The rules of the casino

The rules of the casino…


If you have any Las Vegas holidays planned, you need to know the rules of basic casino games. Here's a quick guide to three of the most popular.

Transcript of The rules of the casino

Page 1: The rules of the casino

The rules of the casino…

Page 2: The rules of the casino

Is lady luck on your side…?

If you have any Las Vegas holidays planned, you need to know the rules of basic casino games. Here's a quick guide to three of the most popular.

Some would say that all you need is luck win these games, while other argue that these games actually require a great deal of skill. What do you think? You decide...

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Page 3: The rules of the casino

BlackjackOne of the most widely played casino games in the world, blackjack is the staple of any gambling institution.

The premise is simple. The aim of the game is to get dealt a group of cards that add up to 21.

The player is initially dealt with two cards - they then have the option to take another card from the dealer (hit) or stick with the cards they've got (stand).

The player can take as many cards as he needs, but if the sum of the cards tips over 21, then the player is "bust" and loses the game.

Once the player has decided to stick, the dealer reveals his cards. The player with the total closest to 21 is the winner.

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Page 4: The rules of the casino

CrapsCraps is a dice game, where players can place bets on the outcome of a roll of a dice.

The players can play against each other (street craps) or against a bank or casino (table craps).

In table craps, players take turns to roll the dice (shoot) and players can place bets on various outcomes by placing their chips on certain points of the table. The shooter must place a bet on the "pass" or "don't pass" line.

The round starts with one or more "come out" rolls. In this stage of the game, if the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12, anyone betting on the 'pass' line loses and the shooter is said to have rolled a "craps".

A roll of 7 or 11 in this stage is called a “natural" and players betting on the pass line win.

However, if any other number is rolled, then this establishes the point at where the players will "pass“, or win. So for example, if the shooter rolls a four, then he must roll a four again to win. However, if he rolls a seven before he rolls the point value again, then he loses (i.e. "don't pass").

The round ends when the player throws the point value (to win) or a seven (to lose) and the dice gets passed on to the next player.

Image by Dave Gough

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The Roulette Wheel

Another iconic game, the roulette wheel is one of the most well-known features of the casino.

The croupier spins the wheel in one direction, then spins a ball in the opposite direction. The ball whizzes around the wheel until it eventually slows down and lands in one of 37 or 38 numbered slots.

Players place bets on the outcome of the spin. There are variety of bets that can be placed, each varying in odds. For example, you can bet on whether the ball will land on a red or black slot, or if the number of the slot will be odd or even. However, if you're feeling REALLY daring, you can bet on the exact number. While the chances you'll win are a great deal lower than other bets, the pay out will be a great deal larger, too!

Image by Kuoni