The Roles of Public Relations in PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta


Transcript of The Roles of Public Relations in PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta

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Submitted a Pa!tia" Re#ui!eme$t i$ Obtai$i$% De%!ee i$ t&e

E$%"i& Di'"(ma P!(%!am) Fa*u"t+ (, Lette! a$d Fi$e A!t

Sebe"a -a!et U$ie!it+


0a&+u P!aet+(








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Student’s Name : Wahyu Prasetyo

 NIM : C931100

!ppro"ed to #e e$amined #e%ore the &oard o% '$aminers( 'n)lish

*iploma Pro)ram( +a,ulty o% -etters and +ine !rts

 Se#elas Maret .ni"ersity


/usu% urniaan S2 S2( M2!

 NIP2 1911130199031001


Report Title : T' R4-'S 4+ P.&-IC R'-!TI4NS IN

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  PT2!N5!S! P.R! 1 !*IS.T6IPT4


4+ /45/!!RT!

Student’s name : Wahyu Prasetyo

 NIM : C931100

'$amination date : 7th !u)ust 801

A**e'ted a$d A''!(ed b+ t&e B(a!d (, E9ami$e!) E$%"i& Di'"(ma


 Fa*u"t+ (, Lette! a$d Fi$e A!t) Sebe"a -a!et U$ie!it+

The &oard o% '$aminers:

12 *rs2 !)us ari Wi#aa( M2!( Ph2* ;;;;;;;;;;;2<

Chairperson NIP21970=301993081001

82 6ustine Ni>en !%da(S2S2(M2! ;;;;;;;;;;;2<

Se,retary NIP219=708380130801

32 /usu% urniaan( SS( M2! ;;;;;;;;;;;2<

Main '$aminer NIP21911130199031001

Fa*u"t+ (, Lette! a$d Fi$e A!t

Sebe"a -a!et U$ie!it+


*rs2 Riyadi Santosa M2'd2(Ph2*

 NIP2 197038=19=7011001


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Never give up and do the best in every your job.

–The writer


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*edi,ated to my %ather( mother( sister( %riends( and le,turers

That e"er made the most #eauti%ul line on my ay here


The riter ould li>e to than>%ul to !llah SWT( %or )i"in) me a#ility(

opportunity and ,reati"ity in ,omposin) this %inal pro?e,t report2 The riter also

)i"es the )reatest than> to e"eryone ho alays too> a role in all o% my


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This report is entitled @The Roles o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura

1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>artaA2 The title #ased on the ?o#

trainin) that the riter has a,,omplished in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2

This report is ritten to %ul%ill the reBuirements in o#tainin) de)ree the

'n)lish *iploma III Pro)ram *e)ree2 The riter do ?o# trainin) in PT2 !n)>asa

Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2 In this %inal pro?e,t( the

riter e$plains the roles and a,ti"ities o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2

The riter ,ompletely realies that the %inal pro?e,t is %ar %rom #ein)

 per%e,t2 oe"er( it ill #e a pre,ious thin) i% the report ,an add the in%ormation

and >noled)e %or many people2

Sura>arta( 6uly 801

  Wahyu Prasetyo


+irst o% all( the riter ould li>e to say  Alhamdulillahi Rabbil’ Alamin to

e$press the riter’s hi)hest )ratitude to !llah SWT ho has )i"en the riter 

 #lessin) and )uidan,e to %inish this %inal pro?e,t report2

oe"er( this or> ,ould not #e a,,omplished ithout some helps %rom

some people and the institutions2 I ould li>e to e$press my hi)hest )ratitude to:

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12 *rs2 Riyadi Santosa M2'd2(Ph2* as a *ean o% +a,ulty o% -etters and +ine

!rts o% Se#elas Maret .ni"ersity2

82 /usu% urniaan S2S2( M2!( as the ead o% 'n)lish *iploma Pro)ram2

32 /usu% urniaan S2S2( M2! as my super"isor than> %or all patien,e and

>indness in helpin) me to %inish this %inal pro?e,t2

2 Muhammad Tau%iB !l D Ma>mun S2S2( M2! as my a,ademi, super"isor 

than> %or his )uidin) durin) my study in 'n)lish *iploma Pro)rams2

E2 Mas *i>a as the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)ya>arta than>s %or the in%ormation and time in

this ,ompany2

72 !ll sta%%s o% Shared and Ser"i,es department in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta( than>s %or the ,ooperation

and the ,han,e that as )i"en to me2

2 !ll o% my %amily mem#ersF my mother( my %ather( my sister2 Than> %or 

)i"in) me support and help #oth "isi#le and in"isi#le one2

=2 Pandam( Su)en)( Shila( I?us( Raras( .n,rud( Indah( Shasa( Ris>i( Rani(

 No"i( et, than>s %or the support that )i"en to me to %inish the %inal pro?e,t2

92 Sa#et as my ?o# trainin) partner than>s %or her spirit2

102 My %riends in *iploma III Pro)ram ho push me to %inish this report2 /ou

are %riends that are more li>e sisters and #rothers to me2 Than>s that ill

ne"er #een enou)h %or all o% you2 !ll o% you are too mu,h to mention2

112 !ll o% my %riends in +ormadasi 8011 and 8018 in all di"isions2 Than> you

%or e"erythin)2

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182 !ll o% my %riends in Committee o% @Munaslu# I>ama#siiA Pandam( Shasa(

Mi%ta( Mu>lis( Su)en) %rom .NS( a%id( !yum( i>i( !>#ar( !ris %rom

.M/( '>o( 5untur( !hmad( duo Ratna %rom .ni"et( *anan) and %riends

%rom I!IN( Gaim( Said( Gahrul( !ri%( Mi%ta %rom .IN S.!( Siti( .ray(

!ri%( and Sil"i %rom .MS than>s %or their to)etherness2

+inally( I ant to e$press my )ratitude to all people ho ha"e helped me in

%inishin) my study and %inal pro?e,t

Sura>arta ( 6uly 801

Wahyu Prasetyo



YOGYAKARTA) E$%"i& Di'"(ma P!(%!am) Fa*u"t+ (, Lette! a$d Fi$e

A!t) Sebe"a -a!et U$ie!it+.

This %inal pro?e,t is ritten #ased on the ?o# trainin) as Pu#li, Relations

o%%i,er at PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2 This

%inal pro?e,t report dis,usses the roles o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2

The riter is helpin) the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er in %inishin) the ?o#s li>e

ma>in) ,lippin)( distri#utin) the nes ,uttin)( ma>in) press release( impro"in)

e#site( ta>in) do,umentation and ma>in) presentation2 The riter ,olle,ts data

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and in%ormation #y ma>in) o#ser"ation and )ettin) in"ol"ed in ea,h ?o# or 


The o#?e,ti"e o% this %inal report is to des,ri#e the roles and a,ti"ities o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

/o)ya>arta2 &ased on the data and the e$perien,e durin) the ?o# trainin)( the roles

o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

/o)ya>arta are e$pert pres,ri#er( ,ommuni,ation %a,ilitator( pro#lem sol"in)

 pro,ess %a,ilitator and ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian2 The a,ti"ities to #e,ome e$pert

 pres,ri#er is ma>in) press ,on%eren,e( #e,ome ,ommuni,ation %a,ilitator is

ma>in) ,lippin) nes( #e,ome pro#lem sol"in) pro,ess %a,ilitator is arran)in)

Co%%ee Mornin) and #e,ome ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian are ma>in) press release(

impro"in) e#site( handlin) "isitation( ma>in) do,umentation and ma>in)


ope%ully( this %inal pro?e,t report ,an #e a re%eren,e %or the Pu#li,Relations o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

/o)ya>arta to impro"e their per%orman,e2


CO5ER PAGE ............................................................................................ i

APPRO5AL OF CONSULTANT ............................................................... ii

APPRO5AL OF THE BOARD OF E8A-INERS .................................. iii

-OTTO ....................................................................................................... i

DEDICATION .............................................................................................

PREFACE .................................................................................................... i

ACNO0LEDG-ENT ............................................................................... ii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. i9

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ 9

CHAPTER I/ INTRODUCTION............................................................... 1

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A. Ba*:%!(u$d ................................................................................. 1

B. Ob;e*tie ..................................................................................... 2

C. Be$e,it ........................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II/ LITERATURE RE5IE0 ................................................. <

A. Pub"i* Re"ati($ .......................................................................... <

B. Pub"i* Re"ati($ i$ *(m'a$+ ..................................................... =

C. T&e !("e (, Pub"i* Re"ati($ ...................................................... >


A. Adiut;i't( I$te!$ati($a" Ai!'(!t (, Y(%+a"a!ta ..................... 11

B. T&e !("e a$d a*tiitie (, Pub"i* Re"ati($.............................. 12C. T&e ;(b t!ai$i$% !eu"t................................................................ 1

CHAPTER I5/ CONCLUSION a$d SUGGESTION .............................. 62

A. C($*"ui($ ................................................................................... 62

B. Su%%eti($ .................................................................................. 6=

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 64


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A. Ba*:%!(u$d

 Noadays( the ,ompetition in ,ompany or institution #e,omes more and

more ,ompetiti"e2 This ,ondition ma>es the ,ompany or institution to #e more

,reati"e and inno"ati"e to sur"i"e2 &esides( ,ompany or institution should ma>e

)ood ,ommuni,ation and in%ormation ser"i,es2 Communi,ation and in%ormation

 #e,ome the to thin)s that are "ery important in ea,h institution or ,ompany2

Communi,ation ,an #uild a )ood understandin) #eteen internal and e$ternal

institution2 Moreo"er( the in%ormation ,an )i"e more >noled)e a#out the

institution to pu#li,2 'a,h institution or ,ompany needs to #uild a )ood

,ommuni,ation and in%ormation #e,ause those are #asi, %a,tor that ,an #uild

 pu#li, per,eption2 In ma>in) )ood ,ommuni,ations and in%ormation an institution

or ,ompany needs a di"ision ,alled Pu#li, Relations2

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Pu#li, Relations o%%i,ers ha"e responsi#ility to ma>e sure that the

,ommuni,ation and in%ormation in their institution run ell2 Pu#li, Relations

o%%i,ers PR4< should >no %urther a#out the institution to ma>e )ood

,ommuni,ation amon) internal institutions2 Then( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,ers are

demanded to alays update the in%ormation a#out the institution( %or monitorin)

the institution2 So( hen Pu#li, Relations o%%i,ers >no the ,urrent ,ondition o% 

the institution they ,an do some ri)ht ays to respond this ,ondition2

!ll o% the a,ti"ities o% Pu#li, Relations ha"e a purpose to ma>e a )ood

reputation o% their institution2 The reputation ,an in%luen,e the pu#li, per,eption

a#out the institution or ,ompany( hen the reputation is )ood the pu#li, ill ha"e

)ood per,eption a#out the institution or ,ompany2 5ood per,eption %rom pu#li,s

is important to )et loyal ,onsumers2 -oyal ,onsumer is needed #y all ,ompanies(

in,ludin) ,ompanies in the ser"i,e se,tor2 When the ,ompany has loyal

,onsumers the ,ompany ill ha"e many ad"anta)es( so the num#er o% the

,onsumers alays in,reases2

PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta is one

o% the ,ompanies that or> in the ser"i,e se,tor2 The ser"i,e that is pro"ided #y

PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta is di"ided into

to thin)s( i2e2 aeronauti,s and non aeronauti,s2 !eronauti,s in,ludes all the

ser"i,es a#out a"iation and non aeronauti,s in,ludes all the a,ti"ities in !irport

e$,ludin) a"iation2 The ,ompanies that or> in ser"i,e se,tor are important to

 #uild )ood per,eption2 So( PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

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/o)ya>arta needs to #uild a )ood per,eption %rom its pu#li,s ,onsumers and

users< in order to )et loyal ,onsumers2

!,,ordin) to Cutlip 800E( 38< Pu#li, Relations ha"e %our roles that are

e$pert pres,ri#er( ,ommuni,ation %a,ilitator( pro#lem sol"in) pro,ess %a,ilitator(

and ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian2 In ea,h institution or ,ompany the dominant role

o% Pu#li, Relations in%luen,e many %a,tors su,h as salary( e$perien,e( )ender( et,2

'"en thou)h the dominant role in ea,h institution is di%%erent #ut the main )oal o% 

this role is same2 The main )oal o% this role is to ,reate )ood per,eption %rom their 

 pu#li,2 So( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)ya>arta has responsi#le to ,reate )ood ima)e %rom its


The riter had the ?o# trainin) in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)?a>arta %rom 10 th Mar,h 801 until 10th !pril 801 in

shared ser"i,e and ,ommuni,ation di"ision2 Shared ser"i,e and ,ommuni,ation

di"ision are >non as humas in Indonesian lan)ua)e2 The %inal pro?e,t is %o,us in

the role o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta there%ore the +inal pro?e,t report is entitled THE ROLES



B. Ob;e*tie

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The o#?e,ti"e o% the %inal pro?e,t report is:

To des,ri#e the roles and a,ti"ities o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta

C. Be$e,it

This %inal pro?e,t is e$pe,ted to #e #ene%i,ial %or:

12 PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta

The %inal pro?e,t ,an #e used #y the Pu#li, Relations di"ision o% PT2

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta to %ind its

stren)th and ea>ness( so they ,an do the ri)ht ay in order to impro"e

the Buality o% its ser"i,es2

82 The readers

The %inal pro?e,t ,an )i"e some additional in%ormation to the readers a#out

Pu#li, Relations and the role o% Pu#li, Relations o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport /o)?a>arta2

32 4ther riters

The %inal pro?e,t is e$pe,ted to #e,ome one o% the re%eren,es %or other

riters o% %inal pro?e,t report in ,ondu,tin) o#ser"ation a#out Pu#li,


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A. Pub"i* Re"ati($

 Noadays Pu#li, Relations has #een de"elopin) spe,i%i,ally( almost e"ery

,ompany needs a Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er2 Pu#li, Relations is planned( persuasi"e

,ommuni,ation desi)ned to in%luen,e si)ni%i,ant pu#li, Marston in riyantono(

800=: 3<2 Marston su))ests that Pu#li, Relations are a,ti"ities to in%luen,e pu#li,(

in this e$planation pu#li, are the tar)et o% Pu#li, Relations2 Then( !,,ordin) to

'%endy in riyantono 800=: < Pu#li, Relations is to ays ,ommuni,ation

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a,ti"ities #eteen or)aniations ith their pu#li, in order to support the %un,tion

and )oal o% the ,ompany #y impro"in) the ,ooperation amon) them so it ,an

,reate a mutualism #eteen the ,ompany and the pu#li,2 '%endy also states that

 pu#li, as the main tar)et( #ut the ,ompany ill )et more #ene%it %rom all Pu#li,

Relations a,ti"ities2

&ased on the Chartered Institute o% Pu#li, Relations .nited in)dom

CIPR<( Pu#li, Relations is the dis,ipline hi,h loo>s a%ter reputation( ith the

aim o% earnin) understandin) and support and in%luen,in) opinion and #eha"iour2

It is the planned and sustained e%%ort to esta#lish and maintain )oodill and

mutual understandin) #eteen an or)aniation and its pu#li,s <2 In

the other ar)ument a,,ordin) to the -attimore 8010: < Pu#li, Relation is a

%un,tion that help the ,ompany in rea,hin) the main )oal( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er 

should ma>e a )ood ,ommuni,ation #eteen e$ternal and internal pu#li, that are

rele"ant to impro"e the ,ompany so it ,reate )ood relationship and ,reate

,onsistent aspe,t #eteen ,ompany’s )oal and pu#li,’s desire2

!,,ordin) to Pu#li, Relations So,iety o% !meri,a PRS!< in -attimore

8010:E< Pu#li, relation has %un,tions as ,ounselor to the mana)ement and the

mediator %rom the mana)ement to pu#li,( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has main role to

,reate a mutual understandin) #eteen the mana)ement and the pu#li,2 So( all o% 

the poli,ies that the mana)ement ha"e ,an #e a,,epted #y the pu#li, in )ood


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+urthermore( #ased on the e$planation a#o"e Pu#li, Relations are

a,ti"ities that dominated #y the ,ommuni,ation a,ti"ities to ,reate mutual

understandin) #eteen the ,ompany and the pu#li,2 &esides( Pu#li, Relations

also ha"e a responsi#ility to ensure that the pro,ess to a,hie"e the main )oal o% 

the ,ompany is runnin) ell2

B. Pub"i* Re"ati($ i$ C(m'a$+

Pu#li, Relations in ,ompanies alays support the ,ompany to %a,e the

,ompli,ated ,ondition in its pu#li,2 So( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% a ,ompany is

important to ensure that all o% the e%%ort that they ma>e ,an #e support the "ision

and mission o% the ,ompany2 -attimore 8010: 08< e$plains that to rea,h the

"ision and mission o% the ,ompany the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er must support the

,ompany in anti,ipatin) and adaptin) ith the trend o% its pu#li,( ,reate )ood

ima)e and )ood reputation( and all o% the thin) that ,an impro"e the ,ompany that

all the a,ti"ities ha"e a main )oal to in,rease the num#er o% sellin) in this


'"ery ,ompany reBuires some s>ill that must #e mastered #y Pu#li,

Relations o%%i,er( #e,ause the ,ompany ants to ma>e sure that the poer o% the

,ompany ,an #e maintained #y )ood mana)ement( so it ,an help in the ,ompany’s

impro"ement2 !,,ordin) to -attimore 8010: 0E< the s>ills that must #e mastered

 #y a Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er are:

12 Media Relations2 It is used %or )ettin) some supports and sympathy

%rom media2

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82 'mployee relations2 Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er must ma>e a harmony

relation #eteen the employees( then PR4 also help and retrain )ood


32 Community relations2 The s>ills that in,lude in Community relations

su,h as: support the sales( ma>e the employee %eel interest( impro"e

the ser"i,e( and impro"e the el%are o% the employee2

2 Consumer relations2 The Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er must #uild )ood

relationship #eteen the ,ompany and the pu#li,( response the

,omplaint %rom the pu#li,2

E2 +inan,ial relations2 5i"e )ood ,ommuni,ation a#out %inan,ial and

ma>e sure the sto,> ,ompany is "alued %airly2

72 Mar>etin) ,ommuni,ation2 Ma>in) ad"ertisement in order to impro"e

the sellin)2

2 Pu#li, a%%airs2 Ta>e ,are o% the ,ompany’s intera,tion ith the


Pu#li, Relations in the ,ompany ,an mana)e some a,ti"ities( pro#lems(

and e"ents2 -attimore 8010: 0< e$plains that all the Pu#li, Relations a,ti"ities

,o"er some aspe,ts( su,h as:

12 Company ,ommuni,ation not ma>in) an ad"ertisement<

82 Crisis mana)ement

32 Pu#li, relations sellin)2 Internal ,ommuni,ation

E2 Communi,ation ith e$e,uti"e

72 Pu#li, Relations produ,t

2 4nline ,ommuni,ation

=2 Community relations

C. T&e R("e (, Pub"i* Re"ati($

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!,,ordin) to Cutlip 800E: 38< there are %our #i) roles that the Pu#li,

Relations o%%i,er ta>es( #ut in se"eral situations the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er ,an

ta>e all the roles2 There are the %our #i) roles o% Pu#li, Relations:

1. C(mmu$i*ati($ te*&$i*ia$

Most o% Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er #e)in their ?o# as Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er 

as the ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian2 In this role Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has

some duties su,h as: ritin) and editin) the ,ompany’s ma)aine( ritin)

 press release and %eature( impro"in) e# ,ontain( and dealin) ith media2

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er ho ta>es the role usually not in"ol"ed in the

 pro#lem identi%i,ation and pro#lem sol"in)2 They in"ol"ed to ,reate some

,ommuni,ation and to apply pro)ram2 They ha"e responsi#ility to e$plain

the ,ompany poli,y to employee( pu#li, and media2

6. E9'e!t '!e*!ibe!

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,ers ho ta>e this role ill #e ha"in) ima)e as the

authorities in the %a,in) and sol"in) the pro#lem2 Pu#li, Relations o%%i,ers

in this role ha"e some ?o#s su,h as: ma>in) identi%i,ation o% pro#lems(

impro"in) pro)ram( and ha"in) %ull responsi#ility in this appli,ation2 The

role as e$pert pres,ri#er is needed hen the ,ompany is in the ,risis


2. C(mmu$i*ati($ ,a*i"itat(!

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This role ma>es the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er as a )ood listener and

in%ormation #ro>er2 Communi,ation %a,ilitator has a %un,tion as

,onne,tor( translator( and mediator #eteen ,ompany and pu#li,2 They

mana)e the ,ommuni,ation #eteen ,ompany and pu#li, to ensure that

the ,ommuni,ation ,hannels #eteen them are alays open2 The main

)oal o% this role is to pro"ide some in%ormation that the ,ompany and

 pu#li, need( so they ta>e the ri)ht de,ision that ma>es the ,ompany and

the pu#li, ha"e the same #ene%it2

7. P!(b"em ("i$% '!(*e ,a*i"itat(!

In this role Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er needs to ma>e ,ooperation ith other 

mana)er in order to identi%y and resol"e the pro#lems2 The mana)er in

ea,h di"ision ta>es the important role in identi%yin) the pro#lems

situation( #e,ause they >no more a#out poli,y( produ,t( pro,edure( and

,ompany steps2 So( the Pu#li, relation o%%i,ers only help the mana)er in

sol"in) the pro#lem2 They only )i"e some su))estion in order to sol"in)

the pro#lem in )ood ay2

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A. Adiut;i't( I$te!$ati($a" Ai!'(!t (, Y(%+a:a!ta

1. Hit(!+

In the #e)innin) !disut?ipto International !irport as named Ma)uo

air%ield as the name o% the pla,e here the air%ield as #uilt i2e2 Ma)uohar?o2

The !irport as #uilt sin,e 190( and then e%%e,ti"ely used in 1982 In 198 6apan

,ame to /o)ya>arta and ,olonied /o)ya>arta( so the air%ield as ,ontrolled #y

6apan2 Then in Septem#er 19E the Indonesian soldiers in /o)ya>arta ,ould ta>e

o"er the !irport %rom 6apan2 !%ter that( the air%ield as used #y Indonesian

soldiers as the #ase ,amp to >eep the independen,e o% Indonesia2 The air%ield as

also used %or %li)ht trainin)2

In 19E0 Ma)uo air%ield as handed o"er to !.RI Indonesia !ir +or,e<(

then the air%ield ,han)ed the name into !disut?ipto !irport #ased on the de,ision

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o% ,hie% o% sta%% o% the !ir +or,e num#er 7( !u)ust 1 th 19E82 !%ter that( sin,e

19E the airport as used as the !ir +or,e !,ademy !!.<2 In 197( the

*ire,torate 5eneral o% !ir #y de,ision and appro"al o% the Indonesian !ir +or,e(

!disut?ipto !irports 6o)?a>arta #e,ame a mer)ed !irport #eteen ,i"il and

military2 +inally( 4n !pril 1( 1998( a,,ordin) to 5o"ernment Re)ulation No2 =

1998( !disut?ipto !irport %ormally entered the mana)ement o% !n)>asa Pura I2

Then( on 6anuary 1993 its status ,han)ed to PT Persero< !n)>asa Pura I airport

!disut?ipto &ran,h /o)ya>arta( #ased on the 5o"ernment Re)ulation No2 E /ear 

1993 http:HHadisut?iptoairport2,o2id<2

6. 5ii($ a$d -ii($

1< Jission

Top 10 #est !irport Company in !sia

8< Mission

a To in,rease sta>eholders’ "alues

 # To #e,ome the )o"ernment’s partner and stimulator o% 

e,onomi, )roth

, To ,arry out !irport ser"i,es #y pro"idin) prime ser"i,es that

meets sa%ety( se,urity and ,om%ort standards2

d To in,rease ,ompany’s ,ompetiti"eness throu)h ,reati"ity and


e To ,ontri#ute positi"ely to the en"ironment

2. L(*ati($

!disut?ipto International !irport as lo,ated in Solo Street M2 09

EE8=8 /o)ya>arta( Indonesia or 002’18A -S 110028E’EEA &T( 9

>ilometers %rom /o)ya>arta ,ity2

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7. T&e (!%a$i?ati($ t!u*tu!e

B. T&e !("e a$d a*tiitie (, Pub"i* Re"ati($

In the modern 'ra Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has many roles in the ,ompany(

)enerally the role o% Pu#li, Relations is to maintain the ,ommuni,ation #eteen

the ,ompany and the pu#li,2 Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er also >eeps the mutual

understandin) #eteen them2

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Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta has ei)ht main a,ti"ities in their ?o# des> i2e2 ma>in) press

,on%eren,e( ,reatin) ,lippin)( ma>in) press release( ,reatin) do,umentation(

ma>in) presentation( arran)in) ,o%%ee mornin)( handlin) "isitation( and

impro"in) e#site2

!,,ordin) to Cutlip 800E( 38< Pu#li, Relations has %our roles namely to

 #e,ome e$pert pres,ri#er( ,ommuni,ation %a,ilitator( pro#lem sol"in) pro,ess

%a,ilitator( and ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian2 ere are the roles o% Pu#li, Relations

o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta:

1. E9'e!t '!e*!ibe!

!s the e$pert pres,ri#er the Pu#li, Relations o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta has only one a,ti"ity( i2e2 ma>in) a

 press ,on%eren,e to ma>e a ,lari%i,ation hen the ,ompany has some pro#lems to

the pu#li, or their sta>eholder2 The press ,on%eren,e as underta>en #y Pu#li,

Relations o%%i,er and the 5eneral Mana)er2 The press ,on%eren,e has aim to

,lari%y the ne)ati"e nes a#out !disut?ipto International !irport and to in%orm

ur)ent ,ondition o% !disut?ipto International !irport2 So( the pro#lem ,an #e

sol"ed ithout harmin) all sides2 Press ,on%eren,e that !disut?ipto International

!irport e"er did as hen the !irport as ,losed durin) the eruption o% elud


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6. C(mmu$i*ati($ Fa*i"itat(!

Ma>in) some ,lippin) as the a,ti"ity that the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er 

too> in this role2 The ,lippin) ,reated e"eryday and distri#uted to all di"isions2

The ,lippin) as the nes ,uttin) that the PR4 too> %rom some printed and

online media2 Clippin) is one o% the ays that the Pu#li, Relations too> to ,reate

,ommuni,ation in Internal Company2 This a,ti"ity has aim to monitor all the nes

in the printed and on line media2 The nes that as monitored as all nes a#out

PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta and ne

!irport in ulonpro)o2 ere are the steps to ma>e ,lippin) in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta:

a Sear,hin) the nes in the printed media and on line media

 # Cuttin) the nes %or printed media< and then pat,h it in the spe,i%i,

 paper that has pro"ided #y the ,ompany2

, +or on line media( ,opyin) and pastin) the nes then print it ith

same paper in a#o"e2

d Colle,tin) all the nes into one %orm then )i"e to the mana)er o% 

5eneral a%%air and ,ommuni,ation se,tion to ta>e a si)nature2

e !%ter the ,lippin) has #een ta>en #y the mana)er( ,opyin) the nes

into 9 ,opies and distri#utin) to all the di"isions in !disut?ipto

International !irport2 The nes also pat,hin) in #ulletin #oard2

% The ori)inal nes >eepin) #y Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er and then in the

on,e o% a month the nes distri#utin) to all the #ran,h o%%i,es o% 

!n)>asa Pura 1 Persero<2 The num#ers o% #ran,h o%%i,es are 13 in


2. P!(b"em ("i$% '!(*e ,a*i"itat(!

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!s the pro#lem sol"in) %a,ilitator the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% PT2

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta made an e"ent

that as named Co%%ee Mornin)2 Co%%ee Mornin) is e"ent %or sharin)(

so,ialiation( and dis,ussion all a#out !disut?ipto International !irport ith the

sta>eholders2 In this e"ent the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has a role to arran)e the

e"ent2 The e"ent ,an also #e used to sol"e some pro#lems that the mana)ement o% 

!disut?ipto International ha"e ith the sta>eholders2 S,hedule o% Co%%ee Mornin)

as on,e a month started 09200 !2M until 18200 P2M2 The parti,ipants ere the

mana)er o% the sta>eholder( 5eneral Mana)er o% !n)>asa Pura 1 Persero<

!disut?ipto International !irport( Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% !disut?ipto

International !irport( Indonesian !ir %or,e( and some dele)ates %rom other 


7. C(mmu$i*ati($ te*&$i*ia$

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta has many a,ti"ities in this role2 ere are the a,ti"ities o% 

Pu#li, Relations that are in,luded in the ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian:

a -a:i$% '!e !e"eae

The release is made #y The Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er to )i"e some

in%ormation to the pu#li, all a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

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International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2 The releases ere usually

uploaded in the e#site and sent to the printed media in

/o)ya>arta su,h as edaulatan Ra>yat( Tri#un 6o)?a and arian

6o)?a2 The release as made hen there ere any some e"ents

a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

/o)ya>arta so( the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er didn’t ma>e the release

e"ery day2

b Im'!(i$% @ebite

4ne o% the ,ommuni,ation tools that ere used #y the Pu#li,

Relations o%%i,er o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta as We#site2 In the We#site the PR4

uploaded all in%ormation a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)ya>arta su,h as %li)ht s,hedule( hot

e"ents at PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% 

/o)ya>arta( Nes release( /o)ya>arta tourist attra,tion( et,2

* Ha$d"i$% iitati($

The !irport mana)ement as also in"ol"ed in the edu,ation

 pro,ess2 The edu,ation pro,ess as )i"en #y )i"in) some

in%ormation to the students ho ant to >no more a#out a"iation

>noled)e2 In this e"ent Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has a

responsi#ility to tell all a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

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International !irport o% /o)ya>arta2 ere are the a,ti"ities durin)

the andlin) "isitation2

12 The Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er )a"e presentation to the

students a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta2

82 !%ter that( the students and the PR4 ent to airport to sho

the pro,ess in the airport su,h as departure( #oardin) pass(

loadin)( et,2

32 Then the students "isited to !pron Mo"ement Control

!MC<( it is a pla,e that or)anied the ta>eo%% and landin)


2 !%ter the students "isited all the pla,es in the !irport the

"isitin) as ,losed #y ta>in) some photos in !MC and

others pla,es2

d -a:i$% d(*ume$tati($

In e"ery e"ent the PR4 o% PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport o% /o)ya>arta must ma>e do,umentation li>e

 photos2 Then( the photos are made as a >aleidos,ope in e"ery

month2 The >aleidos,ope is the do,umentation produ,t that the

PR4 ,reates as the a,,ounta#ility report to the 5eneral Mana)er2

e -a:i$% '!ee$tati($

The presentations ere made #y the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er then

)i"e to the 5eneral Mana)er2 The presentation ,ontained all

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in%ormation a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta and pro"ided in to lan)ua)es that are

Indonesian lan)ua)e and 'n)lish2 The presentation usually

 presented #y the 5eneral Mana)er hen the !irport has a spe,ial

)uest su,h as minister o% transportation( et,2

C. T&e ;(b t!ai$i$% !eu"t

The riter had the ?o# trainin) on Mar,h 10th 801 until !pril 18nd 8012

*urin) the ?o# trainin) in Shared ser"i,e and ,ommuni,ation di"ision o% 

!disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta( the riter as pla,ed in 5eneral

!%%air and Communi,ation Se,tion2 The riter did some ?o#s hi,h ere )i"en

 #y the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er2 The or>in) hours o% Pu#li, Relations *i"ision

ere Monday to Thursday at 230 a2m2 to 230 p2m and +riday at 0230 a2m2 until

200 p2m2 *urin) the ?o# trainin)( the riter did some a,ti"ities as %ollos:

1. -a:i$% C"i''i$%'"eryday( the riter ,olle,ted nes a#out PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta %rom daily nespapers

media and online media2 The daily nespapers that the riter used

hile loo>in) %or nes to ma>e ,lippin) as a#out 9 media i2e2 Sindo(

ompas( arian 6o)?a( arian Tempo( Tri#un 6o)?a( edaulatan

Ra>yat( 6aa Pos( Media Indonesia and &ernas 6o)?a2 Then %or online

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media I ,olle,ted some nes %rom ompas2,om( Merde>a2,om( and

4>eone2,om2 *urin) one month o% ?o# trainin)( the riter o#ser"ed

some nes a#out !disut?ipto !irport nes and the riter did not %ind

any ne)ati"e nes a#out !disut?ipto !irport in the nespapers2

The method to ma>e ,lippin) #oth %rom printed nespaper and

online nespaper< as the same i2e2 printin) the nes( ,uttin) the

nes( pat,hin) the nes in the %orm( ,opyin) nes( and distri#utin)

nes ,uttin)s to the 9 se,tions2 The ori)inal nes ,uttin) as >ept #y

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er 2 !%ter one month( the nes ,uttin) that as

,olle,ted ill #e distri#uted to the 13 #ran,h o% !n)>asa Pura 1

persero< in Indonesia2

6. Dit!ibuti$% t&e $e@ *utti$%

 Nes ,uttin) that the riter made e"eryday is the nes that the riter 

,olle,ted %rom some media2 Then the nes ,uttin) as distri#uted to

all the di"isions in the PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International

!irport o% /o)ya>arta2 There ere 9 di"isions hi,h re,ie"ed the

nes ,uttin) i2e2 5eneral Mana)er( !irport 4peration K Readiness

*epartment ead( SMS( Luality Mana)ement K Customer Ser"i,e

*epartment ead( Sales *epartment ead( +inan,e K IT *epartment

ead( Shared Ser"i,e *epartment ead( Pro,urement Se,tion ead(

!irport *uty 4%%i,er and The ead o% P8&8 a,,elerated de"elopment

o% ne airport< *I/ Team2

2. Ta:i$% D(*ume$tati($

In this ,ase the riter too> some photos in the e"ents at PT2 !n)>asa

Pura I !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta2 The photos ere

used as ar,hi"es at PT2 !n)>asa Pura I !disut?ipto International

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!irport /o)ya>arta( %or e$ample on Mar,h 87th 801( durin) the ?o#

trainin) there ere any "isitin) %rom @Patriot &an)saA the Pu#li,

Relations o%%i,er handlin) the "isitin) and the riter doin) the

do,umentation2 The do,umentation started hen the "isitor ,ame into

the o%%i,e until they %inished their "isitin) at the !irport2 The riter 

too> some photos that ere needed #y the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% 

!disut?ipto international !irport su,h as hen the )roup as in the

!pron Mo"ement Control !MC<( ti,>etin) ,ounter( ,ar)o ser"i,e(


7. -a:i$% P!e Re"eae

!%ter the "isitin) o% Patriot &an)sa had #een done( the riter rote a

 press release a#out the "isitin)2 The riter rote the press release in

Indonesian lan)ua)e( #e,ause there is only usin) Indonesian lan)ua)e

in e"ery release2 !%ter that( the riter )a"e the release to the PR42

<. Ha$d"i$% @ebite

!disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta as usin) internet to

,ommuni,ate ith the pu#li,( espe,ially e#site2 In the e#site the

riter did some a,ti"ities su,h as uploadn) nes release that the

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er made2 The uploads ere a#out tourism

in%ormation espe,ially in /o)ya>arta( et,2 The press releases ,ontain

not only nes a#out the !disut?ipto International !irport #ut also

in%ormation a#out %li)ht s,hedules( a,,ess to the airport( /o)ya>arta

City spe,ial ,ulinary in /o)ya>arta( hotel( tourist attra,tions( and

many more<2

=. He"'i$% ma:e '!ee$tati($

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In his ?o# the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er o% !disut?ipto International

!irport must ma>e a presentation a#out the !irport2 The presentation

as made in to lan)ua)es i2e2 Indonesian lan)ua)e and 'n)lish2 The

riter only helped translate the presentation %rom Indonesian lan)ua)e

into 'n)lish2 In this a,ti"ity my 'n)lish s>ill as used2 The

 presentation must ma>e in to lan)ua)es #e,ause sometime the

5eneral Mana)er did presentation to %orei)n people and domesti,




A. C($*"ui($

&ased on the dis,ussion in the pre"ious ,hapter( the riter ,on,luded as


ere are the roles and a,ti"ities o% Pu#li, Relations in PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)?a>arta su,h as2

1. E9'e!t '!e*!ibe!

!s the e$pert pres,ri#er the Pu#li, Relations o% PT2

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta

made press ,on%eren,e2 The press ,on%eren,e has aim to ,lari%y

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the ne)ati"e nes a#out !disut?ipto International !irport and to

in%orm ur)ent ,ondition o% !disut?ipto International !irport2

6. C(mmu$i*ati($ ,a*i"itat(!

The role o% Pu#li, Relations PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1

!disut?ipto International !irport o% /o)ya>arta is to #e,ome

,ommuni,ation %a,ilitator is to ma>e ,lippin) nes2 Clippin) is

one o% the ays that the Pu#li, Relations too> to ,reate

,ommuni,ation in Internal Company2 This a,ti"ity has aim %or 

monitorin) all nes in the printed and on line media2

2. P!(b"em ("i$% '!(*e ,a*i"itat(!

Pu#li, Relations o% PT !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport /o)ya>arta as pro#lem sol"in) pro,ess

%a,ilitator( the Pu#li, Relations made e"ent that namely Co%%ee

Mornin)2 Co%%ee Mornin) as e"ent %or sharin)( so,ialiation(

and dis,ussion all a#out !disut?ipto International !irport ith

the sta>eholders2 In this e"ent the Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er has

role to arran)e the e"ent2 The e"ent ,an also #e used to sol"e

some pro#lems that the mana)ement o% !disut?ipto

International ha"e to the sta>eholders2

7. C(mmu$i*ati($ Te*&$i*ia$

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!s the ,ommuni,ation te,hni,ian the Pu#li, Relations

o% PT !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport

/o)ya>arta has the %olloin) a,ti"ities2

a2 Ma>in) Press Release2 The release as made #y The

Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er to )i"e some in%ormation all

a#out !disut?ipto International !irport to the pu#li,2

The releases ere usually uploaded to the e#site

http:HHadisut?iptoairport2,o2id) and sent to the printed

media in /o)ya>arta su,h as edaulatan Ra>yat( Tri#un

6o)?a and arian 6o)?a2

 #2 Impro"in) We#site2 In the We#site the PR4 uploaded

all in%ormation a#out !disut?ipto International !irport

su,h as %li)ht s,hedule( hot e"ents a#out !disut?ipto

International !irport( Nes release( /o)ya>arta

tourism( and et,2

,2 andlin) "isitation2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport as also in"ol"ed in the edu,ation

 pro,ess( the edu,ation pro,ess is )i"en #y )i"in)

in%ormation to the students ho ant >no more a#out

a"iation >noled)e2 In this e"ent Pu#li, Relations

o%%i,er has a responsi#ility to tell all a#out !disut?ipto

International !irport2

d2 Ma>in) do,umentation2 In e"ery e"ent the PR4 o% 

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport

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/o)ya>arta must ma>e do,umentation2 The

do,umentation li>es photos then they are made

>aleidos,ope e"ery month2

e2 Ma>in) presentation2 Pu#li, Relations o%%i,er made

 presentation then it as )i"en to the 5eneral Mana)er2

The presentation ,ontains all in%ormation a#out !irport2

The presentation usually presented #y the 5eneral

Mana)er hen the !irport has a spe,ial )uest su,h as

minister o% transportation( et,2

!s the e$planation in the pre"ious ,hapter the Pu#li, Relations o% PT

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta has main role as

Communi,ation te,hni,ian( #e,ause in this role the PR4 has many a,ti"ities2

B. Su%%eti($

The riter ants to )i"e su))estion %or PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto

International !irport( espe,ially %or Pu#li, Relations di"ision( i2e2:

12 Pu#li, Relations should ma>e more a,ti"ities to ,ommuni,ate ith the

internal ,ompany( #e,ause there is only one a,ti"ity that is used %or 

internal ,ommuni,ation2

82 PT2 !n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta needs to

add some %a,ilities su,h as !ir Conditioner in the )uest aitin) room in

the o%%i,e( in order to ma>e the )uests ho ,ome to the o%%i,e o% PT2

7/23/2019 The Roles of Public Relations in PT. Angkasa Pura 1 Adisutjipto International Airport of Yogyakarta 36/36

!n)>asa Pura 1 !disut?ipto International !irport /o)ya>arta %eel more



Cutlip( S,ott( M2( !llen 2 Center2( K 5len( M2 &room2 800E<2  Effective Public

 Relations (8th ed.) 6a>arta: PT Inde>s elompo> 5ramedia2

riyantono( Ra,hmat2 S2Sos2 M2Si2 800=<2  Public Relations writing. 6a>arta:


-attimore( *an2( 4tis( &as>in2( Suette( T2 eiman2( K 'lia#eth( -2 Toth2 8010<2

 Public Relations profesi dan Praktik. 6a>arta: Salem#a umani>a2


2,ipr2,o2u>  !,,essed !pril 8Eth 8012

http:HHadisut?iptoairport2,o2idH !,,essed 6uly 3rd 8012