The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1



Transcript of The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

Page 1: The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

The Rise of Islam

From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years…


Page 2: The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

Origins1. Arabia • Arabia is the crossroads of three continents and

prospered from the trade of the surrounding empires

• Bedouins thrived in the harsh desert climate and escorted caravans across the desert from one oasis to the next

• Trade = Cultural Diffusion • Bedouins valued courage, family loyalty, and

warrior skills. They were also known as excellent storytellers and poets.

• Mecca was a center of trade and religion• The Ka’aba was associated with Abraham but

became a shrine to over 300 different gods• Jews & Christians lived in Arabia


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Page 4: The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

Founder2. Muhammad • Orphaned at an early age and raised by his

grandfather & uncle in the Bedouin culture• He worked leading caravans through the desert• When he was 25 he began to work for a wealthy

older (40) businesswoman named Khadijah, she eventually proposed to Muhammad and they married

• In 610 Muhammad began to receive revelations from God through the angel Gabriel

• Khadijah convinced Muhammad he had to share his message to others, he began to preach monotheism and equality

• Wealthy and powerful Meccans did not like Muhammad’s message because it threatened their status, they planned to kill him in 622


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Start of a Religion3. Hijrah • Muhammad fled to the city of Yathrib north of

Mecca in 622 AD which marks the start of the Muslim calendar (2008-622=1386)

• Yathrib was renamed Medina and Muhammad united his followers with the Arabs & Jews of the city forming a strong community

• In 630 Muhammad returned to Mecca with an army of 10,000 followers, the city surrendered and Muhammad destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba and made the call to prayer from its roof

• Muhammad died in 632 but much of Arabia had been united under Islam


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Beliefs4. Five Pillars

5. Qur’an

• Faith—submission to Allah as the one and only God and Muhammad as the last and greatest prophet

• Prayer—5 times a day facing Mecca• Charity—anonymously helping the less fortunate• Fasting—during the month of Ramadan (9th month)

to honor & reflect on the revelations given to Muhammad

• Pilgrimage—once in life each Muslim must go to Mecca and participate in the Hajj Ceremonies (12th month)

• Sacred text of Islam, written account of the teachings of Muhammad

• Considered the last and most perfect message from Allah (God) a continuation of the Torah & the Bible


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Page 8: The Rise of Islam From Revelation to Empire in less than 150 years… 1.

Beliefs Continued6. Shar’ia • Code of law established by interpretations of the

Qur’an and the example set by Muhammad, the Sunna

• Gives rules for everything from clothing to marriage, divorce, and interest rates on loans

• Islam provides a strong structure for daily life and behavior as well as equality in society, all believers are equal

• Jews & Christians are considered “people of the book” because they worship the same God


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Islam After Muhammad7. Successors

8. Shi’a

• Abu Bakr a close friend of Muhammad was named the first caliph (leader)

• He began to build an empire after some tribes tried to rebel after Muhammad’s death

• The first 4 caliphs are called the “Rightly Guided” Caliphs

• In 656 the third caliph Uthman was murdered, his successor Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law, was also murdered in 661, this led to a permanent split in the religion

• Shi’ite Muslims followed Ali and believe the leader of Islam should be a relative of Muhammad, they also follow a stricter interpretation of Islam

• ~16% of the Muslims worldwide


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Schism & Beyond9. Sunni

10. Sufi

• Believe the first 4 caliphs were “Rightly Guided” and the leader of Islam must follow the Sunna or Muhammad’s example, leader does not have to be a relative of Muhammad

• Followed the Umayyad’s after the assassination of Ali in 661

• ~83% of Muslims worldwide (majority)

• Rejected the wealth of the Umayyad Dynasty and followed a spiritual interpretation living a life of poverty

• Interested in the mysticism of Islam• ~1% of Muslims worldwide


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Islamic Empire11. Al-Andalus

12. Abbasids

13. Fatimid

• Muslim kingdom in southern Spain established by the Berbers and an Umayyad, controlled Spain until 1492

• Took power in 750 and slaughtered all but one member of the Umayyad family

• Moved the capital to Baghdad and controlled Arabia

• Established by Shi’a Muslims who claim descent from Fatima, Muhammad’s daughter

• Began in North Africa, now centered in Iran


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16.Arts & architecture

• The Islamic Empire had several cities that became centers of learning, Damascus, Baghdad, Cordoba, Cairo, they are examples of urban planning and Muslim architecture

• House of Wisdom built in Baghdad• Translated text from other cultures therefore

saving the learning of previous civilizations

• Images of living creatures are prohibited in Islam so calligraphy is the main art form

• Muslim architecture is known for use of domes and arches, as well as open airy spaces, shows the impact of cultural diffusion blending with Roman & Byzantine architectural elements

• Thousand and One Arabian Nights famous stories including Aladdin


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More Achievements17. Medicine

18. Math

19. Science

20. Tolerance

• Al-Razi wrote a medical encyclopedia which was translated and used throughout the world, believed patients could heal quicker with fresh air

• Al-Khwarizmi created algebra• Ibn al-Haytham wrote about optics, his ideas helped

invent telescopes and microscopes

• Scholars relied on observation and experiments unlike the Greeks who relied on logic

• The Islamic Empire was culturally diverse and the respect of learning allowed Non-Muslims to prosper as well, Maimonides, the most famous Jewish philosopher lived in Cordoba under Muslim rule


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