; bk Kmpire, Port Blakeleyfor Svdnsy; bktn Willie R. Hume, PortBlakeley for Sydney. To sail tomorrow?

Schrs Liasi# Vance, l'ort Blakeley forNewport, and \V. F. Jewett. Taeoma forSan Pedro. Arrived? Schr, SaUator, SanPedro, at Port Gamble.

Hoquiam, July 27.?Sailed?Str D<>lNorte, for San Francisco. Arrived?RktAmelia, from Hilo, to load lumber forSan Francisco.

Passenijer* on the Walla Walla.

The steamer Walla Walla left San Fran-cisco Monday with the following namedpassengers;

For Victoria?Mr#. M. S. Hill. H. Ed-wards, Miss N. C. Fage. C. H. Farla-ment, L. M. Matteraon, Mrs. Mile*. Mrs.S. W. Gray. John Hilbert. Mrs. Oliver.Amelia HUbert and two children. Mrs.Ambery, Miss G. Gilbert, Miss Donis-thorpe, Mrs. Wolff and two children, Mrs.Noble and two children, Mian Feckham,Miss Fortal, A. L. Henry, W. 55. Mr-Bride, Ivy Smith, May Smith, F. H. Don-Isthorpe, I)r. Griffin, Miss A. Hardin, J.T. Kraser, Mrs. M. Johnson. Mrs. Martin,M!ss Gainlay, Miss I* Ellis, Ray Clifton,Miss V. Wilson.

Seattle?'W. If. Kinross and wife. Mrs.H. Stovey, Miss Kerr, W. H. Soderberg.

J. S. Shaw, Ed Lewis, W. J. Martin. Mrs.Croissant, Miss Croissant, Mrs. Averili,E. W. Newhall. A. M. Xewhall and son.E. J. Falmer, C. Makin, F. Wilms ns.Miss M. Cassuly. S. V. Armstrong, R»*v.M. Irwin, Mrs. Nell. Mrs. J. Eaton. Mrs.Hood, Mrs. G. Thompson. Miss J. A.Thompson. O. W. I.iple, Mrs. Frohman,E. F. Hill, M. E. Doe and wife. S. H.Eooh, and wife, Ora T<ooli, R. Looh, S.G.Looh, Mrs. F. W. Bird and child.

Fort Townsend?Mrs. T. A. Webb.Tacoma ?Miss Robbing, Mrs. G. W.

Woodword, E. B. Meering. Mrs. J. Wheel-er, L. G. Clements, S. W. Mumfosd, A.Berton. A. Jacques.


Steamer Bay City took twenty tons ofwheat to Whatcom on her last trip.

Steam schooner Rohlf loaded coal at thaOregon Improvement Company bunkers.

Steamer Renton. on two trip*, tooktwenty tons of hay to Port Binketoy yes-terday.

Steamer George E Starr, on h*r Sun-day excursion to Port Gamble and S*a-beck, carried 100 people.

City of Champaisn carried a Sundayexcursion of people from Moupt Ver-non to Utsalady and Deception pass.

Steamer Chili at w ill take feet oflumber to Alaska on her next trip. Shewill probably not arrive for two or thre«days, as she went to Glaclar bay this time.

The State of Washington resumed h#>rrun last evening, relieving the Fairh.iv-en. which stopped at Conner on thaWhatcom run. leaving her" Sunday night.

Bteaiuer Multnomah yesterday morningat 7:30 took an excursion Chautauqua

and the St. Mark's choir mountain climb-ers to Tacoma. The City of Aberdeenon the Multnomah's run, nt 1 p. m, alsohad a larga number for Chautauqua.

The halibut fleet, -onsistJrg of elevenschooners and sloops, has been on thebanks eight days or more, nnd is dua to

return. Schooners Pilot, Annie. Loval,Alcedo. St. Lawrence and Donoastvr nndsloops Morning Star. Gyda, Annie. W. T.Tickle and Maria are expected daily.

Steamers on th« Port Orcliard routeare engaged In a genuine rato war. Toany pohit on Fort Orchard I»ay the rate

has been cut to 25 eents one way. Th*steamers as yet are not »wrc of anyincrt-j<se of travel, but thev s*"»m deter-mirr 1 to ktdf- f«<h othor. Tho«« o nthis route ara tba Delta, Gen. Canby andA. R. Rofttnson.

S, hooncr J. B. Ward sailed jrestardarmorning for the purpoae of sal-mon fi.«hlng In the mouths of thestreams on tl'e coast. Sh»* has ar-

rarK"m'»nts for parking h»ron board, ar 1 will f'ispos»* of It after re-

turning In al»out two months. Ihe rr«*w

consists of six m<»n and a woman cook.This Is the first enterprise of this kind,and if successful will cause many others.


Transactions Since Jnnnary 1 and ForTfsterday.

R<«r\l estate transactions since January

1. IK'S, are »2.«?0.857.«. There w.-re fil. dfor record yesterday nir** d^#" - th* con-

siderations aggregating tlS.SllJf. Follow-ing is a list furnished by th* Dally Rec-ord, room 42 Srhetierman blo<-k:

Northwest Co. to S J. Marquis,

lot 33,City to Henry W. Conklin, lot 1. block 1.

Monroe's Ist sdd >4 V>.John R. Ktnnear to Elizabeth J Ma<*-

Donald. lot 5, block 41. T. llanford s a !d

to South Sf-attle, VA -

Ol* Johnson to Elizabeth Anderson, lot1, block X Maple's add. «-?«"

First National hank to A. F aid O. B.Schmidt, s* se s»- sec I. 2T«. 4. K.'M.

Minnie J. and Patl Abrahams to Eugln

Ferrcra. lots 11 ard 14. block 1, sup! piat

of Summit Park add. F""-Oorge F. Aust to L L*>dK", lot 12.

T, Lake View add. 1900.John L. How* to Ciarcrve F IIow». lo's

« to 7. block 15. Steel Works add, q. $!»»

Anlrpw Kelson to W. O. Barnes, lot 1and s's iot 2, Mock 3, Belt's heirs lat add.JS.W.


« he*»p f.rnfn Boc* for Farmer*

F llowinr up the redaction in »hc r>r! <»

r,f grain ba*». the director* of the Walla

Walta penitentiary have sent out the fol-

lowir.« cirruiar to ail farmers ;n EaattrnWashington:

"Owinip to th<§ amo'int o. Cal-cutta grain b*sr3 tmportM thia season and

»he shortage tn the wheat yield on th* en-

tire Coast, the pri~e of bags has droppedunusually low. In view of lowprices on Imported baga. it is doubtful

wh"th»r of the rtock nowon hand at this institution. via: UM.004,

unless tha farmers of this stare realize

the Importance o# pHrtrntate# their ownInstitution. »nd thus «nahia ua to continue

man ufaetttt+n*. We have redo-ed thaprice to 4 »d® cents p*r ha*, whl'-h ia act-ual r<.st to the »tat#, and unices jute

should advan \u25a0?. which ts not at all like-ly. the*e low prt'«* will be maintained tnthe fut .re. It i* quit* probable, how-ever that It w.ll be a U>rig time beforeCalcutta bars will tt&m be aold at prea-»nt low price*, and with the penitentiary

mills shut down, you can readily seehow sou might again taffl to jay prices


which prevailed before tha stats bejtan

making hs>;s.\"©w, *s i*n inducement for yon to buy

your s*cksi from the penitentiary, we hav*cor lu !? i : \u25a0-> give ait parties who purchas*

prison bars this m>«*nn the oreferencoim xt year in the order in which purrhas- sar* Diirfc; In other wonts. those who i*ir-chase our I ags this yaar are prtetlc»ll>*u.<tuml they can buy their supply witseason at the prea»«nt price.

We also destre to call your attention tothe fa t that tb# p*«t excellent qualltvof our hags ha* not only been maintained,to:t in fart ha* been and ;a

now <ar superior to any other in thomark#*.

In pavm»nt for th# bass we mill ac-cept ont'ihiM fash, and the balance, one-third tn sixty day*, and one-third in nine-ty dava, m certificates of dep«it issuedby any national bark of good standing inthe stat*. A per cent. cash payment, willsecure bass for * >?>-? ?ry,

"Tnist'ns > Oil w ,1 favor us with youror.i«r» and use v,r inrtuene# with others,a# are. yours truly,

" Board of rYwit#nt'ary Director*."By C. K. NYK. PreaJdeut.**

C «>rlt IMnnka tor Warships.Wa«htr<:on City iPoaC

Several mon: * ag \u25a0» !"* bo»ri of !»-

?portion and aurvey of the navy depart-ment was directed to make an investiga-tion with a view of ohtalatr.g soma prac-tical tubstttut* for wood in fitting r.avalTMMIa. The desire for a substitute wa*the ta.-t that a lighter maiaiial waswanted if poaaible, one that would no'take to much spaca in tha vessel, artmore than anything else a malarial thatwould not splinter. It *n also <lestra-ble to have a non-combustible substanc*.The board ha* made a report t-"» :h* sec-retary of the navy. a T;d tame of ita re» -

omm#nd\ttr*ne have he»n adopted by him.and 1? !# i>r--»bah!"» that several of thanew ships will r>e fitted w'th the new ma-terial as a substitute for wood

n f the b#«t materia'® which havebeen fotr 1 by -\u25a0e * -:irl s a wood sub-

stitute composed >f waste cork, or spy

cork. This la subje; tel to \u2666"*> degress ofheat, and It is then press 1 Into hlock*of anv required slxe. It can oe sawedInto thin strips or handled very much a*

wood li handles. Cork haa a gum whtehgroat heat melts ard friues Its particlestogether In a compact mass. After lw>-

Ing prease«.l It stirks together as l itghtlvsi If It had r pown that way. Th* corkhoards may be mai'e h#avy or light, <*»

wanted. Soma of the lighter kinds ar«used In the walls as rerr!jtcrat>rs. It !?

a non-oondn-tor. and can scarcely h*made to burn. Tins material la used inthe pise# of wood tn Oerman \ essels

Commander Bradford, who mad# Mv>

search ac.d examination of this particu-lar substitute, found that the Ocrmar s

were using It under a patent takan ou<

by John Smith, of New Yofk. and thatoompanles in the United States had ob-

tained rights fir i*s manufacture here.

The R1 if Tr«»e* -»r Qnlllavnt* Valley.

Beaver leader.It la claimed. and the statement Is cor-

roborated by *\u25a0 veral j>or*on#, that ther*

w»a a tree r» ntlv burn* i down thr«a

miles from F-ivr whhh measured a

trifle over »t*iy-f«>ur feet tn, or sum- twenty-one feet 1n diame-

ter Tha tree was measured fifteen fret

from the ground. There is another on*

In tha K-ar crefk valley which, however,

is but iS'-j feet In diameter and probably*»7) feet high. These are sample# of what

The valley can do lt» this line. an4-plen-ty more may be found that ara by »?

means tiny.



C. 1.. Kellog. Tacoma.K. E. Eliis. Tacoma.K. McOlniey. Tacoma.0. H. Smith. Portland.C. Allin, Everstt.Charles F. Belt. Salem. Or.G. E. Aitkin. Or.

o. rhtipi. MUsOU, l*'^M®n^-A. W. Brown. Khmaander. Wl*T E. Lennon, Khinelander.G. S. Fatten. San Franciaco.T. Burk, San Francesco.Aug. Lehman.waodioraU- ay.A. W. Oienv. Tacoma-Frank Braisb- rry, M<mat Varno*Byron Wylie, Tacoma.L. C. Whitney. Everett.p. C. Comrnlngs. Pan Frandac*C. C. Beckwlih, Taooma.J. H. Hansen. New York.V. H. Beckniin, Tacoma.Frank Tarry and wife. GaU CU|".

S. Spokane.J Knox. Tacoma.N. R. Smith, Dos AxgHas.

T. TJlmer, roft AAftliMR. A. Kotr<»r. Tacoma.H S. lUchtnond. VB.J. N. Darker, Lawrnece.V. r. Voorhfia and wife. California.Mis* Voorhes. California.? 'harle# Schutt. Nanalmo.M. Peterson. Fort Blakeley.Si P. Glveson. Portland.Mrs. ID. N. Prowly.


Mrs. Mitchell and children,James Jordan, Burlington, la.M. K. Thayn anl wifa, Everslt.W. D. Ciark. Tacoma.EL G. rarington, Vaughn.1, <? Whitney. Everett.W. H. Mixer. Tacotro.

DIULER HOTEL*Thomas Panders, Woodlnvtlla.W. M. HuH>art. Snohomish.Mae Whistler. Guthrla Center, la..1 French. Nlles.


\V. 11 Wright, Port Townsend.Mr« W. IL Wright, Port Townaenfl.Mr* H. C. Wright. Port Townwnd.William MoGlilis. Bellevus.Mrs M. S. Country man. VSkkershamJ. A Hart*. Detroit,i;. F,ng;#h. Mount verton.J P Johnson. Mount Vernoa.J. C Stein, Kansas City.

W H. Brown, North Rend.Willi# H. W bite, Tacoma.F L. Rich, Indianapolis.W. Ij, Wooding, Bnohom sh.W If. Heat on. Merger Slough.Ed Stafford, T'tsalady.W D Jackson. KaJamaseo.Mr« B E Moore. Starrwood.Mrs. Keller, »tanwood.Mrs. Oars. Stan woodM. o. Smith. Wisconsin.D M PpifTord. Wisconrfn.Job M 4»arr>one. Amador City, CaLT * Hunter, Rlalnep. K. Yundt. Mi'wauksa.IJ. N. Arllnirton.J. D. S n- 'alr, Arlington.K. I> Boyd, Nowelty.Jf. .Tanks, Savannah.G. Map«rett, Everett.Mrs Maggett, EverettN»- Hi!fon. Everest.Mc RodenMnrer. Watetdfl*.

1i(ITIuTJ BT.ri.ER.J. W. Hawkfna. City.H 11. Emmons, PortandHer -v Cadder. Rprinr^ld

and wtf»>. Port Rlakelay.p' a Word. Vletorta.R V. Winch. Victoria.P M Bruc*. WhatcomR Ja jharl" Pan Franciscot, K. T.'tfi. Ofy.

?sti«« Perrv, Snoksne.H M. Edward". Ppokans.h! R. Portland.\frn M D. Pharn. A'ibnrn.Mine Edwards, FafrhavenW P Furgiison. Pnohomls^Vi,« E R. W»h#ter. Port Town»*nCV»«e T W Well. Port Tosrnsend.\ F MoCoigan, Olymtda.v w. Mrtrphy. Portland.V. V Far. portisnd.

I. H Gr»«wr '.d. Boston.Mi*? F. E. Griswold. Bostoa.

pt«!n. Fverett.?,rrs W. H Smith. M>>sk»gen. Vl -11.

Attention Blr Knight*.

T ,, m twenty-«Wh tr!«nn!*l <»«\u25a0>?rU-rmrrand Kn'iwprwl of tk* T*nJ?e-i States.

' k* held In Boston. Auenst 26th to 30th.n is rttxsc'wl that mora than fc.ODO swords«- i v>* in S'ne. and Boston la preparing to

the Kn'rhta a royal wsleom* Tt«»

vorthweatem Una haa mart# a rate of of *

*r*t-eiaaa far# for trip. Tlcketa'&nm.i ? Auyuat IStii to 14!h.* P. TT. PARKER.

Sound A««n% «t1 Pront street, »».


"The OH JVornTnton."Thts ctrarett# baa Jumped into popslas

*avor. All el*ar storaa kaetf" them.

»*r Great Hortliern Btfamer*.

r>r \u25a0f-4' Northern pala'ial at earners North-wes* arid Norih'-and isave Duluth «T«ry

Monday and Friday, totrchin# at gauit

Mai-e. Msucldoee, L>etrelt. ClewsUurian- i Buffalo Be aura tn ret rest-

on m%*rScent s'earnem. at «! Frontstreet.

C ijtarette Smoker*TTho Vks a ndld. peasant tanks,try th« Oil Dominion.