THE RICHMOND DW_^_TCH. WHOLE NUMBER, 10,315. ' RICHMOND, VA., WEiWESDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1884. _THREE CENTj^PER COPY. ( M'MWffwt M. HO Kr*. {ARNEB'S HOTEL. BAMPTON, VA. ORBS AULfMBVJ kfl (Al'iniv, ion 1,1 i:*Tsi. Pim ». rz san Brm tis in,*. IV Bl-Sn .) .i.TtOtN'KS. Prontpsoc. '(>Iil;s l*!.\N,i. Va. mit only aauaro] bi -.hit in \ bmmbta. T.i lars* sad mast .rf-twains, nessa arl Inc ami .alr»--.lio..i|u». Itu.,: #.' ;*-i Csv, «1'. |*r we U, *|ii p r OM P..lnl s^d Norfolk br rieamer K >l \ (11 V I riiinvv, sj,,. \\ ike lo ,- connection .K Mlu»m,>ii.(i. H.t. I pbvstrtaa, P. A. -:i. Address i. i_s. v. aPAHV. V\ ANTI D. IIOARDKBS IN THE Vt MOt'NTAtNS. Mtv-luN HOPBR, Mr. li. vi ii. IllgaUnd i- .¦(.('!-. \ »....-.. for boarder! .'i sr in. |s*s hi. plaes pre-wts msnv ai- trsriieii. for itiisiid- uno phsimre-seekers. ci|. m«l. .1, lUlilliil mn! i »r.s uri] I, arran,! sud Is- ii'ilul. Mountain sisure lu ftSblns. Killie field of McDowell ul- nx-f 'ii - ell of tin hotel. A Bat < !,,lvl«<lU- il nt. whose M.,ie,. .sr lil.til] hen*. > ls. |), !, in ni. lee, | - Dis -.1 *7 per srtek; *'.'.'. per »r iw.-im-ciili. days, rm fin!',,, i iisrili'ulsr. ad I. il. RBAWSHAW, Own, r sm) l'i*>|>ri> lor, m_Hellos (OLD *l LPHI K SPRING!*, ' icm SBBIDUl ul A'l V. VA. TM* >l<)l|1 -Ifni si .1 j*.-..ular Muutie r resort, situ¬ ated two mil ir ... ..-.¦. .-. « hs 'ii' -.*. mi Oblo minny, will 1- BfBB lu natters JIM 1. 1**1. !',,Mti and .< rvsul-. Till,lc i with tl u,t ihe market ran afford, Acoodor- ror Un bsll- sim, le r, . ill liven i"-). I.'-.! t" di place. Reaalsr stage io, bes I. n ic. x ll ilium Pot.Jino, M. P.. ReddenI Pl , |i ||. A.(i(K)|)I.HK \ -IIS. .-w I' ARM s! Li'lMT! Rl'IUNOS, BATH ( Ol M V- \IKlilMA. w TIS' old; warra sulptuir bslli Ibis side of Dip Foci. They are now opes and randi .!-. lu he lind ol PPBC* LL, l.\> I> A ( Vd.K MUT.Hi A CO., RI !.- i the ia ipi r , .!.)ll\ I. KUBANK. rriiE POPULAR MATKRINO-PLACR, 1 Ml MW, ls reached by \\ I -1 .11 BB1 \ ir VII.POAD 1% v, i> hoi bi rsoM rnii.Ai.iLi-iHA. rivi rxsrus trarfs wita i«iri<.r-rfim attached, ai, run .111. d' ni hoantsoal || find , ii their arrival nt il,- nea \ -ri Trans- ,, ran rea I] lotransfi rdlreel ,, ,, ,i ihe v-i,i Jersey r*Uroad, at lae i.. ,-i :, f. cid full ii|,iii, sppll '¦¦ rl> "l , .r Jl ii,.'-.. Inti -.1, ii>. \\ logion, li. i .1. lt. WIMBI, Ben. Clisiil I - E. Pl on. Ue» .1 Muna, r. !' nulli WARUP K. s> VV PORT'S SI VV*. VA.. I r - above .- mt ..inf..rt. Ill: sT SI BMI III soil is I IO. r>l.l> llllVllSlliS. I . BOB BAT-1 ? I ¦:. Ibricl -ii..- 'ir., bast ns all modern . kins ns. i servlc. un- \, pl; c. C. I'.. ni:r lil. ,. ;. or i" .1. ll. BB INI BTON, Mai Hotel Warwirk. .ai KALI SPRLNHS, ir v I'll I .'. S 15 . .,. \ .win '- CU .n- H'si ].,i. waler il a'l. i¦-. ,'i.i s,,i -. sn hllOWER- BA1 ll". t hil t-. eT-.tu_ Proprl,'lor. LD POINT COM. OKI, \ v. liv. 1 iv nm H.. VI di n vi I Till V IR. ipi IMs ¦¦ lioiel in II I*,.,,,,.i, li: .. snd - r\ lc, nu .IMS-lain vi, pr,-, mu entp a ri .ri Ii-ii >n< In Hu ri un' v. i' iln |i .'"'..1 li'. h. rn..1 lil *. Pi YARIKI V SPR1NHS. OPEN 16th. i ri, sud > I'aual rvauls ball price. Ila.linc VV, Iii Kl V. Pl ATLAS lil CITY. Fsg ii: vi- s mm imn tum: uh \l fllol roi»6 is NINETY Mrsi - \ IA CAMDEN AND ATl.AN-1 \\l'-l JERSKT , H ll VII ll RAILROAD. I' 'I '.!' Bark. I tl i- irain .1 Un H ILTIM'iRE INTI Pol MAI 'RAILROAD lt,, ii. v. Iii |.*|n 11 ri -,|v in a i .I,,, '., (J IVt-.t J 1 ni' ll. a,. i '.-.ii,i mn in¬ fo! . -. (. .1. R. IV .. i! i i i-i ..ii.... ueral Usn . .,.,!-. BRI ION HOI SE, ASlll AND, \ L -'>. riLLl H, i' prleMr. .i l:i dh vi Ji l'.-l -. -I. RI DD, Us ..- -, V-Mi-iT. Va. non.i.s. JI.MIIrol I* TALlsilTloTKL, (TIAC- "l s\ ii ii VA, lu lin- centre ..f Ihe IC -ju rr. i:.t.-,.*_' lo%'_'.r,n .- ') ll 111 Li- I'l. ll . .-.II. "mini,il- c. W. I. PABIIOl r. t T. W«N»n AMI 4 11*1.. ( x' 93.7o. THS BBICIITBOPE L'VII.W VV >vil'\sv. V*i MAIN PlBKl I. 111. Pl -I RI .-.ii HOPI li: v n COAL, for Joly duli- iy.S8 7,'. pertonof _,< (inpound di . DRY sud PER* >i ( 'UV PB! I'ARI Vi 1. i,r Vr:.vs il I. BAT1SPACTT0B. OarCOAl Bm Bl Bl sadCHCAPR T on Pie atarki i, i r \ i isi'i ¦ in sou mulei apply before the advance. I. ll. Ill vv. .\ : I'-l . ( r .1 \i- t. A Ll. KIM sill OAL OF BEST ul \i i v a 1 i..>ht:s, PRK i s.-t .1. i.,t vs nu: v- I »' fol IMP *it.iv r, :.m IS; I al pi. Hi cit) and wiii -.naned and dry. OtBci m liv IM I . H. ¦7AM1I '. COALS, 1 i IT RIOR ANTI! VIII I' OAL, K.i.. STOVE, .. 1 III -I SI P. VV S HUT. KI'I.IN ( OAL lin Pl LR I l*s ii -. l, r ..!-.-], ?.rib -. Orotis -.H.-ii, il, willi ii,,- n-- 1 OALl kihi i* rlici r-i_r,.tl.Hi. s. p. LATHROP .1 h., mt, al draw-brtds-e. No. I'-t. ly 1 I CI MMRB PRK ls mit kial. C0A1 uni mi H \r Low lu PIBrjR-8 Ul vs TRI ' I SUI is.. Tin* MONTH. .nu BS «n.l. PBOSASL. RE an aOVABOS IN Al (.1*1 _ty i-flre Bad Yura nv ot c-nt-r ' ' amt Cary atrtsts.srAari I i/W > l,<fir». ' ul!l ,"i. ri rm. un. <sis!dsiiio> ravw win betaBsaa* Hful ¦. i .1 j aud ?rr. <!..*! by sun n pr. Be dna «e si ii < rr aimil ..lor. Tie coal screens Itself, ll- it. .!. «.Usfie li¬ ll lo - lt. Il V ll * ( I MT.I i;la.M> COAL..1 am > i. i salli) Bl ORO ES CKKHi ( t vi 1.1 i:l. iso ( i> \i in il¬ la l"t* fr. in I. ii ¦.> MU, tr.ii. si I' I,i-r«i| u ,i.ei na. A S ll I: \< I ! I .1 ».l -.«. VU*. VIKr.lM.' sl'l.IN'r arid CLO V1R-IH1.L HBP (HAL flirulslud at lowest rsti.. VVTi: I RUBI IHBce and yuri] Punier ** i-niveniii sud Csry «lr..t-. I s 16», jr 10-lm IAIHLS A RARKCHANCK.-Agv-r, . vu l-l um i is,, PHAETON. nK /rta UTI.(.VB Vin I OH HALI Ml. Al'. V.n a'r^ld ears, .uni u> llndly .|i.i*,«-<l tim: s i-ulM csa bsrue** and drive har. Ila* no tucks. Csu I* .... ii I ''osl-yard. Broad and I'lae stra-ls. S»-WA sa'.il W.S. I'lLCHKIf, Afjeul. I ITT*, AC. Il KID. L'I'M 1 l'*V, .Tit, KAI.LINd FITS, ( lTIED. Tills I* no huuivua. Esr tnfunastlon. frae of sWiarsi, « L. H. M Hl'VI.Mt, ni iHitaSn ssiarford,conn. B80LUTELY PURE. B_o oV .alf ? I oo t I "un SUB A B KM NI 1 (Km H ll AA K KT ll SJ II s. fl BRH A A KK OX k KO H K AAA K K MN "Vi OO BBBi AK KUM H (HMi FIT OO WW W Ililli FTTRRRH p po 0 WWW WP pr. rr PPr O O WW W W D D KR RRR r 5 O WW WW O DR RB. r OO W W DUD KKKK B. Ino 21-lv R till < ATIOXAI.. [L-LMUND < oLLKOE, Kif HMONO, VA. Tli- ii«-it ie -Ifti lK-gln» .LTTEMBER 18T1I, ai.d continues nine mon'.h*. FACPLTY: Koa* BB Hartii'On. A. M..*>v,r of Latin ll. II. Mahiiis. M. A.. I.L. I).. P*or*jaaorQt* lir.rn; A. M. llli'.WN. ll. 1).. LL. D..P*ofeae04 or Kagllahj Kow. B. Smith, m. A., Professor of srath*>mntirM: l ii ,1:1 . s ii. s\ iv- ron, M. A., LL. ll., Professor of Pl | ll. 1 I'M lilt, A. M., LL. I), Prof.-sor of Chemls- tiy. Vin maw I). Thoma*, M. A.,I>. I)., rrofewor of I hiles, phy; l*TO(iaaof-i .smiiii amt limul*-, Modern Len- pnajii -. BnCHSCf (ll' A KF.SIHF.NT STI'DENT. Twek-mSred ami tow Seliaieper nine month.' ¦i--t .ii <.¦ w r ail nu- eapen*eae( entrance, fros, tul- i ard,fuel, Hulas, and washing. hlghly-w-vcii il'iilar. au.l fifty cent*, will m.(>t III' apt- sci "I ii non-resident iiudcnl. The college-ctouuda, .-'M.iprlsliijr thirteen arre. of land, have Lassa p*_ttyInproved and n*>a<iiifi"<t mihi la-t two years. Iii.- Inatltotl.rn ..ncr- ¦um rlor artvantmr. I In the l>'-«!tlitii!ne«. of lu lo. cation, in lt*, r.I urei.-iiit provision f-.r Hm comfort tad n».-iil<-iir.-.if ut intent*, and In the extent aod I! ..I- ughni of lt-- art* .,f In.trie tl.,n. F> r, llvlsg full Intormat!on. apply at tbe bookal ire .orad Iresa li. IMKYKAR. iv '23-'li".i'>m^wAwv:m Chairman Faculty. LM'ISCOPAL iron SCHOOL, AJ BEAB ALIX N.NtlKlA, VA., I.. V. I'.I.ACKK.iltli. M. A., I'uiN.IPAL, BOB Huns. OP-KS sI.lTKMI'.KIt 24TII. ( Mal. -h.S 'nil._ly V0-eod2m 1;\ f.i-THI.L SCHOOL, J hi s\l l( K HH'or. M.IIK.MMJI.E, VA. Mik ( H. BIMiiiLI'll, Mus. NV. I!. Il NltlilM.V. \. xi -caaloa OPENS SEPTEMBER 17TII, full corps ol ronipetent teacher*., both suv.'mid !.¦" ii'»_._ly '_n.niiaW2in ABOVES ACADEMY. VIRGINIA. TAN. LORSVILLK i*06T-Of*tTCB. COLOK-t UM.ARV P. .lilNKS. M. A., Prlnrial. Tin Tl!!!!! Y-HKT1I AA NT AL Bl B8IOB Ul- GINS di lulu-it l-t. stndenta prepared at the mI..,. graduated Ihe pxsi eeaaloa at th" Naval v. Mcven, Institute of Technology, and Un- Cnii.r-.ltv of Vir.'inla. EKTIRK ' MANGE IV III. ARR ANGF.WKNTOP SCHOOL BC 11,1)- ¦¦.II.. Iv Jil- ...IMI.-l tl M li's- BOARDING AM> I) A V 1 » s, i|,,i,| io-, \S|- FRANKLIN BTRF.F.T, UH lIM.iVli. \ N.-Ihe twentieth a-Ml.m ivun- . i n Y. September I.'.tn,and continue. .nih*, (h. nins at tbe I.kalora , or anon .ii ll. m. i.'" :-. r. iii: ni il M .-.I 2rn _____frlnrlnil. Bi I.i I \ I I HIGH SCHOOL, Bl l>. <.!.'.< i iHMV. \ \. i.r !'.¦ v- and loung Men. PneaiesforBod- ii-. College, oi University. Tliop *arhty and lum. -"!¦ <\\ ifi"-i. lull :. ¦¦! treeton. Ileiitnlful an ll rallhy location, I "I . , W. ll. ABBOT. Principal. ._Jy 4 eo.|Oin Ml - s \s.\ \. f |; s. HIM K'H BOABIUN'G AM) DNV Minmi, poH Mil M, M.ii 1*1 l> . IIILIIRKN, I v. * ', ort (faring < enlral I'ark). .viii open OCToBl'.R li. Kindergarten, I'rlma- ry, and Collett late Course, Circulars on appllca- nn. Bri i- ti Stephen "I Pennsyl* -ii ""Whop Pot'cr, Bon. F. Iwar li I'.arr. tt. siipr, nv Conri. >hn and lit v. Nosh l>. li.. i:r kAIvu: General H. C. s. ¦ D.C. Iv "-WA >, l-. HA Ni ll) BN-S ION KY COLLEI'K, PRINCE EDWABO (iHNIV. VA..The K'itth annual e^mon of thin Inatltatlon will begin on >l l-l! NIKI !.- 4 ru al l2o'eloekM. ApplleanU rance, ghi lo be preaenton Ihe procedlna .1 v. For ealaloR-ut a and further InformalSan ad- ; ll ge, Rev. ificil ni:i) MllLWAINK, l«. !).. Ilanip.l. ii-s|i!inv Collei.'*, Va. le 25-VY_*i2m II Cl M> FOB A CATALOGUE <)K Till: ncOLLROK OF I'HYSICIANH NNH si,;. 1,1 .N-. Balili on Md which offi r- the >tu leal M. Ul il' Upi lol I* 'le I Hi >MA - iipn M. |).. Ullin). Iv lO-SaaWlm 17'..nh Howard str-et. pl< IIM'M) HK1IINABT, li KO. 8 ns l i.l: \. I STREET, KU IIMuMi, \ N. ,li|IX ll. POW Kl.L. Principal. Hi- T. li. I'STTOS and Mrs. J.R. (iAliv.TT, A--.., late rii eipala. II., ie \t.|< not thc BOARD1XO- ami DK\- s. HOOL f- r N ul Ni. NIHl s and LITTLE i.l! I.s wllllieglnM Pl I'Ml'.l ll -'J. 1HS4. ll,, v.niie ladle-' apartment* and the SCboal* r. tn- timm gi h rafitled. Ai pix for raiatoguc lo either Hi ,;, i- ¦".I'D'AI,. ['Ml KH-I TY 81 IK>! H-. l'Kl'KHS- l l-.CK... VA..The iwenllrth annuiil waalon Ugin, lin FIRST H.'M.NN IV IK.TOUKK. (tb n f.r i'nlM"s|tv ol VI ri!-ni i md ri ..!-:.i et Mllltar.and Nival Academic*. v y i. ult\ '.run- [Tnlveraii- ..ia. 1 nil-Uil! "I'lii-lriii-t-u-s. Pupils uni* rucctsstful. Situation hoa'.thfui. Early apnllrattoTi advised, as number of biMNrder. I. itrietly limited. For eauiocne iddreaa W.OOBDON BcCAMB, u iS-Sra Head Maater. CWAKrUilOK- COLLEGE, BOB BOTH BEX! B, tne'r .are of mernbm of Um Religion*. Society of Friend*. "I Linx mleatea from Broad-sirwd lilli ul i.l i OUKsEs Claa.lcal, Hrl.-ntlflcand l.licrarv. \i-.. a PBEPAKA roBY SCHOOL. Loeatlnn in.-ni-p i.. d for healthful- aaa*. Exlcntlve grounds: nes and coally build- lng* and apparalu*. Nen!'ml'- year eommeuee. iii in m. nib bl ri i.Niii.i; ;>, itf«4. Apply i-eri\ t" rn ur. a inn- -. n. For catalogue and fall particular* n 'lu---- |.\. IKH !!. si VI,ll.I X. il., I'r,^. lent. I- 17 om Swarthmore. Delaware county. Pa. \l. f ll 51 A N lill; BBALTB WI) ll ATPIH-SS AUK MAT¬ TI Is Of OB.AT covcni.v TO ALL MAVKIND. B.AK IIAHIETTA. (IA. I ti. e.-iit ¦ bettiearaf Dr. J. Bra.lll. Id's IVinali- Bigulator and used ll lu my fm,Uv with iraal aUMkeOen. I saxe rwom- im-iided lt to liin-e fsmilli^.and they have found M t" lt Just «hat I* claliiii-d for lt. The female* who ban-iMd lt ate now In jK-rfecl tieiltli and ill. t" alli nil to ll.fir tiotiM-tiold dull.w. RIV. ll. B. JOllNt-O.V. STATE OK (.SORUIA, TBOVI' COISTT. 11.mi ian.lied Ihe nrl|«-of Ur. JohI.Ii Brad- t'.t ld, and | r.iiiiiiice ll to la- a roml.lnatlon of I -lt- In.-i-f i-reat n.iril In Uie tn-atment of all dlM-SM-HOf fctiialisfor wlili-h he rt-romniriid« lu \\ 11.1.1AM P. BBAS-BT, M. U Si-KiNorieLn. Tess. Dr. J. Hraiifttld: Dear Clr.-lly dau-hier kai .- li.* fer manx jaar* willi that dreadful .JBtCtlea known a. Female IM.aaae, whlrb baa toat me mun SbBbBBi and notwIUisUudlni 1 bad Ui« U-.tuiedlial attendance, could not Bud r.Srf. I have iis.-'l lnanv other kind* of medicines with¬ out any efint. I had Ju»t uboul alvan ber np, and .HM mit of bean, hui b.iip.a*d lu Che ttoreofW. Wi BckBli Mfeeal week., slnre, aud hi-, knuwlog of mv daua bu r'l amlcllon. peraaaded me to buy a 1,'itle ot )our Ktulale Itafulator. She beean Ul In | hoi Ml nee. 1 w»« »o dellihUid with lt*ur¬ ti. I* thal I !."ii*lit wv ern I moro boltlo*of It; aud ki.owing «hat I do al.oat li. If U.-diy one of my family «i:i. .uH-iIlk willi tbat awfal dlac.ra, I would have lt If lt co«t B'.O a bottle; for I ivan tiiiililully suv lt hai-rured oif dauichu-j sound and nell; and inv-ilfaiid wift-domeat heartUv rec oa . .1 v"ir Ki male Bagulator to be J.t what lt li ripriK-nUd u> be. Kul-X'lfully. II. I). FEATHERSTON. Tr. ai.v ou the Ua-ilUi and SBippiB-M of Woman malled free. THE BIlAUFIr.Lli KKI.ILATOR COMPANY, Box 28, A llama, lia. Hr 22-di»awit| I) nilKM.lNV III 4 I.l RX. AN NAT _ PELL, MANCFACTPRr.Ks AM) DFALERS IV MAHOGANY. BOLD IV T»E Loo oil CI'T TO ORDER. A LARGS hll.CK (.(INSTANTLY ON HAND. ( AIM.OAII LOTS Fl ItSLSHKO AT li INN BATF.S. FOOT OF BltOOMKMTKKKT.EAMT RIVER, |y NFWYORKCITT. B OOK AK I) JOB WOKK M.ATI-Y F.XKCUTBJ) DISTATCU PBlVriBO-UOUSB, THROUGH THE STATE. JtESRY COUNTY. Baslacsa sad the I sm Sapslr la Henry f'cantt -Martinsville Iteras-Tbe Tnhar- co Bsslaess-Thr Trssaeranee Qaestisa. f Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.) MlBBIBMBIS, Vs.. July 'ii. I«s4. Business is as dull here anil In this coun¬ ty ul lt ta anywhere in tnetettaceoiajtWra: but "If bor«e ran live till gras* coisj'," it I* expected there will lie a cloriotis revlvnl, for liclter crop, of when! never in ri.. ind better crops of oals, corn, and tobacco werenrver*g'owwg *t this season of BM year. Thc scarcity of corn has added lo thc depression, the drought of last summer having eui that crop so short Ilia! but for tlie railroad * supply of corn could not Bara taaa had. "There were not wagons enough in the county," snvs an old eilizen. "to have hauled from Danville as much corn a* people needed." Thi« place, which wa* once about lo lu* rslled Henry City, and hui for Mr, LB, Thoma*, of the Martinsville Herald, would have Leen, ha* bseSBN 'jiiite a mates lit¬ tle city under tbe influence of the rnilro-ni. Rut it hns not yet Issued any bonds. Tho evidences of growth are the many ip iv residences, the building of Sarge br|.-k More*, the establishment of warehouses (two) *nd tobacco-factories, thc owning of a bank, li very-stables, brick-yard*, raw* mills, n well-patronized grnded school, pea churches, and the prosperity of it* news¬ paper. The Ruffner Institute (the pr.ul tl ac hool) building is a handsome frame bouse, two stories high, willi rooms for the four teachers and a large number of scholar*. The Presbyterian* arc finishing a brick church and *o are the DMetPMB, and tbs HaptM*. with a stil)*i-ription already of about $Xbu, are prospecting. The huildingnf factori<a ami warehou«e- here indicates that the trade of the place will grow. *nd n probable transfer, to a considerable extent, of the lab leco-bii-lu.aa from the country to the town. Apart from the other advantage, of doing Rta Isbaccc- business in town, it ha* beftra ta anpear thnt the buyer* of Stock flml it better to Bel it on the floor of Hie warehouse* than bar¬ gain for ii al the barn-door. Rut the Beary punters, notwithstanding the attraction* ..I the Martinsville and I >.in\ i!lt- markets, hive, as they have bad f^r year«. a home market an. on rat the county manufacturer*, and those manufacturer* have found tbe busint s* profitable. Here isonctirmtliat claim- le bars cleared fi.'),OOO In thc tata twelve month*. " Mr. Blank." said n restaff p'anter to me, al.oti! len mlle* from tana, " won't yon have some whiskey before dinner ?" Ile hud a pitcher of it ns clear a* Baring waler. " Well, I beg pardon," lie continued. " Taking faa to ba a drummer, I tbnught you would take something, and it's ii unrcl lime." "Whiskey in (hi* county ? " laid I. "Oil," 'Bid he, "We take B eil acrlp- tion rif five trallon* each for ourselves and neighbor! and send ap) r lin- mountains for a hundred gallons at a lime." Ut* stake in Hie couniy thats naercbanl wbo lived near thc line of Pittsylvanta county rolled hi* bouse over late PHtayrrsnla and opened a-ninon. Rut it is. a-1 have before *ii I, "a dry cornily," and JodgCl Hair*ton ami Ford, backed, it ls said, Li noretissas nu- lorily of tbe people, tri determined to keep it .- a dry county." One r.f thc .>l(ic*t citizen-', who iv..- for in:ii,\ \' ar* a pulilii- 0.IBer, cannot r. el¬ li ct timi Utera wi* en r1 waite man bung in Ihi* eeuBty, There were onie two dellnqaenta ob bo- conni of laxi * ju ibo liiiburg township tbe bal financial rear. Mr*. Kata Baker (maiden name Hager), who lives near Ilowsrdsvllle, ls now uincty- nine vi ur. inn! sunn- months Old, and is quite cbeerfnl and can walk about tbe borne. Mr, R. D. Bar, who Urea near Ridge¬ way, i*: ow eighty-five year* old, and n i* in the war ol 1812 a* for Jack Burges*. Ile ta quite an active Ban bow. ColonelR Ulbun A. sh. Staid, near RI Ige- way, abo waa f r yean in bnslnesi for Colonel Jesse Wootton, iberrtT ..r this eenaty, ls now seveatj yean old, Be bas prnsp. nd much in burinesa, and beinj. dow largely engaged In milling and fann¬ ing, spends tbe forenoon mostly on horse- bin k and tbesfternoen with hi* family snd In ri-tin-.', receiving calli on business and Item Menjas, arid reading tbe Daily Dis¬ patch and n!ln r rood papers. Mr..I. Toni Btovall, who once repre- m nil dlbe district of Henry and Patrick in the Slate s. nate, own* :i linc tarm in Un* county, ile i* at pr -mi at Port Worth, Texas, nnd writes thal if tba people of Texas du not Mop eating beef then will bc .- millions In it" lo bun. Rey. r. |i. Raymore,wbopreaebei at iri*- 1 tirg, na* recently culled out far aw av into the w. cd-at li o', loci, al Dlghl lo mar ry two couple*. Thej bad gol away fnun "thc ol I man." and bad alon,' willi ilicm allot tlcir household um\ kitchen furniture. Soul in his buggy ard made a return accord* ii pry. Mr. E. II. Turner, an Influential cltlaen and once a I oBHttontet, say* be gave Colo¬ nel Cabell bi* tir*t lill and will lift him again, and "cannot rota for Jim Blaine." Borne "f Un- old Democrat* *.i> thal nome ot the l!( sdjuati ra are follow m.- .Mr. Ma*- soy, though a! a long dlstauc (, and will catt h u|i By Nov iin'ii r. it wa* aol under- itood, lnw ever, what position Judge* Poid and Kail-ton and Mr.-am. Bbeffleld would take. The Democrats claim them. Judgu Whittle is looki d upon bi tbe le idlng Dem- ocrat in Hi nu, ami nany *.i> be nill * un. day ked more than the Deary county Dem¬ ocrats, and ba put Into Oonareaa. The campaign humes ol tbe leading paper* are bring lubscribed fur freely sud read with i!k p inti ri -I. Thc old True-Vine church, at Irliburr, i* now, ai a COB! of al.out 1400, bein..; nude to lol K allin el a- Lr"od i* BOW, al I ascadei a Pitts] hnnis village ju-t on the border, there Is a new Presbyterian church aiiii'.-t ompli t. d, al i coil «>r about 11,800, and a new Baptist church oom. pli-ti.t ami paid foi at BCOsI ol 81,800. At ile hum place, Captain c. \V. Venable bas built atol.aic. -f.ictoii. M by 80feet,aad three aiitl one half stories high, arith sn ou nit of hydraulic presses, The people around this pl'ioe make wheal for market, bare large and excellent orchards, sad bo sickness. Captain VenableBay* be bsa na* Ber iiis supen Mon 180,000 lu ii- of tobsceo, and two thirds of it is nady lo be tapped. _ ALl'liA. ORAMiE COUNTY. An linn, ai-- I aae-Poliilral-Thr Wheat. ((lorrti-prin'Icuce of thc Richmond MrtMMB,] OllAMiK CorKTHOl'SE. July -2. issi. The special object of the tenn of the courl lietng held by Judge Dickinson at Ou¬ tline of hi* death wa* to try some ..ld BBBSa crowing out of thc sduiinis'.ration of thc " Orange Humane society," an aaaodattofl founded many years In-fore the war, !.> 'v- ccutc a lin' volent bequest of a Mr. Mon¬ roe for educational purpose*. A form, r special tenn for Hie same purpose, held it Charlottesville, wbk as suddenly termi¬ nated by the sudden illness of Hon. laaaa* W. (ircen. nf Culpepcr, one of the le,ding counsel tn thcca*e, which illness ulsocame to a tatal end. Many land-titles in Orange are clouded until final deci-i .11 i- ba 1. and the proverbial "chancery suit" bossbs longer than ever. The Chicago norainitlons arc favorably received here. 'I'he county will select del¬ egate* to thc Congressional ((invention next Monday (court Ba] \ bul M tal aa 1 have heard there ls no opposition to thc renom¬ ination of Mr. Barbour. Hon. II dun * Conrad ls announced lo addie** a isttSuv Hon meeting al Madison Court neal Thurs¬ day. Be i* prominently aamtfeasd aa a candidale for Congress in that di*irict. Without prejudice to throttler candidate- it goe* without saying that Major Conrad would make an admirable representative. There ha* been unusual mortality in the county Ibis year, and many of our most esteemed and substantial citizen* have gone to their last homes, the Mat death in the neighborhood being Uni of ihe wife of Mr. James Newman, of Hilton, whose liu*- band has been so long and widely known in connection with the Stale Agricultural Society. The wheat crop is not un to the average of last year, aud threshing is going on with a rush. Bs ROANOKE. Pollilral-The Cobbii Democratic cnnuii- ue.awMBBBBfl is the District isnrsailoa. [CorrespoDdencs of tbe RbTiiuoml Dl-patrh.| salim, July 21. ItSSt. Tbe Democracy of ltoauoke turned out en masse to-day. Thank* to the good people of Roanoke, Robert W. Page wa* not permitted to re¬ sign as chaim) in of tbe County Committee. While he Insi-ted on declining a reelec¬ tion, the people of tbe county demanded bia continuance In tbe position, aud cn- forced the demand with emphasis snd unanimity impanll. i..|. The pr. sent County Committee was als© continued In office. Tlie following wer.. rksetsi delegates fa the Conjrre-"ioniil Convention: Bo»x>r» W\ Pace, Charles ( Bebe, j.;. M. Ann--*"""-*, .lohn CarsL ('cor;;, j. Mcconkey, Coles Teiry, R. D. Boon, J. \V. ncrry. M. M. Roger*, Palmer M. (lair, md IL sf. '' ""'. Alternate*.: Judge Winfield ('rlffln, C. D. DenIL ("hnrles Boret I, Robert T. (loodwin. John W. Wood*, M. p. crawford. 6. w, Shelar. B< C. QB ti wood, J. D. William--, Issac Huff, nnd ti. L Mass, No instructions w, t, ^i-r-i the delegate*. bul there Nvn» a unanimous expression of preference for Res. Join W. Daniel. Resolutions were rawed nnanlraou.ljr rtidorsim; the MHotnl Democratic p'al- form and the nominee. Rex. WILLIAMS huhq. Infrre.ilngRnllroud ( n.r, :n Cenrt-Pollll- cal-Bell«lon.-Yorktown Monemeat. rCorrespondencc of the Richmond!i.J .In.T BB. MBt. A sprrtal term of the Circuit Curt cloned last night. The court iBk-bsaata session (igbt days. A great deni of bu»i- tn-s wu before the court, but only two cases of any Imfiortnncc. Mr. Alexander Maclean-ot a Judgm-nt fe -CO, with interest from DtCBBSbar 1, IBST, against the CsbBBapatJa*! and Ohio ( onipany for de»tru< lion of hi. crops. The injunction suit of tbe Chcsap^akr and Ohio ComiKinv rs. _, \\\ Lane, trea¬ surer of James City county, ernie up for hearing. This is ¦ suit wherein the plain¬ tiff had obtained an injunction resti thc defendant from t.'«-**s for tl Near ISSI Imposed bf BM Boar*] ol Super¬ visors of .lames City county on the railroad for county purposes. A like snit, wherein thc county of Warwick'* risiit to levy ami collect Muli taxes, was heard .it f H.'s.urv time. Ttvo days BfSBB BBSM*BBBBd SJ" I mt sel«in flic ar.uini; of IBS cases. TBS Oats* intered an order making them rjeatioa easel in order to examine aulli >rific- uni points raited In artfuim nt, and \yill deliver opinion ot" tbs -ame on the tOth inst int. Tli.-e eases an likely to gs) to lin- l'ourt of Ai p< a ls, tunny points lieiujr ni iv. A proiiiimnt Richmond _W*/fT ta at¬ ti mian, e on court, nti.l vxho I- loppoeed to knoiv Nvhat is Ming OB in the political world, in speaking of Um chances ,,\ __ ext. s.--ion of th,- i,.gfelatare, .aid thal (ioN.-rnor ('au,crou nnt.s in r-HTeapondence with Judge Robertson OB the rabject, ;;ii I Nionlil I..- guided by his opinion. Ile fur¬ ther said that tbe BtimlgbtO.I senators would sign tbe call for an extra session if thc I), mot-rats would not undertake to pis, any hills of a political character, inca as (banging tbe li dion laws of the 81 tte. Politics lure at present arc quiet, bal things sn beginning to 1.00m a little In York emmy. *, leveland snd Hendrick* take nm 11 in 'tiiis lection, and will the 11 liieu support of tbe party, Tte Baw mart-boose for Warwick is bein- rapidly pushed forward, and will h.-a ri rv bandi rae building. Tbs York!.an 11 nv timm ni i- n compution, and is pi-.uiounecd by Mr. Cheney, one of tbe contractor! who li patting it up, to bs on of tb ¦'m. -1 monument! i-i inti co intr Ii isN. iv large, and cnn heat en for lotncdii tance, Tbe granite used to from Bali ii I- laid th.- longer it stands and the rn ire \|osei| i; j., the whiter ll ra ol tbe blocki med weigh <.\.-r twenty ton*. On th.- wsj! down, off the Jersej c ast, th ve«sel with tlie millinup nt aboard cam mar being lost. Baring i>.. ti caught In .-» MTere s.un. Many "f tbe and nt for tbe boxi in wbi-b tbeji packed many of !'-'. pic is would ball 1.1 n adi] d imaged. Th. Li hoods! church N bow dosed. The n. st;\ hare bo! called any one yet. Rm. T. O. -dwarda, ol thc Metbodiil church, bas ft town on s \i-it to bli father, ni ir Manville. Dr. J. D. .M..nellie, f|,e .-is\ lum siiperni- tendent, and Directors Tyler, of « ti ni. ( iii. and Booki r. ol Hampton, wbo wi re ap| olnti il by the Board al ii* nsl nc Hm ¦ onmiii'¦>¦ to trudi New York to ea raino and report upon lite eleetrie-llghl lystcm of eily, lett saturday rao-alng. W. MAEOEE'8 LAST SPEECH. the l.enernl (ipens the" Hi. Wraili I l'.m tlie Democrats. [(. rri'ti. ii.iiii" of Um aBehasead Dlspatak.] Hniski-hMii KO, Va., .Inly 21, KM. United Statei Benater M inoni. in his speech here to-day, charged, among othei things, thal Ibe il. .tion of 1.1-t f.,11 for members of tbe LeirfsUlure aaa e in led bi tbe Democrat! br foul and unfair means; U::'t the State h.ul been mtogorerned bj tin m. ami that the redaction of taxi due to tbe Bepublicani, [a speaking ol thc Danville liol, he Itatcd that to CTery railroad itation U i< grsmi «. rc senl to thi rffecl that Ibe colored people ol that Pity u. rc murdering tbe white people ind chil¬ dren, ami that courien were barri into thc counties, furnlsbed with these telegrams, so as to deceive and mis. Bad Ibe people. F*u*tber, be charged that th.- leaders of Ibe DKstnocncy were responsible for tbe morder ol lbs colored people at Danville'* ss much so a- if thej carried the blood of the murdered men upon their sleeves." lie in nie tin- Inquiry of his audience it th. y wanted these men P. gOTi ru them, and aN-i laked: "Ilaire Non heard of tin- shot-gun policy of thc legislature*" Hi referred to tb*; turning out '.l Senator Webb and tbe seating ol Krczle. ami asked iii* audience to bcai these things in mind, remembering thal lbs result of this election will bare ¦ groat inilm nee upon tbs election of nexl year, w h. ti Mate ofBeen aro to be elected, Tin re wa- !'iit one course for them to poi- me. !,. statt tl, ami that Wa- lo lupport tia. Ri ntil'lican ticket headed hy Blaine and Logan. I.. 11. ral Mahone announced that b< would bare no respect for bin-self if bc should vote tin Houri"!! ticki!. Thc Teuelicrs' Iiistlliito. Illy til. ***a**b to the! 1Iahrisom:i 1:0, Ya., duly fd..Tb P body summer Normal Institute began nen this'iiiortiini:, With "BOtt th in two hundred lew -hers in attsadaaea. Professor M. A Kewell, of Maryland, is eoadoetor. Hon R. R- Farr, state Superintendent ol ScliooN. is also hero. United (Mates Judgi .(..1.11 Raul and oth.-rs w iii deliver address, lo-nlebl welcoming tba institute, i'li.-n will be four hundred teachers in attend ance. me Toucher*' 1 n»ii(m. at n\ 1 tu. -. llb [Stselal t< I.traill to the Dls|iatcli.) WllBBIIIXB, Va., duly ii. 1894. The Teachers' Institute has been in te* sion herc for MOM days. Tin rt u ] ti.11 hers present from all parts nf thi.-.' tion. Prolessoc Da t'rair i. eanductor Offal inter, st ll iiKinifi-t. tl. Two hun drcd more t< achers arc cv peeled this week Krlef Nins items. Nearly live thousand women are employ ed in the Government ofless in Bagat I. The assessors of Philadelphia r-port th 1 there are 211,211 i|ualilied voters la lbs city Grsiilioppcrs are ravaging CafUornu exctpt where thoiiirhtful farmiTS liavc t iru sd Isssa a few flock* of taifesys, The first news from thc Arctic wballni fleet, tn .lune BBtfc, says: "Twelve vessel bad taken tliirty-onc whales, and twenty four vessels were clean. Tba schooner I 1 Uh Bston, of ^an Francisco, has bean !"¦.'.' When the employe's in Trinity c. m ry New York, went to their work il ada] morning, the gates of the eh.-ca-rard nen shut and Watchman John McN illy n 1- n where to bc seen. They searched for hu: and liartimered on the door in vain. vTbei at last they went to the offlcc tiny louni him there lifeless, a dead man snjtcblngtb dead. On Sunday night Charles Elliot, tsrenty seven years ot aije, ersployed as a driv. r Winkley & Maddox, fas stealers, af " bridire, Mail., visltrd Lowell, sun to! morning he said that he had cliok.-d bi wife to death at their lodgimr, os Lynd street, Boston. The police made Inquiry and found the body of thc SfsHBan 1 stated. Tbe police of Bridgeport. Conn., IIK reeded in capturing four boys, ran-'" from fifteen to n.neteen year* ot age, I'-' of a gang of burglars who have been "I" rating in (bat city during lbs pa'* V'." Tboie arrested ire William Hickey. Rb Coffrey, Henry Hauser, and Samuel l'» V" Hickey confesses to fifteen burel ir"' Their operations have been principally ol stores and saloon*. The Hoialard Almanac and Cook ¦safe malled tree on application lo the Rumfori Chemical Works, Providence, K. J. A sBOY'S NAHROW ESCAPE. He Falls lats a Hell aad aWWaRUS to the s-i'irn, \\ hoi Befell Fsrraer Beller'a Lit¬ tle s«n. A Rr-sacaJI'cnn.) special of Monday sn-.: In Hi- northwestern part of Bate county Biers is a scattered settlement of thrifty germans, anion, them a family a lb in r. Near their finn are som- n 14a Wblcb were oner under rulrivnti m. '.Ut Which WT'e left >e, graW Up willi linderbnisli Ly their owner, v. Im Inned the pana Nierel yean i* wife snd liv children p didi there within a few month*. The bmldtaffi have crumbled late annr/i aad in eas. was once thc doonan! ta il,. dwelling is sa old well. The cattte of the adjoining farmer* hav.- fi.a _.S to the d(s, ried fleMs, The well wis eorstsd with i"> irdi tn the swaersof lae cattta la insure U< lr-afr ty in mauling about. This BOV. erin-' in time became bc -calli layen of Lillin reaves.std BMtxitteoecof the weil bad tlai -t I"1 n rorgotu n. One diiy last week, according to a r dent of the neighborhood, i ten-year-old mn of Farm.r Miler Marted out in (hg brush lota btaekbeirrtng, BS was in ty habit of roaming aliotit in the wood*, and ba wa* frequently ibseni nntfl tata in thc Mternora. Ile was nen r l>> «ent. howevr r. until after tbs rapper, wblcb i* (i o'clock, and when, se the >liy in unction, that hour caws and and the hoy was still away, lp* parent! seraflae uneasy, and hi* tafhri Mart¬ ed, in Hie .iiireaKoa ol las deserti ffirrr, thinking to ni.-i t him an the B ir. It grew dark, and the fanner, BOW greatly alarmed, returned home and procure.1 a lantern, iin.l returned to the brura lots, calling his buy by name Be received no respoase, aad finally turned in baste toward* lioir.c willi the Intention »f en¬ listing the Belcanoe* in aa organized search tor tbs ntaaing boy. Ba weat bi* way ly a ibori cut which brought him tbrongb the yard of the deserted farm-bouse. Aa be hurried air.'-* it ¦ taint itv 1 roko on bk esr, and he stopped ind called hui lon'a name, \ taint "Herel" ri * heard in reply, off to the tanner** right, and li.. threw the light from his bm. tern In that direction. In lt- ray* be mw the Biasing boy lying on the ground bul a few feet away. Mr. Heller ran to Mm, *U!>- poring tbat be bad fallen and brok n 11 or received rame otber Injury. Wha hi- aatoalahmenl and horror to ace Hi it tho Loy was lying nit,,,,-! on the edge of the old well, ihe covering ol which wa* broken, revealing bs the Hght of the lantern an opening >>u "tie ide of the well about two teri wide. The father relied hi* boy ima tbe pp ned. Bee i- dripping «.: and inher¬ ing with cold [the night being one of tl,.. chilli one* ol lari wc ki. and ipparently nearly exhaust 1. Tbe larmer wrapped hi* cod iriiiuul the hov, uni I iking him in bli min* html. \\ iib bin )"-.,. borne, which quarti r ol i mile away. Once tb ir >, Hie bo; was cared for, and in a ihorl time was sole to explain boa became to be lo thc condition In which be waa found, « hie be did substantlall) a* followi: cn Maring home bi soughl the bill i mik* away, where bc filled hi* basket with liri.*. Be tlc n di-i'ov ered a ground¬ hog** ho!.' on the hillside, and attempl lo dig lue occupant out. Absorbed i'i lu¬ lu did mt notice thal ii wu* growing late, and the ran aaa iw 11 lore be bec un ol'.:. lt.- tbi ii bu*rled homeward, r, ii bil ii i.: iboul 8 o'clock. Ile took ti»»- -imit .-ut thrungli the farm¬ yard, n hi ii raddi niv tbe gro md, aa ii- thought, gave way beneath bim, nd the ni xl Initi ni he found bim- .i-i( Ooundcriug In water. Ile rcgalm I t, ami aa -""ii a* li.uki >. died hi* si n-i-. I' gm feeling arotmd to find out if -ii I. ulu '-I he wb», Be itood in a i- r op to iii* wrist, md it wa* exceedingly reid. With the exception ofastreamol Jim light he could see above bim, all waa Igbt. By feeling lb ul with ii band*, be found n wall circling aroun 1 bini, and th. n for the find time he realize l th it be was rn the liottom <>f a well, ilthi ti h bi never before kn iw ol it- exist* (Bee. At fir-t be v, i* aim.-i witb terror at bi* situation, but Hi" lir-t appall¬ ing tbongbi over, he a* c dmly aa p ut tindlng lome way t.icape Ir,un but terrible prison. The stones with which tl c rall of lie WI ll BJ c laid Were and jagged, ami i" twi en them, a* be f mn bj r. aching up along tbe wall, wen chink* and crevices, Tbe boy said be ka i there could be n>> otbei wsj ol escape tor bim (r.e. 11 by climbing up tbe n ill iv thc I,, lp of the i rotruding d - of iii-' and the cracks between them. 'Thc well wss too wide for him to puce one foot on one side and tbe other "ii ti.pposite i v which un au* hi* ascent would bave treen comparsllvely easy, and *.> be inii-i make hi* way op by clam lering on one ride alene, or remain In tbe weil until bli critical poritl n might bc discovered, tbe chancel of which he feared were rerj ii mote f.-r thal night «* least, and be doti! ti >l tbe os»ll lllty ol IT* being ible to :i himself manj In.ur* In tbe confines ol the w.-ll. After lereial attempt* be succeeded in drawing himsell out >f the water, one chink tn the wall ador.ling bim a footing while be felt carefully about for inotber. Hythe Dst disappearing streak f light al ci the i".y could judge thal the -urine wa* i)..i many feel above him,and h. mid ubi alon ly approached tbeto] l.e pi,.M.i earnestly for strength to reach it. The ascsnt wa* alow and painful. Tho i..'.'- finn i* wen torn by thc -li ir,¦ non :,* in- Clutched lu* Way Upward, and he could ti 11 tin-11.... I come out from under bl* nail* ai be pressed Iii- tin.-, i* lo the i n vic. - above him and drew lum*ell pl - be found for bia toe* te real on. Bi* l rogn *- waa *>. rlow that the Break of light bsd (ntirclv disappeared before be had been abb) to get within reaching di-- rb a l.ieli ir bad come, lie finally worked himself ap ra thal be could *> thal be waaalmoil within reach of th. opening's edge. Befell that tl,.- fastening <T bl* finger* In >.u.' Bjore chink in ti..' wall and one bk re th p upward ol bli feel wonk] carry him t" the lurfaci, ant n be could i*iiy draw himself out. IL reached one band cautiously upward to timi a crevice, and Un re «a-nulli'. A urge,atnootbatoneflil- id the apace above him. At either ride ol lt, Just within hisrt ai h. there wsi a chink, but io nuke them of terrie! te bim be ti.u-t dge brm g tin' fie "f the wall 'ii or¬ der to bring hil feel direct!] la under the crevice above. Unleea be could do Hil* be was no better nf than be bsd been at tbe bottom of thc well. Slowly and cautious¬ ly ba Barred lidewtao around the dide, n. w i* reschlng up to feel if bm way waa clear, whea be lost his foot. IO ; and ti ll h -aili Ll the iTnllv Watt. Bl the bottom. Be ga\e wav io violent gr:, f when be found that l.i- ¦b-oal lurjenuman Sorta to reape from tbe well had come t > naught Ile shouted for help until b too hoarse to srj aloud. For a long time Buster lutheienl coursge ta bl -in the fatiguing and perilous a-c tu agata, bul the tbougbl of tb iffony ol h's parenta at his leas and unaccountable ai lenee nerved bun ta snottier effort, Por nearly three hours in- struggled for liberty, nd at Mst, when aim i-t fainting Iron xh'iiistioii. he tell hi- lund* grasp tbe upper edee of the wall, and, concentrating all his nmailling strength In one bpi effort, he draw bb_ss_ nut on the ground, md kiiiw BO nnril !,.. leard hi* father's mice calling him. It wa* in o'clock when Partner Belier .ame nciii-* In- hoy at tba well, mid tin- latter mu«t have b.-'en lymg there simon- -'iou* for in uly an nour. The boy'* lingers were worn le the Lone m places, and hi* leg* were badly lacerated. The re* tapes from the overwrought state of hi* nervca left him ill with brain-fever, but be is out nj dang, r. I "omi. Among tbe 4 rags. A Snick Shinny (Pe.) metal Myi Michael Barba, ol Teasdale CRy, ww looking for young f'-v.* along a ledge of rocks on laeopposBe rio*of uta river rrotn this plaee yesterday winn he wi- Btartl .1 by finding":! ghastly akstatea andei one at the projecting crag*. The body wss thal nf a man six Ral Lill, and lay upon it* back. The shoe* were Mill oe UM f ¦;. al¬ though it I* bettered thu bones, from their breeched t.ondition. hue lin C-posad tot three or four year*. The sheen wen th BM ot a laboring man. Near the l>one« were found a ra.or and strap, shaving-intig. briar-pipe, pocket. k-tts,bunch ol ke\-, and two i half-pint poeki t fla-k and the other a two- ounce vial, such a- ls used for laud ilium. Thia probably taus the story of suicide. The frame of a v all*-- wa* found near by. The only .lui' a* t" the ulan's identity ls tbat a person of hi* beUfbl wt* a temporary boarder st the Mmintuin Inn, a disreputable Place a mlle distant. The spot ii half a mlle from ihe rom leading from Snick Shinny to Wanamie. Au Investigation will Le made. RICHMOND'S RECORD. TUE UIVER UtTMOVMMMMT, M. etina af the ( kamber or Cemmerce.Caaa- uiillee Klecieil- lolaaelI r*l«blll. A called merlins of the chamber of (om¬ ni, ree nni.s |-,i ld vesferdsy cleat.f, and on motion of Mr. i'ott-. (Jctiernl .1"-"Sb lt. Anderson was e«llcd to the chair, thc presi¬ dent, R. E, asS|aj being sick ard i;i:t:!.lc to tib-tid. i'he pillowing gentlemen were circled nc miers of tbe l BSSSSBSSS SB BM BBS provrmcnt of tass* River: QaSff*B W. Ail.n. a. s. Baford, s. H. Haw.-. Jbbkm w. Allison. IL A. Dunlop, E. O. Suiting, nd John Pure il. Th. follpwinir rrsolutlnns were offered by Mr. l'ott«, ut lbs P i| <>f Mr. Dunlap, Who was unable t<- bs pr.-s'-r-.t. aii'l wen' a.ii pied i Min re is nm- arc informed that Colon.! w. p. Craigbiil bas I-.-, b issbraed la at s ind ire; ..."ant position, BBS* 1st that rei- s( ii his lum relieved .'rom a portion of his former (Inti. s. cntbr.i.iii.' tba BBKaTSB of thc JsBJMB Hm r inn rovem. nt, hy Col if.-I P. c. Uaiiu-s, nnc desire to sssassa thoiaasa of this hedy in the iii- liBOlaUoBSI I. BSSOtW, That this! lumber, repre¬ senting the comm. rcia! ami ma'.iufacttiring iBterestsof tbecByof Blrhmonsl rressgalas I bat the development and prosperity <>f lhasa inti r.-ts is vitally eoBaasM*! arith ¦Kd .;'. |. mit tit upon til.' successful and speedy prosecution of iiiis improvement, andtkerefore kare thc most gntafa] an* prectatioa sf tbs interest and i*/mpath) ion-1 Cr*.gblll has always exhibited In poshing it lorward as tupi.H\ bs tim plan* under which bl waa operating and the limited appropriations at lii< sosbbbbnI would admit of; that WS reengniz. tilt .le. i.l. d nn I permanent improve- mint of tbs (linen. of tin- JSSSSI lo a depth of llKteaa tnt. vvhercbv we arc air. adv en'»\ing a larger and u.on- extended eomnMree, arith i redvo tion. and in some Instances an abolition, ol eb tl'is which formerly burdened trudi. upon the river, and an Immunity from in* ru .. ii-'., arhtefa were Incideal to the chan ml :.s it then existed. Thal to ins favor ali.- report wc are largely Indebti d for tin Inauguration by Congress of tbe plan ol bringing t\\ enty-two fact, si mean low tide lo Riebmi Impr in men! impi ntiv. ly .I- mandi d, ii"t only by ih>' eammeree >> Bichmond and the State, bul hy ali that inn iii n of thc rou.'try naturally tributary u ii as tin- -hortest route to the *ei Tbnt in terminating our relation with Gol Om < i-;11_-'11ll he has mn- kindest wlsbi ifo luecesa In tuc new inhere to which be i calli il. ..'. Besotred, Thsl in losing the viiluaW. terrlcesol Colonel Craigbltl we ar.- tn i. congratulated upon securing as hi. rac olonel Haines, an engineer whoa skill has ic-r. recognised by hi, appolnl un rn to i barge -<> Import ml as tb. un pro*.' Dents of inc Potomac tl it- il the ns tiona! capital. Adjourned. Colonel Maims wa. m th- elly vaster doy posting himself with regard iiiiioti and needs of tbs river Improve D i.t. lt />/: I _..*«< - BIGGER, CLURE, Niau i,'a in i's llnle \w -ir.l'-il ;n July :!t*l on Ile BBBsiileBBirat Bill <tn wilow. on the i. tltlon of Boa. doini 8. Bri* who prays tbe Supreme Court of Appeal of Virginia to award a mondamut dlrecl lng John Bell Bigger, Keeper of tb R itt* to strike from the rolls the a-t of A-*- isa*-I commonly known a- the conrressbinal n ipportionment bill, the Court, titting a \'\ ¦!'.,. viii,-, m s>, rdsj awardc ni rule against Bigger, return :;l-t. Judge Hinton iii--. Iittil. lu inls wat it i- sough! o bring In quet !;"ti the validity n| the congressional n ipportionment. Tbe polnl upon wblcl thi > r. ly is thal whi n the bill was pass (o tn ral VVlcl bam was |.f -nt r at.- but m: voting, having bee- excused ;t be I-, ii Un -. contend bc sholl! be, counted ns prt -. ni the bill did no! pat bj tbe ii.un vote- two thirds of th pin ni -\- r th. Governor' Nt io. The character in which Mr. Wise anplli i, incumbent of otu ¦- congn isman il larg '.a- well is praspecth candid ite for n election. He avers i rn of Irreiiarable Injury if thc doubl i* allowe to stand ns to whether rach an office exist a* ongressmsn it large. ll was n ni ¦:- il h d '.> lb rday th. Mr. R. T. Ili;bard had gone to Wvtuevili ;.. pn ut thi. petition I Judge Paul; wini thive to [.resent it to tbe Suprem Court. This action makes it more timi ever in cetsar* ,; i.l bc ac tiled st ssio ol tin Gi mr I A--, mbly on Augusi I3tl ami all th.- signatures necessaiy han noi h. n >.. uri tl. Thc d' mand U|x>n tbe <i-.i rnor, iii ed .;- required by Ibe C matin tion. n ill pr ibablj b presented to bim Old Point In the course of tbe next fe da* -. p i- understood thal tbe work of tbe set sion will be limited to apportioning til Mate in!., districts foi p «i.ler.! electoi ami to rectifying (if need beith.ngrei ilonal ipportionment bill, and to lecting eire ii il judge to dil the laeancj caused h of Judge Asa D. Dickinson. UEURUE LEMEYl III BROWS. .bath sra Breaker »i i». bate Dr. p. Wi kie Brown, Hr. George LeMeyuir Brown, brother < Dr. I'. Wilkie Brown, ind fourt -. n "f Jami - Bron a, sr., u bo was i m ti cl ni rince her. seventy-five j u ia dh il >i -ti r la) vening ul his ¦ ., j No. 7 north Third street, In tbe levant] second year o) bis age. His lather wai nativi of Ayn ihlre, <c ttl md, nd .. une t tba eountrj In 17-<.'i, ind m.nie -i 11 tun u a merchant, lining i large bus Bi s- ai i ibippi r of tobacco and in importer of lUch goods as wai needed In this market. Ha bad ' vessels OB tba ^.u, and ; one time, it i- sud, owned or contrail* seventy-two itorea In Virginia. He wi long known ai '"Capitol" Brown, frat the fad that h> Ind h - cuntitig-rooril i ll.e old ( ipitol, w hi.ii stood on thc we ¦Ide of Fourteenth street near c.irv, an after the pres. nt Capitol wai built Into private bands. Hi- residence was the southwest ci n er of Pnakllnsad Fifi iu tba ipaeioua old boasewbic I tu a few Nears ago wai made lo give wi to tbe iiiuiii "f mo.lem Improvements. lu tbe winding op of lu- artair-., owls I arti) to trim >etloni th it grew oui of Ut war of IBM, theresrose th.-suit of Brow and Borton, one of tin- niti-t faiu.iu- m\ most prolonged eau.-.- la our. ,urt aimil- rmi which only had tern.nation in tecei ytrSTS. Mr. Geo. Brown, after being in barine. .1. :.< ,i Niiu'll ill the house of PBrttiUSO A Harris, tefl Virginia lor Kentucky, an fi.-in there went to New irl-.iu*. an flora Hew Orieani to U wht.ii hutnsmrd city in- resided f. b Kr,'at niau;- feen, snd until 1h.v when lu- returned to ibis city, N.r afi.r i.iiiaiuod here, living a nuitt id.- and engaged in no business, waa never Btarrisa. About tra yt*.rs ag hi- broth, r, Dr. 1'iMNvn. di-d, I aviii,' b i stat- i:i three it.a-. .1, ti k brother, A. ..spiers Brown,of flew tforl and to th.- children of his sister.Mr..) .li P. and Dr. A. Spiers Qeorge and Mrs. I M. Boykir ind Mr*. Dr. lt. 0. Croucb and aft. r the de iib of these t«. tba bulld- ind endow fl el an a-vlum bera f- white foundling*. Now, hy the death .Mr. BlOWU,OM third ol tuc estate goes the aaylass. Tba d.c. as. d was a gent'eman of fit bBStaMSB sense, and i Nen until his last I tu-«s, thc eulminatioii of gradna] paralysi had a wonderful rm tnory. Those wi knew hitn intiniatclv siic-.ik of him :w a mo lovable character. Thc hour of his funer will lu- as -oin as ht" brother NeNv York is beard from. 1 Nanltary atecatUllooji In Cholers. Dr. < If. < hmcclli r. iccretar? of ll .".tote ILard Sf Health of Maryland, fu nisbes the Baitiuiore papers thc following In cities or towal the streets should daily cleansed nf ill offal, dirt, and impu Bbs wbsle ISI. ind tbs gattars frequent Nvx-lu d willi runninif water. In no ya or open lot should my collection of ar mal or "-aaujtahla matters be allowed to i main, nor any cesspool be left unfilled wi clean earth. ( elliri should bs kept dry and clea and the sinks weil cleaned out and dill fectid witb a strong solution of chloride lime .>r coppera-. Theseiul>suuoes .bon also be sprinkled over tbe floors nf celia Free ventilation of sitting, and bed-root should he enjoined and practiced, tbe floe drytcrubbtd, and the bedding and Ix ciothri air.-d at least one a day. All kin ot roomi or balli lu which a number pemon* coneregsle in schools, churches, manufactories, ftc.should be supplied witb a constant renewal of fre-h sir. Every preporallon should be msde by Ihe public suthorltles, in anticipation of the disease, providing the means of tr*»l. iner.t for those who cannot command them, .o that aid may be promptly administered to all the moment of attack. These means . re a number of small hospitals or houses of ri cepMoa in various parts of the city or town; nation* warre nurses, physicians, and medical .indent* with suitable medi¬ cines and sppnratus can lie ppicured at all hours, day or nlgliL without delay; the ivacuatinn of certain localities where th* occurrence of numerous case* indicate* a pestiferous influence; and, lastly, the fur¬ nishing to the poor, far a* practicable, wbolescine and nourishing food. MASCRESTER MATTERS. (xv *,!.., u.iar.i iin.iiiis. OsSB! Cases Ssaiiarr Orders-I'satsral Call. The regular monthly meeting of thc City Siin ol Hoard was held at Hie Mayor*s-Court t.ioin la*! night. I'ri'*ent. Br. P. C. D. Farmer. chairman, am! the following mem¬ bers Messrs. Bourne. Poster, Nunnally, Moore! Carter, Wetstgar, Boliertson, o'Hrim. and superintendent E. H. Howie. The me, ting wa* called to order.Mr. Farmer in ihe ¦ hair. In the absence of Mr. 1>. #. W*Mlger, Mr. Caner Weisiger aefad a* secretary. {superintendent Rowle presented his an- nu:d report, which was received. A number of lillis were ordered to lie pani, A communication was received from Mr-. S. A. Hall, one of the teachers ot the white schools, preferring charges of un- fi.irn. ss In . \ uniuatioiis against PTeSBStaJ Morrtarette, prtootpal of Ota school. Su¬ perintendent Howie met the communica¬ tion with a spci cn exonenitinit Mr. Mur¬ ri**, tlc. Mr. Morrissette, with thc con¬ sent of thc Board, explained the ease In de¬ tail, which explanation corresponded with the -tali BJSJJJ made by Mr. Howie. After -i.Sering the maller I'.ie Hoard decided lo postpone its consi.l.Talion until Frld.iv Btterneen al ft o'clock, when a rfaeMj inn ting will BS lnld for the puriwise. Thc clerk was tariiuetad to inform Mr*. Hall of the meeting mid reenaB BwaBRaanwaa: ¦tao s number ol other nerasaa eeaawetaa with tbe ease. Mr. Fosier, from Ihe Committee on lin- pri vein, nt* and Huildings, reported con- .. ming r. pair* to fence l IM Vating the yard of the white school. The committee waa instructed to examine the lease of (he pro- perty rad asm Hain whether the owner rn tin city-lull pay for repair* which axe ians, d by natural decay, and given full power and instructed to have anea repair* made aa tbs tehee) Minstaaa a* hi mt judgment of the committee are necessary. lin- .lei lion of teacher* wis Beetpaaed till Friday afternoon afli r the special busl- in -*. The Hoard linn adjourned till Friday ut Bo'clock P. M. Thc Hustings Court was in session yei- tarda* and the following caew were dis¬ pose, of: Armlstead Moora and Jnlta Tom y, both colon d, ware Hied fur aatade* uii ni r: the funner in'ipiitted. the tatter fited 120. Jlldgs (lupton, counsel for Julia Toney. preferred a second ebarge a in-t Ariiii-' Moore, which will be beard al IO o'eleek thia morning. Mile* Rayo, a colored youth, cavanjed wRasse* multing rad wounding Marsh-ill Bock, aa* other colored youth, araa tried, found ullly, -i nf. in "l tu jail fur twenty .1 iv*, and tin. >i BS. Tin csse of Edmuad West fealorsd), In l eli! lan-i ni, will ba tried t..-dav. Msyor Tbj lor yi ib rd ry t inaed to be pul liahrd, thrungli the Chief ol Police, order* foi ll peremptory policing of each anil every lol and tenement in the cny within the in xi ten days under penally of till "Illili.IIICc. Ri v. W. T. Derieux, rester of tba Bau. .I..-sir, .t Raplist ehurch, of this etty, ha* received a call to Bfjsrtaaburg, S. c. Be will leave the city lo-nlgh! to ii*it the which be ha* been railed. Mr. Derieux bas won toe himscM many friend* lu ir in Hu' titi at luge as well a* in his immediate congregation, all of whom will 11-loth to part witb bim if be OBetdre ta lean' In re. Between tbe June snd July terras of the 1 !ii-tings ( oiirt the '-.erk admitted to record tv.i nt\-six (had* "f conveyance. Kain iTverv much needed, say the farm- irs of ( In-ti rll. ld. Mr. Tlnuna- E. Morrissett.', of Chester fi. ld, is much unproved and is now able te walk about. I >r. Wi i*ig. r Bra* doings* weil rssterday a* could be i x[n li d after hi* trip home ou Monds]. There will !. c.-iial service* at the city churches to-night. I in ll.alb List. Thc following l* UM olH'til mortuary leper! for the eily of Hi. humml for tuc Week ending Saturday. July ll). 1**1: Whole number of deaths In lae eBjr, ex- clll.-ivc of *till-birth-. M, ' . ot (kathi Anthe, 8;spoptexy, 1: bron lot'-. I : child-birth, I; .Tml.-ra- Infantum, 5; eirrhosl* of lifer, l; eon- -uirpi:. 4; debility. I: d-UThen, 1; dr. i -», l: f' vcr (typhoid), 1; fever | typbo- malaria), 8; heatt-disease, 8; imperfect de¬ velopment, l: Inflammation of bowels, I; laryngitis, I; maraum*, l; measlss, 1; Dieningili*, I; paralysta, I; nanua*-, I; teething, .",; tetanus, z-. tumor*, l; aa* known. i; otb* r diseases, ri. Onida) tn thirty, :;; one muith t>. ilx,4: *ix month* t>. twelve, I; awi rear t" three, 8; ilirc yean to Ire, I; im \ars lo titi, 1 ; t. ti yean twenty, |j twenty yean t.. thirty, I; ihiny yean ta forty, 8; f ri > yean lo fifty, fi; fifty yaan u> ilxty, ri; sixty yon,-* to aeventy, 'Z; aarcaty yean to eighty, S; < Igbty year* to ninety, I; unknown. 1. Temperature! Mean taattnsntars for week ending July I3,79J)7; for the week nding Ju I j IB, 80.88, /.'.iin/o//. .Am.inn! of rainfall for wsefc ending,Inly ll. 0.10; for Week end¬ ing July 18, D.ou lack* *. Rate. -Hate of aaortalttyof whole popu. ..ii wm UM pir IMS} p.T annum; rate ol mortalky ol white popuiatiotj ma 8448 |sr 1,088 per annum; rate of m ,r- tslByOl en!, rel js)|)ulati)ii was 40.1 - per I,bow per annum, Pullca Court. Tin folh,win. cases were disposed of yesterday morningi Alexander Hobin-.n snd Matilda (Hie* [both c.lon'il) were each Jailed for fifteen days for stealing one lot of provisions from li. s. bear. Marks Weak* (colored), drunk. Fined f'.' 011(1 cst. (barbs Miller, drunk and disorderly. Fined 8ft and a *t. Ann Maria Bosley (colored), assaulting -md wounding lanita! Hooley. Fined 83 and colt. Tom All- n (colored), assaulting and feating hi* wife, Nancy Allen. Fined 83. Henry (iowan, cursing, abusing, au I threatening to kill Mr*. Sophia Lvnenmn. Ile wa* reputed to give bond for hi* good chariot for twelve months. Fields Finmy (colored), assaulting and beating Thomas Fultz. Fined f'1.30 and cost. Jame* Coles (colored) was fined SI ami cost for using obscene lau guage on tbe BaBMt, 1'i-rsuual, and Briefs. Kev. Dr. Jishn K. Edward* was in the itv ii*), rday, looking bright and vigor- o.i* as of old. On eveiy postal-i'ird there ts printed aefSasUM iddre*.* «ide : '* Nothing but ihe address can be placed ott lliis.ule.'' When this iiotii t* disregarded the e_rd goes to the Dead-Letter Office. J, il'eison-Ward Democrats will meet to- nn rn.iv night iii the Police-Court rona. One hundred and sixty excursionist* fr. m Kentucky passed through the city pesMfday on the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad to Old Point. Boiler to Heat tn* Armory. A tiftv-hors' -power steam bolter, from the Tamur ft Delany Engine-Works, was put into the basement of the First regiment armory building yesterdsv to be luted for heating the ball and company room*. A Urge section ot tin dooring at thu entrance bad to be re¬ moved to admit the large boiler. «!anbali Want. There will tie a meeting of the Demo¬ cratic voters of Marshall Ward at the Club¬ house, Twenty-fifth street, on Thursday night. July 34th, at ft o'clock, to elect mem¬ bers to the City Committee and delegate* to the Convention to nominate congress¬ man from itu- Third district'. ¦. BaflBle luau, Bsaetnan pamphlet (new edition). Por thia pamphlet apply to Purcell Ladd ft Co., or Power*, lay tar A Co., Kieiiuwud, Va. TUKY WIN A HAMIL ka 1 Iralalaa Heres*, ifea Heaeeeilee Teaser- Ame vt «»«e*f PlarlM. fSTselal '*>i.frtm 14 IS* Dlsavetv) Nbwabb, N. J., July M.-The Virrrinlas rfestesl the Domestics by a »eore of thir¬ st to three here to-day, In tis* r-nssenee r two thousand people. Th** home tram tade errors, but thejr,were eompMely out*- layed. Powell was blt by the pitcher la ie third and sixth Innings; Ihe last time . waa blt ob the right forearm and it SM ; first tbouxht his arm wis broken. The ugans played a tine Karns and wok fra¬ uen t applause. The Domestics were com¬ piled to chang, their lattery »n the sixth min.', but the result waa not ctn aged. pp. nd. d u the nore vtaoisias. A. is. r.s. r.a. a. e. lena, i. r. s a s a I o ash. M b. 3 1 0 0 ¥ arila, ad h... *».#¦_. .sifli. 1st b.aao ..r. o I J 5 o il rfnslon. e. f. ? * ! I V asaiss_Vi. lill ¦aan.w ,<.. 9 *" o S S 1 uTyVr. f.saSlitb.. 1 I * 3 5 0 aon,K..p. S 1 I J> ll B Totals.1? "ll IT 97 IS S Donasvira. *. is. rs. r.a. a. s. 0 » I 0 I ? aifWd. 3*0... ufN-riT, t b.. i.etia. -. ...... alfi.m. r. f.. p li- na M. 1st ti - ¦... I. f.,e.«. a..nt. e. f. r.i!i»T, r . I. f. lr. y, D-.r. f... rs lu la.. OOOSSOOlS HT le-u.cllri. 0 0 1I 0 0 0 I 0 S Summer. Kerned roaa-Vlra-lMaa, S; lv>m»s- es, 1. struck .ittt-Vlntnla*, S; Hoiaeeil's. *. .-fl en bases- Vlrilnlv. 7; Itornraltce. 1. Mu lill, ball-I'.well. J. Hasses oo I.ll«-Virginias, I), me.tlr.. S. Pass.-4 halts-W. I»%sr«n, 0| rainer. .1; Ueorer, 3. W1I<1 pitch's-NV. Iea««- ii 1 K.lrot. Other lieroe-. (lly lelestraph to tlw lM,pat'h.| Washington : Washington*. I; Alleghe- ns. !.. Nationals, 1: BasSSB Tabina), ts Philadelphia : Baltimore (t'nlona), 5; keystone (Inion*). 4. ("oluinbu*. Ohio: Columbus, .1; Tote- on, I. (icNcland: Chlcaifos. tl; Clevelands,:!. Trenton, X. J. Trenton*. I; Ironsides, (incinnsti: St. Louis (I'nlons). (J; i'm. lunati (I'nloni), 4. Xiw York: Betropolltans, 1; Brook* yoe. 2. Buffalo: Buflalos, ll;*. ;. Indianapolis: Cincinnati*. S| Indian- |»o!i*. I, HaJtimoro: Halliniores, 4: Athletics, ll. Allentown,Pi.t Wilmington., l;J; Al* -ntowna, fl. Beading. Ps.: Actives. l"i; York. s. riaiMSBtBl Philadelphia, IO; l'rovl- noe, ii. M. Louis St. Louis, 14; Louisville, 2. Noteet. Messrs. Davis. Barite, Bad stratton, old ncmbcrs of the Yirglnls*. and D'-vinc BM illcher taken "ti since the club bil Bick* nonil, have ben released. m h< nek. loriii.rlv IBefeMaasSBSB BB thc rruitot'-, is now pliNing wit la, the Vlr. ¦..ililli*. Shiv, one of lbs Virginias' who tiad a'lingcr brok, n nlx.ul liv.- w.s-k* au«i slide n|a)ing lu re. lu. r. pori. I for dui). md pl iv. .1 Bbs Hr«t pms y.-.i.-rdiv it Bi wink: uni. Bowever, beblad lbs bas. At taunton yesterday thc < Uppers, "f Richmond. at the -taunton, li to IJ in a |BKM of base-ball. Connell I omi lillie, a. The c.mniltt.e on Kti-i Bbllb** BBB In the i oiincii ebataber ?*-»tard»- eveaksg, nikI elected Mr. WlllaSSB M. Turpin| cluir- luui. N|iurc \\ IIIUcs -I. ll 'Inns d-pu* t\ ii. rk Of Hie III ll kel. Tbe Committee on St. Jaba's Burying* (irouml r.ele.i.d Mr. .Ioho I'. Ilii.'li.-s ch liriii.ui, :nui Mr. Antotiioi'raflliiia keeper of St, John's biirvlm.'-irround. lal. NA , mtier Kl port. [Bpeefeal t.i.-*-am i" «». in«nai.-h.| "A unn-o-ma, D. c., Jt-tj SB.Iral 4. M. For Mn- Hiddle All.nln- Males, allgbtly W lilli. I. f:iir Weather, follow..! ll. lb- northern portion by partly «-'..indy v,eather and local rains, south, ri) win ls, F-.r the South Atlutiii- Mal-a. filr SJSSs Iher, Bo-Bbwssti riv WtSsSB in northern portion, southm«t io stiiiriiwst winds in Mathers pottioa, Bi*rbtrf warsssr, Tim wrarurR venTtRii»v was clear ant warm. TBaBBBBtataa TasrasB-Ti 1 A. M. 7J; 0 A. M.. Tn; noon. S9| 3 P. M.. :.-'; fi P. Uh 87' aaUaatgbt, sn. temi erntllle, Kl 4-0. HiKNF.rr's Cikhaise, tiik ltt:s-i or Ai.t, II am-lHil.-"SIKOS..Il lllsyi irritation, r- raovei all tendency lo dandruff, sad Invi.'- ..rules th.- (u-fion ..f lbs cipiii.-irics in the hichest ile-r.e, thu-: ;,r,,m.,fin / I te/.irotiv aod kenltAv aeoietk <>r imir. fu effect upon th. ¦fneafaeaa and riebases >.f tho bair I* such ;i« :'intuit I; .vnr;i-i.N .-«</. Bumelt'.. ri.iNoring Kxtra.-ts are Ibo list. _________________ AK TIO*t NALIA 111 IN DAT. ,IAs. MAI rw.f'dAI.I., clothing. 'Iry ^.enls, tvaiU, leal 111 llr-a.1 street, at 1 I A.M. KK ll M.-Ml IIA/.AAK. ll) A. M., orsem melli, 1'1,,-Kl.-. I'I..«I"H-. *t. * i: .M.HMli'-l .'OY-i'lH- MKVKiiiMi.ii td 1*00 si: vi: h a I. UMBI THAT TB*tl WAS A (iOI.DKN Dl'IMKTU- BITT TO i "MIK MU lt Hols. TUB s|||s«| .'Kl lt Alt! Il»s||t VKI.B Miniil.r I' I lt.HIS, AMI i AS BB \\<IHN KU.1IT TllltOI lill lin. kkasmiN. PABSBTi AMI lit AltlH A N -, iios-r miss rr. All ol eur SS foys- >| | rx host roat #i,10, AIL four IB IIDVs' st ns,.,«.«.. at II.-20. All.-four 17.lo HOYS' Xl ITS BBW Bl al SS.IS. ll asl BBS SS SS BOIS* PANTS n»w axial t'J.IS. All of uar |6 YOI Tils'rA!KT»Js.'Wr> al SI'S. r.-ITIVK (1'SJlnK of every lot of *mo4s, uot a of rbol'e, but ons that BSB eoahle ui to upca lb! store with a u...» stock uc(i Tsar. rACTS are th* >a ly th I mrs we adve/U*, and BB SSI kera thu and every Jay until 7 o'clock lu the BBSBSBJi satur.Uy» onUl 10 o'clock, lo .lemoaalrite facia lo you. A. SAKS K CO., LKADERh IN (T.orillN... 1013 Mais sTnasv, ormsira I'.ssT^rriCK. ijyaai D_"1TI8Ta. CHARLES A. MKKi KK, D. D. S, l'..ui "tri SOB Malo .1.<. t, uss iween Till ni an-l r*.*arlh. i ffl. e boura ffT>ui » A. M. to « P. M. ]y l--w*siii3i li W. JONES, DENTIST. cb: Ko. SOT Kaisai ii aval Km.11 ll .M. MM ll KN Kant roo.s; asee Iwat n sn-r'a',; eratic. Ml»W,ao<l Uioruujrh work: lona r.peruoce, _>4 prlree reslu.-rU. Clea aaa sat chl.jrof'jcaa la ia. iiaciiDateeib asl WOOD st LUWABIHN bay* renosaU Oartr oCacsi kc MO. SOT CAST MAIM trTKEKT. ItVtS-sSMl! Ii EN RY C. JONES, D. D. S. smm OBSTAl orr«a: SI 6% Maia sta aa- (ra.t). OSes Soars fr. mi BA. M. lo BP. M. aa* 1 JOHN MAHONT, SMm* OBBT1ST. (foraasjrly Ways A ktaakssayJ own: SSS Mala taryak, Bataam suifc aa aWy-mta, KtcastssieV Va. eel-east




M'MWffwt M. HOKr*.


ORBS AULfMBVJ kfl(Al'iniv, ion 1,1 i:*Tsi.

Pim ». rz san Brm tis in,*.

IV Bl-Sn .) .i.TtOtN'KS. Prontpsoc.

'(>Iil;s l*!.\N,i. only aauaro] bi -.hit in \ bmmbta.T.i lars* sad mast .rf-twains, nessa

arl Inc ami .alr»--.lio..i|u».Itu.,: #.' ;*-i Csv, «1'. |*r we U, *|ii p r

OM P..lnl s^d Norfolk br rieamerK >l \ (11 V

I riiinvv,sj,,. \\ ike lo ,- connection

.K Mlu»m,>ii.(i. H.t. I pbvstrtaa, P. A.-:i. Address


li. vi ii. IllgaUnd i- .¦(.('!-. \ »....-.. for boarder!.'i sr in. |s*s hi. plaes pre-wts msnv ai-trsriieii. for itiisiid- uno phsimre-seekers. ci|.m«l. .1, lUlilliil mn! i »r.s uri] I,

arran,! sud Is- ii'ilul. Mountainsisure lu ftSblns. Killie field of McDowell ul-

nx-f 'ii - ell of tin hotel. A Bat < !,,lvl«<lU-il nt. whose M.,ie,. .sr lil.til] hen*.> ls. |), !, in ni. lee,

|- Dis -.1 *7 persrtek; *'.'.'. per »r iw.-im-ciili. days, rm

fin!',,, i iisrili'ulsr. adI. il. RBAWSHAW,Own, r sm) l'i*>|>ri> lor,

m_Hellos(OLD *l LPHI K SPRING!*,

' icm SBBIDUl ul A'l V. VA.

TM* >l<)l|1 -Ifni si .1 j*.-..ular Muutie r resort, situ¬ated two mil ir ... ..-.¦. .-. « hs 'ii' -.*. mi Oblominny, will 1- BfBB lu natters

JIM 1. 1**1.!',,Mti and .< rvsul-. Till,lc i

with tl u,t ihe market ran afford, Acoodor-ror Un bsll- sim, le r, . ill

liven i"-). I.'-.! t" di place. Reaalsr stage ll.ieio, bes

I. n ic. x ll ilium Pot.Jino, M. P.. ReddenIPl , |i ||. A.(i(K)|)I.HK \ -IIS.

.-w I'

ARM s! Li'lMT! Rl'IUNOS,BATH ( Ol M V- \IKlilMA.w

TIS' old; warra sulptuir bslli Ibis side of DipFoci. They arenow opes and randi

.!-. lu he lind ol PPBC* LL,l.\> I> A ( Vd.K MUT.Hi A CO., RI !.-i the ia ipi

r , .!.)ll\ I. KUBANK.


ls reached by\\ I -1 .11 BB1 \ ir VII.POAD

1% v, i> hoi bi rsoM rnii.Ai.iLi-iHA.

rivi rxsrus trarfs wita i«iri<.r-rfim attached,ai, run.111. d' ni hoantsoal

|| find , ii their arrival nt il,- nea\ -ri Trans-

,, ran rea I] lotransfi rdlreel,, ,, ,i ihe v-i,i Jersey r*Uroad, at laei..

,-i :, f. cid fullii|,iii, sppll '¦¦ rl> "l , .r

Jl ii,.'-.. Inti -.1,ii>. \\ logion, li.

i .1. lt. WIMBI, Ben.Clisiil I - E. Pl on. Ue» .1 Muna, r.

)¦ !'

nulli WARUP K.s> VV PORT'S SI VV*. VA..

Ir - above.- mt ..inf..rt.

Ill: sT SI BMI III soil is I IO. r>l.l>llllVllSlliS.

I . BOB BAT-1 ? I ¦:.

Ibricl -ii..- 'ir., bastns all modern. kins "¦

ns. i servlc. un-\, pl; c. C. I'.. ni:r lil.,. ;. or i"

.1. ll. BB INI BTON, MaiHotel Warwirk.

.ai KALI SPRLNHS, ir v I'll I .'. S15 . .,. \ .win '-

CU .n- H'si ].,i. waleril a'l.

i¦-. ,'i.i s,,i -. sn hllOWER-BA1 ll".

t hil t-.

eT-.tu_ Proprl,'lor.


liv. 1 iv nm H..VIdi n vi I Till V IR. ipi IMs ¦¦ lioiel in

II I*,.,,,,.i, li: ..snd - r\ lc, nu

.IMS-lainvi, pr,-, mu entp a ri .ri

Ii-ii >n<In Hu ri un' v. i'

iln |i .'"'..1 li'.h. rn..1 lil *. Pi


i ri, sud> I'aual

rvaulsball price. Ila.linc

VV, Iii Kl V.Pl

ATLAS lil CITY.Fsg ii: vi- s mm imn tum: uh

\l fllol roi»6 is NINETY Mrsi -


, H ll VIIll RAILROAD.I' 'I '.!'

Bark. I

tl i- irain .1 Un H ILTIM'iRE INTI PolMAI'RAILROADlt,, ii. v. Iii |.*|n 11 ri -,|v in ai.I,,, '., (J IVt-.t J1 ni'll. a,.

i '.-.ii,i mn in¬fo! .

-. (..1. R. IV .. i!i i i-i ..ii.... ueral Usn .


BRI ION HOI SE, ASlll AND, \ L-'>. riLLl H, i' prleMr.

.i l:i dh vi

Ji l'.-l -. -I. RI DD, Us ..- -, V-Mi-iT. Va.


JI.MIIrol I* TALlsilTloTKL, (TIAC-"l s\ ii ii VA, lu lin- centre ..f Ihe

IC -ju rr. i:.t.-,.*_' lo%'_'.r,n.-

') ll 111 Li-I'l. ll

. .-.II."mini,il- c.W. I. PABIIOl r.

t T.

W«N»n AMI 4 11*1..

( x'93.7o.THS BBICIITBOPE L'VII.W VV >vil'\sv.



Pl -I RI .-.ii HOPI li: v n COAL, for Jolyduli- iy.S8 7,'. pertonof _,< (inpound di

. DRY sud PER*>i ( 'UV PB! I'ARI

Vi 1. i,r Vr:.vs il I. BAT1SPACTT0B.OarCOAl Bm Bl Bl sadCHCAPR T on Pie

atarki i, i r \ i isi'i¦ in sou mulei apply before the advance.

I. ll. Ill vv..\ : I'-l . ( r .1 \i- t.

A Ll. KIM sill OAL OF BESTul \i i v a 1 i..>ht:s, PRK i s.-t .1. i.,t

vs nu: v-I »' fol IMP *it.iv r, :.m

IS; I al pi.Hi cit) and

wiii -.naned and dry. OtBci m

liv IM I . H.



lin Pl LR I l*s ii -. l, r ..!-.-], ?.rib -.

Orotis -.H.-ii, il, willi ii,,- n--

1 OALl kihi i* rlici r-i_r,.tl.Hi.s. p. LATHROP .1 h.,

mt, al draw-brtds-e.No. I'-t. ly 1 I

CI MMRB PRK ls mit kial.

C0A1 uni mi H \r Low lu PIBrjR-8Ul vs TRI ' I SUI is.. Tin* MONTH.

.nu BS «n.l. PBOSASL. RE an aOVABOSIN Al (.1*1

_ty i-flre Bad Yura nv ot c-nt-r ' '

amt Cary atrtsts.srAari I i/W> l,<fir». ' ul!l ,"i. ri rm. un.

<sis!dsiiio> ravw win betaBsaa*Hful ¦. i .1 j aud?rr. <!..*! by sun n pr.Be dna «e si ii < rr

aimil ..lor. Tie coal screens Itself,ll- it. .!. «.Usfie li¬

ll lo - lt. Il V ll *

( I MT.I i;la.M> COAL..1 am> i. i salli) Bl OROES

CKKHi ( t vi 1.1 i:l. iso ( i> \i in il¬

la l"t* fr. in I. ii ¦.> MU, tr.ii. si I',i-r«i| u ,i.ei na. A S ll I: \< I ! I .1».l -.«. VU*. VIKr.lM.' sl'l.IN'r arid CLOV1R-IH1.L HBP (HAL flirulslud at rsti.. VVTi: I RUBIIHBce and yuri] Punier ** i-niveniii sud Csry

«lr..t-. I s 16», jr 10-lm

IAIHLS A RARKCHANCK.-Agv-r,. vu l-l um i is,, PHAETON. nK /rta

UTI.(.VB Vin I OH HALI Ml. Al'. V.n a'r^ldears, .uni u> llndly .|i.i*,«-<l tim: s i-ulM

csa bsrue** and drive har. Ila* no tucks. CsuI* .... ii I ''osl-yard. Broad and I'lae stra-ls.J» S»-WA sa'.il W.S. I'lLCHKIf, Afjeul.


L'I'M 1 l'*V, .Tit, KAI.LINd FITS,( lTIED.

Tills I* no huuivua. Esr tnfunastlon. frae ofsWiarsi, « L. H. M Hl'VI.Mt,ni iHitaSn ssiarford,conn.


B_o oV .alf ?I oo t I"un



Ino 21-lv

Rtill < ATIOXAI..


Tli- ii«-it ie -Ifti lK-gln» .LTTEMBER 18T1I,ai.d continues nine mon'.h*.

FACPLTY:Koa* BB Hartii'On. A. M..*>v,r of Latinll. II. Mahiiis. M. A.. I.L. I).. P*or*jaaorQt* lir.rn;A. M. llli'.WN. ll. 1).. LL. D..P*ofeae04 or KagllahjKow. B. Smith, m. A., Professor of srath*>mntirM:l ii ,1:1 . s ii. s\ iv- ron, M. A., LL. ll., Professor

of Pl |ll. 1 I'M lilt, A. M., LL. I), Prof.-sor of Chemls-

tiy.Vin maw I). Thoma*, M. A.,I>. I)., rrofewor of

I hiles, phy;l*TO(iaaof-i .smiiii amt limul*-, Modern Len-

pnajii -.

BnCHSCf (ll' A KF.SIHF.NT STI'DENT.Twek-mSred ami tow Seliaieper nine month.'

¦i--t .ii <.¦ w r ail nu- eapen*eae( entrance, fros, tul-i ard,fuel, Hulas, and washing.

hlghly-w-vcii il'iilar. au.l fifty cent*, will m.(>tIII' apt- sci "I ii non-resident iiudcnl.The college-ctouuda, .-'M.iprlsliijr thirteen arre.

of land, have Lassa p*_ttyInproved and n*>a<iiifi"<tmihi la-t two years. Iii.- Inatltotl.rn ..ncr-¦um rlor artvantmr. I In the l>'-«!tlitii!ne«. of lu lo.cation, in lt*, r.I urei.-iiit provision f-.r Hm comforttad n».-iil<-iir.-.if ut intent*, and In the extent aodI! ..I- ughni of lt-- art* .,f In.trie tl.,n.

F> r, llvlsg full Intormat!on. apply attbe bookal ire .orad Iresa li. IMKYKAR.iv '23-'li".i'>m^wAwv:m Chairman Faculty.


I.. V. I'.I.ACKK.iltli. M. A., I'uiN.IPAL,BOB Huns.

OP-KS sI.lTKMI'.KIt 24TII.( Mal. -h.S'nil._ly V0-eod2m

1;\ f.i-THI.L SCHOOL,J hi s\l l( K HH'or. M.IIK.MMJI.E, VA.

Mik ( H. BIMiiiLI'll,Mus. NV. I!. Il NltlilM.V.

\. xi -caaloa OPENS SEPTEMBER 17TII, w.thfull corps ol ronipetent teacher*., both suv.'mid

!.¦" ii'»_._ly '_n.niiaW2in


COLOK-t UM.ARV P. .lilNKS. M. A., Prlnrial.Tin Tl!!!!! Y-HKT1I AANTAL Bl B8IOB Ul-

GINS di lulu-it l-t. stndenta prepared at themI..,. graduated Ihe pxsi eeaaloa at th" Naval

v. Mcven, Institute of Technology, andUn- Cnii.r-.ltv of Vir.'inla. EKTIRK ' MANGEIV III. ARRANGF.WKNTOP SCHOOL BC 11,1)-

¦¦.II.. Iv Jil- ...IMI.-l

tl M li's- BOARDING AM> I) A V1 » s, i|,,i,| io-, \S|- FRANKLIN BTRF.F.T,UH lIM.iVli. \ N.-Ihe twentieth a-Ml.m ivun-

. i n Y. September I.'.tn,and continue..nih*, (h. nins at tbe I.kalora , or anon

.ii ll. m. i.'" :-. r. iii: ni ilM .-.I 2rn _____frlnrlnil.

Bi I.i I \ I I HIGH SCHOOL,Bl l>. <.!.'.< i iHMV. \ \.

i.r !'.¦ v- and loung Men. PneaiesforBod-ii-. College, oi University. Tliop *arhty andlum. -"!¦ <\\ :¦ ifi"-i. lull :. ¦¦! treeton.Ileiitnlful an ll rallhy location,

I "I . , W. ll. ABBOT.Principal.

._Jy 4 eo.|Oin

Ml - s \s.\ \. f |; s. HIM K'HBOABIUN'G AM) DNV Minmi, poH

Mil M, M.ii 1*1 l> . IIILIIRKN, Iv. * ', ort (faring < enlral I'ark).

.viii open OCToBl'.R li. Kindergarten, I'rlma-ry, and Collett late Course, Circulars on appllca-nn. Bri i- ti Stephen "I Pennsyl*

-ii ""Whop Pot'cr, Bon. F. Iwar liI'.arr. tt. siipr, nv Conri.

>hn and lit v. Noshl>. li.. i:r kAIvu: General H. C.

s. ¦ D.C. Iv "-WA >, l-.


K'itth annual e^mon of thin Inatltatlon will beginon >l l-l! NIKI !.- 4 ru al l2o'eloekM. ApplleanU

rance, ghi lo be preaenton Ihe procedlna.1 v. For ealaloR-ut a and further InformalSan ad-

; ll ge, Rev. ificil ni:i)MllLWAINK, l«. !).. Ilanip.l. ii-s|i!inv Collei.'*,

Va. le 25-VY_*i2m


Cl M> FOB A CATALOGUE <)K Till:ncOLLROK OF I'HYSICIANH NNH si,;.1,1 .N-. Balili on Md which offi r- the >tu leal

M. Ul il' Upi lol I* 'leI Hi >MA - iipn M. |).. Ullin).

Iv lO-SaaWlm 17'..nh Howard str-et.

pl< IIM'M) HK1IINABT,li KO. 8 ns l i.l: \. I STREET,

KU IIMuMi, \ N.

,li|IX ll. POW Kl.L. Principal.Hi- T. li. I'STTOS and Mrs. J.R. (iAliv.TT,

A--.., late rii eipala.II., ie \t.|< not thc BOARD1XO- ami DK\-

s. HOOL f- r N ul Ni. NIHl s and LITTLEi.l! I.s wllllieglnM Pl I'Ml'.l ll -'J. 1HS4.

ll,, v.niie ladle-' apartment* and the SCboal*r. tn- timm gi h rafitled.Ai pix for raiatoguc lo either

Hi ,;, i- ¦".I'D'AI,.

['Ml KH-I TY 81 IK>! H-. l'Kl'KHS-l l-.CK... VA..The iwenllrth annuiil waalonUgin, lin FIRST H.'M.NN IV IK.TOUKK.

(tb n f.r i'nlM"s|tv ol VI ri!-ni i

md ri ..!-:.i et Mllltar.and Nival Academic*.v y i. ult\ '.run- [Tnlveraii-

..ia. 1 nil-Uil! "I'lii-lriii-t-u-s. Pupils uni*rucctsstful. Situation hoa'.thfui. Early

apnllrattoTi advised, as number of biMNrder. I.itrietly limited. For eauiocne iddreaa

W.OOBDON BcCAMB,u iS-Sra Head Maater.


tne'r .are of mernbm of Um Religion*. Societyof Friend*. "I Linx mleatea from Broad-sirwd

lilli ul i.l i OUKsEs Claa.lcal,Hrl.-ntlflcand l.licrarv. \i-.. a PBEPAKA roBYSCHOOL. Loeatlnn in.-ni-p i.. d for healthful-aaa*. Exlcntlve grounds: nes and coally build-lng* and apparalu*. Nen!'ml'- year eommeuee.iii in m. nib bl ri i.Niii.i; ;>, itf«4. Applyi-eri\ t" rn ur. a inn- -. n. For catalogue and fallparticular* n 'lu----

|.\. IKH !!. si VI,ll.I X. il., I'r,^. lent.I- 17 om Swarthmore. Delaware county. Pa.

\l.f ll 51 A N


TI Is Of OB.AT covcni.v TO


B.AK IIAHIETTA. (IA.I ti. e.-iit ¦ bettiearaf Dr. J.

Bra.lll. Id's IVinali- Bigulator and used ll lu my

fm,Uv with iraal aUMkeOen. I saxe rwom-

im-iided lt to liin-e fsmilli^.and they have found

M t" lt Just «hat I* claliiii-d for lt. The female*

who ban-iMd lt ate now In jK-rfecl tieiltli andill. t" alli nil to ll.fir tiotiM-tiold dull.w.

RIV. ll. B. JOllNt-O.V.

STATE OK (.SORUIA, TBOVI' COISTT.11.mi ian.lied Ihe nrl|«-of Ur. JohI.Ii Brad-

t'.t ld, and | r.iiiiiiice ll to la- a roml.lnatlon ofI -lt- In.-i-f i-reat n.iril In Uie tn-atment of alldlM-SM-HOf fctiialisfor wlili-h he rt-romniriid« lu

\\ 11.1.1AM P. BBAS-BT, M. U

Si-KiNorieLn. Tess.Dr. J. Hraiifttld: Dear Clr.-lly dau-hier kai

.- li.* fer manx jaar* willi that dreadful.JBtCtlea known a. Female IM.aaae, whlrb baa toat

me mun SbBbBBi and notwIUisUudlni 1 bad Ui«U-.tuiedlial attendance, could not Bud r.Srf. Ihave iis.-'l lnanv other kind* of medicines with¬out any efint. I had Ju»t uboul alvan ber np, and.HM mit of bean, hui b.iip.a*d lu Che ttoreofW.Wi BckBli Mfeeal week., slnre, aud hi-, knuwlogof mv daua bu r'l amlcllon. peraaaded me to buy a

1,'itle ot )our Ktulale Itafulator. She beean UlIn | hoi Ml nee. 1 w»« »o dellihUid with lt*ur¬ti. I* thal I !."ii*lit wvern I moro boltlo*of It; audki.owing «hat I do al.oat li. If U.-diy one of my

family «i:i. .uH-iIlk willi tbat awfal dlac.ra, Iwould have lt If lt co«t B'.O a bottle; for I ivan

tiiiililully suv lt hai-rured oif dauichu-j sound andnell; and inv-ilfaiid wift-domeat heartUv recoa .

.1 v"ir Ki male Bagulator to be J.t what lt liripriK-nUd u> be.

Kul-X'lfully.II. I). FEATHERSTON.

Tr. ai.v ou the Ua-ilUi and SBippiB-M of Womanmalled free.THE BIlAUFIr.Lli KKI.ILATOR COMPANY,

Box 28, Allama, lia.Hr 22-di»awit|

I)nilKM.lNV III 4 I.l RX.









Baslacsa sad the I sm Sapslr la Henryf'cantt -Martinsville Iteras-Tbe Tnhar-

co Bsslaess-Thr Trssaeranee Qaestisa.f Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.)

MlBBIBMBIS, Vs.. July 'ii. I«s4.Business is as dull here anil In this coun¬

ty ul lt ta anywhere in tnetettaceoiajtWra:but "If bor«e ran live till gras* coisj'," itI* expected there will lie a cloriotis revlvnl,for liclter crop, of when! never in ri..ind better crops of oals, corn, and tobaccowerenrver*g'owwg *t this season of BMyear. Thc scarcity of corn has added lothc depression, the drought of last summerhaving eui that crop so short Ilia! but fortlie railroad * supply of corn could notBara taaa had. "There were not wagonsenough in the county," snvs an old eilizen."to have hauled from Danville as muchcorn a* people needed."Thi« place, which wa* once about lo lu*

rslled Henry City, and hui for Mr, LB,Thoma*, of the Martinsville Herald, wouldhave Leen, ha* bseSBN 'jiiite a mates lit¬tle city under tbe influence of the rnilro-ni.Rut it hns not yet Issued any bonds. Thoevidences of growth are the many ip iv

residences, the building of Sarge br|.-kMore*, the establishment of warehouses(two) *nd tobacco-factories, thc owning ofa bank, li very-stables, brick-yard*, raw*mills, n well-patronized grnded school, peachurches, and the prosperity of it* news¬

paper. The Ruffner Institute (the pr.ul tlac hool) building is a handsome frame bouse,two stories high, willi rooms for the fourteachers and a large number of scholar*.The Presbyterian* arc finishing a brickchurch and *o are the DMetPMB, and tbsHaptM*. with a stil)*i-ription already ofabout $Xbu, are prospecting.The huildingnf factori<a ami warehou«e-

here indicates that the trade of the placewill grow. *nd n probable transfer, to a

considerable extent, of the lab leco-bii-lu.aafrom the country to the town. Apart fromthe other advantage, of doing Rta Isbaccc-business in town, it ha* beftra ta anpearthnt the buyer* of Stock flml it better to Belit on the floor of Hie warehouse* than bar¬gain for ii al the barn-door. Rut the Bearypunters, notwithstanding the attraction* ..Ithe Martinsville and I >.in\ i!lt- markets,hive, as they have bad f^r year«. a homemarket an. on rat the county manufacturer*,and those manufacturer* have found tbebusint s* profitable. Here isonctirmtliatclaim- le bars cleared fi.'),OOO In thc tatatwelve month*." Mr. Blank." said n restaff p'anter to

me, al.oti! len mlle* from tana, " won't yonhave some whiskey before dinner ?" Ilehud a pitcher of it ns clear a* Baring waler." Well, I beg pardon," lie continued." Taking faa to ba a drummer, I tbnughtyou would take something, and it's ii unrcllime." "Whiskey in (hi* county ? " laidI. "Oil," 'Bid he, "We take B eil acrlp-tion rif five trallon* each for ourselves andneighbor! and send ap) r lin- mountains fora hundred gallons at a lime." Ut* stakein Hie couniy thats naercbanl wbo livednear thc line of Pittsylvanta county rolledhi* bouse over late PHtayrrsnla and openeda-ninon. Rut it is. a-1 have before *ii I,"a dry cornily," and JodgCl Hair*ton amiFord, backed, it ls said, Li noretissas nu-

lorily of tbe people, tri determined to keepit .- a dry county."One r.f thc .>l(ic*t citizen-', who iv..- for

in:ii,\ \' ar* a pulilii- 0.IBer, cannot r. el¬li ct timi Utera wi* en r1 waite man bungin Ihi* eeuBty,There were onie two dellnqaenta ob bo-

conni of laxi * ju ibo liiiburg township tbebal financial rear.Mr*. Kata Baker (maiden name Hager),

who lives near Ilowsrdsvllle, ls now uincty-nine vi ur. inn! sunn- months Old, and isquite cbeerfnl and can walk about tbeborne.Mr, R. D. Bar, who Urea near Ridge¬

way, i*: ow eighty-five year* old, and n i*in the war ol 1812 a* for JackBurges*. Ile ta quite an active Ban bow.ColonelR Ulbun A. sh. Staid, near RI Ige-

way, abo waa f r yean in bnslnesi forColonel Jesse Wootton, iberrtT ..r thiseenaty, ls now seveatj yean old, Be basprnsp. nd much in burinesa, and beinj.dow largely engaged In milling and fann¬ing, spends tbe forenoon mostly on horse-bin k and tbesfternoen with hi* family sndIn ri-tin-.', receiving calli on business andItem Menjas, arid reading tbe Daily Dis¬patch and n!ln r rood papers.

Mr..I. Toni Btovall, who once repre-m nil dlbe district of Henry and Patrickin the Slate s. nate, own* :i linc tarm in Un*county, ile i* at pr -mi at Port Worth,Texas, nnd writes thal if tba people ofTexas du not Mop eating beef then willbc .- millions In it" lo bun.Rey. r. |i. Raymore,wbopreaebei at iri*-

1 tirg, na* recently culled out far aw av intothe w. cd-at li o', loci, al Dlghl lo mar ry twocouple*. Thej bad gol away fnun "thc ol Iman." and bad alon,' willi ilicm allot tlcirhousehold um\ kitchen furniture. Soulin his buggy ard made a return accord*ii pry.

Mr. E. II. Turner, an Influential cltlaenand once a I oBHttontet, say* be gave Colo¬nel Cabell bi* tir*t lill and will lift himagain, and "cannot rota for Jim Blaine."Borne "f Un- old Democrat* *.i> thal nome otthe l!( sdjuati ra are follow m.- .Mr. Ma*-soy, though a! a long dlstauc (, and willcatt h u|i By Nov iin'ii r. it wa* aol under-itood, lnw ever, what position Judge* Poidand Kail-ton and Mr.-am. Bbeffleld wouldtake. The Democrats claim them. JudguWhittle is looki d upon bi tbe le idlng Dem-ocrat in Hi nu, ami nany *.i> be nill * un.

day ked more than the Deary county Dem¬ocrats, and ba put Into Oonareaa. Thecampaign humes ol tbe leading paper* arebring lubscribed fur freely sud read withi!k p inti ri -I.Thc old True-Vine church, at Irliburr,

i* now, ai a COB! of al.out 1400, bein..; nudeto lol K allin el a- Lr"od i* BOW,

al I ascadei a Pitts] hnnis village ju-t onthe border, there Is a new Presbyterianchurch aiiii'.-t ompli t. d, al i coil «>r about11,800, and a new Baptist church oom.pli-ti.t ami paid foi at BCOsI ol 81,800. Atile hum place, Captain c. \V. Venable basbuilt atol.aic. -f.ictoii. M by 80feet,aadthree aiitl one half stories high, arith snou nit of hydraulic presses, The peoplearound this pl'ioe make wheal for market,bare large and excellent orchards, sad bosickness. Captain VenableBay* be bsa na*Ber iiis supen Mon 180,000 lu ii- of tobsceo,and two thirds of it is nady lo be tapped.



An linn, ai-- I aae-Poliilral-Thr Wheat.

((lorrti-prin'Icuce of thc Richmond MrtMMB,]OllAMiK CorKTHOl'SE. July -2. issi.

The special object of the tenn of thecourl lietng held by Judge Dickinson at Ou¬tline of hi* death wa* to try some ..ld BBBSacrowing out of thc sduiinis'.ration of thc" Orange Humane society," an aaaodattoflfounded many years In-fore the war, !.> 'v-

ccutc a lin' volent bequest of a Mr. Mon¬roe for educational purpose*. A form, r

special tenn for Hie same purpose, held itCharlottesville, wbk as suddenly termi¬nated by the sudden illness of Hon. laaaa*W. (ircen. nf Culpepcr, one of the le,dingcounsel tn thcca*e, which illness ulsocameto a tatal end. Many land-titles in Orangeare clouded until final deci-i .11 i- ba 1. andthe proverbial "chancery suit" bossbslonger than ever.The Chicago norainitlons arc favorably

received here. 'I'he county will select del¬egate* to thc Congressional ((inventionnext Monday (court Ba] \ bul M tal aa 1 haveheard there ls no opposition to thc renom¬ination of Mr. Barbour. Hon. II dun *

Conrad ls announced lo addie** a isttSuvHon meeting al Madison Court neal Thurs¬day. Be i* prominently aamtfeasd aa acandidale for Congress in that di*irict.Without prejudice to throttler candidate-it goe* without saying that Major Conradwould make an admirable representative.There ha* been unusual mortality in the

county Ibis year, and many of our mostesteemed and substantial citizen* havegone to their last homes, the Mat death inthe neighborhood being Uni of ihe wife ofMr. James Newman, of Hilton, whose liu*-band has been so long and widely knownin connection with the Stale AgriculturalSociety.The wheat crop is not un to the average

of last year, aud threshing is going on witha rush. Bs


Pollilral-The Cobbii Democratic cnnuii-

ue.awMBBBBfl is the District isnrsailoa.[CorrespoDdencs of tbe RbTiiuoml Dl-patrh.|

salim, July 21. ItSSt.Tbe Democracy of ltoauoke turned out

en masse to-day.Thank* to the good people of Roanoke,

Robert W. Page wa* not permitted to re¬

sign as chaim) in of tbe County Committee.While he Insi-ted on declining a reelec¬tion, the people of tbe county demandedbia continuance In tbe position, aud cn-

forced the demand with emphasis sndunanimity impanll. i..|.The pr. sent County Committee was als©

continued In office.Tlie following wer.. rksetsi delegates fa

the Conjrre-"ioniil Convention: Bo»x>r» W\Pace, Charles ( Bebe, j.;. M. Ann--*"""-*,.lohn CarsL ('cor;;, j. Mcconkey, ColesTeiry, R. D. Boon, J. \V. ncrry. M. M.Roger*, Palmer M. (lair, md IL sf. '' ""'.Alternate*.: Judge Winfield ('rlffln, C. D.DenIL ("hnrles Boret I, Robert T. (loodwin.John W. Wood*, M. p. crawford. 6. w,Shelar. B< C. QB ti wood, J. D. William--,Issac Huff, nnd ti. L Mass,No instructions w, t, ^i-r-i the delegate*.

bul there Nvn» a unanimous expression ofpreference for Res. Join W. Daniel.

Resolutions were rawed nnanlraou.ljrrtidorsim; the MHotnl Democratic p'al-form and the nominee. Rex.

WILLIAMShuhq.Infrre.ilngRnllroud ( n.r, :n Cenrt-Pollll-

cal-Bell«lon.-Yorktown Monemeat.rCorrespondencc of the Richmond!i.J

.In.T BB. MBt.A sprrtal term of the Circuit Curt

cloned last night. The court iBk-bsaatasession (igbt days. A great deni of bu»i-tn-s wu before the court, but only twocases of any Imfiortnncc.

Mr. Alexander Maclean-ot a Judgm-ntfe -CO, with interest from DtCBBSbar 1,IBST, against the CsbBBapatJa*! and Ohio( onipany for de»tru< lion of hi. crops.The injunction suit of tbe Chcsap^akr

and Ohio ComiKinv rs. _, \\\ Lane, trea¬surer of James City county, ernie up forhearing. This is ¦ suit wherein the plain¬tiff had obtained an injunction restithc defendant from t.'«-**s for tlNear ISSI Imposed bf BM Boar*] ol Super¬visors of .lames City county on the railroadfor county purposes. A like snit, whereinthc county of Warwick'* risiit to levy amicollect Muli taxes, was heard .it f H.'s.urvtime. Ttvo days BfSBB BBSM*BBBBd SJ" I mt

sel«in flic ar.uini; of IBS cases. TBS Oats*intered an order making them rjeatioaeasel in order to examine aulli >rific- unipoints raited In artfuim nt, and \yill deliveropinion ot" tbs -ame on the tOth inst int.Tli.-e eases an likely to gs) to lin- l'ourt ofAi p< a ls, tunny points lieiujr ni iv.A proiiiimnt Richmond _W*/fT ta at¬

ti mian, e on court, nti.l vxho I- loppoeed toknoiv Nvhat is Ming OB in the politicalworld, in speaking of Um chances ,,\ __

ext. s.--ion of th,- i,.gfelatare, .aid thal(ioN.-rnor ('au,crou nnt.s in r-HTeapondencewith Judge Robertson OB the rabject, ;;ii INionlil I..- guided by his opinion. Ile fur¬ther said that tbe BtimlgbtO.I senatorswould sign tbe call for an extra session ifthc I), mot-rats would not undertake to pis,any hills of a political character, inca as

(banging tbe li dion laws of the 81 tte.Politics lure at present arc quiet, bal

things sn beginning to 1.00m a little InYork emmy. *, leveland snd Hendrick*take nm 11 in 'tiiis lection, and willthe 11 liieu support of tbe party,TteBaw mart-boose for Warwick

is bein- rapidly pushed forward, and willh.-a ri rv bandi rae building.Tbs York!.an 11 nv timm ni i- n

compution, and is pi-.uiounecd by Mr.Cheney, one of tbe contractor! who lipatting it up, to bs on of tb

¦'m. -1 monument! i-i inti co intrIi isN. iv large, and cnn heat en for lotncdiitance, Tbe granite used to from Baliii I- laid th.- longer it stands and the rn ire\|osei| i; j., the whiter ll ra ol

tbe blocki med weigh <.\.-r twenty ton*.On th.- wsj! down, off the Jersej c ast, thve«sel with tlie millinup nt aboard cammar being lost. Baring i>.. ti caught In .-»

MTere s.un. Many "f tbeand nt for tbe boxi in wbi-b tbejipacked many of !'-'. pic is would ball1.1 n adi] d imaged.Th. Li hoods! church N bow dosed.

The n. st;\ hare bo! called any one yet.Rm. T. O. -dwarda, ol thc Metbodiil

church, bas ft town on s \i-it to blifather, ni ir Manville.Dr. J. D. .M..nellie, f|,e .-is\ lum siiperni-

tendent, and Directors Tyler, of « ti ni.( iii. and Booki r. ol Hampton, wbo wi reap| olnti il by the Board al ii* nsl nc Hm¦ onmiii'¦>¦ to trudi New York to ea rainoand report upon lite eleetrie-llghl lystcmof eily, lett saturday rao-alng. W.

MAEOEE'8 LAST SPEECH.the l.enernl (ipens the" Hi. Wraili

I l'.m tlie Democrats.[(. rri'ti. ii.iiii" of Um aBehasead Dlspatak.]

Hniski-hMii KO, Va., .Inly 21, KM.United Statei Benater M inoni. in his

speech here to-day, charged, among otheithings, thal Ibe il. .tion of 1.1-t f.,11 formembers of tbe LeirfsUlure aaa e in led bitbe Democrat! br foul and unfair means;U::'t the State h.ul been mtogorerned bjtin m. ami that the redaction of taxidue to tbe Bepublicani, [a speaking olthc Danville liol, he Itatcd that to CTeryrailroad itation U i< grsmi «. rc senl to thirffecl that Ibe colored people ol that Pityu. rc murdering tbe white people ind chil¬dren, ami that courien were barriinto thc counties, furnlsbed with thesetelegrams, so as to deceive and mis.Bad Ibe people. F*u*tber, be chargedthat th.- leaders of Ibe DKstnocncy wereresponsible for tbe morder ol lbs coloredpeople at Danville'*ss much so a- if thejcarried the blood of the murdered menupon their sleeves." lie in nie tin- Inquiryof his audience it th. y wanted these menP. gOTi ru them, and aN-i laked: "IlaireNon heard of tin- shot-gun policy of thclegislature*" Hi referred to tb*; turningout '.l Senator Webb and tbe seating olKrczle. ami asked iii* audience to bcaithese things in mind, remembering thallbs result of this election will bare ¦ groatinilm nee upon tbs election of nexl year,w h. ti Mate ofBeen aro to be elected,Tin re wa- !'iit one course for them to poi-me. !,. statt tl, ami that Wa- lo lupport tia.Ri ntil'lican ticket headed hy Blaine andLogan.

I.. 11. ral Mahone announced that b<would bare no respect for bin-self if bcshould vote tin Houri"!! ticki!.

Thc Teuelicrs' Iiistlliito.Illy til. ***a**b to the!

1Iahrisom:i 1:0, Ya., duly fd..Tb Pbody summer Normal Institute began nenthis'iiiortiini:, With "BOtt th in two hundredlew -hers in attsadaaea. Professor M. AKewell, of Maryland, is eoadoetor. HonR. R- Farr, state Superintendent olScliooN. is also hero. United (Mates Judgi.(..1.11 Raul and oth.-rs w iii deliver address,lo-nlebl welcoming tba institute, i'li.-nwill be four hundred teachers in attendance.

me Toucher*' 1 n»ii(m. at n\ 1 tu. -. llb[Stselal t< I.traill to the Dls|iatcli.)WllBBIIIXB, Va., duly ii. 1894.

The Teachers' Institute has been in te*sion herc for MOM days. Tin rt u ]ti.11 hers present from all parts nf thi.-.'tion. Prolessoc Da t'rair i. eanductorOffal inter, st ll iiKinifi-t. tl. Two hundrcd more t< achers arc cv peeled thisweek

Krlef Nins items.Nearly live thousand women are employ

ed in the Government ofless in Bagat I.

The assessors of Philadelphia r-port th 1

there are 211,211 i|ualilied voters la lbs cityGrsiilioppcrs are ravaging CafUornu

exctpt where thoiiirhtful farmiTS liavc t iru

sd Isssa a few flock* of taifesys,The first news from thc Arctic wballni

fleet, tn .lune BBtfc, says: "Twelve vesselbad taken tliirty-onc whales, and twentyfour vessels were clean. Tba schooner I 1

Uh Bston, of ^an Francisco, has bean !"¦.'.'

When the employe's in Trinity c. m ryNew York, went to their work il ada]morning, the gates of the eh.-ca-rard nenshut and Watchman John McN illy n 1- n

where to bc seen. They searched for hu:and liartimered on the door in vain. vTbeiat last they went to the offlcc tiny lounihim there lifeless, a dead man snjtcblngtbdead.On Sunday night Charles Elliot, tsrenty

seven years ot aije, ersployed as a driv. r

Winkley & Maddox, fas stealers, af "

bridire, Mail., visltrd Lowell, sun to!morning he said that he had cliok.-d biwife to death at their lodgimr, os Lyndstreet, Boston. The police made Inquiryand found the body of thc SfsHBan 1

stated.Tbe police of Bridgeport. Conn., IIK

reeded in capturing four boys, ran-'"from fifteen to n.neteen year* ot age, I'-'of a gang of burglars who have been "I"

rating in (bat city during lbs pa'* V'."Tboie arrested ire William Hickey. RbCoffrey, Henry Hauser, and Samuel l'» V"Hickey confesses to fifteen burel ir"'Their operations have been principally ol

stores and saloon*.

The Hoialard Almanac and Cook¦safe

malled tree on application lo the RumforiChemical Works, Providence, K. J.


He Falls lats a Hell aad aWWaRUS to the

s-i'irn, \\ hoi Befell Fsrraer Beller'a Lit¬tle s«n.

A Rr-sacaJI'cnn.) special of Monday sn-.:In Hi- northwestern part of Bate countyBiers is a scattered settlement of thriftygermans, anion, them a family alb in r. Near their finn are som- n 14aWblcb were oner under rulrivnti m.'.Ut Which WT'e left >e, graW Upwilli linderbnisli Ly their owner, v. Im

Inned the pana Nierel yeani* wife snd liv children p

didi there within a few month*. Thebmldtaffi have crumbled late annr/i aadin eas. was once thc doonan! ta il,.dwelling is sa old well. The cattte of theadjoining farmer* hav.- fi.a _.S to thed(s, ried fleMs, The well wis eorstsd withi"> irdi tn the swaersof lae cattta la insureU< lr-afr ty in mauling about. This BOV.erin-' in time became bc -calli layenof Lillin reaves.std BMtxitteoecof theweil bad tlai -t I"1 n rorgotu n.One diiy last week, according to a r

dent of the neighborhood, i ten-year-oldmn of Farm.r Miler Marted out in (hgbrush lota btaekbeirrtng, BS was in tyhabit of roaming aliotit in the wood*, andba wa* frequently ibseni nntfl tata in thcMternora. Ile was nen r l>>«ent. howevr r. until after tbs rapper,wblcb i* (i o'clock, and when, se the >liyin unction, that hour caws andand the hoy was still away, lp* parent!seraflae uneasy, and hi* tafhri Mart¬ed, in Hie .iiireaKoa ol las desertiffirrr, thinking to ni.-i t him an the B ir.It grew dark, and the fanner, BOW greatlyalarmed, returned home and procure.1 alantern, iin.l returned to the brura lots,calling his buy by name Be received norespoase, aad finally turned in bastetoward* lioir.c willi the Intention »f en¬listing the Belcanoe* in aa organizedsearch tor tbs ntaaing boy. Ba weatbi* way ly a ibori cut which broughthim tbrongb the yard of the desertedfarm-bouse. Aa be hurried air.'-* it ¦ taintitv 1 roko on bk esr, and he stopped indcalled hui lon'a name, \ taint "Herel"ri * heard in reply, off to the tanner**right, and li.. threw the light from his bm.tern In that direction. In lt- ray* be mwthe Biasing boy lying on the ground bul a

few feet away. Mr. Heller ran to Mm, *U!>-

poring tbat be bad fallen and brok n 11or received rame otber Injury. Whahi- aatoalahmenl and horror to ace Hi it thoLoy was lying nit,,,,-! on the edge of theold well, ihe covering ol which wa*broken, revealing bs the Hght ofthe lantern an opening >>u "tie ideof the well about two teri wide.The father relied hi* boy ima tbepp ned. Bee i- dripping «.: and inher¬ing with cold [the night being one of tl,..chilli one* ol lari wc ki. and ipparentlynearly exhaust 1. Tbe larmer wrappedhi* cod iriiiuul the hov, uni I iking him inbli min* html. \\ iib bin )"-.,. borne, which

quarti r ol i mile away. Once tb ir >,Hie bo; was cared for, and in a ihorl timewas sole to explain boa became to be lothc condition In which be waa found, « hiebe did substantlall) a* followi:cn Maring home bi soughl the bill i

mik* away, where bc filled hi* basket withliri.*. Be tlc n di-i'ov ered a ground¬

hog** ho!.' on the hillside, and attempllo dig lue occupant out. Absorbed i'i lu¬lu did mt notice thal ii wu* growing late,and the ran aaa iw 11 lore be bec un

ol'.:. lt.- tbi ii bu*rled homeward,r, ii bil ii i.: iboul 8 o'clock. Iletook ti»»- -imit .-ut thrungli the farm¬yard, n hi ii raddi niv tbe gro md, aaii- thought, gave way beneath bim,nd the ni xl Initi ni he found bim-

.i-i( Ooundcriug In water. Ile rcgalm It, ami aa -""ii a* li.uki >. died hi*

si n-i-. I' gm feeling arotmd to find out if-ii I. ulu '-I he wb», Be itood in a i- r

op to iii* wrist, md it wa* exceedinglyreid. With the exception ofastreamolJim light he could see above bim, all waa

Igbt. By feeling lb ul withii band*, be found n wall circling aroun 1

bini, and th. n for the find time he realize lth it be was rn the liottom <>f a well,ilthi ti h bi never before kn iw ol it- exist*(Bee.

At fir-t be v, i* aim.-i witbterror at bi* situation, but Hi" lir-t appall¬ing tbongbi over, he a* c dmly aa p

ut tindlng lome way t.icape Ir,unbut terrible prison. The stones with whichtl c rall of lie WI ll BJ c laid Wereand jagged, ami i" twi en them, a* be f mnbj r. aching up along tbe wall, wenchink* and crevices, Tbe boy said be ka ithere could be n>> otbei wsj ol escape torbim (r.e. 11 by climbing up tbe n ill iv thcI,, lp of the i rotruding d :¦ - of iii-'and the cracks between them. 'Thc wellwss too wide for him to puce one foot onone side and tbe other "ii ti.pposite

i v which un au* hi* ascent wouldbave treen comparsllvely easy, and *.> beinii-i make hi* way op by clam lering onone ride alene, or remain In tbe weil untilbli critical poritl n might bc discovered,tbe chancel of which he feared were rerjii mote f.-r thal night «* least, and bedoti! ti >l tbe os»ll lllty ol IT* being ible to

:i himself manj In.ur* In tbe confinesol the w.-ll. After lereial attempt* besucceeded in drawing himsell out >f thewater, one chink tn the wall ador.ling bima footing while be felt carefully about forinotber. Hythe Dst disappearing streak

f light al ci the i".y could judge thal the-urine wa* i)..i many feel above him,andh. mid ubi alon ly approached tbeto]l.e pi,.M.i earnestly for strength to reachit. The ascsnt wa* alow and painful. Thoi..'.'- finn i* wen torn by thc -li ir,¦ non:,* in- Clutched lu* Way Upward, and hecould ti 11 tin-11.... I come out from underbl* nail* ai be pressed Iii- tin.-, i* lo thei n vic. - above him and drew lum*ellpl - be found for bia toe* te real on. Bi*l rogn *- waa *>. rlow that the Break of lightbsd (ntirclv disappeared before be hadbeen abb) to get within reaching di--

rb a l.ieli irbad come, lie finally worked himself apra thal be could *> .¦ thal be waaalmoilwithin reach of th. opening'sedge. Befellthat tl,.- fastening <T bl* finger* In >.u.'

Bjore chink in ti..' wall and onebk re th p upward ol bli feel wonk] carryhim t" the lurfaci, ant n be could i*iiydraw himself out. IL reached one bandcautiously upward to timi a crevice, andUn re «a-nulli'. A urge,atnootbatoneflil-id the apace above him. At either ride ollt, Just within hisrt ai h. there wsi a chink,but io nuke them of terrie! te bim beti.u-t dge brm g tin' fie "f the wall 'ii or¬der to bring hil feel direct!] la under thecrevice above. Unleea be could do Hil* bewas no better nf than be bsd been at tbebottom of thc well. Slowly and cautious¬ly ba Barred lidewtao around thedide, n. w i* reschlng up to feelif bm way waa clear, whea be lost his foot.IO ; and ti ll h -aili Ll the iTnllv Watt. Bl thebottom. Be ga\e wav io violent gr:, f whenbe found that l.i- ¦b-oal lurjenumanSorta to reape from tbe well had come t >

naught Ile shouted for help until btoo hoarse to srj aloud. For a long Buster lutheienl coursge tabl -in the fatiguing and perilous a-c tu

agata, bul the tbougbl of tb iffony ol h'sparenta at his leas and unaccountableai lenee nerved bun ta snottier effort, Pornearly three hours in- struggled for liberty,nd at Mst, when aim i-t fainting Ironxh'iiistioii. he tell hi- lund* grasp tbeupper edee of the wall, and, concentratingall his nmailling strength In one bpieffort, he draw bb_ss_ nut on the ground,md kiiiw BO nnril !,.. leard hi*father's mice calling him.

It wa* in o'clock when Partner Belier.ame nciii-* In- hoy at tba well, mid tin-latter mu«t have b.-'en lymg there simon--'iou* for in uly an nour. The boy'*lingers were worn le the Lone m places,and hi* leg* were badly lacerated. The re*

tapes from the overwrought state of hi*nervca left him ill with brain-fever, but beis out nj dang, r.

I "omi. Among tbe 4 rags.

A Snick Shinny (Pe.) metal MyiMichael Barba, ol Teasdale CRy, wwlooking for young f'-v.* along a ledge ofrocks on laeopposBe rio*of uta river rrotnthis plaee yesterday winn he wi- Btartl .1by finding":! ghastly akstatea andei one atthe projecting crag*. The body wss thalnf a man six Ral Lill, and lay upon it*back. The shoe* were Mill oe UM f ¦;. al¬though it I* bettered thu bones, from theirbreeched t.ondition. hue lin C-posad totthree or four year*. The sheen wen th BMot a laboring man.Near the l>one« were found a ra.or and

strap, shaving-intig. briar-pipe, pocket.k-tts,bunch ol ke\-, and two bottles.onei half-pint poeki t fla-k and the other a two-ounce vial, such a- ls used for laud ilium.

Thia probably taus the story of suicide.The frame of a v all*-- wa* found near by.The only .lui' a* t" the ulan's identity lstbat a person of hi* beUfbl wt* a temporaryboarder st the Mmintuin Inn, a disreputablePlace a mlle distant. The spot ii half a

mlle from ihe rom leading from SnickShinny to Wanamie. Au Investigation willLe made.


M. etina af the ( kamber or Cemmerce.Caaa-uiillee Klecieil- lolaaelI r*l«blll.

A called merlins of the chamber of (om¬ni, ree nni.s |-,i ld vesferdsy cleat.f, and on

motion of Mr. i'ott-. (Jctiernl .1"-"Sb lt.Anderson was e«llcd to the chair, thc presi¬dent, R. E, asS|aj being sickard i;i:t:!.lc to tib-tid.

i'he pillowing gentlemen were circledncmiers of tbe l BSSSSBSSS SB BM BBSprovrmcnt of tass* River: QaSff*B W.Ail.n. a. s. Baford, s. H. Haw.-. Jbbkmw. Allison. IL A. Dunlop, E. O. Suiting,nd John Pure il.Th. follpwinir rrsolutlnns were offered

by Mr. l'ott«, ut lbs P i| <>f Mr. Dunlap,Who was unable t<- bs pr.-s'-r-.t. aii'l wen' a.ii pied iMin re is nm- arc informed that Colon.!

w. p. Craigbiil bas I-.-, b issbraed la at sind ire; ..."ant position, BBS* 1st that rei-

s( ii his lum relieved .'rom a portion of hisformer (Inti. s. cntbr.i.iii.' tba BBKaTSB of thcJsBJMB Hm r inn rovem. nt, hy Col if.-I P.c. Uaiiu-s, nnc desire to sssassa thoiaasaof this hedy in the iii- liBOlaUoBSI

I. BSSOtW, That this! lumber, repre¬senting the comm. rcia! ami ma'.iufacttiringiBterestsof tbecByof Blrhmonsl rressgalasI bat the development and prosperity <>flhasa inti r.-ts is vitally eoBaasM*! arith¦Kd .;'. |. mit tit upon til.' successful andspeedy prosecution of iiiis improvement,andtkerefore kare thc most gntafa] an*prectatioa sf tbs interest and i*/mpath)

ion-1 Cr*.gblll has always exhibited Inposhing it lorward as tupi.H\ bs tim plan*under which bl waa operating and thelimited appropriations at lii< sosbbbbnIwould admit of; that WS reengniz.tilt .le. i.l. d nn I permanent improve-mint of tbs (linen. of tin- JSSSSIlo a depth of llKteaa tnt. vvhercbvwe arc air. adv en'»\ing a larger andu.on- extended eomnMree, arith i redvotion. and in some Instances an abolition, oleb tl'is which formerly burdened trudi.upon the river, and an Immunity from in*ru .. ii-'., arhtefa were Incideal to the chanml :.s it then existed. Thal to ins favorali.- report wc are largely Indebti d for tinInauguration by Congress of tbe plan olbringing t\\ enty-two fact, si mean low tidelo Riebmi Impr in men! impi .I- mandi d, ii"t only by ih>' eammeree >>

Bichmond and the State, bul hy ali that inniii n of thc rou.'try naturally tributary u

ii as tin- -hortest route to the *ei

Tbnt in terminating our relation with GolOm < i-;11_-'11ll he has mn- kindest wlsbi ifoluecesa In tuc new inhere to which be icalli il.

..'. Besotred, Thsl in losing the viiluaW.terrlcesol Colonel Craigbltl we ar.- tn i.

congratulated upon securing as hi. racolonel Haines, an engineer whoa

skill has ic-r. recognised by hi, appolnlun rn to i barge -<> Import ml as tb. un

pro*.' Dents of inc Potomac tl it- il the nstiona! capital.Adjourned.Colonel Maims wa. m th- elly vaster

doy posting himself with regardiiiiioti and needs of tbs river ImproveD i.t.

lt />/: I _..*«< - BIGGER, CLURE,Niau i,'a in i's llnle \w -ir.l'-il ;n July :!t*l on Ile

BBBsiileBBirat Bill <tn wilow.on the i. tltlon of Boa. doini 8. Bri*

who prays tbe Supreme Court of Appealof Virginia to award a mondamut dlrecllng John Bell Bigger, Keeper of tb R itt*to strike from the rolls the a-t of A-*- isa*-Icommonly known a- the conrressbinal n

ipportionment bill, the Court, titting a\'\ ¦!'.,. viii,-, m s>, rdsj awardcni rule against Bigger, return:;l-t.Judge Hinton iii--. inls wat it i- sough! o bring In quet

!;"ti the validity n| the congressional n

ipportionment. Tbe polnl upon wblclthi > r. ly is thal whi n the bill was pass(o tn ral VVlcl bam was |.f -nt r

at.- but m: voting, having bee- excused;t be I-, ii Un -. contend bc sholl!

be, counted ns prt -. ni the bill did no! patbj tbe ii.un vote- two thirds of th

pin ni -\- r th. Governor'Nt io.The character in which Mr. Wise anplli

i, incumbent of otu ¦-

congn isman il larg '.a- well is praspecthcandid ite for n election. He avers i rnof Irreiiarable Injury if thc doubl i* alloweto stand ns to whether rach an office exista* ongressmsn it large.

ll was n ni ¦:- il h d '.> lb rday th.Mr. R. T. Ili;bard had gone to Wvtuevili;.. pn ut thi. petition I Judge Paul;wini thive to [.resent it to tbe SupremCourt.This action makes it more timi ever in

cetsar* ,; i.l bc ac tiled st ssiool tin Gi mr I A--, mbly on Augusi I3tlami all th.- signatures necessaiy han noih. n >.. uri tl. Thc d' mand U|x>n tbe <i-.irnor, iii ed .;- required by Ibe C matin

tion. n ill pr ibablj b presented to bimOld Point In the course of tbe next feda* -.

p i- understood thal tbe work of tbe setsion will be limited to apportioning tilMate in!., districts foi p «i.ler.! electoiami to rectifying (if need beith.ngreiilonal ipportionment bill, and to lectingeire ii il judge to dil the laeancj caused h

of Judge Asa D. Dickinson.


.bath sra Breaker »i i». bate Dr. p. Wikie Brown,

Hr. George LeMeyuir Brown, brother <Dr. I'. Wilkie Brown, ind fourt

-. n "f Jami - Bron a, sr., u bo was i m ticl ni rince her. seventy-five j u iadh il >i -ti r la) vening ul his ¦ ., jNo. 7 north Third street, In tbe levant]second year o) bis age. His lather wainativi of Ayn ihlre, <c ttl md, nd .. une t

tba eountrj In 17-<.'i, ind m.nie -i 11tun u a merchant, lining i large busBi s- ai i ibippi r of tobacco andin importer of lUch goods as waineeded In this market. Ha bad

' vessels OB tba ^.u, and ;

one time, it i- sud, owned or contrail*seventy-two itorea In Virginia. He wi

long known ai '"Capitol" Brown, fratthe fad that h> Ind h - cuntitig-rooril ill.e old ( ipitol, w hi.ii stood on thc we¦Ide of Fourteenth street near c.irv, anafter the pres. nt Capitol wai built pu.seInto private bands. Hi- residence wasthe southwest ci n er of Pnakllnsad iu tba ipaeioua old boasewbicI tu a few Nears ago wai made lo give wito tbe iiiuiii "f mo.lem Improvements.

lu tbe winding op of lu- artair-., owlsI arti) to trim >etloni th it grew oui of Utwar of IBM, theresrose th.-suit of Browand Borton, one of tin- niti-t faiu.iu- m\

most prolonged eau.-.- la our. ,urt aimil-rmi which only had tern.nation in tecei

ytrSTS.Mr. Geo. Brown, after being in barine.

.1. :.< ,i Niiu'll ill the house of PBrttiUSOA Harris, tefl Virginia lor Kentucky, anfi.-in there went to New irl-.iu*. an

flora Hew Orieani to Uwht.ii hutnsmrd city in- resided f.b Kr,'at niau;- feen, snd until 1h.vwhen lu- returned to ibis city,N.r afi.r i.iiiaiuod here, living a

nuitt id.- and engaged in no business,waa never Btarrisa. About tra yt*.rs aghi- broth, r, Dr. 1'iMNvn. di-d, I aviii,' bi stat- i:i three it.a-. .1, ti kbrother, A. ..spiers Brown,of flew tforland to th.- children of his sister.Mr..) .liP. and Dr. A. Spiers Qeorge and Mrs. IM. Boykir ind Mr*. Dr. lt. 0. Croucband aft. r the de iib of these t«. tba bulld-ind endowfl el an a-vlum bera f-white foundling*. Now, hy the death.Mr. BlOWU,OM third ol tuc estate goesthe aaylass.Tba d.c. as. d was a gent'eman of fit

bBStaMSB sense, and i Nen until his last Itu-«s, thc eulminatioii of gradna] paralysihad a wonderful rm tnory. Those wiknew hitn intiniatclv siic-.ik of him :w a molovable character. Thc hour of his funerwill lu- as -oin as ht" brotherNeNv York is beard from.


Nanltary atecatUllooji In Cholers.Dr. < If. < hmcclli r. iccretar? of ll

.".tote ILard Sf Health of Maryland, funisbes the Baitiuiore papers thc following

In cities or towal the streets shoulddaily cleansed nf ill offal, dirt, and impuBbs wbsle ISI. ind tbs gattars frequentNvx-lu d willi runninif water. In no yaor open lot should my collection of armal or "-aaujtahla matters be allowed to imain, nor any cesspool be left unfilled wiclean earth.

( elliri should bs kept dry and cleaand the sinks weil cleaned out and dillfectid witb a strong solution of chloridelime .>r coppera-. Theseiul>suuoes .bonalso be sprinkled over tbe floors nf celiaFree ventilation of sitting, and bed-rootshould he enjoined and practiced, tbe floedrytcrubbtd, and the bedding and Ixciothri air.-d at least one a day. All kinot roomi or balli lu which a number

pemon* coneregsle in schools,churches, manufactories, ftc.should besupplied witb a constant renewal of fre-hsir.Every preporallon should be msde by

Ihe public suthorltles, in anticipation ofthe disease, providing the means of tr*»l.iner.t for those who cannot command them,.o that aid may be promptly administeredto all the moment of attack. These means

. re a number of small hospitals or housesof ri cepMoa in various parts of the city or

town; nation* warre nurses, physicians,and medical .indent* with suitable medi¬cines and sppnratus can lie ppicured at allhours, day or nlgliL without delay; theivacuatinn of certain localities where th*occurrence of numerous case* indicate* a

pestiferous influence; and, lastly, the fur¬nishing to the poor, .« far a* practicable,wbolescine and nourishing food.


(xv *,!.., u.iar.i iin.iiiis. OsSB! Cases

Ssaiiarr Orders-I'satsral Call.

The regular monthly meeting of thc CitySiin ol Hoard was held at Hie Mayor*s-Courtt.ioin la*! night. I'ri'*ent. Br. P. C. D.Farmer. chairman, am! the following mem¬bers Messrs. Bourne. Poster, Nunnally,Moore! Carter, Wetstgar, Boliertson,o'Hrim. and superintendent E. H. Howie.The me, ting wa* called to order.Mr.

Farmer in ihe ¦ hair. In the absence ofMr. 1>. #. W*Mlger, Mr. Caner Weisigeraefad a* secretary.

{superintendent Rowle presented his an-nu:d report, which was received.A number of lillis were ordered to lie

pani,A communication was received from

Mr-. S. A. Hall, one of the teachers ot thewhite schools, preferring charges of un-

fi.irn. ss In . \ uniuatioiis against PTeSBStaJMorrtarette, prtootpal of Ota school. Su¬perintendent Howie met the communica¬tion with a spci cn exonenitinit Mr. Mur¬ri**, tlc. Mr. Morrissette, with thc con¬sent of thc Board, explained the ease In de¬tail, which explanation corresponded withthe -tali BJSJJJ made by Mr. Howie. After

-i.Sering the maller I'.ie Hoard decidedlo postpone its consi.l.Talion until Frld.ivBtterneen al ft o'clock, when a rfaeMjinn ting will BS lnld for the puriwise. Thcclerk was tariiuetad to inform Mr*. Hallof the meeting mid reenaB BwaBRaanwaa:¦tao s number ol other nerasaa eeaawetaawith tbe ease.

Mr. Fosier, from Ihe Committee on lin-pri vein, nt* and Huildings, reported con-

.. ming r. pair* to fence l IM Vating the yardof the white school. The committee waainstructed to examine the lease of (he pro-perty rad asm Hain whether the owner

rn tin city-lull pay for repair* which axeians, d by natural decay, and given fullpower and instructed to have anea repair*made aa tbs tehee) Minstaaa a* hi mtjudgment of the committee are necessary.

lin- .lei lion of teacher* wis Beetpaaedtill Friday afternoon afli r the special busl-in -*.

The Hoard linn adjourned till Friday utBo'clock P. M.Thc Hustings Court was in session yei-

tarda* and the following caew were dis¬pose, of: Armlstead Moora and JnltaTom y, both colon d, ware Hied fur aatade*uii ni r: the funner in'ipiitted. the tatterfited 120. Jlldgs (lupton, counsel forJulia Toney. preferred a second ebargea in-t Ariiii-' Moore, which will bebeard al IO o'eleek thia morning. Mile*Rayo, a colored youth, cavanjed wRasse*multing rad wounding Marsh-ill Bock, aa*other colored youth, araa tried, foundullly, -i nf. in "l tu jail fur twenty .1 iv*,

and tin. >i BS.Tin csse of Edmuad West fealorsd), In

l eli! lan-i ni, will ba tried t..-dav.Msyor Tbj lor yi ib rd ry t inaed to be

pul liahrd, thrungli the Chief ol Police,order* foi ll peremptory policing of eachanil every lol and tenement in the cnywithin the in xi ten days under penally oftill "Illili.IIICc.

Ri v. W. T. Derieux, rester of tba Bau..I..-sir, .t Raplist ehurch, of this etty,

ha* received a call to Bfjsrtaaburg, S. c.Be will leave the city lo-nlgh! to ii*it the

which be ha* been railed. Mr.Derieux bas won toe himscM many friend*lu ir in Hu' titi at luge as well a* in hisimmediate congregation, all of whom will11-loth to part witb bim if be OBetdre talean' In re.Between tbe June snd July terras of the

1 !ii-tings ( oiirt the '-.erk admitted to recordtv.i nt\-six (had* "f conveyance.

Kain iTverv much needed, say the farm-irs of ( In-ti rll. ld.

Mr. Tlnuna- E. Morrissett.', of Chesterfi. ld, is much unproved and is now able tewalk about.

I >r. Wi i*ig. r Bra* doings* weil rssterdaya* could be i x[n li d after hi* trip home ou

Monds].There will !. c.-iial service* at the city

churches to-night.I in ll.alb List.

Thc following l* UM olH'til mortuaryleper! for the eily of Hi. humml for tucWeek ending Saturday. July ll). 1**1:Whole number of deaths In lae eBjr, ex-

clll.-ivc of *till-birth-. M,' . ot (kathi Anthe, 8;spoptexy,

1: bron lot'-. I : child-birth, I; .Tml.-ra-Infantum, 5; eirrhosl* of lifer, l; eon-

-uirpi:. 4; debility. I: d-UThen, 1;dr. i -», l: f' vcr (typhoid), 1; fever | typbo-malaria), 8; heatt-disease, 8; imperfect de¬velopment, l: Inflammation of bowels, I;laryngitis, I; maraum*, l; measlss, 1;Dieningili*, I; paralysta, I; nanua*-, I;teething, .",; tetanus, z-. tumor*, l; aa*known. i; otb* r diseases, ri.

Onida) tn thirty, :;; one muitht>. ilx,4: *ix month* t>. twelve, I; awirear t" three, 8; ilirc yean to Ire, I;im \ars lo titi, 1 ; t. ti yean twenty, |jtwenty yean t.. thirty, I; ihiny yean taforty, 8; f ri > yean lo fifty, fi; fifty yaan u>

ilxty, ri; sixty yon,-* to aeventy, 'Z; aarcatyyean to eighty, S; < Igbty year* to ninety, I;unknown. 1.

Temperature! Mean taattnsntars forweek ending July I3,79J)7; for the weeknding Ju Ij IB, 80.88,/.'.iin/o//. .Am.inn! of rainfall for wsefc

ending,Inly ll. 0.10; for Week end¬ing July 18, D.ou lack* *.

Rate. -Hate of aaortalttyof whole popu...ii wm UM pir IMS} p.T annum;

rate ol mortalky ol white popuiatiotj ma8448 |sr 1,088 per annum; rate of m ,r-

tslByOl en!, rel js)|)ulati)ii was 40.1 - perI,bow per annum,

Pullca Court.Tin folh,win. cases were disposed of

yesterday morningiAlexander Hobin-.n snd Matilda (Hie*

[both c.lon'il) were each Jailed for fifteendays for stealing one lot of provisions fromli. s. bear.Marks Weak* (colored), drunk. Fined

f'.' 011(1 cst.(barbs Miller, drunk and disorderly.

Fined 8ft and a *t.Ann Maria Bosley (colored), assaulting

-md wounding lanita! Hooley. Fined 83and colt.Tom All- n (colored), assaulting and

feating hi* wife, Nancy Allen. Fined 83.Henry (iowan, cursing, abusing, au I

threatening to kill Mr*. Sophia Lvnenmn.Ile wa* reputed to give bond for hi* goodchariot for twelve months.Fields Finmy (colored), assaulting and

beating Thomas Fultz. Fined f'1.30 andcost.Jame* Coles (colored) was fined SI ami

cost for using obscene lauguage on tbeBaBMt,

1'i-rsuual, and Briefs.Kev. Dr. Jishn K. Edward* was in the

itv ii*), rday, looking bright and vigor-o.i* as of old.On eveiy postal-i'ird there ts printed

aefSasUM iddre*.* «ide : '* Nothing but iheaddress can be placed ott lliis.ule.'' Whenthis iiotii .¦ t* disregarded the e_rd goes tothe Dead-Letter Office.

J, il'eison-Ward Democrats will meet to-nn rn.iv night iii the Police-Court rona.One hundred and sixty excursionist*

fr. m Kentucky passed through the citypesMfday on the Chesapeake and Ohiorailroad to Old Point.

Boiler to Heat tn* Armory.A tiftv-hors' -power steam bolter, from

the Tamur ft Delany Engine-Works, wasput into the basement of the Firstregiment armory building yesterdsvto be luted for heating the ball andcompany room*. A Urge section ottin dooring at thu entrance bad to be re¬moved to admit the large boiler.

«!anbali Want.There will tie a meeting of the Demo¬

cratic voters of Marshall Ward at the Club¬house, Twenty-fifth street, on Thursdaynight. July 34th, at ft o'clock, to elect mem¬bers to the City Committee and delegate*to the Convention to nominate congress¬man from itu- Third district'.

¦.BaflBle luau, Bsaetnan

pamphlet (new edition). Por thia pamphletapply to Purcell Ladd ft Co., or Power*,lay tar A Co., Kieiiuwud, Va.


ka 1 Iralalaa Heres*, ifea Heaeeeilee Teaser-Ame vt «»«e*f PlarlM.

fSTselal '*>i.frtm 14 IS* Dlsavetv)Nbwabb, N. J., July M.-The Virrrinlasrfestesl the Domestics by a »eore of thir¬st to three here to-day, In tis* r-nsseneer two thousand people. Th** home tramtade errors, but thejr,were eompMely out*-

layed. Powell was blt by the pitcher laie third and sixth Innings; Ihe last time. waa blt ob the right forearm and it SM; first tbouxht his arm wis broken. Theugans played a tine Karns and wok fra¬uen t applause. The Domestics were com¬piled to chang, their lattery »n the sixthmin.', but the result waa not ctn aged.pp. nd. d u the nore

vtaoisias.A. is. r.s. r.a. a. e.

lena, i. r. s a s a I oash. M b. 3 1 0 0 ¥arila, ad h... *».#¦_..sifli. 1st b.aao ..r. o I J 5 o ilrfnslon. e. f. ? * ! I Vasaiss_Vi. lill¦aan.w ,<.. 9 *" o S S 1uTyVr. f.saSlitb.. 1 I * 3 5 0aon,K..p. S 1 I J> ll B

Totals.1? "ll IT 97 IS SDonasvira.

*. is. rs. r.a. a. s.0 » I 0 I ?aifWd. 3*0...

ufN-riT, t b..i.etia. -. ......

alfi.m. r. f.. pli- na M. 1st ti

- ¦... I. f.,e.«.a..nt. e. f.r.i!i»T, r . I. y, D-.r. f...

rs lula.. OOOSSOOlS HTle-u.cllri. 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 I 0 SSummer. Kerned roaa-Vlra-lMaa, S; lv>m»s-es, 1. struck .ittt-Vlntnla*, S; Hoiaeeil's. *.

.-fl en bases- Vlrilnlv. 7; Itornraltce. 1. Mulill, ball-I'.well. J. Hasses oo I.ll«-Virginias,

I), me.tlr.. S. Pass.-4 halts-W. I»%sr«n, 0|rainer. .1; Ueorer, 3. W1I<1 pitch's-NV. Iea««-ii 1 K.lrot.

Other lieroe-.

(lly lelestraph to tlw lM,pat'h.|Washington : Washington*. I; Alleghe-

ns. !.. Nationals, 1: BasSSB Tabina), tsPhiladelphia : Baltimore (t'nlona), 5;

keystone (Inion*). 4.("oluinbu*. Ohio: Columbus, .1; Tote-on, I.(icNcland: Chlcaifos. tl; Clevelands,:!.Trenton, X. J. Trenton*. I; Ironsides,(incinnsti: St. Louis (I'nlons). (J; i'm.lunati (I'nloni), 4.Xiw York: Betropolltans, 1; Brook*

yoe. 2.Buffalo: Buflalos, ll;*. ;.Indianapolis: Cincinnati*. S| Indian-

|»o!i*. I,HaJtimoro: Halliniores, 4: Athletics, ll.Allentown,Pi.t Wilmington., l;J; Al*-ntowna, fl.Beading. Ps.: Actives. l"i; York. s.riaiMSBtBl Philadelphia, IO; l'rovl-

1« noe, ii.M. Louis St. Louis, 14; Louisville, 2. Noteet.Messrs. Davis. Barite, Bad stratton, old

ncmbcrs of the Yirglnls*. and D'-vinc BMillcher taken "ti since the club bil Bick*nonil, have ben released.m h< nek. loriii.rlv IBefeMaasSBSB BB thc

rruitot'-, is now pliNing wit la, the Vlr.¦..ililli*.Shiv, one of lbs Virginias' who

tiad a'lingcr brok, n nlx.ul liv.- w.s-k* au«islide n|a)ing lu re. lu. r. pori. I for dui).md pl iv. .1 Bbs Hr«t pms y.-.i.-rdiv itBi wink: uni. Bowever, beblad lbs bas.

At taunton yesterday thc < Uppers, "fRichmond. t« at the -taunton, li to IJ in a

|BKM of base-ball.

Connell I omi lillie, a.

The c.mniltt.e on Kti-i Bbllb** BBB Inthe i oiincii ebataber ?*-»tard»- eveaksg,nikI elected Mr. WlllaSSB M. Turpin| cluir-luui. N|iurc \\ IIIUcs -I. ll 'Inns d-pu*t\ ii. rk Of Hie III ll kel.Tbe Committee on St. Jaba's Burying*

(irouml r.ele.i.d Mr. .Ioho I'. Ilii.'li.-sch liriii.ui, :nui Mr. Antotiioi'raflliiia keeperof St, John's biirvlm.'-irround.

lal. NA , mtier Kl port.[Bpeefeal t.i.-*-am i" «». in«nai.-h.|

"A unn-o-ma, D. c., Jt-tj SB.Iral 4. M.For Mn- Hiddle All.nln- Males, allgbtlyW lilli. I. f:iir Weather, follow..! ll. lb-northern portion by partly «-'..indy v,eatherand local rains, south, ri) win ls,

F-.r the South Atlutiii- Mal-a. filr SJSSsIher, Bo-Bbwssti riv WtSsSB in northernportion, southm«t io stiiiriiwst winds inMathers pottioa, Bi*rbtrf warsssr,

Tim wrarurR venTtRii»v was clear antwarm.TBaBBBBtataa TasrasB-Ti 1 A. M. 7J;

0 A. M.. Tn; noon. S9| 3 P. M.. :.-'; fi P.Uh 87' aaUaatgbt, sn. temi erntllle, Kl 4-0.

HiKNF.rr's Cikhaise, tiik ltt:s-i or Ai.t,II am-lHil.-"SIKOS..Il lllsyi irritation, r-

raovei all tendency lo dandruff, sad Invi.'-..rules th.- (u-fion ..f lbs cipiii.-irics in thehichest ile-r.e, thu-: ;,r,,m.,fin / I te/.irotivaod kenltAv aeoietk <>r imir. fu effectupon th. ¦fneafaeaa and riebases >.f thobair I* such ;i« :'intuit I; .vnr;i-i.N .-«</.

Bumelt'.. ri.iNoring Kxtra.-ts are Ibolist.



,IAs. MAI rw.f'dAI.I., clothing. 'Iry ^.enls, tvaiU,leal 111 llr-a.1 street, at 1 I A.M.

KK ll M.-Ml IIA/.AAK. ll) A. M., orsem melli,1'1,,-Kl.-. I'I..«I"H-. *t.


i:.M.HMli'-l.'OY-i'lH-MKVKiiiMi.ii td 1*00 si:vi:ha I. UMBITHAT TB*tl WAS A (iOI.DKN Dl'IMKTU-

BITT TO i "MIK MU lt Hols. TUB

s|||s«| .'Kl lt Alt! Il»s||t VKI.B

Miniil.r I' I lt.HIS, AMI i AS

BB \\<IHN KU.1IT TllltOI lill

lin. kkasmiN. PABSBTiAMI lit AltlH A N -,

iios-r miss rr.

All ol eur SS foys- >| | rx host roat #i,10,AIL four IB IIDVs' st ns,.,«.«.. at II.-20.All.-four 17.lo HOYS' Xl ITS BBW Bl al SS.IS.ll asl BBS SS SS BOIS* PANTS n»w axial t'J.IS.All of uar |6 YOI Tils'rA!KT»Js.'Wr> al SI'S.


(1'SJlnK of every lot of *mo4s, uot a ofrbol'e, but ons that BSB eoahle ui to upca lb!store with a u...» stock uc(i Tsar.


are th* >a ly th Imrs we adve/U*, and BB SSI kerathu and every Jay until 7 o'clock lu the BBSBSBJisatur.Uy» onUl 10 o'clock, lo .lemoaalrite facialo you.


LKADERh IN (T.orillN...

1013 Mais sTnasv, ormsira I'.ssT^rriCK.



CHARLES A. MKKi KK, D. D. S,l'..ui "tri SOB Malo .1.<. t, uss

iween Till ni an-l r*.*arlh.i ffl. e boura ffT>ui » A. M. to « P. M.]y l--w*siii3i

li W. JONES, DENTIST.cb: Ko. SOT Kaisai ii aval

Km.11 ll .M. MM ll

KN Kant roo.s; asee Iwat n sn-r'a',; eratic.Ml»W,ao<l Uioruujrh work: lona r.peruoce, _>4prlree reslu.-rU. Clea aaa sat chl.jrof'jcaa la ia.iiaciiDateeib asl


bay* renosaU Oartr oCacsi kc


Ii EN RY C. JONES, D. D. S. smm

OBSTAl orr«a: SI 6% Maia sta aa- (ra.t).

OSes Soars fr.mi BA. M. lo BP. M.aa* 1


OBBT1ST.(foraasjrly Ways A ktaakssayJ

own: SSS Mala taryak, Bataam suifc aaaWy-mta, KtcastssieV Va. eel-east